#its just that those songs are still fucking good even if i havent been in the mindset for them in a long time
bmpmp3 · 1 month
i do think its kinda funny when i see someone in the year of our lord 2024 talk about vocal synth music like its all gone downhill since like 2010 because like dont get me wrong i love a good niconicodouga-ass 2008 ass vocaloid joint BUT also like. the past couple years have had the most fascinatingly creative and expressive uses of vocal synthesizers ive ever heard in my life DJFSKHJDFS dont write it all off just yet!!
#usually i only see that from people who havent actually listened to any vsynth music from the past 15 years so i understand why they got to#that conclusion. and also usually theyre people who didnt listen to much vsynth music in the first place LOL they just dont know#but it is still a little funny. brother there are things beyond your wildest dreams if u just look#like some personal highlights: the stuff by rinri - particularly their use of the meika girlies#dont carry our memories away is LIFECHANGING the whispers. the spoken parts. the BELTS#plus the haunting and unrelenting instrumentation. fantastic song#and naisho no pierced's propose + birthday + gift sort of trilogy of songs. gift especially has been unreal#again the dynamics of soft intimate whispers to belts but also those fuller high notes with edges of growlyness.#plus the songs just generally rock. and those LYRICS. absolutely intense like physically painful and frightening like#yearning and codependency and possession. and the tuning and production just amps it up more#OH and slave.v.v.r has been doing crazy things for even longer but i only started getting into his stuff recently and holy shit#love eater is like. the scariest vocaloid song ive ever heard not because of the lyrics. but because of the tuning#im like. scared. i cant stop listening to it. the heavy synthesized breathy main vocals and whispered harmonies plus the VOCAL FRY#i didnt realized vocaloid5? i think? has a vocal fry option built in i heard? thats crazy#but specifically in love eater the fry and growl is amped up so deep and loud and clear compared to everything else it like#emphasizes the artificiality of the voice while also amping up the expressiveness#its awesome. and on the older slave.v.v.r songs i heard i will hit you 8759632145 times with this piano. also so fucking cool#addicted to that song. 1) its a great jazzy rocky piano tune with this piano flourish at the end of each phrase that sounds fantastic#but also 2) the lyrics are insane. using kanji to write english??????#people are doing wild ass things with vocal synths rn you guys#this isnt even getting into some of the really unique synths themselves too. adachi rei is awesome i love that shes just like#the perfect inbetween of sample based and reconstruction based vocals. shes a sample based synth#but her samples were drawn by hand LOL shes like dectalks granddaughter to me.....#a really good use of adachi rei is iyowa's heat abnormal/heat anomaly/whatever its called ITS AWESOME thats what it is hjrkfdgfd#i think the fact that vocal synths can be so realistic and clean and noiseless out the gate now has made people really stop worrying#about like. realism all together and looking more into expressiveness. omg vocal synth modernist movement
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foxstens · 2 years
you know what. i’ve always had good taste in music
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ginger-berrie · 2 months
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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hostilemuppet · 3 months
Saw the JD & Floyd post and was about to say “Maybe he should” but then it just made me sad. Like damn he cares about his family to the detriment of himself, what does that say about his relationship with Creek. I think I remember you writing something about Floyd realizing he’s genuinely fallen in love with him.
you want me to show how much thought ive put into tdau floyd? the funny cokehead with commitment issues? the guy who posts thirst traps out of spite? okay (keep in mind that most of this is just what *I* think and hasnt been cleared with alex, but when i write for floyd its genuinely what i consider in the back of my mind)
i think he was 13 y/o when he went out on his own (1999), began seeing the rest of the troll tree for himself, until he finally escaped on his own at around 15 (2001), a year before the entire tribe was evacuated (2002). he hitch hiked a bit and got to see a bunch of tribes but he only really got to see techno reef and volcano rock city, staying in vrc a lot longer (LONG before barb was in power and turned rocks view on pop from "they fucked up a really long time ago but were safe from them now" to "we need to colonise them back") and discovering a lot about himself in the process
he turned 18 (2004) and, as most ex-child stars do, immediately went IN on hard drugs and sex with strangers, as if thats the test for proving your adulthood. and he had a good time! he spent most of his life drugged to the gills and unable to look himself in the mirror the rare moments he was sober, but, yknow. details. then he got bored. and he went travelling again
at the age of 20 (2006) he left troll kingdom entirely. obviously he stayed CLEAR of bergen town (and silently prayed to whatever god pop trolls typically believe in that his family were safe and undigested). but he saw all sorts of places! places we havent seen yet, with species we havent seen yet, of extremely varying sizes! hell, he mightve met a species or two that are smaller than trolls! imagine that. but spending years travelling, it gets lonely. he never got to connect with anyone. hell, he never even had a real boyfriend! the most he had was that situationship he had that lasted 5 weeks before he got ghosted when that techno troll got back with his girlfriend. (its okay though, he channels his pain into his art, and that was one became his most popular song on bandcamp by a significant margin!)
at 27 years old (2013) he arrived in mount rageous. sure, they were huge, and he was terrified of being eaten, obviously. but they didnt want to eat him! they thought he was cute. and, he wont lie, he liked the attention. he became a novelty, that tiny little creature with his even tinier guitar, who apparently built up such a tolerance he can handle mount rageon drugs. imagine doing blow with stewert little. they loved him, as entertainment. he still didnt have anyone who loved him as a person, but at that point he was willing to settle.
when hes 36 (2023) he gets kidnapped by velvet & veneer, and of course no one thought to look for him. you wouldnt notice if the mouse in your house suddenly went missing. at most youd think someone you live with finally took care of it, and youd move on with your life.
the events of the movie happen, hes reunited with his siblings, he actually feels valued as a person again, AND to top it all off, those two months in the bottle did WONDERS for detoxing. next time he tries pop troll coke he actually feels a buzz! he never thought hed see the day!
brozone reunite, we see the early days of their career carry out in the au. floyd feels like hes on top of the world. hes got his family back, hes back in pop village (albeit, its a different pop village than he knew. hell, they used to all it troll village back then!) hes releasing actual music again, and not just busking for tips (its okay he didnt need much, he rented out a mouse hole for cheap). but he wants an actual connection. he wants a relationship. but hes never actually had that! hes never even felt respected by a potential partner! so he goes back to random hookups. and, yknow, its fun, he guesses. but he wants more
the first troll who seems to actually take interest in him as anything more than a hot piece of ass or "that guy from brozone" rocks his world. hes ashamed to admit that after knowing the guy for 3 hours he already thought about spending the rest of his life with him. he just wasnt used to being spoken to like a person by anyone other than immediate family members! its okay though, he couldnt scare him off, because he was being paid to be there, and after recording himself getting in floyds pants (the only way he knows how to show affection at this point) it was all over the internet
so, you know, obviously floyd wasnt doing great. hes gotten good at hiding his feelings (not like anyone really cares about them anyway) but he was clearly struggling. he did what he does best, and turned it into a joke, so maybe itd hurt a little less. he probably made it worse, but at least he was numb now. he goes back to hookups, deciding hell never have an actual boyfriend, hell never get married, and hes okay with that. well, hes clearly not, but its not like anyone ever asked, so he has to deal.
then he meets creek. and at this point hes not stupid. hes not that naive little kid anymore, and when he wakes up the next morning and realises his newest one night stand was that guy, the asshole, the one who everyone hates, he knows hes the butt of the joke, again. theres probably a camera, again. he leaves before creek wakes up.
but then he meets him again, a few days later. and creek says how much of a shame it is he never got his digits. and floyd doesnt know what to make of this. but he knows he shouldnt trust him. he heard everything riff said about him, everything BRANCH said about him. he knows every one of creeks crimes. but maybe he just wants to have some fun, yknow? everyones always fucking with him, maybe he wants to play around sometime. show the world hes not some little helpless doll.
what follows is about a year and a half of gay chicken on expert mode. creek pretends to love floyd. floyd pretends he doesnt know creeks pretending. floyd feels in control, almost. he gets comfortable. he refuses to believe its love, how could it be love? theyre awful to each other. but its, technically, his first real relationship. he tries not to think about it.
maybe encouraging creek to propose was a little more than seeing how far he can push him before he snaps. maybe he wanted to prove that hes worth it, even if the other guy wasnt. maybe he genuinely cried when he got angelinas egg, even if hed rather die than let creek see him express genuine emotions. he knows hes the sensitive one, but hes more than brozone. hes a person. a person that people dont ever seem to want to know.
then he realises. hes not the only one whos gotten comfortable. creek looks... not happy, exactly. but content. and floyd thinks thats terrifying. its too far, thats not how any of this was supposed to work. it was REVENGE. floyd was fucking with him, because creek was fucking with him first! now hes married, hes MARRIED, with KIDS, TWINS! THAT HE NAMED! and he loves them! and he loves creek! and creek loves him! hes gonna be sick. he cant do this. he cant be here. he lives in a mansion but its suffocating him. he leaves. he divorces creek.
hes miserable again. jd doesnt notice bc hes "the sensitive one", and his other brothers dont know how to bring it up without making it worse. branch is the only one who asks how hes holding up, but he just says hes fine, hell bounce back. he doesnt bounce back
when he meets creek again, he wants to cry. he wants to get on his hands and knees and beg him to take him back, but he has a LITTLE bit of self respect left. when he finds out creek missed him too its more than he can take. when they get drunk, and floyd forces jd to re-marry them, floyd actually feels like a person. a broken person, who healed in a creek-shaped mould, but a person nonetheless. and maybe thats all he can ask for
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Heres some games ive been playing:
Mario Wonder is very cool and a fun mario game, dont think its winning any serious awards though.
Got back to playing Super Lesbian Animal RPG, if you are any one of those adjectives i suggest checking it out. Cute and emotional and really funny and epic swaggy. i think theres a demo on their website also.
Mario RPG remake is fun. i found the lack of a more detailed soundscape to be odd, no text noises and some enemies look like they should be making sounds but dont. i played the original like 4 years ago and thought it was fine, this feels more fun to play than that.
New Warioware was a little disappointing. No silly toys to unlock and motion controls were a little unresponsive at points.
I played a little bit of Who's Lila, which is like... a horror puzzle game about controlling your face? Its SO weird and so confusing and i got lost and kinda just dropped it. No idea about anything at all in this game.
My friend convinced me to play Dont Starve Together. A lot of "What the fuck do i do to live" and then "Ok everything i do makes it harder to survive". Started getting fun like 10 hours in once i started understanding things a bit more.
Deltarune Chapter 3 was alright, Stylep Groove was maybe my favorite song even though the fuckin channel switching puzzle was awful. Pierre my beloved....
Im not good at thinking, but despite that I decided to start playing FEZ. I havent gotten to anything really puzzley yet but so far its charming.
Other hyperfixation i have rn is Keyboards. Im looking into getting a pretty custom keyboard that sounds nice and feels good. Im still researching switches, ordered some test ones today! Dont know what im gonna do about a case though, but i know i need a hotswappable one because i REFUSE to solder anything. (if you have any suggestions please let me know :) )
And uhhh think thats about it WAIT! Music recommendations. Very into Vylet Pony rn, and EX-LYD released a new single thats pretty nice. Also slowly going through Patricia Taxxon's "TECHDOG", which goes from "strange, slightly overwhelming noise that are sometimes bops" to "i feel like i just jacked my brain into a computer and god is speaking to me through it".
alright thats it. have fun today :)
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stonyponyofficial · 10 months
oh shit? whats that skanking this way? are those some more summer songs? are those some summer songs spliced seamlessly alongside some ska since Skaugust started? seems interesting, maybe u should pick em up and take a listen if u get the chance... might be the rudest sounds of the SKAmmer...
🎺spotify link ⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜ yt link🎺
notes on each ⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛ below the cut :3
Remember Summer Days - Anri: my city pop kick has not ended as you will continue to see. its the kinda shit that makes me wanna be taken on a warm evening drive. yeahh bitch i control the music and im not even driving >:3 sorry. umm also the horns make the song fit our skankin tone this time around so very well. they are like sisters <3
Car Song - Danny L Harle, MC Boing - speaking of drives! if, say, you are ever driving in a car, or perhaps playing music in a car this would be the track to signal to those around u that u are doing those things. i just love mc boing also. so much dumb hype that i cant help but follow his lead and bounce along. check out his like three other songs if u get the changce soun
Death Grips is Online - Death Grips: i was looking at my 'summer rewind' on spotify and this was apparently a death grips song i had listened to a lot a few years ago just without getting into any more death grips after that? it makes sense tho i was listening to a lot of igor of tyler the creator fame around that time. i was probably like ooooh this has that hard cunchy igor bass i like. and was like 😂 what the heck is the rest of their stuff tho seriously tihs is craazy 😂. probably is how i was like back then. tch. fool.
Flaunt It/Cheap - Rae Sremmurd: amen break waveform tattooed on my forehead running up to u voice HEY U SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG THEY. HEY> THEY RAP OVER AN AMEN BREAK ITS GOOD. okay thats misleading they only do that for a bit but after that the flow is very amen break inspired..but then beat switch thats still very good i love a good beat switch and all.... i just wish he kept spitting over that pure amen break sample. paws in pockets kicking the dirt as i walk away.....
Helium - Ecco2k (Drain Gang Archives): comes back excitedly to talk about draing gang ^w^. this time around our drain gang entrance is actually a bootleg posted by a drain gang leak aggregator on spotify. in case u were wonering this is probably the best of those unreleased/leaked songs ........... ecco's voice fits this song so well with all his falsetto stuff (get it it's like helihey it's like a helium balloon get it his voice it's hifh) but he also does that on his other songs bc he's a beautiful angel. GOd and his pouty fucking sighs in the chorus god i just wann[
Merlin's Staff - Ski Mask The Slump God: as i posted about before i love me some ski mask :) i hadnt listened to a lot of his new stuff until i watched his most recent interview with nardwuar. it is from here that i found this song bc ski mask references nardy on the track. HOWEVER. i would be remiss if i did not talk about my favorite lyric from this song that ive refrained from just posting as is. makes me GIGGLE every goddamn time.
"On the go like Mario, drive in a kart
Lisa Simpson, her head sharp"
now he does bring this back around to be a joke about her "giving brain" but just that line alone with the cadence gets stuck in my head. Li. sa. Simp. son. Her. Head. Sharp.
Morning Bell - Radiohead: speaking of... head? been catching up with ol mr. head recently on account of people i know whose music opinions i trust liking his tunes a lot (hai :3) this is My preferred morning bell btw.... for u music perverts out there who wanna know (hai :3) .... the drum groove is irresistible and the piano feels so cooold. cmon its in 5/4.... like im sorry to those whom i may have disappointed i do like amnesiac morning bell it feels a lot eerier.. yet brighter with all the bells? and the 'release me's in that one are very pretty but. kid a morning bell 👍
your clothes - Jane Remover: still havent listened to new jane BUT i have gone back to revisit old stuff i hadnt listened to in a while. upon listening to this one i was reminded Wow! Jane just doesn't miss! so congrats to Jane the Remover on being the only artist to have never left some songs thus far. may ur reign be long.
Last Summer Whisper - Anri: i leave you with this. the last whisper of summer. the last whisper of my city pop kick. the last whisper of some songs until fall right guys? do u guys hear a train?
Train to Skaville (Live) - The Selecter: ALLLLLLLLL ABOOOOOOOAAAARRRD. THIS TRAIN. IS BOUND. FOR. SKAVILLE!!!!!!!!! wait oh shit i can't leave yet i have a train to catch 😳someone made a joke to me last year about this song (i believe it was in September they said 'the train to skaville has left the station') and i straight up didnt get it at the time bc i was kind of a poser skahead when i made my skaugust post eheh nervous laughs bc i pretended to know it in that post ehehe ^^ . i do believe in ska fans beliefs (that ska is good, and anticapitalism probably) i just didnt know much about it besides like stupid horse did it that one time and that post about a kid getting an extra mozz stick.. anyway fast forward one year this fucking song is the idle music in my head. i pretend to be that funky ass bass on this song a lot too hehe. there are MANT live versions of this song on yt so i chose the most fitting one for the playlist but the one ive been listening to is the spotify one -w-
Superman - Goldfinger - this is the archetypal ska song to me. and u know why. that fucking post about that kid getting an extra mozzarella stick and ska plays in his head. from uo there ^. this is the song on that post. this is like capital s Ska to me. u know how people associate dnb with really slick games u grind on rails and skate/snowboard in. make the main character 12 and sucking ass on his first shitty skateboard rolling around his neighborhood and the soundtrack is now ska. only this song actually. it is good tho is the important thing
Never Meant - Skatune Network, JER:
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - Skatune Network, JER:
Come on Eileen - Save Ferris:
Take On Me - Reel Big Fish: what can i say im a sucker for a ska cover? SKA-ver. heh so true
Old SKrAp - Jeff Rosenstock: i believe jeff rosenstock has done other things which i will get to eventually like all things but i know him specifically for having made an album called No Dream (that i... havent listened to :/) which released in 2020 (05/20 specifically). and then.. on 04/20 of 2021 (!!!!!!!!!!! WEEED WEED ITS WEED) he released Ska Dream, which, of course, is a complete reworking of No Dream but to be Ska instead. the original title of this song is Old Crap which they still sing in the song i just love how they put SKA into the title. all of them are like this btw.
stupid horse - 100 gecs: the OG. also s/o aimkid amv. s/o all aimkid amvs but thats beside the point. there was a point in 100 gecstory that there were maybe only a few interviews they did after 1000 gecs and ofc not many live performance videos besides minecraft festival screen recordings and maybe one video of a show from the secret tour. but there was an interview from skullcandy of all places with an accompanying live performance of stupid horse that i rewatched sevreal times :) ......... i thought the neon green and yellow set pieces and outfits were cool ok??? anyway fucking stupid horse yeah a swordfish dancer spend my money on a fishnet carousel go go go go goin so fast now go go go go goin so fast now.
Frog On The Floor - 100 gecs: and then they did it again :)
I Got My Tooth Removed - 100 gecs: and did it again :)
Two-By-Four-And-A-Half - Thee Goblins: as i said before ive been narding it up recently with some nardwuar interviews. my favorite thing about him is his elusiveness as like. a guy who does things besides being nardwuar. and my favorite story about him doing other things is that on his quest to interviewing kurt cobain, he tried talking to dave grohl and somehow dave recognized nardwuar from a band he's in (this band Thee Goblins :3). but the band wears masks when they perform so u cant see its nardwuar. and he still knew it was him without the mask and i guess felt enough respect for nardwuar in that moment to decide to get him an in with kurt, which did come to fruition BTW. anyway this song is a SKA SONG by NARDWUAR himself.... this isn't on the yt playlist unfortch but there is a good video of the nardman himself and others as thee goblins.
Ska Sucks - Big D and the Kids Table: found this one while just ska-ouring ska-tify for more ska. and idk theres just something in a good subversive title (and lyrics if u venture to take a listen >w< ).anyway this ska doesn't suck its quite good actually :) this is a theme in ska if u could not tell. being quite good not sucking. sorry if that was unclear.
yyyaWWWn ummmmmmmn.. okay This is ewher i leave u.. with all the skanking ive been doing i believe ive kicked up a month long ska storm... but i hear there are some pretty rude winds forecasted to come in later today so oerhaps keep ur ears to the wind on that front 😳... um anyway peels off in my car i am sooooo licensed to operate leaving u behind with this helpful guidento steer your path. and this, thjs last SKA-mmer whisper, is how ill leave u until fall music fans :3 <3
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irlvernon · 2 months
DID SOMEONE SAY FAV SVT PERFORMANCES!!!!!! omg hii ok time to buckle in. i have a yt playlist full of my fav performances - svt moments of all time -but unfortunately half the videos have been taken down bc copyright 😭💔 fml truly..
- my life was probably changed forever by their 2021 AAA performance like hello!!! rock ver of rwy!!!!! the anyone outfits!!! THE DANCE BREAK!!!
- 2018 japan arena tour - habit and when i grow up perhaps the best singing ive ever heard…
- im also so fond of hit song - shining diamonds concert the seungkwan vocals oh my goddd hes just a baby And yet the most beautiful heartwrenching noises are escaping him.
- i also do really love highlight from 2019 kcon la performance unit PERFORMED!
- speaking of perf u their diamond edge concert !the theatrics are INSANE, the use of guitar solo instrumentals is gratuitous, and im SO here for it lmao
- this is getting really perf u heavy but bets moonwalker+wave is TOOO good (this specific video’s crowd is so funny 😭😭😭)
- okay okay last ones we of course cannot leave out jbtc fearless+left&right 2021 despite it being an empty crowd their energy was IMMACULATE plus hoshi minghao and dino/vernon dance break What more could u need seriously.
- kbs 2017 festival JUN PIANO! no more needed
stopping myself here before this really becomes a daunting wall of text 😭 a lot of these r classics/well known but u know u can never go wrong with those!!
if u got this far im soo sorry turns out this is a huge can of worms for me (nervous laughter) ! there are honestly hundreds of svt performances icould talk about for dayyyyyys i love love love their performances they are so SO unmatched in that area and even through a screen they are so captivating <3 what i would give to one day attend a svt concert……… alright thanks for letting me ramble maxogie 😭❣️hoping all those links work
OH MY GOD LEO i love this so so much pls know i appreciate u sending all this 😭 its like u read my mind!!!!!!
the 2021 aaa performance is sooo good. i also always watch the behind the scenes of that (that one's in my comfort playlist lolll)
that japan arena tour... im so mad i still havent found a full copy of it i wanna watch it so bad 😭 they all sound immaculate as always but WOW JEONGHAN SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING
cried a little at the hit song mention. u think they still know this song?
I LOVE A PFU STAGE AHHHH !!!!!! this particular highlight stage was so good to watch bc theyre at the center of the stadium and you can hear the crowd singing>!?!??!?! and im a sucker for a dance break. instant addition to my live perf playlist
be the sun pfu stage is the bane of my existence. thats probably my most watched stage of all time. theres this stage mix of junhui during wave that is top 1 in my live perf playlist and i recommend u watch it
OH MANNN how could i have forgotten jbtc 2021 !!! we need to bring theaterteen back let them be dramatic again PLEASE
kbs 2017 is also woozi drums!!!! i wish there were subs of that video :( i wanna know what theyre yapping about
thank u again for doing this i love talking about seventeen's music so much 😭 i saved that playlist if you dont mind <3
tell me your favorite seventeen live performance
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torosdottir · 4 months
21, 24, 51, 57, 100 but excluding music related
21. What’s the stupidest fight you’ve ever gotten into?
ok idk if this means like an argument or a physical altercation. umm once i was in an argument with a girlfriend because she said i loved doctor 13 more than her. that was a pretty stupid fight and i think she really was upset but the problem was i couldnt in sincerity tell her she was wrong. i was literally like 'you re going to have to accept this about me'. or if it means a physical altercation then one time i was waiting so so so long (we are talking like 2-3 hours) trying to get a taxi home from town and some dude swooped in on one before me and i got so mad i hit him over the head with the only thing i had to hand which was. a rose. guy turns around like what is your FUCKING problem and i was like ok yeah fair play i probably shouldnt have done that. but he started to get mad so i doubled down i was like ok but youre being really fucking dramatic about this it was just a flower i think you'll live. it didnt really escalate past a bit of shoving tho bc he had to get in his taxi so it wasnt really a fight. um also sometimes i punch people at random in the club
24. Do you tend to gravitate more toward using logic or intuition to make decisions?
hm. i think i make an intuitive decision and then am very good at coming up with a million logical arguments to justify it so i can SAY im making a decision based on logic. but its not really true im following my heart always i think.
51. What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed awake?
it is terrifyingly common for me to be awake for 30+ or even 40+ hours but i think one time when i was a teen i was awake for 3 days. like from morning on day one til evening on day 3 so like 60hrs? i was absolutely not grounded in reality by the end of it i was so fucked up.
57. Is there a vine or tik tok you quote often?
there truly is not. i never lived in those places
100. What’s one of your fondest memories? (excluding music related)
ok that is so evil u know my mcr trips are literally my favourite topic of conversation :( i have so many fond memories u dont even want to hear about my late winter sunrise coach journey heading off to sydney listening to rtl u dont even want to hear for the 17th time about when i crowdsurfed to mama in new jersey :( are we even friends.....
im gonna b real with u ive been trying to think of an answer here for quite some time and i dont think i can. im sure i have fond memories that aren't music-related and i know u phrased it like that bc u really didnt want to hear for the 18th time about when i crowdsurfed to mama in new jersey but like. i have been to so many shows and there really is magic in the air there and truly so many of my fondest memories are of those moments. running into people u havent seen in years and catching up and reminiscing... putting ur arm around a friend and wailing along to your favourite songs together.... fighting ur way out of the pit when a certain song starts bc u have to make it back to ur buddy for this one... fighting ur way INTO the pit when a certain song starts and making soulmates with random people for just one night... these ARE my fondest memories!! <3 oh one time i went to see tim minchin w friend as a teen we got high before we went in and it was a beautiful show he closed on white wine in the sun and when we came outside we were still high and it was snowing heavily it was so beautiful and it felt so magical. thats one of my favourite memories i think <3
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ok. i took a long, long time (song ref) but hi!!!!!!!!!
1. titanic fic (*cue shit-eating grin*). umum. im curious if there's anything about the morse code yet. or codes in gen actually. so. sentences with the word "code" :3
2. titanic vid!!!! Idk if you like the engineering aspects, but there still were a ton of other facts sprinkled in (spiral staircases, people that monitored coal balance, separate staff room for firemen, how they got air down there etc) https://youtube.com/watch?v=4begc_U8ygI#searching
3. surprise!! this is an interview. i have some Official Author questions for you (feel free to pick and choose, come back to this later, or just striaght up ignore lol):
3a. Do you have any authors (professional or not) that you aspire to be like one day?
3b. Following that up, are there any specific works (again, published, professional, etc or just amazing amateur works!!) that really inspire you?
3c. What made you start writing? I'm curious on anything that led to the conscious decision, of course, but additionally do you think there was anything you grew up with that "planted the seeds"? Was it any of the people from question 3a?
3d. What's the silliest (/pos) idea you've ever had for a fic? If you didn't write/publish it, why not? Was it a recent thing? If not, do you think your experience would have influenced that idea today?
if those dont make sense u can send me a messgae or something 👍👍👍 goodnight
ITS BEEN THREE DAYS but im here okay……. lets do this. hi pep :>
1) alas, i’ve been focusing on a lot of other things so i havent reached a written point of the Code Usage, which begins in like chapter 3-4. sorry man 💔 (progress has been made ! just not as much as i’d hope 😭)
3a) uhmmmmmmmm i dont exactly pay attention to authors as much as i pay attention to books but you know what. rick riordan. not because of anything he’s done or written but because of his audacity to write 20+ books in the same universe and still get 100000000000000 people 1000000% invested in it. i wanna write sequels forever. can i be him
3b) OHHHHHHHH UHM UHM UHM UHM the thing that got me into fanfic specifically was the fic “versability” (it was a gf fic about ‘what if ford never made the portal’, written like 2015-16, and yeah i did know of and even read a bit of fic beforehand but i was never into it) but just READING ? the land of stories by chris colfer, easy. mmmmmmmmm that was my fucking Thing. if i wasnt a baby at that time i would have WROTE. SO. MUCH. GOOD GOD. IT WAS MY THING. THE THING THAT GOT ME INTO NOVELS. URGH. alex my iconic mentally ill bisexual, conner my precious cynical boy. i need to read those again my GOD now i think about it that was fairytale fanfiction that happejed to bepublished and ohhhhh it was beautiful. im gonna read jt . iM GONNA DO IT!!!!
3c) in writing in general or just fanfic? for fanfic its that one day i had an gf fic idea (that i had to heavily revise/rewrite, but it did end up getting out eventually) that i hadnt read anything like it, and i wanted to see it. decided: hey, im shit at writing, but might as well!!!!!! 65k words later, its not a joke anymore. im a Writer now :) but as for in general, well ofc reading books. people told me in the past im creative and should get into book writing if you like reading so much. i decided well im gonna do it professionally, but might as well do something tiny, so i well uh wrote. im not gonna tell you but it certainly was Something. classic isekai mary sue dramatic plot hybrids etc etc etc but actually the queen the mc is “related” to is actually polyam and was in a relationship with both their dad and their mom and the big villain is the queen’s sister who’s pissed that both of her lovers ditched her for the human world (but actually they had to break up because because the society was not polyam friendly. there just happened to be a war after that). everything else was basic isekai except for that little crumble of lore. the queen was a bisexual. the dad was a pansexual. the mom was a lesbian. i think i ate there to be honest
3d) mmmmmm i gotta think. there was definitely a gf x amphibia au where ford got ploped in amphibia and the plantars IMMEDIATELY stole him and wrapped him up in their adventures right when the plot starting becoming a thing (early season 2). there’s one where stan and ford just….. climb a tree. it’s laced with a lot of philosophical talks straight from good omens knowledge but ultimately its just goody fun. mmmmm theres one where gabriel has no idea what crowley looks like, but he DOES know what Bildad The Shuite looks like, itd be tiny but so so so so funny. the gf/gomens crossover…..a human au based on that one tumblr post about a necromancer bringing people back from the dead to fuck with the killer and opening a discord support group….. the s1 humans + aziraphale being the victims, crowley the necromancer, and the s2 humans being the nosy outsiders who Notice things happens but can never say shit. oughhhh……… Yeah. yeah, thats good. most of these are recent except 4 the amphibia one, wouldnt change much about it even with the shit i know now EXCEPT being able to handle the relationships/emotions between the characters better, ive certainly gotten better at it and i love it. i havent published any bc either i started but couldnt finished, or just thought it was neat and moved on to plop it in the ideas folder and wait 4 inspiration.
OKAY THATS A LOT BUT THERE YOU GO sorry for the wait, man. you’re my best cupperty you know that right 🫵 ANSWERS!!!!! and ill work on titanic as fast as i can, it hasnt been forgotten !! i just gotta mow the grass….. (“short” fic wips)
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Fire and blood chapter 4: Jealousy
OC X Aegon, oc x Aemond and slight oc x Jacaerys.
Aegon and Aemond and you havent slept together for a week. They have been very subtle about it in public life, and part of you just knows they dont care about you now they both have had you.
Tonight, you are invited for a feast thrown by the king to celebrate Lucerys as the future lord of the tides. The princes are seated close to you, within reach so you can hold proper conversations. The other side of the table is for Rhaenyra and her children.
You are here on invitation of Princess Helaena. She usually gets very overwhelmed and even sick during feasts like this and you know how much a good and kind friend will help her cope with this. It won’t be entirely enough, Helaena will still experience it as unpleasant but it would be even worse if you weren't here at all. She has no clue that her brothers fucked you. Well, two of them.
Your heart breaks for the poor sick king who just wanted a nice dinner with his family. You feel very out of place at this sacred moment. You feel unnatural and interrupting.
You enjoy your dinner quietly when chatting with Helaena over her favourite hobbies. Bugs, puppies, kittens and of course reading. You share some laughs and gossip a bit with her and recommend some forbidden books for her. She laughs at you.
A hand taps gently on your shoulder when the music plays. You expect Aemond or Aegon but Prince Jace looks at you with a Smug smile before whisking you away with him. The king smiles touched and you know it's too late to reject Jace now. His girl, Baela looks on like she has just been stabbing in her back.
You accept his hand happily and walk with him to an open spot away from the table. You begin the dance. You grin and jump up and down like he does as well. Aemond meanwhile eyes his brother and Aegon throws back his drink as the song continues, a peaceful melody that sounds to you like the last song of a bird.
Prince Jace and you twirl, your arms intertwined with one another. He gives you a charming smile and you grin, as the song reaches its beautiful heartbreaking bridge.  You see that the food keeps coming, so you interrupt the dance yourself and hurry back to your seat, taking in all the delicious food. Helaena mutters something to herself, but you can’t hear what.
You grab a bit of chicken and a few potatoes. Its an symphony of smells and colours on the table. Aegon sometimes picks up a piece of chicken to devour, but Aemond’s plate is empty. He just sits there, drinking. Aegon does the same and you give them both some hidden glares before starting conversation, something to bring them together. ‘So, Aegon. Are you happy that your nephew now is the Lord of the tides?’ You ask, smiling at a bright and proud Lucerys.
‘I couldn’t care less what my nephews are up to. As long as they keep from touching what is mine by right.’ He grabs the extravangt glass pitcher they putted on the table and fills his cup once more with wine. You know it’s not good for him, but you won’t act like his mother here. If he was alone with you in the libarary, you would’ve hit him with a book.
Luc gets a little confused by those words but you know what he means. He is talking about that dance. ‘How is Driftmark yours, Uncle? Are you Velayeron perhaps?’ He jokes lighthartedly. It falls very flat and you sip your wine uncomfortable.
Aegon scowls. You remember that face from when he had trouble with his lessons but this is something else entirely too. Something like a wolf being mad that his toy is being taken away. ‘You can keep your smelly seahorse shit throne. I am talking about something else entirely. I don’t expect someone of your natural origins to understand. I heard you lacked common sense-‘
‘Aegon,’ you hiss at him, when Lucerys tears up a bit. ‘Be nice. This is a family dinner. For your father, the king. Put up some apperances and act nice.’
‘You really think you can control us, hm Lady Beespring?’ Aemond growls.
You open your mouth to snap at him but change your mind moments later. Softly you add. ‘Someone has to.’
Aegon shoots daggers at you. You look to Aemond for support but he does the same. They only drink and are spectators to this feast. The king doesn’t care about his sons, you can very much tell. He speaks with Jace, with Luc, his daughter and his wife and friend. The others are left out completely and only drink, eat and become more and more resentful torwards their family.
You need catch some fresh air. You excuse yourself and get up and walk out of the room. The moment you have left the room you calm down instantly. Its much colder but much more peaceful outside. You walk to the nearest window and open it, letting the fresh air in.
A hand suddenly grabs your wrists and pins you against the wall next to the window, rather harshly. You stutter in fear and look at your attacker. You gulp. Aemond. He has a twisted smile on his thin lips and wets his lips with the edge of his tongue. ‘Lady Beepspring. How unbefitting of you to leave our little social gathering before it had properly ended.’
Relieved, you relax. 'Hello. We talked about you sneaking up on me.' You say. He softly touches your body, still with you pinned against the wall. 'Hm. We talked but you didnt listen or did you?' You are a bit confused and tilt your head. Aemond leans in and whispers something in your ear when sucking on your earlobe. ‘Punishment, remember?’
'What is that supposed to mean?' You croak out softly and try to escape Aemonds grip. He presses you further against the wall and grins. 'You danced with him.' He bites out and you huff when chuckling.
That stupid little dance? You let him do worse things to your body. 'Come now, dont tell me you are jealous of an stupid little dance. I humoured him, and the king. It was unbefitting to say no.' You say, and try to break free. He only pressures you more into the wall like he wants to push you through it, out of the castle.
‘You should've said no.’ He says. Your heart beats unregularly.
You could not have. You know it. He knows it. It would be inproper. 'I couldnt do that. He is to be the future king-‘ Aemond gets a annoyed look in his eyes and wants to say something but stops himself before he can.
This possessive behaviour has to stop before someone noticies, or you are both in trouble. 'You didnt court me. Neither did your brother.' You didn’t receive any pretty gifts or special treatment. Just two grinning silver haired madlads who grabbed you by your arms and claimed you as theirs.
He touches your face gently, softly and carefully. Touching you like one wrong move could shatter you into thousands pieces. His voice is deep and low and you feel something familiar happening to your body. 'No, we did fuck you. And you liked it very much. How about we skip this shitty party and have our own feast? With you as our very tasty meal?' you flush. He grins. ‘You still have much to learn and to experience. I’ll get Aegon notified and we can go to my room and teach you side by side. How does that sound?’ Very tempting, but you force yourself to be the bigger person.
'Aemond, please. it would break the kings heart. Stay for your father.' But you know he never would alone for his father. So you add, softly. 'Stay for me, please?'
-- It all goes well until a big pig is presented to Aemond. Luc laughs and Aemond becomes the killer.
You dont know what that is about but for reason, he snaps. And he snaps very hard like a branch in the woods being snapped in half. He raises his cup skyhigh and starts talking. ‘Final tribute. To the health of my nephews. Jace, luc, and joffery. Each of them handsome, wise…’ You hold your breath. He grins at you before continuing. ‘Strong.’
Hell breaks lose. - You sit on the bed, your mouth dry and your eyes focussed on the two still drinking men. You assume they would be drunk by now, but they are not. Maybe lightly affected, but mostly they are angry. After the feast, you were summoned to the library where they ordered you to come with them to Aemond’s room via a secret passagewy.
Aemond paces through the room. 'That was a disaster.' Aegon says casually before filling his wine cup. Again. Aemond nods. He agrees with his brother. 'They should have never returned here. They dont belong here. They should burn in Harrenhal like their father did.' That sounds like treason, to you. But you don’t say so. You let them be angry. They don’t know what they are saying.
The older prince gives you a caculuated glare as you slowly eat a piece of cutted apple from the little bowl of fruit they gave you. 'That bastard was looking funnily at her. If I see him look too much, what will we do about it?' He asks, his younger brother. You feel very confused feelings. Shame, because you are not supposed to like these darker sides. Fear, because you know they are not kidding or messing around. And eventually something confusing you can’t quite place yet.
He already has a plan. 'Make him blind.' Aemond suggests, making you nearly choke on your fruit. You put the bowl down and make yourself known again, as they have been ignoring you on purpose since they dragged you in and threw you on the bed.
That is too far. 'You dont need to blind-'
Aegon grabs a cherry from your bowl. 'Quiet.' He puts the cherry in your mouth, silencing you. ‘You still are in trouble. Defending the little bastards, dancing with them…’ You eat the cherry obediently but you are furious they dare to command you like this.
Aemond grins. 'Hm. Enough talking. We have company.’ he says.
Your feelings all over the place. 'Who do you want first tonight?' It's up to you this time. They won't flip a coin like last time. You don't like that bit of freedom they have granted you.
You huff at Aemond. 'Aegon. You clearly dont know how to behave. You don't deserve a reward.' You say with a sweet smile.
Aemond groans threatening when Aegon Laughs at you, happily. He is like a walking time bomb. His emotions are everywhere at once.
The one eyed prince glares at you. 'Hm. I'll remember that.' You feel something bad happen when he says that ominously and the reminder of your first time and how he would fuck you rough during your second time is very fresh in your memory.
‘Aegon, she is yours. Be sure to punish her for her misbehaviour tonight.’
Aegon runs a hand through his silver hairs before getting his shoes off. ‘Oh she will be.’ He grins darkly at you and you swallow.
Aegon climbs on the bed and you back away in instinct. Aemond struts to his desk and starts picking out a book to read when his brother roughly rips your dress open, exposing your breasts. He undresses himself very quickly, touching your breasts gently and running his fingers around your hardened nipples.
Aegon rips of your skirts as well and turns you on your back. You groan as he lifts you and puts you in a familiar kneeling position. 'She is wet.' He says after bending you and showing off your body and entering your insides with his finger.
'She always is, somehow. Our little naughty girl loves getting her cunt fucked.' Aemond comments reading but you sometimes see his good eye stare and look at you. He is pretending to not care about you but you know differently.
You groan. 'I can hear both of you. You will-' Aegon flattens his hand and pushes you torwards him before hitting you several times on your naked exposed ass. You shiver in confusion as pain and pleasure mix inside you.
'The only thing I want to hear from you is how sorry you are for your behaviour and that you'll never even consider doing this again.' He hisses darkly in your ear. You cower.
You are so confused. 'It was a dance. Why do you care?' Aegon forces you to lower your head and you feel him feel you up a bit before he roughly shoves his cock inside you and you groan in pain and whine softly at this rough treatment. You are wet so its easy and nice. It feels good and wrong at the same time but you let Aegon do this. You softly buck and let him have his way with. He fucks out his anger on you.
Aegon is nearing. You are too. You turn around and look at his stiff erection. 'We should teach her how to pleasure us with her mouth.' Aemonds eye twitches a bit. His voice dark and possessive.
Aegon ignores him, grabbing you by your legs and dragging you over to him. You get it once more on your knees much faster and rougher. You pant and close your eyes before Aegon comes inside you and lose it as well.
Aegon kisses your sweaty forehead and tells his brother that he can have you. Aemond slams the book shut and grins. He first does a small inspection of your body. 'Quite wet for us, aren't you?' He mocks you. The son of a bitch.
'Get on all fours.' You obey him. It's best to do so anyway. The sooner you have him inside you the sooner this miserable longing goes away.
'Hmm,' Aemond moans.' Such a tight little fit.'
'So wet too. My brother fucked you nicely but still that's not enough for you, is it?' You shake your head, feeling a blush creep on your cheeks. Aegon growls from across the room. 'Punish her for that. She is such a ungrateful girl.' You want to protest but you see Aegon grin at you. He is only joking.
Aemond however, is not. 'I agree. A punishment is certainly due. How do you wish we punish you, girl?' 'Shall I maybe fuck you? Or maybe you like to suck us both off. We could also try something else out.' You dont like the sound of something else.
'Fuck me,' you breath out. He grabs your hand and lets you rub him. It's been inside you but it's still so foreign and strange to you. 'She is such a scared little thing.' Aegon groans. 'I want her after this.' He says.
You freeze. Aemond uses that and pins you down before kissing you roughly on your mouth. You feel his tongue slip in and get a little bit of a reflect to puke. 'You just had her. It's my turn. I will make the girl scream and cry.' He vows and you whimper in fear.
He seems to like that. 'Present yourself for me. On your knees and spread them nicely.'
'Do you like it that we share you? Do you like having two men to fuck you bloody and to squirt in as much cum as that little cunt of yours can handle? Do you like getting stuffed and stuffed until you can't have it and eventually come when one of us is deeply rooted inside you?'
You nearly grunt. 'Yes what?' He demands.
You keep sighing. 'Yes, to all of that. Please...'
He laughs. 'You wont dance again. You wont even glance at other boys again. You are ours. Is that understood?' He trusts a bit deeper and harder. Your eyes roll in your head.
'Yes! Yes please I'm sorry.' You quickly blurt out.
He groans. 'Apolgise to my brother as well.'
You quickly mutter your apologies 'Aegon I'm sorry.' The fucking intensifies.
You cry out and come soon after. Aemond notices and roars when rolling up against you and fucking you deep. 'I didnt gave you permission for that.'
'Sorry,' you dont know why you apologise to him. You dont. Aemond chuckles warmly before taking you fast and steady. He comes and drops you with a groan after nearly having his way with you for a long and slow time.
'Let me see.' Aegon inspects you. He knows you need him. Deep and hard. Rough and fast. 'Stil wet. You want it two times tonight?' He asks, for your consent. Very unusual.
You nod, softly whispering. 'Yes, please. Very much.'
They both chuckle at that. 'Such a polite little girl when she needs to be. I will have her after this a second time as well.' Aemond pets your hair before backing away and letting Aegon have his fun with you again.
You are dirty, cum on your legs and on your entrance. You are wet and feel feverish and tired. Aegon laughs before climbing on top of you again. You and the princes have sex one more time before they finally decide it's been enough for you for today. They softly wash away the blood and the cum off your body and dress you in a night gown.
You are sore and tired. 'Good girl for fucking us. I want to hear one more time how sorry you are.' Aegon says strictly.
'Very much, my prince.' You answer politely.
'Let's grant her some rest. She must be tired.' Aemond interrupts your playing.
You are indeed. Exhausted. 'You will need to keep awake. The tea will soon come. Unless you want a child with one of us.' Aegon jokes.
You grin. 'They would be adorable.' Both of them share a brief horrified look. 'Yes. I suppose.' Aemond blurts out.
Aegon takes a cup of tea from a maid. 'Here. Drink.' He pushes the drink in your hands.
You are not a spare wife. You are just a object to fuck and to have fun with. 'Can I return to my rooms?' You ask, a bit saddened by their extreme reactions.
Aegon grins at you. 'No, you'll stay here.' He tells you. You dont like that. 'But these are Aemonds rooms-' you protest but the second prince already smirks. 'I dont mind sharing my bed.'
'What if someone comes looking for me?' You wonder. 'What if a servant saw us?' This will only end badly.
Aegon shrugs. 'I'll tell them to hang themselves.' He says casually.
You growl and throw one of Aemonds pillows to him. 'Aegon!' You scold.
He groans. 'What? You are better off with my brother when I take in the city. He might even let you in a nice bath so you can clean up properly. You should be fresh for us.' He wiggles his brows.
You groan and huff. After finishing the tea you enter the bathroom and make a bath. After it you return to Aemond. He is on his bed reading. Aegon is still gone. Subtly you take the book away and grin at him.
'We cant have sex now.' Aemond says, reading your bloody mind with his demon powers. What the hell?
You pout. 'Aren't you ready for it?' You rub him. 'Does your body hurt?'
He grabs you and flips you over his legs so you are on your back like a helpeless kitten. You Yelp, scared. He grins and smacks you again. 'No, you silly goose. I am beyond ready to fuck and to fuck you until you cant walk. But our agreement was that we fuck you when the other is present or we wont fuck at all.' He says and picks up the book again.
''You know; I quite like the way you order me around. I don't know what that is. I dont have it when we are not being intimate.' You softly confess when he runs his hand through your hairs.
He smiles at you. Sincere and gentle. 'It's good you like that. Me and Aegon are used to being obeyed. And you proved us that you serve us very loyally and richly.' He chuckles and you roll your eyes grinning as well.
He continues. 'I shall pass it to Aegon as well. He is careful and holding himself back. I can tell. But if you like getting it rough, getting scolded and punished well who are we to deny yourself and ourselves such pleasures?' Pleasures.
You think. 'Can I ask you something personal?'
He laughs. 'I think we are past that but go on.'
You take a deep breath. 'Do you think you could ever forgive and forget what happened to you? Your nephews-'
'No, I can't.' He abruptly says.
'Sleep, girl. Sleep.' And you do. You do.
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checkers-dance · 1 year
hi tumblr user checkers-dances. i write to you from my death bed. i fear i may not make it past this winter.
JOKES ASIDE. ive been sick the past few days. its really not that bad but im dramatic and also havent been genuinely sick in years so i have mostly stayed on my bed and done nothing but watch hour long video essays. if im not doing that, im watching mx videos. in any case, because ive been using kpop to Cope, i remembered this one youtube trend where people came up with like a whole idea for a kpop group. in a lot of ways its kind of like making your own superm, but im less interested in that aspect and more on trying to think about the more technical side of it. so because im dying and in need of fun, and also it was just a lot of fun coming up with my idea for an nct alternative, i've been thinking about what i would do if i had to manifest a kpop group out of thin air. here at incest entertainment, what type of music can we offer to the market?
i'm still not super sure of what route i would go but i've established a couple of ideas and once again, im smarter and cooler than any real kpop company.
-we're going with 7 members. i think that's kind of a perfect number, not too much and not too little.
-one thing i know for sure is that i need at least one member with creative inclinations. preferably we would have multiple guys because i think it'd be cheaper than having to always rely on outside producers probably? but also because here at incest entertainment we want our artists to have as much artistic freedom as possible <3 and because i do have a bit of a vision for what i want this group to be, i need to have strong communication with the idols who will be performing the songs, and i think a good way to go about that is having at least one of them who is also involved in the music.
-so i want the group to have a really strong concept. i think we are in desperate need of more kpop music videos with larger storylines (and those storylines would be even connected to the lyrics of the songs themselves). i'm still not entirely sure what the concept would be but it'd be very story driven and it'd have kind of mystery to it.
-so here's the most important part that i've come up with so far. it's by far the most unrealistic one, but if a group ever did this i think it'd be really fun. so i was thinking about how fun it was to overthink the mx music videos and try to come up with a coherent theory, and because i'm going to be pushing for a narrative i obviously want to give fans stuff to chew on and speculate on. and i was thinking about what would be a good way to do this. and then i fucking realized. let's make a fucking arg. let's throw weird code into the videos that leads to like a secret website where the fans can solve puzzles and figure shit out. i think making that aspect more interactive could be really interesting.
-to connect with the last point, i think a great way to push this would be with the physical albums. part of the appeal of physical albums in kpop is that they come with a lot of other neat things. so the albums can include items that are connected to the story, like idk. documents with info on them that they can decipher for themselves.
ANYWAY, im tired and i don't think im going to elaborate more on this, but i like this basic idea. sadly, incest entertainment isn't real and neither is my imaginary boy band.
HELP, NOT INCEST ENTERTAINMENT....INC-ENT for short. Is 7 rlly the magic number or is it just the number most frequently found in groups u like 🧐🧐🧐? THE OVERTHINKING MX ERA...listen I think this group should at least have a coherent storyline they're going for to avoid another watch/blue flower event 😭😭. Maybe it could be a scifi arg since there already are scifi concepts in kpop, or maybe it's a more historical thing. Personally I think if the company is called incest entertainment there should be incest gimmicks in the group, like them pretending they're all related despite looking nothing alike. Maybe there's even a time travel gimmick in the story so they're all each other's ancestors at diff points in the timeline. Much to think abt (help I said no more watch/blue flower stuff and then immediately went on to spawn this concept 😭)
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neomedievalist · 1 year
some ??hot?? takes: innocent sin feels more "contemporary" than persona 5 in terms of story. all this wild shit happening simultaneously just feels like looking at the news.
this one probably isn't a hot take, but persona games need to bring back character theme songs. 1) it owns, 2) it might prevent the p4/p5 problem of having Too Many Guys so they barely get the spotlight.
oh persona should stop dripfeeding party members. just introduce them all early and then give them arcs throughout the game. also let social links hook in.
thinking any of nocturne's reason endings are good is really silly. they all suck and are narratively unsatisfying, and all of the reasons are abhorrent. this makes sense for the game but i can't imagine someone thinking any of those endings are the best.
manikins should've been able to get a reason. the demifiend can already fuck with creation by restoring the old world / exploding the universe, he should've been able to force through the manikin reason.
yeah i can see what you mean. actually there are several different points in here let me respond to all of them
i mean, true, but p5 is hilariously modern, they literally use iphones to go to the demon dimension, and forum posts are your sidequests. i get thats not your point though, and it speaks to p2's longevity that its themes are still able to be relevant today. honestly, if p2 was made today, itd work even better with the misinformation age and the rumours theme. this is a tangent, but ive always thought digital devil saga is the most modern relevant smt and it takes its themes to the logical end thats perfectly fitting for the quote unquote new generation of smt, if it was released today it would hit exactly the same. i honestly think if smt was a chronological series with a clear start and end, the dds duology would be a perfect end to wrap up all the themes of the entire series. (that's why i wont rec it to newcomers to smt, but if youve played others and havent played it, you absolutely have to)
true! i mean i dont have any particular takes about theme songs but i think its something id like to see come back for sure.
to an extent yeah. i think p3 works so well because you already have a lot of the party members from the start who are all intertwined with each other and the lore of the story. persona has always worked best with a small cast but p3 works because all of the cast is relevant but they also dont try to act like they all get along perfectly. like, i dont think mitsuru talks to junpei as a friend. and thats normal. it helps make p3 more serious and not just goofy guys on an adventure, if that makes sense. but from a game balancing perspective, kinda tough to make that work lol. i think every party based rpg works like that, but it wouldnt be unreasonable to introduce characters early and then just not let you use them yet sort of like what p3 did with akihiko's broken arm, not being able to use mitsuru until you got another navigator, etc.
yeah, i mean, that's what smt is about. it's about choosing between bad and worse options. law and chaos is no better, really. well...actually no i would argue they are better but thats beside the point. i think i need to say for the record me saying i'm law aligned is a joke and i don't actually believe in anything that law believes, but, hopefully my followers have reading comprehension and can tell that from my blog.
true, but like i was saying before, the point of smt is choosing between bad and worse options, and having one clear good option defeats that purpose. but then again, neutral endings have been a thing in smt forever as the Objectively Good Option so, i guess it doesn't matter. yeah, i agree in-universe lore it would make sense though
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
kiden!! act i
first off. I watched kiden with the most kasen-biased lens, and even after like 6ish rewatches there are things I might have missed out. second, this is long. hehe. so that's a much needed disclaimer before I unload everything I've been thinking of for the past few weeks.
ofc......this is an abandoned timeline. even so, the only flowers that bloom are those near gracia.
Kokin’s shriek thank you very very very much
they skip half of the plotline of iden and straight away make it clear that everyone knows who the touken danshi are . and the fact that they know they are living in an abandoned timeline. no existential conflicts here?
takayama ukon, I think, as far as I can remember, is the first sute human ive seen that justifies not killing the touken danshi on the basis that they have the same hearts as humans, and are not mere objects. He’s so emptathetic towards them it almost makes me uncomfortable bc well….we know whats going to happen in the end .
jizou running away with gracia is the softest portrayal of a touken danshi denying his duty we’ve ever seen. maybe its the hand holding, treating gracia like she’s fragile.
Urghrjdnf I know it’s a world that came into existence from gracia’s wish but hearing don francisco say “what if we let her be free?” leaves a bad bad taste in my mouth. Sure it may be what she wanted but does she anymore? Isn’t she already supposed to be free in this new world? But then again, would her happiness ultimately lie in her husband living like a depraved madman…..? debatable.
i feel terrible for the honmaru that lost their daisanbutai...all six swords broken in one investigation....*logs in to my honmaru to poke all six of them to make sure theyre ok*
Kokin’s message…
Always always alwaysssssss mouthing the opening dialogue…fuck ive been waiting to hear it in kasens voice forever and ever.
why is kasen so beautiful. like. they really set his wig and did his makeup to make him look divine, like one of those sad noh maidens (thoughts on the op here)
(A bit of an aside, but I find it funny how some of them still have flower petals on their costumes www. Chougi looking fully serious while having a petal lodged in his cape as if just seconds earlier he wasnt dancing. and shishiou scattering petals in his wake as he runs.)
SITTING AROUND A FIRE HOW CUTE. i forgot that this scene in almost its entirety was also in kahakugeki, because this time it’s a completely different setting and theyre doing something other than walking. this feels more lively :)
they discuss a little poetry! specifically the poem kokindenjunotachi recites in the incoming call. kidengumi poetry discussion session in full swing! i still am surprised to find out shishiou also liked poetry bc his former master was an accomplished poet, and also that chougi and nikkari are well-read in old literature. I wonder if that was their own acquired knowledge or from kasen's influence.
feels like everyone has an appreciation (or at least, an understanding) of the arts that kasen likes ("please group me with people who understand elegance").
kasen voice: in most cases the 'uta' you're talking about is not the 'uta' I'm familiar with! (he mustve heard a lot of kotegiri's songs already.)
kikkou truly must be a good cook if kasen is relishing the food he made........mmmm watching them made me a little hungry ngl
who's the sender of the message??? does kasen know????
"well I do have a feeling of who it might be–"
"one of your old friends, perhaps?"
I love how kasen and nikkari have this exchange between them, where nikkari consistently sees right through kasen and his discomfort and frankly cuts right to the point. nikkari’s role here is to act as a foil of sorts to kasen.
I feel like. kotegiri and shishiou bring the much needed light-heartedness to this unit. tsurumaru, koga, mutsu and horikawa did that in iden but in kiden we’ve got like. more somber characters havent we. like seriously in any other setting I wouldnt imagine characters like kasen and nikkari doing an enthusiastic group shout . (kikkou looks at chougi bc hes the only one not doing it lol. and i think nikkari also gestures to chougi to go along w it
so the farmers mention that katō kiyomasa was defeated and bc of that the christians made kumamoto-jo their hideout. looked him up and....this guy was absolutely brutal towards them....stabbing pregnant christian women and cutting off their children's heads. making kumamoto castle a christian place feels like the ultimate fuck you to kato kiyomasa.
seeing kasen give out instructions feels so..........and everyone looking at him. thats his unit. thats his daisanbutai. thats their captain. and hes such a trustworthy captain <3
the reason why nikkari’s so set on poking kasen about his ‘mukashinajimi’ is definitely bc kasen is mysteriously reluctant about to bring it up (shinpaishite iru yo). in kahakugeki kasen begins to say kokindenjunotachi’s name in the first scene when nikkari cuts in and i wish theyd have kept that little bit in kiden. i think kasen......definitely didnt want to face his past. ive said enough abt that in well...a lot of posts. but also, i think he was also a little fearfulof what meeting old friends would mean. itd be too many coincidences, wouldnt it
it just occurred to me that tadaoki, most definitely, like in giden, thought kasen was a geisha just standing in the middle of his way. just like that. thats why hes like ???????????
oh man. kasen. it mustve fucked him up to see tadaoki like that. i feel like having watched kahakugeki took a little shock out of it bc we all expected it, but it really mustve been a massive shocker and eye opener to kasen to see what a fully christian country entailed. (if gracias wish hadnt come true tadaoki wouldnt have to suffer like this would he...? but then neither wouldve been able to make the other happy if their repsective wishes came true) its jarring to see your father, who was once full of pride and one of the wealthiest lords in the country, fall to the bottom of the barrel.
obsessed with the way kasen shows his nervous tics: tucking his hair, tapping his sword, flourishing his cape. kuma does it all so naturally.
???? chougi smile out of nowhere???? i think he only did that in daisenshuuraku stream bc in 4/3 stream he didnt much smile at kikkou kjsndv thank you for that though
chougi and kikkou r literally . team rocket but more cunning and scheming. its like theyve already had experience in reconnaissance together.
if im not wrong kikkou says “even though it’s god’s country, there’s no equality among its citizens” yes king thats been the problem w christian kingdoms throughout history! *cough* europe *cough*
"bluffing is also a weapon of war" go kikkou go!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt want them as enemies ever theyre genuinely terrifyingly good at drawing out information. but also theyre just bluffing it as they go huh lol
still, its impressive they came up with all that on the spot.
jk rowling wishes she couldve made draco malfunction as sexy and ruthless as chougi
MAN THEYRE SO ANNOYING D SJKNDV everyone whispering "hidari! hidari!!!!!!" but he still gets slapped. imagine ur just here to protect ur religious country and these meddling touken danshi LIE to ur face and give u weird riddles to solve and u still get clocked while the other guy is having the time of his life whistling at ur misfortune. and the blue cape guy tops it off with “i have utmost respect for ur guys’ devotion to ur faith :)”
theyre so good. chemistry is out of this world. digging my grave as i speak
“where is she?!?!?!?!?” *stomach suddenly starts rumbling* sorry i know its like. a plot point to get tadaoki to where shishiou and kotegiri at the eatery but i couldnt stop laughing
i think its safe to say kiden part i is more of a comedy to a certain extent. to a certain extent only though.
kotegiri is so earnest and it feels like shishiou is his elder brother.
they finally got to sit at the same table T-T
i really like how the three sets of touken danshi move to different places to gather intel; kasen + nikkari going to the crowds near the castle to observe them (i loved the bgm here), chougi + kikkou slyly making their way to the church, shishiou + kote going to a restaurant. it feels characteristic to each of them.
that one guy inthe background doing a double take @ nue
shishiou talks to kogarasumaru a lot for a guy who claims to not like being treated like a kid hmmmmmmm admit u like being spoiled like the rest of us
also i wonder if shishiou simply didnt ask kogarasumaru for an explanation or if kogarasumaru didnt go into too many details or if shishiou simply forgot about what the former meant by a ‘troublesome’ mission. he may be a himbo
nveeeveerrrrrr getting tired of shishious koga impression. ever
and his smile while talking about his jicchan....... :D
shishious the kind of friend that has No Shame and No Reluctance to be full on weird in public settings and honestly good for him ! (kotegiri nodding to the other people in the restaurant wwww like yeah excuse us, im sorry)
shishiou knows archery confirmed.
he’s the first one to sense that the ‘humans’ arent actually humans. its his innate sense isnt it? he’s more knowledgeable than he lets everyone else in on.
i love how theyre all told gracia was taken by a touken danshi but they dont suspect the other members
honestly i dont want to delve too much into the historical figures bc that would make this post longer than i think its goign to turn out :(
kotegiri’s wavering confusion at the sight of tadaoki........i love how touken danshi retain their former master’s bonds and feelings toward the people in their lives. in a rudimentary sort of way kote must have felt like he was looking at his father.
well. can you really blame tadaoki for wanting to kill gracia? actually no this isnt really a story about who bears the blame. if you try to search for moral validity in this play youre going to spend eternity here. its simply a story about desire. in kidens case, gracia gaining something meant making tadaoki lose something, namely his wealth, title, lands, perhaps even sanity. and because of that he hates her. but because of his memories he also loves her. and thats the central conflict of his character.
like ive always thought: in tkrb there is rarely black and white morality, what they define as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depends upon whether they can carry out their orders and protect history, and thats also apparent in a few later scenes. its the fact that the swords are drawn from so many different stories (+ also the fact that modern morality has no business being applied to the people of yore. also re: the oda swords’ different views on oda nobunaga. hasebe hates the way he did things, but yagen thinks it was fitting for a man of that period) ok ive derailed enough lets go back to the play !
ofc kote follows after tadaoki,,,,,,,,
right before meeting him, a strong wind blows over kasen and nikkari . personally i think that “wind” that notoriously blows in some scenes is a sort of euphemism for kokindenjunotachi -> in the keichou kumamoto chousa in the game he tells us to call him kaze at first. ofc, this is just a speculation but it ties in with later scenes too so bear w me
i love how kokin straight up lies to them ‘i called you so we could recite poems’ kasen is right to see through his bullshit jkdsnvjk. still, i think kokin was sly to have waited until he was sure they were trustworthy and strong enough to handle the mission to formally tell them the details of what happened.
this little exchange between kokin and kasen is my favourite bc it says a lot without many words. its almost like a fight between siblings but not exactly, kokin has this emotional distance that kasen cant get through to. id liken it more to a father-and-son thing. the son never being able to understand his father is such a famous trope isnt it? thats whats happening here. kokin’s got something up his sleeve and kasen is dissatisfied bc he cant guess what it is and why kokin’s keeping it from them.
>ikuzo, aoe. ah, yarou! killed me x2. two of my favourite swords interactignrgksndfjnvdfjnvkjnsd
this bgm slaps
low-level kokin ganbatte
ahhh canon that nikkari and kasen spar a lot!!
man kasen is so sarcastic . ‘have you lost your poetic spirit?’ bestie chill he’s doing his best at the level he’s on
NOW kokin trusts them after they rescue him. he suddenly goes all serious and then says those words like theyre coming from his heart.......in this investigation, he specifically asked for kasen didnt he? it wasnt like iden where hizen called for all competent touken danshi. i suppose that was part of his plan as well, to strengthen kasen (we dont get to know if like in iden, the saniwa deliberately also wanted kasen to grow. its simply not mentioned but the mission pays off doesnt it?). what a roundabout way to do it tho. though, kasen wouldve been petulant if he Knew what this investigation was meant to entail right from the start. thats why kokin couldnt fully go into the details right away.
:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( gracia...........
‘why did that man order my death?’ god this reminds me of musou’s dainibutai’s chapter where kasen just. randomly asks ‘do you think tadaoki wanted gracia......dead?’ its so out of character bc he’s being vulnerable for the first time since the mission, and namazuo tells him ‘it doesnt matter how it happened, if someone precious dies, anyone’d be sad’ (paraphrased from the jp game i didnt play the en version dont tell me im wrong vdbjsndvkjdsfnvkj)
haraiso.......inferno.........they’ve read their dante alighieri
as far as i can make out the touken danshi that perished were......kashuu, yagen, ichigo, nihongou, horikawa, and izumi
‘just like me, you’re also taken captive’ ah it strikes again, the fixed and unflexible nature of the touken danshi’s duty that is the root cause of all pain in tkrb.
this is so funny and cute awwwwwww. its so hard for jizou to comprehend human relationships. its easy to understand at a superficial level, but hard once you actually are a human. and thats what’s happening here: jizou is getting humanized.
oh jizous so cuteeeeeee
yeeeeee the table scene !!!!!!
i came to the stunning realization that this scene references the scene of The Last Supper. but ofc.......there are supposed to be 13 people in the painting, but ukon and yukinaga and gracia aren’t there. i initially thought gracia would be representative of jesus, but she’s betrayed them and run away right? jesus is the one that stayed and was killed. with that logic, it’s otomo sourin that’s symbolic of jesus since......well........he gets betrayed in the end. this is a table of traitors.
so i looked up what seisan meant and
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ahhh i really love the proverb kikkou uses here: 郷に って は 郷に したがえ . i didnt get it immediately at first but i did get a sense of it being similar to ‘when in rome, do as the romans do.’ i love this kikkou’s characterization so much
otomo sourin feels like their babysitter rip
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theyre so pretty I loved the set-up of this scene
this scene is significant in so many ways 1) we dont have enough scenes in tkrb where touken danshi are subtly given the position of unbending, ruthless, unnegotiable villains. 2) it reiterates what we already know: that protecting history is a touken danshi’s instinct. 3) it makes a distinction between the concepts of ‘instinct’ and ‘justice’ 4) kikkou likes to wave at people 5) chougi is the more passionate one, kikkou the cooler, level-headed one.
yoshitaka says that no one is in the wrong. hmmm
kotegiri’s face as tadaoki is denouncing tama 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  shishiou talking aboutkasen😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
even though he’s a government sword, kokin displays so much human emotion, wanting to save jizou even after they parted ways. it reminds me of kasen when he’s with sayo orz
kasen has this air of resignation as he recites the origin of his name. i feel like shaking him and saying NOOOOOOO cant you see nobody thinks those 36 dead people were your fault?? youre respected and loved just as you are!
‘kasen kanesada, will you kill gracia? you, who was tadaoki’s sword, will you kill the person he loved?’ crying screaming throwing up ripping my curtains apart smashing thw windows tearing out all the pages from my books this line isso bonkers insane . and kokin using kasens full name too
holy fuck kasen has so much of an internal crisis about it its insane.
ofc kokin smiles bc he also Knows that.
ofc kasen bites back w his own questions. thats just how those two are . its like they view human emotions as a sort of weakness, that kasen is inherently weak for not feeling completely sure about killing her, and that kokin is weak and denying his purpose as a touken danshi for wanting to save jizou.
>scene ending with kokin alone, talking to no one in particular (or is he?) wondering if he’s naïve.
>next scene starting with jizou saying ‘kaze ka?’ you see the connection?? The heavenly wind and kokin???? The hecking amatsukaze???????????
God. Isn’t it ironic how jizou prays to his god so that he can preserve gracia’s connection to her god? (note: in kahakugeki he only used one hand for this line, in kiden he uses both)
Hmmm aren’t flowers ephemeral and fragile? I understand where jizou’s coming from, heck my guess for what he’d call her was also a flower, and why kokin calls her a blossom of the Hosokawa, but I cant help but wonder if that’s a way to simply emphasize her weakness and inability to live as she liked, having her life mostly dictated by the men around her. Tadaoki’s the only one who calls her a snake, capable of biting back. The same snake that threw humanity into sin. Ironically enough it’s the person who loved/hated her that could understand her. But then again, its tadaoki’s heart inside jizou that’s also calling her a flower. Honestly she can (and does) symbolize both.
Having no home to return to must hurt…….
Im so happy they can finally fight with real enemies instead of like last time ><
The reason im so glad they paired up Kasen and Nikkari is bc both of them are haunted by the sin of what they killed, and seeing them get along so well, like they know each others intricacies, what the other is thinking, its like a genuine bond.
Ok and now one of the most emotionally charged scenes ever………..
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hmmm how to put this simply. it’d be easy to leave it as simply ‘straight married couple argument’ but it begs a more deeper nuance than that. lets see. gracia and tadaoki meet for the first time in what is probably, a long time. all this time tadaoki was so worked about hating her and wanting to kill her and yet his first instinct is to let out all his pent up feelings and.....cling to her........ ‘why did we become this way?’ ..........even though they loved each other and were married for over 20 years, held on even through akechi mitsuhide’s betrayal, tama’s conversion. ….how were they reduced to this? Its precisely because of that bond that gracia asked him to kill her, and precisely because of that bond that tadaoki couldn’t. its so so simple to say what we want to do but when the reality of the situation catches up, can we really stay the same?
and tadaoki’s last words to her were literally ‘my snake’
oughoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOUCH rip
and thats her breaking point. shes literally driven to hysterics. and she didnt want to ascertain tadaoki’s heart....she simply wanted to be forgiven (the reasons that cut the deepest are the most simplest ones) for the sin of hating the person she loved.
but,,,,,,,as much as i loved thisscene, as much as i couldnt bear to watch it in consequent rewatches,,,,,this gracia isnt the real gracia.....she just isnt. the humans in altered timelines never are.
‘let’s go, aneue’ ‘where?’ ‘anywhere. maybe even to hell’ <- wtf twfffffffffsdjnfffffffffffffffffff jizou said GOODBYE TO KARMA AND MORALITY I’D FOLLOW MY BELOVED ANYWHERE
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭tadadsifkofjkasensdnfkasjfnkjnsakjfnajnfajsnjcksanfwehfiuhwenudnjfuwfnzsexdrctfvgybhnjkmgbhjnk YOURE GOING TO DIE IN YOUR BEST FRIEND’S ARMS AND YOU PLAY ALONG BECAUSE ITS WRITTEN DOWN YOUVE MEMORIZED IT ITS ALL YOU KNOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭 
tadaoki’s honshin was that he didnt want to kill gracia and jizou and kasen inherited that same heart are you listening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!111!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!
it physically hurts to see kasen so very nearly crying . its like everytime he meets tadaoki he’s left perplexed and dissatisfied  and so so upset and he doesnt know what to do with all these feelings
ending with all the revisionists so far......ito, ryoma, takeuchi, toyou, those two from tenden/muden, the black armour, oboro manba.......kuroda kanbei.......who’s absolutely digging that long hair............
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ecl1pse · 2 years
omg speaking of gworls i forgot to share my thoughts on the album here bc i was so excited the whole weekend
anyways! i REALLY liked it. overall, the whole album isn’t as cohesive as savage ngl, but it’s still good. savage was such a tight, top tier album that it would be very hard to top. even in the whole of kpop, savage has to one of the most cohesive album to come, even in all my 10+ years of listening to kpop i don’t think ive come across an album that is so sonically cohesive as savage was so i understand why some mys are a bit let down in that regard. that being said, girls is still very fun!!! & i’m always here for a fun kpop album
however!! the song girls itself has to be aespa’s darkest sound. & yeah, i agree that it sounds like an nct song, but i mean it as compliment!!! because i actually think that despite so many trying to replicate nct’s sound, no one has come this close to actually doing it while still maintaining their own touch. winter & ningning adding those cute & fun adlibs makes it such an aespa song & nice contrast to the loud trumpets in the chorus i love it!! imo girls sounds to me like nice blend between turn back time by wayv & punch by nct 127, while the mv seems heavily informed by kick it (i see a bit of punch in some transitions shots too). but again, it’s still very aespa, especially in the fact that has a clearer storyline. back to the song, the production seems very influenced by turn back time & overall wayv’s use of guitars to build up momento with the added horns from punch to add grandioseness &, well, punch. it makes them sound like characters in a big fight about defeat their big baddie. which apparently they do because i’ve read this is the end of the black mamba storyline. the girls add so much sass to the song— to pretty much any song they touch. sm struck gold when they decided to put all four of them together, they cover every ground just by the four of them, it’s so gorgeous to hear them.
illusion is just. such a fucking good song. the choreo adds so much to the song too. from the strong opening w the alarms blaring in your ear & the slurping, winter’s opening line of “you’re so yummy, yummy, yummy in my tummy, tummy, tummy” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that…was crazy. insane. there’s no taking out the sexual connotations out of this whole song no matter how much they tried to make it fit into the aespa storyline. it’s so fun & sexy i love it. i loved that the choreo follows pretty closely to the formula the song follows in that it a slow build up that explodes by the second middle of the second verse than it takes its second wind. i think this might be one of their best b-sides & choreographies. it’s almost as good as i’ll make you cry, which i’m still hoping & begging to see performed live with a cool choreo 😭 i honestly think this album could have been a double feature with illusion being the second title track. this should have been the song to get an english version &/or an mv. sm, hear me out, we can still make this work. hear me out!!!! just make an illusion mv instead of leaving my girls jobless once the promotion period is over, you could even get a second boost in sells w this genius idea!!! (hmu for more input 😘).
lingo is so fun!!! i havent gotten into reading the translations yet but i can almost tell this is aespa saying you can make fun of all the made up words & stories their concept requires you to understand but that doesn’t make them any less cool. i see the country influences everyone has pointed out, it’s probably how the song started, but i insist!! this is not a country song!! this is nortec!!! look it up, look up nortec. i know this, this genre was literally birthed in my home city & the streets grew up in. idk who lixa, the producer, is, but they (accidentally??) made a nortec song. lingo is for las norteñas 🤠
life’s too short is cute but i agree it’s not their strongest song. that much i knew when they previewed at coachella. it’s very much elevated by their gorgeous voices & smart layering. the mv was so cute tho!! very dreamy & cute. i think it’s befitting they sing a song like this considering the amount of hate they have received since debut, much of unwarranted. i just hope the girls themselves actually believe as much because they do deserve to enjoy their hard work. they have achieved so much in such a short career & are such strong performers, enough to rival bigger groups. it’s no wonder they keep going viral, they work hard & are good at demonstrating it on stage.
icu…it’s a song. a song sung by aespa. this has to be their most forgettable song imo, i’m sorry. it’s pretty but…it’s just there. it’s the required sm ballad & they delivered. i don’t have much else to say other than they sound pretty.
i know a lot of fans disliked that this album included their previous singles but i’m actually really glad it did! i’m glad i can now have a physical copy of black mamba & dreams come true to play in my car that i dont drive. but if i ever did, i have it & i can cause a car crash while swinging my head to black mamba. plus, no offense to any icu fans out there, but ending the album in that when we had such a strong start with girls & illusion would have been such a snooze. ending it with dreams come true!!!!! feels more befitting ngl.
anyways, that’s all i have to say for now. but i’m sure i will continue to talk about this album because aespa has been one of the most exciting kpop acts to follow right now & i’m always excited to talk about their music to anyone who is willing to listen!!!
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ithisatanytime · 9 months
 the john oliver country song about rich men north of richmond was shilled in an absurdly obvious way, ive only heard a few seconds of it by accident and im not saying it sounds bad but the push was fucking absurdly transparent, multiple threads on 4chan at the same time practically choked the boards out, its the most obvious shilling campaign i have ever seen, but why? read the lyrics, thats how jews want right wing people to think, its the dang RICHIES! its the POLITICIANS! its those damn DEMONCRATS! its the jews. they ruined this fucking country in ways that have never been done before in world history excepting for wiemar germany maybe but i think the misery is far worse now. not only have you never experienced life in a functional country but your parents havent either and depending on how old you are neither did your grandparents, whats normal for us would have been literally horrifying to most people who ever existed, but again to us its normal, so you dont even understand what they took from you, they have destroyed love, again, first they nailed it to a cross but it came back, and it will come back again. love is the only thing that makes this existence worth living, and in fact it did more than that, it made life good, its gone, obliterated. i experienced a taste of it, and then i experienced a lot of what you probably call love as well, i cant blame you for being fooled because on the outset its like love in all ways, you do the same things, say the same things, but its hollow, its alcohol free beer, real love changes the universe, it changes your entire world. they killed it, made it all but impossible, imagine you love someone with all your heart and soul, just looking at them makes you happy, you act on your love and it feels fucking amazing, and from that a new human is made and its the cutest damn thing and you love it as well and it loves the both of you and you help it grow into a man or woman and then it falls in love and from its love a new person is made thats still part of you and the woman or man you love. it didnt have to be this way, but it was. once you truly understand that in a random universe without god or destiny it didnt have to be that way, we could have reproduced asexually or not at all, infinite possibilities, that it was that way is more beautiful than anything i could imagine. for a hundred years they were like worms gnawing the roots of a great redwood tree, for one hundred years they set out purposefully to destroy the foundations of love and families for no other reason than it is their nature, they follow the lusts of their father and are contrary to all men.  andrew tate, nick fuentez, just pearly things, nor oliver ginger beard will ever meaningfully address this and therefore everything they say is meaningless, they are intellectual traps to catch “subversive” thinkers before they can become worth a shit
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woozi · 1 year
yza beloved 🥰🥰🤍
first of all, did you listen to jinyoung's title track?? how do you feel about it? <3 the whole concept pictures, teasers felt so unreal 😭 i couldn't believe it's finally happening. i'm so happy <3 he came out with such a vibe-y, dancey song i love it! and ofc the rest 4 emotional songs ❤️‍🩹😭 served c*nt in concept pictures and emotional lyrics in the album lmaoo, while we're on this topic how have you been liking the albums def released recently 🥺? i saw jaebeom is also releasing something soon but haven't gotten time to check the details hfjdjd
black eye literally went on top of my 'on repeat' playlist after just two kr three days and it's still there!! hdjdjdkd i love it so much, the composition, lyrics and mostly vernon's voice 😭🔥 this kind of genre fits him so well <3 i want him to release an album already 😔. i said this before too ( to so many people 😭💀) when 2 minus 1 came out, that he gives a mix of 5sos - green day vibes, i love it so much 😋
also the band live performance was so goood HDSKJSKSKSBD HE LOOKS SO FINE IN MV AS WELL AS BAND LIVE VIDEO AND ALSO FULL AGREE WITH YOU THEY SHOULD'VE USED THE BLACK TANK TOP FIT MORE 😭😭😭😭 I CAN'T HDDJDJ (never thought i'd get biaswrecked by him at all 😭) the way they created the band live video was great! but i wish they used the green screen a little less 😭 just personal preference. also so so excited about booseoksoon comeback <3 january is a gift which keeps giving ( i say this without even knowing what date bss single is dropping 💀) hdksks love that
love to know that you got to have some time for yourself, hope work load - deadlines aren't too much <3 ( if there are any more ), hope your real break comes soon!!
also, have you started any series or drama? i'm currently watching doom at your service, a year late but im finally here dhdjdj it's been great so far! i really love the character seo inguk has played 😭🤍 ( the pace in some episodes is a little slow to my liking </3 but it's bearable because of the cute couple, not really liking the sub plot 😭, can you tell i solely started it because of seo inguk?- ) anyway yes the drama is good 🤍😭
thank YOU for hanging out, i always have fun 🥺🤍 sending best days wishes as always, love you yza <333 rest well in between of work!
MA CHERIE <3333333333333333
im gonna get stoned for this but i havent been keeping up with the sevens lately and am now just a svtpoppie 😭 BUT IVE SEEN ALL OF THE PHOTOS <333 its exactly what i'd expect from him tbh 😋 ALSO JB'S IS SO FJKDFJKJDFKJFDKJKFDJKFD that's so him tbh,, but also so slay of him it's v unique <3 ALSO FORGOT TO TELL U FDKJFDJKDFKJFDJ i accidentally came across ponytail on spotify 😭😭 it was on shuffle and i didnt even know it was yugyeom i was just like,, what THE FUCK THIS IS SO GOOD (and the vocals havent even kicked in yet) and when i checked it was him 😭
ALSO URE SOOOOOO VALID <3 it fits him so well and i'm glad thats the route he chose to take for his solo tbh <3 early 2000s vernon i lov u
AND IK???????????? honestly i love how raw the band ver sounds i even prefer it more than the official one fdkjdfjdf but that also has its own charm and i understand why they produced it that way <3 ALSO AGREED LMFAOOOOOOOOO 😭😭 i got the concept they were going for but it was a little distracting to me (a lil funny even) ALSO CB THIS DAY HAS COME WE ALL NEED TO BE DOLLYS <#333333333333 the thing abt the svteenies is that they just have SOOO much to offer im a lil overwhelmed at times but im also so glad i cant wait for bss and ITS 😋
AND IM ON BREAK FR <3333333 classes for the next (and my final omg??) semester start 2nd week of february hehehe BUT WBU WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO <33
nooo i've actually been looking for things to watch but all my sister has been recommending me western series (sitcoms) but those r not really my vibe fdjkfdjkdf so i'll def be checking the drama u mentioned out ehehhe 😋
I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO OUR LIL HANGOUTS 🥺🥺 lov u even more wishing u only have sexy days ahead <33 MWAHH
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