#kj’s big day!!
loud-whistling-yes · 27 days
#fweeet#kaitou joker#FUCK YOU AND YOUR POSSESSED PHOENIX MY BOY IS GETTING!!!!! CHARACTER!!!!! DEVELOPMENT!!!!1111111#/lh phoenix holy shit are you okay#POSSESSION THIS PHOENIX THAT KJ ENCORE CAME OUT A MONTH AGO AND NO ONE BOTHERED TO TALK ABOUT THE FACT HACHI'S GROWING UP???????????#SHAME ON ALL OF YOU#(says the world's most deranged hachi fan)#kaitou joker encore#theres no official translation so i had to guess using google translate and whatever chinese characters i could pick out from the kanji#but i think its very likely that kje's gonna be centered more on hachi than anyone else#the first big page (p sure its the promo art we saw before chapter 1 dropped) has some pink text that no one in the discord can make out#but i think its translating into something like 'wanting to become fully-fledged'??????#and another line that is just a mess of words like 'colourful' 'boy' 'final days/final test(???)' 'adult'#so yeah best guess is something about hachi wanting to quickly grow up and his final days before being a fully fledged thief#someone who can read japanese save us 😭#BUT YEAH THEY KNOCK JOKER OUT AT CHAP 2 SO DEFINITELY NOT GONNA BE ABOUT JOKER AT LEAST FOR NOW?????#LIKE HACHI'S GOING BASICALLY SOLO THIS BOY IS GOING PLACES😭#do you know how loud i cheered when i saw him dodging the same fucking spike trap he fell into twice before#AND THEN FIGHTING OFF LASERS BY HIMSELF 😭😭😭😭#MY BOYS GROWN UP😭😭😭😭#its so weird but also... kinda satisfying? he was meant to be a relatable character to the audience as a rookie who messes up#and BY GOD did i relate to him as a kid#but know ive grown up and its kinda nice to see he's also grown???? idk its just neat
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thresholdbb · 1 month
Clearly need to start posting more of my meta since I spend all of my time thinking about Voyager
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poptartmochi · 2 years
ough I forgot to mention, she looks Like That because she's technically dead 🙈🙈 her body is locked in a symbiotic relationship with a demon, and her mind just happens to be caught in the crossfire 🐼
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theladyragnell · 2 months
I am once again asking for romance novel recs!
Specifically, I am really burned out on the current trends in contemporary romcoms, and I'm looking for some good historicals or fantasy/sci fi romances. Bonus points for available in mass market paperback, but I know that's a hard ask these days!
My favorite romances so far this year have been:
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi
The Earl and the Executive by Kai Butler
At His Countess's Pleasure by Olivia Waite
I am specifically burned out on enemies to lovers where they just dislike each other instead of having external circumstances keeping them apart, second chance romance where half the book is spent on flashbacks to the first romance, and heroines who are the center of a Clumsiness And Disaster Vortex.
I love romps (and if you like romps try The Earl and the Executive above), don't mind an action romance (I quite liked Something Wilder by Christina Lauren), and am fond of a good old-fashioned soppy drama (Christina Britton has hit the spot for me there a few times lately). I'm just specifically not looking for the books that tend to come with really samey illustrated covers, I suspect if you've read this far you know the ones I mean.
(I am generally familiar with the catalogs of the following authors: Mary Balogh, Courtney Milan, Olivia Waite, Olivia Atwater, T. Kingfisher, KJ Charles, Cat Sebastian, Eva Ibbotson, and lots of the traditionally published authors with big backlists (Lisa Kleypas, Beverly Jenkins, Julia Quinn, and so on). Generally I do read a lot of romance, but I'm hoping my dash will have some deeper cuts!)
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imkillerbae · 1 year
Hello I hope you’re having a good day/night!
Not sure if your looking for request or ideas but thought I’d throw this out there in case you are.
Yoru and reader who recently got together get into an argument because he hardly acknowledges her in front of the others. Reader thinks it’s because he is ashamed of her. While in truth Yoru is just anxious about getting teased or causing reader to have a bad reputation or anything like that.
Anyways reader goes on a mission a few hours later, still angry, and gets seriously hurt. Once Yoru finds out, he freaks out. Angst to hurt/comfort
If you don’t like this then that’s fine and I don’t blame you at all XD.
Are you KIDDING ME? I LOVE THIS IDEA. But damn, ya’ll like angst a lil too much it’s concerning. Thankfully I enjoy making them so that makes me worse. We’re all mentally ill here in the imkillerbae blog. And yes, I am looking for requests. Keep requesting!! It keeps me motivated.
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Weak (Part 1) (Valorant Yoru x Fem!Reader)
Part 2
You picked your loadout for the mission, gripping the Vandal with so much force you can hear your gloves grinding against the metal, scratching the paint. You huffed and forced the clip inside the gun with a smack from your wrist, strapping it to yourself. Your eyebrows were still furrowed, ears almost releasing steam. Harbor and Viper look at each other, then back at you.
“Is everything alright kid?” Harbor asks with a smile, concerned. You blow your hair away from your face and clutch the gun tightly. “Yeah,” you spat.
Fuck Yoru. Fuck him. I hope he chokes on his own ego.
You thought it was a good thing, to leave for a mission carrying anger with you. You could’ve used it against the mirror agents, maybe shoot Yoru’s double in the head for good measure. But as fate would have it, that wasn’t the case.
A few hours ago, there was a mission briefing on the 3rd floor, in a large room with chairs placed around a long oval table. Large monitors were positioned on every side, as well as mission briefing papers. You were late because you had to attend to some personal needs of yours. Little did you know, the others that came too early were discussing something else.
“What did Brim say about Raze though?” You heard Phoenix ask. You hide behind the doorway and listen, smiling to yourself. You wanted to spook them.
“Well, let’s say that he wasn’t too happy at first. Not because he doesn’t support us, but because he doesn’t think it’s smart to have relationships with fellow agents. But of course, we know how much of a loverboy that old man is.” KJ giggled.
“Really? He’s not into us dating each other? That seems unfair.” Phoenix complains, and you can almost hear him pout. “It’s a big risk. A collapse in a relationship between people has a ripple effect. It’s not as linear as you think.” Sova comments.
“Well what about you and Y/N, Yoru? Does Brim know? At least he has a clue about me and Jett. Haven’t heard any comments though.”
As you heard that, you blushed. You and Yoru only started dating 2 weeks ago. Well, dating in its broadest sense. You and him shared mutual feelings for each other for a long time now, maybe even ever since you got into the protocol.
“Still below me in target practice? Cmon Y/N, I know you can do better,” he would tease, laying his elbow on your head just to further humiliate you with your shortness. You try to punch his side playfully, and he dodges, smirk getting wider.
“Wipe that smirk off of your face. You haven’t seen the last of me yet Yoru.” You rolled your eyes, smiling before turning to the range. “Wipe if off for me then,” he huffs, bending down and smiling to your face. You didn’t know whether you wanted to punch him or kiss him. Maybe a bit of both.
Somehow your banter turned into flirting, and before you knew it, he was confessing his love for you. That was two weeks ago, when you were both assigned to scout an area. You’ve known him for a while now, and you always knew him as curt and upfront. But that day, you saw him as someone who was shy, someone who was scared of his own heart.
“Sumanai. I don’t know why I feel this way, and I don’t wanna hassle you. But I can’t keep this to myself anymore. I’ve been meaning to tell you that I love you Y/N. I love you.”
Most importantly, someone who gathered up the courage to be vulnerable enough to hand their heart to someone else.
“We’re not a thing,” Yoru replied coldly to Phoenix, and you heard your heart shatter from the piercing words.
“Huh? Wait I thought you two were dating,” KJ sounded surprised, mainly because you told her everything about you and Yoru. “No? We’re not dating, where did you even get that idea.” He huffs, crossing his arms. “I don’t know? You guys are inseparable, you always look for each other, the nicknames? That kinda gave it away,” Phoenix reasons.
“Nope, nothing’s going on between us. Cmon guys, don’t be crazy.” You decided that you’ve heard enough and came out from behind the wall, smiling with gritted teeth. You didn’t see it, but Yoru tensed immediately as he heard you speak. You give them a smile, taking your seat next to Sova.
“Alright, ready up! Everyone take their seats,” Brimstone enters the room, Viper beside him. Sage was on vacation, you suddenly remember.
“Y/N?” KJ calls, eyeing you. Are you okay? She says with her eyes, and you nod. “Oh man, sorry, I didn’t mean to stir anything here. Was just curious, I swear.” Phoenix held his hands up as he sensed how tense Yoru was. He just made a huge mistake. He didn’t mean for you to hear those lies he made up.
He stood from his seat on the table to sit next to you but he was immediately stopped. “Gekko! Can you sit next to me please? I wanna play with Wingman before I deploy. To calm the jitters ya know?” You smiled at the green haired boy, and he eagerly smiles back. “Sure! Wingman likes you a lot anyways. Save me a seat buddy!” He releases Wingman, and he dashes across the table, saving the seat for Gekko. For a moment, you met eyes with Yoru, and he gave you a glare, while you returned it with a side-eye.
Yoru instead sits across you, but during the entire meeting, you did not look at him. You only hugged Wingman as he slept in your arms, listening to Brimstone and Gekko’s flustered mess of jokes. Yoru in turn just sat there, miserable, watching you flirt with a tennis ball. He wanted to kick Gekko’s head off his shoulders at that moment.
After the meeting, you immediately stood up from your seat (after excusing yourself from Gekko and Wingman of course) and quickly walked to the elevator, trying to avoid Yoru. He catches up with you as you enter it, pressing on the B1st floor button rapidly. As it closes, he slips in a teleportation orb in the elevator. And before you could blink, he was already towering over you.
“Don’t talk to me,” you spat, glaring at him with so much anger you could burn a hole in between his eyes. Your eyes watered as you glared, fists clenched and ready to hit him if he ever took a step closer. His look softens. He didn’t mean to hurt you.
“Y/N, listen—”
“Listen? Seriously?! I listened plenty an hour ago! ‘We’re not a thing,’ then what are we? What am I? Some sort of toy you play with when it’s convenient?”
“No you’re not. Listen, I didn’t want them to know—”
“I know damn well why. I’m not as strong as Skye, or as pretty as Neon. I’m the girl you settled for. I’m not enough to inflate that huge ego of yours.”
“What?” Now he was also getting angry, the blood rising from his neck. “Hang on, what the fuck are you implying? That I’m ashamed of you?” His voice rises, a fist landing above your head with a loud bang. You flinch, but don’t let it show.
“As if that wasn’t obvious already. You barely acknowledge me anytime we’re with the others but morph into someone else when we’re alone. Someone I don’t even think exists anymore.” You held back your tears as best as you can, voice quivering.
“You’re crazy,” Yoru accuses, and you gasp. The nerve of this asshole!
“Crazy? That’s rich coming from someone who confessed one minute and the next, he pretends I don’t exist.”
“When did this become about me? I’m trying to explain—”
“It’s always been about you! You, you, you! You’re selfish, egocentric and fucking heartless! I can’t even understand how you say ‘I love you’ without knowing the meaning of the word.” You snap at him, breathing hard.
He stares at you, eyes dark and clouded. He slowly retracts his arm and backs away from you, standing with closed fists. His blood was boiling in his head, he wanted to yell back. But he loved you too much to say anything hurtful. Why couldn’t you see that? And did you really see him that way?
The elevator chimes, and the door opens. It hangs there for a while until he spoke. “Fine. Think whatever the hell you want. I don’t care.” He says with gritted teeth. He quietly steps out of the elevator, leaving you there, silently weeping.
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You cat stephen fic was perfect!💘
I was wondering If you could write a cat tony fic where stephen accidentaly casts a spell on him cuz he was being annoying😅
I did my best to write a cat!Tony story that lives up the cat!Stephen fic. I hope you like it 🐈 (As so often, this got way longer than planned; and that's also why you had to wait so long for this...) Beta by KJ :)
Summary: Stephen looked at the pile of clothes from which a very clearly not amused cat looked back. “Well, shit…”
Tags: cat!Tony, magical shenanigans, panic attack, normal cat behavior, fluff, fun, bordering on crack, don’t take this too seriously, just the regular everyday weirdness of magic man and engineer guy
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Cat!Stephen | Read it on AO3 | Word count: 5.4k
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Cat for a day
Stephen looked at the pile of clothes from which a very clearly not amused cat looked back.
“Well, shit…”
His previous anger was forgotten, replaced by mild annoyance,  as always when Tony touched something he wasn’t supposed to touch.
Well, he hadn’t touched the relic per se. Not with his hands anyway. But something in his aura – or Vishanti knew what – had triggered the relic and activated it mid-argument.
It hadn’t been anything important they had been arguing about, merely another technicality. Sometimes Stephen wondered why Tony bothered coming over into the Sanctum he loved to criticize the interior of; when they almost always ended up arguing about something.
It might have something to do with the fact that they were dating; which was a recent development. Tony could always change his mind… until then Stephen would happily welcome him into the Sanctum.
Anyway, that wasn’t the point here. The point was that Tony was now standing on four legs instead of two. And he was way more furry than he should be.
Stephen did this thing where he raised his brow totally unimpressed. “That’s what you get for touching stuff you shouldn’t,” he said in his best ‘I told you so’-voice.
The cat huffed and the noise he made sounded rather hoarse; as he had yet to figure how to use his new voice. The intent of his words was clear though. At least to the sorcerer.
“Well, you did something to that globe, because I didn’t use magic and I’m pretty sure you didn’t spontaneously develop a shapeshifting talent in the past five minutes.”
The cat climbed out of the pile of fabric. More noises came out of that tiny mouth. Stephen had no idea what he said but it sounded a lot like complaining. He waited until Tony was done and stared up at him, expectantly.
Only then did Stephen move his hands for a spell. “Stand still while I get you back. And don’t yell at me when you find out you are naked. None of this is my fault.”
He performed a simple counter spell; it was standard procedure really.
It did nothing.
Stephen tried two other spells – Tony remained a cat.
Something wasn’t right here and for the first time, the sorcerer felt uneasy. Turning Tony back shouldn’t be this complicated. He didn’t like to not know what was going on.
“I need to do some research,” he hesitantly admitted.
His words seemed to trigger something in the feline. Tony suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe. His chest was too tight, and everything around him too big. His little body tensed and a weird noise escaped him, some kind of wheezing from deep within his lung.
The cat didn’t seem to hear him. He was shaking and looked like he was five seconds away from running off. Stephen's hand gently grabbed the feline’s neck – right at the spot where a mother carried their kittens – and he applied soft pressure.
Tony had never been a kitten, but he stilled anyway.
“Deep breaths, Tony. In…and out… in…”
The cat slowly but visibly relaxed. He was still not making a move, but his eyes were more present; not as clouded as they had been moments before.
“You with me?” Stephen asked and got a small meow in return. He let go of Tony tentatively. The cat remained pressed to the floor for a second. Then he sat up, the shaking not yet completely gone, and looked around as if embarrassed by the panic attack.
There was no one around; they were all alone.
“Let’s go to the library.” The cat nodded, then yelped when he got scooped up into Stephen's arms. “I got you,” the sorcerer soothed him.
He was careful not to touch Tony’s chest since he was pretty confident that this weak spot had been transferred to the new body.
Tony was smart enough not to wriggle. Instead, he snuggled into his arms.
Tony was actually quite a cute cat; a brown and black tabby. Funnily enough, his facial hair had been translated into the fur pattern.
Stephen turned to walk away, but then remembered something: he shouldn't keep clothes lying around randomly in the relic room. With a flick of his hand, he teleported them ahead into the library.
He himself took the path on foot so as not to expose Tony to any more magic.
Besides, it wasn't far.
Once in the library, he set Tony down next to his clothes on a couch. "I need to get some books. Make yourself comfortable. It won't take long."
He disappeared between the shelves.
Tony looked after him. Another wave of panic rose briefly, but he quickly swallowed it down.
It was fine, he told himself. Stephen would fix this.
He decided to simply not think about the fact that magic had affected his body without Tony’s consent. His mind was still the same; it was only just his body that had changed.
He let out a frustrated noise, that sounded very much like a growl.
Oh yeah, and he couldn’t talk anymore. At least not with his normal voice. Stephen seemed to understand the sentiment well enough though.
That reminded Tony of something and he searched for his phone in the pocket of his pants.
It was difficult to pull out the device if you had no thumbs. Or any fingers at all. But after a few slippery attempts, he finally managed it.
And was immediately facing the next daunting task: using the touch screen.
It took him a while to figure out that his nose worked quite okay with the tech. Tony opened the app for writing notes – he had never used it before. Normally he talked to Jarvis. That was way faster and Jarvis knew how to filter his waterfall of words.
Now writing with his nose one letter at a time was frustratingly slow. Jarvis had been alerted when Tony unlocked the phone, but probably kept his quiet to wait for what happened because he couldn't identify Tony's voice nor his fingerprints.
Tony was halfway through his explanation when the A.I. finally spoke up. “Sir, am I right in assuming that you got turned into a cat but you are still able to understand English?”
The cat looked into the camera and nodded. “Meow.”
“I need you to confirm your identity,” Jarvis nevertheless demanded the safety measure that Tony had introduced to him.
The cat typed the combination of numbers and letters into his phone. They vanished as soon as he finished.
“Identity confirmed. Do you require medical attention, Sir?”
Tony denied it and told Jarvis to put his calendar on hold for the day until his situation got sorted out.
It was inconvenient to spell everything out, but this was his only way to communicate at the moment.
By then Stephen was back with his pile of books. He noticed the cat's head peeking over the back of the couch.
“You alright there, Tony?”
He took that as a ‘yes’ and sat down to open the first book.
Tony curled up but soon enough he was bored. For one, he wasn’t in the mood to relax. Plus, he had never been one for idly sitting around; not as a human being, and not as a cat either.
He stretched; first his front, then his back legs. He then yawned widely.
His new body felt more agile. Lighter. His chest still hurt, as well as his left front leg. His shoulder had never fully healed.
Nevertheless, he had no trouble jumping off the couch silently. His tail flicked.
Everything seemed taller; the furniture, the ceiling. Tony had to crane his neck up; and decided immediately that he wasn’t a fan of this fact.
If Stephen noticed he left his place, he didn’t react and Tony took that as an invitation to leave the library in order to find food. Getting accidentally transformed had kicked up his appetite and he felt hungry. Purposeful small steps led him to the kitchen. Fortunately, he had no problem operating on four legs instead of the usual two.
On his way downstairs he heard a noise and his ears perked up. The Cloak of Levitation hovered at the top of the stairs. It had no face but its collar was tilted, watching the feline with curiosity.
The cloak flew down to him to prod the cat, who tried to evade it. Tony made a disgruntled sound and fended off the fabric with his paw.
He had already noticed from Stephen’s interactions that the Cloak of Levitation showed little understanding for personal space. And apparently, it wasn’t yet quite sure what to make of this cat. If it even recognized him as Tony or perhaps thought this was a new pet.
Tony continued on his way, with the cloak following him. Tony glanced over his shoulder at it but didn’t object.
In the kitchen, he faced a new challenge: doors. More specifically, cabinet doors.
Tony jumped onto the counter and tried to get into the upper cabinet that he knew stored toast. He had to stand on his hind legs, and reach up with his whole body to try and open the cabinet door.
It turned out to be rather difficult.
He barely kept his balance  and pushed his paw into the narrow gap to swing the door open. It opened a little – and fell back close immediately.
The cat huffed in annoyance.
His gaze fell on the coffee maker. He needed one of those drinks. However, the mugs were also stored in one of the upper kitchen cupboards.So he was back to the same problem there.
Suddenly he understood why cats liked to push things off counters. He was very tempted to do the same with a nearby vase; out of sheer frustration.
That was when the cloak – which so far had simply watched him; or whatever it was that it did, hovering in the middle of the room – came over to him and opened the cabinet Tony had failed to pry open.
The cat meowed a thanks.
Now, jumping up into the upper cabinets was complicated by the fact that the compartments down low were fully packed. Tony stood on his hind legs and stretched up again to analyze his options; but before he could even try to start something, the cloak had taken out the bag of toast and set it down next to Tony.
That gave Tony an idea and sure enough, after some trial and error in communication, Tony had a decent sandwich and coffee in front of him shortly afterwards.
Tony took back any quip he ever threw at the cloak; that thing was a saint.
He ate his sandwich with relish. The texture felt weird in his tiny mouth. It wasn’t really made for this kind of food. But it tasted passable enough that he wasn't bothered by it.
The Cloak of Levitation stayed at his side, fascinatedly studying him. With a corner of its fabric it petted the cat’s head, and this time Tony let it happen; only his ears flicked, irritated more by the gesture than the actual action.
He heard voices approaching. It was a conversation between two sorcerers who entered the kitchen and Tony looked up. He did know apprentices came to the Sanctum for their studies or to do whatever it was magic people did around here – so he wasn’t alarmed when he didn’t recognize their faces.
They, on the other hand, stopped right in their tracks when they saw a feline on the counter right in the middle of what seemed to be the Sorcerer Supreme’s lunch snack: open packets of cheese and ham, a glass of pickles and toast and butter.
The butter knife didn’t quite make it to the sink but was lying on the edge of the sink, turned so that the blade reached dangerously far over the edge of the counter and threatened to fall off at any moment.
They were also pretty sure coffee wasn’t supposed to be served in a cereal bowl.
Hovering next to all the chaos was the Cloak of Levitation, who did nothing to prevent the cat from eating food that wasn’t for felines.
“Hey!” One of the sorcerers shouted sharply, and that triggered something in Tony’s cat brain.
He froze for a second. Then he took what was left of the sandwich in his mouth and bolted. He jumped on the floor and zipped right through the sorcerer’s feet. They tried to catch him but Tony was way faster, dodging their grip.
He ran down the hallway and through an ajar door. The room was unoccupied by people; Tony went under the couch anyway. Only then did he stop and catch his breath.
His little heart was beating fast in his chest. It was a strange feeling: it hadn't been fear that had made him leave the kitchen. However, it still felt like a fight-or-flight reaction. He didn’t want anyone to come between him and his food.
It was very atypical of him – but then again, it was a weird day. So Tony let it slide.
He peaked from under the couch and found that no one had followed him. Not even the cloak, which was – honestly – a bummer. It had been very useful.
Tony turned around to continue his meal when he noticed a pair of eyes in the darkness back under the couch.
They glowed yellowish with an eerie intensity, piercing through the darkness. Focused on Tony they seemed to follow his every movement, every breath, every heartbeat. And they were way too large for any creature to fit under here.
The shadows clung to it like a shroud, an inky blackness that seemed to devour the faint light falling under the couch.
This wasn’t natural.
The hairs on the back of Tony's neck stood up and his instinct yelled: danger! He held back a hiss, but was ready to bunk off at the slightest sign of an attack.
The eyes didn’t come closer. They did glance at the rest of the sandwich though.
Cautiously, Tony stepped to the sandwich, not taking his eyes off whatever it was that lurked in the shadows. He pulled the top part of the bread off and pushed it towards the creature; the yellow eyes watching the movement. Then it opened its mouth and for a moment Tony saw sharp teeth and a long tongue.
Then the bread was gone and Tony heard a satisfied noise. The yellow eyes close and don’t open again. They were gone.
The shadows were still present.
Tony took the leftover sandwich and moved out from under the couch back into the light. The feeling of imminent danger was gone but he wasn’t taking any chances.
It was already dark outside when Stephen leaned back and rolled his neck and shoulders. The research had taken him longer than anticipated, mostly because he was diligent and thorough.
“Tony,” he called over to the couch.
He got no reaction.
Maybe he had fallen asleep. Yet, when Stephen thought about it, he had never seen Tony be quiet for so long. Normally he was always talking, mumbling to himself, and sharing his thoughts half-aloud.
The sorcerer stood up and stepped around the couch. He saw the reason why it was so peaceful: the couch was empty; there was no cat in sight.
Stephen looked around. “Tony?”
Still, no answer.
“I swear to the Vishanti, if he walked through the wrong door and fell into a black hole, I will call pest control to get him out.”
He left the library and reached out mentally to the Sanctum to figure out where Tony was. He felt several presences in the building – not surprising, as apprentices often studied here. But all of them were gathered in groups; he couldn’t make out a single figure alone.
Worry spread through Stephen and he set off to search for Tony.
“Meow mreew.” [“Anyway, it has a base plate of pre-famulated amulite surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were in a direct line with the panametric fan.”]
Tony elegantly dodged the hand that wanted to pet him. He didn’t want to be touched by someone he barely knew for an hour.
“I’m pretty sure it’s from another dimension,” one of the apprentices said about the cat that they had found in the Sanctum. “Maybe it came with Master Reese. He recently went to Ektra’vall. This cat is way too smart to be a regular feline.”
Tony turned his head towards the young man, who stared at him.
“He just winked at me!”
Tony laughed, which came out as some weird purring noise.
He had found this group of young wizards and their books in one of the study rooms. They probably should be doing some homework or whatever task they had been assigned. But as soon as they spotted the unfamiliar cat they had coaxed it onto the table.
Tony liked the attention, thrived under it even. He had lectured them about turbo encabulators; not that they understood a word he meowed. Still, they were delighted by the chatty cat and talked to him. The result was two different conversations going on.
At one point, one of the apprentices conjured a packet of string cheese out of thin air and fed it to the cat. Tony was pretty sure that Wong would get an aneurysm if he saw the food right next to the ancient-looking books – but that wasn’t Tony’s problem.
He was just a cat. It was liberating. There was no pressure; nobody knew it was him. There weren’t any expectations.
Tony humored the wizard kid who used a pen as bait for him to play. He pounced at the end of the pen with his paw. Being a cat helped his mind to stop running a mile a minute.
His ears perked up when he heard the door open and he spotted a speck of blue. Oh, this was going to be fun.
“Shouldn’t you work on your evocation studies?”
The apprentices hadn’t noticed the Sorcerer Supreme approaching and his voice caught them by surprise. They winced and turned towards him to bow respectfully.
“We are working on it,” the boy that had fed Tony pointed at the scripts. It didn’t help their case that a) he still had the string cheese in his hands and b) the tabby cat was sitting on one of the books, washing its face by licking its paw and preening his face.
The feline seemed unperturbed, like a regular cat. But Tony couldn’t fool Stephen.
“Really?” Stephen raised his eyebrow. “Because it rather looks like you all got distracted by Tony.”
The apprentices exchanged glances, throwing their attention at that piece of information.
“The cat’s name is Tony?”
“Is that short for Plutonium?”
“Will he stay longer at the Sanctum?”
They were all talking excitedly to each other.
Stephen tilted his head. His eyes met Tony’s, who looked way too smug. He was clearly enjoying the situation. Well, at least one of them had fun.
“The cat will not stay. Go back to your studies. I expect them by tonight.”
“Master Doctor Strange, it is already night.”
Huh, Stephen hadn’t noticed.
“Then you better hurry up. Tony, come with me. I have a few spells for you.”
Tony yawned before jumping off the table to follow the sorcerer, while one of the apprentices gasped quietly. “Dude, Plutonium is totally the Sorcerer Supreme’s new familiar pet.”
Tony turned back to him and made a displeased sound. He was no pet of anyone.
Holding his head and tail high, he walked at Stephen’s side. The tall sorcerer made big steps and Tony had to hurry to keep up.
He didn’t like that.
From this new perspective, Stephen was freakishly tall.
“Good to see you’re still a menace bothering people.” There was a smile on Stephen’s lips.
“Mrew miaow.” [“It’s called being bored. It’s not like there’s anything better to do around here.”]
Back in the library, the pile of books on Stephen's desk seemed to have grown even more. Tony jumped onto it. An easy task; he had perfect control of his body by now.
From the higher ground, he looked expectantly at the sorcerer.
“I did some research on the relic. Although it is stored in the Sanctum Sanctorum, it is occasionally used for teaching purposes in Kamar-Taj to demonstrate the fusion of different types of magic from several dimensions. Therefore it’s not surprising that it showed unprompted activity … anyway, you should be back to normal in no time.”
Stephen called upon his magic and used it to draw glowing lines into the air. It was a delicate pattern that formed into a sphere. When it was finished, Stephen let it fly over the cat and with a snap of his fingers it burst into golden sparks that rained down onto the feline.
Tony looked at it in awe. It was beautiful. He lifted his paw to catch a sparkle. It felt cool and melted into his fur, like a snowflake.
He still was a cat afterwards. Judging by Stephen's face, this was not the desired result. He looked distraught and tired. But it was gone in a second; then the determination was back.
“Maybe if I adjust the parameter.” The sorcerer reopened a book. “When you consider the magical volume... and that the relic may have stored traces of extradimensional magic…" Stephen mumbled further explanations to himself.
Tony didn’t even understand half of it. He watched and waited.
Stephen tried a new spell. And then another.
Sighing, he dropped into the chair and ran his hand through his hair, avoiding looking at the cat.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmured. He wasn’t used to failure. “I will fix this. I promise.”
The ball of fur jumped onto his lap, letting out a high-pitched “Chirrup” to get his attention. Warm feline eyes met Stephen’s.
The sorcerer raised his hand to Tony and the cat headbutted it, prompting him to scratch the cat behind his ears. Contented, Tony leaned into the touch. He was purring soothingly as if he wanted to reassure Stephen everything was fine.
The sorcerer would have smiled at that sight if he wasn't so worried and disappointed in himself. He couldn’t let Tony down.
“I will go over everything one more time. Maybe I missed something.” That would be a first. Stephen was very accurate regarding research. He turned back to the books. Tony stayed on his lap, curled up.
Stephen browsed every single script on the table but couldn’t find any mistakes. One of the spells should have worked.
He concluded that he needed more books. The answer was somewhere in the library. It always was.
Stephen stifled a yawn. Hours spent pouring over dense volumes had taken their toll, leaving his mind heavy and his eyes strained. His concentration had waned, and the words on the page blurred before his weary gaze.
But he had to pull through, for Tony’s sake.
Tony wasn’t a fan of magic. Understandably so. He had told Stephen about his encounter with the witch. Or at least parts of it.
Stephen was pretty sure he had downplayed it. From what he had heard, Stephen was still furious about the violation. What the witch had done to Tony was basically torture.
Tony only tolerated some magic because he liked Stephen. They took their relationship slow, step by step.
But now Stephen had screwed up and he wouldn’t be surprised if Tony hated him after this. Or at least wanted to take a break from the sorcerer and magic in general.
Stephen's eyes were unfocused in the distance, his thoughts drifting off. He didn’t realize it until something gently touched his beard.
When he looked down, he noticed Tony was watching him.
“Sorry,” Stephen muttered. “Go back to sleep.” He rolled his shoulders. The tension from the responsibility had settled in a knot between his shoulder blades that ached intensely. But it was no use; he had to pull himself together.
Tony tilted his head and then – as he came to a decision – he shook it. “Meow.”
“Not yet. But I’ll find the right spell.”
Apparently, that was not what Tony meant. He jumped off his lap and pawed at Stephen’s pants, motioning him to follow, meowing loudly.
"What is it?" Alarmed by the cat's sudden stubbornness, he followed him to the couch, where the engineer's clothes were still lying.
The cat hopped onto the cushions and patted them with his paw.
Stephen frowned, not sure if he understood correctly. “You want me to sit on it?”
Tony just stared at him and waited.
Stephen was too tired to argue and with a sigh he gave in. Tony was back in his lap as soon as the sorcerer sat down. He circled once to find a good spot before he moved into a perfect loaf, purring again.
Stephen petted the soft fur. “Now what?” he asked.
Tony blinked up at him with one eye.
“You want me to take a break?”
Stephen sighed again – this time because his body relaxed a bit. “Fine. Five minutes.”
It didn’t take a whole five minutes until the sorcerer's breathing became deep and even. His fingers moved slower and slower in Tony's fur until they finally stopped altogether; Stephen had fallen asleep.
Happy with that result, Tony closed his eyes as well.
There was a noise on the other side of the couch that alerted Tony. He hadn’t heard anyone come in and decided to investigate.
He climbed onto the armrest and stared at the table Stephen had occupied. What he saw should have surprised him, but somehow it didn’t.
A ghost version of Stephen hovered in the air – cross-legged - browsing the books. The books seemed to be regular books and not ghost books; at least they weren’t transparent.
Ghost-Stephen turned a page and that had to be the noise that Tony had heard.
Tony knew about astral projecting; he had seen it before when Stephen's body looked like he had fallen asleep meditating. But he had never caught a glimpse of the sorcerer’s astral ghost version.
“Mreewp.” [“You know that’s called cheating.”]
Ghost-Stephen looked up, surprised, when he saw that Tony was addressing him. “You can see me?”
“Mroow.” [“I’m looking at you, ain’t I?”]
“Huh.” Stephen put his book down and floated over to the feline. “That’s interesting. We assumed cats to be able to perceive several planes, but we never had proof.”
“Groow mrem.” [“That’s great for you. Can we go back and focus on the problem at hand: getting me back?”]
“Yes, pardon.”
“Thank you, I-…” Tony stopped mid-sentence, staring at Stephen in that weird non-blinking way. “You understand what I’m saying?”
Stephen paused as well, realizing that – yes, he did. “It appears so. It must be because I’m currently in the astral dimension.”
“You mean ghost town?” Unimpressed, Tony jumped onto the floor and then walked over to the table with the books. There he first got on the chair and then onto the table. Truth be told, he was relieved to finally have a normal conversation. One where both sides knew what the other said.
“You’re still cheating on the taking a break part,” he remarked.
“Are you complaining I’m trying to find a solution to your problem?” Stephen floats around the table. He reached out to pet Tony and the cat leaned in the surprisingly solid touch.
“I didn’t say that,” he murmured. “Just pointing out a fact.”
“Mhm.” The sorcerer didn’t sound convinced. He continued to give back scratches all the way to that sweet spot right before the tail.
The cat got low but stretched his butt upwards. Purring louder than ever, he then flopped onto the side and was about to stick his belly out at Stephen when he realized what he was doing. Scowling, he pulled himself back up, ignoring Stephen's smug smile.
“That’s definitely some kind of cheating.”
“We had a lot of cats on the farm I grew up on.”
Stephen rarely talked about his childhood. Tony mostly knew the basics. Therefore he absorbed these kinds of snippets of information, adding them together like a big puzzle. There were still many gaps.
“More volunteers for your Hogwarts transmutation class?” He tried to dig deeper.
Stephen was quick to correct him. “You did not transmute. You shapeshifted.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Everything but the result. It’s a completely different course of action. You see, with shapeshifting a person shifts into a different living being. In most cases into a different species; although not always. While during a transmutation it changes the substance – regardless if it’s a living being or a objec-…” Stephen paused. His face told Tony an idea had struck him.
And he was right.
“Metamorphosis… I haven’t thought about metamorphosis. Normally, it wouldn’t be relevant, but since the source of magic lies in a relic, it’s actually quite possible.” He floated over to the shelves, looking for a specific book.
Tony stayed on the table, watching him. “Do you know how to reverse it?”
“Oh yes, it’s rather easy – if you know what you’re looking for. Ah, there it is…” Stephen thumbed through the book until he found what he was looking for. "Metamorphosis explains how you were able to have such good control over your new form straight away. Without any familiarization phase. And why there are some striking matching features between your forms.” Especially the facial hair and eye color.
Stephen returned to the desk.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
“I was ready five hours ago.”
Stephen’s face fell, sobered up, and the guilt was back. He mumbled another apology.
Tony felt awful for mentioning it; being a cat hadn’t been that bad. Even if it hadn't been voluntary.
Ghost-Stephen disappeared into thin air and a second later human-Stephen stood up. Some magic was safer to perform when he was on this plane.
He stepped to the cat, who was waiting for yet another attempt. Only this time, he actually felt something.
The magic wrapping around him was bright and he had to close his eyes for a second. It felt like he was stretching after sitting in the same pose for a long time. His joints were cracking like he had slept uncomfortably.
It didn’t hurt, rather it felt right.
Then it was gone and Tony opened his eyes. He was still sitting on the table, but now as a human again. The air suddenly felt more chilly.
Oh yeah, his clothes were still on the couch.
And Tony was naked as on the day he was born.
He noticed the dark blush spreading on Stephen’s face. They hadn’t reached that stage of their relationship yet, but Tony didn’t mind showing off. Plus, it was nice to know that his body still got that kind of reaction.
Stephen realized he was staring and cleared his throat, averting his eyes. “You should…” He trailed off, vaguely gesturing towards the pile of clothes.
Tony slid off the table. “Don’t play coy. This is what you get.”
His words made Stephen blush even more. Tony hadn’t taken his partner to be this shy. Somehow it was endearing.
He grabbed his pants. “Well, it’s good to be back.” He pulled his pants over his butt, when suddenly there was something in the way. Confused, he turned his head – and found a cat tail attached to him. Human-sized, very fluffy and in black and brown.
It twitched, nervously.
“Stephen…” He looked at the sorcerer, demanding answers.
“There might have been a slight mishap.” Stephen’s voice was hoarse and not in the slightest apologetic. He was back to watching Tony. Watching the top of his head in particular, Tony noticed.
With one hand still holding his pants in place, Tony reached up. He flinched when he touched fluffy ears. Feline ears.
Stephen licked his lips. He wasn’t blushing because he was shy. It was because he was very much turned on by the unexpected turn of events. But he didn’t dare to say anything since he wasn’t sure how Tony would react to yet another magic-caused alteration.
Only when he heard a chuckle escaping Tony’s lips, did the tension leave him.
Tony found the situation absurd. He had had a long day and honestly, he was just glad to have his thumbs back. “I hope you have some alternative clothes for me. Otherwise, I have to go naked from the waist down and possibly traumatize Wong for life.”
Tony's secret code to identify himself to Jarvis: -y0u kn0w wh0 1 am-
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blysse-and-blunder · 16 days
in lieu of lawn care
10:30pm, sunday, may 26, 2024
cut the grass today, and then went and spent two hours lolling around outside, sitting on a blanket that even now smells perfectly of summer
reading just finished kj charles' the henchmen of zenda (thank you @yogurtforever for mentioning it to me! please overlook the fact that i'm about to go off) and i have to say, surprisingly, this was a rare kj charles miss, for me! i still finished it, i still think i'm glad i read it, but from an author who i've adored all of her other work, it's odd to realize i didn't have as much fun here as i would have liked. two reasons for this, possibly, one that i think it was an early work for her [edit: nope came out in 2018] and two that i actually had read the source material of which this is an au, and i found it continually grating that this book's whole tone and style is set up to be cynical about the original prisoner of zenda novel. if you want the critique to really, actually matter, don't change so much! don't make your case by actually rewriting the entire personalities of the king and player-king, who in this turn into strawmen because they've literally been restructured to prove monarchy is awful. the other option, b), would be to step further away from the source material, in which case you need to stop quoting the original book and integrating so much of the original language. bah. this leaves us open for one of my most irritating little meaningless quibbles, which is that a character gets very self-righteous about what the original novel's narrator meant by using the term 'well-bred', to the point that i think ends up actually being ahistorical and weakening the overall critique we're trying to produce here.
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charles is also trying to introduce more time and personality for the female characters (moderate success) and insert some revolutionary, 'hey wait a minute the best answer here is not a continuation of the monarchical system where everyone sucks' sentiment (middling to poor success). i just...found i really hated the idea that every character was Worse, Actually than in the original novel, although in fairness it is believable that the pov character here would think that, i guess. you chose a narrator who's going to take a cynical view of everything, and are trying to show how he allows himself to trust and/or like certain very few people, and it didn't make for a great reading experience.
the same, however, can't be said for the other two books here, although arguably they are also dealing with a narrator who is a) damaged and grieving b) gay. katherine addison's the goblin emperor was a christmas/birthday gift for me in...2022 and was such a gem, a gift in multiple senses, and this spring i have finally indulged in the two companion (?) novels, which i read voraciously on Eclipse Day and the weeks following, and then have turned around and listened to in audiobook almost immediately. the world of amalo is no less full of horror, death and injustice and corrupt or infuriating structures of power are a big part of the inciting action, but the time we spend seeing the people who are kind makes these so much more. pleasurable to read. plus the details of the city, the public transit, the tea houses, the opera, the belle epoque prague vibes. there's comparatively more death, more 'true crime' style mystery solving, more small vignettes of crime (reminding me that she does like writing cases like this, and making her her sherlock holmes au angel of the crows, pictured in ilcb 05/12/24 but not discussed, fit into place in a new way), but the lack of cynicism matters.
listening a lot of podcasts lately. had reason to try and sum up my podcast habit recently, and realized that i am really almost constantly listening to one, of some variety. i go through different moods and will switch between shows to find the right vibe rather than try to finish one all the way through. that being said, the list i tell people when asked 'oh what do you listen to?' is, like, 99% invisible (genuinely really enjoying the robert caro the power broker read-along, despite not reading the book-- it's fascinating) and articles of interest and ologies, whereas this week i think it was primarily no such thing as a fish, followed by normal gossip, followed by i hate it but i love it followed by some npr and crooked media pods (god help me, i do still check in on their election takes and will probably continue to do so out of morbid curiosity). the maxfun shows i listen to? are like family to me, and may be just as overlooked-- but you can bet that's where i'm turning first when stuck on a long subway ride.
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watching had reason, last week, to sit down and watch the entire new season of gamechanger start to finish. y'all heard about this shit? gamechanger? anyone? yes? i bought dropout for myself and a few friends last year, and it has been the best possible investment. i love feeling the, like, increase in energy and stakes and creative chaotic potential in each new episode, each new show that gets added to the roster, but i love gamechanger til death do us part. hard to pick a favorite bit for cast psychic damage and resulting peak performances (second place?? bingo?? the timeloop??? sam says????) so let me here give a shout-out to the lesser memed episodes this season, the drawfee collab and the newlyweb game (scream) and beat the buzzer, all of which were so fun while featuring people i knew less or not at all. the little sam reich matryoshkas absolutely killed me. can we hear it for the motherfucking ART DEPARTMENT.
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playing having beaten one of the colosseum of fools tournaments in hollow knight, i've gone back for round two and am now emotionally trapped until i can win this second one. since i need the pale ore from it in order to upgrade and do anything more challenging. so it goes. this has also meant that i turned back to other games, after not wanting to continue to die so very much. chants of sennaar was there waiting for me so politely, and i got through the third language and felt pretty accomplished after puzzling slash brute-forcing it i had to do to make things work. was not expecting the uh. the jumpscare, as it were, at the end of the bards' level. but look how gorgeous.
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making made a pretty passable banana bread today. the ratio of banana to other ingredients was a little off, so it's largely just 'bread' and isn't too sweet, but it's more than edible.
working on ignoring my email inbox, ignoring my article revisions, ignoring my chapter edits--forgot to send out the email with discussion questions for our panel discussion which we meant to send out this friday, fuck! trying to make progress on paid tasks and stay on top of those hours before i leave, trying to also organize my trip which has meant, like it or not, getting back to some of those emails. also i found an article in welsh which i had been unaware of which will be Extremely Good to have read, even if it doesn't tell me anything too new, just so that i can prove i did. my footnotes always feel so anemic. hopefully this helps, and hopefully i speed up--currently reading about two pages an hour if i'm lucky.
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hvstias · 2 years
random valorant headcanons AGAIN because user hvstias is back and she still has only one braincell and it only works for headcanons so idk
chamber has a big ass portrait of himself in his home. he often gets inspired by it (dorian gray coded)
astra and fade are very skilled at reading tarot cards and they have reading sessions
reyna knows how to res kay/o but but refuses to do it lol
sova has the best home remedies bc of his grandma
viper loves watching WWE w breach
yoru thinks he can handle injuries on his own. sage disagrees. (skye too)
fade knows how to make perfect turkish foods
harbor talks in his sleep. no one understands what he's saying but everyone knows he does lmao
phoenix's room has the BEST audio system. viper hates it and raze is kinda jealous because how??
chamber's lab is better than tony stark's, killjoy still wants some of his nanotech
raze is actually quite good at cooking but somehow she starts a fire everytime she's in the kitchen
astra and breach are metal arm bffs
brimstone knows abt the 'secret' couples, he's just too tired to do something about it
cypher secretly installed a fire wall to kj's computers to keep her away from dark web. yes he's a concerned dad
jett tried to convince skye into summoning a dragon after watching house of the dragon. it didn't end well lmao
fade has vivid nightmares, and cypher allows her to steal his tea because it's the only way to calm her down (turkish coffee keeps u up all night but unfortunately it doesn't relax you 😭)
fade's prowler acts like real cat sometimes and omen is kinda obsessed w it
viper l o v e s rainy days
sova is a bloody workaholic but denies it everytime, sage is worried about his health and even viper once threatened him w locking him out of his office to make him get some rest
they have scheduled movie nights but those nights usually end up with a fight (they tried to watch game of thrones once. viper and chamber argued about that targaryens vs lannisters discourse for straight 2 hours, god bless )
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sillingers · 1 year
nick blankenburg on ‘the inside edge’ radio show 2.15.23
i listened to this live and tried to take as many notes for characterization and blanks tidbits as possible so here we go:
didn’t start working out until freshmen year of college officially
likes lower body workouts best
is looking for a new gym this summer and might work with z
has yet to see z in the gym bc of his injury but says he’s a ‘beast’ in the room
jody shelley complimented his ‘big’ thighs. nick said they’ve ‘been bigger’ but he had less rigorous offseason training this summer bc of his knee surgery. jody then told nick ‘sorry i didnt mean to be looking at you’ because nick ‘looked like he was about to run out of the room’ in their opinion, and nick joked that he was wearing shorts so they’re out there. this whole ordeal was a lot to take in.
he said ‘oh yeah’ about ten times in two minutes with varying degrees of breathiness/elongation. i can let you interpret that as you will.
loves hitting people. says he always played physical because he grew up with an older brother and that’s just always been his game, so he doesn’t foresee it changing.
but he is working on being more intentional and careful with where he places his body on plays, as well as his off ice routines, to stay healthy and not be injured
adamantly refuses to dial down his physicality
thinks his compete and physicality is one of the reasons he’s here, he’s always played that way and it’s just who he is as a player
says being a right handed d on the left side is a challenge and it’s pushing him to be better
is a good lesson/challenge for him
good to have on his resume that he can play either side wherever he’s needed
stressed several times that he just wants to do what’s best for the team and do whatever it takes to play for them and just help the team anyway he can, whether that’s playing a different side or a special team or whatnot
just genuinely happy to be here and wants to do everything and anything he can
did not catch every detail but he talked specifically about the challenges of being a right shot on the left side like when peeker is feeding him passes on the point or when they’re going to break up ice and he’s catching pucks on his strong or weak side differently than he’s used to
when he was out for 9 weeks he spent a lot of time watching his game tape and trying to improve his play, he watches ‘probably all the game tape i have’ 
tries to stay positive and not be too hard on himself when injured and he doesn’t think any of the injuries he’s had even back at umich were a result of him playing too physical (read: yappy chihuahua wants to be an ankle biter and refuses to stop. denies that being an ankle biter has ever gotten him in any trouble)
says sometimes he thinks his family and friends know his game better than he does because they always tune in and text him after his games
loves the traveling that comes with being an nhl player, thinks he’s really lucky to have this job because it’s an easy and fun job that not many people get
“if you told me maybe 6 or 7 years ago that i’d be here i’d have never believed you”
really likes meeting all the fans and seeing them at warmups
definitely misses yost especially after getting to go back with kj
actually misses his classes. he studied international studies which dealt with political and economic development, he had lots of case studies of nations where a political/economic structure was either a great success or big failure
had to take 6 semesters of a language as required for his major. lasted 2 days in spanish, then tried german but it was too hard. he settled on swahili, which he took for 4 semesters, and then quechua (a latin american language he thinks is from peru but honestly couldn’t tell you where it’s from); said these were with 3 other unnamed teammates
wants to go on a mission trip in africa and hopes he can use his swahili notes there. is willing to teach jody but ‘it might cost you something’ because the class was expensive
loves cbus bc it feels like a college town just like ann arbor
didn’t think he’d ever actually say he loves columbus ohio but here he is
also loves how close it is (3 hours) to home
he’s really blessed to be here and couldn’t be happier with how it all worked out and the chance he has thanks to the jackets
the city and the fans have welcomed him so nicely
lives downtown in an apartment which is close by ‘the other young guys’ , they all live nearby 
says they do a lot of group dinners and will watch golf or football or some sport on tv together
loves that they have such a big group of young guys and they have that connection with each other and he has the ability to hang out with all them
primarily does hang out with the younger guys. likes having people around his age bc it reminds him of college. another thing he likes ab cbus is its a young city thanks to all the college kids/recent grads
also loves the restaurants cbus has (he didn’t name any in particular but said they’re all great)
is going to dinner with some of the umich guys before their games against osu, is hoping naur lets them out of team dinner to see him and kj
jody asked if nick would pay and he said he’d take his card out but that he hopes kj takes his card out too so they can split the bill
they brought up the osu-umich outdoor game, which nick said is an awesome opportunity to play in and looks super fun
played an outdoor game vs. notre dame, actually played against peeke who was at nd at the time. umich won 
very humble and appreciative of the opportunity he has to play in the nhl and live out his dream and do something he loves every night
the 82 game schedule is definitely hard mentally but that the challenges have made him a better person (yes, he specified person, not hockey player)
jody said that this and his positive mindset are a great attitude to have and will ‘help him stay here for a long time’ 
i just think jody loves nick as much as the rest of us
sometimes still pinches himself to see if it’s real 
jody shelley is obsessed with nick blankenburg just like me fr 
i think this is it he actually talked a lot so it was hard to keep track of everything but this is definitely all the main things
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cyphertripping · 2 years
Hello!!!! I love your fics and was wondering is you could do the val agents comforting reader on their period, i’m currently on mine and it sucks lol need some comfort. Anyway I was wondering if you could do Cypher, Sova, Skye, Sage, Viper, KJ, and any other agents you want to do :) Thanks <3
so so sorry this ask took so long!!
Agents comforting reader on period (Cypher, Sova, Skye, Sage, Viper, KJ)
Word Count: 645
Anything you require, he’s got you covered: pads, tampons, hot water bottle, tea, etc
If you inevitably get cranky, he’s always there with understanding words and god knows this man is totally fine just lazing around for the day
Mysteriously, your name is removed from all chore lists in the VP for the next week
I also HC that Cypher has a cat, and it would probably be a bigger relief to you than Cypher himself, curling up in your lap and keeping you company
If he had to leave for work, he would make sure to keep an eye on you. The moment you need anything, he’s back
Like Cypher, is always over prepared. He also brings the added bonus of massages and being very warm, so a perfect cuddle buddy during the worst cramps
If you have any duties or things to get done, just mention it and he’ll get it finished to ease your mind
Makes the best hot chocolate
Would be happy to sit with you in silence if you just needed company to get through the worst of it
Always willing to talk to you through your PMS or cramps. Her abilities can ease the worst of the cramps but it still doesn’t change that it just sucks sometimes
Would drag you outside your blanket cocoon to sit on the porch and watch the sunset or just nature
Would also take you on a walk if you’re up for it (would cite exercise helping cramps feel better)
The type to try to distract you from wallowing, either with home baked scones or putting on a movie
She’s immediately ready with some green tea, pillows, and whatever products you need
Unfortunately her abilities can’t completely ease the pain but it does help
The type of person to remain completely calm and sympathetic in the face of PMS-fueled breakdowns
The moment you mention going back to work after clearly being in pain, Sage puts her foot down and demands you rest (she can be very insistent when she wants)
You worry about being burdensome since she already has to look after the others in the protocol, but she loves making time for you. Sitting on the sofa and catching up on whatever drama you’re watching at the time is relaxing for both of you
At first, she doesn’t get how bad your periods are, since she tends to claim she can “mind over matter” her menstrual cycle
Regardless of how well she understands it, she immediately works to figure out how to help you
At one point you have to ask her to stop running around and back and forth from the store and just snuggle with you (she forgets that the best solution might just be rest)
Would use her authority to get you out of all responsibilities and, knowing you don’t like to make a big fuss, challenges anyone to comment on you disappearing for the week
Knows you like random knick knacks and gets you a giant snake plushie to hug and ease the cramps (kind of like a maternity pillow). Practical and adorable
Is a bit similar to Viper in that she overthinks how to help you (she’d definitely make an overly accurate period tracker and categorize all of your side effects, with your permission of course)
Would build the best massager tool ever for you
Makes you comfort foods to eat and (may or may not) steal some of Cypher’s teas to offer you
If you became over emotional (worrying that she was angry at you, etc), KJ would systematically and logically break down all of your doubts. 
Would enjoy any repetitive care things she could do for you, like massaging your shoulders or brushing your hair
She enjoys days in anyway, so staying with you is no burden to her
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nothwell · 4 months
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Coincidentally, Valentine's Day (February 14th) is also the end date for the Oak King Holly King audiobook Kickstarter.
Frederieke Laura Mooij designed six adorable stickers (just like this one!), and they can be YOURS if you back the K!ckstarter today!
Oak King Holly King is a queer Victorian fantasy romance between a fae warrior and a mortal clerk.
Perfect for readers who enjoy…
fae folklore
Victorian shenanigans
big buff guys who just wanna be soft
sharp little guys who are tired of being kicked around
lush fantasy worlds, liminal spaces, cozy cottagecore vibes, and queer community.
If you’re a queer romance audiobook enthusiast you may recognize our narrator Gary Furlong from…
The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal by KJ Charles
The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian
The Soldier’s Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian
The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian
To claim your copy of the audiobook (alongside rewards like stickers , deep-discounted ebooks, and signed and annotated paperbacks), back the Kickstarter campaign today!
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Jersey Baby (18+ MDNI)
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x sarah grant (fem!oc)
characters: sarah grant, jake seresin, bradley and the squad at the end
warnings: 18+ MDNI SMUT, language, breeding kink, pussy slapping, oral (fem receiving), p in v sex, eating out in the kitchen, bradley gets traumatized, sport rivalry (UT vs U of A; Longhorns vs Razorbacks), pregnancy,  i think that’s it
word count: ~4.1k 
a/n: this isn’t really crucial to the story, i just thought it would be fun to write! this is how ever how the finn twins were brought into existance 😂
this story is inspired by ‘His Little Girl’ (bradley bradshaw x reader) by the lovely @roosterscockpit  ( @milesdickpic ) and characters from this story are mentioned. also, yes, the oc is based on me lol (well a fantasy version lol)  
big thank you to mama may ( @mayhemmanaged ) for her help on this
you can find out more about j and s --- here
loose summary: the dagger squad comes up with a game once they see how competitive jake and sarah are when it comes to college football --- let’s just say the loser really becomes the winner
Sarah knew exactly what she did to land her in this position. And she didn’t regret a damn thing.
If anything it was Jake’s fault.
Okay maybe they were both to blame. But Jake chose this punishment, so it’s mostly on him.
Last week, Arkansas played Texas. Which means – the Razorbacks played the Longhorns. Which also means – Jake and Sarah were constantly shit talking in the days leading up to it.
The Dagger Squad was concerned for a minute because they thought they were fighting. But Coyote cleared things up for them. “Guys, Sarah’s from Arkansas. She’s a U of A alum. And Jake is from Texas, a Longhorn fan since birth. This is just playful banter, it doesn’t mean much.”
“KJ Jefferson can run circles around Quinn Ewers!” “Not with a concussion he can’t!” “It’s not a concussion!” The squad watched the two stare the other down at the pool table.
“I wanna kiss you so bad right now,” Jake said, his voice low to where only she could hear it. “Yeah?” He nodded before pulling her in for a kiss.
Fanboy’s mouth fell open, “What the fuck just happened?” Rooster laughed, “They have been all over each other since they watched Leia this past weekend. I’m surprised they’re even out.”
“Hey guys, Sarah and I are headed home,” Jake said as he passed the table, knocking his knuckles on it as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and took off toward the door.
So much for staying out.
By the time game day rolled around, the squad came up with a game. Whenever one of them has a good burn or comeback, they get a point. And the winner gets to pick a punishment for the loser. But points weren’t revealed until the end of the game.
When they brought this up to the couple, their minds ran wild with ideas and both agreed.
Game time came and the squad made room on the couch for Jake and Sarah to sit by each other. But the couple sat on opposite sides of the room, each in a chair. “Ummm?” The squad looked to Coyote for help in understanding, “You don’t want them next to each other, trust me. I had popcorn in places popcorn should not be.” 
Jake opens his mouth before the game even starts, “Hey, y’all know what it’s called when Arkansas thinks they can take down the Horns? A PIGment of their imagination.” “Nice pun, but it’s a bunch of BULLshit. We’re giving y’all a free ride to the slaughter house.”
Coyote sighed and gave them each a point, “And we’re off..” 
Then the game started and they began watching.
Even though the squad focused more on what the two were saying.
The Longhorns got a pretty good start, getting a good lead pretty early in the game.
“You know, everything’s bigger in Texas,” Jake said, looking at the squad before trailing his eyes over to Sarah. “Even the gap between scores.” Rooster marked Jake down for a point.
Sarah wrinkled her nose and smiled, “Well… not everything.”
Fanboy had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he marked her down for a point.
“That’s not what you said last night,” Jake said with a shit-eating grin on his face. Rooster marked him down for another point.
At one point, the Hogs had a good possession, and then threw away the next one.
“Well, that’s just too bad… I guess the ‘natural state’s just naturally bad,” Jake drawled, laying the accent on thick. Sarah just glared at him and huffed before turning back to the game.
The first half was just not looking good for Arkansas, and Jake was thriving.
“Looks like these piggies are gonna be crying ‘boo’ all the way home,” Jake said once halftime started.
“Just wait, we’re gonna make a comeback, just need a good ass chewing,” Sarah said, mumbling the last part. Jake nodded, “Oh sure, yeah, when your pigs fly Sugar. They can’t close this gap.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and threw popcorn at him, “Whatever.”
Jake laughed, picking pieces of the snack off his jersey, “See guys, when you roll with pigs, it’s gonna get dirty. Only problem is, only the pig likes it.” The squad looked at Sarah, scared that Jake just fucked up.
But Sarah just hummed and stood up, grabbing her now empty bowl and putting empty cans and bottles in it.
She walked around Jake, hand slipping under his jersey as she leaned close to his ear, “I thought you liked when I got dirty Jake? Guess I was wrong.” Jake shivered a little and turned his head to catch her lips before she sauntered away to get more drinks.
The squad and Jake watched her leave before the squad brought their eyes back to Jake. He was looking longingly towards the kitchen, shifting a little in his seat. 
“You good, Bagman?” Bradley asked. Jake’s eyes snapped back to the group and he cleared his throat, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
The second half was really a turning point for Arkansas, they were getting traction and little errors were made.
“Would you look at that, pigs can fly,” Sarah smirked at Jake as they came back and kept Texas from scoring in the third quarter. Jake just rolled his eyes.
At the beginning of the fourth quarter, a flag was thrown for a false start and she said, “Man, everyone in Texas just seems to go too early.” No one missed her glance towards Jake, and Rooster gave her two points for that.
She was in trouble the minute she said that, and she knew she was in for it that night and a very lazy Sunday the next day. The glint in Jake’s eyes meant he was going to make her cum 10 different ways before he even thought about it.
She winked and went back to the game.
By the end, Arkansas came out on top.
While that was great and Sarah could rub the victory in Jake’s face, there were bigger stakes.
“Who won?”
“Yeah, who won?”
The squad looked down at the board, and sighed. “I’m sorry, Sarah. Jake won,” Coyote said, sighing. “It was really close, like a two point difference,” Fanboy pointed out.
Sarah hung her head, “I guess I can’t be too upset, Jake does have a big mouth.” Jake wrapped his arm around her waist, “We both got some pretty good ones in there. I just know how to piss you off.” She huffed out a laugh, “That you do.”
She sighed and stepped away, holding her arms out, “Welp, rules are rules. What’s my punishment?”
Jake smiled and slipped his jersey off, leaving him in a white t-shirt. He slipped it over her head, “You, my darling-” He worked it over her Razorback shirt. “-have to wear Longhorns apparel in public, and around the house, for a week.”
“You’re not serious,” Sarah said, eyes basically pleading for anything else. “Oh, I’m very serious,” Jake said, smirking.
Payback shook his head, “Hold on, that’s it? That’s all she has to do? Wear clothes with a bull on it. Hangman, come on.”
“Oh, she’s gonna be miserable, but look so so cute,” Jake told him. “I look awful in orange,” Sarah huffed out, crossing her arms. “No you don’t, Sugar.”
“I can’t wear this to school, I have to look professional.” Jake sighed, “Okay, you don’t have to wear it to work, but you change before practice, so you have to wear it then.” Sarah huffed again, “Alright.”
They shook hands.
“This is gonna suck.”
It was finally over, Sarah’s week of wearing Longhorns apparel was over.
She had to admit, Jake’s clothes were comfy and she loved wearing his sweatpants. But the fact her students and players knew how much she didn’t like the team her boyfriend adored, made it worse.
They teased her about it saying, “You finally caved? Wow Coach, I’m disappointed.” Or anything of the like.
But now it was Saturday and Jake didn’t have weekend duty, but he and Bradley went to go look at deck furniture for Bradley and Alyssa while Sarah stayed home and cleaned.
She had on Longhorn leggings Carter had gotten her as a joke and a sweatshirt of Jake’s; wanting to be comfortable but presentable because she had to go get groceries before Jake got home.
When she got home from the store she had 45 minutes before Jake would be walking through the door.
So she had 45 minutes to put her plan in motion.
She went in and straight to the kitchen to unload the groceries, taking maybe 10 minutes to put away the cold items. Then she went upstairs and freshened up with a quick shower.
Standing in the mirror, Sarah fixed her hair and did her makeup. Once she was done, she went to Jake’s side of the closet and pulled out a custom jersey she had her sister make for him.
As she slipped it on, her phone went off. It was a text from Jake saying that he’d be home soon and that he may or may not have bought her a new desk chair. She smiled at the thought and sent him a thank you and drive safe before she went downstairs to put her plan into motion.
When Jake pulls into the driveway, he’s rushing to turn it off, get the box out of the bed and hurry inside. He wanted to show Sarah the new desk chair he got her because the old one was broken and she’d been eyeing the one he just bought.
He gets in the house and immediately goes to put the chair box in the living room.
“Sugar! I’m home!”
“I’m in the kitchen, just putting away some groceries!”
Jake perked up at that and went to the kitchen to help her.
When he turned the corner, Sarah was refilling a cereal container before attempting to put it in its rightful spot on top of the fridge.
“Let me help with that,” he said, coming up behind her to put it up there.
“Thank you honey,” she said, turning to give him a kiss. “You’re so welcome Sugar.”
She laughed when she pulled away and started putting away other items.
This gave Jake time to take in what she was wearing.
And Texas orange never looked so good.
“Is that,” he crossed his arms and leaned on the counter. “Is that my jersey?” Jake knew the answer, his call sign was stamped to the back of it, he just wanted to hear her say it.
She nodded as she restocked the tea bags. “It is.”
Jake’s grin stretched across his face, “Well you look good Sugar.” Sarah smirked, “I am good, Baby, I’m very good.” She winked before bending over the counter to put the container back in its place…
Which gave Jake a perfect view of her bare ass.
And if he was already hard seeing her in the jersey, his jersey, he was painfully hard now.
He audibly groaned and his stomach swooped.
“You alright Honey?” Sarah asked as she stood up straight.
He nodded, “Jus’ fine Sugar.” She nodded and moved around the kitchen.
Jake’s eyes never left her bare legs as his mind concluded that she most likely wasn’t wearing a bra either. “I do have one question though.”
“Why aren’t you wearing underwear? Not that I’m complaining because I’m definitely not.”
Sarah giggled before walking over to him. Her arms went around his neck and her eyes trailed up to meet his.
“I realized that I technically didn’t follow the rules,” she said, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. He swallowed, “What do ya mean by that?”
She tilted her head a little and sighed sadly, “I don’t have Longhorn underwear. So, according to the rules…” One of her hands came to rest on his chest. “I shouldn’t be wearing any.”
Jake groaned as his hands found Sarah’s hips. “You’re gonna be the death of me…”
She giggled and moved in closer, “Rules are rules, Lieutenant…”
Growling, he surged forward and claimed her lips in a kiss.
Sarah smiled into the kiss as Jake’s arms snaked around her back and pulled her flush against him. Jake walked them both back to the corner of the counter, caging her in with his legs.
Jake got two handfuls of her ass and squeezed, causing her to gasp and moan against his mouth.
She can feel his hard on against her but as she goes to undo his belt, he stops her. “Not yet, Sugar.” Sarah whines but before she could complain Jake hoists her onto the counter top. She pulls him back to her and presses her lips to his.
He smirks against her lips before kissing her neck as his hands roam her torso, groping and squeezing at her hips and chest over the jersey. “Jake… baby please.” One of his hands cups her cheek, “Is my Razorback impatient?” She pouted and he chuckled, “Typical Hog…”
His unoccupied hand slipped under the jersey and his fingers lightly gracing her ribs before taking the weight of a breast in his palm.
She whimpered slightly and he felt his dick twitch at the sound. “Okay, okay, since you’ve gone through enough torture this week, I’ll spare you some now.”
Jake sank to one knee, his hands going to her calves and trailing up as he kissed her thighs.
He hooked his hands under her knees and pushed up, opening her up to him. “God, you’ve got such a pretty pussy, Sugar.” She moaned as licked his lips before placing a hot kiss to her clit.
“Oh fuck~ In the kitchen Jake?”
“It’s where the best meals come from, Sugar.”
One of Sarah’s hands carded itself into Jake’s hair as he dove back in, his tongue flattening against her cunt. “Oh Jake~”
He groaned against her as she tugged at his hair.
Jake’s lips created a vortex around her clit. “Jake! Oh my~” The long moan that followed her words had him groaning, sending vibrations through her.
She was mewling and letting out high pitched moans, pulling at his hair but the position she had put her in gave her little control. Her toes barely scraped the counter, so she couldn’t grind against his face properly.
Jake looked up at Sarah’s face as he released her clit to catch his breath, “You taste so sweet, Sugar~” He dipped his tongue into her entrance as he nuzzled into her pussy.
Her hand in his hair pulled him closer, making his nose bump her clit. “Please Jake, I need more, I’m so close.” The band in her core was hot and getting pulled tighter and tighter, but it wasn’t enough.
The whimpering and the tugging of his hair, just made him hungrier. Jake’s ears were being blessed with filthy but angelic sounds, and he couldn’t help but growl against his girlfriend’s sopping wet cunt.
He flattened his palms against the backs of her thighs and pushed them towards her chest and farther apart.
Jake pulled back, licking Sarah’s slick off his lips and chin as he watched her pussy twitch and clench around nothing.
“Jake, Darlin’, what the fuck?” She whined as the hand still in his hair tried to bring him back where she needed him most.
He chuckled and looked up and at her, his green eyes met her brown ones as they sparkled. “I’m sorry Sugar. I needed to catch my breath.”
Jake squeezed one of her thighs, “Hold this for me would ya?” Sarah rolled her eyes playfully but hooked her free hand under her knee. “Thank you, Sugar,” Jake said with a smirk.
He leaned in and placed a kiss on her clit before coming back and running his middle and index finger through her folds. He felt her clit twitch and he grinned, “That feel good, pretty girl?” “Yes~” Sarah managed to respond.
All the Texan could do was bite his lip before he brought his hand back and then down against her pussy; a wet slap and the Arkansan’s moan filled the kitchen.
“Fuck, baby~” She managed before yelping when he did it again. “Does my pretty girl like that? Does she like getting her pretty pussy slapped?” Sarah’s head banged against the cabinet, “Yes! Yes, she does! Oooh fuuuck~” In the middle of her answer, Jake had slapped her cunt again.
Jake just grinned and licked what he could off his hand before grabbing her thigh again.
He held eye contact as he dove back in, lapping at the wetness between her thighs.
Obscene sounds echoed in the kitchen. The wet, sloppy noises coming from between Sarah’s thighs and the moans coming from her spit covered lips.
“Jake, fuck! Please~”
“‘Please’ what, Sugar?” Jake hummed, kitten licking her clit.
“Please make me cum! I need to cum~” Sarah whined, panting as she looked down at her boyfriend.
Jake groaned and buried his face in her center. His tongue dipped in and out of her, his nose brushing against her clit.
Sarah moaned out his name, pulling him closer as her thigh fought to close around his head – but of course Jake wasn’t about to let her do that.
He could feel her clench around his tongue before he once again created a vortex around her clit, the wet sounds sending her over the edge.
“Jake Jake Jake~ Fuuuuck!”
Her thighs trembled in his hands and her hand gripped his hair tightly.
Jake brought her down from her orgasm gently, praising her as she calmed down. “You did so good for me Sugar.”
He changed his grip on her thighs as he stood up.
“You okay Darlin’?” Jake asked with a chuckle as she panted.
Sarah nodded, humming softly as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “We’re gonna have to clean the kitchen before guests get here for the game…”
“In due time, Sugar… I need to take you to bed.”
“Lead the way Cowboy~”
Jake captured her lips and picked her up off the counter.
Jake didn’t need to see to get to their room, he’d navigated the path blindly plenty of times.
Once they got to their room, Jake dropped her on the bed – going with her because she didn’t want to part.
Sarah kissed down his throat, nails scratching the back of his head.
“Sugar, I’m wearing too many clothes,” he groaned out. “Then take them off,” she told him before kissing his neck again.
He weaved his hand into her hair and pulled her back.
“Ah~” “I can’t do that with you attached to me, Sugar.”
She pouted but let him go so he could undress. Jake smiled and stepped back.
He pulled his shirt off and went to work on his belt quickly. As he got it open and took it off, he saw Sarah reach for the bottom of the jersey.
“Jersey stays on.”
Sarah stopped moving and nodded, “Yes sir.”
Jake smirked and slipped his shoes off before sliding his pants and boxers down his legs.
He walked over and yanked her to the edge of the bed, making her yelp a little in surprise. He leaned down and kissed her deeply as he pushed two fingers inside of her, scissoring them to open her up.
When he removed them, he brought them to her mouth, “Open Sugar, get a taste of how sweet you are.” She did as told and took his digits into her mouth, bobbing her head a little bit.
Jake smiled at her, gently caressing her cheek before gripping the jersey in the valley between her breasts with that same hand.
In a swift, calculated motion he pushed himself to hilt, making her gasp and moan around his fingers.
“Ooooh fuck!~”
He gave her a second before she fluttered around him and he removed his fingers to hold her hand. “You ready? I’m going hard and fast.”
“Fuck me Jake!”
He smirked, “As you wish~”
Jake started pounding into her. His fist balled up in the orange jersey and her tits moved beneath it – the friction of the material doing wonders for her. His thrusts punched moans out of her, and her moans just made him harder.
Her walls clenched and fluttered around him, and her pussy just felt so good. Jake was a southern mess above her, while she was no better underneath him.
“Fuck~ Darlin’ it’s like you was made for me,” he punctuated that with a groan.
“Pussy squeezin’ me so fuckin’ good~ I know you’s fuckin’ close, make a mess of my dick, Sugar~”
She moaned underneath him and pulled him to her lips.
Jake propped his knee up on the bed and let go of the jersey in favor of cradling her head.
“Jake, fuck~ Your cock fills me so perfectly~”
His hips stuttered and he groaned.
Sarah looked into his green eyes, “I love you.” “I love you too.” Jake melded their lips together as she came around him.
She pulled back and let out a guttural moan against his mouth, making him falter in his rhythm.
“Put a baby in me, Jake. Fill me up until it takes. Make me mama~”
The moan Jake let out was deep in core as the tingle in his spine became lightning shooting up his back and he spilled into her.
He collapsed on top of her, both panting and sweaty messes.
They laid there for a few minutes, collecting themselves before Jake propped himself up on shaking arms.
“That was…” “Good.”
They laughed together before kissing sweetly.
Sarah sighed and looked over and noticed the time.
“Shit, it’s 5:30…”
“What happens at 5:30?”
“The game starts at 6, Jake.”
In his fuzzy, post-orgasmic brain it didn’t click right away.
“Why does that-”
Then it clicks.
“Shit…. They’ll be here any minute,” he hung his head.
He carefully pulled out, making them both sigh before going to the bathroom to get a rag and clean them both up.
He kissed Sarah on the forehead, “Are you gonna be okay while I go clean the kitchen?” She nodded, “We can cuddle during the game.” He smiled and pecked her lips, “I’ll put your Razorback leggings and sweatshirt out, along with some underwear.”
“Can you put your cologne on the sweatshirt?” He nodded and kissed her again. “I can do that.”
Jake got dressed and put Sarah’s clothes out, spraying his cologne on the pale yellow sweatshirt.
“Call me if you need me Sugar.” “I will.”
Jake gets downstairs and goes to the kitchen, immediately getting the spray and a paper towel to clean the surface of the counters.
About halfway through, the doorbell rang and he jogged over to answer it.
“Can I help- Rooster?”
Bradley just waved.
“Why did you ring the bell? You know you can just come in.”
He crossed his arms, “I needed to make sure you and Sarah were done.”
Jake was confused, “Done?”
Bradley’s face went red. “Hangman, I got here about 10 minutes ago and came in. I thought I was loud…”
Jake’s brow was still furrow but then his face dropped in realization. Bradley had heard them.
But he wasn’t embarrassed. No, he thought it was funny.
“Well, I guess that’s payback for what I’ve had to hear.”
The stairs creaked and both men looked up them.
“Oh hey Bradley!” Sarah greeted, voice a little raw. “Hey Sarah.” She looked at his red face, “Everything okay?”
“Oh yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She nodded at him, not super convinced, “Okay. Um, pizza is getting made, do you think Javy would pick it up on his way?” Jake nodded, “Yeah I’ll text him.”
Jake went back to the kitchen and sent Javy a quick text before finishing the wipe down of the counter.
When 6 rolled around everyone had gotten there and the game started.
Jake had Sarah in his lap, her face buried in his shoulder during commercial breaks. By the end of the game, both had fallen asleep.
A few weeks later, just before Christmas break, Sarah started feeling off.
She was tired, felt sick in the morning, and was getting emotional over everything. She thought it was her period but when she checked, she had missed it for December.
During her lunch she went and got a few tests, taking them just before coaching an away basketball game.
All three were positive.
Sarah smiled, covering her mouth as happy tears sprang to her eyes. She did a little math and the estimated date she had was the day she wore Jake’s jersey.
She couldn’t help but laugh a little bit.
i hope you guys enjoyed this little piece!
this is just a filler piece that will be in a separate section of the masterlist. (probably titled: backstory idk though) let me know if you want more backstory/side quest pieces!
i’m hoping to get started on the reunion and get it up soon!
I do have a pinterest board set up for this, just to help me get into the vibe (one is to help with future parts, one is only for the current parts)
if you want to check it out and get more of a feel for the dynamic going on---- you can click right --->   here
if you would liked to be tagged in this series, please comment or reblog the masterlist linked at the top! or you can comment here!
j and s tags <333: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @mayhemmanaged @nobody7102 @djs8991 @marbledaesthetics @genius2050​ @fangirlbang @penguin876​
thank you my lovelies <33
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
Neon Headcanons (but also ~Deadlock?)
Another (modified) version of one of @eviethelesbian 's prompts.  At this point I’m like Thanos collecting Infinity Stones but I just write Valorant headcanons from a list.  One down, god knows how many more to go.
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My god she has no filter when speaking Tagalog, like it's not just that she swears but the sheer volume of it
Diagnosed by Sage, confirmed by damn near everyone she knows, she has ADHD
Despite being somewhat short she is excellent a basketball and when she learned the protocol had a court, she was estatic
Phoenix warned Gekko against challenging her, to which he ignored, and was shocked when Neon dunked on him
Also insanely fast too, if she decides to steal from someone’s plate it’s so quick that most people won’t notice
Will use her radiance to speed up basic chores.  Also to charge phones, hairdryers, tablets, and most appliances 
That last one is usually what happens when she decides to cook, and she LOVES cooking.  Most of the time she will offer to help cook even it isn’t her designated night to cook
Adobo is what most of the fandom knows her for, but it isn’t the only dish she can make.  
Sinangag, tocino, and sisig are usually her go to whenever she is asked to cook, but her favorite dish to make is anything with Ube
The shock value of purple food to the protocol and getting everyone’s reaction was entertaining to her.  Plus the flavor reminds her of childhood.
Misses her parents at times and occasionally will be reminded of them from something on a mission.  Afterwards, she’ll head to her room and probably fixate on a photo of them.  It’s a routine at this point.
Does have some fear of her electricity causing a blackout, and only uses it at its maximum while training
Has flashbacks to when she couldn’t control it, and the times it got out of hand and caused a citywide blackout for about a week
The flashbacks include the time her power caused someone to go into cardiac arrest, a day that still haunts her
Reyna often tries to get her to move beyond guilt to draw out more power, which Neon is aware of but at the same time, it feels good to not be careful and let loose
Training is usually a mix of target practice and using radiance to outmaneuver training dummies.  At times, Reyna will drop in to teach her to be more decisive or give her advice
Sage is keeping an eye on this, but more out concern for Neon’s wellbeing.  When Neon is distressed, it's often Sage that talks with her about whatever troubles her
Fade is still making amends for what happened in Istanbul.  Contrary to most of the fandom, you can’t just psychologically scar someone and then become gfs
Don’t worry, they eventually found common ground after Fade apologized and the two began to realize they had some things in common
Eventually it was Neon that actually forgave her and the two began spending time together and trusting each other more on missions
They aren’t ‘inseparable’ but Fade stays close to Neon whenever she’s out of her room, and Neon visits her at times
She’s everyone’s big sister and although she is homesick, she believes she is helping the world.  Also the relationship between her and Fade is also a reason to stay…
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Iselin is in therapy, both physical and mental.  It was a bit difficult for her to talk to anyone, but Sage managed to crack her.  It wasn’t pretty, and to keep her stable she was put on medication
Anxiety and PTSD attacks were common in the days she was still adjusting to the protocol.  Gekko’s crew were forbidden from entering after she saw them and her heart rate spiked
Eventually she managed to feel more at ease, and the medication was issued in lower amounts to compensate.  That’s when prosthetic fittings began, courtesy of KJ
Surprisingly, she was able to make a lot of progress towards dealing with her trauma.  Therapy works, also a surprisingly good support structure
Sova is her support person, and the two are usually together whenever they can be because they work together so well 
They are siblings, not by blood but by dynamic and they are competent but one is usually paying attention and the other isn’t
After Sova, her favorite person at the protocol is Skye.  The hiking the two often do is not only relaxing but strenuous so it's usually only them 
It was a bit hard for her to trust the animals Skye made at first, but they were sort of exposure therapy for her
She and Skye love doing anything together, and Skye is one of the few people Iselin lets her guard down around
Not that she’ll admit this, but she has created a private file with KAY/O for a bit of a dark reason.  It is called ANI/-/ILLATION (0)
It details precise methods on how to kill every radiant and artifact using agent and what to fight them with.  It was a drafted by KAY/O in the future and is a failsafe to prevent a Radiant War
KAY/O doesn’t want to tell her, but she was not only a general during it but died to Skye killing her in the future
Getting back to lighter topics, Iselin’s personality is organized but she will offer to help people if they want.  Mainly with gun maintenance and drills
She has a soft spot for a lot of the younger agents and despite being ‘serious’ will join in on conversations and casual life
Do not however challenge Deadlock to bets and games, she will take it seriously and always give 100%
The radianite still in her body from the Bear glows in the dark and responds to radianite and strong emotion.  She hates it but everyone says it's cool
Omen and her were on bad terms initially (trauma did cause that) but the more they worked together the kinder the two were
Now Iselin has a sweater from Omen, and she wears it around the base when she can.  She loves the material and the fact it's her favorite color, green.  It reminds her of spring.
The prosthetic arm felt alien at first but now it's like a part of her.  She doesn’t feel any shame for it anymore and she’s turned into a sign of resilience.
As a joke, Breach asked if she could do that with it.  She jabbed him in the gut and he toppled over, she yelled “what do you think now, drittsekk?” at him and left
(For the record KJ did install a function for that, but never told her.  Oh well…)
She is serious, organized, but never stern.  She may still be recovering and finding her footing after tragedy but she is surrounded by people that are moving her forwards
Fun Little Glitch
So Neon and Deadlock were in the common room and Neon being Neon she got curious about the prosthetic arm
Iselin permitted her to look it over and touch it, and gave her a rundown of what it was.  Then Neon went to check the hand size in comparison to hers
Just as she was pressing their hands together, a small spark from Neon’s hand shocked Iselin’s hand, and it went full death grip
It would not let go, and the initial panic caused them to trip over each other trying to pull the hand apart
Sova walked in after hearing the commotion, and saw the two on the floor.  He tried to help by grabbing both wrists and pulling
It did nothing and his next suggestion was to disconnect the arm and then pull.  Iselin had to explain the prosthetic arm can’t be removed and was kind of pissed he suggested it
He shrugged and said they should just go to KJ’s lab and wait, which was a problem cause A: it was on the other side of the base, and B: she was out on a mission
So Tala and Iselin had to walk through the common area, then the mess hall (Jett, Phoenix, Reyna, Harbor + Astra, and Gekko), then past the conference room (Brim and KAYO), to the medical bay (Sage, Viper, and a hurt Yoru), and finally to KJ’s lab
It was beyond embarrassing for the two and led to plenty of confusion and remarks (mainly from Jett and Yoru)
Fade poked her head out of her room and invited Tala in, but then immediately regretted it when she realized she had been stuck to Iselin.  Not wanting to be rude, she made her peace with it
From time to time people would drop by and try and see the conjoined agents only for Fade to greet them at the door and shoo them off
It was a strange situation for everyone, Tala being with Fade and Iselin while in Fade’s room was different.  It didn’t help that there wasn’t much to do aside from scroll the internet and watch Fade add to her conspiracy board
Eventually when it got late and they realized that KJ was gonna get back late, they all sort of gathered around on the floor and just hung out
Fade was prompted by Tala to read out loud what she was reading while she layed on the cushions dotting the room.  Iselin just slumped against the wall
The morning KJ arrived, she was ushered to the room by a very excited Jett and Phoenix.  Brimstone was less than enthused about the fact 3 agents were together in a room overnight
The three had all collapsed together and were laying on the floor, and yes Jett took a photo before they all woke up
KJ walked over to Iselin, put a gadget up to the wrist and the grip stopped.  Now that the two were separated, Tala and Iselin thanked KJ enthusiastically.  
Fade hated the fact everyone was looking in her room and quickly got everyone out the second she could
A few adjustments later, the arm set to work without any problems due to increased voltage
Some time later after a successful mission, Iselin went to help up Neon and extended her prosthetic arm
“Iselin you can let go now”
Iselin started to panic and then Neon began to panic, right before Iselin released her grip and smiled at her
“Ok ok, you got me Iselin… Hey, you want to try that on Fade?”
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l0serloki · 2 years
hi ! is it okay to request for a little nsfw cypher x reader? i had this idea in my head about cypher randomly checking up on agents and whatnot and the one he did for y/n, he saw their browser history looking a little /too/ kinky? idk if its too specific but yeah !!
you can come up with the reaction and everything. tysm !!! ♡
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Cypher x Reader
Genre : Smut
WC : 1.1k
Summary : Cypher is checking up on the agents and notices some peculiar searches from reader. He decides to go give them a little check up.
CW : Exhibitionism, Sir kink, ropes/tripwire use during sex, overstim, teasing, fem!reader, dom!cypher, a bit of degrading as well
A/N : OMG OFC! This was fun to write and I hope you enjoy it my dear!! If you ever have any other ideas feel free to shoot them my way!
Brimstone had made sure that Cypher was always up to date with everyone. It was Cypher's jobs to keep tabs after all. He had begun his day by checking the cameras and looking at the new files that piled onto his desk. The task was finished quickly and he had moved on to looking to see what the other agents were using the wifi for. Chambers and KJ's had of course been too boring to continue and Reyna's.. Well that woman was disturbing. He was curious about his dear friend Y/N though. He went to look and sat back in shock. Maybe he had wired the wrong phone? He leans in again and chuckles as he scrolls through your browser history. Maybe the image he had shaped in his mind of you was all wrong. He couldn't deny that seeing the dirty things you were googling sent shocks down his body. He had to confront you, right?
The day had been quite simple for you - cleaning with Sage and practicing some aim training with Chamber. You could feel your bones ache as you finally reached your bed and relaxed. Your thoughts raced to other ways to make you feel a little better after the long day. Nobody was going to bother you now that it was nighttime. You reached across to grab your phone and started to google. You felt your body leave your soul at the knock at your bedroom door. Readjusting yourself you got up to walk over to the door. "Yes? Is everything alright?" You were greeted with Cypher's face and you raised an eyebrow. You two were friends but he did not usually turn up randomly unless something was wrong. "Can I come in?" You nodded and gestured for him to come in before checking the hall and shutting the door. "Are you alri-" You gasped as he slammed his hand against the wall beside your head. "You have some nerve Y/N.. I go to do my work and check the browser lines and what do I find? Pure filth. You distract me from my work and now I have to cover for you, huh? You wouldn't want Brim to know all the naughty stuff you're googling - would you?" You felt your throat dry and you nodded no at him. He had found out? You didn't know why that surprised you so much, you knew what his job in the team was.
You trailed your hand down his shirt and stopped right by his hip. Your fingers dug into the flesh as you moved your mouth next to his ear. "No Cypher.. Please don't tell Brim. I'll do anything for you." If he had seen what you had been searching and it had 'distracted him' then you could only hope he was into it as well. "Anything you say?" His hand gripped your wrist and he slammed you against the bed. "Yes baby.. Anything." You now were curious as to what he was thinking in that big brain of his. You saw him reach into his coat and pull out his tripwires and camera. "I want to film you as I ruin you for anyone else. Is that alright? Maybe even put my wires to use?" You could feel yourself seeping at this point. "Yes Cypher." He laughed as he set up his camera on your desk. "It's not Cypher anymore dear - it's sir now. Understood?"
You felt the wires restricting your movement and you stared up at the masked man. You needed him so bad that it hurt. "Please sir stop teasing me. I can't take another one." You writhed under him as his fingers kept pumping in and out of your sopping hole. "You will take another one for me slut. You know you can." He fingers picked up the pace as you cried out. "Oh god sir please. Let me cum?" "I thought you didn't want another one?" You could only growl at him in response and he snickered. "Fine but only because I want you to. Don't think I'm doing this for you. Understood?" Cypher's other hand gripped your throat as you came, the lack of oxygen making you feel dizzy. "See! Now you can take two more from my cock!"
Cypher had undressed and his hard cock lined up with your pulsating cunt. You were so fucked out from the three previous orgasms that you could barely string sentences together. "Please sir 'm in need." Cypher cooed at the words and decided to humor you. His cock had filled you full and he started at a slow pace. It was fine for the first minute or two before you grew tired of the endless teasing. "Please I can't take it any longer sir, ruin me." Your words must've hit something inside of him because the minute they left your lips he jutted into you like a drill. "I was waiting for you to beg for me like the whore you are. Look at the camera with those fucked out eyes of yours, whore." Cypher smacked your thigh and you could feel the string in your stomach growing tighter. Your blurry vision made out the camera and you stuck your tongue out just for him. "God yeah, just like that." Cypher kept at the pace, throwing you around like a ragdoll as you grew closer and closer. "I'm close sir. Let me cum for you?" You breathed out and he went harder than you thought was humanly possible. "Yes sweetheart. Let go for me." The euphoria overcame you and you could barely make out Cypher cumming soon after. You could feel his hot load drip off your body as your eyes closed. "Don't worry dear, go to sleep. I will clean up our mess." He patted your cheek and you let the dreams overtake you.
The next day you had woke up to Cypher sprawled out on the bed and hogging all of the blankets. You rolled your eyes as you kissed his forehead and got ready for the day. By the time you came back in said man had disappeared and a note was set on your bed.
'Got to help Brim. Better get used to having me though xx'
You could always get used to him when the sex was that good and he was so sweet. You heard your phone ring and you turned to grab it. Your cheeks went hot as you looked at the notification.. That bastard.
'Cypher : remember when i made u cum 3 times.. u look so good taking my cock here too lol. Images attached : 4'
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biconickyoshi · 24 days
tag games :)
Woooo thanks for tagging me @the-cloud-whisperer!! :) I’ve never done one of these before!
* Last song I listened to: Telephone Number by Junko Ohashi (classic city pop bop)
* Favorite color: Forest green - I painted my home office this color and it’s very calming (plus gives off hobbit vibes)
* Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, didn’t expect to like it as much as I do but I look forward to every new ep and even binged the manga the other day :)
* Spicy/savory/sweet: Savory all the way, can’t handle too much spicy or sweet at a time T-T
* Relationship status: Married
* Current obsession: Strongest and longest running special interest is A:tLA since 2007, specifically Zukaang now ever since late 2021 when I had an epiphany about the ship and started writing The Avatar and the Fire Prince :)
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
* Take A Chance With Me - NIKI (literally fits Zukaang so well so I listen to it a lot)
* Lovegod - Sarah Kinsley (the piano in this makes me feel so nostalgic and gives me extreme Debussy vibes)
* Naked in Manhattan - Chappell Roan (sapphic bop)
* That’s Me - Gnoss (celtic music is just 🤌🏻✨ i love it so much)
* Bewitched - Laufey (I feel like im in an old disney movie when I listen to this)
nickname: KJ
zodiac sign : gemini, but none of the gemini traits fit with my personality so I don’t much believe in astrology lol. if I’d have been born just a day or two later I’d be a cancer and much more inclined to believe in it bc it fits me way better
height : 5'4"
last thing I googled: tripleS members (a kpop group my sister recently introduced me to lol)
amount of sleep: usually 6-7 hours, I recently got diagnosed with mild sleep apnea so I wake up literally every hour or two and i have to use a cpap 😔
dream job: hmm well I guess I’m working it right now (I’m a therapist)? when I was a kid I wanted to be on broadway (I was big into musical theater/choir)… now I honestly kinda don’t really “enjoy” working in general even though there are parts of my job that I enjoy. I honestly get the most satisfaction out of doing things I like for my own enjoyment (like writing and drawing) rather than for monetary gain.
movie/book that describes me the most: uhhhhhh I guess I’d say LotR, I very much relate to Frodo lol (which is one of the reasons he’s my pfp on my main blog). I also love its portrayal of wholesome masculinity and kindness/goodness conquering all.
favorite song: hard to choose… there’s literally so many I like lol. I really love 1of1 (both the album and the song) by SHINee (my fave kpop group)
favorite instrument: I would say the mandolin or the fiddle
favorite aesthetics: I really enjoy the vibe of whimsigoth, though my personal style does not incorporate it. I attempted it a couple years ago but felt it was too femme - nowadays I wear “fashionable” men’s clothes (layers, button-ups, men’s jeans)
favorite author: Charlotte Brontë simply because I love Jane Eyre so much. She made me feel so many emotions with that novel 😭 I related to Jane a bit too much
random fun fact: hmmmm well I was the lead in two different musicals when I was in high school which was pretty neat! I mentioned somewhere above that I wanted to be on broadway growing up so that’s the closest i’ve gotten to that lmao
Gonna tag some of y’all if you wanna play (no pressure tho) :)
@finn0cchio @my-cabbages-gorl @veggiesforpresident @buncly13 @asukas-numberone-defender @zeno-zero @rennelelorren @gordielaweirdo @isthei @kirinjaegeste
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
here’s a few random thoughts about the Mayans premiere: 
- first of all, how long since the season 4 finale has it been now at the beginning? I was under the impression it’s been 8 months to a year or something like it, but a few things don’t add up. like, why is Hank still limping? he was shot in the knee in the season 4 premiere, how long has it been? and why is Nestor still a prospect when they already have a new one? did I miss where they mentioned any sort of time frame?
- I would have loved to see the moment Emily comes back home to Miguel and how that “reunion” went. I want to see more of their house, it’s not the same one they lived in before they fled, is it?
- I also want to know how the rest of Miguel and Felipe’s conversation in the (former) butcher shop went, what exactly did Felipe tell, how much of the truth is actually out there now?
- the guy Miguel and Soledad had lunch(?) with talked about how Miguel’s father was a puppet for the government and for a second there I forgot the guy meant José and Soledad looked at Miguel like she knew. also, the way the guy ate visibly disgusted Miguel. and honestly, I wouldn’t have needed that close-up of it either, lol.
- when Felipe and Adelita were talking about telling Angel the truth, did they mean that Adelita is secretly working for the cartel as, idk, a hit woman? or did they mean that Felipe worked with Adelita’s father and knew him well? how would either of those secrets affect their relationship?
- the new Santo Padre guy, Guero, Ibarra’s son, is pretty damn cute, I hope he lives through the season. the cute ones usually never do... rest in peace, Manny.
- and Guero was right about that all female club, the Broken Saints. they’re hot. I’d watch that spin off.
- does Sofia not work at the animal shelter anymore, why’s she at EZ’s place every free minute of the day? she does have a nice singing voice btw. 
- what big and dangerous thing is Louie planning to help Letty and Hope get those 13k dollars? 
- I’m torn about Alvarez and Izzy having a baby on the way, but TPTB probably didn’t have much of a choice since Patricia was pregnant in real life. I like her so much btw. also Marcus, yell at Santi like that again and I’m personally coming for your ass. let him try on your kutte, it’s only sitting there collecting dust anyway. 
- what did that DOJ accountant guy discover in those numbers he calculated? my guess is it has something to do with EZ’s record disappearing from the system, since Potter deleted it in exchange for KJ’s hit. let’s also remember real quick that during that hit not only KJ got killed but Bowen as well, and Potter can still use that as leverage against EZ and Angel. maybe that is what Potter has over Adelita? and even if he’s not a rat anymore, with that it would make EZ still look really good for it now and give the club a reason to finally riot.
- with Cole now being Soledad’s main supplier, my guess for who burnt down the warehouse shifted from Angel to him, and everything carefully masterminded by Potter. wouldn’t it be insane if he’s not with the government anymore at all but has become a king pin and in one strike took over the entire pipeline, while the Mayans and the Sons take each other out of the game on their own?
- generally I liked that there were a lot of funny moments again. we didn’t have jokes and humor in 2 seasons, this season feels like 1 and 2 again, the plot is still heavy and brutal but a lot less depressing. if that makes sense.
some of that sounds dumb, I’m aware, but I’m putting it out there anyway. let’s hear your thoughts.
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