#louis de ponte du lac
oneshotprincess · 27 days
not louis entering his bella swan new moon hallucination era
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paseodementiras · 1 year
Entrevista con el vampiro
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-Ya veo... -dijo el vampiro, pensativo, y lentamente cruzó la habitación hacia la ventana.
-Anne Rice
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kaelio · 4 months
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The collection at Tulane University only seemed (as far as we could tell?) to have partial bits of the Queen of the Damned draft. Here's a link to everything we found. There are some definite changes, though it'll also be very familiar!
(This is all of the Queen of the Damned book material we have in its entirety. There may be more, but we were forced to triage and made and effort to digitize certain materials we thought would be most helpful.)
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random-imagines-blog · 10 months
Imagine being Louis’s child, and him comforting you after turning you.
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Your father hadn’t been in your life much, not until your mother died. She had told you the truth about him, the truth that he tried to keep hidden from everyone. That he was not your average man, who had average interests. That he ... favored men. You were only six years old when you heard this, so the idea didn’t seem so odd. You hadn’t been conditioned to think that it was disgusting or a sin. It just was what it was.
You met him for the first time at your mama’s funeral. You were supposed to be living with your aunt and uncle afterwards, but your father had swooped in and taken you. You recognized him from old photographs. Your mother’s one and only love, who couldn’t love her back but gave her one night ou of pity, not that you understood what any of that meant. A sweet seven years old, you didn’t ask those sorts of questions, no no.
Your life went on for only a week more. Your father told you to say goodbye to the sunshine, which was a weird ask. You spent the days outside, sitting in the sun, feeling the warmth on your skin. You played with other children in the streets, until they found out which house you went home to and then you were shunned. You didn’t understand why. You couldn’t.
And you couldn’t understand why your father came to you in the middle of the night, and hurt you. You screamed and screamed that night, crying as the pain took you over. You tried to push away from your dad, tried to get him to let go of you, but all he did was give you medicine. It was good tasting medicine, but it didn’t make all of the pain go away.
You didn’t understand why everything felt different when you woke up the next night. You had a nightmare, something horrid, something violent. You hadn’t seen that kind of violence before, but now, it felt as if you had experienced it. Your father biting into your neck. Blood splattering all over your pillow and your sheets. Different victims. Your mother, your aunt, your uncle, your grandmother, you saw them all die and - you had been the one to bite their throats out. You awoke dry, parched, completely in the dark. You were encased in something. A box. You called for your Papa, please, come Papa, I’m scared. And he did come. He took the lid off and cradled you in his arms and he told you that things were going to be different now. You were no longer human.
He tried to put things simply, but it was hard to understand. You cried your little heart out when he said that you wouldn’t be able to play with the other kids again. You sobbed until your eyes were sore when you heard that you weren’t going to be able to eat your favorite cakes. You wailed until your voice gave out when he told you that your whole life was going to be focused on quenching this new thirst. He gave you more of the medicine that helped earlier, from a source you did not see, his mouth into yours.
“But do not worry, my little one,” Louis said, stroking your puffy face as you finally began to grow quiet. “You will always have me as your Papa, until the end of time.”
You finally felt calm enough to sleep, and your Papa tried to put you into a coffin of your own, but you remembered too well when your mother had been put in the ground in one of those. That it meant she was never coming back, so you clung to your Papa until he finally relented, letting you sleep with him that night, curled up in in a box his perfect size, so at least if you were gone forever, you were not alone.
Requested by: Anonymous
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luwha · 2 years
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feretra · 1 year
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oh, uh, hello.
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cuntyvampires · 1 year
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Louis de Ponte du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
It's always fascinating to see how various fandoms relationship with what is perceived as acceptable has changed over the years. I was never in the HANNIBAL fandom but as a HANNIBAL viewer I obviously knew of the fandom and how heavily invested they were (and remain) about the relationship between Will Graham and Hannibal. So what that Hannibal stabbed Will. Who cares if he sawed open Will's head. Let those without sin cast the first stone, I say. If Will can love Hannibal after nearly being gutted by him, who am I to judge?
It's why it's hilarious that nearly eight years later there are fans who need a fainting couches over the passionate, yet toxic (passionately toxic?) relationship between Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis Du Pont Du Lac in AMC's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE.
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It's even funnier when people who are on the fence about the depiction of Lestat's cruelty decide they want to read the books and then being even more horrified by that.
Live look at AMC INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE watchers trying to read The Vampire Chronicles.
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Lestat being awful and his obsessive love for Louis is a large part of his appeal. Even Louis rolls with it - when he's not being emotionally drained by it.
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And then Louis promptly proceeds to fight and f*ck Lestat right then and there.
Not saying everyone has to have the same level of tolerance. Not at all. Just that characters doing despicable things didn't seem as much as a deal breaker less than a decade ago for many.
The latest entry in this is TEEN WOLF. Nearly six years after the MTV series' finale, there is a Paramount+ film and due to a particular plot device, has reawakened the sleeping dragon that stirred in the subsequent years of the show ending. There are people who are just now finding out that one of the show's biggest ships is Stiles and Derek (Sterek, if you will) and they are shaking, crying, throwing up, needing fainting couches and smelling salts that, then, teenage Stiles was/is being shipped with adult Derek.
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Stephen A., take it home for me.
*Amended because I abhor the royal "we" so I don't care. YMMV.
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cbrownjc · 5 months
New Fic: Promises, Promises
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My next fic in The Forgotten Years series, which I am writing with @faerywhimsy, is now finished! Please check it out over on AO3.
Title: Promises, Promises
Pairings: Lestat/Louis, Armand/Louis, Lestat & Armand, Armand/Daniel (past), Daniel/Louis (past), Armand/Daniel/Louis (past) 
Summary:  After Paris and four decades apart, Lestat and Louis finally reunite. However, due to a promise Louis has made to Armand, it can never be the full reunion that Lestat has long wished for.
That is unless Lestat takes matters into his own hands to try and get Louis out of his promise.
Rockstar Lestat Era — Show Canon with Book Canon Elements — Lestat’s POV
Completed — 12,547 words — Teen and Up
Santa Barbara, California, late October 1988
Looking out of the glass doors of the large Spanish-style house that sat high atop one of the bluff hills that overlooked the Pacific Ocean, Lestat de Lioncourt was aware of it. 
A creature, outside in the darkness. Walking in the stillness, no human scent.
Lestat and the members of his rock band were scheduled to play their first major concert six days from now, on All Hallow’s Night, in Los Angeles. Yet, because of unknown threats being made toward them, he and his bandmates were, at the moment, staying hidden away in Santa Barbara.
Unlike Lestat, however, the others in his band — as well as his manager and lawyer — did not know that the threats towards them were not coming from humans. But from vampires. 
Vampires who strongly disapproved of what Lestat was doing, and wished to kill him for it.
Yet, the now over 200-year-old Vampire Lestat felt no alarm or worry as the creature approached. On the contrary, the emotions he felt were a torrent-filled mix of apprehension, sadness, pain, joy, excitement . . . and love. 
Out of all the other things Lestat felt at that moment, love was the most overwhelming feeling of them all.
For there was one telltale sign as to whom the creature that was approaching was. A sign, a sound, that he knew more intimately than any other sound in this world.
A heartbeat.
More importantly, the heartbeat of Louis de Ponte du Lac.
It was Louis that approached. 
His Louis.
Lestat’s own heart began to skip at the revelation of who was approaching. He looked over at the tiny lights of the alarm box half half-concealed by the gathered drapery in the corner of the room. The alarm system promised sirens and alarms if anything, mortal or immortal, tried to penetrate the house. 
At the edge of the back rod-iron gate is where Louis finally appeared. Slender figure, cinnamon brown skin, dark hair that was no longer styled short and sleek, but longer and more free. Moss-green eyes and clothing that appeared to be rather standard garments. In particular, a black sweater that hung a little too large on his body. 
Louis had paused by the gate as if he was looking for — and then spotted — something not just beyond the backyard, but on the other side of what Lestat knew to be the electric blue haze of the glass veil he stood behind. 
Yes. Louis had spotted him, for he now skillfully vaulted over the gate — which was over five feet tall — and began to make his way towards Lestat, towards the light.
Lestat felt a lump come into his throat as he began to tremble. He did as quick a scan as he could have the night for any others, for danger still lurked and he must still keep vigilant of it. 
But, in truth, none of it mattered to him as much now. Because Louis has come. Louis was here.
That had been the main thing that this had all been about, his rock star career. Finding his companion’s heart again.
[ Read on AO3 ]
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sheisraging · 9 months
interview with the vampire for the ask game!
OH BOY. Okay lemme try to do this:
Favorite character: Lestat de Lioncourt (i love my cunty man)
Second favorite character: Louis de Ponte du Lac (i love my cunty man's unhinged husband)
Least favorite character: Oh god, I don't think I have one on the show! Uh. Tom Anderson.
The character I’m most like: Jesus I hope none of them. But also probably Daniel.
Favorite pairing: Lestat/Louis OTP
Least favorite pairing: Louis/Armand
Favorite moment: The entire pilot episode. Does that count as a moment?
Rating out of 10: 11
Send me series and I’ll tell you my picks!
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punk-dad-sharkz · 8 months
Second Fav Film Friday!!
i totally almost didn't forget
In honor of Friday the 13th, the film I'm going to discuss this week is...... Interview With A Vampire (1994)!
Fandom/Universe: Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles
Release Date: November 11, 1994
Director: Neil Jordan
Starring: Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Stephen Rea, Christian Slater, Kirsten Dunset
Basic Summary: Louis de Ponte du Lac recounts his life as a vampire to Daniel Molloy, and interviewer, reliving and remembering the most important and emotional parts of his life in 18th century New Orleans.
Official Rating: 10/10
Honestly this is one of my favourite movies to date. I loved it so much so I got the books as soon as I could.
Despite being known as "that gay Tom Cruise vampire movie," there is so much depth and emotion in this movie. I'm not done with the book yet, but the movie seems to be following the story as closely and accurately as it can, being it's a movie adapted from a dense, dialogue-ridden book.
Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt deliver a beautiful, stunning relationship between Louis and Lestat, and they have so much on-screen chemistry. The characters were fleshed out fully, from fashion to dialogue to mannerisms to how each person would hold a wine glass.
Speaking of Tom Cruise, he looked unbelievably attractive in a blonde wig, much to my surprise.
It's not your typical vampire movie, with an evil count or badass assassin vampires (I love you Underworld <3), instead delving deep into the mental state of a man who more or less got dragged into the complicated community of vampires and fighting his morality along the way.
I will admit it is a kind of slow movie, so it's really up to the individual person if they want to sit through all of that.
Overall, it's a unstable, queer-coded roller coaster period drama that is for the Tom Cruise fans and gays alike. I highly recommend this film!
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fanonical · 1 year
the more louis de ponte du lac tries to convince me that he didn't eat his baby nephew, the more i am convinced that he totally ate that baby. yeah, sure louis, you were totally inconsolable because you almost ate a baby, that seems true and real
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random-imagines-blog · 2 months
Oneshot Requests Closed
I’m temporarily closing oneshot requests, as a lot have piled up and I need to play catch-up again. Thanks for being patient with me everyone!
As of right now, these are the requests I’m going through.
[1] Nicholas Garrigan [1] Jaqen H’Ghar [1] Jaime Lannister [1] Kit Walker [1] Dean Winchester [1] Gerard Way [1] Aragorn [1] Eomer [1] Jonathan Crane [1] Lt Hiram Coffey [2] Arthur - Inception [1] Adam Stanheight {2 Parter) [1] Captain Hook [2] Arthur Curry [1] Tyrion Lannister [1] Michael Emerson [1] Rick Flag [1] Lost Boys [5] Lestat [1] Marvel Cast [1] Henry Wu [1] Thor [1] Louis de Pont du Lac
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sexcromancy · 3 months
yesterday I ripped the itwv season 1 DVD onto my computer and today I actually started a sewing project for the first time in months so I swear to god I will watch this show before May 12. I want to be in the creepy house with louis de pont du lac violent man lover supreme
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Had a dream that involved Sarah Wilson and Louis de Ponte Du Lac but he was mute and wasn't a vampire but a more scarier second thing. Like, I don't know, a ghoul or something
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memorian · 2 years
Are you a partner at LPL? The Louis de Ponte du Lac Law Firm.
Our sole purpose is to defend the rights of our one client, thee Louis de Ponte du Lac.
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Do you have what it takes?
Join our defense team today!
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