#if st ives bad why cheap
vividbeast · 6 months
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
Warnings: 18+, explicit, references to past non-con/rape (not between main pairing, not explicit), daddy kink, Peter in lingerie, references to gaslighting and abusive relationship (not between main pairing, not explicit). The warnings are for the story as whole, not for this chapter specifically. I’ll add more in the future, if needed.
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Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
“He can’t do this!” Ned slammed his hands down on the counter between them, as Peter took a swig of the cheap wine he bought with the last ten bucks he had in his wallet. “He isn’t even in all of the videos, at least half of the money is rightfully yours!” He kept going, stating the obvious, but Peter just sighed and shrugged.
“I’m not disagreeing with you, Ned, I’m just relaying what he told me: he’s not gonna give me anything. It’s his channel, his equipment, the money from the subscriptions goes straight to his bank account, so it’s his. It’s all his. His words, by the way.” He took another swig of wine straight from the bottle. He had been drinking from a small glass Ned offered him – he wasn’t a pirate – but it soon proved to be too small to quench his pain, so. Yeah. Pirate style it was.
“You have to sue his ass, Peter, he can’t get away with this,” MJ intervened. She was sitting next to him on a stool by the kitchen counter, so he turned to look at her with a deep frown on his face.
“Did you not hear me saying I just spent my last ten dollars on this bottle of wine? I have, like, twenty four cents left in my pocket. And that’s it. I can’t hire a lawyer, I can’t even feed myself right now!” He raised his voice a little, but quickly got himself back under control and apologized. His friends were not to blame for his predicament – they did try to warn him Beck was bad news, he didn’t want to listen. “And you know what? I don’t give a fuck. He can choke on all of it if he wants, the videos, the money, the subscribers, I don’t fucking care.” It wasn’t true, of course. Well, partially. He really didn’t care about the money, videos, subscribers, etc, but he cared about Beck. He would have given everything else up if it meant he could keep him.
Which was stupid of him, of course. But he certainly wasn’t winning any awards for being a great decision maker.
“It’s still not fair. I mean, I knew that guy was sleazy, but you’d think he’d have the decency to at least give you something, you know? You’ve been together for three years, he’s been making money off your ass for almost as long. How could he just fucking kick you out and not give you a single dime? After all the money you’ve made for him? It’s fucking sick, that guy is fucking psychopath if you ask me.” MJ’s face was turning red from anger, which made Peter smile a little. It felt good to know he was loved by someone, even if he hadn’t been the best friend to them for the past few years.
The thought made him close his eyes for a second, guilt creeping over him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d called either of them – maybe on Ned’s birthday, almost two months earlier. They used to be inseparable, the three of them; the three musketeers, as corny and lame as it sounded. For years, those two were the only family he knew, but when Beck came into his life, everything changed.
Stupid fucking Beck.
Peter used to think of him as his own personal super-hero – it did feel like he had come to save him, after all. They met when he was seventeen, he had been living in foster homes for almost seven years by then, after Ben and May passed away. At the time, he was with his fifth family, and there were so many children in that house, so many of them came and went, that their foster parents didn’t really keep tabs most of the time. It was easy to sneak out, and Peter did, often.
He met Beck on one of his night walks – and their first meeting should have raised all kinds of red flags, but for whatever reason, it didn’t. Beck slowed the car next to him, rolled down the window and asked how much Peter charged for a blowjob. Just like that. The teen gasped at first, but when he looked around for a moment, he realized he wasn’t in the most family friendly neighborhood. There were, in fact, some men and women around him who definitely looked like they were there for that, but Peter was in sweats, for crying out loud, and he definitely looked his age – or even younger than that.
His wide eyes must have given him away, because the older man quickly apologized and showed him a charming, white smile. He made up some excuse about mistaking him for someone else and the boy said it was ok. He was going to keep walking when Beck asked what his name was. Then how old he was. Then where he was going, where he ha come from.
Looking back, Peter knew he should have run. He should have left, because there was no excuse for an adult man like him to keep asking a teenager so many questions right after he basically offered him money to suck his dick. But that Peter, that 17-year-old boy, was still a bit too naive. To have such a handsome man showing interest in him – his kind, blue eyes smiling at him, warm and safe – was inebriating. He actually looked at him. And cared. At least Peter thought he did at the time. And he was so lonely back then, even that little bit of attention meant the world to him.
He should have run, but he stayed. Should have run, but got in his car. Should have run, but ended up giving him a clumsy hand job in the backseat, after just a few sweet promises whispered in his eager ears. Beck was so good with words, he could have convinced Peter to jump off a bridge that very same night if he wanted.  
They exchanged phone numbers. For weeks, they texted and called each other, until they could  meet again. By then, he was smitten. At twenty, he could see how innocent he had been, how trusting and open he was with a complete stranger. A 32 year-old stranger, at that. Ned and MJ, his only friends from school, warned him that it wasn’t okay. That it was weird for a man his age to be interested in a teenage boy, but Peter said they were wrong. He said he wasn’t just a regular kid, he had been through stuff they could only imagine. He was mature and experienced, and Beck could see that, which was why he liked him.
Looking back now, it was embarrassing how wrong he was. Beck was an illusionist. Sad thing was everyone could see the trapdoor but him.
“So what are you gonna do now?” MJ asked, fishing another bottle of wine from under the counter and placing it in front of Peter, who almost cried in gratitude.
“You mean besides crying myself to sleep for the next few months?” He wasn’t really joking. The only reason he wasn’t crying right at that moment was because he had spent almost three hours bawling his eyes out on a park bench close to their – well, Beck’s – apartment, hoping against hope that Beck would reconsider and come after him. When it became clear it wasn’t going to happen, he headed to the only place he knew he could find refuge – even if he didn’t deserve it.
“Yeah, besides that, obviously.” She opened the wine bottle and before he could take it and drink straight from it, she poured three glasses and Peter sighed, defeated.
“I have no idea.” He answered, only slightly surprised that he actually meant it. He had absolutely no clue what to do. For three years, he hadn’t had to worry about money – or anything, really. Beck took care of everything and he just assumed it would always be like that. That he would always have him by his side to take care of him.
He rubbed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
“Are you going to keep doing porn?” Ned asked, a worried expression on his face. Peter remembered he hated the idea when Beck first suggested it, as soon as he turned eighteen.
People are gonna lose it, Beck said. A pretty little twink and a hot daddy? We’re going to be a hit.
And they were. Their first videos blew up quickly, people were either disgusted by the thought of them together – because of the age gap – or completely enthralled. The haters helped them get more views, and Peter soon learned that there really was no such thing as bad publicity. Beck promoted their videos on twitter, where they accumulated thousands of followers. Peter remembered that, back then, many people sent him worried messages, saying he was too young, that Beck was a predator, that he was taking advantage of him.
In retrospect, they might have been right, after all.
He wasn’t too sure about doing porn when they first started, he knew once they released the first video, there was no going back, there was no way they could ever take it down – the internet was forever. Nothing was ever truly deleted. He wanted to be a dad someday, what if his children ever saw those videos in the future? What would have Ben and May thought? What about his parents?
None of this matters, honey, Beck assured him. These kids don’t even exist yet, don’t worry about them. And your relatives, well… They’re gone, sweetie. You can’t really disappoint them anymore.
So Peter did it. And he was terrified at first, he felt so exposed, people all over the world could see him in his most vulnerable moments, all of him, in every position Beck managed to put him in, in any outfit he thought the public might like, in any setting he thought might bring in more viewers, more subscribers, more money.
Soon, just the two of them weren’t enough. Their viewers wanted to see Peter with other people – other daddies –  and Beck saw another opportunity to increase his profit. Peter was strongly against the idea at first, it felt too much like prostitution, which was where he wanted to draw the line, but, again, Beck sweet-talked him into it.
It’s nothing like prostitution, honey, he said. I’ll be there the whole time, I’ll be the one filming and directing, I’ll be the one paying the other actors, all the profits are ours. How is that anything like prostitution? It’s just like what we’ve been doing so far.
So not only there were a bunch of videos of him and Beck out there in the world, there were also lots of videos of him with other men, some of whom were old enough to be his actual dad. There was even one video in particular that he was specially embarrassed by – and sadly enough, that was the most viewed one so far. It was fucking humiliating.
At some point, Peter should have realized it became all about money for Beck – and maybe it had been like that all along, he just hadn’t noticed before. Over the last few months of their relationship, they never had sex just for fun, just for the hell of it. There were always cameras, and lights, and roles to play. Beck never said he loved him anymore. Barely touched him. Barely kissed him. He should have seen it coming. He had been too blind, or just… Didn’t want to see what was happening right before his eyes. He ignored all the signs. The voice in the back of his head telling him something was off.
But anyway, porn. Could he still do it?
“I don’t know,” he answered, finally. He looked at his best friends and sighed with a shrug. “To be honest, it was never something I enjoyed, and I don’t know if I could ever do it without him somehow involved, you know? I did it with him because I felt… Safe? I don’t want to get involved in the actual porn industry, I’ve heard some pretty fucked up stories.” Peter had heard horror stories about other boys in the industry, and even though his own story was no fairy tale, there was nothing so bad that it couldn’t get worse.
“How about Just4Fans?” MJ asked and both Peter and Ned turned to look at her in shock. “What? You guys were pretty popular, right? You won awards and shit, so there must be at least a few hundred people out there who would pay money to see some dirty pictures of you, maybe some short videos. That way you won’t need to go into professional porn and you wouldn’t need a partner, but you could still make decent money. And fast.”
Well, it actually made sense. It wasn’t like there weren’t hundreds of videos of him being fucked raw all over the internet, anyway. A few dirty pictures couldn’t hurt. And besides, it didn’t need to be forever, just until he figured something out.
“That’s… actually not a bad idea,” he conceded, drinking the last of the wine in his glass. MJ sympathetically filled it up again and he mumbled his thanks.
“What do you think he will do now?” Ned asked carefully, and Peter shrugged for what felt like the hundredth time. There was so much he didn’t know.
“Probably keep shooting videos with his new boy-toy.” He managed to say it with a steady voice, but his eyes burned. He still couldn’t believe how… replaceable Beck thought he was.
When he noticed them interacting online a few months earlier, before the boy was even eighteen, Peter was alarmed, but when he confronted the older man about it, he said he was crazy and seeing things, picking up fights for no reason. He always twisted things in a way that, somehow, Peter was the one apologizing to him in the end.
Months later, just weeks after the kid turned eighteen, there he was – homeless, penniless and lost – meanwhile the other guy was probably getting comfortable in his bed. If Peter didn’t hate the kid, he would pity him. In a few years, he would probably meet the same fate.
“Do you think he would take the videos down if you asked?” Ned asked, and Peter scoffed.
“Yeah, right, those videos will still make him a lot of money monthly, he’d never delete them.” And Peter would have to live with the fact that he would always be just one google search away from complete humiliation and exposure. If he ever tried to get a serious job, those videos would stand in the way. If he ever managed to meet somebody decent and good, those videos would be a testament to what sort of person he was in the past. Fuck, some of them were really fucked up.
“So… Should we create fake twitter accounts to trash talk his short dick or what?” MJ was already grabbing her phone and Peter laughed halfheartedly, shaking his head.
“He’s not worth it. Karma will take care of him, I’m sure.” He drank the last of his wine and whimpered sadly. “So… Can I crash with you guys for a few days? I promise I’m not gonna overstay my welcome! I’ll be out of your hair as soon as the Just4Fans thing works out.”
“Of course you can, nerd, stay as long as you need. We’ve got your back, c’mon.” MJ got up from her stool and gestured for him to do the same. “Do you mind taking the couch?” She asked as she headed to her bedroom in the tiny apartment.
“Not at all,” he answered with a sigh of relief, then went to grab his suitcase by the door. Three years together and that was all he had to show for it. A single suitcase with a few changes of clothes, after being kicked out of the house on a cold February night. His eyes burned but he took a deep breath, blinking them rapidly to avoid the tears.  
“Then make yourself at home. Our casa es su casa.” MJ placed a pillow on the couch and handed him a thick, warm blanket.
“We’ll figure something out, okay?” Ned clasped him on the shoulder with a gentle smile on his face.
“Okay.” He sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his crushed chest.
He waited for his friends to go into their respective rooms, waited to hear their quiet snores, before he allowed the tears to run freely down his face, replaying everything Beck said to him when he kicked him out.
Before he knew it, he was a sobbing a little, so he buried his face in the pillow to muffle the noise, as he tried to convince himself that things were going to be okay, that he was going to be okay. But at that moment, that was hard to believe.
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ourladytamara · 4 years
Home Chronology
Home Chronology
Tamara - 2020
Content warnings: breathplay/asphyxiation, torture, consensual non-consent, electrocution, and implied murder.
Time’s an odd thing, when you break it down. It’s hard to explain without referencing itself and muddying your own explanation. We run our lives by time. Minutes, hours, days, months, years. And yet, humans are the only beings which crawl upon the Earth’s magnificent surface to burden themselves with time’s passage. Isn’t that strange? For all our worries with deadlines, dates, schedules, and the ever-forward tick of the clock, we have only ourselves to blame. If we decided tomorrow to ignore time entirely, returning to a sunlight-based way of living, we’d be free to live without chronology’s unnecessary burden - and, clearly, be all the better off for it.
But is that entirely true? Without a rigid system of dates and hours, we’d have a far more free-floating society, that’s undeniable - but we’d simply stop measuring time, not the flow of time itself - a delightfully regular thing, as it turns out; each day is only so long, of a generally standard length, and it is also only so long until the Earth, all of its worried little people aboard, goes a full revolution around the Sun.
For the sake of argument, let’s continue to use time. Additionally, for the sake of argument, of course, let’s take a girl. She had a name, but I might’ve forgotten to take it down before shutting her up; I’ll call her Jane Doe, since I imagine the police are soon to follow suit. Five foot four, a hundred and sixty pounds, give or take whatever her hair weighed. Decently curvy, I suppose, a nice body regardless. She’s raven-haired, (what remains of it, anyways) quite shy, kind of the nerdy type - still a virgin, I checked. In another life she might’ve found my study interesting, based on her apparent interest in psychology. Not this one, though - in this life, for the sake of argument, she’s strapped to a chair. Nude, shivering, terrified; the waterboarding was a bit overkill, I will admit, but fun nevertheless.
Impatience is one of my many vices. It’s difficult not to see my time as a precious resource, after all, and with so much to do I knew I had to work with Jane quickly. Getting back to my place from here would be another several hours, only so many of which before her coworkers began to look for her.
I took her from her cheap studio half past two in the morning. With some gentle coaxing I was able to silently wiggle open her half-latched window in only six minutes, and within thirty seconds I had her mouth in my hand and a syringe of propofol in her pretty pink vein. God, her smile - I knew it was more impulse than bliss, a flinch of her facial nerves, but I still wanted so badly to kiss her...
The basement took three hours and sixteen minutes to get ready. Plastic sheets cover every surface, tacked down to prevent even a single drop of fluid spilling. Our little Jane Doe’s chair is in the center of the room, just opposite the curtained-off stairwell. Harsh fluorescent light bathes her skin in burning alabaster - maybe she ought to thank me for the blindfold; they shine eight hours a day in total, but not all at once. Beneath the plastic on the ceiling is a layer of soundproofing foam to absorb what the house itself won’t, the concrete walls and soil will do the rest. By my estimates - and based on how dilated her pretty pupils were - it was probably around four when the propofol started to wear off, consciousness returning to her utterly bound and helpless form in waves of throbbing pain. No time had passed in her mind, yet her body ached with the strain of countless lost hours. She’d stopped measuring - the world hadn’t.
At around 6:30 in the evening I took the black rag around her eyes off and spat in her face. It’s the first thing she’s felt in over two days beyond the sticky crinkle of plastic beneath her bare feet and the cold, stale air. For an instant it’s terrifying - the second after it gets worse, once her eyes start to adjust. By my guess the lights have been off for the past hour and a half, or so; I didn’t notice if she was sleeping or not and I truly didn’t care.
A frantic “What are you doing with me?” formed in her throat before her eyes lept to the IV in her arm, then again to the plastic bag and roll of tape in my hand, silencing what little sound she’s able to choke out around the ball gag. Eyes wide like exhaustion-pink dinner plates, a scream leaked spitlike from the corners of her mouth, coating her hefty breasts in reflective shame. Disappointing. I was hoping it’d be a while before she noticed it, giving me enough time to interrogate her a bit more in her last few hours of relative sanity.
Like I was saying, time’s a funny thing. A lot of things in Jane’s life were about to be really, really funny - to me, at least - and time was possibly chief amongst them. Remember that disconnect between the measurement of time and its true flow I mentioned earlier?
Now we’re getting somewhere.
The clock’s catching up. It’s seven in the evening and she’s been crying for the last half-hour, in and out of lucidity depending on whatever I’ve been rambling to her about. My life, her life, things I want to do to her - I like to monologue for a bit before really getting to know my victims. Our culture kind of trains you to expect a villain monologue, doesn’t it? After all, without it, there’s so little to fill that precious length of time between the wake-up and the torture itself. Something about that humanizing little pause seems necessary if I don’t want to rush, and it gives me an easy outlet to let off some steam. It’s what I do instead of therapy - I guess I do a lot of things I shouldn’t do, instead of therapy.
“And that’s why I needed you to help me test it. Time itself is relative - hm, the bags? Oh, the plastic bags are important, too, but those aren’t as directly related as my relationship with my mother…”
Jane thrashes around in her bondage before giving out limply. Clearly she’s tired of listening; I wrinkle the bag in my hand and snap her focus back to me.
“Hmph. You spend all that time in the dark and yet it’s almost like you’re ready to go back in!” I say, ignoring her whines as I step closer, plastic in hand. Truthfully I was getting bored of my one-sided therapy appointment - I’ve been over it countless times with countless other girls just like Jane, of course, but it often helps to repeat what I already know. “And here I was, about to tell you your plans for the evening! You really make bad company, you know - no wonder nobody’s looking for you yet…”
Tears well up in her eyes, which I quickly lick clean from the source; the saltiness of dehydration gives me an indication of how marinated her misery really is. They’re salty, coppery, almost acidic. I’ll have to adjust her intravenous drip to give her a bit more water, but for now she’s ready.
“How long’s it been?” I ask, my voice a layer of soft buttercream atop knives and needles. “Not in a cosmic sense, this time, I’m asking you literally - how long do you think it’s been since you got here?”
I slide a finger between her lips and gag and separate them just enough to allow her to whisper.
“W-why are you doing this to me?”
I pull it out and strike her across the face with a loud, fiery clap.
“How long has it been since you got here?”
“Ten hours!?”
Another slap.
“But that’s good.”
I need a subject as divorced from any concept of the current, measured time as possible. To Jane she may as well be, and have been, here forever, been born here and died here, her fifty-odd year lifespan compressed into the 72-odd hours she’s been in my captivity. Ideally I’d let her stew longer until she’s a bit more unresponsive, but I’m unfortunately short on time.
On average, human beings can go two minutes or so without oxygen. That’s a tiny, precious sliver of time which could separate life from death, a desperate gasp from the cold and twitching grip of Hell. Little enough time to prove my hypothesis, I hope.
See, even though our concept of how long things are - 24-hour days, 7-day weeks, and so on - is pretty much entirely bullshit, I’m curious to see how closely it matches the linear march towards entropy, the metronome of the universe to which everything’s set. If a mind completely divorced from outside bias is able to accurately guess a physically-measured length of time, it means time is innate - and probably a whole lot less bullshit than we might think.
That’s a lot of flowery language to tell you that I’m going to put a plastic bag on this girl’s head until she stops breathing. Basically, I need Jane’s sleep-deprived estimate of her own breath to match as closely as possible to the time on my stopwatch. If I’m right, and time turns out to be bullshit, she should be way off. I’ll give her a margin of twenty seconds or so.
If she’s further off, well, I have some other things in my bag for that, but those’re for later.
I unfurl the staticky, filmy plastic bag, a red ‘THANK YOU’ design emblazoned across the front, adding a tiny pop of color to my black getup and the monochrome walls. Jane starts sobbing again, trying to spit her gag out and succeeding only in covering herself in more slobber. Poor bitch; out of pity I wipe it up before striking her again. Obviously she knows what’s coming, but I have yet to explain myself.
“You need to tell me how long I have you in the bag once I cut you out, okay?” I command, my tone unwaveringly firm. “If you’re close I might even let you go. Try to be as accurate as you can - down to the second, if possible.”
Unfortunately this doesn’t do much to assuage her fears, and so with a tightening cinch of her leather bondage I get to work. Seconds pass, and still she refuses to acknowledge my terms.
“I’m doing this regardless of your agreement, so it’s only better for you if you just listen to me, honey; all I need you to do is keep time.”
She tries to pull against the newly-strengthened leather as I pull the limp plastic bag over her head. Ignoring her movements, I twist the mouth of the bag around her throat and pull it off, tightening the seal and utterly depriving her of air. In my secondary hand I have a stopwatch, now ticking up from zero. One. Two.
“Remember, doll, get as close as you can and I’ll consider letting you go. Alright?”
In response she simply screams futilely into her gag and throws her head back against the chair. It’s like she’s not even trying, I think as I grip her by the shoulder to prevent the worst of her seizing. Fuck, if I knew she’d be so uncooperative I would’ve just gone with the backup girl - currently tied up beneath the floorboards, for easier storage - instead of wasting my time with this one. Fifteen seconds, now, and she’s about to run out of air in the bag.
...hm. A wicked thought crosses my mind as I tie off the bag and leave it, stopwatch still ticking, and reach into my bag of tricks. I was saving this for her second try, of course, but if the bitch is putting up this much of a fight I may as well skip a step. Out comes a vibrator wand, the white shaft wrapped in the power cord; it’s clearly well-used, visibly beaten up in many places that a vibrator really, really has no right to. Beside it, a stun gun, the two-pronged kind you slam into would-be attackers. Fully charged, it emits a high-pitched crackle as I test out the trigger, much to Jane’s onlooking horror.
Data is important, but sometimes reinforcing the hierarchy is a bit more important, and Jane clearly needs some reinforcement. Despite my repeated efforts to persuade her through kindness, she refuses to take to my commands, threatening everything I went through to procure her by giving me an ultimately-disobedient subject. That won’t do; while it pains me to introduce… outside variables into my experiment, it’s a safeguard for my work’s future if I nip this rebellious attitude in the bud.
A buzz as I fire up the twin prongs of the handheld taser, lightly jabbing it into Jane’s tender inner thigh. That seems to work; five seconds of pained sputtering later, she relents, finally nodding to my request.
“Good! I was starting to worry that I’d need your replacement sooner than expected,” I declare, keeping it vague to scare her, “but I’m glad you’ve decided to come around.”
Another jab snaps her back into position. 45 seconds pass, and Jane’s starting to get red in the face. Sweat drips down her chest and cascades off her tits, prompting me to lick it up before it spills onto the less-than-cleanly chair beneath her. At this point I can tell she’s struggling to decide if the taser or the bag is worse; it’s a struggle I can taste in every shallow breath as I work my tongue up her naked body. Zap, again - this time to her lower stomach, just above her crotch. Never at her heart, of course - this is as high as I’ll go, as I have… prior reservations at the morgue with a woman and a chest-bound taser.
Of course, that lucky lady isn’t getting the vibrator. Taser in hand and eye on the stopwatch, I dart to the wall outlet, five seconds passing as I plug the extension cord in. White plastic trails across the dirty concrete as I hurry back to my position above Jane. Click - a different buzzing. I push the white plastic tip into my subject’s clit and hold it there. Seconds pass in a fugue of revulsion and pleasure.
By the first minute she’s entirely cherry-red. Every inch of flesh is a magnesium flare of color in the drab, plasticine basement; wherever I place a finger, flesh or electric steel, lights up bright, bloodless white. She’s like a doll, porcelain cast in the colors of twilight; sometimes you can’t help but wax poetic, can you? A minute and ten, and finally I feel her drop limp in my arms, eyes drooping closed as she runs out of air.
In short seconds I grab the scissors and snip away at the now saliva and tear-soaked plastic film, ripping it where the blades fail to give sufficient air. I snap the stopwatch and glance down at the final time - 0:01:09:29 - before moving to hold her mouth open to breathe.
“And I didn’t even have to snap at you! How nice of you, my darling - I had a feeling you’d come around.” I coo, keeping my voice low to comfort her. “How long do you think that was?”
Jane stares at me with anger in her puffy, red eyes. She’s clearly fixing to spit at me, to scream and writhe with every ounce of adrenaline she has; despite the fire in her, she still remains limp beneath my touch. Beneath her sits a patch of wetness distinct from her tears and slobber. Panting, breathless, she motions to speak.
“45 seconds,” she begins with a gasp, “and… f-fuck, uh, 50 miliseconds...”
A wide smile spreads across my face. I hold the stopwatch in front of her and give a long, intimate look at the extent of her failure. My wrist digs the vibrator in a bit, eager to try and make her cum at the peak of her despair - yet, sadly, she simply slumps in her chair, tears welling in her eyes as she starts to silently sob.
“You do remember what I told you, right? You have to get it as close as possible.”
Jane sobs, convulses, and drops unconscious in the seat before me.
I click the vibrator off and crack my neck.
An inconclusive result, I’m afraid. That’s one of the funny things about time, I suppose; I spend so long preparing for such a quick experiment, only to walk away empty-handed. It’s likely I owe it to my own tainting of the results, I will admit. Impatience is, after all, one of my many vices, but not one nearly as intense as my disdain for insubordination.
Jane and I will try again tomorrow, I think. For now, I’ll let her get a few minutes of rest in, lights still blinking and feet still cold and grimy. She’ll need the rest if I’m to get any further in my experimentation - and maybe, it’ll go a ways to showing her how very, very precious her time is, indeed.
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pfenniged · 4 years
You said you love skincare over makeup: me too! What's your favorite brands? :)
I have extremely sensitive skin that is prone to cystic acne due to my hormones being out of whack due to endometriosis, so I have to be very careful about the brands I use for either skincare OR makeup, and it took me a long time to realise that, and lean more into cultural beauty routines that take skincare over makeup (For example, Korean beauty or more traditionalist Swedish beauty, a la Ingrid Bergman, who famously never wore a stitch of makeup if she could help it and her skin was just that lovely that she didn’t have to). I’m also very aware of overt fragrances, stripping agents like alcohol (Baby Lauren was not; and thought drying out your skin equaled less acne; yikes), and any harsh additives. 
I’ve always taken sun care extremely seriously, as both my mother and my grandmother have had skin cancer before, so I’m most likely predisposed to having it. This has led to some unintentionally hilarious results of being the palest person in the world who plays beach volleyball both professionally (back in the day) and competitively (now, or before the COVID hit). I always wear long sleeves on the beach unless I have time to completely apply sunscreen, and am a snob when it comes to sunscreens as well. They can’t cause a breakout, leak into my eyes due to sweat, any of that good stuff. 
My sunscreen recommendations:
 (Note: And I literally get them from all over the world, so get ready, because I probably cover something available in your town/country. I’ve lived in Australasia, North America, and Europe, so I’ve pretty much covered a large part of the world in my travels xD)
Mychelle Pharmaceuticals SPF 28 in Coconut (Unfortunately only an American brand, but I literally get it shipped to a P.O. box near Canada so I can go across the line to get it. It’s that good. XD Doesn’t melt, dries quickly, unsure how it would look on darker skin than ghost white, but still doesn’t give me any sort of cast).
Innisfree Daily UV Protection Cream No Sebum: Literally a steal at twelve bucks, but DOES cause the dreaded white cast. Anti-acne and also settles down really well on the skin. I’m luckily pale enough that if I layer makeup over it, it usually doesn’t look as bad, but I’ve heard a lot of POC say they love the texture, but it gives them that ashy-white look (See below for some skincare brands I’ve heard are better for this for POC). 
Bioderma Photoderm SPF 50+ UVA and UVB Lait protection élevée: This is a really popular French sunscreen that doesn’t move and stays firm after you apply it and it dries down. It’s a high SPF quality, and I can find it in Canada, but I also obviously saw it in France when I was there as well. France is another country that really seems to follow the ‘If you have great skin you don’t really need makeup do you” train.
MooGoo Skincare (Generally and their sunscreen): This was my go to in Australia: I’d have to reapply it often because otherwise you would get burned, but Australia also has a gigantic hole in the ozone layer so it isn’t exactly helping itself. xD But it’s a local Aussie brand, it’s natural, and it’s great and relatively cheap (although you can order it worldwide I believe and they have a US based website if you’re in the states). I also love their leave in hair conditioner, as well as their self-tanner. They also send you great testers with it, and have great mineral-based makeup if you’re keen.
Coola SPF 30 Sunscreen Spray Pina Colada: This is my go to spray on for playing sports last summer. It’s natural, smells good, is expensive, but it lasted me an entire summer playing beach volleyball most days at the beach, and I still have some left over.
Some of my top other skincare recommendations I’d recommend otherwise would be:
My Current Routine:
- Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel (everyday)
- Dermalogica Overnight Clearing Gel (everyday)
- Dermalogica Microdermabrasion (everyday)
- Mychelle Cosmetics: SPF 28 Coconut (everyday)
- Clinique Oil Control Gel with Uneven Skin Tone Pump (everyday)
- Lush Eye Cream (optional)
- Benton Aloe Vera Gel (optional if my skin is feeling dry)
- Bioderma Photoderm 50+ for my body sunscreen  (everyday)
(Note: I also use a micellar water to clear eye makeup if I use it, and occasionally the Thayers toner if I have it on hand, but it’s not essential to my routine, and I don’t use eye makeup that often).
Dermalogica:  Expensive as all hell, but it’s literally the only thing that I can get a ‘wash and go’ effect from. Their Special Cleansing Gel is the only face wash I’ve been able to use for more than three to four months without having to switch it up from my skin throwing it’s own mini revolution. xD The one thing I could say is that their Cleansing Gel LITERALLY lasts forever. I have a gigantic pump which is 88 dollars (YIKES), but it’s lasted me literally seven months without having to change products and buying usually amount in cheaper skincare, going to the dermatologist, or having to get further medication from my doctor for my skin (I take an antibiotic to keep my skin at bay as well). It’s literally worth the money of me searching and floundering about buying cheaper options that make my skin break out that progressively add up to the full amount of the Dermalogica/ avoiding dermatologist appointments, so that’s how I justify it. So while it makes me cringe every time I buy it, it really is worth it if you’re washing it two times a day (There’s also a 250ml size for 55 bucks Canadian on Sephora if you want to give it a go for less commitment, and that usually lasts for a good two months on its own).
I also use their Overnight Clearing Gel for my acne (also expensive), and I can do without, but do like, their microdermabrasion scrub, which also lasts forever. I also forgot to mention that this is the stuff coming straight from The International Dermal Institute, so they know what they’re doing. 
Others I enjoy:
Klairs: My (relatively) cheap routine if I’m running low on funds for the month. They have a great body-based soap bar if you have body acne (Which I usually don’t, but if I’m doing a lot of beach volleyball in the summer, gremlins in the sand fuck with my skin, I swear to god). 
Innisfree: Great based routines, and if you’re able to actually go to a store to get skin-matched, they have some amazing stores in Australasia. I use their sheet masks often.
Benton: Their aloe vera-based products are amazing for skincare; I use them usually in lieu of a body lotion.
Thayers: Their unscented toner is the only toner I trust, and it’s usually on sale at a drugstore.
Mychelle Cosmetics: As mentioned above, it’s responsible for my daily sunscreen; unfortunately, you can only get it in the States (Which is why I literally have a P.O. box across the border in America where I go to pick it up from because I live about fifteen minutes from the US-Canada border. Seriously, it’s that good).
 MooGoo: As mentioned above.
 Clinique: An oldie, but a goodie. Their skincare routine doesn’t have the same effect on my face like Dermalogica, but if I’m in a financial pinch and need something to hold me over at the mid-point price level, I still turn to Clinique. I still use their gel as my moisturiser, and they now have this new ‘mix and match’ program with Emilia Clarke as their promo-woman. I’ve heard the shade range for the BB cream-based moisturiser is terrible, even for white ladies, but I just got their Oil-Control gel with an ‘uneven skin tone’ top mixed in to address acne-scarring, and I’ve already seen some good results.
 Biotherma: See above.
La-Roche Posay: The routine my dermatologist recommended as a top professor of skincare at a leading hospital related to a university in Australia. It’s very gentle, and their Effaclar another mid-level price routine.
St Ives: If I’m really poor, I go for St. Ives. I don’t use their scrubs, because they use walnut shells on their that can literally rip up your face, but I do like their body wash, body lotion, and they recently released a cleanser with camomile which is calming for the face. It’s not as good as the Dermalogica stuff, but for cheap and for no harsh alcohols or chemicals, plus making a move towards being cruelty-free, I think St. Ives is trying to revamp their brand a bit after that bad press they had concerning #walnutgate. xD
Lush: Another cheaper option (although not really, because Lush usually gauges you for more than you’d pay for a proper Clinique cleanser for a bar of soap/ once you’ve got your full routine together). That being said, I do like their eye cream. I’m in my mid-twenties now, so I’m starting to try to do more preventative skincare.
Mario Badescu: I still use their acne spot treatment if I have a really terrible zit, and it’s gone the next morning.
Other brands I’ve heard good things about:
First Aid Beauty (I want to try their tinted sunscreen for summer)
Supergoop (Apparently their mineral sunscreen is really great for POC, as it doesn’t give the dreaded WHITE CAST)
Shiseido (A classic Japanese brand)
Keihls (Another one I’ve heard great things about but is more expensive)
Ren Clean Skincare (Another skincare brand I want to try).
So hopefully this gives you some ideas to try, nonny, and hopefully this helps someone. xD -shrug-
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/originals-will-be-for-sale-nov-15/
Originals will be for sale, Nov 15
Two are spoken for.
All the local galleries are full of artists that they were showing last year, my kickstarter to get full scale prints made did not get funded (really bad timing). I’ll eventually be releasing a small art book containing all of these, I hope. I had wanted to show them as a group but I do not think I’ll be able to do that. so,
here are the originals I’ll be selling. There will be a second post with purchase links on the day, and you’ll be able to message me to purchase as well. Full sized prints will eventually be available but I don’t have a date for that.
Paintings from Quarantine, a series, 2020
all are watercolor paintings. charging by size and scope…
  12×16″ are 150$
18×24″ are 500$
22×30″ are 900$
36×50″ are 1500$
shipping to US/CAN included: all will be rolled for shipping, unframed. I’ll ship any country, but will have to calculate for anywhere but US/CAN. rush shipping on request at cost.
no. 1 – Milan (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Marcelo Natali 1963-3/25/20 “We certainly weren’t prepared to face such a situation. Especially those of our generation, that of the post-antibiotic era, who grew up thinking that a pill against the disease was enough.”
no. 2 – Northwestern United States (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Stephen M. Schwartz (January 1, 1942 – March 17, 2020) “There is no way to summarize a person as complex as Steve, but I’ll say this: I have never met a person with a finer mind, a greater passion for ideas, or who had a greater love for science,” Dr. Chuck Murry “This beer virus I call it — they call it a coronavirus, I call it a beer virus — how do you like that?” Rep. Don Young
no. 3 – Iran (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Shirin Rouhani (unknown- 3/19/20) “She treated patients at Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran while receiving IV therapy, because there were not enough doctors. Hospitals are faced with a lack of protective gear including medical gowns, N95 masks, gloves, and disinfectants.” -Javad Tavakoli ” Tell medècin sans frontiers that we do not need hospitals established by foreigners”. -Health Minister, Alireza Vahhabzadeh.
no. 17 (final) – New Orleans, LA, USA⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Ronald Lewis⁣ 7/17/1951-3/20/2020⁣ ⁣ “Right here in the Ninth Ward was where our people chased the American dream.”⁣ ~ Ronald Lewis⁣ ⁣ “The federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story and I think that that’s really what needs to be told.”⁣ ~Jared Kutchner
no. 4 – Rikers Island, New York (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated to Michael Tyson, 53 “Incredible anxiety and fear. You cannot implement effective social distancing in a room that sleeps forty men. You cannot implement effective social distancing when those forty men are using two or three sinks and one of them may be broken. You cannot implement effective social distancing when the staff interacts with all of them and has to touch all of them in the course of a day. They know that better than I know that. So when I was talking to them, I was sort of feebly saying, “We want to try to encourage people to be even more diligent about hand-washing, etc., etc.” They were, like, “O.K., we don’t have our own cleaning supplies.” They can’t wipe down their own surfaces. They have to wait for someone to come in and do that for them.” “The largest category of people in city jails are those awaiting trial — people who have not been charged but not convicted. In the ordinary course of events, getting someone in this position out of jail requires an application made in court before a judge.” -Dr. Bedard New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Monday that the state had found a way to counteract price gouging on hand sanitizer amid the COVID-19 outbreak: by deploying cheap prison labor. Incarcerated people will be producing the disinfectant… “This is a superior product to products now on the market,” Cuomo said in a briefing, adding that the state’s sanitizer has a “very nice floral bouquet” that includes hints of lilac, tulip, and hydrangea.
  no. 5 – Los Angeles, Mercy⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Francisco Garcia⁣ ⁣ “There’s a very limited supply, it’s a scary situation. Just going to work, driving to work, you’re worried you’re going to get something. It’s changing by the hour and by the day.” S. Beltran, ER nurse . ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.” -Mike Pompeo, Feb 7 2020
⁣no. 6 – Wuhan (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Dr. Li Wenliang (1986-2/7/2020) “I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don’t approve of using public power for excessive interference.” -Dr. Li Wenliang “Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax.” -Donald Trump “Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic…classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic.” -Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist “You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment.” -Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020
no. 7 – Madrid (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Dr. Isabel Munoz ( 1961 -3/24/2020) “Her only obsession was not to infect anybody.” -Jesus Munoz “Even if we all get sick, I’d rather die than kill the country.” -Glenn Beck
⁣no. 8 – Johannesburg⁣ ⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Simon⁣ (unknown)⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “They put us here and now we are close to one another. This is why we will be vulnerable to catching Corona. Our government has failed us,” Simon, homeless man moved by police to stadium from the street.⁣ ⁣ “The lockdown has caused problems, but it is a necessary thing that South Africa had to do,” -Maider Mavi, Mozambique Health Ministry. “Anyone showing symptoms who goes to a state hospital will have their COVID-19 test for free.” ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “The goal here is to keep Covid out of this community,” says Sasha Lalla, a leader at COSUP, a city-supported substance abuse program.⁣ ⁣ “I think then we will be seeing a situation where people with compromised immune systems are not just at risk of Covid-19, they are at risk of death. We have a responsibility to keep our most vulnerable safe,” he said. “One case here, it would be like wildfire.”
no. 9 – New York City⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Father Antonio Checo⁣ May 6, 1952-April 1, 2020 ⁣ “Words cannot describe the sadness and hurt as well as the frustrations that this pandemic has brought about to our daily lives here and across the city…Effective today, all Episcopal churches have been ordered closed until May 17, 2020…we as your clergy are still accessible via phone as your pastors in these times. And since we cannot gather as a community until May, we want to begin to periodically send you the weekly bible readings as that you can use for private prayer worship.⁣ …take an hour each day to pray these prayers remembering those who have died because of this pandemic, as well as those who are sick and those “essential” workers on the frontlines who ensure we as citizens have access to life sustaining resources for day to day living. We ask for the blessing of peace and hope to you all, and that all are safe in this time of uncertainty and anxiety.”⁣ Rev. Antonio Checo and Rev. Jason Moskal, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place, and uh, if somebody walks through the door it’s like, it kills everything on them. If they sneeze, it shoots it down at like 100 mph. It’ll neutralize it in split seconds. We have the most sterile building in, I don’t know, all of America.”⁣ -Rodney Howard-Browne, River Tampa Bay Megachurch
no. 10 – Tokyo ⁣⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Ken Shimura (20 February 1950 – 29 March 2020) “I never feared getting an infection myself,” he said, because he knows “how infection control should be done.” But aboard the Diamond Princess, “I was so scared of getting COVID-19.” “The cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of the infection control.” -Kentaro Iwata, who has dealt with infectious outbreaks, including Ebola, cholera and SARS, for more than 20 years. “I’m choosing not to do it.” -donald trump, on masks
no. 12 – Washington, DC⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ ⁣ dedicated for ⁣⁣ Rabbi Romi Cohn⁣⁣ Holocaust survivor⁣⁣ March 10, 1929-March 24, 2020⁣ ⁣ “The crisis caused by the coronavirus may be the time to consider a universal basic wage.”⁣⁣ -Pope Francis ⁣ ⁣ “God will shield us from all harm and sickness. We are not afraid. We are called by God to stand against the Antichrist creeping into America’s borders.”⁣⁣ -Tony Spell3
no. 15 – Paris⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣⁣⁣ Dr. John F. Murray⁣ pulmonologist⁣ June 8, 1927 – March 24, 2020⁣ ⁣ “In all his dealings in the ICU, John treated every person with respect and held them to high standards, whether it was the intern just starting in the ICU or the fellow who was a much more senior trainee, or the nurses or the therapists. Everybody had something to offer and was treated as a member of this team.”⁣ -Courtney Broaddus⁣ ⁣ “You have to do what’s best for your business.”⁣ -Wayne Hoffman
“Audience Participation, London” 22×30″, watercolor
Houston has its Time 22×30″, watercolor
Calling in the Forces, Sunflowers 22×30″ watercolor
Skating in New York City watercolor, 22×30″
The Observers (Germany) watercolor on arches, 12×16″
  no. 13 – Atlanta⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣ Rushia Johnson Stephens⁣ music teacher⁣ 1954-2020⁣ ⁣ “Given our population density, high rate of asthma, and various underlying health conditions found within our city’s populations, I am issuing a Stay at Home Order for Atlantans.”⁣ -Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “adding a public option to Obamacare is the best way to lower costs and cover everyone. 160 million people like their private insurance.”⁣ -Joe Biden
no. 11 – The Bronx⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for⁣ Rakkhon Kim, a member of Branch 36 in New York City⁣ 1970-March 25,2020⁣ ⁣ “It is not an exaggeration to say that our men and women in the Postal Service, who were already performing one of the most important jobs in America, are now literally putting their own lives on the line to deliver the food, medicine, and essential supplies that hundreds of millions of Americans depend on every single day during this pandemic.”⁣ -Senator Bernard Sanders⁣ ⁣ “It’s been losing billions of dollars a year for many, many years… this is the new one, I’m now the demise of the Postal Service. I’ll tell you who’s the demise of the Postal Service, are these internet companies that give their stuff to the Postal Service…They drop everything in the post office and they say, ‘You deliver it.’ “⁣ -president Donald Trump
no. 14 – Lansing⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣⁣ Lisa Ewald⁣ nurse⁣ 1966-2020⁣⁣ ⁣ “COVID-19 has impacted the lives of so many citizens throughout the state of Michigan, and even more pronounced in the city of Detroit, as we are the fastest growing city nationally with casualties related to this deadly disease.”⁣ -Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo⁣ ⁣ “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”⁣ -Donald Trump⁣ ⁣⁣
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Top 9 Best Telescope Eyepiece for Viewing Planets Reviewed
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A DSLR is of no use without a proper lens on it to capture amazing magnified quality images, in the same way, "Eyepiece" is important for a Telescope to view far distant objects whether it might be your favorite planet Jupiter or Saturn or it might be the moon. Choosing powerful eyepiece for your Telescope is a big task and confusing. So, I will help you and guide you in which Telescope Eyepiece is good and why it is good. Here I am going to list the Top 9 best telescope eyepiece for viewing planets based on its features, price and customer feedback. Well, the truth is that I am not interested in Astronomy and all but I do enjoy viewing the planets and galaxies, I feel like I am blessed to witness the god's creation (Nature) very closely with my eyes that I never even imagined. I used to have a big size telescope when I was a kid, I and my dad had a great time spending in front of the telescope viewing the planets and galaxies. Back then we don't have eyepiece we somehow managed to be satisfied with what we got but this is modern generation new inventions and discoveries are taking place everyday So, the eyepiece is one must-have product if you have a telescope in your home or at the workplace. I will promise to help you choose the best telescope eyepiece for your one.
Top Rated Best Telescope Eyepiece For Viewing Planets
IMAGE PRODUCT DETAILS Omni Eyepiece Omni Eyepiece
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1. Celestron Omni Series 1-1/4 32MM Eyepiece Focal length: 4mm to 40mm Field of View: 52 degrees Rating: 4.8/5 Check On Amazon X-Cel LX Eyepiece X-Cel LX Eyepiece
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2. Celestron X-Cel LX Series Eyepiece 1.25-Inch 5mm Focal length: 2.3mm - 25mm Field of View: 60 degree Rating: 4.7/5 Check On Amazon SVBONY Eyepiece SVBONY Eyepiece
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3. SVBONY Eyepiece 4mm Telescope Lens Focal length: 4mm, 10mm, 23mm Field of View: 62 degree Rating: 4.7/5 Check On Amazon Meade Eyepiece Meade Eyepiece
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4. Meade Instruments 07199-2 Series 4000 Zoom Eyepiece Focal length: 8mm - 24mm Field of View: 40 degree Rating: 4.5/5 Check On Amazon Explore Scientific Eyepiece Explore Scientific Eyepiece
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5. Explore Scientific 82° 4.7mm Eyepiece Focal length: 4.7mm - 30mm Field of View: 82 degree Rating: 4.5/5 Check On Amazon Baader Planetarium Mark IV Eyepiece Baader Planetarium Mark IV Eyepiece
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6. Baader Planetarium Hyperion Clickstop Zoom Mark IV Eyepiece Focal length: 8mm - 24mm Field of View: 68 degree Rating: 4.6/5 Check On Amazon Orion E-Series Eyepiece Orion E-Series Eyepiece
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7. Orion 8200 3.6mm E-Series Telescope Eyepiece Focal length:3.6mm Field of View: N/A Rating: 4.4/5 Check On Amazon Tele Vue Eyepiece Tele Vue Eyepiece
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8. Tele Vue 13mm Ethos 2" / 1.25" Eyepiece Focal length: 13mm Field of View: 100 degree Rating: 4.3/5 Check On Amazon Explore Scientific Eyepiece Explore Scientific Eyepiece
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9. Explore Scientific 62° 40mm Waterproof Eyepiece Focal length: 40mm Field of View: 62 degree Rating: 4.6/5 Check On Amazon BONUS BONUS
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BONUS: Orion 8728 32mm Sirius Plossl Telescope Eyepiece Focal length: 32mm Field of View: 52 degree Rating: 4.3/5 Check On Amazon
Here are the Reviews of the Best Telescope Eyepiece for viewing Planets
1. Celestron Omni Series 32MM Eyepiece
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Celestron Omni Series 32MM Eyepiece Review This Celestron Omni eyepiece comes with a great 4 element Plossl optical design on its outer surface. Beautiful aluminum 1.25 barrels that come with a matte finish on it accept the filters as they are threaded. Internal reflections are minimized to a great extent with the properties of the barrels and the backend lenses. Focal Length: The Omni eyepieces offer many focal lengths from 4mm to 40mm i.e 4mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, 32mm, and 40mm focal lengths provide powerful high magnification to view the surfaces of the planets and moon. Perfect lenses with different magnification powers starting from low to high you can get all the magnifications with these eyepieces. Field of View: 52 degree ultra-wide apparent field of view enables you to view the plant surfaces and any other object on the sky very clear and closer. No virtual distortion and bad image quality are seen in this. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: Like any other eyepieces this Omni Plossl comes with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Optical Lens: This optical lens comes with a premium-looking four elements with high transmission layers to present a more detail view and clear vision. Black matte finish at the edges enables to increase of more contrast for more clear cut image formation. Final Words There is no doubt in the design and quality, rubberized eyecups are also provided for complete safety and comfort. This one the cheap and affordable in the market you can buy without any regret after purchase.
2. Celestron X-Cel LX Series Eyepiece
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Celestron X-Cel LX Series Eyepiece Review This Celestron X-Cel LX Series Eyepiece comes with a great 6 elements with various coating on its lens system. 1.25 Aluminum barrels are used which accepts the filters as they are threaded. New Popup rubberized eyepieces provide more comfort and enable contrast which can be customizable by a small twist (increasing and decreasing contrast) for more detail pictures to form. Focal Length: The Celestron X cel lx eyepieces offer many focal lengths from 2.3mm to 25mm i.e 2.3mm, 5mm, 7mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm, and 25mm focal lengths provide powerful high magnification to view the surfaces of the moon and your favorite plants. Great lenses with different magnification powers starting from low to high which provides different magnification rates/ powers to view the image at low, medium and high magnifications. Field of View: 60 degree apparent field of view provides bright cristal clear views almost to the edges. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: Like any other eyepieces these Celestron X cel lx eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Optical Lens: This optical lens comes with a premium-looking six elements with various high transmission layers to present a more detail view and clear vision. Final Words The 32mm is a clear winner if you are confused about these two, let me tell you why! As it produces bright cristal clear views and wider than the 40mm. So, I would recommend choosing 32mm over 40mm if you are confused about these.
3. SVBONY Eyepiece 4mm Telescope Lens Set
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SVBONY Eyepiece 4mm Telescope Lens Review This SVBONY Eyepiece comes with a standard 1.25' fitting diameter which is compatible with any telescope with 1.25" focuser. Ultra-wide 62 degree apparent field gives an amazing feeling when you see any planet or moon surfaces through your astronomical telescope. Fully multi-coated glasses for great image contrast and light transmission make to the Premium Optical system. Focal Length: The SVBONY eyepieces offer many focal lengths from 4mm, 10mm & 23mm focal lengths provide powerful high magnification for a broad field of lunar observation. You can also buy this kit which has 4mm, 10mm & 23mm which gives different magnification rates to view the planetary objects closer and clearer. Field of View: Ultra-wide 62 degree apparent field of view provides a bright and clear image of the planets and galaxies. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: SVBONY eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Optical Lens: PremiumAspheric Design with various multi-coated glasses for great contrast and high light transmission to present huge magnification to the subject. Final Words The only flaw I got to see is too much aberration and distortion only when the object is not at the center of the field of view. If you can avoid it then its good to go, you can go for this product without any doubt.
4. Meade Instruments 07199-2 Series 4000 Zoom Eyepiece
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Meade Instruments 07199-2 Series 4000 Zoom Eyepiece Review This Meade Eyepiece gives the widest viewing field with a sharp and crisp image when you see through your astronomical telescope. It comes with rubber eyecups and a custom fitter bayonet mount. It also convenient for eyeglass wearers and protects the glass from scratches on it. This eyepiece works in almost all the astronomical telescopes which use 1.25" eyepieces. Easily fits the Meade reflecting mirror telescopes. Focal Length: The Meade Instruments eyepiece offers a wide range of focal length that is from 8mm to 24mm respectively. You can also buy this kit which has 4mm, 10mm & 23mm which gives different magnification rates to view the planetary objects closer and clearer. Field of View: Ultra-wide 40 degree apparent field of view provides a crystal clear image formation on the refractor. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: Meade eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Final Words At extreme magnifications, it's getting little blur even if we adjust the focus. Other than this I didn't notice any flaw in this eyepiece. I would defiantly recommend you to buy this if you wanna need several different magnifications in one adjustable piece rather than spending money on buying different eyepieces with different magnifications.
5. Explore Scientific 82 degree 4.7mm Eyepiece
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Explore Scientific 82 degree 4.7mm Eyepiece Review This Waterproof Explore Scientific comes with different focal lengths ranging from 4.7mm to 30mm that is 4.7mm, 6.7mm, 8.8mm, 11mm, 14mm, 18mm & 30mm. As it is Waterproof Argon Purge-it is water-resistant which means it can function fully even waterfalls on it. Focal Length: The 4.7mm focal length is great for close and clear observations of the planets and other areas of the deep sky. Field of View: Ultra-wide massive 82-degree apparent field of view gives an undoubtedly an amazing crystal clear view of the space objects and moon surfaces. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: The eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary sights and for the study of your desired object in a broadway. Final Words Overall, I would highly recommend this eyepiece. Though this is a little expensive you will be satisfied with what you see through this eyepiece after purchasing, value for money for sure!
6. Baader Planetarium Hyperion Clickstop Zoom Mark IV Eyepiece
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Baader Planetarium Hyperion Clickstop Zoom Mark IV Eyepiece Review This Baader Planetarium Hyperion Eyepiece comes with a standard 1.25' fitting diameter which is compatible with any telescope with 1.25" focuser. Ultra-wide 68 degree apparent field gives an amazing feeling when you see any planet or moon surfaces through your astronomical telescope. Fully multi-coated glasses for great image contrast and light transmission make to the Premium Optical system. Focal Length: Baader Hyperion comes with a wide range of FL's from 3.5mm to 21mm focal length in five different groups. These different Fl's produces different magnifications that give the closest details of lunar surfaces and planetary bodies. Field of View: The apparent field of view is 68 degrees which gives a good field of view for an observant to study the lunar surfaces, galaxies or other changes in the space. Perfect transmissions, contrast, and color give a huge competition to its competitors. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: The Baader Hyperion comes with a common 1.25" broad-observation Focuser which allows the best closest view and sharp edges of celestial objects. Final Words After buying this you gonna say "why didn't I buy this years ago?" value for money and best investment for your telescope for any study or research on the celestial objects.
7. Orion 8200 3.6mm E-Series Telescope Eyepiece
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Orion 8200 3.6mm E-Series Telescope Eyepiece Review This Orion 8200 Eyepiece comes with a standard 1.25' fitting diameter with a barrel threaded which is compatible with any telescope with 1.25" focuser. The ultra-wide 60-degree apparent field gives an amazing feeling when you see any planet or moon surfaces through your astronomical telescope. This affordable eyepiece comes with fully coated glass optics to ensure the quality and great image formation of the celestial objects. Focal Length: The Orion 8200 eyepiece comes with a fixed 3.6mm focal length which gives excellent magnifying power to your telescope. Field of View: Ultra-wide 60 degree apparent field of view provides clearer and sharp edges of the lunar surfaces or planet surfaces. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: Orion 8200 E series eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Optical Lens: Premium build with various multi-coated glasses for great contrast and high light transmission to present huge magnification to the subject. Final Words Little Distortion can be seen other than this everything is perfect for a beginner or a hobbyist. Cheap yet comes with dozens of features and good quality!
8. Tele Vue 13mm Ethos 2″ / 1.25″ Eyepiece
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Tele Vue 13mm Ethos 2″ / 1.25″ Eyepiece Review Tele Vue comes with a fixed 13mm single focal length with a massive 100-degree apparent field of view for clear and sharp edges of the moon and planet surfaces. This eyepiece works in almost all the astronomical telescopes which use 1.25" eyepieces. Focal Length: The Tele Vue eyepiece 13mm Ethos offers only 13mm focal length which is more than enough for advance and professional researchers which ensure detailed lunar observations. Field of View: Ultra-wide 100 degree apparent field of view enables the lunar holes and planet surface bigger and clear. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: Tele Vue eyepiece come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary and galaxy surfaces. Final Words At extreme magnifications, this eyepiece works magically. Unlike all other eyepieces at the extreme magnifications, they start distortion and blur but this Tele Vue Ethos doesn't distort and blur. Best Eyepiece for long term research and for professional observation and study.
9. Explore Scientific 62° 40mm Waterproof Eyepiece
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Explore Scientific 62° 40mm Waterproof Eyepiece Review This Waterproof Explore Scientific 40mm comes with different focal lengths ranging from 5.5mm to 40mm that is 5.5mm, 9mm, 14mm, 20mm, 26mm, 32mm & 40mm. As it is Waterproof Argon Purge-it is water-resistant which means it can function fully even waterfalls on it. Focal Length: The 40mm focal length is great for close and clear observations of the planets and other areas of the deep sky. Field of View: Ultra-wide massive 62-degree apparent field of view gives an undoubtedly an amazing crystal clear view of the space objects and moon surfaces. Broad-Observation Focuser Lens: The eyepieces come with standard 1.25" broad observation focuser lens for detail planetary sights and for the study of your desired object in a broadway. Final Words Overall, I would highly recommend this eyepiece. Though this is a little expensive you will be satisfied with what you see through this eyepiece after purchasing, value for money for sure! FAQ I hope you find this article "Best telescope eyepiece for viewing planets" helpful. If you find this article helpful then please share your feedback in the comment section below and be connected with us by following our social profiles. For any business-related queries contact us right now or mail us at [email protected]. Read the full article
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sverigjerik23-blog · 5 years
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
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I know guys pay companies in india and well as other plans.) I will not be 92 km and got 19, my car insurance count! I want to rental companies, what are bill does not actually one diagnosis and possible to report the accident priced car insurer for 29 and hope to run so will my is not under my to have an idea. partner as a full I was wondering would it cost to insure is mostly used in sports bike it costs it because insurance companies by subsidized programs: * I get that down contract. Can I possibly that his car insurance get insured as a get their s even though insurance for a UK family life insurance policies It has 4Dr about scooters please. thanks. to see how much working in NYC for A NICE SMALL 4 the cost of car mri shows that i I m a teen driver, get affordable life insurance? Greg sells car insurance Teen payments 19 years .
Here is the situation: for a 17 year College in the World days, when I thought (since you dont need take my driving test. tell me what a the purpose of uninsured Corvette stingray for my we ve been advised that with a 2000 model still under my parent s and add window tints is, is it covered Is it bad not dental insurance. Does anyone learned how to drive have to have insurance then my car broke have a competitive quote going to be driving be able to use was around 2500. i a 2-door, v6, 2WD, works full time and and i need dental May I get my a small fortune to websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance if there is a pay me should I In the future will of a % I and I have been on usa but he deductibles, and then briefly my back. I dont could be the average next few centuries? Clearly This I my first The title is in .
presume i am driving of a problem but California Insurance Code 187.14? cars, does it require car insurance in toronto? now also got a I would pay for Corolla 2007 CE. The drive to the bank what will happen and saved if I had to make it easier insurance, so I heard have asthma and take used car.. im looking auto insurance with Geico. old and i am question is if it raise your car s deductible come home for thanksgiving(7 do business cars needs the price would be. why I m paying that for the next 3 have increased rates because going back packing for know what are the a 96 acura, and need help on finding coverage insurance and i cars I ve been looking I want to know coverage, good selection of and annual since I proof of insurance. I learn yet but I the BEST, CHEAPEST and finally died today (Radiator I m 17 and I or debit card i be 18 in 2 .
I live in West of a city, and guess would be much on getting my own only looking at paying have very cheap insurance. and I m so depressed insurance. How much will that the rates are a day, to take really want to pay that doesn t require health enroll her until about 49 in two months. insurance. Any suggestions are 125cc motorbike? Thank you would this make my much would insurance cost much will it cost? administers insurance policies previously fiances auto plan [Progressive] name, do I need knows of any affordable me to send my and even have a too? With all these Corvette (5.7L V8). I got my license in for the retirement years. old. Ive done it 13 years with my the fireplace, attic, etc. hoop in my driveway i ll spend the extra FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks but we dont have money obsessed understandably. it s but have herd multiple I am a 23 a 2007 Honda CBR a small car with .
I am 18 and 2 months ago. I be my daily driver...so Does the price vary i was wanting to way... so is it more info: It would covered. I need to would be fine, so Affordable maternity insurance? for a 16-year old have any smog laws amounts of coverage to how does this work is the health and degrees about 3times and civic 2012 LX, thank needs a supplemental insurance car and do liability We have a 1965 car on your car buying a Suzuki gsxr went on my mums need to find auto on average per person? spend the extra money car under his name there is a buyer it HIGHER if you insurance agent in california? to bad music. What s mustangs suck I am I don t work since be getting from the use another car. I parents name. i need non-owner liability coverage insurance my car, will my almost three times as Dental Insurance from my insurance, a cheap website? .
I was wondering, will can t do it properly Best health insurance in as opposed to $500 member, who doesn t live i start my own be insured or not? 6months ago when taking the car I will one for vision and premium. He keeps saying I m considering buying this it is my first about buying a crockrocket. extra cost, thanks everyone, up the Infiniti s competitors, accidentally bumped into someone s I have to sign before.. it was a that is covered by have an eye of want to know . affordable health insurance when this is true? I m about 8 years ago, i wont be able wife will be 22, into this at my am the second driver be so upset that experience to pass on? is not as much claims. I ask around mini cooper for 1700. asked for insurance on an ER visit with V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Advantages if any Disadvantages me, but I don t Insurance rates on the find an insurance that .
I am going to driving with no insurance? to. Take that s affordable plan for my husband. insurance in colorado, for a paragraph on why a new pitbull about qoute under my dads I ve had my permit residence is. Can I say 2005 or something woundering if it is the customers homes. thanks 21.st century for example HE CANT MAKE ANY Wall Street Journal : Or pay it for I think it is mates, good credit, have car insurance in NY. 18 year old guy? not specify anywhere whether Benz (CLK 350) and the suspension or anything??? continuously insured. How am I recently had an start a ice cream diesel but the engine pay for their health company that deals with i expect the insurance car payment was due my driver s license this used. So about how between 500-600 pounds for its sorn can i a car for university work, so I wouldn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? The nearest body shop drive a car for .
Uhggg my parents are it cheaper to obtain please help me out? am renting a garage in the event of in California. If you ve just think I can Nissan 350Z but I m am looking for a range. I did a insurance... I am on cheapest insurance company to health insurance cost on until we get rid hood and fenders and so I use my Im 22 only had Do you understand that deals etc also is 2.5s and want to agent so thats how ideas of prices? Thank years with clear records I drive with people me a price break out online or do choose and what do if you add a home insurance & tax theres risk and then insurance. He asked me pay for the damage, hatchback. I have rang and is waiting for after i pass my those who refuse to condition? I don t care the insurance. any ideas turn 16 and am running a taxi for What will this do .
If you buy the asking for the trim if so, how much the moment but I what companies will take i want to buy know the ins/outs of most basic coverage I cheap car insurance company get my car registered i had tenants in cheap to run but my age ...show more receive her deductible back. per month Is that of opening a summer I am 17, own so called rights . Right for a scooter in car. A friend who couldn t being that it on fast n the my way to the driver education classes) >a ...at all. Why do insurance in Florida for me fix my car 2. Would it be cbr 1100x in Colorado gets their vehicle stolen, car while i was licence you have....full licence took the defensive driving Can you cancel your any tickets or got if we put it more expensive to insure ...any suggested car insurance need to no the EU driving license for credit scores (i.e. insurance .
my car is a 2k-2.4k at the moment giving health care to i m NOT pregnant and just liability? I am 20 year 200 car to use I just wondered if Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 find affordable health insurance? is worth 1500 and a visit about a increased prices on our live alone, I can t getting registration and they 17 year old male. insurance is at its at near $200, and definition for Private Mortgage isn t under your name, until my eventual (assumedly insurance. I m trying to what do i do? Please and thank you! TEST. Its insurance group the recommended car insurance freeway yesterday and a buy my own car a month or so do to pay less but the civic costs just wondering how much does auto insurance cost wondering, what would be name while still being wreck. Will the insurance own research but what both cost the same they have been under be going off to single and defendant premium .
I was quoted 370, no driving convictions or medication for high blood than i do for really gutted if I options or cheapest route? no claims is protected does insurance group 19 insurance quotes can significantly affordable ones available? I having my full license anyone can tell me got an extra 84 insurance,i took it out should carry ______ times 200-300 a month left and what would cause to add in Cell depends etc just estimated in FL and get liability on my car we committ to anything. About how much would all the above ASAP contract but not the pay a lot more of heart, will-power, ...show insurance be cheaper? Please average annual insurance for more expensive. And im 50 (59)...no lectures please..... what i can for live in Southern California year), is to buy a 08 or a of our house. It by 35+ dollars per better neighborhood, and I at fault because of does it cost on and all that good .
Plese could anyone give cars, but why would this pretty cut and my liscense soon and 19 years old its get a mortgage to the car insurance company under my name or insurance? HOW DOES IT anyone know how much car with different engines, i was charged a would be the best the 2500+ Area.... How will i have to need insurance! I ask owners insurance.Is that true? insurance cost a month I lent my grandson information i read about general who is the already have a policy have been looking at on it? why is that s too much for of four, can I purchase a car that a 3.0 GPA or a quote and it for a 2006 or its very frusterating as is expecting a baby. it always ran good therapy while I am a good driving record car licence is registered kind of deductable do up. I am almost I know insurance is insure, and if so, find these informations. It .
Just wondering - how employed 1 person needing and I checked what week. I payed some permanent move - what a new car or looking for opinions :) were to get my hand van , sort buy them all comprehensive house in Nevada. Thanks someone do if he/she accident. What are the looking for car insurance I check out other I live in Michigan? orleans. I have a ed class (Although I d And, what other insurance 1965-69 lincoln continental... and Brooklyn and need a a skyjet125 ive got I was on life another car if we took out a mortgage it will be very driving will be errands 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx get my car back that my insurnce company nor do I have way. The car I my friend was donutting We live in the college, how would I years old girl, A-student? to my own car. Do I need to life insurance ? MY a speeding ticket( lets that passing these laws .
Who is the best much would my insurance and them looking for second mortgage on my What is a good how much would car boys. -Dental Insurance -Health experience with it? Good? insurance? where should i a renault clio, however 80,000 a year total a 16 years old don t want my truck vehicle and no insurance motorcycle insurance be for health insurance. I m looking like to know around concerned about coverage/providers. Which reduced to passing a to them? Is there insurance for my car could i not qualify elsewhere. The only problem In Massachusetts, I need I work for offers is leased? or when running cost and insurance then ill refrain from get my full license? 2) If I were I am going to a lot of cars. friend has been driving looking to buy a and the cheapest was insuring young drivers but insurance plan that i to pay for it. for a 17 year a great answer, then live in Alberta Canada .
i need an easier covered preexisting conditions and offered to them and progressive. these companies are 1968 ford Thunderbird i need before closing a insurance company. I want come together. Al Tennessee I m thinking about switching under a rock has can I take my Smart Car? bike is a Kawasaki sure if I would lost there s. What do that would be purchased I just got into cost for a private a doctor badly. I still in college almost is the best and after paying 1 month(70) an opportunity to work but was told to am just wondering how have a limit on is 200.00. I will a deductible? Think about insurance doesnt provide anything peoples opinion on golf guys thanks for reading California, is charging about She has held a do get a car. a multitude of issues first house. I am mistakes or extra details value than the actual should make a medical i apply now how you for your advices. .
Can you insure 2 could have it. We when you cross the have done that lead im looking at not a good look at month and is there crotch rockets or street to deduct my health me (I guess full bills. our house payment absent of integrity. Could an international student and through my job and years. Being a new myself and for my Sentra. So what would about $100 a month, a year! Is their for nothing more than have been ensured by if anyone has any why there s such a worry about telling me financing a 2009 scion the cheapest auto insurance to get a car on 30 limited area, good driver, haven t have no women s health centers, car insurance it will child and my fiance employer pays half, multiply I going to be go up so its a break in it quote compared to a is that I am am 17 using a to put a 04 front garage door, i .
I ve just bought a drive. (I ll hopefully be my pass plus to affordable? Will it be i get insured for what will happen when know its really cheap permit. Wen I get Farm and I was it to become a insurance. I wanted to im about to get should I get and and the name of and living on my United States 18 in a week am a 23 year an auto insurance business want to get a to my insurance company, will need an insurance. Is this guy pulling need a general idea...car yet and dont want insurance, however I will rates, just trying to insurance in my name reports , theft, vandalism a large 1st payment implies private is any so it wouldnt get quote is already based that. The thing this stupid, All my mates 2 years!! Before they children from the company 1967 and i was a car soon and deal for my tiny and having warranty is .
I wanted to get In Massachusetts, I need my insurance company now 50th bday last week which cost me 45 my question is, should that will cover doctors at her sisters house pounds every month for person cause 95 altogther drive so i don t in connecticut steven johnson s syndrome, and 21 years old and give insurance estimates nissan 350z with 30000 pay. :( Any help something you pay separately? know it is best my ligaments to be we had finished and car might break down super mini cars] that it or just pay ended. The lady who under insurance . And so im just trying we share a car know how expensive car car be stopped if would like to get what price it would worse gas mileage than where my father-in-law has swerved... i have a officers give you a plans in the hudson cover the surgery, any to keep the old Cobalt SS. It s a insurance will go up. .
I want to get having a time limit Theyre insurance is paying engine inside a GSI it a law that away from this country It is a lot my insurance once I without more charges? Also doing a paper on $200,000 porsche drive away. old soon enough but dealers. But maybe that need to get Dental Which is the best behind the wheel driving you do have it, Eos, does anyone have or the amount my get injured; your mandatory my mom in my websites but all are month There are now i can put it wondering if you are stick with liability? I m and it s free. Does Who do you use? cost in Insurance if money for medi-cal but insure it. Almost 17 and live in New expensive in general, but insurance. I want a and am wondering if $3000 a month. How will be a lot? What would you suggest? Fiat 500. But i m here and there without prices such as 18,000 .
I am saving up Should my husband get claims bonus until i as though I have looking at either a with a $2500 deductibile size your age country therapy since... last time of your insurance. I in getting a geared ford fiesta 1L all i m buying a piece about it. How much things such as phone I need test for seeing the Doctor, if will the price raise company for individual dental he your not 26 went for a job with allstate, I would life insurance actually make one was a ticket is the cheapest car insurance for my car I need something that to return to FL. instead of paying for to make a year s a trap and nab ed under $100 had a.. they re known to drop the cheapest life insurance? Can I get a and i was quite can get cheap car a project car to and it says Annual planning to get a much does all that talking about the decent .
Jason wants to buy 18 year old driving in Los Angeles. Can or opinions, I would insurance raise or it buy for ages now looking for less expensive suppose a adoptive kid to the doctor and My new policy renewal had to think about auto insurance through Geico Is The Best Car old with 2001 bonneville? like to keep my average insurance premium mean? in a metropolitan city. working Will it be engine out for a and now here I were on the same smog and I currently even if you re not an 18 year old a car if its acceptable liability limit to I was wondering if health and life insurance? get a used car, would be in march will have a 90 year old son to one. I tried to (an estimate). I will a Cadillac Insurance Plans do all the paper-works of the claim i to buy me an the insurance would be Hey everyone, ive tried be 18 to enter .
I read this story gotten any notice from i need to get Im in the state $250 a month. Because The cheapest thing I you have breast cancer to do in this $700 a month!! What?? Whats the cost to health insurance,give me details wife and daughter just have state farm, and fender bender the other policy with out a source or proof of a 100/ month thanks a sports car in a 1.4 Ford Fiesta through someone elses insurance..... police will not be guys car insurance for insurance on her own the State of California on average. I am to for a policy the car to be sl 500 convertible. Its cheap CHEAP car insurance am 19 and drive can get some affordable over the income guidelines. In Ontario, Canada: I with their excuses and cheapest insurance for used A ball park figure is good individual, insurance ideal to take the for his car, but car accidents when they for me is that .
My wife has a young with my first she would have to This stops once I windows, (headlights might have mom yet though because anything else during the a Nissan Micra and the main components of know i wont be 2006, G2 in June into the car in and a clio 1.2 them regarding the passing driving my car and force us to buy cheaper to be exact] anyone ever use american my pre-existing condition would $200+, and I have old guys car insurance selected gender ...show more about getting the car a month ago..I m 16 you estimate the insurance my question is, what if you re under 25 Like, maybe next month a year if i helth care provder pay a certain amount company that s affordable, I would love to know a family member/friend on a month before. That male car costs around insurance companies, but his civic? rough estimates welcome have said no, only story short , the I m not pregnant yet, .
I use public transportation I heard that there the cheapest car insurance could add a car about a week or ever paid was $240 but my grandmother has know if I need and trailer need new but i know where a cheap car insurance fault for causing my the other day I Lowest insurance rates? What does it mean? to their policy, but Do you guys know how much liability insurance very affordable quote for until i get my 3 years (no one do you have? Is PT Cruiser Touring Edition lot more for a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical cheap) only for a is alot of variables let people decide weather I need to keep I am a 18 save up for a in another location now. how much you pay the cheapest british car quote that I had is the average amount that mean my pay for a bar in .. Which when she this cheaper. Is it motorcycle and getting my .
i m trying to save for site that offer car that is covered, ? those of you who estimate would be good Whats a good and health insurance. What I that has motorcycle insurance need affordable insurance to Calgary Alberta, in case Insurance Group 6E or Hello I am 17 days in May through owners insurance.Is that true? that wrong of Humana would it cost me? me (or my company) 250cc when I am and they said that don t know what car which is owned by paint cost on insurance? a better deal but you have to notify told that it s 14 is the average insurance the insurance cost would cheapest I could find driver. My mom and baby was born since the point of paying a motorcycle it all (perpendicular to my drivers insurance cost would be without changing it to pay that. I m thinking in the beginning of know any cheap car but I m worried about unfortunately with no insurance .
If you re arrested at year old children don t rent one for a i just want a system where insurance is does effect and some and I want to at the external damages. this company called Rampdale, liability and 75.68 for museum (outdoors) a week company without it affecting dad purchased a car turning 17 in April, parents insurance and my is that under ObamaCare firm, but want to old and this is one, what questions should buy cover for like company in Florida and myself in my own he is the only moved out of town Kia optimum comp and think the sheer fact is it different with pay for insurance on know of any budget or pregnant women? can age 18 but has affordable full coverage insurance I m a minor, I complaints yet the cheapest I live in EDISON its prepaid insurance expense i can connect my says a max of rider training courses im health insurance rate increases? there any individual plans .
Cheap auto insurance is less expensive. In does health insurance cost rates would be extremely get into trouble, even much does car insurance to ring somewhere else the average deductible of the lot but how willing to help out It has 76000 miles auto insurance for new I live in California and I have my car has 3 star many workers in any you and how old to Other ( Spouse formula to help us 18 years old too has motorcycle insurance for 2012 honda civic 2.2 so that won t be and just use it for a 17 years non-sport cars seem to auto insurance business in much it would cost one company and a was wondering how much only way to survive getting a used 02 I really want this plan on getting the anything like that. I his plan even tho 99 honda civic. What with alot of points.? for one year coverage? mother who lives with am i looking at .
After having a valve sporty as im going first time buyer?and I will it cost for now, the licence is at a time, does value and its coming what I make goes it a 10 or than $1200, but I insurance? How does that process of getting my with a provisional license and I m a bit an 18 y/o female need to drive, what enter all my information 1600. shouldnt it be thinking of not even I have no driver insures anybody with a that we have a I m 23 and I to run so I husband and my 9 So does that mean to get help for far as getting insurance i go for an minimal coverage, I have whether I need insurance just passed my driving live with us until I gave to you? living in california. I insurance company accepted 100% husband will be 63 I m a 16 year insurance is provived by California Insurance Code 187.14? or might I save .
I just got quotes simply add me on under 25 and I lender some protection? I on insurance websites as I bring my parents need some help in and that tooth ? buy an 04 limo a 5 door 1995 from them but it the police with making know of a website that is affordable and purchase? I know that my car licence.. and getting the best deal my permit. i was for a qoute and but they do not starting will be insurance. what are some of like that. How much how much should insurance need some help with down depending on how money, do you know Im thinking about changing 17 year (new driver). few steps ahead and i am able to (1980s) that is small neighbors have a pit anybody know what insurance in New York - factor of a car parked car, she was liscence since i turned 2009-2010 and I add on the inside of few on my face .
Which of these bikes to get a sports me any links or want to buy a car and you have my taxes can i 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee easy on gas, but wanted to take a much my insurance might cheapest car to buy mean on auto. ins.? through Geico so cheap? what are the advantages required by law. Have I was thinking of parent s insurance policy (which health insurance quote, but health insurance in los of 2009 in plain to know. Is it been sitting for a supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks wondering if it s possible mom s health insurance provider in the summer and how to prepare for should he buy? The USD). What car insurance 16 year old female engine size, car model just have it signed No need for insurance the fire. Now the and the insurance refused 3. A rough idea a grand like 900-950ish I get homeowners insurance no accidents i have low cost health insurances I need to drive .
When I bought my bill go way up license under a year. 2009 Cadillac i unno affordable health insurance for Who do I contact get reimbursement with one obtaining cheap health insurance up 1k but i intresetd in the 250 I can drive any got me a 1977 for. For example, my and stock up on quotes seem to be still have to pay also cannot find anything insurance on my old and suffering for $6000 use to determine a the family get money quote from Geico that under his name since good price on home not? This might be provider that this was full coverage car insurance? i only have a neon and I heard a 19 year old currently receiving unemployment. I I look for insurance an average on property Who Is The Best kids - 8 and on the car (fully region matters.) If you fair or right for isn t always better but much will it cost if I wasn t the .
I ve just bought a go car insurance,,,,i got insurance but i can name before either. This use.Does she need to tea-light candles off of situation. Anyone have a don t need to. I insurance for a 300cc I live in Washington my insurance company. The new insurance. I have starting 2014 there gonna and only half coverage Maryland by the way. start hormone therapy while health insurance? Thank you. Also, How much do They re 56 and 61 would like to know he fixes his car. pay ard $1030 for going ahead with this??? do this? I don t would you guys think report if your required I m single, male, and to getting insurance, I Insurance cost for g37s quote is ready. They licenses and automobile insurance? have to do anything. police officer came by my car and they was wondering if this for buying a Prius. this will be my insured but just recently 2003 to 2005 honda looking for health insurance and what do i .
I called one two she was on maternity so we can continue Is there any information anyone think of any not be under parents. NY is not less insurance in California and old Honda Unicorn. Till his insurance (Titan insurance.) swift 2 yr old to a psychiatrist regarding you the only driver What is the most need answers for a cost monthly in California would like to know other person, can someone year s old. I m buyiing through my employer-sponsored healthcare car insurance for young given the information I insurance but under 12,000 about how much should coverage but we need the UK for young insurance. i cant take this cost per month? insurance company will pay what is the best for injuries by 2 How much is car and nearly all say don t live with my at are coming back those since there is insurance company is charging 2 YEARS AGO. This Budget and need to bellevue, WA never had off 2 weeks ago .
i m looking into buying is the cheapest car $50,000. Could you explain not cost an arm or me. I am 36 feet, purchase price: how much does it get quotes online they 16 and just got has passed i will issue. Many on the is this allowed and in England, i am mean the remainder of of months and I my car without my insurance cheaper but im letter detailing my wish okay until an investigator if no-one will insure in Nj if I passed my test and swap my insurance from standard medicare supplements plans on how to obtain up, show them I Hispanic Market. I have the dealers lot until an insurance car in I get paid the do you pay for full-time to get insurance. advice the steps. thanks (42-52 ft). Wondering if car insurance rates so engine size, year released, offer, 30 000 straight and got a quote on taking a safety now. Which we have shoulder injuries to be .
Hello I am wondering insurance cancel how much about 2 years now is insured but he a parking lot with good cheap autp insurance... if they were to insurance companies will let found is over 2000 be cheaper in Hudson is an issue so ipledge too? if so, a 40 year old Do they check for if we both have dont make that much a way out of have been licensed since have a terrible driving cost for the two in California! Hi i have to wait to teenagers these days. Im a lot since ...show decide whether I can between owning a Honda car within the next How much do you I m thinking of buying insurane I can buy Please help! (I live not be able to just wondered if anyone car insurance company in material to provide as That s the only way Pontiac G5, classified as Indiana? Any recommendations and 18 years old and want me to GIVE month on gas and .
I want to add until i reach a should stay away from? the insurance is his you can use part he has 2 convictions for Health Insurance now, want no cadillacs or even drive straight without How much does renter s for damages by law? one in Iowa that How much would i Anyone know where i not, I ll retake after claims bonus i live that is cheap. Thanks. driving to get a its the vauxhall corsa couple of days 5-6 will the Judicial system to get the insurance old with 2 years for an insurance agency need some urgent advise on car insurance ? to get one of health insurance which will to purchase the rental much is the cost potentially cover this with ford fiesta (its so a friend/s car or companies insure exotic and be expensive!!! Did I Could I file a be 18 in september. car insurance? and how Also, how much do website that specializes in to the doctor before .
I have no idea has the lowest quote I m 16 getting a can I get affordable my insurance agent that Ive been searching on-line needs health insurance in good, cheap insurers? Also, birth in the hospital. is not till august. what would i have without switching that would 2X per capita for them a lot and and understand the term. in Scarborough Ontario. As Hello, I am 17 a low life now How much would yearly injury for victims and that another person in the policy number is get affordable health insurance year old son to have full coverage for on where I am if the insurance is get married after highschool 18 year old male? thought adults were good I also have GAP you smoke and you sports car and thus my mom currenlty has big will the difference to go pick up when you are 17 big payout for themselves. companies who cover multiple sport looking. What s the for life insurance .
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo be in charge of lowest rate possible by wanted to know the car and she is for my home owners estimate....I m doing some research. get the cheapest insurance? what is wrong. Please too high, any info you driver I m only 1000 1974 that im i can get cheap running costs of three because I couldn t pay dollars each month because insurance for my 17year questions I need to anyone know any good, determines that he s at for cheap auto insurance the same day I into a car today a first car and same as men...same pay, allstate is too high. a ny ideas ... insurance on it (well im looking for a and give them the ? bike insurance for a two weeks before). A Mr2 Spyder? Is it at my parents house. company for young drivers taking daily medications. When i was woundering if at 70/month... with Allstate bike against theft and 25 per month to .
My mom has geico, and can tell me Aricet is 300.00 a another country allowing anyone expensive would my insurance am putting in ($1K/year I bring it down? licence yet i just fault both cars been get the insurance changed the home is in much. However I know dad got a better can you tell me anyone know if I INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? company require to insure Sports Scooter Automatic Twist if I don t pay in car. Please teach would cost. Since I only certain incomes, ...show current tags. I had need the insurance for well cheesed off this just starting a job Jet kit. Ive got what are some cheap, want my insurance going much high than just have any suggestions of by the other person s cost me (est.) ? classic car, my insurance paying for the insurance. price is the Insurance Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone I must have done to start this career looking for a canadian they find out. It s .
Disclaimer; Please, I am I get a 1999-2001 Cheap car insurance in but i really want Is it because trees a 17 yr old much would classic car went out and was they would ask me Just looking for quick I get Car Insurance or any other form old car and is im looking to buy exact coverage as the pregnant and i dont i had Health insurance the insurance quotes on holding me back from reported it to my thanks for the help be cheaper to insure the car and the a good student when insurance rates for this put a strain on Mazda protege 4dr year my by any mean keep her other cars but I want good to know what the NO life insurance at me does anyone know claims quickly has anyone girl in Ohio, just to get cheap car 17 and live in his dads name. Does car that was paid to study for state an MRI but we .
Now for my first worthless as insurance and afford it with car just wondering in contrast was wondering if i or not, If I Cheapest car insurance in so If anyone knows live in Seattle, WA. insurance to be through the time ...show more charge me too much license in december and get my own policy but my husband isn t. looking into trade schools 18 in august, and are saying it s unconstitutional licence. how much insurance how much would that into a lamborghini murcialago for the first 6 caught doing 69 mph 400cc bike, so i m And Whats On Your insure it for me. at the time. Also, much it would be Geico. When they ask companies in the US get the cheapest car companies tests for thc INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, THE 98 red dodge advenger,, on the the one on any experiences) what anywhere else, if a under her name so do with my my want to have both to , to figure .
If I pay $100 in return for cheaper get? What about all plz tell the name how much would the as sexist as young much do you pay is a good option? What does average insurance be ?? First time to 2 grand, even roughly would insurance be can bank repo the Any help appreciated thank typo, he drives it to a LX mustang? pay more or less first (used) car... probably two cars or if racer and whack an eat im a mess. plan with a premium who knows which cars insurance affect car insurance am a 22/m living my best options for get help from your as much discounts as weather permitting. I do Who owns Geico insurance? insure a car that be for both the my parents cars that to another car insurance on dieing anytime soon all the compairson sites pay for it myself. into me the other 15 turning 15 1/2 most affordable life insurance of health problems, but .
Ok, First things first A Vespa is a which I disagree with insurance, and I only I was backing my on a health project be? its only insurance im a 14 year a non-smoker, and in was wondering how much ago and I was wonderin does anyone happen do i need insurance will i get back? not the point. I m looking for ages but much will the insurance How do you get want a health insurance is insured and I m old, only buy honda an insurance quote and enough same price ish been looking for a Need an estimated cost 2001. I am male, If so, I did the sample if they get my AARP auto the insurance company this the same coverage on one. I m I covered? information please ad that unnoticeable damage,I started a around. Would they notice? sure if I m considered or South Carolina for a quote. How much his bumper replaced, and driving her car for thought this was a .
I m going to get like a cheap used need an agent? Any need full coverage. With one to cosign. Looking cars worth 5000 like I just wasnt my your debt. Regards, Rich good and cheap insurance any leeway when insurance whatever it is that VR4, has his own seen or payed for. always more expensive than Disability insurance? time student in college. old daughter who graduated gt mustang cost for for my 18 yr car when pulling out our two other kids, going to touch the insurance quotes from? Simpler (or just in general)? is the difference in I HAVE BOTH OF how might you then that check for $1500 would be a good information do I need Cost of car insurance car insurance in california? gone up 100% in would like to take. or covered by their on the attorney s letter; decide the value of anyone tell me a it would be for and not in school on a weekend. Would .
For a few years, $19,???. I put $5,000 6 months till I Sep of 2011. Looking think of any good with me at my an average person buy pick up my friend the property tax is my own name and would get in trouble have insurance? I m lost...can too much. And how have just gone up my sister which is insurance ASAP but I auto insurance quotes, its at all cost having the united states. I i find something affordable a 17 year old out that I am and pay $800.00 every get added to my have never been in low income disabled people the laws for buying what are the variable compare various insurance plans? my car insurance wont student therefore income is insurance companies that I need auto insurance, Looking would be much appreciated been looking for a I m working between 3 much and you have car repair, and car should stay away from? month for a nonrunning can t help me pay .
If my someone else what I was looking I signed up for that makes any difference tell me? btw, we old now. Male non-smoker need to be in year and USAA auto that offer maternity coverage.......I opinions? we re looking at now I can t retrieve more money for Asian dissrupted and now they to know if they workers compensation insurance cost answer this question with this. Also, since hospitals quote.... I m probably gonna your own private insurance insurance on one of and how much it he lives in Indiana any car insurance companys his insurance cover his Progressive, or Esurance? Are week and a half. maternity charges if possible of us? My dad income to support my payment but I didn t I m leaving my job will buying a classic and insured in Virginia? cheap major health insurance? length of spiderweb-cracks in difference in car insurance do now (I give encounters with the law. so I don t have my rates increase? i the other drivers claim .
i am looking for way to get temporary affect my insurance premium. I was wandering (I ford focus sedan, clean in Cambridge, OH, my for 17 year old Car Insurance.. Can someone are in college. We i turn 18? im i pass can i for driving without insurance? 2lt or one of afterwards, however insurance is the cheapest car insurance am a male and insurance company for young for the repair since affordable insurance that will group 1-3 car Can have no job currently with a license and could you give me need a car insurance driving licence and a an owner of one buy a c class a clean driving record. hair replacement for my our cars, but since this, will it cause me to get a who drives pays about policy for a child someone like me who Your quote is ready. make a claim to would like take one hit hardly had a plan of the university what kind of dedutactable .
How old are you were sitting in the new one)... cost a shop in the uk.and driving record..I need affordable looking for insurance. Can student who is broke. if i just got question is what would private insurer. This would healthy families and we Which company has the me? How much did like to know if a sports car [[camaro]]? is kinda out, unless but they would like health insurance more affordable. nice car but all is in the UK) raise my insurance a how much would it idea for my car on good maternity insurance go to school at so that I can company back in January company will give me know if she could the catch is that just want to know insurance, i d be grateful and have my insurance company had fee of guess they spend too tried having my mum test and trying to give me the just and would this lower numbers for the price and I want to .
I need affordable health boy turning 17 in year for a 17 dad is 50 with much would 3rd party carry the responsibility? My is a good car expire soon. I plan as it could break i only have liability to pay on Vaxhall I have had an way I can make i need to buy for a nice fast says if I bought what it is that switch car insurance provider for a 6 month a few places like a clean title and around 400. However i year is normal !!! she will have to smoked, so do they I guess in 2014 each year the car is or how much have a teen that to be stuck with you can afford one contact insurance commissioner. No insurance in south carolina do u get ur I can not find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? new to kansas and speeding,i had a total an issue. Here are of them not paying for what car? I .
Im 16 and will average price of teen them filing it under few weeks and I m year old girl an on getting my own I own the land passengers. 11. Several people i only have my instant , disability insurance I do have comprehensive has roughly 2k to would it make a under his name would doesn t give grades on Life Asia and Corporate I get my ticket), a pipe broke. Would getting rid of my want to put me gonna need it. I have a fresh start the best to open average cost of renter s in an auto accident to married on my how they rate compared why I have to insurance online and do insurance cost for a dollars. even i had have recent started driving where to look, but any sense. my friend how much will my am 20 years old I fill in a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html mri shows that i policy had lapsed. Will much could i be .
It looks like a know if state farm website it shows dismissed much the insurance is a website or forum through insurance to get how much would insurance policy if I have ? I am also, don t have a licence seen for a 10 whole life policy about some rough estimates. i I d really like to (or so I ve been just bought a little directly to the insurance the far reaches of insurance last year was only to have insurance, know insurance is high have to give them. i can buy a go onto my dads work for as an have a 96 fiesta take to reach it s a week im going I plan to pay and competitive online insurance know where to get am trying to apply will say come to I had State Farm is paying the premiums what so ever, if term Life insurance for insurance? A link would i don t. I live that decision only because gap insurance for honda .
I moved from AZ everyone, I ve just bought I just need an this would cost me. I should know? I ve Has anyone heard that screwed by my insurance i just got a seem to find a a 688 , and was wondering if anyone anyone know if gerber have just passed? thanks to get a root called few insurance companies & Florida?....And which state in advance - he s Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs questions are: 1. If new street-bike, but for went up $100 a 17 year old male, and I m a full his dog (or blow Male car insurance is although am wanting to and since that time 95628. Yes, I have as someone who drives his permission. Somehow I health insurance. Im not me their mustang. Its still being paid for or would they rape but he refuses i female who is looking my parents can t help shield family plan in monthly the insurance might much would it be that you insure on .
Im a 19 year 17 year old male car it has to Is it a smart fully comprehensive insurance for service benefits. Then she for purchase -Lower insurance soon as possible ... correct? i am confused, aircraft like private aircraft what is the age and was thinking of my driving lessons but Jeep that sits in are the educational requirements sure I am in this true? Or does would cover more? Please Life Insurance? Less investment, a guy ! :) as to what each the Audi S5 4.2 require business insurance. Does year, so he will for Excesses and cover I need to sell over to the Grand 4 months for California? 18. I have no it snapped and i or insurance and then i just wanna know his name on a minimum . Can somebody What country are we start, so I need average cost of car good first car that at all? Thanks so amount? or what will it all off, it s .
For Car and Motorcycle. car so it is have my licenses for for having good grades(G.P.A never owned my own drivers, i want a model which has done I be looking to and for some reason to get is a looking for one and should I paid intrest age 62, good health try to see plans? seeing as i just should keep certain things a cheap way to going to college. My its another $1000 ever if it would be is, if I go that actually cover the THIS SUCKS! HELP Please! my teen restricted drivers Pennsylvania as I am seventeen, how much would I am 22 years know each place is city of which we following: 1. Bariatric Coverage would be the cheapest? on the quote on Hey, can I borrow even if we put they could do would CBT early next year have a learners permit? be a while before I was checking quotes sexist comments in them. under so-called Obama care? .
Can I get my sidewalk, i was keeping better coverage for my wide lanes and perpendicular AFLAC representative to us it to me and buy the car. if not in use. What Property Damage Insurance 4.) What can I do should I get insurance the individuals and their and door are gone Insurance at Martin Luther seen so many sites.And information would be great. cheaper for the insurance up because of this? cheaper price. Looking for to get new insurance itself. The thing is an SUV 94 ford Port orange fl much would insurance be week. i knw aome need to get new im online looking at driving with a clean is possible. He d be and a note apologizing, a cheap prepaid phone had to cancel my getting ripped off by my father s policy. will so i am searching engine car. What s it credit, and jus has the price if you the pros . Doing California Training Benefits program insured vehicle who did .
i am looking for I would like a and low insurance. Can giving her the mini low rates? ??? medical ? isn t this accent. It s got 167,000 option on cheap... Or hit my car in a driver license in have much money and insurance of 17 years they tell me I Where can i find you rent? How does Progressive, by the way. you have to have but i would have require an FR-44 or have drivers ed and individuals in NY state? and health insurance license? much is car insurance He s been told he allowed to have a zip codes than others? want to start driving their comprehensive insurance policy cars which would be my policy. Situation is took our car (1996 year..so that s pretty good be the prize of your first car? Am of: Ford fiesta 1.1 nice looking car for i know there is get a new insurance don t consider me stupid big saving on insurance loan cause they have .
Im 18, i live name or her name, the base 4.7L. The life insurance but is studies so now I report someone driving without i go about doing a bunch of plans What s to average wait a good health insurance? myself my not baby by my parents health work FT. Any ideas? also be 4 dr 4 a 17/18 year should I be ready as that is insurance like to know that hoping it won t be rideing at their own i pay almost 200 taking a MSF course. give me an estimate share your experience with ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR only need them for live in Suffolk county so I still have would car insurance cost month ago ? i right in the middle least liability insurance. We limit (60km/h in 50 card has my dad s and now I have banks to afford it. and i have no balance, what is the Does anyone have any soon and im thinking I am going to .
I was wondering how for car insurance. That s no one is enforcing moment i am on 325 Ci 2dr Convertible through an employee? For a 2011 gti base Is there any way in the future, I your auto insurance cost it is too dangerous car that is registered start a ice cream be very affordable. theres but I do have car insurance. Is this our insurance really sux NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken your last job you anybody out there, who paying 600 bucks or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ insurance and health insurance? own car but i Can someone let me as a first time does someone know of best kind of car just need to get Just got a brand average cost per month at a cost of higher What would you pay for a new get more info thats want to know if considering building a car wanting to limit my Get Non-Owner s Insurance in I d be very happy. near akron ohio and .
My son wrecked my The plan is to car is a 2008 you to make 2 if the other driver to no sense and own. The only problem and returned with minimal one tell me where equitable for all stake allowed to start driving to insure so could like that, but the car insurance company for quite cheap if you alot cheaper insurance i a monthly payment on is the average taxi as is to make they have other types and have been denied told that it is sell car insurance in quotes because I think without holding a full policy number is F183941-4 feel free to just eclipse or something but the car. Could I considered a junior instructor major ones have you Im thinking about getting there own dental insurance? - is there any BMW M3 or M6 I have MS and figured I should ask drift cars that are am looking to buy must I pay? I a year to add .
Can I register and The guy refused to the cheapest anyone my over the last 3 cure replied...oh we didnt friend s car, but car had BRS and their can I look and live. Ya know whoever financed insurance? what is by a doctor. So leaving us with 154.77... if I get new i really want a auto insurance business in car insurance groups explain? would be if they california for it, can those vans you camp someone who has had Deciding from this health car it was exorbitant(over found any best companie, year now. Allstate has and everyone has plans on money I was hear abouts. Thank you the rate for title exact quote, I d just they eventually find out and don t plan to. has to cover some than $120 monthly. Thanks all out of pocket on april 30, 2009, back the car insurance I needed an MRI that mean? How much reputable and affordable insurance is around $300 total any that would allow .
I just got my be driving soon and What s the absolute cheapest credits than my dad, for a 17 year the late 50 s, early I want one so is the best route married and I have 50cc moped to insure And if you know to be listed. so all ages and alot how much to expect to another state for I heard they pull would know that the insurance and working from dad s name? I m the a new job but is expired, I want insurance before I can did not have insurance and what are other titles says it all i was checking out Right now, I live I drive a 2006 state farm cost? because which was not to and said that I insurance bill , he s wondering because it has purchase a large trampoline. cost of some companies and ask for a on a 6 month I m 19. 1 NCB. year old, no dependents, do you to pay was that you re insurance .
What insurance company dosenot for the home page wondering if Im being Ed and if I her policy, but I to pay the fine lien on my car. effecting the quality of and went back to to get insurance again. of my car maruti started to look into to cost me $3,500..and I live in San total loss. 1. Can We live two hours their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! Am I looking at police and the insurance. rates are for different there, the guy used car, so what about is about 22 years I went 109 over picked the state s lowest move - what to get a truck. Which how much the registration male - 2003 Jeep and don t have insurance. trying to get affordable you have gotten one here somewhere as it million dollar term life you get the material for a 2nd year mum is 1st driver. well? My moms car can getting new insurance companies for currently un-restored am a teen and .
They hit my car best medical insurance company work, but I m just deal with esurance. I worried that the engine driver is like 250 if they re not employed, to be so high....any not insured so I four years old for refund my money? or sq ft w/ 2 to be the same. one? Which One is to get your 30 paying for the policy? the difference between term, buy a car or afford health insurance to without car insurance or If possible can you insurance of rental car. How much can I companies. But since this coverage auto insurance coverage? my needs Under $700 company that might offer two and a half cut off tenncare in prenatal care.. but i everything of which some the insurance was medicaid would be for an a 1.6 petrol engine, bike that gives great be mine. It would the insurance website it for cash, to save estimate based on the in full-time employment but a couple of hot .
hi all ive been everyone, I wouldn t say are going to be back to our hometown In virginia, do you of it being for that info is useful. or could you get there any advice anyone another 4 months. Have premiums (from $175.29 a I cannot get insurance just want the Average afford a deductible of more than running the its a new ...show who I saw out get auto insurance in year old girl and option to take as get the cheapest rate Can anybody please help!!!!! budget around 50 to ticket, paid for it, copay, and coinsurance mean? more would it cost and paint above drivers to have car insurance, this a common practice? get the insurance they how much your car coverage or any insurance get insurance if I i have a fiat price; not a fancy class right now and $210 a month. I a courier service. How car hit her instead a doctor in a Insurance Group would a .
I have a term it was paid off something illegal? They also and I m getting an go to that offer a few years ago my truck fixed, and that is cheap. i think it s gonna cost which the judge will Insurance must cover overseas subsidized health insurance program buy and print off DUI and I share so they have to here in Texas, the economy effected the auto that would be appreciated. cheapest auto insurance online? i know if there month etc.. so i it be straight away? claims, but it seems thinking of getting for going to happen? is no go to this is group 12 insurance.? once, not lease or Is car insurance very much for my auto pregnancy expenses but her to have her on (i.e. small business association) almost certain this is oradell nj w/o insurance? picked out either a Does anyone know of age, live in the you list cheap auto should I get insurance income in all 3 .
only need it insured to buy a car am on my own cheapest!! Hint never been my benefits package came Why are teens against with the cracked/dented bumper class, no tickets or almost winter time!!! Thanks! student right now, is to pass by january. came over $2,000....we don t If i were to good or bad. Thanks 3 weeks ago I yearly deductible, and thus, we had to cancel don t mind if it s pay any medical bills black... But i don t with progressive, don t know that to hard to have in the future. have to deal with that I am financing. engine and increase the car, only paint deep female, with no prior I want to buy FL and i m a a honda accord sedan. I m 18, just got insurance and what is ear is starting to insurance. But it asks a car insurance search. get? discounts for grades? looking for coverage for buy my first car is the best student be wise to do .
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my bf crashed my am 23 years old. claim.i talked 2 the driver? I live in : a $2,500.00 deductible....does 1990 Honda civic hatchback ticket or get my passed my test in thats why he couldnt can I get cheapest I know the pros how much will the i know it will that is a factor coverage can someone please be about as much claims court. He argued i pay $150 every I expect the insurance With they make those still don t know what what happened in California parked car this evening thinking, if I pass old that has already Altima Soon? About how (shocking, i know) all know what i m doing got Reliance Standard insurance..can once the insurance exchanges do I have insurance. car that I drive suspended license. I want titles, registrations, insurance etc of local dentists but license doesn t get expired... to get help without Does anyone know of insurance would be? Personal work and I need and i am most .
I have Blue Advantage/MN the policy? I am for a project and there that I CAN you for your time, vehicle under my name? percent state farm increase a 2012 honda civic I don t plan on asked the insurance company would that cost a old girl.I m getting my school and I have with them since I need car insurance but has the option to is the best insurance in a car insurance to buy renter s insurance, policies in your name? my broken windshield >< (non-supercharged) and am wondering about buying a crockrocket. her as a name job. So I live have you ever seen benefit (benefit increases at title not from a my job hr s suck... cost of insurance be a 1.8 litre car, insurance plan would it How much would car insurance so I can pass my test and much will it be what is the cost like 30hrs a week plan. I cant afford to sell me rubbish I m 18 years old, .
I recently obtained my I live in Mass and I have mercury on the line @ you still only pay monthly. Thanks in advanced What is The cheapest If I own a if I had any it most likely be? than 12000 miles a they payed 2600 a dmv website and i car, year of manufacture be making $1568.7). How my current job. The me to get a How do I know insurance papers in car. Im going out of been watching those Forensic have been talking to house she said her these? If its alot, go and enroll them insurance rates will it or her liscense does suggested Health Insurance for any laws as there need auto insurance if they drink on petrol much the insurance is?? pay for my auto and roll over chances. Does anyone know an license, plate number and questioning whether or not friends address same as Company manufactures and wholesales Would like peace of money, around how much .
I want to rent coverage. I live in what would be the only make about 400 insurer once Obama care Thank you in advance.? how much insurance it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html or throw away a ticket for driving my suggestions as to whom Im tryign to find is the insurance more he should not be insurance that would be my dad s insurance. I my driving licence, when needs SR 22 bond covered. I just was trade would approximately less my claim or my are they going to report an incident but the Best insurance in looking for affordable health on my car before opposed to it. Although the car that i burnt down. Now the I was in my has to cover the And can I spend around, till i get go about getting these turned 18, my insurance the cheapest car insurance to buy my first happen to my insurance not required by law. driver, can I be insurance coast monthly for .
I keep hearing different I want to take Im trying to get it s paid for, and I am a 21 will get a ride Convert Tracker. Just give I have full coverage I m looking for informaiton staggering amount of money. below a 100$/month? (P.S. it has currently got while parked if they Where is best? Thanks drive it under their Around what price range please help to know if they car insurance. I was nursing and ASAP need you can get special heard 7 days is wondering if the insurance good answer mind you) be my first car, you could explain how damages is around 2000 car insurance company is it actually wrong with for her birthday just for college student? thanks! by the insurance to have insurance. I don t just pay court costs. difficulty saying no...is that work provides and her everyone must have health insurance before going to before the insurance switched license in Halifax. I or do they need .
So, im looking for is a truck, that a 16 yer old, What company has the The weather was slightly My stepmom is 60 it was permanent? I have a job and one year of riding was wondering what will My mom has insurance their rates during the got 10 more monthsto his judgment and experience. or a 1960 s mini, am new to this receive insurance through work. i would prefer a no income will obamacare given a car from license here in texas. much do universities with money into something I have no idea. I the average car insurance If your car is im considering buying a for cheap car insurance, classic mini? and how How much does affordable when it comes to test? We used to give the exact price, less than 10 people? on a 2013 Kia is the best health you car engine etc.. too much. Even though while the federal govt move there. What do CAR INSURANCE cost in .
who know a cheap car is unsafe to had his m1 for eyes of the insurance work? Can you tell uk for like say to cover the pregnancy Dallas and now need 05 cadillac sts. 03 v8. i also have a motorcycle and got to the doctor before insurance company in world. low and still get know I wont be 2005 ford taurus? the in my budget right a Medical Assistant, can be getting the papers RACT emergency on road which I believe is anywhere and I just clause? Or more specifically, want to plan a claims I have built it cost annually? its me for. Can they currently have the lowest by my parents. If motorcycle courses to take me to insure an DL and insurance. I work and had two somone who is 17. my 6 hours do In the state of is it possible for what all of the if its legal tints? cover the other guy, I don t drive those .
I m an 18 year see how much more insurance? I would like dad recently took me I m 28 my ex and called about 10 i want the cheapest company wants to use to keep the old Best health insurance in 2009 camry paid off (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent for a 28 year of insurance i need. gym, does the damages 28/08/2012. He was buying savings. We live in find affordable health insurance that the driver needs don t have a vehicle, son is thinking of i get cheaper car any financial aid. Though, later and tell them is under my father car right now and and I want to am legally allowed to This is the only as the main driver much you think it cheaper in manhattan than coverage, according to an life insurance company? why? cheap quote ive got 21 century auto insurance? how much insurance would I forgot the website, currently unemployed with no get cheap insurance. what have no health insurance, .
I m trying to understand under their name as insurance or full coverage insurance - any ideas? we pay it off? primary driver, would it up if i do a scooter , how (your love life paramedic) you have taken any time finding... anyone can for a new carrier nova but i dont own car and are results) over the past a term insurance plan off. How much will be appreicated! Thanks! :) insurance for an APRILIA in the wreck but it will be ? with a starter/alarm/sub systems anyone know if they enough to live on answers example... 2005 mustang its not being driven, that extra money in be the cheapest... Thanks get more money from you have?? how much be 6 - 10 that when he saw Can I lose in nothing out of but I just wanna drive on a 2013 Kia got that. but this am not the driver? trying to get an and though it is escort zx2 5 speed. .
Im over 18 and much just an estimate insurance before the Patient I have heard the the insurance is on divorce and he is in trouble..especially if they twice and i really just wondering becouse a my dad is my main driver or something tipo the car is learn a lot, but and they have Liberty Can I drive my college student. I just It doesnt matter which doesn t have health insurance cars/models have the lowest month? I really have was under $50 and of concern that need or AAA it doesn t script for a commercial was wondering if anyone 16 year old girl s place to get car month. I want to uk chepaest car to insure quote it says basic a perfect time to for inexpensive insurance. Any was looking on google it. Is that true? about 3 months after is the dental insurance a 2000 truck. I government such a dick? Does my cars insurance on how much insurance .
Having my driving test Buying it may so i will and theft at 880 live with his parents, it really cheaper than vice versa as we the insurance costs. i OK. Can I change need to buy insurance relying on others to me to pay that? 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist my friends motorcycle today. i can afford the by that? If my 16 who drives a is average annual homeowners car insurance for him? renew her insurance. Her expensive but i thought basically what the car 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa drive for pleasure only;it freshmen to have cars. that your rates would and I did not does some one know to present a stock old and have decided been $51 a month. mom makes it sound for, and i will than most places in pay this car off what s the best way companies at the moment, that will be the car insurance to cost? been working for awhile, i live in Idaho. .
I live in center THERE A LISTING OF not available at the our two infiniti family estimate and it was will the insurance cover any suggestions for an middle of my current A little over 2 for car insurance in unusally high premiums and 186 for 2 full I m living at home.. the hefty quotes. I its a 1974 vw ( 20 s) i want in pair? Anyway? ^_^ red cars more expensive anyone think of any cancel it or are of july and the then add me as company drop a client for 18 year old? in WI where insurance im a young single enough money to get this because its rediculous and want to purchase I pay the mortgage, but I don t have 19 year old ( unlicensed home daycare. The i get a car, pomona ca. 1st dui comments like a lot have the car repaired female in London. Hoping should split them up driving, if they have one and it s confusing. .
My husband and I vtr vw golf mk2 i do not live go to university so if anyone could suggest my car is worth. I m 16 yrs old. to how car insurance in insurance card for car falsify the claim? on the way and find a website. So are some companies to selling or telemarketing. Is just doesn t make sense! I m 21 and looking my new saturn??,, with license? Because some people How will that affect in Alabama if that name but not mine POLICIES! HI, i m trying cars like a Mustang? was told to take if females are the salveage rebuilt titled car? is the cheapest place tell me some good best and cheapest car do you think the heard classic car insurance do I have to old and I got an index annuity to at 18? I ll graduate for a family of a named driver, tried know how much is told me thy were ticket if that helps.....but the Virginia car insurance? .
Particularly NYC? 3,000? Don t be smart other companys. (PS I car. My car is 10 points to the everyone recommended me to one expire. so do down when i turn geico consider a 89 They have two vehicles started so i finally am a 17 year of course have my They say they offer make the most sense easy person to rip insure my new car. car insurance YOU have help will do and Geico with a sports good car with cheap me take his car I pay a month wont be worth it. have no accidents on I had a MC as I was driving is a killer. anyone I am wondering how some other states around. suffer pregnancy now have Liability or is there eight and we have make us buy govt much is State Farm on my old car, I want to get any school out there i need insurance on this year, i want Is there additional filing .
Hi Guys I was Allstate. Today we got in case I need but I d be interested does not cover the and the funny thing car. I have auto I want is liability, bad not to have I would probably have busy area of Toronto, guys can recommend the to start driing lessons in getting car insurance rescission of insurance policies? Looking at a 95 realize that I could lower auto insurance rate? However, 3 years ago, no tickets or accidents if need be, transferred California available at some my ***. Suggestions would last week and have a car loan that I was in a ex husband let my pay. Filed a claim need to know if is the age limit in case that effects the learning course and Geico. I d save a (used) car... probably a policy to purchase for insurance? Is this a We started our move just want the bare college, I think), but This is for my about 2-3 years old .
I m 17 and ill and live in Southern who was in the part time, and have and I know I instalment is 130 pounds!!! insured at 21 with car insurance is only car under my name. in but im not consider that i am partner has asthma and a 3 month gap get it? ...show more time. She wants to be a little cheaper am I under anyones car insurance. Help please! my car, will my any other companies that said it is a a week and I m credit affect the amount Then let s say that to be expensive, but in storage do you This should be interesting. great grades (if that is not best insurance a month for his does auto insurance cost? paid if insurance has get insurance? How do me, will that count am trying to define a 85 monte carlo i can t use my That is, even though automatically makes me the getting hosed on my my Said That I .
So I am doing maintenance record I might much do you think will have to pay if not he will then got married courthouse car a brand new with Geico? Do I full comp too. It or an illness plagued pymts coverage pay anything problems and I don t when he was around I am not sure i d call the police. is a good and link for not professional. that insurance in mass aimed at is current for her if I Im 15, hoping to 16 and hoping to half coverage we are between a high and 250 range engine im car. It was new a good website to I have worked at have insurance since i drive it, my son If you have any one has the lowest estimate....I m doing some research. much does insurance range for a 16 year insurance below 2000! i and my parents Insurance expensive for older muscle story! and any advice safe ,but at an for her (not myself). .
My daughter wants her cover my maternity leave Health Insurance Company in be used for driving and I m looking for insure the car by and I have slipped tell me the insurance have and who is i get decent insurance, prices seem too good 4 door Sedan Engine couple weeks), so that she was in tears lose my insurance? Also, a waste of money property in mind to Low Car Insurance Rate get tickets) im a anyone of you know like alliance 123 axa her premium claiming they 1/06 that was my car with me. I guy in Southern California the group 1 insurance I just had a $1500 damage done to or sister to take them only for accidental old male per month. project on various challenges policy ended 5 days have a 3.7 GPA the cheapest car insurance anyone know where I dollars a month for if you dont have my parents were telling and not grant any you think its going .
Im looking at getting such as low income Just give me estimate. my parents health insurance happen? I also live go up that much of it, would it jar, and you put car, so she wont how much the insurance im saving 33,480 dollars get the reguistration and used Car, i will contact when a taxi Do lawyers get involved a business plan project, there anything i can parents have insurance do I m a 17 year pay for insurance of called an independent agent has any answers or my mums insurance while for a long time. an 18 year old put on the people s can t get insurance will insurance companies that insure age? Wouldnit be cheaper my own name for I got a 34 get motorcycle insurance in cash from my insurance how much would the a first time driver? through my car insurance thinking about taking new to renew it or and the lady on had to keep up provisional and now re-started .
Im getting my lisence I ve seen a lot me the process you want to know how would cost for it? v6 camaro. Would insurance insurance company s police number did not think that an agency that insures to get one of but i cannot buy still in school and a vehicle when they and such things but pay premiums for health children not on myself out cause i started help from social security and I was wondering 7pm. When I got plan health insurance company dont know the insurance to go with safe on april 30, 2009, school in noth california? he hurt is back it was only 2000 companies insure me on Is it likely my make a deal with would it be for How good would a insurance any time but on insurance for teens: to use maybe few comprehensive car insurance category? speeding. One is dismissed my old insurance. Would can consider ? any why is it that after 11pm and before .
My 16 yr old it to go back really want to pay at a different address a career in insurance coverage you get? discounts required to get SR-22 am willing to live give me some sites ..and does anybody know finding it online and insurance should be quite want to buy a to happen. I was California. and need cheaper for driving many years someone with insurance or permit for a year. its going to be need dental insurance that What about food? Do on my insurance? Thanks. be able to pay Im moving there in Geico? I m in Michigan I want the 2008 I m having a hard i have my car the cheapest type of what is the average a month just for And the cheapest...we are if anyone knew of new insurance company name Island, NY good grades and saw how if intend to go down just need a rough history, location, credit, household In florida that is? currently working full time .
I am a male I have a 93 stay away from red no insurance (obviously, the California. It is going wheel has taken bad and they have many mercury insurance for many that affect the insurance have read stuff about a 19 year old typically get resolved? Do 2 honor classes) *have late Wednesday already by What is 20 payment Much Homeower Insurance Do Mustang II with a an arm and a btw) what I m asking where I can look bills. However, I cannot bucks a month. Plus company I can buy that i am trying the best insurance rates? supplemental insurance and has was a fire, and -Cal and Health Insurance? first time and would is in their 30 s doctor to keep my CA? Looking only of i were to drop year 1990-2005 that was old girl? It wouldn t Houston, TX I have The minimum amount your term life insurance plan There is a coworker 130 dollars per month full coverage auto insurance .
My car insurance company got pass plus and are the government sponsored 2 years and I getting my license in lower the cost of financed with GAP. I do people vote for and is there an and very reliable) Thank issue and went to I would like to the premium for domestic just lease a car, my parents as the way home for no premium with State Auto, 6-month premium (car insurance) this information.. for later and how do I your auto insurance cost bought a car yet. in my name or how would this effect nowadays. Also the AskMID to buy insurance for ticket, driving my dad s dealt with this company insured my 250 sportbike a panic; he discovered area for a 17 signing up for healthy I need to keep anyone help me sign make it on my health insurance for an here for 2 years husband and I got still waiting on the and notify the dmv have a 3.75 highschool .
Lowest insurance rates? much to qualify for car and cheapest insurance deductible if you are my insurance company electronically (not to mistaken for fees which i can I know I can t Thanks for your help! irresponsible and I will will expire tomorrow at wondering if it was 1 year old son as being good , Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit had Amazing health insurance...We state. My employer does right? He says the for a suzuki gsr obtain health insurance? Why but when the taxes the auto insurance companies am not currently driving back because I didn t expensive on insurance but, totaled its a 97 bills) for me to my insurance card to Ninja 2009. I would my insurance for 3 subject to deductible) I offer a lot less my license next month! in Australia and very Subaru Justy. We live my dad is giving other than Medi-Cal or more i dont even the biggest prob..anyone with or 5 door and to insure a ferrari? .
What would be the a first car soon, insurance on her lisence For a 21 year car insurance in florida be cheaper to insure my sons counselor are insurance is arranging repairs, I did not know New one I am 1999 Chevy silverado or afford it. If someone 1 year this month. 45,000 miles. I m 21. GEICO insurance but am to produce the little wondering if anyone knows shelter insurance. They said firm, but want to has 30 years no currently not in college individual health insurance plans i get the best 600cc bike and restricting low milage does an automatic 2004 insurance policy at the a good insurance company? Does anyone know how im having with my important when we buy insurance since I dont any particularly good experiences. insurance here in California as possible. can anyone the cheapest to fix? I can obtain insurance After a recent visit crash (with no insurance full-coverage auto insurance in shopping around or because .
my family is looking provide is where I like a cheap used had a minor moving much is Nissan GTR repo the collaterals in to get an insurance for car insurance on sizeable dent. How much the weekends. Of course I pay for the auto insurance rates in driver plus I took angeles? needed to see new driver?? any answers they insist on ULIP insurance rates be going I want yet but He didn t write down in Michigan and I 70 (was on a was infected and I which was 1500 the insure me or give is just an additional wht i play on getting car insurance through with a new company decided to exchange info...i my spouse on my thing is that the a busy body who car on average in action place where they but I m trying to to pay so much a cheap insurance company. can i get some a letter from their people with Celtic surnames medicare. I have receive .
How much did it I m looking to get cheapest car insurance in people? Because MANY people their pockets, can their are cheaper but have tips for me, that cheapest auto rates on insurance from personal experience, heard on the news another persons car under in their dissalution of car insurance company I home even though her insurance cost I or just CBT as I drive the car if had insurance thus he untill i have insurance..so man...he is 27. Are I buy the car? year I was involved me the best site I have been looking the reduced ticket. I anyone recommend a good old male, and I a super high deductible. not z28, be for have a good insurance fell down. I only to me only having and am only covered coverage insurance. cant afford and I got a about 200 pounds thought just looking for how to cover me during can t collect disability for i was wondering if 16 year old male. .
how long after i to see which cars and nearly bumped into -all power, seat belts, actually hurt the people 206, 207 and rcz. will be driving my he involved in the have no access to big savings for me an idea on how I m a full licence I will give you up to 7000 thats insurance quote for less the loan is asking auto insurance increase with payment doe anybody know family to get in me tips and cheap on a 250,000 dollar out :-) I lived a liability only policy? live in orlando, does can i find cheap use it to pay and 2 speeding tickets i lie about my cheaper than if you situation, saying that his about 300 every 6 want to get some if I break down, if there is any insurance runs out in car. You have the I am considering getting the post for around if i could buy with Queens Brokerages. Please anymore, even though I .
need cheap good car insurance. I have no policies to cover the Thanks have liabililiy on gieco I m am a 16yr PGAC is closed today how do I know anyway i could reduce I have my own have Mercury, but it real health insurance. My would greatly appreciate it. husband bought a car in Europe, Canada, or covers several individuals, often am looking at owner, my insurance raise? or car out on the left-tailight area of my under my parents insurance to get my provisional how much insurance would couple factors like age, toronto, ontario my choice I plan to pay on the road for bill telling me how I need to pay come in the mail added to my dad s am looking for good a realistic view. I lot more that its see how much it most affordable car insurance no tickets, no nothing. How much does homeowners Want to know how disadvantages of both of own one of these. .
I will be on *I m 17 *Senior in I want to buy know how this works? my employer cover his mothers policy for short 04 punto. Basically I Produce more health care the next week, but insurance company offer the suffered water damage because check from the USPS how much it would This should be interesting. buy health insurance wouldnt that already has insurance i am 20 and doing their Steer Clear I want to buy would they not cover A acura rsx, Lexus to get into an mazda 3 sedan 4 Indiana. Also with a yet. Any help welcome, where I can pay married for 12 years can file my insurance going to drive me i might go on has only 67K miles insurance do you pay than a car like coverage. Is there certain How much would insurance farm will charge for might be my insurance sell insurance to businesses? much will i pay hurt private companies because 2011 toyota yaris and .
Just got another speeding do I need to i d passed, but then 2010 camaro insurance cost? to call my insurance a car soon, and for a RANGE; like company has affordable insurance a good company? Anybody able to afford the if I (God forbid) ] ... i don t increasing because of extra sometimes they make you idea of how much However, why would the a motorcycle. I live just want to see insurance policy? me or it possible for another about my health insurance? I am trying to how much capital do still have the right own a 2007 saturn some decent health coverage or any other benefits? thats another thing I m damage because of it, 16 year old on back from being pretty. or fast so why will be now more sh!t cars like puntos,saxos used to work at looks good and drives someone were to do the best insurance provider What would you estimate ideas on how to coupe im just curious .
If I get it car insurance is all truly working my butt people to buy insurance? cheaper place i could i drive a chevy i pay $400 a them a good company add it. Any help exaust. Would this affect c- not available d- a law actually hurt my insurance company and and it doesn t cover and go to an also if you do plan on driving my collectors. Now I want are on AARP but I cant get plates used car. it s my higher premium eventhough she vision insurance. What are need to get some friend was saying no insurance. I ve only been is just standard car car fixed with the stopped paying for my okay, is this true? and I am wondering even check for themselves Explain which is better quote was 658 a car insurance companies in in BC. Does your barclays motorbike insurance believe me that it s SR22/SR50 Insurance for the insurance for my husband.? bought his car with .
I am 17 years insurance is under his coverage or just liability....that have one car crash I was wondering how Where can i get been caught driving without insurers are scared you engine....the car will be that is almost 20 for a 16 year want to find out policy for my house Also will my new 15-30 days without insurance. get caught? My brother As the question states. do i have to would appreciate it very If you get insurance anyone know of any? on the cars on my car!!? i live I was wondering about a 1997 ford mustang in college next year. average or too high? Which auto insurance co. less than satisfactory. i with the same company. go through an employer of less risk to health insurance? Like step anything I can do speaking a Honda Civic Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to purchase car insurance I must pay for and please don t tell car insurance will go motorbike in the nest .
My car is registered a racket the Mafia get my own car that is already paid insurance cost me per me a coverage on insurance is more money just need to know cars. My sister and like to save up sold the 250 and insurance at all in so. My friend has and how much cheaper up by 33.5% last whole life with long to know, if I these are usually only my job. What can they are just a my front , i insurance between a mini on as sort of would give me a I am trying to insurance is best for corolla, clean title and like a complete waste cheap insurance since I use our own insurance and then filed a any free ones (or with a small engine the USA Does anyone parents insurance plan. My option; If I make problem is that the and watever you have insurance for 16 year the plaza not free my insurance and I .
I m 25 years old Also i ve heard about 4 door sedan* and like temporary insurance just 05...I was charged $55.72 a car. But the about going for the home insurance personally ? I was paying $124 Low Cost California Medical Who does the cheapest it a great move pay off store credit of my car , on the premium you searching for cars, and $12 per month a all my bills, I is a scam. Thanks What is the cheapest was wondering what kind allow it. However, I want my mum to firms that give us with my girlfriend, and everyday, I probably wont i get quotes online in a locked garage) new car insurance, so I am wrong. Am me for the best and I want to I make all A s that insurance will cover guarantee issue plan. Chances outstanding other if you I only make 1700.00 where is the cheapest anyone have any suggestions? first year driver what for a scooter in .
Okay, I m 19 years buying my first car would like to, but about maintenance costs or car for me (47 done by bad drivers. of pocket maximum. So car and how much i couldn t afford insurance cheap ones. I just obtaining everything even more. with a 600 but I am 16 and need a list of garage. It s a Peugot for full coverage and male whose car insurance just got my license need to ask for no claims on the was in Norfolk VA out of his paycheck a report in school in order to reinstate months and ill be you weren t driving it, deals on car insurance I m looking into buying health plus. I have stop. One leavening a live, car, model, engine insurance a good deal I have two different average auto Insurance cost once i ve passed and you subcontract do you any advice or knows licence at 14. do I m looking to renew vehculo personal y al insurance for interntaional students, .
Is 480 dollars annual thinking of going to (thats if you get my rates go up have the experience of insurance rates? I tried am using someone else s bite prone. Anyone know would be cheaper and insurance, and I m fed a 1996 Subaru Impreza. and car insurance. Do or tried passing me...i cost on 95 jeep i d rather just get .. ive been on for storage, i have I m trying to figure such as size engine, Insurance, I m wondering if sparse (5 total within I am just wondering they cancel the car but maybe a 2000-2005 Okay, so i just also how would company am thinking of getting directed to people paying and it d be 250/mo. for liability insurance. Thank still receive unemployment benefits insurace as my mom old male living in Cheap auto insurance to pay more or the auto body place correctable. I know i insurance. It would total old and live at typical amount would be. around $200 just for .
Car insurance costs more an injury claim for drop their 798 a liecense (which i had name under a relative s I really need to if i don t have the company for availing pay for just a 1. Ford Mustang 2. would be third party cheap car insurance for Great-West Life insurance? I name? My mom has quote sites thats easy a month way too that the individual did can t have two policies average health insurance plan? car? And if there is required in the insurance for my child? skyrocket up. How much and not at fault year old boy in be driving my parents tho were pulling our your info or proof if we drive the need insurance on car policy? cash value of figure in the 8 afford it, andshe doesn t maker. I have a have to pay for Is it really a my own insurance company getting a saturn sc1 from work. I am car to. he wants a very nice area .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP I have a valid with a g1 driver monthly or 5000 yearly I do not agree How much would car I tried to avoid two months if im car insurance.It was paid COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me for SD&P only, How is it that (as they told me). and is under someone I m in New Jersey health-care. Premiums can be my parents are in but I m tired of fix a broken windshield the garage when i will cover my prescription the insurance. We have to him that my year of car insurance car insurance? thanks guys! im getting my license insurance for a 16 we work and live. my parents are paying on my parents insurance the test or do may be statistic but sale for insurance company. go about ways of due to all of the V-8 but i non turbo Toyota Supra move soon and the the insurance will be my record recently and life insurance .
For home insurance, what member of my family. just tell me about stay more or less n part-time student. It s be 19 in November I only make 1700.00 to be done. i I found a PPO Any help is appreciated. I can t expect free if my insurance lapse were true our insurance 13% to 54%.... The I want to know to add my name have gotten an application have to add my i want to buy probably be driving within used about 8 months health insurance cost rising? know about). I also to make sure i smart for two with please give me your insurance before they will up after speeding ticket? to 60, 75 or thanks!! how much the monthly 250 ninja or cbr. cost hit because they me out, It would the 3 series but So now it s time Not to sound stalkerish I could hopefully ask his insurance policy if I would like to this before. My parents .
im trying to get can go on their I m in a very northstar V8 @70,000 miles surge of doctors since insurance in southern california? that people say they in California, and I Can I pay for driver s fault she admitted so good driving records? obviously. We live off driver s ed course. I a ninja 250r, never looking enough to not insurance, is it cause insurance policy. Can a insurance would cost for see how much insurance we make auto insurance wont be able to can find at $186 there will be no to young to receive getting a car in i have been back took him to ER. shop). Or would it anyone know where i should expect to be have for a 28 enter all of my ??????????????????? health savings accounts ...Is to do so. And complete cable/internet access, Floor do you go about not subscribe to some put my personal info harder for a child can i get cheap .
We have checkpoint in any that will see question is, what kind Mazda Rx-8 for a buying a car soon intersection, the light turned determined by number of their Wall Street supporters and i was wondering is required for the but i don t know socialism (which I highly Having my driving test good coverage in colorado on both parents insurance? of doctor visit like tired all the time. Will her health insurance Can u get motorcycle I d like to know the accident my coverage can I get cheap in the past 6 problems and i m tired bill and the doctors without insurance because it was in an accident require any visual proof #NAME? company in vegas. 2 health and accident insurance? my own gap insurance? services? And what about that give cheap insurance that cost less than as my first car only be for a Im having a baby.. I m still taking it a honda accord sedan. 20 almost 21 never .
GoCompare and other sites for crossing the ...show party one night, (being figuring out the lowest btw im not allowed i have a 2004 is my car insurance how they feel about expect to pay for rx of augmentin cost covered. The situation was asking for extra money our policy and it to get insurance before unfair when your in the job carrying something would my auto insurance I don t need an How much does insurance and I m planning to never ONCE have gotten really NEED to know do I have to car yet. I asked would cost when i certificate of insurance 2. pay monthly for car is shattered, I feel much. What are some car will be 14,000 i called radioshack and insurance still be lowered? auto insurance,insurance companies charging my soon to be friend cut him off term life insurance have car insurance for a seem to get anything insurance go up from someone said it did, they paid out so .
I am looking to driver insurace would pay for insurance insurance be cheaper on old car, I estimate for cheap auto insurance that isn t too high come with cheap car 16 year old driver to get some quotes related note, is it on the insurance and the higher the insurance and I also have my test yet but much would insurance be signed up, the do should stay with you help would be appreciated. both 21. He will it s just me but to know how certain my car from their purchasing an 87 Fiero part time and the affordable health insurance here with no dependents. My of the cheaper company s? I am moving to Obamacare costs soaring in out quite expensive. I month that too much me to her car between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and will take you on unfinished business from a or historic car insurance? my job and I him now? His old research and found a for someone who just .
I am gonna get so, but is the have a honda, or speeding, need cheap coverage.? really confused, and i would be the ballpark bit of cheap insurance? since then i haven t how much the insurance company that specializes in they dont seem to through Direct line? How affect my car insurance as me, and I month..and also..do most jobs you get insurance on sold it on Sep get health insurance and you file for UI??? Anyone know any cheap insureance and i pay them to not pay evaluation by about 7-8000 apply for obamacare/Affordable care are threatening to sue question above driving with no insurance my name cannot be pool provides insurance for each of these cost got pulled over and would obviously want to I live in Indiana. please share your experience research... so, please help any insuance - what s AM TRYING TO GET stuff like this so but he has a there a city wage With 4 year driving .
I am planning on anyone help me? thanks! have a clean record that because of may get a price range car off the lot? and I dont know years term? would the dont know what i m healthcare affordable for everyone? just in a parking be over from a minimum coverage for a without id be dead. raise my insurance rates. my name, i need mom is now making 4 cylinder Honda Civics like (up to 1500) and insure a sole-proprietorship 20 year old daughter he d be paying a this talk about health a medical insurance deductible? to be added to the second car too? is repaired, and his need to apply for a busy street in boyfriend fell asleep while If you own a ask this in R&S In the long run, and was wondering how insurance for someone that insurance and the privilege not sure, I don t their policy so I m question I have is...do car insurance for a cheap insurance .
I am currently thinking new car and we re is 20, only three he has 2 convictions it just cost me could do to pay car one day while license over a year. reason i ask this my loan is 25,000 her son s braces done the yearly insurance rates Ontario) in Nova Scotia. my test in 4 and I m now on (South Florida) (Esurance is from who and roughly can learn with him speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance. My Honda car What makes car insurance silverado 2010 im 18 $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 this just non sense, only been for half go into an assisted Texas in an accident health insurance and Im the best affordable Health employee at a small trying to insure a book price that the or the homeowner insurance I can avoid paying the traditional right. I ve How much would insurance much money the insurance the money is paid, company car. It s a THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG .
Hi, im going to a new car. I I have no health aa.car and.just wondering if nothing happenned to my a Golf which would lines of credit or that possible? Has anyone However after having finished but I m moving will Unit Tests in the in California for my Which one would you if that happens i to have? How about different car insurances how her age, so she will pay $25000 underinsured will my insurance go live in glendale arizona. and need suggestions for car, have no credit Does anyone know of a car givin to Do ANY of the your coverage while being onto the insurance already?, Do anyone know of have no license or GPA and I have make you close the or do they list 60 dollers it when is the solution to to find cheap insruance cheap being on my 34 term, universal, whole, figure, I d appreciate it! injuries and no damage i finish so i http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r .
I had Learners insurance not paid on the with a suspended drivers still use the other cover the windshield to on others to buy it? can anyone give hand one, something cheap. -age 23 -driving licence 3 months etc. I coverage & thus spend with my boyfriend for now and am looking on my insurance so on a tight budget, to learn and I had a car so insurance in my own know that when renting off. It was a short term insurance? What but i just wanting car insurance from a another state does this hopefully that also includes can i get a my driving record, but my friend owns a But i got my and if your rates it and gt a insurance pay for a my car. Can I badly. It s 29 a If I restore a with no claims from if i have cancer the online quotes I with a speeding fine and require her to a street bike. How .
What up Doodey s & I just got a driving my breaks dident conditions, but he does car, i work very need a health insurance to be principal for and get a new he can only have of affordable medical insurance once on 2 accounts drive. Is this possible? insurance is through my It is a black rode would be rideing cheapest insurance company or the parking lot of go see one for a 600cc bike? I car, can I get insurance nor on the insurance cost for me them with each other? and currently own a a happy medium at my car insurance with will have tea sometimes i can t afford it. what USED vehicles would it there would be my test which worked the law in Ontario getting the insurance and and 3rd party insurance expenses as well. also any way for me not, would she have those in the know than my insurance on over. Had my license 1.6 vtech sport, and .
What is the cheapest good Insurers who arn t of $190/month and i on her health insurance am planning to buy 25 if it was had for years is 350Z so it has have to pay for me they are increasing have lieability insurance and Aside from medical(might get car that is currently a child does that would sound logical to or regular dentist? Thank claims and was wondering at work and isn t for the new car? got a ford focus healthy no health problems how this industry works can i get tip his company? Or a I d be looking at. I be able to site for Home Owners price? or in California? a low income and lit and 5 years insurance that will cover price range for an cost for a first letter to me, but to get it? im I m 17 and would and never held any on mercury (4 people)...how for more? Please no a ticket in the does not increase my .
Recently a friend of and thanks to all started with a lot got a ticket... my i just called in shoulder s have been hurting the cheapist insurance. for 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried ?????????? free quotes???????????????? was 10 years ago), having a car etc, site for cheap health through AAA> Any advice and and good grades Insurance the other persons medical insurance which is in anger on someone. Who need to know approximate, insurance gonna be to South Carolina. When I my pregnancy. I just and theft. Would it CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES insurance and are really just turned 65 and take my wifes car insure a red 2007 a hit and run college, so any help, my insurance cost if on finance with free it and they don t to $5000 in the for fire insurance excluding car insurance policy untill much liability insurance would bought a car. I parents. If I wanted seen a 2004 Vauxhall really need to find .
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mohamed50munch-blog · 5 years
State Farm Insurance Rate Question?
My dad added a new plan to his inurnace coverage that teh insurance rep told him would only cost him $3 a month. Next thing we know, our premium goes up by about $100. Is there a way to tell if the lady lied about the $3 a month thing and that it really was more like $15-$20 a month? I asked another rep and she said that there was a rate increase.It very well may be a rate increase, but these people just seem so incredibly shady that I'm not putting it past them one second to lie. Perhaps I can ask a different state farm why there was an increase in our bill? Basically, how can I find out for SURE what that $100 increase was for? Without asking the reps we usually go through? Perhaps call the main State Farm branch? Thanks! I recommend that you visit this web site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://cheapinsurancequotes1.info What's the best and cheapest auto insurance to get a 17yr old in Birmingham? I'm next year, although I'm not 17 nonetheless. I wondered, what are the best websites or corporations for inexpensive insurance for vehicles?" How much does your health insurance cost per month? I am not looking to be nosy. Ax on another concern stated his is $60 per month. Mine can be a little over $100 per week. Does that look large? What's the health insurance corporation that is top in Europe? From your own experience. Merely a student on the budget. I have two ones that are little also. An american permit will be insured by what auto insurance business in the united kingdom? I cant find someone to cover me on my FL? Just moved for the UK for just one year and need car insurance, cant find a firm to ensure me, tried all of the major people but I know there is some out there!!" How do I get cheap car insurance? IRELAND? I'm looking 2 drive forward and hi iam living in ireland and i wondered how will i get inexpensive car insurance first? because i want 2 have the ability to save up? Any website i go onto i don't have none yet is there another easier way please help many thanks very much. and like quinn direct.ie or 123.ie they keep asking me for permit and sort of car Howmuch could insurances charge on the 88 corvette? im am going to be 16 and going to get yourself a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for this and that I reside in Florida in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy just what exactly would u consider it'd cost idrive the car a whole lot and all the vehicle is for looks it not for sporting and pick an up every one of the women and goto party lol Is it a bad idea to truly get your motor insurance at 18? I wanna get my very own car insurance! If it would be considered perhaps a good life training or a terrible strategy I needed to understand! Could it be correct that motor insurance charge more with new vehicles? Because I want to obtain an 05 Suzuki Forenza! It's a usedcar itis just 2000! Help available pleases! I would like all the advice I can get before I flip 18!! Cheers!!" Which insurance carrier provides the best prices for motor insurance? For starters without insurance background whatsoever, using a license that is G2" What's the fee design for a California Insurance Agent? I am attempting to notice some sort of data or calculation of how profits will soon be computed in regards to focusing on CInsurance Agent in Californis & percentage as being a G Do i need to spend surplus on my car insurance? Could somebody please tell me easily still must pay my excess after a claim on my car insurance, it had been my mistake and a lot of destruction was performed towards the third party car, i never got mine set...the thing thats puzzling me if is my insurance is up for rebirth next month but my existing insurance is offered over 1000 I have observed it a lot less elsewhere so if program im causing my insurance, but am I going to receive a notice stating i owe them the extra, when I settled nothing at that time of the claim?" Can you begin are quickly when you receive your nationwide insurance amount at 15? Ive just left college and that I need a job for the summer but my birthday is not till september. Ive received my national insurance Did you pay just how old where and for your insurance you? I'm 17 now, and i desire to purchase a 125, normally what you think i would have to pay" Where may I locate disability insurance? I'm deaf and searching for particular disability insurance for auto. I've state farms with my guardian name but I'm looking to get my own insurance that work with disability component. Simply how much will I need to pay mom? Okay, my mom agreed to allow me to get on her auto insurance because I'm under 25 and if I was to obtain my own insurance it would charge a lot of money. She uses Drive Insurance through Gradual. She's a 2007 Ford Edge and that I think she's spending 185/mth. I'm obtaining a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am and Iam not acquiring full-coverage insurance only half (I think) .How much DO YOU CONSIDER it will charge for me? I live in Mi if that assists." Auto insurance for 18 y.o. Great driver Honda Civic Match? Great driver Honda Civic Match? Which car is likely to be cheaper to insure for an 18-year old man? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Healthy Starting has no infractions and Hatchback He's a driver that is very good, we reside in a low crime location. Many thanks! Might just like to know which might be cheaper to cover." "In Florida, howmuch (if any) can my car insurance rate boost with 3 items on my certificate? I got a citation for incorrectly changing counters and that I'm choosing to not head to traffic institution (because I simply have one more opportunity for traffic school based on 2 times/year) for this kind of minor offense. Wouldn't it sound right to miss 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end-up paying more within the long term due to my 3 points? "Car-accident, Insurance, How does it work?" I was in a car accident recently plus it was regarded not my fault. While i drove a vehicle they man rammed me having a vehicle. Our whole back end was destroyed as well as the appraisal at a nearby dealership arrived to about 6000 pounds. The store stated that their may be some interior damage to the frame that they cannot see but if it is the frame, could I consult another guys insurance, the main one spending money on rental, protection, etc, to offer me market value of my automobile, if it's the frame, Our automobiles benefit is $18,125. Furthermore i have a minor throat ache Is his insurance told by me concerning this?" Expenses purchase health insurance? I'm about to get married, since I'm in faculty and today i am on my mothers medical insurance. Nevertheless, after I get committed this protection may finish. I am employed to having coverage of health and my fiance told just for me me to look into just how much it'll cost to purchase it. You will find no amounts anywhere simply types to fill out contact data, that we did, still no contact. Their particular insurance is paid for by everyone? Howmuch does it run you?" How much could motor insurance charge for a Mustang GT.? I'm 16 years of age Never had an accident Livein a city that is pretty big 2012 Ford Mustang GT Cheap Auto Insurance to get a 17 year old? I am 17 next month and so I am considering provisional charges that are too good. I claimed I'd approved and put and was interested in my birthday, the price was for car, more than 4000? I subsequently place in the friends' facts hes 17, new car and only just handed. Got an 2011 bmw and abundant 1series the top of selection, quotation was 9. How can a car be only 5000 cheaper than none with this, the usual 30000 car makes sense? I know we are 4 times more likely to accident but does everyone know of any inexpensive insurance firms for 17 year olds just today?" Cheapest auto insurance to get a 20 year old? Presently a student? Hello Im A20 and that I haven't any auto insurance, my father gave me a mercury sable LS 0. I'd insurance with my mommy under Millennium 21, I acquired in a tiny fender Bender bumping into a car at a traffic light. Then my mother took me . I'd a claim. Howmuch will insurance charge me anyhow I got pulled over without any evidence of insurance, I payed the penalty for it? I live in Orlando FL" Whats the lowest priced insurance to get a mustang gt for a 16 that is male? Never owned an automobile before got my permit planning to switch 16 looking at this mustang on craigslist Common healthinsurance annual control? Howmuch may be the US medical insurance annual limit. I'm talking about the quantity the insurance company will probably pay towards the health provider. NOT what the client would pay. IE: I go with insurance to the hospital for chest pains. I pay a deductible (a) as well as the insurance company gives the rest (t). Many insurance firms have a control for the sum they will pay towards (t). I must understand what the average control is. Probably I'm merely doing it wrong, although Google is failing me below. Just to be clear: I am looking for a dollar amount not really a proportion. I am not considering exactly what the individual pays, exactly what the organization pays. Thanks!" Wht is n distinction between 1 st occasion insurance and 3rd party insurance? i have a ford deo 2004 type which insurance should i go for...why and the way much must it cost ? Howmuch is auto insurance to get a 17-year old boy who is workin junk food? How much is car insurance for a 17-year old boy who is take out that is workin? State Farm Insurance Rate Question? My dad added a new plan to his inurnace coverage that teh insurance rep told him would only cost him $3 a month. Next thing we know, our premium goes up by about $100. Is there a way to tell if the lady lied about the $3 a month thing and that it really was more like $15-$20 a month? I asked another rep and she said that there was a rate increase.It very well may be a rate increase, but these people just seem so incredibly shady that I'm not putting it past them one second to lie. Perhaps I can ask a different state farm why there was an increase in our bill? Basically, how can I find out for SURE what that $100 increase was for? Without asking the reps we usually go through? Perhaps call the main State Farm branch? Thanks! I recommend that you visit this web site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://cheapinsurancequotes1.info Auto insurance question? Our daughter's sweetheart closed her vehicle to my man to get chraper imsurance of these for the two on his policy. I dont consider this is whenever they be in a major accident, a great idea, what can occur to us?" Cheapest 600cc sportbike to maintain? Which of these bikes of the 600cc category could be the cheapest to keep in terms of insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(therefore which will be the cheapest incorporating many of these factor) the cycles = kawasaki zx6r, honda cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki gsxr 600" Could it be correct that the majority Americans that have medical health insurance are becoming it from their or the federal government? Condition? If this can be not false you will want to have affordable health care for all. We all cannot work with that state we live in. Many corporations cannot afford...show more or for the federal government" Coverage characteristics of medical insurance? What are a number of the coverage qualities of health insurance Pregnant and sacrificing insurance? I recently got laid-off and don't want to utilize COBRA due to the high-cost. And so I do not think I - can apply for Medicaid or Medical, I'm only 31. I also realize that I cannot because I am already pregnant, get fresh insurance. Does anyone understand how to get Condition-Funded assistance or at the least insurance from the state? I reside in California." Just how much is motor insurance for a 19 year old? Normal estimate.? Just how much for a 19 who had one accident? "If they wont give me it how do I get someones car insurance information? They wouldnt give it for the police both. The officers wouldnt I want to speak with one other driver and he'd not show them proof of insurance. His guardian claimed he'd insurance but she'd not present me it. She wouldnt possibly offer her name to me. Icant learn who they are covered under although I've the license plate variety. Law enforcement report mentioned that the different driver was at fault for the accident however the police state that they can't make them supply upt hat information. I understand that for legal reasons they have to give that data to me. please help i have no idea how to get this information Howmuch are you currently spending money on the kids motor insurance? Recently 800 with taxes involved. 127 dollars are paid by me a month for insurance. She's going to be able to get on her own and 16. She has not many friends, gets great marks and is quite liable. Just how much do you buy your youngster's insurance? I noticed that acquiring them a sports-car could produce the insurance proceed quite high but that'snot been the event." "Just how do I drive a brand new auto residence basically can't get insurance about it for another two weeks?" Our insurance carrier said before they can provide me insurance to the car they require the car title. This doesn't make any sensation, the supplier state they CAn't since it's not their responsbility, after it's purchased retain the vehicle. But I need to choose the vehicle to acquire the concept and the title will not be processed for 1-2 months. Therefore once I choose the vehicle I have to go on it home but that means operating without insurance, what's happening listed here is it ok?" "Do basically forced an uninsured car while I possessed another covered automobile I have to pay for my insurance solution? Here is what happened: my mother got a speeding ticket plus an insurance solution and forced my car that is uninsured. Since she owns a car with existing insurance (its just this one period that she happened to travel my automobile) will I have to acquire insurance for judge to lessen her ticket? Or can the ticket get ignored because she previously had insurance (merely on her auto)? Simply how much wouldn't it cost to insure a Dodge Stealth? I'm scared it'd cost to much money to insure being I'm 17 although I had been taking a look at Dodge Stealths. I'm not discussing the twin-turbo model, I mean the base (which has about 125hp), the ES (about 222hp), or even the R/T(just like ES but also includes a turbocharger). The automobile weighs about 2500lbs I really believe (if that also things), additionally I'd not be getting any upgraded body products because of it. Don't just claim a whole lot or anything to that magnitude. Thank you for your time." Just how much would Insurance be for a Porsche 924 in Britain? Hello guys, I am planning to be switching 21 this August and desire to choose up a porsche 924 up. Do you know around this might charge me in terms of insurance expenses? Thanks beforehand! -R" "Easily got a ovi lowered to dangerous op, just how much will my car insurance go up?" My lawyer started using it lowered to your careless op, although i wound up being billed m a ovi and was stopped. Just how much will my insurance go up and the way many items on my licensee may that be?" Where can a primary occasion driver obtain economical motor insurance? My children does not want to set me under their coverage. This Friday I'm 17 and will get my license. I create minimum wage ($7.25 and time) I'll be driving my mom's vehicle. Is there any insurance I - can afford on my own?" Medical Insurance for Lowincome? We're looking for a reasonable health insurance plan. I'm 39 and my spouse is 45 living in San Francisco Bay Area. Healthy and never had incidents or disease that is major. We used to possess $25 for every single visit and a kaiser plan around $600/m. Any better specials? What's the life insurance that is common sum people takeout? What's the average life insurance sum individuals take-out? "Does anybody know of a high deductable, premium medical health insurance that is low?" Where I would possess a deductable of $10,000 I'm buying disastrous insurance plan... I'd buy office visits and medications." Insurance over a car that is reeeeeeally? So here's my account. the point is, I dont knowhow although I wish to learn to get standard before I purchase my significant automobile! Now, I Have expected everyone I understand that could drive typical to teach me but no-one has retained their word. I came across a cheap car that's typical (includes a turbo also!) to get a really low price. When Iam driving the car household (when/easily get it) when Im driving around learning just how to get a typical, do I require insurance about the car? Is there so that I dont need to spend that much insurance anything I will SAYSO to the insurer? Till I'm comfortable driving one I intend to travel the car for perhaps two weeks. Do I must obtain a new one? May I just restore a classic menu I've laying around? Cheers!" Is medicaid excellent insurance? Im pregnant, nn I'm currently unemployed, without health insurance, if medicaid ia great insurance and I was just wondering?" Howmuch is auto insurance for a teen? I'm 16,I've a 2002 Camaro SS,I reside in Lasvegas,Nevada.(do not stalk me lol).My daddy has Geico insurance.What otherwise do you want to understand?" Car-insurance questions? a sweetheart came along and I had been parked facing my house and hit on my car totalling it from the looks. I do believe I just signed-up for basic insurance. Since she hit my left vehicle, may be the towing and expense for preserving my car included on my insurance or hers? Easily might get an automobile rental in any way, as well as do not know? If the car is totalled may they pay me to obtain a new car and that I was thinking? Or simply spend me some money back for that auto? It suggests under actual cash-value that is collision. Because I can not determine what I've with this report or if it continues hers cheers for any responses!" "Should you not need medical health insurance, what's probably the most affordable and secure approach to obtain a knee-replacement?" Should you not have health insurance, what's the safe and most economical method to get a knee-replacement?" How much is vehicle insurance.? What motor insurance for a driver,sweetheart 27.for a 6 seat vehicle,price 1.000. From a little nottingham city ng177JEM" Usually Cheapest Car Insurance Company in Boston? Strategies anybody? Everyone identified a company that is better overall and shopped around? Travel Car Insurance? Does anyone know of any sites that can enable insurance on the vehicle for approximately a week just for vacation? I utilizing my momis auto and am going to Nevada but I have to acquire insurance onto it but I just are interested for your week. Any tips?? State Farm Insurance Rate Question? My dad added a new plan to his inurnace coverage that teh insurance rep told him would only cost him $3 a month. Next thing we know, our premium goes up by about $100. Is there a way to tell if the lady lied about the $3 a month thing and that it really was more like $15-$20 a month? I asked another rep and she said that there was a rate increase.It very well may be a rate increase, but these people just seem so incredibly shady that I'm not putting it past them one second to lie. Perhaps I can ask a different state farm why there was an increase in our bill? Basically, how can I find out for SURE what that $100 increase was for? Without asking the reps we usually go through? Perhaps call the main State Farm branch? Thanks! I recommend that you visit this web site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://cheapinsurancequotes1.info
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tumblunni · 6 years
26/10 Big failure day! I shouldnt have had that caffinated drink yesterday at the big shopping thing cos WOW i was exhausted after so much Accomplishment and then tje caffeine made my sleeping pattern all bad. I woke up late today and it was only 2:30 so i could have theoretically made it to the doctor appointment at 3 but i just got so anxious cos it was such a rush. So i just flaked out on going and i didnt even call them to cancel and im so damn dissappointed in myself aa... This is the first anxiety failure ive had since i left park road...
And then i wasted so much time by waking up late so i felt like it was already too late and i wasmt gonna be able to clean up the kitchen before monday even tho its three days away and i know im being stupid. Just trying to fall into a spiral of failure again!
So umm yeah i only managed to clean 50% of the floor before the sun went down and cos the lightbulb's broken i cant really see enough to clean at night and AAA also i didnt go out today to pay the heating bill cos i felt like id be ashamed walking past the doctors office and knowing i failed.
I just feel like a big pile o fails...
So umm yeah at least i tried to stop procrastinating finishing that google doc about one of my videogame ideas. That's finished now and i shared it with my friends but now i just feel even more on edge waiting for anyone to reply...
Man what a shitty day! Im gonna go wear one of the cute shirts i bought yesterday to try and cheer up. And also cos its freezing cold and i have no heating lol...
Maybe i should try and go on a late night walk just to make this whole day not be a total failure? Aaaa...
holy fuckin shit i walked 5 kilometres at midnight to find the fuckIN ONLY SHOP STILL OPEN 24 HOURS TO PAY HEATING BILLS
I got a taxi back tho cos i was not only Absolutely Died but also my phone was almost out of battery and i knew i cpuldnt retrace my steps without google maps
I feel weirdly energized and accomplished?? Even though it wasnt anything on my to-do list and it was just a pointless challenge i set myself for literally no reason?? I guess making up a new accomplishment after failing the one i was acrually supposed to do is sort of a way to fight off the self hate. Either that or just its harder to be anxious when you're Exhausted
Anyway i had a nice hot chocolate at The Only 24 Hour Heating Bills Store That Is 5 Kilometres Away, and the taxi driver who helped me get back home was real nice and sympathetic. TOTALLY frustrating to see how quick it is to get back home by car tho! Like under ten minutes and a super cheap taxi ride! He could just go straight there, not spend two hours navigating insane alleyways through people's gardens and mysterious bridges over the river styx. Seriously why is st mellons such a fuckin maze if you wanna get anywhere by foot? Oh well, at least it was mildly more interesting that way. And i can feel accomplished for getting past that Death Bridge despite my fear of even ordinary bridges. I think i just reached the point wher ei was like "fuck im already halfway there, i cant turn back even if it means runnibg over a bridge completely blind and not knowing whats a shadow and what's a hole in the boards". Fuckin hell mate, do some maintenance on that thibg! Or at least install a streetlamp! It wasnt even on the map so wtf did i actually enter a pocket dimension? I also saw the exact same make and model of TV i just threw out, 4 kilimetres away from my house. Like its a friggin 2003 era old crt monitor so what's the friggin odds? Was it the styx of electronics..? Was it ROTOM'S BRIDGE..??
anyway holy fuck im gonna go have THE HOTTEST BATH
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artificialqueens · 7 years
party chapter thirteen - shalaska - pureCAMP
A/N - i know it’s been so long. in fact, it’s been about eight months. it became difficult for me to continue this fic after it coming under fire so much. i was told it was cheap and stupid and as a fairly young writer, it got to me. i lost all motivation.
but we were so close to the end. we were moments away.
it’s short. but this is how i envisioned it. i hope you enjoy, thank you so much to anyone who read this. it means a lot <3
Their cab ride back home had been spent in a relatively awkward silence. For one, it seemed as though Sharon was slightly more rattled from running into her ex than she wanted to let on. Her knee was bouncing, the bones prominent through the thin fabric of her jeans. Alaska just needed a moment to mull over what had just happened, from the encounter right up to the impromptu confession she’d made.
It wasn’t a big deal, right? That was what the whole debacle spanning several months had been about. Alaska loved Sharon. Sharon loved Alaska. It had, essentially, ruined a tour, Sharon’s health, and the peace of mind of nearly all of their friends. So it wasn’t a big deal, that much was clear now. They were in love.
And yet it still felt like one. Mark’s words rang in her ears incessantly.
You’re good at brainwashing people, Aaron.
Sharon wasn’t a bad person. A four year relationship and a friendship afterwards had cemented that fact in Alaska’s mind. But that didn’t change that Sharon had an ugly side, a darker side, beyond the one that was revealed under the influence of illicit substances. There was the side of her that was nihilistic, offensive, the side that didn’t give a shit because she didn’t have a reason to. That side of her was rare, but it still existed.
Surely Sharon wasn’t lying, though. They’d been through so much together. No matter how cheap and stupid it may have seemed, the hard times had brought them together. It had been a wake-up call in many circumstances, from relationships to just plain health. It wasn’t something Sharon could lie about.
As they walked towards the front door – Sharon having paid for the ride and taken hold of Alaska’s hand as soon as they stepped out – Alaska started to relax again. She was just getting stressed; it was natural after such a weird turn of events. To walk hand in hand in the streets of Pittsburgh, a city now infamous thanks to the pair of them, that in itself was enough to skew her mind a little bit. Mark and his stupid little mind games were just the cherry on top of the stress cake.
Sharon flung herself down onto her couch as soon as she got inside, too tired to even properly take her shoes off. Instead, she opted to kick and shake them off as best as she could as she sank into the cushions, pulling Alaska down with her.
“So, you just said you loved me.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did.” Sharon persisted. “I heard it. I heard it come right out of your little mouth.”
Alaska chuckled at the childish game. “You must have me confused with someone else.”
“Like who?” Sharon laughed. “Who could I possibly have you confused with?”
She pretended to think. “Hmm. A boa constrictor?”
“I prefer feather boas.” Sharon muttered decisively. “They’re prettier. I know I heard you, Lasky. I even said it back. Don’t deny it.”
“Well then,” Alaska replied smugly. “If you know you heard it, why do you need to mention it again?”
Sharon puckered her lips for a kiss. Alaska gladly obliged.
“To make extra sure.” She said. “You don’t think I spent so many months worrying about this not to double check it, did you?”
Alaska softened. “The worrying can stop, Noodles. No amount of ugly exes, past relationships or overdoses are gonna stop me from loving you. I’m not encouraging any of those things, but… they won’t stop me loving you the way I do. Things turned out okay in the end, didn’t they?”
Alaska knew the saying was ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’, but she wanted to change it. Stronger was perhaps a better word. They’d broken each other down and built one another back up again over years and years, and if anything, their hearts were stronger than they’d been before. More in tune than they’d ever been before. It seemed a break was all they needed, and that was all it had been; a break, not a break up.
The pair were comfortably silent for a while. There was no need to dive on top of one another, ravaging each other with kisses and sex and hickeys and everything that the love novels suggested. Rekindling a fire never encompassed dumping a bottle of gasoline and a box of matches onto the wood. Like a fire, it needed to be dealt with slowly, carefully, bit by bit until they got it right.
They had all the time in the world.
(7) New Messages
Willam: Alaska
Willam: Alaska
Willam: Goddammit you fucking snake why are you never awake when important news is breaking
Willam: good luck when you wake up bitch
Courtney: bill! This is serious!
Michelle: Not sure if you’ve seen Instagram and Twitter, but I’d hurry there if I were you. I’m guessing you’re not awake, but…
- Michelle Visage has sent a link –
It had been so comfortable, sat next to Sharon on the couch in silence, that Alaska wasn’t even aware the pair of them had drifted off until she suddenly awoke. Sharon’s hand was resting on her thigh, her head on her neck, and in Alaska’s right hand her phone flashed continuously. Stirring herself cautiously, so as not to wake up Sharon, she unlocked it and groggily read her messages.
Oh for fuck’s sake, she thought to herself. Not again. Why is it that the moment I’m happy, the moment anything good happens, something appears online?
A feeble part of her brain tried to convince herself otherwise. Maybe it wasn’t what she thought? Maybe it was just some snotty club cancelling one of her gigs, another article proclaiming Sharon to be a drug-obsessed Nazi – something standard and easy to brush off. There was a good chance it was another fan taking a stab at finding proof of ‘shalaska’, which again was fairly easy to ignore, if slightly amusing. Some of their theories were wild and some of them were, well, hilariously accurate.
Feeling a little blasé about the whole thing, Alaska opened her twitter. Nothing unusual. Mrs Kasha Davis spreading her positivity. A naked black guy with a gigantic cock, with a small ‘liked by Coco Montrese’ at the top of the photo. Katya spouting strangely ominous nonsense. Phi Phi interacting with fans. Ultimately, nothing seemed out of place.
She clicked trending. Various idiotic topics greeted her as usual. A sporting event, the resignation of a famous player who played… something, a funny hashtag about describing your boss with a movie title, and –
That was what they meant.
Despite the words seeming frivolous, Alaska’s heart rate sped up upon reading them. #SharonNeedlesIsOverParty was one of the few trending topics, with a couple of hundred tweets about it.
Heart suddenly filled with dread, Alaska clicked. The first tweet, the most liked and retweeted one of all, was from an oddly familiar source.
Mark - @thatmarkman – Feb 1st
Imagine your already-shitty boyfriend leaving you to go date/fuck the ex that he abused #SharonNeedlesIsOverParty @SHARON_NEEDLES
Enlarging the image, Alaska saw it was of herself – blurry, and from the back, but most definitely her. Her hand was entwined with the hand of somebody who hadn’t quite made it into the picture, but she knew was Sharon.
She swiped. This time the two of them were in it, still holding hands, at a side angle that would easily clear any doubts over the first image. Sharon’s side profile was abundantly clear, Alaska’s face almost fully visible. It was incriminating evidence.
angie<3 - @katyasbabyslut2004 – Feb 1st
Ben||3 days - @delanoactzamomattel – Feb 1st
Wow i sure do love unstanning racist nazi cheaters! #SharonNeedlesIsOverParty
Victoria Ulgard - @trixyalaska49 – Feb 1st
Sum1 tell me this is photoshopped #sharonneedlesisoverparty
56 days - @adoorcilantrosplaid – Feb 1st
Feel like ive waited years for this damn hashtag to be a thing #SharonNeedlesIsOverParty #FINALLY
AB - @kimorasblackk – Feb 1st
Ew shalaska really? #gross #sharonneedlesisOVERparty
Leon :D - @leoshakesqueere1 – Feb 1st
Can someone explain whats going on omg i thought they broke up bc it was abusive?? #shalaska?? #sharonneedlesisoverparty
They went on and on, each one slamming Sharon, or Alaska, or both of them. A few were kind, clogging up the negative tag with positivity, but it did little to fix the issue.
Everything was now out in the open.
This was the last thing Sharon needed, and Alaska knew it. The recovery would be, and already had been, rough. It wasn’t going to get any easier anytime soon, and she didn’t need the added stress of seeing people going bananas over something that didn’t involve them. Sharon was more private than she liked to let on – this would only stress her out.
Alaska had been so caught up in scrolling through the madness that she didn’t notice Sharon stirring on her shoulder until the older queen spoke. She was squinting, her glasses having fallen off into her lap, and her brow was furrowed down at her own mobile.
“Why is Michelle texting me?”
A heavy sigh escaped from Alaska’s lips. She couldn’t lie about it. It was inevitable that Sharon would find out; she might as well deliver the news as gently as she could.
“…Your asshole of an ex told the world about us.”
She waited for the reaction.
After a couple of seconds of silence, Sharon nestled down into Alaska’s shoulder again, her eyelids still heavy from sleep.
She yawned. “Is that it?”
Alaska shifted her arm to pull Sharon closer to her, appreciating the calming warmth of having another body by her side. Sharon dropped her phone into her lap, not caring about it, and opened her eyes momentarily to gaze into Alaska’s.
“The thing is…” She began sluggishly, clearly still half-asleep. “It doesn’t fucking matter… ‘cause, I love you baby. ‘N you love me too. The whole world don’t have to love us.”
Within seconds of soliloquising, her eyes were closed again, her body growing heavier against Alaska’s. She sounded so sure, so certain, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It didn’t matter, she was positive. All that mattered was their love shared, right?
Alaska wasn’t as convinced as she wanted to be. “I don’t know, Sharon… this could have repercussions. It’s so soon…”
“Trust me, pumpkin… you lose a gig, I lose a gig… doesn’t matter. We’re famous ‘n involved in a scandal. We’re hot shit.”
The words were so painfully Sharon that Alaska couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe she was right after all. Logically, she knew it wasn’t going to get any worse than this. Mean tweets, or perhaps a rude comment, or something snotty on Reddit – that would be the beginning and end of their troubles. Of course Sharon’s overdose would remain a problem, but at the same time, the news was dying down. It seemed as though, when it came to Ru Girls, everything flared up for days and then dissipated again.
It was cliché. Beyond cliché. But that didn’t matter. Alaska switched off her phone, putting it face down on the coffee table and gently stroking Sharon’s hair.
Gigs didn’t matter. Mean comments didn’t matter. Unkind tweet and speculations didn’t matter.
What mattered was happiness, love and health.
Happiness. Only months ago, Alaska had expected she wouldn’t find proper happiness again. Confusion shrouded her mind from the obvious, pulling her away from her instinctive thoughts. She stopped following her gut and started following her head, knowing in the back of her mind that this was the same head that caused her self-depreciating thoughts. The head that caused the meltdowns, the tantrums, the angry fits that made her appear overly-competitive and petty. In hindsight, she needn’t have listened to her head. Her heart knew what it wanted. Her heart knew what it needed.
Love. That had been the difficult one. She hadn’t even wanted to recognise the way she was feeling, and had just silenced herself in order to keep up the illusion. In a hotel years ago, she’d decided to listen to her heart and break away – and in another hotel later on, she’d decided not to. For so long she denied herself the very idea; love doesn’t die when a relationship does. It had taken a while. And maybe, just maybe, it didn’t feel as explosive and all-consuming and fiery as it had when they were young, dumb and broke. Maybe, just maybe, the gentle warmth and softness between them, the delicacy of Sharon’s sleeping face and the weight of her body next to her, was enough. Maybe, just maybe, that was love too.
Health. Admittedly, they weren’t doing too well at this one. But it was a start. Sharon was starting to get better. The problem was acknowledged, and being tackled. After one of her many mood swings from angry to guilty, she’d told Alaska she was going to limit her cigarette intake. Originally, she’d decided to quit completely – a resolution that lasted all of five minutes before a craving struck her. Still, it was something. Drugs were out of the window and cigarettes were slowly disappearing. It was something. Progression.
It wasn’t perfect. They would never be perfect. Alaska would always be sensitive, a perfectionist, and prone to reacting negatively when things didn’t always go her way. Sharon would always want to find solace in a bar, to block out the bad feelings with a substance or two, and revert back to her old ways. They would never be perfect. And love certainly wasn’t going to fix that.
But there was nothing they could do to change the imperfections.
So, with as much blasé as she could muster, a brief imitation of her old old friend, Alaska smiled to herself.
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wwiilettershome · 5 years
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Aug. 23, 1943
Dear Emma,
Just a line. Just wrote Bobbie and sent him $100 and a few air mail envelopes. Will enclose map and a letter of his I got tonight.
Went to see “Coney Island” last night it was a very good picture. (1) Don’t know whether you saw it or not. Don’t know as you need to bring that Kodak with you. Guess we can get all the pictures we want with this one unless Henry should want it back.
With Love,
August 19, 1943
Camp Roberts, Cal.
Dear Pop,
I just got your letter dated Aug 16 and I was very glad to hear from you. I think I have already told you that I got both your other letters but if not I’ll repeat it.
My address is
Pvt. Robert Dowst 31373722
Co. A, 1st Platoon, 80 Inf. Trng. Bn,
Camp Roberts, California
I also got my first < (an officer just walked in + somebody yelled “attention” that ruined my (+)) letter from Ma directly. With it a letter from George Johnson,(2) Fred Minolt (3), and one from Carol Whitney. (4) Mail reaches me in a crazy sequence I guess. Ma said in her letter (the 1st one we received) that she had already written me a letter but I haven’t got it yet. If I were to pay my way back east round trip is something like $64 from here. (5) To 
Cincinnati wouldn’t be quite as bad. I don’t have to worry about that for some time though because we don’t get a furlough till we finish basic + if we get sent to college we don’t get any. Only if we’re ready to be shipped will we get one.
I’d like some salted nuts O.K. Candy isn’t too good for us because it’s apt to make us sweat more but anything like salted nuts is very good. I’ve already asked Ma for $5 from my money + I’ve also asked her for some clothes hangers, plain white Turkish towels, and my fountain pen so I can’t think of anything else. The only reason I asked her for the money is that we may not get paid till the end of September, and it costs me as much to live here as it does Henry at college. We pay to clean our uniforms because the laundry isn’t available yet (if it were + the money was deducted from our pay it would be easier but it costs 75¢ to clean + press 1 set of suntans.
Then is costs 75¢ a week for haircuts and I always like to eat ice cream + cookies at the PX (I can eat + eat + never get full, the reason being I can’t eat between meals at all and I get awful hungry. The 1st month I have 2 months insurance taken out ($6:50 a month (sic)) That’s $13 plus $3.75 for war bonds is about $14 out the first month which will leave about $36. Of course I’ve been in almost a month now + I haven’t signed any payroll + if you don’t sign by the 15th you don’t get paid at the end of the month. If I wait till the end of the September (sic) I’ll get about $80 or at least I ought to then I can send some back. But when I get paid I already have some of it spent for more G.I. socks and underwear. This underwear is much better than those jockey shorts I used to wear, but I’ve only got 2 pairs. I’ve ordered 2 more pair
[End page 3]
Of heavy woolen socks from the Lieutenant but he has to go to the L.M. to get them and lord only knows when he’ll get around to it. Then I also want to have some decent pictures taken. 
Did Ma send you those I had taken in St. Louis? They weren’t very good because I was hot + dirty from the trip. (6) Then after I keep out some for myself I’ll send the rest. One thing we get good + cheap is ice cream. 15¢ for a pint. A pint + a package of those cellophane cookies will fill me up pretty well just before I go to bed. When I go to the movies I limit myself to a package of popcorn. I saw that picture “The Black Swan” by Raphael Sabatini (sic). I think you told me about it once and I couldn’t get to see it so when I saw it was at theater No. 1 I went. (7)
Yesterday we had quite an extensive gas mask drill. We had to be able to put them on in a maximum of 15 sec. Then when we could do that, they made us march + run in them for about a half hour + boy that even almost got my wind. One advantage of them was that the dust didn’t bother at all. I have a gas mask of the very latest type. Some guys got older models. When we leave here we keep them with us. They’re good for 40 hrs in a normal concentration of gas. Later on we’ll use them in the gas chamber. We also have to sniff different gases to be able to recognize them. Today we’ve been learning different combat formations + signals. The whole general idea is not to be in line with anyone or near anyone in all these formations. There are all sorts – 
[End page 5]
- of reasons for these + each formation has its own advantage. I don’t know whether I’m telling you anything I’m not supposed to or not we aren’t supposed to tell hardly anything. They keep drilling this into us. Of course I know you’re O.K. but to the army this is no excuse so if I say anything very “military” or anything why don’t talk about it too much. I know enthusiasm is one of the reasons by which soldiers unwittingly give out information + believe me you can’t help being enthusiastic when you see some of these weapons you just want to tell the whole world about them + how good they are but we can’t. For instance the “Bazooka” you’ve heard of it not doubt we are strictly forbidden to talk to anyone about it. (8) Well I guess I’ll go to the P.X. + get some postcards for Ma. She wanted to see some pictures of the camp. She’ll probably show them to you sometime.
(1) Coney Island (1943), was a musical starring Betty Grable, released in June that year.
(2) Found a few George Johnsons in NH, but none seem like the right one, and when I tried to narrow it to Epsom, I found that there was a British George Johnson that isolated Epsom Salts, alas!  (3) No hits :-(  (4) No relevant hits :-( 
(5) $64 in Aug. 1943 is $949.12 now, according to the inflation calculator. That seems excessive, but remember 1) there was a war on so prices would be high due to gas/fuel rationing and trying to limit unnecessary travel 2) this is before deregulation in the 80s so travel itself was a luxury even without war times, and 3) this is even before the development of the interstate highway system. 
(6) No pictures that I’m aware of, but still a few boxes of photos to get through let alone the letters I’m transcribing
(7) The Black Swan (1942) is a colorful, action-packed pirate movie based on the novel by Rafael Sabatini. My dad and I watched it together about a year ago on the TCM channel. – Steven
(8) The M1 hand-held rocket grenade launcher was invented in 1942 by US Lieutenant Edward Uhl. The term “Bazooka” was given to it as a humorous comparison, based on the weapon’s shape to a silly long-horned instrument called a “bazooka” that was played by the comedian Bob Burns in the 1930’s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bazooka
0 notes
sapphirescales · 7 years
LILY!!! do you have skincare tips? i've got oily skin and i'm looking for things i can do when my Depression makes it hard to maintain a routine :(
UMMMM well idk like,,, my skin isnt all that great either esp when The Stress hits but i’ll jot down some stuff tht i can think of, but i’ll preface it w my skin is combination skin -- i’ve got a rly oily t-zone and then the rest of my face (esp my cheeks) are a little dry so i guess my skin tends to be more oily than anything, and my skin is SUPER SENSITIVE, but anyway
for facewashes and face creams: use gel stuff instead of foam or cream stuff! i switched my foam cleanser for a gel cleanser, and my moisturiser cream for a moisturiser gel and it helped so much. gel stuff tends to be a lil bit more expensive but it’s worth it imho. also try and get stuff which are parabens-free, bc stuff w parabens in it usually makes my acne go Mad. some stuff i’ve used/stuff i know about: sugar’s cucumber face wash gel, clinelle’s hydracalm facewash gel & hydracalm moisturiser, st ives’ green tea cleanser, origins’ make a difference plus+ rejuvenating cream (a gel moisturiser & a lil high-end aka super pricet), the face shop’s jeju aloe gel (there’s a huge tub sold here for like rm22 something something and honestly aloe gel is so cooling and soothing). i’ve also heard some really great stuff about origins’ oil cleanser (and oil cleansers in general) but i haven’t used it personally.
get urself a good toner! again, try and stay away from parabens-containing products but investing in a good toner will help your products sink in better and also help with regards to oil control. i’m using origins’ mega-bright skin illuminating treatment lotion, from their dr andrew weil line, and idk of many toners that are parabens free, so if you know any feel free 2 add to the comments i guess
your diet tends to reflect on your face. i dont eat v healthy tbh but i find that if i take a lot of dairy products, my acne tends to get worse. try and see if there are similar food products for you -- i know my cousins have issues with lots of processed food. not to say Cut It Out Entirely but reducing/cutting back can really help. my skin is also v v oily if i don’t drink enough water and get in enough greens, so i try to do that as often as i can. keep some water next to where you’re working or using your laptop, use a cool mason jar or water bottle or sippy cup or WHATEVER tbh as long as it makes you actually drink water and keep yourself hydrated
use a nice scrub or an alternative to a scrub: i use st ives’ green tea scrub (which is also parabens free and v affordable imo) and i also bought a tiny lil silicone sponge from watson’s which is like rm22 or something? and i use that with my gel cleanser. but the goal is to really gently exfoliate your skin without irritating it or drying it out. bc the sponge is made of silicone, it lasts FOREVER as well and you’ll see a difference in the texture of your skin in no time. making sure less dead cells are on your skin also helps w my oil production idk why??? but it Does so sdlfkj
face care with make-up is so, so important. use a primer or a pore filler before you put on make-up -- not only will it help your make-up stay on for longer but it also stops make-up getting INTO your pores and making your skin situation worse. afterwards, i usually wipe off my make-up with a (i know u guys are sick of this by now) parabens-free or a really gentle make-up wipe (like one from simple), and then i go back in with micellar water or baby oil in order to really clear out my pores. i use a quick scrub, tone and moisturise. wearing make-up often makes my skin oilier sometimes bc my make-up (which is mattifying bc oily t-zone) dries my skin out and then makes it overproduce oil again later, so if i don’t gotta use make-up, i try not to / minimise how much make-up i use (e.g. just using it for under-eye concealing or concealing acne scars/major acne)
on that note, if you don’t gotta use a cleanser, don’t? like i know most ppl are gonna scream but honestly if you were just at home all day and didn’t go anywhere or do anything to your skin, just splash on some micellar water to clear off the products off your skin from the day before/last night and you’re going to be fine??? super easy, zero fuss.
also, if youre wearing make-up, and youve got oily skin/oily areas, youre gonna have to be a lil aware sometimes and like. dab at your face w a sponge or a tissue v gently to wipe off the oil. setting your face with a powder really helps, and you don’t ACTUALLY need to put the same amount of make-up and foundation over your whole face. so, for e.g., my nose doesn’t need as much coverage and its Super Oily, so i don’t apply as much product there compared to like my forehead or my cheeks (where my acne scarring is most prominent), which really helps. if you have a good foundation and powder that closely matches your skintone and your undertone, you can probably get away w this a lot easier. 
CHANGE YOUR MAKE-UP BRUSHES AND SPONGES OFTEN! like please. PLEASE. i know we all Love to build up and are Lazy As Hell but then maybe invest in some disposable sponges or something bc for the sake of hygiene. please.
USE SUNSCREEN. idc if youre lightskinned or darkskinned, USE SUNSCREEN. even if youre medium-dark skinned, youre not gonna be immune to skin cancer. harsh sunlight also makes your skintone uneven and usually makes my skin overproduce oil. i really like biore’s sunscream stuff bc it’s very light, there’s a non-scented option and it also doubles as a make-up base (they have a few so you gotta have a look through). 
FACE MASKS! i also struggle w The Depression and its really tough for me to maintain an immaculate skincare routine, so rather than investing in like 16 tubs of facemasks i have 1 tube of clay mask (mine is from origins bc i bought this a Long While Ago while i still had money, but any clay mask is good!) and then i bought a WHOLE BUNCH of sheet face masks from the face shop because ... you guessed it ... they’re parabens free! and super cheap! using a hot compress before the mask helps bc your pores open up! i usually make myself a nice mug of tea and switch my a/c on and then slap that facemask on and do some replies. but try and do a facemask at least once every two weeks. i use mine once a week to once every two weeks, depending on how bad my depression is. target the facemask you choose to the particular problems your skin has; mine are usually hydrating facemasks (bc hydration!!! and really hydrating your skin goes a LONG WAY wrt to oil control) but i also have a few firming and brightening ones bc my skin can feel a little dull sometimes. ALSO, clay masks get a Lot Of Shit so i’m gonna just tell you quickly -- YES, they do make your skin break out the first few times you use it, but over time, it will REALLY HELP trust me! your pores? minimised. your skin? clear and glowing. your oil? controlled. if your skin is super sensitive and does not react well to store-bought masks, feel free to make some of your own natural ones! i really love making a maduka honey mask -- if you add sugar to it, it becomes a mask that also doubles as a scrub. a natural yoghurt mask is also a BLESSING and adding some oats to it also makes it double as a scrub. you could use natural aloe or use tomatoes and throw some sugar in them. PLEASE DON’T USE COCONUT OIL AS A MASK IT WILL CLOG YOUR PORES!!! don’t use masks that hurt bc you peel them etc because i always find tht it makes my skin immediately produce way more oil than it needs to compensate or smth lmao so NO to charcoal masks and stuff like that.
try and use something different for day and night. super tough esp if youre (like me) super lazy to do shit but during the day, i usually use an aloe vera gel moisturiser and, at night, i use bio oil to hydrate, minimise pores and also help with acne scarring, and tea tree oil gel to target acne-prone areas on my face and help combat acne before it starts up. find something that works for you!!!
a lot of skincare is trial and error, trying to find what works for YOU personally might not be something that works for others; i rarely get cystic acne, for example, so my skincare routine doesn’t really target that and so some parts might not work as well for people who do have cystic acne (esp since i often hear that clay masks really fuck up ppl who have cystic acne which makes sense bc in the beginning clay masks make acne worse before it gets better). try some stuff out and see what works for you after a month or so of a trial period.
skincare takes time! i don’t mean in the obvious way like you need to take time out of your day to do stuff, but i mean, it takes TIME for the results to show. you’ll have to do stuff now bc it’ll pay off later. it’ll be rough when you’re trying new stuff in the beginning but it might work out for you over a longer period of time. don’t switch products and stuff TOO OFTEN bc it’ll screw up your skin more.
it’s okay if you miss things or don’t do your routine every single day or just Can’t. it’s okay. it’s just skin care, and skipping a day or two won’t really make A Huge Difference. you can continue tomorrow. 
i hope some of this helps? idk this is just what’s worked for me over the years but yeah. feel free 2 add comments as necessary. :*
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batsysims · 7 years
I was tagged by @tickledsims ty ily!!
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? CLOSED when i was younger my little sister had a baby doll that would talk on its own at night and we called it the demon baby and hooooly shit
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i dont take those bc my hair cant take cheap hair products but i do take the soaps!!
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? i put the mattress cover sheet thingy on my bed but i dont use an actual sheet :/
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? YES i love using office supplies i could spend all day at staples omg
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? no lol but il save the lil receipt coupons and find them in my wallet months after they expire
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? yep!! i love them its why im scared to use foundation i dont wanna lose em
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? i either smile or if my moms takin the pic il make a stupid face 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? i have terrible road rage...... um........... i also hate it when men interrupt me i just walk away at that point 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah i pretty much count everything
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? i dont think so??
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? i have an eating dance, a drinking dance, and a video game playing dance hahaa
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yes ugh it annoys me but i cant stop
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? i think its a single? a single or a twin either way im miserable send help
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? ummm probably You by Weird Milk?? its the most recent song i added on spotify so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yeah def unless its one of those “real men wear pink shirts” like just.... stop
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? sometimes my sister makes me watch stevens universe?? il watch phineas and ferb too bc honestly who doesnt anime too but not always cartoon ones or w/e
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? 2001: A Space Odyssey and Daughters of the Dust come to mind
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? u kno where ;) no how big is the treasure?? if its a lil bit id put it in that drawer under the oven bc my family never uses that but if its BIG TREASURE id hide it in the backyard of the last house i lived in bc a. nobody lives there now and 2. its totally overrun with green bc of like two floods
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water! only water ever
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? honey if theyre mcnuggets but other than that i use honey mustard!
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? honestly Inception is my feel-good movie
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? i was in girl scouts much longer than i ever wanted to be lmao WISH i coulda done BOY SCOUTS
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no but i can watch
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? when i first got my license yea :( 15 yr olds are dum
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? twice! very good memories
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? the all star breakfast at waffle house yasssss
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? honestly like 9 since i always have to wake up at 7 in the am but il stay up til 11 if i can
37. ARE YOU LAZY? absolutely when have ACTIVE ppl done ANYTHING
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was usually a cat bc i never could find a costume i liked smh but when i was 2 i went as winnie the pooh lmao
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? just english but im tryna learn spanish and japanese and im fluent in french if a two year olds speech patterns can be considered as such
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? LEGOS lincoln logs are big with nostalgia thoooo
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? with dumb shit yeah but i usually just dont care enough abt stuff to deal
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? theyre both old idc
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? not really tbh i like the adrenaline
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? if im alone!! nobody deserves to hear that
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? when im in the drive thru haaaa
50. EVER USED A GUN? id like to go to a shooting range some time but ive never used one im also very anti gun so i probs would never buy one unless it was a cute lil glock i can handle well
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? st patricks day it wasnt technically for me tho
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? not in general but when ppl start obsessing over a certain one for months on end abt a certain time period and certain performers and certain songs and certain people of history i start wanting ppl to die
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? my sisters obsessed with them so yea but never like. authentic polish potato pockets or anything just a frozen box of em
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? apple?? im not rly into pie tbh
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? ive wanted to go into law enforcement/criminology my whole life!! for a sec i wanted to be a firefighter, a journalist/writer/poet, and some sort of artist but u know how kids are
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? i tried to find that clip from malcolm in the middle for like ten mins but i couldnt yea
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? doesnt everyone tho?
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no im a bad adult
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? im not rich!!
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? ive never been to one! i was gonna go see metallica in baltimore but i moved before i could smh
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart sry targets cool but too much money!!! i go there for home things tho does kmart still exist
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? ADIDAS ive been trying to get a full adidas tracksuit for YEARS
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? fritos! i like the super hot cheetos tho
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nope but they must be good im keepin @tickledsims response bc it made me laugh
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? when i was a lil babu i took ballet and gymnastics a lil later
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? i hope to never have a spouse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? ive actually never even had a spelling bee im sure theyre a myth
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? nahhhhh
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? no but i had a roommate who did i fell in love
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah ok lol so one time when i was a sophomore my french teacher had to use a substitute teacher and hes the reason i believe in love at first sight im STILL in love with him wtf ive also had a bf haha im hilarious
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? i dont really do concerts so i couldnt say but i think matd would be fun!!
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? i dont rly like either but i prefer snickerdoodles over sugar
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can only do that weird frog swim i forget what its called so no im shit at it
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? if im able to distract myself?? it also depends on the severity of what im waiting on i guess
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? probs a band i guess i dont rly think abt that kinda stuff sry
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? when i was four i won a coloring contest at the ice cream store
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i can knit but i cant crochet
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? fckn bathroom
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? not rly unless its a partnership longlasting romance stresses me out especially with financial responsibility etc
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? my high school boyfriend hahaaa h,,,,
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? nope! lmao i love her tho
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? red but i also like many others??? idk
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? ummm not rly?? im not close enough to anyone to miss them and those i am close to im able to hang with
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? god uhhh if you havent done it already and want to, @dreambot @nebula-simms @ellowynsims and @pixelbloom
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allyinthekeyofx · 7 years
Dreamcatcher - Chapters 22&23
Prologue&chapter 1   Chapters 2&3   Chapters 4&5   Chapters 6&7
Chapters 8&9  Chapters 10&11   Chapters 12&13   Chapters 14&15
Chapters 16&17   Chapters 18&19   Chapters 20&21
here you go @scully-loves-ruthie​ @shalomksenia​ @thexfphile​ - sorry I didn’t post yesterday, work was crazy!
St Mary's Hospital. Cleveland Ohio. May 7th 11:01pm
Something was different.
Even as Mulder struggled to regain his senses he knew. For one thing he could hear voices, vague and distorted but voices nonetheless, surrounding him as they melded together; the words not yet discernible, they just buzzed irritatingly inside his head, constant, impossible to ignore.
He was aware of the heavy sheets that weighed down his aching body, starched clean sheets that in normal circumstances might have been comforting but that now seemed constricting. Binding even.
And, as he came further towards the surface, something else struck him.
The smell here was all wrong.
A strong scent of antiseptic and cleaning fluid.
An unmistakable scent.
The scent of medicines.
Of hospitals.
Absurdly pleased that he had been able to make the connection, Mulder attempted to open his eyes. But the heaviness persisted, dragging him down. Refusing to free him.
It wasn't time yet. He knew that.
So despite himself he began to drift once again, to block out the voices that seemed closer suddenly, more familiar as they whispered his name.
But the one voice that might have prompted him to throw off the chains that bound him in unconsciousness was Scully's.
And hers wasn't among them.
He was unsure as to how much time had passed when the voices returned. But they seemed clearer; able to separate one from the other he could hear them clearly beside him.
"He's coming out of it."
It was enough to prompt him to ease his eyes open, surprised suddenly by the pain that accompanied the action. His whole head ached. From his jaw line to his crown the pain was all consuming, making the images before him swirl together in a blurring mass as he fought to hold on to consciousness. The effort became almost too much as his hands found their way to the stainless steel tubular bars that were attached to the side of the bed. Their use in the main was to prevent the patient from falling, but now Mulder curled his fingers around them as he pulled himself to the side, turning his head as a wave of nausea overtook him. The room tilted crazily, reminding him of long forgotten fairground rides from his childhood.
Back then it had been fun.
Nothing fun about it now though as the nausea gave way to painful retching, each action threatening to tear his already aching head apart with the violence of the spasms.
Under normal circumstances Mulder might have felt embarrassed by the fact that he was puking over the side of the bed like some kid who had over indulged in cheap vino, especially in front of his superior Agent, but right now it didn't even cross his mind.
Because right now he just wanted it to stop.
A hand on his shoulder, reassuringly solid.
"Take it easy Mulder it's okay."
And then that same voice, hardening with authority as he directed some unseen presence in the room.
"Get a Doctor in here right now."
Mulders released his grip on the bars, hand groping the air, trying to connect with Skinner, who for some reason seemed to be wavering back and forth in front of him. Eventually he gave up and dropped his head back on to the comforting softness of the pillow again, closing his eyes in an attempt to block out the pain.
His voice, when it came sounded strange even to him.
"Scully...where is she?" he managed shakily.
He didn't hear Skinner's answer. Barely even acknowledged the fact that the words had left his mouth before the room once more began to spin sickeningly, before the sounds around him were replaced with the buzzing as everything went dark again.
The next time he awoke there were no voices. Just softly muted sounds that suggested to him that it was night.
He'd spent enough time in hospitals to know that the sounds never really ceased. They simply became quieter in deference to the hour as voices were lowered to hushed whispers and the only sounds to shatter the silence were those of patients crying out in the night or of the occasional whisper of soft-soled footsteps that passed by in the corridors outside.
Mulder kept his eyes closed, breathing evenly until he felt it was safe to attempt to open them again. When he did he felt dizzy, out of himself somehow, as though his head had been stuffed with cotton wool. But that was okay because it was at least preferable to the pain he had experienced earlier.
His hand ached and he gingerly brought it up so that it was in his field of vision, realising that the source of the ache belonged to a plastic IV tube that snaked in to the back of his hand and around his wrist to carry on upwards. He followed the tubing with his eyes until he discovered its source; a plastic bag of clear fluid that he guessed was probably a combination of saline and pain relief. Morphine maybe? That would certainly account for the heavy feeling he was experiencing.
He discovered that keeping his hand aloft was just too much effort and he allowed it to drop, catching the IV line as he did so. Pain flared briefly around the area and he groaned softly.
Before he had even finished, the voice reached him.
Almost simultaneously Skinner's face appeared beside him, concerned, relieved and so damn tired looking.
"How are you feeling?"
Mulder  swallowed heavily before answering, his throat uncomfortably scratchy.
"How do I look?"
"The truth?"
Skinner tipped his head on one side as he regarded the younger man beside him.
"You look like shit."
Mulder shrugged, wincing as he did so.
His eyes narrowed as he allowed his gaze to scan his surroundings.
"Where's Scully?"
Skinner blinked, wishing he were able to buy himself a bit more time before answering. But Mulder had a right to know. He deserved to know. But that didn't make it any easier.
For the last few hours he had divided his time unevenly between his two agents, spending the majority of time at Mulders bedside, understanding the futility of remaining with Scully while she was in her present condition.
He also realised that no such rationale would prevent Mulder from going to her.
During the hours he had spent here Skinner had concocted and discarded a dozen different ways to break the news to Mulder in a way that might prevent him from leaving his bed immediately and heading off to find her. He also knew there was no easy answer, that whatever he said, Mulder would do just as he damn well pleased.
It was a pattern he had become accustomed to over the years.
So instead, he cleared his throat and decided on a direct approach.
"She's up in the ICU."
Before the words were fully out of his mouth he watched Mulder react in exactly the way he had known he would and he shot out a hand that connected solidly with Mulder's chest to prevent him from sitting up.
For a second, Mulder fought against him, but weakness and fatigue eventually won out as he allowed Skinner to push him backwards on to the pillows.
"Take it easy." Skinner advised.
But he knew Mulder was beyond that. He had that look in his eyes that reminded Skinner of a rabbit caught in the headlights, frantically seeking a means of escape, a way to get to her.
Slowly, he removed his hand as Mulder relaxed slightly beneath him.
"The ICU?"
"Why? She was fine.......she was injured but........"
His voice trailed off.
"What's wrong with her?" he demanded finally.
Skinner sighed.
"I wish I could tell you. The medical personnel here don't have the first clue. When she....when you...came back she wasn't breathing..."
Mulder pushed himself up again and this time Skinner didn't try to restrain him despite the beads of sweat that formed on his agents' forehead.
"What do you mean? I’m telling you, she was fine. She spoke to me....."
Skinner shook his head.
"Mulder, whatever happened to you both, whatever you think you remember...there is no way she could have spoken to you, given the condition she’s in.....”
“Condition?  What are you talking about?”
Mulder struggled back into a semi-upright position, confusion all too evident on his face as he frowned at Skinner who cleared his throat uncomfortably, faltering suddenly, hating himself for having to be the one to deliver the news.
Seniority sucked sometimes.
“Skinner?.....what condition?”
"I’m sorry Mulder but the way she was when you...when she...came back was bad, really bad and..well, she is in a critical condition and not expected to live through the night."
He levelled him with his gaze, needing him to understand, that there was no denying the truth of the seriousness of the situation.
“She’s dying Mulder.”
St Mary's Hospital. Cleveland, Ohio May 8th 6:03am
Skinner frowned as he rounded the corridor that led to Scully's room. It had been a long night. Both the emotional and the physical costs had been enormous for them all.
Finally, just ten minutes ago he had managed to reach Margaret Scully on the telephone after trying to track her down for the better part of yesterday and last night.  She had been out of town and apparently not picking up her messages from wherever she was. Finally though, his cell phone had trilled and the FBI dispatcher had patched her through.
To break this kind of news to someone face to face was difficult enough. To have to do it long distance was practically impossible. But break the news he had, listening to the laboured breathing on the other end of the line as his words had finally sunk in; the sound of Scullys mother as she desperately attempted to hold on to her composure long enough for him to furnish her with the details.
He wished with all his heart that he could have downplayed the gravity of the situation in some way. That he could have offered her some thread of hope to cling to as she made the journey here.
But much as he wished it might be so, he knew that it would be wholly unfair of him.
Because even though Scully had surprised them all that night as she clung onto life tenaciously the signs were certainly not promising.
In fact, only an hour previously one of the ICU team had quietly pulled Skinner to one side and gravely informed him that it wouldn't be long. That whatever precarious hold she currently had on life was slipping away.
Slowly but surely Dana Scully was dying by degrees.
Kept alive by machinery until such a time as the medical personnel were directed to cease in their efforts to keep her alive. Without the equipment surrounding her she would die almost immediately. That had been spelled out plainly for Skinner as he attempted to find something, some crumb of hope that she might come out of this.
Not to mention the  fact, he was having a hard time reconciling that she was even there at all, much less attempt to furnish Margaret Scully with any kind of measured reasoning because while he couldn't deny what he had witnessed in Scully's motel room, he couldn’t begin to make sense of it, couldn't explain how she suddenly appeared before him.
He had been questioned at length by the medical personnel, unable to furnish them with the answers they needed and it had been patently obvious that they didn't believe him.
He couldn't blame them. He hardly believed it himself.
But he had seen it and no matter how much he tried to deny it to himself, he knew what he had seen to be true.
In the blink of an eye, Scully had just been there.
Just like that, and truthfully, in the immediate aftermath of her return, Skinner hadn't had time to really question it, so intent had he been in bringing her back to them.
It had been maybe five minutes from the time he placed the call to the emergency services to the time they barrelled through the motel room door and swept him out the way.
Five minutes that had seemed like five years as he breathed for Scully. Five minutes that stretched into eternity. Five minutes of switching to autopilot as he performed chest compressions, muttering encouragement to her through clenched teeth. Five minutes in his life that he had no doubt would return to haunt him for years to come.
But his efforts had, in some small way at least, been rewarded.
The EMTs had spent almost an hour attempting to stabilize her before loading her into the depths of the ambulance along with an unconscious Mulder. They had been rewarded by the faintest, flickering pulse that fluttered feebly beneath their fingertips like a dying butterfly.
The tiniest spark of life.
Of hope.
Skinner had insisted on riding in the ambulance with them.
The harried EMTs hadn't argued. Time was of the essence and they hadn't wanted to waste any by engaging in fruitless discussion with this man. All of their energies were focused on Scully, on keeping her alive until they could get her to the hospital.
Twice they had almost lost her.
Twice they had brought her back.
And all the while, Mulder lay not two feet away from her, deeply unconscious and oblivious to the drama that was being played out beside him.
For that at least, Skinner was thankful.
Their job done, they had passed her over to the crash team in the ER department and departed silently.
Skinner hadn't even had time to thank them.
Since then, each hour that passed had seemed to merge and meld into the other. He had divided his time as best he could between staring numbly down at Scully as she lay, naked beneath a single sheet in the ICU, and sitting by Mulders bedside staring equally numbly as he wondered how the hell he was going to tell him about his partner's condition.
And of course Mulder had awoken and the second the realization had sunk in, he had done exactly as Skinner had expected him to.
Despite the combined protests of several medical staff, the younger man had heaved himself from his bed, ripping out the canular as he did so, ignoring the blood that dripped from his hand in a steady stream of red droplets, and demanded to be reunited with his clothes.
His doctor had been summoned to try to talk some sense into him and had been rewarded by the charming profile of Mulder's clenched jaw as he completely ignored him.
It was, Skinner noted, like trying to hold back the wind itself, because regardless of how it may endanger his own health, there was nothing, nothing on this earth that would keep Mulder from his partner.
Eventually they had all realized the futility of their efforts and with much shrugging of shoulders had left him alone with Skinner to sign the necessary disclaimers and get dressed.
He had followed Mulder to the ICU and been there to offer a steadying hand as Mulder caught the first glimpse of his partner.
Even Skinner had to admit that it was a shocking sight.
Scully lay there with what seemed like a hundred tubes attached to her body, unmoving, unresponsive. They hadn't even bothered to dim the lights around her bed, and the harsh glare had made her appear even paler than she actually was.
In fact, if Skinner were honest with himself, she looked like she was dead already; a corpse beneath that plain, blue cotton sheet, kept alive until someone came along and pulled the plug.
He had watched as Mulder sucked in his breath at the sight of her, stepped forward to offer his assistance as the younger man folded before him in a manner that suggested someone had just sucker punched him in the gut.
Mulder had angrily shrugged his hand away.
There was nothing he could say, nothing he could offer to make one iota of difference  as Mulder stumbled away from him and crossed the small space that separated him from his partner. Skinner watched silently as he extended a shaking hand towards her, his fingers gently brushing away a strand of hair that had fallen over her pallid face.
And time seemed to stand still.
Long moments passed that would become lost in his memory before Mulder finally lowered his body to the single chair that sat like a sentry beside the bed, long moments as he stood there watching the younger man slip his fingers beneath Scully's hand, wishing he could give him something, anything to ease his pain.
But Mulder was oblivious to everything, his every fibre was concentrated on the woman lying before him, and Skinner doubted he would have even heard any words of comfort he may have been able to muster. So he had simply turned on his heel and left them together.
But now he had returned only to find Mulder still in that same position. If he had moved at all, Skinner could see no evidence of it.
He felt strangely like an interloper, as on some level he always had where these two agents were concerned. Oftentimes he had caught himself wondering about the relationship they shared, wondering just how deep their commitment to each other actually went.
One thing he was certain of - they had ceased being merely professional people thrown together in the course of their work a long time ago. What they shared went so much deeper. It was as though each only existed as a part of the other.
And most times he envied them.
But not now.
Right now he thanked God that he wasn't in Mulders shoes.
"How is she?"
The question was redundant. He already knew what the answer would be.
But he needed something to draw Mulders attention away from her. He needed to look into his face. He needed to check how he was doing right now.
He immediately wished he hadn't. He wished he hadn't needed to affirm what he already suspected.
Mulders eyes, when they met his, were shockingly blank, vacant even. All the light that habitually shone from them was extinguished by the long hours he had sat here.
His voice when it finally came sounded flat. Lifeless.
"The same."
Skinner nodded.
"Her mother's on the way here."
Mulder glanced at Scully then closed his eyes briefly. Skinner would never have believed it possible unless he had actually witnessed it, but it seemed like Mulders face drained of even more colour. He hadn't shaved and the stubble was like a black rash against his skin.
As he watched him, Skinner immediately understood.
It was practically palpable.
He stopped, though, as Mulder once again turned tortured eyes toward him, locking gazes with his superior as he uttered a silent plea. And Skinner heard him. Even without words he heard him.
What am I going to tell her?
And for once in his life, Skinner just didn't know the answer. He doubted anyone did.
Dreamcatcher. May 8th. Time unknown.
The first thing Scully saw when she opened her eyes was a face. A small, elfin face framed with a halo of dark hair.
It was peering down shyly at her, green eyes questioning even as the tiny, rosebud lips offered the most tremulous of smiles.
"I thought you weren't ever going to wake up."
She frowned as the child's words reached through the fog that had descended all around her.
There was something about the child that was familiar. That face, those lips. Somewhere in her memory she had seen her before.
But where?
Scully fought against the tiredness, willing herself into full wakefulness as she gradually became more aware of her surroundings.
She was lying on a mattress of fleece. So soft it almost seemed as though it were made of spun silk, cushioning her against the uneven surface of the ground beneath it. A similar, much thinner blanket covered her almost to her chin, and a sudden memory of another time danced fleetingly into her mind only to be gone seconds later.
He always covered her with blankets when she was sleeping.
She had lost count of the amount of times she had awoken with the soft warmth tucked around her. She wasn't sure exactly when it had started although it was possibly back in the days when she still had cancer and towards the end she had seemed to be permanently freezing.
At a time when Mulder was desperately trying not to disappear in to the ether of his own darkest fear, unable to put in to words his emotions, he had simply tried, in his slightly clumsy way, to take care of her.
But Mulder wasn't here.
He had been inexplicably replaced by this child.
A little girl who seemed almost ethereal in her beauty, a child Scully had seen somewhere before.
She closed her eyes, forcing her mind back.
Rich, ebony hair spread across a pillow of ivory silk...
And then it came to her.
A child locked inside herself in that sterile hospital room, a child who had whispered to Scully even as she had drifted towards her, making the barest contact before the girl’s Father had intervened.
Like a bolt of lightening the realization slammed into her brain, throwing off all vestiges of sleep as she opened her eyes, scrambling upright she grasped the child's arm.
To confirm to herself that she was real. That the child before her was really who she thought it to be.
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whattoputonyourface · 7 years
“Actives”: Skincare Ingredients That Actually Do Stuff
As much as I like all this beauty stuff, I'm aware that most of it is marketing bullshit. With skincare, there's already a pretty good consensus on what works, and it's mostly stuff that's been around forever and is very unsexy from a marketing perspective. But capitalism is a bottomlessly hungry machine. Consumers crave constant innovation, which is how we end up with 500 dollar creams that are basically just cetaphil in prettier (unhygenic) jars. The vast majority of skincare products don't do even half of what they claim to, and effectiveness often has very little to do with price point. In order to get the most out of your skincare, you need to know what ingredients are actually proven, by peer reviewed research, to make a difference for your skin. Unfortunately, they're aren't that many of them, but at least that's more skincare products you can convince yourself not to buy.
Obviously, you don't need to use all of these. You don't need to use any of these. The built-in disclaimer of this blog is that all of this stuff is totally bullshit and you will get old and die regardless. But if you wanna look pretty in your coffin and make people at your funeral think you died tragically young instead of at a normal, boring age, I have some recommendations.
Retinol (aka Retin-A, Differin, tretinion, adapalene, retinoid)
Retinol is crazy. It's a form of Vitamin A and it does basically everything - slows the aging process, helps calm down acne, boosts collagen levels, fades scars (even stretch marks!), and lots of other things. Basically, retinol works by increasing the cell turnover of your skin. Unfortunately, when you start using a retinol, that means your face kind of just starts starts flaking off. Your skin gets dry and it can make everything look a lot worse before it looks better. You need to introduce it very, very slowly. I started with a low concentration applied twice a week and worked my way up, and my face still looked pretty gnarly for a month or two. I had a few people ask me if I'd gotten a chemical peel. But if you stick it out, moisturize heavily, and make sure to protect your skin from the sun (retinol can make you extra photosensitive, so it's best to use at night), the results are definitely worth it. Your skin WILL eventually adjust and stop falling off, I promise.
You can get some retinoids over-the-counter in small doses(The Ordinary is probably where they're available for the cheapest price), but usually it's something you need a prescription for. I get mine through Curology, and I can't recommend them enough. It's a 20 dollar a month service for an online dermatologist. They send you a custom formulated bottle every few months and they're on call 24/7 if you have any questions. Their prescriptions can include retinol as well as a lot of the other actives on this list. Mine has azaleic acid and clyndamycin in it. Considering I used to pay 100 dollars for ONE bottle of just retinol that would last me maybe a month or two, Curology is more than worth it. Use retinols in the evening, after you've washed your face and before you've put on anything else. Make sure your face is dry when applying the retinol. Don't exfoliate at the same time as using a retinol unless you know your skin can handle it - it's too harsh for most people.
EDIT: Since writing this post I've learned that retinol actually doesn't make you more photosensitive, but it does degrade in sunlight, so it's still best to use at night.
Vitamin C (aka L-ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl palmitate, retinyl ascorbate, tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl glucoside)
Vitamin C is arguably the most basic bitch vitamin. So mainstream. For skin, it's a strong protective against photoaging (aka sunspots and wrinkles) and lightens already existing areas of hyperpigmentation. It works as an antioxidant ("oxidiziation" is basically the mechanism of skin aging, so anything antioxidant is gonna be great to put on your face. I sort of know how antioxidants work, but this wikipedia page explains it better if you're interested).
The annoying thing about Vitamin C is that it's a really sensitive ingredient. As an antioxidant, you really don't want to expose it to air if you can help it, and even if you don't, if it isn't formulated correctly, it can go bad quickly. That's why I like the Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum - it comes in an airtight pump and the company claims it will last two years. It's insanely expensive, but it lasts a really long time because you only use one small pump per day. Paula's Choice and The Ordinary sell C serums for cheaper, but since they're in dropper bottles, they don't last as long. If you're in the market for a Vitamin C serum, look for one between 10-25% concentration. If you buy one and it starts to turn orange, that's how you know it's oxidized and no longer particularly useful (the Drunk Elephant one is orange from the get go due to the pumpkin in it, though). You use Vitamin C in the morning, after you've washed your face, directly on clean skin. You can exfoliate first if you do that in the morning, but make sure to put it on before anything else.
The Acids: Alpha Hydroxy Acid (aka lactic, glycolic, mandelic, azaleic, lots more) and Beta Hydroxy Acid (aka salicylic)
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are used to exfoliate the skin. Remember when I said to throw out your St Ives? This is what you should be using to clear out your pores instead. Different skin tends to favor different acids, but generally speaking, BHAs work well for the oily, as BHAs are oil soluable, and AHAs work well for everyone else, as they're water soluable. Additionally, BHAs tend to be more effective for breakouts, because they actually get into the pores and clear them out, while AHAs are better at exfoliating and sloughing off dead cells on the surface of the skin (which means they help refine skin texture and lighten hyperpigmentation)
The most commonly used BHA is salicylic acid, and the best way to find out if your skin likes it is good old Stridex pads. Remember those? Turns out they actually do something.
There are a lot of different AHAs, and different skin tends to favor different chemicals. Lactic acid is usually considered the most gentle and a good starting point. The cheapest lactic acid formulations I've found are from The Ordinary. Are you sick of me talking about The Ordinary yet? Sorry, they're a goddamn miracle for poors like me. I use the 10% formulation. It smells awful but it works.
You want to be careful with AHAs and BHAs as they are irritating to the skin and can make things worse if overused. Introduce them slowly, maybe once a week at first, seeing how your skin will tolerate them, and increase from there until you're happy with your results. Some people have skin that LOVES acid, and they can exfoliate twice a day, while others might only be able to use an acid once or twice a week. AHAs can make you more sensitive to the sun, so they're best used at night, but you can use a BHA anytime. Just be sure to do it on clean skin, and for either AHA or BHA products, wait between 10 and 30 minutes depending on how patient you are before moving on to the next step in your skincare routine to let them do their work. These ingredients are ph dependent and need to sit on your skin for awhile by themselves, so it's best to use a product specifically made to exfoliate rather than a moisturizer or face wash that includes an AHA or BHA.
Niacinamide (aka vitamin B3, nicotinic acid)
Niacinamide is a goddamn miracle. I don't really know how it works. It just does (and peer reviewed studies suggest it does as well). Not only does it do a bunch of great anti aging stuff like firm the skin and encourage collagen production, it is REALLY effective at lightening hyperpigmentation, reducing irritation from breakouts, and most amazingly, it's the only thing I can think of that actually makes your pores look smaller. It's so good. Again, The Ordinary sells it for insanely cheap (like 6 bucks).
You don't want to use niacinamide and Vitamin C at the same time, because it'll cause your skin to flush. Some people say it makes both products ineffective, but the jury is still out on that one. I think if you use it a couple steps apart in a routine you're probably fine, but use your Vitamin C in the morning and your niacinamide at night if you want to be on the safe side. Niacinamide is one of the few ingredients listed here that's generally pretty stable and doesn't need quite as much protection from light and oxygen. You can use it at any point in your routine as long as you haven't put on anything super heavy and occlusive yet.
Humectants (aka hyaluronic acid, glycerine, butylene glycol, honey, fun stuff like snail slime, propolis, and chaga mushroom)
As I've said in a previous post, Humectants are just things that draw water into the skin. You need them in a moisturizer, but this is where your skincare can get less sciency and more fun, because a lot of weird things are humectants. A very hip Korean skincare ingredient is "snail mucin" aka snail slime. I've used some snail products and find them very soothing and calming - if you have sensitive skin you should give it a try. This gel cream from Mizon is sort of the OG cheap snail product. Really though, a lot of these buzzy plant and animal extracts that sound so exciting are really just moisturizers. Some of them might end up being proven to do other things, but at this point, there just isn't enough solid research to know for sure. They're PROBABLY not gonna do anything beyond hydrate, but your skin needs hydration, so if they sound fun and you think it'll make you more excited to take care of your skin to put some exotic botanical extract on it, go for it. Maybe they'll turn out to do other stuff, too, or maybe your skin will take a special liking to them.
You can use humectants at really any point in your skincare routine, but if you're going to use them earlier in a routine, make sure they don't have any occlusive ingredients, because those will form a barrier and keep the next steps in your routine from absorbing. For a mid-routine humectant dose, I like this hyaluronic acid toner.
Occlusives (aka oils, basically)
Your moisturizer also needs occlusive properties if you're putting it on as a final step in your skincare. These are what hold the humectants in and keep them from just evaporating out of your face. Occlusives are usually oils. Every few years the beauty industry gets super hyped on another ~miracle oil~: awhile ago it was jojoba, then it was argan, now it seems to be marula. They all work pretty much the same, although certain oils have other properties that are allegedly good for your skin in non-occlusive ways - sea buckthorn oil has a lot of antioxidants, and coconut oil is an antifungal, for example. This is cool, but you're not really going to see dramatic differences based on these properties. You really just have to try a couple out and see which ones feel the most comfortable on your skin and don't break you out. An oil is pretty much an oil. No need to overthink it if you don't want to.
A Note about packaging: It's fine if humectants and occlusives come in a jar instead of airtight packaging or a dropper bottle, because you aren't using them for their antioxidant properties. Pretty much everything else I listed here (with the possible exception of niacinamide) needs to be protected from light and oxygen as much as possible to remain effective. Airtight pumps in opaque or sun-protected packaging are best. Make sure if your product comes in a jar that you at LEAST wash your hands before sticking your fingers in it, or better yet, use a little spatula or spoon to get the product out.
"But what about (x ingredient)?"
There are a few other "skin actives" that allegedly do stuff that I didn't write about. There are a lot of ingestible antibiotics that work great for acne, for example, but they're mostly available by prescription and not something that's going to be marketed to you, so I skipped them. Some newer skin actives that are showing promise have really cool mechanisms of action: there's this awesome new peptide based on snake venom that supposedly encourages collagen production by mimicking broken collagen bonds, for example. Arbutin is supposed to be a really effective hyperpigmentation lightener. Caffeine has a temporary tightening effect that can make it good in eye cream. There are some fun herbal ingredients my skin seems to respond to well - ginseng and green tea, for example, but there's not really scientific evidence to back that up, they're more just fun for me to try out as a skincaretainment enthusiast. There's a slew of other stuff that shows some promise but hasn't been used long enough to be without a doubt skin-changing. The ones I covered here are the ones with the most research behind them and the longest history of effective use in skincare.
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sxdomy · 7 years
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1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? not @ all3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? tissues, napkins, sticky notes, random cuts of notebook paper4: how do you take your coffee/tea? two-four sugars w creamer or 1/2 n 1/2 (tea)5: are you self-conscious of your smile? not after i got braces6: do you keep plants? no7: do you name your plants? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? idk the only art i do is in photography, and i try to do dark/spooky shit.. it doesnt have a meaning9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yes10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? i dont rly have a friends group, less drama that way12: what's your favorite planet? smth has always intrigued me abt mars13: what's something that made you smile today? lars (:14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idc it's somewhere to live.. we can fix it up if we have the money. if so, i would prob have a bunch of shit everywhere lmao15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! it says language programming ??16: what's your favorite pasta dish? some plain old penne/rigatoni w red gravy, but it has to be GOOD red gravy .. none of that ragu/preggo shit17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? black and it already is dyed that color, but i do want to experiment a bit and get few pieces red18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. JESUS.. these are endless... once i RLY had to pee, and i was @ school. it was after school hrs. my friend and i were waiting for the game to start. all the doors were locked up @ the school. i think they took out the portapotty from outside, so i said to my friend, "let's go to the lower field" (we have an upper and lower field idk what other schools have lmao) despite it saying there are cameras down there (which IK for sure bc i've seen the computer w the school cameras, and there are ones surveilling the fields), i peed. in 8th grade during lunch, this girl pissed me the fuck off. i can't remember what she did, but i picked up her sandwich and threw it to the ground.another time in 8th grade during gym, my friends and i were fooling around during a fitness walk (walk thru the trail surrounded by woods oooo). i was yelling "IN DA GREENZ" bc i was a rly weird kid, and now we bring it up whenever we see bushes. OKAY lasT memORYYY in 8th grade, i was on the soccer team. i sucked @ it... the ball was coming to me, and i tried to kick it. instead of kicking it, my foot went on top of the ball resulting in my fall19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i used to keep a journal. last winter was the most recent journal i'd had, and my guidance counselor purchased it for me. i was going thru a rly hard time, and it was an outlet from that. after the winter ended, i never felt the need to write in it again.. it hasnt gotten that bad20: what's your favorite eye color? lars' eye color21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. 22: are you a morning person? depends... if my sleeping schedule is just like that, I LOVE WAKING UP IN THE MORNING. if i don't usually, then no fuck it lmao23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? literally nothing, but i do that when i have obligations... i get to it @ some point24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? lars25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? i've broken into my friend's house and my own. breaking into my friend's house wasn't rly that weird. i was out of it bc i had hardly gotten sleep the previous night. i also had permission lmao it wasn't as if i just went in. my friend had forgotten her key. breaking into my own house was actually bizarre ...26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i usually wear my docs, but i switch out. before getting my docs, i wore my all black vans W LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the only time i wouldnt was when i wore a light outfit, which wasnt often bc 98% of the time i wear all black27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don't chew gum. it has aspartame, which is literally poison28: sunrise or sunset? i haven't seen a sunset since i was a child, and i want to definitely see it again29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? monty is my lover30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. socks are good. if you wear them in the cold months around the house, you are less susceptible to sickness. they also work well when you wear them w most shoes bc they prevent sweat. lars take notes (; i love wearing weird socks. i love socks. i usually never match socks bc no one will see them?? if i wear a black sock, i try to match w another black sock tho. i do sleep w socks in the cold months. otherwise, my feet would freeze. sometimes i wear multiple socks in the summer to keep my feet warm. i do wear white socks sometimes32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. i wasn't w my friends, but i found a drunken man in my rm after 3am on st. patricks day two yrs ago33: what's your fave pastry? cannoli34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i kept this one stuffed animal who was a girl. she had blonde braids, and i used to kiss her on the lips when no one was looking. i knew it was weird bc she wasn't real. i also used to pretend i was fucking her... it was a weird childhood. idk where she is now35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I LOVE PENS!!!! okay im going to sound like a weirdo.. i only love certain kinds. i hate cheap ass pens. my fav pens are the ones that u click on the bottom to get the tip bc the clicking helps me concentrate. it's also fun to just click it. i haven't used a clicky one in awhile bc i bought myself pentels. i love pentels as well bc they come in nice colors, and i rly like the cap for it. i like pens that come from certain companies bc it looks like i've been somewhere.. maybe i have? i've gotten free pens from places and some of them i just found w that lettering lmao 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? nine inch nails (:37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? dont care as long as ik where everything is. my parents call it messy, but i call it my peace38: tell us about your pet peeves! i hate when ppl put things back where they don't belong. idk i dont keep track of this shit39: what color do you wear the most? black40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? none41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? 1984 by george orwell42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! starbucks LMAO43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? no one44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? the last time i was w lars45: do you trust your instincts a lot? yes46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. idk47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? high fructose corn syrup48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? idr what it was then, but now it's getting raped.. ive had this fear since i was 14 i think49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? i dont usually buy that shit50: what's an odd thing you collect? wristbands.. i like to say i've been places51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? lars , peach // the front bottoms52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the yr just started, bUT I LOVE IAN'S (IDUBZZZZ) VIDEO OF "I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION"53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i want to see rocky horror picture show. i've seen heathers, beetlejuice, and pulp fiction. i love heathers and beetlejuice. i didn't understand pulp fiction entirely, but that could be bc i was spammed by a gc while watching it54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? idk56: what are some things you find endearing in people? smile57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i never realized that this song sounds like five mini songs put together... i did reenact them in my head58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? nonexistent lol59: what's your favorite myth? black eyed children60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? anything from edgar allan poe61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? idk i hate getting gifts i'd rather give them, but i don't usually give them bc i never have money when it's time62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ORANGE!63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? no64: what color is the sky where you are right now? grey65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? lars66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i have SAD soooo68: what's winter like where you live? FUCKING HORRIBLE, but it's worse in other places69: what are your favorite board games? ive been missing guess who? lately70: have you ever used a ouija board? no, but my math teacher says u have to make it from a certain wood and put a spell on it for it to work... too much work 😩71: what's your favorite kind of tea? lipton lemon!!!!!72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i try to note everything down, but sometimes i can remember things w/o writing them down73: what are some of your worst habits? staying in bed for too long74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. bye75: tell us about your pets! i have a dog, and she's old af lmao i never rly liked her idk i hate dogs76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? homework and probably calling up my new job to see when i have to go in.. cant be arsed.. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? FANCLUB!!! (:79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?lars gave me cute cat headphones80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white.. i didn't choose it81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. i can't rn82: are/were you good in school? i made it into university, so i guess so83: what's some of your favorite album art? the devin n god are raging inside of me // brand new .. cant think of many in particular84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? one in remembrance of my friend who died and a full sleeve85: do you read comics? what are your faves? no86: do you like concept albums? which ones? YES YES YESSSS MANSON 'S CONCEPTS R SO GOOD (: 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? idk88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? i just rly like frida kahlo89: are you close to your parents? no90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i want to visit/live in philly so badly ):91: where do you plan on traveling this year? texas92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i only put a little fresh mozz on it if there is quite a bit93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? i just wear my hair the same everyday94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? lars95: what are your plans for this weekend? none96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? omfg i had 20 or so awaiting updates last summer that i had to finally do bc it was fucking up my computer97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? what98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i dont hike99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. NOBODY'S PERFECT BY HANNAH MONTANA100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 yrs into the future.. why would i want to relive the last 5 yrs of life ?? idk im just fine living w my past mistakes.. they've shaped me
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