#izuku really cant get enough of those hosptial beds can he?
quinncupine · 3 years
Obscured Chapter Ten: We Can Rest When We’re Dead
Chapter Word Count: 6,004
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Female Reader
Previous Chapter: Nine
Next Chapter: Eleven
Warnings: angst, blood, major injuries, language, hospital settings, lots of crying, and trauma (and if anyone is worried, NO major character deaths)
Notes: this one gets a bit angsty but thats nothing new😼. There's lots of medical talk so forgive me if I got anything wrong. I hope you enjoy it!
"-which means sunny skies until Saturday when the cold front starts to move in. So make sure you grab a coat and bundle up this-"
"-part of a complete breakfast with Froppy Flakes now with frog-shaped marshmallows-"
"-annual gala is sure to be a special one. This year the former number one hero All Might will be giving a speech to commemorate-"
"-just outside of Eridu General now where the number one hero Deku has been taken after suffering serious injuries three days ago. There's still no word on exactly what happened, only that-"
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Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. You counted to yourself, pausing for an instant to check for signs of life. None. You started again. One, two, three...
"Midoriya." Someone was trying to speak to you, but you ignored them in favor of counting. "Midoriya!"
A hand grabbed your own, forcing you to stop. You ripped it away with a growl, ready to shove whoever was getting in the way of saving your husband's life. It was Haru. Of course, it was Haru.
"Midoriya," he managed to grab your hands and pull them away. "Let them hook him up."
Juichi, one of the younger nurses who you had been training, knelt next to you and cut open his bloodied shirt. The knife had cut deep and left a giant jagged stretch of a mess across his abdomen. Dark red gushed from the hole and two other nurses were quick to clean and wrap hasty bandages over it. That was only a temporary solution, the issue ran much deeper than that.
The most important thing was getting him breathing again, so you let them handle the wound for now. An Ambu bag was placed over his mouth while someone connected an EKG. A few weak marks flashed across the screen. Ventricular fibrillation. You only had minutes at best before he would fall into asystole, something he wouldn't be able to come back from, a permanent flatline.
Haru grabbed the paddles and leaned over him. "Clear!"
Juichi made sure to pull you back as the first shock jolted through Izuku. His back arched before falling limp. Everyone looked at the monitor, still V-fib. Haru cursed and increased the voltage, shocking him again. You dared the machine to give you bad news.
"Dammit," Haru growled and upped the voltage one more time. "Come on. Clear!"
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"-and just a few days ago he and his wife Y/N Midoriya were targets of an attack on Eridu bridge. Two weeks prior, Y/N was abducted from their home by three villains, only to be rescued by Deku the following day. Now, the police haven't confirmed whether or not these attacks are connected, but-"
Bakugo snatched the remote out of your hand and shut off the T.V. leaving the room in stiff silence.
"Hey," you tried to grab it back, but he lifted it out of your reach. "I was watching that."
"You don't need to be watching that shit." He muttered and leaned against the wall. "It's all garbage anyway."
"Jerk." You huffed and glanced back at the bed you'd been sitting next to for hours.
Three days. That's how long you sat in this room: waiting, praying, hoping. The only good news was that he'd finally been weaned off the ventilator. Now, you were just waiting for him to wake up, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get the image of him lying on that Emergency Room floor, covered in blood, with no heartbeat out of your head.
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You ignored the pain in your hands as you squeezed them together, watching the lines on the machine start to spike. They successfully rebooted his heart, but he was far from safe. He could still crash any minute. They needed to work fast to stabilize him.
"Get him on the gurney!" Haru dropped the defibrillator and stood, yelling out orders. "Juichi, call O.R. They've got incoming!"
Juichi gave your arm one last reassuring squeeze before she rushed to the desk. A gurney dropped to the ground and you reached out to help, but Haru grabbed your shoulder.
"They got it Midoriya." He said quietly.
You smacked his hand away and stood, almost immediately falling over. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, everything was starting to catch back up to you. Your head buzzed and your stomach seemed to be in some sort of internal war with itself. Every inch of your skin tingled as waves of nausea overtook your senses and you dropped right back to the floor again. Both lungs struggled to take in air and the noises around you were getting to be too much.
A hand rested on your shoulder and a deep voice spoke next to you, but you were too focused on trying to stop the world from spinning to even notice.
"Y/N." That voice. You knew that voice.
With shaky eyes, you looked at the man kneeling in front of you. Shoto. When he got here, you weren't sure, you were just glad that he was. He locked eyes with you and he looked so calm, so steady. How was he so calm when the world was closing in around you?
"Take a deep breath." He spoke softly, so different from the absolute chaos happening around you. "It's okay, you did it. You're safe now."
Izuku, now secured on the gurney, was rushed away. The last image you saw was his unconscious, bloody form.
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Pale and lifeless. That's what Izuku looked like, laying there, hair covering his eyes, and bandages covering his hair. All those surgeries coupled with healing sessions drained his stamina to dangerous levels. The knife had pierced his liver and nicked one of his lungs. The blood that filled his punctured lung nearly drowned him before they even made it to the O.R. They did all they could do with what they had, now it was just a waiting game. He's been through worse, which meant he would make it through this, he had to. That's what you kept repeating, over and over in your head.
"You've known him longer than I have." You whispered, staring at his unconscious form. "Do you think...do you think he can move past this?"
Bakugo glanced at Izuku, his lips in a thin line. "Deku has always been a bundle of insecurities, I'm probably the reason for most of them." He muttered. "I think he'll have a fucking shit time dealing with this."
That wasn't what you wanted to hear, but it was Bakugo you asked, so you should've expected something like that. With a sigh, you looked down at your bandaged hands.
"But," he crossed his arms, glaring at the remote in his hands before looking up at you. "He's also faced horrible shit all his life and somehow always found the annoyingly optimistic side to things. That was some messed up shit she pulled, but the damn nerd is stubbornly resilient." His voice dropped. "And he has you, so he'll be fine."
Your eyes jumped to him. "What?"
He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. It was quite a dismal day outside. "You heard me, so shut up."
Yup, that was a Bakugo compliment if you ever heard one. It brought the slightest smile to your face to see him so disgusted by what he said. He threw the remote on the table and stomped to the door.
"I'm getting coffee." He grumbled and threw the door open. "Hey, you two!" He yelled at the two officers stationed outside. "Don't let anyone else in until I get back or I'll have your heads. Got it?"
They nodded meekly and he slammed the door shut, leaving you alone with Izuku. It wasn't the first time they left you alone with him, but you still got jitters in your stomach every time they did. You were positive the drug had been completely flushed from his system, but that wasn't the real problem here. The problem was you and your stupid brain still trying to pull a fight or flight, leaning heavily on the flight. It was a ridiculous notion that he would ever purposely hurt you, but your body was telling you otherwise and you hated it.
"Stop it." You growled to yourself, jumping to your feet. "You're fine. It's fine. Everything is fine.."
Maybe if you said it enough, you'd actually start to believe it. Once he recovered, it was going to be a long rocky road back to normal. No, who were you kidding, nothing would be 'normal again. Well, at least for now. Right now, you both just needed to focus on healing and everything would follow suit...hopefully.
A small noise caught your attention and you whipped your head to the bed. Izuku's face was scrunched up like he was in pain and his fingers twitched every now and then. Ever so slowly, he was waking up. You glanced at the door. Bakugo hadn't returned yet and a nervous dread was creeping through your stomach.
His eyes fluttered open slightly but closed just as quick. A small puff of a groan blew past his lips. It was a slow process, painfully slow, but after a few minutes, he finally managed to open his eyes and keep them open, staring at the ceiling in confusion.
"Izuku?" You stood near the end of his bed, stiff as a board.
With a slow blink, his eyes drifted down to you and through the haze of drowsiness he was caught in, he recognized you with a slight smile. A wave of relief washed just a bit of that dread away. You thought you'd never see him smile again.
"Are you- how do you feel?" You wrung your hands, guilt eating you up when your feet refused to move to his side.
His mouth opened and closed again. He did that a few more times before he managed to speak, his voice so hoarse that the words died in his throat. A frown replaced that small smile and his hands came up to rub his face. The motion must have pulled on his wound and he gasped, curling around his midsection.
That finally got your feet moving. You rushed to his side and pulled his hands back down. "Don't move so much yet, you're still pretty banged up."
"Y/N..." he coughed out and you grabbed the water on the table, helping him take a few sips. "Y/N," it came out much more clear this time. "What happ..." The words faded out as his eyes grew wide, searching your face. "No...did I- was it...please tell me it wasn't real. It was just a hallucination...right?"
You couldn't meet his eyes. "You're alright now." Turning away, you set the cup down. "We're alright now."
It was obvious he was still fighting the grogginess from the drugs he was on, but he was apparently lucid enough to remember. You had been holding out hope that he wouldn't be able to remember, like what happened with Kirishima, but this drug was different. Ikari had said it was made specifically with him in mind, something to not just torture him physically, but psychologically as well and it worked. It even seemed to slow his recovery time. Taking this long to even wake up was worrying on its own.
His eyes darted around his room and he tried to sit up. Heavy breaths turned into frantic heaving. "I tried to...I- oh my god." He made it halfway up before collapsing back on the bed with a pained choke. "No, no, no, I can't-"
"Izuku." You gently laid a hand on his chest and he stopped squirming long enough to glance at you. "Stop moving before you hurt yourself more."
"No, just...please." Your own bandaged hand squeezed the fabric of his hospital gown so tight it was on the verge of tearing. "I need you to be calm."
He was anything but calm. In fact, he was nearing a complete breakdown if the horrified expression glued to his face was anything to go by. Watery eyes scanned over every inch of you, probably trying to catalog the damage he'd done. You were grateful for the scarf wrapped around your neck, concealing the ugly truth. Seeing that wouldn't do him any good.
"I know how you must be feeling." Staring at your hands was easier than looking him in the eyes. "Well, maybe not exactly but..." Wow, you had no idea what to say.
Ever since he was wheeled away practically knocking on death's door, you'd been thinking of how to handle this. Nothing seemed right. This was an entirely new experience. Something you'd been having a lot of lately.
Biting back a groan, he pushed himself up and leaned against the headboard. The man was covered head to toe in bandages. It was, unfortunately, a sight you were quite familiar with, but that didn't mean it ever got easier seeing him so beat up. This time though, this time was different; his body wasn't the only thing damaged and you weren't sure how to go about repairing this, or even if you could.
Hands covered his face as he tried to even out his breathing. It took everything he had to calm himself down. "I-"
"What do you remember?" You cut him off.
He wiped the trickle of tears from his cheeks. "I remember what I did." His voice was barely audible, but even so, you could hear the utter anguish and guilt lacing it. "Most of its fuzzy, but I-I... you're okay, aren't you?" His eyes dropped to your bandaged hands that you quickly hid behind your back. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I would never-"
"I know Izuku." You cut him off again. "I know. Please don't blame yourself, this isn't your fault."
"But it is." He narrowed his eyes, gripping the sheets. "I'm supposed to be better than this. I'm supposed to be a hero. I'm supposed to protect you. I wasn't good enough and- and you almost died!" He met your gaze. "It is my fault."
"You always do this!" The sudden outburst surprised even you. "You're always the first one to throw yourself under the bus." With a shake of your head, you turned away to pace the room. "I learned to deal with a lot of things that come with your heroics. I learned to deal with the late nights and the last-minute calls in. I learned to deal with all the bruises and injuries that come with the job. I even learned to deal with all the fucking politics involved with this." You stopped to look at him. "But the one thing I can't deal with anymore is this self-sacrificial role you always jump headfirst into as if there wouldn't be anyone left to deal with the aftermath!" You were yelling by this point, but you didn't care. "But you have people who still need you here! I still need you here! Don't you get that?"
He sat there, completely still, staring at you like you were the scariest thing in the world at the moment. "Y/N-"
"No! I want you to get it through that fucking head of yours that you are worth it! I can't lose you...I..." You were quickly losing steam.
A hand rested on your shoulder as someone said your name. The touch freaked you out so much that you practically leaped to the other side of the room with a scream.
Standing where you had been was All Might and Inko, along with Bakugo who was lingering in the back with his arms crossed. They were all staring at you like you were the crazy one. Were you acting crazy? Everything was flying at you too fast. All the thoughts in your head were too fumbled to even form anything coherent.
Air. You needed air. You couldn't stay in this room any longer, not when you were suffocating like this.
Without so much as a word, you bolted from the room. Guilt fought the fear in your stomach as you raced down the hall, not even sure where you were trying to get to in such a hurry, just that you needed to get there. After sprinting down a few halls, you found an open door and ducked inside. It slammed shut behind you and you backed into a corner trying to catch your breath. A few items fell off the shelf and clattered around your feet. Your legs gave way and you slunk to the floor, staring at a few of the cleaning bottles lying around you.
A lone bulb swung overhead, creating moving shadows that danced just outside your vision so you closed your eyes and curled in on yourself. You stayed that way until a faint knock on the door startled you so much that you hit your head on the shelf behind you and a few rolls of paper towels clattered to the floor.
The door cracked open and you figured it was Inko or even All Might that had come to talk, but instead, Bakugo slipped inside. He didn't say anything as he sat on the floor and leaned against the door, staring at you with that same cold expression as always.
After a few silent minutes, you collected yourself enough to finally meet his piercing vermillion gaze. "What do you want?"
"What do you want?" He repeated back. The question didn't make sense to you so you just shook your head. "He obviously didn't say what you wanted him to say, so, what do you want?"
What did you want? Well, you wanted everything to go back to how it was, but that was never going to happen. You wanted Izuku to stop risking himself so much, but that was a choice he made a long time ago and something you agreed to when you first started dating. You wanted to have a happy, carefree life, but that was damn near impossible with a hero. You wanted to be strong enough to handle things the way Izuku could, but you weren't a hero like him. You wanted so many things that were too far out of reach.
"I just...I want everything to be okay." You sniffed, feeling the sting of tears trying to escape your eyes. "Is that too much to ask for?"
Bakugo was silent, his eyes never leaving you.
"I want him to be okay. I want us to be okay." With a huff, you curled your legs up to your chest to rest your chin on. "But it's not. How can anything be okay when I'm just scared of standing in the same room? How is that okay? What kind of horrible person am I?" You searched his eyes for an answer. "He's in there hurting all kinds of ways and I'm just hiding in a utility closet. I want to be in there with him, but I can't make myself go. How can I face him like this?"
"What happened was fucked up. That much everyone can agree on, but you're not afraid of him, you're afraid of what happened. There's a difference." His voice had a softness to it that you'd never heard before. It was strange, but also kinda nice.
Maybe that's why you laughed. Heavy drags of giggles burst out and you dropped your head. It built up to a full-out crazed cackle, but nothing could stop the choked laugher that seemed to bubble up from some dark abyss with no end in sight. Finally, after a few huge gulps of air, you managed to calm down enough to look back up at him.
"Well, tell that to my stupid brain." You huffed.
"What do you want?" He asked again.
"Why do you keep saying that!" You grumbled. "I already answered your dumb question!"
"Because you don't believe it yet." He leaned forward, narrowing his eyes. "So, I'll ask again, what do you want right now?"
You went back to staring at the mess of cleaning supplies surrounding you and picked up a roll of paper towels to squeeze between your fingers. "I wanna be in there with him."
He caught the roll you threw at him as you gave him your best 'you're an idiot' glare. "Because I care about him. I love him."
"Then you'll find a way." His face scrunched up in disgust when he realized what he said and threw the roll back at you. "Ugh, don't tell anyone I said that."
His playful attitude was enough to shock you out of the somber state you'd locked yourself away in, if only for a minute. "What? That love finds a way?" A trace of a smirk crossed your face. "I didn't take you for a sap Bakugo, it's ruining your bad boy image."
That fiery glare you knew all too well quickly took its rightful place back in his eyes. "Tell anyone and you die." He stood up and held out a hand. "Are you coming or not?"
After a moment of hesitation, you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up. "Hey Bakugo," you said quietly as he turned to the door. "Thanks...for being here."
"Someone needed to straighten your dumb ass out." He grumbled and opened the door.
The two of you made the silent trek back. As much as it surprised you that Bakugo was the one to come find you, it also relieved you. If any of the others found you, they probably would've wanted to have a deep talk, something you just weren't ready to have yet. He kept his space, which you were grateful for. The man was surprisingly intuitive when it came to all this emotional stuff, no matter how much he might try to deny it. No wonder Izuku never lost faith in him. He was, deep down in his heart, a good person, despite the rather abrasive exterior.
When you neared the room, Momo and Shoto who were standing off to the side having a quiet conversation saw you and rushed over.
"Y/N, are you alright?" She asked, hands hovering in front of her as if trying to restrain herself from grabbing you.
"I'm fine Momo, just needed some air." You mumbled, hating the way her eyes frantically fretted over you. "I promise, I'm alright." The door to his room was closed and you couldn't help but stare. "Is he?"
She glanced at it too. "All Might and Inko are talking to him now. We thought it best to give them some privacy."
All Might was probably the person he really needed to talk to at the moment. You freaked out on him and bolted. It wasn't the most encouraging thing to wake up to. This was good. All Might was his father in all but blood. If anyone could help him, it was those two.
"Um, how's Ochaco?" You looked back at her, needed something else to focus on. "She was released this morning, right?"
"Yes, she's recovered enough, although the Chief is speaking with her right now." She said. "But, she should be on her way over soon, especially now that he's awake.
"Good." With a sigh, you rubbed the hair out of your face. "I hope this is almost over."
The door opened, drawing everyone's attention. All Might's lanky form stepped out with Inko in tow. They both looked haggard and grim. Inko was red-faced and sniffling. It was obvious she had been crying but looked like she was trying to keep it together for appearances.
"Hello Y/N." He greeted quietly.
"There you are." Inko pulled you into a hug. "You were gone when we got back."
"Sorry Inko," you loosely wrapped an arm around her. "How is he?"
She pulled back and messed with the tissue in her hand, glancing at All Might. That practiced smile strained to stay on his face.
"He wants to speak with you if you're up for it." Those dark eyes bore into your own.
"Yes," you glanced back at the door, fighting the jitters in your stomach as you forced your feet to move.
Bakugo was right. You weren't afraid of Izuku, you were afraid of what happened. Differentiating the two was just a bit difficult for your body to understand, but it helped knowing.
"Y/N just..." All Might held out his hand, but thought better of it and simply shook his head. "Nevermind."
You cracked open the door and peeked in. Izuku was sitting on the edge of the bed, bare feet scraping against the floor. He was hunched over, messy hair hiding his face. Each deep breath he took ended with a slight pained gasp.
"Izuku?" You called out as the door shut.
He jumped and immediately regretted it, groaning as he doubled over, nearly toppling off the bed.
"Careful!" You rushed over and caught his shoulders before he could fall. "You shouldn't be moving around yet. They could only heal so much with the state you were in."
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He refused to look at you, head stubbornly bowed. "Y/N, what I did...It's unforgivable." His voice was so hoarse, you could hardly hear him.
"Izuku," you stared down at the man trembling under your grip. "Please look at me."
He did, albeit, hesitantly. Your grip tightened on his shoulders and you forced yourself to look into his eyes. They were swollen and bloodshot. He'd been crying, hard. This was also a version of him you were quite familiar with.
There had been so many days when he came home from a long day of work, covered in dirt and grime. He would just collapse in your arms and drain the horrible sorrows of the day through tears. You never shamed him for it, it was just another thing that reminded you of how human, how fragile he was, despite what the public might think. He always felt things ten times the amount his heart should've been able to handle. It was part of the reason you fell in love.
"I don't blame you for what happened. You know that right?"
"That doesn't change the fact that it still happened, that I let it happen." He sniffed and shook his head. "I'm supposed to protect you, not be the reason you're in danger. You put your trust in me and I failed you."
Even after years of trying to show him how great of a hero he was, it was never enough. Not for someone who spent most of their childhood being told they were worthless. That part of his personality, while it had dulled, would never go away, you knew that better than anyone.
You pulled the chair over so you could sit in front of him. "I do trust you Izuku. You were under the control of that psychotic drug. That wasn't you who did that, I know the real you." Your hands drifted down to his own. "I'm sorry for running out earlier. I, well, I don't know. I guess my nerves are still a bit shaken."
As gently as he could, his fingers lightly wrapped around your own. "I love you. The thought of even...are you sure you're alright?"
Alright didn't even come close to describing how you were. No words could describe your emotional state at the moment. It was all still too fresh and you were still too high strung, but now that he was back, things could start to feel better.
"I..." you paused, not quite sure how to say it. "There was a long moment when I really thought that was it. That...that I wouldn't make it out of there."
Izuku covered his eyes, lips trembling. All those tears he was trying to suppress came flooding out. "Oh my god, Y/N, I-"
"No, stop." It was hard to pull his hands from his face. "Please, I'm not blaming you. I could never blame you. I...don't even know why I told you that. I just don't want to keep anything from you."
He stared at you, vision way too blurred with tears to make you out properly.
"Izuku, if the roles were reversed, if I was the one drugged up and turned on you, would you want me to feel the way you're feeling?" You shook your head. "And I know I probably couldn't do much damage, but the fact that I would've tried, would you hold it against me?"
"No, of course not!"
"Then why would I hold it against you?" Tears flooded down his cheeks and you brushed them away with your thumb. "Izuku, you've protected me countless times. Even when you were in that state, you still held back. Look at your fingers." You held up one of the bandaged ones. "I know what you were trying to do. I know you were doing everything you could to hold back. And we both know if you had the slightest inkling of wanting to hurt me, I wouldn't be here right now."
He opened his mouth, but you spoke over him. "And even under that drug, you still took a knife for me." You pressed his hand against your face. "Please don't ever do that again. That was the scariest part of all this. I was afraid I was going to lose you for good."
"I..." He was at a loss for words.
Your eyes drifted down to his gown where a growing red stain was spreading across his chest. "You pulled your stitches." With a sigh, you lifted the gown to get a better look. The bandages were saturated and starting to leak. "Come, lay down, I need to change them."
He did as you asked, wiping the rest of the tears from his splotchy face. The room was silent as you cleaned and redressed the angry red wound. This one would leave a pretty big scar running down his abdomen. He already had so many and you hoped it would just blend in with the rest over time, but the memory would always sting, there was no getting rid of that.
After you gathered all the soiled bandages and stripped your gloves, you pulled his gown back down and looked at his face. He had a few butterfly stitches above his right temple from that glass bottle you threw at him. It was a minor injury, so it wasn't at the top of the list to heal. You carefully reached out and lightly ran a few fingers over it. His eyes never left your face as your hand wandered down to cup his freckled cheek.
"Izuku honey, I love you." Gently, you sat on the bed. "What happened was terrifying, I won't lie, but the most terrifying thing was the thought of you dying. I knew the risks when I married you and I know them now. I made a promise to you years ago. No matter what, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, hero."
He leaned into your hand on his cheek and closed his watery eyes. "I don't deserve you Y/N."
"Nonsense." You rested your forehead against his. "If anyone deserves anything, it's you Izuku Midoriya." He sniffed as you brushed back his frizzy bangs and kissed his forehead.
A hint of a smile finally found its way back to his face and for just an instant, everything seemed right again. Then a knock at the door broke your little moment as the others filtered back in, this time with Ochaco.
"I'm glad to see you on your feet again Ochaco." You stood back up to greet everyone.
Frowns seemed to be contagious around here and Ochaco wasn't spared. She came over, grabbed your hands, and bowed her head. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I wasn't able to protect you."
"Not you too." You groaned. "Would everyone please stop apologizing to me? I'm sick of it and it's making me feel worse, not better." She blinked and you patted her hands. "I'm not angry with you Ochaco."
She straightened up and nodded. "Okay, I'm sorr- um, I mean are you feeling better?"
"Yes, I'm fine." It was an automatic reply by now, but as long as it got everyone off your back, you would stick with it.
"Izuku, I'm glad you're awake." Shoto walked in behind Momo. "Y/N, we're sorry to interrupt, but there's an urgent matter we need to discuss.
Glancing between the three heroes, you noticed All Might or Inko didn't come back in. He was probably keeping her busy while the heroes talked. Were they going to kick you out too? There was no way you were getting left out of anything, not after everything you'd been through.
"Ikari?" Izuku narrowed his eyes.
"Yes." He stood at the end of the bed. "After what happened, she managed to slip away."
"But," Momo spoke up. "She left behind a crucial piece of evidence. A small pouch containing the powdered drug. I've analyzed the components. Now we're just working on an antidote."
"Tsukauchi is tracing the drug now. He'll find it." Shoto finished.
"Wait," Izuku shook his head. "What day is it? How long have I been out?"
"Three days," Ochaco said.
"Three days?" He tried to sit up, only to freeze with a grunt. "That means- we don't have much time."
"Time?" Shoto cocked his head. "What are you talking about?"
"The gala."
"The ga- you're not seriously worried about the gala, are you?" Of all the things, you never expected him to be worried about something so trivial in light of recent events.
He turned to you. "Yes, the gala. It makes sense now."
"The gala." Momo's eyes widened. "You think she's going to strike there?"
"Think about it," he looked at each of them in turn. "It's one of the biggest events of the year and most of Japan's heroes will be there. The timing adds up, I think this is what she was planning all along."
"Wait, if she was able to mass-produce this drug," Ochaco grabbed her chin, "and if she manages to release it at the gala then-"
"Then we'll have a full-scale terrorist attack on our hands." Shoto summed up.
"Not just terrorists." Momo set a hand on his shoulder. "She'll have turned the heroes against each other...into villains."
"We need to shut it down!" Ochaco pulled out her phone. "The gala is tomorrow!"
"Hold on, if we shut it down, she might slip away again." Shoto held out his hand. "This is our best opportunity to catch them."
"You're willing to risk all those people?" Momo turned to him. "Have you forgotten the serious trouble we're already in? Our licenses are on the verge of suspension."
"Momo, this might be our one chance to stop her. We'll know when and where. We-"
"No, Shoto!" She snapped. "We already put one innocent life in danger, I'm not putting more at risk for just a chance to catch her. There has to be another way."
"Everyone's already in danger. She's always been five steps ahead of us." He glared down at her and gestured to Izuku. "I mean, look what's already happened. She managed to take Deku down. He was our powerhouse! We only survived because she decided to leave. Not retreat, but leave. We didn't win, we lost- miserably."
"Let's just calm down for a minute," Ochaco tried to interject. "Let's think this through."
"If we don't do this then she might target somewhere else. We'll have the advantage. We can control this." Shoto turned to Izuku. "What about you? What do you think?"
Izuku had gone silent, eyes darting back and forth as he thought it through, quietly mumbling to himself. Some things never change. "Any decision we make is risky. We need a plan that minimizes those risks." He pinched his bottom lip.
"You have an idea, don't you?" Shoto crossed his arms.
"Maybe," he looked up at him. "But pulling it off in a day is going to be a challenge."
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