modelsof-color · 2 months
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Grace Mahary by Delphine Diallo for Vogue Portugal - April 2019
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simlit · 2 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // fifty
| @catamano | @keibea | @izayoiri | @thesimperiuscurse
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HIGH PRIESTESS: I want sentries at every door. Put them on the roofs if you have to. KYRIE: What’s going on? HIGH PRIESTESS: There’s been an attack. Elion, you’re not to leave his side. Not one moment. ELION: Understood. KYRIE: What is happening? For once can you just give me a direct answer?! HIGH PRIESTESS: sighs Prince Lucien… he is dead. KYRIE: W-What? HIGH PRIESTESS: Murdered in his own bed. I… don’t know what to think anymore. KYRIE: H-How? Who— HIGH PRIESTESS: The Guard have someone in custody, but I’m not taking any chances. Kyrie, call the Chosen. They are not to leave the premise until further notice. INDRYR: Some of us have already come. If we’re to be locked down, I think we have a right to know why. HIGH PRIESTESS: His Grace will explain to you at a later— KYRIE: Lucien has been killed. ÅSE: Hah? Dead? What is meaning of this? Who is culprit? What is being done?! HIGH PRIESTESS: This is none of your concern. It will be dealt with— EIRA: Like you’ve dealt with everything else? ÅSE: You will deal with me! You tell me what is going on in this city! Nothing is right here! You are all foul! I wish not to share breath with you a moment more! EIRA: Åse— ÅSE: No! I am not to be calmed! That child was innocent, and there is killers crawling all over this place! Where is justice? HIGH PRIESTESS: Kyrie. Get them under control. The trials will be postponed. Soon there will be envoys from Kera arriving. It’s going to be a political nightmare… KYRIE: Is that all you care about? We’ve known the Prince since he was— HIGH PRIESTESS: We will speak later. Elion. ELION: Yes, Mistress. ÅSE: And you, Priest! Are you to be like cattle herd? What have you to say?! EIRA: Åse, stop it. TAIYO: Your Grace? Maybe you should sit down… KYRIE: I’m fine. TAIYO: If you’re unwell, you shouldn’t push yourself. INDRYR: I have something for queasiness. EIRA: I’ll get Eve. KYRIE: Please, I’ll be fine. We should gather the others. We have a lot to discuss.
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citizenscreen · 11 days
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George Maharis (September 1, 1928 – May 24, 2023)
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frank-o-meter · 1 day
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Actor George Maharis is best known for the early 1960s TV show Route 66.
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heartspark · 1 year
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Little doodle I did for my carrd a few months ago but never uploaded anywhere 🌸
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pumpkinlass · 1 year
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immediate shit post to follow up the last kiss -- 
featuring finn and ariane not consenting to be voyeurs to the reunion 
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heisokay · 1 year
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George Maharis PLAYGIRL Magazine, 1973.
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loveboatinsanity · 1 year
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R.I.P. George Maharis
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unes23 · 10 days
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Grace Mahary by Jerome Corpuz for ELLE US
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zeravmeta · 5 months
someone send help i watched promare like 2 days ago and have been physically unable to not be listening to KAKUSEI whenever possible
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florthier-than-thou · 4 months
Why is it that all day I’m too tired or distracted to do anything and then as soon as the sun goes down my brain is like MAHARI KUWARE GAAIE SABANARE
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modelsof-color · 11 months
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Ajak Deng & Grace Mahary by Patrick Demarchelier for Glamour US Magazine September 2015
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simlit · 2 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // forty-five
| @catamano
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ELION: Not at all. I’m simply accustomed to powerful women. Indeed, hierarchal structure is one of the few things in this world I enjoy. I can respect authority spoken by someone who knows firmly what they want; A commander that isn’t afraid to give commands. EIRA: But you don’t respect mine. ELION: That’s hardly the case. I respect you a great deal. But I also enjoy you greatly in other ways, so I’m inclined not to listen. It’s quite the paradox. A part of me does feel quite poorly. I’m just being ripped apart on the inside by my own internal dilemma— EIRA: Can’t you take anything seriously?! ELION: Yes. Yes I can. And I do. I’d like to get to know you. EIRA: Why? ELION: You ask me to be serious, then I will give you a very serious answer. I once loved a woman like you. You remind me of her in the most achingly beautiful way. It’s painful. And I want to feel it more. EIRA: …So it is a kink. ELION: Only partially. EIRA: laughs Ridiculous. Did she love you back? ELION: For a while. EIRA: Shocking. Let me guess, you drove her away? ELION: Not at all. I lost her. EIRA: Oh. She… I’m… sorry. ELION: She didn’t die, if that’s what you think. At least, not in that way. No, I imagine she lives, still. But the woman she once was… Death is simple, you see. We grieve in the face of it. And grief has a name and a shape. It’s understood. There are far worse things than dying. To carry on when there’s nothing left of us… That is suffering of another sort, entirely.  EIRA: And I remind you of this? Shouldn’t you resent me? ELION: Not at all. I’m reminded of the fondest memories. You see, like you, she hailed from the mountain regions; One of the snow-touched elves of the north. I wondered if you might have had elvenblood yourself. That striking color of your hair… EIRA: I’m no elf. Just unlucky. ELION: Unlucky? EIRA: My parents were perfectly plain and human, in a village of other perfectly plain humans. I imagine that’s why they threw me out when I was barely strong enough to open my eyes. I’ve been putting people off since I was an infant. So forgive me if your advances don’t exactly stir my pot. ELION: Then, my apologies. I should not have expected you to respond the same. She was, I suppose, a particular case. EIRA: How did you… meet? ELION: Very accidentally. We met during one of my assignments long ago. She was no stranger to battle; A ranger, and better with a blade than I. They say poison is a maiden’s murder weapon, but she preferred a more direct approach, and I’d never been beaten so badly. EIRA: You were sent to kill her? ELION: No, I was sent to kill her client. And I did kill him, but she certainly didn’t make it easy for me. EIRA: Well, that’s a story if I’ve ever heard one. ELION: I have many. I expect you do, too. We could exchange them sometime. I can be quite civil when I need to. Dinner, drinks, I’ll even wear my hair up. EIRA: Tch. Do I look like the type to be wined and dined? ELION: I hoped not. EIRA: Then you weren’t wrong. But I’m no one’s replacement. ELION: I would never think to replace her. But then, seeing you, I considered maybe I ought to finally move on. EIRA: Find someone else. ELION: Ah, well. Suppose I should. I’m happy to accept when I’m defeated. But you must at least give me credit for trying. For what it’s worth, I was sincere. EIRA: … ELION: About what I said before… the trials… do be careful and look after yourself. EIRA: I— ELION: Yes, I know. You’re strong. And more formidable people than you have been ground to dust in those games. Even if you do survive… I hope that when you come out on the other side, you’ll still remember just how strong you were.
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citizenscreen · 8 months
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CBS aired the first episode of the one-hour TV drama "Route 66" on October 7, 1960. #OnThisDay
Martin Milner
George Maharis
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gurumog · 2 years
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“See me, Alana, as I truly am!”
The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982) Dir. Albert Pyun
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heartspark · 1 year
Mahari 🪷🩷 my dragon sona! I wanted her charm/sticker design to feel very cute and playful!
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