#ladies and gentlemen. i present the brains of the operation
zaph1337 · 1 year
Monster Hunter Rating 48: Hermitaur
Just as Blango introduced Monster Hunter to the magic of monkey, so too does our next monster bring a breath of fresh air to the series. We may have seen arthropods before, but those were all insects; none of them were the ultimate in evolution, the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, the true inheritors of the Earth. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Hermitaur, better known...as CRAB.
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(How it appears in the Second Generation games)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate [sorry for the poor quality; I had to enlarge it])
Appearance: I’ve been thinking: arguably the hardest part of these is assigning them a number rating. I’m constantly trying to figure out whether I like something better or worse than something else to keep the numbers consistent with my reactions, but I’m almost never sure which one I prefer or what each number actually means--they’re basically arbitrary at this point, so why bother stressing out over them so much? From now on, I’m just going to talk about my thoughts on each monster, rather than try to grade them.
On to what you’re actually here for, Hermitaurs are...well...giant crabs. That’s it, really. Don’t get me wrong, giants crabs have a novelty all their own, but it doesn’t leave me with much else to say about them. I guess the shells are pretty cool; they’re not big enough to hide in, which is kinda the main point of having a shell, but armor is armor, and it’s nice that Hermitaurs aren’t exactly like real hermit crabs and instead offer their own take on shelled crustaceans.
Behavior/Lore: Hermitaurs are juvenile forms of Daimyo Hermitaur, and are generalists that populate deserts and other biomes in great numbers, though their habit of hiding underground unless disturbed means that the majority of them likely go unnoticed. When I call them generalists, I mean it--they’ll eat basically anything, even humans. On the flip side, humans will eat Hermitaurs, too--specifically their brains, which are apparently a delicacy (not that I’d ever try it--blech). We’re not the only ones that’ll eat these things, as Plesioth and other Large Monsters will also gobble them up.
Unfortunately, that’s all we got: habitats, eating habits, and what eats them. There’s barely anything to talk about here, even for a Small Monster. C’mon, crabs, give me something to work with here.
Abilities: They protect themselves with their shells and pinch you. I have nothing more to say, y’all already know I’m disappointed.
Equipment: Just like with Blango, most of the Hermitaur weapons require parts from their Large Monster, so finding ones that were strictly Hermitaur was tricky. I’ve got two for your viewing pleasure, though, starting with the Great Sword, the Red Stripe:
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Y’know, now that I know more about MH lore, it’s weird that serrated or barbed weapons would ever be used in monster hunting; the Guild places so much emphasis on respecting monsters--even when hunting them--that you’d think they’d outlaw such weapons, as the added spikes and such don’t increase the weapon’s effectiveness so much as they increase the amount of pain and suffering the target is put through (which, “fun” fact, is why using barbed/serrated weapons in war is a war crime). Then again, this is a video game that operates on video game logic, so I guess the spikes do make the weapon better. Anyways, the Red Stripe’s fine; it certainly gives me the impression that it’s an early-game weapon, though that’s mostly due to the straightforward design and muted colors.
Now, here’s something special for you: a long time ago, back when I was first writing these, I got a message from someone who recommended a Monster Hunter database called Kiranico for weapon images, since I was having issues finding decently-sized ones on the wiki. I didn’t actually use the database since the pictures weren’t big enough for my liking there, either, but I recently found out that the MHGen database specifically has larger images available (none for armor, though), so I’ll be referring to it for certain weapons now, such as this Light Bowgun called the Striped Shell:
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I think the funniest thing about this weapon is that it’s clearly a normal rifle that all this Hermitaur stuff was attached to, and somehow those monster parts make it more effective. I was gonna make a snide remark about the spikes on the silencer (at least I think that’s what that is), but then I remembered that Bowguns have a melee attack, so I guess they’re good for that? Overall, this weapon has a sleek design, and I like it.
I’ll reserve my thoughts on the Hermitaur equipment for when/if we get to the Daimyo Hermitaur (my interest in doing these is flagging again, if you couldn’t tell by the time between posts), but so far, they’re on the right track.
Final Thoughts: It’s crab. It’s big. That’s all there is to say about Hermitaur, but trust me, their adult forms are something to behold. Hopefully we’ll make it to that point.
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ballisterboldheart · 3 years
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🎵 don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious 🎵
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Humans are Space Orcs “Duct Tape”
I was challenged and the challenge was accepted. Thank you  @cyberstrikebeast​ for the suggestion! Also thanks and credit to @impalalord​ for the original post where the idea was suggested to me, and the original inspiration. 
The intergalactic technology summit was an annual event, or at least it happened once every agreed cycle. Members of the GA excitedly brought forward their best advances in the past year to share with the convention center. This was the first year that the humans had been invited. Of course, at such short notice the humans had only been able to send a few delegates, who were ordered to ‘pay attention, take notes, and most of all, see if there is anyone who would be willing to let us test it out.
For that reason, Commander Vir of the UNSC accompanied Earth’s representative rocket scientist. At first, the two humans had been a bit wary of each other one being primarily a military man and the other being primarily a rocket scientist. First impressions were a bit deflated as the scientist assumed the big, muscular soldier would be bored, stuffy, and kind of dumb, while the soldier assumed the small, tweed-wearing scientist would be boring, stuffy, and kind of condescending. Of course, upon spending the next ten minutes with each other it turned out that geeks come from all walks of life, and by the time they reached the summit, a friendship was forming.
They stepped through the doors with their badges on and allowed both of their mouths to drop open. It was no secret that humans were not far on the end of the technology spectrum. In fact most of their gear was rudimentary if not laughable to other species like the Vrul or the Runid who used anti gravity systems instead of engines to propel their rockets into the sky. There were entire rows dedicated to the advancement of medical science which made humans look like an automobile chop shop where people go to get sequentially dismembered by rusty saw blades.
The Geek fest that followed would have been laughable for an outsider, but with the two of them it was simply a reason for excitement. They pranced about the convention, the rocket scientist asking dozens of questions in an attempt to understand the technology, while the soldier took every opportunity he could to test the object personally no matter how dangerous it may have been. Generally, together, they made a decent team, and the scientist came to find that the soldier was not, as it originally seemed, and idiot. Any technology involving aviation, despite him being a rocket scientist, was quickly overshadowed by the knowledge of this man, who had operated, fixed and MacGyvered most machines without a comprehensive knowledge of physics.
They were sitting down to lunch as the soldier was explaining, “And that’s why the T-8 doesnt work despite being good on paper simply because of human error. Its counter-intuitive and unless trained out of old habits, the pilot is going to crash it.”
The scientist frowned, “Well alright, but the T-8 system is the perfect model. It works with the least amount of energy drop-off, and can be cooled faster and more efficiently than other systems. Its use would revolutionize space flight.”
“And I get that obviously, its super awesome in theory, but I’m telling you the T-8 is not compatible to the way that pilots think, especially under stressful situations. The brain sort of goes back to its original programming while the T-8 forces you to do internal calculations, which is the reason that they constantly crash. I flew one once for like ten minutes and wanted to smash my head into wall after using it.”
“Well…. I suppose-”
“Try to automate the thing, and I bet a computer will fly it just fine, but keep out the human component-” At that moment, the scientist opened his mouth to speak when a group of aliens walked up from ne of the isles, a vrul, a rundi, a tesraki, and a finnari.
“Good morning humans, we are pleased to see that you were able to arrive today.”
The scientist squirmed in his seat nervous and out of sorts, but the soldier simply smiled and launched into his greeting with the ease of a born extrovert, “And it’s a pleasure to be here. I have to say that we are beyond impressed at what we have seen today.”
Together the aliens hummed in appreciation, “we are pleased to find that there is something we can do that you humans haven't already mastered.” 
With a wave of his hand the human brushed off the complement returning it, “Please, you give us too much credit. Our science is practically in its infancy in comparison.”
They spoke for a few more minutes before the aliens paused looking at them expectantly. The scientists glanced over at the soldier with a confused expression which was unnervingly returned in equal measure. 
“Well?” The Vrul wondered.
“Well what?” 
“Well, where is your piece of technology. That is what this conference is for after all, to share your inventions with the world.”
Together the human’s hearts dropped into their stomachs and they glanced at each other with wide panicked eyes, “We were supposed to bring an invention?”
“Of course….” The aliens glanced at each other, “Do you no have one.”
“Well I n-”
“Of course we do! Just messing with you, obviously.” The scientist turned to look at the soldier with a panicked expression of warning eyebrows raised almost to his hairline.
“Don’t tell me you forgot about our invention, Dr. I mean it is one of the most important pieces of technology in human history.”  He continued to glower in panic, what was this blabbermouth doing. It was like watching a man stand with a shovel in a hole seven feet deep and insist he wasn’t digging his own grave.
This was going to be the single most embarrassing moment of his career.
The soldier nudged his ribs, “You know, THAT technology.”
He cleared his throat in frustration and nodded, “Oh yes of course….. I’m sorry I just got so….. Excited that I blanked for a moment. Why don’t YOU show them. You are so much better at  these things than me.”
“Er….” The soldier began, “Of course I will. Hold on and let me grab it real quick.” He stood up setting his bag on the table and then began rummaging through it.
The scientist put his head in his hands, unless he had an antimatter core shoved in his bag they were fucked.
The human held up a finger as the aliens looked on expectantly, “Hold on just have to find it first…..” The scientist felt as if he was about to puke. Then the soldier’s eyes lit up, and his face was crossed with a massive grin. “Ah there it is.” The scientist looked on in confusion
The aliens leaned forward as the human stood taller hand still shoved in his bag.
“What I am about to show you may well be one of the most important inventions is the history of humanity, Nay! The history of the galaxy, single handedly responsible for human innovation 
Beyond the warp core, beyond life support and anti gravity, this is the single most important invention to ever grace the field of human scientific knowledge. Its application is endless as a multipurpose tool and is so adaptable it can be used for ANY, and I mean ANY application.”
The aliens sat wide eyed and the scientist leaned forward with bated breath. What could be so grand that the soldier could spin a lie like that and get away with it. He didn't appear to even be breaking a sweat.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and distinguished others, I present to you the….. The multifunctional Universal Unilateral Bonding Strop.” With a theatrical flourish worthy of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the soldier withdrew his arm from the bag and raised his hand high into the air, where light from the ceiling caught and reflected off its shiny silver surface….
“Duct-tape.” The scientist blurted in consternation. Voice cracking with near laughter and disbelief. 
The soldier gave him a warning look and then nodded, “Yes, of course, Dr. More formally known as duct tape.”
The aliens gathered closer in curiosity, “It doesn’t look like much.” One of them pointed out
But the soldier looked at him with an expression of hurt consternation, “I assure you, it's everything I said it is and more, originally invented in 1943 by a Vesta Stoudt, who was trying to find an acceptable replacement for less durable cloth tape. It was originally intended for use in sealing ammunition boxes, but soldiers later determined that this little miracle could fix anything from achinery to boots, to weaponry. I guarantee you wont find a human that doesn't have some.”
He stepped forward proffering the material for closer inspection.
“What is it made from.” One of the aliens wondered.
The soldier paused then stammered, “Well I…. Um its made of.”
“Well it can actually be made of any number of things.” The scientists piped up, “It is very versatile that way. The woven fabric base can be made of anything from cotton to nylon to fiberglass, specifically designed for flexibility. The back was originally coated with waterproof polyurethane and then coated with the adhesive. The same process is generally used though there are many different varieties. The more plastic the adhesive backing, the more water tight and so can be used to stop leakes, repair pipes, seal gaps and any number of other applications. They even make a more durable reflective variety that is heat resistant, so can be utilized at high temperatures.” 
He turned to glance at the soldier who was beaming openly at him, winking his one remaining eye before turning to the aliens.
“You said it can be used in all applications. Explain.”
“Well I am glad you asked.” The soldier began taking a deep breath, “I've personally seen it used to repair shoes, cars, machinery, pipes, clothing. It has the ability to incapacitate a human ...” He paused there to let that sink in, “It is used to make art, and clothing, hold things together, seal packages. In large concentration it is strong enough to hold a grown man off the ground. I’ve seen it used to make a boat, and once, an entire airplane, with additional equipment of course. Pretty sure someone made a cannon using it once, but that could just be a myth.”
“Point is.” Said the scientists, “Humans use this for everything, and though it is an old invention it is one that deserves to be shared across the galaxy.”
The Vrul crossed his arms, “That is a big claim to make for such an object.”
“Yes.” A Tesraki piped in, “You sell well, but business is business. If the product isn’t up to scratch than how can we trust it.”
“We must have a demonstration.”
The human grinned in response, “Well, I am glad you asked.” He held the roll of tape up picking at the edge with a fingernail before withdrawing a long strip. The sound it made was a satisfying sccriiiitch and then tear as he pulled a piece off sliding the roll over his hand to hold it on his wrist. He held the two ends between his fingers and flexed the strip between his fingers, “See completely and entirely flexible.  
One of the aliens frowned, “I thought you said it was supposed to be durable, but you just tore it in half.”
The human frowned, “Well that is one of the great parts of this tape, tear it just right, and anyone can use it, but exposed to pulling or twisting forces it is difficult to break. Let me demonstrate.” He grabbed the piece of tape by either end and then began to wrestle with it. Instead of breaking the tape stretched and strained slowly pulling apart until eventually it snapped causing the human to stagger a bit.
“See now imagine multiple strips all working together.” 
The aliens muttered. The scientist stared on in awe, they were actually coming around. He glanced towards the soldier with a look of disbelief. The bastard had done it, he had actually done it. Sold a 2,000 year old invention as the most important piece of technology in human history.
The soldier was grinning as he tore a few more strips from the tape handing them out, “Here take a pice, try it out for yourself.”
The aliens tentatively did as told and what ensued was an amusing spectacle of aliens confusedly trying to unstick the tape from their fingers, accidentally sticking it to themselves, and then begging for help in getting it off. A Vrul danced around in circle shaking his hand but the tape wouldn’t let go . This little show had drawn a crowd, and others came forward to curiously sample the strange human invention.
Warp reactors, and medical science was ignored in favor of the humans and their single roll of tape.
When they finally got the hang of using the sticky one sided adhesive the aliens suddenly became obsessed with what they could stick together. Chairs were hung upside down to tables, people’s hands were tied together. One of the Vrul was taped to the floor. The front doors to the convention were sealed shut.
Pandemonium ensued as tape was wrapped around anything that seemed even mildly broken.
To everyone’s surprise, a vrul who had recently received an injury to his helium sack, sealed the hole with a piece of tape, and was able to return to floating within a matter of seconds.
Somewhere in there the Commander and the rocket scientist lost sight of the role, only to find a rundi taped to the wall looking slightly beleaguered a few minutes later.
They stood together at the center of the convention floor staring around as aliens stuck things to other things, waved their hands about, and generally turned the center into a house of complete chaos.
The rocket scientist leaned in, “What have you done.”
Wide eyed the soldier turned to look at him with a grimace, “Er….. I have no idea.”
They looked around surveying the carnage made by one role of tape. There was a slight ripping noise and they turned to see the doors finally opening strings of cut tape billowing in the air rushing out onto the street. Drev security walked in accompanied by a Rundi oversee who paused in the doorway in consternation staring at the carnage. 
Aliens everywhere, and two well-behaved humans standing in the middle of it.
He rubbed his eyes and rechecked as if he was seeing things. Generally when something like this happens you would expect to find the humans being destructive, not the other, generally mild species. 
The soldier shrugged raising his hands in a ‘we had nothing to do with this’ sort of gesture. The rundi didn’t seem convinced.  
It took several hours to deal with the aftermath, and it only stopped when a Tesraki returned to the soldier holding the cardboard center of the role looking saddened by it’s loss, “Do you have more.”
The soldier rubbed the back of his head, “Afraid you used my whole role, but I am sure we could come to an agreement about getting you some.” The Tesraki nodded in a subdued sort of way, handed him the used up role and then slunk away. The Rundi overseer glowered at him with  an ‘i knew it’ sort of expression.
Walking out of the convention well into the night after being forced to help clean things up, the scientist looked over at his companion, “That was some serious silver tongue shit back there. How did you do it.”
The soldier simply smiled and shrugged, “Sort of just came to me.”
“If that hadn't worked, we would have been screwed.”
He waved a hand, “Nah, I wasn't worried.”
“Speak for yourself. I was close to pissing myself.
Just then the scientists phone began to ring. He was getting a patched in transmission from his superior back on earth and motioned the soldier to stay quiet. He answer the call and put it on speaker, “Yes sir.”
“I’m just calling to see how the convention went?”
“Uh….. well it went fine considering the circumstances.” The scientist stuttered.
There was a pause over the other end of the line, “What does that mean.”
He shuffled his feet nervously not entirely sure how to say this, “Well, as it turns out that being invited to this thing meant we were expected to bring an invention.”  
He heard shuffling on the other end of the line and some muffled cursing, “Shit, I had no idea. I’m so sorry. How did you handle that mess?”
He scratched the back of his head feeling a smile broke out across his face, “Ur…. well lets just say we should make a note to the UN that, if anyone asks, duct tape is the most important piece of technology ever invented.” 
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songsandsorcery · 4 years
Passion: What Makes A Gnome
Presented by Fizridge Flimflam of The Darkmoon Faire at the Gnomish Cultural Exchange
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     Fizridge shuffles through a handful of index cards, a pair of uncharacteristically nervous eyes scanning the text as he shifts his weight from foot-to-foot. After a moment the gnome pockets them, clasps his hands together, and regards the gathering crowd with a smile before calling out in a voice that carries.
     “Ladies an’ gentlemen, boys an’ girls, allow me to welcome you to my lecture! Lemme ask ya a question: whaddya think of when I ask ya about gnomes? Probably engineers, right? Well, what if I told you there’s more to gnomes than tinkerin’ away with nuts and bolts?”
     “I ain’t, uh, what most people would call a gnome’s gnome. Never tinkered a day in my life. Never seen Gnomeregan with my own eyes, neither. Can strum a lute far better than hold a spanner, but I do got one thing: passion. Passion, my friends, is what makes a gnome.”
     “Let’s start with a history lesson. ‘fore I could so as much lift my head my mom was busy fillin’ my head with stories of the Titans an’ their creations. You heard it here first, folks: before we were buildin’ trams and inventin’ ice-cream, we were what were called “mechagnomes.”
     “Now, see, I ain’t talkin’ about the mechagnomes you see ‘round now. Once upon a time, we were titan-forged constructs made by Mimiron, the Titan of Creation himself! Mechagnomes served as custodians, riflin’ through databanks an’ ensurin’ that everythin’ was primed an’ ready to keep Mimiron at his creative best! Well, before the Curse of Flesh made us who we are today.”
     “But that’s the key there, folks: creativity. It’s hardwired into us. The Curse of Flesh may’ve shaken things up a little bit, but that code, that directive, that DRIVE to protect the passion to create, it’s still rattlin’ around in there. It’s what makes us, well, us!”
     “Accordin’ to Miss Dresindra Darkspark, we gnomes are hard-wired for thinkin’! She states that our thought patterns lead towards profiles that are future an' solution focused. The proof is in the puddin’, folks: we gnomes are thinkers AND doers!”
     “Great minds think alike, but where do we differ? Doctor Sigmund Mindticker asks that question in his book. A gnome’s brainwaves resolve quicker on average, leadin’ to quicker thinkin’ and problem-solving! We’ve got a whole lotta brainpower to do a whole lot WITH!”
     Fizridge looks to his partner in question in the audience, locking eyes with the doctor and giving him a cheeky smirk and a wink. His brother calls out beside him, exclaiming: “Yeah! We think good!” Fizridge manages a chuckle in turn, and holds up his finger. Wait. Hold up. Put a pin in that thought.
     “Let’s circle back around. Creation. That’s an awful broad topic, ain’t it? Sure, engineering’s it’s own sorta creation, but it doesn’t stop there. We gnomes inherited that desire to invent an’ build, no matter what it is. Idleness is infuriatin’ for us. We’re programmed to contribute to this world, to see Azeroth as one big machine that needs sprucin’ up.”
     “Take me for example. I ain’t no tinker, but I could sing a song so fierce it’d reach Kalimdor. Music’s it’s own science, when you really think about it. Measures can be broken down to beats, beats exist on a scale … it all comes back around to nice, safe numbers. Numbers my brain jus’ so happens to be real good at workin’ with. I’m takin’ that natural strength and applyin’ it to somethin’ else.”
     “Better yet, we gnomes are hardwired to work together. See, the funny thing about robots? They operate on a network. It’s real easy to get an awful lot done when yer on the same page as everyone else, ain’t it? It’s why we play so nice with other folks, gnome or not: that natural desire to work together, to be a team, it’s still there!”
     “So what does this all mean? Why am I makin’ such a big fuss about this? In a world where folks can fling firebolts an’ build entire tramways, it’s easy to feel like you ain’t doin’ much with yourself. But that’s just it: it’s that passion, that inherent drive to make somethin’ out of nothin’, that sets us apart.”
     “I’m gonna keep it real with you folks. It can be a real slog chummin’ it up with other gnomes. I’m one dull spanner in a workshop full’a shiny new gadgets. But when I see that spark in someone’s eyes, or hear their breath catch when they tell me a particularly excitin’ bit of information. Well, that’s universal, ain’t it? It’s an amazin’ thing, that I can connect with someone so outta my wheelhouse, simply ‘cause we share that passion. It’s what makes me a gnome.”
     “It all comes back around to that. Why, if that ain’t enough for ya, jus’ look at our Mechagonian cousins. A whole island apart from us, an’ yet that inherent, gnomish desire to express oneself, to be an individual, is what we fought for, together.”
     “New Titanism asks: why? Why didn't the Titans change us back? It is the Gift of Flesh, not a curse, that has allowed us to free ourselves from our prime directive an' color this world not as machines, but as individuals. The Titans chose not to act, not to control, not to interfere ... but to observe the greatest gift they ever gave us: free-will.”
     Fizridge‘s eyes fall over the gathered crowd, looking to each face in turn with a look of solemn resolve. After a moment a smile flickers across the gnome’s face, reaching his cheeks with a genuine warmth.
     “So let's give 'em somethin' to look at, folks.”
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dahkani · 4 years
clover leaves atlas and ace ops to be with qrow and help them, charged with reporting progress to winter or ironwood as they travelled and keeping them safe as a literal cancel out for qrows semblance and u know. HIS BOYFRIEND EVERYONE KNOWS LET THEM BE HAPPY AND TOGETHER
who takes up his spot though? Does anyone, now that the ace operatives have an equal number? Well, considering the ace ops should learn a good lesson in friendship and teamwork from RWBY and JNOR this volume, I suggest yes, and they’ll ditch their “professional only” and “partner only” ways. So, who steps up?
Well, who do we know is a charismatic leader and great at earning trust? Who has an invaluable semblance atlas would love to have at its disposal? Who would fight to ensure equity is maintained between atlas and mantle, helping stabilise ironwood, offering a unique perspective atlas sorely lacks in its higher ups? Who do we know is a charismatic leader, great at earning trust, a capable leader too - she’s already got her own group. And she’s a powerful fighter in her own right?
Ladies and gentlemen may I present ace operatives Robyn hill and her happy huntresses? :)
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chilly-territory · 5 years
K Case Files of Blue 2, chapter 3 (part 3 out of 3)
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I’ve finally remembered about this one, hooray!
Case Files of Blue 2 by Miyazawa Tatsuki
Chapter 3 (part 3/3) (volume 2, pages 168-196)
† The headquarters brimmed with activity. When Akiyama and Benzai were walking along the hallway, briskly marching ordinary troops passed them by. They had been sent off to different regions on Benzai's orders, and now, as the respective situations in them were finding their resolution, the operatives, too, had started to come back one by one.
"...The Coin Toss theory, huh. Its power certainly is fearsome," murmured Akiyama, and Benzai nodded. "Not only was it used to scatter all those strains across different regions, but the false charges against you were apprently fabricated via its application, as well."
Akiyama's face turned miserable. "But why did they have to choose to falsely accuse me of molesting, of all things? I'm sure there were plenty of other methods if they wanted to put me out of commission."
If he absolutely had to be entrapped by the enemy, he would have much preferred to be abandoned on an uninhabited island like Fuse, or sent on a trip through various regions unable to return like Benzai - those kinds of pretexts, in any case. Sure, his innocence had been proven and he was able to come back, but there was no small chance that he would've been finished socially had something gone slightly wrong. That's what he'd become firmly convinced of after hearing about everyone else's respective situations from Benzai.
"Captain said Kounomura was going to make the truth come to light eventually in any case though, but..."
Akiyama nodded to Benzai's words. Strangely enough, he could believe it. Kounomura had no wish to make anyone miserable through his actions, Akiyama was sure. And their adversary had definitely made sure to prepare more than a few safety nets to that end.
"Well," said Benzai calmly, "it's just probably that he thought that against a guy who is too serious for his own good like you, this kind of ploy would be the most effective, you know?"
Akiyama's expression turned bitter. Indeed, even if it was no more than a ploy, he had to admit that Kounomura had succeeded with flying colors. His approach had really proven exceptionally effective.
"And there's another thing." Benzai gazed at Akiyama's profile. "As a result of catching the real culprit, the girl who handed you over to the police has come forward saying she wants to apologize to you for mistaking you for a groper. What will you do?" "..." Akiyama was in thought for a while, before replying: "There is no need. That girl is just another victim. And since I doubted the authenticity of her claim about groping to begin with, I still have a lot to learn, myself. The reason for what had happened was my ineptitude, and that girl is not to blame for anything."
That attitude, manifesting in him being able to declare such a thing without batting an eye, could be seen as truly manly, but at the same time it could also be called bigoted. Either way, it was just like Akiyama. Benzai found himself smiling at that.
Akiyama continued. "Besides, no matter what people said, I knew no one at Scepter 4 doubted my innocence. And that's more than enough, I'd say, no, Benzai?" "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Benzai looked away. For some reason, he felt sorry for Akiyama that it was hard to look him in the eye. "Hm? What's wrong, Benzai?"
But before Akiyama could press him about it, there came a welcome interruption in the form of the bright voice of an office clerk Yoshino Yayoi who stood in front of the Captain's office.
"Oh, Akiyama-san! It's so great that the false charges against you have been dropped! Congratulations!" "Yes, thank you." Akiyama smiled.
With that, Akiyama and Benzai accompanied by Yoshino all pushed through the open door to Munakata's office.
Inside, there already were the members of the special ops squad, including Fushimi, Fuse, Doumyouji, Enomoto and Hidaka, along with some ordinary troops, people from accounting, general affairs, and even Zenjou Gouki from the archive room, which was a rare sight.
The Captain's normally fairly spacious office was now packed with people in blue uniforms. And in the center of that mass, Munakata Reishi himself was seated. Chin on his joined hands, he was smiling with a composed smile.
When Akiyama and his companions who'd just made it through the door caught his attention, he announced, "...With this, we have more or less everyone essential present. I apologize for my recent absence." He rose. "Also," looking at Akiyama, he smiled, "Welcome back, Akiyama-kun."
Akiyama gave his king a sincere bow. "I apologize for causing you trouble, sir."
Munakata dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "No need. You are not to blame. The blame is mostly on me, for letting myself be led astray with Kounomura-shi's illusions."
He strode forward to stand in front of his table and cast an eye around to take in all the present.
"That, however, is no longer an issue. Ladies and gentlemen," joining his hands behind his back, Munakata declared, "from this moment onward, Scepter 4 will work towards arresting Kounomura-shi. We're going to teach that good sir who has been amusing himself with games entirely unbecoming of his age and status a lesson. No objection, I trust?"
Noises of approval filled the room. Among the agreeing faces, there was one that didn't look enthusiastic in the slightest, and that was Fushimi's, who then raised his hand.
"...So, Captain, I take it you've figured out where Kounomura is hiding right now?" "No, I have not yet," Munakata confessed flatly. "But," he continued, "in another 24 hours I will because I have extracted enough source information from the routes you had brought me." 'Oh, that,' Fushimi nodded, seemingly satisfied, but the rest could only feel perplexion at that reply.
Munakata beamed. "First, let me explain certain things. To trap us, Kounomura-shi used a strain who could read people's minds and through him, thoroughly analyzed our psychology. Isn't that right, Fushimi-kun?" "Yes." In contrast to his usual fed-up face, Fushimi's report that followed was exhaustively accurate. "Marumoto Keiji, 21, an aspiring photographer and a strain with the ability to read minds through the lens of his camera. Although my efforts to that end are temporarily suspended at the moment, I'm pursuing him - that sickening shit-eating asswipe!" he must have recalled something unpleasant because he slammed the fist of one hand on the palm of his other with a resounding bang.
Munakata, utterly unperturbed by Fushimi's outburst, thanked him for the information. "Thank you, Fushimi-kun. A strain capable of reading minds. Although lacking an immediate offensive ability, he proves quite a hassle when antagonized." Fushimi clicked his tongue especially loudly at that and turned away.
"Fushimi-san looks royally pissed off, no?" "Did something happen between him and that strain, I wonder?" Enomoto and Fuse whispered between themselves, but when Fushimi glared daggers at them, they held their tongues.
Meanwhile, Munakata continued. "That Marumoto character is not the only such opponent. Kounomura-shi had employed even more astonishing means to accumulate the psychological data on us and cause malfunctions in our headquarters' systems. I assume you have already heard about it. He had dispatched a strain with a perception manipulation ability to infiltrate us and had him masquerade as Gotou-kun."
A turmoil rose among the present. Someone who they thought was their collegue was, in fact, a brazen impostor. They couldn't hide how shocking it still felt.
"Captain." Fuse raised his hand. "If that's the case, then where was the real Gotou all this time? Is he okay?" The last sentence sounded tinged with worry. Munakata slowly shifted his gaze from Fuse to Hidaka. "Hidaka-kun. As I recall, you are currently in change of that man's interrogation, are you not? Does he know anything about Gotou-kun?" "Uh, well..." Being the focus of everyone's attention made Hidaka feel a little uncomfortable, but he braved on, "Yes, he speculates that Gotou might be held prisoner in the same facility as Lieutenant Awashima. He also stated that measures had been taken to ensure Gotou's safety."
Fuse nodded. "Well, yeah, considering how they've been going about it until now, it must be true. It was the same when I was stranded on that deserted island, too... But still... That freak was among us for quite a long time now, yes? Yet we all were none the wiser... Damn!" His voice dripped with self-condemnation and frustration.
Munakata's next utterance was put in no uncertain terms. "That is exactly what is so terrifying about strains with perception manipulation abilities. They influence and confuse the brain directly. If you know about the existence of such a strain around you, you might have a chance to break the illusion, but when you don't, you lack any means to resist from the start." "Umm, may I add something, sir?" Hidaka spoke up after raising his hand. "It's something else that guy said. Apparently, he'd avoided running into you as best as he could because there was a high chance you'd discover his identity. Supposing he still had to see you, it was only allowed after the situation was under Kounomura's tight control, as per his plan." "I see." Munakata stroked his chin. "How prudent of him." "Also, as to why Gotou was chosen as the target for the switch on Kounomura's orders. According to Kounomura's comprehensive analysis of the special ops squad, among all the members Gotou was the one most likely to notice tiny changes, that's why it was him that guy'd switched with." "Hmph, reasonable judgement." Hidaka's words made Munakata smile. Many of the troops gathered there nodded in agreement.
Indeed, it rang true. Gotou Ren was a strange guy, to be sure, but he also had a certain keenness and discerning sensitivity about him. A sort of intuitive something that went beyond Akiyama's dependability or Fushimi's brilliant brains.
"Still, we've got to give credit where it's due for the job well done. To think that someone would actually succeed in impersonating a member of the special ops squad right in the middle of Scepter 4... Naturally, it was only possible due to the extensive research on us done beforehand, but the person who managed to pull off something as nigh impossible as this must be quite capable in his own right regardless." "That's true. It seems he's a former police officer himself. That said, there are a few things he turned out to be surprisingly careless about."
Having said all that, Hidaka suddenly remembered himself and fell silent. He had noticed he had touched upon a mildly offensive topic, but was left no route to backpedal and just pretend nothing had happened. All the gazes were focused on him now, and what's more, Munakata himself looked highly interested, even leaning forward a little.
"Erm, well, to explain... you see, we manage something called "Archive E" jointly..."
Enomoto squeezed his head between the hands he put on his cheeks, his face silently but eloquently begging Hidaka to stop, though it really couldn't be helped. After all, it had to do with the case in question. They had a duty to provide all the information they could.
"He apparently misunderstood, thinking "Archive E" is some sort of treasure-chest of classified documents, so he raided the storage site to steal it."
In the end, having learned that that abbreviation stood for something as trivial as "erotic", he flew into rage and disposed of it right in the back yard. That was the cause behind the mysterious disappearance of the erotic book archive that everyone pitched in to collect.
Now that the truth was out in the open, it really was quite silly. For that reason, half of those who happened to be present to hear it wore fed-up expressions on their faces, while the other half snickered despite themselves. In particular, Yoshino Yayoi's half-lidded coldly-looking eyes bore into Hidaka. Who, in turn, was so ashamed he wished for a hole to crawl into. The other members with a connection to "Archive E" were no better, all looking quite uncomfortable, too.
"Hidaka-kun." Munakata suddenly called out to his subordinate with a serious face. "Y-yes, sir?" Hidaka was stiff as a board. "Show me that archive of yours some time." Raising his thumb up, Munakata showed his pearly whites in a grin. "Certainly, sir! Any time!" responded Hidaka eagerly. What a blessing it was to have an understanding superior.
It took Zenjou casually clearing his throat to put the discussion that went off on a tangent, back on track.
Munakata resumed his explanation. "In short, thanks to the spy in question and the aspiring photographer in the person of Marumoto-kun, intelligence on us was gathered and our activities disrupted, while Kounomura-shi analyzed our actions, set traps and nearly paralyzed our work. It's said the world is big, but I suspect this personage might be the only one on the whole globe who could manage a feat of this magnitude." He nodded to himself. "However, like I said a minute ago, now it's our turn. The day after tomorrow we're going to raid the place where this good sir is hiding and apprehend him. And then lecture him with all sternness not to do anything like this ever again."
Under the bombardment of everyone's gazes, Munakata added: "Well, in truth, finding the legal basis for punishing Kounomura-shi presents a slight problem. However, judging from that good sir's personality, I believe defeating him at his own game should prove enough to dissuade him from interfering with us ever again. With that in mind, I would like you to get ready, ladies and gentlemen." "Captain, sir, may I ask a question?" It was Enomoto who timidly raised his hand. "We've been searching high and low all this time, trying to locate Kounomura. Despite that, we couldn't find a single clue to his whereabouts. So my question is, how are you going to pin it down, sir?" "Oh, it's easy." Munakata declared nonchalantly. "We shall simply do what he did and apply the Coin Toss theory, too."
That caused a buzz of agitation to run through the crowd. Fushimi folded his arms and shut his eyes.
"I pulled a few strings and borrowed a super computer that's currently in the process of analyzing Kounomura-shi's activity. We are lucky that he is a celebrity. There is a veritable mountain of data on him in newspapers and magazines that could serve as clues, and there is also an archive of our contacts with him to date. With all of that as the base, we will have an answer in 24 hours."
Most of the present stood there in blank amazement.
"Excuse me, sir," said Benzai. "This is something I've asked before, but it still bothers me. Captain, when exactly did you have an opportunity to familiarize yourself with that theory in detail? I would think the particulars are top secret business information for the Coin Toss company..."
Munakata shook his head slightly. "As a matter of fact, that theory is so complex that even experts in life science mathematics and chaos theory find it difficult to comprehend, so it is out of question for a layman like myself to achieve an understanding of it. Only..." he paused, "I have commissioned an experimental program that applies it solely in the field of pinning down a person's whereabouts." "Commissioned? Whom, sir?" Akiyama tilted his head to the side a little. "America. At present, the FBI is researching and developing an analytical program applying the Coin Toss theory that's limited strictly to criminal investigation. For that reason, technically it's not the same "Coin Toss" as Kounomura-shi used." "Oh!" Akiyama exclaimed before he could check himself and whirled to Fushimi.
Fushimi stood there with an unruffled air and firmly shut eyes.
"That's right," Munakata said. "It was one of the gifts that Fushimi-kun brought back from his business trip, short though it was." Fushimi opened his eyes and let out a sigh. "You gotta take into account that I had to supply them with all sorts of intelligence in return, so it's not really a gift. Besides, the case in point aside, this theory ain't really ready for practical application yet." "What do you mean by that, Fushimi-san?"
It was Munakata who answered Akiyama's question in Fushimi's place. "To start off, terrible cost-effectiveness is the most glaring issue. Obviously, there exist very few supercomputers that could perform such an analysis, nevermind that running it takes a whole day and costs 10 million yen. What's more, trouble pertaining to collecting enough data for such an analysis to even become possible is nothing to make light of. With the above in mind, the tried and tested approach of simply assembling enough man power to handle the task is a better and faster alternative. This time it's a viable option only because we're dealing with a personage as unique as Kounomura-shi, and because the expenses allotted to us in order to catch him are almost unrestricted." "I see," Akiyama nodded deeply.
But Benzai posed yet another question. "But you did manage to catch Tamada, didn't you, sir?" "As the officer who was in pursuit of him, I assume you already know it, but by nature, he's an anarchist and an aspiring artist. You may not tell it at a glance, but he has revealed quite a bit of information about himself through his blog, publications in fanzines, poetry anthologies and such. Furthermore, he had received psychological counseling several times during the reign of the previous Blue King. There are not many criminals with a track record like that though, wouldn't you say?" "No, I suppose not," Benzai replied thoughtfully.
Speaking of, said Tamada, perhaps having embraced Munakata's mysterious aura, swore to turn over a new leaf after serving his prison time. Apparently, once he got out, in order to get employment at Scepter 4, he was intent on sitting for their exam.
"So in short, we're finally gonna do battle with them, right?" Doumyouji chimed in loudly. The reason why he'd kept silent until then was due the lack of sleep he'd been suffering from lately. "Alright! Can't wait!"
For some time now, he'd been forced to do work that contributed greatly toward building his frustrations. And now, at last, his moment to shine was coming.
"But is it really okay?" Akiyama wondered worriedly. "The opponents have a task force consisting of a fair number of strains, no doubt. And one of them in particular, that man named Nakamura Gouki, is apparently skilled enough to give even the Lieutenant a hard time in a fight. Naturally, if you make your appearance, Captain, we're not likely to have much unforeseen trouble to worry about, but in case it does come down to, say, street fighting, some collateral damage might be unavoidable." "Oh, that shouldn't be an issue," Munakata denied resolutely. "I'm quite positive Kounomura-shi only surrounded himself with strains that could be deemed combat-ready troops, like Nakamura Gouki." "Huh?" came the collective noise of puzzlement. Even Fushimi frowned his brows, dubious. "What do you mean, Captain?" asked Akiyama playing the crowd's representative. "Well," Munakata started, "allow me to ask you a question in return. Akiyama-kun. What makes you think Kounomura-shi has a strain task force at his disposal?" "Uh, well..." Akiyama momentarily stopped to think. "Seeing as they took over our duties, even if it was only temporary, they must have a number of people to---" "That was only deception." Not waiting for Akiyama to finish, Munakata interrupted him. "We fell under a certain preconception. Since we are well aware that the job we do on a regular basis is by no means easy, we tend to think that in order for someone else to accomplish it, they'd have to have about the same number of equally skilled people. But as it turns out, that is not necessarily true."
In a sense, it was a statement that utterly denied the very essence of Scepter 4's work. And it was no wonder that those who'd heard it couldn't help being doubtful in its wake. Even Zenjou stared at Munakata in astonishment, like he was seeing him for the first time.
Munakata waved his hand cheerfully. "Oh no, please don't get the wrong idea. I did not mean to disparage our work, I assure you. What I'm saying is the issue to consider is the underhandedness of some of those on the side of justice."
For the majority of the present, those words didn't hit home, but the expressions of Fushimi and Zenjou changed to reflect their understanding, the same as if they'd have said "Oh" or "I see".
Munakata went on. "What in our job is of the utmost importance, in your opinion? Let's see..." Without warning, he pointed at Doumyouji. "What do you think, Doumyouji-kun?" "Erm, the most important part of our job, huh?" Doumyouji looked troubled. "Aw, shucks. Hmm, what might it be? Maybe upholding justice?" "And what is necessary for that end? On what do we spend the bigger part of our time and effort?" "We, uh, maintain public order, catch bad guys... and ummm, sow the good, I guess?"
At that vague answer, those around couldn't help wry smiles raising on their lips along with a warm feeling in their chests, while Munakata shook his head in no uncertain way. "No, that's not it. Unfortunately, you are wrong." In reply to the baffled looks on his subordinates' faces, Munakata elaborated. "The hardest part of our work, requiring the most effort, is to deal with each and every thing in a law-abiding way. This is what unfailingly presents a challenge to us."
Akiyama's mouth formed an "Ah" when he heard that. "...I see. That's what it's about," he was heard muttering under his breath.
Munakata continued his explanation. "In other words, if we were to set out to catch wrongdoers, foregoing the formalities and simply doing what it takes to get the job done, like Superman or Batman, there wouldn't a need for a large scale organization like ours to start with. Coordinating with the police, finding a working balance with the court, negotiating with local residents - it is on those tasks that we spend most of our time, wouldn't you say?"
Doumyouji was still making a face that said he didn't get it.
"When Superman or Batman handle a case, they don't bother going to the courthouse to complete the official procedure, neither do they work on a loan to the police. They don't have to obtain a formal approval from anyone or calculate their exact expenses and fulfill corresponding paperwork. You never see them drawing up reports that have to be submitted to the superior or filing documents pertaining to an investigation, do you?"
With Munakata's elaboration, Doumyouji's face brightened. Seeing as he always endured hellish suffering when it came to his paperwork, to him, that explained everything.
"If I were to put it as bluntly as I can," Munakata added, "simply catching criminals by using illegal means like Kounomura-shi did, such as hacking security cameras or obtaining intelligence through spies, is not really a job especially difficult to do. And that is why I said what I did earlier: from our perspective, the heroes of justice are quite underhanded." "But, in that case," Fuse sounded very frustrated, "wouldn't guys like them always have an edge on us when it comes to accomplishing something? Making us who earnestly jump through the hoops look like fools?"
Munakata didn't wait for him to finish, talking over him. "We have the greater cause to defend. They don't. That's the difference, Fuse-kun." His tone was soft, but at the heart of it was steel-like strength. "And that is precisely why I always say whenever the occasions arises that "our cause is pure". Isn't that right, Fuse-kun?" Fuse was in thought for some time. "Indeed. That's right. We and them have different goals. Now I see," he murmured soon after as if letting the thought sink in deeply into his being.
Munakata gazed at Fuse warmly for a while, then stated, "Everything was but an illusion cast by the schemer extraordinaire Kounomura-shi. Having only a small number of allies makes it easy for him to transfer hideouts, while also minimizing the risk of an information leak. As an added bonus, it certainly helped confuse us and lead us astray. Meanwhile, the actual work was done by Nakamura Gouki and but a few of our adevrsary's most trusted confidants, I assume." "But Captain," Hidaka voiced, "the strains that've been captured all attest it was multiple people that did it?" Munakata's answer was immediate. "And what is the ability of the person you are presently in charge of questioning?" After a moment of vacant silence, Hidaka's eyes went wide. "I see!"
Munakata nodded. "That's right. He made the number of captors appear more than it actually was - every time when a crime committing strain was seized, at that. As a result it looked like there was a whole multi-person force moving at the scene. Let me reiterate: what they were doing looked the same as our work only on the surface, and that is the sole reason why it was even possible. Everything was no more than an illusion created with figurative smoke and mirrors."
For a while, everyone present seemed to be absorbed in his or her own pensive thoughts on the issue.
Watching them with a smile, Munakata commented. "Eventually, we will pin down where our adversaries are hiding. And every false image they have shown us will also come to light." When he continued it was with glee that almost gave one the creeps. "It's finally time to put our opponents in checkmate. Kounomura-shi is already as good as stark-naked before us."
It was then that Zenjou, who kept his silence until now, raised his only hand. "There is one thing that bothers me though." "What might it be, Zenjou-san?" Munakata inquired, unperturbed as ever even at something as uncommon as Zenjou speaking up. "At present, we still have several missing people, starting with Awashima Seri, who have yet to come back. And I think we can't disregard the possibility of them being used as hostages come the worst case scenario."
His words made Munakata fall silent for a while - for the first time today. But then, the Blue King declared: "...I believe Awashima-kun and the others will be back with us soon enough, each having overcome their respective obstacles."
Zenjou's eyes narrowed sharply. "All according to your plan, that included, then?" Munakata shook his head slowly. "No, it is not," he said pensively. "If I had to find a word for it," he smiled, "it would probably be 'faith'."
About 2 days before Scepter 4's meeting took place, Gotou Ren, whose place the impostor had taken to infiltrate Scepter 4, was on the sea more than 600km away from Japan. Next to him, a bullet ricocheted with a metallic ching.
Next, yells in a language he couldn't quite determine could be heard. Which, in turn, was followed by demands to surrender in some broken Japanese with English mixed in.
"Anata no, okasan, naitemasu." //T/N: equivalent to something like "Ur mama cry" Gotou sighted, muttering in a light tone, "My, my, what a pickle."
English wasn't his forte. Due to the fact, he bet on body language as his chosen means to make his resistance apparent.
He stuck his head out a little from the catwalk. "Hey. Me, go back, Japan. Don't jama shinaide!" //T/N: "Don't stand in my way"
With that, he hoisted one middle finger up high in the air. A moment later, he got a response.
"FU*K!" It was accompanied by the sweeping fire from a machine gun.
Gotou panicked, getting on all fours and crawling to hide behind an iron pole. There, he grumbled again in a voice, still lacking any urgency, seemingly oblivious to what unmistakably was a provocation on his part, "My, my, that's why quick tempered foreigners are such a pain."
Presently, he was aboard an enormous ship, the Nefertiti. The overall length of it was 175 meters, with the width being 25 meters. The total displacement tonnage measured at 8900 tons. The highest speed it could achieve clocked at 23 knots, with its crew counting 130 members. It was an imposing military transport vessel capable of transporting 2 helicopters, 30 large trucks and 25 tanks.
Its owner was a private military company called 'SPT' - a multinational enterprise that, among other fields, also engaged in paramilitary activities regulated by a treaty signed in Toronto by 24 countries. A so called Mars-Mercury agreement was enacted between the USA and the EU and designed to keep Japan's economic growth in check. To counter that, in the last 20 years or so, international laws had been developed allowing active operation for a number of private paramilitary companies, with Japan playing a central role.
And this was what Kounomura Zen'ichi resorted to when booking the vessel in question and its crew for the period of 1 month as a private individual. The mission he gave the crew was to reliably keep Gotou Ren away from Japan. He'd certainly gone out of his way to arrange for a military ship just to keep Gotou under house arrest and strict supervision, and then, to be doubly sure, even make said ship put a considerable amount of distance between itself and the mainland Japan. All of which exhaustively proved the utter importance Kounomura attached to Gotou Ren's custody as one of the keys for the success of his plan.
Incidentally, said Gotou Ren was currently on the run from the armed guard units after having broken out of the prison designed exclusively for him by escaping through a door 1 meter thick and locked with an electromagnetic lock that required multiple passwords and a fingerprint of the supervisor to open.
At first, his jailers were quite amicable, but after Gotou punched their platoon leader's lights out, blew up sewer pipes, made three or so of them take a plunge into a septic tank, and two more wallow in wheat flour, their rage had reached the boiling point. Calmly carrying out such acts with a disinterested air about him was what it meant to be Gotou Ren.
The way he went about his breakout was also unusual. For about 2 weeks, he did nothing at all. He seemed perfectly content to just sleep, play smart phone games on the phone supplied to him as a present or paint pictures in isolation, making even his jailers question with concern if he'd even understood his current situation. Still, they had directions from Kounomura to let him spend his time as pleasantly as possible under the circumstances.
Only, Gotou wasn't doing all of the above without a reason. Those drowsy eyes of his kept meticulously watching and observing. And, having found a blind spot, a momentary opening in his guards' defenses, he attacked it and freed himself. And just now, he wasn't just randomly angering his guards. He used their reactions to deduce where on this ship were the most crucial areas.
In the process of running around from his pursuers, he'd arrived at the ship's vast hold.
"Huh?" With his pursuers closing in on him from behind, Gotou leisurely inclined his head. "This is strange. I thought this should be the engine room or something equally important." He ran while compiling a map of the ship in his head, but it seemed he went wrong somewhere. "Mn, I still have a lot to improve on, I guess."
Not sounding especially regretful, Gotou approached a strange cube placed isolatedly in the middle of the hold. He found himself oddly curious about it.
"...I wonder what is this?"
It was then...
...that a tremendously loud scream had issued from inside the construct, making Gotou instinctively take a step back. He had a feeling he might have heard that voice somewhere before.
This time the war cry managed to pack even more fierceness; cracks, one after another, started running across the surface of the cube as a result, and then...
"Phew, finally it breaks."
...Awashima slipped out of it, twisting her body to fit in through a slender crack. For some reason, she was dressed in a scarlet dress.
"..." "..." For a while, Awashima and Gotou simply stared at one another.
"Why are you here, Gotou?!" Awashima broke the silence first. "...I could ask you the same, ma'am. No, actually, I'm more interested in asking you why you're decked out like that. Lieutenant, are you getting ready for a wedding or what?" "D-Don't be absurd! It's just this was the only piece of clothing provided to me."
Both of them looked mightily confused, but the moment their ears caught the sound of Gotou's pursuers' footsteps from the passage he'd taken to get here, the two donned composed faces.
Gotou briefly outlined his circumstances to Awashima. In short, having taken him prisoner, the chances were the ship was now a long ways off from Japan. Awashima was quick to get a grasp on the situation, and even quicker to make a decision.
"Understood," she said as if it was the most trivial thing in the world. "Let's commandeer this ship."
That took even Gotou by slight surprise. "...We'd be up against more than 50 armed soldiers though?" "Oh?" Awashima smiled charmingly, working on rolling up the sleeves and shortening the hem of her dress to make it easy to move in. "Does that really count as 'many'? You and I are both the Blue King's clansmen, don't forget." "I see." Gotou had found his resolve. Smiling without a trace of tension, he added, "Seems like an appropriate number in that case." "True." Awashima fixed her gaze on the entrance from which the soldiers were likely to appear. "We've got to go back to the Captain's side as quickly as possible, and to that end, every second counts. I have no doubt he's waiting for our return even as we speak."
Gotou nodded in agreement, cracking his fingers.
It was 4 hours later that the ship made a sharp U-turn and started heading back to the far away Japan it had previously departed from.
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bbreactions · 5 years
Seungri scenario "I'll protect you"
[GIFs not mine]
Hello dear followers!
Thank you for following me and reading my stuff even if I was away for more than half an year. I just didn’t have any motivation for writing. 
But now, 
I am OPENING requests for a while so go ahead. 
Hope you’ll like this Seungri scenario that was requested a long time ago.
the ask:
Hi sweety may i get an scenario with Seungri? You go to meet him and some of his fans shows up and a crazy sasaeng tries to stab him and you noticed and protected him by recieving the stab instead?
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You were looking at the mirror applying bright red matt lipstick on, to get ready and finally meet your favorite beautiful idol. You respect him as a singer, idol and a person. He is doing an amazing job with everything. He is the perfect man, is what you always say. You wore a plain but cute red dress with a black leather jacket with a caption of their album MADE on the back of it. You thought you might have overdressed for a simple meet and greet but it's your first time doing this so why not give it all the effort you can. At least you put on some black boots and finished your look with small heart-shaped earrings. 'This is getting real Y/N. You are finally gonna meet him'
Your hands started shaking when you walked towards your father's car and your palms began to sweat. You sat on the front seat and your father drove you to the cafe near the meet and greet where you met your best friend who'll be there for this beautiful moment of your life. You knew meeting him won't be like you'll ever see him again (probably). But once is enough to make you happier and give some energy to your life. You hugged your best friend and squealed from excitement for a few seconds before people started looking at you weird. On the way to the location where Seungri will finally introduce his next solo album, you noticed some V.I.P.s who were making some posters or gifts for Seungri. You only prepared a special letter for him and you felt like you should have prepared more for him, who made your life so much more fun with his music and humor. Your best friend saw the face you made when you regret something and shook your shoulders.
"Don't fucking worry Y/N. I'll be there for you and he'll be there for you. You will finally meet him and show him that he's important to people. You look perfect and I doubt he won't fall in love with you in this beautiful red dress and these new earrings! Oh God, I wish I'd have those too."
Her words of comfort meant a lot to you. She was always there to say exactly what you need.
After some minutes of walking, you arrived at the place and it was already crowded. You felt other people's shoulders hitting you and felt even more nervous standing in the crowd waiting for him to come on stage.  
You've been waiting there for quite a while with your best friend and you saw some strange people in the crowd, but you ignored it and just continued telling your bf how happy you are.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the one and only, Seungri."
People began to clap loudly and you were one of them and screamed his name with others. Cheer got louder when finally, he walked smoothly on the stage in his golden and black outfit with black Nikes on his feet. His hair was done with bangs on his forehead and a nice new black color. His smile was a kill for all the fans, including you. That was indeed a killer look. He then introduced himself as a solo singer, finally, and introduced his new album. As it seemed he was as excited as the rest of the crowd and so the moment we have all been waiting for came. We got a preview of his album songs and he performed his title song 1,2,3! and the crowd went wild. Everyone was amazed and impressed with the new song, you even saw the security enjoying the music.
You examined the crowd and saw a lot of different fans and you noticed there are quite a few people that just came along and weren't exactly his fans. There were girls who screamed with joy and other fans who were happy to be there. You and your best friend sang the lyrics and enjoyed your hearts out. You were thankful for this day as it soon came to the last act of the meet and greet. 
Finally, the time when you get the chance to give Seungri a hand and look him in the eyes. Your heart was jumping in your chest while you were slowly walking closer to your favorite artist. All you could think at that moment was just how much you wish to just say hello and tell him how much you appreciate him. Just that he knows how important his work is. There's nothing you wished for more. 
Your arm itched and you turned back and saw it. The girl behind you, around 20 years old, was holding a small swiss knife. It just seemed too sketchy to know that she went with that through security. You decided to ignore the fact that you just saw that and moved on. It could only be something unimportant and nothing big to worry about. Step by step, your heartbeat was getting faster and your cheeks were already red. 
"Hello, nice to meet you..."
Sweet and cheerful voice traveled right through your ears and couldn't believe that was said only to you at the moment. Your eyes were sparkling and just the look of his beautiful and happy smile on his face with those cute black bangs was enough to make you smile too. You bowed simply because you respect and admire him and he just smiled more. 
"I...I really wanted to say... your new album is magnificent and me and my sister were very impressed by the new choreography and those high notes in the title song. All of the songs sound amazing and some of them are really nice for cheering up, so I wanted to thank you, for the amazing work with this origami bouquet I made just for you..."
He wowed and looked at the bouquet. The girl behind you just kicked me in the leg but, you still ignored it since you only have few seconds left to communicate with the one and only Seungri. 
"Get the f**k away little girl." 
It was that girl from behind you again. You bowed again and said goodbye and moved to the side. The next second you remembered the knife she had in her hand. Your brains were all confused about what the hell could knife do on a fan meet. Very quickly you realized the answer is nothing. 
You turned back and protected Seungri's body by standing right in front of him. One second you saw people happily screaming Seungri's name and the next one your eyes met with a knife that went right through your chest. The pain was unbearable. 
Someone shouted really loudly and people began screaming and running all over the place. You couldn't see anything, it was getting darker and darker and your eyes were slowly closing while your body was unmovable. Loud voices disappeared and everything went quiet. One moment later your eyelids twitched and you slowly tried to open your eyes. The lightning in the room you were in was too bright and so you closed your eyes again and tried asking where you are. But your lips didn't want to move. You tried touching where you were laying and nothing seemed right. The place had a weird smell and the last thing you could remember... it was.... going on Seungri's fan meet. But... What happened there?
Again you tried opening your eyes and then you suddenly heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N? Can you hear me? You're okay, don't worry, you're safe."
Mom. It was your mom. At that moment you really opened your eyes and saw all in a white room with a few medical devices beeping while they were connected to your hand and most importantly, your family, mom, dad and your beautiful but yet annoying younger sister. 
"M...m...mom...m.... w...hat happened?" you tried asking. But suddenly the doctor rushed to the room and started to examine you. 
Later when they explained to you what really happened, you were proud on yourself that you just protected Seungri from great danger. Soon there were bouquets of roses and candies coming to your room. While you were recovering your family visited you.
"There's someone special here for you y/n..."
'Who could it be? My imaginary boyfriend?' you thought
"Hello y/n.... I'm here to thank you... You remember me, right?"
There he was. In flesh and blood standing right next to your bed, wearing cute blue jeans and a leather jacket. You couldn't believe you eyes. It was real. He was real. 
"Let me stay here and make you company for a while. You know I can't stay for too long since I have a show in 3 hours but I want to make time here shorter for you since you protected me y/n. I really appreciate it, you need to believe me. I couldn't even imagine in what danger I put you in.... So please let me thank you."
Tears started flowing down your cheeks and he wiped them away for you. 
"Don't cry, I'm also here to get to know you, I want to know who saved my life."
And so your hospital adventure which was painful in the operation rooms and interesting, amazing, happy in the room with you new actual friend- Seungri, who came to visit you every few days and spent the time there talking about the new gossips and discussing kdrama and kpop scenes and most importantly he shortened your stay there with all the fun board games which you both enjoyed. And even after you finally got out of the hospital you stayed in touch and stayed good friends. He even invited you on his tour and you got the chance to meet other Big Bang members as well. Your friendship grew year by year and you were closer then ever. 
The friendship continued even longer no matter the fact where you were and what you were doing. 
From an unpleasant event, where you got hurt, you also got a new best friend. Someone that you cared about a lot. Thank you for that.  
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toomanyfeelings5 · 5 years
the definitive ranking of pulp! the classics covers and summaries, from worst to best
(Note: Pride and Prejudice was not included in this list, as there were only poster and greeting card options for the work, and not an actual book or summary. Had a book and summary been provided, it would have ranked lowest for unoriginality. It’s literally just 1995 Colin Firth staring moodily at you. The caption is “Lock Up Your Daughters...Darcy’s in Town!” which is just unfortunate, frankly, and honestly laughable.) 
16. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 
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You take a novel that’s positively overflowing with drama and give it THIS cover? THIS summary? Absolutely uninspired. 
Here’s looking at you Cathy...
Childhood sweethearts turned star-crossed lovers, fuelled by bitter jealousy and dark revenge. She’s pretty and posh, he’s a moody brooding bastard. Heartbreak, alcoholism and plenty of illegitimate kids – it’s a perfect Northern drama.
Where is the feeling? The screaming violins playing as we read? The moors? The time skips? A hint of the positively bonkers plot that only a Bronte could compose?
15. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 
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 Oh, the heterosexuality of it all. On an Oscar Wilde novel, no less. 
Hey girl...I’d sell my soul for you!” 
Dorian Gray might be as pretty as a picture, but he's paid a devilishly high price for it. He'll stay drop-dead gorgeous, but there's something nasty festering in the attic...
Pretty as a picture and still lusting after ladies? Please. Pulp! Classics, you can do better. 
14. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 
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Again, we must speak the ancient chant: Oh, the heterosexuality of it all. 
When it came to loving...He knew which Daisy to pick! 
Sorry old sport, but Gatsby has a bigger house than you, prettier friends than you and a Rolls Royce to cart them all round in. To a backdrop of popping champagne corks and orchestral jazz, our hero bids to buyout his old adversary, perennial jock, Tom Buchanan and reclaim Daisy, his favourite bit of High Society totty.
Nick Carraway gets not one mention, which is odd given that he’s the narrator, the protagonist, and Gatsby’s most ardent love interest. Also strange is the cover’s insistence that Jordan Baker, known lesbian, would swoon over Gatsby. Doubly strange is how tiny the women are in comparison to Gatsby’s massive frame. What is, again, bamboozling, is how the slogan on the cover seems to imply that Gatsby knows how to pick a woman. He doesn’t know how to choose anyone, let alone love them. All Gatsby truly knows is the desperate pursuit of a fruitless dream. 
13. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare 
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Romeo looks like he could be Juliet’s father. Juliet looks like an Upper East Side Widow, not at all like the tween girl she really is.
Too wild to live...too young to die!
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou…. Oh wait, he’s hanging around in the garden again. Will young Romeo and his Juliet ever be able to express their raging hormones? Or will their feuding families make this romance blossom into a poisoned flower? Either way, both their houses are totally plagued!
“Wherefore” means “why,” not “where,” though I do have to award points to the summary for placing the blame squarely on the feud and not on these doomed young lovers. Though again, young isn’t the operative word I’d use to describe this version of Romeo and Juliet. 
12. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe 
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This is what one would expect upon seeing a pulp cover of a classic novel. Not much originality or flair is present, but at least some sense of the story is conveyed. 
Solitude was driving him nuts!
Cannibals! Captives! Coconuts!
One man’s love of the sea leaves him stranded on a desert island with nothing but a few goats, a bible and a parrot for company.
Will he ever escape? Will his new pal Friday learn to efficiently press a goatskin jerkin? Or will solitude send him totally barmy?
WILL Friday learn to efficiently press a goatskin jerkin? One must read to find out, I suppose...
11. Tess of the D'urbervilles 
Marilyn Monroe?????
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She’s...no angel.
The original Wessex girl!
Tess is just a humble milkmaid when the local landowner has his wicked way. Her new beau, the smarmy Angel Clare, is none too pleased when he finds out she’s already been deflowered. What is a girl to do? Bloody revenge of course, and an ending to touch the hardest of hearts.
At least the summary blames the terrible men in Tess’s life rather than Tess herself, unlike the tagline on the cover. And while Marilyn Monroe seductively lounging about with a drink doesn’t recall the faintest essence of Hardy’s novel, one would like to imagine Tess relaxing in whatever clothes she pleased, a straw dangling out of her drink, a smile on her face as she answers to no one and spends her quiet evening in solitude. 
10. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
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An innocuous cover; the men’s faces hint at the comedic nature of this novel, and yet...something nags the brain upon looking at this.
To say nothing of the dog...
Incompetence, embarrassment and general disaster - no it’s not PMQs, it’s a trip down the Thames! Three hapless fellows and a world weary dog decide they need a holiday from their exhausting hypochondria. Hilarious mayhem ensues.
To say nothing of the dog indeed: Why does the dog on the cover have a human face?
9. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 
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All one can say upon viewing this cover is: Jeff Goldblum, is that you?
Change really BUGGED him! 
Poor old Gregor. One day he's depressed about his dreary travelling salesman gig, the next, he's roaching around the apartment and disgusting his family. All that's left is creeping the walls and eating garbage. How's his sis ever going to find a sugar daddy with her grotty bro in tow?
Gregor isn’t grotty, he’s our six-legged hero in this tragic tale. 
And yet in the end, the question that haunts us all echoes in our minds in an unceasing echo: is that Jeff Goldblum? 
8.  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 
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Alice as a hippie is eye-catching, but not particularly creative. 
This cupcake was off her head!
What HAS happened to little Alice? Taking 'shrooms, hanging out with hookah smoking ne'er-do-wells and being dragged to court. That's gonna be one hell of a hangover!
As much as I’m intrigued by Alice wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a peace sign necklace, the summary and the cover consist of one joke and one joke only. 
7. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 
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I just like how Dr. Jekyll in this cover looks equally as fucked up as Mr. Hyde. 
No more Mr. Nice Guy... There’s a sinister man about London town with something of the night about him. Mr Hyde is mad, bad and has a penchant for bumping off MPs and other kindly innocents. Will his friend Dr Jekyll be able to stop him? Or is there something more to their relationship than meets the eye…? Only the intrepid Utterson can get to the bottom of this mystery, but what will he find in Dr Jekyll’s lab?
Points to this summary for including Mr. Utterson, and for insinuating that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde may be clandestine lovers. 
6. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 
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Ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise, don’t we love it when a greedy rich man gets bludgeoned by a mace into being more generous and kindly towards others?
This cat was a drag....’til a midnight wake-up call...
Christmas?! What a load of Humbug. Mistletoe and Wine just don't do it for Scrooge; he's a workaholic miser with an attitude problem. If he doesn't change his ways, he'll end up with no friends and Tiny Tim won't last the year. Let's hope some spooky night-time visitors can put the jingle back in his bells!
Ring-a-ling-a-ling, Mr. Scrooge. The mace is raised and the bells are ringing.
5.  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 
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The tag-line made me, as the youths say, laugh out loud. 
Whoops! Apocalypse....
The horror! The horror!
Kurtz might be the apple of every brutish imperialist’s eye, but his God complex is getting wildly out of hand in the depths of the jungle. What on earth will Marlow find when he finally gets downriver? Devil worship? Savages? Heads on sticks? Or just another nutty white man with his knickers in a twist?
Surprisingly anti-racist summary made this jump to the higher echelons of this esteemed list, though of course that doesn’t excuse this novel’s abhorrent and embarrassing fake-deep racism. It also must be noted that the tag-line should have been “Whoops! White supremacy!” and the text of the novel should have entirely consisted of Chinua Achebe’s essay on the work. 
4. The Hounds of Baskerville by Arthur Conan Doyle
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The cover alone is a winner. A rabid chihuahua out for blood? Inspired. 
A desolate moor, a diabolical dog in need of a muzzle and some inbred locals; Sherlock Holmes is really up against it. With the help of his trusty sidekick Dr. Watson, Holmes pieces together a mystery that has captured the imagination of readers across the decades. All whilst practising a serious coffee and cocaine habit.
The tag-line is fun and catchy, but sadly this summary must be admonished for insisting that Dr. Watson is merely a “trusty sidekick” to Sherlock Holmes. Heterosexuality strikes again, reducing the impact of the striking cover design. 
3. Dubliners by James Joyce 
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Finally! Some style, some panache, some flair to accompany these short stories about being sad and horny in Ireland. 
Stuck in the Liffey with you...
Booze, Sex and Hot Floury Potatoes… Those Dubliners are at it again!
Liars, thieves, whores and priests… James Joyce sure knew how to throw a party! This relentlessly downbeat collection explores the very worst aspects of human nature, and doesn’t leave out the juicy bits. It might not be in the best possible taste, but who doesn’t want to get down and dirty in Dublin?
The summary and cover work in tandem to wholeheartedly convince me that Dubliners is an action-packed, slick collection of stories detailing the wild escapades of a motley cast of ragamuffins, and I gotta hand it to the folks over at Pulp! Classics for injecting some bonafide vintage cool into Joyce’s work.
2. Othello by William Shakespeare 
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I have so many thoughts on this. Mr. T. as Othello is fascinating, as is the tagline, “Some kind of Bard...aaaaasss.” Is this a commentary on blaxploitation media? One can’t help but recall Mr. T.’s reasoning behind his mohawk, his gold chains, to honor his ancestors and assert his living, unshakable humanity in a racist society. Is this is a genuine effort on the part of Pulp! Classics to imply that a blaxploitation-influenced adaptation of Othello could reveal deeper truths to the play that we have had yet to glimpse? 
Some kind of Bard... aaaasss
He’s a bardass brother with the love of a fine woman. That is until some cloven hoofed honky starts talking crazy about variously hued sheep tupping the hell outta each other! You gotta pity the fool who gets shafted by the green eyed monster. Let’s hope Othello can work out who to trust before it’s too late…
The fast-paced alliterative language of the summary harkens to Shakespeare’s own wit-fueled dialogue and penchant for creative language. The summary also calls Iago a devil, which is apt, and implicitly criticizes his racism, hinting at the play’s greater tragedies to come. The cover and summary also work in tandem to emphasize Othello’s jealousy and destruction: the “green-eyed monster” is mentioned, and the cover itself is a putrid green. An excellent example of what a vintage cover and summary can achieve. 
1. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly 
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You all knew this was coming. 
This kid was born on the wrong side of the lab...
Frankenstein’s monster is on the rampage; terrorising the locals, unleashing murderous hell… and reading novels in his spare time. Can his petrified creator stop this reign of horror before his girlfriend gets the chop?
A James Dean-inspired creature, thereby making them a queer icon? Masterful. The creature being “born on the wrong side of the lab?” A stroke of genius; that they’re called a kid puts the poignancy of the monster’s plight into even greater relief, while simultaneously emphasizing their tragic charm. The clear distinction between Frankenstein and the creature? Reader, I exhaled in a cathartic release of tension. The loving detail that the creature reads novels in their spare time, like any other leather-jacket wearing, motorcycle-riding ruffian with a heart of gold? Beautiful. 
Truly, the obvious queer energy of this cover and summary highlights an overlooked dimension of Shelly’s great work while also paying homage to what draws us to this Modern Prometheus time after time. Do we care about the petrified creator in this summary? Not at all. He’s not on the cover, appearing both rebellious and gentle. We are here for the creature, in their leather jacket, on their motorcycle, novel sticking out of a back pocket on their jeans, ready to whisk us away to a place where even monsters like us can find solace, and be at peace, and commune with each other. We need only take their outstretched hand, and be willing to leave the mundane world for something better, for the chance to no longer be alone. 
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thequeenofcronuts · 5 years
Uncertainties - A Royal Romance AU Story Chapter 2 Gifts for Confidence
Uncertainties- AU The Royal Romance
Uncertainties main location Silicon Valley California.
AU Summary - Career life is busy for a group of six friends when they meet a captivating woman with a beautiful soul. New friendships are forged and new romances revealed. All the while hearts are torn and closets are cleared of skeletons. True love always wins in the end, right?
AU Warnings - This Stand Alone will include the following 18+ subjects: Language, NS*W, Verbal Abuse, and Abortion. If ANY of these subjects will cause pain or hardship in reading, please skip reading Uncertainties. That being said, each chapter will include its own specific warnings.
AU Uncertainties Pairings and Characters: Pairings and Characters: Drake x Riley / Liam x Riley / Liam x Olivia / Drake x Olivia / Maxwell x Savannah, including Hana, and Madeleine, and OCs **All characters from the Choices Book: The Royal Romance are owned by Pixelberry Studios (Any other characters are the product of my brain…I probably should apologize now. 🙃😉)
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Chapter 2 Summary - Liam meets Riley and thinks she may be a great fit for a friend. Meanwhile Riley’s long time friend sees something different.
Chapter 2 Warnings - None
Chapter Word Count: 4,240-ish
Tags: @client-327 @dcbbw @carabeth @drakesensworld @purplegreyshrimp
 ----- The next day Riley receives the call from Liam’s assistant requesting a meeting to discuss a possible donation and also possible fundraising gala with the CEO of Innovative Toy Box. After the call ends she immediately starts a call with her long time friend and after two rings Kammie answers. “Kam, you are not going to believe this. I got a random call from a major company that might donate to Gifts for Confidence! For once I wasn’t making a cold call, they called me! Crazy exciting, right?!” “Riles, I have to say that is pretty wicked cool. So what’s the company?” “ Innovative Toy Box. It’s a technology company of some sort that makes futuristic toys, or something like that. I obviously have to really do my research. Which, my dear sweet friend, oh the lovely and kind Kammie, wou-“ Kammie finishes Riley’s question. “Would I help you mine information? Of course.” Kammie hears Riley exhale a deep breath. “Thanks! I mean this could let the charity partner with way more orphanages!”
“Riles, I can’t even begin to imagine what this will do for everyone’s dreams in your office.” “Except Kam, I can’t let myself get too excited yet, I don’t even know what’s really going to happen.” Kammie sighs at her friend’s ever present practical mind. “Well then, I’ll be excited for both of us, and you be the serious downer you’ve been since the first day we met.” Riley takes a playful tone, “You didn’t just go there Miss ‘I had planned on sending my four years of college into oblivion as I partied like no tomorrow.’ Heh, how does our friendship continue to survive since we were randomly thrown together freshman year as roommates?” Kammie scoffs in reply, “Simple Riles, I made you way more exciting and you made me-” “Kam if you say ‘way less exciting’ our friendship is done at this exact moment.” They both burst out laughing.
“Okay Miss ‘Operation Save the World’ I’ve got the About Us page up from the company’s site. What’s the plan here?” Kammie hears the frantic clicking of Riley’s fingers on her keyboard already. “You read me important information, and take notes, from the pages on the website while I find any public financial statements, board reports, etc.” “I like this Riles. My job is actually simple enough this time around. Okay. Here’s the beginning of what they say about themselves on the ‘About Us’ page.
‘The mission of Innovative Toy Box is to provide children, alongside their parents, ways to use technology for enhancing life skills and lessons needed while still having fun. We believe it’s important to harness the future of technology, today, while we encourage the “good old fashion get out and play” style many of us remember from our own youth. From our app games, one for example, focusing on preschoolers, alongside their parents, learning to speak fluently in multiple languages, to our programming kits for older children teaching the most current coding skills while building robots as individual as their designer, we provide a plethora of toys for your child’s own technology toy box. ……’
“Riles that’s impressive! I think I want to build my own personal programming robot while learning coding, and I have no idea how that even works! What have you found?” Riley doesn’t answer right away. Still silence. “Um, Riles…Riley…” Riley’s tone is one of wonder when she finally speaks. “Their publicly released financials are incredible! I can’t believe a company like this would even hear about us, let alone call us!” Kammie laughs, “Well my little unbeliever, get ready cause it’s happening. Hey, when is your meeting?” “Friday morning. So I’ve got a lot of research to do. I want to know this company inside and out so they know we’re serious about this relationship. My only problem is…” “I got Riles, I’ll help in anyway I can. I know you’ve gotta keep your main job to pay the bills.” “Yeah, well that’s the life of girl with a degree in human services. Social Worker by day and charity worker … still by day. Gotta have two jobs. Heh. I’m just living the dream, aren’t I?” Kammie’s tone gets serious. “Riley Grace Brooks, you are wicked remarkable! You are the most compassionate, giving person I have ever known. You work to make a real difference in this world while loving unabashedly. Since our freshman year at USC I’ve seen that this has always been your dream. So you are living the dream. Keep living your damn dream girl.”
— — — — — Friday Morning
Riley’s voice is shaky as she talks to the receptionist in the lobby of the Innovative Toy Box offices. “Welcome Ms. Brooks!” Riley sees the woman’s name tag and mentally notes her name is Kelly. Kelly beams at Riley as she says, “Please take a seat while I check you into the system and contact Mr. Rys’ assistant. If I don’t have a chance to see you again before you leave, I wish you a wonderful day!” “You do the same, Kelly.” Wow, super nice and friendly lady. Riley thinks as she sits taking in the massive pure white lobby decorated with touches of more colors in the spectrum than she has ever seen at once. This would be completely intimidating if it wasn’t so carefree and…. happy? She continues to look around in awe as she realizes it feels like she is lost in a child’s imagination. All of the sudden a kind looking gentleman greets her. “Ms. Brooks, Welcome! We are quite excited to have you here with us today.” Riley feels some of the nervous tension release as she takes in the gentlemen’s kind smile. “My name is Thomas and I’m Mr. Rys’ assistant.” He extends his hand and Riley accepts a firm hand shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am .” “Likewise Thomas.” Riley replies as she still glances at the magnificent lobby.
“Thomas, this lobby is almost indescribable. The only possible description I could come up with would be that I’m lost inside a child’s mind. A child that is still pure of from the worries of this world. A child that is just allowed to be a child.” Thomas looks at the lobby and nods appreciatively. “Exactly what Mr. Rys was going for while in the designing stages of the building. He’d be quite pleased to hear you say that. You’d be amazed at how many people don’t take the time to ‘get it’. Even more of our own employees than you’d probably expect don’t either.”
Thomas motions for Riley to follow him and they begin to walk out of the lobby. “Allow me to escort you Mr. Rys’ conference room.” As they walk to a bank of elevators Riley looks around stunned. Somehow what should be stark white and uninviting is warm and cheerful. The colors of the furniture against the white background makes it unlike any corporate office building she has ever been to. That’s including every single company for children she has visited. As she and Thomas pass employees they all nod or say hello to Riley in recognition of the their visitor. By the time they reach the elevators Riley’s nerves have calmed immensely.
Thomas presses a call button and soon elevator doors open with Riley in awe again. Even the elevator is decorated wonderfully within the theme. Who thinks to decorate something as mundane as elevator in such detail? This is a fabulous place. I do wonder what this Liam Rys is actually going to be like. I can’t imagine someone who cultivates this kind of atmos- Thomas pulls her from her thoughts. “Ms. Brooks, the entire top floor is Mr. Rys’ office and I’ll be escorting you directly to his conference room.” Riley nods and can’t help but respond with a smile as she sees Thomas’ genuine one.
The elevator doors open and Riley walks out seeing nothing but white. White modern furniture, white walls. Such a drastic look and feel from the rest of the building. Thomas gives her a small knowing look as if he can read her thoughts while leading her into the conference room. “Please take any seat you wish. May I offer you some water, coffee, tea…” Riley tries to clear her parched throat. “Water would be lovely.” Thomas retrieves a bottle of water from the bar fridge and hands it to Riley while telling her, “I’ll let Mr. Rys know you’re here.” Riley takes the bottle of water thanking him and turns to the huge conference table. It's…round. I’ve never seen a CEO conference table be round. No head seat at the table for the someone of importance to sit. Again this whole room is white as well. She pulls out her laptop, notes, and charts from her carrying bag, and opens the bottle of water bottle while her laptop powers on.
Soon there is a gentle knock from a door she hadn’t noticed almost in the back corner of the room. As it slowly opens a very handsome, tall, well built man with blonde hair and deep blue eyes takes a few steps while clearing his throat. “Ms. Brooks, it is a delight to meet you.” He closes the door and takes the few steps his long legs need to reach Riley and offers a firm but considerate handshake, “Liam Rys.” He says as he takes the seat next to her with a wide, warm smile. Did the CEO really just knock on his own conference room door? That’s a first. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rys.” “Liam, please.” Riley nods, “Then Riley please.” Yep, he is easy on the eyes and charming. Soon Riley realizes she may have been gazing too long so she immediately says the first thing on her mind. “I have to say, Mr., er Liam, I have never seen the CEO of a company knock on his own conference room door before entering.” Meanwhile Liam sits back and is quite taken by Riley’s long raven hair, porcelain white skin, and bright blue eyes. Her eyes are in such contrast to her hair and skin. Hmmm, I think she is definitely Drake’s type…at least from what can be seen. I’ll have to make a point of describing her and telling him about her tonight. As he registers that she had mentioned him knocking before entering he realizes he may have been gazing too long. “Well Riley, I try not to be a ‘normal’ CEO. I feel it’s rather startling to be siting waiting for a meeting and have someone just barge through a door without warning.” Another wide smile is on his lips. “Shall we begin?”
Liam first gives Riley a slightly more detailed description of his company than the high level information that is on their website. Shes glad she completed the more in depth research herself, as understanding exactly what he is expressing helps her to relax even more. I’ve never felt more comfortable asking for money. She internally snickers. “So Riley, I’ve done a little bit of research on the charity you work with, but I’d like to hear about it from your view point first.” Huh, that’s a different and nice way to words, ‘tell me why I should give your charity a lot of money.’ Liam continues, “I also want to hear why you, Riley Brooks, chose to work for this particular one.”
Riley takes in a quiet breath as she realizes she’s not going to be giving her usual presentation to a large corporate donor, and begins like it’s just comfortable chatting. “Well, Gifts for Confidence works directly within a number of orphanages that our funds can sustain. No matter the age of a child when they enter an orphanage they have many different ranges of emotional needs, and while the orphanages do their best with the funding they receive, the obvious lack of funds do not allow for much more than the basic necessities. What our charity does is create and send a sort of…comfort ‘bundle’ that are age appropriate for new children entering the orphanage. The bundles include security blankets for little ones and popular character blankets for the older children. Also, they include age appropriate toys, books, coloring/school supplies, clothes, and some personal items which are given to the child so they have items that are ‘theirs’; belonging only to them. When you’re scared, alone, and confused receiving the comfort of these items that are specifically for ‘you’ makes a world of difference to these kids. It gives them confidence in the people taking care of them and in the new, scary place they’ve found themselves in through no doing of their own.”
Liam looks at Riley with amazing kindness. “This is a brilliant cause. I have to say I never thought of this kind of need specifically until my my best friend, Drake, and I found this charity online. To hear from someone so passionately explain it all, it truly makes me realize its importance. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, please tell me about why you have chosen to be involved in this particular area of need and this exact organization.” Liam notices Riley’s body slightly tense. “Please Riley, you don’t have to give any deeply private or personal information. I just want to understand this from another person’s perspective. While I have a passion for children too, my mind works with that passion in a completely different way.” His smile is so authentic and warm hearted Riley is certain he is definitely not the typical Silicon Valley quick dollar CEO.
With a sip of water Riley begins measuring her words, as there are multiple, very personal, reasons for who she is and the choices she makes in her life. “I have my bachelors degree in Human Services and my primary job is working with children coming into Hope Children’s Home from Child Endangerment situations. That work led me to hear about Gifts for Confidence, and I was soon volunteering at the charity until the need arose for a new Philanthropy Director and apparently they think I have the temperament for it, so here I am.” She shrugs her shoulders while grinning. The room is silent for a minute while there is a look of astonishment on Liam’s face. So giving, and a difference maker. Ok, so definitely Drake’s type with her beauty inside and out. “So you work two jobs with very emotionally situations? That sounds like a lot of stress. I’m sorry if that’s too personal.”
Riley smiles and shakes her head no. “Not at all. I love and believe in what I do. For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to make a difference and do something worthwhile. Yes, working at two organizations of this type does take an emotional toll, but to be frank, I also need to have more than one job. These kind of organizations pay as much as they can with the limited funds they have for operational and employee costs. Donors, and also our staff members, want as much of the money to go to the cause, the children who are the whole reason. It’s just that people forget it does cost money to run a charity. I’ve always believed that one of the most important factors in understanding the true measure of a charity is to understand their breakdown of funds. It’s sad that in a lot of organizations too much of the funding goes to fancy operating expenses and top employee salaries. But, enough about all that.” Riley looks at her charts and financial breakdowns she brought for her presentation.
“Liam, I do have our finical breakdowns and breakdowns of areas where funding is needed most. I can show you anything you might want to know or answer any questions you have.” Liam shakes his head as he tells Riley, “No, that won’t be necessary. I think we’re good. Is there someone I need to direct my staff to for contacting the charity so our organizations can begin working together?” Is he saying ‘yes’ with just this one conversation and not look at any of our numbers? “Well, when you’re ready to decide I’m the contact…for all of it actually.” She laughs. “Philanthropy ‘Director’ may sound like I’m over a department or something, it really just means that me, myself, and I direct the entire process.” Her laugh is harmonious, and her eyes are brilliant. Drake would be enthralled by her. “Riley I’ve already decided. This charity is amazing and if those working at it have the same passion I can’t wait to put this in motion. I’ll get my contact here in touch with you soon so we can start working on the donation, and the fundraising gala.” Riley’s head is spinning. “I’m sorry, but I am understanding correctly. You’re really serious about going all in, after just this conversation? What about your board of directors? I don’t mean to sound ungrateful…” He flashes her a bright smile. “The answer is yes, from just this conversation you have this company’s support, it’s my decision alone. When it comes down to the board, numbers are all that matter. Do you have any questions for me right now?”
Riley contemplates. Do I ask him my completely non-related question I’ve been curious about since walking out of the elevator? Why not, he seems nice enough. “Well I do have a question but it’s not about the funding it’s about this building.” Liam raises an eyebrow with an encouraging smile. “By all means Riley, ask away.” “I was telling Thomas as he escorted me up here that being in this building feels like you’re in a child’s imagination.” “That was my goal, Riley. Not many notice. You must be kind, caring, and smart.” Riley feels a blush to her cheeks. “So, when we reached your floor and I stepped off the elevator seeing all the plain whi-“ Liam interrupts. “Why is it so different up here? So, plain? I have two reasons. First, everyday it reminds me that I have a fresh canvas for this company in creating the forward thinking toys and programs we want to create. Second, the stark difference reminds me to never let my imagination go. To never let my ideas lose the magic.” Wow. Quite the cerebral thought process. “I understand. Everyone I’ve seen around here today seems to show that those sentiments trickle down from the top.”
Liam smiles and sighs. “Not every place is perfect, as I’m certain you know that well Riley, but we do our best.” He looks at his phone. “Well, I’m sorry to have to go-“ Riley stands up for a handshake. “Don’t apologize, you only have all this,” she gestures in the air around the building “to run and manage.” She lets out a short laugh. There’s that smile and laugh again of hers. She could be great for Drake. “Liam, I’m so thankful that our organizations will be working together. Have a great rest of your Friday.” “Thank you Riley. Enjoy your Friday as well. I couldn’t be happier that our company will be supporting such an amazing charity.” And woman. As Liam leaves the room Riley packs up her things with a large smile on her face.
Leaving the conference room Thomas asks if she would like to be escorted down to the lobby. “I appreciate it Thomas, but I’ll be able to find my way out. Have a great Friday and weekend.” Thomas returns the well wishes as Riley steps into the colorful elevator thrilled with the way things turned out today. The elevator stops on the next floor down to let a blonde woman with piercing green eyes enter. As the woman pushes the button for her desired floor Riley gives her a warm smile and says hello. The blonde just stares at the doors tapping her foot with her arms crossed. As the doors open she looks Riley over and obviously isn’t threatened. “Coming from Mr. Rys’ floor I see. Whatever for I wonder.” She walks out of the elevator without another word. Riley knew it wasn’t a question just a statement, and from the blonde’s tone she obviously didn’t appreciate her being on Liam’s floor. Like Liam said. “Not every place is perfect…but we do our best. She shakes her head on the rest of the ride down to the lobby.
*** Friday Night - Riley and Kammie
Riley is waiting for Kammie at their favorite dive bar for their end of the week tradition when she hears a friend from behind the bar, “Hey Riles. Celebrating making it through another week? How many fingers of whiskey are we needing tonight?” Jeff teases. “I’ll decide that when, and if, my partner in crime shows up.” Just then Riley feels a playful slap on the shoulder. “Speak of the devil.” Jeff chuckles while he ducks under the bar before Kammie can reach him. “Kam you’ll never get me.” He sticks out his tongue. “Oh sweet, naive Jeff,” Kammie cackles, “one of these days you won’t be fast enough, or won’t have this bar to hide behind. Then you’ll be oh so sorry.” Riley gives Jeff a feigned look of worry. “Kam may look sweet Jeff, but damn the girl can pack a punch.” Riley raises her hands as if leaving the conversation completely. “But hey, it’s your life Jeff, not mine.” She and Kammie chortle together.
The ladies order and head to their usual table sipping their drinks for a minute. Finally Kammie gives Riley a devious look. “Sooooo, Riles. I confirmed something today that you didn’t even know you wanted confirmed. You can thank me later.” Riley eyes Kammie suspiciously. “I know that look Kam, and whatever it is you ‘confirmed’ I most certainly haven’t had enough to drink yet to find it out.” Kammie smacks Riley on the shoulder. “So first, about today. Do you think you’ll lock in the donation?” She notices the telltale smile forming on Riley’s face. “Actually Kam, he committed to it today.” “Great! But ok Riles, I know that smile. Spill, because I’m sure it’s about a certain CEO!” “Fine. Liam is incredibly kind, and smart, and -“ Kammie interjects. “Ohhhh, first name basis. Nice! I like it.” Riley rolls her eyes. “He also is easy on the eyes. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall,-“ “Ok, Riles, that leads me to the information that I confirmed today, because I love you. So maaayyybee after searching images of Mr. Rys, anndddd you’re correct, oh so gorgeous by the way, and a possible lengthy afternoon spent on a search engine, I can say, Riles he is most certainly single.” Riley raises an eyebrow. “So what I’m saying is, Riles, Liam Rys is quite the catch, and you, my dear, just stumbled into his life.”
*** Friday Night - Liam and Drake
Drake is sitting on Liam’s couch waiting for him to get home with a drink already in his hand. Not too long after he settles in he hears Liam come in the door making his way around the corner while concentrating on his phone screen. When Liam catches movement out of the corner of his eye, he about jumps out of his skin. “Drake! What the hell?!” He lets his breathing slow. “Why the hell did I ever give you a key?!” Drake tries to talk though his fits of laughter, “You should have seen your face, man. Priceless, and I wasn’t even trying.” Liam plops down on the couch as he finally laughs along with Drake. “And you gave me the key because I’m your best friend.” Drake shrugs. “So then, Drake, why don’t I have a key to your place, best friend?” Drake looks around the penthouse. “With this, why the hell would you want one?” Liam nods and stifles a chuckle. “Point taken.” Drake tries to look mad but can’t pull it off. “Anyway, drinks and tell me about the charity thing. From what we read, the charity sounded pretty great.” Drake says after taking a pull of his drink.
Liam gets up and pours himself a scotch, returning to the couch. They clink glasses and Liam starts talking. “Oh yeah, the charity is fabulous and I’ll tell you all about that later. I’ve already decided it’s the one we’re going with.” Liam pauses for just a beat. “But what I really want to talk to you about is Riley.” “The charity worker?” Drake quirks an eyebrow. “Don’t look so confused Drake. Sip your whiskey and listen. Riley is kind, generous, smart, and definitely has a sweet soul. She is a dedicated to her causes and loves working to make a difference. In fact wanting to make a difference for others seems to be what drives her. Are those values sounding a bit familiar, Drake?” Drake puts up a hand. “What does this have to do with anything, and why do I feel like your pitching an idea to me?” Drake takes a sip of whiskey and Liam rolls his eyes. “Just let me finish. She is absolutely stunning with raven black hair, porcelain skin, and these compelling blue eyes that brightly stand out against her other features.” Drake sits further back into the couch looking quizzically at his friend. “I mean she sounds great and all, Liam, but you’re not really a dark hair, blue eyes kinda guy.” Liam gives him a devilish smirk. “Precisely brother, but you are.”
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bootandbradford · 6 years
The Rest of Our Lives
Hello everyone! I found the inspiration for this prompt while searching around Tumblr this morning. The prompt includes the following statement: “I want to love you the rest of my life. Why won’t you let me.” I thought that this perfectly describes Omelia’s situation right now. I really believe that they are still in love with each other, but one of them is hesitant to say it. This prompt includes moments from 14x07 and then becomes an AU of sort. I hope you all enjoy it :)
It’s been over two weeks since we exchanged our rings back but I can’t help feeling that it was a mistake. Sure our situation is complicated, but I’m sure that we can fix it. It’s not about how to fix it, it’s more of a should we fix it situation.
Work becomes a little more complicated as we don’t know how to act around each other. It wasn’t nearly this awkward before our separation. Consults and surgery are two different things. Consults become more tense and awkward than ever before. Especially the one afternoon there was a mass casualty at a local fair. Amelia and I ended up working on the same case, which included a middle aged man with both abdominal and head injuries. Interestingly enough we have been working on more cases together ever since we decided to separate. I have a gut feeling that this case will be different however.
I begin an abdominal ultrasound while Amelia is performing a routine neurological exam. After a moment, she informs me that he has all function and movement. “Okay, let’s get him up to the OR then,” I announce to the interns around me. “Wait! I want a head CT,” Amelia interjects suddenly. “Amelia, there is no indication that he needs one, and you cleared him. Why do you think he needs one?” I question. “I have a feeling that there is something wrong.” Amelia responds to Owen’s question. “We don’t have time to run a head CT Amelia, he needs to go to surgery now.” Owen responds with slight annoyance. “Fine, have it your way Owen. Don’t page me when he suddenly starts to code.” Amelia replies while meeting Owen’s eyes with a deadly glare.
Going against Amelia’s pleas, Owen rushed their patient for an emergency laparotomy foregoing her request for a head CT.
“Dr. Shepherd?” An intern questioned while making her way over to the nurses station where Amelia was standing. “Yes? How’s our guy?” Amelia replied while looking at the intern. “Um, his wife is here with their kids and I-I don’t know what to tell them.” The intern stated nervously. “Uh, well, was the head CT clear?” Amelia replied. “Uh, um,” The intern quickly replied back. “Um what?” Amelia questioned confusedly.
Moments later, the door to OR 3 burst open to reveal an angry Amelia with an intern closely following behind. “You skipped his CT?” Amelia questioned Owen with growing anger. “He was bleeding out,” Owen replied without looking up from his patient currently on the operating table. “If you were going to skip a CT, you should have paged me.” Amelia said while countering Owen’s reply. “I made a call, Amelia, and it was the right call. His liver was actively bleeding. I threw his spleen into the trash and he’s still--” Owen began to reply to Amelia’s statement when he was interrupted by the intern across the table from, “Dr. Hunt,” The intern interjected sheepishly. “What?” Owen replied quickly. “She’s gone,” The intern said while focusing back to the task at hand.
About 15 minutes later Amelia appeared yet again into OR 3, this time with a different mission. “Dr. Hunt,” Amelia said while entering the operating room. “Yes Nurse Linda?” Owen replied to Amelia not knowing that she was the one that called his name. “Amelia? What the hell?” Owen said as Amelia approaches him with a protective vest in her hands. “Put this on. You’ll need it to protect you from the radiation,” Amelia replied to a confused Owen. “What radiation?” Owen questioned Amelia still confused about the present situation unfolding. “Skipping a head CT is not your call. It is mine. So you’ve left me no choice but to bring the CT in here,” Amelia replied while putting the protective vest around Owen’s upper body, her hands momentarily lingering behind his back when the vest got stuck. “Is this about this morning?” Owen asks still confused at the whole situation at hand. “What?” Amelia replies while continuing to help Owen into the vest. “You seemed fine. You ate the french toast,” Owen replied while looking Amelia in the eyes this time. “Stop talking!” Amelia retorted making her way over to the CT machine. “Amelia, there is no indication that there’s a head injury. Zero,” Owen replied while trying to maintain eye contact with Amelia. “I heard she had a brain tumor. You think they didn’t get it all?” The intern across from Owen interjected. “I heard that,” Amelia said while looking at the CT machine.
“Almost done. You see how easy that is?” Amelia says as the CT machine continues to whir. “He would have bled out if we had waited for the CT. And you’re reading too much into this man because--” Owen starts to reply before Amelia interjects, “It’s okay. You can say it. Dr. Hunt thinks my decision-making is clouded because my brother died under similar circumstances. But he’s wrong.” Amelia replies while concentrating once more on the CT machine. “Am I?” Owen questions while looking up at Amelia. ‘You are. He has an expanding epidural hematoma,” Amelia replies while making eye contact with Owen. “Wait. What? Wow,” Owen responds while looking at the scan on the CT machine. “Okay, let’s get this thing out of here! Prep for a craniotomy,” Amelia announces while making her way into the scrub room.
“See there? It’s a simple procedure, but not doing it would’ve killed him. All this fuss for something as little as one, two, three,” Amelia says while looking at Owen. Chuckling Owen replies: “Okay. ‘I told you so is a little unbecoming on you.’ Also, he’d be dead if I’d done it your way,” Owen replies while meeting Amelia’s gaze. “Fair enough. He’s alive. That’s what matters,” Amelia says looking over at one of the interns. Suddenly Ben Warren appeared in OR 2. “Shepherd, you’re needed in OR 3.” Ben says while looking at Amelia. “Amelia, I’m sorry if I implied that--” Owen started saying before Amelia interrupted him. “No. It's okay. You were right. I mean, not about this morning. French toast was excellent this morning. But about Derek. He was in my head. He saved this guy. He was that good.” Amelia replied while looking at Owen and continued making her way out of the current OR to the next one. Right after Amelia made her way out of the OR, Owen retorted her previous statement by adding: “You know, one could argue I'm kind of saving him, too, but I'm gonna let it go. Yeah. I'm letting it go.”
Shortly after their surgery Amelia and Owen made their way to the gallery in OR 1. They made their way there together after Maggie insisted that they join her for a surprise. They reluctantly followed her to the gallery as they had planned to talk. Upon arriving to the gallery, all three of the surgeons were pleasantly surprised at the amount of people that had shown up. Moments later they all peered over at the small tv screen that was in the corner of the gallery to see Catherine Avery and Jackson appear on the screen. After a short pause Catherine begins speaking: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is my distinct privilege and honor to award this year's Harper Avery for Surgical Innovation. This award is named for my dear friend, who we lost this year which makes this award ever more meaningful. Harper Avery was a very complicated man. But his love for medical innovation was pure, and that describes this year's winner. So, without further ado, the Harper Avery for Surgical Innovation goes to Dr. Meredith Grey!”
The gallery and OR full of people erupted into cheers and applause upon hearing the news. Moments later they all focused their attention back onto the tv screen as Catherine appeared at the podium. “Here to accept on her behalf, Dr. Jackson Avery.” She says while stepping away from the podium to allow Jackson to speak. “Thank you. Incredible. Knowing very well that she might win tonight, Dr. Grey opted to stay in Seattle. A trauma came in, and she knew that she was the right doctor for the job. That's one of the many reasons that I'm so very, very proud to call her my colleague and my friend. Now, Dr. Grey has experienced more loss in her life than I think most of us would deem fair. She lost her little sister, Lexie Grey, who I know would love to be here tonight with us. She lost her husband, Dr. Derek Shepherd, who knew with total certainty that this night would happen. And she also lost her mother, Dr. Ellis Grey, who won this award twice, once as a resident and probably would have won a few more if she hadn't been taken from all of us so young. The most amazing thing about Meredith, though, is that she takes all that pain, all that loss, and she turns it into drive drive to save lives, to make things better, and despite all that she's lost, she continued to find joy in her work as a surgeon, as a teacher, as a mother. And she managed to share that joy through her spirit of discovery and of possibility and of hope right in the face of darkness. I am profoundly grateful for the lessons that I have learned from Meredith Grey, and it is my distinct honor to accept this award on her behalf. Congrats, Meredith!”
After everyone shuffled their way out of the packed gallery I made a point to talk to catch up to Amelia. I had to lightly jog to catch up to her but when I did, I laced my hand with hers and brought us into an empty on-call room. “Owen? What is going on?” Amelia asks while I turn around and lock the door. “You said that you wanted to talk, so I brought us here to do just that,” Owen replied while still holding her hands. “Okay, so what do you want to talk about Owen?” Amelia questions me as we sit on one of the beds in the room. After a break in silence I begin by saying: “Amelia, I know that we are separated. But the way that you were second guessing me and the way you barged into the OR, I feel like you are regretting our decision after all,” Owen replies while looking Amelia in the eyes.
“I had the feeling that we made the wrong decision as soon as we took off our rings. But I was afraid that you didn’t love me anymore. And when I walked in on you and Carina this morning in our kitchen, I really thought the chance of us getting back together was over” Amelia says while looking away from Owen.
“You really thought that I didn’t love you anymore?” Owen asks sincerely while looking at Amelia.
“Well that’s what it seemed like when I walked in the house this morning. You were so caught up with Carina that you didn’t even notice that I came in,” Amelia responds while keeping her gaze away from Owen’s.
“Amelia. Just because we are separated doesn’t mean that I don’t still love you,” Owen says while regaining eye contact with Amelia.
“Well I wasn’t sure by the way that you disregarded me this morning at home and at work today,” Amelia replies.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at home and at work today. Believe me I was very uncomfortable at home this morning,” Owen says while he begins to blush.
“You were uncomfortable this morning? I couldn’t tell at all by the way that you were looking at Carina and her delicious french toast,” Amelia replies with a hint of a laugh.
“Yes I was. I’m surprised you didn’t notice,” Owen says while continuing to look at Amelia.
“I wasn’t able to focus on much with the smell of that french toast and you standing there naked,” Amelia replied mischievously while rubbing her hands up his arms.
“Amelia Shepherd!” Owen countered back unable to stop himself from laughing.
“Well can you blame me?” Amelia replies while moving her hands up around Owen’s neck.
“Now that you mention it, I can’t really blame you,” Owen says as he pulls Amelia as close as their bodies will allow into a passionate kiss.
Hours later after several rounds of lovemaking in the on-call room, Owen gently shook Amelia awake as he got off the bed. It took Amelia a second to realize what he was doing. And when she did she simply said: “Owen Hunt, what do you think you are doing?”
“Amelia,” Owen starts to say down on one knee, “Will you marry me, again?”
I stare down at him stunned by his action. “Owen, are you serious?”
“As serious as I will ever be. Marry me again, Amelia. I want to love you for the rest of my life. Why won’t you let me?” Owen responds with increasing anxiety as Amelia has yet to say a word.
“Owen, you realize that we aren’t actually divorced, and that we are still technically married, right?” Amelia replied with a small grin on her face.
Owen notices her grin and smiles back at her. “I know, but I want us to start over. With everything that we have gone through in these past few months, I truly believe that we deserve a fresh start.” Owen adds
“I want to love you for the rest of my life. Why won’t you let me Amelia,” Owen questions her while taking her hands in his.
“It’s not that I won’t let you, it’s if I should let you love me. After all that has happened, you know that I still love you, right?” Amelia replies while maintaining deep eye contact with Owen.
“Well I’d hope so after the way you acted this morning with Carina, and in the OR, not to mention what we just did for hours in this very room” Owen added while laughing and winking at her. “It’s not funny! I’m just trying to decide what is best for us at this point,” Amelia says while laughing and looking down at him.
“I think what I’m trying to say is that we should start over,” Owen replies while looking up at her.
“Well I wouldn’t be opposed to that idea,” Amelia says with a hint of sarcasm.
“Oh really? Hmmm, well then what should we do now?” Owen replies while looking at Amelia.
“I have a great idea, would you like to hear it?” Amelia asks Owen while pulling him up to sit next to her on the bed.
“I am very interested in hearing your idea, Dr. Shepherd,” Owen replied while grabbing her hand.
“Okay well,” Amelia starts to say as she pulls Owen in for a passionate kiss.
“I’m really liking this idea so far. But you didn’t answer my question, Amelia. Will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?” Owen asks while still trying to catch his breath.
“Yes Owen. A million times yes. Will you just shut up and kiss me again already?” Amelia says impatiently.
“Absolutely, wife” Owen replies while smiling and once again kissing Amelia.
I hope you all like it. Sorry I haven’t been posting many fics lately. College has been keeping me very busy. 
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