#la fille de berlin
Have you smelled this perfume?
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thebeautycove · 1 year
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SERGE LUTENS - LA FILLE DE BERLIN - Edizione Speciale 10° Anniversario - Collection Noire - Eau de Parfum - Novità 2023 -
There’s always something surfacing from your past, belonging to your living experience, preceding your future in a fragrance. Some scents are like those amazing people you’ve met over time and are substantial part of memories, constant feed for thoughts and emotions. That’s what really matters to me. Making the fire of emotions unquenchable. Time after time.
Nella primavera del 2013 incontravo per la prima volta La Fille de Berlin di Serge Lutens. Mi è rimasta nel cuore. Il suo carattere audace, intraprendente, libero, prometteva molto al mio istinto, sfidava una certa intransigenza olfattiva, alzava il sipario su atmosfere mitteleuropee decadenti, cupe, fitte di mistero che facevano breccia nel mio immaginario, si specchiava in una femminilità elusiva e maliziosa, nella seducente androginia di Marlene Dietrich nel film Morocco.
Oggi, la ritrovo ancora più bella e matura, famosa e osannata, nell'edizione esclusiva che ne celebra il decimo anniversario. Mi sorprende tanto da sollecitare una riflessione. È cambiata da allora? Forse no. Sono cambiata io. Risento questa rosa narcotica, fiera, la percepisco attraversare lentamente la ribalta, uscire dal buio delle quinte e guadagnare la luce speziata di pepe e geranio, ne ammiro la bellezza oscura fascinante, la potenza espressiva, una corolla cremisi circondata da velluti e argenti. Poi nella meraviglia dell'evoluzione, mi appare meno tagliente, quasi romantica, avvolta da un incanto di miele, muschi e legni, pronta ad evocare sentimenti complessi, di assalto e resa, in un'attrazione sottilmente cerebrale, di sguardi perduti nelle ombre scure della notte. Un Fascino primordiale che non lascia scampo.
Splendido il flacone dedicato con etichetta disegnata da Serge Lutens che riporta un'elegante silhouette femminile in abito maschile dandy, illuminata da un lampione nella notte berlinese. Richiama alla memoria la celebre immagine di Lili Marlene e quella canzone dal significato profondo e ancora attuale.
La Fille de Berlin - Eau de Parfum Edizione Limitata 10° Anniversario, 50 ml.
In selezionati p.v. e online
Scopri la recensione del lancio della fragranza qui
©thebeautycove  @igbeautycove
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persolaise · 23 days
Chanel Comete, Frederic Malle Acne Studios, Serge Lutens La Fille Tour De Fer reviews - 2024
New releases from Chanel AND Frederic Malle AND Serge Lutens -- lots to smell!
It was time to roll out the big guns over on YouTube the other day, with new releases from Chanel (Comete), Frederic Malle (Acne Studios) as well as Serge Lutens (La Fille Tour De Fer). I also talked about a couple of vintage gems: the original Oscar De La Renta edt and YSL Rive Gauche. Here are links to all the videos, and for further thoughts on the perfumes, please keep scrolling: Chanel…
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beautyscenario · 1 month
Serge Lutens: la recensione di tutte le mie fragranze
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spiritdreamt · 8 months
i dont have a specific perfume in mind for percy bt i know it's something predominantly rose without being too like... old lady-ish
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silent-hills · 1 year
Really want Serge Lutens perfume :(((((
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daphnedauphinoise · 1 year
Full Length Ballet Performances
Instituto Nacional De Las Bellas Artes 🩰 Russian National Ballet
Paris Opera Ballet 🩰 Bolshoi Ballet Theatre
Don Quixote
The National Ballet Theatre of Ukraine 🩰Teatro alla Scala di Milano Marrinsky Theatre
Bolshoi Ballet Theatre 🩰 Polish National Ballet 🩰 The Royal Danish Ballet 🩰 National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Mari El
La Bayadère
National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Mari El.🩰 Bolshoi Ballet Theatre
La Fille Mal Gardée
Serbian National Ballet
La Sylphide
The Royal Danish Ballet
Marguerite & Armand
The Royal Ballet
Stainslavsky Ballet
The New York City Ballet 🩰Marrinsky Theatre 🩰 National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Marie.El
Romeo and Juliet
Ural Opera Ballet🩰 Bolshoi Ballet Theatre
Swan Lake
Kirkov Ballet 🩰 St Petersburg Ballet Theatre 🩰 American Ballet Theatre 🩰 Bolshoi Ballet Theatre
The Sleeping Beauty
Staatsballett Berlin 🩰 National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Mari El 🩰 Marrinsky Theatre 🩰 l'Opéra Bastille 🩰Teatro alla Scala 🩰 Bolshoi Ballet Act 1 Bolshoi Ballet Act 2
The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps)
Marrinsky Theatre
I was born in the correct generation because I loved those photos so much, I decided to look up the ballet so I could watch it and there it was ! I have added other full length performances as well and for most of the pieces I have added different ballet companies (if I could find) just because different ballet companies means different choreography ( not always but certain companies are reowned for their distinct style)
xo Daphne
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jamie-007 · 2 months
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À 40 ans Franz Kafka (1883-1924) qui ne s'est jamais marié et n'avait pas d'enfants, se promenait dans le parc de Berlin quand il rencontra une petite fille qui pleurait parce qu'elle avait perdu sa poupée préférée. Elle et Kafka ont cherché la poupée sans succès.
Kafka lui a dit de le rencontrer le lendemain et ils reviendraient la chercher.
Le lendemain, quand ils n'avaient pas encore trouvé la poupée, Kafka donna à la petite fille une lettre "écrite" de la poupée qui disait : " S'il te plaît ne pleure pas. J'ai fait un voyage pour voir le monde. Je vais t'écrire sur mes aventures."
C'est ainsi que commença une histoire qui se poursuit jusqu'à la fin de la vie de Kafka.
Lors de leurs rencontres, Kafka lisait les lettres de poupée soigneusement écrites avec des aventures et des conversations que l'enfant trouvait adorables.
Enfin, Kafka lui ramena la poupée (en acheta une) qui était de retour à Berlin.
"Elle ne ressemble pas du tout à ma poupée", dit la petite fille.
Kafka lui remit une autre lettre dans laquelle la poupée écrivait : "Mes voyages m'ont changée."
La petite fille a embrassé la nouvelle poupée et l'a ramenée tout heureuse à la maison.
Un an plus tard, Kafka est mort.
Plusieurs années plus tard, la petite fille désormais adulte a trouvé une lettre dans la poupée. Dans la minuscule lettre signée par Kafka, il y avait écrit :
"Tout ce que tu aimes sera probablement perdu, mais à la fin l'amour reviendra d'une autre façon."
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Early 1730s dresses (from top to bottom) -
1730 Tea Party at Lord Harrington's by C. Phillips detail (Yale Center for British Art, Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA). Probably from Wikimedia; fixed spots with Pshop 1247X1623. There are many caps and veils, square necklines, and laced bodices with revers. But full-blown panniers are not to be seen.
1730 Marquise de Gueydan as Flora by Nicolas de Largillière (Musée Granee - Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France). From cutlermiles.com/portrait-of-marquise-de-gueydan-as-flora-nicolas-de-largilliere/ 1908X2484. She wears a stout Swiss belt and cleft coiffure that harken back to the late Louis XIV era.
ca. 1730 Empress Elisabeth Christine by Johann Gottfried Auerbach (auctioned, probably by Lempertz). From Wikimedia trimmed 1715X2352. She wears a round skirt and a scoop neckline.
ca. 1730 Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg, Queen of Sardinia by Maria Giovanna Clementi (location ?). From tumblr.com/blog/view/jeannepompadour; enlarged by half 1053X1385. Her dress has a deep V neckline filled in by a modesty piece.
ca. 1730 Rhoda Apreece, Mrs Francis Blake Delaval attributed to Enoch Seeman the Younger (Seaton Delaval - Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, UK). From artuk.org; enlarged by half 994X1200. The ruff makes this a Van Dyck revival dress. The laced vest and jaunty hat lend a casual air to the portrait.
ca. 1730 Robe volante (Musée de la Mode - Paris, France). From fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com-post-139802377452-robe-volante-ca-1730-from-the-palais-galliera 1140X1620. Dresses before the 1750s often had cuffs that could be substantial like these.
1731 Die Liebeserklärung by Jean François de Troy (Sanssouci, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin - Brandenburg, Germany). From artsandculture.google.com/asset/die-liebeserklärung-jean-françois-de-troy/XAFpCyLiWrxHZw?h 3074X24.12. Known in the Anglophone world as “The Declaration of Love. The large patterns mark this as early century. The robe à la française is firmly established in the form it would take until the late Louis XVI period.
1731 Infanta Maria Teresa Antonia de Borbón by Jean Ranc (Museo del Prado - Madrid, Spain). From their Web site; removed spots and streaks with Photoshop 2621X3051. Spain was ruled by Borbóns after the last Habsburg was cleared out in the early 1700s.
1731 Julia Calverley, Lady Trevelyan, by Enoch Seeman the Younger (Wallington Hall - Wallington, Northumberland, UK). From nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/584399; erased navigation marks in corners & fixed spots w Pshop 1616X1992. Clasps replace lacing to close this bodice.
1731 Lady by John Vanderbank (location ?). From the Philip Mould Historical Portraits Image Library 920X1214. The dress is Van Dyck revival similar to the one worn by Rhoda Apreece.
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forthegothicheroine · 6 months
Best Fragrantica reviews of (some of) my favorite perfumes, Part II
First installment here
Maison Martin Margiela By the Fireplace
Careful not to be worn by this perfume instead of being you the wearer. Not that it is oh so powerful, but it may be too bold of a statement piece for, ahem, some. Wearing BTF when you don't look the part and don't give it sense will have you smelling borderline unhealthy. Like your organs inside have worn off and darkened (and burned out, I guess). Truly as weird as it sounds. The raw thing smells very exciting. I love it ashy. I don't see myself daring any soon, however. And I don't find that it worked for the men I know either, as they have (and I cringe to say) whiter auras and don't fit the "handling cognac by the fire" thing. So I've yet to see it really work, which I'm sure will be great. It's a lovely perfume.
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Bewitched
This is the smell of a witch's brew. She made a special tea for you to drink. You pass out. When you awaken you find yourself in her garden full of poisonous berries, patchouli, weeds, clary sage, and flowers whose petals have been plucked. This is an herbal scent, like walking inside a shop selling only herbs. It's medicinal and like a tea. Not always easy to take in...The smell of sage and musk give it a unisex/masculine quality. I would say that it's more of a guy's type of cologne than a woman's. I would wear it for Halloween with a witch costume or as Morticia Addams. It's really a very engaging scent but it's linear and simple. It's a little green tea and berry. It's got a bite but it's witchy and dark, but not a strong cologne either. For a niche indie frag, not bad.
TokyoMilk Gin & Rosewater
I was in a boutique that carries the Tokyo Milk Curiosite & Bon Bon lines, and I was entranced by this. Florals are not usually my thing, by the way, because I get monster headaches from most of them. Suddenly the salesgirl is RIGHT NEXT TO ME leaning in conspiratorially and says in an awed tone that 'Blake Lively LOVES this one'. OMFG, Blake Lively, you say??!? Like for serious, the real Blake Lively?? OMFG, do you have like, more in the back?!? I'm totally going to buy every bottle you can shove in my basket because BLAKE LIVELY would hang out with me if we ran into each other and then my life could end. Um, not. I almost DIDN'T buy it because of the salesgirls then going into a tizzy about how amazing Blake is. I could not care less, although I'm sure Lively is nice enough. But it did smell cool, so home with me it came, along with the matching lotion.
Serge Lutens La Fille de Berlin
It’s an overwhelming fragrance that smells like the bottom of my grandma’s small square leather purse when we went to mass (her old dried up lipstick💄 the powder compact, the newspaper, the pack of strawberry-ish scented kleenex, the peppermints). It’s vintage, it’s a bit suffocating and I have it printed in my memory 4 ever.
Juliette Has a Gun Magnolia Bliss
Anastasia Steele, no longer a virgin. In her Audi A3, the smell of her new car, first edition books and a new life... That's what comes into mind with this perfume. The night Christian took her for the first time on his helicopter. I can imagine this is exactly what she smelled like that night. With Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do playing in the background. 
Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540
I’m too embarrassed and ashamed to wear this in public just in case a fragrantica influencer comes out of a bush and starts pointing & laughing at me in front of everyone
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
what all the hot daddies in every lana del rey song smell like
Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud
If your family was religious, traditionally Asian, or both, you'll know this scent. This is the scent of a temple. This is the scent of an altar. Personally I can never wear this because smelling this brings back so many memories of burning incenses, visiting funerals, and saying prayers and wishes. My bottle is literally sitting on an altar.
Perfumer's Workshop Tea Rose
Speaking of the devil. This scent is the one with the Prada's shoes.
4160 Tuesdays Doe in the Snow
This is borne on a Christmas Eve, under the moonlight, a baby fawn just out of it's mother's womb. The moon is full light casting blue shadows snow lightly falling delicate flakes each one unique on the nose of the new born... Pure fresh Christmas morning air stillness not a sound blanketed with drifts of snow that is Doe In The Snow... pure white innocence...velvet petals so delicate under the driven snow...I have seen this in a dream... Another love... I get it...
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jovoy · 3 months
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my rose babies…such interestingly different takes on the same note i think. la fille de berlin is this gorgeous mysteriouslydark and alluring femme fatale of a fragrance..its honeyed and jammy and a bit spiced. and eau rose is this bright green sweet spring day with this gorgeous almost fatty/buttery quality idk. i think the similarity and reason i like them both so much is bcos of that smooth quality they both have.. the honey vs the artichoke lend a richness and a sortof glide. its so crazy i used to DESPISE rose but i think i just dont like overtly screechy roses. OMG i just forgot i have another rose LOL i have chloe sevigny little flower..oops
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A 40 ans Franz Kafka (1883-1924) qui ne s'est jamais marié et n'avait pas d'enfants, se promenait dans le parc de Berlin quand il rencontra une petite fille qui pleurait parce qu'elle avait perdu sa poupée préférée. Elle et Kafka ont cherché la poupée sans succès.
Kafka lui a dit de le rencontrer le lendemain et ils reviendraient la chercher.
Le lendemain, quand ils n'avaient pas encore trouvé la poupée, Kafka donna à la petite fille une lettre "écrite" de la poupée qui disait : " S'il te plaît ne pleure pas. J'ai fait un voyage pour voir le monde. Je vais t'écrire sur mes aventures."
C'est ainsi que commença une histoire qui se poursuit jusqu'à la fin de la vie de Kafka.
Lors de leurs rencontres, Kafka lisait les lettres de poupée soigneusement écrites avec des aventures et des conversations que l'enfant trouvait adorables.
Enfin, Kafka lui ramena la poupée (en acheta une) qui était de retour à Berlin.
"Elle ne ressemble pas du tout à ma poupée", dit la petite fille.
Kafka lui a remis une autre lettre dans laquelle la poupée écrivait : "mes voyages m'ont changée."La petite fille a embrassé la nouvelle poupée et l'a ramené toute heureuse à la maison.
Un an plus tard, Kafka est mort.
Plusieurs années plus tard, la petite fille désormais adulte a trouvé une lettre dans la poupée. Dans la minuscule lettre signée par Kafka, il y avait écrit :
"Tout ce que tu aimes sera probablement perdu, mais à la fin l'amour reviendra d'une autre façon."
lu dans Ferré Baudelaire ...
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beautyscenario · 1 year
La Fille De Berlin di Serge Lutens l'edizione limitata
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A 40 ans Franz Kafka (1883-1924) qui ne s'est jamais marié et n'avait pas d'enfants, se promenait dans le parc de Berlin quand il rencontra une petite fille qui pleurait parce qu'elle avait perdu sa poupée préférée. Elle et Kafka ont cherché la poupée sans succès. Kafka lui a dit de le rencontrer le lendemain et ils reviendraient la chercher. Le lendemain, quand ils n'avaient pas encore trouvé la poupée, Kafka donna à la petite fille une lettre "écrite" de la poupée qui disait : " S'il te plaît ne pleure pas. J'ai fait un voyage pour voir le monde. Je vais t'écrire sur mes aventures." C'est ainsi que commença une histoire qui se poursuit jusqu'à la fin de la vie de Kafka. Lors de leurs rencontres, Kafka lisait les lettres de poupée soigneusement écrites avec des aventures et des conversations que l'enfant trouvait adorables. Enfin, Kafka lui ramena une poupée qui était de retour à Berlin. Elle ne ressemble pas du tout à ma poupée, dit la petite fille. Kafka lui a remis une autre lettre dans laquelle la poupée écrivait mes voyages m'ont changé. La petite fille a embrassé la nouvelle poupée et l'a ramené toute heureuse à la maison. Un an plus tard, Kafka est mort. Plusieurs années plus tard, la petite fille désormais adulte a trouvé une lettre dans la poupée. Dans la minuscule lettre signée par Kafka, il y avait écrit tout ce que tu aimes sera probablement perdu, mais à la fin l'amour reviendra d'une autre façon. Image de Marlene López
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nextposition1 · 6 months
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Celui-là a regardé « La jeune fille à la perle » et il se demande ce qu’est le Beau. Celui-ci a regardé « Les ailes du désir » et il se demande ce que fait cet ange dans un cirque à Berlin. Cet autre a regardé les étoiles et se demande si l’espace existe, il doute. Elle a horreur de l’infiniment petit. Il trouve que les philosophes tournent en rond. Pour bien s’y retrouver, d’après un autre il faut venir sur l’Adamant chaque lundi vers midi, on s’occupe de la civilisation de manière concrète en proposant un accueil Café digne de ce nom. La platine tourne, là en Chine plus tard en Inde, dans l’Ouest américain. Infiniment grand, petit, beauté du diable, désir zélé, gluon et mécanique ondulatoire, tout y passe.
Ça s'écoute là :
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Pilotes de frare are a delicious pastry from the Castelló area in the Valencian Country. They’re similar to a berliner filled with custard cream.
Photos by Comunitat Valenciana and Al fum de la ximenera.
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