#let the poor vod'ika sleep
tup-ika-5385 · 9 months
Medical Leave or Leaving Medical? A collection of fics where Kix takes care of his brothers, despite their initial protests. Inspired by a comic by @swdomesticverse of various troopers needing a week of bedrest. Set in canon/near-canon timeline.
Chapter 1: Tup
When Tup joked to Dogma that he was going to sleep for 24 hours straight after they got back from their latest campaign, Dogma didn’t think he actually meant it. But here he was, more than a full day later, watching his batchmate still snoring in his bunk and looking completely dead to the world. 
At this rate, he was going to miss second-meal entirely, and few things were worse than dealing with a sleepy, hangry Tup. So with no small measure of reluctance, Dogma put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small shake. 
“Tup, wake up.” Still nothing. A look of frustration crossed his face, and he nudged him a little bit harsher. “Tup, you’re going to miss mid-meal if you don’t get up, and I’m not sharing mine.”
Finally, Tup groaned tiredly, shifting under his blankets as his eyes started to open. Squinting blearily at Dogma, he mumbled, “ ‘m trying to sleep…” Even as Dogma continued to stand there, his eyes drifted shut again. Hearing the abject exhaustion in his tone and seeing the bags under his batchmate’s eyes, Dogma was tempted to let him, but Tup had a tendency to complain endlessly when his internal clock didn’t match shipboard time, so letting him sleep any longer would probably be a mistake. 
“Get up. Or I’ll drag you out of your bunk.”
Tup started a little bit at his voice, like he’d already managed to fall back asleep in the two seconds since he closed his eyes. Giving Dogma a rude gesture, Tup heaved a sigh and pushed himself into a sitting position. Even as he started putting his armor on, Dogma could see his head bobbing as he fought the urge to fall back asleep. 
He shook his head, annoyance masking fondness. If Tup had his way, he’d sleep away his whole week. Finally, after a few more jolting head-bobs, Tup was fully dressed, rubbing teary eyes with a yawn. 
“So tired…” He complained to Dogma, as if it was his fault that he’d overslept. Dogma rolled his eyes, pulling Tup up from his bed so they could head to the mess together. Thankfully, they were off-duty for the next 24 hours, so Tup didn’t have to worry about tidying his bed-head. 
Still stumbling sleepily, Tup nearly ran into Dogma when they went to stand in line for food. “Tup,” Dogma huffed in annoyance, but allowed it when Tup leaned forward so his forehead was leaned against his shoulder-pad. It was only when the line moved up that Dogma realized his batcher had fallen asleep standing up.
At this point, a prickle of concern was starting to form in Dogma’s stomach. This was starting to get a little ridiculous. He shook Tup’s shoulder and nudged him in front of him in line to keep a better eye on him. 
For his part, Tup snorted awake before moving forward obediently, grabbing a tray of rations. He rubbed at his face exhaustedly, running a hand through his hair before scratching at his neck, just below the collar of his blacks. Shrugging his shoulders in irritation at some kind of itch, Tup shook his head before moving to join the rest of their squad at a nearby table, Dogma close behind. Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, and Kix were already nearly done with their respective meals.
“Hey Sleeping Beauty! Was worried you’d miss the pudding cups today!” Fives called, giving the duo a teasing grin. Tup responded with a glare and an unintelligible mumble, laying his head on the mess table.
A round of sympathetic chuckling followed as Kix and Jesse looked between them. Dogma sat next to Tup, poking him in the shoulder to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep yet again, getting another irritated grumble. Dogma rolled his eyes. “You’ve been asleep for the past 30 hours, Tup. You can’t sleep forever.” 
“Watch me.” Tup retorted dramatically, earning a snort of amusement from Hardcase, who was sitting nearby. 
Kix shared a look of fond exasperation with Fives before speaking. “You really should eat something before you go back to sleep, vod’ika. That was a pretty rough campaign, and you’ve still got another half-inch to grow before you catch up with Fives.”
Looking like he wanted to do nothing more than sleep for another 30 hours, Tup gave the medic an irritated look before giving in, grabbing his ration bar with one hand while using the other to scratch at his neck again. A brief look of discomfort crossed his face, catching Dogma’s attention for a second time.
“Why are you so tired anyways? Did you get hurt on Thyferra? You know it’s against protocol to hide an injury.” Dogma asked, giving him a probing look, gaining the attention of Kix.
“Not injured, Dogma.” Tup spoke between bites of his ration bar, pausing to give another jaw-cracking yawn. “We just finished a campaign, vod. Everyone’s tired.” 
Even as Tup spoke, his head wobbled and he had to blink forcefully to keep his eyes open. Gaze unfocused, he barely registered as Kix made his way to their side of the table. He startled slightly as Kix put a steadying hand on his shoulder, looking him over. He tried to shrug the medic off, saying “ –’m fine Kix. Really.”
Kix shook his head in disagreement, bringing one hand up to Tup’s forehead. “You’re a little on the warm side, Tup, and I’ve seen you almost drift off at least three times since you got to the mess.”
“And another four times at the barracks.” Dogma added helpfully. “He’s also been scratching at his neck.”
Tup gave him a betrayed look, muttering a quiet “tattletale” under his breath before reluctantly allowing Kix to pull down the collar of his blacks, revealing a small-but-angry insect bite. 
Kix winced sympathetically. “Sorry, vod’ika. This definitely warrants a trip to medbay. Finish up your ration bar and then we’ll head over. Can you walk there yourself?”
Nodding reluctantly, Tup finished his ration bar with another grumble before moving to get up from the table with unsteady legs. He managed to make it about halfway to medbay before his knees gave a definitive wobble, and his body threatened to topple over. Thankfully, Kix had been following close behind and quickly came alongside him.
“Easy there, buddy, I gotcha.” He said as he wrapped an arm around Tup’s torso, supporting his weight as they walked the rest of the way to medbay. Setting Tup down on the nearest medical bed, Kix was quick to reach for a scanner.
“Just like I expected, you’ve got a low-grade fever, but I’m also seeing that your melatonin levels are higher than standard, which is probably why you’re feeling so tired. I just need to scan your neck to get a better read on that bite.” Kix nodded before helping Tup out of his blacks and into some off-duty reds, both for comfort and to make it easier to treat him. Thankfully, it didn’t look like anything too dangerous.
As he waited for the scanner to cycle through the results, Kix couldn’t help the small smile that came to his face as he watched Tup lean closer and closer to his pillow, eyes drooping sleepily. Finally, the scanner beeped, so Kix took a look at the results.
“Alright; it says here you’ve got all the symptoms of Knitix pox. It’s spread by knytix insects; you must’ve run into a couple of them back on planet. In natborns, it’s pretty contagious, but with us clones it only spreads by direct contact with a vector, so unless you picked up a hitchhiker in your gearbag, we should be alright. I’ll get you started on some antibiotics,” Kix said, looking through a nearby cabinet before coming back with what he needed.
Occupied with setting up an IV and double-checking his findings, he didn’t see that Tup had finally succumbed to sleep. “According to this, I should keep you here in medbay until–” Kix stopped abruptly as his eyes finally settled on Tup again, fast asleep and exhaling in a quiet snore. 
Kix huffed in fond amusement, pulling up the blanket around Tup’s shoulders. Leaning down, he whispered, “Sleep well, vod’ika.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
The Aftermath of a Nightmare...
Summary: There's nothing more humbling than being met with one's mortality. Lichtenberg might have not been the one at risk, but he's humbled all the same.
A minute too late and they'd all be dead. Sponge's words, and Lich knows they're not one to exaggerate when it comes to medical troubles. A minute too late and four of Lich's batch (he had more than just the two he'd grown up with, how insane was that?!) would be dead.
Pox had done everything to keep them stable once he'd killed Sulu Ra, and Rhythm had all but marched into the lab with a spark in his eyes and a handful of Mandos at his back. Once they'd realised just how bad the situation had been however, they quickly moved on to Plan B: They commed Sponge.
The more experienced medic was fairly cordial about helping their vode in need. Kept their mask on around the Mandos the entire time, but that was just typical of them. Sponge didn't trust easy. Lich knew them pretty well at this point, since he'd been living with them and their ade for quite some time now. He knew they weren't as cold as they liked to pretend.
In the end Olly's size and hardy constitution put him at less risk than the others. The armaboras venom coursing through their veins was no joke, of course, but Olly was well fed and built like a tank. '02, '03 and '10 on the other hand...
Their apparent gene aberrations wasn't the most shocking part of their appearance. These kih'vode were pale for clones (having never seen or felt sunlight in their entire lives), and quite skeletal from both starvation and malnutrition (a measure to ensure control over them, no doubt). Their hair was long and matted like you'd see on a neglected prisoner, and the various scars they bore were quite visible to the naked eye.
Even if they got a good dose of the anti-venom Pox had produced for them, it was likely that their already severely deteriorated conditions would make it hard for them to heal. Nerve damage was a high possibility as it stood. They'd need medical rehabilitation and, likely, a buttload of therapy to overcome years of abuse at the hands of Sulu Ra.
Lich hoped he was up to the task to show these lost vode the love they very desperately needed. He himself was still in recovery, and PB too had his demons that often sparked arguments between him and Olly. But maybe... Just maybe... They'd all be alright.
"A little help please?" Rhythm's plea brought Lich out of his thoughts, and he couldn't help but to grin like an idiot at the sight. The Guard vod that had volunteered to keep an eye on Olly, was effectively caged by his Free'ika's arms. His shivering had lessened since being administered the anti-venom, but he was still a whimpering mess whenever the burning sensation flared back up. It reminded him too much of the gene therapy he'd suffered.
"I don't think I'd be able to pull you out of there." Lich responded as he watched his sleeping vod'ika press his face to the back of Rhythm's neck. Cuddling the living crap out of him.
"Lich, I really need to pee..." Rhythm whined. His poor bladder was probably not handling the squeezes too well, if he sounded this distressed.
"Fine... I'll try my best." The scarred trooper snorted. "Hopefully I'll have better luck than PB over there."
Said long-haired trooper sent him a glare from where he was being sandwiched by '03 and '10. He'd ended up tangled up after Sponge had come by to pick up '02 who needed closer attention due to his visual impairment.
"Kriff off..." Pretty Boy just barely managed to flip him off before he ducked under Olly's arm and pushed upwards with his back. "They just like that I smell like nice soaps unlike you stinky heathens..."
Rhythm managed to squirm his way out of Olly's arms, giving him a grateful look before he rushed off to go take a leak. Lich then lowered himself so that he effectively took the communications officer's place. He let his little brother coil himself around him tightly, before humming a soft tune to further sooth him.
A minute. Just one insignificant little minute and he wouldn't have this anymore. What a terribly humbling thought...
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mrfandomwars · 2 years
Wake Up
A/N: Suffer :)
Summary: Fox blinked awake, yawning, before helping and basically jumping back as he came face to face with the face of his unimpressed face of his Ori'vod.
"Fox'ika, wake up."
Fox blinked awake, yawning, before helping and basically jumping back as he came face to face with the face of his unimpressed face of his Ori'vod.
"Wolffe!" He whined, "You scared me!"
"You get that when you don't get up at the right time." Said the unimpressed 12 year old clone.
Well, chronologically 6, but no vod worth their armour cared about that.
Fox only grumbled in response, moving to get off the bed as Wolffe got down from the ladder.
"Come on, hurry up, or else we will miss breakfast." Wolffe said, tapping his foot as Fox finally got down and yawned.
"Yeah, yeah, give me a minute to change and I will be back." Fox said, turning around and walking into the locket area.
"Oh it won't be just a minute." Wolffe grumbled, knowing his vod'ika took longer to dress up than the other vode in their hatch.
"Sorry." Whispered Fox as Wolffe woke up as he sneaked into the pod.
"Did you have a nightmare vod'ika?" Asked, sleepily, Wolffe as he curled around Fox.
"No Wolffe." Fox whispered as the pod closed.
"Then were Ponds' snores keeping you awake?" Wolffe sleepily asked as his kih'vod leaned against him, pulling the blankets to cover the both as it happened.
"No, just this way I won't oversleep." Fox whispered, hugging Wolffe back while letting his eyes close, before slowly falling asleep
Wolffe only hummed in answer, slowly falling back asleep as well.
(In the morning, they both overslept and almost made their batch arrive late for their breakfast.)
"Fox'ika, wake up."
"Please." Wolffe begged, ignoring the blood on him as he tried to shake his kih'vod'ika awake.
But Fox didn't move, didn't even twitch.
Didn't even breathe.
"Fox'ika, vod'ika, please." Wolffe pleaded, trying to hold back sons.
His vod'ika wasn't dead, no way.
He had already failed his vod'ika by not realizing what was happening on Coruscant, for letting him get hurt.
For letting him around a karking Sith and people that did not see them as sentiment and not realizing.
He couldn't fail him again.
Not again.
"Wolffe-" Tried to say Buir, putting a hand on shoulder, but Wolffe shook it off.
"He isn't dead, he can't be dead. He is just- He is just sleeping." Wolffe desperately tried to say, ignoring the tears that he couldn't hold back anymore.
Buir didn't answer, just kneeled down beside him and held Wolffe.
That broke the Bantha's back, and Wolffe soon found himself sobbing in Buir's arms in a way he hadn't since the Malevolence happened.
Oh, his poor kih'vod.
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writer1 · 3 years
Fear of the unknown
Chapter 9
Credit to @suddenly-clones for Rex's nickname for Cody. Thanks for letting me use it and make sure you go and read their fics.
You walk to the front of the palace, immediately seeing Cody and Anakin. As you walk closer you can hear what they're saying.
"Let me see him, General. Please." You can hear the worry for Rex in Cody's voice.
"Look Cody, I already told you. Rex isn't feeling well, he's resting." Cody isn't taking no for an answer. He shoves his body into Anakin's personal space, he's pissed.
"I don't care if he's resting General, tell me where my vod'ika is." You walk up and put your hand on Cody's shoulder, startling him a little but he looks relieved when he sees you.
"Y/n, can you please tell me where Rex is." You nod, still trying to figure out how to inform him of Rex's... Situation.
"Follow me Cody, I'll take you to him." Cody follows behind you as you lead him through the halls of the palace, towards your and Rex's room. Once you get there you stop Cody from just walking in.
"Look Cody, I have to warn you, Rex has... Changed since the last time you saw him." You're having a hard time figuring out how to tell Cody, it's probably going to take a lot for him to believe it.
"What do you mean he changed? I don't understand why I can't just see my brother." You sigh, were you this difficult when you found out? Probably.
"Look Cody, Rex got bit by a werewolf. And now he is one." You put simply, Cody looks at you confused, then angry.
"Is this a joke, because it's not funny y/n." You shake your head, getting kind of fed up with Cody.
"I'm not lying Cody, Rex is actually a werewolf." Cody shakes his head, still angry.
"That's impossible y/n, there's no such thing as werewolves. Now stop joking right now and let me see my brother." Even though Cody's angry you can hear the worry in his voice, he's really worried about Rex.
You're pretty sure that like you the only way he'll believe it is if he sees it so you point to the door, you've already warned him as much as you could.
"Fine Cody, go in and see him. But I'm telling you Rex is a werewolf." Cody glares at you, still thinking it's a joke and walks towards the door.
"Thank you." He punches in the code, opening the door. He looks in and then suddenly closes the door, quickly turning to you. His face is pale and he's got a scared look on his face.
"You weren't joking." You shake your head no, poor Cody looks so scared and shocked. Which is completely understandable.
"Rex is actually a werewolf, how is that even possible." You sigh, you feel bad that Cody had to find out like that but you couldn't convince him without showing him.
"Rex was on a mission about a week ago, and he got bit by what we know now was a werewolf. He transformed once he got back on the Resolute, Fives and Jesse called me and I came as fast as I could. I didn't exactly believe it either."
"Wait, a week! Rex has been like this for a week and nobody told me. And General Kenobi went to the Resolute during that time, did he know and just not tell me." You can hear how hurt he is inn his voice, you put a hand on his shoulder.
"The reason General Kenobi didn't tell you is because Rex told him not to, Rex wanted to tell you himself. And he was waiting to see you in person, this isn't really something you tell someone over a holo-call." Cody nods, deep in thought, you wait patiently for him to wrap his head around all this.
"Is he still Rex?" The question throws you off guard, it's spoken so quietly you almost don't catch it and you can hear the fear behind it. You know about some of the Werewolf legends that tell of the bitten losing all humanity and you nod your head quickly.
"Yes, it's still Rex, he's just bigger and his voice is a little different. But he's still the same old Rex, oh and his fur is also really fluffy now." Cody laughs at that, he thankfully looks less pale and scared.
"Is he in pain at all when he transforms?" You can see the worry come back, and you find it cute how protective a big brother Cody is.
"No, only when there's a full moon, although he's only really transformed in his sleep so far so I don't know. That's why he's transformed right now. There was a full moon last night and Rex transformed with no warning. He's still in pain now but not as bad, he asked for you. Are you ready to see him." Cody looks at you and nods, all he wants to do is comfort his little brother.
You punch in the code, opening the door and walking in. Cody's following close behind you, Rex is curled up in a ball, still laying in bed. You look back to see Cody's eyes widen as you get closer, really seeing Rex's full size now.
"Hey Rex, Cody's here." Rex just lays there, tense in pain. Cody walks up to him and starts petting the fur on his arm, trying to sooth his little brother.
"Shhh, it's okay, Rex'ika. It's okay, I know it hurts." Rex opens his eyes, eyeing Cody nervously, he doesn't know what Cody thinks of him yet. And he's terrified. He whimpers in pain and Cody reaches his arm up to rub the top of Rex's head.
"Bubby, it hurts." Cody's heart breaks at hearing the old nickname from when they were younger, Rex hasn't called him that in a while, he feels so bad that his little brother is going through this.
Cody finds it weird hearing Rex's voice, it sounds so different from his vod'ika's usual voice. Much deeper but he doesn't care, this is still his baby brother and nothing in this galaxy will ever change that.
If he could have taken his place he would in a heart beat, hating to see his vod'ika in pain. You find it cute that Rex called Cody his nickname, though your heart breaks for Rex.
"Shhh, I'm here, Rex'ika. I'm here and I'm not leaving, I promise. Nothing can make me leave." Cody is so glad that Rex has you, he wasn't so sure when you and his brother got together. He didn't know if he could trust you not to end up hurting his vod'ika, but over the months of getting to know you he came to trust you.
The two of you even became friends, sort of. But knowing that you didn't leave his brother because of this like a lot of people would has showed him that you aren't going to hurt Rex, he knows that he can trust you now.
Cody takes a closer look at Rex, he can see that his pants are ripped and shredded in parts from his transformation. He's surprised at how big Rex is, he's heard all the werewolf stories but he never thought that they got this big.
"I guess that I can't call you my little brother anymore, can I Rex."Rex chuckle's quietly at Cody's joke, Cody's happy to make his little brother laugh, considering the situation.
"You know I don't care, right Rex'ika. You're still my baby brother. Nothing will ever change that." Cody pushes his forehead against Rex's softly and you chuckle at the sweet sight. Cody and Rex are so close and Cody is very protective of Rex.
Cody pulls away from his brother, he starts rubbing his arm again. He wants to know what they're going to do, it's not going to be long until everyone knows about this, including the Separatists and Kaminoans.
"Do the long necks know yet?" You turn to Cody and nod, offering a comforting smile at his expression of fear.
"Yes they know but the Jedi council have already stopped them from laying even a finger on Rex." Cody breathes a sigh of relief, glad that the Kaminoans won't be experimenting on his brother.
"That's good, but what are we going to do about the Separatist's." You and Rex glance at eachother, you have no idea what to do. You can't exactly hide this, so many people already know you wouldn't be surprised if the Separatists already caught wind of it
"We don't know." Cody sighs, he swears by the force that no one will hurt his brother, especially not the Separatists.
"Ok, don't worry we'll figure it out. I promise." Rex sigh's and pulls Cody into a sort of one handed hug, snuggling into him. He's rubbing his head against Cody's armor and Cody doesn't believe how that can be comfortable.
"I love you, Bubby." Cody smiles, he forgot how cuddly Rex can get, especially when he's sick or in pain. He use to do this all the time when he was younger, only ever wanting to cuddle with his big brother Cody.
"I love you to, Rex'ika."
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @commanderrivercc-3628
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writer1 · 3 years
A 501st Christmas
Chapter 8
Your eyes flutter open as you wake up, you feel excitement bubble up as you realize what day it is. It's Christmas day, you turn over too Rex, giving him a kiss to wake him.
Today's one of the few times Rex doesn't transform in his sleep, his eyes open as soon as you kiss him. He smiles groggily at you, leaning over and kissing the tip of your nose.
"Merry Christmas, Cyar'ika." You sit up and so does he, you both get changed. You can't wait to give Rex his present, you had it all finished yesterday. You hope he likes it, you're really nervous that he might not like it.
"Come on, the boys are probably out there already waiting for us." Rex grabs your hand once you're finished changing into your regular clothes, he's wearing some civies that you got him. You both walk out of your room, walking through the halls, you make it to the tree and see a lot of troopers there.
"Hey, y/n! Rex!" You turn to see Fives and all the boys sitting on a couch, they have already grabbed all the present's and put them in a pile near them.
"We got a comm from Obi Wan, he's going to bring Gida over later. She hardly slept last night, she was to excited for Santa." You nod at Cody, it brings up memories of waiting for Santa when you were a youngling.
"So does he want us to wait for them?" Rex asks but Cody shakes his head.
"No, he told us to go ahead. Supposedly Gida has presents for all of us to open when she gets here." You and Rex sit down with the boys.
"M-merry Christm-m-mas, y/n. And merry C-Christmas Ori'v-vod." You and Rex both smile at Stutter, he's such a sweetheart.
"Merry Christmas Stutter."
"Merry Christmas Vod'ika." Stutter smiles at the both of you, he's so happy to have everyone here, even if all the troopers aren't sitting right in their area.
"So who opens their presents first." You grab Stutter's presents from the pile, handing it to him.
"Stutter should go first." He blushes a little from being in the spotlight, and grabs the gift. He starts ripping the paper of and a gasp of delight leaves him at what he sees.
"A-An art set! I l-love it so m-much, it's g-got everything I-I needed. Thank y-you so much." You smile at his excitement.
"You welcome Stutter, you deserve it." Everyone else starts giving him gifts, and of course almost all of it is art supplies. Tup gives him some new brushes, while Fives gives Stutter a book of construction flimsy in all the colors of the rainbow.
Jesse gives him a skit that comes with three boxes that he can paint how he wants, and much more from others, including a bunch of pencils, flimsy and crayons curtisy of the 212th.
And last but not least a portrait of Stutter's closest brothers from Rex, including Hardcase and Echo. That makes poor Stutter tear up and he gives Rex a hug, he wipes his tears away and thanks Rex and everyone for the gifts.
"T-Thank you s-so much Ori'vod." Rex smiles sweetly at his Vod'ika, it warms your heart, seeing how close they are.
"No thanks needed, Vod'ika. You deserve everything." Stutter smiles brightly, he still acts like he did when he first got here, young and skittish sometimes. But no one cares, Stutter can act mature on the battlefield but his brothers love letting him act like a kid sometime's like right now.
"So, w-who goes n-next?"
"How about we go youngest to oldest." Everyone nods in agreement with Cody, which means that Tup goes next. Rex stands up and grabs his presents, sitting them beside Tup, he opens the first one from Dogma. It's a bunch of hairstyles, they are multi colored and have different designs and patterns.
"Thought that you'd like em, and they'll keep your hair in regulations." Dogma says quietly, not looking up at anyone. Tup has a huge smile on his face as he leans over and hugs dogma, giving him a keldabe kiss.
"I love them Dogma, thank you so much." He pulls away and Dogma has a tiny, shy smile on his face.
Tup starts opening his presents from the rest of his brothers, he got a lot of hair products and even an instruction booklet on different hairstyles and braids. He gets to your present, opening it and immediately seeing the conditioner.
"Thanks y/n, I love conditioner, especially the stuff that specializes in curls."
"Of course, I'm glad you like it." Next is Dogma, who looks surprised at all the gifts that are in his pile.
"Why look do surprised Dogma?" Fives asks him, everyone looks confused.
"I didn't think that you guys would get me anything, after Umbara..." All the troopers wince, they hate the memory, even the ones who weren't there. Rex walks over as Dogma stands too leave, feeling bad for bringing up the memory. He places a hand on his shoulder.
"You're our brother, Dogma, we love you. We already forgave you for that, please don't leave." Dogma looks around as everyone nods and sits back down, grabbing a present, it ends up being your's. You actually added an extra item after the mini journals, he carefully rips the wrapping paper the way only Dogma could and opens the box to see a stuffed animal on top.
His eyes are filled with confusion as he pulls it out and looks it over, it's a little stuffed Loth wolf that you found. Tup told you that Dogma wanted a stuffed animal, ever since he saw a trainers daughter with one while they were cadets.
But since he liked to follow the regs a lot before Umbara he never got himself one, and after he was to shy to ask for one either. So you thought that Dogma deserved one, you already told Tup about it before and he loved it.
Everyone holds their breath, you told them about the gift, just in case they might have poked fun at him. After hearing the backstory everyone thought it would be a great idea.
"I... What... H-How did you know." He whispers quietly, tears filling his eyes as he looks away, Hugging the stuffed wolf to his chest.
"Tup told me, and as soon as I saw him I knew that you'd love him. If you don't like it I can exch..."
No! No. I love it." He says loudly at first, going back to his usual, quiet manner after. You smile as he looks into the box again, pulling out the mini journals.
"I figured that you could write down lists and rules the way you like too on sticky notes, and you could write your feelings down too." He smiles and nods.
"Thank you." He opens the rest of the gifts from his brothers, a lot of them are candy and Dogma's favorite sweets.
You proceed to go through both Waxer and Boil, Waxer loves the album that you and Boil give him. He also opens up the gifts from everyone else, and ends up getting a book of parenting from the whole 501st and 212th. (Everyone knows that Numa is pretty much his daughter.)
Boil loves his travel mug for his caf, and he got many different kinds of caf for it from his brothers. The best gift was the book of manners from Waxer, you all laughed when Boil opened that one. He got so grumpy seeing it.
Next is Jesse who gets many different presents, he gets a prank book that comes with supplies for pranks from Fives and bursts out laughing. (Absolutely no one has any idea why except Kix who also laughs, they tell everyone that they'll know soon enough.) He gets a free dinner from Dex's coupon from Kix and the jokebook from you, from Stutter he gets a book, it's called treasure planet and is one of Jesse's favorites.
Kix gets a free spa day from Jesse, a day off from you and Anakin, another day off from Rex. He also gets some coupons that the rest of the 501st chipped in making for things like a week of no visits from Fives to the medbay, and a day of no Jesse bugging him and so on, he also gets a coupon from Stutter for a week of having him as a helper.
Fives loves the comb and cookbook from you, he gets the same prank book from Jesse, making everyone burst out laughing. From tup he gets a book of hair styles since fives loves playing with his hair and from Dogma he gets some chocolate's. From Stutter he gets some sweets and a hand drawn picture of him, Fives and Echo, prompting Fives to tear up and pull him into a hug.
"Thank you so much Vod'ika."
"You're welcome, Ori'vod." From Rex he gets some prank supplies to everyone's surprise. And from Kix his favorite candy.
All that's left is you, Rex and Cody, so you're next, you start opening your present's. From Fives you get a picture of you and him, on the back of the photograph it says. *Me and my sister* you pull him into a hug.
"Thanks Fives!"
"You're welcome little sister." He says as you get back to your gifts, you get some prank supplies from Jesse so that you can help him and Fives once in a while, and some cooking supplies from Kix.
From the 212th you get some new holo-film's and from Stutter you get a little stuffed Loth cat, from Dogma you get a book of recipes since you love to cook.
You make sure to thank everyone. You don't get anything from Rex since you both decided to give your gifts privately.
Rex gets some coupons from everyone, including a whole week of no pranking from both Fives and Jesse. From Kix he gets some caf and he gets some sweets from both Dogma and Tup and from Cody he gets some new clothes.
"Since you keep ripping your's." Rex glares at Cody as he chuckle's, from Stutter he gets a picture of both of them together.
Cody finally starts opening his gifts, opening yours and Rex's first, he gets an orange strap for his belt for Obi Wan's lightsaber.
"Since you pretty much own it " Rex explains with a smirk, earning a glare from Cody. Cody gets lots of caf since everyone knows that he has a caf addiction. And the best gift of all is a book from Fives and Rex called, *how too date your General*
The blush on Cody's race is evident, everyone knows about his crush on Obi Wan. Suddenly Obi Wan and Gida walk in, and Cody scrambles to hide the book. Gida's already opened her presents from everyone except you and Rex, since you both wanted to give her them in person.
"Mr. Rex!" She runs over and hugs him, then starts her ritual of hugging everyone.
"I got you all presents!" She runs up to Obi Wan, grabbing a bunch of papers from him and handing the out, seems like she drew pictures for everyone, they all thank and hug her. She gets to you and Rex, giving you each a picture, you look at yours, it has both you and Rex hugging little Gida. You laugh at how cute it is, it's pretty good too.
"Thanks Gida." You hug her then look at Rex's picture, hes holding back laughter as you look and see a crudely drawn Rex in his wolf for with little Gida hugging him.
"Thanks sweetheart." He hugs her tightly, he absolutely loves the picture and already has a place to hang it in his room on the Resolute.
You and Rex give Gida the box containing your gift for her, she opens it and instantly squeal's at the stuffed Loth cat in it. She pulls it out looking it over.
"Rex picked that out just for you, sweetheart." She hugs Rex tightly.
"I love! I love it! I love it!" She takes out the bracelet you got her, putting it on and hugging you.
"Thank you, I love it so much. Thanks Mr. Rex." You both say you're welcome to her, happy to see her happy.
For the rest of the day you hang out with your family, you love every last one of them. Anakin even joins you later on after spending time with Padme.
Now you and Rex are sitting in your room, you both are ready to give eachother your presents.
"You open yours first, darling." Rex hands you your gift and you smile, already ripping the pretty wrapping off. Inside the box you find a charm bracelet, it only has three charms on it so far, ones a charm of a star, ones a wolf and ones a pair of Jag eyes, there's also a piece of Rex's armor, it's one of his hand guards, the one with the tally marks.
"Oh Rex, I absolutely love it." You jump up and give him a tight hug, as Rex laughs. You cup his face and give him a deep kiss.
"I'm glad you love it, now can I open mine?" You nod but your smile drops a little, the bracelet that Rex got you must have cost a lot, and his hand guard is so special. You only got him the locket.
"Cyare? What's wrong darling?"
"I... My present is only one thing that I made." Rex instantly realizes what's wrong, you don't think that your present will be good enough. Well, he's going to change that.
"Hey, I'm going to love it, it'll be perfect no matter what it is." You nod and Rex starts opening the box, he freezes when he sees the locket. His expression is blank as he looks it over, opening it up to see a picture of you both, taken only a month ago. In the picture you're both looking into the camera, arms wrapped around eachother and you head on Rex's chest.
Yiu think that he must hate it, because of the blank expression. But then you see a tear fall from his eye.
"Rex? Rex what's wrong? Why are you crying, sweetheart?" He slams into you, wrapping you up in a hug.
"I love it, thank you so much cyare." You wrap your arms tightly around him, moving away a little and wiping the tears.
"You made it yourself, that makes it precious to me. And I love the picture of us both in it."
"It also extends so that you can wear it even in your Wolf form " Rex pulls you into a kiss, you both pull away after running out of breath and Rex puts the locket on.
"I'll never take it off." You and Rex hug again, you find that meeting Rex and his brothers was the best thing that happened to you since losing your parents. One thing you know for sure is that this is the best Christmas you've ever had.
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @commanderrivercc-3628 @ahsokatano-thetogruta
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