#jacques herzog
noosphe-re · 1 year
...we are more interested in the direct physical and emotional impact, like the sound of music or the scent of a flower. We are not looking for meaning in our buildings. A building cannot be read like a book, it does not have any credits, subtitles or labels like pictures in a gallery. A building is a building. In that sense, we are absolutely anti-representational. The strength of our buildings is the immediate, visceral impact they have on a visitor. For us that is all that is important in architecture.
Jacques Herzog, Jeffrey Kipnis in conversation with Jacques Herzog Jeffrey Kipnis: "Una Conversación con Jacques Herzog (H&deM). A Conversation with Jacques Herzog (H&deM)." In: Fernando Márquez Cecilia, Richard C. Levene (Eds.). "El Croquis. Herzog & de Meuron 1993-1997." Vol. No. 84, Madrid, El Croquis, 1997. pp. 7-21.
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Olafur Eliasson: The Weather Project, Edited by Susan May, Texts by Olafur Eliasson, Jane Burton, Helen Charman, Brian Gray, Sophie Harrowes, Jacques Herzog, Bruno Latour, Doreen Massey, Susan May, Israel Rosenfield, Nicholas Serota, and Dominic Willsdon, Design by Chris Rehberger, Tate Publishing, London 2003 [Exhibition: Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London, October 16, 2003 – March 21, 2004]
(on the way of Art Books & Ephemera)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Jacques Herzog was born on April 19, 1950 in Basel, Switzerland.  
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kafkaguy · 4 months
"Architecture of Alienation: The Double Bind and Public Space", Associate Professor Dorita Hannah, Massey University, New Zealand.
Abstract: This paper approaches the emergence, over the 20th century, of a public architecture that occupies sights/sites once associated with industry and social alienation, in this case the conversion of London's Bankside Power Station into the Tate Modern Art Museum. Utilising Bertolt Brecht's revolutionary theories on performance, the celebrated architecture of Herzog and De Meuron is investigated alongside 'Double Bind', an installation by the late Spanish artist Juan Muñoz whose work highlights the quality of isolation in the contemporary metropolis. In investigating architecture and installation, a space is opened up between the art and architecture revealing a performativity that engages with 20th century trauma and the crisis of the modern. This spatial dynamic forms an architecture of alienation where the participants are estranged from the environment, rendering them strangers, even within familiar environments... tourists in their own land.
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tatmanblue · 6 months
Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg
Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg by Anita Pravits
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sleepythug · 3 months
What are some movies that every aspiring cinephile should watch?
battleship potemkin (sergei eisenstein, 1926)
city lights (charlie chaplin, 1931)
M (fritz lang, 1931)
freaks (tod browning, 1932)
brief encounter (david lean, 1945)
out of the past (jacques tourneur, 1947)
the third man (carol reed, 1949)
late spring (yasijuro ozu, 1949)
kiss me deadly (robert aldrich, 1955)
a man escaped (robert bresson, 1956)
touch of evil (orson welles, 1958)
la dolce vita (federico fellini, 1960)
peeping tom (michael powell, 1960)
man who shot liberty valance (john ford, 1962)
the exterminating angel (luis buñuel, 1962)
shock corridor (samuel fuller, 1963)
kwaidan (masaki kobayashi, 1964)
dragon inn (king hu, 1967)
playtime (jacques tati, 1967)
once upon a time in the west (sergio leone, 1968)
two-lane blacktop (monte hellman, 1971)
aguirre, wrath of god (werner herzog, 1972)
touki bouki (djibril diop mambety, 1973)
the conversation (francis ford coppola, 1974)
the passenger (michelangelo antonioni, 1975)
nashville (robert altman, 1975)
the killing of a chinese bookie (john cassavetes, 1976)
mikey and nicky (elaine may, 1976)
sorcerer (william friedkin, 1977)
days of heaven (terrence malick, 1978)
blow out (brian de palma, 1981)
8 diagram pole fighter (lau kar-leung, 1984)
mishima: a life in four chapters (paul schrader, 1985)
tampopo (jūzō itami, 1985)
blue velvet (david lynch, 1986)
something wild (jonathan demme, 1986)
landscape in the mist (theo angelopoulos, 1988)
sonatine (takeshi kitano, 1993)
salaam cinema (mohsen makhmalbaf, 1995)
fallen angels (wong kar-wai, 1995)
taste of cherry (abbas kiarostami, 1997)
cure (kiyoshi kurosawa, 1997)
the thin red line (terrence malick, 1999)
beau travail (claire denis, 1999)
yi yi (edward yang, 2000)
all about lily chou chou (shunji iwai, 2001)
memories of murder (bong joon-ho, 2003)
dogville (lars von trier, 2003)
tropical malady (apichatpong weerasethakul, 2004)
silent light (carlos reygadas, 2007)
sparrow (johnnie to, 2008)
holy motors (leos carax, 2012)
phoenix (christian petzold, 2014)
personal shopper (oliver assayas, 2016)
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filmaticbby · 1 year
Aries: Tarantino, F. F. Coppola, Andrea Arnold, Eric Rohmer, Edgar Wright, Ruben Östlund, Josh Safdie, David Lean, Andrei Tarkovsky, Michael Haneke, Martin McDonagh
Taurus: Wes Anderson, Orson Welles, Sofia Coppola, Lars von Trier, Terry Zwigoff, George Lucas, Robert Zemeckis, John Waters, Frank Capra
Gemini: Fassbinder, Hideaki Anno, Makhmalbaf, Agnès Varda, Alex Garland, Clint Eastwood, Yorgos Lanthimos, Aaron Sorkin, Ken Loach, Alexander Sokurov, Giuseppe Tornatore
Cancer: Abbas Kiarostami, Wong Kar-wai, P. T. Anderson, Mike White, Ari Aster, Ingmar Bergman, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Paul Verhoeven, Robert Eggers, Béla Tarr, Mel Brooks, Ken Russell, Sidney Lumet, Kinji Fukasaku
Leo: Alfred Hitchcock, Greta Gerwig, Alain Robbe-grillet, Kubrick, Wes Craven, Taika Waititi, Luca Guadagnino, Christopher Nolan, Polanski, Sam Mendes, Richard Linklater, Nicolas Roeg, James Cameron, Pablo Larraín, M. Night Shyamalan, Iñárritu, Gus Van Sant, Peter Weir, Wim Wenders, Maurice Pialat
Virgo: Tom Ford, Joe Wright, Paul Feig, Dario Argento, David Fincher, Brian De Palma, Baz Luhrmann, Tim Burton, Friedkin, Takashe Miike, Noah Baumbach, Werner Herzog, Elia Kazan, E. Coen
Libra: Julie Dash, Almodóvar, Jacques Tati, Ang Lee, Michelangelo Antonioni, Ti West, Walerian Borowczyk, Nicolas Winding Refn, Satoshi Kon, Kenneth Lonergan, Michael Powell, Jacques Tati, Steve McQueen, Denis Villeneuve
Scorpio: Mike Nichols, Barry Jenkins, Charlie Kaufman, Céline Sciamma, Tsai Ming-liang, Jean Rollin, Scorsese, Louis Malle, Luchino Visconti, François Ozon, Julia Ducournau
Sagittarius: Sion Sono, Cassavetes, Raj Kapoor, Steven Spielberg, Eliza Hittman, Terrence Malick, Ozu, Alfonso Cuarón, Gregg Araki, Larry Charles, Judd Apatow, Kathryn Bigelow, Lenny Abrahamson, J. Coen, Jean Luc Godard, Diane Kurys, Ridley Scott, Lynne Ramsay, Woody Allen, Fritz Lang
Capricorn: Larry Clark, David Lynch, Harmony Korine, Damien Chazelle, David Lowery, Mary Harron, Sergio Leone, Todd Haynes, Pedro Costa, Gaspar, Noe, Fellini, Joseph Losey, Miyazaki, John Carpenter, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Curtiz, John Singleton, Vertov
Aquarius: Jim Jarmusch, John Hughes, Darren Aronofsky, Jodorowski, Michael Mann, Derek Cianfrance, Alex Payne, Truffau, Eisenstein, Tone Hooper
Pisces: Pasolini, Sean Baker, Paul Schrader, Bernardo Bertolucci, Benny Safdie, Jacques Rivette, Bunuel, Luc Besson, David Cronenberg, Spike Lee, Rob Reiner, Mike Mills, Sebastián Lelio, Jordan Peele, Ron Howard, Robert Altman
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filmparaden · 7 months
Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)
Wings Of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987)
Sympathy For The Devil (Jean-Luc Godard, 1968)
Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
Tale Of Tales (Yuriy Norshteyn, 1979)
Time Regained (Raoul Ruiz, 1999)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer; 1975)
One From The Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981)
Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
Sombre (Philippe Grandrieux, 1998)
Cul-de-sac (Roman Polanski, 1966)
Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, 2003)
Le feu follet (Louis Malle, 1963)
The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
A Special Day (Ettore Scola, 1977)
La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)
The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998)
Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman, 1973)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
A Summer's Tale (Eric Rohmer,1996)
The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky; 2011)
Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966)
Unsere Afrikareise (Peter Kubelka, 1966)
Thérèse (Alain Cavalier, 1986)
La jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Le gamin au vélo (Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, 2011)
Les 400 coups (François Truffaut, 1959)
The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Killer Of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
The Women (George Cukor, 1939)
Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin; 1953)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
The Night Of The Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee, 1997)
Man On The Moon (Milos Forman, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
Enter The Void (Gaspar Noé, 2009)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
The New Land (Jan Troell, 1972) 
Los olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950)
Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss; 1987)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
Les triplettes de Belleville (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
Gare du Nord (Jean Rouch, 1965; segment of Paris vu par... )
Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985)
Slap Shot (George Roy Hill, 1977)
Le sang d'un poète (Jean Cocteau, 1932)
Breathless (Jim McBride, 1983)
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Gadjo dilo (Tony Gatlif, 1997)
Rebel Without A Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
A.K.A. Serial Killer (Masao Adachi, 1969)
The King Of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
The Honeymoon Killers (Leonard Kastle, 1969)
Meshes Of The Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
When We Were Kings (Leon Gast, 1996)
Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984)
A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Beavis And Butt-head Do America (Mike Judge, 1996)
Araya (Margot Benacerraf, 1959)
Kes (Ken Loach, 1969)
Skammen (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Duel (Steven Spielberg, 1971)
The Bridges Of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)
Roma città aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981)
Limite (Mario Peixoto, 1931)
The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, 2006)
La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
The Draughtman's Contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982)
Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014)
Happiness (Todd Solondz, 1998)
Hausu (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)
Gomorra (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
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emotionaldystrophy · 12 days
Lars von Trier
I almost feel sorry for the guy.
I hated Anti-christ, but his film Melancholia got me through, possibly saved my life, during some of the worst hours of my nervous breakdown in 2010. I can never hate him for that movie alone.
Re-watching "Lost" after 12 years since my last run through the series got me hunting down some of the actors whose performances I find particularly touching. There is a vibe with some actors that resonates on a below-words level, as if we were somehow kindred spirits. Looking up Jeremy Davies, "Daniel Faraday," led me to Trier's 2018 title The House That Jack Built.
I'm all about serial killers, and murders in general, this past year. Finding out that a few people close to me have all committed heinous acts of violence, including murder, shocked me and shook me up. I have struggled with anger and impulsiveness and that's got me curious about the aspects of evil in human nature, particularly bloody violence.
Matt Dillon is another actor who seems to resonate with a quiet part of my soul. His performance in Factotum was nothing like I imagine Bukowski was as a man, but fascinating nonetheless. He's likewise nothing like Ted Bundy, whom he studied to play the role of the titular killer, "Jack." Yet his interpretation of the character is nearly flawless.
As an exploration of the two-dimensional psyche of serial killers, the film is a definite winner. As an expression of Trier's continuing excusing himself for Nazi-sympathies...I can only smh and pity the man. He is obviously clueless in the way that most narcissists are -- but at least he is, if nothing else, a true artist. I like the film as an ancillary consideration of the vanity of the arts in general.
Side note: Glenn Gould is the perfect musical metaphor for the film. I'm going to have to find some Gould recordings and dive in! He sounds like a pianist version of Nikola Tesla!
I don't hate the film and really do not see what the controversy is about, other than the killer's fascination with German culture and Nazis. He also held liberal opinions. He was a motley mash-up of odd characteristics, much like you'd expect a sociopath/psychopath to possess.
The film was nowhere near as sickening as Infinity Pool or any list of other French and Italian films which are much more searing, gory, and psychologically disturbing. Frankly, Hostel and some American films are more twisted than House That Jack Built. Pearl was more shocking than HTJB...and Pearl isn't really shocking so much as demented.
Is it the greatest movie ever? No. However, I consider von Trier to be among the cinematic luminaries like Stanley Kubrick, Neil Jordan, Jean-Jacques Annaud, and definitely surpassing Werner Herzog in perspicacity and artfulness. Unlike Kubrick, Trier does NOT glorify the murders or the murderer, which is a flaw I find in most artful depictions of perpetrators. You won't leave this one thinking how glamorous or powerful or brilliant the villain is. He is every bit as ignorant of self as you'd expect someone like that to be and I applaud the director for it. I've seen most of his work and "House..." is definitely his most approachable film, easy to digest -- assuming you have a stomach for violence and an interest in what drives psychopaths. It is visually artistic, set well in its period, and Dillon's performance is keen and visceral.
8/10 in my book!
Personally, the most interesting aspect of this movie is viewing it as a study in failure. Jack never truly succeeds in his highest aspiration, which may have some connection to his mental disorder (OCD). In that regard, it hit me different, and deep! I'm not ready to talk about that part.
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
Films Watched in January 2023
La Jetée | Chris Marker | 1962
Boro in the Box | Bertrand Mandico | 2011
Lebenszeichen (Signs of Life) | Werner Herzog | 1968
Trans-Europ-Express | Alain Robbe-Grillet | 1966
Henry Fool | Hal Hartley | 1997
Fay Grim | Hal Hartley | 2005
Ned Rifle | Hal Hartley | 2014
Les Enfants Terribles | Jean-Pierre Melville | 1950
La vie rêvée des anges (The Dreamlife of Angels) | Erick Zonca | 1998
Bob le Flambeur | Jean-Pierre Melville | 1956
The Working Class Goes to Heaven | Elio Petri | 1971
Big Time Gambling Boss | Kôsaku Yamashita | 1968
Dementia 13 | Francis Ford Coppola | 1963
One More Time | Maurice Hamblin | 1974
Love Rites | Walerian Borowczyk | 1987
Emmanuelle 5 | Walerian Borowczyk | 1987
Behind Convent Walls | Walerian Borowczyk | 1978
Men | Alex Garland | 2022
The Juniper Tree | Nietzchka Keene | 1990
M3GAN | Gerard Johnstone | 2022
La marge (The Margin) | Walerian Borowczyk | 1976
Flux Gourmet | Peter Strickland | 2022
Letter From Paris | Walerian Borowczyk | 1975
Peter Von Kant | François Ozon | 2022
Lady Oscar | Jacques Demy | 1979
Bold = Top Ten
Some notes: After watching the Borowczyk biopic (of sorts) Boro in the Box I decided to catch up on some of the later movies by the "dead Polish film maker" which I was more unfamiliar with, which turned out to be a very mixed bunch. Similarly I'd been promising myself to watch the Hal Hartley “Henry Fool trilogy” for ages but found Fay Grim a huge disappointment after Henry Fool. Ned Rifle was more of a return to form at least.
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noosphe-re · 1 year
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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Louis XV era dress:
Top left:  1739-1749 Maria Felice Tibaldi by Pierre Subleyras (Worcester Art Museum - Worcester, Massachusetts, USA). From tumblr.com/blog/view/antiquelaceartist/689987624228782080 910X1211 @72 368kj.
Top right:  1743 Marquise de Castellane with her Embroidery by Jacques-André-Joseph Aved (Manchester Art Gallery - Manchester Art Gallery - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK). From tumblr.com/blog/view/costumedufilm 942X1200 @72 400kj. Manchester was historically part of Lancashire.
Second row left:  1746 Louise Henriette Gabrielle de Lorraine, Princess of Turenne and Duchess of Bouillon by Jean-Marc Nattier (Versailles). From tumblr.com/blog/view/roehenstart 1538X1953 @72 999kj.
Second row right:  1750s Woman by Maurice Quentin de La Tour (Harvard Art Museums - Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). From tumblr.com/blog/view/catherinedefrance 858X1024 @72 241kj.
Third row:  Maria Caterina Brignole, Princess of Monaco by ? (location ?). From tumblr.com/blog/view/down-the-rabbith0le/161758053255; blurred background and neckline area 1021X1280 @72 370kj.
Fourth row left:  1759 Madeleine Barberie de Courteille by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum - Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany). From tumblr.com/blog/view/history-of-fashion 769X921 @72 255kj.
Fourth row right:  1760 Mrs. Robert Brudenell by Sir Joshua Reynolds (Fogg Museum, Harvard University - Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). From tumblr.com/blog/view/sims4rococo76 1968X2400 @72 1.2Mj.
Fifth row:  1765 The Roffey Family by Sir Joshua Reynolds (Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery - Birmingham, West Midlands, UK). From tumblr.com/blog/view/catherinedefrance; erased spots w Pshop 2048X1637 @72 949kj.
Sixth row:  1766 The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (Wallace Collection - London, UK). From Google search leading to twitter.com/cowboycaps; erased most obvious spots & cracks w Pshop & mildly cropped 3158X4050 @72 7.5Mj.
Bottom:  Lady, half-length, in a dark green velvet dress and white chemise, wearing a white headdress by Hieronymus van der Mij (auctioned by Christie's). From tumblr.com/blog/view/shewhoworshipscarlin 2048X2560 @72 1.3Mj.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Jacques Herzog was born on April 19, 1950 in Basel, Switzerland.  
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quentinbidaud22-23 · 2 years
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L'aventure de madame Muir, Joseph L. Mankiewicz 1947 Une histoire d'amour entre une femme et un fantôme, une vieille maison sur une falaise. Incontournable.
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Mon oncle, Jacques Tati 1958 La rencontre poétique de deux mondes, l'ancien et le moderne. Des personnages attachants. Cela pourrait être un poème de Prévert, mais c'est un film de Tati.
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L'année dernière à Marienbad, Alain Resnais 1961 Un immense jardin à la française, un colossal escalier, Delphine Seyrig et Giorgio Albertazzi qui ne cessent de rejouer la scène d'un rendez-vous manqué. Un chef-d'oeuvre qui gardera son mystère à jamais.
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Judex, Georges Franju, 1963 Digne des romans feuilletons du XIXe siècle, un justicier mystérieux qui s'attaque au banquier malhonnête. Des combinaisons noires, des intrigues, des masques en forme d'oiseau.
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Les lèvres rouges, Harry Kümel, 1971 La suite vampirique de Marienbad, Delphine Seyrig en comtesse immortelle buvant le sang des pensionnaires d'un hôtel d'Ostende.
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La montagne sacrée, Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1973 Délire hypnotique et fou, conte alchimique dans lequel les maîtres des neufs planètes devront gravir la montagne sacrée pour trouver la réponse savoureuse au grand mystère de l'existence.
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Céline et Julie vont en bateau, Jacques Rivette, 1974 Deux sorcières solaires errant dans le Paris des années 70. Une maison mystérieuse, des numéros de magie. Un film à regarder à l'endroit ou à l'envers, éveillé ou endormi.
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Complot de famille, Alfred Hitchcock, 1976 Le dernier film d'Hitchcock, une fausse voyante et un chauffeur de taxi à la recherche d'un diamant volé. Un film du dimanche soir.
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Stalker, Andreï Tarkovski, 1979 Un voyage à travers des paysages de science fiction délabrés porté par une musique sublime. Une sorte de rêve.
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The Fog, John Carpenter, 1980 Une malédiction s'abat sur une ville de Nouvelle-Angleterre. Un brouillard vert fluorescent duquel émerge des fantômes. Une animatrice de radio tente de sauver les habitants depuis un phare isolé. Un film glacial et génial.
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Fitzcarraldo, Werner Herzog, 1982 Un homme passionné d'opéra entreprend de faire passer un bateau par dessus une montagne en pleine jungle amazonienne. On ne saurait le décrire autrement.
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Et vogue le navire, Federico Fellini, 1983 Un film comme un roman, au début du XXe siècle, des personnages hauts en couleurs embarquent à bord d'un paquebot afin de rendre hommage à une célèbre cantatrice.
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Paris, Texas, Wim Wenders 1984 Un homme qu'on croyait mort sort du désert et retrouve peu à peu les vestiges de sa vie passée. Une sorte de mirage porté par une musique sublime.
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Phenomena, Dario Argento, 1985 Un film d'horreur comme on n'en fait plus. Un adolescente qui parle aux insectes sur les traces d'un tueur en série. Jennifer Connelly invoquant une nuée de mouches, scène culte.
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Les ailes du désir, Wim Wenders 1987 Un très grand film de Wim Wenders. Un ange tombe amoureux d'une acrobate de cirque et décide de devenir mortel. Une promenade dans le Berlin des années 80. Peter Falk se frottant les mains dans la brume matinale. Incontournable.
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Prince des ténèbres, John Carpenter, 1987 Le film d'horreur le plus terrifiant. Un groupe de scientifiques découvre que l'Eglise a caché au monde le fait que Dieu n'existe pas. A sa place, une entité ténébreuse qui va bientôt se libérer. Vous ne vous regarderez plus jamais dans un miroir sans penser à ce qui vous attend de l'autre côté...
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Drugstore Cowboy, Gus Van Sant, 1989 Une petite bande de camés braque des pharmacies pour se défoncer. Leur chef décide de se ranger mais le passé ne s'oublie pas facilement. Un conte étonnamment léger. Une apparition de William Burroughs dans toute sa majesté.
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Meurtre mystérieux à Manhattan, Woody Allen, 1993 Un couple farfelu mène l'enquête sur la mort de leur voisine de palier. Le New York des années 90, des rebondissements, et Anjelica Huston au faîte de sa gloire en auteur de romans policiers.
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La cité des enfants perdus, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 1995 Dans une cité portuaire verdâtre, des enfants disparaissent. Un savant fou tente vainement de voler leurs rêves. Un film génial, complètement glauque et immersif. Des costumes incroyables de Jean-Paul Gaultier. Un monde en soi.
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Dead Man, Jim Jarmush, 1995 William Blake tue un homme par erreur et prend la fuite, accompagné de l'indien Nobody, qui le prend pour l'esprit du célèbre poète anglais. Un récit initiatique tout bonnement génial, bercé par les improvisations de Neil Young à la guitare. Le meilleur rôle de Johnny Depp. Une apparition éclair de Robert Mitchum dans son dernier rôle.
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The pillow book, Peter Greenaway, 1996 La fille d'un célèbre calligraphe, devenue mannequin, recherche un homme capable de lui écrire un compliment sur toute la peau. Elle finit par devenir elle-même calligraphe et décide d'écrire un livre sur le corps de son amant. Un film sublime.
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La légende du pianiste sur l'océan, Giuseppe Tornatore, 1998 Un bébé est retrouvé dans la cale d'un paquebot. Devenu adulte, ainsi qu'un pianiste légendaire, il se mesure aux plus grands musiciens de son temps mais n'a jamais posé le pied à terre. Un conte magistral et bouleversant.
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Mulholland Drive, David Lynch, 2001 Un rêve, un cauchemar. Une femme amnésique, aidée par une actrice en herbe, part à la recherche de son identité. Un film porteur d'un mystère insondable. A voir et à revoir à l'infini.
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La famille Tenenbaum, Wes Anderson, 2001 Une famille de génies, disloquée par des querelles intestines, tente de se retrouver. Un vrai poème visuel, drôle et touchant. On aimerait vivre dedans.
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Kill Bill, Quentin Tarantino, 2003 Un chef d'oeuvre absolu. Le personnage d'Uma Thurman en guerrière vengeresse que rien ne pourra arrêter, figure allégorique mue par une force supérieure. Les cinq points et la paume qui font exploser le coeur.
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The Fall, Tarsem Singh, 2006 Un homme alité dans un hôpital raconte une histoire à une petite fille. En échange, elle dérobe pour lui des ampoules de morphine. Et le conte se mêle à la réalité. Visuellement grandiose et éblouissant. Une scène d'ouverture mémorable.
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The Fountain, Darren Aronovsky, 2006 Trois histoires entremêlées pour n'en former qu'une seule, celle de la recherche de la vie éternelle. Des scènes se déroulant dans le plan astral, toutes d'or en fusion et d'extase mystique. A couper le souffle.
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Melancholia, Lars Von Trier, 2011 Une planète s'approche dangereusement de la terre et s'apprête à l'engloutir. Deux soeurs, deux entités contraires, se dirigent en silence vers la fin du monde. Une expérience totale portée par des symphonies sublimes et des tableaux de Bruegel.
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Only Lovers Left Alive, Jim Jarmush, 2013 Un couple de vampires sublimes portent sur le monde un regard désabusé. Sur fond de rock indé lancinant, à travers Détroit ou Tanger, la décadence d'une communauté en train de disparaitre.
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Les Garçons Sauvages, Bertrand Mandico, 2017 Un groupe de jeunes garçons commet un crime impardonnable. Ils sont condamnés à accompagner en mer un capitaine étrange et colérique. Un voyage vernien, totalement organique et sensuel. A la croisée de William Burroughs et de l'île au trésor, de Cronenberg et du club des cinq.
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tatmanblue · 6 months
Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg by Anita Pravits
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altuzorra · 2 years
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Giuseppe Verdi’s “Attila” directed by Pierre Audi in collaboration with the architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron and fashion designer Miuccia Prada
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