#is tom a one dimensional nice guy or one dimensional villain? it could truly go either way
dontbreakthechain · 10 months
No, really, once you start thinking about Bad Succession you can’t stop. Connor has an epiphany and breaks up with Willa in a melodramatic ‘I’m setting you free’ sort of way, and is immediately rewarded with a new, ‘age-appropriate’ love interest. By which I mean she’s like maybe 35.
Speaking of which, the Roman/Gerri chemistry happens anyway, but the writers freak the fuck out and now all of a sudden Gerri is Roman’s mother figure. Every interaction they have is about that, characters who barely know or care about either of them regularly have conversations about it. Roman immediately gets his own ‘age-appropriate’ (like maybe 22) love interest, she’s a wholesome manic pixie dream girl, she fixes him, she’s Gerri’s daughter. That or Roman gets a real early 2000s coming out plot and shares a tepid peck on the lips with Lawrence Yee, and that fixes him instead. They force Lawrence’s actor to give interviews about how Important that scene and his character are, how much it means to the Asian community, representation matters! Especially minor character in overwhelmingly white tv show representation!
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dappercritter · 3 years
Godzilla vs Kong: Brutally Honest Thoughts
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(Took me long enough, eh? Depending on home video releases be like that.)
So first things first, I have a confession to make: I spoiled the movie before I watched it. I was impatient and they had only announced an HBO Max premiere in the states and a theatrical run in Canada at the time. Afterward, I got heads-up from a friend and immersed myself in the opinions of those lucky enough to see it early. I’m just saying that I have some preconceived opinions that I’m sticking to.
That said, Godzilla vs Kong turned out to be more fun than I expected! But you already knew that. Everyone did. The two kings of movie monsters had their rematch and this time it was with glorious Hollywood SFX powering it this time.
The human story was fun but it’s clear they stopped trying at this point. Team Kong stole my heart, especially Jia. Team Godzilla (although the Conspiracy Crew would be a more fitting term since they spend more time chasing down mysteries than trying to back or understand Godzilla) was more fun than I expected and their dynamic was surprisingly enjoyable. Bernie is actually kind of funny, it's nice to see Madison acting more assertive, and Josh was fine--he was the only sane man of the bunch but he was also the butt of the jokes. Still, all the hardcore conspiracy jokes got old fast and it feels off seeing the daughter of two scientists turn into an edgy conspiracy crackpot. Why not an edgy science major?
Team Apex are fun villains, especially Walter Simmons who's a great megalomaniacal CEO type, but Ren Serizawa is a joke. I like his actor's performance but he's just another footnote. Nobody bats an eye at his last name, although the only heroes he interacts with are Nathan Lind and he just misses Team Godzilla. He really could have just been any other villain, but instead, they had to sully Serizawa’s legacy further while robbing a good actor of some interesting material. (As is, it turns out he was just an egotistical jerk with daddy issues--an easy puzzle to solve on day one--after all...)
However, I still cannot and will not approve of the fact that somebody thought it would be a good idea to make the heroes of a sci-fi story into hardcore conspiracy theorists in this day and age. Likewise, I’m not a huge fan of how they essentially made the Hollow Earth into its own universe complete with a crazy portal and an environment with its own laws of physics, nor am I totally crazy about the huge leap in technology that was made between this and KOTM, or G’14 for that matter.
The monsters as awesome as they are, are the biggest mixed bag in the show.
Kong is at his best in ages, and while I am all for the new heroic warrior character that Legendary have crafted and I acknowledge that making him a worthy opponent for their god-tier Godzilla was going to be a hurdle, I think they did a splendid job. Seeing Kong using agility and acrobatics was a glorious sight to behold, and something about Kong becoming a tool-user and weapon wielder just feels right. It’s a far better demonstration of Kong as a “thinking animal” (*wink, wink*).
I’m much less thrilled about their treatment of his greatest opponent ever. After everything they’ve done to build up Godzilla as the incredible force of neutral good fighting to maintain balance and all the build up to ancient rivalry debating back to a great Titan war--even going as far as putting his name in front Kong’s this time!-- they’ve reduced Godzilla back to glorified bully for Kong. He only gets the minimum amount of sympathy from the cast of his movie before they go off to deal with the conspiracy plot or focus on Kong and the Hollow Earth. Worse still, he is somehow more powerful and more aggressive than ever for a good chunk of the movie which leads to an outcome I’m sorry to say we all saw coming. Somehow, I suspect that the reason behind this was how Wingard cited Godzilla vs. Mothra, vs. Destoryah, and Shin-Godzilla as influences for the monsters scale and story, which while cool and all, are all movies where he was played up as a mostly stoic antagonist rather than a three-dimensional character like Kong. (Though ironically vs. Destoroyah and Shin did a better job of making Godzilla feel more sympathetic and in both of them he was a walking nuclear reactor meltdown.)
Due to the unfortunate time constraints of the three-way deal between Toho, WB, and Universal at the time this was in production, Kong was unable to secure a proper sequel that could develop his skillset like Godzilla’s did. Nevermind the fact the filmmakers completely surrendered to the “nothing matters but the monsters” mentality that a chunk of the fanbase has been spouting since this universe unofficially kicked off almost 10 years ago. (Sidenote: Oh god, I’m turning in an old fart already.) As a result, the movie trips over itself trying to set up Godzilla and Kong’s rivalry as well as building up Kong as a worthy opponent to Godzilla while expanding on their shared lore, and as a result countless plot points set up in in the previous movie and tie-in movie are thrown out the window. I’m sorry to say but in spite of all hopes and illusions of grandeur, it’s safe to this damn thing is a Kong movie with Godzilla as the bad guy.
...at least until HE shows up. Yup, Mechagodzilla. The biggest spoiled twist of the centuries steals the show so the movie can pull a Dawn of Justice. But! It does it much better than the fractured DCEU’s most controversial entry ever could. Mechagodzilla’s inclusion gets a decent amount of build up thanks to Team Godzilla/the Conspiracy Crew, and when he shows up, does he make an impression! At first, I wasn’t sure how to feel about his inclusion or his design, but I’ve come to like this one. He’s basically a kaiju terminator built in Godzilla’s image made purely out of heavy machinery piloted by the best Ghidorah head. It’s a jarring change of pace compared to previous MechaG’s but it grows on you after a while. With the abundance of weaponry stuffed into him, he feels like a fitting update of the original killing machine, and even if his inclusion feels like an easy way out of the big showdown, it’s fun to see him played as a literal colossal heel for the kings to team up against. Not to mention he looks shockingly good with those red highlights. However, one still can’t help but wonder how and why he was made in this universe, or how he feels like pure heavy machinery one minute and then an extra-large Ultron unit the next.
As for the the big throwdowns we’ve all been waiting for... well, we’re still in the mixed bag deparment. While the fights are all exciting and excellently choreographed, and benefit from some more eclectic lighting and cinematograph, I’m sorry to say that as far as the rematch of the century goes they dropped the ball on this one.
Don’t get me wrong, the fights are all great in their own ways, but there’s a drastic change in the feeling of weight and power with the monsters. Godzilla, Kong, and even Mechagodzilla all feel strangely floaty in most of their fights. One moments they feel like true behemoths shaking the very earth with every movement and then it’s like they’re in Godzilla Unleashed, running, jumping, and throwing each other around with speed that feels that almost makes you wonder if the Hollow Earth’s gravity inversion stuff is leaking out into the world. While it’s all perfectly cool, you can’t help but wonder how Kong is able to leap between aircraft carriers and buildings, when Godzilla got the ability to blow a hole through the Earth itself, or how a colossal machine is able to move so nimbly or why it has to be flashing blue all the time.
It’s fascinating and fun but you just can’t help but wonder how we got from almost posthuman disaster and war movies exploring how we’re at the mercy of the ancient almost mythical forces beyond our comprehension, we’ve found ourselves smack dab in the middle of Bayformers meets Jurassic World levels of Hollywood absurdity where anything and everything can and will happen in the name of getting to the monster fights. Although I can’t say I’m surprised given the director’s take on Death Note made some questionable choices with it’s take on the infamous cast while still coming up with some genuinely inspired choices. Still, all things considered we could have gotten worse compared to ther cinematic universes made by WB and Universal.
As for some misc. thoughts to close up this rambling mess:
-The soundtrack is fantastic. A great continuation of the feel of Skull Island’s mixtape with some truly wonderful picks. Special mention goes to the opening and ending songs, and they GOT AN ELVIS PRESLEY SONG IN HERE! YES!!! The three kings of pop culture together at last!
-While this movie didn’t need to be any more overstuffed, it would have been nice if the rest of the Titans didn’t disappear entirely from this movie. I get that Godzilla: Dominion already explained what happened to them all more or less, but it really is a missed oppurtunity that we never got to see another Titan war. Or Rodan attacking Kong to avenge his pterosaur bretheren from days long past. Speaking of which...
-“Save Mothra” jokes be damned, Mothra would have been a welcome gues star, not just to help break up the big fight, but to show off Godzilla’s softer, more protective side. And yes, I want more Mothzilla. Shut up, we deserve it.
-Boy, Monarch sure does a whole lot of nothing up-top, huh?
-The cinematography is a great update but there’s a little too much neon lighting, especially in the Apex HQ and the Hollow Earth throne room. It feels like they’re trying just a little too hard to sell the more futuristic, Hollywood sci-fi feel.
-The score is... great but not that great. Of course, I’ve always had mixed feelings about Tom Holkenburg (AKA Junkie XL)’s music. I liked Kong’s themes, but they REALLY dropped the ball with Godzilla’s theme. Mechagodzilla’s works really well as long you ignore that it’s just Godzilla’s theme in this movie with an ominious choir added in.
-The new Hollow Earth creatures are all perfectly fine. Actually, I thought they were another highlight! Especially the Warbats, Hellhawks, and Doug the Titanus Foetodon Man.
-I want to do a release the extended cut campaign but I don’t think any of us have the energy for that s**t anymore.
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iamchrissi · 5 years
II’ve seen Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
Short non-spoilery thoughts:
The animation is top notch. The story is... meh. Like, the idea isn’t bad, but it kind of didn’t really grip me. The character work varied very much from some truly good scenes to ... well. All in all it’s not a terrible movie, but I’m not sure I’d call it a good one either.
I’ll start with a short outline of the plot:
Credence survived the last movie and is in a magical carnival in Paris, with his girlfriend Nagini. Grindelwald escapes. Due to hijinks, and Dumbledore’s influence, Newt ends up in Paris, and brings Jacob, who remembers and has been in a relationship with Queenie. Tina is there for work, and Queenie to visit Tina. There’s also headhunters looking for Credence, as there are rumors he the last male Lestrange, Leta Lestranges brother, who disappeared as a baby. Credence and Nagini escape looking for answers into his past. Tina, Jacob and Newt look for Credence, and also Queenie, who wanted to visit Tina but never arrived. She ends up with Grindelwald, who tells her she’s innocent and lets her go. Leta Lestrange and Newt‘s brother Theseus arrive, too, to find out about Credence. Eventually, Leta tearfully confesses that she’s known for sure that her little brother is dead since she was a little girl and blames herself for it, making it impossible for Credence to be said brother. Grindelwald calls for a great assembly of wizards and witches interested in his ideology. He gives a grand speech and shows them visions of WWII. Queenie, Jacob, Tina, Newt and Leta all listen to it, while the aurors including Theseus show up. They kill a listener, which Grindelwald uses to prove the others that he is right. He asks them all to bring his message into the world. Queenie, who has been promised a world where she can marry Jacob, joins him to the loud protests of Jacob. Grindelwald kills pretty much all the aurors other then Theseus. Credence too, joins him while Nagini protests. It looks like Leta might join him, too, but she instead tries to kill him, essentially committing suicide by villain. She looks in the direction of both Newt and Theseus and says ‘I love you’ before being disintegrated. Nicholas Flamel shows up to help contain the curse Grindelwald cast. They manage to stop the curse, and a niffler brings Newt a piece of jewelry that Grindelwald treasured. He later brings it to Dumbledore, stating it’s a blood pact. In the last scene, Grindelwald gets advice on how to approach Credence from Queenie, and gives him a wand. He also tells him that his name is Aurelius Dumbledore.
So, thoughts:
- Let’s start with the last part. I very much hope that the whole Aurelius Dumbledore part is a lie, because otherwise Rowling just broke her own world. According to Rowling herself Dumbledore is born in 1881. His mother died when he was 18 (1899 or 1900) and his father has been imprisoned in Azkaban since before that. Yet, this movie wants me to believe that in 1927 he has a little brother that’s under twenty? I know writers can’t do math, but come on, this is egregious. Also, like a dead little brother wouldn’t have shown up in Rita’s book, like, really.
- Staying with Dumbledore, he was surprisingly good. Like, with all that ‘he’s not gay here’ that I heard before that, I expected the worst, but he is actually good? Like, there is a scene where he is interrogated by aurors who want him to duel Grindelwald, and he refuses. They bring up the fact that they used to be friends, as close as brothers, and Dumbledore immediately says that they were closer than brothers. Later, he stands in front of the mirror Erised, and he sees both Grindelwalds current face (god is Johnny Depp ugly) and happier memories of their time together. Jude Law sells the hell out of that scene, and though it’s never said openly, you’d have to be blind to miss the fact that Dumbledore is still in love with Grindelwald.
- He has quite a few other good scenes, like asking Newt to go to Paris, where you can really see him going for a manipulation that would have totally worked on Harry. There‘s also a scene where he tries to comfort Leta about her little brother, stating that he lost his sister, and when she asks whether he loved her he says that he didn’t love her as much as he should have. That was a pretty good scene.
- And then in the end they kind of ruin it by saying that the blood pact is the reason Dumbledore didn’t fight Grindelwald, and now that Newt brought him that piece of jewelry he can go fight him. I very much preferred it when it was an emotional decision not to fight his old love. This blood pact just seems like a get out of jail free card, so that Dumbledore’s not to blame for anything. Idk, I like my Dumbledore complicated and morally grey at times.
- Also, Dumbledore did not teach Defense against the Dark Arts! He taught transfiguration!!! He was still teaching that when Tom Riddle was at school! Minverva McGonagall started teaching in the fifties, not the twenties!!!!
- Seriously, there was a female Professor McGonagall at Hogwarts in Newt’s and Leta’s school time in the movie. This makes no sense. And we know it can’t be a relative, because McGonagall is the name of Minvera’s muggle father.
- Leta, on the other hand, was a very pleasant surprise. She is an actually three dimensional character, who is complicated and kind and I really love her, guys. We actually get flash backs of her school time, how she made friends with Newt, which is super cute, and also a very sweet Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. Her whole backstory is just super tragic. Like, her father, a rich old wild pureblood, saw her mother, who was married and had a kid on her own, but he imperiused her and made her come with him. Then, the mother died giving birth to Leta, but her father never loved her because she’s a girl. And then he marries again and has a son which he totally dotes on. And then, when travelling to America per ship, Leta, who looked like she was somewhere between five and seven at oldest in that flashback, exchanges her constantly crying baby brother for the sleeping baby next door, just so she can sleep for a bit, but then the ship sinks and the baby she exchanged is saved with her while her actual little brother drowns, and she blames herself for it despite having been a child herself. Like, darling, let me hug you. And people are talking about her missing little brother and how her father doesn’t love her all the time in Hogwarts, and she’s mean towards those, but she is also kind to Newt, who is kind right back, and oh my god, I didn’t expect so many feelings about Leta Lestrange. And she just feels so well rounded.
- And then she dies. And I feel very conflicted about it. Because on the one hand, it makes sense that her character would choose to do this. Because she blames herself for her brother’s death, and she has been really unsettled and depressed and she finally unloaded the true story, and you can see how she feels that she can die now, that death is what she deserves and that it would be a relief. There’s a line after she tells the story where Newt tells her that it’s not her fault (and he’s right!) and she says that he has always loved every monster, that just describes her feelings very well. So it makes sense she’d do a suicide by villain. On the other hand, this is kind of textbook fridging, what with it being used to bring Newt and Theseus closer together and finally giving Newt the motivation to fight Grindelwald. Like, textbook fridging, and the fact that the black woman, one of three named black characters, commits suicide and feels like a monster also makes me uncomfortable. Like, I am white, therefore it is not my place to speak on this and if I’m wrong I’m truly sorry, but it just felt kind of racist.
- Also, I’d have really liked to know what she sees in Theseus? I mean, he’s not a terrible character, but we do not see anything that explains what those two see in each other. And there is also no explanation as to what Newt took the fall for, or why they stopped being so close. And the fact that she looks at both brothers when she says ‘I love you’ made for a nice scene, but still no answers as to why she ended up engaged to Theseus.
- Meanwhile, Queenie became an asshole. Like, Jacob doesn’t think they should marry because of discriminatory laws, so she puts him under a love spell that has him do everything she wants? Of course, the movie doesn’t acknowledge what a horrific consent violation that is, but I do. And then she has a mental break down in Paris, because so many people and her being a legilimens, which... not a bad idea, only later she never has any problems with it again despite being among even more people, and last movie it wasn’t a problem either. And then she joins the man who wants to kill and enslave all muggles, because he promises her she could marry her muggle. Like, yes, she’s supposed to be naive, but she’s not supposed to be this bloody stupid.
- Jacob spends the whole movie running after her, essentially. He’s even more of a comic relief character than last time. In the end he makes a principled stand, which was good, because otherwise the whole character would have become a joke, but even so it was on the edge at times. Why he remembers is handwaved, in a way that doesn’t really make sense, but I guess that’s to be expected.
- Tina is nice and good at her job and unreasonably jealous when she hears that Newt might be engaged to Leta, which totally fits her character, though. I like that she’s still shown to be kind and caring towards Credence but also principled and tough. Newt and her also have a very sweet scene where he tells her that it’s actually his brother who is engaged to Leta. She is not shown to react to Queenie’s defection at all, though, which was just weird and unfortunate, because like, this is her sister. Her choosing to work with a dark wizard is something that Tina should at least somewhat react to.
- Newt is still Newt. He has an assistant to help take care of the beasts, but she is in only one scene. Dumbledore’s manipulation kind of not really working fit, as did that he didn’t even realize it was manipulative, because Newt just thinks so very different from Dumbledore. And it was cute that he decided to go to Paris only when he realized that Tina was there. His relationship with his brother made a lot of sense, given that they simply don’t speak the same language, metaphorically. I’d have loved to see more of him and Leta, though, because I love Leta.
- Credence story as a hunt for truth made sense. Ezra Miller was amazing. And that he ends up back with Grindelwald, with the visual callback of Grindelwald craddling him like in the last movie, also fit. I’m not at all interested in the Aurelius Dumbledore angle, but I’ve explained that above.
- Nagini. Nagini, Nagini, Nagini. It has been discussed by and long as to why her whole story is offensive, and I won’t be able to say anything that hasn’t been said better before. The movie doesn’t redeem the story. Nagini is there to be Credence’s kind, sad girlfriend.  The actress is pretty good, but she couldn’t do much with a script that mostly just needs her to look sad and hold hands with Credence. She survives the movie and is seen to stick with the heroes, which would make me feel way better if I didn’t know how she’s going to end.
- Nicholas Flamel also shows up for a bit, but without his wife, which ... doesn’t really make sense, but at this point I’d kind of given up on coherency.
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julianlapostat · 6 years
Characters versus Icons
There’s a post-mortem air about DCEU after Justice League, and one that puts me in a reflective mind about the problems of DC’s movies in general, that in turn led me to look at broader problems of superhero movies. And along the way I got an idea for a meta series. One which I might tackle later, but which I can outline here. E. M. Forster in his book Aspects of the Novel described Flat and Round Characters, i.e. characters who are 2-Dimensional (i.e. they do not change and are static in development) and characters who are 3-Dimensional (are capable of change, in ways that surprise readers). 
Superhero characters in comics are rarely 3-Dimensional. Most are One-Dimensional, especially in the quote-unquote classic golden age era. Stan Lee and his Marvel revolution introduced what Alan Moore called “2 Dimensional characters” or as he put it characters who do things because they have a bad leg and so on. Actual three-dimensional characters are almost never to be found in comics. But of course what happens in the comics is not true for movies. After all in the movies, we have the promise of a deeper, more mature, and more internal take on characters, and in fact we see the same problem recur. 
For instance, Christopher Reeve’s Superman is a wonderful incarnation but he’s not really a character with real depth. And indeed there are very few stories that allow Superman to truly have that depth, and about the only version of Superman that comes close to being a rounded character is the one from the DCAU. In Tim Burton’s Batman movies, only Selina Kyle played by the great Michelle Pfeiffer is a convincing believable character but I wouldn’t say she is terribly deep, she is tragic, mysterious, eccentric and unforgettable. Christopher Nolan’s Batman films have their fans, and Heath Ledger’s Joker is an amazing bit of showmanship, but I wouldn’t say any of its characters are deep or interesting. In many respects, they are more shallow than the Tim Burton takes on the characters, and arguably Val Kilmer’s Batman in Forever had a Bruce Wayne who was more convincing and believable as a romantic figure who could trade his life to settle down with a nice girl as opposed to Christian Bale. And in either case, the DCAU Batman by Kevin Conroy, or even the Arkham Batman by Kevin Conroy is more convincing and three-dimensional.
Amazing as this is to say, but Ben Affleck’s Batman is the only cinematic take on Batman, or arguably a superhero icon, that really works as both characterization and performance. Most Batman actors can work the Bruce Wayne part or they can do the Batman part, but Affleck pulls off both. He is the one guy you can watch onscreen and totally buy that he’s the man behind the mask, and that he’d be Batman and dedicate himself. He works...regardless of whether the movie he is in or the writing of said movies work or not. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is likewise a wondrous incarnation in the Reeve mould, but she likewise doesn’t yet have deeper shades, though Justice League provides interesting material for her. As for Henry Cavill...well what can one say about the CGI-Mustache. In the case of Marvel: None of the Spider-Man (Tobey, Andrew, Tom) are three-dimensional figures regardless of the writing, tone, and brand marketing. The X-Men Movies fare better, especially Magneto and Wolverine, but the characterization is still a mix of soap-opera and team drama and has very little depth beyond that. And in the case of Wolverine, LOGAN above all. Robert Downey Jr.’s IRON MAN comes close, especially in IRON MAN 3 by Shane Black, but the MCU Shared Universe needs him to constantly revert back to type (i.e. asshole inventor who creates villains). Steve Rogers/Captain America is likewise a great incarnation but not a real character. And the same “bad leg” motivation and spectacle hovers over Marvel. 
The proposed series I am envisioning will likely profile three characters: Superman, Batman, and Wolverine and examine their characterizations, their representations across media, and contrast that with the comics. It’s not going to be comprehensive or anything, but it will be something to consider. I am choosing Superman, Batman, and Wolverine because individually each of them are in more movies than other superhero characters -- Superman has 8, Batman has 9, Wolverine has 9, and unusually so is the only one played by the same actor as opposed to three Supermen (Reeves, Routh, Cavill) and multiple Batmen (6, as many as James Bond actors). 
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Fanfic Recs pt.1
Soo this was long overdue. I don’t really read fanfic that often, and when I do it is mostly things other people have reccomended to me. So i’ve always wanted to create my own rec list to return the favour, but somehow never got around to it. So yay years later, here’s at least a start. Will probably sort it better if i update it. Anyways if fanfic and any of these fandoms are your cup of tea, enjoy. Mostly gen and either humour or horror, it think. Fandoms included: Harry Potter, Death Note, MCU, LOTR, Sherlock Holmes, Original Fiction and weirdly, Samurai Champloo
Harry Potter (and Crossovers with Harry Potter)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9238861/1/Applied-Cultural-Anthropology-or Applied Cultural Anthropology (Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Cruciatus)  (Hermione/Tom Riddle) Really well done, pairing is not the main focus (they’re not even together yet), instead hermione being her usual brilliant self but being sorted into slytherin. She isn’t just suddenly evil, she’s still righteous and wants to better the world. But exactly this (with a little help of a unassuming black diary) leads her down a slippery slope. (Ongoing.)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11160991/1/0800-Rent-A-Hero 0800-Rent-A-Hero. Harry has finally gotten rid of snake-face and settled down with Teddy and Andromeda. Cue inter-dimensional space vortex opening in his living room. Summoned from his finally peaceful life by Dumbledore and the Order to solve their voldemort problem, Harry is less than pleased. But can he truly just ignore them? Grudgingly „Harry White“  accepts the free post as divination teacher at hogwarts and starts befriending his female interdimensional counterpart, Iris Potter, all while wanting to get revenge on Dumbledore and trying not to get too involved with Tonks… The beginning is a bit grizzly but overall it is definitely  more on the humorous side, and also poking fun at so many fandom chliches! (Last updated 6 months ago, so there is still hope…)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10954546/1/Framed-Fractured Framed and fractured. During the fiendfyre-incident in the Room of Requirement Harry barely escapes through some kind of black hole. Now he’s stuck as a painting in the RoR, with a surprisingly sane, young and healthy looking Tom Riddle as the only visitor. The painting only decipts a bleak room, the door is shut and strange shadows lurk in the 4th wall whenever the RoR is not used. There is also an old diary there, speaking of monsters just outside of the room… – very interesting start, tom and harry haven’t really interacted yet but the descriptions of the timelessness in the painting and the “unexplained horror” vibe are fab. (Ongoing.)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10136762/21/ The Case of the Man who was wanted. (Harry Potter x Sherlock crossover) Harry Potter lives as a fugitive after being accused and imprisoned of a string of murders after the defeat of voldemort. Sherlock gets called to solve the case of the mysterious death of the Dursley couple in Surrey and finds known terrorist and fugitive Harry Potter inside, who, unexpectedly, claims to be innocent. Sherlock gets involved in not only the world of witchcraft and wizardry, but also in a strange man who seems kind of hollow and has many well-kept secrets… (Again, the kind of lovecraftian creepy horror vibe i love. Ongoing.)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11115934/1/The-Shadow-of-Angmar The Shadow of Angmar. (HP x LOTR crossover) Harry gets summoned by the witch king as „the master of Death“. Broken and battered, he starts searching for a way home in an unknown world where his magic doesn’t work. Has FANTASTIC world building and a very bitter and world-weary Harry. (Ongoing)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
http://archiveofourown.org/chapters/425428 The Calculator by katsu. THIS IS MY FAVORITE FANFIC IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. Just imagine Good Omens but more superheroes-and-supervillain themed. Loki is not going full villain like in the thor movie, but instead is more of a chaotic-neutral kind of guy more keeping the supervillainery for appearance’s sake and the occasional meddling to aleviate the boredom. But then he takes the meddling a bit too far, and karme comes to bite him in the butt. Big time. I really don’t want to say more about the plot bc it is so brilliant and original. Just read it. Also, have a quote (this is only a footnote, actually, so imagine what the real fic mus be like): “yes, he had filled several little leather-bound diaries with childish scrawls of red ink that read things like, “Die Thor” and “You never really accepted me!” And then he’d attended a few sessions of primal scream therapy and taken a modern dance course at the local community college. Between finding a constructive way to express his anger and making some lovely friends that he still had tea with every Wednesday afternoon while they chatted manicures, fashion, and lap dogs, he felt much more comfortable in his own skin these days. All it had really taken was escaping the poisonously macho atmosphere of Asgard, which according to Kevin was something like living in Omaha and not being interested in Football.“
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5460221 Genesis by teaberryblue. Reluctant to make the truth about their secret weapon known, the American Government tells the world that Captain America is a man named Steve Rogers.  According to public record, he died, tragically, in 1945, and he became legend.In 1998, the Avengers find a body trapped in ice. She’s alive. Her name is Eve. She has Captain America’s shield. Featuring a slightly different cast as the Avengers and brilliant discussion of gender issues, kinda whimsical-poetical writing style. (Oneshot, completed.)
Death Note
http://archiveofourown.org/works/461685 Murmur in the Shell. Light Yagami’s dead, L is dead. Yet the idea of them stays in the world, embodied by black notebooks that always will fall. History repeats, even if nobody wants to be a part of it. After all, there will always be new players. (Near, new!Kira. Really nice, jus a short ficlet about the roles we sometimes must play and the ideas of dead men  we pick up along the way.) (Oneshot, completed).
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9380249/2/ Rationalising Death. Light Yagami finds the Death Note, we know the rest. But in this story, light talks all his steps through with his inner voices (like „Test It“ aka „Death“, Moral which everyone kinda ignores and also could be called Caution, or Practice). Its less cracky than it sounds now, i promise. Rather, it’s a very interesting character study bc it doesn’t just paint Kira as a sociopath with a god-complex (well, that too -) but explains his actions as being very, very human (while not excusing them). Seems to be dead at 10 chapters but i still would recommend reading it bc its brilliant, the style is a bit like hpmor’s. It explains the thought processes of everyone (L, Light, Misa, Ryuk, all that jazz)) very thoroughly and is also quite amusing (light comparing hinself to batman consantly, e.g.). But the best part is probably Misa’s characterisation (i’m not gonna spoil it for you but omg) –> https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10580913/1/Rationalising-Fiction Rationalising Fiction also check out this nice lil’  timestamp (recursive ff?) of another author wherein Misa realises she is a fictional character. Very meta, very lovely.
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8415898/1/God-of-the-Machine God of the Machine by The Carnivourous Muffin. The OC/SI Anna Jones suddenly appears in Light Yagami’s bedroom. When you read about fictional characters they can fall kind of flat, not that they’re not interesting but you always know they’re not really like you. Light seems less scary, L less creepy and Misa… well Misa always seems insane, even in the Manga. So Anna Jones is fucking terrified, curses herself for not paying better attention to the details in the manga and has to consider her survival and the prices she’s willing to pay. (Yes, this is the Self-Insert Trope but played so well. Also very philosophical. Ongoing. Also, go read everything by this author while you’re at it.)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9915682/5/ The Last Christmas. A industrial engineer takes up the mantle of santa claus and gets some dangerous ideas about the true meaning of Christmas… (No fandom, or is that like the mythology fandom?, anyways, it’s creepy and give’s you some food for thought, although the story itself isn’t that polished. Very interesting and original take on santa claus!) (Completed.)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2865379/1/Nenju Nenju. Samurai Champloo. Because no anime has ever kindled a bigger need for a love triangle. This one’s fairly good and really long, with a nice dose of angst but a happy ending. (Mugen/Fuu, Jin/Fuu, Mugen/Yanusha)
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