inthevoid999 · 1 year
I had this idea during Vil's birthday and Leviathan's birthday (Since they share the same birthday. lmao) But it went a bit like this--
OM!Yuu celebrating Vil's birthday at Pomefiore with everyone there to share their birthday messages with Vil. And Yuu walks over to Rook and Vil,
Yuu- I'm sorry to intrude on your conversation but I must head out already.
Rook- Ah, why must you leave now Trickster? we've only started the birthday bash
Vil- Must you leave so early?
Yuu- Yes- uh- I need to get back to Ramshackle. I am afraid I left something running inside the dorm (Lying obviously)
Vil- If you insist Yuu, Thank you regardless for showing up today :)
Yuu- Ah, Its no problem. Sorry to leave so early.
Rook- Must you leave, it won't be as fun without you here Trickster-
Vil- It's fine, let them leave Rook
Yuu- Ah, well have fun I'll see you guys at school.
Yuu walks away to head back to Ramshackle
Vil- Something is going on with them, they obviously needed to be alone for some time...
Rook- You're right as always Roi Du Poison!
Once Yuu get back to Ramshackle they walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to check for something. a purple cupcake still standing inside the fridge
Yuu- Thankfully Grim didn't eat this.
Yuu pulled the cupcake out of the fridge and walked into the living room and pulled out a small orange birthday candle placed it on top of the purple icing and lit it carefully.
"Sigh- Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Levi. Happy Birthday to you~ I wish I could celebrate with you, Levi.."
An orange glow came from underneath your clothes as a slight image of the pact mark of Leviathan. Then the candle flame went out by itself while Yuu just stared at the purple cupcake.
Leviathan was in his room and with it being his birthday refusing to come out of his room unless you were there. Every since you disappeared everyone was a bit gloomy, Leviathan was one of the few that took the worst thinking you left cause you didn't love/like him anymore.
he felt a light feeling dance across his skin, the feeling of a calling it felt so faint. He KNEW it was you, It has to be YOU.
he stood up so quick, he almost lost his balance but regained it by using the wall to hoist himself up, he had to tell his brothers you were still alive. But they just can't reach you. Why can't they reach you?!
Im in school rn lmao might not be the best
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musicandoldmovies · 7 months
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Les Négresses Vertes - Mlah
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mlarayoukai · 1 year
Its actually better if we don't know what you're on about. I don't even know what your name means. Im just here
OH MY USERNAME? I thought you meant you didn't know what Rob means
Mlara = moray eel
I wanted morayoukai but it was taken on another website
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vampiregerard · 2 years
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mcr st paul showwww i lovvv uuuu mwah
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ibonoco · 1 year
Sous le soleil de bodega Les Négresses Vertes ont été créées en 1987 à Paris, en France. Les membres du groupe Négresses Vertes ont changé au fil du temps, mais les membres originaux étaient les suivants : Helno (Laurent Gérard) : chant, Matthias Canavese : Guitare, accordéon, Stéfane Mellino : guitare, chant, Michel « Mino » Tanguy: Batterie, Gaby « Havana » Kerdoncuff : percussions, Abraham…
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the creature
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look at that creature !!!!!! her crooked little smile, she go mlah wuheheheheheh waaaaaaaaaaaa
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 2 months
eyy thanks @nightbrothersworld for the tag!🔥🔥🔥
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers <3
1. fanfiction where the characters go in new directions but the canon entity is preserved (aka organic character growth)
2. sashimi bento (with spicy mayo, like a monster)
3. not being busy. just. time to be a lump. mlah.
4. making stupid memes and getting a laugh out of the people i share them with
5. writing (fanfiction, rp, vn, betaing, posts, you name it. i enjoy writing sm.)
@geodax @bad-gateway-502 @obiwong @jayofolympus @savageopressbignaturals @plantgoatdemon @gran-maul-seizure @nix-daughterofmagic @maulfrk @onewingedplatypus
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2005-11-25 · 1 year
Yg jd masalah kir tuh tmn sekelompok gw ajg, gda guna semua yg lakuin gue cuk jancok disuruh kerja mlah adu domba nangis2 ngentot
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mahariel-s · 6 months
sometimes u take a bong rip and ur just like. exhales. mlah mlah mlah....smacks lips....tastes like some sort of grass
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inthevoid999 · 1 year
I'm watching Secret World Of Arrietty, and I can imagine a Borrower Yuu who roams the NRC campus..
Yuu who is about half the size of soda can with a screw as their trusty weapon.
Lilia is probably the first person(fae) to notice your existence
he most likely heard you talking to yourself in the walls
Yuu can get lonely being the only Borrower on the island..
I can imagine Yuu was brought there cause of the Mirror but was too small to be noticed and ran off immediately.
Yuu was present for Riddles Overblot, and hiding in the rose bushes before getting flung towards Ace...Screaming-
And Ace got smacked in the face by Yuu's little body before clinging onto his collar. Confused the hell out of Ace, but he didn't move Yuu since he has bigger things to deal with. After the whole ordeal, Ace then dragged Deuce over to show him Yuu who didn't leave Ace's collar yet. Ace then grabbed Yuu who was going to jump off his arm. Deuce- "You could've hurt yourself" Ace held his grip on Yuu who was trying to free themselves. And Crowley saw them huddling before Ace SHOVED Yuu into Deuce's clothing to hide them. Suspicious-
Once Yuu is acknowledged, I can see them sitting on Ace or Deuce's shoulders.
Yuu likes hiding in the rose bushes because they love the roses-
If you look inside a rose bush, you might find some white roses kept safely hidden inside.
Yuu thinks Heartsyabul's tea set is amazing and wants one for themselves
I can see Riddle knowing Yuu takes a liking to the tea set, and gifting them a small porcelain teapot and with tea cups.
The teapot is most likely card theme, and the tea pot is Queen of Hearts themed.
(I love this idea so fucking much— I want a tea set now themed after all the dorms)
Hopefully more to come soon 🥺
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musicandoldmovies · 7 months
Les Négresses Vertes - L'Homme des Marais
From the album Mlah
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meowrachaaa · 11 months
Day #2 journaling
ternyata bener, semakin let go, pasrah, yaudah, setelah semua energi dikeluarkan ternyata bikin kerasa "ringan". mungkin harus sadar kali ya udah dititik mana cukup usahanya, dan sisanya rest buat pasrah
hari ini dipaksa makan bakso ehem, bakso iga, terus nambah pake baso urat karena aku mau cobain teksturnya. gila sih porsinya banyak banget nget ngettt. enak tapi gak begitu spesial, just delicious. menang porsi banyak dan harga oke. tapi maaf banget yaa, mienya gak habis >< merasa bersalah. tapi takut banget kalo dipaksa jadi muntah
ah iya kabar baik, akhirnya aku bisa bawa pulang sanie soundwave fancall :") tp kepengen banget juga bawa pulang albumnya hehe. beli juga gak ya sama albumnya?._. sepertinya iya xixixi ah iya malem ini bingung banget, karena besok harus ikutan mikir buat repositioning. ntahlah, capek mikir. cuma pengen cepet dapet offering aja dari perusahaan lain; please masih berharap banget sama azarine, scarlett:") boleh kan? aku suka skincare juga kpop, seharusnya jadi plus value. aamiin paling kencang diantara doa doa lainnya
pstt muka aku kenapa jd banyak jerawat ya?:( setelah coba retionol-vit c? cerahin engga mlah jerawatan. what am i suppossed to do?
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triyasepti · 1 year
Menatap rona jingga langit sore itu, aku termenung.
"Udah hidup puluhan tahun, masih juga ngga bermanfaat. Sampai kapan hidup dalam kesia-siaan?"
Rasanya terlalu sering berfikir maunya apa dan harus gimana emg ngga baik. Dulu perjalanan menemukan makna hidup ngga mudah. Semangat mau ita itu, nyari relasi sana sini demi kebermanfaatan diri. Setelah jalan ditemukan bukannya mempertahankan yang sulit didapatkan mlah makin kesini makin kesana. Janji bertumbuh terlupakan.
Mikirin diri sendiri emang baik, tapi tidak lantas lupa dengan sekitar. Lupakah Allah memberi kekuatan dan kemampuan untuk dimanfaatkan dan dipergunakan sebaik-baiknya? Lupakah jika semua yang Allah kasih harus dipertanggungjawabkan? Bagaimana jika waktu 'itu' tiba "Kemana usiamu kau habiskan?"
Kira-kira udah siapkah dengan jawabannya?
Belum. Jauh dari kata siap. Yang paling aneh dari manusia, semakin merasa stuck bukannya bergerak malah cuma diem dan mikir. Mikir mulu kerjaannya, tapi ngga ngelakuin apa-apa.
Kesadaran masih E4M6V5 tapi usaha untuk memperbaiki kok minimum. Apalah aku manusia lalai tanpa bimbinganMu yaAllah.
Yuk sebelum semuanya terlambat🥲
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liiluzisquirt · 1 year
🖤 I’m sorry but That’s just not possible anymore 🫠
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genochan · 2 years
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yaaahaha been waiting for today..!!! akhirnya launching juga yah babang laurikuuwwwhhh.., demi apa aku upload jam 1 malem ahahahah.. lama juga yah sejak single pertamanya rilis.. klo babyhippo udah netes iniih.. tapi klo ikut rumus, udah patah ini rulenya, hrsnya baru launching 2023..
jd d kalangan TR fans kn punya rumus matematika (br ngeh sejak dark maters). dr album dead letter kr hfts 2 thn, hfts ke black roses 3 thn, BL ke 2012 4 thn, 2012 ke dark matters 5 thn.. nah yg rise ini harusnya kan 6 thn.. diitung sejak 2017 hrsnya 2023 aaaah ya pokonya gitulah ..
oke back to the new album.
2 track sebelumnya udah rilis yah. jezebel n rise.. thank godness aku ga denger sentuhan edm di 2 lagu itu.. sedit bnyk aku kangen rasmus yg dark gituh, tp nevemind deh,, they evolved.. aku blm dpt fulltracknya si, tp 2 lagu yg rilis serasa kyk mereka balik to their roots as a rockband gt kok.. aplg rise jg nm albumnya kan, ya gak 100%.. di tengah hide from the sun n 2012 lah,, ga segahar hfts tp jg jauh dr dark matters.. kayaknya yg skrg lg suka main di keyboard string deh, ada dikit elemen orchestranya d situ, mayan mindblowing si. apa mgkn krn kebanyakan gaul ama apocalyptica yah haha ah gpp kan 1 rumpun.. selalu suka musik² eropa bagian skandinavia,, syahduuuuu n jauh dr industri unicornnya juish ahahahah.. stop!!!! *ntr kena uuite
jezebel ga terlalu klik buat aku, tp klo rise oke lah ni lagu supercatchy gt dengernya.. bbrp riff n melodi gitarnya mlah ky easilynya rhcp dimix sama knight of cydonia nya muse ahahaha, and IT WASNT PLAYED BY PAULI RANTASALMI!!! iya dia udah hengkang dr band n diganti gitaris cewek gatausiapadah huhuhuhu pdhl kesolidan mereka dlu tuh bener² nilai plus plus plus buat aku... byebye pauli im gonna miss ur curly hair #eh
ntar pagi nunggu launch single ketiganya, live n never day..stay tune aja deh.
anyway congratz babang lauri for new album
RISE UP!!!!! ❤️😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️
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