#if you saw the previous version with the typo no you didn't
justaboot · 1 year
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Donald's been home 48 hours and the kids learn he's actually been insane this whole time, he just lacked a co-conspirator.
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 11 months
the real question:
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flecks-of-stardust · 8 months
if you want, you can also share your size measurements for slugcats and overseers!
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krsc2 · 9 months
this definitely has nothing to do with the drawing of aeon i may or may not be working on
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Even though Poseidon didn't get enough dentition from the Third Movie, how would it be like if appeared more in the Show?
Okay unrelated but: when you said dentition I thought you meant literally
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I think you meant a typo but for a moment I really thought you meant that about Poseidon and that you wished they studied his teeth. I was like "well that's strange but right on"
Anyways I think you meant recognition/attention? Something like that. Tbh this was something I was thinking about last year.
I assumed they went wirh Poseidon in this movie to avoid contract issues with paramount if they used king Neptune. Like what happened in the first movie where they weren't allowed to reference the 1st movie in the show for 10 years because contract issues. That's why they have a completely different king Neptune in the movie compared to the show.
I assumed something similar might be the case for Poseidon. Make a whole character exclusive to the movie. Anyways we'll ignore that stuff. I had some ideas for him. Neptune is the god of fresh water in roman mythology. Poseidon is the god of sea in Greek mythology. Poseidon should have been the rightful ruler of bikini bottom and other surrounding areas right?
It had me thinking. Maybe there was some dispute amongst the gods. Maybe Neptune and Poseidon are related? Maybe power was given to not by birth right but by capability. It's possible. By birthright, Triton should inherit the throne from Neptune but Neptune pretty much disowned him. The throne instead shall be inherited by Mindy in the future
Tbh neither Neptune nor Poseidon are good leaders. He's also pretty selfish and looks down upon the mortals. But Neptune is faaar more capable compared to Poseidon. Whom ever were the previous rulers of the under sea (their parents) must've saw how vain and hedonistic Poseidon was and decided to skip him and give the 7 seas to Neptune.
Of course to avoid Poseidon from taking his revenge or anything, they bestowed Atlantic city to Poseidon to rule. He can be occupied by ruling his little space while his brother takes on actual responsibilities of ruling the 7 seas.
And from how Poseidon manages his little city. Yeah, just be glad he doesn't have control over the whole ocean.
There's also another idea I have. Maybe there is a different ruler for each one of the 7 seas? Maybe Neptune ones one part, where SB lives. Poseidon owns another part. Would that mean there are 5 more rulers we haven't seen in the show yet? This might explain that Atlantis Squarepantis episode where the Atlantis is ruled by alien-like creatures instead of a god. Did they cause a revolution? Disowned their god? Establish a democratic society? Who knows.
I'm getting off topic. It would be rare to see Poseidon in the main series. If we're going by the events of after the movie, we'd see the true form Poseidon. The one who's aging, bald. That one. He did have a change of heart. I wonder how far you could push that? He abandons his underwater version of sin city to travel and enrich himself of the underwater world. He isn't a good person but he's trying. Very VERY poorly. With animal cruelty/slavery and mass executions in his hands but we won't touch on that. He'd probably still have LOTS of servants come along with him on his travels and pamper him. For some reason I can see him being faux kind. Like he's trying but it's like folks who discover spirituality or whatever and have a whole spiritual enlightening but they're still the same kinda scummy person they were before. Just with an air of pretentiousness added.
I think he'd regularly visit spongebob and the folks of bikini bottom. Trying to soak up thr local culture and try out living the life of a regular plebeian. It's not genuine because he has servants but he treats it like an enlightening experience. I think he'd also try to befriend average fish folk. Trying to be a commoner who understands them even tho he's deeply out of touch. Fish folk treat him well because he's s literal god who's executed hundreds at dinner shows. They don't want to get on his bad side. Tho they're pretty uncomfortable. Which Poseidon just doesn't see. He whole heartedly accepts them as friends💖 and they're like "uhh sure..? Plsdontkillme"
I wonder about his relationship with Neptune? Going off my first theory that they might be brothers. He might want to try to patch up their relationship. idk how they'd tolerate with this dude acting like his third eye was opened.
I don't think he's ever met his nieces and nephews so he'd try to connect with them. He'd try too hard to understand their interests. It's very superficial tho. Yeah that's the best you'd get out of him.
I think he'd really like krabby patties. He'd eat there regularly. Like neptune he just can't resist them and he'd also regularly visit thr krusty krab to see his 1st friend SB. He adores him so. Sponge doesn't mind but I feel like since Poseidon barely has any friends, he'd grow a bit uncomfortably clingy.
That's another thing. Mans never had a friend before. I feel like its only natural that he'd be too close for comfort. Inappropriately timed phone calls. Always wanting to hang out. Gets panics when you're not available and being so worried something happened even tho you just went out to go grocery shopping. Can ramble on and on for hours. He'd probably grow out of it. Or fortunately he'd go on his travels to explore other parts of the ocean so you'd likely get s break from him.
And yeah! Those are some of my ideas. What do ya think?
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in-arlathan · 2 years
Throwaway Thursday
Since I missed WIP Wednesday, I decided to do something different this week and actually share a bit of writing I tossed into the garbage.
But first: Thank you @noire-pandora, @sinsbymanka, @johaeryslavellan and @mogwaei for the tags. I loved seeing your WIPs on my dash! They were all so good! T_T
Leaving more tags for next week for @elveny, @barbex, @serial-chillr, @faerieavalon, @musetta3, @juliafied, @dreadfutures, @hollyand-writes, @starsandskies, @emerald-amidst-gold.
But on to the material I threw away!
So, there are quite a few scenes that didn't make it into the final version of "The Rebel's Ascension". Most of them were written out of order while I was still in the first draft because I couldn't wait to get to them. More often than not, though, these scenes no longer fit within the story once I actually got around to writing the previous chapter. It broke my heart but I cut those scenes and stored them elsewhere for safekeeping.
There is one scene, however, that I really liked and that would have fit into the story. I cut it because I felt like it would blow up an already insanely long chapter and take away from the impact the previous scene had. And since it was part of a flashback, I saw no reason to stuff it into another chapter. It was supposed to go into Chapter 11, "Bloody Blessings", right after the first battle with the dwarves. Solas had been wounded during the fight and I wanted to show his recovery afterwards.
I'm going to share this one scene now. And I will leave in all my weird typos and the brackets in which I summarize descriptive paragraphs (when I can't be bothered to write them) for everyone's enjoyment, hehe. My process is so messy sometimes!
The sunlight stung in Solas’s eyes when he finally woke. Its brightness sent a white-hot pain that threatened to spill his skulking two. He squinted and tried to cover his face with his hands, only to realize that one of them was missing.
So it wasn’t a dream, he thought bitterly.
He tried to sift through what little he remembered. He had been in the midst of battle, despair and fear of death clawing at his guts. There had been light and a loud roar and then… nothing. No sound, no sensations. Just darkness whispering to him.
“You’re lucky to be alive,” Anaris said.
Geldauran’s brother sat on a stool beside Solas’s bed, regarding him intently. The simple robes of the elvhen were covered with bloodstains that stood in stark contrast to his jade green eyes. His auburn hair tied back in braids to keep it from falling into his eyes while he worked.
“Anaris!” Solas breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s so good to see you.”
The other man’s brows furrowed in surprise.
“Am I–?”
“In the Halls of Healing, yes.” Anaris turned to the bedside table and picked up a bowl he’d placed there. He took the pestle within and began stirring vigorously. “The All-Mother herself delivered you here once the battle was over.”
“Did we win?”
Anaris huffed, mildly amused. “Of course we won,” he said. “You think you’d still be here if it were otherwise?”
Solas breathed another sigh of relief. Not only had they fought back the tide of enemies that had come to wipe the People from the face of the Earth, the Halls of Healing were still intact. Which meant that Arlathan itself was still intact, still safe.
“You should thank Falon’Din,” Anaris said. “His spell captured part of you in a pre-stage of uthenera. You’d be dead without him.”
“I will,” Solas muttered and tried to push up into a sitting position.
“Woah!” Anaris exclaimed and rushed to help him. “Take it easy.”
Solas nodded faintly, the world spinning around him for a moment. He closed his eyes and waited for the feeling to fade again. When he opened them again, his gaze fell upon his wounded arm. Or what was left of it. The axe had cut through bone and flesh right above his elbow, leaving only a stump behind.
“Looks ugly, I know,” Anaris said. “It will take a lot of time and effort to grow it back. But first, you must recover your strength. You’ve lost a lot of blood.”
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Why do we like this clown so much?
Change the "we" for "I" and you get an usual tag I use whenever I post my content in Tumblr. And it sounds funny at first but whenever you start diving into that phrase, the deeper it becomes. So, I finally have decided to share my thoughts about this strange but wholesome attraction to this deeply flawed character. It's not something I usually do since I don't know how to write down my feelings properly and also in english so please forgive any typos (I'm from Chile so don't be surprised lol).
So...Why do we like this clown so much?
Why was it that a character precisely designed to scare and to disgust the fuck out of us ended up unchaining a series of feelings that shouldn't have taken place in a beginning?
Let's take a look at the background: Joaquin Phoenix was cast as Arthur Fleck/Joker in 2018. The first image of him as the aforementioned character revealed a deeply disturbed man. We knew the plot. A man driven to insanity after a brutal history of abuse, creating concern in people if the upcoming film would inspire real life violence. Incel violence and mass shootings, more specifically.
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(the image in question)
As 2019 arrives, the two trailers generated so much hype that media needed to fuel its concern about it. Since it wasn't your typical comic book film, media basically bombed our minds making us believe this film was going to be a total disaster, an excuse to cause harm to others among other nonsense, as if the film would justify everything Arthur would do in the film, eventually. As the release date is closer, the film receives thunderous applause and unanimous praise from critics. At this, fans rejoiced and expressed impatience to watch the film.
October 5th.
People left the theaters amazed, shocked and genuinely moved by the inhuman treatment Arthur received in the film. The fear media tried so desperately to infuse in us with all the incel bullshit and such turned out to awake one of the most positive, best feelings in humans:
The word that so gloriously cleared away any dark thoughts or actions not only proves media was wrong but it turned out to ridicule it in way nobody will forget: Hundreds of people advocating for mental illness, calling out to the kindness that could change a person's bad day and questioning how politicians and rich people are indifferent to social problems proved how much as a society we have changed in comparison with the one shown in the film.
However, since we are on Tumblr, I'll get straight to the point and try to explain why the fuck does this clown has us dying out of love and compassion (and lust).
I. Background.
As nurturing as we women are for a biological matter, we see a man deprived of a good job, is on seven different medications, working like a slave to sustain his ill mother, putting aside his own health and well-being to look for her, struggling to make his dream of being a comedian despite everyone stepping on him, underpaid and treated like a freak for a disorder he did not ask to suffer, which makes it impossible to be indifferent to all the horrible ordeal that eventually will reach the limit of what he can tolerate without going insane. It is impossible to not say or think, at least, that someone (even if it's just one person) should stand for him just as it is impossible not to feel the need to throw ourselves at him to shield him from people who hurt him or simply offer him our shoulder whenever he has had a bad day, specially when he learns he was sexually assaulted by his step father.
This horrid behaviour terrifies newer generations because they get a taste of what being a social outcast was like more than thirty years ago in comparison with today, where there's more acceptance and treatment for mentally ill people like Arthur. We see in him someone who could have been saved with a proper education and emotional support instead of descending into madness as a criminal. Others simply saw themselves being treated like him at some point in their lives and couldn't help but put themselves in his shoes.
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II. Personality.
There's something called "attraction by proximity". It is the explanation to the eventual love you feel whenever someone doesn't catch your eye at first terms of physical attraction but his/her personality does attract you. This happens to be the base of this situation. His shyness, introverted nature, tenderness and innocent desire to make people laugh and put on a happy face awake some kind of tenderness we cannot resist. This combined with the gloomy background increases our understanding (but not justifying) of the bad decisions he'll eventually take during the course of the film. This traces a line of harsh, almost hurtful contrast of the violence he shows later on the film. Once again, it is not justified in any way but it is certainly understandable.
III. Appearance.
Arthur Fleck is unconventionally attractive.
This happens to be a plus for most women. He is out of the male beauty standards (no abs, not too muscly or particularly tall), which makes him even more unique. It is precisely the fact that he's not a model one of the reasons women love him. He could easily be your man next door or your colleague or the guy you always see but never dare to talk for fear to bother him Because it's about proximity. Arthur looks like your common neighbour. He's not meant to be your typical desirable male protagonist at all.
... And yet.
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Jesus Christ, he's so fucking hot I can't even---
It's not about how beautiful his green eyes are, his long slender fingers, his hair or his smile only. It's the charm behind it.
Another "magnet point" is the way he dresses. I know he's impoverished and his wardrobe tend to be repetitive but it is so unpretentious, so simple that is hard to not fall for. The modesty of the shirts, ironed trousers reminds us of a mature man deeply withdrawn into himself, love starved and longing to be seen and loved by others, like a war veteran who still fights the most important war: with himself. Is someone who needs to be listened and understood.
He's also brought back the old gentleman outfit, white shirts, red/yellow vest, red suit and elegant dancing moves and the retro style of the film boosts this attractiveness.
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People keep comparing him with the previous interpretation of Joker (Leto's) whose costume appealed to young women with a tattooed, gangster, mumble rapper crazy-guy wannabe which didn't connect with the audiences (young people in general). This supposedly was to match or even have a sexy, tormented and desirable villain like Marvel's Loki. We all know how that story ended but it's the link for the next point below.
IV. Transformation
This is a particularly strong point considering how much we loved to watch the process of this weak, powerless, forgotten caterpillar into a beautiful and visible butterfly that will gracefully stir its wings for everyone to see its colours.
When Arthur transitions to the Joker, it's so cathartic to see taking revenge on those who wronged him (even when we're not supposed to root for him) like seeing his shyness fading away into a vivid confidence when dancing half naked in the bathroom, or witnessing him making way to make his name known to people in Murray Franklin's Show:
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Adding to this newly gained confidence, there's another turn on: the way he walks.
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At the beginning, his pace is hunched and limping, displaying his submission to violence, which makes the viewer more satisfied to see his broken yet beautiful soul turning the past pain of his existence into art: he lets music guide his moves as a way to tell the world he's a new man by cutting most of the sick, evil roots that harmed him, that he's invincible, that no one can stop him. Watching this cathartic display of euphoria was the most iconic scene in the film, following his speech at the TV and the inevitable meltdown that caused Murray's death.
Going to further appreciation, even his clown make up is beautiful. Why? Simple. The combination of colours, shapes and the intimidating glare just embellishes even more the character.
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The dark blue triangles in his expressive eyes makes the light green colour to highlight, specially in dark backgrounds, giving the impression he's piercing your soul whenever he stares directly at the camera. Same can be said about the red smile and emerald green hair. They boost an already intimidating look.
The cold and warm colours paint a picture of a man full of intense emotions, mirroring it in a simple yet masterful artistic way.
Another interesting point is the way Joker dresses. Usually we had almost every single live adaption of this character in purple coat, hat, etc. But this particular version is not following any comic, which gives more freedom to creativity and once again, out of the standards of what we could have expected.
Red is a colour related to passion, action, love, strength, motivation and excitement. As for yellow, it indicates freshness, happiness and enlightenment and finally, green. Green is renewal, growth and regeneration. Colours that represent a new stage in his life, a mirthful chapter at last. We finally get to see our battered, always humiliated protagonist (or hero) descending into madness, but finally free from his repressed man who held his soul captive like a bird to fly away, to never come back. An insanity that despite being his downfall, turned out to be his ticket to freedom as he walks to the light in Arkham Asylum dancing at the end.
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Ladies and gentlemen: behold the film nobody asked... But the film we fucking deserved.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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notmyrick · 4 years
4 am roles around and here I make another observation/ theory. Warning there will be spoilers if you are reading the comics.
Rick J19 Z7 (aka doofus Rick)
Doofus Rick is... special to say the least, and on my previous reposts I see a lot of people also admire him. However, let's see what I can do with what the show, game, and comics can provide.
Lets establish that there are multiple versions of "doofus rick" all sharing appearances, all sharing a belittling name.
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So assuming this, there are multiple versions of "doofus ricks" all which are made fun of and belittled by the other Ricks. However I'm going to focus on J19 Z7. Known under the name Doofus Rick.
First off, I'm going to assume a few things about Doofus Ricks:
They never had a family
They share similar backstories
They are all bullied
With this let's grapple the information we have.
In the show, Doofus Rick never married and never had any children, so his Morty was assigned to him from another reality. I assume the first point is applied.
Now in the comics of Rick and Morty, we look at, if I remember correctly, issue 10.
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This "Doofus Rick" is not the Doofus rick we know in the show, but has a very similar relationship with a Jerry. This is Rick J19 APLHA-7. There is no "repeats" of Doofus as the very top picture shows that another "Doofus" look a like is named Dingbat Rick.
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Jerry says that this Rick also has a Erick-stoltz-in-mask Morty. Which either means this alternate reality directly mimics the one in the show, or this is suppose to be Doofus Rick and there was a typo of some sort. I am inclined for the former. This Rick also said to Jerry that he was like the son he never had and stressed the word Heartbroken. I apply point 2 where doofus Ricks have similar backstories.
However, I am curious about A7 stressing heartbroken. This can validate that Doofus Ricks are more empathetic in nature, but I'm inclined that it's related to their back story. For a Rick who had no family to lose, had seemingly no emotional attachments to cling to, and has the ability to form or create a relationship, why did he stress heartbroken. If anything, by his choice of words, Doofus Rick's are the most emotionally incapable and only speak through general observations. But that's another 4 am theory for another time.
No I think, Rick A7 and subsequently Rick Z7, have truly felt heartbreak. Whether from a SO, friend, or a regret.
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Going to Pocket Mortys, we go to the battle of Doofus Rick. When you defeat him in battle he replies as the pic shown above. He says he never wins anything. My presumptuous brain then ties to how in the comics, A7 stressed the word Heartbroken. Still applying point 2, I concluded that "Doofus Ricks" never had a family, because he lost his "Diane" or his wife. To who? Science. Remember in Rick's potion #9, Rick C-137 said "Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it, your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science."
What if Doofus Rick did exactly that? The reason he has no family, no beth, no morty is because he focused on science. That this decision to focus on science has left him heartbroken and full of regret. That when Doofus Rick says he never wins anything is because the alternate realities where he chose to marry and have a family, he is just as miserable.
Now jumping back to the Rick and Morty comics issues somewhere in the 20s, we appear in Doofus Rick's dimension (was later verified; will show through pics). This mini arc pissed me off because I really hate Jerry in this one, but it builds up to my argument. Doofus Rick Z7 is the "truest of Ricks" and he is depressed and suicidal. The latter point can actually apply to all Ricks of any universe, but when I read over Doofus Rick I always get an upbeat vibe to him (I may or may not have been listening to Bullet by Hollywood Undead on repeat). In this issue(s) Rick Z7 is constantly belittled, bullied, or otherwise.
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In his own dimension he gets called a mushroom by his dimension's Jerry. Okay well Jerry Z7 is an ass, this makes him invalid. However, the Jerry we know also disregards Rick Z7 in favor of hearing out his alternate version of himself. Rick Z7's concern wasn't misplaced as Jerry Z7 pulls a gun on them. It's also known that the Citadel of Ricks don't favor Z7 as well.
Also previous to the gun encounter Rick warned Jerry to be quiet of transdemensional hopping, which normal Jerry disregards as well (although I do give fault to Rick Z7 for saying infront of him, but maybe that's another theory?).
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Which leads to why I hate/love these comic issues:
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God dammit, does my intensity of hate grows for Jerrys. I tried to give him a fair shot, but he is a constant disappointment. Anyways back to Doofus.
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At this time, Doofus helps Jerry. But the advice Doofus gave to Jerry about life, really sounds like a cry for help.
"Life is unbeatable"
"Anyday you wake up and accepts its challenge you've won"
For some reason I feel compelled to ask Doofus if he's okay? If it's true that Doofus is more emotionally inclined, giving that advice to Jerry seems like he knows the struggle all too well. That he wakes up everyday and feels depressed wanting to off himself. Maybe he feels everything is too much. Maybe it's the constant bullying he faces, maybe the belittlement of others, maybe the knowledge that no matter if he picked family or science he is unhappy. Maybe that knowledge itself is why he's depressed. What if Rick J19 Z7 is the "Truest Rick"? Notice his dimension didn't know transdimensional travel. Doofus Rick found it by himself. He focused on science, saw his alternate selves, saw the crumbling family dynamics, the way he drunk himself to oblivion, and became toxic. He knew everything and didn't like what he found. He went to the citadel to find if there are more of him than his toxic versions of himself to find himself greatly outnumbered. Doofus Rick not only has the knowledge of the universe in his mind, but also has an empathetic nature due to his travels. And what do Rick's do best? Try to leave everything behind. He left back to his dimension hoping to find comfort, but the knowledge he possesses, the nihilistic outlook of life haunts him, that no matter what decision he picked, most versions of himself are doomed to suffer. That discovering transdimensional travel caused his suffering, but not discovering transdimensional travel caused his death. He is balancing on a tight rope to live or die. Doofus Rick knows, knows too much. As most versions of himself tends to drown their emotions through other vices, he embraces them, confronts them everyday.
Rick C137 has self proclaimed to be the Rickest of Ricks which funnily enough was relabeled as the weakest of Ricks in these issues until he killed Jerry Z7. Maybe to be the Rickest of Ricks mean he is the most incomplete.
Rick J19 Z7 may be his true opposite. Doofus Rick is the "un-Rickest Rick" bc he is the most complete version of Ricks.
The other version of Ricks may call him a Doofus for accepting this complete knowledge and living through all this pain. Hell they might be jealous that he can live such an upbeat life with this knowledge and bullies him for it because every Rick should suffer. However, Rick Z7 takes this in stride and accepts the bullying and comments because he wants to show the other versions of himself that it's going to be okay. If Doofus Rick can do it, then every version of himself could too. Jerry sated in the comics during this mini arc that Doofus Rick "You're so smart, but you dont make other people feel dumb". Doofus Rick's persona could very well be an attempt to unconsciously tap into the other versions of himself to accept this complete knowledge by playing to their egos.
However, this is just a theory.
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