#my relationship with the religion is so conflicting because i'm surrounded by it a lot and want to embrace it fully like everyone else but
frogoru · 5 months
i've had to indulge in christian scripture a lot for the past few months because personal life stuff and i need everyone to know that there's a book in the bible where king solomon goes on and on about how horny he is for his wife and it's SO SENSUAL and i didn't expect it at all (it's really beautifully written if anything but also sex funny. i put verses down below that invoked said feelings because its so wow)
"Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle,     that graze among the lilies."
- 4:5
"...How much better is your love than wine,     and the fragrance of your oils than any spice! Your lips drip nectar, my bride;     honey and milk are under your tongue;"
- 4:10-11
"How beautiful are your feet in sandals,     O noble daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels,     the work of a master hand. Your navel is a rounded bowl     that never lacks mixed wine. Your belly is a heap of wheat,     encircled with lilies.  Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle.  Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,     by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon,     which looks toward Damascus. Your head crowns you like Carmel,     and your flowing locks are like purple;     a king is held captive in the tresses."
- 7:1-5
"Your stature is like a palm tree,     and your breasts are like its clusters.  I say I will climb the palm tree     and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,     and the scent of your breath like apples, and your mouth like the best wine.
It goes down smoothly for my beloved,     gliding over lips and teeth.
 I am my beloved's,     and his desire is for me."
- 7:7-10
In verse 8 of chapter 5 his wife says "I am sick with love." and that makes me feel really AHHHHHH oh my god?? it's so intimate
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fructo · 1 month
☂ | my april reads
I don't post on tumblr a whole lot (i think my total posts are less than five) but I just wanted to make a little april book summary for myself :)
I can't guarantee no spoilers, soooo.....
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) - Marissa Meyer
I rated this a 4 stars out of 5, though in hindsight I'd go back and change it to a 5. I've never been big on the Grimm Fairytales but reading this series did warrant me pulling out my copy of them. Regardless, I loved Cinder as a character and I really connected with her and her desire to do good without her personal gain. I sort of expected the twist with her being Princess Selene, to be honest, which I think is why I took off a star.
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2) - Marissa Meyer
Once again a 4 stars out of 5, and the reasoning was because I didn't particularly feel like Cinder's chapters were all that interesting in the middle of the book. We did get Captain Thorne, and he definitely grows on the reader. Following their escape, the story just fell. HOWEVER, Scarlet and Wolf. Wolf and Scarlet. Oh my goodness. Wolf is so bloody precious that when he betrayed Scarlet at first my heart broke into two. I enjoyed the ending for them :)
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3) - Marissa Meyer
Before I finished this book, I immediately went and watched Tangled. I then proceeded to get the soundtrack stuck in my head and I'll admit it's still sort of stuck. I rated this one a 5 out of 5 because this was definitely where the conflict picked up. Levana was such a wonderfully-written villain. Normally I enjoy morally-gray characters, but she was just pure evil. Cress' first introduction is in the first book, but seeing Meyer expand on her character and show her struggles was beautiful.
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4) - Marissa Meyer
I rated this one a 5 out of 5 in spite of the fact that I would've liked to see more of Jacin's perspective and some more elaboration on his character. I know there's not much to him in the first place, although he is a very complex character, but still. Winter immediately become one of my favorite characters in the series, and her desire to know Cinder as her family really connected with me. Her story really nailed Levana's coffin for me, and I just wanted her to get her happy ending with Jacin the entire time.
Blind Faith - Ellen Wittlinger
I rated this one a 2 out of 5. This isn't normally the type of book I would read, but I thought the plot sounded interesting so I tried it out. In my opinion, the relationship between Liz and Nathan would've been more impactful if it had been strictly platonic, because the romance at the end just seemed forced. I disliked Roxy; I understand that she was Liz's best friend, but some of the things she said to Liz were just downright red flags and it was difficult to tolerate. I enjoyed the plot and identified with the struggle surrounding religion, but those two characteristics of the plot overshadowed that in a large way.
It's only three days into May and I've already finished two books so I'm pretty thrilled to share that in June (the books I've checked out from the library are WONDERFUL).
I would definitely recommend checking out the Lunar Chronicles if you enjoy fairy tale adaptations. The characters are so enjoyable and varied in personality that you can see how they work well together :)
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scriptlgbt · 2 years
Avoiding Queerbaiting Question
I will say so right off now. I am not asking about LGBT characters but, I had wrote which feel gay, hints to feel gay and someone was accused me of queerbaiting.
I am come from two cultures that have parents to much involve on marriage, and to this day, we get parental approval for utmost respect. Some parents still find dates for children, and also have arranged marriages. I am personally knowing people who become oust by family for just love or marry the spouse without approval or become stuck in the marriage they don't want but just accept by culture or because of much fear of social they can't got out.
Unfortunately, but I write stories in the western culture and write the parent do not like your partner or spousee, even about mere dating. Even though I make the straight relationship as clear, people said undertones are feels like gay people's thoughts, like parents do not approve the relationship because gay or gay person marry straight person and stuck up in it.
Help please. What can I do? There must got some nuance I write? What?
I haven't read your work so I will admit I could be wrong about this, but this strikes me that the audience not understanding your experiences that lead you to write this way.
I think in general it's not unheard of for parents western-ish cultures to disapprove of someone who their child is dating, but I think it used to be more common than it currently is. I know there are TV shows from 2005 where this was a common plotline. I think this was an experience that my parents generation had (baby boomer/gen x cusp), but not something I've really dealt with. Even as a queer person. My mom was not great at understanding my being queer and trans when I came out (I'm not sure how much she understands it now), but the few times I have encountered her in my adulthood while I had a partner, my mom has seen my partner as family. But that's my own experience, and it's not reflective of everyone's.
I think when it comes to people in western cultures or cultures otherwise influenced by western colonialism, I think disapproval of children's partners tends to not manifest as being very obvious. I think parents are more careful about not saying it outright if they do not like or approve of a partner, because that disapproval would probably add tension to the relationship.
I see more often that friends from diaspora cultures will have parents that want them to marry in the culture though, because it is their perceived way of keeping their culture alive. Especially if there is a language barrier between the parents and the partner, or if the partner is not willing to learn the language for their partner and their family. A lot of conflict can arise during weddings too if someone is expected to compromise on a tradition. These sorts of things are a big deal to a lot of people.
I feel like with what you're going for, it might help to have it be said in dialogue that the characters are straight somewhat early on. Maybe something like, "I can't imagine how much harder this would be if I weren't straight." Or hearing about some other story about a non-straight character having a different experience and saying something like, "it's not the same, but I relate to this as a straight person."
I think it needs to be specifically named because there are bi people (among many other orientations) who may date someone of a different gender, but may be attracted to other genders too.
Something I might also look into, is writing a story where a character surrounded by western culture has parents who are from your own culture, or one like your own culture. Or maybe they have a religion that leads them to feel pressured to prioritize dating other people in that religion.
Maybe there are issues around citizenship or religion membership of potential children. For example, some Jewish beliefs state that a child is only Jewish if their mother is Jewish. For some Indigenous nations here, there are different types of nation membership and forms of legal status. Those things can affect whether you are allowed to live on a reserve, your rights to fish in the lake your family has fished in since the beginning of time, and even if your children are allowed to inherit that from you if you marry someone with less "status" than you. There are also families who don't have any disabilities who might be harsh about their child chosing a partner who might be disabled. Maybe the parents disapprove because they would have to learn sign language to include the partner at family events. Maybe the parents don't like how difficult it is to make sure places they go to eat have ramps for a partner with a wheelchair.
I wouldn't write the experiences of any marginalized group you don't know into the main plot of something unless you have help with it from people who are part of those groups though, just because there's some things you might miss or not realize the implications of.
I hope this helps give some idea?
mod nat
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windvexer · 2 years
hello, i'm cannon. i'd like a reading please, if you're still doing them.
i'm bad at connecting to my ancestors, and probably almost as bad at connecting to deities and spirits.
could you tell whether this is something that could be fixed? if so, how?
(note: i'm fairly certain that i have few if any clair senses and i don't have much formal information about this kind of thing because i'm slow with reading actual books these days. i practice religion to some extent but it's very vibes based, mostly)
any help would be appreciated. ty
Hello, Cannon. A question of this magnitude may be hard to address with such a small reading. However, let's give it a go.
In this system, questions of psychism and relationships are both Watery, so this is a Water question.
Your card is 7/Wands, backed by Ace/Cups.
As a Fire card, the 7/Wands is in direct conflict with your question and indicates a poor omen. But it is pretty informationally dense, which is helpful.
There's a lot that's going on here.
On one hand, you've got a lot of stress surrounding these issues which certainly isn't helping.
You're almost certainly using techniques of communication which aren't suited for you and which run contrary to your natural abilities.
It's likely that the techniques you're trying to use are either unplanned or chaotic, or you're trying too many mish-mashed concepts at once.
The vibe here is almost like the kind of anxiety people sometimes get from overstimulation. Even if it feels like nothing is happening for you, you're crowding yourself out by trying to use a method (or entire belief system) that isn't inherent and natural to you.
Whatever belief systems you're dwelling with right now are pretty well established for you. They're at the point where you're not questioning a lot of your foundational beliefs and concepts, because you're pretty sure that this is just "the way things are." Unfortunately, this system isn't working for you, and some questioning is required.
Enter the Ace/Cups. This card has strong connotations of Source, home, psychism, strong relationships, and spiritual power. As the #1 card in a series, it's much, much more foundational than the high #'d 7 card.
Your "fix" is questioning the techniques and beliefs you're using at this time to attempt spirit communication. You need to find techniques and practices which align with you, instead of working against you.
It may help to try journaling where you identify your own beliefs and ask why you have them. This is also an opportunity to pinpoint spiritual and magical experiences you've had that you may have forgotten about - and which may reveal aspects of your natural talents.
Especially be careful of putting anyone else's experiences on a pedestal of how you are supposed to feel and experience psychism. Your key is to explore and discover what psychism is within yourself, like mapping a lost continent.
The Fountain of Spiritual Psychism lies within that terrain - you just have to find it.
A great way to never find it is to always be on the lookout for how someone else described their own fountain. Theirs may be carved of marble, yours may be a waterfall trickling over moss and petrified trees. Don't build a bridge to avoid touching your own waters just so you can keep looking for someone else's!
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sxorpiomoon · 9 months
Hello i'm here for your free reading:
My name is Sol and my sign is ♓
My question is some message from my future self?
Thank you
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❂✪The deck Chosen was: The Antique Anatomy Tarot✪❂
From Your future Self
❦(card 1) The Hierophant: “The hierophant is one of the more traditional figures in the tarot and also one of the strictest. While his counterpart, the High Priestess is focused on the occult and the power of intuition, he is focused on set principles, organized religion, and intense study. The Hierophant is the spokesperson for the divine. He ask that you search outside of yourself for answers, reminding you that there is nothing wrong with asking for help and looking to an expert for guidance. Who can you go to for wisdom? Sometimes the Hierophant appears as a religious leader, but he can easily manifest in everyday figures, such as a freed who always gives you great advice, or a teacher who shows you a new approach to problem-solving. Now is the time to seek them out.” 
I love this first card. What I am really getting from this first card is that there is someone in your life that has a masculine energy and they might be an earth sign. But this is some you trust deeply. It feels like the message in the first card is to really look into your inner circle and find who is supposed to be there and who is not. This is a test for you intuition. I also am getting a message of you do have to be a bit stricter with yourself to achieve the goals you have in mind. They might feel out of reach, but you must work for it, it is not easy.❦
✮(Card 2) Seven of Blades: “ Sneaking around is the theme of the Seven of Blades. You are trying to get away with something you should’t, and this card is here to let you know that you aren’t as sly as you think you are. As with the five of blades, you may be the victim of someones trickery. A lot of planing has gone behind the scenes in order to pull off the plan against you, so be diligent with your boundaries. Whether you are the cheater or the cheated, an apology can work wonders. A battle of wits is easily ended when you put your pride aside and try do the right thing — even if it pains you.” 
With this second card because the first card you got is the Hierophant the numerology of that card is five it feels like this is a warning of someone in you life who is very manipulative. It feels like you have had this feeling in your gut but you needed confirmation. (I can also see this to be in a work situation or relationship or both even) This is also a message for you to know it is okay to ask for help.✮
♔(Card 3)Nine of Blades: “Can’t sleep because you are riddles with anxiety and guilt. Feel as though your waking life has become one of your nightmares? You are in the realm of the Nine of Blades, and it is really unpleasant place to be. You make feel like you are bouncing between fight mode and flight mode every minute of the day. Unfortunately, this card does not have a silver lining and it can really take a toll on your mental health. Being in a constant state of fear causes you to do things you wouldn’t normally do, so now is definitely not the time to make any major decisions.”
This card feel as if you are pushed up against a wall. It feel like there is no escape. This is a reminder that hard times are not forever. It reminds me of a quote from the move The Crow, where he says, “It can’t rain all the time.” This also a reminder to not stress or think about the future, to think about the now.♔
☠︎(Card #4) Ten of Elixirs: “The Ten of Elixirs is a very positive card to receive in a reading. There is a sense of comfort and harmony surrounding you and your loved ones, perhaps manifesting in a stable home life, enough money for your needs (and then some), and someone special to share it all with. The future looks bright in terms of relationships with this card. Any past conflicts are forgiven and unconditional love is possible because of the mutual respect you share.” 
This is a very beautiful way to end your reading. Your future self is really reminding you, here is that yes, you can have good things in life. It will take time to get here but it is in your path if you take the right steps. Even though it’s really cloudy, remember that it can not rain all the time. ☠︎
☘︎Just a little reminder, please stay healthy out there! Tips aren’t mandatory but appreciated. Feedback however is mandatory so please don’t be afraid to give me feedback. It means a lot to me! Also if anyone would like a reading from please do not forget to look at my guidelines. (Also, anything that is underlined most likely has links.) I wish you well, and good luck with your future. With much love - Yvanna🦋✨☘︎
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
I also think that part of the reason why the church gets so much hate is because of how much general distrust there is in organized religion in real life. Like I went into Three Houses trying to keep an open mind and during White Clouds I really couldn't see what was so heinously wrong with the church even during the Lonato thing that made the institution so much worse than what Edelgard was inciting. I could be totally wrong but I was under the impression that Rhea didn't squash the insurrection because they were a part of the Western Church but because they were actively rebelling and, on top of that, Lonato was bringing civilians into the conflict. That, along with the fact that Rhea knows for an absolute fact that the goddess existed and that she herself is old as dirt (trauma included) makes her decisions make a lot of sense.
I'm playing through AM with my friend who's never played before and they IMMEDIATELY said they distrusted the church because Jeralt doesn't like Rhea (for understandable reasons but my friend also ignored his very sus behavior of not explaining literally anything to Byleth) and because organized religions must be inherently bad.
It’s something that’s heavily related to a player’s inability to separate the reality of their specific circumstances with those of the fiction they’re consuming. They implant their experiences onto things that are only somewhat related and then extrapolate “facts” about the fiction that are, many times, actively shut down and/or disproven by that fictions lore or story or plot.
And, like, it’s normal to relate fictional things to your personal stories if you see connections to them. I’d wager a good amount of people find some aspect of a character they like/love that sticks out to them specifically because of a similarity they share of some kind, whether big or small. I know of people who’s fave superhero is The Flash because The Flash is fast and they ran track and hey, that’s cool, a superhero who’s ability is running really fuckin’ fast and I wanna be really fuckin’ fast. To use myself as an example, I can relate to the struggles Claude specifically has with race because many of the things he says correlate very well to my personal experiences with race. So, going by that line of logic, the opposite is clearly going to happen as well; there are many villains, or characters of either or neither allegiance towards good and evil, who have traits that personally affect someone in a negative way.
But here’s the thing about that... Claude and I have similar experiences with race. He’s still a prince, and I’m still someone who’s never seen above the poverty line in terms of income. He’s never had to live off a box of Whoppers he happened to find under his bed for three days to hold off until the food stamps come in because there’s just no food and no money to get any food. And on the flip side, I’ve never had people try to kill me just cuz I’m mixed. I’ve never felt the pressure of having to lead thousands of people to safety or have them die, directly due to my inability to lead them well enough. We still have extremely different lives and I can acknowledge those differences when looking into his character, regardless of whatever connection I may have with him otherwise, and that’s where these people fail in terms of critically consuming 3H as a piece of media.
These people - understandably, to an extent - look at Rhea, this devout religious woman who heads a major religious institution, and they automatically connect the language she uses as a devout religious person to the negative experiences they personally had with religion... without acknowledging the differences between the two. They see Rhea and they don’t see a bisexual who surrounds herself with and gives shelter to former criminals, foreigners, and people in need of a home while asking for little in return - they see their local pastor, or some other religious leader/person, who’ve done them wrong, and thus Rhea hates gay people, she hates POC, she’s a zealot and unreasonable and she’s this terrible person with no redeeming qualities. And this isn’t me arm-chair psychology-ing these people - they poke fun at themselves about how much they let their personal experiences cloud their judgement of the game and its characters with bingo cards for liking Edelgard having “raised with religion” be one of the slots and things like that. 
And really, why else would “religious institution led by white-presenting race of people” be automatically turned into “racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and violent to any who aren’t their religion” when 1) one of the main characters - the one calling Rhea racist - himself eventually says that racial diversity fits well and snug in the Seiros faith, 2) not only is the leader and founder of the religion a bisexual woman, but no one says anything about having their love be confined to one specific gender anywhere, with heavily coded LGBT relationships like Shamir+Catherine and Dorothea+Petra being just as LGBT coded in SS - where Rhea can potentially come back as archbishop - as anywhere else - hell, when one of the most devout followers of Rhea clearly is romantically interested in her and faces no repercussions or consequences for openly being so despite being female herself, and 3) the Church only ever uses violence when either called from the outside for help or forced to when outside forces try to attack them? Why are we hearing all of these awful things about the Church when it sometimes is never even implied? 
It’s in large part due to religion being such a sensitive part of people’s lives that they are unable to disconnect their personal experiences with religion with the fictional religion the media they’re interacting with provides them. Rhea, as a devout religious leader, especially with how genuinely morally gray she is, was never going to land well over here in the west, double especially to an audience of people that very clearly are already inclined to ignore pieces of the game’s story, lore, plot, and character interactions to fit their own preferred version of what’s happening. Triple fuckin’ wombo-combo especially since the game itself fails to do Rhea any favors until the literal last second of two out of four routes and only shove in her directly admitting she was wrong in her actions in the hardest support chain to build up in the entire game, and even then only at the last part of it. Poor girly didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell
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Metal Astrology #1~Mayhem
Was I asked to do this? Nope! I was bored and I decided I'd make a post about the members of Mayhem's astrology. Obviously I'm not going to claim any of this is accurate, it's just a little bit of fun and nothing serious! If anyone wants me to do a band or a person or even themselves, I'm down with that, just send me a message.
In brief, this is how each aspect works:
The Sun is your 'core’. The Moon is your 'inner' self, your emotions, your values. Mercury is how you communicate and express yourself. Venus describes who you are in love and interpersonal relationships And Mars is your temper and sex drive-- although I'm not really going to be going into it here too much. 
So without further ado.....
Per Yngve "Dead" Ohlin.
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January 16th, 1969.
Västerhaninge, Stockholm County, Sweden.
Sidenote: his was especially hard to do because he was born during a time when there was a lot of changes in the sky and I don't have the time of his birth so, I did it to the best of my ability.
Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Aquarius
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Scorpio.
Dead's sun is in Capricorn, which means at his most basic, he's an ambitious, intelligent and hard-working. People who have their suns in Capricorn tend to be very stubborn and hard on themselves (due to the fact that they're so hard-working and have such high standards). They can also be loners and can seem emotionally distant. They're firm about what they believe in and they don't half-ass anything. 
His moon means that emotionally speaking, he's likely to have an optimistic demeanor. Those with Sagittarius in their moons are naturally independent, passionate and love to learn. They make great teachers too and are always 'searching'. They tend to be concerned with philosophy, religion and are creative. His mercury is also a creative one, if not very peculiar. 
Mercury in Aquarius tends to have an... 'odd' way of expressing itself. They're intellectual but in an unconventional way. They're not necessarily loud or eccentric about it, in fact they can be rather distant and detached, they have an interesting and unique way of looking at things that can make it hard to relate to them. Despite that, they make very interesting friends and often have a subtle and witty sense of humor. Their humour is usually dry and sarcastic, so much so that it can be difficult to tell what's sarcasm and what isn't. 
His Venus is in Pisces, which lends to a dreamy yet moody aura. These types of people are often soft and want to be protected, even if they can't express it. They're imaginative folks with a tender heart. They're easily disappointed due to the fact...well, they live in a dream. They're not always the most realistic and because of that, they can be quite unreliable in love. 
And finally, his Mars is in Scorpio, which is an interesting placement if you asked me. These people love challenges and pushing their own limits. They're intense, curious and have incredible will-power. Despite their intense nature, they've got a good temper and usually remain pretty cool. They don't 'crack' easy which can make them seem secretive and guarded. 
Scorpio is generally the 'sexiest' zodiac sign and people with this placement can have a sort of intense and mysterious sex appeal. 
On the downside, even if their temper is rather good, they can be violent and sometimes take their pain out on others, emotional manipulation isn't impossible. But despite that, they also make incredibly loyal friends and, you know, generally aren't manipulative.
Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth. 
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March 22nd 1968. 
Egersund, Rogaland, Norway.
Sun in Aries
Moon in Capricorn
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Aries
Okay so I'm pretty sure nobody would be shocked to hear that Euro was an Aries. They're ambitious, curious, passionate and they have strong personalities. They get bored easily, so they're innovative but they also hate boredom so they're impulsive. They've got a charismatic nature and they tend to have a lot of friends. They can be self-centred and controlling though since they’re the ‘leaders’ of the Zodiac. 
Since his Moon is in Capricorn, he's likely to be rather stubborn and headstrong... yet practical. They have goals and they work towards those goals. He's not the most empathetic of sorts and people with this placement like everything to be direct. They usually surround themselves with those who agree with them because they can be argumentative at times. They have strong opinions and think they're always right.
I thought that Euro having a Mercury and Venus in Pisces was hilarious and out of place with the rest of the aspects. Since he and Dead share a Venus, it's safe to assume that I don't have to rewrite it, although a funny addition would be that those with their Venus in Pisces can not only be masochistic itself but have an attraction to those with masochistic tendencies. It tends to make them feel bigger and better to have something vulnerable at their whim. 
As for his Mercury, it's also sort of funny because those with their Mercury in Pisces will usually have something... uh... 'soft' about them. A soft smile, a soft laugh, voice. Even if they're not actually any of those things, they may look it. They're not intimidating-looking people... at all. They're similar to Mercury in Aquarius with the way they're also unique and intellectual but the big difference is that they are not as organized. In fact, they're very, very disorganized and despite their similarities, both signs tend not to get along well. Mercury in Pisces tends to be a lot more wishy-washy and it changes it's opinions rather quickly. Even though they're interesting, they can become annoying because not only are they moody but they're also not very realistic in their plans or expectations.
Euro's Mars is, one, unsurprising, two, depending on how you look at it... not necessarily so good. Essentially, people with these Mars' can be sort of like a giant flaming cactus, bumping into everybody. "Fuck you, get out of my way!!" Aries is at home in Mars, but it's probably not so good to have your Mars in a sign Mars rules over. How are you in terms of your aggressive? Oh, you're merely the most aggressive possible sign. Goody. That's not to say that he's an inherently bad person. It just means he's aggressive. Boy, is he ever fucking *aggressive*. At best, these people shine like the sun itself but at their worst, they can set fire to themselves and everything that they love. They're incredibly driven, passionate and impulsive and it can become destructive as they tend to believe the end justifies the means. They can be extremely quick tempered and aggressive but despite this, it never lasts long and they don't hold grudges. Despite all of the aggressiveness of these people, they’re are the kind of people who achieve great things. They're the sort who keep going even if it's uncomfortable, they'll do the things no one else is willing to do to get to their goals. They're fiercely loyal to their friends and incredibly fun people to around.
Jørn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud. 
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April 13 1968. 
Ski, Akershus County, Norway.
Sun in Aries
Moon in Libra
Mercury in Aries
Venus in Aries
Mars in Taurus.
Necro and Euro share a sun so I think you already have a fair idea of what an Aries is like already. Despite that, the other positions make him a completely different type of person. 
His Moon sign softens his emotional nature. People with their moons in Libras are inherently quite friendly, they love partnership and they hold those close to them very dear. They're giving, patient and forgiving. They're good peace-keepers and mediators because they're driven by a need for calm and security. However if it's just not working out, they can quickly become very irritated. All of it is really fine and dandy but it can cause conflicts because their willingness to give everyone a fair shot can make them seem fake and the way they're seemingly too-good at expressing themselves can make them seem disingenuous and insincere. Sometimes they don't understand that everything doesn't have to be pretty and clean and that emotions can be dirty, messy and chaotic.
Both of his Venus and Mercury are in Aries which does kind of contradict everything above (But if you thought any of this was fool proof then that was on you. This isn't Myers-Briggs, this is literally just astrology) if his Mercury is in Aries then he's might curse a lot, he might have a blunt and harsh way of speaking. Despite that, Mercury in Aries are passionate speakers and they're good speakers at that. They're the kind of person who can make you feel things and they don't bullshit. They're dynamic, honest and their enthusiasm is ddictive. They have a good sense of humour and they love to laugh. On the downside, they can be pretty defensive because they tend to be very sure of themselves. His Venus adds to that effect, except he's ALSO bored easily. These people like the chase, they like to tease people and play games. They like physical contact, wrestling, play-fighting, tickling, the like (TMI: they're also extremely sexual). They're ambitious and impulsive and they're naturally curious. They're not the most graceful with their emotions and they usually do shit big. Subtlety isn't their strong suit and that can make them seem almost a little arrogant and self-centered. They're not the type to know when it's time to stop.
And finally... his Mars is in Taurus! What's a good and bad placement is generally very subjective but I'd consider this to be pretty good. Mars in Taurus is steady, goal oriented and easy going. They tend to have a laid-back yet manly/womanly sort of sex appeal. They know how to pick their fights and generally have a good temper...until you piss them off, that is. Taurus has a reputation for the most stubborn sign so people with this placement can be unforgiving, possessive and overprotective. They don't trust easily and if you piss them off, it can take a long time before they finally let go of it-- if ever. They also dislike criticism and react poorly to it so with them it's "my way or the highway.”
Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg. 
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August 2nd 1969. 
Trysil, Hedmark County, Norway.
Sun in Leo
Moon in Aries
Mercury in Capricorn
Venus in Gemini
Mars in Sagittarius
Simply put, Leos are... hot. They're ruled by the sun, they're quite literally 'hot'. They tend to be good looking because they're self-obsessed and they tend to be well-liked because they're simultaneously warm, generous and kind. They're dynamic and big yet languid and lazy. There's something special about them just by the way they hold themselves. They're silly, playful and they hate being ignored. 
His Moon is in Aries, which gives him an assertive and independent streak. Usually very live-in-the-moment, do-it-now-remember-it-later. Those with a Moon in Aries can be temperamental, they're not the most sensitive or patient of folk, in fact, they can seem pretty selfish and, honestly, do put themselves first more often than not. Despite it, there's something playful and teasing about them. They're very honest people and they typically mean well.
Hellhammer's Mercury is in Capricorn. These people tend to have a really blunt and simple way of speaking. They can either be really good at communicating or not at all. They're not the most philosophical people on this planet, they're more of the 'practical' sort. They do what needs to be done and they don't have patience for people who waste time. They make careful decisions and they think before they speak. They usually focus on one thing at a time.
On the other hand... his Venus is in Gemini! Having Gemini anywhere can pretty much ensure that you like words. People with a Venus in Gemini are fun, smart and witty. But they're pretty much impossible to tie down and crave new experiences. They're pretty playful but maybe a little too light-hearted. They're not the most serious people to have around, they are however, a good conversation partner and are typically charming and flirty.
Mars in Sagittarius are... a mix of things. On one hand they're pretty out-there but on the other they don't really like conflict. They don't have a lot of patience to deal with it. They've generally got a good temper, they're playful and fun-loving but shit can get serious when you don't agree with them. They somehow don't give a fuck yet give all the fucks at the same time. They do good with exercise because they're quite restless and they like to have several things going on at the same time!
Welp, that’s it! I cant reiterate enough that this shit it just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Hopefully this wasn’t too long...
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