#me omw to work
taxed-up-trotter · 23 days
tried learning blender, i think it turned out ok
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curly-cottage-girl · 1 year
Diversity win! The malevolent entity trapped in your head is Canadian!
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jerejerejere · 1 month
After listening to kot kot another dozend times i need this new album now 😫 i know it will be so good and fun
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zippityzap · 4 months
one of my coworkers has came to work sick with the flu, is practically hacking his lungs out AND COUGHS DIRECTLY INTO HIS HANDS AND PROCEEDS TO TOUCH STUFF WITHOUT CLEANING THEM
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ardourie · 4 months
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todd sitting funny
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jeffsatur · 1 year
Cause of death: tatted blue hair jeff shooting people w a psycho grin on his face in his latest music video
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cosmic-rainstorm · 8 months
Ok, I dont know about anyone else, but i DID NOT like the way The Metatron glanced at Crowley before he left. Is he planning on doing something to Crowley? Is he gonna do something to Aziraphale as payback for stopping the first Armageddon????
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In all honestly, I really don't think The Metatron is what we think he is. If no one has seen or heard from God since she disappeared, why is he the ONLY one to be the voice of God? Something about that just doesn't seem right to me.
What if, in the beginning, Metatron was the voice of God and could actively talk to her. But when God cut all communication and disappeared, what if Metatron is lying about talking to got. What if he got greedy like the other angel's. Without Gods input, Metatron is in charge.
I dont think he liked the idea of Aziraphale and Crowley messing up Armageddon. He knows they are strong together, so what does he do? He butters up Aziraphale, makes him think he's special, and Heaven would be good to him. Metatron knows Crowley would never follow Aziraphale up to heaven. Crowley knows how heaven will always be manipulative and abusive. Aziraphale, on the other hand, can't see it cause he is still the victim of the dysfuncial system heaven is. Metatron tells Aziraphale how kind and good he is, and he is just what heaven needs. He's manipulating Aziraphale. He's the abuser and Aziraphale is the victim.
Whitch brings me back to the picture above. (I even put subtitles on to prove my point) When Metatron tells Aziraphale he wants to talk with him in private, hes spitting them up, which is his whole plan. As soon as Aziraphale turns from Crowley and leaves, Metatron glances back at Crowley and his he glares sinisterly at him before fallowing Aziraphale out. Even the music becomes more tense.
But my point is there is definitely something more sinister going on. I don't think Metatron is how he claims to be. I think his main objective is to split Crowley and Aziraphale up. They are too strong together. And I think its because together they produced one of the most powerful Miracles together when it was supposed to be so small no one would notice. And this Miracle was so strong that it worked. On. Everyone.
I dont think that they are just strong together. They are dangerous together and a powerful threat to Heaven and Hell.
Please feel free to add to this or correct anything!!!
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bpdamn · 2 months
so y‘all are telling me that i went from not being able to leave my apartment without having a panic attack to working as a barista and content creator (for the café) - i‘d kms just thinking about putting myself out there a year ago what the fuckidyfuck happened
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leviathanswingman · 9 months
The Lament of Asmodeus/ a character study
gift for @ruewrites
category: gen
warnings: violence, blood
word count: 1965
Asmodeus was standing in the middle of his bathroom, staring down at the tub as it was rapidly filling up with crystal clear water. There was a sweet scent, almost sickeningly so, wafting through the humid air. Several flacons and phials were lined up on the edge of the tub, most of them already halfway empty with how often Asmo tended to use them. Mixing them together and watching them form bubbles in the bath had become somewhat of a calming ritual to him. Today however, this little trick of his didn’t seem to work.
Asmodeus was simply standing there, his eyes unfocused and his mind far away as the rushing of water filled his ears and numbed his mind. He watched the way it came gushing out of the faucet, gallon after gallon, the steam rising up and turning the air clammy.
Slowly, he crouched down, reached over the edge and dipped one finger in, the water forming little ripples around it, almost as if trying to flee from his unholy hands. The water turned the lightest shade of carmine as soon as his finger dove in. Asmo flinched, pulling back quickly as if he’d been burnt. His chest was heaving with every new breath. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Red, that was all he was able to see. Both of his hands were drenched in it, and there were the remains of something stuck under his perfectly manicured nails. The moment he took note of it, he could also feel it. Screwing his eyes shut, he plunged his hands straight back into the water, trying to rid himself of the dirt and grime. Tears were threatening to spill, only stopped by a certain kind of numbness that had been spreading out from his heart to his fingertips ever since he’d returned home.
After a moment had passed, he slowly lifted his head back up again. Crouching opposite from him was his own reflection, staring back at him unnervingly.
Dried blood was dragging down his hair, making his pretty curls look flat and droopy. His eyes, big with terror, were makeup free and deep set, the bags under his eyes more than prominent.
For once, Asmodeus regretted having filled the room with mirrors on each wall. There was no way to escape from what had become so glaringly obvious. There was no way to run away from that demon he did not recognise. It felt like his reflection was taunting him, beckoning to come closer and dig deeper.
It seemed like the little dove had been right after all. Asmodeus, they called him. Back in the Celestial Realm, he was known as the jewel of the heavens. Every angel, no matter how old or young, used to marvel at the mere sight of him, so pure, so divine. The taste of his name had been like honey on everybody’s tongues, sweet and sure to stick. If they were to see him now, what would they think? Would their eyes widen in shock? Would they perhaps avert their gazes, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye? What would they say in the comforts of their homes, when they thought no one was listening, stripped of all social kindness? The possibilities were maddening to think about and Asmo couldn’t help but keep mulling it over in his mind until the thought was familiar enough to lack its original bite. It was a vicious circle.
He raised his head and opened his eyes again. Staring back at him was someone he barely recognized. Perhaps the demon in front of him was a more accurate representation of Asmodeus than his angel self could have ever been. Only now, it seemed like the outside finally matched the inside.
Asmodeus was trapped in his demon form. Frustratingly enough, he hadn’t been able to transform back in spite of his best efforts. It hadn’t taken long for his initial annoyance to turn into hot flashes of panic. He didn’t know what to do. No one had ever been there to teach him what he should do in a moment like this. No one had told him.
For a second, he considered calling for Lucifer, but quickly decided against it. There was no need to reveal the disappointment that he had become to the brother he idolised the most.
“Go back,” he whispered to himself, lifting one hand to touch his horns with shaky fingers. “Come on, retreat,” he urged, but his body refused to listen.
Frustrated, Asmo pushed his hands against his face just to drop them back into the water immediately. Then, an agitated tear escaped the corner of his eye. It seemed like the water hitting his face had been his last straw.
Asmodeus began to weep bitterly. He turned around, his back leaning against the edge of the tub, and let his head fall back into his hands.
He took in a shaky breath. Ever since their fall, his brothers had made sure to bring up time and time again how Asmo was the only one who hadn’t changed, how he’d adapted to their new environment far too quickly while staying exactly the same as he’d always been.
However, Asmo knew better. He was nothing but a fraud sitting in a glass house. His brothers had no clue how terribly wrong they were. After all, it was all a farce, a face he put up deliberately to keep his brothers hopeful and smiling. That little feeling that had already been there back in the celestial realm, growing and growing, that unhinged sort of agitation he tried to keep hidden in the depths of his soul, held tight like a closed fist, had come undone the moment he’d fallen. There was no way to gather the pieces of his sanity when they’d already spread to the winds.
Even now, he couldn’t understand what his brothers were seeing in him. Of course, he made sure to always be there for them, to cheer them up and make their days a little brighter. But that didn’t change the fact that even back in the Celestial Realm, he’d already shown the first signs of rot. Sure, he’d been delightful and sweet, yet the amount of times he’d been chased through the celestial realm by Raphael for not listening and acting up certainly spoke against his commitment to his piety. The hours upon hours he’d spent on their holy grounds, bent by the waist, head towards the floor, praying for forgiveness, begging for endurance, clinging to the slowly unraveling pieces of his holiness. He’d jumped on every piece of adoration he was offered, believed in everyone calling him pretty and perfect and free of flaws and thought it enough. Recently, Asmodeus found himself missing living with his eyes closed and his heart blind.
He’d always know there was something off with him. That certain unrest in his heart had grown and grown until it finally flew off the rails. How could he pretend to be good after what he’d done? Of course, Asmo was aware that good wasn’t a term used to describe demons. Still, he couldn’t say goodbye to it just yet, couldn’t help but yearn for an ideal that didn’t apply to him anymore.
Asmodeus still remembered the euphoria he felt when his claws dug through the other demon’s chest, their heart still pulsating, heavy and oh so warm in his hand. An excited giggle, a little trill, had escaped his lips when he realized that the demon was about to take his last struggling breath, Asmodeus being the sole cause of it. It was power, it was an immense strength he'd never had before. It was almost orgasmic in nature.
He’d pulled the heart close to his own, cradled it in his arms before sinking his teeth into the flesh, eyes still on that dying demon whose eyes showed nothing but defiance and fear. Blood spurted out, sullying Asmo’s clothes and running down his open maw. The taste was incredibly sweet, delicious like sin.
Once he’d come off his high, realization hit him. Of what he’d done, of what he’d become. Perhaps this was his punishment for abandoning his father, their home. Bitter tears rolled down his cheeks, mixing with blood and grime. He was afraid of what he’d become, how much more he could change and how monstrous he could truly become.
Asmodeus opened his eyes, and met his own reflection in the water, his bloodied, feral self smirking back at him, his expression wild, eyes still gleaming with a condescending sort of ferocity. Before he even realized he was doing it, he was digging his fingers into the corner of his mouth, trying to get rid of that cursed smile. Asmodeus started to hyperventilate.
Then, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Asmo’s head whipped around, panic fresh in his chest. All words were lost on his tongue as he waited with stuttering breaths. No one could see him like this.
Someone cleared their throat outside of the door. “Asmodeus.” Lucifer’s voice cut through the unruliness of Asmo’s mind, clear as day. “May I come in?” his brother asked after a moment of silence.
Asmodeus swallowed once. He couldn’t let him in. There was no way Lucifer could see him like this. His brothers didn’t know. They simply couldn’t know and he didn't want them to find out.
He saw the door handle being pushed down and panicked. “Don’t- don’t come in!” He realized how panicked it had come out. “I’m in the bath right now, I’m naked!” he exclaimed, certain that it would turn his brother away, the lie bloody on his tongue.
“I'm coming in.” Lucifer's voice cut in mercilessly. There was no stopping him.
Asmodeus buried his head further in his hands and refused to look up. He didn't want to see the look he'd find on his oldest brother's face. He wouldn't be able to take the disappointment and disgust.
“Asmodeus?” His brother's steps quickened. He heard the sound of the tap being closed. Asmodeus sniffed and remained quiet.
Then, he heard shuffling. It seemed like Lucifer had knelt down next to him. Slowly, Asmodeus lifted his head.
“Are you hurt?” Lucifer asked after a moment of silence.
Asmo shook his head and bit his lip. “This isn't-” he started, but stopped himself. This isn't what? Wasn't this exactly what it looked like? His shoulders shook with this new weight he had to carry. “This isn't mine,” he finally brought out, his voice small and defeated. Then, he allowed himself to glance at his brother after he wiped his eyes. There was a strange expression on Lucifer's face, a mixture of exasperation and sorrow.
“Tell me what happened,” he said after a beat of silence. It came out sounding a bit stunted, a bit strange.
Asmo shook his head and breathed in deeply. A sob threatened to bubble up again and he pressed his fists against his eyes in order to stop it. “I happened. I don't know what went wrong I just-”
“You let go,” Lucifer suggested. Slowly, he sat down next to his brother.
“I killed them. I ripped their heart out and made it mine. And you know what's even worse? It felt so good.”
Carefully, Lucifer put one hand on Asmo’s back, rubbing it up and down in a soothing pattern. Asmodeus curled further in on himself.
“It will get easier. It may not seem like it, but you will get better. You're a demon now, Asmodeus. The Celestial Realm's rules don't apply to us anymore. You have to learn to let go.”
Asmodeus put his head on Lucifer's shoulder and pressed his eyes shut.
“I don't think I know how,” he whispered quietly.
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chaocorvus · 8 days
m-eggpreg and zombies in my new malevolent episode?? it's more likely than you think
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frostfires-blog · 1 year
Hanakotoba in Hitomebore (一目惚れ) - Chihayafuru (ちはやふる) ED3
Chihaya Ayase 綾瀬 千早 | Cosmos 宇宙
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The Cosmos flower is known as Kosumosu (宇宙) in Japan and typically blooms from June to November. The Cosmos flower's name is derived from the Greek word "Kosmos" meaning harmony and order. This has contributed to the flower coming to symbolise harmony, beauty and peace. The delicate and clean appearance of the Cosmos flower has contributed towards it additionally symbolizing cleanliness, purity, beauty and modesty. The Cosmos flower is also said to represent a maiden's sincerity, heart as well as "the joys that love and life can bring".
Chihaya is best described as a tomboyish, outgoing and ambitious girl who is good-natured, easy-going and straightforward. This fits in with the Cosmos' meanings of harmony, purity and sincerity. She can be described as simple-minded as she is generally relatively absent-minded and oblivious (especially to the feelings of others)—however she remains very optimistic, driven and trusting. This resonates with Cosmos flower representing the heart as well as the "joys that love, and life can bring". Although Chihaya is described as being pretty, fitting in with the flower's meaning of beauty, she is often labeled as a "beauty in vain". This description stems from the fact that her overly energetic attitude and tomboyish behavior doesn't "match" with her looks.
Taichi Mashima 真島 太一 | Red Spider Lily 彼岸花
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Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily) is called Higanbana (彼岸花) in Japan. This name stems from the flower's flowering period coinciding with the equinoctial week of autumn. The plant's poisonous nature is also speculated to have contributed towards it's name—as "Higan" also means death—as well as its meaning. The Higanbana is said to symbolize death, final goodbyes, lost or sad memories, abandonment and giving up. While the flower mostly bares ominous connotations—its bright, red colour has contributed towards it being considered as auspicious sign and "celestial flower". It thus also represents passion and independence.
While Taichi is viewed by others as a smart, talented and hard-working individual—he is somewhat easily disheartened. When faced with difficult situations, he often under-estimates himself and considers giving up—especially in regard to karuta and his rivalry with Arata. This fits in with the Higanbana's meanings of loss and giving up. However, his confidence grows as he continues to play karuta and he grows into a strong adversary, having gained everything through his own skill and hard work rather than luck. These qualities resonate with the red spider lily's meanings of passion and independence. After confessing his long-standing, romantic feelings for his childhood friend, Chihaya, he quits their school karuta club. This ties in with the flower's meanings of abandonment and parting.
Arata Wataya 綿谷 新 | Wisteria 藤
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Wisteria is known as Fuji (藤) in Japan and generally flowers from April to May. The flower is said to mainly symbolize longevity, immortality and nobility in Japanese culture. Wisteria can also represent honour, endurance, wisdom, steadfastness and support. Other meanings include kindness, tenderness and sensitivity. The plant's tendency to grip tightly to trees in order to grow up straight has led to it coming to mean an unwillingness to let go or being drunk in love. 
Arata is best described as being kind, caring, quiet and passionate about playing karuta. This resonates with the flower's meanings of kindness and tenderness. He is incredibly intelligent and serious. Although he is somewhat lacking in confidence is not meek. This fits with Wisteria's meanings of wisdom, steadfastness, support. Arata is shown to be relatively perceptive having figured out Taichi's feelings for Chihaya and although he is Taichi's rival he willingly kept the fact that Taichi tried to sabotage him in their elementary school karuta match a secret from her in order to maintain Taichi's standing in her eyes. This fits in with the flower's meanings of honour, sensitivity, support kindness and tenderness. In the karuta world Arata is somewhat considered nobility as his grandfather was a master which ties in with Wisteria's association with nobility. Despite not getting an answer from Chihaya after his confession, he remains patient and when she later clarifies that she isn't currently focused on love but is instead devoted to karuta; he decides to wait until she is ready declaring that he will "try again". This resonates with Wisteria's meanings of steadfastness, sensitivity and an unwillingness to let go. 
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Cherry Blossoms are known as Sakura (桜) in Japan and are considered the nation's de facto national flower. The flower is an important part of Japanese culture and thus bares many meanings Generally cherry blossoms are said to represent the gentleness, spiritual beauty and good education. They bloom for an incredibly short period of time anywhere from March to April. Since cherry blossoms bloom after the cold, harsh winter; they herald the coming of spring and represent hope, renewal and optimism. The fleeting yet incredible splendor beauty of this flower has given inspired it's notable meanings of the "acceptance of destiny and karma" as well as the "transience of life".
P.S.S: I left a funny short story about why it took me so long to do this post in the tags but there is a spoiler for the manga about the endgame ship in it ... Also, this is only based on developments in the anime as well as the limited spoilers I've come across—since I haven't read the manga...
[If you liked this post, check out my other hanakotoba analysis posts here ❀ Also, if there's a particular anime, opening or ending—with some flower symbolism in it—that you want me to do a post on, send me an ask and I'll gladly do it if I've seen the show. ]
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some more. memes. at this point this is all i do to fill the void until the next mv drops
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Me: this year is the year I get to write canon age Haru. It's been so long since I used her canon age icons! 8D
Haru: Hahi? Haru gets to love Tsuna-san again? 8D
Me: ... stay strong Haru, don't cry.
Haru: Haru is fine? You're the one who's crying. Afraid you can't do it?
Me: I absolutely can! Watch me! BT
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rocketkart95 · 9 months
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
i wanna quit my job sooooooooo bad
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
Save me middle aged whiteman....whiteman save me
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