#it doesn’t taste good!!!
merriclo · 1 year
i tried the airup water bottle stuff today and i’m so fucking upset this shit works too well. i have never been so hydrated. it’s so trippy that a stupid little scent pod rlly does change the flavor of the water. what the hell.
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crabussy · 1 year
hey. don’t cry. crush four cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and pasta of your choice ok?
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(The whole thing about ghosts and liminals having fast metabolisms and resistance to chemicals, making Danny have to take way higher dose of things like medications, caffeinated drinks, and other substances for them to even do anything.)
Danny’s in Gotham and goes to get coffee from a random cafe. He asks the barista what the caffeine content of their strongest drink is and lets out a disappointed sigh when they tell him. (It wouldn’t do anything to him and would just taste super bitter)
Danny proceeds to order some super sweet and sugary drink with multiple pumps of flavored syrup and drizzle on it. And when Danny gets his drink he takes out a canister of white powder and dumps a whole tablespoon of it into his drink and stirs it.
Danny after drinking some of it and being more awake he realizes that most of the shop saw what he did and that an unknown white power in Gotham is usually something illegal. Danny knowing his luck doesn’t want to risk even the slightest chance someone decides to do something about the teenager with a container of unknown white powder just straight up tells everyone it’s pure powdered caffeine.
This somehow causes an even more dramatic reaction, after all no normal human can survive that much caffeine.
Tim who both saw the whole thing and ordered the strongest drink they made: That’s like 75 cups of coffee… should I order caffeine powder?
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Genuinely I think at least 80% of fandom toxicity would vanish overnight if people stopped seeing shipping as the primary way of engaging with media.
I would also personally have more fun and that is the real issue here.
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robbed-ghost · 2 years
Bruce can’t cook for shit but for the last 30+ years he’s perfected the art of secretly seasoning Alfred’s bland British food from right under his nose.
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cephiss0 · 9 months
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Same person different font
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figofswords · 5 months
wow I didn’t think reblogging that tea post and then seeing people’s tags would deal me such strong psychic damage. come over I can fix you I can find a tea you will like. “I don’t like tea” how can you say that as a blanket statement when there are so many vastly different kinds of tea. head in hands
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sexlapis · 3 months
vegans r so right actually
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Kind of chaotic of Simon to roll out of Wille’s bed and immediately - I mean, immediately - go break up with Marcus. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was the right thing to do, but I keep thinking about the timing, like, my boy probably smells of Wille’s cologne and did he even wash the hand he reaches out to touch Marcus with because we been knew where that hand has just been. He has been rolling on sheets with Wille, being devoured, and he manages to keep a straight face when asked if he cheated? Minutes after the fact? Lol, couldn’t be me.
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stuckinapril · 20 days
It would be so easy for me to go vegetarian like 80% of my diet is already just veggie wraps and veggie meat
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lefthandedhotch · 8 months
linnnn <3333 hello <333 it's still Warm outside but it is a cold fall in my heart🥺💔 and i baked today and made bread🥰🥰🥰 it's very good and will most definitely Not last the rest of the week🤭🤭🤭 all i can think about is baking with jack and aaronnnnn <3333 jack getting little flour handprints Every Where!!!!!!!! aaron sneaking a taste of the batter when you turn away and you playfully scolding him because of the raw egg in the mix🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 UGH <333333 i luv them :(
thinking about single mom neighbor reader and this is your first fall being aaron's neighbor and it's so cozy because he and jack invite you and your little girl over almost every day to do many fall activities <3 aaron starts taking tupperware full of baked goods to work to share with not only the team but anyone who stops at the kitchenette on the sixth floor🤭 because you and jack and your little girl cant help but make so many yummy snacks!!!🤭🤭🤭 aaron loves coming home to his once lonely apartment and immediately being greeted with giggles and chatter and wonderful scents instead of silence🥺🥺🥺🥺 he makes his way to his kitchen which would always sit so clean and tidy and he welcomes the mess of flour and sugar and chocolate chips scattered all over the counters because then he's greeted with two little bug wrapping themselves around his legs and Spewing!!!! out alllllll of their thoughts to him while you look over and hide your giggles behind your hand as they talk over each other :'))) aaron bends down and greets them both before making his way over to you to say hello (you two arent dating (yet👀) so your greetings to each other are always soooo shy and silly🤭) with a hug that last sooo long but not long enough😔 while the goodies bake in the oven, the kids run to jack's room to play while aaron helps you clean up (you always apologize for leaving a mess, but he always tells you it's not an issue :') <3) while waiting, aaron pours you a drink and you two share the wine glass while he tells you about his day <3 when he mentions that it got better when he came home to see you and your daughter with jack, you playfully ask if there's anything else you can do to make it Even Better and he nods and leans in for a sweettttt kiss <3 you enthusiatically kiss back because you've wanted this for soooo long and he snorts after you two pull away and asks "cookie dough?" and you get all flustered because he caught you🤭 sneaking a bit of cookie dough even though you've told him to not do that!!!!🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 jack and your little girl come back, jack babbling to you about his little drawings while your little girl asks aaron to pick her up because "i missed you, mister aawon🥺💞" he holds her so close and tells her he missed her too you get all :') because this is all you couldve ever asked for!!!!!!! a sweet little blended family of love and happiness and warmth <33
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also ily linny :3 mwah💞💞
hiiiiiiii my jess-jess ilysmmmmm MWAH! 🤭🤭🤭💕💕💕 EEEEEK i’m glad your bread turned out so yummy!!!! it’s chilly cold fall in my heart too🥰🥰🥰 plsssssss the baking boys 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they’re so silly :(( i luv them :((
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aaron is stuck in Booooooring budget meetings all day long :/ and on a regular day he just suffers in silence listening to stuffy higher ups in the bureau explain Why his team needs Less money (despite aaron’s very organized arguments that they need More money 😔) but between two of the last of his very boring meetings near the end of the day, he gets a text from you with a picture of the kiddos rolling out cookie dough at his kitchen table with the caption “professional bakers at work 🤭☺️” and as he sits through his last meeting he’s Positive that time has absolutely never ever gone this slow 😔💔💔💔💔 now that he knows he’s gonna come home to laughter and silliness and fun and the sweet scent of your yummy baked goods filling the air, it’s nearly impossible for him to get through this meeting 😩😩😩 but!!!!! he makes it through!!!!! and escapes before any of the stuffy higher ups can corner him to talk about whatever little things they need to discuss so he can get home as quick as possible!! the little bugs are sooooooooo excited when they hear aaron’s key in the lock when he gets home and you get those little butterflies that always seem to linger when aaron’s around as he steps into the room with two bugs running around his legs and that sweet grin on his lips 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 that evening, while the kiddos are snoozing on the couch after movie night on a sugar crash from all the yummy cookies they snacked on 🤭 you and aaron press sooooooooo close into each other on the balcony, whispering and kissing and making plans to go on your first Official date that weekend (while jack and your lil girl go for a play date at willifer’s house with henry 🥰) and when you kiss aarons cheek so so softly and whisper “i really really like you, aaron 🥺💕💕💕” he feels his heart thud so hard because he’s just so so damn happy to have this life with you and the little family you guys are making together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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yuyuonabeat · 21 days
I love showing pictures of Sans titties to my 70 year old grandma cuz every time I do she goes
“Uff big titties”
“Wow he’s so hot and sexy hmmm”
But I love her energy. Also she’s obsessed with watching Chinese and Kdramas.
“That’s my boyfriend!” She says to half of the men that appear on screen.😂
Also Jacky Chan has always been her husband. According to her, not me.
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muqingapologist · 3 months
got into an argument the other day with a friend because i said that geto is fascist-coded and she didn’t believe me….is this not obvious?😭you know….the whole “the strong should solve their problems by killing off the weak” thing…..2D anime man’s hotness cancels out media literacy i suppose….
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cheridraws · 10 months
once again experiencing the insatiable lust for soup
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eyeballsoup7310 · 9 months
People who are saying that little nightmares three doesn’t look the same as the other games ‘cuz it takes place during the day are so funny to me like dude
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(slash lighthearted)
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compacflt · 11 months
your vision of icemav really reminds me of future games by fleetwood mac, the hazy worry and boundless exhaustion of the song really resonates with your characterization of them. also i personally empathize with your ice a little too much for my own liking (not a conservative, hell not even american) but just his cowardice? his dishonesty, lack of self-awareness. and it gives me something to think about. never imagined to feel so seen by a fanfiction about guys who are not similar to me in most regards. but that's the power of a pen i guess. love your work <3
this is so funny anon because i Just deleted a scene from rooster’s wedding afterparty where “as long as you follow” comes up on the playlist and ice is tapping his fingers on the table and Maverick’s like “ice we’ve been together for thirty years and i keep forgetting you’re an honest to god fleetwood mac fan” and ice is like “how on earth could you possibly forget that? it’s literally the single gayest thing about me” and mavericks like “ “
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