#joschka fischer
dadsinsuits · 6 months
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Joschka Fischer
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politicaldilfs · 3 months
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Joschka Fischer
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lets-make-light-now · 3 months
In Germany former Minister of defense 1998-2005 Joschka Fischer, Die Grünen Party, used to march with the Palestinians in the 70 and 80.
This party is leftish and allegedly pacifist. But Joschka Fischer used his position to drive Germany to bombard Serbia.
He might have marched for Palestinans in the past, today he would probably lead the attack against the Palestinians.
German politics showed me how cowards rule. Elected by Germans with no self determination. Slave to the govern of the USA and Israel. Spineless to stand with the innocent.
This genocide is the second genocide done by Germans in less than 100 years. Being compliced to genocide by sending arms is the same as pulling the trigger.
I learned my lesson about German values.
Fuck you Germany. War criminals, over and over again.
Germany will never learn to value Life beside Germans.
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mycstilleblog · 1 year
Aus die Maus. Der Blick von unten auf die da oben. Von Żaklin Nastić - Rezension
Wer will fleißige Handwerker seh’n, … so heißt ein bekanntes Kinderlied. Ist Politik eigentlich auch ein Handwerk? Klaus von Dohnanyi diente als Minister unter den Kanzlern Brandt und Schmidt und war lange Jahre Erster Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Hamburg. Sein Credo: “Politik ist ein Handwerk” Stümper und verkappte Lobbyisten im Bundestag Politiker wären demnach (auch) Handwerker? Na, mal…
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naugard · 2 years
Joschka Fischer, Steinmeier - Petersberg
Joschka Fischer, Steinmeier – Petersberg
Kein öffentlicher Widerspruch war zu hören, zu lesen oder in den Fernsehkanälen zu sehen, als USA-Präsident in seiner ersten Ansprache nach dem Einmarsch der TALIBAN in Kabul vollmundig erklärte, das Ziel der USA und NATO-Militäroperationen in Afghanistan in den letzten fast 20 Jahren sei niemals „Nation-Building“ gewesen, sondern „nur“ die Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus, was nun…
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funniest thing i saw on twitter last week: someone getting upset that olaf scholz used to go to east germany when he was a part of the jusos (and also held important positions in the jusos, hence why he visited east germany multiple times) in the mid and late 1980s, then implying that olaf scholz supported the raf.
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forestlion · 5 months
as a child i thought statler and waldorf were parodies of Gerhard Schröder und Joschka Fischer. simply bc they kinda... looked like that to me and also i knew nothing about the Muppets. or politics
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zbigniewedward · 6 months
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Joschka Fischer
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bopinion · 3 months
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2024 / 07
Aperçu of the Week:
"Time isn't the main thing. It#s the only thing."
(Miles Davis, American trumpeter, bandleader, and composer - and among the most influential and acclaimed figures in the history of music)
Bad News of the Week:
Sometimes things get rough in the political business. Sometimes you get pelted with eggs, as the unification chancellor Helmut Kohl once did in the East. Or with a bag of paint, as happened to Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. Or even end up in a wheelchair like Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble, who was stabbed. However, all these incidents - as tragic as they are - are isolated cases. In which an individual perpetrator, often with a psychological problem that was not diagnosed in time, commits an individual act. It is certainly not possible to speak of a systemic problem. This seems to be changing in Germany.
The increasing aggression against the Greens is becoming more and more frightening. The platform of this party has always had a tendency to polarize. After all, they want to achieve fundamental change. And unlike The Left, which also wants this, they are regularly involved in governments. And stand out more in the context of the otherwise dominant "Keep it up..." - keyword "prohibition party". Of course you can be against it, comment on it on social media, take it to the streets and demonstrate. But please do so in a civilized manner, as it has to be in a democratic society.
Unfortunately, this discourse has not been civilized in recent weeks. It started when the Green Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, was prevented from leaving a car ferry by angry farmers. There was a scuffle with the police, and the public prosecutor's office is now investigating on charges of coercion. And now a Green Party rally - on the traditional "Political Ash Wednesday" - had to be canceled at the last minute. Again because of angry farmers blocking roads. This time, several police officers were injured, cars were demolished and fires were lit. Even Interior Minister Nancy Faeser from the rival Social Democrats considers this to be unacceptable, calling it a "brutalization and poisoning of the discourse". She is quite simply right.
Good News of the Week:
Once a year, the Munich Security Conference MSC, the world's most important security policy meeting, takes place in Munich. It is characterized not only by the official conference programme, but also by the various meetings that take place behind the scenes. One pleasing example: Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at war for years. Under the mediation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, both heads of government have now met in Munich. And then actually announced that they wanted to resolve their conflicts peacefully.
The primary topic was, of course, the Gaza war with a tendency towards a full-size Middle East conflict. The tone towards Israel is becoming harsher. At the MSC, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called for a Palestinian state to end the "vicious circle". And is even receiving support from China: this is the only way to achieve peaceful coexistence in the region, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was also present. It is fitting that French President Emmanuel Macron announced after a meeting with Jordan's King Abdullah II in Paris a few days ago that he does not want to close his mind to the recognition of a Palestinian state: "We owe this to the Palestinians, whose expectations have been trampled on for too long."
Naturally, the Ukraine war was also in focus. President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed for further support at the security conference. There is a lack of long-range weapons. Kremlin leader Putin must not succeed in turning the next few years into a catastrophe. And the Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who has just died in a Siberian prison camp in an as yet unexplained manner, is a victim of Vladimir Putin, just like Ukraine, says Selensky. Shortly beforehand, he had signed a security agreement with Germany, which provides the most military aid to Ukraine after the USA.
Other remarkable things also happened in Munich. For example, US Vice President Kamala Harris reaffirmed that the USA is firmly rooted in NATO. Out of responsibility, but also out of self-interest. Donald Trump's current statements on the subject obviously make this statement seem necessary. "Take him at his word, take him seriously. He means what he says," said former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was also present in Munich.
And finally, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned: "What happens today in Ukraine could happen tomorrow in Taiwan." China's Foreign Minister Wang nonchalantly replied that "Taiwan (remains) part of Chinese territory and the Taiwan issue (is) an internal Chinese matter." Overall, I find it gratifying that even in these times, people are still talking. You get the impression that diplomacy and negotiations are not yet at an end.
Personal happy moment of the week and other categories...
I'm sorry: this week (which piece was published quite late anyway) left me no time to deal with "lighter topics". Next week!
Post Scriptum
It has become apparent: Donald Jessica Trump has been convicted of fraud in court in New York City. The fine amounts to a total of 463.9 million dollars. Many assume that he does not have this in cash. And therefore has to take out a loan or borrow against real estate. Curiously, this fits in with the proceedings - because they were about how Trump manipulated property values in order to obtain cheaper loans. This will now work neither for this personal loan, which he now needs, nor for future deals. That undoubtedly hurts him.
Another decision by Judge Arthur Engoron will hurt him even more. He not only stripped Trump of the management of his own company, but also banned him from doing business in the state of New York for three years, Donald Jr. and Eric for two years and the top managers Weisselberg and McConney for life. In short: the entire top management of the Trump Organization no longer has any say. Engoron transferred their supervision to retired judge Barbara Jones, who thus effectively became Trump's superior.
In Europe, we can only shake our heads at how a legally convicted fraudster and sexual offender can stay in the political business. In Germany, for example, several top politicians have already had to give up their careers because of incorrect citations in their doctoral theses. "He's been a fraud his whole life," commented author Tony Schwartz, who ghostwrote Trump's manifesto "The Art of the Deal". "Today it's just become official." Now it just needs to have a deterrent effect on his voter base. Dreaming will probably still be allowed...
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higginslover · 6 months
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Joschka Fischer
@zbigniewedward, thank you for introducing me to this beauty. I am in love! 🔥❤️
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older-is-better · 10 months
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Joschka Fischer.
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dadsinsuits · 6 months
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Joschka Fischer
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politicaldilfs · 1 year
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Joschka Fischer
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schalotte · 2 days
lol sometimes it's like my dad's not such a bad guy after all and then he sends me an article abt how joschka fischer says palestine shouldn't be recognized as a state with the caption "joschka fischer for bundeakanzler!" purely to piss me off
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korrektheiten · 4 months
Kriegspropaganda auf einflussreichen Kanälen – NZZ und Frankfurter Allgemeine
NachDenkSeiten: »Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung erscheint am 3. Februar mit einem Interview mit dem ehemaligen deutschen Außenminister und Grünen-Politiker Joschka Fischer. Siehe unten A. Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung nutzt die gesamte Seite 1 der Ausgabe vom 4. Februar zum Trommeln für die Kriegstauglichkeit. Siehe unten B. In beiden Artikeln wird die Entstehungsgeschichte des Krieges in derWeiterlesen http://dlvr.it/T2FsqY «
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 6 months
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Keine Sieger in einem Atomkrieg
600 Atombomben zu wenig zum Sterben?
In einem Artikel der Berliner Morgenpost wird die Sorge geäußert, dass die etwa 300 Atomsprengköpfe für U-Boote und für Kampfbomber in Frankreich und die etwa 120 Raketen Großbritanniens und die 180 Atombomben vom Typ B-61 der USA in Europa nicht ausreichen, um die Welt zu vernichten - ähm sorry, dort heißt es natürlich "Europa zu verteidigen".
Jedenfalls sagte der Chef der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP), CSU-Vize Manfred Weber, jetzt gegenüber der Morgenpost Redaktion: "Letztlich braucht die EU dauerhaft eine nukleare Abschreckung – innerhalb und ergänzend zur Nato".
"Die europäischen Staaten müssen schnellstmöglich selbst verteidigungsfähig werden." Das sagt nicht nur Weber, denn hinter solchen Forderungen stehen auch Ex-Außenminister Joschka Fischer und der Politikwissenschaftler Herfried Münkler. Sie fordern ebenfalls eine eigene atomare Abschreckung der EU.
Zwei Jahre Kriegsgeschrei haben scheinbar alle europäische Zurückhaltung auf Null reduziert. Jegliche Überlegung zu den Folgen eines Atomkriegs und eventuell mögliche diplomatische Schritte zur Vermeidung eines Weltungergangs werden einfach ausgeblendet.
Dabei gilt weiterhin die Maxime des Kalten Kriegs: Wer zuerst schießt, stirbt als Zweiter. In welchem Bunker haben die oben Genannten ihr Gehirn abgegeben?
Mehr dazu bei https://www.morgenpost.de/politik/article240798014/Atommacht-Europa-Braucht-Deutschland-Zugriff-auf-die-Bombe.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xR Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8618-20231214-keine-sieger-in-einem-atomkrieg.html
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