#kue loses
lovelosescongrats · 2 years
The pull of a soulmate is strong, Cleo thinks to herself as she stares at the netherack wall. There’s a soft throbbing in her chest, not exactly a heartbeat, more of a sad imitation, and it feels. Odd.
It feels like it's trying to beat out of her chest, to reach out to the person the universe has given her, standing less than five blocks away, but here's the thing: Cleo doesn't want it. She doesn't do well with betrayal, as everyone knows (fire, fire, licking at her feet and she itches to feel it again, to punish those who scorned her) and so she's furious. But Scott seems to want to laugh at them for the time being, so she stays, fiddling with the handle of her flimsy wooden axe.
She feels scorned. Rejected. Angry. Once again, here she is! Nothing changes, nothing ever changes. She wants to shake her fists at the universe and demand why they keep doing this to her over and over again, but she knows the gods well enough to understand that she will not receive an answer.
Later, she will point her axe at martyn with more glee than sorrow. Later, she will proudly tell him that she and Scott have picked each other as their soulmates and don't need them, don't need their heavy burden resting on their shoulders. Later, she will hit her soulmate hard and steady, and let the anger creeping at her feet feed greedily on the blood dripping out of Martyn’s neck. But now, she will grieve, quicker than before because she has learnt better; she will grieve, and she will pick herself back up because that's what she does.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 7 months
"Was Hiroshi's speech always that rough? KUE! KUE! Every time he tells them to eat."
"... ah... he's had too much to drink and this little victory's gotten to his head."
"Oh, he's being insufferable now. 'Oresama'?--oh, that's not going to stand, you act out, you lose, the story's going to punish you... yeeep."
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fleurannelie · 2 years
21:51pm, 20th of June.
Today... was strange. The fact that I woke up without “good morning, bebe.” makes my morning feels empty. I don’t know how I feel... the assignment get me overwhelming, I need you but I don’t want to bother you. I’m stressed... and your absence makes it worse. I even deactivated my cyber because it feels like I’m gonna lose my mind watching you pass across my timeline but didn’t talk to me for the whole day. T_____T
Tmi... hari ini aku mam kue cubit sama Enath... dia temen lamaku, tapi baru on cyber lagi, kemarin kemarin di priv aja. Terus mikir... mau juga food date sama pacarku. T____T
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kueruzu · 2 years
I'd like to request a scenario,
My idea is of Liz with a nice male wizard S/O.
I just thought it would be cute~ thank you!
Hecks yea fam! I loved this idea when you told me about it!
Liz x Wizard S/O (Male presenting)(Post Manga I believe)
Emil is his name (Death I love that you named him Emil. It’s verr cool)
As you said, “they met in a haunted house. Emil saw Liz crying on the ground shaking like a leaf and offered to help her out, she latched onto him like a lost little girl the whole time.”
Liz is absolutely embarrassed afterwards but thanks him. He sees the pink on her cheeks and his ears do not register her anymore. Her words are absolutely drowned out and he is staring at her like she lit up the sky.
When he goes to the DWMA he’s immediately invested in Liz. He’s enamored. This is the girl he met in the haunted house and she was really damn cute.
He also has an affinity for red? He wears it a lot.
I feel as though he’d be a bit dumb with his wording though. He tries to say such cute and sweet things and it comes out h o r r i b l y.
Like, he’d say “My favorite color’s red y’know” and he’d be referencing how he enjoys her shirt but she immediately takes it as “He’s staring at my goddamn tits”. He gets punched halfway across the damn school and he to this day doesn’t understand why.
But he is super sweet. He’s adorable in the way that he flirts. He only flirts with her, which she didn’t believe, and he always makes dumb cheesy flirts that have absolutely nothing to do with her appearance or body. He’ll say stuff like, “The sun’s smile is said to be absolutely blinding but now that I know you I can’t tell the difference.” Liz is confused and flabbergasted.
Emil is also feels like a transmogrification wizard. He’d change Liz into animals and she’s 🤏 close to murder but he finds it adorable. Seeing Liz as a tiny blonde Pomeranian is the highlight of his Tuesday afternoon.
His favorite animals to turn her into are dogs, cats, rabbits, and baby cows. He thinks she looks adorable as all of them. Liz is tired of his shit but at some point she has no care and enjoys how cute he seems to find her.
Also, he’s really really really good at catching tiny signs. Like, whenever Liz is getting scared, her pointer finger twitches. He’ll immediately grab her hand and rub the back with his thumb. He then insists they’ll do something else so she won’t get scared.
I randomly thought of this but I definitely feel as though hangouts would turn into them cuddling while she rants about how chaotic her day was. Like, Kid getting on her nerves but her also feeling bad because she knows he can’t control how he reacts most of the time, a teacher surprising her with a test and she doesn’t get a warning or time to study because of her being partnered with the busy Death the Kid, or even BlackStar and Soul joking around and getting on her last available nerve. She simply lays with him and rants and he’ll listen and respond once every so often.
For example, “Can you believe that?! And no extension or make-up either! Just because ‘everyone else had time and I should have too’?! I was busy being a god damned g*n!” And he responds quietly with a nod, hum of acknowledgment, and “He doesn’t understand how important you are.” And Liz just yells “YEA!”
That’s definitely all I can think of for now— It took me,, so long to get this one out but I h a v e! Thank you @chanceoutof20 for asking for this and bearing with my chaotic self.
I love this boyo you’ve created! Please make more of him! He’s amazing! And they both deserve the whole world!
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Starting from May 17th, everything is allowed to open again here in UK: dining indoor (max 6), sports indoor (max?), outdoor activities (max 30). Bersyukur banget gara-gara ini jadi kehidupan betulan terasa mulai di sini? Awal-awal sampai (Sept, Oct 2020) mungkin orang-orang masih reluctant untuk ketemu randomly karena researchnya juga belum memadai yang bisa sampai bilang kalau Covid-19 ini airborne yang sangat bahaya di close-circulation dan banyak uncertainties-uncertainties lainnya yang bikin susah banget ketemu orang. Casenya waktu itu juga di UK lagi naik-naiknya dan memang baru turun lagi setelah lockdown christmas-17may ini.
Gratitude notes today antara lain:
tadi pagi berhasil memulai hari jam 7 pagi kelas sampai jam 11
conduct lateral flow test sendiri dan Alhamdulillah masih negatif (I spent 2 packs though, gara-gara ga fokus dan naroh readernya di meja kasur jadi nggak rata terus kupikir jadi rusak tapi ternyata sesungguhnya ga apa2)
dateng halal bi halal sama KBRI (ada Pak Desra juga, dan istri, bintang tamunya ada Dewi Gita, terus ketemu bu Yani, Wian, Randy dan Intan, Prama, Leon, dan teman-teman PPI lainnya. Terus baru kali ini banget ketemu warga-warga Oxford lain terutama yang udah berkeluarga huhu cukup traumatik tadi ketemu bocil-bocil yang nangis heboh bikin stres emaknya lalu ku juga ikut stres bareng... anyways tapi senang ketemu orang banyak, dan cerah juga! sempat aga gerimis but most of the time the sun is there. makan nasi uduk + teri kacang + tahu sambel goreng + telor balado + kerupuk + pisang + cokeat + kue sus dan klepon (ada onde-onde tapi ku ga makan karena kenyang) semua gratis. plus ketemu anak 8 angkatan 2021 namanya aurora lagi a level! imagine tuwir bgt ya saya
harusnya ikut literaterary tournya Exeter jam 2pm tapi ternyata halalbihalalnya blom selesai jadi w bailed out LOLz, agak sayang sesungguhnya tapi yaudah juga since w bukan fans beratnya JRRTolkien (walaupun kami sama-sama INFP), ataupun CSLewis, ataupun His Dark Materials, dan juga Alice in the Wonderlands. So, nothing to lose, and anyway I still have 3 more years here(?) jadi yaudah
dan harusnya juga jam 15pm sudah booking Pitt Rivers museum tapi then again I still have 3 more years here I can do museum visit (yang literally di belakang gedung dept w) any time any day
setelah halalbihalal, pulang solat ganti baju lalu cabs lagi ke GOR buat badmintonan wkwkw. dah lama banget ga main badminton kayanya terakhir di balikpapan itu juga kaga maen cuma nemenin dan nonton mznya doang huf. tapi badmintonnya fun, bang Reybi baik bgt sih, betul2 yang w main 1 pair sama dia terus kalo w out selalu yang "gapapa non yang penting kena dulu, tar tinggal diarahin" cri bgt gaksih. Terus yaudah, tadi main badminton ada bang reybi, prama, mas kharis, kevin, baron, rosa, sama vance (si vance ini orang brunei teman 1 collegenya rosa). Beres main sehappy itu karena endorphin terus mingdep rencananya bakal main lagi. Tadi main 1jam per orang cuma bayar £1! imagine murah banget.
sampe rumah telponan sama mita, main duolingo, nonton vlivenya tannies (yang isinya adalah kekeosan), terus udahdeh ini siap-siap mau tidur karena besok akan full zoom&google meeting dari jam 7-11 lanjut jam 13-15 mungkin. sebetulnya karena siangnya panjang habis itu masih bisa ngapa-ngapain sih, mungkin kalau cuacanya cerah akan ke park dan ngabisin novel ni 1 baru setengah dibaca
oiya harusnya juga diajak kalina ke pub di pinggir sungai deket port meadow tapi dia bookingnya jam 5, w jam 4.45 pm tadi baru kelar badmintonannya :( mungkin next time
btw udah nulis di sini belom ya tentang ke pub ulangtahunnya nikki dan rebecca kemarin? sepertinya belum. iya intinya Kamis kemarin ke Big Society to celebrate Nikki's and Rebecca's 23 birthday! (yes muda-muda banget teman-teman barengan phd w betul2 seusia mahasiswa-mahasiswa w imagine). Terus yaudah ngobrol dan makan dari jam 7-10 pm. Itu sesungguhnya seharian hari itu cuacanya sucks banget betul-betul hujan badai gajelas jadi pas ke lokasi juga sempat basah-basahan tapi akhirnya paham kalau itu ya sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari aja.
sama kemarin Jumat akhirnya ngga jadi punting karena hujan juga, gerimis, pulang dari office makan veggie gyoza noodles di itsu sendirian karena Leon kuajak ke Najar's tapi ternyata dia sudah sampai rumah, sad.
oh sama 1 lagi ter-shocking adalah Kamis sebelum ke pub itu jam 5-6pmnya seperti biasa menghadiri kelas B4B itu kan, terus w banjir dong HUHU. Materinya lagi "thinking and emotional habits" apa ya kalo ga salah. Terus banjir di bagian intinya dikasih word gitu terus kita disuruh observe apa yang terjadi dengan emosi kita saat those particular words were being mentioned. Terus kata pertamanya: HOME. Langsung bombay HUHU, sesungguhnya dibilang jangan terlalu emotional sama wordsnya, just try to observe, kalau kita terlalu emotive disuruh dis-attach ourselves tapi gimana susah bang. Langsung kebayang anak-anak di rumah: caper, karamo, priti, nyukit, mommy cat *cri*. Sisanya wordsnya nggak terlalu se-bikin banjir yang pertama sih: dog (cant relate at all), teacher, sama ada 2 lagi tapi lupa apa. Terus udah reda kan nih sama bagian ini, eh tiba-tiba ada bagian meditasi apa ya, terus pokoknya disebut sebelumnya theory tentang right frontal lobe vs left frontal lobe itu loh yang positive and negative emotion, terus dibilang sama instrukturnya (namanya Roddy Bray, he's VERY good, you should check him out) kalau mind kita udah mulai ke kanan alias mulai ke arah negative, try to shift your mind. Biasanya mantra paling gampang itu pakai "I am good, and I am well. I'm getting better and better each day." Terus dengar kata-kata itu w langsung banjir lagi (kayanya memang sudah seharusnya w ke psikolog sih ini fix). Roddy bilang: if your mind/body reject those compliments you try to give yourself, that's a sign that you need more since you didn't receive those compliments enough before in your life. DHEG. Langsung tersepet saya pak. Yaudah intinya I spent like 5 mins saying to myself those words: "I am good, and I am well." sampe akhirnya reda dan bisa kembali mengikuti kelas (walaupun super bengek). So, this is what I do everyday sebelum tidur malam: try to write this journal on tumblr (kalau lagi ga capek2 banget) basically just to recount things I did at that day and be grateful for it, dan kemudian telling myself that I did a good job for getting through the day, while also telling myself that "I am good and I am well". Kadang kalau lagi se-dark/se-down itu ditambah juga "you made it to Oxford, Non! and with all of your other you-name-it accomplishments! You certainly did and are doing well!". Bangun pagi juga gitu, just to appreciate myself for waking up, I am telling myself "I am good and I am well". Might as well be my life motto rom now on.
Sooo, that's it for today! Anyway untuk followers2ku, tulisan ini betul-betul hanyalah curahan hati/jurnal/rekap harian dari seorang noni yang mungkin akan berguna di masa depan kalau ku lagi mencari-cari alasan untuk melanjutkan hidup atau apapun itulah nanti (anyway aku tidak -belum, tapi semoga memang tidak akan- suicidal or anything kok, cuma sedang di fase mempertanyakan buat apa sih kita hidup aja), or maybe if I get better (I wish I do) ya ku percaya ini at least akan jadi record sih, akan fun aja ngebaca ini semua lagi dan mikir "yaampun look at how fun my life was!". I might be encouraging you guys too to record your life in pictures, videos, or even writing so that in the future you'll have something to look back to (seperti aku masih suka membaca archives lama di akun tumblr lamaku yang sudah ke-lock atau archives instastory).
9 Woodlands Close, OX3 7RY // 22052021 23:27 pm
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zulaey · 3 years
Pernah ngerasa nggak si, kalo kita akan lebih mencintai, menyayangi dan menjaga satu sama lain setelah adanya kehilangan?. Dengerin, kehilangan bukan akhir segalanya tapi dari kehilanganlah awal semuanya muncul. Dari kehilangan bapak gue satu satun silam gue belajar banyak hal terutama waktu. Makasih banget pandemi menyatukan keluarga kecil kami yang meskipun Cuma bertiga (cewek semua pula). Bener, secara personal emang gue gak terlalu deket sama ibu tapi its oke, rasa itu tumbuh kok. Ibarat lo jatuh cinta pasti pelan pelan kan tumbuh rasanya. Tapi bedanya ini ke ibu gue. Perhargaan terbesar dihidup gue adalah bisa menumbuhkan rasa sayang ke ibu gue. Keliatan sepele banget. Dari situlah akhirnya gue bisa bermanfaat terutama Birrul Wa Lidaini~
Hari ibu dateng kan, iseng tuh gue bikin kue dari sari roti ditulis “Selamat Hari Ibu” di dapur kan. Belum sempet dikasi, eh ada tamu, ibu gue ke dapur minta bikin teh, gue panik dong yang masih ngedisain tulisannya. Endingnya gue kasih pas itu juga, ehhh kita nangis dong. Disitu gue ngerasa, begimana rasanya ada di posisi ibu gue yang satu taun setalah ditinggal bapak gue masih berjuang  buat anak anaknya and ternyata semuanya terbayar sudah dengan apresiasi anak yang  sekarang sayang dan melindungi kita semua… (singkatnya gitu, sekedar crita aja nih, btw kalian pernah gitu juga gak sii??)
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
You list 10 songs you’ve been listening to the most and then you tag 10 people (I don’t even think I know 10 people)
I was tagged by the lovely @intheforest-hides-a-light
Tagging: Uhhhh @magaya-sou @enchantedbythebidders @catoinette @piplup235 uhhhhhhh I’d @ my friends yuki and lish but I don’t think they ever do this stuff at all and if any of y’all don’t want to do it that’s cool. And hey, if you see if and wanna do it, even if you aren’t tagged, go for it man and feel free to say I tagged ya. 
1. Down Under performed by Ninja Sex Party, I’ve legit been listening nonstop to their covers lately and it’s just really reminded me how much I love some cheesy 80′s music. 
2. Safety Dance performed by Ninja Sex Party, same thing just my latest binging desire, also the line about “I can act like an imbecile” keeps reminding me of Sharky from FC5, I can just really see that being a drawing point for him doing anything, ‘I can act like an idiot, hell yeah!” 
3. This is Love by Air Traffic Controller, I’ve been in love with this song for a while and I’ve really fallen in love with it again as I’ve been playing Far Cry and writing my fucked up polyseed fic because it just has those kind of vibes.
4. Get Mine by Davis, it started playing from an outpost after I liberated it in Far Cry 5 and I just fell in fucking love. It was I think the outpost on Ducth’s Island too and that was the first time I was like, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT ALL THE SONGS IN THIS GAME ARE HOLY SHIT. 
5. Peace, Love, & Rock n’ Roll by Davis, I got recommended this after I looked up Get Mine and I fell in love. I just love the aesthetic and vibes of the whole song, I seriously feel like Davis is a really underrated artist, I love his stuff dudes. 
6. Get Free by The Vines, again just showing my current FC5 obsession. This is the song Wheaty has used as the deconditioning song and you fucking murder cultists as it blasts in the background and I love that, like that’s just something I am here for. Any song that makes me feel like I just go fuckin’ feral to it is something I’m here for. 
7. Panic Room by Au/Ra, this was just randomly recommended for me on youtube and I was like eh, it’s 4am and I’m putting off school work lets listen to some new music and holy fuck it just hit me hard. Like, I struggle with anxiety and depression, so when I find a song that just seems to like get it, it becomes an automatic love. 
8. Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish, Billie’s music has kind of stayed off my radar for a long while, until recently with her song Bad Guy blowing up.  in terms of sound tends to be a little hit and miss for me. I’ll like some parts of a song and not others just cause , but I always love the lyrics and the aesthetic of it all. But, I ended up finding out about this song because of someone i watch making a response video to some Christian lady who was claiming this song was proof Billie Eilish had sold her soul to the devil. So, I had to look up the song, cause that’s just an energy I’m here for. Obviously that’s not what the songs about, but I fell in love with it and have been listening to it nonstop since. 
9. Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco, I don’t know what it is but lately me and this song are just vibing together. I think again it’s that draw of lately I’ve really loved songs I feel like I could just imagine in the background of someone just losing their shit and going feral. Like that kind of chaotic energy just is what I’ve been craving lately. 
10. Someone I Used To Know (Kue Radio Remix) Original Song by Zac Brown Band, yes, this is a remix of a country song. I listened to some remix and then youtube was like DO YOU WANNA LISTEN TO EVERY REMIX EVER and I thought this was a remix of the old Gotye song because I’m Jared, 19, and I never learned how to fucking read but then I really loved it, so fuck it. 
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cupids-envy · 5 years
I was tagged by @kue-the-dance-music, thanks!
Rules: Answer the soft q&a's and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans, fave blog/users.
1.What's the smell of your shampoo?
"Tropical Zest" it's not just mine though, my siblings and I share it (tbh I'm not particularly fond of this shampoo, it makes my hair look greasy. Ew lol)
2. What's your aesthetic?
Warm lighting, hands, black ink tattoos, stacks of books everywhere, cd collections, guitars, fluffy/really soft blankets (I actually get really fussy with these because of the calluses from playing guitar. Certain fabrics kind of stick to the calluses and it feels horrible), waking to watch the sun rise, small creeks with rocks to sit on in the middle.
3. What is your favorite time of the day?
Probably the moments after sunset when you can see the sky change colour rapidly and then turn to night.
4. What do you like the most about the beach?
Seeing all the different colour sea shells, watching the water ripple back over the sand to get swept up into another wave.
5. What do you worry about constantly?
Everything lol. The past, the future, whether I'm annoying people, the fact that I'm losing time so quickly.
6. What is a song you’ve cried to before? 
I've cried to a few lol. To Live Is To Die (Metallica), Snuff (Slipknot), Bother (Stone Sour), What Hurts The Most (Aaron Lewis), Nothing Compares 2 U (Chris Cornell) and every Linkin Park song I've listened to.
7. What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
Worrying about the past won't change anything, instead, live in the present and find out what makes you happy and do that. Don't spend too much time worrying about the future. Live a life you are proud of and don't worry about what others think of you or what they say to you. Stay strong!
8. What are some things that make you tear up? 
That I can't save anyone from being through stuff that I've gone through. That I can't go back in time and tell all those that have committed suicide that they are loved, even if they don't think they are. I'd want to tell them that I'd love them if they didn't have anyone to love them. I just wish I could save all those going through rough times and it makes me so sad that I can't.
9. What is your favourite from each of the five senses? 
Sight: watching water ripple over rocks, seeing sunlight filter through the trees, studying the faces of the ones I love.
Smell: cinnamon, rain, storms, my bf, books, blueberry muffins.
Touch: anything soft or fluffy, both of my dog's fur, my legs after I shave lmao.
Taste: any food after not eating for awhile, chocolate, nice tasting lip gloss (I hate the nasty tasting ones), rain, egg nog (without the cinnamon in it).
Hearing: my favourite songs, songs I haven't heard for awhile, the bush sounds, rain, thunder, certain people's voices.
10. What is one alternate reality you’d want to be in?
Where bad people didn't exist, where people could be happy, where we didn't have to deal with wars or arrogant politicians or terrorist attacks. I think a cool thing to have would be teleportation as well.
11. What are some troubles you face on a day to day basis? 
Family problems, abuse of some sort (almost every day), stress, mental issues. The path on the way to a better lifestyle and mental space, it's been a bit of a struggle lately.
12. What is one scene of a book that’s made you really sad?
I read this book a few weeks ago. It's called If There's No Tomorrow by Jennifer L Armentrout. I cried pretty much the ahole time through that book but it was such a good book. I'm not gonna spoil it in case anyone wants to read it.
13. Say smth to all your followers: 
Hmm. *thinking for a good 5 mins*
Don't let anyone tell you who to be. Don't let anyone put you down or make you feel like shit. Stick up for yourself and for others and stay strong. I'm so proud of all of you and how far you have come. Whatever you are going through, I'm here for you and I'm always here for you to talk to. And I mean it, don't think that you're annoying me by texting me, cos tbh I get kinda lonely sometimes so I'd even appreciate some conversation. Make sure you've taken your medication, had enough water, eaten at least a little bit today and make sure you are happy. And I love you.
My five most recent followers:
@cieloai @moonlitegay @noodlestock @sammaystudays @loved2deth
Biggest/fave blogs/user:
@brettneven02 @flyinghetfield @the-mighty-het-speaks @diamondog66 @connectingtopogo @hardwired-to-self-destruct @guitarsruletheworld @funkyfreshtrash @phoebe-does
I can't remember any other urls right now, but if I follow you, you can count yourself on that list lol.
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lovelosescongrats · 2 years
tango's getting his warden wrangling experience in the server where he only has three lives
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modern--nights · 6 years
Hi folks. So I am presently STing a V20 Dark Ages Vampire game and my players have suggested doing a "modern nights" 2010s game using V20. (We won't be using V5.) They want the game to be set during the present (2018) and so, since today was my day off, I came up with an alternate version of the metaplot, bringing it from the late 1990s to today.
Thoughts, comments, feedback welcome!
January 1998-October 1999: The Kue-jin courts of China direct the Great Leap Outward, a highly coordinated offensive by Asia’s native vampires to seize control of U.S. domains from Western vampires as revenge for colonialism (and the Cainites’ profit from it). The Anarch Free State in southern California suffers heavy losses in the first year, but with Camarilla assistance fights the invaders to a stalemate in Los Angeles. The Kuei-jin take San Francisco from the Camarilla in 1999 but by the end of the year suspend their offensives to focus on domestic concerns. The Anarchs rally to San Diego while the Camarilla focuses on Sabbat attacks across the East Coast and the southern U.S.
April 1998: Giangaleazzo, the Sabbat Archbishop of Milan, defects to the Camarilla and openly burns the original version of the Code of Milan, the code of conduct for the sect.
November 1998: The Tremere antitribu of the Sabbat are annihilated in a single night, bursting into flames instantly and crumbling to ash wherever they are. Shortly after diaberlizing Saulot to steal the Antediluvian’s power, Tremere loses a spiritual battle with the far more powerful entity. Saulot ends up possessing Tremere, while Tremere’s soul is placed in that of his former lover and disciple, Goratrix. As part of a desperate effort to achieve the strength necessary to retake his body, Tremere (as Goratrix) resorts to a ritual that sacrifices the Tremere who followed “Goratrix” in his Sabbat defection. Intended to magically steal Saulot’’s power and give it to Tremere, the ritual fails, but does succeed in forcing Saulot into a deeper torpor, limiting his manipulations.
May 1999: Xaviar, the Justicar of Clan Gangrel, concludes that the Antediluvians may not be a myth as the Camarilla claims. After unsuccessfully trying to persuade the sect’s warlord, Karsh, to lead the clan out of the Camarilla, Xaviar decides to publicly maintain the Camarilla position while secretly investigating the Antediluvians’ existence with the clandestine assistance of the Noddist scholar and fellow Gangrel known as Beckett.
June 1999: The Ravnos Antediluvian rises from torpor in northern India, consuming the souls of almost all its descendants in the area. Three Kuei-jin Bodhisattvas, some of the most potent of their kind, manage to weaken the ancient creature enough so that it slips back into hibernation beneath the earth. A historically destructive monsoon covers up the supernatural nature of the incident from mortal eyes, but many vampires witness several days of insanity and instability in all Ravnos vampires. Vampires in the Western Hemisphere are mostly unaffected long-term, but the elimination of so many Ravnos Kindred in Asia leads to a resurgence of Kuei-jin control across southern Asia.
June-August 1999: The Sabbat initiates a “Black Crusade” against the Camarilla, fueled by an overpopulation of sect members as well as religious fervor brought on by the millennium. Fabrizia Conteraz, the Archbishop of Miami, leads the conquest of St. Louis, Memphis, and Atlanta from the Camarilla. The East Coast offensive under Archbishop Francisco Domingo de Polonia stalls, however, locked into a war of attrition in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. Even worse, New York City – long the base of the Sabbat in the northeastern United States – falls to the Camarilla, although Polonia kills the Ventrue Prince, Michaela, before retreating to the Sabbat stronghold of Baltimore.
December 1999: It is discovered that the Sabbat Regent, Melinda Galbraith, is dead, after “she” is revealed to be impostor by Sascha Vykos. After calling in numerous boons, Vykos is appointed the new Regent of the sect. They have Polonia destroyed for his failures, while Conteraz is promoted to Cardinal of the Southeastern U.S. They also declare that the “Black Crusade” will continue as Gehenna is close at hand.
The 2000s
There is no vampire involvement in the September 11 attacks, but the Camarilla invests a large amount of its resources in arms-manufacturing and military contractors, making huge profits. The sect takes an even more authoritarian turn, taking advantage of the enhancement of state power in the wake of the War on Terror. The Inner Circle conducts a covert purge of known individuals associated with study of Caine and the Antediluvians, sending Beckett further underground. New York City becomes consolidated Camarilla territory, the Kindred resuming control of global finance.
The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 has the unintended consequence of waking ur-Shugli, a childe of Haqim, the founder of the Assamites. Soon after waking, he breaks the Tremere curse placed on the clan that prevented them from drinking the blood of other vampires. As the new Eldest of the Assamites, ur-Shugli preaches a fundamentalist return to worshipping Haqim and acting as isolationist assassins once more, as before the Treaty of Tyre. Around a quarter of the main clan (mostly its younger members) refuse to renounce Islam and become “the Dispossessed.” A sizable portion of the warrior caste under Fatima al-Faqadi travels to Mexico and joins the Sabbat. The Camarilla responds to the breaking of the curse and the assassination of several of its leading princes at Assamite hands by declaring itself at war with the clan and its agents.
Huge advances in technology such as search engines, social media, and other digital innovations puts the Masquerade at heightened risk. With the kine armed with high-definition camera phones, violations of the First Tradition become frequent, and the Camarilla becomes even harsher in its practices, to the extent that just having a MySpace page is grounds for calling a Blood Hunt. The Nosferatu-controlled SchreckNet, a private Internet network, is opened to other Camarilla clans. Anarchs are also able to access it without too much difficulty, although the Sabbat is actively prevented from using it. Attempts to reveal and spread the existence of vampires online are instantly met by smear campaigns by Nosferatu “trolls” who poke holes in the accounts and evidence that manage to leak on to the Internet. They cannot catch everything, however, and vampire hunters are an increasingly common problem.
The rising importance of Silicon Valley as a place of innovation and global economic importance leads the Camarilla to redouble its efforts to retake San Francisco, which it does by 2006. Around the same time, the Anarchs strike north from San Diego and succeed in reclaiming Los Angeles for the Free States. The Kuei-jin retains presences in the many Chinatowns across the West Coast, but nevertheless the Quincunx is humbled by the failure of the Great Leap Outward, leading to the rise of more isolationist leadership more concerned with the increasing power of the Yama Kings.
The Camarilla is caught unprepared for the Great Recession of 2008, and as fortunes disappear overnight, elders and even princes find themselves exposed to challenges from enemies and upstarts. The inability of the sect to anticipate or prevent the crisis does much to damage its credibility, and the seeds of almost a decade of intense repression produce the fruit of rebellion. The Third Anarch Revolt erupts across North America and even the Camarilla bulwark of Europe, with several notable cities – Athens, Berlin, Liverpool -- falling under Anarch control. Simultaneously, the Sabbat takes advantage of the chaos in the close of the decade by destroying Lasombra and Tzimisce “traitors” in Eastern Europe, Italy, and Spain, including Giangaleazzo in Milan. The sect uses already existing xenophobia and strong anti-globalization populism to instigate violent outbursts against immigrants and leftists to mask its own bloody assaults.
In 2010, it is revealed that ur-Shugli serves the Baali after an operation ostensibly meant to excavate the Second City instead unearths a reliquary containing an incredibly powerful and ancient demon. Before ur-Shugli can finish releasing the entity, the Methuselahs of Clan Assamite come together to interrupt the ritual at the cost of their own lives. The Third Baali War erupts across the Middle East and North Africa against the backdrop of the Arab Spring. Many of the Dispossessed Assamites return to the main clan to wipe out the Baali and salvage assorted supernatural relics looted amidst the riots and insurgencies now common in the region. By 2013 the Assamites can claim a tactical victory in limiting infernal incursions and sending the Baali back into the shadows, but with the main Assamite clan much reduced in strength, its oldest elders all but gone. Most of the Dispossessed Assamites return to Alamut; as a sign of younger and more progressive attitudes, Fatima al-Faqadi becomes the first woman caliph. The Camarilla and the Assamites remain at war.
During the Third Baali War, demon-worshipping cults are uncovered across the world. The Sabbat Inquisition culls virtually all the packs in Montreal after a bishop is found responsible for a series of murders believed to be Satanic in nature. Camarilla cities are not immune either, with several European cities rotten with secret and blasphemous orders from the past. Yet again, the sect tends to execute those suspected of corruption without evidence, only worsening accusations that is little more a society for tyrants.
The Giovanni and the Followers of Set, never trusted by any of the sects, are often casualties in the purges that follow the war, their activities linked to dark magic and licentious behavior. In response, the two clans form an alliance in 2011, stating that their domains will be shared, save for the respective clan headquarters in Venice and Egypt. The union has served each clan, as their combined influence in organized crime as well as the mystical arts has proven mutually beneficial. Elder vampires call it the “Independent Alliance” while neonates refer to the “Snakes and Skulls, Inc.”
Modern Nights
The Camarilla continues to decline into the 2010s, strongest in Western Europe and the Northeastern United States. While materially strong as an institution, there has never been a greater divide between the powerful and the powerless, the old and the young. The talk of a “meritocracy of vampires” rings hollow, and not just in traditional Anarch-leaning cities. Consequently, the Camarilla has responded by gradually removing the velvet glove from around the iron fist. This has led to the rise of two factions, the Traditionalists, who favor the status quo, and Modernizers, who want to introduce liberal reforms to save the Camarilla from becoming totally archaic and irrelevant.
The Sabbat under Regent Vykos is once more resurgent, with Cardinal Conteraz taking Little Rock, Cleveland, and Kansas City for the sect in the U.S. Vykos, however, has proved a polarizing figure, as their scholarly and autocratic bent has upset those members who feel the Sabbat has become too centralized in its authority. The revelation of infernalism among the sect’s higher ranks has also provoked a desire for new, younger leaders. Joseph Pander, the leader of the Sabbat’s clanless vampires, has become the leading spokesperson against Vykos, prompting some to speculate of a new civil war.
Of the three major sects, the Anarchs have prospered the most. Unrest and anger in mortal society has led to greater popularity for anti-establishment values, and it is easy to describe Camarilla elders as “the Kindred’s 1%.” Within the Movement itself, however, ideologies range from the far left to the far right, and vampires welcome in one Anarch city might be driven out of another. Berlin has become something of the latest Kindred experiments at creating a new democratic order for vampires, although what exactly such an order will ultimately look like is not something that is agreed upon.
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antters · 2 years
8 Personality Development Tips (2022 Updated)
You are reading this because you might have searched for personality development tips or how to develop your personality. So here we are presenting you a list of personality development tips you can adapt.
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Before going further let us make you aware of one important aspect which is, it's always better to consult a personality development expert who can identify your qualities and utilize them for developing a better personality for you.
So if you are looking for a personality development expert download Antters and post your requirements. The best ones near you are all present on Antters and you can book the one you like the most.
Ok let's move further! So what is Personality? Is it just speaking English fluently? No it isn’t. Personality is all about you, It's a combination of your traits, behaviors and attitudes that define you. 
And now as we speak about personality development. The word itself is self explanatory. Personality development means presenting yourself in a better and improved manner. Which includes working on your weaknesses and making them your strengths, improving your skills etc.
So what are the activities we can do to improve our personality on our own? Here are some ideas which might help you:
Come Out Of Your Comfort Zone:
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We all love being in our cocoons and it feels safe to be there and live a monotonous life. But being in a comfort zone might lead you to be in that zone for a long time without any growth and thus you will act like a frog as per an Indian saying “kue ka mendak”.
Try coming out of your comfort zone and do things out of the box. You might fail for some time but will definitely learn new things and grow confidence.
Time Management:
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Try deciding time for everything. Take your decisions wisely and prioritize things as per their importance so as to work on your skills and develop them. Keep in mind your larger goal and hence decide time for every single day.
Read Read Read:
Try reading things that motivate you, grow your vocabulary. Try reading positive and inspiring things. Reading opens your thinking and thus it is very important for your growth.
Body Language:
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This is something people judge you for. The way you present yourself is the way your style statement is defined. Hence try to work on your body language. Do you want to impact others? It's your body language. 
Try Being Positive:
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To form a great personality you need to be positive because a positive attitude is always visible on your face and body language and that's what impresses others. A dull and frustrated individual is someone who always thinks negatively.
Way Of Talking:
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Try to be soft spoken. A person who is soft spoken often has more listeners and not just listeners but people try to listen to them carefully. Being rude and short tempered make people lose interest in your sayings.
Try To Know Yourself:
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Try being with yourself and evaluating your core expertise and the areas you need improvement in. Looking at people and liking them for personality is something you all must have gone through, but that is not their magic, that is their way of treating people and being confident which is something you too could adapt.
Dress Properly:
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Your dressing must be as per the place you are present at. People judge a lot about you just by seeing the way you carry yourself so a sensible dressing would be something which might be helpful for you.
So these are some of the things which might help you grab attention and leave people with a positive impression about you as a person.
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cookieexperimenter · 2 years
Dark Smaller Levain V2
100gr all purpose flour
50gr cake flour
25gr dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp + 1/8 tsp soda kue
1/2 tsp almond extract
100gr cold cubed butter
40gr sugar
15gr dark bs
30gr light brown sugar
75gr coverture chocolate
75gr dark choco buttons
Marzipan pieces
Chopped walnuts
1 whisked egg
Prepare everything first. Combine dry ingredients. Chop chocolate. Whisk egg.
Mix cold butter cubes until lose shape. Add sugar, mix again. Add walnuts , mix. Add choco chips, mix.
Add flour in one thirds. Mix. Add egg, mix.
Add spared choco chips and marzipan. Combine with spatula.
Chill for 2 hours. Take out and shape into 80gr balls. Chill for another 30mins.
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Preheat oven to 200C. Bake in 200C for 5 mins. Add 12 more mins at 180 C. Take out and let cool in tray for 30 more mins.
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0 notes
bicepcurlsordie · 3 years
Labor Day Mix 2021 - The Jersey Shore's "End of the Summer" Pregame Mix by DJ Hova After over a year of being locked down, we were finally reunited with the grails & green walls of D'Jais, the shot wheels of Bar A, the boom boom room of Osprey and God's Basement of the Parker House. While the near future is uncertain (fuck you Delta variant), there are three things that are certain: Death, Taxes and DJ Hova's annual Labor Day Mix! Another summer at the Jersey Shore is wrapping up, so let's go out with a bang. From Sandy Hook all the way down to Cape May, crack open those Long Drinks and crank up this mix for the final pregames of Summer 2021. Have a safe & happy Labor Day Weekend. Let's fucking go. FULL TRACKLIST: bit.ly/ldw21tracklist PLAYLIST: COMING SOON ⬇️ SAVE 15% OFF FRIDAY BEERS MERCH ⬇️ 1. Go to bit.ly/fridaybeershova 2. Use code 'djhov15' at checkout WEBSITE: djhova.com TWITTER: twitter.com/_djhova INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/_djhova Bring Me To Life (WAKE ME UP) [Case Ace VIP Bootleg] Freaks Party Till We Die Bed (Olive Oil ‘We Got Love’ Edit) Dreams (feat. Lanie Gardner) Internet Space Split (WeDamnz x Redliners Mashup) Wanna Go Dancin’ vs. Ten Feet Tall (DJ Taz Mashup) Xtasy (Luke LaRosa Mashup) Business Will Roll (DREZZ Mashup) Paradise (DJ Hova ‘Deep Youth’ Edit) Disco Inferno (Rivas ‘Devotion’ 2021 Edit) Bundles vs. Just Feels Tight (DJ UFOso Edit) Gimme Gimme Gimme (Freejak Remix) Levitating (Cream ‘Insomnia’ Edit) Hotel Rasputin Service (Veggibeats Mashup) Skate (Kue Remix) Bleeding Love (James Jager ‘I Want Your Love’ Edit) Unwritten (Pat C’s ‘Missing You’ Edit) The Only YMCA Swing (Basco Mashup) Don’t Cry For Me (Wilson & Smokin Jack Hill Remix) Kings & Queens (J Bruus Remix) Only One Domino (Discoid Mashup) Kill The Lights x Be Right There (BrandonAlex Mashup) Work Out My Head (THIERRY VON DER WARTH & JORDEN DUX MASHUP) Mr. Vain (Kastra ‘Sunny’ Edit) All Star (Rivas 2021 Bootleg) Mood (DJ Punxo EDM Bootleg Mix) House Party (Ligotti Remix) Beggin’ (Teddy Cream Bootleg) Stay (DJ Hova ‘Misery Business’ Edit) Girlfriend Going Down (Fresh Kiwi Party Smashup) Pepas I Like It (Kue Remix) La Mamá de la Mamá (Carnage x REDTAPE Remix) Edge of Seventeen (19Ninety Edit) Feel The Vibe vs. Tremor (VNCNT Mashup) Money For 17 (Ben Phillips Edit) Sun Goes Down vs. Me & U (WeDamnz VIP Edit) Do It To It Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Angelo The Kid & Olive Oil ‘Turn Up The Speakers’ Edit) Be My Lover Gone (Sound Of Legend Mashup) Show me Love (David S Freddie Mercury) Show Me Love (feat. Robin S.) Pressure vs. Rhythm Of The Nights (Timo$ Re-Edit) The Only Way Is Burn Out Levels (IPN Mashup Bootled) Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous (Kastra ‘All Of My Heart’ Edit) Eenie Meenie (Angelo The Kid ‘Starlight’ Edit) Shed A Light All Of The Above (Reed Streets ‘Make Luv’ Edit) All My Friends (Hibell Remix) If I Lose Myself x Stars x Good Things Fall Apart (LUCAS Edit) Language vs. Dancing Queen (Make It Bump Mashup) More Than It Feels Like (MarziJ Mashup) Umbrella (Angelo The Kid ‘Lasting Lover’ Edit) Anyone (J Bruus Remix) Love Never Felt So Good (Fedde Le Grand Remix) Infinity (James Jager ‘In My Mind’ Edit) Love Tonight (Chachi ‘Million Voices’ Edit) Million Voices (DRKLight & DJ Ivan EP Mash-Up) Faded Scientist Calling (ANGEMI vs. Riggi & Piros Edit) Calling (Lose My Mind) Don’t Worry I Would Do Anything For Love (B-Fix ‘Valentines’ Mashup) D'Jais | Bar Anticipation | Joe's Surf Shack | Osprey | Leggetts | Parker House | Jenks | Tiki Bar | Ocean Drive Bar | Dead Dog Saloon | LaCosta Lounge | Porta | Green Rock | Wicked Wolf | Pig and Parrot | The Shannon | McSwiggans | Madhatter | Birch | Mike's Wild Moose Saloon | The Ainsworth | The Ashford | Texas Arizona | Cadillac Cantina | 80 River | Jersey Shore | Belmar | Lake Como | Manasquan | Asbury Park | Spring Lake | Sea Girt | Point Pleasant | Bay Head | Seaside Heights | F-Cove | Atlantic City | Sea Isle City | Cape May | Lavallette | LBI | Long Beach Island | Ocean City | Wildwood | Cape May | Morristown | Glassboro | Hoboken | Jersey City | New Jersey
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