#mad dog rant
chuuya-fan-page · 8 months
rare chuuya fan page rant post
I am genuinely upset with how this fandom views Chuuya. It's probably since he is one of my favorites, but can we stop viewing him as solely the brawns of skk?
He. is. a. mafia. executive.
He is both strong and smart, there is no way he could even be a leader of the sheep at 15 years old as well if he was not smart. And there is no way that he would become a mafia executive if he was not smart either, that position requires both smarts and strength.
He is not a brute that only knows how to solve things with violence like the fandom believes he is. He's just been conditioned by living on the slums/streets since he was 7-8 years old that every day was a fight. He is a fighter. Through and through, he fights tooth and nail to survive. Even so, he can solve things through other means than violence.
He is incredibly intelligent. He can do physics in his head; it is said that he is capable of deceiving people but prefers not to. Not only that he is incredibly unpredictable! Not to mention, he is the only person to predict Dazai's motives. It's even shown early on in 15 when they first meet, after the sheep are doing their own thing, he says "what are you planning" to dazai. Why does no one talk about this? Also, it's literally said by Lippman that he would be a good actor, shows how he is capable of deceiving!
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Ahem, back to what I was saying, time and time again Chuuya has surprised the people (the fuckin king of assassins and the demon fuckin prodigy) around him and even a whole ass robot (Adam)!
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It's even said that he managed the jewel trade in stormbringer, taking after Dazai! No fuckin dumb 16-year-old would be put in charge of that. It even further proves the point that skk are through and through equals/rivals! No normal 16-year-old would be entrusted to something that was once overseen by somebody who would be known as the infamous demon prodigy in the mafia in the future! Not to mention, he literally figured out the case in 15 ln SHORTLY after Dazai was interrogating Rimbaud, from intuition alone as well! Also, Dazai didn't even get involved with a lot of events in stormbringer, Chuuya dealt with a lot of it on his own!
Then there's the fact that Dazai did not suspect Chuuya was arahabaki. *grabs you by your shoulder and shakes you* he. did. not. know.
That is so incredibly important! I really feel like bones really downplays how truly shocked Dazai was in the adaption of 15. Heck, even Rimbaud was shocked!
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It's just fuckin annoying to see the fandom shocked by the fact that Chuuya managed to fool Fyodor. He was absolutely capable of that! It just shows in itself how people view Chuuya.
Overall, Chuuya is a very smart, capable, strong, and complex character. People really underestimate him and their reaction to him fooling Fyodor in the new episode shows it.
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wating to see Aya's sacrifice and her bravery be completely ignored for the 3 shots of sskk we got this chapter.
Im not an anti shipper and i like sskk but it makes me really sad that this really important moment for Aya and her bravery in trying to save the world even though she's only like 10 will probably be ignored by a lot of people.
its the only gripe i have with the shipping in this fandom, it overshadows a lot of really important moments and really good characters
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 4 (2023) ]
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kiw-ee · 1 month
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i-love-def-leppard · 4 months
just received heart shattered news and now have to pull myself together and go to work in an hour..
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crispycreambacon · 2 months
I can’t believe just a few days after I announce my hiatus, Watcher dropped an announcement so terrible I had to crawl back here again
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e-wwis · 1 year
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Here's my annual art post before I drop off the face of the earth
I randomly fixated on Kitty and Bunny from Courage the Cowardly Dog and spent the day drawing them instead of working on my animation project 💀 but anyways. lesbian yearning
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sga-owns-my-soul · 5 months
if you're going to be mad about dogs chewing things or cats scratching things don't get a fucking animal. ever.
sincerely, a pissed off pet store employee who is sick of explaining that cats scratch things and dogs chew things because it's a natural fucking behaviour
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c-o-z-m-o · 1 month
We should kill everyone on Fandom wiki
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I’m going to Barnes&Nobles today, which is code for “I’m going to drink coffee and mercilessly judge books by their covers as if I’m judging the national dog show”
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nesisamess · 25 days
i’m bored and that should be illegal
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finnleyandsillys · 1 month
I really need to speak about a certain someone on this platform. Someone I regret calling friend and trying to find a just answer to why they did these things. I specifically want the people related or close to this person to DNI.
I'm going through something right now as of real life and this is something I feel I have to bring attention to know.
One of my Ex mutuals was online stalking and admitted it openly. The person they had done this too was an adult on the platform they had a platonic crush over of which they chased after this person and talked to them constantly. They're a minor. They got drunk and texted them. Made them uncomfortable and proceeded to lie about being other people and friends of themselves to talk to the person and apologize after multiple statements of wanting them to go away. They made multiple accounts to stalk the person but they were all blocked shortly after being made.
I don't think the victim of this would like to be known- nor the person who did these things. But they know who they are and I don't want people asking me why I chose to disconnect permanently from this person. I'm not calling them out… because honestly they call themselves out enough.
But with the stalking, lying, and manipulation, I cant see myself being friends. So if you are close to the person I am talking about please unfollow or block me, or might be and don't know who im talking please dm me to ask.
And too them :
If you feel like making shit about putting yourself down for something that was your fault- dont victimize yourself. You know what you did, you have to live with the consequences. It's a mental decision to do what you did.
Go to an asylum you sick monster.
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healingheartdogs · 2 months
People who don't know dog body language who have pushy sketchy dogs are so awful to be around. I told our housemates that their dog Klaus doesn't like me when we went out to watch the eclipse earlier today because I didn't want to go in the fenced yard with him out and they were like "oh no he's fine don't worry." When he saw me he charged up to the fence, high flagged tail, snorting and barking and jumping at the fence and they still were like "oh he's friendly, he just wants to smell you, see his tail is wagging". Like my dude... tail wagging does not mean friendly, and what about the noises he's making rn sounds friendly to you?
Selene's sister grabbed him and I thought she was going to take him inside because she acted like she was going to, but instead she stopped halfway and just held him back while I came into the yard and then let him go to run up and sniff me, which he had very stiff body language the entire time he did so. For a while after that he ignored me because of the kids calling him away and was chill, but still kept coming over and sniffing me occasionally and was very tense each time so I just tried to stay calm and sweet talk him and didn't try to touch him to help defuse the situation.
Then I walked a little away from the group to point out a plant in the yard to Selene's mom which was a mistake because once I was out of the little circle we were standing in he started body blocking me, tense face, stiff body, whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. They tried to call him away and were like "oh he's just trying to get you to play, sorry he's so demanding of attention." I started trying to walk toward the gate to leave because he very much was NOT trying to get me to play and I did not feel confident in their ability to control him, and he immediately did it again. And again they tried to call him away. And I got maybe another two steps before he turned right back around and did it again. And they called him away again saying he was just trying to play. Rinse and repeat for a total of like six times of him body blocking me, tense and whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. All while they're just laughing like "Sorry, Klaus just really loves playing". Dudes your dog is actually behaving aggressively toward me right now, please get control over him so I can leave he is NOT TRYING TO PLAY WITH ME.
This is the second time I've been invited into the yard while Klaus was out and the first time they kept telling me the same thing but he was actually following me around growling at me then and they were still like "oh it's just cuz he doesn't know you yet, he'll warm up to you, he's friendly". YOUR DOG IS SKETCHY. I DONT WANT TO INTERACT WITH HIM. HE DOESN'T LIKE ME. PLEASE JUST PUT HIM INSIDE WHEN I'M IN THE YARD WITH Y'ALL. And PLEASE learn some dog body language because nothing about his right now says "friendly" at all!!!!! Not even a little!!!! TAIL WAGGING DOES NOT MEAN FRIENDLY, ESPECIALLY A HIGH FLAGGED TAIL.
#i will not be going back into the yard while he is out#i only did this time because they made it seem like they were going to put him inside#but then didn't#i do not trust that dog#and they are oblivious and just laughing while he is actively menacing me#cant tell them shit about it though because they act like we're criticizing their parenting if we do and get offended#and then be like 'well your dogs are out of control so what do you know' because my dogs bark at strangers#like... okay your dog growls at and menaces strangers???? mine just bark at strangers who talk to them and try to rile them up#and i dont correct them for that because its not worth correcting and also not their fault#your dog is actually dangerous and you dont have control over him#my dogs are not dangerous and when i tell them to be quiet and get inside they do#so who doesnt have control huh????#theyre just mad because theyre the strangers my dogs bark at sometimes and since i dont like how they interact with my dogs i allow it#because they are rude as fuck and do not respect my dogs' boundaries at all#and think that dogs shouldnt be allowed to have boundaries because they should be 'kid safe“ which really means shut down from punishment#thats how they are with klaus which is a big part of why i dont trust him too#because they have created a dog who gets punished for setting boundaries so that the kids can 'safely' climb all over him and annoy him#and to me that is a recipe for a dog that doesnt give a lot of warning before becoming aggressive because hes been punished for it#i do not trust dogs who have been punished for having boundaries#and i dont trust their owners either#also them doing that means their kids think they can do whatever they want to dogs and interact very rudely with them#so i dont let their kids interact with my dogs at all now because even with me constantly correcting them they ignore me and are rude#and that definitely is something theyre also salty about because their kids want to play with my dogs#and they also want my dogs to play with Klaus and there is mo way in hell I'd allow that which they also dont like#hes an intact bully who they have admitted can be 'really fiesty' with other dogs#and Hermes is an intact male who seems to have a 'kick me“ sign on him for other dogs and i just wont risk it#and it drives them crazy that i dont trust their strange dog not to be aggressive to my dogs and wont let them all be 'friends'#DOGS DONT NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH STRANGE DOGS THEY DONT KNOW OR LIVE WITH#I hate ignorant pet owners that make their ignorance my problem#rant
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soapysudz · 2 months
Hello! Would you be interested in answering ask game questions 8 and 14 -> what could you give a 40 min presentation on with no preparation and what's the most ridiculous wrong number/call/text you've ever received respectively?
Heck yeah!! I could give a 40 min presentation on dogs, I'd probably specifically talk about dog breeds, especially working dog breeds, how they were developed, and how becoming registered with kennel clubs is slowly destroying many of these breeds. (I have to stop myself here or I'll just keep going)
Hm I don't answer numbers I don't recognize and now that I think about it I haven't gotten ridiculous texts. Oh wait there was one time someone wrong numbered the landline, she was trying to call Homeland Security. I'm still curious as to what she was trying to report but alas I was too confused to ask her in the moment
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rosicheeks · 2 months
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hdawg1995 · 3 months
you know what, fuck it, i'm still pissed about it.
Yesterday me and my mom were coming home from doing some errands and there was a guy walking his dog down the street.
the dog had a leash but he wasn't holding it.
and this was a big dog with docked ears. had the adorable square head of a Pitbull but the frame of a boxer if that makes sense.
my mom is TERRIFIED of dogs.
when we pull up to our house she starts telling me i have to hurry and get inside the house because the dog is coming. I'm annoyed because she projects her fear of dogs onto me all the time but i know how to handle dogs- dogs bigger than this one- BECAUSE she is scared of dogs and i've had to remove/chase away dogs so she could get inside the house.
the guy still doesn't pick up the lease and is in front of out house. my mom is so scared she refuses to leave the car and even locks the doors. I open the locks, get out, and the guy is waiting for his dog to poop or something because he is standing around, hands in his pockets, and the dog is sniffing one of the trees.
my mom is screaming that the dog is going to eat me and i need to get back in the car, so the guy looks up at me as i approach him.
i ask him if he can grab his dog's leash so my mom won't be scared to leave the car. I didn't ask him to leave, i didn't ask him to take his dog and get out of here, i just want him to hold the dog's leash.
he gets an attitude about how he trusts his dog and he doesn't have to hold the leash.
i point out my mom SCREAMING about the dog and ask, honestly a bit miffed at this point, to just hold the dog's leash.
he does, his dog being a good boy who sniffs my hand before i return to my mom who is calmer now because she can see the dog is being "held and controlled". she still refuses to get out of the car and i have to coax her out. the guy's dog tugs him forward and they start walking again and my mom gets out of the car and inside the house.
I don't give a FUCK how well trained your dog is, put your dog on a leash and hold the fucking leash.
"oh my dog is trained, he won't chase a bird or go into the street" i don't care. "my dog is friendly, its fine! he won't hurt a fly!" i don't care. infact if you read this and think the guy was in the right to not have to hold his' dogs leash Fuck You, I hope you vomit out of your nose.
the curse of knowledge is not an excuse for you to get uppity with someone because you decided the world revolves around you and your dog. the leash laws are in place to keep your dog and others safe, not so you can "technically" follow the law and just hope your dog is trained enough that it won't run in the street. and what if another dog, not trained, but also not leashed runs up on you and your dog? how are you going to keep your dog safe? how are you going to stop it from defending itself and you? give it a command that it will follow so the other dog can keep attacking it? NO! YOU GRAB THE FUCKING LEASH AND GET YOU AND YOUR DOG AWAY!
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