#mras don't touch
oracle-cassandra · 2 years
Utah (USA) reversed the ban for sports being separated by sex in school sports 😔
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it's still shocking how unbelievably ignorant antifeminists (MRAs, TRAs, etc) are about what radical feminism even is. they'll say, without a SHRED of irony, shit like "radical feminists are evil because they want to force you to be a conservative christian barefoot housewife!!" are you SMOKING CRACK? THINK about the words you're saying and ask if that makes any fucking sense! even if you don't understand what the word 'radical' means, the word 'feminist' should be familiar enough that you instinctively know that feminists are not conservative and do not want women to be restricted to that!
but thanks to YEARS AND YEARS of constant slander, the average antifeminist thinks they know everything about feminism despite not knowing a fucking thing. it's an overload of disinformation, to the point where there are grown adults who think it's fascist to fund a homeless shelter specifically for women. there are grown adults who think "no means no" is a human rights violation. there are grown adults who think women do not have any disadvantage in a physical fight against a man.
that's not even touching how much worse it is for kids and teenagers, who understandably have less life experience but are then being told lie after lie by corporations trying to sell them eternal youth and the perfect body they'll never have. it's exhausting. it's fucking endless and exhausting.
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transmascpetewentz · 5 months
i meant wrapped not trapped, I do not blame you for misunderstanding me, thats entirely my fault
I think you seem to believe that my issue with transandrophobia as a label is the idea that trans men face oppression (which they do), when instead its the idea that the oppression transmasculine people face is something completely unique to them, instead of being the underlying current of tranphobia
I literally spent the first paragraph explaining my issues with the *concept* of it before segawaying into my issue with it as a conterpart to transmisogyny due to them not sharing an underlying ideological framework
And to touch on some of doberbutts points, trans women are also correctively raped and have suicide rates, and the issue of access to abortion is for every person with a vagina, not just trans men
A frustrating thing that he does there is that instead of giving a counterargument to one of my points (what i personally believe to be a misnomer about the purpose of the label of transmisogyny, were you (nonspecific) view it as a threat to the validity of the trauma we face, and not as a way to describe their own, and what others believe to be just attention seeking) is to bring up severe (often sexual) trauma as a way to put a landmine on that specific point, because any attempt to explain why they are wrong becomes a personal attack on the traumatized parties
this got quite long, so response under the cut. @doberbutts this is the same anon you responded to (by reblogging my post) earlier.
no form of violence experienced under an oppressive system is truly "unique" in that i don't think there are any experiences of violence or oppression that apply to only one specific group, but the motivations behind the violence can differ depending on the demographic it's being done to. i do not think that any specific example of transandrophobia is something that no one who isn't transmasc has experienced, but transandrophobia is the oppression specifically targeting transmascs. i and doberbutts have already pointed out how this works, so i don't feel the need to reiterate that.
you do not understand the concept of transandrophobia, and you regularly demonstrate that your understanding is surface-level and comes from people who have an interest in making it seem less credible. instead of asking people who theorize about anti-transmasculinity (including me and doberbutts!!!) you immediately become hostile and make many incorrect assumptions about our beliefs. i find this highly disrespectful and encourage you to stop getting all of your information about transandrophobia from people who misrepresent it to argue against the concept of anti-transmasculinity.
yes, abortion access is something that everyone who can get pregnant has to deal with, but trans men face unique discrimination wrt abortion access and access to reproductive healthcare that trans women do not. this is because there is a fundamental misogyny component to anti-transmasculinity that you and others who deny it because "it's transmisogynistic!!!" seem to have a failure to grasp. transandrophobia is transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, and the specific modifier of maleness on this oppression all at once. i wish there was a better word for how maleness adds to and modifies oppression in an intersectional way that wasn't associated with mras, but alas there is none that i am aware of. also: anti-transmasculinity never says or implies that trans women don't face some of the issues that trans men do! you are treating this like a pissing contest for who has it worse and that is an attitude i'll need you to drop.
denying transandrophobia is a sentiment that is directly hostile to transmasc survivors of sexual assault, abuse, hate crimes and other things that arise from living under a patriarchy that systemically excludes you from both the male and female classes. the reason why we use this rhetoric is because these types of things arise from the specific intersection that trans men face, and how that can further intersect with sexuality. you are simply making up what we believe on the spot and not actually listening. if you want to come off anon and have a conversation in dms, i'd be willing.
talking to people like you is frustrating because you make these claims about what transandrophobia theory is as if we're a monolith or a homogenous group instead of hundreds of trans men on tumblr dot com all contributing to a larger conversation. no matter how much you claim to be in good faith, you continue to disregard actual transandrophobia theory in favor of some bastardized version you got from someone with "white tme/tma" in their bio. i hope you take this criticism and reflect on how you may be wrong.
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drdemonprince · 4 months
idk if you've seen the new jessie gender vid about "transandrophobia" but it's not... awesome. youre a fellow trans dude i trust very much on this topic, so I figured i'd send it your way. https://youtu.be/oYTSxuVtR7c
it would be nice to have a succinct debunking of transandrophobia to be able to show people. ive read the autolenaphilia post, but maybe it would be cool to have something more up to date?
congrats on the new book!
God, oof, yeah. Jessie Gender seems like a very sweet person, and she's been very open about being very sensitive to criticism and the dogpiling that she frequently experiences as a trans woman on the platform, and I don't think she should be giving so much credence to the trans men who are in her mentions complaining about trans mens' concerns being under-represented. I wish she had less of a reflexive fawn response and had the ability to tell some of her audience when she disagreed with them, because I think that's caused her a lot of stress in the past and continues to.
I really think the debunking of transandrophobia is as simple as this: androphobia isn't a thing. Misandry isn't a thing. Men are not hated or systematically excluded for being men. It's impossible for there to be an "intersection" between transphobia and misandry because misandry does not exist.
Anything that gets called transandrophobia is very transparently either transphobia, or some other prejudice such as racism or ableism, which touches the lives of many cis men as well. Trans men are not excluded from representation -- many of us have gotten massive book deals and acting roles and positions in academia in particular, and we don't get depicted as serial killers and sexual predators when we are represented the way trans women commonly are and have been for decades.
Trans women don't dominate trans spaces, and it's obvious fucking sexism to claim that they are. Trans women don't get all the resources, they just put more effort in general into creating community spaces, because women tend to do more emotional and social labor. (See also: fat men complaining that all the fat positivity spaces are made by women! MRA's complaining women didn't make a feminism just for them and men's concerns! make your own, dudes!) Trans men are men and that means most critiques of sexism are completely, obviously applicable to how they regard women, especially trans women.
I understand you want a handy authoritative text to point to here, but it already exists in the form of writing that trans women have done about the sexism they face: Whipping Girl for example being one of the most essential texts on the subject. We shouldn't need an authoritative man to say that sexism against women exists and that men need to work on our entitlement. I also think it's important that we not thoroughly argue with transandrophobia nonsense, but that we shut it down quickly and confidently as the obvious sexist bullshit that it is. This shit should get a dude laughed out of the room for being a shitty, misogynistic piss baby.
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ftmtftm · 3 months
I enjoy following trans guys on here because they tend to talk about masculinity in complex and interesting ways without tending to fall into MRA type pitfalls that are a lot harder to avoid in a space like Reddit. My question with that as a cis(ish) guy is always like...do you...want solidarity from cis guys on stuff like this?
Given that tumblr is kinda unique among social media spaces in that the norm is posters who are either women or queer, I don't see a lot of conversations between cis and trans guys for me to go off of as a norm. Y'all seem way more busy dealing with (what must be very tiring) discourse with women about whether being dudes automatically rounds trans men up to being oppressors.
Like, the defense I usually see mounted against that very simplistic mentality is--as you've said a fair bit and I would absolutely agree with--that patriarchal society doesn't give a fuck how you identify and short of someone who's managed to "pass" going completely stealth, there isn't even the option of being granted a very contingent male privilege. 
Building off of that response I tend to go further and say "Yeah, and I mean, even if you were a cis dude, the hurdle isn't suddenly over if you're assumed to be biologically male, broad swaths of male privilege are contingent on performing hegemonic masculinity. If you don't, won't, or can't play that role, you're just trading being viewed as a failed woman for being viewed as a failed man. And again, that's only if you're someone who can "pass" and who is willing to go stealth in the first place."
But I don't know if me saying that would be recieved as...helping? Considering me saying "yeah, dudes aren't suddenly welcomed with open arms if they have a "he/him" pin and some stubble, there are absolutely core social advantages compared to women, but there are also punishments for failing to adhere to patriarchal standards that some men will be constantly incurring" causes a knee-jerk "THATS MRA BULLSHIT" response in the average tumblr user, which you seem to have to deal with plenty even when you're just quoting bell hooks or something.
So yeah, don't know if chiming in on the experience of grappling with hegemonic masculinity is like... helpful solidarity or muddying the waters? But I figured I'd offer at least.
Oh this is a very fascinating ask because in many ways I'm inclined to say yes absolutely, it can be incredibly helpful. There are some ideas presented here I'm a little hesitant about and I think it can be situational because of that. Ultimately though it is probably more dependent on your own personal threshold for dealing with bullshit than anything else to be frank.
Like I was just saying in response to a previous ask - some of the most productive conversations I've had personally about gender were actually with an older, disabled, cis man who was my coworker. The social perception of his gender was really dependent on his age as a man in his 60's, his class as a blue collar maintenance man, and the disabilities he had due to life circumstances and his lifetime of physical labor. This was also, socially, at odds with the fact that he was a poet and an artist and a deeply emotionally aware/intelligent person - which goes against a lot of Patriarchal expectations for men. The Patriarchy doesn't really give a shit about the emotionally in touch, disabled, working class, maintenance poet because he is not an asset to maintaining system.
So I do think there is absolutely space for solidarity between trans men and cis men in that regard! There is always more that joins us than divides us. Always.
I do think, however, that it might be smart to gain more experience - of any kind - outside of online discourse before entering into specifically online conversations (though I'm also guilty of jumping into this one too sometimes I'm not gonna lie).
When I say "experience of any kind" I really mean it though. Be that life experience, academic experience, interpersonal experiences, etc. I would just start with talking to people about their lives and engaging with their lived experiences and also letting them engage with yours!
I think here in this specific conversation on Male Privilege cis men hold a dual positionality of both people impacted by the same systems and as allies. To specfically be a stronger ally is to spend a lot of time learning before speaking yourself - while also never forgetting that the learning is never "over" - in my opinion.
Like, that's expressly why I took a break from writing about gender theory for a few years to explicitly spend time just reading racial theory so I could be a better ally as a White person and understand the ways in which White Supremacy both uplifts and harms me and the social positions I hold due to my race. I'm currently spending a lot of time reading intersex theory, but not directly involving myself too much, for the same reason. It's a similar concept here but with gender and Patriarchy.
I do also want to make sure it's very clearly stated that this conversation isn't really a binary "men arguing with women and vice versa" issue - despite it often being framed that way. Many of the people who have been the harshest towards me personally have actually been other trans men and nonbinary people and less so women. At least in this particular conversation, as I've also dealt with my fair share of TERFs/Radfems but that's unrelated to the convo on trans men and male privilege.
All in all it sounds like you're on a relatively solid path though. The solidarity and allyship is nearly always appreciated - especially when offered in good faith and with the intent of growth. I'd still really, genuinely recommend taking kind of a circular path outside of online discourse into academia (institutionally or on your own!!) or ground work or something like that before coming back around into engaging with the internet directly if you're able to though! It does wonders for the brain and helps give you more space to examine potential biases in safer environments than Tumblr or Reddit imo.
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argumate · 1 year
(spoilers for Glass Onion)
the first Knives Out told the tragic story of a fucked up family, and family is always a convenient justification for a bunch of messed up people to be hanging out together and one that most of us are all too familiar with in real life.
Glass Onion told the story of a bunch of college (?) friends who hung out together at a particular bar, when one of them brought in a smooth talking idiot loser who must have had superpowers of some kind as he hooked the rest up with successful careers before becoming a billionaire himself based on her work and then betrayed her with the support of the others who defended him in court.
that's already a little weird! "a reclusive rich guy invites a group of people to his private island for a dinner during which someone will be murdered" is a classic premise but having the people all be college friends from way back doesn't add anything when they're already tied together by the fact that they committed perjury to defend the rich guy in exchange for his support!
business partners falling out is a solid premise (The Social Network) and if they were lovers (were they? I'm actually not sure) then that adds even more drama, but having this quite disparate bunch of characters be college friends only matters if you delve into their relationships and group dynamic, which the movie has little interest in doing.
and it's such a wordcel movie, oh my god, it could not be less interested in how a billionaire becomes a billionaire or what distinguishes a good idea from a bad one, it doesn't try to take its own premise seriously at all, unlike the first movie which was at least about a writer who writes books, solid wordcel territory.
look at the characters:
a fashion model / designer who tweets ethnic slurs, except of course she's not racist, she doesn't realise that they're slurs, that's a much worse crime: she's ignorant! she thinks that "sweatshop" is where they make "sweatpants"! classic bluecheck attitude where actual racism doesn't exist and economic exploitation is accidental and the worst crime someone could commit is being unaware of the proper shibboleths.
a Joe Rogan / Alex Jones MRA type ("sorry feminists") who of course is a manbaby pushed around by his mother; obviously he has to die.
the Elon Musk / Adam Neumann billionaire CEO who is both genius opportunist and shambling moron who can barely speak; unclear whether his garbled explanation of "disruption" represents the intellectual bankruptcy of actual disruptors or the writer's lack of comprehension of the term.
a black scientist who is very smart and plays basically no role in the movie; it's unclear why he would commit perjury given that he's the smartest character and could just go work somewhere else, hopefully not the implication that structural racism prevents him from doing so and the bad guy is the only person who will give him a job (???).
a female politician who commits to a (dangerous?) powerplant design in exchange for campaign funding, the closest time the movie comes to actually touching on a meaningful issue before quickly skittering away.
technology is writing "AI" on a napkin and having that be worth billions of dollars, while knowing the right words to say and how to say them is a Prized Skill that is actually Important.
(it's notable that the woman who is supposedly going to start the next Google ("Alpha") moves to the well-known tech hub of New York after finishing high school, not San Francisco!)
now these may seem like silly points to harp on for what is a silly murder mystery movie but the lack of sincere commitment to the premise undermines the emotional arc of the characters: it could be a comedy about them finally breaking free of the self-interest that has kept them loyal to the bad guy, or a tragedy about the ramifications of failing to break free and continuing their descent into hatred for each other and themselves, but both of those possibilities fall flat if the writers don't really care as why should we.
the hero and protagonist of the story ends up being the victim's sister, but the victim herself is barely given the chance to speak, let alone to explain what she saw in the bad guy, why she made that deal with the devil, and what other compromises she made to create a giant AI tech empire (!).
there are better stories here waiting to be told.
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
Tumblr media
I see why Western feminists tokenize idolize Korean feminism sm but why can't Indian online feminists fucking stop saying shit like this because ik for a fact these people don't know a single shit about the feminist movement/branches in India.
Probably because all their information about feminism here comes from mainstream media which is currently dominated by libfems and MRAs. But just because libfems have the loudest voices in our media doesn't mean they make up the majority of women leaders and feminists here (the reason they're the loudest is because they're richer and only talk shit instead of do shit).
Not only is the feminist movement here much more active compared to Western countries but women are lead activists in so many other fields. The anti NRC and CAA protests? Yeah they were led mostly by women especially Muslim women because are affected more by those amendments than Muslim men. But ig your upper caste Hindu ass is too busy ignoring that.
The eco movement here? That's led by women too especially tribal women.
The abortion laws that were recently changed (for the better)? Yeah Indian women did that while American feminists lost a major reproductive right and had a meek reaction.
Our feminists are fighting in court against MRAs (who are increasing in popularity everyday) to get marital rape criminalized.
And all of this despite all the police brutality in our country against women. Women are raped,killed,beaten up by police for protesting even though it is illegal for male officers to even touch the women.
Have some fucking respect for the women risking their safety for your rights while you shit on them on tunglr.com and think you're superior because you refuse to date men.
Korean patriarchal culture is also much different from Indian patriarchal culture. Our current priorities are obviously not going to align with them when our struggles are so different even if there are common ones like rape and pornography.
Also South Korean women live under much better economy than Indian women. These women have the choice to focus on this movement and I am glad they're doing so. But I don't think many of you realize how much economy has got to do with the condition of women in a country.
I haven't seen a single fucking Indian feminist on here even mention that one of the worst things Indian women are facing today is dowry, female infanticide, cultural abuse and restriction because of in laws, right wing men trying to restore traditionality to build Hindutva or anything.
Why don't you log off Tumblr, YouTube and other bakwaas sites and apps filled with neoliberalist and pomo bs and maybe try to actually learn what the feminist movement here looks like. I am not saying we're perfect but we are far from "spineless".
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valkyriesexual · 2 years
Hello! Just found out your blog while searching for info on the trial (I've been following but did not dare search for anything up until now because the comments on this case are unbelievably horrible) and you cleared up a few things, so thanks! I believe AH but at times I really need to re-read things like the UK's documents and specialists' commentaries because with all the pushback I sometimes feel like I'm missing something obvious to all these other people. Then again they bring up arguments that don't hold up (if they bring arguments at all), but I still got into an argument with my mother yesterday about this where she steadfastly believes AH to be lying (she told me that she didn't believe she could tell all those things and not shed a tear which...) and JD to have this trial televised to clear his name, so this really bothered me, and seeing other people seeing the same things as I do reassure me that I'm not going crazy.
a lot of people are in your boat. the fact that there's so much pro-depp content - even if is primarily sourced from from bots, paid content creators, and the MRA/anti-MeToo corners of the internet - makes the waters extremely muddy.
based on my years of experience with domestic violence litigation, i believe that the purpose of this trial is multi-fold: depp wants to (1) harass AH, (2) force AH to spend money on legal fees, (3) force AH to relive some of the most traumatic incidents in her life, (4) prevent AH from moving on with her life, (5) have the protection of litigation privilege so he can say all these things without risking his own defamation case, and (6) drag her down with him.
i've talked about the numerous things depp could have done, which wouldn't chill the free speech of victims of domestic violence: (1) litigate the actual merits of her allegations in the california DV case, or (2) monetize this whole thing with an interview/book deal/movie/docuseries/etc. but there's one other thing that depp could have done to rehab his image that I haven't touched on yet.
if depp truly wanted to rehab his image, he would have simply gone dark for a few months/years. he would get 100% clean and sober. work on some small movies. have all his fellow actors, directors, and crewpeople talk about how prepared and kind and talented he was throughout filming. not having lines fed to him though and earpiece. do press tours where he declines to answer questions about AH based on the settlement and focuses on his films and how he's moving on with his life. over a few years, given how much hollywood (and america in general) *wants* to give white men second, third, and fourth chances, he could absolutely rehab his image and rebuild his career, if he cared to. the fact that he's doing this instead speaks VOLUMES.
[if you found this post helpful or informative, please consider subscribing to my substack, it does take me a decent amount of time to research, write, and source posts like this, and substack subscriptions are deeply appreciated]
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
I'm gonna be real with you all for a second and say the reaction this website and the internet in general had to the news that the number of men under 30 are not having sex has tripled in the last few years was absolutely disgusting and I am disappointed in you all for being so dumb as to not realize there is more to this than just one man isn't getting some pussy
Like I get that it was a Vaush tweet that brought this to your attention and Vaush is well, Vaush and we could talk for hours about him but he's not the focus rn. And also he was fucking right. This is a problem. Like I don't think it's a bad thing to say that there is a problem with the fact that men under 30 are now having issues connecting with people and making meaningful relationships with women. Like this is not a "men think they're entitle to sex" situation this is a "there's something going on with how young men are being socialized by our society" situation. If this was an individual case and not like a well documented problem that is affecting an entire subsection of the male gender then it would be different, but we can't just chock it up to an indiduval incel sitting alone in his basement playing COD 24/7 eating his hot cheetos and drinking his mountain dew who hasn't touched a stick of deodorant in years or whatever other stereotype you had in your brain when you first saw that statistic, because it is not. This is just another part of the isolating and lonliness of patriarchy that says if a man cannot get a woman it is his fault, that there is something inherently wrong with him, something in him is bad and wrong and broken and it is all his fault and not the societal pressure put upon them to be this idealized version of what patriarchy thinks a "real man" is.
A leftist streamer, Shark, posted the most milquetoast little tweet about how he has personally experienced this isolationg experience of finding that dating and connecting to other people in this day and age was really difficult and so he's found it easier to just give into the isolation and not connect to people anymore. And every single comment under his tweet was telling him he was a loser who should just kill himself and stop complaining about being a bitchless virgin
Like bro.
If you saw someone lamenting their own lonliness and your instinct is to tell them to just kill themself well, sorry comrade but I think you might be the problem and I don't think you belong on the left
The isolation and the lonliness and the fact that young men under 30 are not able to connect with people and have sex/intimacy with others is all a combination of the isolation of late stage capitalism mixed with the compounding factor of patriarchy telling men to stuff their feelings down and not to be emotional and that a "real man" deals with his problems in silence on his own or he sticks a gun in his mouth and blows out his brain before he can make his lonliness anyone else's problem. And for all of you to just dogpile that clearly alarming statistic that speaks to more than just the amount of sex these men are having and say that all of the men who reported not having sex were just a bunch of entitled whiny little bitchboys who think they have a right to have sex with women's bodies as if that was even the point of that statistic at all is absolutely abhorrent behavior and I think you need to take a step away from the computer for a while and contemplate why that was your first initial reaction to the news and ask yourself if you might be contributing to the problem rather than helping with solutions. Once again the internet needs to learn reading comprehension and what statistics actually mean to the greater scope of society before jumping to conclusions about the worst most bad faith rebuttals possible
Stop letting dumb manhating TERFs and MRA alpha males pollute your politics to the point where you can't have sympathy for the other 50% of the world's population smh
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solipsistim · 7 months
You should genuinely kill yourself. You're one of the most vile, repulsive misogynists I've ever encountered on the internet. Your idiocy and blatant denial of women's oppression and suffering (and having the audacity to claim men suffer equally or more from having the privilege of being our oppressors) is actually rage inducing. You're 20 fucking years old and already braindead, end your worthless life already so no other woman has to suffer from reading your nonsensical MRA rambles
Yes transgender people of all assigned sexes suffer more than cis (white) people, women or not. You should genuinely get a life bestie. Leave the house, touch grass, talk to an actual human being for once. Also I'm 22 I just don't use this shitbrained website for radfem dumbshits like you enough to bother changing my about/description, loser.
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2percentsugar · 1 year
It's like genuinely hilarious how much online MRA posturing relies on the idea of a cartoonishly masculine man. "don't touch his beard or muscles" is like, the Gifts For Him way of repacking the sentiment "don't pet people like dogs". which is like . true but an insane thing to blaze
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This recent misogyny flare on tumblr isn't "deep" btw. We didn't "circle back" to anything or do "mental acrobatics" or whatever. It became very clear, very quickly that people were just drinking straight-up Reddit-ass MRA Kool aid then just peer-signaling with it. Anyone trying to have a discussion about patriarchal oppression was a radfem even when they weren't, and everyone Pikachu faced when a woman talked about how Christians refused to call her the correct name if she chose not to take her husband's, and women's fears of being assaulted were compared to doomer's.
I'll never forget that wack-ass post being like, "I've been to group chats with men and talked to men and they're sad and lonely. I swear you can talk about men's rights uwu." How out-of-touch do you have to be to write or reblog that unironically. Are you even serious? That's because of patriarchal standards of masculinity and patriarchal violence.
I swear to god it didn't used to be like this. There were some cringe-ass feminist posts, too many in fact, but there was plenty of discussion that took a much more cohesive, academically up-to-date perspective of these issues. We did talk about how the patriarchy hurts men too. "I'm angry at the men who oppress women because I know men who don't and I know they can do better" is not reframing. That was literally the entire conversation, and so many of us eschewed anyone who started up with the bio essentialism. The porn ban for real set the conversation about intersectional feminism on this website back years.
SWERF W's can only set us back and the sky is blue, old man yelling at cloud, I know. It's definitely getting better now also. But yeah I'm not done being mad about that little activism trend, because WTF you guys.
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postcuntlonialism · 2 months
Question 1- Within feminism, often the concepts of first, second, third, etc. waves are used to distinguish different eras of the ideology. How do you understand these different eras, especially in respect to past vs modern feminism?
H: Sure absolutely so like in Saudi Arabia or you know countries where women can't vote and women can't leave their home like Doctor Rathour was saying, that's oppressive and it's just not the role I think they should play in society
R: Do you agree with modern feminism?
H: Not to be harsh but no I don't think so. I think we're equal enough today where you know women and women have high paying jobs and they can vote you know I think we're pretty equal nowadays like in a modern developed country like here, Great Britain, and Canada are the first that come to mind.
R: I think attaining legal equality was an important step for early feminists, however systems of inequality can exist outside of explicit legal permission. For example, gender-based violence within sorority and fraternity systems, medical bias against women, and judicial bias against men. It really depends how we’re defining ‘modern feminism’ though, because I don’t want to dismiss the broad issue of misconception about what that is. 
2. Who all do you think make up the majority of feminists and why? Who makes up the minority and why?
R: Depends on context, self-proclaimed feminism on social media is often just blatant misandry, in part due to controversy being promoted by these platforms. But in academia (or even just the world of touching grass), people tend to engage in a lot more nuance and critical thought. 
H: Yeah if they're actually academic it makes a big difference and obviously it started as like started as a women movement and now you have men in it as well and so sure like women are I think women are majority of feminists but I think nowadays like it's growing so that there's more men as feminists which is kind of cool.
3.  What do you make of countermovements to feminism or certain branches of it? i.e. anti-feminism, incel communities, manosphere & andrew tate types etc.
H: ​​Uh-huh no, I think I think those are pretty stupid you ain't gotta hate on people that are trying to do something that's not going to hurt anyone I think it's pretty pointless to bash someone for trying to be equal. I think part of that comes from you know how you're saying like they're feminists on TikTok that are like you know men hating and you know men are bad this, that, and the other like that's kind of where the feminism bashing comes from like if they're gonna say all this bad stuff about men there's gonna be people that fight back. I feel like the extremes are just getting mad at each other.
R: It’s just pundits taking advantage of male loneliness, especially in teenage boys who may not have a healthier outlet for their emotions or know any better. 
4. What is your opinion on the word feminism? Do you think it well represents what feminism is?
R: Sometimes egalitarianism can be more approachable, and less alienating. However I don’t think there’s any problems with the word feminism itself, it can just carry a lot more baggage depending on how someone was exposed to it.
H: Yeah I think it's kind of like like when I see like when I first saw the word feminism you know I think feminine I think woman I think like this is just like all just pro woman which like you were saying it was it's it can be on both sides like it's equality for all but it's upbringing of of women.
5. What do you think of movements that both pose as egalitarian or feminist-adjacent  but often act antagonistically towards these principles. For example, trans exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) or men’s rights activists (MRAs). Alternatively, feel free to share general thoughts on feminism, its strengths and weaknesses as a philosophy vs. how its communicated in popular media, etc. 
H: It's kind of weird that like you have these men's rights activists that should be doing something similar but then just also I feel like the extremes of the men's rights activists they're bashing you know they're antagonistic like you're saying.
R: Similar to the manosphere stuff, these groups prey on people’s alienation from feminism, but in this case the targets are people who are to some extent sympathetic to its ideals. From there, often members are radicalized beyond any notion of wanting equal rights. For example, an MRA might enter the group due to concerns about judicial bias against men, conscription, male loneliness, etc. which are all noble things to address and they are often downplayed in certain feminist spaces. But that may shift to more radical beliefs like sexual violence apologia or male supremacist beliefs. 
6. Would you consider yourself a feminist?
R: Yeah, but the specific labels people gravitate to aren’t super important to me, and I’m more concerned about the philosophy of sex and gender equality itself. If calling myself an egalitarian made someone more amicable to feminist arguments, I’d go with that. But feminism is pretty neat. 
H: I would say… I was thinking about it when was writing this question and I would say I'm not a modern feminist, but I would agree with ideals of past feminism. I don't agree with the more like toxic and extreme feminism like “women are always right and men suck” obviously because like I don’t know why I would say that because I'm a man but I agree with men and women are equal even though you know I think they have different roles in society but I think those roles are equal to each other.
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terventenko · 2 years
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but transwomen are totally safe to allow in our spaces, right? they're not misogynists at all! 🙄
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