#knives million x y/n
writing-fanics · 1 year
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Knives Million x Fem!Reader [Plant!Wife]
one step of the way there
[part ii]
[warning: knives actually being nice?! : implied smut: fluff: hints of angst : slight smut]
[a/n: this is my first time writing a fic dedicated to knives and knives alone]
Nai sat up in bed and turned towards the sleeping person beside him. Her bare back facing him he reached towards the covers. and slowly pulled them up to keep her covered. he then leaned over and placed a gently kiss on her shoulder. a smile grew across her cheek as she slept.
being a plant; he didn’t need sleep neither did his wife. but she was insistent on getting a bed for sleeping and as well other things. which he obliged getting on. y/n being the one to use it for its intended purpose of sleeping the most. but Nai, he used it for more physical activities that involved him and his wife. her beneath him and her clothes on the floor.
she shifted in her sleep and turned towards her husband. who’s back was facing her as he sat on the edge of the bed. her eyes fluttered open and she let out a yawn. She crawled towards her husband and wrapped her arms; around his backside.
“morning love,”she whispered softly, planting a kiss on his cheek.he smiled softly feeling his lovers arm around him.
“what’s weighing on your mind?“ she asked, fully knowing well that it’s about his younger twin brother, Vash. if it’s one thing about her husband that she’s scared of, is how far he’d go to prove his point that humans a despicable creatures. they’ve seen the carnage he’s caused especially at Jenora Rock.
she’s never told him and honestly is terrified too. she loves him more than anything. truly. but is scared of what he might do to her if she revealed to him that she cared for humans. she didn’t have the same morals as Vash, and didn’t walk the line of a pacifist.
“Vash huh?” She asked, while walking over towards the closet to grab a shirt to cover her naked body. she than sat down beside her husband.
“He just doesn’t understand.” He says, and she frowns leaning her head against her husband’s shoulder.
“He’s set in his own beliefs and you’re set in your own.” She says, intertwining her fingers with his. “He acts like he isn’t at fault too for what happened.” He said, and she looked at him listening.
She sighs, off the bed and listening to her husband rant. As she picked up her clothes from the ground. and placed them into a pile on the ground for cleaning later. he wanted to create a world with only plant like him Vash as well his wife. a world full of them. and not humans.
well, they were one step of the way there. Nai’s wife sniffed the shirt she was wear and immediately took it off; cause it smelled. Revealing her belly that was growing.
Nai smiled, seeing his pregnant with search through her closet for clothes. Watching as she put on a shirt and pants. She smiled, leaning down to kiss her husband.
just as she looked herself in the mirror, staring at herself and her growing belly. the life that her and knives created. was growing insider her. a child made by two plant parents.
Nai wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck. “I love you, Nai.” She said, looking up at him.
“I love you too.” He said, looking down at her and kissing her on the lips. His hand on her stomach.
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skelebellie · 1 year
affections towards reader
nb!reader x meryl, vash, wolfwood, and knives
NSFW headcannons involved, minors do not interact.
(nsfw is in red, if you’d like to skip it)
this is my first time writing smut lol. if you’ve got any constructive criticism please let me know.
meryl loves physical touch. she will constantly hold your hand in public, and if your not walking then she will sit close enough to have your legs touching. if your comfortable enough then she will make the excuse of “needing to save money” in order to share a bed with you. it intentions are never sexual, just in the loving nature that she feels most safe wrapped in your arms.
she loves to offer her thighs for those short naps. she knows she isn’t the most well endowed but you knock out moments within laying down.
meryl also likes to show her love though acts of service. she might take over some of your work to lessen the burden on you. maybe she might clean your clothes after a rough day through a sandstorm, making sure to part out all the sand prior.
she’s the opposite in bed. she’s an absolute pillow princess, her back arched as her thighs pressed against your head as you eat her out for hours. your just trying to show your appreciation for her, you know?
being in bed with her is something sacred to her. its a moment of absolute intimacy and she wants to spend every part of it clawing and grasping your body, each shock of pleasure causes her to pine at you. you never leave the bed without a scatter of marks and hickies.
this man is the biggest trinket collector in the entire world, and you are not safe from him. if he sees something that reminds you of him, its his. you have an endless collection of keychains gathering on your bag. “but it was so cute!! just like you!!!” its so hard to resist when hes giving you puppy dog eyes.
if he notices a hole in your gear or clothes, you’ll come back from a day of odd jobs to find something new on your bed, neatly folded and a small note laid on top of it. “i saw you needed new gear. dont pay me back :) “. if its something you have an emotional attachment too, he will wait for the perfect moment to snatch it from you. you will receive it back with an added patch, the color being practically identical. even if it means late nights and expensive prices, he will do anything to get it back to its original shape.
no one is safe from his nuzzling. if your really nervous or scared, he will rub his head against your head (or any available body part). when he pulls back his hair is messy and tussled in every direction. you think its a plant thing.
in bed vash is a man who dominates the “act of service” category. his whole goal while having sex is making you feel good, your pleasure is his and every moan you makes brings him closer and closer to orgasm. if hes having a rough day all he wants is to eat you out/suck you off for hours on end. if he had to spend the rest of life with his head between your thighs than he would willingly do so.
of course, mans is a switch. some days he craves your control, riding him as you hold his wrists together, preventing him from touching you. in times like this he doesn’t have to worry about the outside world, only how tight you are and your moans. on the flip side, he wants to pound you so hard you forget about whatever troubles may come. he wants to be the only thing you can focus on, you teary eyes unable to pull apart from his face as his hands roam your body, unable to separate himself from you for just a moment.
since hes so clingy, hes an enjoyer of cock warming. he feels amazing connected to you, and he loves to monitor you face to see how much more the both of you can take.
words of affirmation got this man redder than the two suns above gun smoke. and in turn, he loves to support you verbally. “you did great out there”, “we couldn’t have done it without you”, “your my everything”. on top of that, if you feel insecure or anxious about yourself be ready to hear wolfwood list off the 1000 reasons why he loves every part of you. don’t feel like your inconveniencing him, he would willingly tell the entire planet if you let him.
wolfwood loves physical touch, especially your body. his touch is much more intimate, but not necessarily sexual. he will spend car rides with you in his lap or his arm wrapped around your waist, him pulling you into his side. if you let him wander he will start kneading your love handles or the fat of your stomach. you cant go anywhere without this man giving a surprise ass grab. your his personal stress ball.
if you’ve got a muscular or skinny body, hes tracing patterns into your skin or letting his nails glide against you, sometimes causing you to giggle.
he also loves to hear you rant about things than interest you. he would spend hours listening to you rant about some new invention or fixation. it warms his heart to see you so fascinated with something. that glimmer of excitement in your eyes gets his heart pumping.
speaking of physical touch, wolfwood is a man dedicated to the act, especially in bed. he will keep edging himself over and over again because he just doesn’t want it to end. he doesn’t mind you cumming, in fact the more fucked out you look, eyes rolled in pleasure, the more he just wants to make the moment last. he will go a tantalizingly slow pace until your vocal enough to beg him for more.
wolfwood likes a bush. i said what i said.
fave position is you on your side, it gives him enough support to grab at you whenever he wants. when he cums hes got a death grip on you. your the only thinking grounding him from the amount of pleasure you give him.
knives (million knives/nai)
whether or not this emotionally constipated man realizes it, hes got a love language.
he craves quality time, whether that comes from a need to have you near him 24/7 in order to protect you, or that his mind races every time you leave, is none of his concern. he just feels more at peace with you by his side, or at most, with you in his line of sight.
he discovered he really likes bathing with you, its a moment of non-sexual intimacy he looks forward too. he take pride in cleaning every part of you to make sure you are his “perfect partner”, using only the highest quality in JuLai on your skin. the first time it happened he just kind of walked in on you, eyes affixed to your body as you missed a spot. “your not doing it right”, he muttered before stripping and getting in with you. he can always tell where to massage your body if you’ve got a particularly sore muscle.
he always wants you sitting in his meetings with conrad. even when conrad was initially against it. he wants you to see the paradise hes working for, how far hes willing to go for you to live in a perfect world molded just for you and his brotheren.
sex though? oh hes a physical man through and through. as much as he tries to be gentle with you and your human body, he cant help but fold you over in order to get a view of your pleasure ridden face. his thumb resting in your mouth so the only thing your full of is him.
its only natural for you to be under him, as much as he tries to involve you as an equal at work, he knows the perfect place for you is under him and worshipping the love he gives you. and the best time for that is sex.
hes got an obsession with cumming in you. having a part of him inside you makes you so much closer to him, much better than all the other lowly humans. he will keep cumming inside of you until you simply can’t hold anymore. it gets him hard knowing how much your filled of him, both physically and emotionally.
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi! I’m the one who requested the Vash x reader and Wolfwood x reader scenarios of them having nightmares. Thank you so much! You wrote it so beautifully, my heart couldn’t handle how cute and sweet it was! 💖
I wanted to request if you could do the same thing but how would Vash and Wolfwood react separately to the reader getting hurt by someone? Bonus if you write for Knives too? The way you write him is so beautiful too 😭💖
I'm so glad you liked it! <3 And I can definitely take a shot at this :) Hope you like it :)
The Guys Being Protective
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The minute this man finds out you're injured, your well-being is his first priority. He needs to know that you're okay before he decides his next move. If it is a minor injury, like a bruise or no bleeding, he'll probably let out a sigh of relief or give you a quick kiss. Vash is more likely going to caress your face or hold you very close to him without hurting you. He's thankful that you're still breathing and still by his side. Yet, he will remind you to be more careful next time. Vash has already lost many important people in his life, and he's not going to lose you too.
Although, if this injury is serious, Vash's fight-or-flight is going to kick in. He is going to make sure you're out of harm's way and that you get the necessary treatment possible. If anything, he'll try to patch you up with what he has available or rush to find someone to take care of you immediately. Vash is already restless that you're hurt, but would be devastated if your condition got worse.
If you even dare try to brush off your injuries as nothing, you're going to make him feel worse. He's only okay with him doing that to others, not when you do that. He's already beating himself up that you got hurt under his watch and that he didn't prevent it. So be sure to give him lots of cuddles and kisses to reassure him before he spirals. Make sure you tell him that he's not at fault and that you stay by him no matter what he says. He's been through so much, so you comforting him and showering him with kisses should do the trick.
Afterwards, he's going to ask you who did this to you. This man will find and go after whoever hurt you. Because if Vash finds the culprit, this person needs to run for their life. Vash may be Love and Peace, but that goes out the window if anyone hurts the people he loves and cares about, especially when it comes to you. He values you way too much. If he catches the culprit, Vash will make sure they don’t hurt you again. If this person gave you minor injuries, Vash will try to warn them not to do it again. But if that fails or if this person gave you serious wounds, Vash will use his fighting skills or his gun, (no killing obviously) I’m sure of it.
Let me just remind you, this is the same man who took out a good chunk of the Badlands Boys when the people in the Sand Steamer were under attack. Don't forget, this is also the same man who threatened E.G. Mine to disarm the bombs or else he'd make sure he wouldn't get away unscathed. Have you seen Vash angry? He may be babygirl, but he will punch, fight, chokehold, and bite whoever hurts you. Period. Vash will fight for you and your safety until the end of time.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
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If Wolfwood finds out you got injured there's a bunch of scenarios of what could happen. But they all to lead one thing, him beating the hell out of whoever laid a finger on you. It doesn't matter if you got a bruise, scratch, cut, wound, or mark, this man is going to be worried sick about you. Despite how cold, stoic, or teasing he is, Wolfwood has a big heart for you. He's cares way too much to brush off your injuries. Although after a minute or two, this man will be seething with rage. No one hurts you and walks away it.
Of course he's going to check up on you and see how bad the damage is. If Wolfwood finds out you're lying about the pain or hiding any other injuries, his anger is going to boil over. Not at you, but at the person who did this to you. But, he would rather you tell him honestly. Wolfwood has the biggest soft spot for you and would hate it if you lied about being fine. This man has already lost Livio, and he refuses to lose you too.
This man is invincible, but you're not. He knows you only have one life and he's going to make sure you live it to the fullest with him. Once Wolfwood is done looking you over, he's hunting down the person who did this to you. He's going to give you the: "I just want to talk to the person is all." Which means, "I'm going to beat the living shit out of this person."
No one messes with The Punisher and his loved ones. Just remember that this man carries the heaviest and deadliest cross weapon in No Man's Land. So imagine the beating this person gets once Wolfwood finds them. It doesn't matter how much they run, Wolfwood will find them and make sure they know what happens if they hurt you or anyone else again. Let's face it, Wolfwood is not going to let this person live unless you or Vash stop or convince him.
Once Wolfwood settles things with the person who hurt you, you're not leaving his sight. He's going to be taking care of you to the best of his abilities and making sure you get plenty of rest. This man will need lots of reassurance from you that you're doing okay so he'll be sticking by you a lot more. Probably going to cling onto you with hugs and kisses and giving you his lollipops. Call him Nicholas from time to time in private and this man will be putty in your hands.
Knives Million
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Knives is someone who rarely wears his heart on his sleeve. But if it involves you, he'll only show his feelings in private with you. So imagine what is going on with Knives internally when he finds out someone hurt you. That stoic face? Gone. Composure? Shaken up. His blades? Ready to cut someone up with no hesitation.
If you're a human, Knives knows that humans are delicate and don't live long compared to him. If he sees a cut or a minor scratch, he'll tell you to be mindful of your actions. He knows those kinds of wounds will recover in no time. However, if he even sees a bruise, any deep cuts, or bleeding, Knives is not going to let that pass.
If you're a plant and Knives finds out someone hurt you as mentioned above, there's no stopping him from seeking revenge. Knives will send Con'rad to tend to your wounds. If Con'rad doesn't do a good job of patching you up, the plant will have a long and menacing talk with him alone. If you can bring joy, solace, or even fill the lonely void Knives has within him, of course he's going to hold you in high regard. You are beyond special to him and will make sure no one lays a finger on you. Or rather, make sure no one takes you away from him.
Knives will demand you tell him who did this to you. If it was someone from outside his humble abode or lower ranking men that hurt you, he's going to off them immediately. Plus he never liked most humans, so less people for him to worry about. However, if he finds out it was one of the more important men like Legato, Con'rad, or any other high ranking follower...good luck. He's probably going to make their punishment slow and painful. Knives will reiterate what happens if they dare even hurt you and that they should consider themselves lucky that he's keeping them alive. He’ll probably make an example of someone if he catches them hurting you again.
Once he's done taking care of things, Knives will go check up on you to see how you're doing. He will take time out of his schedule, more importantly his alone time, to see you. Knives needs to know that you're doing okay and healing from your injuries. If you visit him while he's playing piano, he'll beckon you to sit with him and play you a song. If you try to play along with him, you're going to brighten this man's day.
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tenabrye · 1 year
First kiss and general kiss headcanons for Vash and Knives? If you wanna add Nick too you can, but i know you said 2 per request so its up to you! Wanna respect the ask box and rules!
Thank you friend! I hope youre well!
I hope you don't mind, but I made some of the kisses have a little bit of an nsfw piece to them.
Sorry if Knives' part seems OOC.
(Included Wolfwood because I love him too much to leave him out)
The first kiss was rather adorable. Looking up at the stars above and admiring the beautiful night sky, you were unaware of Vash watching you, admiring you. Then, when you turn around and see his smiling face, you both lean in and share your first kiss. The moment was magical, and it felt just right. All of those pent-up feelings for one another simply came bursting out.
He's a sucker for all types of kisses. Quick, little pecks to the cheeks or lips, or long and drawn-out kisses that usually end up in a brief session of making out. He does, however, have favorite places to kiss you. His kisses are usually quick, and he honestly doesn't mind PDA, however, if you're uncomfortable then he will cease immediately.
Your head or cheeks are his go to when in a hurry for something and he can't give a proper kiss. He will also kiss your head when cuddling or when he's in a soft mood, which is all the time.
Your lips are like a recharging station for him, which is why he loves kissing them after a long day, or if he's in a spicy mood. Those types of kisses are usually followed by a bit of lip nibbling.
Your thighs. It doesn't matter if it's the inner or outer part of them, they're soft and plush and he could kiss them all day if you'd let him, however, doing so will definitely rile him up a bit. Be prepared for that.
Your stomach. Loves trailing kisses up or down it because it makes you laugh due to how ticklish it is, and he loves it. This also gets him riled up, but only if you're in the mood for it. Otherwise, it's just kisses.
The first kiss was a very unexpected one. He allowed you to sit beside him as his brother used to whenever he played the piano. You listened to the lovely tune the keys produced as his fingers gently danced across them. He wasn't sure what got into him during this moment, but the gnawing desire to kiss you had been annoying him lately. You didn't expect him to kiss you when you looked up at him to compliment his piano skills, but you never complained. You're also the only human he likes in such a way, which is why the thoughts of kissing you plagued his mind for so long.
He's not the type for PDA a majority of the time, so most kisses have to refrain until the two of you are truly alone. He doesn't like an audience watching without his permission. His kisses are always sensual and slow, wanting to relish in the moment for as long as possible. Sometimes they can be a bit hungry as well, but that solely depends on the mood he's in.
The backs of your hands are a place he often kisses, and it's the one that causes the least amount of staring. Sometimes he'll prolong the kiss, being slow with it. If in a certain mood, he will even trail the kisses up your arm.
Your neck is another place he enjoys kissing. He likes the way you shudder under the touch of his lips when they press themselves to your neck, kissing that sweet spot that makes you moan. The noises you make are music to his ears and, as such, this always leads to something spicier.
It may come to a surprise when you learn he enjoys kissing your ankles, but it's not entirely what you think. He has no real interest in feet, however, when he has your legs hanging over his shoulders as he fucks you, he can't help but kiss the body part nearest to him, and he chose your ankles for that.
Your back is a very sensual spot for him to kiss. This typically happens after a spicy session, when the both of you are unwinding and enjoying each other's presence. He will make sure that you're asleep first before he softly kisses your back. The fact that you can be this vulnerable with him tugs strings he never knew his heart had, and he slowly learns to enjoy it.
The first kiss with him was something he planned for, or at least tried to. Trying to find the right moment and mood to kiss you had been difficult, until one day where you just suddenly grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled him towards you, smashing your lips together. Turns out he wasn't the only one planning on a kiss.
He gives no fucks when it comes to PDA, however, he will stop if it makes you uncomfortable. If you also give no fucks, hey, it all works out just fine then. His kisses are shameful, but oh so sweet and tender. He'll kiss you to annoy onlookers and make them either look elsewhere or walk away. He also makes a habit to kiss you at every opportunity he has. Before bed, after breakfast, after waking up, and especially if he saves you from disaster.
Your lips are the obvious place for him to kiss. His favorite thing to do is kiss you when you least expect it, or he'll catch your attention and then go in for a kiss. You're always left in a somewhat surprised state, but the smile on your lips is very telling for him.
Your neck is probably his second favorite spot to kiss. You make a lot of little noises when he does, especially when he sneaks a kiss to the side of it. Sometimes you moan, and oh boy, does that rile him up.
Your shoulders are another spot he likes to kiss. They have to be exposed, though, so this type of kiss is typically for either during a spicy session or after. He'll hold you close to him, your back flush against his chest when you suddenly feel his lips leaving kisses on your shoulder.
Your forehead is a tender place for him to kiss and is always during his softer moods. You could also just be sleeping and has the urge to just place a little kiss to your forehead. He can't help that it's such a sweet spot to kiss.
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h4venpha · 11 months
𝐛𝐨𝐱𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐜 𓂃 ⟡
boxer!millions knives x reader
cw: slight violence, blood mentions
a/n: why did i almost forget how to write hcs
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- boyfriend or bodyguard? well… yes
- he is a walking threat btw! a constant reminder to everyone that if they touch you, there will be consequences. walking down the street to wherever, holding your hand in his bigger one.
- he’s got this mean scowl on his face –bonus points if you’re a bubbly smiley person. people kind of look at you both like, how the hell did they get together? because you quite literally look like a sheep holding a wolf’s hand.
- knives is massive btw. like it literally does not matter how big or tall you are, he can and definitely will carry you. on his back, like a koala, bridal style, he can do it all. with ease too, not even breaking a sweat as you cling onto him.
- outside the ring, he’s definitely more composed with you. quieter, calmer, still keen and observant, but never rowdy or loud.
- it’s silly to see him in hoodies. bulging muscles completely covered and he just looks like a cuddly teddy bear, minus the constant scowl on his face.
- nai knows what he’s capable of: knocking someone’s jaw off or breaking bones– he knows how to hurt someone and make it hurt bad. but with you, his hands turn into big warm paws, holding your face while he kisses you. arms putting someone in a choke hold just the night before, now wrapping lovingly around your waist while he grumbles good morning in your ear.
- knives looooves seeing you in the crowd watching him in the ring. now honestly before you got together, he mostly fought to release stress and see people bloody and bruised from his fists. but seeing you in the crowd gives him another reason to fight: cause god he loves showing off to you.
- he likes seeing your eyes sparkle up at him whenever he wins, he likes it when you run up to him and congratulate him with a sweet, satisfactory kiss.
- nai literally only lets you patch him up. he won't even let another nurse get within a three feet radius of him.
- he thinks it’s cute the way you take care of his wounds. gently wrapping gauze around them or holding an ice pack to his head, its adorable to see you bite your lip in concentration.
- knives like the little shit he is, like to pretend to wince just to see your reaction. forcing out a hiss when you check over his wounds, flinching back slightly. and seeing you gasp and scramble trying to apologize while wanting to pull away yet ease his pain is so fucking cute to him.
- but he has to go through with the act or you’ll swat him. so he hides his smile and brushes it off, telling you to continue. and when you look at him with wide, concerned eyes, he fights back the urge to kiss you.
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
disgustingly beautiful
pairing(s): knives x (AFAB)reader warnings: smut, !NSFW MINORS DNI!, sex, fingering, knife play, degradation summary; knives hates the way he feels about you word count: 1.5k notes; i have no explanation for this one
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He drags the sharp edges of his blades down your arm slowly. He’s not sure why he’s so gentle with you, when he could easily break the skin and let you bleed out on the floor. He could  kill you in an instant. Knives' eyes snap upward, locking onto yours. He can see the lack of fear in your eyes as he waves around his blades. You’re so certain that he would never hurt you.
It pisses Knives off endlessly that you’re right. He craves the destruction of all humans. He wants to see them burn. If this were some other pitiful human, they would be dead in an instant. They would be gone before they could even approach him. You’re not some other human though. And, for some reason, he has a soft spot for you.
He brings his blades up, past your shoulder and to your neck. He keeps the edge there for a second, before using it to lift your chin up. His eyes flicker to your lips. He observes every small movement you make, every gulp you take. “So…disgusting.” he growls, trying to convince himself of your faults. It would be easier if you were like every other human. If you were disgusting, and beyond saving. 
It sickens him how he can so easily fall for your smile. 
What makes you so different from everyone else on this planet? Why do you make him feel so soft? He truly despises it. Knives wishes he could get rid of you once and for all. He hates these feelings that only you can make him feel. 
He growls and lets his blades fall, before crashing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. His lips seem to take over yours. He bites at your bottom lip, prying it open so he can shove his tongue inside. He swirls his tongue around, licking up every noise you make. The more you moan, the more intense the kiss gets. The kiss is demanding, and almost violent. When he pulls away, your lips are already red and swollen.
“Truly disgusting.” he says again, wiping the spit from his lip. He immediately dives back in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around your body to pull you close. His grip is bruising as your body is pressed flush against his. He immediately probes your mouth with his tongue again, swirling it around yours. 
Why does he like this? Why does the thought of bending you over make him feel so fuzzy inside. He snakes a hand up your back and grips onto your hair, pulling your head back. You let out a soft whimper. He drinks in the noise, pulling your hair tighter to get more out of you. 
With his lips still on yours, he slowly pushes you back towards the table behind you. You hit the edge and fall over. “A-Ah!” but before you can crash against the cold metal, Knives makes sure to lower you slowly. He doesn’t want your frail body to get too hurt. His mouth is on yours again, as he leans over your body, trailing kisses and bites down your neck. 
He digs his teeth into the skin on your shoulder, biting roughly, then licking the new wound clean. When he pulls away, he’s got a certain look in his eyes. A possessiveness that he only allows you to see. He admires the mark, before he works on getting your clothing off.
Knives starts to rip your clothing off, starting with your top. You lift your torso up a bit, allowing him to pull it off. He moves down to your bottoms, tearing them off your body as quickly as he can. His hands find their way to your thigh and squeeze the skin. He slowly rubs them up higher, brushing against your clothed folds for a second.
“So wet already.” 
With one swoop he cuts through your underwear, admiring the view of your wet pussy. He slides his fingers through the folds, gathering up all the juices. His face remains emotionless, but he’s definitely excited about this little endeavor. His cock is already painfully hard and throbbing. You, almost shy to his attention, try to close your legs and hide yourself away. He sighs and reaches over with his blade tendrils, pulling your legs up.
He’s careful not to cut you, but you can’t fault him if the blades scratch you a tiny bit. He’s simply too focused on the task at hand to pay too much attention to that part. 
He rubs his finger against you again, scoring the most delicious noises. He bites back a smirk as he watches you squirm from his simple touch, before he begins to rub at that sensitive bud gently. Your back immediately arches, a loud moan ripping through your throat. “Good.” Knives mumbles, putting more pressure on your clit. “I want to hear you.” he demands. He rubs his fingers in circles, drawing out loud moans. Unable to move while he holds you down, you are left a whimpering mess.
With his other hand, he inserts a finger. Your eyes widen, your mouth hanging open. He works you open, pushing his finger in and out before he adds another. 
“Oh. Oh Knives- Oh God-” 
He can feel you clench around his fingers. The smirk finally stretches across his lips as he holds you down and fucks you with his fingers. “What is it? Are you going to cum?” he asks curling his fingers inside  you while his other hand continues to rub your clit. 
“Please-” you beg him.
He lets out a small “Hm.” before deciding that he could allow you to get what you want. “Fine.” he grumbles. You cum on cue, your body shaking as you tighten around his fingers. He groans slightly as he works you through your orgasm. He stays silent, watching you close your eyes shut, screaming out his name.
All that, just for his fingers. So pitiful.
He rubs his clothed dick against your dripping pussy, his cold eyes never leaving yours. He can’t believe that such a creature can get him so worked up. He cannot stand how much he craves you. Every time he sits down to please himself, all he can see is your eyes. You have ruined him, and he will never forgive you.
In a moment his cock is free, pressed against your entrance. Your eyes are wide again, as you try to look down at what he is doing. Knives huffs and shoves his thumb under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Look. At. Me.” he demands. 
You whimper as he slowly slides his dick inside of you. He can’t believe how good you feel. So warm and tight around him. It was like you were made to be his little toy. Knives slides himself all the way in as slowly as he can. He gives you just a moment to adjust to his size, before he starts moving.
He slowly pulls out, admiring the way his cock glistens with you. He then snaps his hips against yours, shoving it back inside you roughly. “Oh!” you yell out. He fucks you hard, and fast. It’s almost deadly. He makes no noises besides the occasional grunt.
No, he wants to hear every little noise you make. He wants to listen to the sound of his skin slapping against yours. He ends up closing his eyes as the sounds mix together- creating a song more beautiful than he could ever play. 
He’ll never get over how amazing this feels. How perfect you are. Although when he is done he may feel shame for fucking the thing he hates, he can’t help but keep coming back to you. He slams his dick inside of you, making your eyes roll back. He keeps his pace, never getting tired of how lulled out he can make you.
He knows you’re close. He wonders what he can say to make you go over the edge. 
He grits his teeth, then lets out a dry chuckle. “Look at you.” he mumbles, continuing to fuck you. “You need me so bad.” he lets his blades tighten around your legs so you can’t move and inch. “I want you to remember this moment forever, human. You are mine.”  He growls and slams against you. 
You let out a cry, squeezing him awfully tight as you cum on his cock. Reduced to nothing but a blabbering, incoherent mess you call out his name over and over. He slams against you a few more times, before he pulls out and spills his seed all over your stomach. 
He drops you against the table, watching as your body goes slack. He eyes his work, before turning around. “Clean this mess up.” he demands before he walks away.
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shintin · 1 year
I may have decided to write a Mafia Vash the Stampede fic with my partner in crime, Creamson😁
He's going to look like this:
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Art belongs to creamsonlog on twitter. Thank you babe for this masterpiece ❤
He's so hot, I know, but please, let's keep our pants on for at least 2-3 chapters, if you know what I mean 😈
(you may think you know what I mean, but nope, I promise, you don't. it'll surprise you)
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Note: This fic is going to take place in the Alternative Universe/Modern Setting where Vash and his dear brother, Kni are dons of a well-known, violent mafia family. You may say, "what the hell, Shin! Vash would never be like that! "
Well... what if something bad happens that finally snaps Vash? What if staying by his brother's side has changed him a little more than you think? What if this is Dark Vash coming to life?
Warnings: This will be a dark-love story that includes sexual situations, non/dub-con, graphic violence, gore, angst and toxicity.
A lot of toxicity!
I’m a woman in love with Vash the Stampede, okay? I want to see his dick as much as possible.
So, if any of these are triggering for you, please do not even think about reading this fic when I start publishing it.
I know some authors don’t like to lay out the specific triggers, as they want readers to experience the book blind. I get that, but with this fic, I simply would not feel right if I did not make these triggers very clear.
The last thing I would ever want to do is put a reader through any type of trauma, whether it’s new or relived. And to be frank, this fic will cover pretty fucked up subject matter.
By the way, this will be a Vash the Stampede x Female Reader fic. Yeah, it has cute stuff too, like it's a slow burn fic, just not the way you think.
p.s: It'll take a while for me to start writing it. I'm just super excited about the ART 🥵
Okay, link for the fic: Gunpowder Dreams
Have fun 😁
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elusive-mayfly · 1 year
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If there was one thing Nai never thought would happen, it's that he'd have any empathy towards a human. When that happened, the new "it will never happen" thought was that he'd fall in love with them. And when that happened too, it was already too late.
Nai's a complex man with many thoughts stored away in his mind. He's tactful. Nothing happens without having deliberately been thought out.
The Great Fall was mentally his undoing. He believed he was doing the right thing. He believed he was giving not only himself freedom, but his brethren. It didn't matter what stood in his way, he would face it and he would be victorious. And when his actions presented fruitful, there was no turning back.
He did what he set out to do. A chain of events were presented to him and there was no other option. A never-ending battle was presented to him and he was the crux. That never bothered him.
What did bother him was when he extended a hand to Rem, his own mother, she chose them instead of him. Whether or not Nai admitted it, he loved Rem in his own way and having her reject them was the nail in the coffin: if his own mother chose the monsters over her own sons, she was also a monster.
And when Vash chose the monsters immediately after, that was enough. The sacrificial act of saving them was not appreciated. That was proof enough that Vash had been manipulated and was too far gone, at least at that point. In time, Vash would come around. In time, Vash would open his eyes... just like Nai did. It was inevitable.
Nai hid his sorrow, burying it deeper and deeper until it was just a fragment of a memory. He might not have even realized he held that grief.
Whatever lingering feelings he had were a waste of time. The love he held for his brother was what drove him to continue, but other than that, he didn't need these useless human feelings. Was he disappointed Vash didn't immediately side with him? Yes. But it would all be rectified eventually, so why process those emotions at all? Nai would always protect his brother.
But that disappointment in both Rem and Vash's rejection would fester in ways he didn't realize.
The fateful day you two met, these disappointments came to light. It doesn't matter how it happened, or what happened at all. One act of kindness or empathy and Nai was immediately hooked, much to his dismay.
He was starved for some kind of positive reinforcement and he would continue to seek it out whether he realized it or not. He was crippled beneath the weight of your actions and surprisingly... he didn't want it any other way.
He spent a long time denying it. You were a human and therefor you were the enemy. He could kill you if he really wanted to... but he never did.
Eventually, he began feeling... empathy for you, something he never thought were possible. Was it an eye-for-an-eye mentality? Because you showed him kindness, he felt like he needed to do the same? Maybe not to the same extent, but...
Maybe it was the looming threat of your rejection. Nai had cared only for two people in the past and they rejected him. Could he handle being rejected again?
He wouldn't give you a chance to reject him. Ever. You want to live? Done. You want an apology? Begrudgingly, it will happen. You want attention? It will be done. You want... love? ... you can have it.
At first, he just believed you were the exception. All humans are disgusting abominations... except you. All the humans needed to die... except you. It took him a long time to accept that your empathy towards him was what made you human. Your humility towards him is what made you human. Your forgiveness towards him is what made you human. And maybe humanity wasn't... all bad...
Maybe a small part of his ideology was wrong.
Begging him to leave everything behind was excruciating. Asking him to give up everything he had worked for and everything he believed was asking him to give up every part of who he was. You were asking him to tear down a century of growth in the (possible) wrong direction. The humans needed to be punished for their misdeeds and he was the messenger. To deny the messenger the act of delivering justice was, in his mind, cruel.
What convinced him was the conceiving of your child. Neither of you knew if you could conceive until it happened. But when it did, there was no denying that he already betrayed his cause. Plants would always be superior. Plants would always deserve more. And humans were a product of destruction, and deserved just that...
... but the middle ground, this child of both plant and human blood, was such a beautiful sight to behold...
And the thought of killing you or the child was something he could not do.
How do you rid the planet of an entire species save two people? Because if you make the exception, where is the line drawn? Humans were filled with flaws such as hypocrisy, and Nai could not fall to these weaknesses else he become exactly what he despised.
So what do you do when you feel you are forced to give up your life's purpose? You find a new purpose.
And finally, the tale of Millions Knives was over. Gone without a trace. The looming threat of his return would always be present, but people could finally breath a sigh of relief... at least for now.
There wasn't a bone in this man's body that knew how to live a domestic life. When you don't need to eat, you don't cook. When you don't need to sleep, you don't dream. There were many things he felt were expected of him that he could not bring to the table. How do you provide what you have not had provided to you for over a century?
Running away from his problems would never be an easy answer. He was forced to lay down a lot of his pride and ego to be able to fit into this... quaint life that he never wished for but so desperately wanted to keep.
But he can learn. If a mere human could do it, so could he.
Eventually, he got used to lying beside you during the night. Despite not needing it, he would sometimes sleep... but most of the time, he'd lie awake and think many a thought.
Did he regret his actions? That was complicated. What he did was for the plants. For his brother. He would never regret his loyalty. He would never regret his beliefs.
But something would always gnaw at him knowing to hate all humans meant to hate you and his child, and he couldn't bring himself to do that.
He would never be able to take back what he had done, and in truth, he didn't want to. Whether that painted him as a villain or not didn't change his mind. He could never adapt a new line of thinking, not entirely.
You knew this. And he knew you knew this.
But the one thing he didn't know you knew... is in the middle of the night when the whole household was supposed to be sleeping, Nai would sneak out of bed.
Maybe it was a need to feel a connection to something he had lost. Maybe the child called to him in a way you couldn't hear. Something drew him from your side during the dark of night that begged him to hold your child.
And with the infant in his arms, the two would glow in the small nursery. The communication between plants that you could not hear but could see. It coloured the room with a dull blue light and lingered in your mind as a beautiful and comforting scene.
Nai would never tell you he did this. And as your child grew and eventually forgot these kindred moments, he would never tell them either. But the message he was trying to convey would always ring true: he would always protect his family.
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ Millions Knives ; Trigun Stampede
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : inside of Knives reside feelings that you’re aware of, and yet he lies to you and himself about it
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : knives x gn!reader, angst
‧₊˚ a / n : writing angst for knives is everything to me, enjoy 🫶🏻
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You can feel Knives’ blue stare wherever you go, and he knows it. He hopes you think it’s because he’s keeping an eye on you, and he hopes you feel it’s stern and scary. Somehow, you don’t seem to think so.
He knows he doesn’t have to, but he brings you your food once in a while. He wants to make sure you don’t get the wrong idea though, so he mumbles something about how it’s useless for you to eat because you’ll be dead soon one way or another. Still, he hopes you don’t notice how he started heating up your food after Legato mentioned humans don’t usually like cold food. He remains silent around you most of the time, the gears in his head turning as he tries to figure you out, so whenever he says something it’s about how he doesn’t understand why Conrad wants you around. And then, he’s not sure when did this even start, but he peeks around your bedroom door at night to make sure you’re asleep. Again, Knives hopes you think he’s distrustful of you, but considering the multiple times he’s kept you from injuring yourself with Conrad’s tools you know he’s just making sure you’re safe.
In his mind, it’s only natural for you to be scared of him, he’s done everything to make sure you get it through your head: he hates you, he hates your kind, and his idea of a perfect world includes your demise and everyone else’s. But if he hates you so much, then why can’t he stop his bewitched eyes from following you around? And the way that feeling in his chest longs for his body to follow too? He’s convinced there’s something wrong with him, the way he’s suddenly so obsessed with watching your every move. You’re driving him insane, and he detests it. Is this what humans call a sixth sense? Should he be wary of you? Are you planning on sabotaging his plans? Why is it that his head is so insistent on you, on your pretty eyes and your smooth skin?
He snaps out of his thoughts, but before you notice you’ve caught him off guard he frowns.
“It’s Knives for you” since when are you so irreverent as to call him by anything other than Knives?!
“Right, Knives” you smile and reach to brush something off his hair, he immediately draws back with widened eyes “sorry, there was something in your hair.”
He stares, bewildered. Have you got any regard for your own safety? Are you not capable of sensing danger? The way you reach for him, the way you smile, so ingenue. It’s almost fascinating to him how you seem to trust him, despite everything you know about him. Is it naivety, perhaps?
“William asked me to come look for you.”
“Then why didn’t you say so since the very beginning?”
He rises up from his seat, but just as he is about to leave, he notices you don’t move an inch.
“Knives? Won’t you tell me already?”
“Tell you what?” he can’t help but blink in confusion.
“What is it that you feel about me, exactly?”
He freezes in place then. A part of him is offended, for you to think he has any feelings towards you, a mere human, it’s infuriating. But another part of him is conflicted. What does he feel about you? Even if he was certain, what makes you think he’d tell you? He considers replying the most hurtful thing he can think of. He’s disgusted by you, he loathes you, if he could he’d kill you right then and there. But for some reason he doesn’t say any of those things.
“You’re nothing to me” he lies.
And then you smile again. He knows you’re aware, he knows that you can tell he’s lying. There isn’t a single hint of hurt in your eyes despite his cold words. Instead, you seem to be rather calm. He sees something in you then that he wants to say he despises, and it’s that patient smile that Rem used to wear. Whenever he said or did something hurtful, Rem would smile just like that. Patiently, waiting until he could come to terms with his thoughts and feelings. He tells himself he hates it, but truth is he’s grateful.
“Alright, let’s just head towards the lab then, there’s something William wants to show you”
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kakubun · 1 year
noooo! don't turn me into a marketable plushie!!
about: trigun guys with a reader who likes to make plushies
a/n: tiny vash (this is also short cause i was impatient to post this limau (lmao) )
pairings: vash x reader, wolfwood x reader
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best believe he does a little squel when he sees your works
he ADORES all of the little animal, fruit, veggie, whatever you make plushies you make and squeezes the living hell out of it in excitement
if you like gift giving, he will gladly show it off, keeping them on his bags as keychains, putting it on his table, hell even on his ears if he wants to feel silly
he's also the type to send those good morning messages with the small plush that you made sitting right next to his plate of eggs and bacon
and when you make a tiny version of him, he thinks he died and went to heaven (not literally though i haven't read the manga bro isn't dead right)
it is the most cutest fcking thing he has ever seen in his life, you even got down to the shade of his hair and coat!
for funsies, you would defitenely make his gun and he would scream if you added something that could make tiny him hold it
he would hug you and the plushie at the same time to thank you
he will cherish this gift forever
just know if anybody ever sees it and mskes fun of it, he'll just say that they don't have a wonderful, most coolest person to make plushies for them and fake cries to make fun of them and run off to giggle
gives it silly nicknames like vashie or vash the junior
would grip the ever living shit out of your plushies as if they'll respond
he thinks it's a cute hobby (and that you're cute too
i see him as a guy who just fucks with it, you do you
would buy you materials if you ever run out and you would panic every single time if you think you're running out but a new fresh batch (the exact same colour too!) would pop up in your sewing basket!
he doesn't admit this though, he thinks he's slick
he keeps some in his pockets and gives them to children if they're in need of a small companion/ cheer them up
very much suprising you when kids come at your doorstep to thank you for the plushies and they would grin in thanks
but his favourite one is the tiny version of him, how adorable
he places it into his pocket like it was his kid and brings it everywhere, so if he ever wants to pull out a cigeratte to smoke, he would always have to push away tiny him deeper into his pocket to get at his box of cigerattes
calls it little guy
he doesn't have a need of plushies, it clogs up his space, he finds it useless
second chill guy? he doesn't care at all of what you do and he doesn't bother with your gifts, keeping it into a basket at first
until you made effort in creating a tiny version of himself to which he scoffs in amusement
and hey!! there's detachable blade coils, isn't that fun???!?!?
you have to look at him closely for a reaction, just a tense constipated look of focus on what you've done, intricate details of his suit means he kinda likes it (he doesn't want to admit he finds this action cute whether friend or spouse, it was nice to receive something that was really worked hard on especially when it was him, literally)
there was also a slight twitch of his lips, a quick lift at the end like he wanted to smile but he didn't want to give you the pleasure
(he find your methaphorical droppy ears on your head funny, what a meanie)
he keeps it on his piano, although he finds it bothersome when it falls face flat because of the piano's vibrations or his tiny him blade coils making it heavy on the back, he still likes keeping it close
he goes through that same basket of what you sewed for him and gradually the plushies you thought he threw/dump it elsewhere were now popping up in every corner of the house as decoration (atleast there was some use..? right?)
vash calls it little nai (knives doesn't do nicknames)
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meguwumibear · 1 year
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Summary: You look up and there before you is a pale man. His name is Nai and his companion is the knife. He seeks authority over the planet, to kill the spiders so that the butterflies may survive...or Nai finds you literally buried in the sand and decides to spare your life for unclear reasons.
Word Count: 2,900
Warning: character injury (mentions of blood), knives (obviously), Tesla’s backstory (nongraphic torture and what happens to their body after), i think that’s everything but let me know if i missed something!
Notes: If you’re all caught up with tristamp there are no spoilers! Takes place before Vash and the gang make it to July.
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Nights in No Man’s Land are cool. Mornings are filled with stagnant heat from the planet’s sun. The warmth from the great red giant is oppressive. Its rays burn and blister the skin. Unforgiving and unrelenting, the days here are marred by sweat, liquid hot.
You read somewhere long ago in a book about lost technology that moons were once thought to control the tides. The sea and its waters ebbed and flowed, swayed by the pull of something far, far away. There are no seas in No Man’s Land. No waves to crest and fall. Here, on this dry, barren planet, the oceans are made of the sand and her dunes, moved only by the worms beneath it, not some heavenly body from above.
Still, maybe the five moons of this planet are trying to move and sway something, for there’s a gentle breeze when they’re out that simply isn’t there in the morning. It’s that cool, gentle breeze that you find comfort in this night. You are trapped, half buried in the sand, held there by a collapsed metal beam, but at least you can see the stars.
There’s a nasty gash on your forehead just above your left eye. Blood’s been steadily trickling into the thing for hours, obstructing your vision. The wound stung when you first got it. Now it’s just numb. The only proof you have now of the injury are the ruby red droplets slipping slower and slower down your skin.
The night is quite save for your labored breathing. You figure it won’t be long now.
Footsteps. Somewhere behind you. The metal beam pushing down on your stomach prevents you from turning to look. You wouldn’t have had the energy to even if you wanted. Besides, you’re so far gone it’s possible there aren’t actually any footsteps at all.
A shadow. A silhouette made visible by the moon light. Someone is here and they are looming over your slumped form.
“Pathetic,” comes a disembodied voice. The part of you that remains lucid swears you’ve heard it before.
“Vash?” you ask. Is it possible? Had your traveling companion come back for you.
“Not quite,” the voice tuts.
Then he’s in front of you, large and looming like the horsemen of death. You recognize him and you don’t. His build and frame are familiar, but even in the darkness you can tell this isn’t your Vash. It’s the eyes that make the difference. They’re bitter and angry. Icy and cold like the breeze that’s been soothing you.
“So this is what my brother has been up to,” the man muses. “Traipsing around with you and your ilk. Some days I swear he’s just as pathetic as you.”
Brother. You suppose that makes sense, though the Vash you knew never spoke of a twin.
“Well?” he’s demanding. “Got anything to say for yourself?”
“I don’t know where Vash is.”
He crouches so that he’s eye level with you and rolls his eyes. “I don’t remember asking. I’m not here for him. I’m not ready for him yet.”
Your face scrunches, “What-”
His fingers wind their way through your hair, gripping it so tightly you feel like a puppet pulled by a string. He forces your face closer to his own so that he can inspect you properly. When he survey’s you, his eyes are sharp, like those of a hawk catching sight of its prey. You manage to stare back with your good eye, the one that isn’t pooling with blood, though there must be something wrong with that one too because the man before you is fuzzy, blurred and misshapen, like a picture out of focus.
When he drops you suddenly, your head lulls to the side.
“Pathetic,” he repeats. “I don’t get what he sees in you weak little creatures. I mean, look at you, in this bad of shape due to a little blood loss. What do you think, hmm? Should I leave you here to bleed out drop after agonizing drop, or should I just ago ahead and finish you off?”
There’s a sound, a burst of light, and the man before you is engulfed in a tornado of something sharp and silver. It takes a minute for your brain to process what it’s seeing: millions and millions of swirling knives.
Your eyes widen, “What are you?”
The monster before you smiles, “An independent.”
And then your world goes black.
When you wake, it’s into a deep darkness. It’s so dark in fact, you figure you’ve either actually died or been struck blind. With some effort, you manage to peel open your eyes. The room you’re in is unfamiliar. As you sit, a wave of pain cascades down your back and spine. So not dead or blind, then, for death surely cannot be this painful.
There’s a man in the room with you. The same one as before. The one who wears Vash’s face.
“What do you know of Eden?” he asks you. Clutched in his lithe fingers is a thick paperback book, the spine worn with read. The Bible, you realize. His eyes never leave the page.
“The garden?” you ask, your voice hoarse. It strikes you suddenly how thirsty you are.
He rolls his eyes and snaps the books shut. “Yes, the garden. What do you know of it?”
You consider him now that his eyes are on you. There’s a strange look in them that you can’t quite place. Something serious and dangerous.
Your family wasn’t pious. There was a church in the small town you grew up in, but people hardly ever attended. Even the priest spent more time drinking than preaching. Still, you somehow think your answer to his question may determine just how long you get to remain breathing, so you say, “It was supposed to be a paradise for the first humans, but a creature tempted Eve with a fruit forbidden and after she convinced Adam to eat it with her, they were cast out.”
He nods, smiles.
“A world without humans.”
He seems fond of the idea.
“Is that your goal?” you ask him. “A world without humans? A new Eden.”
He stands to leave, “I doubt a thing like you could understand.”
A man with hair the color of the sky on a cloudless day brings you some food and water, grumbling to himself about babysitting though he doesn’t stay more than a minute, practically flinging the tray of food onto your bedside table before stomping and storming away.
“Legato,” Nai will tell you later, not long after he gifts you his own name. “He was my first.”
“First what?” you ask between bites of food. You’d refused it at first, but Nai hadn’t liked that. Started ranting and raving about how he didn’t go through all the trouble of having his doctor save your stupid life just for you to throw it away in some half-hearted hunger strike.
(When you asked him why he had chosen to save you, he had no answer).
Nai ignores your question—as he often does—to ask you one of his own. He seems to like to question you, though you’re not sure what you’re on trial for. Your humanity it often seems. “What do you know about plants?”
You shrug from the bed you haven’t managed to leave in days. The doctor worked miracles to repair your back and legs, but they remained mostly lost to you. Stiff and unsteady.
“They’re the source of our water on No Man’s Land.”
He’s sitting reclined in a chair, elbow propped up on the arm rest, two fingers next to his eye, a thumb below his chin as he observes you. The ease and nonchalance at which he studies you makes your blood boil with rage. He’s right to feel so unthreatened by you. You are only human after all. What could you possibly do to creature like him?
“Where do they get it?” he asks, tone bored yet undercut with something sinister.
You sigh, closing your eyes to pinch at the brink of your nose. “I don’t know, Nai.”
He’s smiling when you look at him again, as if he’s caught you somehow. You’ve clearly given him the answer he sought.
“Have you ever seen one?”
You shake your head.
“Would you like to?”
You don’t understand what you’re looking at. Surely, this floating white sphere in a tank cannot be what has kept the people of the planet fed and watered for nearly a century or more. At first, you think you may be looking at a gigantic filter, but then the sphere begins to unfurl and you’re left with more questions than answers.  
Still, Nai is looking expectantly at you, waiting for your reaction, so you say, “They’re beautiful.”
Which is true. The creature before you is pale and soft like the moons of the planet, shining and shimmering with an almost blinding white light. It has a head and body not unlike your own: two arms, two legs. And then, of course, there are the wings.
“They’re kin.”
You look from Nai to the creature and start to piece parts of the puzzle together. “You’re related to them. You and Vash both. You’re plants.”
“Independents,” he corrects. “There’s a difference.”
He’s staring intensely at you now, arms crossed, icy eyes burning holes through your soul. It takes you some time to realize that he wants you to figure it out, so you give it your best guess, “Independents can exist outside this container.”
There go his eyes. Rolling. They never seem to stay still when he’s with you. “Obviously. Dig deeper. How come I can stand here before you and they can’t?” His tone is condescending and patronizing. He scolds you like a teacher does a disappointing pupil.
“You’re…” you try again, determined not to be disappointing, “sentient?”
He nods lightly yet encouragingly. “Go on.”
“You and Vash,” you continue slow and unsure. “You’re more alive than them somehow. More aware. Conscious and able to make more decisions.”
“Perceptive girl,” Nai hums. You think he might be complimenting you, though his facial expression remains strikingly neutral.
He may be pleased at your perceptiveness, but a creeping unsettledness suddenly begins to worm its way into your heart. “Plants…” you muse aloud. Nai is watching you. Waiting to see what epiphany, if any, you have next. “We humans called you that. That’s the name we gave you. Is it accurate?”
“What do you think?”
You frown. You think this thing in the tank looks an awful lot like an angel.
“Can they consent?” you ask him suddenly. “Do they know what’s happening to them?”
He’s smiling now, something wide and toothy and predatory like you’re a fly he’s caught in his well woven web. He asks you again. “What do you think?”
You think, begrudgingly, that whatever these plants are, you’d die without them.
“Are there others?” you ask him one day.
By now you’ve learned where you are: an opulent city called July. A hearty, healthy plant crashed here during the big fall—which you’ve come to learn Nai and Vash caused—and people built their lives around it.
“Other what?” he asks in return. “Be more specific.” He’s sitting at a grand piano beating the same song into the keys over and over and over.
“Other independents.” You’re sitting on the cold floor beside his piano bench, resting your back against it.
He waits until he’s finished playing the song one last time to address you. “There was another,” he confirms for you. “One other.”
He’s shifted his body so he can look at you fully. You turn to face him as well. After months and months of entertaining the beast, you think you finally understand how to play its game. He won’t elaborate unless you ask. He likes to make you beg.
“Who were they?”
“Their name was Tesla,” he says. “I never met them.” He pauses, then corrects himself, “Well, actually, I suppose I did meet them. Twice actually. But by then it was too late.”
Nai only ever feeds you scraps. He likes to keep you hungry. Wants you coming back for more.
“What happened to them?” you ask, humoring him. You think at his core, Nai is incredibly lonely. There’s no other reason for him to keep someone like you around. You’re not like Legato. You don’t believe in him or his desire for a new Eden. If he were to finally sate you and your appetite, you’d both go mad with boredom.
“Humans,” he bites. “What else. You and your kind can never just leave anything well enough alone. It wasn’t enough for you to destroy your own planet and the flora and animal life there; you had to destroy this one too. And on the backs of my brothers and sisters.”
Anger isn’t unusual for him. He doesn’t seem to realize it, but all his anger makes him oh so very human. His emotions bring him closer to what it is he hates the most.
“What happened to Tesla?” you ask again.
“They came to me,” he says, “in a dream. They led me to where the humans on that ship were keeping what was left of their body. Alive two hundred twenty-nine days, and every one of them torture. You humans pumped them full of so much poison there was hardly anything left of them when they died. An arm. A brain. Their eyes. All stored in three separate containers. Preserved like trophies. And he has the gall to insinuate I’m the sadist. Every fucking thing I did thereafter I did for him!”
His fist slams down on the piano. The instrument wails in protest. You jump at the sound.
Talking to Nai can feel like diffusing a bomb. Cut the wrong wire, and he’s bound to explode. You aren’t sure what to say to him now. It isn’t your job as his captive to comfort him. Still, there’s something in those stone-cold eyes of his that wasn’t there before. Something sorrowful.
“Everything you did you did for Vash.”
He sighs, posture slumping. Nai’s tired, you realize. Of what you can’t be sure.
“He’s too weak to survive as a plant so he acts the dim witted fool to win him the affections of humans instead. Why do you think he behaves the way he does? He’s shrinking himself to not seem harmful or dangerous to you and your kind. You’d hunt him for sport or string him up and suck him dry like you’re doing our brethren if you knew his true nature. I had to protect him. I had to protect us.”
An arm. A brain. Some eyes. That’s all that was left of Tesla. Humans consumed everything else. Maybe that’s what Nai is so afraid of. Maybe that’s why he’s so angry all the time. You picture your mother hacked up and pickled. Suddenly it isn’t so hard to empathize with Nai.
“What are you going to do?” you ask him. He’s never actually told you his plan. Just bits and pieces of it. You’re not sure if he wants to keep you ignorant or if he wants you to figure it out for yourself. “How are you going to protect your kind?”
A little while back he brought a preacher to your room. Asked you to share everything you knew about Vash with the man. You assured both of them that it wasn’t much—you’d only traveled with Vash a few weeks at most—but Nai insisted, hanging on every word. You wondered how long it’d been since Nai saw his brother in the flesh.
Vash is involved in all this somehow. Nai needs him in July.
Nai is looking down at you from the bench, lips pressed firmly together into a thin straight line. It’s the first time he’s contemplated sharing everything with you. “The extinction of your kind means nothing while my own remain little more than conduits and shells.”
You nod. That makes sense. Vash and Nai are the only independents. Even if Nai managed to exterminate your kind, the plants would be no more sentient then than they were before.
“You want them conscious,” you say. “Independent like you and Vash.”
He’s smiling now, lips curved upwards, corners of his eyes crinkling. You don’t think you’ve ever seen such a soft and serene expression on him. All his hatred and anger gone as he envisions this humanless utopia.
As quick as the expression comes, it goes. Nai’s face darkens. Lips curved down in a deep, contemplative frown. You dare to ask, “How will you manage it?”
A sneer. Vicious and violent. It warps his otherwise angelic face.  That’s the issue, then. The how. It occurs to you that Nai may have kept his plans from you not to keep them a secret, but because they’re too hard for him to breathe life into. A plan unspoken is one yet to have been made real.
Nai thinks you’re selfish. He thinks every human is selfish. You are tempted by everything. By food and drink and sex. Driven by id, seeking pleasure, drowning out pain. He calls you all Eve and plots a paradise free of your particular breed of sin. He can’t understand that you and your kind are just doing what’s needed to survive on a plant you were never meant to inhabit.
He wouldn’t want your pity, but in a way, he’s earned it.
You force yourself to look up at him as you say, “Whatever you end up doing, I hope it brings you peace.”
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writing-fanics · 1 year
knives wife is in the city of JuLai, trying to help evacuate the city. with the battle between Nai and Vash, the stakes are pretty especially with Vash’s Angel arm charging up.
with them now in space and Nai forcing the arm to aim towards Earth…
Vash tells Nai that his pregnant wife is down there on in JuLai, helping humans escape the city.
Which will Nai choose the destruction of humanity (even tho his wife is a plant shell still die)
letting go to save his pregnant wife
which would he choose?
what do y’all think
(Read this)
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hellinistical · 11 months
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After a couple encounters with a guy from the library, you get handsy after you agree to let him teach you French.
Tutor!Knives x Afab, gn reader.
Warnings: fingering, pet names, cockwarming, no protections.
WC: 2.4k
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It had started as a simple thing. Simple touches with the tips of your fingers grazing each others’ hands. Occasional glances that may or may not have lingered. You saw each other maybe three times a week throughout the campus- usually in the library, where you’d find him pushing his glasses up for the umpteenth time as he struggled (only sometimes) to carry a horrific amount of books to the checkout. 
Remembering when he dropped a couple of his books, you helped him gather them up, using it as your chance to strike up a conversation with him finally, but he had beaten you to it. 
“You’re in here a lot, huh?”
Your eyes widened; his voice was surprisingly deep. The man chuckled at your reaction as if it were a normal response- it probably was. “So are you.”
You stayed quiet momentarily, looking him over as he counted his stack.
He was pretty, with lashes that kissed his cheek. His hair was soft, blonde and pushed back.
He was pretty, with his broad shoulders and slender waist.
He was just pretty. 
You hear a group of students behind you, but you can't make out what they’re saying- it was probably just nonsensical plans for the weekend, anyways. And then finally, you see his eyes as he looks up. 
He was really pretty.
Swirls of blue melted with the light grays and greens from the sun rays streaming in through the windows, and by god, you couldn't even begin to think of a logical reason for this with all your medical knowledge. 
“You’re staring,” He had a small smile on his face, his books now in bags as he extended a hand towards you. Taking it, you mumbled an apology, noticing one more thing.
His skin was hot.
A couple of months went by, and you learned a lot about your library buddy-turned-friend. Like the fact that his name was Naii- short for Knives. You didn’t get his last name, he didn’t get yours. Naii hated swimming but loved baths. He had a big family and wanted a big family. And he couldn’t cook for shit. He was a language fanatic and wanted to travel all over when he graduated. 
You also learned that he was very persuasive when he wanted to be. 
**** "That's it, sugar, just like that. You're doing so good for me. Can you tell me what the next sentence is?" 
Your mind was hazy, overwhelmed by the loud thrumming of your pulse in your ears as you look at the characters in the textbook, seeing the way they joined as you formed the syllables to read it aloud. 
"J'aime aller au cinema" (I like to go to the cinema.) 
“Very good,” Nai hummed into your neck as he listened to you sound out the words, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. He had you, his pretty little student in his lap, an open (albeit slightly damaged) French textbook splayed out on "Common Greetings and Phrases", with his hands on your waist, keeping you pinned to his lap. Shifting your hips, you mumbled something incoherently, but he paid it no mind as he fixed you again for the umpteenth time. His hands kneaded the fat of your thighs as he whispered praises in your ear every time you got a word right, calling you sweetheart, pet, beloved, and the like. Thumbs drawing circles in them, Naii occasionally would pinch the inner sides, making you jolt. While he wouldn’t reward you with praise if you got it wrong, he would motivate and tease you while you struggled to understand the material. 
That being said, truthfully, he was originally going to tutor you. 
He just got sidetracked. 
A shiver ran down your spine as you felt his teeth nip at your neck, his hot breath fanning over the skin as he licked the area. Biting your lip, you suppressed a moan; Nai’s hands had strayed down to the waistband of your sweatpants, running his fingers along the elastic band as he snapped them. 
“Soft…” He whispered in your ear, as he slipped his hand past your underwear where his fingers met your labia. Trailing them along for a moment before he brought them to your lips, he pressed his thumb past them, grinning as you ran your tongue over the digit before he pulled away, bringing it back down to your pussy.
Starting to circle your clit, he moved slowly, with his thumb pressing against the bundle of nerves, and his middle and index fingers sliding between wet your folds, coating them in your arousal as he starts to tease around your entrance. You bucked your hips, a whine escaping you as he chuckled. His teeth caught the shell of your ear, and biting down softly, he hummed again.  Clamping your thighs around his wrist, your mouth fell open as he pried them open again.
He pulled back, and for a second, you thought he’d stopped to actually tutor you again. 
But he just got distracted. 
Turning to look at him, Nai clicked his tongue disapprovingly as he grabbed your chin and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek before turning you to face your textbook again. 
“Focus, honey. Read the next one for me, please doll?” he murmured, his hand slipping under your shirt as he made quick work of your bra, pulling it off you. Your nipples pebbled from the cool air, hardening as they peaked through the thin fabric of your shirt. Rolling the bud between his fingers, you again bit your lip, your eyes trailing over the characters as you tried to make out what they said.
 "J'aime l'art et..." (I enjoy art and…)
Your voice trailed off as he slid into you, one finger at first, pumping it in and out slowly as he curled it, soon adding a second, stretching out your walls.
Groaning, he leaned into your shoulder, his hair tickling the exposed skin as he pressed another kiss to your body. His free hand went to one of your breasts, squeezing it like it anchored him down. For all you knew, it probably did. You gasped shakily, your breath shallow.
“Oh, sweet thing, relax, it’s too tight f’me to move, don’t wanna hurt this pretty pussy now, do we?”
”“J'aime l'art et la littérature.” (I enjoy art and literature)
“There we go, look at you, so smart. Pretty thing.” 
His fingers quickened their pace, and as if he already knew where to look, he found your g-spot, laughing as you again jolted. 
You felt your hips rise suddenly, and the feeling of his fingers left you as Naii turned you over to face him. He had a wide smirk on his face, pressing one, two, three kisses to your lips as he brought his hands to his pants, quickly undoing them. 
Your mouth watered, the textbook forgotten as he tugged his pants down just enough to reveal the waistband of his underwear. Your fingers were quick to tug that down, too, until his hand clamped around your wrist, a small smile on Nai’s face. His blue eyes gleamed, the light flush on his skin unabashedly resting there only growing deeper. 
“Ah-ah. Not yet, Y/n.”
“Huh? Why not?”
He only smiled, leaning back into the chair as he looked at you expectantly, mouthing ‘in French, baby’.
Well, shit. 
You wracked your brain, desperate; the sooner you got this, the sooner you would get the relief you wanted. All the while, he just smirked, running his hands down your sides, waiting patiently. 
"S'il te plaît, Nai.” (Please, Nai)
You cringed at the way the words fell off your tongue; you definitely butchered the syllables and spacing of the words- something something the phonetics were too different and you didn’t remember enough Latin or Spanish to actually enunciate some of them.
Still, your buddy-turned-friend-turned-perhaps-boyfriend (you weren’t really sure what to call the two of you at this point, considering he just finger fucked you,) smiled easily, before leaning in and bopping your nose with his index.
"Bien sûr chérie." (Of course, darling.)
Letting go of your wrist, he leaned back again, watching as your hand went back to his underwear, a dark patch resting on the fabric, his bulge prominent. You slid his underwear down, raising your hips so you could slide them down more, watching as his cock sprung free. 
Add that to the list of things that were pretty about Naii. 
“You’re starin’, dollface,” He whispered, his hand wrapping around the base of his dick as he lazily pumped it.
“Not that I mind,” Nai added with a grin. You could see his canines peak out just barely again. "C'mere, raise your hips again- yeah, like that." 
His hands were firm on your hips, squeezing the fat on them just a little as he helped you. His hands were hot against your skin, almost uncomfortably so. You paid it no mind, too focused on the task at hand. Lining His tip with your entrance, you noticed the pearls of pre, slowly dribbling out. 
Lowering yourself, you sucked in a breath as his tip kissed your entrance, warm and slick. You were slow with it, taking him inch-by-inch, but Nai didn't seem to mind; it almost seemed like he enjoyed watching you struggle to take him in. 
He exhaled sharply as you sank down on him, your walls clamping around his shape. Mumbled curses left his lips; he hadn’t expected it to be so tight. You bit your lips, half of you ashamed that you let it get this far and the other half wanting more. You were embarrassed, but it was too late to back out now. 
Looking up at Naii through half-lidded eyes, you blinked slowly, your lashes giving butterfly kisses to your cheeks as you took a deep breath, bracing yourself, placing your hands on his shoulders as you started to ride him. It was clumsy, at first. Clumsy and slow. You didn’t rise all the way for fear of him getting out, but you also didn’t meet his base, for fear that he was too big.
Your hips stuttered as you rolled them; it was clear you didn’t know what you were doing. Chuckling, your tutor looked at you with an equally rosy face as his hands dug into your hips, helping you as he steadily quickened the pace, lifting and sinking you down on his cock, splitting you. A white ring soon formed around his shaft, strings of slick connecting you two everytime you rose up, only to be hidden as you fell. 
A cry slipped past your lips- Nai had pushed you down to his base, pressing his hand against your stomach as he nodded in approval. 
“So pretty,” He mumbled as he kept you down for a moment, basking in your warmth as he leaned over, biting your shoulder. His mouth was hot, teeth sharp as they made shallow scratches, breaking the skin. His tongue swiped at the peaking droplets of blood as he kept you there, arms firm around you. 
As you tried to move, he pinched your thigh, sighing heavily. 
“Don’t… don’t move. Not yet. Let me…let me have this.” his voice was shaky, raspy as if he hadn’t spoken all day- which was quite the opposite. You comply, letting him be as you sat in his lap, full of him. Leaning into his touch, the tips of your fingers felt tingly, and nervous, as if a thousand butterflies had swarmed into your body. 
You stayed like that for a time before he slowly started to rock back into you. 
“Fuck…fuckin’- you feel so- why’re you so tight still? Makes no sense…relax around me, sweetheart. Wanna feel good, too, ya know? Just…fuck. Just lemme-” Nai sucked in a sharp breath. Suddenly, still in you, he wraps your legs around his waist as he lifted you up. You gasped, bracing yourself as he laid you out on the bed, crawling over you. Blue eyes pierced into your own, though this time it was as if rings of red began to swarm in his blue hues. Nai’s lips turned upwards into a crooked smirk, leaning over you, hiding you from view as he leaned in. An unspoken question, and you answered, raising your hands to his face as you captured his lips into a kiss, your lips molding against each other. 
It was far too late to deny kisses at this point. 
He bit your bottom lip, tugging at it before swiping his tongue across, asking for entrance, this time not waiting for an answer as he pushed into your mouth, his tongue meeting yours as he rocked his hips into yours.
Moans spilled from Nai’s lips, deep and heavy as he pulled away for air, just to dive back in as if he was intoxicated. 
The dorm bed creaked, old from previous uses from previous students, the springs weary and tired. Placing a hand by your head as if to cage you in, Naii looked at you with blown-out eyes.
“Thank you,”  He gasped, kissing you again as he muttered ‘thank you’ again and again. Praise fell from his lips, ‘sweet thing”, “doing so well,”, “just like that”, “I know you can take it. I know it,”. He was starting to get desperate, his movements getting sloppy as you began to space out, broken cries hiding his words. 
A knot formed in your stomach, the flurry of butterflies in your stomach becoming an army as you brace yourself. 
“Too much, Naii, it’s too much- can’t, I can’t-”
“You can love. I know it. Look at you, you’re doing so well.”
Kissing your tears away, his movements became erratic. He was close. You were close. 
If the RA were to be walking down the halls, you wouldn’t know. But the idea of getting caught…
You groaned, eyes closing tight as you felt yourself come undone, but Nai persisted, making you ride out your orgasm, cursing as you came around him, only to return the favor. 
Heat shot through your walls as he clamped a hand over your mouth when you screamed. It was intense, how the man above you forced you to ride it out, even when he himself was cumming. 
As Naj slumped into you, he released a shaky breath, voice quiet.
“Mine…all mine, right, sweet thing?”
He rolled over, pulling you on top of him, not waiting for an answer. 
You were spent, exhausted as you leaned into his touch. Your clothes stuck to your skin. You felt gross. 
And just as you were about to fall asleep, 
The RA banged on your door. 
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi there! I recently discovered you and love your blog! It’s so cute! Also your Knives x reader got me feeling things 😍 I love how you describe their playing! Please tell me we get a part 2 for it?🥹
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A/n: Hi! These are some of the many asks I’ve gotten on making a continuation for the Like Crazy Knives post I did. I’m surprised there was such a demand (8 people asking or messaging me for this)! So without further ado, part 2 ✨ Here's a link to Part 1 of Like Crazy 
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It had been days since Knives issued out his order of finding Y/n to his men and followers. He was determined to find their location and wanted updates constantly on any signs or clues that might lead to them. Knives would gladly use his blades to show no mercy on anyone who was unwilling to cooperate or spotted any signs of laziness. Even Legato and Con'rad weren't safe from the plant's fury despite being his closest allies.
In the meantime, Knives would meet with Y/n in their dreams. Whether it be comforting them through talking or the usual piano sessions, Knives savored each moment. He longed and needed their companionship. Y/n and their dream was his sanctuary from all the humans he had to tolerate with. Some days, Y/n showed up much more lively with that sparkle in their eyes. Yet, there were days when they could barely play a few notes. Or worse, there was no dream meet up for the night. When that happened, Knives knew the humans were doing more unethical experiments on Y/n, and would yell at his men to look and investigate harder.
But when Knives did meet Y/n in their dreams, he was always welcomed with:
"Knives, you're here again!"
"Knives, let's do a duet together. I've been practicing!"
"As long as you're here with me, I can keep going."
"Let me listen to you Knives, it comforts me."
Each time Knives heard or saw Y/n, a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders temporarily. It meant they were still alive and holding on as best as they can for him. Who knew such a presence affected the blonde plant this much? So far, Y/n hadn't been able to find any clues on where their whereabouts were. Regardless of each day, they never gave up on looking. But Knives knew Y/n would tell him immediately if they ever found something that could lead to their location.
Just like any other night, Knives was just finishing playing with Y/n in the serene and colorful meadow as they always did. As he was about to hit the last few notes, he could spot the dream starting to fade slowly. Y/n already let out a sigh as they hit the last few notes. They looked to him and leaned their head on his left arm.
"It's time to go already huh?" they asked as Knives pulled Y/n close to his side. He exhaled and gave them a slight squeeze as he looked at their e/c eyes.
"Unfortunately, but know that I'm not giving up on finding you. My men are searching as we speak. In fact, I was informed that after exploring certain areas, we narrowed our search to three regions. We found some ships, but they were either empty long ago or housed other creatures," Knives spoke. Y/n smiled at him as their sullen mood shifted to a more excited aura.
"That's great news to hear! I'm still keeping my eyes and ears peeled on where I'm at. In fact, I overheard I might have another human observe me during tests. I'm going to see if I can get any information out of them," they added.
"All I ask is that you stay cautious and be strong. Until we meet again, Y/n," Knives answered as he held onto them one more time. Y/n looked at them with that smile of theirs that brought Knives a sense of comfort. They held his hand and gave a quick gentle squeeze.
"I will, because one day we will meet and I won't have to wake up to anymore experiments again. Until then, wait for me Knives," they finished as they faded away. Knives opened his eyes as he saw his familiar piano room once more. His arms were empty again as he clenched his fists. The plant got up and left the room. He called out for Legato and demanded updates and the status of the search once more.
Two days had passed and Knives was in a sour mood. He was informed that one of his followers found a ship the next day after meeting with Y/n. But alas, it only contained corpses of humans and dependent plants. Later on that evening, Knives tried to dream but he kept waking up to his piano room. He played vigorously on the piano keys to vent off his frustrations and worries. Each note resonated within the walls of his headquarters. Anyone that heard the music, knew to braces themselves for the rough night ahead.
By the second night, Knives decided to fall asleep earlier as his only update was that his men were moving towards west of JuLai city. When he closed his eyes, he hoped that he wouldn't wake up to the same room. Once 5 minutes passed, the blonde opened his eyes he smiled after seeing the serene meadow once again. Before he could make his way to the usual meetup spot, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.
Knives turned around to see Y/n running towards him. His eyes furrowed as this was a first, yet he could hear the sense of urgency in their voice. Y/n grabbed onto his shoulders as he steadied them by holding their arms.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked as the fellow plant was catching their breath.
"I was able to find a clue Knives! The new crew member that was observing me...I got information Knives!" they spoke while trying to catch their breath. Knives was in complete shock as he held tightly onto Y/n as their eyes widened from this information.
"What do you know Y/n?" he demanded as Y/n nodded.
"I was able to over their conversation while they were testing me. This human said he transferred over from one of the many cities nearby to the ship I'm in. He said he travels on this thing called a Thomas every day to get to this place. But the last thing I heard was they can hear the steamer when outside," Y/n explained as Knives started piecing things together.
"Y/n, I think I know where you might be. Thank you for finding that out! I'll have my men search immediately!" he answered with the biggest smile creeping in. But the moment did not last long as the meadow started fading immediately. The plant was shocked as Y/n was starting to panic.
"They're waking me up to do more tests Knives. That's why I haven't been able to meet as much. They've been conducting more since the new person showed up. Please hurry and find me Knives!" Y/n called as they held onto his hands tightly in fear of being separated once more.
"Y/n! I'm coming for you! Stay strong for me," he called out as Y/n started to fade away. Knives reached his hand out towards them in desperation before they both faded. Knives jolted awake as he saw the piano he slept on earlier. He then left the room and sped towards Legato to share the new information he received. Everyone tensed at the plant's presence as they were shocked to see him up.
"Everyone check for ships near the Hopeland Orphanage and the Terminal area this instant. That's an order!" Knives called out as everyone scattered into their positions.
After giving commands, Knives went back to the piano room to play more musical pieces that crescendoed gradually. He instructed everyone not to bother him unless they found the ship or any leads that could take him to his destination. Knives was filled with anticipation just thinking that he finally found something that would lead him closer to Y/n. Oh how he couldn't contain his emotions as they flowed through each note and chord. It wasn't until sunset that Con'rad knocked and entered into the piano room.
"We found a ship Northeast of the Terminal. Legato said he spotted a few people walking in and out from it. He managed to spot on of their ID cards that said Ship 8," the doctor informed as Knives smirked.
"So, we finally found it. I'll be on my way then," Knives spoke as he closed the piano and dawned on his cloak.
Legato brought Knives to the ship that was concealed between multiple dunes in the desert. Legato forced the door open with his abilities, as Knives walked inside. The ship alarm went off as people were panicking inside. The plant couldn't stand of the incessant noise as he used his blades to silence them once and for all. Some of the humans brought out weapons to defend themselves, but Knives merely scoffed as he continued to walk. Meanwhile, Legato would take care of the crew members and force open every door they passed by. Knives glanced at each room to find the usual bedrooms. He kept walking deeper inside the ship until he spotted three people guarding one room.
"Stay back! Just what do you want from us?!" one of them yelled.
"Where are your plants?" Legato asked.
"You can't have them! We spent years of research just keeping them alive. We're so close to making a breakthrough!" another one argued as Knives figured he must be getting closer. The plant whipped his blades at the humans while Legato forced open the door. Inside were several dependents plants resting in their chambers. Further down was another room. Knives felt something calling out to him the closer he walked to the room. Once Legato forced open the door, inside was another human and behind him was a confinement cell that consisted of lost technology. But inside, Knives saw a passed out figure that he's come to recognize instantly and gently spoke, "Y/n"
"Y-y-you want them? Here! Take 'em! Just please spare me! I was only following orders!" the human begged as he pressed a button that seemed to unlock the cell Y/n was in. This had to be one of the people that subjected Y/n to all those tests. Knives glared at him and cast multiple sharp tendrils to silence the human as he stepped inside the cell. The plant slowly reached his hand to Y/n and brushed off a few stray hairs from their face. Oh he couldn't believe he finally found the one person in his dreams. He then noticed their breathing was slow, but their chest slowly rose and fell steadily.
Knives gently picked up Y/n in his sturdy arms, bridal style. Y/n was light and frail but they had all the qualities that the blonde grew fond of. Knives finally got what he came for as he motioned to Legato that his business here was done. Legato walked out of the room first to clear the path in case oany other humans attacked. As the plant took a few steps, Y/n began to stir as Knives stopped in his tracks. His sky eyes met their e/c eyes widen.
"Knives? Is that really you? Am I dreaming?" Y/n spoke softly as they reached their hand to touch the blonde's face smiled.
"Yes Y/n, it is. And no, this is reality. I finally came for you. We're leaving this ship together," he replied with a genuine smile. Y/n's eyes lit up and wrapped their other hand behind their neck.
"I never thought I'd see the day where you finally rescue me from this place. Thank you for never giving up on me Knives," Y/n spoke as they held on tightly to the plant. Knives leaned in closely to Y/n's face as he rested his forehead onto theirs. He was savoring this very moment, while reassuring them that they were now safe under his care.
"I should be thanking you for helping me find you through those dreams. Now let's go to your new home. Far away from this place where you'll never be experimented on again by these pesky humans," he cooed and placed a gentle kiss on their forehead. He looked again to see a pink blush dusted on their cheeks as Y/n fondly looked at them. They nuzzled their head onto his neck as Knives continued to walk towards the exit. Finally, Knives was able to accomplish one of his goals of saving a fellow dear plant. No more anxiously waiting to see Y/n temporarily through dreams or agonize over whether they would show up or not. No more seeing them in pain or constantly worry about their time being limited. Now, he was finally united with his beloved Y/n as he intended to never let them go or be separated anymore. Now, his loneliness was replaced with the warmth that Y/n brought as Knives looked forward to spending more uninterrupted time with them in his humble abode.
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tenabrye · 1 year
Protective Vash and Knives headcanons please? Maybe the reader accidentally hurts themselves and the boys get protective? But also general protective headcanons as well?
He's on you faster than you can even register that you hurt yourself. It's like he has an extra sense and knows when you get hurt, and he's always there to help you in any way that he can. The only downside is that he does fret over every little injury, no matter how small or big it is. The man just can't help it.
Is a walking medical kit. Papercut? Whips out a small bandage for it. A slightly large cut on your leg? He's taking out some gauze from his jacket. You don't know where he keeps all of this inside that coat of his, but you're thankful for him carrying it. He'll fix you right up, giving your head a little pat and telling you to be more careful.
When there's an injury that someone else caused, well, he acts very differently depending on the situation. He acknowledges if it was an accident and is quick to accept the person's apology to you, however, he's glaring at them if they don't apologize and says how they ought to considering the incident was their fault.
If someone purposely injures you, he freaks out, and it's very evident on his face how much it affects him. He's also quick to take care of the situation, disarming the enemy without killing them before rushing over to make sure you're okay. He will never leave your side as he helps you get better, and the incident definitely acts as a little wake up call, causing him to be more protective over you.
He's holding your hand or having an arm around your waist when walking the streets of a new town, or even in a crowd of people. There's less of a chance of you getting hurt if you're by his side, but he also makes sure not to suffocate you so much with it. Vash is just scared of losing you, that's all, and he'll make sure to be more aware, so nothing ever happens to you.
His cautiousness around new people is understandable, but if you tell him you trust someone, then he'll immediately tone it down and do the same. He's a pretty good judge of character anyway, so he'd most likely be able to tell if someone is trusting before you could.
He's clicking his tongue at the accidents you get yourself in, causing you to obtain new marks on your body that he knows will fade with enough time. Still, he can't get over the fact that humans are a bit weak in this aspect. Always getting hurt and having to take time to heal your body certainly causes him worry, but it's not like he'd tell you.
Will oftentimes call you clumsy if you so much as get a wee papercut or wound of similar size, maybe even slightly larger. He doesn't have anything to help protect the cuts, so he suggests to walk it off until you or himself find something suitable to wrap around it. If you get hurt and obtain a wound larger than a mere cut, he'll actually tear off a piece of cloth and take care of it himself, all while calling you a clumsy human.
If someone hurts you, he's glaring daggers at them and contemplating their downfall, however, this also depends on the situation. If it's an accident, well, he doesn't really care and will threaten the person, telling them to not let it happen again or else. He can't help but smirk when they're apologizing to you profusely all while you're telling them that it's fine.
If someone doesn't apologize, he'll demand they reconsider before openly saying how much of a waste of space they are and that he will gladly rid the world of them. If the murderous intent emanating off of him doesn't do the trick, surely the glint from the blades protruding from his arms will get the message across.
He's much worse when it comes to someone who purposely injures you. Knives has no qualms with openly murdering anyone that gets in his way, and the same would apply when he catches them hurting his human. Doing so will set him off in a way you have only seen once with an incident involving his twin.
After that, he's got you at his side at all times and refuses to let you go alone anywhere, even if it is to simply relieve yourself. You openly refer to him as your guard dog, to which he neither denies or agrees, but you already know the answer from the way the corner of his lips curl upwards into a small smirk.
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h4venpha · 1 year
↳ 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 — millions knives
boxer!knives, BLOOD, slight violence, slightly suggestive ngl
idk anything about boxing sorry i just think knives is hot
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even from inside of the clinic, you hear the shouts and cheers of his name, a constant chant of ‘knives! knives! knives!” you couldn’t help but smile to yourself knowing that your boyfriend’s match started not even ten minutes ago and he already claimed the victory in three rounds.
shuffling around the other boxers in the clinic, you look for a clean towel for when knives comes in. he always does this: before and after every match he comes in to see you, the nurse of the arena, whether or not he has injuries. and sometimes he comes in pretending like his wrist or shoulder hurts, when in reality, he would never let anyone wear him out that bad.
the door swings open, practically slamming against the wall as knives stands in the door way. his face serious and brooding as he looks down at everyone in the clinic. there’s sweat running down in rivulets over the smooth skin of his chest, dripping from his platinum blonde hair. a patch of crimson blood on his right glove, a clear sign of his finishing blow, a clear sign of his victory.
“everyone out.” knives demands with a straight face while shifting on his feet, opening a space for them to leave through the door.
and immediately everyone, both nurses and other boxers, leave with their heads down, knowing they’ve been denied to help with wounds or they’ve been knocked out once or twice by knives himself. he didn’t want them around and that was final.
knives shuts and locks the door behind the last of them as they leave. you lean back against the counter as you watch him silently walk in and sit up on the examination table like a child at their doctors appointment.
“you can’t keep on hogging the clinic like this, you know.” you huff and walk over to his side with a towel. knives pointedly looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“yes i can,” he angrily replies and begins to rip the velcro away on his gloves, shucking them off and throwing them to the side, smearing blood on the table. “this is my clinic.”
“oh yea? how’s that?” you smile amusedly, unfazed by his tone. you step into his vicinity, gently parting his knees with your hips and raising the soft towel up to his face. knives’ eyebrows raise slightly at your actions; nevertheless, he closes his eyes and lets you press the cloth against his forehead.
“because this is your clinic, and you’re mine.” he says simply, his tone slightly more gentle yet possessive.
you smile and nod absentmindedly at his words, softly dabbing at the blood by his temple. even though you nag him about kicking people out of the clinic, you can’t help but enjoy the quiet time you spend with him.
with you it’s always different from how knives acts in the ring. he always spits insults mid-fight and he sometimes continues the shit talking outside of the ring after the match ends. he’s a little unhinged in the way that he acts around the other boxers: arrogant, violent, and mean.
but with you, knives’ demeanor tames like pouring cool water over hot embers. he can’t help the way it fizzles out when you touch him or look at him. sometimes he feels himself switch when he’s with you, like he becomes someone entirely different. the same hands that leave others bruised and bloody are the same ones that reach up and gently wrap around your wrist, stopping your motions so he can lean in.
“wha- hey! i just started!” you exclaim as he begins to pull your hand away. you try and tug your arm out of his grasp when you notice blood continuing the drip from his cace. even as you try to remove yourself from his hold, he easily keeps you still.
“shh…” knives coos, his other hand reaching up to grab your face. his warm fingers gently squeezing your cheeks together, forcing you to pucker up for him.
you squeak as he connects his lips to yours, its firm and demanding the way he presses and pulls against you. squeezing a little more when he wants you to part your lips, taking what he wants, leaving you breathless. you can taste him in the back of your mouth when he finally lets you go.
you’re panting, using the same towel to wipe the of drool off your chin and quite frankly you don’t know if it’s yours or his.
“nai you fucker-“
“it’s my clinic, i control what happens inside of it.” knives says like it’s the simplest thing ever. his eyes flutter shut, waiting for you to resume cleaning him up like he didn’t just shove his tongue down your throat.
sure he was soft for you, but that didn’t mean he had to get rid of his arrogant self entirely.
you curse under your breath, yet you shakily bring the towel back up and dab the sweat dripping down his neck as he grins with his eyes closed.
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