#jodie hall
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Basic Information
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Other Name(s):  Nadežda Pugachev (before brainwashing), Nadya (family and Perseus Operators), Nad (Keith), Jo (Mason, Woods), Bell (callsign), Auntie Dodie (Toddler!David Mason).
Physical Appearance
Eyes: honeyed brown
Hair: dark brown
Skin: white
Tattoo(s): none
Scar(s): shoulder, chest - gunshot wounds. Other misc. scars. 
Face Claim: Kate Beckinsale
Description: At first glance, Jodie seems to be quite plain, though this is something that she prefers given her line of work. Her hair is just past shoulder-length when she wears it down, but when working it is pulled up into a ponytail/low bun. There are some bangs that frame her forehead and sides of her face, which can be wayward when she attempts to tie them back, so usually leaves them alone. 
Her facial features are sharp, nestled on an oval shaped frame. Occasionally, when a situation calls for it, she will wear minimal makeup - she feels out of place when she does wear it, so often opts out of it. Her ears are pierced with a singular stud, but takes them out when on missions. 
As for what she wears, Jodie will often wear jeans and a plain grey t-shirt when in the safe house or her downtime, accented with a jean jacket, or cardigan if it’s a little cold. She does have a thicker, muted green winter jacket for colder weather. She also wears plain pumps. 
For missions, it’s often a muted green turtleneck, dark jacket and combat trousers, with military boots. She will also wear the appropriate paraphernalia attributed with operators to carry extra clips, lethals and other such equipment. 
Like(s): coffee, dogs, nighttime, rain, puzzles, cyphers, that people actually trust her, Frank's beard (if he shaves, she fights), intelligent conversation, her daughter (loves her so much)
Dislike(s): dark chocolate, when it’s so hot you can’t breathe, being snuck up on, being spoken about as though she isn't there, people questioning her loyalty or her integrity, being left out of important conversations that involve her, if anyone messes with her daughter, being judged based on her past, not having full recollection of her past
Strength(s): calm, efficient, loyal, fast thinker, keen eye for patterns and details, can be very patient, willing to compromise where needed, adaptable
Weakness(es): can be cold and mistrustful, can be very guarded even against those she trusts, lets past trauma rule her sometimes, even though loyalty is also her strength it can also be her weakness, her calmness can be taken as being cold, detached, even apathetic sometimes, at other times she can be stubborn and her anger can get the better of her. When she sees red, it's red.
Parent(s): unnamed Russian mother, unnamed Russian father 
Sibling(s): Radomir Timofey Pugachev aka Time/Timosha
Friend(s): Sarah and Alex Mason, (after a time) Russell Adler
Spouse(s): Frank Woods
Child(ren): Ashley Woods
1949 - Nadežda’s family is captured by the MGB and sent to [redacted], an undisclosed Gulag within rural Russia. Father, a WW2 veteran, was executed at the time of capture. There were rumours that he was critical of the current government and had become belligerent with his negative opinion of his leaders. By extension, his family were heavily scrutinised and kept at the Gulag. Her mother passed away in the labour camp. Initially, Nadežda and her brother, Radomir, were kept there with their mother, until her death, then were sent to a children’s orphanage. 
1953 - Nadežda is approached by an old friend of her father’s, who said to have fought alongside him during WW2. He makes her an offer she can’t refuse and joins his ranks despite her young age. She did this as this old friend promised he could find a suitable family to keep her brother safe and grow up to live in a better Russia. From then, she trained to fight and became an excellent tool for Perseus to use. (He had been too late to ask for her father to join his ranks, but she was the next best thing in his mind.)
1958 - At the age of eighteen, Nadežda was ordered to join the KGB by Perseus, to work alongside comrades and earn their trust, so that he may learn ways to exploit them if the need arose in the future and to seek potential operators to join his ranks. She studied at the Higher Intelligence School in Moscow, where she extended her espionage knowledge.
1960 - [redacted].
1962 - Nadežda is ordered to collect information regarding growing US involvement in Vietnam. Any encoded information regarding US military operations is passed over Nadežda’s desk. Also ordered to decode any Russian intelligence regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis. 
1965 - [redacted].
1968 - encoded intelligence regarding Operation Fracture Jaw is decoded by Nadežda. 
1969 - [redacted].
1976 - Nadežda, alongside other Persues operators, rescues Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin.
[Following paragraphs are redacted.]
1979 - Nadežda makes contact with Special Officer, Keith Wells, offering crucial insight into Perseus’ organisation. What causes this change of allegiance is unknown to the CIA. Nadežda is informed by Officer Wells that there is a mole within the CIA and not to trust any other operator other than himself, as they could not risk the information crossing the palms of the wrong person. They come to an agreement that Nadežda would claim no knowledge of him in the face of possible interrogations, if ever that came to happen. 
[Following paragraphs are redacted.]
1981 - January 13, Nadežda accompanied Arash Kadivar to Trabzon airfield, Turkey. Subsequently, Kadivar shoots Nadežda after revealing that he knows of her betrayal. He states that it’s a shame one of Perseus’ top agents turns out to be nothing more than a traitorous dog. CIA operatives, Alex Mason, Frank Woods and Russell Adler assassinate Kadivar, preventing the weapons from leaving the country. Upon sweeping the tarmac for survivors, Adler finds Nadežda still alive with a dossier related to Perseus. 
Following Nadežda’s capture and recovery from her injuries, traditional methods of interrogation did not succeed. She had hoped that, due to her captors being the CIA, word of her capture might reach Officer Wells, as she intended to keep her word and say nothing of their interactions; after expressing, in one interrogation, that the only operator she would speak with was Officer Wells, she is informed that he was presumed KIA and possibly at the hands of a Perseus Operator. Nadežda does not know whether to trust this information, given what Officer Wells had said in the past and so kept her mouth shut out of loyalty to him.
Several weeks later, through psychological torture, neuroactive drugs and hypnosis, Adler, the CIA, alongside MI6 Agent Helen Park, brainwashed her. A connection was formed between Adler and Nadežda by use of fake, implanted memories inspired by Adler’s time in Vietnam with the success of implying a years-long friendship between the two. 
Nadežda was no more and Adler gave her the callsign Bell. 
Alongside this, a whole new persona was fashioned and Bell was an MI6 Agent, Jodie Hall, from London, England, though information of her past never went further than that.  
“We have a job to do.” was the common trigger phrase to keep Bell in check as well as slipping small amounts of neuro-stimulant drugs to Bell to keep their conditioning effective. 
Volkov is captured. 
Bell and Woods uncover a Spetsnaz training ground - encrypted information regarding Operation Greenlight is uncovered. 
KGB headquarters infiltrated with the help of Dimitri Belikov uncovering previously erased names of Sleeper Agents, who Perseus aims to use in their upcoming infiltration of Operation Greenlight. 
Sleeper Agent Theodore Hastings is followed to Cuba, where the mission goes south - Bell saves Park’s life but is unable to save Lazar. 
Adler and the team reveal Bell’s true identity, but she remains loyal to their cause, revealing the location of Perseus and the station which will be used to detonate the nukes aimed on half the world. Though she is confused, betrayed and angry, she understands this choice is the right one and, somewhere deep down, she knows she didn’t need the conditioning to have made it. 
Solovetsky is attacked and the nukes are stopped. 
Bell is MIA for a short while.
Once located, a deal is made with the CIA that she would offer her services and any information she had on the Perseus faction in exchange for starting a new life in America as her given persona, Jodie Hall.
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walder-138 · 3 days
If Keith and Nikolai had to work together, what would that look like? Would it be chaos?
Likewise, what would Nikolai's thoughts on Jodie be? (what if he knew about what Keith had done?)
Hey Goose! Thanks for the ask! Kinda piggybacking off of what you told me:
First of all, Nikolai wouldn’t trust the walking, talking ballsack as far as he could throw him. Combined with him being an American, Nikolai knew something was off about him. He thinks Keith’s using the Perseus organization as a cheap grab for power (which isn’t that far from the truth) and is absolutely disgusted by him.
Nik keeps a watchful eye on Keith whenever the two are in the same room. He doesn’t even try to hide it. Doesn’t even blink. Just stares him dead in the face the whole time they’re in a meeting. No emotion or anything, silently letting Keith know “Boy, if you try anything, they’re going to have to use your dental records to identify your corpse.”
About the two working together, Nikolai isn’t the kind of guy to let some skinny-ass American boy tell him what to do. However, unlike his spawn, he doesn’t constantly hurl insults or try to kill the people he doesn’t like, so at least that’s a plus. Keith should be safe.
Nikolai’s trying to get the mission done ASAP. He doesn’t wanna rely on Keith for anything for too long. He’d be taking shortcuts, despite knowing he’d probably be sent out again to fix his mistakes, so that he doesn’t have to rely on Keith. Nik doesn’t even trust him to drive.
“Boy, just tell me order. I do not care about the truth, do not waste breath to convince me. I swear, you talk a lot without truly saying anything. Wasting good oxygen. Do you not know how many people need oxygen to survive?”
(For Jodie pre-brainwashing, I’m gonna refer to her as Nadežda) (Also, I’m treating this as Nik never became Bell)
Nikolai didn’t pay much mind to Nadežda, simply thinking she was another bullet sponge at first. That was, until AU!Annika decided that Nadežda was her friend. Yeah, Nik told her not to talk to anybody there, but Annika saw her and was like, “You are my friend now. We go play dolls.”
You know how hard Nikolai stares at Keith? Now imagine that times 10 every time Annika talks to Nadežda. He doesn’t know the circumstances of why she joined Perseus, and wanted to make sure his ‘daughter’ didn’t get too close.
When Annika continues to pester her, but Nadežda doesn’t verbally abuse the kid, Nikolai lightens up around her. He starts actually talking to her, instead of standing in a corner, staring holes in the back of her head. Nik would start to joke around about Annika never shutting up, and sticking to Nadežda like a fly on shit.
While Nikolai doesn’t know Nadežda’s story (about her brother), he still develops a sense of protectiveness over her, since he got that she wasn’t exactly in Perseus on her own accord. Nik could tell by the way she carried herself. He’s been trained to sense fear, and he felt it in Nadežda since she got there. (which is why he look the other way when she was thinking of betraying Perseus)
When Keith decided to go into major dickwad mode, you bet your ass Nikolai picked it up. He knew Nadežda was acting off, even more distant than usual, and wanted to know why. So he did some detective work, and found out about little bitch boy.
That kinda puts Nik in a rut though; now he knows for damn certain that Nadežda isn’t loyal to Perseus (for being willing to trade in secrets like that), but if she were to keep talking to Keith, she’d get her heart ripped out. Nik knew about Keith’s status in Perseus, hell, he’s probably tried to pull a stunt like that on him and Annika.
Nik was between a rock and a hard place. If he told Nadežda about Keith, he’d risk losing his fucking job and putting Annika at risk because he would be sabotaging a plan by Perseus. However, if he didn’t, Perseus would have her killed and that’d make bitch boy move up a rank or two. He decided that he needed to put Annika and his own safety above her’s; he will not die for a traitor.
Timeskip to when Jodie was captured, he’s pissed off at Keith for playing her like that. Well, even more pissed off at him than usual, but you know. Since Keith’s higher ranking than Nik, he has to be nice (🤢) to him now. Lemme tell you, he is not enjoying a second of it.
He’s like “Boy, you did us good by flushing out the traitor🥰”
“Sooooo you’re not gonna threaten me anymore?”
“No ❤️❤️❤️I put venomous centipedes in your desk 😊🤭”
Thank you for sending in the ask! It helped me developing Nik, and I think I’ve got a pretty decent personality in place for him! I’d like to here your thoughts!
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dommnics · 4 months
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Ariel honey, I'm sorry that the human world is a mess-
Now available as an art print here!
Check out more of my work on other platforms!
My Instagram -- My Twitter
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nessa007 · 1 year
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"I had the chance to visit [Halle] in London a few times and I can't wait to see the film tonight and just give her the biggest hug and congratulations because I know that she has done an amazing job of capturing the heart and essence of who Ariel is in such a beautiful way." - Jodi Benson (aka the original Ariel) on Halle Bailey's perfomance in the The Little Mermaid live-action
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Halle Bailey and Jodi Benson | The world premiere of Disney's "The Little Mermaid" in Hollywood, California | May 08, 2023
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ericxariel · 1 year
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Jodi Benson and Halle Bailey on set of The Little Mermaid!
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
jodie benson's (the original voice of Ariel) cameo where she says "you'll need this" and the camera pans to reveal her handing halle a fork was so sweet :') she's literally passing the torch to the next ariel :''')
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tampire · 8 months
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Ariel's Treasures
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femininemenon · 11 months
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[Jodi] Benson appears briefly in The Little Mermaid (now playing in theaters) within Queen Selena (Noma Dumezweni) and Prince Eric's (Jonah Hauer-King) Caribbean kingdom. Having transformed into a human by this point in the film, Ariel (Halle Bailey) explores the land world for the first time and gets lost amid the vendors of a local marketplace.
She stumbles upon a woman, who offers her a plate of food. But wait! She's going to need something to eat that food. This woman, played by Benson, hands Ariel a fork, which the transformed mermaid then promptly uses to comb her hair. "It's literally like passing the torch," Marshall says. In Scuttle speak, it's like passing the dinglehopper.
Passing the dinglehopper: Inside Jodi Benson's The Little Mermaid cameo by Nick Romano
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artist-issues · 7 months
I know we're all over this topic right now. But one of the main things I think was important in the original The Little Mermaid that the remake totally missed was that Ariel's faith was in a person.
She starts out having faith in an idea. A vague concept. "Humans might be wonderful and worth loving because they make wonderful things. They might not be barbarians. They might even understand me."
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And that's great. She has some evidence to put her faith in. But that evidence is how kind and harmless a scatter-brained seagull is, and his nonsense explanations of human trinkets.
So she deduces that the humans might not all be bad and they might actually be wonderful. If they can make things, maybe they must be inventive--maybe they see the world as full of possibilities--just like she does.
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And that's enough to make her argue with her dad, the king, and buck against the entire undersea worldview.
It's enough to make her spend her days collecting and dreaming.
It's enough to make her visit the surface despite the fact that it's forbidden and potentially a risk to her life.
But the collection, the good Surface-Seagull, and all her guesses about the Surface are not enough to make her leave her family and her world behind.
And the original movie's creators knew that the audience needed to see that, in Act 1.
She thinks about it. But she doesn't actually pull the trigger. She doesn't actually take the leap of faith, or make the big sacrifice.
Not until she meets a person who embodies all the things she's hoped were true after her experiences with trinkets and seagulls.
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When Ariel discovers Eric, he brings all her dreams about what the Surface might be like to life. He makes it real.
That's why she's in love with him. There's a combination of "he's everything I hoped humans would be...and he's even better, because I know how he feels."
In the Script for The Little Mermaid, when Eric asks if Grimsby is still "sore because I didn't fall for the Princess of Glowerhaven," there's just one break in the dialogue before Grimsby responds. It says "Ariel listens closely."
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Because that's important. It's not just because she thinks he's handsome and she's listening to learn more about what his love life is like. She's listening closely because there's a conflict, like the ones she has with her father, and she wants to see if this human is "reprimanded" for his way of thinking or not.
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She not only finds a human who is brave, sacrifices himself for an animal, and free to explore--she also finds a human who has dreams that the people around him can't understand.
He makes her ideals real, and expands on them, just by being himself.
Ariel learns precisely what she needs to about him, in one scene, for her in-character response to be "falls deeply in love."
And he's the straw that breaks the camel's back. Suddenly it's all real to her. Now she can sacrifice. Now she has something powerful enough to put her faith in--now she has someone worth loving enough to take a big leap of faith to.
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That's why having her forget that she needs to kiss him, and having her only decide to give up her life under the sea when Ursula specifically mentions "never leave home again," is not Ariel. It implies that most prominent reason for her sacrifice was so that she could be free to explore instead of imprisoned where nobody gets her. But that's not Ariel. That's not the most important reason behind why she left in the original movie. She left because she finally had someone to love, and put her faith in.
She left for love, not independence. She left for Eric, not just for herself. You can dislike that all you want, but then you're disliking Ariel. Because that's who she is; that's why she did it.
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So I did 6 hours of hyper-focusing on this because I had it in my head and knew that if I didn't do it now, I wouldn't at all.
Anyway, here is Jodie inspired by her moonlight personality!
@walder-138 tagging you! 🌌
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walder-138 · 29 days
Hello darl!
if you're still doing this ;u; 🕯️ for Jodie-
have a lovely day <3
Oz: “If we ignore the giant elephant in the room, which honestly I’m having a very hard time doing, she’s actually seems like a good person. However, I know better than to trust those ‘people’. Jodie’s a good person; but my personal prejudice is getting in the way of seeing the positives in her.”
If Oz could get over his ‘wartime nostalgia’, or worked with Jodie long enough to actually get to know her, I could see his opinion on her becoming positive. He’d realize that Jodie wanted to change and forget her past, and start treating her like a friend/acquaintance rather than like an enemy.
(Soviet penalty: -5) 5/10, or 7/10
Annika: “Bootlicker. Still listens to General Asshole after all he’s done to her, then gets upset at me for acting off-script. I’ll only work with her when absolutely necessary, other than that, no.” (4/10)
Abbey: “I respect Jodie immensely. I understand how difficult it can be to trust people after being manipulated countless times and finding out your life is a lie. But her putting her personal trauma aside to fight for the greater good takes balls. I also love her style, but that’s besides the point.” 8/10, girl likes everyone
I’ll (hopefully) will have answered your other ask sometime between now and the next 8 hours or so. Thank you for the asks!
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roberrtphilip · 11 months
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Enchanted (2007) // The Little Mermaid (2023)
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nessa007 · 11 months
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Jodi Benson and Halle Bailey aka two iconic Ariels! THE LITTLE MERMAID (1989 | 2023)
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ayoungkiing · 1 year
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These are really cute 🐚
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ericxariel · 1 year
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Jodi Benson and Halle Bailey on set of The Little Mermaid!
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