#lucy boynton hcs
lightyearns · 2 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, EMMA FROST, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of MARVEL (EARTH-616) miss you. when you went into slumber you were TWENTY - NINE years old, your pronouns are SHE/HER, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the cambria program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a THE LUNAR REVIEW BAR MANAGER is waiting for you. remember, the cambria one thanks you! 
NAME: emma frost
ALIAS(ES): white queen, ice princess
AGE: 29
PRONOUNS & GENDER: she/her, cisgender
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: june 3rd, gemini
FACECLAIM: lucy boynton
AESTHETICS: the sharp of an icicle ; loneliness like a first snow ; proving your worth time and time again and still feeling an ache inside.
BACKGROUND: prior to being on the cambria, emma was on krakoa, working as ceo of frost international, and serving on the quiet council of krakoa. her life had slowed, quieted, and calmed a decent amount since the beginning, and emma was almost....settling in, a little, when the invite came. she was comfortable, for the most part. there was still a lot to fix, and a lot of personal things to work through, but there was ... a little lull. it was almost nice. no wonder something had to go wrong.
WEAPONS: her mind, honestly
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: telepathy, super strength, super stamina, psychic immunity, durability (in diamond form), astral combat
GREATEST STRENGTH: her deep resilience and self confidence.
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: sometimes her cold nature can impact her choices and abilities.
ONE FEAR: she’s afraid of everything she’s built crumbling.
ONE HOPE: she hopes to be able to continue protecting mutants.
HEADCANON(S): all hcs can be found here !
emma, quite literally, would like to greatly injure anyone involved with putting her in a cryosleep and dropping her on this ship. she is deeply suspicious and wildly unhappy. she had no interest in joining, and the fact that she doesn’t know what happened to krakoa, her mutants, anything, really stresses her out. the point is, she’s pissed. but she isn’t stupid. she’d like to stay on the good side of anyone more powerful, in the moment, than her.
she hopes to see the end of it, frankly.
scott. no further comments at this time.
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hi-hey-hello! I'm the anon who asked for lucy boynton/priya blackburn relationship hc's (with fem. reader)... I was wondering if you'll write it? No offense, if you're not comfortable with it you don't need to write it ofc, aaand if you already wrote it and I just didn't found it, I'M SORRY (for bothering)!
Hello, there anon! I will certainly write some of these! I’m now more comfortable. But keep in mind, I am straight so if I get anything off or offensive by accident, do not hesitate to ask or message me and I will fix it. I just want to try to play my part and have healthy representation. Happy Pride Month!!!
So moving on...
Being Lucy Boyton’s Girlfriend would include...
Helping her with her scripts! As she washes the dishes you read the other characters while she tries to say her lines without help...though you will always prompt her!
Lots of wine and movie nights as you both are in your pajamas, giggling and kissing each other, holding hands during romantic parts.
Playing classic rock while cleaning, doing laundry, or taking out the trash and recycling.
Her giving you a makeover and borrowing her clothes all the time!!! You even paint each other’s nails carefully.
Treating you to vacations to the beach or mountains, especially after filming.
If there is a disagreement, you tend to humor her out or make her laugh so she relaxes and you are both able to relax!
Going to protests and speaking up for social justice together, but going home feeling proud and tired and snuggling with some snacks.
Being happy to have a goddess as your girlfriend and her being grateful to have an angel like you as her girlfriend!
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Being Prya Blackburn’s girlfriend would include...
She’s pretty tall, so lots of hugs and trying to pick you up!
Fixing you a nice coffee or tea. Four o clock you both have coffee/tea with some kind of sweet dessert and catch up about things when you are free. When you kiss her, you can taste the biscuit or scone.
Going to London for dates and holding hands while swinging them, seeing all of the historic sites together all bundled up when it gets cold.
She is a coffee addict so when you surprise her with a latter and a pastry she squeals and goes over and kisses your cheek in a big hug.
Sleeping together in a very pink bedroom with pink walls and pink sheets, it all being adorable.
Her cat being so attached to you that even when you are hanging out, let's say on your laptop typing up something, the cat sits on the chair near you and curls, showing its back as he sleeps. Priya nudges you with a smile and says “it shows that he trusts you!”
Marathoning sitcoms as you play with her hair and style it and devour half the food you have.
When she books a new role, locking arms and spinning each other, laughing and jumping up and down as you kiss her and say you’re so proud of her and she says she’s proud of you too!
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Taglist: @queenlover05
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deakydeaky · 4 years
Having a baby with Ben
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(A/N: Omg hi!! I’ve missed you all so much, and it’s been so long since I’ve written so I thought why not some Ben stuff? I want to thank @cardboardbenmazzello for bringing me out of retirement, your comments really got me going again. I also want to thank all of you for still following me and liking my stuff and what not, it means a lot. And please forgive me for not writing for a minute now, I’ve been super busy and my mental health was going down but I’m back and writing again! Sorry if there are typos, I was really excited to write again. Anyways, please enjoy and I love you, cutie🥰)
Finding out:
You and Ben had a good three months of dating because before that you guys were semi friends
Thanks to Gwil you two saw that you were kind of good together. They was also flirting between you two and you always felt comfortable together
You guys haven’t had the talk about kids or marriage or anything serious
He had also been filming a lot, so dates weren’t really a thing. He was filming or at the gym or something important so time together was amazing
When he came back you guys knew how to fill up time if you know what I mean (Stevie Wonder starts to play)
After that he was back and away at filming. Then, one day, you started to notice things were off
Small things like your boobs hurt or you wanted things that you hated or the smell of everything. You thought, at first, that it was just you’re period. Then, you noticed you were late
You knew right away that it was a possibility. Sometimes things get so wrapped up that you guys don’t think about protection
You couldn’t believe you were so stupid. You called your best friend immediately for them to pick you up a test, if you went the press could be all over you
When they got there you had drunken so much water you thought you would explode. You took the test and you both waited. You went around and around about if you were or not and what would happen but you ended up picking up that positive stick and knew what you had to do
You were of course nervous. Kids never came up in any sort of conversation. Maybe when you saw a fan with a kid and you commented on how cute it was but you never talked about your kids.
You wanted to have it all planned out but when he came home it was a complete surprise. You had no idea he was planning on it either.
He came in really late at night but thankfully you were still up, watching your tv show and eating, while in his pajamas. You looked to see your door being open to just see him
You jumped up out of bed and ran into his arms before he could put his bags down. He hugged you hella tightly as you started to cry. You didn’t mean to, you had kissed him so much and you were scared to tell him because you thought you had more time. As he hugged you tighter you thought you would choke
“Don’t crush us.” You said as you broke apart because you realized what you had said. He folded his eyebrows at you before laughed a little. You smiled widely and then coughed.” Us.” You said as you put your hand on your stomach.
“Are you- are you kidding?” You shook your head as you felt sick.” I’m going to be a dad?” You nodded again.” A dad? I’m a dad!” He hugged you again.
“You’re not mad?” You asked him as you started to cry again.” No I’m not mad. Hey don’t cry.” He said as he put his hands on your cheeks.” I love you, I love you guys.”
The pregnancy/labor:
He was doing a lot of press tours but he was there as much as he could be, along with the others. You told him not to stress because it wasn’t a big deal. You both agreed that the last month and a half he had to be there no matter what and it seemed like a really good deal.
When he wasn’t there the first few months it was always Gwil or Joe. Simply because Joe had basically moved in and Gwil was there Incase you killed him. The others were visit but weren’t there as much as those two
Everyone kept you comfortable and safe. They made sure you ate right, took your vitamins, hold back your hair and always had someone there to cuddle with.
When Ben was there he did those things but better? You liked him there better because he always helped by talking about how excited he was to be a dad and all of those dad things
Joe tried but the second he got on baby names you thought you would lose your mind
“We’re not naming the baby after you!” You would yell from the kitchen. “Why not?” Joe would yell back at her. “Joe please.” Gwil would try to help. “Do it coward!” Joe would yell at you as you came in. You would look at Gwil as Joe kept yelling as to why the baby should be named after him. “We’re going to fight.”
Being pregnant was actually kind of fun for you. You didn’t have to do anything and it was great, sometimes you hated how much you did nothing but you got use to it because you knew the next eighteen years weren’t going to be like this
You were eating a lot of foods that you use to hate as well that made Ben laugh. You were eating his food, the food you made fun of him for. “It’s a boy, I just know it.” You would tell him as you ate his food. “Or it likes to be healthy.” You gasped. “Our baby is already weird.”
You also loved when you saw Ben get so protective of you two. He was always on something. Making sure you were laying right, not letting you do some things because of the baby, little things to. “Ben I can drive a car.” “You two are fine right there.” You nodded. “Is the three pillows necessary?” “Yes.”
You two got a dog because you would cry if someone wasn’t by you most of the time, you had no idea why but it was just what happened.
The baby kicks were amazing because Ben could feel them when they first happened, until Joe made his way when he heard you guys. “Coming through! What is Joe doing?” You both sighed. “The baby is kicking.” Joe put his hand on your stomach to feel. “It’s a sign he wants to be named Joe.” The baby then kicked, making Joe’s eyes light up. “I think it means he wants you to go away.” You would tell him. “Nope that’s just you, it’s kicking more, oh my god, I love you.”
One day it was you and Joe because Ben has went out for groceries, and by that you mean what you were craving when you felt a pain. You gasped and sat up as Joe was napping next to you. After a few seconds it happened okay. You hit Joe, working him up. “What? What?” He would say groggy. You just let out a groan. “I think I peed myself.” Joe laughed. “Your water broke! It’s go time people! We’ll call Ben from the car, let’s go, I’ve been waiting for this moment!”
Joe stayed with you until Ben could come. And when he did it was like the baby knew it’s dad was there because he started to come out, and fast.
How the gang is with the baby/parenting:
They all love it, very much. The baby makes one single coo and they all lose their minds. They’re over a lot to see the baby too.
They play with it so much, feed it when it needs a bottle, kisses it all over it’s face, the whole thing.
Rami is scared that he’ll break the baby everytime he picks it up. Gwil thinks there is nothing in the world is more pure than that baby. Lucy thinks she would break through walls for that baby. And Joe....
Well Joe thinks that baby is just as much his and the others. He is the most excited about being an uncle, he thinks the baby is cuter than a puppy, he loves this baby.
“Joe... my kid please.” You would say as you had a bottle warmed up. “Sleeping again but we’ll get back to you when we’re ready to eat.” You would shake your head before giving him to bottle.
“Is that a cute baby? Is that a cute baby? Yes it is! Yes it is!” Lucy would say as it was laying on the floor and crawling to her. “Look at them go, see come on baby, you got this.” Gwil would tell it
Rami says he feels like he could break it but when that baby is in his arms they lay there for hours upon hours. Everyone could be doing anything and that baby and him would just be chillin.
Joe lets the baby lay in his chest when it can’t sleep. Or just whenever it wants because that baby is crazy spoiled by him.
Having a hell of a lot of help because of how much they care about this baby. The baby is set for years when it comes to clothes and toys. They all love to see it’s face light up when it plays with a new toy.
You and Ben also love being a parent. You love to see them do the smallest thing because it’s crazy that they can. Their little baby hand holds anything and you two lose your mind
Ben loves being a dad more than anything. They do everything together too. He shops with them, goes to the mall with them, watching learning stuff with them, it was crazy
When the baby slept between you two it was the cutest thing to wake up to Ben cooing it back to sleep or hit him holding it and asleep
Ben would try to sing it songs to fall asleep but it likes it better when their other uncles do it.
“Ben it’s not going to choke on anything in its crib.” You would try to tell him as you found him over the crib again at night. “But what if it starts to eating the blanket.” “No baby would do that.” “But what if ours does?”
You always telling him how good of a dad he is and how much you love your little family.
Bonus! Growing up:
It’s been years later. Another kid and a marriage later to be exact.
It was the kids fifth birthday and everyone was coming over for the party. As more people came in the kid came shooting down the stairs.
“Uncle Joe!” The kid would jump into his arms, making him smile. “They kiddo, happy birthday.” Joe would kiss the top of its head.” Can you show me how old again?” Your kid would put up fix fingers with a smile.
“Growing up fast.” Lucy would say as she hugged you. “I remember their first steps.” You would say back. “Or when they started to crawl.” Gwil said as he hugged you.
“The party’s here!” Ben would yell as everyone got there. He would come over to you.” Roger got the cake, everyone brought a gift and the party is set. You did it, mom.” He said before he kissed you.” When do I get my superpowers?” He asked
“When you push out a kid.” You laughed before you kissed him again.” You’re already the best dad, what more could a kid want.” You both kissed yet again.
“Ew!” Both the kids and Joe would say as they walked in. A kid in one arm as he held the others hand. “Really?” Ben would say before running after them. Joe let them both go and to run off. “Save yourselves!” You smiled to yourself before walking into the living room to Ben grabbing both kids.
“You should have ten more.” Gwil said to you. “Yeah Y/N you two make pretty kids.” Lucy told you. “Agreed.” Rami would say. “Don’t we?” Joe agreed as he put his arm around you, making you all laugh. “I wouldn’t mind another one.” Ben spoke. Roger said back. “Yeah we’re getting old Y/N, they make us young.”
Ben and you both looked at each other. He looked at the kids with a smile before offering a birthday soda. “Not too much before dinner.” You reminded him and he just moved his head back and fourth. “Let’s go before we get anymore rules.” Ben told them both.
“You two are great parents.” You smiled.
“I’m glad you all feel that way because your wishes have already been granted.”
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missborhap · 4 years
Hello all!
I will not just write for Joe, I will write for all of the Borhap boys and Lucy.
I haven’t really been able to write a lot, mainly because of writers block, but have been debating on writing for all of the Borhap cast lately.
I do take requests, anons, and confessions.
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bensboynton · 5 years
hellooo so i’m wondering if you could do a head canon w/ ben about fights? thanks boo i love your writing and i cANNOT WAIT FOR THE 4TH PART OF GOOD ENOUGH OKAY BYEEE
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH that means a lot to me :) and i’m so happy you’re enjoying good enough chapter 4 should be a rollercoaster👀 but yes ben w/ fights hc here we go
word count: 800
warnings: unedited, slight smut?blink and you’ll miss it, fluff
so ben hates fighting.
which is probably why you guys have blowout fights so rarely.
and by barely you mean less then once a year. 
fighting is the one thing that makes your boyfriend crumble. he’s a strong guy, always has been, but knowing he made you upset or hurt you in any way could bring him to his knees. 
most of your “fights” would be over which movie to watch or if pineapple should be allowed on pizza or not. 
which weren’t even fights. they’re playful bickering matches. 
but every once in awhile, something big would happen and you two would blow up.
you were so close that you knew the other’s insecurities, what really made their skin crawl. 
so you both used that to your advantage (although you definitely shouldn’t).
and most of the time the fights ended in one of you sleeping on the couch or taking a walk before getting back together and reconciling.
but, one time the fight had been so bad you left in tears and had to go to rami’s and lucy’s shared place. 
but ben was not a violent person. it wasn’t in his nature. he was calm and cool-headed, but throw a really bad day or really rude interviewer his way and suddenly he was on a rampage. 
you’d compare him to a bull in a china shop on occasion. 
he knows how much you hated yelling and screaming so he generally kept arguments calm and quiet, but sometimes it didn’t work out like that. 
most of the time, fights were over spending time with each other, or ben’s habit of smoking, or ben being slightly jealous of you having best friends that were guys (whether he’d admit it or not)
you cried every time you both fought because the feeling in your stomach made you sick. it felt like your intestines were tying themselves into pretzels.
neither of your could bare to think about living without the other, and in the end that’s what brings you back together. every time. 
whether that’s ben showing up on the doorstep to your shared house with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, or driving to meet you at work to apologize. 
the one time you went to rami’s and lucy’s? yeah he called joe trying to choke back sobs as he asked him what to do.
and ben showed up at their doorstep an hour later, after joe finding out you were there and telling ben. 
after about ten minutes, rami begrudgingly let him in.
he had sat there on the couch across from you and poured his heart out on a silver platter, and you remember looking up at him and seeing how puffy and distraught his eyes were.
and his apologies.
he’s so damn good at saying sorry it’s not even funny. 
and his apologies aren’t empty. they never are. he always says sorry with such force and meaning spilling from his tongue you can feel it in your chest. 
he always fixes whatever it was that caused the argument and that’s what makes ben different. 
don’t even get me started on after a fight. 
ben swings one of two ways after a big blowout with you. 
1. treats you like a piece of glass. barely touches you, treats you like a princess and spoils you rotten with food and cuddles to show how much he loves you and how sorry he is. 
2. shows you how much he loves you with sensual sex and long passionate kisses and a lot more but… you get the drift.
ben never holds a grudge, and always listens to what you have to say.
he genuinely cares about your feelings and it shows!
you were his soft spot; his weakness; what made him melt and the idea of him losing you was enough to make his heart fall out of his literal ass. 
how’s that bruno mars song go? ‘i would catch a grenade for you, jump in front of a train for you’
yeah that’s basically ben with you. 
you were his moon, his sun, and every single fucking one of his stars and he tried his best to make sure you knew it. 
you both knew deep down that you would always find your way back to each other, no matter what. 
because you were soulmates, even if it didn’t feel like it sometimes. 
no ones relationship is perfect and neither was yours and ben’s.
but it was yours and that’s what made it special. 
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bo-rhapheart · 5 years
Dating Lucy During Bohemian Rhapsody (Lucy x Reader)
Request: hey can you do a headcanon about dating Lucy during the filming of borhap? loved the last lucy headcanon you did💌
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You guys were cuddling when Lucy got the call.
After the call was done. She looked at you and smile.
“What is it love?” You asked confused.
“I got Mary”
That’s all she needed to say
You quickly cheer and hugged her tightly.
That night you guys went to her favorite restaurant to celebrate.
After you guys got home. You continue with watching her favorites movies.
But the most fun was in the bedroom.
You made the whole about her.
Making her feel like the princess that she is.
Once they started to film. Lucy was tired as hell.
You made sure to always have a bath ready for her.
One day while she was in the bath and you were sitting on the counter. She asked if you could come to set the next day.
“Of course but you never ask me to come to see darling”
“I might’ve told the guys about you and they want to meet you” Lucy confessed shyly.
Making you go over and kiss her deeply.
So the next day you join her on set.
Once you got there. The four guys basically ran up to you guys.
Lucy always made sure to hold your hand since you do tend to get overwhelmed sometimes.
The guys basically coo at you guys.
After that Lucy always would bring you because the guys love talking to you.
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lap-of-the-gods · 5 years
fuck it i’m opening ships again🌈
i haven’t done this in a thousand years but u know what i’m sad and i miss u guys so i’m officially opening ships until 6pm sunday (gmt time) so get ur asks in and don’t forget to tell me if u want band or cast!!
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Meeting Joe while working in a fast food Hc
I know no one asked for this and probably no one will even read it but I was hungry and started thinking about chips and this came in my mind so I'm just gonna leave it here.
You'd be working in that fast food to have the money to complete your last year at uni
One day you'd see a gorgeous red headed guy entering with other three pretty handsome men
You'd try not to stare too much and to focus on your tasks
You wouldn't notice but Joe would keep his eyes on you the whole time
Nothing happened that day but since then, he'd come back more often
You'd notice but you'd think he just liked the place
It would motivate you to go to work tho
He'd start to smile at you every now and then and you'd smile back but try to convince yourself he's just polite
One day the boys would have enough of it
"Mate, you're staring" Ben would say
"What? No I'm not!"
"Why don't you ask her out?"
"You're nuts Rami"
"Why? She cute, you like her, she seems to be interested. I'll let you do the math"
"She'd say no"
"You can't know that"
"Yes I can Gwil, look at her!"
"You've been doing that enough yourself"
"I wouldn't even know how to approach"
"Ask her for chips"
"I already have them"
Ben would take his chips and put them on his plate "not anymore"
"I hate you so much right now" Joe would say, but in the end he'd get up and walk toward you
He'd feel sweat on his hands
He'd feel like a bloody school boy asking a girl to the prom
"Hey there"
"Hi" you'd smile at him, feeling surprised but determined not to let it show
"I was uhm...wondering if I...could have more chips?"
You'd suppress a giggle at his red cheeks and nod "of course, they're on their way"
He'd thank you and walk back to his table
"The chips are on their way"
"You didn't ask her?!"
"I couldn't! She was there with her pretty smile and her eyes and-"
He'd start going on and on about how pretty you are and they guys would just roll their eyes
"You need to make a move mate, or she'll be taken"
Finally they'd convince him to go and talk to you again
"Hey, sorry it's me again!" He'd say trying not to sound too awkward
You'd try to hide how pleased you were and smile again "it's you again"
"Uhm I...I..."
He'd look at his shoes and then back at you stuttering
"Could I have some ketchup?"
"You didn't ask her did you?"
It would take him all the courage in the world to ask you out but the next day he would enter the place and walk straight toward you
"Hi I'm...the ketchup guy"
"Yeah I remember you" you'd smile "how can I help you?"
"When do you get off?" He'd blurt out
You'd try to hide your growing smile "uhm...usually at 8:30"
"Would you like to...I don't know...go for a walk or...have a coffee...with me?"
You'd feel your heart exploding in your chest "Yeah...Yeah sure"
He'd smile so brightly he'd feel his facial muscles hurt
"Cool, alright...I'll...see you later then"
And that's how you'd start dating
He'd be the best boyfriend in the world
Constantly complimenting you and making you laugh
"Why me?" You'd ask one day
"Because you make me feel like the happiest man on the planet. You're my beautiful girl"
You'd blush and kiss him right there
"And" he'd add "Because you always smell like chips"
"You're an idiot"
"I'm your idiot"
"You're so bloody soppy"
"I am, but you love me anyway"
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mittskis · 3 years
hello! i’m looking for rapid fire sorts of plots with fluff and angst and someone i can keep throwing my many hcs to! i have a few in mind, but i’m interested in playing lucy boynton or luca hollestelle! please like this or dm and and we’ll get talking!
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Here it is y’all! I’ll do my best to update it regularly :)
The numbers refer to my Prompt List
Hallow-Queen Prompts HallowQUEEN Masterlist
Series/Long Fics
My Man (Ben!Roger x Reader) Part I Part II Part III (kinda steamy at the end) Part IV Part V (tw: attempted sexual assault) Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Epilogue Bonus Blurb
Catching Up (Joe x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI (contains smut) Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII Epilogue
Dancing With Ben (Ben x Reader) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 (contains smut) Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Epilogue
I Don’t Like You or Your Band (John Deacon x Reader) Preview Full Fic (contains smut)
Lingerie (Joe Mazzello x Reader) Sneak Peek (smut) Full Fic (smut)
Peace Like A River (Gwilym x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Part XI Epilogue
Ben Hardy Ben and post-baby reader Ben saves reader from attack at a party (tw: attempted sexual assault) Ben and reader love at first sight (very fluffy) Ben helps reader with a sprained ankle Ben fights with reader about screenshots online Reader sees Ben’s ex on his Insta Reader is daughter of a Hollywood exec Ben and a younger woman Ben falling for a bookshop girl Ben wants to take you on vacation Ben and Filipino reader Running away from your asshole fiance with Ben Trying to start a family with Ben Long distance relationship with Ben (fluffy) 15 and 43 29 and 46 (smut) Introducing his boyfriend to the rest of he BoRhap boys 20, 21, 22 (smut) 1 and 44 (smut) 2 and 25 Dad!Ben (fluffy) Domestic fluff w/ daughter and baby #2 on the way Starring with him in a movie Morning sex with Ben (smut) Telling him you’re pregnant on his birthday Ben and your daughter surprising you on Mother’s Day Getting with Joe’s brother on set What You Deserve Firsts Reuniting after breaking up Misunderstanding you and Roger’s relationship When his fans are rude to you Dating an Australian HCs Dating a punk girl Teaching him drums for BoRhap Coaching your daughter’s soccer team Sub!Ben w/ pegging (smut) Asking you to have a baby with him (smut) Relieving his stress (smut) Comforting you after getting a haircut Asking him to make a sex tape (kinda steamy) Taking care of you after getting your tonsils out
Joe Mazzello Joe and reader find out they’re having twins Joe and reader with PTSD WWI AU with soldier!Joe and nurse!reader (very fluffy) Cheering up Rami’s sister after a breakup Meeting Joe after a long term relationship Drunk crying over Joe Joe helping reader with body image issues Meeting Joe on a blind date Getting with Joe at Rami and Lucy’s wedding (fluffy) A musical proposal Joe comforting you after a nightmare (kinda steamy)  Surprising you at work Comforting you when stress triggers depression Taking a bath with him (steamy) Drunkenly seducing him (steamy) You and Joe having lots of kids + one more 15 and 19 49 and 20 (smut) 40 and 49 36 and 50 21 and 27 (smut) Accidentally revealing you’re pregnant in an interview 28 and 34 41, 44, 23 Joe being clingy in his sleep Neighbor!Joe Romantic dinner away from the kids (steamy) Part II of ^ (smut) Fighting before he goes on a trip Joe wants to move in together but Y/N is hesitant When you’re different from his exes Choosing adoption Taking your grandmother’s ring to propose Celebrating going to college together Taking care of you on your birthday Comforting him after a breakup Proposing to you after a roller coaster Bath bomb proposal (kinda steamy) Morning sex with Joe at your parents’ house (smut) Morning sex interrupted by your baby (smut) Dancing to Somebody to Love at your wedding Baking with him on a lazy weekend Wedding night (smut) Introducing him to Stranger Things He takes you to a Yankees game Dad!Joe on your daughter’s birthday Stargazing with him Sub!Joe (smut) Dancing to Senorita Watching fireworks with him Keeping you up to watch the cricket world cup Starting the family band Aftercare with Joe Going to Burger King at 1AM Falling asleep watching TV Drunk makeout with Joe HCs Comforting you after losing your cat Wanting you to stay in bed with him Being Joe’s stylist (smut) Convincing you to dance with him Playing Just Dance with him Getting together while on vacation (smut) Feeling like you’re not good enough for him Doing a bunch of DIY around the house  Discovering his size kink (smut) Camping adventures Your first time sleeping together (smut) Catching you masturbating (smut) At your wedding reception Rami and Lucy hyping you and Joe up for your first date Falling asleep/waking up next to him HCs (kinda steamy) Distracting you from your yoga (smut) Telling him you want to wait until marriage Embarrassing your kids in front of their friends Going to bed angry HCs Turning him on in public (smut) Saying goodbye before college Drifting apart HCs (angst)
Gwilym Lee Gwilym comforts bartender reader Threesome with Gwilym and Rami (kinda steamy but also not my best work) Gwilym helps reader destress after exams (extremely fluffy) Giving Gwil a strip tease (kinda steamy) Gwil almost makes you watch Child’s Play  Gwil helps reader who is afraid of storms (FLUFFY AS SHIT PROBABLY MY FAVORITE) Gwilym and reader fight before a party Gwilym’s best friend has feelings for him Gwilym comes home after a month away Gwil and reader say goodbye to their dog (PAINFUL) Gwil used to make fun of reader in school Fighting for you at a bar Comforting him through loss of a loved one (fluffy) Playing Chrissy in BoRhap Reader attacked while with Gwil at a bar (tw: attempted sexual assault) Meeting Gwil and his friends at the bar Fighting with him before a business trip Getting into an accident and Gwil stays by your side Waking up with Gwilym (fluffy) 9, 29, 43 Baking Introducing you to Brian and Roger Comforting you after a bad breakup  Being with an American on 4th of July Surprising him on his birthday Firsts Moving in together Gwil and Playmate!Reader (smut) “Strangers at a bar” (smut) Dressing as schoolgirl for him (smut) Sub!Gwil w/ slight breeding kink (smut) Comforting you about your nose When you get you wisdom teeth out
Rami Malek Rami hooks up with a fan at the bar (smut) Part II of ^ Rami and reader skinny dip in their pool (kinda steamy) Helps reader with writer’s block relax (smut) Reader has a hard time showing emotions Taking care of sick Rami (fluffy) Defending Rami Fighting with Rami Rami winning you over on set (kinda steamy) An unexpected proposal 36 and 29 Seeing you without makeup Sub!Rami headcanons (smut) Proposing to you after sex (brief smut) Rami in drag for BoRhap HCs (smut) Under The Stars Friends to lovers Telling him you’re terminally ill (angsty as fuck) Taking your daughter to her first day of school Rami and deaf!reader cooking for his family
Lucy Boynton Helping her with her wedding Celebrating your anniversary Relieving the sexual tension (smut) Coming out to the cast together Getting drunk and admitting her feelings to you When your daughter is getting bullied
Allen Leech Taking you home to Ireland
Brian May Finding out Brian cheated (ANGSTY) Brian proposing on stage (fluffy) Brian and reader fuck at the drive in (smut) Brian and HS gf lose their virginities (smut) Brian comforts reader after serious accident (very fluffy) Brian and reader with ADHD Reader passes out and goes to hospital Brian and reader’s wedding day Dom!Bri blurb (smut) Road tripping with Brian (kinda steamy) Confessing his feelings under the stars You and Brian’s daughter coming out You and Brian’s daughter marrying her girlfriend  2 and 46 (smut) 50 Brian and plus size reader 40 (smut) 20 and 31 28, 33, 36 Roger’s groupies make fun of Brian’s gf Carrying you to bed b/c of an injury All his pet names for you Being insecure he might be cheating “Rumor has it I make you nervous” Enemies w/ benefits to lovers Becoming smitten with a flutist Defending you from the press
Roger Taylor  Flirting with reader after a gig Rog gets jealous when John accidentally sees reader nude Making up after a fight Performing Rocky Horror for him (kinda steamy) Teaching his best friend the drums Dreaming Roger was in an accident 60s Roger 80s Roger and Filipino reader  Roger and Latina reader Roger confessing his feelings after a car accident 10, 17, 37 Passing notes “All I Wanted” songfic She’s out of my life (angsty) Fighting with his childhood friend but getting together Being amused by your emotions on your period Public quickie with Roger (smut) 8, 17, 38 Doing his Rogerina makeup
John Deacon Joe!John kissing reader for the first time 20 and 42 27 and 21 Meeting John on SNL Helping you with period pain Talking about you in an interview Waking him up on his birthday
Freddie Mercury 19 He’s your first kiss 27 (fluffy) 46 Comforting you during stress When he isn’t there for you (daughter!reader)
BoRhap Boys Pregnancy fluff Discussing accents Ben interrupts you and Gwil’s wedding Helping you when you’ve been rejected
Queen Helping their protege after she gets pregnant  Choosing between Brian and Roger Taking care of you after fracturing your tailbone
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droppingpetals · 4 years
i will continue to post this until i get all the plots i want ! but i would love to pick up some new plots and ships so i can have more people to share hcs with and make moodboards and pinterest boards for the ships and plots and all that good stuff that everyone likes !!
i prefer to write on discord nowadays and especially bc of the new tumblr update, i want to keep writing on discord even more ! i also play both males and females and it’d be great if you did as well !  i have a slight preference for all things gay but i do write all pairings ( m/f, m/m and f/f ) !  i also have a bunch of ideas for characters and fcs that i’d love to get to use, as well as some plot ideas / tropes !  a few fcs and such will be listed under the read more thingy but it is most definitely not limited to those only <3
so if you’re interested, press that like button and i will come to you !!
bonus points if you do a plot with older muses with me !
want to play !
kaya scodelario  /  keira knightley  /  ana de armas  /  axel auriant /  cillian murphy  /  josh stewart  /  sebastian stan  /  andrew lincoln  /  elle fanning  /  katie mcgrath  /  amanda seyfried  /  lily collins  /  kristine froseth  /  lucy boynton  /  jaime lorente  /  arón piper  /  samara weaving  /  henrik holm  /  margaret qualley  /  rocco fasano  /  victoria pedretti  /  haley bennett  /  rachael taylor  /  álvaro rico  /  oliver jackson-cohen /  rosamund pike  /  rob james-collier  /  federico cesari  /  emily blunt  /  richard armitage   /  willa fitzgerald  /  michiel huisman  /  emily vancamp  /  chase stokes  /  all skam fcs  / the entire elite cast
want to play against !
henry cavill  /  james mcavoy  /  john krasinski  /  mike vogel  /  hugh dancy  /  richard madden  /  chris evans  /  gwilym lee  /  armie hammer  /  max irons  /  rocco fasano  /  oliver jackson-cohen  /  maxence danet-fauvel  /  jai courtney  /  evan roderick  /  chase stokes  /  literally any girl ever ok  /  all skam fcs  /  the entire elite cast
this list is much shorter bc i couldn’t come up with any more and these are just the ones that Really came to me off the top of my head
some plots i’d love to do !
celeb x non celeb
period plots!!! historical plots!!
mumus!!! give me plots with multiple muses!!
something kinda like outer banks ??
anything to do with the worlds from got / lotr / potc and such
domestic plots!!!! give me hs sweethearts who made it!!!! (but especially if it gay??) also divorced couple still having to be around each other bc kids and cue pining??
college plots!!!!
fantasy plots?? i wanna dive into those, think got and lotr etc
this vibe?? “unlovable” characters experiencing love for the first time??
lowkey also toxic relationships .... give me a pair that doesnt work together but they’re so in love that they cant stay away :/
this plot!!! please!!! high school sweethearts!!!
sports plots?? ice hockey, football / soccer, cheerleading, figure skating??? boxing???
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ellizablue · 4 years
I love Emilia’s Dany and Kit’s Jon as well ♥️ Well, if your have references for both the kids as little ones and as adults, that’d be awesome to see ☺️ Also, I’m re reading OFG, and seeing how similar Jon and Aemon’s reaction to Daario was, is hilarious! I didn’t notice the first time I read it!
For lil ones: 
Lyaella (naturally this cosplay is nearly on the nose; Ly’s eyes are more gray than blue, and her hair is curlier & fairer, but this lil baby’s delicate, sweet features seem perfect): 
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Aemon (haven’t found the *perfect* HC for him but this lil guy is close to how I see lil chubby, mischievous ~3 year old Ae, though of course his eyes are violet! His most important feature-- both as a lil one and a grown up-- is a heart-melting smile, and I think this lil cutie has that ❤️):
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Rhaena (her eyes are violet too but look at that widdle face!): 
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@wandener, auntofdragons on Twitter, and I have hashed out the adult HCs for the kids for months 😂😂😂 My first instinct for Ly was Dove Cameron specifically in this music video: 
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(Ethereal beauty, gray eyes-- but I got PUSHBACK from my pals!) Then we said Lucy Boynton: 
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auntofdragons loves this Dany art for Ly: 
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I love all three 🤷‍♀️ Ly’s been our hardest to place for sure. 
For Aemon, this guy is the only ‘face’ I've come across that encapsulates his charm, tho I have no idea who he the model is (and obvs Ae has violet eyes, dark hair, and no freckles):
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Rhae: We teeter between two--
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When I say @wandener and I have gotten into it over these faceclaims....I think her hatred of Dove Cameron nearly made her block me 😂❤️
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catalinaroleplay · 4 years
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MASON HARTLEY (Chris Hemsworth) is looking for his LONG-TIME AFFAIR connection. Please message SAY for more information regarding this connection. The status of this connection is currently: OPEN.
Long-Time Affair
27-35, but upper age range is totally negotiable!
Totally UTP, but here are some suggestions:
Adria Arjona, Alexandra Daddario, Deborah Ann Woll, Elizabeth Lail, Jamie Chung, Jodie Comer, Julia Fox, Leighton Meester, Logan Browning, Lucy Boynton, Medalion Rahimi, Melissa Barrera, Naomi Scott, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Nathalie Emmanuel, Neslihan Atagül, Phillipa Soo, Samara Weaving, Zión Moreno. 
CW: Infidelity.
I’d recommend reading Mason’s bio here, but the lowdown is that he is a famous (married) actor who had an ongoing affair with your muse since ~2013 (hence I’d like them to be 27 at the youngest). In December 2018, he officially ended things after his wife left him, and he moved back to his hometown of Catalina Island soon after that. 
Mostly everything is up to you, but I do imagine that she was very aware of Mason being married, but might have rationalized it knowing that his marriage wasn’t going well. Perhaps even deluded a bit that he was going to leave his wife for her, but instead, got broken up with instead. 
Everything else is up to you! How she thinks of him now, whether she still wants them back together, how she looks back onto the relationship. I’m all ears for all the ideas! 
HC: Inspiration could be a relationship kind of like EmRata’s character in Gone Girl or Hayden from AHS: Murder House, but don’t feel limited to those characterizations of the women!
Pinterest board
Relationship: x, x, x, x
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deakydeaky · 5 years
HC: Going to the lake with Joe and the BoRhap Boys
(A/N; I put Lucy in it too bc I’m that bitch xx)
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Joe and you wanted a small vacation out together to clear your minds
It would have been a first away for you
So as you are with Joe and Ben, Joe tells Joe that he was planning a vacation out to the lake
“Alright mate I can see when the others are free.”
Because you and Joe love Ben and the others you decided not to say anything
You knew the trip wouldn’t be ruined or anything but you did kind of want time away from everyone with Joe
Needless to say two weeks later you were checking into a cabin with the others
You all shared a cabin with three rooms and one bathroom, and that was not ideal but you could make it work
The joke was funny at the time that Ben and Joe would book a small cabin but now it wasn’t
You and Joe of course shared a room but the problem was Gwil and Ben shared a room right next to yours
And not like a wall away, no no, like there was a window you could open to see the other room
So every minute or so Ben would open the window and say something like “it’s almost like we are sharing a room.”
First day out;
Rami had rented a boat for the whole week
As him and Joe got the boat ready, you and Ben packed the cooler
Lucy and Gwil were trying stuff onto the boat to do, like tubing
You all got into to the boat, ready for a day out of the lake
You thinking it’ll be peaceful and full of tanning and drinking but not really
It was loud. Music blared, everyone drank, there was jumping and pushing off off of the boat
You were a bit sour because water also got on you as you tried to tan
To get you out of this bad mood, Ben threw you in the water
“I’m going to kill you!” You yelled as him and Joe laughed
“Babe it’s funny and have some fun.” He told you helping you back onto the boat. You grabbed your towel and smiled at him as he turned to you before you pushed him off of the water
“You’re right babe! It is fun!”
“Did we ruin your vacation with Joe?” Lucy asked you as you sat next to her and Rami
“There will be other vacations with ones that don’t involve children. Besides this is kind of better with you guys.”
“I’ll hold that to you.” Rain told you as he got into the water
“You better not do anything stupid since I told you that!”
“Stupid? That’s what we can here to be!” Joe told you
“Rather than any other day?”
“So brave when not in the water!” He then splashed water onto you
“You’re dead Mazzello.”
Other things you all do on the trip;
Fight over who drives the boat
Playing cards
Seeing who can chug beer the fastest
Taking a lot of pictures
Tanning with Joe and Gwil
Water fights, which also include getting on someone’s shoulders and fighting the other
Going to the store everyday because all the snacks on the boat get eaten
Trying to get the cabin free with Joe whenever
Going out to dinners
Dancing on the boat
Seeing who can push people off the boat the most and whoever does it the most wins
Only one person isn’t aloud to get drunk so they can drive the boat
Jumping off the boat drunk once because why not
Floating in the water and Joe flips you over
Floating with Joe
Taking cute picture of him with him wearing your hat
Him showing you off when someone is taking a picture
Joe getting really bad sunburn the second day out but that doesn’t stop him from being on the boat
Seeing who can hold their breath under water the longest
Getting super tan
Inside jokes getting made
Gwil and Ben making fun of you and Joe whenever you do something cute
Lucy and you posting best friend pics on insta
Never wanting to leave
Getting hella good sleep at night bc sleep hits different after a day on the lake
Dying Ben’s hair when down there
Then everyone else joined in
Staying for longer than planned
A road trip back filled with a lot of sleeping and saying “remember when..”
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missborhap · 5 years
Should I become a multi Borhap Boys & Lucy writer instead of just Joe?
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
BoRhap Cast
| Back to Masterlist
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Dating a Latina
»Joe Mazzello 
Clueless girlfriend
Taking your virginity**
Proving you wrong (HC)
Instagram edits
Couple’s Yoga
»Ben Hardy 
You have a bruise he wants to know why *
The Flu - Mini Series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You Faked an Orgasm
Fluffy Sunday - Reader has selfharm scars ⚠️ (Triggering)
He knows you are pregnant before you even think of it
Maybe Not - Ben rejects Reader (slight angst)
Maybe Not Part 2: Someone Else’s Baby
Dating a Plus Size Girl: she has insecurities
Summer Lovin’
Instagram edits
Filming together again
Day off teasers
»Gwilym Lee
Dating a Plus Size Girl: she has insecurities
Helping you through a panic attack ⚠️ (Triggering)
»Lucy Boynton
Getting together* (GirlXGirl)
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