#konton’s aus
nobody-is-here01 · 6 months
OH! okay now I got it!
So Koby decides the marines are just not working for him, he isn't staying around, so when Luffy somehow gets caught he helps him escape and joins the strawhat pirates
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Curses by the crane wives but it’s the asl trio and the devil they sing about is Nika (Luffy) and Ace & Sabo are slaves that never met Luffy but always hear about the Sun God Nika, the embodiment of freedom, Liberation as an entity.
Because they never think they’ll be free and the Nika tale is mocking their need and want for freedom.
They have scars but never burn marks almost like the sun’s protection some might say.
They fear the sun thinking they’ll never see it when they’re free and gone from the chains that bind them to the hell they might never escape from.
@alexoreality @q-ueen-potato
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charkyzombicorn · 5 months
Give them what they want.
Stop talking abt ur self in the third person Konton
Do you mean literal sharks?? Like aggressive mermaid au??? Or like Shark Tank??? Rich CEO enemies to lovers??? Shark-person hybrids???? Biologist x Monster???? Everythings the same except someone has a pet shark????? Sanji works at a resturaunt that serves shark fin soup and Luffy is a climate activist?????? Sharks????????????
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ask-tsubomi · 3 months
Tsubomi should have the friends-little-brother ick abt Ritsu, it doesn't matter who Ritsu is as a person, his mom used to make Mob and her take him when they went out, he cried whenever they locked him out of Mob's room while they were hanging out, it's an ick that never goes away
Rivals for Mob’s attention.
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alexoreality · 4 months
I've thought of this chaotic modern au where Luffy is a first year at a High esteemed college and the rest of the Straw hats are sophmores/juniors by that time he starts as a freshmen.
No one thinks of what course he is taking cuz he's just so random and kind of dumb.
Not knowing he analyzes their mental and emotional statuses because he's a major in psychology-
(Everyone get in here and dump ideas @q-ueen-potato @botan-kiri @aenbyveryverygayperson (also konton, petition ti chsbge your name cuz uts so long-)
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ccasey0 · 1 month
Hurt But Together Masterpost!!
Ref for Casey
Character intros(more coming soon)
Also...Spirit Au Masterpost!!
Casey + Dellta (intro)
Mikey + Leo
Konton intro fic
Mikey's Staff
+ Unlimited Questionstm
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
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thebeeshaveknees · 3 months
@aenbyveryverygayperson Konton I blame you for getting me into Dr Stone
Okay so basically Evil Senku au-- but it's more complicated than that I swear
Senku is a bit more empathetic than canon. A bit less clinical.
He still puts Taiju in the miracle cave, still wakes him up, still wakes Tsukasa up, basically everything is the same except their conversation at the beach
Tsukasa asks Senku how he plans to revive everyone, what will happen then. Senku says the world will rebuild. Tsukasa mentions that all human possessions have rotted or rusted away. That countries would flounder and blame eachother, that people would try owning and taking and leaving nothing left so they can rent what they have out to those people already giving their skills and their lives to them, that even if they were lucky enough that a war wouldn't break out, progression would become competition, and freedom will be bought and sold once again.
And Senku knows. Senku isn't an idiot, he knows that what happened was terrifying, that rebuilding would be terrifying, he knew that fear made anger and anger made war. He understood that. He knew that. But he also knew that history repeated itself, that humans would rebuild, with or without him, that whoever they revived would have children and those children would have children and they would make war eventually. Senku didn't want war, but progress was more than that, and here was a pivotal point.
Tsukasa mentioned reviving children, mostly. Children and teenagers. Teaching them contrary to the world that died 3700 years ago. Tsukasa wanted there to be no technology, for the modern world to be forgotten.
Senku wanted to use the modern world, take the pieces he needed, leave the rest behind. He told Tsukasa this, told him that humans needed soap, and medicine, and food preserves and travel and indoor heating and agriculture. That if he could teach all the progress that was good, then it would let people grow and learn and make a new world that could sustain itself without them and without war. Tsukasa said any progress was dangerous. Senku said trying to stop progress was stupid, that directing it was the only way for it to last. Tsukasa agrees
They revive Yuzuriha and then go to a mountain to get a better vantage point because 3700 years can change geography in ways Senku can't predict. They see the fires, they find Ishigami village, Senku discovers Ruri and starts working on antibiotics. Tsukasa meets Chrome and understands Senku's point about progress. It's very slow going getting the village to like them, but Tsukasa keeps dissapearing every few days and coming back with more people between 15 and 25 willing to help. Eventually the village outside Ishigami is bigger than Ishigami itself, and Tsukasa does most of the leading, which suits Senku just fine, so long as Senku still gets help for what he needs.
Senku becomes something like a doctor, even when he's still building with Kaseki and Chrome, he focuses a lot on just keeping people safe, fed, and happy and teaching them how to do it themselves (mostly Chrome)
He doesn't like the idea of statue smashing, he convinces Tsukasa that statue smashing looks too gruesome, that he'll accidentally end up ruling by fear if he keeps it up, tells him it's better to give them graves like corpses.
Chrome is very curious about weapons from all that time ago, Senku describes the nuclear bomb and Chrome is no longer curious. He explains that since before he was born different countries had dozens, that everyone knew that if they started a third world war it would end the world they knew. Chrome is now cautious about learning about the old world.
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tosteur-gluteal · 5 months
I'm obsessed with Tokio Funka. It's quite an old song but it inspired me a lot for the OMORI MLB AU, despite taking place in Paris. It gives such intricate and hypnotic vibes, which I think first perfectly well the whole mystery behind the miraculouses and Paris' new heroes.
I have very specific mental images of some scenes; for example, when the singing begins, we see closes shots of Ladybug and Catmint's faces framed by a spinning fresco. Ladybug's is red and Chinese inspired while Catmint's is prussian blue (yup, not mint coloured actually) with Bulgarian/Ukrainian???? folk patterns (I still don't know which ethnicity to give Basil)
I also imagined that the rap moments would be uh...sung by Catmint, the interlude "Shikiyoku zekuu aizou komo gomo/Sake wa aoreba konton rouman/Naose tadase ya midareta kono yo/ Kenka joutou here we go!" would be a moment where some imagery of the villain shows up on screen (yup bro is making up MVs in his head) maybe he's singing these parts too
And like
Ladybug sings all the "Odore ya Everybody!/Kabuke ya Everybody!" While Catmint mumbles the rapid lyrics that come right after.
My favourite versions are Kyounosuke's version (especially with the added lines) SHANNON's version AND my most favourite
The Itikura remix
Listen to it please
The vibes are so weird yet so fitting to the au
I can just HEAR the two boys singing frfr
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mestankurier · 9 months
Nun, die politische Polizei, die war schon da... Aktive Polizisten kooperieren mit Letzte Generation Gegen die Bundespolizistin Chiara Malz wurde ein Disziplinarverfahren wegen ihres Einsatzes für die „letzte Generation“ eröffnet. Er arbeitet im Arbeitskreis als Netzwerker für Verhandlungen mit Polizeibeamten. Sieben weitere Beamte sollen bei Klimaaktivisten aktiv sein. Bundespolizistin Chiara Malz (32) aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern kooperiert mit Letzte Generation. Neben ihr seien sieben weitere Beamte im engeren Netzwerk der Klimaaktivisten aktiv, sagte der Polizeichef. Sie stehen mit 80 bis 100 weiteren Polizisten in Kontakt. Das Netzwerk erstreckt sich über mehrere Bundesländer und Behörden und wird ständig erweitert. In einem internen Rundschreiben fragt das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt alle deutschen Polizeibehörden, was los sei und dass es bei der Polizei ein „Generation-Letzte“-Netzwerk gebe. Obwohl die Staatsanwaltschaften München und Neuruppin gegen die "Letzte Generation“ wegen des Vorwurfs der Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung ermitteln, sind offenbar auch viele Polizisten in eine Zusammenarbeit mit Klimaaktivisten verwickelt. Das ermittelt derzeit das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt (LKA). In einer E-Mail an alle Polizeibehörden in Deutschland fragen bayerische Ermittler, welche Polizeidienststellen die Klimaaktivisten kontaktiert haben, welche Angebote gemacht wurden und welche Seminare angeboten wurden. In der internen Mail heißt es weiter, dass es notwendig sei, mehr über die Polizei und die zuständigen Behörden im ganzen Land zu erfahren. Ich frage mich, wer aus der „letzten Generation“ die Polizei zu solchen Interviews eingeladen hat, oder ob die Klimaaktivisten selbst von der Polizei angesprochen wurden und ob es auch Aufzeichnungen über die Einladungsschreiben gab. Das bayerische LKA fragte auch, ob es bei den Gesprächen Angebote zum Anschluss bzw. zur Unterstützung der „letzten Generation“ gegeben habe. Das Rundschreiben hat eine Frist: Kollegen im ganzen Land werden voraussichtlich bis zum 11. August antworten. Den Unterlagen zufolge hat die „Letzte Generation“ alle deutschen Polizeiakademien angeschrieben. An mehreren Polizeischulen haben bereits Veranstaltungen und Seminare stattgefunden. Die Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei in Münster, die Hochschule der Polizei Baden-Württemberg und die Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin bestätigten auf Anfrage, dass es zu solchen Aktionen gekommen sei. Zu einem Vortrag an der Polizeiakademie Baden-Württemberg seien mehr als „900 Polizeistudien“ veröffentlicht worden, erklärten die Aktivisten in ihrem internen Protokoll. Neben mehreren Veranstaltungen an deutschen Polizeiakademien trafen sich Aktivisten auch mit hochrangigen Polizeibeamten wie dem sächsischen Landespolizeipräsidenten Jörg Kubiessa und der Berliner Polizeipräsidentin Barbara Slowik. Nach dem Treffen bemerkten die Aktivisten: „Blöde Stimmung, kein Verständnis.“ Nach dem Treffen mit dem Chef der sächsischen Polizei, Kubiessa, schrieben sie: „Es gelang uns, ein Verständnis auszudrücken, und nach zwei Stunden trennten wir uns gut gelaunt.“ Beide Polizeibehörden bestätigten das Treffen. Aktivisten haben wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen, wie enorm wichtig der Kontakt zur Polizei für die „letzte Generation“ ist. „The Last Generation“ glaubt, „dass eine friedliche zivile Widerstandsbewegung ihre Ziele 46-mal eher erreichen kann, wenn sie eine Säule der Polizei an ihrer Seite hat.“ Das belegt eine politikwissenschaftliche Studie, die mehr als 300 globale Widerstandsbewegungen im 20. Jahrhundert untersucht hat. Autor: Redaktion, 8.8.2023 Quelle: https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article246785706/Letzte-Generation-Wie-eng-ist-die-Polizei-mit-den-Klimaaktivisten.html www.mestankurier.info Unterstützen Sie originellen unabhängigen Journalismus! Kontonummer: 1511201888/5500  IBAN: CZ7755000000
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welcometohashihigh · 4 years
Minato had died, and that was something he was certain of. He had died to save humanity from death, and it could be seen as a little funny except for the fact that dying had left him chained to a door for all eternity. 
If eternity meant about a full month, that is. 
He wasn’t expecting to wake up in the Gekkoukan dorms, absolutely not made of gold or guarding a door. In fact, he felt quite alive. Maybe a little too alive. 
Looking around his room showed that it was relatively untouched, just the way he left it the morning of March 5th. That excluded a crisp white letter standing upright on his desk, the navy blue seal shimmering slightly in the afternoon sun. Minato stood up and walked over to it. Unlike everything else, there was no fine layer of dust on it, so it seemed that the letter had been placed recently. 
Without thinking too hard about what the hell happened to him or why he was awake when he should very well be dead, Minato slid his thumb under the seal and popped it open. He unfolded the letter inside and began to read. 
Arisato Minato, 
We at Hashi High believe that expanding our horizons is necessary for the growth of the world and the people in it. That is why I am extending a formal introduction and invitation to you. As a student attending Gekkoukan Private High School, we know that you will be a perfect fit for this new program. I ask that you join us here for one year in a cultural exchange. 
There are many benefits to transferring to Hashi. From our rich student resources and exemplary curriculum, to our nationally ranked sports teams, Hashi has everything that you could ever need. Our brand new dorms are state of the art and ready for student use, as well as our new library and other faculties. 
With this invitation, I do hope you agree to coming out here for your last year and see what the hype is all about here at Hashi High School! 
Konton Jisan
Minato read the letter over and over and over again. The letter hadn’t been here for more than a few days, and he was absolutely positive that word of his death had spread. It seemed more than just strange that the letter was worded as if he had been alive for the past month. Still, the fact that he was even alive right now was incredible. I suppose I should tell everyone the good news. 
His door creaked open before he even moved towards it, a pair of shimmering blue eyes peeking through the crack. Of course Aigis would have known when he was awake. Without waiting for an answer to the probably insane amount of questions she had, the robot stepped into the room and closed the door. 
The air was tense with words neither could find the voice to say. Minato’s heart was in his throat, and it occurred to him how hard it must have been for not just Aigis, but all of S.E.E.S. when he died. He suddenly ran forward and hugged Aigis, hoping it was good enough of an apology. 
It was a moment before he felt her arms wrap around him. “You are...back, Minato. I am sorry I could not protect you... from anything.” There was a creaking in Aigis’ chest, one that sounded like she was trying to hold back tears. 
“You don’t need to apologize for anything, Aigis. You being here is good enough.” Minato’s heart ached terribly. He had truly missed his friends, the friends that had aided him in destroying the Dark Hour and Nyx for good. Not only that, he felt the pangs from Ryoji. Despite everything that had happened, he still felt love for Death in such a way that brought heat to his cheeks. 
“The others are waiting downstairs. I am sure they would like to see you-”
“Just a few more minutes, Aigis.” 
Minato’s arms wrapped a little tighter around the mechanical girl, the letter on his desk completely forgotten for now. He’d go downstairs and see his friends’ shocked faces, and while he wouldn’t be able to explain why he was breathing, they would be happy he was back anyway. So much so that even Mitsuru would find it in her heart to hug him. 
And once again, he’d be afraid of death like before.
I figured I’d take part in this, considering that I just recently made my Hashi AU. Also for those of you wondering, yes this is canon to the storyline of Hashi, and I’ll try my best to not post any spoilers for things I haven’t published yet. Thanks to @nemirutami for this festival!
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mytherbalegwladys · 4 years
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Voici les races de Ninjago. Les humains et les nindroids y sont déjà aussi. -Les albinos: Ce sont des êtres qui ressemblent beaucoup aux humains, mais avec des marques colorés sur le corps, et qu'ils possèdent des pouvoirs différents. Ils sont les descendants d’un serpent blanc et d’un dragon noir. Lorsqu'un albinos meurt, il se réduit en poussière. Il y a six clans: Bijin, Maho, Konton, Happi, Yume et Tamashi.
-Les kumihos: Ces renards à neuf queues vivent dans la forêt des cerisiers, où vivent les albinos du clan Bijin. Ils maîtrisent les feux follets, et ils possèdent une agilité surhumaine. C'est la race de Dimitri, Yuè et Magnolia.
-Les okamis (ou lycanthropes): Ces loups humanoïdes vivent au fin fond des bois. Ils doivent aimé un être béni par la "Lune Bleue" et que cet être l'aime en retour, pour briser la malédiction de la "Lune Sanglante" qui rend les okamis maudits et incontrôlables. C'est la race de Okami et Nikky.
-Les serpentines: Ce sont des serpents humanoïdes qui vivent en tribu. Il existe plusieurs races: Anacondrai, Hypnobrai, Fangpyre, Constrictai, Venomari, Shiporagi,  Vermillion, Pyro-Vipères et Hydrophinai (la plus rare).
-Les tengus: Ces hybrides moitié humains, moitié oiseaux ont été crées par des phénomènes naturelles ou par des scientifiques. Ils peuvent voler, communiquer avec les oiseaux, et ils ont une arme à plumes.
-Les ryus: Ce sont des dragons primordiaux les plus rares au monde. Ils peuvent prendre la forme d'un humain ou d'un dragon asiatique comme les quatre rois. C'est la race de Jade Yin et Ren Guang.
-Les kyonshīs: Ce sont des vampires qui se cachent le jour et sortent la nuit pour boire le sang des humains. Ils vivent en clan, mais c'est rare. C'est la race de Kyu, Rose et Vladimir.
-Les tsubakis: Ils ressemblent à des humains, mais pas comme les autres. Ils sont les descendants de Furutsubaki no Rei et de Ninmenju. Ils possèdent le pouvoir de la nature et protègent la forêt. C'est la race de Flora.
-Les onis: Ces créatures surpuissantes ressemblent à des démons. Ils ont une forme humanoïde, une taille gigantesque, des griffes acérées, deux cornes protubérantes poussant sur leur front, des poils ébouriffés et un aspect hideux. C'est la race de Raijin, Fujin et Tsuzu.
-Les djinns: Ce sont des créatures surnaturelles qui peuvent exhausser des vœux. Il y a trois races de djinns: Les efrits, les marids et les sylphes.
-Les ningyos: Ces créatures aquatiques vivent dans les endroits près de l'eau. Ils ressemblent à une sirène ou un homme-poisson.
-Les jorogumos: Ce sont des créatures les plus rares de monde. Moitié humains, moitié araignées, ils peuvent tisser des toiles, s'accrocher sur les surfaces et possèdent une agilité surhumaine. Et ils sont aussi ovovivipares.
Tengu (c) SarahStoorne
Cora, Dimitri, Okami, Amétis, Jade Yin, Kyu, Flora, Raijin Jr., Aisha, Abrahel, Shela, Will, Chun-li, Ara and art by me
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nobody-is-here01 · 2 months
Seraphim Koby vs Original Koby
Luffy doesn’t know he’s busy with his crew
Lol Seraphim Koby definitely let's his jealousy show
He and Koby meets they almost try and take each other out, but add Luffy and now it's a fight for attention
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Twin prince au-
@alexoreality @q-ueen-potato @botankirishima @nobody-is-here01
Au where Rouge lives and Ace & Sabo are bio twins.
They live in a cottage house in the forest.
Luffy keeps getting thrown in said forest because of a certain vice admiral.
And because of how many times he does get thrown in there, Rouge (usually the only one home because her sons get the groceries)
Eventually just knows Luffy by name and gives him food and water which Luffy runs off again after thanking Rouge.
Then one day when Ace and Sabo WERE home and saw this they asked who keeps throwing him into their jungle.
Luffy of course replies with his grandpa.
Rouge upon hearing this believes she knows exactly who it is.
Spoiler: She very much does-
And she is very unhappy when she has to speak to Garp about what he’s doing
Ace and Sabo knew immediately to back away.
It did not go the way Garp intended it to.
Rouge said for Luffy to get his stuff, Even more enraged to find out the only stuff he actually does have are on him
Reason Rouge knows? Luffy told her.
Rouge just picks up Luffy and takes him to the house very pissed off at Garp.
The twins are forced to be around them because of their mother and they don’t like disappointing her. (Mainly Ace)
When they got to know hime they immediately weren’t taking him back.
Luffy’s the favorite- But then again Luffy’s everyone’s favorite.
Rayleigh came out to see there was another child and Rouge explained everything about why she has a youngest now.
Rayleigh says he has guests that wanted to visit Rogers sons-
Luffy knew both of them and immediately hugged them both.
The two uncles immediately knew the voice and were very happy to see Luffy.
Rouge and Rayleigh said from them to explain which they did.
Buggy in this au meets Luffy directly after Shanks leaves.
Immediately loved the child, and very much understood how he felt too.
Do what you want with this information while I info dump on my Captain Ace Au I talked with NB about in the reblogs and asks
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charkyzombicorn · 7 months
Angst au where Ace and Sabo never adopted Luffy but adopted each other.
Enemy Ace & Sabo au?
Enemy Luffy au??
You can now deem me as the official au idea giver-
Thank you for being idea giver Konton
In that scenario, Ace and Sabo never found out Luffy was being tortured. Luffy was beaten for several hours then Porchemy pulled out his sword to kill him but then one of the Bluejam cronies stepped in, said Porchemy was tired and shouldn't have to kill the kid, that he would take the kid and kill him so Porchemy didn't have to waste more energy. Porchemy was exhausted from punching for hours so he relented, and the cronie took Luffy ever-so-gently out of the ropes and outside. They asked the kid what he wanted to see, as a final request of they could give it. Luffy, barely awake but knowing if he didn't say something he would never say anything again, said "Makino". The cronie recognized the name.
So they went down the mountain, half expecting the kid to not make the trip with how much his bleeding was slowing down. But then they stood just outside Party's bar and checked Luffy's pulse - weak, but not gone. He gave the heavily injured child to Makino, who was white as a ghost and asking questions the cronie didn't have the answer to.
Makino got everything from the little first aid kit she'd kept since Garp started "training" Luffy, then started using a cut up bedsheets when the bandages ran out. Then once Luffy's bleeding was staunched she ran out and right for the mayor's house, hands and apron covered in blood. The mayor rang the bell above his house - announced Luffy was back and critically injured and to please donate any medical supplies, take them to the bar.
And the village was small, maybe sixty people in all, mostly elderly folks. But they all came in a drove to Party's Bar because while Luffy was always an annoyance he was always Their annoyance and they would do everything they could before letting any child of theirs die.
Luffy's recovery was slow - his wounds were infected, he lost so much blood, he was unconscious and fevered for days before he could get up long enough to eat something. But when he woke up and saw Makino and the mayor and all the villagers he could recognize he cried for a very long time.
Meanwhile, on the mountain, Dadan is panicking. Luffy had been missing for weeks, every time she asked Ace about it he would just say he didn't know and leave. Then she finally gets an answer - that Monkey D. Luffy, youngest grandson of Monkey D. Motherfucking Garp, was killed after refusing to give in to torture at age 7. And Ace looks at her in the eye nothing in his eyes holds remorse. Ace doesn't Care.
Dadan calls Garp. Garp is back as soon as possible, straight up the mountain. He tells Ace to tell him what happened to his younger brother, Ace says he wasn't his brother. Garp asks why not. Ace starts listing reasons - he isn't my blood, he's annoying, he's weak, he nearly got Ace caught. And Garp just says that to Garp, Ace is all those things. Ace asks then why Garp wouldn't kill him. Garp says because he makes exceptions for family, because he knows they care for him and he tries to care about them back. Just like how Luffy cared about Ace, for so long that he died without even telling pirates where to look for him. A hero's death, for Ace's sake.
Ace feels remorse, then, finally understanding what happened and not just what he wanted to have happened. And Ace feels impossibly worse.
Sabo suggests them being brothers, Ace says he's already let a brother die, Sabo says he won't die so easily but he lied
Garp eventually finds Luffy alive, heavily injured with new scars fresh on his skin, and Luffy begs him to let him stay with his village, with his family, with everyone that wanted to stay with him as much as he wanted to stay with them.
But Luffy can't be a pirate under any circumstances, so instead Garp takes him to Loguetown to train under Smoker in the hopes a younger, better marine can train Luffy without him almost dying.
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ask-tsubomi · 3 months
Tsubomi learned how to do the bending spoon magic trick as a kid specifically to make Ritsu cry
Oh she 100% did
Mob doesn’t know what to do with either of them somehow not surprised
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tgdq-blog · 6 years
the GazettE FALLING - Lyric e tradução
Since then how long Do you know how long it's been? konton no soko e tobiko mou ima motsure au youni Falling down Deep in to the dark
kako toki yugamu himei kake chigaeta Mind oboro ni fusagu me wo kakushita Stuck in my head kako toiu bourei ni darakushi kuruu ore wa doko kara
shinsou de NEJI reta shisou ga hare agaru mujun darou ka shinsou de NEJI reta shisou ga aishita nare no hate
sakebe kyozetsu no shita de tatenu konou da toshitemo mogake jishitsu ni kureta sugi shihi ni jibun wo mita ima nara
We just believe in ourselves to die l know you were the same onaji itami wo daki ai kowarete iku barabara ni kudake chitte mo ii To be reborn again l'm gonna fall
kako toki yugamu himei kake chigaeta Mind oboro ni fusagu me wo kakushita Stuck in my head kishimu oto ga
Inside me Something's changing I see an ending Take it all in I'm gonna fall
kieteiku kanashimi wo mitsume We just believe in ourselves to die I know you were the same onaji itami wo daki au hakanasa ni wasurenaisa kore wa owari janai saa me wo akete ochite ikou
We just believe in ourselves to die
kowarete mama de ii
Desde então por quanto tempo você sabe quanto tempo faz? mergulhar para o fundo do caos, agora, para interligar-se caindo profundamente na escuridão.
Um grito distorcido para resolver o passado, a mente entra em conflito.
A neblina bloqueava os meus olhos, escondia tudo preso em minha mente, enlouquecendo pelos fantasmas do passado de onde eu vim.
Pensamentos profundamente angustiantes, me pergunto onde a contradição se torna soberba Pensamentos profundamente angustiantes, a ruína do que uma vez foi amor.
Gritar, sob a rejeição com um sofrimento inextinguível Contorcer-se sob o eu entorpecido na escuridão dos dias passados, foi então que eu vi.
Nós só acreditamos em nós mesmos para morrer Eu sei que [com] você era o mesmo Por essa mesma dor, vamos nos abraçar está tudo bem se quebrarmos em pedaços Para renascer novamente Eu vou cair.
Um grito distorcido para resolver o passado, a mente entra em conflito a neblina bloqueava os meus olhos, escondia tudo preso em minha mente, o som de um rangido.
Dentro de mim Algo está mudando Eu vejo um final Segure tudo dentro [dentro de si mesmo, pelo contexto] Eu vou cair.
Olhando para a tristeza que desaparece.
Nós só acreditamos em nós mesmos para morrer Eu sei que [com] você era o mesmo Por essa mesma dor, vamos nos abraçar Não nos esqueçamos da transitoriedade, esse não é o fim Agora, abra seus olhos e vamos cair.
Nós só acreditamos em nós mesmos para morrer.
Você pode continuar quebrado.
Créditos pela tradução e letra em romaji: jez visualkei
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