#lil snakey
alirhi · 1 month
Finally caught somewhat of a break. I'm in a tremendous amount of pain even with my meds, but it's been a good day overall.
A few weeks ago, we had a small electrical fire in our bathroom, only we didn't know that's what it was at first. It tripped the outlet on the house, which shut down power to the camper and killed the fire before it could really catch. This happened every time we tried resetting the outlet and plugging the camper back in, until finally one of us was inside while the other fiddled with the power and loud buzzing was heard and bright blue light from sparks/flames was seen and we went "oh. okay, no touchy. got it." So we've been without even the minimal power we had for some time now, just one extension cord run from the house, through our kitchen window to a power strip we used to run lights, the space heater on colder nights, and charge electronics. It fucking sucked. We ended up putting the small appliances in storage, since we couldn't use any of them. no power to the outlets, and nowhere to put them near the power strip.
So anyway, that sucked ass, but we got through it, and a few days ago we talked to someone outside the entrance to Walmart who was asking for donations to help the homeless. I told him "sorry, we're in the same boat" and he asked if we need help. Sis and I explained the situation we're in the best we could, asking if he knew any electricians who would be willing to help for free, and he took sis's number and said he'd put out feelers online. Said he was pretty connected.
Dude wasn't kidding. The NEXT MORNING, someone called, and she was texting with him and setting up a time for him to come out and take a look. This afternoon, he replaced the bathroom outlet and faulty wiring that was causing the fire, cleaned out the crappy paper insulation that was feeding said fire, and was kind enough to do it all for free. He then gave me a quote for the cost of installing a 30amp outlet on the house so we could fully power this damn thing and have things like a working fridge and running hot water. It'll be insanely pricey, but when he broke it down for us, I realized he was still giving us the steepest discount he could. We'd mostly be paying for the (holy shit expensive) wire. Absolute sweetheart, as is the man outside Walmart who put us in touch with him. I'm so glad I didn't just scoot by with a "sorry, not today" when he asked if we wanted to donate.
Sis also found a baby garter snake in the yard today with a crushed tail. He still gets around okay and the injury seems to be low enough that his organs are functioning pretty well (he peed on her hand lmao and chugged water when we put some out for him; I've never seen a snake drink before and that was cute as hell).
We called a wildlife rescue that's going to take him tomorrow and see what they can do to help him, so he's resting in a fish tank with some paper towels and the little bottle cap full of water. Absolutely enamored with lil sis lol. He was scared at first, which makes sense; poor thing was trapped, injured, and these huge stompy creatures were hovering over him and touching him. But then she got him free of the dirt and grass he was caught on and he slithered all over her arms and shoulders. kept trying to go up her sleeves to hide lol. I asked to hold him before he's gone (originally she was going to drive him to the rescue while I waited for the electrician, but it was too far away and she didn't want to drive alone) and he wasn't having it. Wanted to stay with her.
Even after we got him in the tank, he stuck as close to her as he could. While she was standing nearby talking to the friend who loaned us the tank, he was nestled in the corner under the towels, when we got him inside and she sat by him, he smooshed up against the side she was sitting at and kept trying to climb out to her. Now she's in her room (opposite side of the camper from the seat she'd occupied) and he's hanging out on the side of the tank closest to her room. Every time she gets near or walks by, he follows her the best he can. it's fucking adorable. Wants nothing to do with me, but that's okay. He's still cute and sweet and I hope he makes it through the night and they can help him tomorrow.
I'm so grateful we were even there for sis to see him trapped. We never go into friend's yard if we can help it, but she's got baby chicks and said we can play with them if we want, so naturally we both booked it over to the coop to see the cute fluffies lol. and there next to it was this poor little guy stuck and hurt and dehydrated and probably scared to death.
I feel so blessed that someone was able and willing to help us, and that we're able to help this little snake. I just keep praying... Mother above, please let him be okay. He's such a wee babe.
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wrylu · 3 months
in a desperate attempt to escape the cage of artblock i did a doodle of my lil guys
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i'm pretty sure this was an idea i got from the lovely, amazing, skilled @sleepybluarchimedes 💗💗
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fisheito · 6 months
i wonder if yakumos grandparents gave him so much soup bc it's something that can safely be swallowed whole by a small child who doesn't have the full chewing instinct...... don't have to break out the crowbar to wrench the entire chicken out of your babys mouth when you have liquefied the chicken
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Gasp... brilliant... not only is soup an expedited form of warm... it is also (generally) choke free
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lavenderasharts · 4 months
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scuddle-bubble101 · 8 months
oh, that's not silly at all! I think it's really nice you're concerned for your brother
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"Oh, well I suppose but- He's the oldest so, s' not really necessary. I'm sure he's doing fine."
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bangcakes · 6 months
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lrndvs · 8 months
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Knightober 03: Serpent
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roseunspindle · 11 months
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kallmec · 4 months
lil' snakey
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Hi che'nya do you love her
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*gasps in delight*
*uses my magic to shrink down to slightly bigger than snek’s size and pets her back happily*
*sticks out tongue with her*
Blep snek frien!!! 🥹😸
I give her 10/10 grins and bleps!!! 👅🐍
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ID: A gif of Gable and Travis Matagot, as a snake. Travis has his tongue sticking out of his mouth and his tail is swinging back and forth. He is sitting in a barred windowsill looking down on Gable, slumped in their stone cell. Gable looks dejected and disheveled. Their hair is obscuring most of their face, their stockings are uneven, and one of their shoes is missing it’s tie. It is dark outside, and they are illuminated by moonlight alone. The image next to it is a still of the gif. End ID.
the time they tried to destroy us
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theautumnriverleaves · 6 months
*screeches until glass breaks because my dad put up thoughtful little ornaments denoting his and my brother's military service on the tree but couldnt be bothered to get a lil firefighter hat ornament for me*
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You are so sweet! 🥹💜 My day has been made by your adorable drawing 💜
In return for the babu Donnie, I present a little snakey snoo sketch ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
(please ignore how bad it is… I still can't draw T^T)
Hope you are having a wickedly fabulous day!
Imma take this precious gift and keep it!!
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garkium · 2 years
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zippy and rosemary. love to see them dig
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scuddle-bubble101 · 8 months
Ooo! 41 for Tribal! I love nagas/lamias <3
Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?
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"Thank you, that's very k-kind of you... I um- I miss my brothers and a little bit of my family- Mostly Trial... He's- He's not around so often anymore and s-sometimes- I worry he's not doing well either..."
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"I must sound quite silly too huh? He's doing w-well for himself, I-I shouldn't be worrying so much..."
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