jaskiersbeloved · 6 years
Okay but imagine Magnus being so frustrated about some client. Like he made everything perfectly but the client was still claiming he didn’t.
Magnus, because he’s a professional hasn’t shown any hint of anger and politely convinced the client that he did the potion in a right way. Fortunetly the client left with that damn potion and Magnus returned to his office where the emotions outbursted.
He wanted to check something in one of his books, but frustrated threw it behind him. Yet, suprisingly he hadn’t heard the sound of the book hitting the floor. He turned around and to his suprise it was his Alexander standing behind him with the book in his hand and a very concerned look on his face. Yet his lips were curled into a warm smile.
- Busy day?
He asked. Magnus just smiled and went to hug him.
- Yes - he said, sighing while feeling how Alexander’s arms embraced him. He felt himself relaxing. - But i’m glad you are here.
Alec said nothing just smiled and kissed him on the top of his head.
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lecrit · 6 years
Okay Lu, so by now you already know I’m a sucker for your fics ! I heard something about a Malec divorce fic..? With Jackie if I remember good enough? Care to share about an eventual soon update? 🙄👀 I hope you enjoy your time in Canada!!
Hi, darling!
The divorce fic is still happening, of course. It’s taking time because… well, chapter 1 is over and at 22k, and chapter 2 is in the works but it’s already at 27,5k and we still have a few scenes to write for this one so let’s just say we have zero chill.
I hope you’re ready for angst, though. You should be warned.
Thank you
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I JUST REACHED 700 FOLLOWERS ! I want to thank you all so much for making my days brighter, me getting involved into Shadowhunters was one of the best things that could have happened to me!! To celebrate this, I’m gonna do some blogrates !
following me because I want to thank my followers
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send me and ask with the emoji 🍁 & tell me your fav music at the moment
url - don’t get it | ok | good | awesome | flawless | i wish I could steal it | ALEC LIGHTWOOD
icon -  don’t get it | ok | pretty cute | omg awesome | tempted to steal it | MAGNUS BANE
mobile theme -  okay | nice | amazing | wow I really like it | I think I’m in love | perfect | CLARY FRAY 
content - don’t really like it | nice, but not my aesthetic | I like it | omg amazing | gonna reblog everything bye | everything on ur blog is a gift from god | JACE HERONDALE
overall -  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | IZZY LIGHTWOOD
following - no sorry | not my fandom | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | always and forever | you’re one of my fav blogs
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(blacklist cam does blogrates if you don’t want to see it)
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
based on @latinalightwood‘s tags on this post, here’s the untold story of the psychic that lived beside the hunter’s moon, and how that particular character witnessed some parts of malec’s epic love story unfold from a distance.
the sound of the busy street outside of the hunter’s moon echoed through her ears as she made her way back to her quiet and modest home. she held on to her bags of supplies as she walked amongst the loud crowd of gleeful people, whom she noticed were a bit tipsy from the alcohol they must’ve consumed that night. it was no surprise to her to see such people along the street—her dwelling place was beside a bar, after all. she was cautious as she walked past them, and she stared quietly as the group disintegrated towards their own respective routes, a few ‘goodbye’s’ and ‘good night’s’ were thrown into the cold air of the night. 
when all of those people were gone, she slipped past the metal gate towards the dark alleyway filled with discarded boxes and a few trash bags on the ground. the sound of her boots splashing on the wet pavement was somewhat comforting, but also made her slightly miserable, since it meant that she’ll be back to her empty apartment, left alone to her thoughts. as she moved forward to the depths of the alley, the neon lights of her ‘psychic’ sign—as she noticed—was hard to miss, yet there were only a few people who would come to her to ask for readings. business wasn’t as big as she would’ve imagined, but it was enough for her to survive—for now. she sighed heavily as she reached for her door and slipped in the keys, turning the knob and pushing herself inside. 
she dropped her bags heedlessly on the nearby table, her other hand reaching up at her neck and  started rubbing the tension away from them, making her eyes close for a bit. when she opened them up again, she took a moment to look at her surrounding, and the emptiness of her house made her let out another tired breath. 
i need a drink, she thought to herself. 
the atmosphere of the hunter’s moon was in its usual state, with people chattering away and laughing with their peers by the tables, and a handful of others were by the bar, either drinking quietly or making their conversations with other strangers who found solace in their company. as she made her way around the bar, she looked around for maia, the beautiful bartender that she usually talked with whenever she comes in to drink. she remembers thinking how easy it was to talk to that girl, and how quickly it was for them to hit it off and become friends. she needed that same warm feeling that maia brings with her, but that night, she realized that her favorite bartender was nowhere in sight.
“whiskey on the rocks, please.” she said to the other available bartender, who nodded as they tried to serve countless others who were also requesting their own drinks. 
while waiting for her drink, she tried her best to distract the aching feeling that’s been tugging on her chest that night. she scanned the place for anything particularly interesting to look at, and her eyes caught on two figures laughing and teasing by the pool table. she frowned as she noticed one of them was a tall man with a large tattoo on his neck, who took a break from the game to sip on what appears to be APA. curiously, she let her gaze fall towards the other figure with him, and she saw another man, very well-dressed, with a spiked-up hair and a few rings that graced his fingers. the two men looked to be enjoying a competitive game of pool against each other, and their laughter and radiant energy somehow drew her full attention, only to be interrupted with the arrival of her drink. she turned her eyes back towards the amused bartender and mumbled a low ‘thank you’ as she handed them her payment and tip. the bartender replied with a smile and a nod, then they left her alone again to her enjoy lonely night. 
the night went on without much excitement to distract her, except for the drinks she ordered and that time she overheard a few drunk people arguing over something ridiculous that made her chuckle for a bit. however, every now and again, she finds herself glancing back to the two men she saw earlier, who eventually left the pool table and migrated to the other side of the bar. they seemed to be deep in a hushed conversation, with their earlier fun and cheerful aura replaced with something else—tension, nervousness, doubt, and little bit of awkwardness. these things were all too familiar for her, and it was then when she realized that it might’ve been the pair’s first date. the realization made her smile to herself as she reminisced her very first date with her girlfriend, although the happy memories didn’t last long as her heart started to crumble on her chest as thoughts of her lingered at the back of her mind. 
with a sigh, she chugged down the remainder of her drink and decided to leave. when she stood up, the bartender glanced to her immediately, to which she said, “can you tell maia that i dropped by?” with an expectant look on her face. the bartender nodded, and she flashed them a smile before she turned around and walked away towards the back of the bar that leads to her home. she walked past the two men on her way there, and she unintentionally overhead the spiky-haired man say, “—but right now i’m here, with you,” in a reassuring voice as the tattooed guy appeared to be stunned with whatever he heard from his date earlier. 
i hope things work out between the two of you, she found herself thinking, subtly glancing back to them  and silently wishing them the best before she disappeared behind the back doors of the bar, into the shadows of the night. 
“i heard you came in here last week,” maia said with a smile that could light up the entire room. “i’m sorry i wasn’t here when you did. something came up with luke that day and i—” 
“maia, it’s fine.” she reassured her, finding herself smiling brightly at the woman in front of her. 
that night, she found herself slipping back inside the hunter’s moon again after a tiring day of working on another job she recently got. when she came in, she was glad to see her favorite bartender back at the bar, and maia immediately greeted her when they locked eyes in the always-crowded room. after giving each other a tight hug, both of them settled in their usual spot, and found themselves lost in their stories as they tried to catch up with each other. at some point during their conversation, she brought up about maia’s gorgeous outfit, and teased her about having a date. to her slight surprised, maia blushed shyly, before quickly mentioning that she’ll be hanging out with a guy named simon later that night. she chuckled at maia’s adorable reaction to her teasing, and she genuinely wished her luck, silently praying that this simon guy will be nice and treat her right. 
just as they were laughing about a funny story that happened to her a few days ago, she noticed maia’s attention flew past her for a moment as a man came through the front door. she followed her gaze and watched as the man approached the bar and gracefully sat at one of the seats beside her. he looks oddly familiar, she thought, looking at his face closely. the man had a spiked-up hair and black eyeliner around his eyes, and was sporting a goatee. his fingers were full of rings, and his wrist had a few bracelets around them. a few seconds later, she realized that she might’ve stared too long and glanced away as quickly as she could. she turned and saw maia giving the man a welcoming smile, then the bartender excused herself from their conversation, to which she just nodded. she sipped on her whiskey rocks and tried to look around the place, but somehow her attention was drawn back to him. she felt frustrated—she saw him before, but where?—but she tried to not let it bother her too much. the man beside her quietly thanked maia as he slipped a hundred dollar bill on the table, and she watched as maia tried to tell him, “on the house for my best tipper,” while pouring the martini on the glass. she tried to tune out the rest of their conversation, but bits and pieces of it still made its way to her ears—“what do you got there?” “a gift.” “is it from someone special?” “i think so.” 
it was after processing everything when it all finally clicked on her mind. this is that guy, she thought with a smile as she remembered seeing him with the tattooed man last week. the man stood up with his martini and went ahead towards the other side of the room, and she finally looked up and saw maia coming back to her. 
“i assume he’s frequent around here,” she said, nodding towards the man’s retreating figure. maia smiled, and nodded. 
“yeah, magnus is one of the best customers i’ve ever encountered here,” maia replied, holding up a beer mug as she looked for any spots she might’ve missed while cleaning it. “he’s a really generous guy, and a great friend—it’s always nice to see him around here.” 
not knowing what to say to that, she quietly hummed in response while also taking note of the man’s name. she thought about how magnus responded to maia’s inquiries earlier, and she smiled as she realized that the special someone is most likely the man he was with last week. with a deep sigh, she shook her head lightly and quietly chuckled at how ridiculous she is from speculating a bunch of strangers’ romantic endeavors. get yourself together. you don’t even know them, she reminded herself. after gathering her thoughts properly, she took a sip of her drink and quickly slipped back into another conversation with maia, which the bartender gladly entertained with a laugh. 
the rain finally stopped that night, yet the brisk wind that came with it stayed around for a while, much to her annoyance and dismay. she hated the cold weather—no, she despises it—and she felt utterly helpless as there is no other thing she could do about it. with a defeated sigh, she wrapped the large blanket around her shivering frame, and she shuffled towards her kitchen to make herself some nice warm tea to battle the cool temperature. 
she could’ve went to the hunter’s moon again that night, but as she was about to enter earlier, she stopped dead on her track as she saw the words closed: private party in bold letters plastered on the front doors of the bar. utterly confused and curious as she always was, she sneaked a peek at the windows and saw a few familiar faces mixed with unfamiliar ones. she spotted luke at the middle of the crowded room, holding out a bottle of champagne as everyone laughed and cheered along with him. she also saw simon standing at the side with a glass in hand, and she could make out maia’s curly locks as she stood with her back facing the door. they all seemed pretty busy celebrating, and after thinking that she probably looked bizarre standing there, she decided to head back home just as the rain started pouring down on the pavement.
she stood at her kitchen, leaning back at the counter as she waited for the kettle to boil. while waiting, she tried to distract herself by picking on her nails—a nervous habit she acquired through the years. after a while, the silence became quite deafening for her, and it reminded her more of the happier times when it didn’t. she looked up from her hands and her eyes directly stared at the chair she used to sit on, and the knowledge of not seeing her there still pains her, even after a year of living without her.   
before her thoughts wandered into deeper territory, the kettle whistled—signaling her that her tea was ready.
she grabbed her tea and made her way towards her little office, where she left some of her paperwork for the other job she had that day. a frown settled onto her face as she realized that her neon lights sign was turned off, and she huffed out a tired sigh as she made her way to the other end of the room where the switch was. with a simple flick of her finger, the lights outside buzzed to life, showing a mix of pink, purple, and blue glow that illuminated some parts of the dark alleyway. she stared fondly at her sign from the window, and a proud smirk found itself on her lips at the sight of the brilliant color choices she’d made. before she went back to her table, she saw something moved from outside. 
she went near the window and noticed someone emerging from the back door of the hunter’s moon. as the light hit the figure’s appearance, she was surprised to see the familiar face of the neck-tattooed guy—alec was his name, as maia pointed out to her before. from her view, alec appeared to be anxious as he started shaking away his nerves from his arms. she watched as he turned back around just as another figure emerged from the shadows of the door, and she instantly recognized the other person—it was magnus. 
the two men stood a few feet apart, rocking on their heels as they waited there silently, soaking in each other’s presence like they haven’t been together for a while. from where she stood, she could tell that the air surrounding them was tensed, with both of them looking worried—and dare she say, terrified—as they try to find their composure. a tight-lipped smile from magnus was all it took for alec to dig up his courage to speak up, and she wondered what he said that made magnus cross his arms on his chest—as if he was trying to hold himself together. she sensed the vulnerability of the two as they bared their souls to each other, but there was also this strong want—this urgent need—to be together, to crash into each other’s arms, to say fuck, i don’t think i would want to live without you. she could tell these things from alec’s determined yet gentle expression as his eyes shined under the neon lights, and it was also evident in the way magnus glanced up with this mix of surprise and fondness as the realization hit him hard on his chest. 
these two love each other so much, she concluded, taking another sip of her tea as the scene outside her home began to slowly unfold before her eyes. these two reminded her so much of the love she once had, and it warms her heart to watch them experience this—this once in a lifetime kind of love that left you breathless, but also full of passion and life. 
inch by inch, the two lovers moved closer as a few more words escaped their lips. she assumed their exchange was a good one, and it was confirmed later on as she saw both of them finally relaxed as the space between them slowly grew smaller and smaller. she felt that the earlier tension between them got swept off with the cold wind, and was replaced with a lighter tone as she saw them share a quiet laugh. not long after that, she smiled into her cup as the lovers melt into each other when their lips crashed into a soft and sweet kiss, and their connected bodies were drenched with the colors of the neon lights as well as the illuminated lanterns that graced the top of the alley. her smile grew bigger as she saw the two decided to leave the celebration early with their arms around each other, and she quietly wished them luck and happiness as they went farther away into the night.   
yup, i think i’m good for tonight, she hummed, taking another sip of her now cold tea before going back to her table with a huge contented smile on her lips.
A/N: this is unbeta’d, so apologies for any mistakes made. also, sorry for not using proper capitalization and all that shizz.
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stabbykiri · 7 years
I don’t know why Tumblr keeps unfollowing me from you!! 😩 Don’t take this as a I don’t like you, tumblr fix your shit!!
@staff stop keeping Camille and I apart
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blueeyedgrlwrites · 7 years
Hey Meg 🤗 are you planning another chapter of AYHABMT soon ? :) I'm not speeding you, just wanted to know, take all the time you need x 💛
The short answer is yes. I am. 
The longer answer is that there’s been a lot going on irl lately, namely that my depression and anxiety got out of hand and as a result, I just found myself lacking the mental energy and overall desire needed to write. I’m only just now finding my way back to it, but I still have my days/nights where I am mentally (and in turn, physically) exhausted and the words just don’t come.
At the moment, I’m solidly in the headspace for the next chapter of A Tiny Spark. But chapter 4 of AYHABMT is outlined. It just needs to be written. I need to get back to my stupid pining idiots. I miss them. 
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malecislovely-blog · 7 years
Horus, Olwen, Vesta ♥ :)
Horus - What is one thing you’ve had to fight for in your life?Self acceptance. It’s still a struggle at times, but it’s worth a fight seeing yourself in a positive light.
Olwen - What is your favorite flower?Orange calla lilies or sunflowers. So pretty!
Vesta - Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can?I wish I could go out more! Even if it’s just to the movies or dinner, I’d love to just GO!  
Send me more!
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s0ftmalec · 7 years
I don't know why tumblr unfollowed you, the fuck??? Or was it just a bug bc now I do? Well I don't know, just be sure of that: I will NEVER unfollow you Simone!! Okay tho I was here for this ⭐️⭐️
ahhh tumblr doesn’t like me tbh ITS ALWAYS RUDE TO ME
CAMILLE oh man, you’re just the best okay??? you’re super lovely and wonderful and i love seeing you on my dash and also on the gc. you tend to make me smile everytime i come on and you’re there and you’re super friendly and i love it :’)
send me a ⭐️ and i’ll say some nice shit about you
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kinnsporsche · 7 years
Vikki have I told you how much I love your hair color ?? Like I couldn't even do that to me, but it suits you soooooo well!! Well I wanted to spread some love, here is yours 🤗
ahhhhhh camille stop it thank u so much i lov u
its faded so much now tho i need to redo it
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henryandalex · 7 years
🦋 congrats on 7k this is just incredible !!! I think your otp thing is great, even if it's not related to the show it's related to the books and I think it's great! :) I would recommend to you "AlxSteele" on ao3 for the fics, she deserves so much, her works are awesome, just get a look, you'll see ;) Have a nice day! ❤️
Aww, thank you, pumpkin. You’re so sweet! @bane-of-brooklyn spoke so highly of “Plus One” just yesterday. So thanks again for the reminder to finally read their fics. (Sidenote: I need more hours per day, bye!)
url: | don’t get it | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ALEC LIGHTWOOD
icon: | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD
theme: | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | MAIA ROBERTS
updates tab: | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | SIMON LEWIS
posts: | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | LUKE GARROWAY
overall: | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | MAGNUS BANE
following?: no but ily pumpkin | now I am | yes!!! | always and forever ♥
want one?
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jaskiersbeloved · 6 years
So imagine this:
Alec likes to sketch. It's his form of relaxing. After he met Magnus he has started to draw him everyday with different techniques.
Sometimes just pencils, sometimes charochal or markers. He loves to do that. And right after he learned about Magnus' true eyes he really wanted to draw them. So he has started to try. But, surprisingly he never could got them right. Like ever. Something always seemed to be a bit off to him.
So he has started to gently persuade Magnus to let the glamour down when they are alone just to mesmerise to beauty of them. Slowly, really slowly, Magnus started to do so.
On one of particularly peaceful evenings Magnus caught Alec staring at his eyes and asked him what he was looking for in them. Alec only smiled but Magnus asked him again making those puppy eyes that he knew Alec could not resist. So Alec blabbed and told him about the drawings. Magnus wanted to see the sketchbook ASAP and Alec, with a deep sigh, brought it to him.
While Magnus was in awe, looking through the sketchbook, stunned by Alec's skills, the shadowhunter looked at him and finally it striked him. He know what was missing in his drawings. The pure spark that Magnus has in his eyes that made them feel so alive. Plus he noticed that depending on the angle that light were hitting the eyes, it's colour were slightly changing.
He smiled to himself and brang Magnus close to him, ruffing his nose in the other man's hair and lightly smiled.
"I love you so much" he whispered.
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highwarlockkareena · 7 years
Happy Birthday Kareena!!! :D I hope you're having a nice day !! If you dare to continue posting the way you did last year then everything's gonna be fine haha!! I really love your stuff and you seem so like a great person!
Thank you, Camille! This is such a sweet message, thank you and I’ll try to keep up posting and reblogging all the good content for you! You’re so kind, you also seem so lovely, thank you! Enjoy your day
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alecsimon · 7 years
I just bought the Naked Heat Palette and OH MY GOD this is soooo pigmented and the colors are just wow !! What about you? Faves?? :D
i’ve actually heard great things about it!! to me it’s in the trend of warm tones aka it reminds me a little too much of the modern renaissance palette so i’m not wild about that trend since i’m someone who wears blues and greens and teals and weird colors i actually never tried an urban decay palette!!
in terms of palettes? i’ll rank all of mine to make it easier
my All Time Favorite eyeshadows are makeup geek ooooh my god the formula is amazing the pigment is amazing i own a whole palette and i’m eagerly waiting for marlena to release more colors ok 10/10
next is probably the manny mua makeup geek palette i don’t really support him anymore but that palette is fucking GORGeOUS it hurts me i could use only that palette for the rest of my life
the shade & light palette by kat von d is the creamiest?? and so so good??? every brown shade u will ever need ever
the metal matte palette from kat von d was limited edition but the colors and great and right up my alley by being a mix of browns and bronzes to like a bright ass blue shimmer
the natural matte by too faced was my first palette ever and i love love it i hit pan on 3 shades already rip
the alchemist palette is unique as fUCK i love using it when i’m doing monotone looks
the serpentina palette by kvd was a gift and i love some of the shades but its prob my least favorite kvd palette i own
lastly i have a nyx palette i’m not crazy about but its easy to travel with and i don't value it so if it shatters i don't really care so yaknow
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
I dedicate this short fic to my our loft in brooklyn family. Thank you for the never-ending headcanons, both angst and fluff, that are sooo amazing and wonderful and emotional. Also, thank you for encouraging me to write this thing down after I shared the idea in the chat. Hope you all enjoy it! I love each and every one you of so much!! xx <3
The New York Institute was on high alert as the swarm of demons and other creatures from hell caused devastation and despair right outside of the holy walls of the old church. The once-imminent war ultimately broke out a few hours before, and the casualties from both sides were rising as Shadowhunters and Downworlders finally put aside their differences to defend their world from being taken over. The main holding area of the Institute was crowded, with every single race—nephilim, warlocks, seelies, vampires, and werewolves—gearing themselves up as they waited for the next moment to strike. It was a rare sight to see the tension between these diverse group of people to die down, to see each and every one interact and give one another strength and comfort through this dark time. As his eyes scanned around the room, Alec wondered how things would’ve been if all of them had been a united front a lot sooner.
As he continued to scan through all this chaos, his alliance rune was pulling him towards the direction of the other side of the room. His hazel eyes looked around and found a familiar pair—he could recognize those dark brown eyes anywhere—and he let out a sigh of relief. He struggled his way through the crowd as a few swords and armors were bumping onto him, but his eyes never left his as he walked closer and closer. He noticed that Magnus was also walking towards him, and he was also fighting through the people in the way between them. 
When they finally met near the entrance, they somehow found enough room for them to share a moment. Both of them stood quietly, sharing a worried smile as they took in every detail of each other as much as they can. It took a while, but Magnus eventually broke the stillness when he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Alec’s waist. Alec, in turn, wrapped his arms around the love of his life and buried his face at the space between Magnus’s neck and shoulders. The pair of lovers clung to each other tightly, and if both of them had their way, they would never want to let each other go. They knew all too well that they eventually have to, but they tried to push those thoughts back as they try to find peace in each other’s arms.
A moment later, Magnus slightly pulled back and stared at Alec with a worried look on his face. Their faces were mere inches away from each other, and Alec could feel Magnus’s warm breath as the High Warlock of Brooklyn whispered, “I could feel the wards weakening around the whole building. It won’t hold for much longer.”
Alec sighed, closed his eyes, and nodded. “I know. They’re getting closer.”
Magnus reached out and placed his hand at the side of Alec’s neck, and his thumb lightly caressed the deflect rune that decorated most of that side. Alec held onto Magnus’s wrist and placed a kiss on the rune that he drew there a few hours ago. With a strong urge to be closer, he leaned in and rested his forehead against Magnus’s, and both of them let out a heavy breath as they listened to their hearts beating in time with each other.
Alec leaned back to place a lingering kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead as he murmured, “We should probably go and take our positions.”
Magnus nodded in agreement, and both of them slowly unwrapped themselves from each other’s arms. As Alec was about to turn and walk back to the middle platform of the room, Magnus remembered something important and he immediately grabbed hold of his boyfriend’s arm. The Head of the New York Institute turn back to his lover with a confused and worried look on his face, but Magnus slid his hand to hold Alec's as his other hand reached at the pocket of his trousers.
“I want you to have this,” he said as he placed a small charm on Alec’s hand and closed it tightly with both of his own. He lightly shook his head as a small smile appeared on his lips, “I can’t believe I almost forgot to give it to you.”
Alec looked down and placed his other hand on top of Magnus’s, who dropped his other hand so that his boyfriend could take a look at what he got for him. The little charm was a small rectangular one, with a vibrant color of orange on it’s body and a small white rope at the top of it. It was decorated with a few writings on it, and it made Alec feel a wave of emotions because it was a very familiar amulet. He realized that it was the omamori, the very same one that he bought Magnus when they went on date in Tokyo. 
“Why are you giving this back to me?” he asked quietly, a little crease formed between his eyebrows. “This is for you, Magnus. I want you to have it.” 
Magnus flashed him a smile, and he shook his head as he reached his other hand in the inside pocket of his jacket. When he got what he wanted, he placed his hand beside Alec’s, and he presented an identical omamori charm that looked exactly as the one Alec is currently holding.   
“A few days ago, I went back to Tokyo to work with an old client,” Magnus began, looking directly at Alec with a gentle look in his eyes. “After I was done, I was walking through the same street we went through during our date, and I saw an old shop at the corner that sold a lot of Japanese charms. It instantly reminded me of you, and how you somehow managed to sneak out and buy me this omamori while I wasn’t looking.” 
Alec couldn’t speak, so Magnus chuckled, and continued, “I decided to buy you one, and I was supposed to give it to you sooner, but a lot of shit happened recently and I never got the chance. But I guess it’s okay, since you need it now, more than ever.”
Alec looked down and studied both of their hands, but Magnus lifted his free hand to tilt his head back up to look at him. Magnus leaned it closer and rested his palm lightly on Alec’s cheek as he whispered, “Alexander, I’m not the only one who should have luck and protection. I want you to have those, too.”
Alec looked down as a few tears formed around his eyes. He was speechless, but he clutched on to his own omamori tightly as he looked back up to Magnus. He didn't say anything, but Magnus understood Alec so much that he knew that his boyfriend loved. Alec leaned in and placed his lips against Magnus’s in a quick but sweet kiss, and he breathed out a low “Thank you” as he rested his forehead against his boyfriend’s own. 
Magnus kissed the tip of his nose, then he leaned away as he helped Alec placed the omamori in the pocket of his lucky denim shirt, just near his heart. Once it was there, Magnus patted it in a fond way, to which Alec smiled lovingly. 
“When all of this is over, we should definitely go back to Tokyo.” 
Magnus chuckled, and nodded eagerly. “Yes, we should definitely go back.” 
Both of them shared a quiet laugh, but they were promptly interrupted when Magnus felt a few powerful blows around the last remaining defensive wards around the Institute. Alec also felt them through the rune he shared with the High Warlock, and both of them looked at each other in concern. Magnus turned around and caught sight of a few of his warlock friends and acquaintances, who also felt the strong disturbance around the building. 
“They’re coming.” Magnus announced, his tone immediately turned serious as he looked back towards Alec. “The wards are going to fall down at any moment.” 
Alec nodded, and he grabbed Magnus’s hand as he pulled his boyfriend with him towards the platform at the middle of the room. They bumped through a few of their family, friends, and allies on the way, and most of them quickly understood that the time has come to fight.   
Their enemies are already at their door, knocking on it aggressively. Those demons are eager to grab hold  and annihilate any soul they could dragged down with them, and they are hungry for their flesh and thirsty for their blood. 
“It’s happening,” Magnus announced as he stepped on the platform with Alec, staring at the crowd before them. Everybody in the room grew silent, and they all listened as Magnus added,  “They’re coming in.” 
“Everyone, take your positions,” Alec called out loudly. He took out his stele and fully-activated the rune that connected him with Magnus, and everyone watched as the alliance rune glowed a mixture of fiery red and a cold blue hue on their marked skin. With a quick movement using his stele, Alec summoned his bow and arrows on his hands, and he took a deep breath as he held them in a relaxed yet prepared position. 
The rest of the nephilim collectively activated their alliance runes, and every rune in the room glowed as each souls of both Shadowhunters and Downworlders united in a harmonious display of strength and unity. When the short ceremony was done, the large group hurriedly split up around the halls and floors of the building. Each members of the diverse group had prepared themselves with their choice of weapons: the vampires showed their lethal fangs out; the seelies used their connection with nature to manipulate their surroundings while also battling with their spears; the pack transformed into their werewolf form and roamed around with their allies; the warlocks cast defensive spells around their groups and are also ready for any offensive spells needed; and the nephilim expertly leads their respective groups around the halls and floors, while also being ready to strike anything with their seraph blades. 
Alec looked around at the remaining group left, which consists of his family and friends. He stared at each of their faces as he followed Magnus down the platform. 
“I guess this is it, then,” Magnus muttered solemnly, a rush of magic already pulsing through his veins. His hands twitched slightly, and a few sparks of magic formed around them, all the way to his wrist. 
Alec turned to look at his man, the love of his life, and the way he stood there waiting as he subtly played around with his magic. Looking at him made Alec more confident, knowing that he’ll be able to defend and fight for the Shadow World and its people with the man he loves by his side. 
“Yes, Alexander?” 
“I love you,” Alec said, staring at Magnus with such conviction and certainty. At those words, the rune on both of their respective wrist started to glow more brightly, and both of them could’ve sworn that the omamori in their pockets somehow felt a little bit heavier than before. 
Magnus stared at him with a look full of love and assurance. He smiled, and the magic surrounding his arm quickly vanished as he reached out and took Alec’s hand on his own. “I love you, too.” 
Both of them gripped tightly on their intertwined hands before they felt the last strike outside the wall, and the Institute’s wards collapsing around them. Immediately after, the swarm of demons came rushing in through every opening possible, and the sound of metal swishing through demonic beings and spirits shrieking as they disintegrated filled the whole room.   
As Alec aimed his arrow at an approaching demon, he watched as his arrow flew above with a flash of red magic circling around it in lightning speed. The impact of it instantly killed the demon, and at least two surrounding others behind it. 
He turned around to see Magnus smirking at him from a distance, with his amber cat eyes burning brightly among the darkness.
With a slight shook of his head, Alec’s focus went back to the battle at hand. Magnus also shifted his stance as an incoming demon made its way to him. Both of them stood firmly on their positions; both of them feeling the runes working as they shared their energy, skills, and abilities with one another.
But what surprised them was the feeling of the omamori near their hearts, connecting their souls as they fight through the war raging around them.
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harryshmjr · 7 years
Happy Birthday my dear Marta!! ❤️ I hope you had a nice day! I would recommend you continue spamming us with Harry's pics for the following year and everything is gonna be so okay!! 😜😇
i will definitely try my very best 😂thank you ❤❤❤
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passionpitobsession · 7 years
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