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Woah no way?? People (completely unprompted /s) want to hear my trans Shakespeare headcanons?? You bet I can do that.
I’ve done this once before:
But I have even more thoughts now!!
In no particular order:
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Every single pronoun possible. He/she/they/it + all of the neopronouns and xenopronouns that exist currently or will ever exist. Fairy gender is always weird but Puck’s is extra weird.
Oberon (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Fairy gender. Probably he/they/it?
Titania (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): More fairy gender. She/they/it?
Titania’s fairy attendants (Midsummer): Get a hat and fill it with various pronouns and draw them out at random for the fairies.
Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing): Could go either way, but I really like the idea of transfemme Benedick. Or he/him lesbian Benedick.
Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing): The she/they to end all she/theys
Viola/Cesario (Twelfth Night): Could be trans in literally any direction. I made a post about this too at some point. My suggestion is all of the directions: they/she/he
Sebastian (Twelfth Night): He/him, transmasc. I also made a post about this at some point.
Feste (Twelfth Night): I saw a great she/her Feste last summer.
Orsino (Twelfth Night): Specifically the himbo variety of he/they
Margaret of Anjou (Henry VI trilogy and Richard III): If I ever play Margaret, I will use she/they pronouns.
Catesby (Richard III): Just played Catesby with she/her pronouns and it worked!
Richard II (Richard II): Tell me Richard isn’t the most they/he or he/they guy alive (or… dead).
Hal (1 Henry IV-Henry V): Saw Hal played with she/they pronouns last summer and it was great. Could also see he/they Hal. Very nonbinary vibe overall. I personally believe that going by Hal rather than Henry for two whole plays is their way of pulling the “going by the first letter of what my name used to be instead of picking a name from scratch” nonbinary trick. He probably pretends to be cis after his dad dies and he becomes king—one more element of Hal’s lifelong identity crisis.
Hotspur/Harry Percy Jr. (Richard II & 1 Henry IV): He/they in denial.
Kate Percy (1 & 2 Henry IV): She/they, not in denial. (Also Katespur should be bi4bi)
Ned Poins (1 & 2 Henry IV): Transmasc Ned Poins?? Maybe he doesn’t actually have a sister and Nell is just his deadname. Ned Poins’ failed scheme to flirt with Hal.
Romeo (Romeo & Juliet): he/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Juliet (Romeo & Juliet): she/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet): they/he(/it?). Vibes alone. Look at them. Just look.
Nurse (Romeo & Juliet): she/her, transfemme!
Cassius (Julius Caesar): Would love to see a they/them Cassius
Hamlet (Hamlet): he/they. I’ve made multiple posts about this theory and I still love it.
Ophelia (Hamlet): she/they. As she should.
Laertes (Hamlet): she/him and NOT just because Laertes used she/her pronouns the first time I saw this play.
Rosencrantz (Hamlet): he/they/she. Vibes. Sometimes goes by Ros/Rose. Probably genderfluid.
Malcolm (Macbeth): they/he or they/them. Also vibes.
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth): stolen straight from my last post because this is still my HC: she/they; would insult you for “having pronouns in your bio” and then turn around and punch you in the face for using their pronouns incorrectly.
Angus (Macbeth): she/her, transfemme. (t4t Ross/Angus. I will die on this hill… Dunsinane Hill.)
Ross (Macbeth): he/him, transmasc
Caithness (Macbeth): she/they lesbian
Mark Antony (Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra): I would not bat an eye at he/they Mark Antony
Edmund (King Lear): they/he, nonbinary, sexiest man (/gn) alive.
Edgar (King Lear): he/him. Transmasc Edgar is slowly becoming canon To Me.
Cordelia (King Lear): she/her, transfemme.
Goneril (King Lear): she/they. I would let them kill me.
Coriolanus (Coriolanus): transmasc OR transfemme Coriolanus is!!!! The butterfly/metamorphosis motif! Name changes during canon! Discomfort with scars/body! Lack of autonomy granted by society! This is THE transgender play. (Other than Twelfth Night)
Imogen (Cymbeline): Tell me she doesn’t want to be a she/they so bad.
Florizel (The Winter’s Tale): he/they(/she?). Literally just a vibe. I have a pet rock named Florizel.
Perdita (The Winter’s Tale): she/they. I also have a pet rock named Perdita.
Ariel (The Tempest): Similar to Puck, probably they/she/he? Even my conservative English prof consistently rotates between she/her and he/him for Ariel (possibly not intentionally? I’m not convinced he knows what her canon pronouns are.)
Ferdinand (The Tempest): she/they. PLEASE give me transfemme Ferdinand. PLEASE let Miranda realize she’s a lesbian during canon.
Miranda (The Tempest): she/they. Ariel taught them about the existence of she/they pronouns and she immediately started using them.
So in other words… every Shakespeare character should be trans, actually.
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malvoliowithin · 2 years
Hotspur: It's for the greater good
Kate: Greater good? I'm your wife, I'm the greatest good you're ever gonna get!
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skeleton-richard · 3 years
Okay, question for the Shakespeare fandom: who plays your favorite version of Hotspur in Henry IV Pt. 1? Any kind of performance counts.
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ask-the-histories · 5 years
Hey Lady Percy, got any marriage advice?
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“And always have aspirin handy.”
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schmergo · 6 years
Let's be real, Hotspur never proposed to Kate. She overheard him bumping around in his room yelling to himself trying to figure out how to propose to her and she just walked right in and said, "Save yourself the trouble, I'll marry you, you idiot."
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themalhambird · 6 years
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Kate’s family were terrifying. 
The hurt-Kate-and-I’ll-kill-you thing had been sweet when it had been Edmund: Edmund was twelve for fuck’s sake, he was tiny and scowling fiercely just made him look cute. Little brother trying to protect older, way more competent and more to the point grown up sister because that was just what siblings did.
Henry Plantagenet’s threat had been civil enough: one former soldier to another over a pint, a casual “hurt her and I’ll break your arm” and then on to different things. 
On the other hand, Edward had asked to speak with a moment, a serious look on his face and Harry, guessing what was coming, had joked about it- ‘if I hurt her you’ll kill me?’ And Edward had looked him straight in the eyes and said, very calmly. “Oh, I won’t need to kill you. Kate can take care of herself. That being said, there at least twenty seven different places I can think of to hide a body up at The House, and if Kate should ever require it I’ll be more than happy to help her make sure parts of you end up in all of them.”
It left Harry cold. Not so much the threat- though somehow, he knew that Edward meant it and so did Henry. But...they didn’t trust him, to take care of Kate? He wasn’t going to hurt her, he loved her, for fuck’s sake, he’d do anything for her! And now he was sitting in some swanky coffee place that made him squirm, with Richard fucking Plantagenet sitting opposite him and looking like some supermodel, and not talking, and Harry wished he’d just get on with whatever it was he’d asked Harry to come here to be threatened with-
Eventually, Richard put down his coffee with a deliberate chink of china on china. “So, you and Kate are serious, then. You’re moving in with each other?” he asked, as though he didn’t already know that.
“Um. Yes, “ Harry says, squirming some more.
“Well, if you need help.” Richard says, and picks up his coffee again. Henry stares. Was that a complete sentence? If he needed help what? If he needed help with what? What-
“I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this,” Richard said suddenly, putting his coffee back down. “Kate means a lot to me-”
Here it comes, Henry thought
“-and you mean a lot to Kate so I would like to get to know you better but honestly, I socialize better in parties.”
“Er- what?” Harry says, completely wrong footed. Richard looks embarrassed. 
“I just...find it easier. With more people. You can spend two minuets talking to someone, introduce them to someone else, and then slip away to talk to the next person for the next two minuets. All the appearance of engaging without actually having to do it.”
“You find it difficult to talk to people,” Harry said flatly. “You.”
Richard winced. “Ones I don’ t know particularly well, yes. It’s difficult. Getting to know someone through small talk often ends up becoming a stilted series of questions and answers and awkward silences while both parties cast about frantically for something no more than marginally stupid to comment on; I don’t like it. So, you’re moving in with Kate?” he said, with the air of a man casting about frantically for something no more than marginally stupid to comment on, and Harry nodded.
“Yes,” he said. “I’m really exited- Kate is- Kate is amazing, she’s just- she’s so kind, and funny, and smart, and sexy-” he flushed, realising that that last bit probably wasn’t something her cousin wanted to here, but Richard grinned.
“Well naturally,” he said, “She‘s a Plantagenet, we’re all  as hot as hell. You’re in love with her.” he added. “It’s obvious- you lit up when you started talking about her just now.”
“Yeah,” Harry grinned straight back, blushing. “I love her to pieces.”
“Have you told her?” Richard took another sip of her coffee, and Harry frowned.
“Well...I asked her to move in with me. And we hold hands all the time, and we kiss and oh fuck, I haven’t actually said it, have I? I mean....I just sort of assumed...” he twitched, aching to race off and correct his mistake, find Kate and tell her, right now, that he absolutely adored her and he wanted to make her happy every day for the rest of his life. That would probably be rude, though, to leave Richard- and something else crossed his mind. “So are you going to threaten me now?” he asked. “The whole, if you hurt Kate...thing. I had it from Edmund at the start of the week, and then Henry, and Edward yesterday and-”
“If my uncle in Gloucester offered you a large sum of money to never see or speak to Kate again, would you take it?” Richard interrupted.
Harry scowled. “Of course I wouldn’t-”
“Well, I don’t need to threaten you then, do I? You love her, you’re moving in with her, you’re both straight so you won’t get arrested and you can actually get married, if you want-” Richard broke off, and drained the rest of his coffee. “Sorry, that was...we’re more like siblings than cousins, really, Henry, Edward, Kate and I, we get protective. Still, if they’re making the effort of threatening you, it means they like you enough to actually want to stick around. And Kate...you make Kate very happy. She glows when she talks about you, too.”
“Really.” Richard smiled briefly, then stood up. “Anyway, this is it: you’re officially her serious boyfriend. I really would like to get to know you better, but I suppose that will come with time.”
“Yeah,” Harry said. 
“Come with Kate next time we all have coffee,” Richard suggested, as they walked out together. “It would be nice.”
“Sure.” they stopped outside the coffee shop, and looked slightly awkwardly at one another. “Right,” Harry said. “So...”
“So, I am going back to work. That way,” Richard twisted to the left, slightly. 
“Cool. And I am...going to go that way,” Harry said, gesturing in the opposite direction. “Thanks for coffee.”
“Oh, it’s fine. It was- well, anyway. I’ll see you around.” he smiled briefly, turned on his heel, and walked off. Five seconds later, Harry ran after him. 
“I mean it,,” he said. “Thanks. Not, for coffee, particularly, I mean, yes, for coffee, but. What you said. About Kate. And wanting to get to know me better, it. Means a lot. So. Thank you.”
“The worst thing a family can do is be unwelcoming to a partner,” Richard said softly. “It will ruin the relationship, or it will ruin the family, or it will do both. I want my cousin to be happy. You’re important to her, which means you’re important to the rest of us, as well, or you should be. That’s all. Kate’s happiness, with you- it’s the only thing that matters.”
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shookspears · 7 years
i’m in dire need of quality lady percy/hotspur content but i found like 3 people who post katespur. i’m inclined to contribute to this poor fandom but all i can do is perform o my good lord why are you thus alone? monologue and make pinterest boards
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bravemercutio · 7 years
Colors by Halsey can make for a really feels-y addition to a Katespur playlist
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ardenrosegarden · 7 years
Hotspur: Aw babe, you had a crush on me...that's embarrassing!
Kate: We're married.
Hotspur: Still...
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marcusbrutus · 7 years
Okay but fic 90 for Katespur?
drabble challenge
modern AU!
90. “I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Honey... I’m sorry to bother you, but we need a new desk.”
Hotspur looked at his wife and nodded, “Alright. I’ll stop by IKEA on the way home from work tomorrow to pick one up.”
Kate shook her head, “Oh no, I’m not buying IKEA furniture again!”
“Why not?”
“Remember what happened last time we bought a desk from IKEA?”
Memories flooded Hotspur’s mind as he recalled the unfortunate incident. ‘I don’t need to read the instructions’ he remembered proudly proclaiming. ‘The instruction book is just for people who don’t know what they’re doing!’ Like Icarus flying too close to the sun, Hotspur’s pride lifted him higher and higher until he found himself burning, burning with rage. The pieces wouldn’t fit, three screws were missing, and his once-clean (clean only thanks to Kate) office was now in shambles. His only saving grace had been his secretary who, luckily, had put together a similar desk at his home. 
“....Harry?” His wife’s voice called him back to reality, and it was only then that he realized he had been staring off into space that whole time.
He nodded. “You’re... you’re right. I’ll pick one up from Target on the way home tomorrow.”
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malvoliowithin · 6 years
Ship: Katespur!
who hogs the duvet: Hotspur of course and then Kate has to lie on top of him.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Hotspur. He sometimes calls too much (because he cares, and is a little bit anxious) and then Kate has to tell him to stop calling.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Kate. She’s great at that.
who gets up first in the morning: Kate, unless Hotspur has to leave for something early. But even then Kate will wake up so she can see him off. 
who suggests new things in bed: They both do. 
who cries at movies: Both of them. Hotspur tries to hide it but he’s not very good at it. 
who gives unprompted massages: Hotspur.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Kate, usually. Hotspur thinks he’s very tough when it comes to being sick but he in fact is not and will complain easily.
who gets jealous easiest: They both do a little, but it doesn’t ever get too serious because they genuinely trust each other. 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Hotspur. He likes the sound of Lady howling, so his musical taste is… something else. 
who collects something unusual: Kate collects leaves. She presses them and uses them to mark books. 
who takes the longest to get ready: Hotspur tends to be very slow in the mornings. 
who is the most tidy and organised: Kate keeps a neat home. Hotspur does his best not to mess stuff up because he knows she likes it the way it is, but he doesn’t mind clutter that much. 
who gets most excited about the holidays: Hotspur. He says it’s because of the kids, but really…
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Kate is the big spoon most of the time but sometimes they switch.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Hotspur. Kate does not let him win, though. She likes a challenge. 
who starts the most arguments: They honestly both start them on occasion although Hotspur starts more. That’s just how he is. 
who suggests that they buy a pet: Hotspur has already brought home six dogs (although Lady remains his favorite) and Kate has a bird which Hotspur could not say no to, because he brought home six dogs. 
what couple traditions they have: One their anniversary Hotspur likes to carry Kate into the house like they’re getting married again. She thinks this is silly but she lets him do it. Eventually it ends up that Little Harry will ride on his dad’s back and Kate carries Elizabeth so Hotspur can pick up his whole entire family at once. 
what tv shows they watch together: I don’t know why they seem like they would watch cooking shows but they do.
what other couple they hang out with: The Mortimers. (That’s canon though)
how they spend time together as a couple: They go riding together a lot, or take Lady for walks. 
who made the first move: Hotspur but he was very nervous.
who brings flowers home: Hotspur. He also brings leaves for Kate’s collection.
who is the best cook: Kate. Hotspur… tries.
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skeleton-richard · 3 years
for the ship meme: hotspur/kate
Ship It
What made you ship it? - I think it was the way they were played in the RSC Henry IV, with Trevor White and Jennifer Kirby. They were both really good as their characters on their own and they really played the relationship between Hotspur and Kate.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - I like how much they care about each other. Kate worries so much about her idiot husband and is up at night watching over him when he can't sleep. Hotspur tries to keep her out of danger when her family is involved in rebellion. Plus they're just weirdly cute okay. There's a lot of angst in their relationship but also they obviously tease each other and enjoy spending time with each other. And when played right, this can really soften hotspur and make him more sympathetic.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - Probably that Hotspur doesn't mean to hurt Kate or dismiss her concern, but that he can't properly communicate thanks to the PTSD. It's not unpopular among fans I know but the issue sometimes comes up in commentaries that don't take into consideration that Hotspur is very messed up and trauma can cause the conflicts he has with Kate.
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twostarsinonesphere · 5 years
tagged by @uisce-bitch
it's complicated
favourite colour
maroon or copper or burgundy
shules (psych usa), darejones (marvel), katespur (shakespeare), sonya/rodya (crime and punishment)
lipstick or chapstick
moisturizing lip gloss?
last song
barton hollow by the civil wars
last movie
northern exposure
@cadhla-marie @princess-of-france @skeleton-richard @lasaraleen @banphrionsanaheireann @nothing-but-our-own-red-blood
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princess-of-france · 5 years
21 Tag
Tagged by the marvelous @captainofthegreenpeas. Thank you, friend! :)
RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’d like to get to know better. (Make a separate post!)
I’m just going to tag a bunch of my friends—like the nosy neighbor I am—but if anyone wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you!
@skeleton-richard @themalhambird @thelibraryiscool @malvoliowithin @dragonarchaeologist @yunqideirish @lovesjustachemical @witty-fool @shredsandpatches @flappyfluellen @sleepinelysium​ @tollers-and-jack​ @luciftiana​ @snack-size-shakespeare​ @if-shakespeares-straight-i-quit​ @irrelevantlyvalid​ @sansaisalesbian​ @katespur-brokenmusic​ @catedevalois​ @necromancy-savant​ @wilsonnofsassycat​
1. Nickname: “Clarity” (and @dragonarchaeologist lovingly calls me “Hal”)
2. Zodiac: Technically Virgo; but at heart, I’m sheer Capricorn
3. Height: 5′6″
4. Last movie I saw: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (research for a production)
5. Last thing I googled: ‘What is 786 centimeters in inches?’ (same production)
6. Favorite Musicians: Lorde, Alicia Keys, Ingrid Michaelson, Lauren Aquilina
7. Song stuck in my head: Currently, it’s “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” (same production) 
8. Other blogs: No, and I am so impressed with people who have the time and intelligence and wherewithal to run more than one. Tell me your secrets!
9. Do I get asks? From @skeleton-richard, usually on the daily, usually about the Henriad—they’re always fantastic. 
10. Followers: ~220
11. Following: ~500-ish? I think?
12. Amount of sleep: 3 hours, usually. 5, if I’m truly exhausted.
13. Lucky number: 5
14. What am I wearing: Harem pants and a sports bra. I’ve been dancing all evening.
15. Dream job: Artistic Director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. But if that position’s taken, I’ll settle for being Queen of the Known Universe.
16. Dream trip: Japan, because my best friend is there (teaching English to adorable children like the globetrotting pedagogical badass she is), and I miss her so damn much.
17. Favorite food: Coffee. And then Burgundy wine. 
18. Play any instruments?: Piano! And I trained for years as a lyric soprano. 
19. Favorite song: “King” by Lauren Aquilina 
20. Random fact about me: I’ve been to 28 different countries.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Starbucks cups lined with lipstick prints, morning-after curls, battered paperback copies of Shakespeare plays, winged eyeliner, gin-n’-tonics, rose gold jewelry, freshly printed play scripts, acoustic guitar music, high-heeled black boots, the taste of fresh grapefruit, hysterical laughter, warm hugs, cold stars, the red velvet of a theater curtain.
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themalhambird · 6 years
@skeleton-richard so you know the Planning Kate and Harry’s wedding is how Ned and Richard sort out their feeling au we discussed.....
The reception was winding down.
The guests had been gradually slipping away over the last two hours, the reduction so subtle that one barely noticed, until they glanced round and realised it was only family and close friends left. It had been Richard’s idea: a compromise between the small, intimate ceremony Kate and Harry had wanted and the large, Society Affair their families had demanded. This last hour or so before they needed to leave for their honeymoon- it was for them. Their day, their time. It had worked wonderfully. 
The evening was drawing in. It was getting a little chilly, standing around in the marquee, but it was a good, calm, summer sort of chilly. Besides: it gave Harry an excuse to get out of his jacket- generously loaning it to her. “D-do you want the w-waistcoat as w-well-- Mrs Percy?” he asked, eyes lighting up and a grin spreading across his face as he called her that.
“Nah, I’m good thanks,” she said, and he groaned. 
“D-dance?” he asked. She went to take his hand, then something caught her eye and she hesitated. 
“Gimme a minute, I just need to go and talk to Ned a sec. Say thanks for all his help.”
“I thought we did that already,” Harry frowned, and Kate smiled.
“Okay, I’ll rephrase. I just need to go and talk to Ned a sec because he’s sitting on his own looking like a forlorn puppy dog and it’s bumming me out.”
“Oh. Okay,” Harry kissed her cheek. “but dance later?”
“We’ll see,” she kissed him back, “It depends on how easily I can fix the moping.” She walked over to her cousin, hand trailing along Harry’s arm for as long as possible before their fingers had to part, and took a seat next to her cousin. He was using a carrot stick to draw in a splodge of coleslaw left seeping in to a fancy cardboard plate; he dropped it quickly as he noticed her, flushing. “Hi,” she said.
“Hi. I was just, um,” he glanced up at the bar.
“Pining?” Kate asked.
“No, it’s- he has confetti in his hair, it’s been bothering me all afternoon. Evening...”
“Why don’t you go up and ask him to dance?” Kate suggested. Ned chuckled humourlessly. 
“Richard doesn’t dance. Not since Uncle Thomas paid his last dance partner a quarter of a million to go away.”
“He tell you that?” Kate asked.
“Then go ask him.2
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because!” Ned hissed. “Because it’s Richard, he’s,,,Richard. He’s...”
“Lonely.” Kate said softly. Ned snorted. “He is!” she insisted. “You’ve been watching him all day. When was he happiest? Going through all the last minute little catastrophes and sorting them with you, or sitting by himself staring in to a champagne glass at a party he organised and hasn’t spoken to anyone for more than three minutes at a time at. Except for you again.” Ned looked at her, worrying his lower lip.
“What do I say?” he asked, and Kate rolled her eyes.
“I’m hopelessly in love with you please take me to bed and fuck me,” she said. “you say: ‘would you like to dance’, doofus.”
“Would you like to dance,” Ned repeated. “Would you like to dance? Would you like to dance-ow!” he complained, as Kate kicked him under the table. “How can you be wearing a wedding dress and still do that? Okay, okay,” he took a deep breath and stood, straightening his cuffs and making his way across the marquee to the bar. Kate watched Richard turn as he approached. Ned gestured- cringed, she could practically feel him fumbling the words- he glanced at her-
Richard offered him a hand. Kate felt a warm glow of satisfaction fill her as Ned took it, and led Richard on to the dance floor. The gap between their silhouettes closed as their hands moved to each other’s, and each other’s waists, and they began to move with the music. 
“Moping fixed?” said a voice in her ear. 
“Here’s hoping.” Kate said, turning and letting Harry pull her out of the chair, and close to him. She wrapped her arms around her neck. “but if this doesn’t do it, I’m locking them in a cupboard together till they finally give in and actually talk about their feelings. What?” she asked, as Harry laughed. 
“Nothing. I just love you, that’s all. Mrs Kate Percy.” 
“Mrs Kate Percy,” Kate agreed, as they danced together. “I love you too.”
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heartofstanding · 3 years
Ship bingo: Katespur, Hal/Courtenay, Humphrey/Eleanor (of course I had to)
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I've talked about this before in the sense that I love them, I just don't feel terribly invested in the ship? I ship in that kinda removed/neutral sense of being like "well clearly they're soulmates..." but not wanting or needing to go deeper? Maybe it's because canon is enough for me or there's not a match in how the fandom talks about them and what interests me? IDK.
send me a ship for ship bingo
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My OTP of OTPs~ Aesthetically, they're great because Courtenay is hot and Hal has one good side. And they're canon in my heart, if not in reality. I still debate how much of the ship is going to be "canon" in my novel too.
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The other of my OTP of my OTPs... and it's definitely canon, I don't care what the histfic writers say, the academics say "Given [Gloucester's] relations with [Eleanor] had manifestly not been dictated by political or dynastic considerations" which means Humphrey fucking loved Eleanor.
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