paddleboatonfire · 2 months
I shit on Windows for a lot of correct and valid reasons, but I will hand it to them: Being able to play PC games for the late 90's without any hastle on a modern machine is incredible. My mac wont run software from 10 years ago 😡
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partyswirl · 9 months
hey do glass doors count as windows as well as doors.need to remember something for the cututre. archival brain archival mind purposes
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loudlyhappycupcake · 2 years
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Mickey and bugs at the medow
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
3tanW, the mindow scenario💀💀💀
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire Series: Part 25 of Recueil d'OS de Mindow Summary:
J’étais là, assise dans une voiture, regardant Marinette ainsi que le paysage qui défilait derrière son visage. Malgré ses yeux rivés sur la route, elle semblait pensive. Sans doute pensait-elle à ce qui s’était passé à Paris. Ses pensées auraient aussi pu être plus optimistes, mais à voir comment ses mains étaient crispées sur le volant je doutais. Elle avait de quoi s’occuper l’esprit avec des pensées négatives, vu tout ce qui lui était tombé dessus dernièrement.
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germaniraq38 · 2 years
Druga Strofa To Apostrofa Do Chrystusa
Jakoż w roku 1246 Opiso, legat papieski, ukoronował go na króla Rusi w Drohiczynie chełmskim czyli Dorohusku. Wyżej wspomniany Wacław III czeski, wezwany przez Wielkopolan na króla, przybywszy z wiosną roku 1300, ukoronował się w minionej stolicy Piastów, Gnieźnie. Tylko w Gnieźnie pozostał arcybiskup nad całą Lechią i stanowiły chronione królewskie korony Piastów, jak w tle koronacyi: 1) Bolesława Wielkiego, 2) synajego, Mieczysława II, 3) wnuka bolesławowego, Kazimierza Odnowiciela, i 4) prawnuka Bolesława Śmiałego. Niezależnie więc obok najwadliwszej formy państwa, rozczłonkowanego między liczną rodzinę Piastów, możliwościom był szczepowi lechickiemu wysoki zaszczyt dzierżenia sztandaru niezawisłości, postradanego przez każde inne ludy słowiańskie. Mindowe (zwany przez Polaków Mendogiem, Mendakiem), pierwszy głośny władca Litwy, podarowawszy Żmudź Krzyżakom, posuwa swoje granice w okolice ruskie. Ale syn tego Świętopełka, zwany Mszczujem, będąc bezdzietnym, naznaczył (1284 roku) swoim spadkobiercą Przemysława II, księcia Wielkopolski. Jeden tylko Bernard, panujący na Świdnicy i Jaworzu, i syn jego Bolesław, nalegania czeskie wytrwale odpierał. Nie denerwuj się już problemami, tylko skup na korzyściach zdrowotnych. Jest dopiero rzeczą jasną, iż w roku 1000 cała prawie Słowacya zakarpacka istniała już w ręku Bolesława. Widownią tych złych zapasów starego świata lechickiego z piastowskim porządkiem kwestii była głównie linia bagnistej Noteci, rozgraniczającej Polan z Pomorzanami, i ustawione na niej kasztelanie polskie: Nakło i Osielsk.
Jeśli ta nowa kraina nie była połączona w wieku X z Piastami, to czyż możliwe stanowiły dla nich podboje za Karpatami, nad Wagiem, Cisą i Dunajem? Temat: Bezpieczeństwo nad wodą. Temat: Kompozycja skuteczna i statyczna. Temat: Obliczanie wartości wyrażeń algebraicznych - ćwiczenia. Temat: Jak pamiętać o Ziemię? Antropolog wybierając ludy stare jak Eskimosi, Australijczycy, wyspiarze z Mórz Południowych albo Indianie Pueblo, wie, że lepsza jest analiza prostszej cywilizacji, mniej złożonej. Jak długo potrwają wybory? Dlaczego często nie postępujemy tak, jak powinniśmy? W powyższym przykładu powodem braku pieniędzy nie istnieje wówczas, że taż osoba nie umie zarabiać, tak kiedy badała na starcie, lecz to, iż nie myśli w siebie. Piastów w wieku X, dla braku źródeł historycznych, nie jest wyjaśniony. Tym środkiem po śmierci Mszczuja (1295 roku) Pomorze powróciło znowu pod berło Piastów. Tym stylem książęta szczecińscy, wdarłszy się w Pomorze wschodnie, słupskie, a Zakon krzyżacki w zachodnie czyli gdańskie, prowincyę całą rozerwali między siebie.
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Raz na Pomorzu kaszubskiem, czyli gdańskiem, ustanowił Kazimierz wielkorządcę (namiestnika), zaś tym środkiem całe Pomorze, od Gdańska do Rugii, na dwa lub trzy księstwa się rozpadło. Nawet „bieda”, czyli stan, w jakim pracownik może wprawdzie zaspokoić potrzeby podstawowe, natomiast nie jest ani sił ani leków na realizacje innych życiowych końców nie zmienia faktu, że zatrzymuje się on „samoreprodukującą się” maszyną roboczą. Powoduje to ryzyko sprzedaży środków ochrony roślin niespełniających norm jakościowych, co może powodować na jakość upraw, a nawet ich uszkodzenie. Roku 1366 wybuchła znowu wojna między Polską oraz Litwą o ziemie wołyńskie. Krwawa walka z Pomorzanami, zatrzymującymi się uparcie bałwochwalstwa i gminowładztwa, rozpoczęta przez Władysława Hermana, ukończoną została dobrze dla Polski dopiero przez jego syna, Krzywoustego. Gdy bowiem Bolesław Wielki w roku 1025 umarł, bycie jego syna, Mieczysława II (Gnuśnego), przyniosło Polsce znaczne szczerby w granicach. Morawa przez wszystkie panowanie Chrobrego przylegała do Własny. Grody czerwieńskie, przed laty 27-miu zorganizowane przez Ruś na Lachach, zostały teraz znowu dla Nasz odzyskane.
Pokonaniem Tatarów, i w stron i Litwy (roku 1341) Kazimierz Wielki oswobodził Ruś naddniestrzańską z pod przewagi pogan i dokonałby ją w bycie Polski. Daniło przed zgonem (zmarł w roku 1264) podzielił Ruś między swoich synów w niniejszy środek, że Lew siadł w Haliczu, Swarno w Przemyślu, Mścisław na Łucku a Wasylko na Włodzimierzu. Dzielnica ta po śmierci Ziemowita I ( rozprawka roku) rozdzielona znowu pomiędzy dwóch jego synów na dwa księstwa: Płockie(Bolesława) i Czerskie (Konrada), granicząc na północo-wschodzie z Jadźwingami i Litwą, miała duże z ostatniego warunku sąsiedztwo. Rozmaite wskazówki, a mianowicie: 1) zapiski o założeniu biskupstwa płockiego w roku 1076, 2) szeregi pogranicznych warownych grodzisk i kasztelanij mazowieckich (rypińska, szreńska, słupska, grzebska, makowska, wiska i kolejne), 3) groby i żalniki (cmentarzyska) lechickie i późniejsza kolonizacya Prus krzyżackich, wykazują fakt ciekawy, o jakim obecnie wspominali wyżej, że granica pomiędzy Mazowszem i Prusami, na całej swej długości od rzeki Lutrzyny i Drwęcy do rzeki Łeku i Grajewa, od momentów piastowskich do obecnych tylko nielicznym uległa zmianom. Następnie (ponieważ Mazowsze chodziło do Polski) jechałabym na wschód granicą Mazowsza z ziem pruskich, tym jednym mniej więcej szlakiem, gdzie dziś jest granica Kongresówki z Prusami, od Rypina na wschód aż do Grajewa i rzeki Łeku.
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writeangstime · 4 years
Changing your destiny (Eskel x Reader)
Title: Changing your destiny Fandom: The Witcher (All media) Pairing: Eskel x Reader Genere: Angst (well, it’s supposed to be..) Word counts: 4007 Warnings: Blood
A story that I wrote for @lovermrjokerr​‘s challenge - go check it out because I think it is super fun to do something like that and it is so nice that a fanfic writer is doing something where others can try themselves!
It was read and checked by wonderful @mindowe​ that took some of her time and fixed all the mistakes for me (and apparently had the patience of the angel doing so)! She is also a wonderful artist - her drawing is amazing, check her tumblr and other social media for it!
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The wind ruffled through your hair, bringing the tiny mites of sand to your face, forcing you to turn away and, spiting the dirt on the ground the mere seconds before the hove of your horse made its mark on the uneven path. Melitele must have overlooked this place when she was blessing the country because, as far as you could see, there was only a yellow plain of dry and broken grass that was being covered by sand with every stronger gust of wind. Yet, you could understand why it was a perfect hideout for any creature that would like to have some privacy -  or for basically anyone who would seek solitude for something mischievous.
Your mount seemed to agree with your unspoken words, shaking its chestnut mane with what could you say was some kind of concern – under your legs you could feel the horse muscles tensing from something more than a weight on his back as his uneasy breath joined the cracking of the straws and the hitting of the hooves on the trodden path. Swirling reins around your left hand, you reached the other one to pat the animal’s neck, trying to ensure him of the safety of both you and him, though you had to admit it got you a little worried. It was no surprise that domestic creatures were more prone of being influenced by the magic – both good and bad, both strong and weak. Both new and old.
But you could tell that you were getting closer to the place you have been looking for the past few years – at first it was only a distant shape on the horizon, being so thin that one would think it needed only a blink of an eye to disappear in the thin air. But as you were riding closer toward it, the shape began to grow, climbing towards the sky and shifting into the central point in the wasteland. After what seemed to be a long, stretched hours but in reality couldn’t be more than a few minutes, you reached your destination and had to admit, that being present in this place brought to you more uneasiness than actual joy.
If anyone called you a scavenger, hunter or a raider you couldn’t care less. And sometimes fixing them a stern glare, sometimes completely ignoring their person and from time to time even going with some kind of the mean comment in return, but you never got yourself into the discussion. It took some of your precious time that was always in short. Or at least you felt like it was. It felt tiring in certain moments, knowing that your destiny was forged for you long before you could even set the foot on this world. But you weren’t going to sit idly and wait for the curse to swarm you and entrap you in your own body like a prison.
Stopping your mount in front of the entrance you couldn’t help a smirk crawling on your lips as you noticed how small the door in front of you were, left in good condition - though the tower looked like it could collapse in any minute, with the stones almost turning into dust right in front of you. But it was still holding, supported by what you could only guess was the magic that lingered here long after the mage who waved it had long been gone. Well, you hoped he was – meeting undead wasn’t exactly the plan for today, tomorrow and till the end of your life. Sadly for you, whoever inhabited this place decided that windows were not in their taste. If there was anything awaiting you in the tower, it had a lot of the advantage.
Swiftly gliding off the horse, you reached to your saddlebags, cursing under the breath as you hardly tried to memorize where you put the very thing you needed right now. After a while, you managed (or rather struggled) to pull out the small lantern, gently straightening the paper walls and making sure that the candle inside didn’t break during the journey. After you decided that it won’t be any better, you reached to retrieve the flint and tinder from your pocket, bringing a small flame that soon warmed on the candle and glowed in the warm but timid light. Well it had to be enough, you didn’t plan to linger in this place anyway. Pulling out your sword with a small cling sound, you moved to the entrance, holding the light in front of you.
It turned out that the doors were in much worse condition that they looked and, after a moment of trying to force them to open with your body weight, you practically barraged yourself inside, coughing strongly as the clouds of dust were brought to the air with your entrance. The doors slowly moved back to their original position, shutting that small amount of light that you brought from the outside. You managed to calm your breath down, though you still had the feeling that your lungs wanted to escape and you decided to look around as it seemed that there was no unpleasant surprise waiting here especially for you.
The interior  of the tower looked less gloomy than you expected and to your surprise you could actually imagine yourself seating here in some kind of future when your bones are too old to move in proper way. You just could sit by the fire, not worried about anything that was happening outside. Though the area seemed small, mostly because being cramped by the horrendous amount of books and parchments, the unfitting furniture added some sort of cosiness. But it wasn’t the time to get some sightseeing and you had a job to do, so placing the lamp carefully on the table, you moved to search through the books for any information that you could use to your case.
You planned to start with the book on the wooden podium that seemed different from the others, but to your surprise the moment you touched the surface it vibrated under your hand, sending the wave of heat so warm it bordered on burning. Quickly retrieving your fingers, you furrowed your brows, deciding to leave it to the last in case you didn’t find anything in the other volumes.
The flame of the candle lowered, lantern brightened the room from a different angle and casted a longer shadow from your figure as the pile of the things you have searched through had grown bigger and bigger, the same as your frustration. What you by far stumbled upon was a very interesting research, some information about housework and even a bit of the poems, but yet nothing with your family surname or even the slightest mention of the magic. You were sure that this was the place, that there lived the person responsible for it all, and yet there was no a single clue that you could cling to. With every paper tossed aside, your doubts were rising and the feeling of anger creeping in your soul replaced the patience with bitterness of doing something in vain.
You reached for another book but stopped with the stretched hand as you heard scream so loud that it rang inside your thoughts, echoing unpleasantly. Whatever it was, there was no way a human being would sound like that. So that meant you definitely should find your way out before this thing plans to break inside, but as you reached to the door, the loud and agonizing scream of your mount froze you in place. With a beating heart you listened for any noise from outside and after what seemed to be only a mere second something started to push the wood, the crackling of the planks from the force causing the feeling of pure terror and panic.
Jumping away from the door, you hit the table and knocked over the lamp. It smashed on the ground and the scent of the wax burning the paper filled the air. Backing from the entrance in the complete darkness, you pulled out your sword once again, not at all feeling prepared for whatever insisted on getting inside but also not going to sell your soul for nothing. If you could put up the fight, you planned to do it for good. Hiding yourself in the element of the surprise, you stumbled once more upon the wooden podium. Deciding that now or never, you grabbed the strange volume, hoping that it would be at least some kind of weird defence.
But as soon as you raised it from its place, the cover opened, the pages going so fast in front of you that you didn’t even have a chance to read its contents. A blue light burst out and soon the darkness swallowed you, tossing you to what seemed as an endless fall.
The shivers were forcing your body to jolt, sometimes giving you the feeling that every inch of your skin is burning only to switch into paralyzing freeze of your veins – it was like every inch of you was torn apart to be once again build in the same way. From what you could say basing on the delusional state you were in, your body was laying on some kind of stone, but at the same time it felt like you were drowning in it, looped in endless falling that neither ground nor the very deepness of the earth could stop.
You weren’t alone though – from the bleakness of your surroundings you could catch the glimpse of the face. Though the scars covered most of it man’s yellow eyes were completely soft and caring, almost like nothing you ever saw in your life. Though the circumstances were more than unusual, you didn’t feel fear, maybe because you could find only a compassion in the way he kneeled beside you. Opening your mouth you searched for the words, but he gestured you not to speak, turning away to search for something you couldn’t see.
“Shh, it’s okay. I got you.”
You had no idea for how long you remained unconscious with your body still paying the price for a sudden teleportation, but for sure you realized after waking up that there is no more pain and you could get up as easily as if you just took a refreshing nap. The daylight didn’t shine in the cave but the small fire gave enough light for you to see the man sitting in front of it. He was the very same person that you remembered from your fever dreams and just as you moved up you noticed the cape sliding down on your lap – he must have covered you with it while you were sleeping. Your movement must have caught his attention, as he turned away from you, reaching for something to his right.
“I see you are feeling better now. Is everything well, do you feel you can sit up properly?” He asked with the hearable amount of concern in his voice. You could see him pouring something to the small wooden bowl before he moved closer, handing it carefully to you. Using your sleeves as a protection from warm surface, you nodded in a silence gesture of gratitude.
“Yes, I feel much better now. I assume it is thanks to you, mister…” you asked, rising your head from above the warm soup. It smelled delicious and you felt the clench in your stomach that reminded you that your last meal was probably a long time ago.
You could hear him laugh a bit at your last word, a pleasant, low vibrating sound that seemed friendly and yet strange at the same time coming from the man whose scars were for sure mark of some encountered hostility in his life.
“Eskel, just Eskel, without any mister. And you are?” The man now known to you as Eskel allowed himself to lean on the saddle. With small amount of shame you noticed that there was no other bed than the one you have been sleeping on, so it meant you had left him to sleep on the bare stones probably.
“I am [Your name]. I don’t know how can I repay you.” Well, you felt like you should. He could kill you or rob you. Or both. The list could go on but you got the idea. But as soon as you asked that question, the more urgent matter came into your mind. “Do you mind asking me how long I was blacked out and…well, where exactly I am? We are.” You corrected yourself almost immediately.
“No need to mention that, I was here anyway. And for the former, we are actually in the mountains near the Oxenfurt. We stayed here for a two days.”
You cursed loudly, causing him to give you a surprised look as you quickly shook your head in some sort of explanation.
“My apologies, I must admit you caught me here by surprise. My last position and the one I thought I would be is actually on the opposite side of the mountain.” You fell silent, wondering on the book that was a last object you’ve touched. The feeling of sadness woke inside you when you reminded yourself of a lost horse that you got used to and the saddlebags you will probably never retreat. Well, it didn’t leave you completely broke as you had your small savings in the bank but you still had some valuable knowledge in your personal things. At least, the sword survived with you as you glanced at it, resting by your side. You sipped the soup carefully, but overall the situation wasn’t bright at all.
“I can help you reach the town if you want, I will need to refill my supplies anyway” Eskel offered, breaking the silence between you two. Rising your lips in the smile that you weren’t sure he could see from his place, you nodded once again in thanking.
“I think I will accept the offer. And I insist, when we reach the town I want to somehow reward you for your help. You saved my life, and I don’t want to be in someone’s debt.” Placing down your bowl with a small knock, you stretched a bit, making sure that your muscles fully recovered. One more thing popped in your mind and you turned your face towards your saviour once again.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you doing up here?” You didn’t take him for a lost traveller and his equipment showed he was more than a mere shepherd – such person would not take two swords with themselves just to lead sheep up the mountains. He didn’t seem to be offended by your question, taking up your empty bowl and putting it away together with his own.
“I was culling some harpies in the area. Nothing too extravagant for a witcher, I’m afraid.” He laughed once again, slowly putting away the fire. These words made you look at him at more interesting angle as you were thinking over what he’s just said. Coincidence or that damn volume you touched, maybe this was exactly what you have needed – if you could convince him to come with you, of course. Slowly standing up and handing him his coat, you were taking your sweet time to start the proper topic as you attached the sword to your waist.
“Say, aren’t you maybe in a need for a work right now?” Trying to sound as innocent and not as clingy you slowly started to make your case. “Because I might have one on the hand.”
“Well, for sure there is a vacant for me right now, though I am afraid I would need more details.” He answered carefully, raising the saddle to strap it on the black horse that was calmly standing there.
“Let’s say there are not many…?” You half asked half stated, fixing yourself rather quickly when he raised his eyebrows. “I mean, I know this thing is strong, can catch the horse by surprise and kill it in one swing and has a scream so loud that you want to plug something in your brain just not to hear it anymore. It is the only thing that I’ve noticed before that damn book decided to threw me far away. Please, I will pay you as much as you want, but this is really important for me.”
He went silent for a while, focusing more on preparation for the journey than the reply to you but you knew he had to process it. Standing there rather silently, you stared at the ground, not saying a word not to seem too insistent. Finally, you heard him sight quietly and he turned to you.
“It will be much faster if we skip a visit to the town.”
Much to your pleasant surprise, it turned out that Eskel was a great travel companion, not only allowing you to ride the Scorpion (that, even if he loved his owner, decided to switch for the person he was nagging for extra snacks) but sometimes even leading you on it as you travelled through the sides of the mountains. It took little for both of you to unwind and tell stories about your lives, sharing a funny on embarrassing moments. He told you a few things about his job and you’ve never pushed too much for the things he barely mentioned. In return, you briefly told him what you were doing though you have never explained to him the true nature of your curse. It was for your knowledge only.
The small camps you were making on the way seemed a lot easier than you had remembered from your previous journeys – or maybe having two pairs of hands was working miracles. Not that you have ever avoided the company of others, but it was always easier to pack and take care of only yourself and your horse. At least, that is what you thought until now, knowing that you are going to miss the moments of building the campfire as Eskel was shocking you with his sense of humor, sometimes being even cheeky.
But all good things must come to an end sooner or later and that was no different case. As you arrived in front of the tower, your mood drastically dropped to the point your own voice lowered like you expected something to jump right in front of you. To your quite visible surprise, there was no trace of the horse blood, any of your things or even scratches on the door, like the events from your last visit have never taken place. But you were sure that this was the exact spot, the same tower and there was no way you could take the wrong way, memorizing the map so well you could draw it in your mind even while in deadly battle.
You had the feeling that the witcher that kept you a company had doubts himself but even if he did, he didn’t share them with you. He helped you to get off the horse and led him right behind the building. You watched in awe as his hands moved to the certain position and the marks you didn’t know before shone on the ground, gently surrounding the animal. He caught your surprised face with a hint of smile and took one of the swords with him.
“This is for protection. After all, I like him quite well.” Giving you reply for the question you have never asked, he moved to the doors and you helped him to push the old oak. Inside, you could actually see the marks of your last visit – the burned lantern, the books tossed in the pile and that stupid volume that laid where you’ve must dropped it after teleportation. The door behind you slowly shut with a loud creak and you could almost feel your heart beating faster.
“I was there. Sitting and reading. It is hard to tell what was happening and I knocked over the light. I tried to hide, grabbed the book…” You stopped, realizing that in this darkness he has no way of telling what you meant. But before the man could say anything, loud scream rang in the air once again, making you flinch and Eskel reach for his sword.
“If anything happens and I tell you to run, do it.” His voice was stern and calm and you were wondering if he was feeling confident, or he could actually cover his feelings and push them to the side.
“Yes” was the only word you were able to say before the loud noise came from the horse. This time, there was also a loud grunt, something you didn’t catch the last time. Maybe the thing wasn’t happy that the additional meal wasn’t so easy to get. Once again the door started to creak and you moved back a bit as you heard the witcher shifting from his place. Both of you didn’t say anything while you were waiting for this thing to come in.
Eventually, the wood gave in and the creature burst inside. It was like nothing you have ever seen – a humanoid and yet a wild creature, casting the ghastly light but being made of the swirling shadows. It had no eyes and yet, when it moved its head, you could feel it was gazing right into your deepest part of soul. Monster did not waste time, jumping so quickly you barely raised the sword that you held – and even that didn’t help.
The steel shattered like the sword was made of glass, not standing even one blow. The tearing pain went through your whole body as the claws cut through your clothes and the blood poured with you falling on the ground. The beast raised its paw once again, but this time the other sword stopped it from taking your guts out – Eskel’s weapon withstood more power than yours. Such resistance was bestowed with un unhappy growl from the monster that now focused on the man.
You could only watch the battle in front your eyes with amazement as the witcher moved in the way you wouldn’t believe anyone could. He was like a water, shaping and shifting in the recognition of the another blow, so the angry creature was either grasping the air or clinging to his sword. But the monster was quickly adapting to the fight, following soon after and learning things while it was mercilessly beating its opponent. You would be dead for sure if you didn’t open that volume earlier…
The volume! Looking around you, your eyes found it lying close to you. You felt pain in every inch of your body, the air on your open wounds giving you shivers, but despite pain you moved, reaching your hand towards it. It felt like you were moving at disgracefully slow pace, especially when you heard the battle sounds becoming more and more aggressive. You finally managed to place a hand on the book and it shoot the wave of heat to your skin once again. Taking all the strength you could gather right now, you grabbed it and tossed it with a swing of your hand.
The pages shifted when the book flew towards ongoing battle and you could see Eskel jumped out of the way. Bright blue light burst in the room once again, blinding you for a while before it all disappeared, taking the whatever attacked you with itself as the volume hit the floor. The adrenaline burst you got seemed to slow down, as the blood pumping in you seemed to run outside in a scary tempo. You laid down your head, closing your eyes as the pain was becoming stronger with every passing second. There was no option you could move, even when the witcher called your name. At least, you heard him well before you passed out.
“Shh, I am here. It will be okay.”
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slavicafire · 5 years
mindowe replied to your post “the sheer idea of "do not leave glass and other similar decorations on...”
@slavicafire​ Ale nie tak. Przesuń to bardziej, tak żeby nie zasłaniał zniczy od dziadków. A ten postaw niżej, nie wiem czyj to, już tu był to nie wróci, nie zauważy. Teraz jest dobrze... A nie czekaj, teraz jest nierówno, przesuń ten czerwony tak bardziej w lewo.
już tu był to nie wróci nie zauważy
to najpiękniejsze i najśmieszniejsze i najprawdziwsze zdanie jakie przeczytałam od dawna, dziękuję
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mismehellawes · 2 years
Glad to be of service xD
Spoiler alert, he sucks :3
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brothuania · 6 years
mindowe replied to your post “whenever my roommate comes into the hallway, i always go on ����mode...”
Scare the fuck out of her
@navahrudak replied to your post “whenever my roommate comes into the hallway, i always go on ����mode...”
the next time she comes in; crawl out your room on all fours, stare at her, and then scutter away, still on all fours
thank you for these wonderful suggestions they will be put to good use dfkjdsalf
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lonesplashy · 4 years
My brains so fucking weird like I can make the place I lived at at 5 years old and the fields nearby that I used to play in to just sorta chill and work shit out in my head or occasionally store cool bits of info but I cant get rid of the hole that’s just. Always there. Like constantly it drives me nuts, like it doesn’t actually do anything it just grows now and then and appears to be infinite from the time I’ve spent digging around inside it. This is a recent problem too so its freaking me the fuck out. 
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Massachusetts Mindow Companies - Fisher Windows installs energy efficient replacement windows in the greater Boston area. Our replacement window options include wood and Vinyl Replacement Windows, Harvey Windows and Energy Star Rated windows. We specialize in Harvey Tru Channel storm windows, Pella Windows, Marvin Windows and Andersen Windows.
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world-by-word · 7 years
mindowe replied to your post “Learning declensions in Lithuanian relying on sheer memorization...”
Polish gets pretty high on declensions itself, NOTHING CAN STOP ME
In any other case, I would argue, but this is a native Polish speaker we are talking about. There is literally nothing that can stop you.
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sparklingdali · 7 years
Tbh, I don't get why people make such a fuss of calling Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland the countries of Central Europe. From geographical point, we are, in fact, in Central Europe. It does not mean we are somehow ashamed of being called Eastern, but fuck, when you hear Eastern Europe, at least here in Poland, you think about Russia unfortunately.
Perhaps this division is the only thing they remember from European geography and to have it crushed in front of their eyes... losing the least bit of knowledge they thought to have... that might be very hard to accept.
I think of Russia too. It’s always there in the east, looking bigger every time you return your gaze to it. With Central Europe comes also some sort of false security that it’s not in fact that close :D
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arreloi · 4 years
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Lambert and Keira for @mindowe
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Ladybug and Chat Noir
Ladybug and Chat noir by Mindow
Don't read the latest tags if you want a better experience! (They act as TW, thought)
Ladybug and Chat noir They had finally win Hawkmoth was finally beaten They had finally kissed For a long time, they admired the landscape, before jumping towards the unknown.
Words: 354, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Identity Reveal, Reveal, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Identity Reveal, Post-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, adrienette, LadyNoir, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Marichat, post battle against hawkmoth, Post-Battle, Late Night Conversations, Late at Night, First Kiss, Last Kiss, Gabriel is defeat, Mentioned Gabriel Agreste, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth Identity Reveal, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawkmoth Knows Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir, Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Post-Episode: s03 Miracle Queen (The Battle of the Miraculous Part 2), Marinette abandons the miracle box, Hurt, Emotional Hurt, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Fluff and Angst, Final Battle, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide, Metaphors, The Author Regrets Nothing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34790968
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