#like take everything ive said on this blog as a complete joke except for that....the amount of times these teenagers have been...
How do you think the mercs would react to engineer getting really tired and doing something absolutely idiotic? Like Engie don't lick the soap it won't taste good sweetie (totally not inspired by the fact ive done this same thing while exhausted)
Also your hcs are great!! They all seem super thought out and they're a thrill to read! Your writing is... Ok no word seems sufficient to describe it! It just too good!
Askers like you make my day! Thank you so much! Sorry if this is a little short, but I’m still working on the relationship ones, which take forever to write.
“Hey, uh, Engie...buddy...you good?”
“Listen, I’m the only merc around here that does stupid stuff like that...you’re one of the smart guys, remember?”
Pretends to yawn so that Engie will feel more tired and go to bed faster.
When that doesn’t work - Engie doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings when he’s working - he asks Sniper for help.
“Aw, bloody ‘ell, ‘as he gone into one of his fits again?”
‘Fits’ meaning bouts of creative invention that can last anywhere from several hours to a couple weeks.
Sniper waves a hand in front of Engie’s face, but to no avail.
“Nah, mate, he’s outta this world. All off in his own universe. There’s nothin’ that can bring him out now.”
Suddenly Medic walks by, and the pair practically pull him in to help.
“Hm...zhere’s only vun thing that can avaken zhis building beauty!”
Medic wraps his arms around Engineer’s neck. No response.
Head on the shoulder. Nothing.
Chin resting on top of head. Nope.
Tugging on his collar. Still nada.
Finally, Medic uses his secret weapon: the cheek peck.
Engie still doesn’t look up - in fact, Medic has to pull his arm away from almost putting his hand on a sparking wire, something that an alert Engie would never do.
“Ach! Engie! Dummkopf! Vhat are you doing?!”
Suddenly, Spy peeks his head in as he walks by, but Medic grabs him by the tie.
“I need zhis vorktable for my experiment, and ve have all tried our luck. Any bright ideas?”
“Why must I always find myself in these situations? Surrounded by idiots, waiting for my assistance.”
A murmur of complaints all around, but no one contradicts him. They still need a pair of fresh eyes.
Spy snaps in front of Engie’s face.
“Laborer? Do you mind coming down to earth so the good doctor can commit his nightly atrocities?”
No answer. Not even a look.
Spy thumps Engineer’s hat several times. Then knocks. Then takes it off completely. Still no reaction.
Spy has been getting increasingly more frustrated, as he has been waiting to unwind all week, and this is keeping him from a glass of scotch and a good magazine.
“Did your Texan weed of a mother never teach you manners? Or did she not know any herself? She most likely had yet to learn her alphabet, much less any sort of etiquette.”
Scout cringed, Sniper pulled his hat over his eyes, and even Medic put a hand on his bonesaw. You never talked about Engineer’s mom. Scout almost got a wrench through his forehead when he walked into Engie’s workshop in the middle of a Yo Mama joke.
This happened to be an exception, because Engie still stared blankly at his project. This infuriated Spy, whose sharp tongue usually had a much bigger impact.
Spy gave Engie a stinging, backhanded slap.
Engie scarcely stumbled.
Spy roared in rage and walked out, using his cloaking device so he wouldn’t have to bear a walk of shame. He was also holding his raw hand, which was hurt from the slap.
Demo walked in right after, rubbing his eyes and looking really hung over.
“Mmph...whasall this, then? Aye...onea those, eh?”
Demo, being the night owl that he is, had seen Engie in his zone before - in fact, he was usually the first to snap Engie out of it.
“Comere, I’ll show ya how it’s done.”
Demo took the empty beer bottle he was holding and cracked Engie over the head with it. It shattered on impact.
“Don’tcha worry, lads, that hard hat ‘a his is made for more than a strong drink.”
Demo laughed at his own joke, then slowly got serious as he realized Engie still wasn’t reacting.
“Lad? Are ya...did anybody check for a pulse?”
Medic walked over and put two fingers on his neck. After a few minutes, his eyes went wide.
“No bloody pulse?! How the hell-!”
Pyro suddenly walked in, holding a bag of gummy bears.
He mumbles excitedly, then goes over to Engie.
She takes a red gummy bear, which are Engineer’s favorite, and holds it out to him.
No response.
Pyro laughs good-naturedly, as if he was joking about how silly Engineer was being. He put the gummy bear in Engineer’s mouth.
It fell out, but Pyro giggled and put it back in again.
It tumbled out once more, and Pyro cocked their head.
This whole process went on a few more times before Pyro decided to tap Engie on the shoulder.
When that didn’t work, he walked over in front of the table to look at Engie’s face, and hopefully get his attention.
Pyro took one look, started, then backed away slowly. After they had gotten a good distance, he ran to Medic and hid behind him, starting to cry.
Sniper translated: “He doesn’t look good...he doesn’t look like Engie...he didn’t even look...did I do something wrong?”
There was a rattling from above, and Soldier popped his head out of the vent and looked around.
“Morning, maggots!”
“It’s ten o’clock, mate...”
“You shut your godamn mouth before I write you up for insubordination!”
Soldier leapt down, took one look at Engie, and grunted.
“Gone A.W.O.L, huh?”
Everyone nodded, albeit unsure.
“I’ll show you landlubbers what we did in the army...”
He very slowly crept up to Engineer, grinning. Everybody took a step back, just in case.
Finally, Soldier pounced, taking Engineer’s hat and replacing it with his own, whooping and laughing as he went back up the vent.
Everyone just stared at each other, and while they were all recovering, Heavy walked in, still in his nightgown.
“Team is all here...what is wrong?”
Everyone started talking at once, but Heavy just held up a hand.
“One at time. Doktor. What is wrong?”
“Engineer doesn’t have a pulse, he hasn’t reacted to stimuli, his facial expression doesn’t change...he is a dead man valking!”
Heavy just chuckled. “Engie just sleepy. Here. Heavy will take him to bed.”
Heavy picked Engineer up by the underarms, lifting him over his shoulder.
Before he knew it, Engineer was falling apart. Arms, legs, body. It all crumbled to the floor in a mix of wires and cogs.
Pure. Chaos.
Everyone was either screaming, crying, looking like they were about to vomit, or were trying to salvage the pieces.
Suddenly, they heard a yawn behind them.
“Well, howdy, y’all!”
After everyone had gotten over the shock and had made a huge hug pile, Engineer explained everything.
The Engie at the desk was a robot with a realistic skin suit on. In the dark and dusty workshop, no one had noticed the difference.
He was actually doing an experiment - something that resembled a “straight face” experiment they had done with children. He wanted to see how people reacted when there...wasn’t any reaction. His hypotheses were mostly correct - except for Soldier, put he was a random variable anyway.
Scout was mildly put off, Sniper and Medic came up with a logical solution, Spy was furious because of his job’s emphasis on reaction, Demo joked around until it wasn’t funny anymore and then just froze, Pyro was very upset, and Heavy tried to physically change the situation.
“It was all real interestin’...but it had to be a blind study. Sorry I had to worry y’all. It’ll never happen again.”
He looked down at his broken robot.
“Especially not with my Engiebot in pieces.”
Engineer told everybody goodnight, apologized one more time, said he’d make it up to them, and then went to his room.
Needless to say, everyone followed Engie to bed that night.
And he had a certain Frenchman to apologize to over a cold-shouldered breakfast.
I’m a writer...can’t you tell? No, but seriously, by the time I realized it was spinning out of control, I had written too much to delete. I know it wasn’t exactly a normal response, but I just couldn’t resist! I just felt a really good story in this one!
Anyway, I’m sorry this took so long! I have an ask blog and a lot of requests coming my way, so I may be a little slower on the upkeep. But a lot of the requests are pretty short, so I should be able to knock them out.
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kiwidotcom · 3 years
ok this is like a legit blog post lmao. my sleep schedule is bizarre right now. so 4 am life blog post like its 2014 lmao
so many friends and people i know have been completing big projects in their lives, meeting huge goals, or just doing remarkably well for themselves recently. Of course im so happy for them but its been fucking with my head. for the last 8 years (minus the last 8 months lol) ive just been working full time or more, thinking that eventually id figure out what i want to do in life. but not only did i not figure out what i wanted to do, a pandemic hit and it completely fucked up the weird kinda path i had been on before. i feels like ive lost more than a year and a half it feels like ive lost an entire part of myself.
But pandemic right? i shouldnt feel bad about struggling when were literally living through something whose name the average person probably said four times before 2020. right?? except...
those people arent?? and not to say theyre not struggling. i know everyone has been through it these last 18 months. but seeing people my age, or more usually, a year or two younger than me, painting murals, or publishing magazines, or falling madly in love, its hard. Its hard when the greatest accomplishment ive had in the last few weeks is replying to an email from last october. i wish i was hyperbolizing. I mean its a seriously good day if i get out of bed and eat food that wasnt frozen. and if i clean the kitchen after?!! forget about it, im writing home about that. (i have yet to produce any such letters)
if money wasnt an issue, i know what id be doing. id be travelling all over the world. id be meeting people in hostels and letting them tell me where to go next, id try to learn new languages or be introduced to new cultures, id be using a plane ticket as a bookmark and a favourite food from every place.
but that was 2019 emma. sure she was scared of everything but she clenched her fists and ran toward it. now she cant even get out of bed enough to see out the window.
ok honestly this took a much darker turn than i expected. i actually feel ok right now. ironically, i would never have been able to write about any of this when the depression is really at its worst. which i think is why it all just fell out, because im finally able to verbalize this. because these last 4 or 5 days ive felt ok.
ive realized its ok to be starting my life at 25. as sad as i think that sounds. and that maybe im not as incapable as i think i am. (though, some things i am incapable of and sometimes its not just a matter of pushing through it, sometimes its a matter of recognizing that im brain damaged and to go easy on myself)
its only been for the last day but i think im genuinely considering going back to school. to work on a social work diploma but also maybe take like one art class at a time to finally finish my fine arts diploma???? i did a whole year, like, the pain of being an art school drop out is rough.
but anyway. my sleep schedule is MESSED AGAIN. idek why. it wasnt that bad until 2 nights ago. so im 3 melatonin in and its 4 am and im about to finish love island which i started earlier today. a guy on the show made a joke about his fiance finishing multiple shows and it burneddddd. i dont want to be this person. i dont think i am this person. oh my god i have so much more to say but i gotta stop because im going insane. why do i have so much energy at night ??!!
ok thats all. goooooodnight good morning
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umamunandar · 4 years
Review #4: The Illuminae Files (4.8/5)
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So by this point, you should be familiar to my taste in movies and books. I mean with the lack of romance and teen fiction you see and the excessive amount of fantasy and sci-fi reviews I’ve written, you might realise that I have a thing for dystopian, sci-fi, and apocalyptic stuff.
If you’re also a dystopian geek like me, then you must have heard of Illuminae, the novel written by Amie Faufman and Jay Kristoff, which then got illustrated by Marie Lu, author of Warcross and Legend for the second book, Gemina. You might’ve heard of it’s great story, or maybe, like me, you were first introduced to its unique writing format
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and i mean very unique format. (Every part I just showed belongs completely to Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, of course I’m just out here throwing these pages to you so you know what I’m talking about)
Most books get very famous quickly because the themes they offer in the books, how great the storyline is. Some are popular only because the author that wrote it has a reputation for writing super famous and the readers just want to read more of their works.
But a book famous for its writing format is unheard of for me. Illuminae was the first what, novel (?) that succeeded in telling the readers a story about the destruction of a colony, and a galactic adventure just from files they retrieved from the computers used by the characters for data processing, storage, communication, and everything else you can do with a computer by the year 2575.
The year is 2575, and two rival mega-corporations are at war over a planet that’s a little more than an ice-covered speck. Now, with enemy fire raining down on them, exes Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to escape on the evacuating fleet.
But their problems are just the beginning. The fleet’s AI has gone crazy, a deadly plague has broken out on one of the ships, and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on.
As Kady hacks into a tangled web of data to find the truth, it’s clear only one person can help her: the ex boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again.
First, let me start with a short recap of my own.
29th of January, 2575, Kady Grant had broken up with her boyfriend, Ezra Mason. But later that day, her planet’s mining company’s rival company decided that it was a great day to attack the planet (Kerenza IV) and its inhabitants. Kady and Ezra managed to escape to two of the three ships used to transport and evacuate the Kerenza refugees. Ezra was taken to the Alexander, as he was badly injured, and Kady was taken to the Hypatia, a science vessel that happened to be orbiting Kerenza during the attack. The last ship was the Copernicus.
Everyone on board were tested to see their potential, since the fleet were understaffed. Ezra passed as a pilot, and Kady, bless her genius mind, decided that it was best to not show he full potential during the test. Not receiving the role of anything, she befriended a CommTech from the Hypatia, and became a hacker, determined to just find out what’s going on. Nobody who knew the truth would tell anyone the truth and Kady was only eager to find out.
The story was told by emails, chat boxes, documents, security camera footage, even information from the Alexander’s AI, which was pretty much messed up due to the attack at Kerenza, but was still functioning enough to tell a story, nevertheless. The second book got an illustrator, Marie Lu, the same person who wrote Warcross and Legend, and the content source didn’t just come from computers anymore. By Gemina, the information that led readers through the story was also gained from Hanna Donnelly—the story’s female lead’s personal journal, hand drawn, not soft copy from a computer. 
Personally, Illuminae was the first story that brought me to loving sci-fi slash dystopian slash apocalyptic novels. I was always a fantasy geek, thanks to Harry Potter and Wildwood. Kingdoms, princesses in pretty dresses, or magic, they were always closer to me than spaceships, AI, and intergalactic war, but Illuminae completely changed my mind. I was even surprised when I found myself buying a handful of dystopian novels during a book fair the other day. They were just really fun to read.
Oh but you know what else is fun? Guessing which cuss word the characters in the books used. Sure, the story was told through files, which means some were formal documents like reports and formal emails, but remember that there are also chat boxes and the informal emails sent from one refugee to the other as a form of communication to ask how they were doing and whatnot. Cussing and slang were used constantly in the book, but because they were compiled and as I quote, ‘sent’ as a formal file, the cursing had to be censored and blocked. It was still fun to guess the words they used anyway.
Writing this review, I had already read Gemina, and Obsidio was being shipped to my house, so yes, I really love this trilogy.
I’d love to get into more depth about the two books, but since nearly every page is filled with action, I can’t really write a spoiler-free review with it so let’s get to the positive points and negative points of the book,
The book, as we all know and as I have mentioned for the fifth time now is formatted like emails, chat boxes, documents, and literally every other thing you can extract from a computer by the year 2575. Despite all three books being thicker than 500 pages, some of the pages aren’t even full pages, and you can read them in under one minute, even for a slow reader. Some examples:
Countdown pages
Those pages when something dramatic happens, like the description of missiles travelling through the space between two ships
In Gemina (and possibly Obsidio), some pages from Hanna Donnelly’s personal journal were incorporated in the files, the second Illuminae Files. But unlike Kady who prefers writing (or typing) her thoughts and securing them with a handful of layers of security and passwords, Hanna draws hers, and they didn’t take that long to read either.
‘The pattern is always the same’
‘White light’
And everything else
I know Illuminae was my first ever sci-fi dystopian novel, but I’ve consulted a few people on the matter, and I found out that the story the series offered is a good one on its own, even without the dramatic effect. So yes, one of the pros is that it actually offers a good story. You never know what’s going to happen next. It’s like say, you just got over a dramatic point in one of the books, and suddenly the document in the next page is a bloody medical report that tells you something is up.
Another plus point would be how the events in the books are so well described, despite there being no actual description done in the books except for those surveillance camera transcripts. We don’t even know Kady and Ezra’s specific physical appearances, just the fact that Kady has pink hair and Ezra is a pretty much a teen fiction novel average golden boy, unlike Hanna and Nik who’s illustrations we see from again, Hanna’s journal in Gemina.
We should all put this fact in consideration, that the book is not meant to tell a story from a formal standpoint. Like I said, cussing is used in nearly every page of the book, though it’s censored. Mildly explicit jokes and references were also used in the book, though no actual harm is done. Then again, I’m not against this or anything, in fact, it brings an essence to the story, but some people (*cough* boomers*cough*) might not be comfortable with it.
Personally, I’m not fond of thick books. Four hundred pages is a workload for me. I was suffering throughout the Order of the Phoenix. Don’t like thick books? Illuminae isn’t for you. All three books had like, five hundred or so pages. I know I said it was told through a less boring format for a novel, and the story is good, but you still have to read. It’s a relief I made it through both Illuminae and Gemina, there’s a possibility I might drop Obsidio and leave it to rot before reaching the three-hundredth page. Though, there is a solution to this. You can buy the audiobook instead. I heard they did a good job with it, with great casts too.
Aaand, I think that’s about it. There’s really not much I can say about the story without giving away spoilers, and since I’m dedicated to make this a spoiler-free blog, I think it’s best you buy the book if you’re interested in the story of Kady, Ezra, Hanna, Nik, and two more characters I’m not supposed to tell you about because it’s technically a spoiler (?) from Obsidio.
I’m open for any discussion too! Just, don’t tell me anything about Obsidio just yet, I’m expecting the copy this week. 
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absolutely pissed at a few friends i know dont go on tumblr. 
dont know anyone to talk to bc im down to two friends in my life so unless i want to lose them too then i guess i just have to scream into the void of anonymous blogging. ive had an crazy pathological FOMO for almost as long as i can remember. ive felt like an old old man since i was 15. all i can think about every day of my goddamn life is the passing of time and how my youth has been wasted in circumstances/a time and place where theres no cool counterculture/art for art’s sake/anything meaningful and social. im 20 now and ive been feeling like my best years are behind me for years. college is a nightmare. ive lost every friend ive had except for two and im not even entirely sure why. nobody wants to do anything. there are old friends in town, im always surrounded by old friends, but none of them leave the house. i dont want to live in a world where the only people in my life are friends from high school who blow me off every night for their millionth round of league of legends and my genuinely insane alcoholic dad who just goes on crazy rants that make me want to kill hiim and then myself. this is a crazy way to live. i cant move out. even if i could, id be miserable having a landlord/being a wage slave again. my god, all i want is the barest amount of social interaction that doesnt make me want to die. i cant believe ive never been to a crazy party, that almost all the friends ive ever had never wanted to do anything but sit around and play video games.
but onto what’s bothering me today. met up with the two friends i have left. known them for a while but we didnt use to be as close. they’re the closest to “interesting” or countercultural/artistic friends ive ever had, but they see all of that as mostly behind them. im incredibly resentful of not being “let in” on some of the more crazy times they had when we were growing up, but i can usually manage those feelings. today, they were just reminiscing about this secret spot in the woods they used to have wild parties at during high school. the way they described it made it seem like every stupid youthful experience that i’ve ever wanted. huge gatherings getting broken up by cops, a small pond for diving in from a gigantic vandalized cliff. glow sticks tied in trees for when it gets dark. ive known about this place forever, and ive always asked everyone to show it to me. i asked for years and years and years and nobody took the fucking 2 hours out of their lives to satisfy my curiosity. now i just have to sit there and listen to them talk about it like its the greatest thing that ever happened to them, so many life-changing experiences. so many true and completely authentic celebrations of being young and irresponsible. everything i always wanted, i begged them over and over to show me when we were all younger and they never found the time. now, they just talk about it, and i sit there, visually super uncomfortable, i tell them im annoyed that they never got around to taking me there- they dont take criticism well at all. they try to be polite, but they just want me to quit complaining. after the most hyperbolic shit you can imagine coming out of their mouths about this glorious place that shaped their young lives, i immediately hear a “oh, you wouldnt have liked it anyway, logan” just to shut me up. i didnt say anything to them for the rest of the day.
I know how crazy I sound, I dont care. I know there’s something wrong with me in the way i glorify those kinds of memories, how badly i want times like that to come back, but they know that about me too, and it was almost as if that whole conversation was designed specifically to torture me. it was like they took my deep-rooted, extremely sensitive pathological FOMO and said absolutely every combination of words that would set it off. i felt like some kind of incredibly cruel joke was being played on me at certain points. they went on for like 20 minutes. i think im really getting sick of this friend group, but if idecide to take a break from them, then ill be down to 0 friends. 0 friends and my only human interaction will be with my insane, narcissistic, racist, violent dad, who’s just looking for an excuse to kick me out of the house anyway.
I hate the kind of person i am now. I hate having this much hate in me. I know that absolutely nothing in this environment is doing any favors for me mentally, but i cant think of anything else to do. I say that now, even as I type it, I dont feel any better. there is nothing cathartic about this. I can say it over and over again “I dont know what to do now” but that doesnt change the fact that when im done making this post, i will have to keep living this. i have no power to change my life. there are no new friends to be had. i dont know how to meet women beyond dating apps, and staying on them makes me miserable. i have no other relatives to complain about my dad to. i have no other friends i can complain about these two to. all i do is list my problems in my head with nothing productive to be done even after identifying my problems. I know that so much of it is “just me”, but my environment is forcing all the worst parts of me to come out over and over. im horribly, incredibly lonely, but i hate everyone i come to interact with. i dont know if theres any hope for it to ever be otherwise for me. i thought i would use isolation, especially during quarantine, to make some money and prove my worth to myself as an artist. ive had my stories published bought by a few magazines now and i still feel horribly empty. i feel too world weary to even imagine myself having a positive relationship/friendship with anyone ever again. im just so tired of every single person that i meet. im tired of everyone, and the most amount of pleasure afforded to me is sitcom reruns and fast food. the safest, most conformist material pleasures that there are. i hate my own melodrama, i hate that i care this much about small thinngs, i hate that theres something so deeply wrong with my psyche that im this crazed by the mention of a punk hangout spot that nobody ever showed me when i was younger, but i am going to live the rest of my life resenting that everyone around me only wanted to game, and nobody ever wanted to go to the shady/weird spots of the woods with me. how can i have missed my chance to childishly self indulgence, only to come out a whining adolescent still? how can i still be such a kid while missing what it felt like to be a kid? i dont know. ive always felt this way, but its only been especially bad for the last 3ish years. if it keeps going like this i dont know what ill do. again, no catharsis. again, there is nothing healing about my writing this. life sucks at every moment and then, somehow, i decide to keep living. im going to build a ted shed soon i think
0 notes
casino123aft · 4 years
Women and Poker Part II - the Exploitation of the Female Form
Some of the main hubs of poker are also the most sexualized cities in the United States, name New Orleans and then later Las Vegas. These cities are absolutely oozing with sex, and although this paper is not trying to make a moralistic argument decrying these wild cities' lifestyles, much of these images have stuck to the game of poker itself. Perhaps this phenomenon would not be so bad if it played out evenly between the two sexes, but all one sees is the portrayal of partially disrobed women advertising for poker sites. One only needs to log onto the internet and search for "Women and Poker" to have a dozen women in bikinis immediately pop up on the screen.
In fact, yours truly actually did run a search specifically for "Women and Poker", and here are some of the surprising results. In no particular order we present 10 of the most tasteful poker sites on the web:
-Pokerium Online Poker Room and Casino: The front page of this website is a model of good taste and restraint. Many of the searches yielded interesting results, but this website was head and shoulders ahead unibet Upon opening the home page one finds an illustration of a scantily clad brown-haired vixen with a flower in her hair(no real women were harmed during the production of this design). The interesting part of this drawing is that she is placed inside of a huge Ace of Clubs. In the middle of the card, where the woman is located, lies a very large club, and the stem of said club just happens to terminate in the center of the woman's crotch. Although there is a possibility that this not-so-subtle innuendo was unintentional, we would not bet on it.
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-Next on our list is the deliciously tasteful advertisement on hollywoodpoker.com for their "Babes & Bounties" tournament. To begin with, the title itself should be enough to ruffle the feathers of most women poker players. Then, the image used on the page is of a woman in a bikini top with money in the background behind her. And finally, for those players who aren't sold by the picture in the middle, the site claims that "12 of the sexiest poker hostesses in the game" will be present at the table. It's a good thing too, because most serious poker players refuse to play in tournaments with any less than 8 sexy poker hostesses. Finally, jus tto make sure that one can notice all the different features on the side, there is a picture of a woman on the left-hand side of the screen dressed in her rather unsupportive underwear lying down in front of a laptop with poker chips lying around her body. She is happily wearing a pair of flattering white high heeled shoes so that she can model at any moment during her poker game. A truly classy website.
-PokerWorld.com, an up and coming online card room, is another tastefully crafted website, with nothing to offend save for their new "Topless Bonus". The "Topless Bonus: The Shape of Things to Come" seems a stretch: with this promotion they will "top up" your account with a free 20% bonus. The stingy bonus does not only fall way short of the 200% bonuses floating around on various sites, it also offends the eye. They advertise it with a small silhouette of a woman, hardly exposing anything whatsoever. Why they chose to try and correlate a 20% with topless women is a mystery, but they surely went for it.
-Not to be outdone, Jungle Poker has its own female spokeswoman: none other than the lovely Cheynelle Fraser, a bartender/model who is now the official face of Jungle Poker. Why a poker site would need a sizzling hot model as a spokeswoman is a grand mystery. We suspect it is because the photos of Cheynelle - which include several excellent cleavage shots - surely have everything to do with poker and nothing with selling sexuality. Although the site may be using the good looks of beautiful Cheynelle to help promote their site, they are not just about T & A on their site: on the front page of the site they have an advertisement for their heads up Sit & Go tournaments, featuring two headshots of a man and a woman, both fully dressed, challenging each other to a card game. Hurray for equality!
-Europeans are no exception when it comes to using alluring images of the female form to help them sell their products. In a recent article published on poker.gamble.co.uk, the author writes about the upcoming Great British Poker Tour, and the centerpiece image of this article is a nude woman relaxing in a bathtub full of poker chips. It's a good thing that they posted this picture, because nothing says Great British Poker Tour better than a woman bathing nude in poker chips.
-The most morbid result found during the search came from best-poker-rakeback.net on their rakeback advertisement, which features a frightening illustration of zombie woman in a corset, fishnet stockings, heels, and a short skirt using a rake to gather up some playing cards that must have fallen off a tree. Although the idea of having somebody literally raking poker cards is cute, we're not sure about the need for a sexy undead woman.
-Gambling blog Oddjack paid homage to the women of poker in an article titled "Top 10 Sexiest Women of Poker". This enlightening four part series takes the readers through their list of what they view as the sexiest women in the poker world. Just to give a small taste of their depictions of these women, we will go over the first three women they talk about. Each woman has a picture with a caption beneath it. At number ten on their list is Courtney Friel, a television hostess for the world poker tour. The picture they have of her is in a lacy tank top: fair enough. She's obviously OK with the picture considering she modeled for it. Underneath the picure is a caption that says "Stop teasing us Courtney, tear those laces off!"
The next featured profile is that of Evelyn Ng. Underneath her picture they put a quote that says, "Evelyn sure is one sweet ride..." Sadly, they did not even try to be creative with this comment, the only possible connotation for this remark is a sexual one. They also remarked in her profile that she won the WPT Ladies Night event and that, "Yup, she kicked ass. Asses that belong to Annie Duke and Kathy Liebert. Asses I don't want to see anytime soon. No matter how much they pay me to." This hilarious joke about the physical assets of two of poker's greatest female players was insulting to say the least.
At number 8 on their list is none other than Lily Elviro. This strong poker player who, besides being a strong poker player, is physically well endowed as well. The picture which they used for her was taken during a poker tournament she played in and shows her at the table holding a pair of cards. She is leaning forward a little showing a fair portion of her not so small breasts. Unable to resist, the comment beneath the photo says, "It's hard for Lily to always carry a heavy set of puppies like that." If it wasn't for such brilliant writing most of us would completely miss out on such hard to miss features.
-Next on our list is an article written by Toby Bochan on her poker blog. This photo-article, featured on about.com, is titled "The hottest women of poker", and it is essentially an amateur photo gallery of professional femal poker players. The women featured in this article are Evelyn Ng, Shannon Elizabeth, Clonie Gowen, Jennifer Tilly, Liz Lieu, Vanessa Rousso, Isabelle Mercier, Cyndy Violette, Jennifer Harman, Annie Duke, Kristy Gazes, Chantel McNutty, and Jennefer "Jennicide" Leigh. Perhaps the most disturbing part about this gallery is not that these women have their pictures posted, but that none of the pictures were studio pictures. They all seem like photos that were taken in a clandestine manner on a digital camera. Does this strike anybody as creepy?
-Coming last on our list is none other than Full Tilt Poker, who recently issued a challenge between Paris Hilton and Clonie Gowen. Their hearts were definitely in the right place: they were to host a heads-up challenge between the two women and the winner would take the $100,000 prize and donate it to the charity of her choice. This sounds good, so why does this make our trash list? Well, if you go to the website, the page they created for this challenge has these two women stacked up next to each other. The title for their statistics is called their "Sexy Stats", and just to make sure that the best poker player wins, they even added a "Who is sexier?" poll at the bottom of the page.
Thus concludes our trashy website list (NEED TO THINK OF A WAY TO PITCH THIS ARTICLE). Part IV will conclude "Women and Poker" by addressing what the future of women and poker may hold.
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imaginebeauty · 7 years
Second Chances // Part 13
Second Chances Masterlist
Words: 1305 Pairings: Bellamy x Reader Warnings: Nothing really? Episode: 2x01 The 48; 2x02 Inclement Weather
References: Hallelujah; Vincent van Gogh
Author’s Note: This part is very much a filler consider not much happens inside Mount Weather until the whole Cage problem so some episodes might be mashed together. There is something in this chapter that will be referred to later on, and I’m not going to tell you what it is. When it comes back in a later part you’ll know because I will make is super obvious.
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       You opened your eyes, only to snap them shut at the intense brightness. You carefully opened your eyes again, trying to let them adjust. Once you were sure you weren’t going blind, you looked around the room you were in. It was completely white except for the paintings that hung on the wall.
        You sat up, but when you moved your arm you felt something tug at it. Looking at your forearm, you realized there was an IV hooked up to you. Yanking from your skin, you stood up and looked around the room. Everything was white, all white. All except a painting, that had blues and yellows framed in a beautiful wooden frame. 
        “Vincent van Gogh..” You mumbled, looking over the painting. 
        “Very good,” A deep voice said, making you jump and swing your head around to see who it was. You saw an old man who had wrinkles and white hairs from his long life. “Do you know what it’s called?” He asked, meeting your eyes.
        “Oh, um, it’s called Starry Night Over the Rhone by Vincent van Gogh painted in 1888,” You answered. “Who are you?”
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        “I’m President Wallace. I didn’t know you were an artist,” He stated, trying to make conversation.
        “I’m not, that’s Clarke. I just know a lot about art. My mother liked it,” You said hesitantly. 
        “Ah, what do you like to do?” He asked.
        “I like poetry and music,” You answered. “Where am I?” 
        “You, my dear, are in Mount Weather. Don’t worry, we aren’t going to hurt you. Some of your friends are waiting for you. I’ll bring you some clothes,” He stated, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.
        You followed him and looked out the glass window into the hallway.  
        In what felt like forever, someone rolled in a hanger full of clothes. You shuffled through your choices, a giddy feeling rising in your chest. It’s been forever since you’ve seen decent clothes, let alone dresses. You picked out a nice blue dress and brown sandals.
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       You looked in the mirror they supplied with the clothes and noticed your face was still nasty. There was a gash across your nose and cheek, a cut directly in the middle of your bottom lip, and bruise around the side your face by your eye. 
        You walked over to the window again and knocked on the door, hoping someone would let you out. A couple minutes later, Wallace returned and opened the door, gesturing you to walk out. You followed behind him silently, eyes frantically scanning your surroundings but all you saw was concrete walls. 
        When you stepped into a room, your eyes landed on a group of teenagers, and you instantly recognized 2 of them.
        “Jasper! Monty!” You called, running up and hugging the two boys. 
        “Is Finn here? Bellamy?” You asked, hoping that they were both ok.
        All you got was a sad shake of the head.
        You sat across from Monty and Jasper. You ate your piece of chocolate cake, moaning at the delicious dessert. “This is single-handedly the best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life,” You stated, earning giggles from Jasper and Monty as they enjoyed their desserts.
        Y’all continued to goof around until Clarke started making her way over. 
        “Hey,” She greeted, though there was not a hint of warmth in her voice.
        “Sup,” You greeted back, your inner teenager coming back alive.
        “Sit down and pretend you’re happy to see me,” She demanded.
        “We are happy to see you,” Jasper said.
        “They gave us a map with no exits. I need you to tell me everything you’ve seen. Every room, every hallway, ever way out,” She ordered.
        “Way out? Look around you, Clarke. There’s no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we’re not hungry. Why would we want to leave?” Jasper argued, and you silently agreed with him. You liked it there, it was peaceful, happy. They had art you only seen in books and on computers from the Ark, but they actually had them. They had music, beautiful music. You never wanted to leave.
        “Because we have friends out there who need our help,” She stated coldly, making you look down at your food.
        “They’re looking for survivors, and they’re way better equipped to find them than we are,” Jasper pointed out.          
        “This place is too good to be true,” She stated.
        Jasper got up to get cake and was later followed by Clarke, though you stayed with Monty.
        Your conversation was interrupted when alarms started screaming at you. You instantly knew who did this, as you darted up and towards the commotion to find Clarke threatening to pull a lever.
        “Clarke, no!” If you pull that lever, these people will die. Even a little radiation can kill them,” Jasper pleaded as a girl held a gun to her.
        “Don’t make me shoot you,” The girl said, a look of fear on her face.
        “Wait. Wait. Clarke. Don’t do this,” You begged. Clarke was your friend, and you didn’t want her to get shot.
        “I don’t believe them,” Clarke said.
        “Why would they lie? Listen to me. We are safe here because of you. We’re safe,” You stated.
        “Not all of us,” She argued, making you sigh.
        “I’m the one that fired the rockets. Should I not have done that? Clarke, when you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don’t throw that away by pulling this one,” Jasper begged.
        Bellamy sat on the ground, tied to a pole in the Ark. He sat in silence until Kane came to interrogate him.
        “How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?” Bellamy asked, his face stone cold.
        “Until I’m confident you’re no longer a threat to others. Where was the last time you saw Y/N? Was she okay?” Kane asked first.
        At the sound of your name, Bellamy’s heart started to race, though his expression suggested otherwise. “I last saw her on the dropship with Clarke and the others. She was fine.”
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        Throughout the next couple weeks, you were exposed to a lot of things. Wallace showed you the original Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, your mother’s favorite painting. He gave you books and books full of poetry and showed you music you never knew existed.
        Sitting in the empty room full of paintings and books you scrolled through one of the many books of poetry.
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      You read about half the book, before deciding to take a break and listen to some of the music Wallace gave to you. Putting the little iPod thing on shuffle, music started to play. You listened to one song, in particular, and suddenly it was as if you had to listen to it again. Finding it, you put it on loop, making yourself memorize the lyrics. 
        “And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch / And love is not a victory march / it’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah..” You sang in a hushed voice as you walked around the huge room, looking at all the historic pieces of art. ��All I’ve ever learned from love / Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you / And it’s not a cry that you hear at night / It’s not somebody who’s seen the light / It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah..” You loved the song, it reminded you of something your mother would listen to. 
        “Y/N?!” Someone called, snapping you out of your daze. 
        “Time for supper.” 
        “Ok, I’m coming,” You replied, leaving the paintings and making your way to the mess hall.
@otaku-fangirlse @random-fandom-lady @blue-berry-barry-allen @krystyna-exe @in-my-dreams-200  @youtubehelpsmesurvive @damagedbrokenbuthappy @famchester      @s-wood @mayasmedberg @two-worlds-collab @got17kookiesss @leenasleena-blog @okaybellarke @pinkleopardss @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke
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medicatemedrmccoy · 7 years
Let the games begin - Ch. 6
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Photo created and gifted by the brilliant: @wonders-of-the-enterprise
Today dear reader, we’re checking in on our beloved heroine and see how shes doing, along with Jo. We‘ll also be checking on the boys and how they react to finally having their girls back home.
3,788 word(s) of - I guess the best way to describe it would be mostly fluff wrapped around a tiny ball of angst.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 
There will be one more chapter, plus a prologue. So close guys! SO, if you want to be tagged for the rest, yay! Just shoot me a message. If you don’t want to be tagged, then shoot me a message and I will try to keep my tears to a minimum, and go to my room and sit in the corner. Be gentle. I am a delicate flower.
Special thanks to: @outside-the-government for encouraging me to write again, and for being my beta and idea bouncer, and for creating this monster.  Also @imoutofmyvulcanmind for being an idea bouncer, and letting me torture you with snippets, yay!
Tags: @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @hellhoundsandunicorns @yourtropegirl @bkwrm523 @feelmyroarrrr @fandomheadrush @darlinleonard @trekken81 @trekkimagines201 @arrowsshootyouforwards @captian-hannah-kirk @kaitymccoy123 @starmission @kilismaiden @malindacath @starr-trekkk@the-the-sound-of-the-bees-blog @lurkch @random-fandom-lady @supernaturalgeekygal @captainjimsexypantskirk @devanshade @imagineangryspacegrump @pokemonlover591 @earinafae @souperhoolok @falloutstump27 @azure23x @grgoyldef2 @fandom-obssessed-sloth @arcticbubby
You had drifted in and out of consciousness. Every time you roused, your body was on fire. You wanted to scream, but your body wasn’t responding, wasn’t functioning. The sounds of some kind of commotion were getting louder before you allowed the pain to take you away once more into unconsciousness.
Sometime after that, when your mind became aware again, you felt pressure on different places, then a warm liquid snaking its way through your veins, you succumbed to the darkness yet again.
You finally came to again, noting it was much quieter than before. You tried to open your eyes but they were still too heavy, as were your arms and legs. You kept your eyes closed as you focused on the soft beeping behind your head.
You began to be aware of how completely and utterly crappy you felt. Everything was sore and you hurt in places you never even knew existed. Your stomach hurt, your head is pounding, your chest ached and your mouth is a desert.
You laid there for a few minutes, listening to the beeping before you can finally muster the energy to open your eyes.  You stared up at the ceiling for a few moments, getting your eyes to adjust. When they did, you gave a tiny smile. You’d know that ceiling anywhere, you were back on the Enterprise. You felt so happy you could cry, if only you could find the energy.
You figured it must be late. The lights were dim and there was no one around, except whomever had a hold of your hand. You made a small movement so you could look over and see who it was.
“Leonard?” You thought “Oh god, is this real? Is it really him” You looked past Leonard to the couch on the side of the room and saw Jim passed out, arms and legs dangling everywhere.
You looked back to Leonard and back to Jim and realized how completely awful they looked. Both Leonard and Jim had noticeable stubble covering both of their faces. You could see the bags under Leonard eyes, and assumed Jims wouldn’t be much different. Their hair was sticking up in every direction, uniforms wrinkled. Geez, how long had you been out?
You gathered your strength and gently squeezed Leonards hand. Leonard must have been seriously on edge, with how quickly he sat up in his chair. He looked at your hand, then looked up toward your face, almost wondering if he had imagined the squeeze.
When his eyes met your barely open ones, he let out a choked cry of joy. He hopped out of the chair and took his hand and placed it on your cheek and rubbed his thumb across it.
“Welcome back, Y/N.” Leonard whispered and gave you a smile “Jim wake up!” Jim all but toppled off the tiny couch in surprise at Leonards loud voice and rubbed his face with his hands.
“What Bones?” He yawned as he went to look Leonards way, but met your eyes instead “holy shit, Y/N!” Jim yelled as he leapt up off the floor “thank god you’re awake” and scrambled over to the other side of your bed, taking your free hand into his and leaned over to kiss your forehead.
“You had us all so worried.” Jim breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Jo, Paul” was all you could croak out. Leonard just gave a small chuckle.
“Paul took quite the crack to his skull and suffered a intracranial hemorrhage, so he’s still recovering in a different room. Jo is just fine, thanks to you. She’s up in my quarters. I wanted you to be awake before I let her down here. Her wrist is fine too, clean break. It should be healed up in a few weeks” Leonard said reassuringly “let’s look at you”
“Jo helped me save your life, Y/N. She seemed to know just what to do, from turning you over and clearing your airway, to helping stop the bleeding. She’s one tough, smart kid, despite being Leonards’ daughter.” Jim replied to you smiling and smirked up at Leonard. You return his smile, laughing ever so slightly as tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you looked to Leonard.
“You’re hilarious Jim, really.” Leonard replied wearing a mixed look of contempt for Jim and pride for Jo, as he pulled down your blanket and lifted your gown. Your eyes went wide “jesus christ, that’s a big wound” you thought. Leonard gently palpated around the hole in your stomach.
“Does this hurt?” Leonard asked. You took in a sharp intake of breath and nodded in response.
“I thought so.” Leonard replied as he moved up to your ribs “How about these?”  Leonard asked as he palpated your ribs softly. You gave a loud yelp, in reply.
“Jesus Leonard , that really freaking hurts!” You breathed out a shaky breath.
“It’s going to take a while for those to heal. You still have a few rounds with the regenerator before they’ll start feeling better.” Leonard frowned “you took quite the beating”. Leonard gave a pregnant pause.
“I even lost you a couple times on my operating table, you scared the shit out of me. I didn’t know if we would get you back the first time, let alone the second.” Leonard rubbed his scruffy face and ran his hands through his hair to keep the tears at bay “what the hell happened to you Y/N?” he added quietly “Jo won’t even talk to me about it.”
You looked down, finding your hands interesting all of a sudden, not missing that Jim was shifting uncomfortably beside you. Leonard missed it, he was busy looking at your vital screen. He saw your blood pressure start to climb and your breathing shallow. He rested his hand on yours.
“I’m sorry I asked, we don’t have to talk about that now.” Leonard said gently “how do you feel?”
“Shit” was all you could muster. Leonard and Jim both gave quiet laughs. Boy that felt so good to hear their laughter, as it danced through your ears.
“I bet.” Leonard agreed “I’m going to up your pain medicine, you need to rest. I’m sure Jo is going to be begging to see you now that you’ve come around.” Leonard said as he was busy pushing buttons on your IV box.
You felt the liquid shoot through your veins and it burned at first, then you felt warm and heavy all over as you sighed and closed your eyes.
“Get some rest Y/N.” Leonard ordered as he grabbed your hand once more and squeezed it gently, running his thumb over your knuckles. You tried to squeeze back but you felt yourself fading too quickly.
You awoke sometime later, feeling somewhat more coherent. You squinted as you glanced around the room. The medbay was fuller and busier than it was the first time you woke up.
“Y/N, how nice to see you awake.” A voice caught your attention.
“M’Benga.” You croaked out as you gave him a smile “god, it’s good to see you”
“Likewise, Y/N, how are you feeling?” He asked as he began to check your vitals.
“Like complete crap.” You said flatly “where is everyone?”
“If by everyone, you mean your ragtag trio, Jim is on the bridge, probably talking to Starfleet now that you’re awake. They’re in quite the uproar, understandably so. Little Joanna is in class, and Leonard has been banished to his quarters under threat of sedation. He hasn’t left your side since you’ve been back.” M’Benga gave you a small wink.
“Paul?” You asked quietly, fearing the worst.
“He’s still in intensive care, it’s been touch and go, but he’s holding steady. It looks promising.” M’Benga replied, easing your fears.
“How long have I..?” You trailed off.
“3 days, but it’s to be expected. Coming back from death tends to take it out of a person.” M’Benga joked lightly “your body went through some severe trauma Y/N. Now, Leonard wanted me to comm him as soon as you woke up, but he hasn’t been gone too long.”
“Don’t, please. He needs to rest, that idiot.” You pleaded. M’Benga just chuckled.
“I agree with you. I wasn’t planning on comming him, as long as you eat a little something for me.” M’Benga negotiated. Your stomach rolled and you wrinkled your nose. Food was the furthest thing from your mind, even though you knew you needed to eat.
“I don’t know if I can, I feel awful.” You replied, as you swallowed thickly.
“Well if you don’t eat at least a little something, then I’ll have no choice but to comm Leonard. Then you can deal with the sleep deprived angry doctor as he rants about how you need to eat something.” M’Benga just lifted an eyebrow at you.
“Ugh, fine. Anything but that, you win, call off the dogs.” You relented, too exhausted to fight any further.
“I figured you’d see it my way. I’m glad you did, I wasn’t looking forward to that either.” M’Benga sighed in relief “I’ll at least comm the Captain and let him know you’re awake and I’ll have a nurse bring you something to eat.”
“Thanks M’Benga, you’re the best.” You replied as you gave him another small smile.
You were sitting up slightly, propped up on as many pillows as possible, as you munched on some crackers, cheese and some grapes. Proud of yourself for keeping it all down so far, but you decide not to press your luck, as you sat the grapes aside, your door swished open quietly.
“Jim! Oh god, Jim.” You said as your eyes welled with tears “I never thought I’d see your dumb face ever again.” Jim strode over to your bed laughing.
“I see someone is feeling better.” He said as he kissed the top of your head.
“I don’t know about better, I just feel more awake. Will you help me move over, this position is getting uncomfortable.” You said while wincing from the pressure of the pillows pushing on your ribs.
“I’m just glad you’re awake and insulting me again, it’s like music to my ears.” Jim joked as he helped you move to a more comfortable position. You wore a grimace on your face the entire time.
“This sucks.” you replied out of breath.
“Well what do you expect? Four broken ribs, concussion, run through with a sword, infection, dying twice, just to name a few.” Jim replied, using his fingers to count them “You’re going to give me a run for my money in the injury department.”
“Very funny, Jim. Ugh, don’t remind me” you mumbled “how’d you find us anyway?”
Jim sighed and waved his PADD in his hands “Ajek hailed us and sent us this video of you and everything that was happening to you and Jo.” Jim started as he played the video on his PADD. “Short version is that we traced it and confirmed the planet to the video, warped over and beamed down two parties. One for you and Jo and one for Ajek. As far as finding you personally, well, we just followed the screams.” Jim’s eyes turned dark.
“Is he…?” You asked tentatively.
“No, he’s here on the ship, locked away in the brig. I decided death would be too easy for him.” Jim said as if still trying to convince himself “Spock captured him and brought him on board.”
Your biobed gave you away before you could register it. Your heart rate and blood pressure rose, as you began to get angry. You glanced over at your stats, and realized if you didn’t calm down, you’d set off the alarms.
The last thing you needed was a room full of nurses all over you. You could also just imagine Leonard linking your biobed to his PADD to alert him if the slightest thing was amiss. You forced yourself to take slow even breaths in order to calm yourself. You did not need a grumpy, worried doctor in your hair right now.
Jim sighed and rubbed the back of his neck “While Bones isn’t here Y/N, about the video..” Jim started cautiously “Bones kinda, sorta, maybe, doesn’t know about it.” He said quickly.
“The video? You hid that from him? He is going to be super pissed, Jim.” You said shocked.
“I’m hoping he won’t find out. You didn’t see him, Y/N, he was an absolute mess. I couldn’t bear to show him everything you two were going through, it was awful.” Jim grimaced.
“Tell me about it, but you know he’s going to ask about what happened.” You pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
“I know, but I figure hearing and seeing are two different things.” Jim explained, trying to convince himself.
“Okay, fine, I won’t mention it, but all this falls on you, Jim. I don’t need him on my ass about that too. I’m going to have enough to deal with from him.” You eyed Jim seriously.
“Fine, deal.” Jim agreed.
You and Jim had been sitting there for a while, just talking about nothing mostly. How the ship was doing and the crew, mostly just relishing each others company.
A little while later you hear your door swish open and a blur of brown hair, followed by a haggard looking Leonard stepped in the room.
“Aunt Y/N, Aunt Y/N, you’re awake!” Jo exclaimed as she ran over to Jim and crawled in his lap so she could get closer to you.
“Hey, kiddo! How are you? Hows that wrist? I heard you helped save my life back there Jo, thank you.” You said, as you took her little hand in yours.
“Good! Daddy said it’ll be healed really soon. I remembered what you did for me, and told Uncle Jim just what to do.” Jo beamed up at you.
“Aw thanks, Jo, I’ll be here as long as you want me to. That’s really good to hear about your wrist, I’m glad.” You said relieved, as that seemed to be the extent of her injuries. “Heya Leonard.” You threw in as he made his way over to your empty side.
“Hey, Y/N, good to see you’re coherent.” He offered you a smile “how are you feeling?”
“Like death warmed over, nauseous from the pain medicine, I’m sore in places I didn’t know existed, my stomach is on fire, and my ribs are aching... but I’m alive.” You said quietly.
“And we’re all thankful for that.” Jim said with a smile. Leonard shot Jim a meaningful glance, and Jim immediately understood.
“Jo, what do you say we go down to the cantina and get Y/N something to eat?” Jim asked, bouncing Jo on his leg.
“Ok, uncle Jim.” Jo agreed, turning back to you “we’ll be back soon aunt Y/N. Don’t go anywhere.” Jo ordered as she leaned over and kissed your cheek.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Jo.” you laughed quietly. With that Jim and Jo left the room, leaving you and Leonard with the quiet beeping of your biobed.
You regarded Leonard for a few moments as he messed around on your stat screen.
“What was up with that?” You questioned, since it seemed Leonard wasn’t going to be the first one to speak.
“With what?” Leonard replied, almost too quickly
“You know what, Leonard. I can read you like a book, and you weren’t exactly smooth about that look you gave Jim.” You replied, eyeing him suspiciously.
Leonard sighed and plopped down in the chair beside your bed and took your hand in both of his gently.
“I don’t even know where to start.” Leonard said quietly. You almost quipped out a joke but decided against it after seeing the pain in his eyes.
“ Leonard...” You questioned softly “what’s wrong, talk to me”
Leonard sat there trying to form words, opening and closing his mouth a few times. You squeezed his hand gently.
“We almost lost you Y/N” he started quickly, prompted by your squeeze “We.. I almost lost you and Jo. I don’t… I don’t know what I would have done if either of you hadn’t come back to me” he took in a long jagged breath  “I was a complete and utter wreck. I couldn’t stand not knowing where you were or if you were even alive, it destroyed me. Then to get you back and have you die twice on me… in my OR… right in my hands…I can’t .. I can’t pretend anymore Y/N, I can’t do this without you, I need you. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, I…I love you Y/N”
Leonard was looking down at your sheets, refusing to look at your face. It was probably a good thing. Your mouth was so wide, you could probably park a truck inside. After a few moments, you finally found your voice.
“Well, I guess I can’t read you like a book, because I was not expecting that.” You breathed out. Leonard didn’t reply, he didn’t move. He just sat there gripping your hand like a lifeline.
“ Leonard...” you said gently “come on look at me.” Leonard still refused, breathing hard with tears shining in the corners of his eyes. Knowing the only thing that would get him to cooperate, you go all in.
“I love you too, Len.” You said, tugging on his hand slightly. Using your pet name you gave him a long time ago when you said anything sincere to him.
“You.. you do?” Leonard questioned as he finally looked up at you.
“Yeah, you big idiot.” You said warmly “I have for a while, maybe we’re both idiots if we missed each others signals.”
“Maybe so.” Leonard chuckled, relieved that you felt the same way “I’m so glad you’re okay Y/N. I’m serious when I say that I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Probably lose your mind, get on everyone’s nerves, murder Jim.. etc.” You said playfully, trying to lighten the mood.
“Something like that.” Leonard said as he sat on the bed beside you and put his hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes. You saw everything in those hazel eyes, his sincerity, his worry, his thankfulness, and his love he had for you.
“Len…” you said quietly. Leonard just leaned over and ran his hand through your hair and gave you a long, soft kiss. As his lips touched yours, your body exploded. Not in pain, but this time for a completely different reason. Leonard pulled back reluctantly after a few moments and brushed his thumb across your cheek.
“Wow...” You breathed out
“I agree.” Leonard said, as you felt his chest rumble beside you as he noticed your heart rate pick up.
A few minutes later, Jim and Joanna came back into the room.
“We got your favorite soup, Aunt Y/N.” Jo exclaimed proudly, holding up the soup.
“Aww thanks Jo, I can’t wait to eat it.” You replied, really hoping you can keep it down.
Moments later you had Jim on one side of your bed and Leonard on the other and little Jo, much to Leonards protest, up on the biobed with you, curled up on your unbroken side. You were happier than you could remember being in a long time.
After everyone was done eating, Leonard turned to Jo.
“Alright Jo, time for you to go back to quarters. Y/N needs to sleep.”
“Aww, do I have to?” Jo whined, as she crossed her arms and crossed her arms.
“Yes, Jo, up you get.” Leonard ordered, crossing his own arms.
“Fiiinnee” Jo pouted “get better Y/N, I’ll be back soon.” Jo said as she kissed your cheek.
“Good night, kiddo.” You replied, kissing her back.
“I’ll take her up if you want,” Jim offered “I need to go that way anyway. I’ll be back in a few”
“Alright Jim,” You replied, squeezing his hand that he placed on top of yours.
“Piggy back ride, Uncle Jim! Pllleeeaaasseee?” Jo asked. Jim laughed and lifted Jo off your bed and gave her a piggy back ride out of the room.
“What a long day, I’m exhausted.” You said as soon as Jo and Jim left the room.
“I bet. You need to get some sleep darlin’.” Leonard said as he got up to go to your IV box.
“Please don’t.” You said quickly, pleading “I feel awful now as it is without more sedative running through me. I’ll go to sleep on my own, I promise.”
“I don’t want you in pain, Y/N.” Leonard said sternly and sighed as he looked at your pain indicator, noting its elevation “at least let me give you a pain killer.”
“Pain killer, fine, sedative, no.” You replied equally as stern.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute when you get all pouty, sweetheart.” Leonard said as he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead and walked over to you IV box and punched a few buttons.
“Thanks Len.” You replied yawning.
“You’re welcome darlin’.” Leonard chuckled as he gave you another soft kiss on your lips “get some rest”.
You nodded in reply as Leonard helped you to lay further down in the bed. Bones went to move the sheet over you when Jim’s PADD tumbled out from underneath.
“Huh, must have forgotten it.” Leonard said as he went to pick up Jim’s PADD. He flipped it over and the screen came to life. Leonard stopped where he was and just stared at the screen, eyes practically bugging out of his head.
“Len?” you said quietly “what is it?” You asked, knowing full well what was on that screen last.
Leonard made no movement, no reply. The only indication that he hadn’t frozen solid was the shallow rise and fall of his chest.
“Len… hello?” You repeated. Leonard narrowed his eyes and flipped the screen to you. You take in what’s playing on the screen.
“Shit, Len, don’t watch that.” You pleaded. It was too late, he had already watched it all and was working on the second loop. Helpless to do anything but plead with him, you tried your best.
“Len.. Please, don’t do this to yourself. We’re fine, no matter what the video shows.” You tried to grab onto his pants pocket “please, Len…”
You could feel Leonard begin to shake, chest heaving with every breath. A cold fury began creeping into his eyes. You don’t think you’d ever seen him this angry, he looked seriously scary.
“To myself?! Is this what you went through Y/N? Is this what that asshole put you through?” Leonard roared. You grimaced at the loudness of his voice but nodded your head, not daring to speak. Leonard finally put down the PADD and looked over at you.
“Alright.” Leonard said simply while nodding and turned quickly.
“Alright what? ….. Len!” you called after him as he stormed out of your room.
“This wasn’t going to be good, not good at all” you thought to yourself.
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What did you guys get for Christmas??? Anyone get any deals on Steam???
I myself received JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Manga, all of the Part 1 volumes in a set <3 from a friend of my mother’s and a headset that we had to return because it just wouldnt configure to my computer its the most confusing thing ever everything would work except for i couldnt hear sound out of it whatsoever, but its fine cause my best friend irl hooked me up with an old headset of his thats still in good condition C: So im happy 
I had also bought quite a few things on Steam with steam gift cards I received and some from my own money
1. VA-11 Hall-A Cyberpunk Bartender Action : I was craving a bartending game for some reason and thought it would be a shot in the dark to check if Steam had anything of the sort but damn if i was surprised. VA-11 Hall-A or as its said Valhalla is about a bartender named Jill working in a semi-mediocre bar in this cyberpunk futuristic setting, there’s robots and humans for the most part of what ive seen but i also heard from other character dialogue that there’s even some type of animals that are characters. In short to keep this from being a super long ass post the gameplay is you creating drinks for customers that come in and order and you chat with them and get to know their character sometimes things they say come up later on and each one of them is memorable as fuck dude like even the cynical ones are interesting to talk to :^T. The dialogue is REALLY FUNNY and not TOO futuristic, without rambling on and making ppl read too much its DEFINITELY worth a look.
As someone who usually would be turned off by the thought of a bartending visual novel game, I can assure you dude, its not what it sounds like. If i had a complaint about this game my only sole complaint would be that the Steam description is a misleading intentional joke but i almost dashed it off as one of those dating visual novels if i didnt take a closer look into it. though i guess people who judge books by their cover typically are the only ones missing out hehe
2. Skullgirls :i LOVE skullgirls, cerebella is my favorite to play as
3.Suits : This game is literally less than a dollar like clocking in at like literally 70 cents on Steam right now and even then its SUUUUUPER cheap. If you like OFF like me, you’d get a similar vibe from it like i did. I havent played much but its worth atleast a look at the trailer if you dont like rpg maker games then i dont think itll be up your alley imo
4.Tomb Raider 2013: One of my friends recommended this to me and DAMNNNNNN THAT INTRO WAS BRUTALLLLL, i plan to play this at some point but it seems like a big game to complete so I have it set aside for now but man did it get my attention
5.Papers, Please: Literally havent touched this game yet just heard its good
6.Ultimate Chicken Horse: THIS GAME IS SOOOOO FUN TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS, make sure you’re playing with multiple people though! its definitely more fun with more people. its a cute little game where you create obstacles on the course and whoever can overcome them and get to the goal a number of times, wins. you can play as a cute little sheep,chicken,chameleon,raccoon,horse or bunny as characters too!
7.Grim Fandango Remastered : I really have wanted to play this for some time, i like it a lot so far the cutscenes remind me of like old 90s cgi and for some thatd seem canny by todays standards but i love it, i love that you can physically see the game’s age while at the same time are able to enjoy it remastered.
8. ASTRONEER :This game is really nice to look at and I am dying to have someone to play it with someday soon :DDD I really was interested in playing a space game and Astroneer features you being able to explore planets with friends and do space exploration and such :T. 
9. Psychonauts: I heard this game was underrated, I initially dont know a thing about it other than it was released on the original xbox as an exclusive and that it was 90 cents on steam
10. Dangan ronpa trigger happy havoc : I love the art style for this game’s characters, Ive known about this series since like what 2014?? Was that when these games were made, i saw some shitposts from the fanbase they were pretty neat too, a lot of my friends like it as well but i never actually sat down to play a dangan ronpa game at all. A friend of mine had tried to get me to check out the series by saying you solve mysteries like Ace Attorney, so I had seen half an episode of Dangan Ronpa The Animation back then but I lost interest very quick sadly. Unfortunately at the time I hadnt heard that was the worst way to get a first impression of the series lmao, but anyways, who knows, this could even kick off a whole new type of game content on my blog, the fandom seems to be a fun bunch as well. 
11.Hyper Light Drifter : NEVER BEFORE HAVE I SEEN SUCH SWEET SAVORY GLOSSY BRIGHT COLORFUL PIXEL ART IN A MANNER SUCH AS THIS GAME HAS PRESENTED. it really seems like a game i need to play soon, infact i plan to play it after I beat Valhalla (Even though it has multiple endings HHHHHHH this game keeps getting better). If you dont know what hyper light drifter is my guy, check it 
And that wraps up every game I got from 2016 Steam’s Winter sale. But ive been talking a LOT, what have u homies gotten yourselves over the holidays
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