#idek it sucks man but
leofrith · 1 year
lol remember when eivor was like "i will not be captive to another man's gaudy design. my destiny is mine to weave." and then she. proceeded to be captive to a man's idea of what she should be and did not, in fact, weave her own destiny because she was too busy following the old god in her head despite having previously expressed blatant disinterest (and that's putting it mildly) in doing so. and then after finally finding safety and comfort among her people after a lifetime of scrounging and clawing for every ounce of happiness she ever got she then proceeded to die alone on the opposite side of an ocean from everyone who ever loved her and who she loved in return.
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itafushin · 1 year
in lmkverse, female macaque demons would probably think mac is hotter than swk because they’re attracted to red facial markings, the darker red and more widespread, the better lol
hi its 7 in the morning and this is so random it made me giggle so much because i immediately thought of some female demons trying to flirt with macaque and wukong being all >:O >:( about it. dude gets tunnel vision and can not see the fact that macaque is very obviously not interested in them
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dockaspbrak · 1 month
A big thank you to my mutuals who like my nervous breakdown 2-4am posts. You're the backbone of my blog
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bangcakes · 2 months
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sadstarsz · 4 months
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“time for bed mozzer” is something i think about daily
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armafidelium · 5 months
extends legy if we've written & u wanna be on le bonds part of carrd like mayhap
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yakamozarda · 5 months
I have like. Two clear options ahead of me in case I get a remote job:
Stay in hometown, dont pay rent or utilities but be bored out of mind with only 2 friends in the city that i see occasionally? Basically save money till i can get a job abroad
Or move to capital, progress my relationship with the Guy I Am Seeing That I Am Starting to Like Too Much, dont save as much money but be in a central location where i can Do Stuff, Have Fun etc, and just. Enjoy life instead of getting ready for the Next Thing and go abroad when i get a job there.
Im v conflicted bc at one hand saving money would be nice but at the other hand. I will be bored to death here. And im tired of getting ready to the next milestone jfkfjkfbf
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
iam failing all my classes but I've been told I'm good at analyzing and explaining fictional characters behaviour is that worth anything
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lecliss · 7 months
You and tales of crestoria 🤝 me and final fantasy record keeper
I think they killed mine bc it was unprofitable (it was so so so ineffective to put real money into <3<3<3) and unpopular, but they really should've considered that i, the most important bird in the world, enjoyed it. Or some other reason that i could probably google *shrug
I miss it every day 💔💔💔🐦
Duuuuude, I played Record Keeper for a bit when it was new!!!!! I heard it was just the global version that shut down but the JP version is still going, so yeah, global probably just wasn't making enough money to be worth running. So, ya know. RK's still kinda alive but ToC is dead and buried. Lmao, not to diminish the RK situation cuz I'm sure restarting on JP would just absolutely not be worth the hassle so definitely still kind of a Lost Lenore.
I kinda wish Opera Omnia would consider adding characters from the other FF mobile games cuz there's untapped potential there. Like add Tyro at least for RK rep. And Wol from Mobius FF, which I also miss a lot!!!! I don't want Mobius to ever be forgotten. Plus the BE crew, but that's the only one that's shockingly still going strong. Meanwhile Square's adding TikTok influencers to Be:WotV, so :/
Man this sent me down a rabbit hole of other Square mobile games. I played both Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin and Star Ocean: Anamnesis without knowing anything about the original series but I loved those games and they didn't really last longer than 2-3 years. Plus the global server for SINoALICE either shutdown within the last week or is shutting down real soon. Even the JP server is being rumored to shut down relatively soon, but idk if that's willingly or not cuz they're supposedly taking their time to wrap up the story at least.
Both Square and Bamco just seem so bad at keeping most of their gachas alive. And years of constantly having good gachas I like getting shutting down has really given me a fear for all of them that I play. I genuinely don't believe Ever Crisis is gonna last more than a year and everyday I play Star Rail I'm afraid it's suddenly gonna bomb suddenly and get shut down. Tho Hoyoverse seems real good about that not happening with their games, but still when I see people say HSR is dipping it makes me a little paranoid and I gotta remind myself they just got bored and wanna find a reason to justify it.
Like honestly, I know mobile games get a lot of shit for how many of them are low quality and the massive amount of gachas that want your money from your gambling addiction, but I love the genre so much. I've found so many good games that are gachas and it sucks that the state/economy/whatever of the genre is so so fragile that the slightest dip in sales means it's existence has to be ripped out of the universe regardless of how good it may be. It's not like they stop selling it but you still have your copy like it's a console game or you can just emulate it once it closes. When it's gone, it's gone. People can record cutscenes and rip models and assets, but you can never play it again. At least thank god for those one-in-a-million games that leave up offline versions when they shutdown, but in all my life of mobile gaming I've only seen two, KHUX and Tokimeki Idol.
Anyway sorry to ramble on about the topic, I'm just feeling mega sad now about it all and I don't know what could possibly be done to like, make the mobile game scene better? At least about this issue. But I doubt anything ever would be done in terms of not losing games forever anyway.
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giverofempathy · 8 months
sooooo fucking sleepy but i have to keep working on these goddamned sketches
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bvbbl3p0p · 11 months
can someone please explain to me how 11yo me wrote this????
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like maybe i’m blowing it out of proportion but this is like. amazing in comparison to the other shit i wrote. like wtf?? where did that come from?????
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indigodawns · 1 year
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miutonium · 2 years
If you asked me I actually feel kinda depressed especially after knowing the situation with the merger and HBO Max removing all of the animated shows from their catalogue. I tryna be okay, I really want to, its been a hard month for me but knowing how corporate just simply removing all the shows that I watched when I was growing up and shows that I watched just for comfort for the sake of tax cut makes me feel extremely sad. Now what am I going to look up for?
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shari-ya · 1 year
the love-hate relationship with yourself this world puts you in for being a sensitive slash emotional person is sooo crazy. like wow, to be able to feel everything so deeply, so sincerely, it’s such a gift! oh, what a blessing it is to be able to find happiness without digging too deep into things! but it’s also like: the thing you said to me so nonchalantly, it will keep bothering me for a while now, sorry if i look a bit fazed (also, it’s not your fault, please don’t think of it as your fault.) on some days, i feel like a goddess for wearing empathy around me as my own skin. and on others, i can’t help but feel like a miserable loser. tears sitting around the corner of my eyes, always ready to topple when overwhelmed.
this person once said to me that i write too much about love, about hope, about kindness hidden in the mundane, about things that are happy, bright and pretty. almost as if it's the only thing existing, the only topic i know my way around. but what it actually meant was it's silly to be writing mostly about this one side while i'm constantly clinging to the other. what that person actually meant was if i continue to project my poems around love too much, i will someday end up hurting myself. i remember being utterly embarrassed. i also remember those words that almost fell out of my tongue in its response. but since it wasn't a question, i decided not to answer.
it sucks being an emotional mess who just wants to be adored and in return, adore with the force of a hundred stars. it sucks, it sucks so bad. but it feels so good, it feels so good to see the world through my "rose-tinted" glasses (while i am also aware of the fact that not everyone has theirs on). yes, i might end up getting hurt but i will feel so many beautiful emotions before getting scarred. isn't that worth it? isn't it one of the greatest, if not the sole reason, to be alive for? to live, to love, to fall out of love, to fall apart and to fall in love all over again?
better safe than sorry, they say. but i don't want to be saved this way.
being emotional is not weak because if you ask me, the strength it takes to carry the burden of feeling too much is quite crazy. and just like that, being nice and expecting niceness in return does not equate to being naive. and even if it does, what's there to be so weirded out about? none of us know if this is my first life or if i have lived in a hundred more before. but i sure do know that here, in this one, this is what i want. let me try being this way.
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llycaons · 1 year
literally so many reconciliation fics are like. wwx goes and loiters near LP like a sad yet hopeful puppy. jc shows up and goes 'you stupid fucking asshole, you were responsible for the deaths of my entire family and I hate you. you're disgusting also. don't you dare think about showing any physical affection towards your husband, who I also hate, in front of me because I will literally vomit. of course I don't hate gay people. how could you say that. how dare you come here. okay come in and have some food. you asshole. shut up. I will break your legs' and then he physically shoves him or something and wwx is happy about this? he's almost crying he's like like 'aw man you really do love me I belong here' happy family times are assumed to commence end fic. I can't do this anymore
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yuureimajo · 1 year
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