queerlilchinchin · 4 months
Write or bite
Kids find out that what’s under their beds isn’t monsters, it’s elves and tooth fairies, keeping tabs on them for their bosses. The kids are on the naughty list and have atrocious teeth, but decide to go to both HQ’s to plead their case. And it turns out? Mrs Claus is the tooth fairy. Same HQ. But she and Santa are hard sells given they get so many kids like the kid that decided to show up.
This sounds hilarious but this sounds more like something I'd read than write, so I have to go with bite.
But if anyone decides to write this, I'm totally down to read it x'D
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Since I’m on my own kick of relistening to the music of a local rock opera from my hometown trying to get to Broadway, and read your entire commentary on the music of the poto movie, I’m curious what your opinion of my rock opera would be. Deep Love: A Ghostly Rock Opera’s plot is a young woman named Constance is a widow to a man named Old Bones and gets in a relationship with a young man named Friedrich, both unaware that Old Bones has come back from the grave as a ghost and is furious Constance is, from his perspective, breaking her wedding vows because and I quote from the song deep love (the second track) “what use are such vows if they aren’t held well beyond the grave?”
The Spotify but you can find it on band camp and iTunes. Personally I think the guitars sometimes drown out the voices and it can be hard to hear when the four characters in the opera are singing over each other. However my favorite tracks are“the great ghostly pickle” and “the chant of the dead”
Ooh, cool! Thanks for recommending it!
First impressions:
The good: the singers sound pretty good and I like the songs.
The not-so-good: I agree the guitars are too loud. Also, I think the score relies too much on guitars and would sound better with other instruments. Or maybe it would sound better with non-electric guitars?
The audience is also too loud; in "Keep My Hand Above You" they almost drown out Constance's first lines.
Overall I like it and I hope it gets to Broadway!
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wineonmytshirt · 9 months
 ♪  ♪  ♪
thank you so much dear!
You Are In Love - Taylor Swift
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars / And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words
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For Cass
🍕: Favorite Food?
She likes cheese…. So like literally anything with cheeses she’s kinda weak for cheese
🎯: What do they do best?
Love. AHGHGAHAGH not really lmao. I mean- it depends on what you mean. She’s really good at kicking things with her giant ass shoes, but she’s also really good a baking so.
💀: Does Cass have any phobias?
I don’t know the fancy word for it but she definitely has a fear of needles cause like who the fuck doesnt
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theorangerangers · 1 year
New mental image to consider Udonna on a motor cycle, leanbow riding on one next to her in Udonna’s side car is a baby basket with Nick and Claire safely inside and secured. In leanbow’s there is daggeron and gengi even though there is only one seat.
Gengi refuses to return to his lamp.
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augment-techs · 2 years
Fic title; Broken Glass + Billy/Skull
Title: (let’s keeping dancing on) broken glass Fandom: Boom! Comics Power Rangers; Go Go Power Rangers; MMPR. Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Trauma; Everything I Deem Skull to Suffer a Clinical Diagnosis From; Giving Matt some integrity for flavor; Bulk is a Worried Mother Hen; Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent; Oral Sex; Aftermath of sex pollen; Character studies; Wall & Table & Bathroom Sex; Monster of the Week; Mindless Self-Indulgence for MYSELF; Car Sex; Sleepy Sex; Frottage. Summary: In the wake of one of Rita’s monsters being sent to Angel Grove High School to elect causing havoc through actual sex pollen, some relationships are formed through unusual circumstances. Some lines are drawn, some lines are crossed, but most people actually found themselves having a pretty good time. Most people. This opinion is disputed and polarized emphatically by one Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch using concealed defense measures during this ordeal. (I just could not resist~)
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eluari · 5 months
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Genre //Adult Fantasy Status // Finished 💕 - Release 02.04.2024 Publisher // Droemer Knaur (german publisher) Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | m/m romance
There were times when I thought that I'd ever make this post. Times when I doubted that a story with an m/m romance would ever get picked up by a major publisher. But here we are ... 🥹
Melodie der Asche is the german title of my WIP Born to the Sea, and what you see up there, is the official cover. The real cover of the story, that started in 2019 here on Writeblr. I even got to illustrate the hands ... T_T Anyway, I'm forever grateful for all the support I've found. I miss you & love you, guys! I hope you're all doing well. 💕
You can preorder Melodie der Asche *here* & I have included the german preview text in case you happen to speak german.
Das Vergessen war seine Gnade. Die Wahrheit ist sein Untergang. Ein Magier ohne Zukunft versucht, sein Schicksal abzuwenden. Ein Fischer ohne Vergangenheit verliebt sich in einen Feldherrn, der eine Lüge lebt. In einem kriegszerrissenen Land stürzen sie sich in den Kampf um Freiheit und decken eine Wahrheit auf, die so schwer wiegt, dass sie besser nie ans Licht gekommen wäre. -
Drei untrennbar verbundene Schicksale entscheiden über die Zukunft eines kriegszerrissenen Reiches. Inmitten des Konfliktes zwischen der Rebellion und dem grausamen Regime des Sha ist Caliyan der stärkste Magier seiner Zeit, doch man hat ihm alles genommen. Im Versuch seiner dunklen Bestimmung zu entfliehen, verliert er sich in Rache. Vaelen ist ein einfacher Fischer, der seine Vergangenheit nicht kennt. Das Einzige, das ihn ständig begleitet, ist eine unbestimmte Sehnsucht, getrieben von einer geheimnisvollen Melodie in seinem Inneren, die noch lauter erklingt, als er Laudan kennenlernt. Aber Laudan ist nicht nur ein Spion der Rebellen, sondern auch der Feldherr des Sha – und damit nicht der, für den Vaelen ihn hält. Laudan ist sofort fasziniert von dem jungen Fischer, seinem starken Willen, der Freiheit und der Anmut, die er ausstrahlt. Doch welche Chance hat eine so zarte Liebe, wenn um sie herum ein Kampf tobt? Wenn Laudan ihm nicht sagen kann, dass er nicht der ist, für den Vaelen ihn hält? Und Vaelen die Macht besitzt, den Frieden zu bringen oder alles zu zerstören, woran Laudan glaubt?
Du bist noch nicht fertig, flüsterte ihm die Dunkelheit zu. -
Rache, Magie, Macht: Ein queerer Fantasy-Roman über die Gnade und den Fluch des Vergessens und den Kampf um Freiheit. In ihrem Debüt über das tragische Schicksal von Vaelen und Laudan erschafft Elya Adair eine magische Welt voller Verzweiflung und Liebe, Zärtlichkeit und Gewalt: Eine tiefgründige Liebesgeschichte, bei der man liebt, hasst und leidet!
»Ein Buch wie eine Symphonie - zärtlich, traurig und getragen von einer bombastischen Melodie, deren Töne noch lange nachklingen.« – Mira Valentin
»Emotional, tragisch und wortgewaltig - mit Melodie der Asche hat Elya Adair ein beeindruckendes Debüt geschrieben, dessen intelligent verwobene Handlungsstränge, tiefgründige Figuren und einzigartige Fantasywelt Lesende von Beginn an in ihren magischen Bann ziehen. Eine unvergessliche Liebesgeschichte, die immer wieder den Atem raubt. Ganz klare Leseempfehlung!« – Lina Frisch
»Melodie der Asche erschafft Bilder voller Magie und Liebe. Auch nach dem Zuklappen des Buches hallt die Welt von Elya Adair noch lange nach.« - Andreas Suchanek und Christian Handel my old BttS Taglist! Lots of Love to you all. I hope you're doing well. @ardawyn @cirianne @elfrooted @somedeadmagic @relevy @alternativeforensicscientist @doro-writes @pen-in-hand @wanderers-minuet @skyfireflight @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @monaramis @rookie009 @re-writing-h @lady-redshield-writes @zachatari @owl-writes @noxstories @quilloftheclouds @illyriandreamer @writemares @lordkingsmith @kosmosian-quills @reeseweston @ladywithalamp @the-violent-writer @phoenyxrisenfromashes @fantasy-shadows @v-writes-stories @ntbogoni @notiziarios @cawolters @adie-dee @wildswrites @siarven @semblanche @unfortunatelyunfocused @furysreign @a-tear-in-the-veil @acaranna @themidnxghtwriter @songsofaleria @wqtermelon-gloss @august-the-third @waterfallwritings @drunkinbook @doriians @homesteadchronicles @inky-duchess @silas-the-reading-addict @vesrayn @vorskra @miladaydreams @halfbloodlycan @smilelovefat-e @slothssassin @writer-somewhat @twoseeds
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iloveyou-writers · 6 months
Write in Your Style Interest Form
Hello, all! I've had many people show interest in my "write in your style" stream idea, so I just wanted to make an official interest form.
This can go from "casually interested in being a silent viewer, please don't tag me to things" to "I WANT TO PARTAKE IN IT ALL - TAG ME TO EVERYTHING"
But no matter where you fall in this range, please let me know by filling out the following form:
This is a ONE TIME tag. If you do not fill out the form, you will not be tagged anymore, so please make sure to take the time to do so if you'd like to have your blog tagged to posts about the Write in Your Style streams.
In case you have no idea what I'm talking about and this is the first you're hearing of WIYS, follow this link to read more.
Thank you for your interest. Have a lovely evening/day. Til next time!
Tagging those that liked and/or reblogged the original post, thus showing interest:
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @lordkingsmith @quisyop @mjrino @cheezyratz @undisclosedstories @lizluvscupcakes @cryscal @ryns-ramblings @chennnington @forthesanityofstorytellers @arowanaprincess @lyssentome @newellthedragon @accountusername @shado48 @viliantropy @klaxustarah @wolf-tail @ellipsis-dotdotdot @stranglingfigs @theglitchywriterboi @dangara2610 @peachcreampudding @rocktis @gummybugg @backtothe60sfuture @thelostones-world @that-is-not-milk @cometkov @jvten @friendofthefellowship @aandnowtheweather @sillylittlecheeto @distortedwhite @psychicnatural @vshushmshu @celeritas2997 @masterprankster14 @ah0yh0y @ardoros @littleguyconnor @bilightningwriter @quotidian-oblivion
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skyland2703 · 1 month
What characters or seasons would you use to describe your mutuals?
I... think i have too many mutuals to actually list ALL of them, but I think i'll list fave 10 in no particular order :3
ALSO already sorry if I’m stereotyping or smth or any of you get hurt by this Q_Q<3 i love looooveee all you guys YOU GUYS MAKE MY DAYS AWESOME
1: YOU @regaliasonata are a very Trent from Dino Thunder to me~ we all know why, it just FITS.
2: @augment-techs is absolutely the TRINIIIIIIII in my life. The mom friend, the one who takes care of EVERYTHING. Patience galore and absolutely so fucking FUUUULLLLLL of CREATIVITY Q_Q<3
3: @naraozu is like the Madison to my Vida Rocca~ We're siiiiis vibes COMPLETELY. She's like the more emotional absolutely LOVELY big sis and I’m the chaotic younger sib
4: @lastmafagafo AGAIN BIG SIS VIBES but you remind me vvvv much of Kat Manx :3 ilyyyy
5: @gayferret420 Chase Rendall. (and no, I’m not just listing everyone's favorite characters but like. y'all's personalities MATCH)
6: @ineedsomesleeptoday I KINDA wanna divert to Sentai for u, but I’m gonna keep to PR, and I’m gonna say you remind me of Emma from megaforce!! It suits you (and also a liil bit of Emily from Samurai!!)
7: @cupcakes-are-ours chaos gremlin roxy
8: @hesploro12 Either Shelby or Kendall. ACTUALLY a mix of the two. Dinosaurs. Smart stuff. Too much energy :3
9: @ajgrey9647 I feel like you're kinda like Cassie but also a bit like Kendrix~ (More Kendrix, I think!!)
10: @lordkingsmith you're the ENTIRETY of MMPR. But also VERY BILLY. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. IT JUST FEELS LIKE IT.
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queerlilchinchin · 5 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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writeblrsupport · 1 year
I just wanna give a shoutout to the following people for being phenomenal writers:
@abalonetea @howdywrites @indecentpause @insidedamienshead @multi-lefaiye @jezifster @vacantgodling @violetcancerian @vermontwrites @bardicbeetle @blue-kyber @cabaretofwords @daydreamodyssey @pen-for-sword @galactic-mystics-writes @garthcelyn @calicojackofficial @kalu-chan @lordkingsmith @magic-is-something-we-create @natalieironside @pluttskutt @radley-writes @raevenlywrites @ren-c-leyn @ryan-shepard-writes @helathorloki @theimperiumchronicles @uccelletto-di-kokuyo @writernopal @writingmaidenwarrior @zmwrites
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bardic-tales · 2 months
Tumble Game: Manuscript Search
Thank you for the tag, @verba-writing. This is one of my favorite tag games.
I am going to softly tag some of my new followers: @whatwedointhecraft @spitefulbull @theharpywrites @lordkingsmith @thespacelizard
My words to find are: Teeth | Mistake | Silence. I am going to find them for my secondary WIP: Timeless Souls.
Your words are: sorrow | light | fear.
Chapter 7: Silence
Vivian was pulled out of her thoughts by her smartphone, the ringtone cutting through the morose silence that had followed her outburst. She was jerked back to reality with a suddenness that made her head throb.
Chapter 11 - Teeth
Something seemed off about this man. On the surface, he seemed to be the perfect visage of what she found attractive in a man—short, brunette hair, squared jaw, five o’clock shadow, and blue eyes—but Vivian seemed to see a crack etched in the facade. His teeth were too white, his eyes too intense, and his smile too wide. It was as if he was a lion and she was his prey.
Chapter 13 - Mistake
“Perhaps, I made a mistake turning you!” he hissed. “Perhaps, I should rectify that mistake! Does the lake of fire call to you, Cherelle? Do you long for the endless eternity of relentless suffering before your soul suffers the Second Death? That one you will not come back from. If you think me an unfair master, wait until you spend some time with Asmodeus!”
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kd-holloman · 2 months
Good morning, I miss my sons while I do life-things instead of writing, so here's a tidbit for my friends!
MaM3 D1
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Tag List (ask to be added/removed): @tricksexual, @wildler, @ganseyboii, @surrealirist, @obsessionandstuff, @pertinax--loculos, @pe-ersona, @a-curator-of-nonsense, @angelolytle, @lordkingsmith, @gloriafrimpong
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augment-techs · 1 month
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Go Go Power Rangers #32 Social Variant Cover, by Johanna The Mad~
@lordkingsmith @skyland2703
I feel like you'll appreciate the three main people that liked and reblogged, followed by two in particular that commented :)
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shepardsherd · 2 months
Happy Valentines day, friends. I love ya'll and ya'll are amazing
@albatris @abalonetea @antique-symbolism @bardicbeetle @blackandwhitecircus @blackrosesandwhump @cometkov @chickensarentcheap @digital-chance @dyrewrites @enchantedlandcoffee @garthcelyn @hallowedfury @hauntedluminarybbq @hippiewrites @heartshattering @icaruspendragon @joshuaorrizonte @jezwrites @jezifster @kalu-chan @lordkingsmith @multi-lefaiye @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @n1ghtcrwler @pheita @pluttskutt @philosophika @revenantlore @romances-not-tragedies @scribble-dee-vee @thorlokibrother @that-chibi-writer @theprissythumbelina @talesofsorrowandofruin @uccelletto-di-kokuyo @violetcancerian @vacantgodling @waltzshouldbewriting @wait-a-minute-lassie @werehamburglar @writingmaidenwarrior @zmwrites
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eluari · 1 year
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BORN TO THE SEA - A long overdue update
Genre //Adult Fantasy // Status // Finished 💕 Themes // a fall from grace | vengeance | justice | action & consequences | magic | loyality | survival | love | war | fate | rebellion | sacrifice | queer
Hi there, apologies because you may not remember me, or how you´ve ended up on this taglist. But I still remember you. 2019 you were by my side when I wrote the very first draft of my fantasy novel "Born to the Sea". Until 2021, when I finished my final draft tumblr felt very much like home to me. I shared my thoughts on writing, met new friends, and I’m forever grateful for all the encouragement, interest and love towards what has become an experience of a lifetime ...
I'm truly sorry for not keeping you updated. It's been over a year since I found a literary agent. Back then I wrote “Born to the Sea might actually be published – but only time will tell.”
What happened in the summer of 2022 surpassed my wildest fantasies: One of the major German publishers picked up the manuscript and I met the editor of my dreams: A person who understands the story and its characters on its deepest level ... and here I am, knowing that Born to the Sea will get published; knowing that I'll see my own book hit the stores next year and I still shake my head in disbelief … because all of this started here. With a rough Idea.
And it started with everyone who supported me. It started with you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Lots of love Elya💕
PS: Born to the Sea will be published under a different name, but I fear I can't reveal it just yet. PPS: If you have any questions, by all means, feel free to ask. If you want to keep following my journey to the release, I’m on Instagram these days, being a little more official. You’ll find me *here*. There is bonus art, too - I’m still painting. It would be lovely to see some familiar faces there.
Taglist: (love you, forever.)
@ardawyn @cirianne @elfrooted @somedeadmagic @relevy @alternativeforensicscientist @doro-writes @pen-in-hand @wanderers-minuet @skyfireflight @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @monaramis @rookie009 @re-writing-h @lady-redshield-writes @zachatari @owl-writes @noxstories @quilloftheclouds @illyriandreamer @writemares @lordkingsmith @kosmosian-quills @reeseweston @ladywithalamp @the-violent-writer @phoenyxrisenfromashes @fantasy-shadows @v-writes-stories @ntbogoni @notiziarios @cawolters @adie-dee @wildswrites @siarven @semblanche @unfortunatelyunfocused @furysreign @a-tear-in-the-veil @acaranna @themidnxghtwriter @songsofaleria @wqtermelon-gloss @august-the-third @waterfallwritings @drunkinbook @doriians @homesteadchronicles @inky-duchess @silas-the-reading-addict @vesrayn @vorskra @miladaydreams @halfbloodlycan @smilelovefat-e @slothssassin @writer-somewhat @twoseeds
Also tagging @gingerly-writing because you might remember me. 💕
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