#embracing it in the way they want me to would mean casting away a lot of things and indulgences that i love
frogoru · 5 months
i've had to indulge in christian scripture a lot for the past few months because personal life stuff and i need everyone to know that there's a book in the bible where king solomon goes on and on about how horny he is for his wife and it's SO SENSUAL and i didn't expect it at all (it's really beautifully written if anything but also sex funny. i put verses down below that invoked said feelings because its so wow)
"Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle,     that graze among the lilies."
- 4:5
"...How much better is your love than wine,     and the fragrance of your oils than any spice! Your lips drip nectar, my bride;     honey and milk are under your tongue;"
- 4:10-11
"How beautiful are your feet in sandals,     O noble daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels,     the work of a master hand. Your navel is a rounded bowl     that never lacks mixed wine. Your belly is a heap of wheat,     encircled with lilies.  Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle.  Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,     by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon,     which looks toward Damascus. Your head crowns you like Carmel,     and your flowing locks are like purple;     a king is held captive in the tresses."
- 7:1-5
"Your stature is like a palm tree,     and your breasts are like its clusters.  I say I will climb the palm tree     and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,     and the scent of your breath like apples, and your mouth like the best wine.
It goes down smoothly for my beloved,     gliding over lips and teeth.
 I am my beloved's,     and his desire is for me."
- 7:7-10
In verse 8 of chapter 5 his wife says "I am sick with love." and that makes me feel really AHHHHHH oh my god?? it's so intimate
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Sexism in TOS: Worst Offender, or Progressive in Retrospect in Comparison?
I see a lot of folks claim that TOS was the most sexist of the Star Trek shows by a landslide -- and while I agree that it definitely suffered from the sexism of the times, I also have other perspectives to share to give some food for thought.
I am of course not insinuating that TOS isn't sexist -- it is, but I have to ask folks to consider the breadth and depth of Berman's sexism in his run and ask yourself: Was Gene Roddenberry genuinely more sexist in his storytelling and delivery than Rick Berman?
I'm not telling you to feel one way or the other, but all I ask is that you hear me out and consider some perspectives and make your own balanced assessments. Nobody is obligated to share my opinion, but it means a lot just to have folks hear it and see their thoughts on the subject. So here is what I was originally responding to:
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Someone's response to this photo:
"Devil's advocate. This was a part of the popular form of cardio during the production time of TNG. Yes, it was heavily sexualised by men, but so is literally every other way women work out. Men have been caught taking pictures of women while trying to do dead lifts, running on tracks and working on sled machines. They post them online to share too. The fact is, there is no way a woman can be shown working out without it going there. And yeah,t hat includes the combat forms of workout they do in Star Trek. Just look at how Dax dresses when she spars with Worf. Yes, they're dating, but still, same goes when 7 does and any other female.
Aerobics routines like this were made dirty and cringy. This was what women wore then by and large. This is how the workout was done. We make it cringy."
My response to them:
"I respect your take, but I disagree on a few fronts.
The miniskirt was chosen by the TOS female cast, not the male cast, specifically requested by Grace LW and affirmed by Nichelle and Majel who would go on to vehemently defend the miniskirt over the years as comfortable and embraced by them.
Grace said it was comfortable and seen as a symbol of female sexual empowerment during the 60s and thought it would be a progressive garment (and turns out that it was, as it was later adapted and worn by male crew as a skant on TNG) -- FYI those were designed by a gay man and Gene approved them.
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This was also supposed to be Spock's TMP outfit:
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Literally lingerie.
We saw both Uhura (who saves Kirk in from Marlena Mirror Mirror) and Yeoman Landon (the first to initiate combat with a classic Kirk-esque kick to help the Captain being attacked in The Apple) carry out their combat training in their Starfleet uniforms without ever being made to change into any ridiculous workout gear.
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In fact, I'd argue Jim Kirk was sexualized even more than the ladies of the week on the show and I saw his naked body more than anyone else's on a fairly regular basis. He wore red yoga tights while topless in Charlie X while the women wore full length gymnastic suits that covered their entire body. If anything, it went out of its way to avoid sexualizing women practicing fitness in those scenes and instead focused on Kirk.
Gene confessed that he asked to have Shatner filmed in suggestive/provocative ways to "give something to the ladies", so he -- as he said -- liked to "film him walking away" or have him conveniently busting out of his shirts in just about every episode as it were, because Shatner apparently had great assets. LOL
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Gene made an effort to at least sexualize both if he was going to sexualize one, and he carried that attitude forward in wanting the m/m and f/f scenes in the background on Risa for TNG. He also insisted that the men and women wear skimpy outfits on THAT TNG planet. You know the one. LOL I mean the dudes even had on less than the women:
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Gene also gave permission to K/S shippers to have their conventions back in the 70s when he was asked for permission. Gene and Nimoy felt with all the skimpy outfits they had the ladies wear, why not let the ladies and gay men have their fun, too? It's how we ended up with moments like this:
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Yes, those are two people dressed up as Kirk and Spock's penises doing interpretive dance. Gene didn't give two damns. LOL
In my eyes, that was a very progressive take on Gene's part for the 60s. It was actually PARAMOUNT STUDIOS who had the big problem with K/S stories and vehemently tried to shut them down. Gene literally hired slash authors on his payroll and even had several slash stories/writers published in his official Star Trek books (The New Voyages & The New Voyages II).
I feel I saw Uhura and women in TOS engaged in more physical combat/altercations defending themselves that Troi or Bev were shown holding their own.
In fact, Kirk used to get furious when someone would "dress up" his female crew members without their consent (Trelane episode, Shore Leave episode) because like his male crew members, he wanted them to be treated professionally and to also have his male crew act professionally.
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Berman brought some of his own personal biases into Star Trek that in some ways regressed it. While TOS had blatant sexism and was called on it time and again, that show was made in the 60s -- a solid 21 years before TNG. We as a modern audience understood why some of it was cringe/sexist due to the time period -- look at any other media coming out in the 60s and Star Trek was miles ahead of what other shows were doing.
Compare that to Berman who was churning sexist stuff out when women like Starbuck and Scully were simultaneously on screen on other programs airing, and we had already had Sigourney Weaver and other strong women in Holywood playing respectful roles.
In my eyes, there was no need of the sexism seen in TNG but especially VOY and ENT. There was no excuse for it when other shows were writing women far better and a number of those weren't even set in the future like Trek was, making it age even faster due to having those dated perspectives frequently highlighted.
In the Center Seat documentary as well as "The Fifty Year Mission" book you will find cast members, writers and other studio alumni who attest to this. Some discussions from "The Fifty Year Mission":
"First, Berman was supposed to have been a real sleaze ball . . . According to Terry Farrel, he would go on constantly about how her breasts weren't big enough, how she should do something about it, and how his secretary was a good example to follow as she had huge breasts. She even had to have fittings to get larger bras, and that was all done at his behest.
Later Berman and Braga developed a name for Jeri Ryan's character prior Seven of Nine. They originally called the character "perineum" which if you look it up it is the area between the anus and the scrotum. Later they floated the name "6 of 9". I mean, what does it tell you about where these two were coming from in the development of this character if they had names like that put forward in all seriousness for her?"
Gene Roddenberry also had some of his own more progressive ideas for TNG cut or watered down by Berman. Roddenberry agreed TNG should have homosexual relationships and representation at a con in the 80s and insisted on it in a meeting with his writers -- something Berman later would not honor. Gene wanted the AIDS episode, showing m/m and f/f in the Riza scenes -- these were some of Roddenberry's requests to include in TNG that Berman later stonewalled.
Berman's era was sadly dated by his own misogynist bias, IMO, to the point that it can somewhat hurt the shows he worked on through his cringe egoism and blatant disrespect toward his female cast.
There is a reason why Gene could keep female actresses working with him and Berman had a revolving door of women that he couldn't seem to keep working for him -- he was abhorrent to women, on and off set. Gene wasn't perfect at all, he had a lot of issues himself -- but Berman was a whole other level. Just look at what he did to poor Jolene Blalock, Marina Sirtis and his toxic commenting on her body weight which exacerbated her struggles with eating disorders, or how he treated and talked to Terry Farrell.
Anyway, just some food for thought. I'm not saying anyone is wrong regarding a take like that, but there are a variety of ways to look at this. Gene Roddenberry isn't a saint by any means, but it definitely bothers me how folks will tote the Berman era as if it were the lesser of two evils or the more progressive depiction of women when I felt there were far more concerning portrayals of women in his era with far less justification.
(P.S: I don't event want to go near the sheer amount of "creepy old dude/villain preys on innocent/naïve/scared young woman or little girl" stories there were in Berman's era, either. But that's a whole other can of worms I can write about in a part 2.)
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hastyprovocateur · 4 months
An analysis of Mizu×Akemi
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Mizu gave up Akemi to Lord Daichi's men saying her path of revenge has no room for "love, friendship or weakness." She looked Ringo up and down at "weakness" after which he got offended and ended his apprenticeship for not helping Akemi. Mizu's eyes held guilt as Akemi cried out for her, hoping to be by Mizu's side and not go through with her marriage to the Shogun's son. Mizu was aware that if she fought Daichi's men, it meant more would be coming, which inadvertently meant more time having Akemi around, growing close to her... peering into her soul, breaking some walls... like she did at Madam Kaji's when she lay bare the fact that she's not the killer she pretends to be. Which was hammer meets nail as far as Mizu's singular purpose is concerned. It also means a lot that Mizu's appearance in itself wasn't scary to Akemi, or worthy of contempt despite being an aristocrat in an extremely xenophobic time. Racism should've been her second language but she doesn't exercise it. She only noted the distress evident in Mizu's behavior. Her rage- "Your face isn't even so scary... you're just... angry."
The thing about noticing is... you keep noticing more. Especially someone as observant and calculated as Akemi. Mizu was aware of this, hence why she tested Akemi's mettle in the brothel knowing she was the princess all along, trying to get under her skin instead of the other way around- "You thought I wouldn't recognize you?" casting back to the very intense first sight exchanged between the two on the bridge in ep 1. Mizu looked up with little interest, yet the stoic samurai's jaw dropped upon their prolonged eye contact and she tracked the palanquin long after Akemi had left her line of sight. It's implicit that love, friendship, and weakness represent Akemi, Taigen, and Ringo respectively. When Ringo questioned why Mizu let the princess go, she stated that Akemi's "better off" almost following up with "without me." She didn't deem her marriage to the Shogun as favourable, hell, she was unimpressed by the fact that Akemi was trying to save her doomed engagement with Taigen, telling her she's "begging to eat trash" despite being a "magical forest creature," who could have anything she wants. Mizu still considered it the lesser evil as opposed to spending time alone with her.
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This isn't the case with Taigen, whom she is decidedly more comfortable with even though he threatens her, and calls her slurs. In part, Mizu believes that she deserves the hatred. She's more familiar with it. With her past where she was the demon as opposed to the future where she could be loved. Imagining true love is cruel for Mizu so she rejects it and embraces her darkness. It protects her from people actually seeing her as a person. As a whole. She can loathe herself in peace. She can be a vessel of revenge. She even promised Taigen the duel he wanted to up and kill her in exchange for his honour. Believing she won't have much to live for after concluding her revenge. Akemi is not the same. She never wished to hurt Mizu, going only so far as to try and drug her, until Mizu made her believe she killed her fiancé. Akemi was soon able to see Mizu's honour when she fought alone against the Thousand Clawed to protect Kaji's girls. Akemi was bent on helping, braving the trained men to protect Ringo and then to save Mizu's life from the man who almost choked her to death.
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I will forever love the detail of her vulnerability in the face of death being mirrored by Mizu's own intimacy with Mikio in the flashback, letting her body serve love over rage for once. Engaging in sex was a huge step towards transparency on Mizu's part. Also, the fact that Akemi, in her little capacity, wielded her knife and pulled the clawed men away from unconscious Mizu, trying to keep their focus on her. Knowing she could very well die. She tells Ringo "I have been a captive my whole life. If I die, I'll die free." And then she goes upstairs saying "Mizu can't hold them off alone." Acting, most likely, out of a place of love. I was also warmed at the instances of Akemi trying to "drug" Mizu before she took on the bitter task of killing Kinuyo and then a few scenes later "slapping her awake" from a burning memory of betrayal. When her father's men came to fetch her, Akemi did not doubt that Mizu would fight for her after she did the same for her, hence her asking for her validation "I'm not going anywhere... right, Mizu?". And Mizu would've fought them for her, what's 3 more men after a whole army? But something prevented her.
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To ruin Akemi's strong faith in her then... as opposed to later? When more of her ugliness had spilled before the princess? When both their hearts were more open to be scrutinized by the other? Madam Kaji and Swordfather Eiji are both the motherly and fatherly advice Mizu sorely needs. That fighting is an art, not independent of loving. Mizu cannot evade love if she is to take on a bigger war. She cannot do it alone and the story's purpose keeps circling back to the same lesson. Fighting from a place of hatred can never be stronger than fighting from a place of love. Akemi, evidently, was hoping to seek refuge under Mizu's protection. She is loyal, as she was to Taigen even though he abandoned her in pursuit of his lost honor. But Mizu's betrayal broke her heart. At the end of the Bunraku play in ep 5, Akemi confessed that she met the Onryo but that it was "incapable of love." That she searched his eyes for "love or mercy or good," only finding darkness. Both Mizu and Akemi weighed the merit of love in each other, Mizu pushed Akemi away because she felt love and Akemi avoided Mizu because she felt her lack of love.
Taigen, Mizu's former bully, did learn to respect her as a fighter and comrade. Representing their growing camaraderie, how they fight alongside. Mizu told him about Akemi getting married off to the Shogun's son in her duty to him as a friend. Upon learning that she abandoned Akemi, Taigen is also reasonably pissed. Mizu is on the precipice of the rebirth of her katana. Swordfather is justified in being wary of her guilt and darkness, refusing to aid in her pursuit but only guiding her by way of asking her to seek peace, to unify herself. Which she does by adding Chiaki's broken blade (which Taigen took), Akemi's knife, Eiji's tongs and Ringo's bell into the forge. She is ready to make amends by going to save Akemi, to encourage her to leave with Taigen, to be honorable as Ringo wants, and to find peace as Eiji wishes. And ofc to fuck the shit out of Fowler.
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Akemi's repeated assertion of "we are not friends" (accompanied by the angy eyes) when Mizu comes back to save her is reflective of that heartbreak Akemi felt after relying on Mizu for her freedom before. Mizu tries to fix this by showing her a way to Taigen, trying to do right by her, asking "Do you still want your freedom or not." To give her what she wants even if she disapproves of Akemi's choice when she states "He's not a good guy, but he could be a great one." Seki too, gives Akemi a share of her dowry he saved to build a free life "With Taigen, or without." Akemi did end up rejecting the idyllic runaway Taigen was willing to embark on, it is hard to say Mizu would take it as an opportunity to make a move on Taigen after deeming him unsuitable for a partner. It would be against her nature to try to jump in as a lover just because Akemi's out of the picture. Not when she's so hot on the track of striking down Skeffington and Routley. It's pretty straightforward if you ask me.
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Mizu is focused on going up for a bigger war. To seek the truth. To turn London upside down to kill all the four white demons that sabotaged her life since conception. This is parallel to Akemi deciding to stay and take control of the Shogunate through her powers over her decidedly meek husband. To take control of her life against all the odds that seek to box her up. I do not doubt that she will move to include Kaji and her girls in her retinue, subdue her father's machinations and rebuild Edo, and wrest power from whoever threatens her. Love doesn't seem to be on her cards. Kaji told her to choose a path of freedom through a man, not to choose a man to love like she'd been doing all along- "Stop running to and from men and decide what you want for your fucking self." Could this mean that Akemi is to never chase men romantically? Either way, Akemi follows through pretty quickly. Takoyoshi is a means to an end. Her sexual prowess was her first tool to entry into the Shogunate. Nothing more than an instrument of control as opposed to her initiating any sort of genuine romantic bond.
I fail to see as of now where Mizu and Taigen's paths collide romantically further since the latter clearly showed his intention to abandon all pursuits of greatness and to settle down. Which is vastly opposed to what Mizu and Akemi are bent on doing. I see a lot of potential there. If anything, Mizu would quite possibly need Akemi's refuge if she were to return to Japan in the wake of the London chaos. They are foils of each other. On the opposite ends of the spectrum with the same stories. Poor-rich, blue-red, water-vermillion, darkened-fair, streetsmart-booksmart, warrior-prostitute, bastard-pureblood, masculine-feminine, caged internally- caged externally, widow-new bride. Both deal with same vindictive self-serving parents. Mizu lost her stand-in mother in ep 5, and Akemi lost Seki at the end of ep 9. Mizu the crashing waves and Akemi the rising flames. Both women. Both so alike yet so different. Mizu's name is pretty straightforward, meaning "water." However Akemi's can be written as "bright sea" or "vermillion beauty" While vermillion is Akemi's colour scheme, "sea" is likely her connection to Mizu.
I find the sex in the show to be representative at best. Borne out of duty or manipulation rather than true love. Just because Akemi and Taigen had sex was no testament to the endurance of the depth of their relationship, same as Mizu and Mikio's wasn't. Akemi's alliances with men have always been influenced by the need to go with or against her father and never her independent choice. Same as Mizu merely agreeing to her mother's insistence on marrying and settling down. I liked the juxtaposition of Mizu being submissive during sex and Akemi being dominant, both with Taigen and Takoyoshi as well as in the brothel. Here, I would extend that this isn't their true nature. Both in marriage or the brothel, sex is labour meant to cater to men. As Seki said a woman can only have fixed paths- "Proper wife or improper whore." I can't imagine Mizu or Akemi being happy as either.
Akemi for the most of S1 only wanted to be loved but was being forced to use her lovemaking skills to steer men into agreeing with her. Playing the improper whore. I imagine that in a safer intimate relationship, she would enjoy being on the bottom, to be protected and pleasured instead of always being the pleasurer. Mizu on the other hand, was shown to deliberately downplay her physical agencies during her marriage, to pretend to not know knife throwing or what she wants during sex, thus settling for whatever her husband had to give lest he feel inferior. I would imagine she'd prefer to be loved in all her proactive masculinity, to not be forced to submit. To not be forced to be the proper wife.
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Mizu has repeatedly been shown to dominate people unthinkingly, her safety lies in her being on top and knowing what she's getting into. We saw a glimpse of that in the brothel with Akemi under Mizu where she ordered the princess to "get down." The colours from their respective sex scenes blended into one, inky blue on Mizu's end, warm golden on Akemi's. Mizu immediately doses the princess on pursuing worthless men and then Akemi soon willingly submitting to Mizu's protection while thinking of her to be a man. They both tried doing the rightful wife thing, both tried to save their marriages with their husbands as best they could, to be the ideal women even after both men bailed on them. But now they are liberated. Akemi is free from her father and on the path to rule Edo, Mizu is on her own with Fowler, to pursue her revenge in London. Both are relentless in their pursuits. Akemi's "No one refuses me" and Mizu's "We're going to the 9th level" is one and the same. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Only time will tell. I rest my case.
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Hi I speak for everyone that if you have the time, energy, and love…. Could you please give us a part two of Bunny. Yeah we’re gonna need that in order to function properly. I am begging at this point.
P.S. you are a beautiful person!
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I love you babes! 💚 again, I cannot believe an amazing author like YOU, wanted a part two from ME! This absolutely means the work to me. Thank you :)
Bunny (Part 2) - Health Ledger!Joker x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: Joker x Fem!Reader Joker x Reader with Anxiety
Word Count: 11,941
Warnings: violence, Joker, manipulation, minor age gap, implied stalking, technically breaking and entering Summary: This new-found relationship- if it could even be labelled as such, has been wearing on Y/n. Being with a wanted criminal generally does that to a person, she finds. Now, when she encounters a potential new friend during her lecture, how will this dynamic fit into her already tumultuous existence?
(Part 1)
A/N: Thank you everyone in fact for all the support on this fic that I've gotten and a lot of requests for a part two so I hope I can deliver! I love this man so much (maybe not as much as our girl Chaos, but you get me). In this one, I definitely wanted to make him more manipulative and just overall aggressive so ✨ slay ✨ So I hope you all enjoy this part two :) 💚
To describe her newfound "relationship" with the Joker as unconventional would be a massive understatement. If Y/n wasn't anxious before, she most certainly was now. The Joker's presence in her life was a constant source of unease, his unpredictable nature and the shadow of his criminality casting a dark cloud over her thoughts.
The fear of discovery gnawed at her mind like a relentless beast. What if someone saw him entering her dorm? What if word got out and she became a target? Despite the Joker's assurances of protection, Y/n couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the depths of her mind.
And then there were the surprise visits, each one a jolt to her already frazzled nerves. With no means of contacting him or determining when they would meet, Y/n found herself at the mercy of the Joker's whims, her schedule and peace of mind constantly disrupted.
What truly unsettled her, however, was the realization that the Joker seemed to have an uncanny ability to keep tabs on her, lurking in the shadows without her knowledge. She was trapped in a game she didn't fully understand, a pawn in the Joker's twisted world, with no escape in sight.
But it wasn’t all too bad, for one thing, he was surprising very generous, in his own way. He’d show up, showering her with gifts and other offers that kept her on her toes. He’s also offered to buy Y/n a high end apartment, but knowing him, it would be paid with dirty money, which is something she’d think about everytime she stepped into the apartment. 
Despite his unpredictable nature, she couldn't deny the feelings she harbored for him. In his presence, she experienced emotions she had never known before, a strange mixture of fear and exhilaration that left her breathless. Strangely, amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded him, he had a way of making her feel oddly calm and grounded.
Nights like these were the ones she cherished most. Lying on her single bed, Joker enveloped her in his embrace, his warmth providing a sense of solace that she found nowhere else. They remained in silence, finding comfort in each other's presence.
Y/n felt his lips press against the side of her head, eliciting a slight groan as she instinctively reached to wipe away the residue of his makeup. She hadn't yet seen him without it, respecting his choice to keep his identity concealed, but sometimes wished she could see the man behind the mask.
"You don't like my kisses?" Joker quirked an eyebrow, teasingly.
"It's not your kisses I mind, it's the greasy mess you leave behind," Y/n replied with a playful grin.
“Greasy mess? Like this?” Joker responded by nuzzling his face against hers, prompting a laugh from Y/n as she attempted to push him away.
Y/n playfully pushed Joker away, laughing as she saw his face paint smudged from their playful exchange. It wasn't until she caught her own reflection in the small mirror across the room that she realized her own face was adorned with similar streaks of color.
"Oh yay! Now I have to go out and clean my face," she remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Joker glanced at his reflection in the mirror, a grin spreading across his face as he observed the colorful mess they had created together.
"It's a masterpiece," he declared with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of freedom and happiness in these moments with Joker, despite the uncertainty that lingered in the background.
Y/n rose from the bed, intending to clean the smeared face paint from her skin, but Joker's voice halted her in her tracks.
"Where do you think you're going?" he inquired, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"Just to wash my face," Y/n replied, her voice gentle.
Joker's response was immediate. "Later," he insisted, his arms beckoning her back to the warmth of their shared space.
Reluctantly, Y/n made her way back to him, sinking back into the comfort of Joker's embrace as they resumed their quiet companionship.
As they lay together in silence, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in her mind. Joker's presence, though comforting in its own way, was a constant reminder of the unpredictable nature of their relationship.
Lost in her thoughts, Y/n felt Joker's hand gently stroking her hair, a gesture that contrasted sharply with his usual erratic demeanor. She turned to look at him, meeting his intense gaze.
"Now tell me… What’s going on inside that little mind of yours, Bunny?" Joker asked softly, his eyes searching hers for answers.
Y/n hesitated, unsure how to articulate the swirling emotions inside her. "Just... wondering about us," she admitted quietly.
Joker caressed her cheek, "You worry too much, Doll," he murmured, pulling her closer to him.
But despite his reassurance, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her insides. She knew that navigating a relationship with the Joker would never be easy, but for now, all she could do was hold onto him and hope for the best.
As Y/n stirred from her slumber from her sudden alarm ringing, the absence of Joker's warmth beside her sent a pang of loneliness through her. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up in bed and glanced around the room, the morning light casting a soft glow over the empty space.
With a heavy sigh, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her phone to silence the persistent alarm. The familiar routine of the morning only served to highlight the absence of Joker's presence, leaving Y/n feeling a sense of gloom that lingered like a shadow.
Despite knowing that their time together was fleeting and unpredictable, Y/n couldn't help but yearn for the comfort of Joker's embrace. But as she resigned herself to another day without him by her side, she knew that the loneliness was a small price to pay for the moments of connection they shared.
Navigating the familiar corridors of Gotham University, Y/n followed her well-worn path to her lecture hall. As she walked down the steps, she suddenly stopped. Someone was sitting in her spot. Well- it technically wasn’t her seat, but it had become her unofficial spot through habit.
Her heart quickened with uncertainty as Y/n scanned the room, searching for an alternative seat. Sighing in relief, she found herself an empty row along the side, a makeshift refuge from the disruption to her routine.
As she took her seat, she couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. It was unsettling to deviate from her routine, even in such a small way. But she reminded herself that change was inevitable, and sometimes it was necessary to step out of her comfort zone.
Just as she started to relax into her new surroundings, a voice startled her from behind.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" the voice asked, and Y/n turned to see a guy standing beside her, a friendly smile on his face.
"Uhh.. No, you can sit," Y/n replied hesitantly.
He smiled warmly, settling into the seat beside her. "I’m Max, by the way," he introduced himself.
"I’m Y/n," she responded quickly, feeling a flutter of nerves at his friendly demeanor.
"He really piled on the homework this week, didn't he?" Max said with a chuckle, referring to the professor's latest reading.
Y/n nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "Tell me about it. I feel like I'm drowning in articles."
Max laughed, a sound that was oddly comforting to Y/n's ears. "Well, at least we're in the same boat. Misery loves company, right?"
As they chatted, Y/n couldn't help but notice the genuine kindness in Max's eyes and the way his smile reached all the way to his eyes. It was a stark contrast to the unpredictable intensity she experienced with Joker.
Despite her lingering anxiety, Y/n found herself enjoying the conversation, feeling a sense of normalcy she hadn't felt in a long time. For the first time in a while, Y/n felt a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of forming a new connection. Maybe this blip in her routine was exactly what she needed.
As they walked up the steps, Max's voice cut through the murmurs of departing students. He turned to Y/n with a friendly smile, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I'm heading to the library. Care to join?"
Y/n paused, her gaze flitting to the clock before returning to Max. His genuine invitation sparked a flicker of warmth in her chest. "Thanks, but I don't think I have time," she replied, a hint of regret in her tone.
"No worries. Maybe next time?" Max suggested, his smile unwavering.
Y/n's mind raced, contemplating the possibility. She couldn't help but feel excited about Max's offer. "Sounds good," she finally said, returning his smile with a small one of her own.
"Great," Max said, his smile widening before he turned and walked out of the lecture hall.
As Y/n watched Max's retreating figure, a sense of relief washed over her. For the first time in a while, she felt a glimmer of normalcy amidst the chaos of her life.
Walking back to her dorm was a breeze, as it was only a short distance from campus. With each step, a smile adorned Y/n's face, a rare occurrence after a typical day at university. Beyond the casual acquaintances in her dorm, she rarely found herself engaging with others on campus.
Unlocking her dorm room door, Y/n stepped inside, only to be greeted by a sudden scream that escaped her lips. Joker stood before her, a chilling presence that sent shivers down her spine.
"You scared me!" Y/n sighed, quickly shutting the door behind her. “I didn’t expect to see you till later on.”
Joker's demeanor was unsettlingly calm as he observed her, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, an eyebrow quirked inquisitively.
"Have a... good day?" Joker's voice carried an edge of menace.
"Uhh... I suppose," Y/n replied, her nerves palpable.
There was an unmistakable tension in the air, an unspoken threat lingering between them. Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
"Are you okay, Joker?" Y/n asked cautiously.
"Dandy..." Joker's response was terse, his gaze piercing as he continued to scrutinize her.
Y/n's brow furrowed in concern, her instincts on high alert. But before she could voice her apprehension, Joker abruptly changed the subject, his tone taking on a predatory edge.
"Made any friends lately?" Joker's question hung in the air, loaded with an underlying threat.
"N-no," Y/n stammered, feeling like a cornered animal under Joker's scrutiny.
A sinister smile tugged at Joker's lips, an unsettling sight that sent a chill down Y/n's spine. She felt like a mouse being circled by a hungry cat- or in this case, a bunny being circled by a hungry wolf as Joker began to pace around her, his movements calculated and predatory.
"Hmmm..." Joker's voice was a low murmur, filled with unnerving curiosity. "Then who was that boy you were talking with?"
"Oh! Max," Y/n began to explain, she smiled slightly, thinking back to their encounter. "I had to sit in a different seat today, and he sat beside…"
Her words trailed off as realization dawned on her. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to form a coherent response. She hadn't anticipated Joker's sudden interrogation, nor did she understand how he knew about her encounter with Max.
"H-how do you know about that?"
But Joker merely smirked in response, his yellowed teeth gleaming in the dim light of her dorm room, his gaze fixated on her with an intensity that made her blood run cold.
"So, my Bunny made a friend?" Joker's smile widened, revealing his yellowed teeth in a chilling grin. "Why don’t you tell me about this… Max.".
"I-I don’t know much about him, I just met him today," Y/n explained, her voice tinged with apprehension.
"Is that so?" Joker halted abruptly, standing mere inches away from her.
Y/n nodded, her nerves palpable as she awaited Joker's next move.
"You know, Bunny," Joker began, his tone shifting to something more serious, "I don't think you should be hanging around with this Max character."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Why not?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the rising fear.
"Because," Joker replied, his voice dropping to a low growl, "I don't trust him. And you should know by now that I don't like it when people get too close to what's mine."
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process Joker's words. She knew he was possessive, but this felt different. More dangerous. She needed to tread carefully.
"But… he's just a friend," Y/n protested weakly, hoping to reason with Joker.
Joker's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he took a step closer to her. "I don't care if he's just a friend. Stay away from him, Bunny. Trust me, it's for your own good."
Y/n swallowed hard, looking down, feeling a knot of fear tightening in her stomach. She knew she had to heed Joker's warning, no matter how much it frightened her.
Joker held her jaw, tilting her head up to look at him with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. “Is there a problem, Bunny?” he asked, his voice low and commanding.
She shook her head, feeling the weight of his hand against her skin, making it hard to think straight.
“Good,” Joker said, his lips brushing against hers in a possessive kiss. “Now, let’s go have a lie down, hmm? I know how class just wears you out,” he suggested, his tone oddly tender as he led her to the bed.
Y/n complied, allowing Joker to guide her onto the single bed. As he kicked off his shoes and settled in, she followed suit, slipping off her own shoes before nestling against his chest. His warmth enveloped her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the familiar comfort of his body against hers.
"You know I care very much about you, Bunny?" Joker said, his voice soft yet firm.
"Yes... I know," Y/n murmured, her heart fluttering at his words.
"Good," Joker said, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his touch surprisingly tender.
Looking at his wristwatch, Joker pushed himself up, not-so-gently dropping Y/n beside him. "Duty calls," he announced, his tone playful as usual.
"But it's only been like two minutes," Y/n protested, disappointment evident in her voice.
"I know, Doll... I'm gonna take you out tonight... how about that? Wear something nice, and I want you to use the money I got you, okay?" Joker suggested, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
Y/n had hoped he would have forgotten by now, it had been ages. "Yeah, okay, I'll go out and find something..." she replied, quielty.
Joker leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss on her lips. "Mwah!" he exclaimed with a grin before pulling back.
"Bye..." Y/n's voice trailed off as she watched Joker leave through her door.
She couldn't help but marvel at how he managed to slip away undetected every time, but she cracked it to Gotham University's apparent incompetence and obliviousness.
With a heavy sigh, she heaved herself up from her bed. It seemed like she wouldn't be catching a break anytime soon.
Y/n struggled to remember the last time she had gone shopping for clothes. She gingerly flipped through the stacks of bills, feeling a mix of awe and discomfort at the sheer amount of money in her possession. Each bill represented a dark and mysterious world she was inadvertently tied to, courtesy of the Joker's lavish gifts. Despite her reluctance to accept his extravagant gestures, she couldn't deny the allure of the possibilities they presented.
With a sigh, Y/n tucked the money into her bag and stepped out into the bustling streets of Gotham. The city seemed to pulsate with its own energy, the tall buildings casting eerie shadows on the sidewalks as people hurried by, lost in their own worlds.
As she wandered through the maze of shops and boutiques, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. The clothes on display were unlike anything she had ever worn before. Bold, daring, and utterly impractical. She hesitated in front of a boutique window adorned with shimmering dresses and edgy leather jackets, feeling a pang of uncertainty gnawing at her.
But then she remembered Joker's words, urging her to splurge and indulge in whatever caught her eye. With a newfound determination, she pushed open the door and stepped into the store, ready to explore this unfamiliar world of luxury and extravagance.
Lost in the sea of designer labels and vibrant colors, Y/n tried to navigate her way through racks of clothing that seemed to whisper promises of confidence and allure. She trailed her fingers over the fabrics, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension bubbling within her.
As Y/n looked through the racks of clothing, she sifted through each piece with a discerning eye. Among the array of options, a vibrant red dress caught her attention. It boasted a flattering knee-length hem and a square collar, but despite its appeal, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that it lacked the wow factor she desired. With a sigh, she returned the dress to its place and continued her search, determined to find something truly captivating.
After what felt like an eternity of exploration, Y/n's patience paid off when her gaze fell upon a stunning black dress. The fabric shimmered enticingly under the store lights, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. As she reached out to touch it, her fingers traced the intricate stitching and delicate lace details that adorned the neckline, sending a shiver of excitement down her spine.
The dress exuded an air of confidence and allure that resonated with Y/n. She envisioned herself wearing it, knowing that it would accentuate her curves and command Joker’s attention. With Joker in mind, she couldn't help but imagine the look of admiration on his face when he saw her in such a striking ensemble.
Filled with determination, Y/n approached the checkout counter, the anticipation of owning the dress igniting a newfound sense of excitement within her. This was no ordinary purchase, it was a statement, a declaration of her newfound confidence.
As she handed over the wad of cash, Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt at the extravagance of her spending. The money was a reminder of the tangled web she found herself caught in, a constant reminder of the dangerous allure of the Joker's world.
But as she walked out of the boutique, clutching her new dress tightly, Y/n couldn't deny the thrill of stepping outside her comfort zone. Perhaps, just for tonight, she would embrace the luxury and excitement that came with being the Joker's Bunny.
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Y/n slipped into the sleek black dress she had purchased earlier. Its smooth fabric hugged her figure in all the right places, boosting her confidence with each zip and adjustment. She paired it with elegant heels and subtle accessories, adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.
As she stood in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection, Y/n couldn't help but wonder where Joker would take her tonight. All he had said to her was he was taking her out, leaving her in suspense about their destination. Despite the uncertainty, she felt a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins, eager to see what the evening had in store.
With a final glance at her reflection, Y/n took a deep breath and headed to the living room to wait for Joker. She perched herself on the edge of her bed, her heart racing with anticipation as she played with the hem of her dress, her mind buzzing with excitement for the night ahead.
As the door to her dorm room swung open, Joker stepped inside, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he took in Y/n's appearance. Rising to her feet, she greeted him with a smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of him.
"Look at you!" Joker exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he gestured for her to spin around. Y/n complied, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she twirled gracefully.
"I see that money came in handy," Joker remarked, wrapping his arms around her waist affectionately.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.
"Let's get a move on!" Joker declared, intertwining his fingers with hers and leading her out of the dorm room.
Exiting the building, they encountered no security at the front desk, allowing them to slip away unnoticed. As they stepped out into the crisp Gotham evening, Joker suddenly halted, turning to face Y/n with a playful glint in his eye.
"Wait right here, Bunny. I've got a little surprise for you," he said, giving her a wink before disappearing into the darkness.
Y/n watched him go, her curiosity piqued. She shifted nervously on her feet, her mind buzzing with anticipation as she wondered what Joker had in store for her.
Y/n rocked back and forth on her feet as she waited for Joker's surprise. The evening air was cool against her skin, and the soft glow of the streetlights cast gentle shadows around her. She was so lost in her thoughts that she barely noticed someone approaching until she heard her name being called.
"Hey, Y/n!" The voice was familiar, and she turned around quickly, her expression lighting up as she saw Max walking towards her.
"Hey Max," she greeted him warmly, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Uh, you remembered my name," Max remarked, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.
Y/n chuckled, feeling a sense of ease wash over her in Max's presence. "It's not hard to forget," she quipped back, enjoying the lighthearted banter.
Max stepped up beside her, his hands tucked casually into the pockets of his hoodie. "You look lovely," he complimented her, his gaze warm and appreciative.
"Thank you," Y/n replied, a blush spreading across her cheeks at the sincerity in his words.
"Got something special planned?" Max asked, his curiosity piqued as he glanced around at their surroundings.
"My uuh... friend is taking me somewhere," Y/n explained, feeling a pang of uncertainty about how to refer to Joker in that moment.
"I see. Well, I hope you have a wonderful night and see you later then," Max said, offering her a friendly smile before stepping away.
"You too! Bye," Y/n called after him, watching as he walked away with a sense of gratitude for his kindness. 
As Y/n stood on the sidewalk, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard the revving of an engine. Glancing up, she saw a sleek purple Ford Cortina pulling up in front of her, the headlights casting an ethereal glow around the vehicle. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that it was Joker behind the wheel.
The car's engine purred softly as Joker leaned over and rolled down the window, flashing her a mischievous grin. "Hop in, Bunny," he called out, his voice laced with excitement.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as she approached the car, her pulse quickening with every step. As she slid into the passenger seat beside him, she couldn't help but admire the vintage vehicle, its purple exterior gleaming under the streetlights.
"Nice wheels," she commented, unable to hide her admiration.
Joker chuckled, his eyes alight with amusement. "It’s yours, Bunny," he said, giving her a wink before pulling away from the curb and merging into the flow of traffic.
"W-what? Really? For me?" Y/n stammered in disbelief, her eyes widening.
"Check the glove box," Joker instructed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Curious, Y/n complied, opening the compartment and finding it empty save for a single black box. With a mixture of anticipation and excitement, she retrieved the box, her fingers trembling slightly as she held it in her hands.
"Open it," Joker urged, a playful glint in his eyes.
With trembling hands, Y/n carefully lifted the lid of the box, revealing a stunning gold necklace adorned with a delicate "J" pendant. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the exquisite piece of jewelry, her heart swelling with gratitude and affection.
"It's beautiful," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned to Joker, her eyes shining with emotion.
"You spoil me too much, J!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she hugged him tightly.
Joker chuckled, his smirk widening at her reaction. "You deserve it, Bunny."
With a grin, Y/n removed her current necklace and replaced it with the new one, admiring the glint of the gold against her skin.
As the city lights cast a soft glow over them, Joker seized the moment at the stoplight. Leaning towards Y/n, he pressed his lips to hers, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down her spine. His gloved finger trailed along her jawline, igniting a tingling sensation that danced across her skin like tiny sparks.
"You're J's Bunny, got that?" Joker's voice was low, filled with a mixture of affection and authority as he held her gaze, his eyes piercing into hers with intensity.
Y/n felt her pulse quicken as she nodded, her heart swelling with a mix of excitement and adoration for the man beside her.
"Good," Joker whispered, his lips brushing against hers once more before he leaned back, his attention returning to the road as the traffic light switched to green, signaling their onward journey into the night.
“I saw you talking with someone… Want to tell me about that?” Joker suddenly mentioned. 
The air in the car suddenly felt heavy as Joker's piercing gaze bore into Y/n. She could feel the weight of his disapproval pressing down on her, suffocating her with its intensity. Her fingers fidgeted nervously in her lap as she struggled to find the right words.
"That was just my friend…Max," Y/n finally confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on the dashboard in front of her.
Joker's jaw tightened, his grip on the steering wheel growing tense. "I thought I told you to stay away from him," he reminded her, his voice cold and sharp.
Y/n's heart sank at the reprimand. She knew she had crossed a line, but Max had caught her off guard, and she hadn't wanted to be rude. "He approached me, Joker," she explained, her voice trembling with apprehension. "I couldn't just ignore him... it would have been rude."
Joker's grip on the steering wheel tightened further, his knuckles turning white with the pressure. He remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on the road ahead as they drove through the dimly lit streets of Gotham.
Beneath his face paint, a storm brewed in Joker's eyes, his usual charisma overshadowed by a brooding intensity. Y/n couldn't decipher the full extent of his emotions, but the tension radiating from him was palpable. It puzzled her why Joker was so fixated on someone like Max, and she struggled to understand the depth of his agitation over their brief interaction.
"I don't want you talking to him anymore, Bunny. I’ve already told you once…" he said firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of warning.
Y/n nodded silently, her stomach churning with unease. She knew better than to argue with Joker when he was in this mood. Instead, she cast a glance out the window, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.
As they continued their journey in silence, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her insides. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she disobeyed him again.
The journey was filled with an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the occasional hum of the car engine and the distant sounds of Gotham's nocturnal activities. Finally, they arrived at their destination. A dimly lit alleyway nestled between towering buildings, their shadows looming ominously over the narrow passage.
Joker parked the car with a screech of tires, the headlights casting eerie shadows on the graffiti-covered walls. Y/n's heart raced as she stepped out of the car, her eyes darting nervously around the unfamiliar surroundings. This was undoubtedly another one of Joker's mysterious escapades, and she couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that tinged the air.
As Y/n followed Joker deeper into the alley, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her gut. The dim lighting and the deserted atmosphere made her skin crawl, but she tried to push aside her fears and focus on Joker's presence beside her.
"Where are we going?" she ventured to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker glanced back at her, a wicked grin spreading across his lips. "Somewhere nice, my dear Bunny," he replied cryptically, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Y/n's heart fluttered nervously at his words, unsure of what awaited them at their destination. But she followed him nonetheless. Stopping at a weathered, rust-covered door, Joker pushed it open with a creak. The vibrant lights and pulsating music of a nightclub flooded out, momentarily overwhelming Y/n's senses. Her heart raced as Joker led her inside, the thumping bass reverberating through her chest.
"Cool it, Doll. It's just us," he reassured her, his voice cutting through the cacophony of sound.
As they entered the room, Y/n found herself surrounded by flashing lights and the rhythmic beat of the music with no people. It wasn't a typical nightclub setting, but rather a smaller, more intimate space adjacent to the main dance floor.
Her heart swelled with gratitude as she realized Joker's thoughtfulness. Despite his chaotic nature, he had arranged for a private space just for the two of them, understanding her anxieties and his own need for discretion.
"Dance with me," Joker declared, his eyes alight with mischief as he extended his hand to her.
As the music filled the room, Joker pulled Y/n close, his hand firm on her waist as they swayed to the beat. Y/n's heart raced with excitement and gratitude. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow Joker wherever he went, moments like these made her feel that he was really worth it.
With each step and turn, Y/n couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of belonging in Joker's arms. She was grateful for this moment of peace amidst the turmoil of their unconventional relationship. The music seemed to drown out the world outside, leaving only the two of them in their own little sanctuary.
As they danced, Y/n gazed up at Joker, feeling a surge of affection for the enigmatic man who had captured her heart. In his embrace, she felt safe and loved, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead. She silently thanked whatever fate had brought them together, cherishing this fleeting moment of happiness.
Lost in the rhythm of the music, Y/n couldn't help but revel in the experience, feeling the pulsating beat course through her veins. 
"I've never been to a nightclub before," Y/n admitted, her voice barely audible over the music.
Joker chuckled, the sound low and rich. "Well, you picked the right one for your first time, Bunny," he replied, twirling her around the room.
Y/n laughed, the sound mixing with the music as she allowed herself to be swept away by the moment. It didn't matter where they were or what dangers lurked outside, all that mattered was the warmth of Joker's embrace and the joy of being together.
Joker leaned in close to Y/n's ear, his breath warm against her skin. "Care for a drink, Bunny?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the music.
Y/n nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sure," she replied.
With a mischievous glint in his eye, Joker made his way over to the mini bar tucked away in the corner of the room. Expertly, he mixed together a concoction of spirits, his hands moving with practiced ease. After a few moments, he returned to Y/n's side, holding out a glass filled with the vibrant liquid.
"Here you go, my dear," Joker said, offering her the drink with a smirk. "Drink up." “What is it?” Y/n asked, taking a sip. 
"It's a little something I like to call 'Joker's Special'," he replied with a playful wink, watching intently as she took a sip. "Don't worry, Bunny, it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face."
Placing her cup down, Y/n hesitated for a moment, unsure of how Joker would react to her question. But she couldn't shake off her curiosity, and the need for clarity outweighed her apprehension.
"Hey umm… J?" Y/n started, using the new nickname she had given him, hoping to catch his attention.
Joker turned towards her, his piercing gaze fixed on her. "Yes, Doll?" he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity.
"...How did you know about Max... the first time I mean..." Y/n asked, her voice slightly faltering with uncertainty.
Joker's expression hardened, a flicker of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "What's it to you?" he retorted, his tone sharp and defensive.
"I-I was just curious, that's all," Y/n answered nervously, feeling a sense of unease creeping over her.
Y/n swallowed nervously, sensing the tension in the air. She could tell that Joker was growing increasingly irritated by her questions, but she couldn't let it go.
"It's just... I don't understand how you knew about him," Y/n continued tentatively, trying to tread carefully. "I mean, you're always so... aware of things."
Joker's expression softened slightly at her explanation, but the intensity in his eyes remained. He stepped closer to her, his presence looming over her.
"I have my ways, Doll," he replied, his voice low and measured. "Let's just say I keep tabs on what's important to me."
Y/n's unease deepened at his vague response, but a surge of conflicting emotions washed over her as Joker's words sank in. Despite the cryptic nature of his explanation, the acknowledgment that she was important to him stirred something within her.
Her heart fluttered at the realization, a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of validation coursing through her veins. Despite the uncertainty surrounding their relationship and Joker's unpredictable character, there was a strange comfort in knowing that she held significance in his eyes.
Suppressing the urge to dwell further on the implications of his words, Y/n forced a small smile, grateful for the fleeting moment of assurance amidst the mystery that shrouded their connection. She knew better than to dwell on the problems of their dynamic, choosing instead to embrace the fleeting sense of importance that Joker's acknowledgment bestowed upon her.
As the music continued to pulse through the room, Joker extended his hand toward Y/n, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on, Bunny, let's dance," he urged, his voice a playful whisper.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind still grappling with the weight of their conversation. But with a deep breath, she pushed aside her lingering doubts and placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her into the center of the room.
Their bodies moved in sync with the rhythm of the music, the space between them filled with an electrifying tension. Y/n found herself getting lost in the moment, the worries and uncertainties of the outside world fading away as she surrendered to the intoxicating allure of the dance.
With each twirl and sway, Y/n felt herself drawn closer to Joker, the magnetic pull between them growing stronger with each passing beat. And in that fleeting moment, amidst the pulsating lights and the thumping bass of the music, she allowed herself to forget about everything else and simply revel in the exhilarating freedom of the dance.
Y/n was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement as she took the driver's seat of her new car. Y/n was still at that age where driving was fun, but it had been quite some time since she last had the opportunity. Since moving away from her parents, she had relied on walking and public transportation to get around, so the prospect of hitting the road again filled her with giddy anticipation.
As Y/n navigated through the city streets, Joker sat beside her in the passenger seat, his presence filling the car with a playful energy. With every turn of the wheel, his gaze would occasionally drift toward her, his eyes lingering on her profile with a mix of amusement and something else she couldn't quite decipher.
Subtly, Joker's hand found its way to the space between their seats, his fingers grazing against Y/n's arm, clearly on purpose. Each touch sent a shiver down her spine, igniting a tingling sensation that danced along her skin. Despite the thrill of driving her new car, Y/n couldn't help but be acutely aware of Joker's proximity, his touch stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within her.
As they drove through the city, the night air filled with the buzz of activity, Y/n stole glances at Joker whenever she could. She couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with mischief, contrasting with the seriousness of his painted grin.
"Enjoying the drive, Bunny?" Joker's voice interrupted her thoughts, his tone light but carrying a hint of something deeper.
Y/n nodded, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. "Yeah, it's amazing. Thank you for letting me drive."
Joker chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "It’s yours, Doll. No need to thank me. And I want you to be careful, I don’t want my little Bunny getting hurt."
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes. "I'll do my best," she replied, her fingers tightening on the steering wheel as they continued on their journey.
Arriving back at the university dorms, Y/n drove to the parking lot tucked away behind the building. The area was quiet, illuminated only by the soft glow of streetlights, casting long shadows across the pavement.
Cutting the engine, Y/n turned to Joker with a hopeful smile. "Would you like to come in? Stay for a while?"
Joker's grin widened, his eyes alight with mischief. "I'd be delighted," he replied.
Exiting the car, they made their way toward the entrance of the dormitory. Each step echoed in the quiet night, the cool breeze brushing against their skin.
Inside, the dormitory buzzed with activity, the sound of music and chatter drifting through the halls. Y/n led Joker down the familiar corridor, the fluorescent lights casting a dim glow as they walked.
Arriving at her room, Y/n unlocked the door and ushered Joker inside. With a flick of the light switch, the room was bathed in a warm, comforting glow. Joker wasted no time in shedding his coat, tossing it carelessly onto the desk chair before flopping onto the bed, his shoes still firmly planted on his feet.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully at his disregard for her tidiness. "You know how I feel about shoes on the bed," she chided, reaching over to unlace them.
Once his shoes were off, Y/n retrieved a fresh set of pyjamas from her wardrobe. "Close your eyes, please," she asked, slipping out of her own shoes before changing her clothes.
Joker feigned a pout. "But Bunny, I don't want to miss a moment of your beauty," he protested, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
Y/n rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile. "You've seen enough of my beauty for one night. Close your eyes," she insisted again, trying to sound stern.
Joker sighed dramatically but complied, shutting his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely," he teased, flashing her a grin before obediently closing his eyes.
After changing, Y/n turned to find Joker still lounging on her bed, his eyes closed as she had instructed.
"You can open your eyes now," she said, approaching him with a smile.
Joker opened his eyes, grinning at her. "Looking as lovely as ever, Bunny," he remarked, sitting up on the bed.
Y/n felt a warmth spread through her chest at his compliment. "Thank you," she replied, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her.
Joker patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here, Bunny. Let's just relax for a bit," he suggested, his tone surprisingly soft.
Y/n joined him on the bed, snuggling into his side as they both settled in. As she leaned against him, Y/n stole a glance at Joker. His faded green hair was unkempt, yet somehow it suited him perfectly. She longed to run her fingers through it, but the memory of the grease that always seemed to coat it made her hesitate. Instead, she admired his features, even beneath the layers of makeup that concealed so much of his true self.
Her gaze lingered on his face, taking in the harsh lines of his scars accentuated by the red makeup. She knew from touching them that they were surprisingly soft, a contradiction to their intimidating appearance. And she couldn't help but wish she could see him without the makeup, to truly witness the man behind the facade.
She longed to kiss him without getting greasy red residue on her face, and to caress his cheek without leaving white handprints everywhere afterwards. Y/n yearned to see the face of the man who brought her unparalleled joy.
Joker peered down at her, his gaze magnetic. "Am I just that dashing, you can't take your eyes off me?" he quipped.
Y/n smirked. "I don't know, it's hard to tell with all that makeup," she retorted, her tone light but tinged with playful teasing. She knew she was pushing boundaries, but she couldn't resist.
Joker chuckled, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. "Ah, so my Bunny wants to see the man behind the mask, hmm?" he mused, leaning in closer to her.
Y/n felt her heartbeat quicken at his proximity, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins. "Of course I do," she replied coyly, unable to tear her gaze away from his captivating green eyes.
"But the makeup is what adds to the mystique," Joker countered.
"What if I don't want mystique? What if I don't want the Joker... What if I want J?" Y/n questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What makes you think you can handle J?" he added with a smirk.
Y/n groaned and rolled her eyes. "Ugh! You're so frustrating," she said, turning away from him on the small bed.
"Now, is that any way to treat the man who just bought you a car?" Joker playfully put his hand on his hip.
"Stole! You stole me a car," Y/n retorted.
"How do you know I didn’t buy it?" Joker teased.
"You dropped a few thousand bucks in cash in my hands during a bank heist, and you really want me to believe you paid for this car with honest cash?" Y/n countered.
"Just because the cash wasn’t honest, doesn’t mean I didn’t buy it," Joker continued, pressing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at Joker's playful antics, despite the tension that lingered between them moments ago. His unpredictable nature always kept her on her toes, but she found herself drawn to it nonetheless.
"Alright, alright," she said, her laughter subsiding. "Regardless of how you got the car, I appreciate it."
Joker grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "That's my Bunny," he said, pulling her closer into a tight embrace. "Always appreciating my efforts, no matter how... unconventional they may be."
As they lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, Y/n smiled. Even though their conversation didn't go exactly as she had hoped, Joker still managed to put a smile on her face.
The next day, Y/n found herself walking with a newfound lightness in her step. The previous night had left her feeling great, the joy of their time together momentarily overshadowing her usual anxieties. Moreover, she appreciated the gesture from J, who had woken her up to say goodbye before leaving, a departure from his usual habit of slipping away silently while she slept. It seemed their relationship was evolving in a direction she welcomed.
Entering the lecture hall, Y/n descended the steps with a sense of anticipation. However, her momentum halted as a familiar voice called out her name.
“Hey, Y/n!” It was Max.
His friendly demeanor and wave caught her attention, and as she turned towards him, he motioned for her to join him. An internal conflict brewed within her as she hesitated. While Max had been nothing but kind, the warnings from Joker lingered in her mind like a shadow.
Nevertheless, she couldn't bear the thought of disregarding Max's invitation, especially after his gesture of friendliness. So, with a tight smile, Y/n made her way over to sit beside him.
“Hey, Max,” she greeted, trying to mask her unease.
“Did you have a good night?” Max inquired, his tone filled with genuine curiosity.
“Yeah, it was fun,” Y/n replied vaguely, opting not to divulge any specifics.
As the lecture began, Y/n tried to focus on the material, but her mind kept drifting. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being stuck. From the second Y/n had met Max, Joker was on her back about it, but she found it impossible to avoid him.
Throughout the class, Max occasionally leaned over to share a comment or joke, and Y/n found herself smiling in response, grateful for the distraction. Yet, each interaction with Max reminded her of the complicated web of secrets she was entangled in.
After the lecture ended, Max turned to Y/n with a friendly grin. "Hey, do you want to grab a drink or something? The cafe near the hub has this new drink I want to try out."
Y/n hesitated, torn between her desire to maintain a semblance of normalcy and the weight of her unconventional relationship with Joker. She glanced at her phone, noticing a text on her phone from an unknown id. Assuming it was just a spam message, Y/n ignored it, looking back up at Max.
"Yeah, sure," Y/n replied with a faint smile.
Exiting the lecture hall, Y/n and Max strolled down the corridor side by side, their footsteps echoing against the carpeted floor. As they reached the cafe, they paused in front of the wall menu, scanning the array of options before them.
After a brief moment of contemplation, Max turned to Y/n with a grin. "What do you feel like having today?"
Y/n shrugged, scanning the menu once more. "I'm not sure, maybe just a smoothie."
"Sounds good to me," Max nodded, stepping aside to let Y/n order first.
As Y/n stepped up to the counter to place her order, she felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Despite her resolve to avoid getting too close to Max, she couldn't help but appreciate his kindness. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, knowing Joker's disapproval lingered in the back of her mind.
After ordering her smoothie, Y/n stepped aside to let Max place his order. Their drinks were quickly made. With their drinks in hand, Y/n and Max found a table by the window, the warm sunlight streaming in, casting a gentle glow over their conversation. Max seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her better, asking about her hobbies, interests, and aspirations. Y/n found herself opening up more than she had expected, drawn in by his genuine curiosity and friendly demeanour.
As they chatted, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Glancing around the cafe, her heart skipped a beat when she spotted a familiar figure standing across the street, obscured in the shadows. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Y/n recognized Joker immediately, his green locks standing out like a beacon in the crowd, even under a hoodie. 
It was as if her heart stopped as she saw Joker's unmasked face. Gone were the layers of black white and red paint that usually concealed his identity, revealing features that were both haunting and strangely attractive. His eyes, once obscured by dark makeup, now bore into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The scars that marred his face were stark against his pale skin, a testament to the trials he had endured. Yet, there was an unexpected softness to his expression, a vulnerability that lay hidden beneath the facade of menace. In that moment, Y/n realized that the man before her was not just the Joker, but someone infinitely more complex.
His glare, though obscured from this distance, seemed to taunt her from afar, filling her with a sense of dread that crept up her spine like icy fingers. 
The mere sight of him sent a chill through her, as if his gaze could pierce through the glass and lock onto her own. Despite her attempts to focus on the conversation with Max, her mind kept returning to the ominous figure she had glimpsed, his presence casting a pall over the otherwise mundane surroundings of the cafe.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she spotted Joker, her heart hammering against her ribs. Panic surged through her veins, the last thing she wanted was for Max to become entangled in the chaotic mess that was her life with Joker, especially after the continuous warnings he had given her.
"Um, Max," Y/n interrupted, her voice trembling slightly. "I think we should go. Now."
Max turned to follow her gaze, but by the time his eyes scanned outside, Joker had vanished into the university campus. Y/n's unease lingered like a heavy fog, her mind racing with the implications of Joker's sudden appearance.
"Is everything okay?" Max asked, concerned about etching his features.
Y/n forced a smile, but her nerves were on edge. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just... let's head to the hub, okay?"
Despite Max's protests, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to her like a second skin. As they made their way back to the safety of the university grounds, her mind raced with the unanswered questions and the unsettling presence of the man she couldn't seem to escape.
And then her phone suddenly rang. The weight of the phone in her hand felt heavier than usual, each vibration a tangible reminder of the uncertainty that plagued her mind. Y/n's fingers trembled as she gingerly pulled her phone from her pocket, her heart pounding against her chest like a drumbeat of foreboding. The familiar sensation of dread washed over her as she stared at the screen, the words "Unknown Caller" glaring back at her like a sinister omen.
Max glanced back at her. "You need to get that?" he asked, his voice filled with understanding.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts, before nodding. "U-uh, yeah. Sorry, just a second," she replied, stepping aside to answer the call.
The bustling sounds of the university corridor seemed to fade into the background as she grappled with the decision to answer the call. Her mind raced with a flurry of anxious thoughts, each one a relentless echo of her fears. She knew exactly who it was, there was no denying it. With a shaky inhale, she finally mustered the courage to swipe her thumb across the screen, accepting the call with a trembling hand.
The ringing ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Every second felt like an eternity as she waited for the voice on the other end to break the stillness, her pulse pounding in her ears like a relentless drumbeat of apprehension.
Her breath caught in her throat as she brought the phone to her ear, steeling herself for whatever awaited her on the other end. "Hello?"
"Go back to your dorm, now," came the chilling voice on the line, sending shivers down her spine.
Y/n's hands began to tremble, her voice faltering as she tried to reason with him. "J, come on... you can't be-"
"You're going to go home now before I make a scene in front of your precious boy toy," Joker interrupted, his tone laced with a dangerous edge.
Desperation welled up inside her as she pleaded with him. "J, you know it's not like that!"
"Do you really want to test me?" Joker's voice dripped with menace, sending a cold chill down her spine.
Y/n's heart plummeted like a stone sinking into the depths of a river as the call abruptly ended, leaving her with a gnawing sense of unease. Yet, all she was met with was the stark emptiness of the phone's display, a silent testament to the uncertainty that loomed over her.
Slowly, she looked away from the device, the weight of it feeling heavier in her trembling hands. With a heavy sigh, she tucked it back into her pocket, though the sense of dreed it had evoked lingered like a shadow cast across her thoughts.
Forcing herself to push aside the lingering unease, Y/n plastered a strained smile onto her lips as she rejoined Max. Despite her efforts to appear composed, the facade felt brittle and fragile, threatening to crumble with each passing moment. Yet, she knew she couldn't let her anxiety show, not when Max was standing beside her, oblivious to the turmoil churning within her.
With a deliberate effort, Y/n willed herself to focus on the present, pushing aside the unsettling encounter with Joker and the mysterious phone call that followed. But deep down, she couldn't shake the nagging sense of dread that had taken root in the depths of her being, casting a pall over even the simplest of interactions.
"Hey, sorry, Max. I need to get going," she said, her voice strained with apprehension.
Max nodded understandingly, though concern flickered in his eyes. "That's all good."
"Thanks for hanging out with me...bye," Y/n forced the words out, her heart heavy with worry.
"See ya," Max replied, offering a small smile before turning and walking away, leaving Y/n to grapple with the uncertain future that lay ahead.
With each step back to her dorm, Y/n felt as though she was wading through a thick fog of dread, her every movement weighed down by the oppressive atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. The dimly lit corridor seemed to stretch endlessly before her, its shadowy corners harbouring unseen threats that lurked just beyond her line of sight.
As she approached the worn wooden door of her dormitory, her heart pounded against her chest like a relentless drumbeat, the sound reverberating in her ears and drowning out all other noise. Each click of the key turning in the lock echoed through the stillness of the hallway, a stark reminder of her vulnerability in the face of the unknown.
A sense of foreboding washed over her as she reached for the doorknob, her fingers trembling with a mixture of hesitation and dread. The air around her seemed to crackle with tension, electrified by the presence that loomed ominously close behind her.
And then, as if from the depths of her darkest nightmares, his voice sliced through the silence like a knife, sending a chill down her spine and freezing her in place.
"Open the door, Doll," his words slithered into her ear like tendrils of cold, his breath ghosting over her skin with an icy touch that sent shivers cascading down her spine.
Her hands trembled as she fumbled with the key, her breath coming in shallow gasps. With a shaky twist, she finally managed to unlock the door, pushing it open with a creak. The room lay before her, the atmosphere suddenly growing cold.
It was Joker the closed the door. Joker's arm encircled her waist, his touch sending shivers down her spine. With a gentle yet firm grip, he guided her to face him, but she refused to look at him.
"Look at me, Bunny," he urged, his voice a low murmur that sent a chill through her bones.
Y/n hesitated, her eyes flickering with fear and uncertainty. "I-I don't want to," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Why not? Don't you want to see the face of your beloved J?" Joker's tone was taunting, his lips curling into a twisted grin.
"It's not that... I just... I want to see you when you're not angry with me," Y/n admitted, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and longing.
Joker's grip tightened slightly, his other hand lifting to caress her cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. "And why do you think I'm angry with you, hmm?" he questioned, his voice soft yet tinged with an underlying edge of menace.
Y/n's words faltered as Joker's arm enveloped her, pulling her closer against his chest. She dared not utter another word as his presence loomed over her, enveloping her in a mixture of fear and desire.
Joker's lips brushed against her ear in a rough yet possessive kiss, sending a shiver down her spine. "Talk," he commanded, his voice a low growl that reverberated through her bones.
"I'm sorry, J. Please, Max, he's just a friend. You know that," Y/n pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.
"You're mine, Bunny. That means you belong to me and no one else," Joker asserted, his grip tightening on the necklace around her neck as he held it up for emphasis. "You see this? This J? That mean’s you’re mine." he growled, his voice laced with possessiveness.
"I-I'm allowed to have friends," Y/n insisted, her voice quivering with defiance.
"Why would you need anyone else when you have me?" Joker demanded, his tone laced with jealousy and anger.
"You're hardly ever around," Y/n shot back, her words tinged with frustration.
Joker's presence darkened at her retort, his breathing becoming labored with suppressed rage. "If it were up to me, you'd be tied up in my hideout, where only I can see you, where only I can know you," he spat, his words dripping with possessive intensity.
Y/n's heart raced as Joker's words hung heavy in the air, filling the room with tension. She could feel his grip on her tightening, his presence overwhelming her senses.
"Please, J, you're scaring me," Y/n whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her own heart.
Joker's expression softened slightly at her plea, but the possessive gleam in his eyes remained. "You should be scared, Bunny," he murmured, his voice a dangerous whisper. "You belong to me, and I won't accept anyone trying to take you away from me."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat and her eyes already pouring with tears as she struggled to find the right words to calm him down. She knew that Joker's jealousy was irrational, but she also knew that trying to reason with him in this state would only make things worse.
"I understand, J. I belong to you," she said softly, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I won't let anyone come between us."
Joker's grip on her loosened slightly at her words, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "That's my good girl," he murmured, pressing a possessive kiss to her neck.
Y/n turned around, but still didn’t look at his face. As Y/n buried her face in his chest, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. She knew that her relationship with Joker was anything but ordinary, but she also knew that she couldn't bear to be without him, no matter how possessive and volatile he could be.
Joker had left shortly after their tense encounter, claiming he had "work to do." Y/n remained in her bed, the weight of their conversation heavy on her mind. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the conflicting emotions churning inside her. 
Each word exchanged with Joker echoed in her mind, replaying like a haunting melody that refused to fade. The conflicting emotions churned within her like a tempest, pulling her in opposite directions with relentless force. Fear and uncertainty clawed at her heart, gnawing away at her resolve and leaving her feeling utterly drained. Despite the familiarity of these emotions, their intensity seemed to suffocate her, drowning her in a sea of doubt and apprehension.
After spending most of the day in bed, Y/n finally mustered the strength to get up. She knew she needed something to lift her spirits, even if just for a moment. With her stash of snacks depleted, a trip to the dairy for a drink or a treat seemed like the only option to get through the night.
Grabbing her wallet, Y/n ventured out into the dimly lit streets of Gotham. Despite the familiar unease that settled over her, she pressed on, her determination to escape her own thoughts overshadowing any fear of the dangers lurking in the shadows.
As Y/n walked down the dimly lit streets of Gotham, her senses heightened by the eerie silence of the night, she heard the unmistakable sound of someone struggling around the corner. Curiosity mingled with apprehension as she hesitated, uncertain whether to investigate or flee from potential danger.
With a heavy heart and trembling hands, she cautiously approached the corner, the rhythmic thuds of her heart echoing in her ears. Peering around the edge, her breath caught in her throat as she beheld a scene that froze her in terror.
Down the dimly lit street, illuminated by the faint glow of flickering streetlights, she saw Joker, his menacing silhouette towering over a figure writhing on the ground. Anguished cries pierced the silence, sending shivers down her spine as she watched in horror.
Just as she watched Joker lift his leg, poised to deliver a brutal blow, Y/n's scream pierced the night air like a gunshot. "J, No!" she yelled, her voice cracking with desperation.
Joker froze mid-motion, his eyes locking onto Y/n with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Uhh, Doll... Don't you have comedic timing, come to watch, have you?" he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Heart pounding in her chest, Y/n approached cautiously, her gaze fixated on the figure lying defenseless at Joker's feet. As she drew closer, the dim light revealed the familiar features of Max, battered and bruised, his face contorted in pain.
"Max!" Y/n cried out, her voice trembling with anguish as she attempted to rush to his aid. But before she could reach him, Joker's vice-like grip on her arm yanked her back with a forceful tug, halting her in her tracks.
Max lay on the ground, gasping for air as blood trickled down his battered face. Y/n's heart clenched at the sight of him, his once lively eyes now dull with pain. "J! Why?" she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Joker shrugged indifferently, a smirk playing on his lips. "Had to send a message somehow, Doll," he replied casually, as if discussing the weather.
Y/n's sobs grew louder, her voice choked with anguish. "P-please... Please don’t kill him," she begged, her desperation palpable.
Joker tilted his head, considering her plea with feigned interest. "Hmm, now why would I listen to you? You didn’t listen to me," he taunted, his tone dripping with malice.
Panic surged through Y/n as she fell to her knees, grasping desperately at Joker's arm. "I’m sorry, you were right, I should have listened. Please just leave him alone. Come back to my dorm with me, please!" she pleaded, her words a desperate plea for mercy.
Joker's gaze softened slightly at Y/n's tearful plea, but his resolve remained firm. With a sigh, he released Y/n's grip and took a step back, gesturing to Max with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Consider yourself lucky this time, Bunny," he said, his voice laced with a warning. "But don't forget this little token of generosity."
Joker's footsteps echoed loudly against the silent streets as he dragged Y/n alongside him, his presence looming over her like a shadow. Y/n cast a worried glance back at Max's bloody form on the concrete, her heart heavy with guilt and fear.
"Is he going to be okay?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Doesn’t matter," he replied, his tone sending a chill down Y/n's spine.
Y/n's stomach churned with unease as they continued their journey back to her dorm, the weight of Joker's words hanging heavy in the air. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped her, knowing that she had once again crossed a line she couldn't uncross.
As they approached her dormitory, Y/n's heart raced with apprehension. She knew Joker's presence would only bring more chaos into her already turbulent life, yet she couldn't deny the strange allure he held over her.
With a heavy sigh, Y/n unlocked the door and stepped inside, feeling Joker's presence loom behind her. She glanced back at him, her eyes pleading silently for him to leave, but he remained unfazed, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her shiver.
"Come on, Bunny, let's have a little chat," Joker said, his voice dripping with a mixture of menace and amusement.
Y/n's stomach churned with dread as she led Joker into her dimly lit room, the weight of their unresolved tensions hanging thick in the air. She braced herself for whatever was to come, knowing that with Joker, nothing was ever as it seemed.
As they entered her room, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled over her like a suffocating blanket. She stood by the door, her eyes darting nervously between Joker and the cramped space around them.
Joker strolled into the room with a casual swagger, his eyes glinting with mischief as he surveyed his surroundings. He seemed to take delight in the discomfort he caused, relishing in the tension that hung thick in the air.
"So, Bunny, let’s talk." Joker's voice was laced with a dangerous edge, his tone daring her to defy him.
Y/n swallowed hard, her mind racing as she searched for the right words to placate him. She knew she was treading on thin ice, and one wrong move could have dire consequences. But beneath the fear, there was a flicker of defiance burning within her, a stubborn refusal to bow down to his every whim.
"I-I just... I thought... Maybe... I have no friend’s J…" Y/n stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker's lips curled into a sinister grin, his eyes narrowing into menacing slits. "And that’s a problem?" he growled, his words dripping with venom.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Joker's relentless dominance. She knew she was trapped in his web, with no way out but to play by his rules. And as Joker advanced towards her with a predatory gleam in his eyes, she couldn't help but wonder how much longer she could endure this twisted game of cat and mouse.
Joker's presence loomed over her, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow her whole. He reached out, his fingers curling around her chin to tilt her face up to meet his gaze. 
"Bunny, why do you need friends when you have me?" His voice was honeyed, persuasive, but beneath the smooth exterior lurked a darkness that sent shivers down her spine.
"You're all I need, Y/n. Friends are nothing but distractions, pulling you away from what truly matters," Joker continued, his grip tightening ever so slightly.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to resist the pull of his words. She knew deep down that he was wrong, that she needed human connection beyond the twisted confines of her relationship with Joker. But his persuasive words wormed their way into her mind, clouding her judgment and leaving her feeling utterly powerless.
"Besides, who needs friends when you have me to take care of you?" Joker's voice took on a seductive tone, his lips curling into a wicked smile.
Y/n's resolve wavered as she found herself drawn into his web of manipulation. She wanted to believe that she could break free from his control, but with each passing moment, it seemed that Joker's hold over her grew stronger. And as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find a way out of this twisted dance with the devil.
As Joker's words sank in, Y/n felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her. Part of her wanted to push him away, to break free from his manipulative grasp and reclaim control over her own life. But another part of her, the part that had grown accustomed to his presence and the twisted comfort he offered, hesitated.
"I... I guess you're right," Y/n murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
A satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of Joker's lips as he leaned back, releasing his hold on her chin. "Of course, I am, Bunny. I always know what's best for you," he purred, his tone dripping with arrogance.
Y/n forced a weak smile, the weight of her decision settling heavily on her shoulders. She knew deep down that she was sacrificing her own happiness for the sake of appeasing Joker, but the fear of his wrath and the allure of his promises were too potent to resist.
"Thank you, J," Y/n said softly, her voice tinged with resignation.
Joker's grin widened, a predatory gleam flickering in his eyes. "Anytime, Bunny. Remember, you're mine, and I'll always take care of you," he whispered, his words wrapping around her like tendrils of smoke.
As Y/n nestled into Joker's embrace on her bed, she couldn't shake the heaviness that settled over her. Despite being in Joker's arms, a sense of unease gnawed at her insides, casting a shadow over the supposed comfort of their closeness. Yet, she clung to him, desperately seeking reassurance that his presence alone could provide. After all, if she had Joker by her side, everything had to be alright...right?
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this part two to come out but I am so happy to have finished it! I've had it on my mind for AGES but I've had three assignments to get done and then three tests to study for so I thought it would be best to focus on uni first before writing anything and I am SO glad to have gotten them out of the way :P I really liked writing this part because I got to make Joker a bit of a dick. I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you again @chaos-4baby for requesting a part two, I cannot explain how much it means to me, like fr. You are amazing and the queen of Joker fics (Joker's Queen) and thank you to everyone else who did as well, love you all 💚
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cnnmairoll · 9 months
Heyyyyyy it’s your local Jing Yuan simp here to drop off a request!
May I ask for something with Jing Yuan with a reader who is very small compared to him and loves to like be held and surrounded by him or be super close to him a lot? Not sure if this makes as much sense as it does in my brain lol. Basically smol reader with him
But anyway if you want to add more characters that’s okay too! Or if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask me! And of course take care of yourself and take your time! :D
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Safe in Your Arms
Pairing : Jing Yuan x GN!Reader Genre : Fluff a/n : Disclaimer !! Reader is shorter/smaller than Jing Yuan as stated in the request. Thank you Ryker for requesting this >< !! I'm so sorry if it's a bit short though :sob: hope you enjoyed this though !!
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One of the most endearing aspects of your relationship was your difference in size. You were petite compared to Jing Yuan's towering stature, and this contrast only seemed to strengthen the bond between you two. Jing Yuan would often tease you gently, calling you his "pocket-sized love," and you would respond with a playful pout, reminding him that good things came in small packages.
But what truly melted your heart was the way Jing Yuan would scoop you up into his arms, enveloping you in a warm embrace that made the world feel right again. His strength was a source of comfort, and his closeness provided a sense of security that nothing else could replicate. Whether it was a casual hug, a tender cuddle on the couch, or being carried bridal style to bed, his embrace was your safe haven.
There were lazy mornings when the two of you would linger in bed, the soft rays of the sun filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon your entangled forms. Jing Yuan's arms would wrap around you snugly, as if afraid that the world might try to whisk you away. "Are you comfortable, my love?" he'd inquire, his voice a rich tapestry of affection. And you would hum a response, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat.
Conversations flowed freely in these intimate moments, the world outside reduced to mere background noise. He'd share stories of his past, of battles fought and challenges overcome, his voice a soothing lullaby that filled your heart. And as he spoke, you couldn't help but feel your love for him deepen, expanding like a universe where only the two of you existed.
Even amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, Jing Yuan always found moments to create memories that would be etched in your heart forever. One afternoon, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and orange, he whisked you away to a secluded meadow. The soft grass tickled your ankles as he settled down, his back against a sturdy oak tree. With a tender smile, he patted his lap, wordlessly inviting you to take your place.
You didn't hesitate, sinking down onto his lap as he enveloped you in his arms. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers, and you leaned into his embrace, feeling his fingers trace soothing patterns on your back. "I could stay like this forever," you confessed, your voice a soft murmur that mingled with the rustling leaves.
Jing Yuan's laughter was a delightful melody, rich and full of affection. "And I would hold you close for all eternity if that's what your heart desires," he replied, his lips brushing against your temple in a tender kiss.
In his embrace, time seemed to lose its meaning. There was no need for grand gestures or elaborate words. The simplest touch, the quietest moment, held a depth of emotion that words could never encompass.
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sebastiansallcw · 1 year
Hello!! Could you write where Ominis and y/n have been dating for a few months, he asks y/n to go on a walk at night and they cuddle and kiss, just lots of fluff.. I apologize, I cant describe things well 😞 This is actually my first time requesting something.. thank you!! Have a great day. :)
you requested this perfectly! and i love the request!! thank you for sending it!! (i think i may be an ominis girl) wc: 1000+ warnings: fluff and kissing, maybe got carried away with the kiss, NO SPOILERS
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Ominis and Y/N had been dating for a few months, and Ominis wanted to do something special for their next date. He had been planning it for weeks, and he was so excited to finally put it into action. Sebastian also helped, giving his advice--which Ominis realized neither of them were quite experienced with dates.
"What do you mean you can't just buy her flowers, Ominis?" Sebastian questioned, laying on their beds and staring at the ceiling.
"I got her flowers last week, Sebastian. I want to do something nice." He explained himself.
"I thought everyone loves flowers..." His friend trailed off.
"I'm sure Y/N does too, but I want to do something different this time. Something more… personal," Ominis replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Later that night, Y/N received an OWL from Ominis. 'Meet me outside your Common Room, 8pm sharp.'
Y/N stood outside her common room, fiddling with her fingers. Despite dating Ominis for several months now, butterflies still fluttered in her stomach. No one understood her quite like Ominis--No one understood Ominis quite like her.
As she waited, Y/N couldn't help but wonder what Ominis had planned for their next date. He had always been so thoughtful and creative, and she knew that whatever he had in store for her, it was going to be amazing.
At exactly 8 pm, Y/N heard footsteps approaching from down the hallway. She turned around to see Ominis walking towards her, a wide grin on his face.
"Hey, you," he said, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before placing a kiss on the back of her hand. He never failed to make her blush. She smelled of her favorite shampoo--well, she consistently began purchasing more of it when Ominis made a comment about the smell.
"Ominis,," Y/N replied, smiling back at him. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"
"You'll find out soon."
As they walked hand in hand through the dimly lit streets of Hogsmeade, Y/N snuggled closer to Ominis, feeling the warmth of his body radiating against hers. The cool night air sent shivers down her spine, but she felt safe and secure in Ominis's embrace.
"You mentioned you wanted chocolate frogs? Or cauldrons?" Ominis asked her.
"Both--but Ominis, you don't need--"
"Love, I'm treating you out tonight. If my lady wants chocolate cauldrons, frogs, or licorice, or five cups of butterbeer--she will get it." He mused, pulling her in closer. Her cheeks warmed at his offer.
The two made their way into Honeydukes. Ominis kept insisting that she can pick out whatever sweets she desired--but nothing would ever be as sweet as her. After purchasing more candy than the two needed, she fed him pieces of chocolates as they continued to walk around Hogsmeade.
Y/N let out a laugh as Ominis playful bit her finger, before placing a quick kiss on her cheek. Only Sebastian and Anne ever really got to see Ominis in a playful mood.
On the streets, music played as they walked by. Y/N claimed she loved the music--Ominis suggested they should dance. Quickly she denied the offer, knowing she had two left feet and would be majorly embarrassed dancing in public.
His response was that he'd never see it, so she never had to worry about anything.
The moon was full and bright, casting a silver glow over the town.
As they turned a corner, Ominis pulled Y/N into a small alleyway, shielding her from the wind. A squeal left her lips at the sudden movement, his hands wrapped around her waist. She wrapped her arms around him, naturally. Without a word, Ominis leaned in and pressed his lips to Y/N's, causing her heart to flutter.
Their kiss was slow and gentle, a perfect moment of intimacy between them. Ominis's pulling her closer to him, closing any possible gap between the two. She could feel his heartbeat quickening as the kiss deepened, and she knew that she was exactly where she wanted to be.
After what felt like an eternity, Ominis pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against Y/N's, their breaths mingling in the cold night air. They stayed there for a moment, just holding each other and reveling in the moment.
"You taste like chocolates and butterbeer." She whispered against his lips. His hands move to her face, fingers brushing against her lips. He loved feeling how warm her skin burned--red from being flustered.
Ominis smiled at her words, feeling his heart swell with love for Y/N. "And you taste like strawberries and honey," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
Without another word, he leaned in for another kiss, this time more passionate and intense. His hands moved to cup her face, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue gently exploring her mouth. Y/N moaned softly in response, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pressed herself closer to him.
The kiss was filled with a sense of urgency, as if they were trying to communicate all the love they felt for each other through this one act. Ominis's hands roamed down her back, pulling her tightly against him, and Y/N responded eagerly, her body melting into his.
When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless and dizzy with desire. Ominis rested his forehead against Y/N's once more, his breath coming in short gasps. "I love you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
Y/N's heart swelled with joy at his words. "I love you too," she replied, her voice filled with equal intensity.
They stayed there for a few more moments, their bodies pressed together, reveling in the feeling of being in each other's arms. Eventually, they pulled away, their hands still intertwined as they continued their walk through the town. But the memory of that kiss, and the love it represented, stayed with them long after they had returned to their dorms.
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lvrmoons · 1 year
When they say something hurtful (part 2)
It had been over a year since your bad break up with Atsumu. Thankfully, you successfully avoided him for that entire year and had no contact with him. When you first realized he had no intention of apologizing or contacting you again, you were beyond hurt, but it turned to anger, and later acceptance. You were quite satisfied with your life now, although sometimes still longing for Atsumu to be by your side again, but you knew that would never happen. 
Or that’s what you thought. 
You coincidentally bumped into him at the convenience store and he awkwardly asked you for some of your time. You agreed, wondering what he was going to say after all this time. So here you two were, outside a small, quiet cafe, with barely any people around. 
“Um... I don’t know where to start but I guess I should apologize first.. Y/n- you do not know how sorry I am. I keep thinking bout that night and how awful I was to ya. I wanted to apologize straight away. Seriously. But I knew you deserved someone much better than me. I know I’m prideful and stubborn and I’ve been working on that. And when I finally reasoned with myself to at least apologize to you instead of just letting you go, you already blocked me... I know I’ll never get the chance to be by your side again, but I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apologies for hurting you.” He tried keeping eye contact with you but ended up staring at the table in between you. You kept quiet for a while as Atsumu sweated buckets from thee awkwardness and nervousness.
“..You know... If you had ran out of the house that night and told me to come back, I would have dropped my bags and come running into your arms.” He finally looked up at you. “And it seems I would do the same even now..” You said, smiling softly at him. He stared at you in shock and you became shocked to when you saw the tears forming in his eyes. 
“A-are you ok??” You ask, standing up and hurrying next to him. 
He hugged you waist and buried his head into your stomach. 
“Thank you. So so much. I seriously don’t deserve you and I promise to treat you like the princess/prince you are.” 
Your face softened as you got reminded of how much you loved this boy. The both of you were held in each others embrace for a while before deciding to go back to his home, your home. 
It had been 3 days since that last argument and you still weren’t home yet. Suna, who thought you would come back after a day, became frantic as his calls went straight to voicemail and his messages weren’t going through. He even tried contacting you through social media but was left on delivered. After the third day, he finally found your friend’s contact and called her.
When the friend said you were hit by a car and was now at XXX hospital on the verge of death, he thought it was a prank, Your way of getting back at him. But when he got to the hospital and saw the IVs running through your arm, a cast on your leg, and lots of big patches on your face, his heart dropped, he felt sick to his stomach as he slowly and hesitantly made his way over to you. His trembling hand just barely grazed your face before he immediately pulled it back. He dropped onto the chair next to your bed and rested his head on his hands trying to stop himself from crying. He couldn’t believe you were on the verge of death, he spent his last moments with you arguing and he wouldn’t accept that. 
You were awoken by the sound of Suna’s crying and you turned your head to see a disheveled Suna. Crying.
Oh how you wished you could take a picture, but you knew exactly how he felt, no thanks to his vicious “prank”.
“Rin..” You whispered. His head shot up faster than you could blink and was by your side in half a second. 
“Y/n.. I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you. I don’t know what I was thinking pulling that prank. I can’t imagine how you felt. Please... please don’t leave me.” He held your hand as he pressed it against his tear-stained face. 
You didn’t say anything as you wanted him believing that you were dying for a little while longer. 
After a few minutes of silence, he finally looked at you and you were smiling. 
“I accept your apology. But seriously, if you do something like that again, I will actually leave you.”
“I promise I won’t.” He whispered.
“Good. But you know, you still haven’t asked me if I’m ok.” You say
“Are you ok??” he asked, concern written all over his face. 
“Yea actually. You just got pranked! OHHHH” you said laughing.
You could see the concern wiping off his face. He dropped your hand and started walking away. 
“Wait Wait! Come back, I’m just kidding.” You call out still laughing a little. He turned to you and rolled his eyes before making his way over to you again. 
“I actually did get hit by a car, but it didn’t hit me too hard. I’m actually getting discharged today if you’re willing to wait with me.”
“... What about your leg..” He asked staring at your cast.
“Oh, that I did break. But it could be worse.” you shrug.
“y/n.. please care about yourself more. I don’t want any part of you to be hurt.” He said. “And I promise not to hurt you in the future. Ever.”
“Well, you better keep that promise forever because that’s how long I’ll be by your side.”
“Always. I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
You anger had subsided after a few days but rethinking the words he said to you still made you feel hurt. But instead of isolating yourself and drowning in your sorrows, you knew you had to talk to Oikawa. After all, communication is key. Over the few days after the fight, Oikawa left you alone and he knew to just give you space and time to think. So you were the first to call. 
You asked him to come over and in just a few minutes. He was already outside your door. When you opened it, the first thing you noticed was that he was still in his practice uniform and he was sweating a lot. 
“Were you at practice?” you ask the seemingly obvious.
“Yea- But I came over as soon as you called,” he said, catching his breath.
“Go shower first, you smell.” You say leaving him at the door and sitting at the kitchen table. He nodded and quickly went to the bathroom, not wanting to keep you waiting. When he came back it was silent. 
“Look, I just thought it would be better for us to talk and stuff instead of letting the situation sit and hurt both of us,” you say breaking the awkward tension. 
“Thanks, for calling me over. I’ve been wanting to sincerely apologize and I’ve been thinking about it every day. I know what I did was unforgivable and I know the chances of you allowing me to continue being your partner is low but the selfish part of me wants you to take me back. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said that day but I know being angry and annoyed isn’t any excuse to say those things so I truly apologize. Like you said to me before, high school is only a part of your life, you still have so much time to figure out what you love and to set goals. I realize that now, I should spend more time with my loved ones since volleyball will always be there but who knows when I’ll lose you. Um, yeah, thank you so much for always being there for me, and I hope you find someone who deserves you.” He starts standing up before you even had a chance to talk. 
“Sit your ass back down right now.” You say glaring at him. He sat down immediately. “Why do you keep talking like we’ve already broken up?”
“I- um-”
“To be honest, I didn’t know what I was going to say when I called you over, but I don’t want to break up. From what you said, you pretty much understood my feelings without me even telling you. I just hope you won’t use my insecurities as an advantage in arguments. And you need to stop beating yourself so hard when it comes to volleyball. And I’ll always be here for you when your down so you can vent but don’t get mad at me. That’s all, I think.”
“Yes ma’am. Thank you though. Really, I swear I’ll treat you better and that’s not just an empty promise.”
You chuckle, “I believe you. I love you so much Tooru.”
“Thank you for loving me when I don’t deserve it. I will forever be yours.” 
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lilacmingi · 3 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: BTS x fem reader
Word count: 1,096
Note: The final part is here! At the end, you’ll have 7 endings to choose from! You can pick your bias/biases or read them all! The choice is yours <3
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You stepped back, your heart plummeting to your feet at the sight of him.
"Hoseok!" His name was uttered in shock.
The last thing you expected was to see him barging into Jin's castle, let alone by himself.
His burning gaze met yours and his eyes softened immediately.
"Y/n, I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I called off the guards not long after you ran off. It's just me here." He told you, taking a single step forward.
Jin wrapped his arms around you while the others moved to stand in front of you, creating a barrier to protect you. Hoseok frowned, a look of disappointment flashing across his features.
"Guys." You spoke softly. "It's okay."
The boys separated, albeit hesitantly, and you stepped out of Jin's embrace, slowly walking towards Hoseok. Your arms wrapped themselves around him, pulling the king into a tight hug.
"Y/n." He breathed out your name in a sigh of relief, his arms circling your waist.
"I forgive you, Hoseok." You whispered. "Though I should be the one apologizing to you. I left you after you opened up to me. I'm sorry for that."
He shook his head. "Don't worry about that. Everything is fine now. Come back to the castle with me, Y/n. You can be my queen."
"I can't." You frowned, pulling away. "Things need to be fixed between you and the others."
You glanced back towards Jin, gesturing for him to speak up.
He pressed his lips together, stepping forward. "Y/n and I had a conversation and she made me realize that I needed to do the right thing. I want to apologize to you, Hoseok—we all do. I personally have felt awful every day since you ran off. Truthfully, I should have apologized sooner, but I was being cowardly."
"We shouldn't have chose Jin over you." Namjoon stated.
"You were a lot of fun to be around. I miss it." Jimin spoke up.
"We're really sorry, Hoseok." Taehyung apologized, looking down at his feet shamefully. "We didn't mean to cast you out like that."
"Yeah and I don't blame you if you don't forgive us." Yoongi added. "We kinda deserve it."
Hoseok stood there, his unblinking eyes wide with shock.
"Hoseok?" Jungkook called out, tilting his head to the side as he waited for a response from the stunned man.
He blinked a few times, collecting his thoughts before finally speaking.
"I didn't expect this." His voice coming out so quietly you could barely hear him. "I accept your apologies, but it’s me who should be the one saying sorry. I suppose I had a little pity party and went about all this the wrong way." He slumped his shoulders.
"Everyone is at fault, Hoseok. We all messed up." Jin pointed out. "So, are we good?"
A gleaming and beautiful smile spread across Hoseok's face and we wasted no time running up and embracing all six boys in a hug.
"Y/n, come here!" Jimin motioned for you to join in on the group hug.
With that invitation, there was no way you could stand by. Rushing over, you latched onto the group hug, trying your best to stretch your arms around as many people as possible.
When you visited Wonderland all those years ago, Hoseok had already isolated himself from the others, so you never got to see all seven of them together. Despite that, this moment felt right.
"This probably wouldn't have happened if you didn't show up. We were all stuck in our ways and I don't think any of us would have stepped up and apologized." Namjoon stated after everyone parted ways. "Thank you."
"Yes. Thank you, Y/n." Hoseok smiled.
"So, what now?" Yoongi asked the question everyone in the group was thinking.
"Well," Jin began. "Y/n can either go home or stay here."
The thought of going home made your heart sink. You had met seven amazing people and experienced so many things in Wonderland that you didn't even want to go back home. Truthfully, there wasn't anything for you to go back to anyway, so what's the point of returning?
"I want to stay here." Your answer was certain.
Smiles spread across everyone's faces as soon as the response left your mouth.
"Well then, if you stay you have to choose one of us to be with." Yoongi stated.
"I have to?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Jin mentioned.
You still hadn't wrapped your mind around the fact that there were seven guys who all wanted to be with you. It was all so much and, while it was flattering, it was also overwhelming. However, one of them did manage to charm you.
"I want to choose one of you." You nodded. "I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint anyone."
"We'll be fine." Jungkook assured you.
"No matter who you pick, we'll understand." Hoseok smiled.
"Where will I live? I know Jin and Hoseok have castles and Namjoon told me he has a home, but what about the rest of you?"
"We have houses, you know." Yoongi feigned offense. 
"I have a little cottage." Jungkook grinned.
"I have a tiny house." Jimin added.
"What about that mysterious twin of yours who's never around?" Your brows tugged together.
"You think we live together?" He scoffed. "Not a chance."
"We all have our own places." Namjoon said.
"Well, my place is a little shabby-looking, but it's okay. Y/n, if you choose me we can spruce it up and make it look real nice!" Taehyung gleamed.
You glanced over the group who were all unique in their own way.
Jungkook, though shy at first, was actually rather bold and quite captivating.
Jimin was downright adorable but not to be underestimated. He had a flirtatious and charming side to him that was irresistible.
Yoongi was a sweet talker and had no shame in anything he did, but you knew he had a soft side.
Taehyung was a goofy person who didn't seem to care what others thought of him and his weird ways.
Namjoon was another smooth talker and very intelligent. Though he was a bit rude at first, you knew that wasn't his true personality.
Hoseok was happy-go-lucky and reminded you of the sun.
Jin was romantic and kind—a true gentleman. Not to mention he's incredibly good-looking. They all were.
Every single one of them were amazing and beyond perfect, but your heart seemed to be pulled towards one of them in particular.
Time to make your decision ➯ Jungkook ♤ Jimin ♡ Yoongi ♧ Taehyung ♢ Namjoon ♡ Hoseok ♧ Jin
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Masterlist ᝰ
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz
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thecleverqueer · 9 months
The point of the Clone Wars flashback in the Ahsoka series was partially fan service. Yes. But, those of you that are mad that Obi-Wan and Cody and Waxer and Boil and Mace Windu and Ursa Wren and Gar Saxon and Maul and Bo-Katan Kryze and Rook Cast weren’t in it missed the whole goddamned point of the flashback, so let me explain:
Everyone has bitched tirelessly about Ahsoka being stoic and reserved and “not like herself” (I will die on the “she’s in her forties…leave my baby girl alone… she’s tired, sore and premenopausal…” hill, still…)
Ultimately, she’s been “out of character” because she was carrying all of the Anakin trauma around like a two hundred pound weight on her shoulders. She blamed herself, and she feared who she was so much so that she was unwilling to get close to others and spread the wisdom that the years have afforded her…something a Jedi just does. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Enter this sequence… the moment she FINALLY lets go of the Anakin guilt/ hang ups.
I knew something like this was coming. Some moment that changed her back to the more recognizable Ahsoka. The one that embraced her friends. The one that was willing to share the lessons that she learned with others. The one that would have loved to have a padawan of her own. The one that wasn’t always running away, being flaky.
This was it. And, there were two big takeaways from the moment.
1.) Anakin was always Vader, and Vader was always Anakin… and she had nothing to do with that. Her leaving the order played literally no role. It wasn’t on her. It never was. He was already teetering on that line way before she entered his life. I mean, he slaughtered an entire village of Tuskens down to the last woman and child. He said and did questionable shit to Ahsoka herself too throughout their time together. Was he like a brother to her? Sure. Was he borderline abusive at times? Also, yes. Regardless, her eyes were opened in that first battle…where he basically told her to fight or die. Fair, under the circumstances… still, Ahsoka was trained to be a Jedi, not a murderer. Anakin relished in it. She didn’t really, especially when it came to losing her own men in battle. The clones were her friends, her brothers. Anakin didn’t seem to give a shit about the clones. Unsurprising.
2.) She realized that it wasn’t just Anakin’s legacy that she would carry on. She has her own legacy. It doesn’t have to be one of death and destruction. Is Ahsoka a lot like Anakin? Yes. She’s impulsive, hot-headed, stubborn, emotional, and intense, but that’s not all. Ahsoka is caring, patient, understanding, and loving in a compassionate sense. She’s grown wise, strong and sage. Anakin isn’t the only part of her line and that legacy… Obi-Wan is a part. Qui-Gon is a part. Yoda is a part. Ahsoka is a little bit of all of them. It made her realize that she’s so much more than just a warrior. She’s a great Jedi like the ones that came before her. Inevitably, she has a choice. She can choose not to serve the dark, despite it being part of that legacy, and she can pass on what she has learned without fear.
The moment was about just that. It wasn’t meant to actually be an episode of The Clone Wars. The flashback served a very specific purpose as laid out above. There are 133 episodes of The Clone Wars if you want to watch a Clone Wars episode with all the characters of the Clone Wars. This moment was about Ahsoka overcoming her guilt and fear caused by Anakin becoming what he became so that Ahsoka could actually embrace who she is. Specifically.
Now we have a happy, more well-rounded, Gandalf-like Ahsoka that has slayed her Balrog. Now we get to see her be the Jedi she has always been inside. Now we will see her be there for her friends. Now we will see her mentor and share her wisdom and teach the ways of the ones that came before her without fear.
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swordcreature · 5 months
Hi! Can I have Dammon with plus size reader?
hi ty for the request!!!! i actually had a lot of fun writing this one
i'm a plus size person myself, so i had a lil inspo for a quick silly fic about Dammon comforting his plus size s/o about those insecurities that pop up, even for someone who is comfortable in their own skin
i hope you like it!!!
Dammon x Reader
“'You don’t have to tell me. But it might make you feel better if you did,' he whispers. He’s so very earnest in his concern for you and it makes you embarrassed, letting him fret over you like that.”
Tags: Self-Image Issues, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1,224
You’re not going to cry. Crying would mean giving that inebriate bastard what he wanted, and you wouldn’t have that. But you struggle, sometimes. Like everyone does, you suppose.  
Pointed words sting like ice left too long on the skin, no matter how drunk or how disgusting the arse spouting them is. And this one was disgusting. 
Still, you stand in front of the mirror with lips turned down, studying yourself in the reflection. It’s not like you don’t like the way you look – in fact you’d say the opposite. You’re proud of the body that has overcome great feats, carried you this far. You like the way your body curves and dips, plush and soft and supple. At least you do, normally. 
But every once in a while, the little voice in the back of your mind stirs, gnawing away at the confidence you have worked so hard to learn. It knows what buttons to push, what words to whisper to have you doubting the image in front of you. A lump sits heavy in your throat as you examine the figure staring back at you.  
It hardly feels like yourself. 
Look at your stomach, your mind chides. Too big in all the wrong places.  
“Everything alright?” Dammon’s voice startles you. In the mirror you catch a glimpse of him standing on the stairs leading to the second floor. You blink away the tears that you didn’t realize had formed before turning to greet him.  
“Oh! I didn’t hear you come in,” your eyes look everywhere but his face. “All done outside?” 
“For now, at least. Winds picking up, figured I’d do some work in here,” he replies. There’s a pause and for a second it seems like he’s forgotten about the tears he saw you brush away.  
He hasn’t. Dammon takes the final steps up into your shared room to pull you into a quick embrace. His necks cranes to place a kiss atop your head.  
“Now, love, what’s the matter?” he asks, warm hands rubbing at your shoulders. You lean your head against his chest, damp with sweat – not that you mind. The room around you is quiet while he waits for your answer.  
But you just shake your head, your face hidden in the scratchy linen of his shirt as he pets your hair with a soothing rhythm. Time seems to not move as you stand together, your arms wrapped around his middle and his hands cradling your head. You remain quiet.  
Finally, Dammon cups your cheek, urging you to look up at him. His low brow is pulled down, casting a worried shadow over his bright eyes. One hand unwinds from his waist and rests on his chest. 
“You don’t have to tell me. But it might make you feel better if you did,” he whispers. He’s so very earnest in his concern for you and it makes you embarrassed, letting him fret over you like that. Your eyes drop to his chest again.  
You’re better than this, you think. Why are you letting some drunkard get in your head like this? 
“It’s stupid! Definitely not something I should be crying over, for Gods’ sake.” For some reason you can’t meet his eyes, the button on his collar proving to be more interesting than ever before. He doesn’t speak, letting you parse out your next words in the silence between you.  
“Just. Some fool, outside of the Mermaid. Acting like a right idiot, calling out women in the street, saying vulgar things.” Dammon’s jaw clenches, subtle and quick. “We were walking by, and he said some.... choice words. To me. About... my body.”  
Saying out loud makes you feel even smaller than before, as though you were making a mountain of a molehill. You pull at his button, waiting for him to say something.  
“Well, I hope you sucker bunched the blowhard,” he finally says with a huff. A small, incredulous chuckle leaves your lips, and you finally look up to meet his stare. 
“I may have given him a bloody nose,” you confess, lips turned in a slight, bashful smile. Dammons laughs, though the look on his face is a mixture of pride and sadness.  
“That’s my love,” He dips to press his lips against your brow for a chaste kiss, his hand still held to your cheek. There’s a small pause, like he’s trying to figure out the right thing to say. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that though. A man like that is better off in the gutters.” 
“See! That’s why it feels idiotic. To let someone like that make me feel so low. Feels like I’m a youth again, crying over the bully at school ‘cause they called me fat.” You’re not sure which is worse. Feeling so childish or so insecure. Both make you feel low.  
“That’s not stupid. It’s okay to be upset, you know that right?” he asks, though he doesn’t let you answer. “Sometimes shit hurts. And that’s that. But at least you have the wherewithal to know those words are worthless, at the end of the day.”  
You nod your head, resting your cheek on the warmth of his chest, kissing the skin that peaks out from his collar without a word. Dammon’s sharp claws softly rake over your scalp, and you close your eyes at the feeling.  
“You’re beautiful. Strong. Smart as whip. The funniest person I’ve ever met. You can beat just about anyone in a fight, blindfolded, with both hands tied behind your back.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “And I know that you know all of this. But you are without a doubt the most amazing person I have ever met. I want you to feel that way about yourself.”  
“You’re perfect in every way,” his free hand brushes across the skin of your arm, “every part of you,” stroking down your side, “in every way.” His hand finishes its journey on the small of your back, tender in the way it pulls you closer, molding you to his warm body.  
Tears gather in the corners of your eyes, the tightness in your chest loosening as Dammon’s affections pour over you like a balm on a burn – a comfort to the ache you had been feeling all day. Finally grounded, you feel more like yourself.  
Your eyes open, peaking over at the mirror beside you, and you recognize the body in it as your own – well loved, and perfect. Maybe even more so with Dammon wrapped around you.  
You stare up at him as he wipes away a tear, stretching upwards to catch his lips in a gentle kiss. It’s sweet and soft, unhurried. When he finally pulls away, you’re left breathless, foreheads pressed together as you slow your racing pulse.  
He can see in your eyes the way your heart is lifted, how your troubles seem lighter. It makes his chest bloom with love and satisfaction knowing he helped.  
And with you feeling better, Dammon, ever the rake, can’t help but to snake a hand down to palm at your rear ever so lightly, a devilish smile playing at his lips.  
“Now, if need be, I’m willing to show you just how lovely you are,” he steals another kiss, “but you’ll need to get rid of all these clothes, first.” 
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grandeoatmilklatte · 10 months
Undying Love 💍 (Part 5 - Resolutions)
Finally the end! I promised I'd have this out much quicker than the last few parts and I'm a woman of my word! Although this is the end of this one, I already have another Ominis x MC fic planned so stay tuned for that!
Undying Love - Part 5: Resolution - Ominis Gaunt x Female MC
Summary: Ominis and MC try to recover from the pain left behind from their plan. 1.7k words.
Warnings: Smut/NSFW/18+!! Characters are aged up and out of school. Do not read if you're under 18!! They have a MUCH needed make up bone!
Tagging list!: @myrachondria, @lesbolordo, @froggyinaspen, @lora-erwood hope you enjoyed this thanks for being so into it! 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4!
Two days had passed since Ominis and MC had come home, and Ominis was still upset with MC, mostly avoiding and withdrawing from her. He had also been giving Sebastian the cold shoulder, refusing to talk to him anytime he came by the house to talk things out. She couldn’t take it anymore.
“Will you at least talk to me!?” she screamed at him, after having made him a dinner that he barely ate. “What is there to talk about, MC?” he replied back without even so much as a glance in her direction. Typically, he referred to her as “darling”, “dear”, or some other form of endearment, but for the past two days she was just her name, and it hurt. She knew he was doing this on purpose. Ominis could be very spiteful when he was angry, purposely doing things to get a reaction out of whoever he was upset with. But he had never been this angry with MC before. She hated the way he was making her feel. She knew it was payback for what she had done to him. She also knew she was giving him exactly what he wanted. He wanted to see her upset. He wanted her to hurt the way he did. 
“What is there to talk about?! Well for starters we can talk about how you’ve treated me since we’ve arrived home. How many more times do I need to apologize, Ominis? How many more times do I have to explain that everything I did was for us? Please believe me.” Tears began to form in her eyes. MC had done a lot of crying the last two days, her eyes in a constant state of irritation from how often her tears had fallen. 
“MC, you have no idea the amount of pain you’ve put me through! Do you expect me to just forget about that? I know it was necessary, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt!” There was anger in his voice, but sadness in it as well, his voice cracking. 
“Do you have any idea how much it broke me to hear you two, my wife and my best friend, tongues down each other’s throats, moaning for each other?! When I heard that, all I could think of was ‘what if she falls out of love with me and falls in love with Sebastian instead? She’s loved him before, she could love him again.’ I know you two have resolved everything, but I can’t help but fear he could take you away from me one day. I can’t bear the thought of that.” 
Ominis had joined MC in crying, silent tears running down his face. “And then you cast an unforgivable curse, after you promised me on our wedding day that you never would! Again, I know it was necessary, but knowing you did it brought me back to fifth year and all the pain we went through then. I love you, MC. I truly do, but you hurt me.”
MC’s heart ached. For the first time since they had been home, she threw her arms around Ominis, holding him tight. He returned her embrace, and they both cried on each other’s shoulders. After several minutes of crying, MC pulled her head away slightly so that she could look at her husband. The whites of his eyes were red and his cheeks were wet, but he was still so beautiful to her. They hadn’t even shared a kiss since being home either, and she took the opportunity of Ominis’s wall coming down to pull him in for a kiss. Her kiss was gentle and soft for a moment before she kicked up the intensity. She lightly nibbled at his lip which drew a soft moan from his lips. His moan awakened a feeling in her, a feeling she hadn’t felt in almost a week now. She ignored the feeling for the moment to say her piece to Ominis. 
“I love you Ominis, and I’m so terribly sorry for everything. I love you and only you, not Sebastian. Sebastian may have been my first love, but you’re the one I want to spend my life with. I chose you and I will always choose you. And I’m sorry about the curse. I was scared and the only thing on my mind was getting back to you however I could. When I married you I made you a promise that I would do anything for you, this is the extent I’d go for you to keep you safe. My love for you knows no bounds. My love for you will never die.”
Ominis was the one who pulled in for a kiss this time, Ominis’s kiss being even more passionate than MC’s. MC let out a whimper as her hands came up into his hair, running her fingers through it. The fervor of their kissing resulting in MC bumping into the kitchen table. They both giggled as they temporarily broke apart. MC took a hold of Ominis’s hand leading him into their bedroom.
As soon as they crossed the threshold into their room, their lips met once again, their tongues intertwining, moaning against each other’s lips. Without breaking the kiss, they ripped each other’s clothes off like feral animals. Once they were both undressed, MC made sure Ominis was the one who’s back was facing the bed before lightly pushing him down and straddling him. He started to protest, eager to be the one pleasing her right now, but MC shushed him. “Please, I know you’ve been upset with me. Let me make it up to you.”
MC latched onto Ominis’s neck, biting and sucking the skin there. Ominis let out an appreciative moan in response, relishing in the thought of MC leaving marks on his neck. After several more marks had been placed on his neck, MC trailed her lips along his body, delicately kissing every beauty mark he had scattered across his chest. She then moved her head down towards his navel, where she kissed her way down as she took Ominis’s length into her hand, his tip already leaking. She gave him a quick squeeze before she began to slowly stroke him, Ominis responding to this with desperate moans. MC loved seeing her husband a mess underneath her, and she gazed up at him with loving eyes. Without removing her eyes from him, she planted a quick, soft kiss to his tip before taking him into her mouth, lowering her mouth far down his length. 
She began to bob her head up and down Ominis’s length, Ominis encouraging her as she went. “Keep going, darling, you’re doing so well! Your mouth feels incredible!” he moaned out. Tears prickled her eyes as she continued to take his full length, his tip hitting the back of her throat every time she brought her head down, but she was grateful the tears were from something enjoyable this time. Ominis’s hands came up into her hair and she stilled her movements, knowing exactly what Ominis wanted, as he began to thrust his hips into her, roughly fucking her mouth.  After several thrusts from him, he slowed his pace. “I’m so close, darling!” he gasped out. MC knew this was her cue as she released Ominis from her mouth and went back to straddle him. 
She lined her entrance up with Ominis, and lowered herself onto his length until he was fully inside of her. They both let out groans at the feelings, and MC began to roll her hips, Ominis’s hands coming up to grasp her ass as she did so. “Oh my love, you’re so perfect. I love you!” Ominis was rapidly coming undone under her as the bedroom filled with the sounds of their love-making. “I love you too!” MC moaned, rolling her hips faster and faster as her release hit, hot waves of pleasure crashing over her. Ominis’s peak came shortly after, whimpering as his warm liquid filled MC to the brim. She rolled off of him quickly, trying to not let too much of Ominis’s seed drip out as she did so, and turned to face him on the bed. 
He turned to face the direction he had heard her lay on and he reached for her, pulling her into a passionate, loving kiss. They exchanged another set of “I love you”s before wrapping their arms around each other and, for the first time in almost a week, falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
MC entered the dining room to join her husband at the table for their little “celebration”, if you could call it that. Sebastian was sitting across from Ominis, and on the table was a variety of food and drinks for them to devour. MC stood at Ominis’s side, his arm coming around her and pulling her close to him. He placed his other hand on MC’s stomach, loving rubbing the small bump that had finally started to show, their little one making their presence known. “Happy one year anniversary of being dead, my love!” MC giggled and leaned down to kiss Ominis before sitting down with the boys to enjoy their celebratory meal. 
They had done it, officially. They escaped the clutches of Ominis’s family. They still believed he was dead, and to this day had not discovered their secret. After MC and Ominis had made peace, Ominis made peace with Sebastian. Although Sebastian still cared deeply for MC as a friend, he had accepted the fact that this was all they’d ever be, and he was happy with that, so long as he had MC and Ominis to call his best friends. Once everything had been resolved between them, Sebastian began a routine of checking up on the Gaunts every now and then, specifically checking to make sure Ominis’s tomb went undisturbed, which it still remained. They were finally free. They could live without fear. They could actually start a family together, which they had already started working on. They could have the life they always wanted together. 
Sebastian took note of the amount of pastries MC was piling onto her plate. “Someone’s hungry!” he teased. “Oh shut it! You know I need to feed your godchild too right?” The trio laughed as they continued their meal, joy radiating throughout the home.
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cherryrainn · 8 months
Hii,this is the first request I make,I guess you didn't received it as you didn't make it,but that's alr! I understand what happened,I just want to say that i love the way you write,keep going please <3 So I was wondering if you could make a Hazbin Hotel with the hotel staff,in which Charlie actually has an evil sister and goes to the hotel to "help",and the staff is very happy about having other member but Charlie isn't as she knows how her sister truly is,that was too specific omg sorry- Anyways,I would love to get this,keep going please,you're amazing! ♡
━━ ✧ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭
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─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; thank you so much for your kind words! and yeah, sorry about before. i've got you this time! i really appreciate your patience. YOU'RE amazing.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; sinister undertones
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you arrived at the grand entrance of the happy hotel, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within you. you were here to "help," or at least that's what you told charlie, your sister. you've always had a complicated relationship with her. while she was the epitome of kindness and optimism, you were the opposite – embracing your darker tendencies with glee.
the moment you stepped inside, you were greeted by an eclectic bunch of staff members, each radiating a unique aura. their warm smiles and friendly gestures seemed genuine.
"hey there! you must be the new addition!" a bubbly little demon exclaimed, wrapping you in an unexpected hug. you allowed it, playing your role to perfection.
"yes, that's me," you replied, your tone sweet but your eyes calculating.
charlie, appearing with her signature grin, introduced you to the rest of the staff. you nodded politely, taking note of their reactions. they seemed genuinely happy to have you here.
as the days passed, you watched the dynamics of the hotel unfold. the staff, so diverse in their appearances and personalities, seemed like a tightly-knit family. you played your part well, smiling when you had to and engaging in conversations, all the while planning your next move.
charlie, however, was not fooled. she knew you too well, knew the darkness that lurked beneath your pleasant demeanor. she'd seen the destruction you'd caused, witnessed your manipulation and cruelty. but you were her sister, and she clung to the hope that somewhere deep down, you could change.
one evening, after a particularly eventful day at the hotel, you found yourself alone in the lobby. angel dust, the flamboyant demon, approached you with a sly grin.
"new girl, huh? you've got this mysterious aura going on. what's your story?" he purred, his tone dripping with curiosity.
you leaned in, your gaze locking onto his. "oh, you know, same old stuff. just trying to fit in."
angel dust laughed, his eyes scanning you knowingly. "i see that look in your eyes. you're not as innocent as you're pretending to be, are ya?"
before you could respond, charlie walked in, her smile faltering slightly when she saw the two of you together.
"hey, guys! everything okay here?" she asked, her gaze flickering between you and angel dust.
angel dust winked at you and sauntered away, leaving you alone with charlie.
"what were you two talking about...?" charlie asked, her voice tinged with concern.
"just getting to know each other," you replied, your tone casual. you knew how to deflect questions, how to keep her from delving deeper.
one night, as you stood on the hotel's balcony, staring out at the chaotic streets below, charlie joined you. she looked at you with those big, hopeful eyes of hers, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at her naivety.
"are you okay?" she asked, concern etched in her features.
you hesitated before offering her a small smile. "yeah, just trying to adjust, you know?"
charlie nodded, her expression softening. "i'm glad you're here, y/n. It means a lot to me."
you leaned against the balcony's railing, casting a sidelong glance at her. "i can see that. you're so dedicated to this whole 'redemption' thing, huh?"
charlie chuckled softly, seemingly oblivious to the mocking tone beneath your words. "well, yeah. i believe that everyone deserves a chance to change. you included."
you raised an eyebrow, internally amused by her earnestness. "is that so?"
she nodded, her smile unwavering. "yeah. we all have our pasts, our mistakes. but here, we have a chance to make amends and find a better path."
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. her optimism was almost nauseating. "you really believe that?"
"i do," she said firmly. "i believe that deep down, there's good in everyone."
you chuckled softly, a dark undertone threading through your amusement. "if only you knew the extent of my 'goodness,' charlie."
she tilted her head, her expression curious. "what do you mean?"
you waved a dismissive hand. "oh, nothing. just reminiscing about my past, like you said. trying to find that 'good' you're so convinced is there."
charlie smiled, a hint of relief in her eyes. "i'm glad you're open to the possibility."
as she walked away, you were left alone with your thoughts. this was your playground. the darkness within you was strong, and you had no intention of changing.
in the following weeks, you continued to blend in seamlessly with the hotel's staff. you engaged in conversations, aided in their chaotic endeavors, and even played the part of the "reforming" lost soul.
one day, you found yourself in the hotel's bustling kitchen, surrounded by a motley crew of demons. niffty was busy chopping vegetables, vaggie was barking orders, and husk was nursing a drink at the counter.
"hey, y/n, join the cooking brigade!" niffty chimed, her apron splattered with various ingredients.
you plastered on a friendly smile, picking up a knife. "sure thing. what are we making?"
vaggie shot you a skeptical look but didn't comment. "chili. it's got a bit of a kick."
you chuckled, feigning enthusiasm. "sounds like my kind of dish."
as you chopped and stirred, you engaged in light banter with the others, subtly gauging their personalities and weaknesses. vaggie remained wary, while niffty seemed to genuinely believe you were on a path to redemption. husk, on the other hand, was uninterested in your facade, his cynical humor aligning with your own.
"you really think you can change?" husk's gravelly voice cut through the air as he sipped his drink.
you glanced at him, a smirk playing on your lips. "change is a strong word. but adapting, surviving? that's more my style."
he chuckled, a hint of approval in his eyes. "i like your honesty. just remember, demons rarely change their stripes."
you returned the nod, silently acknowledging the shared understanding. it was a world where manipulation and self-interest reigned supreme, and you were well-equipped to navigate it.
another day, you found yourself in the hotel's opulent lounge, admiring the vintage decor that alastor seemed to revel in. the radio demon himself sat in a high-backed chair, sipping coffee from a delicate porcelain cup. his presence exuded an air of intrigue and power that both fascinated and unnerved you.
"ah, y/n, isn't it?" he drawled, his crimson eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
you offered a polite nod, taking a seat across from him. "yes, that's right. and you're alastor, the infamous radio demon."
he chuckled, the sound sending a jolt of unease through you. "infamous, am i? such a dramatic description."
you tilted your head, a smile playing on your lips. "well, you have a reputation for making deals, don't you?"
"indeed," he purred, setting his cup down. "but i'm more intrigued by you, dear. you seem quite different from the usual lost souls that stumble upon this establishment."
you leaned back, feigning nonchalance. "do i now? and what makes you say that?"
alastor's smile widened, revealing sharpened teeth that contrasted with his gentlemanly facade. "oh, i have a keen sense for spotting things, my dear."
you raised an eyebrow at this,, "is that so?"
he chuckled softly, a sinister edge underlying his amusement. "yes, indeed. i wonder, y/n, what are your true desires? what do you seek to gain from this 'reformation'?"
"let's just say, i'm here to explore the finer nuances of the damned."
alastor's laughter was rich and dark, his amusement evident. "ah, i see. well, darling, should you ever tire of the charade, do come find me. i'm always open to intriguing possibilities."
you nodded, your lips curving into a smirk. "i'll keep that in mind."
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frays-monster-yuri · 3 months
Story Review - Sun Spoken Turn
I'm actually kind of an emotional mess right now from reading some of the latest chapters to this story.
Put this on the top of your reading list or just read it now.
This is the most beautiful story I have ever read and I can't believe I'm dating the writer.
I have just finished looping a few story threads from the very beginning. Chapter 89 is about as good a place as I can think of to sit down and write a review for any newcomers.
Sun Spoken Turn has delivered on everything that I have ever wanted in a sprawling fantasy story. I have always hoped a story with a transgender protagonist would come around to step into a well realized setting and find reasons to navigate the world's many traumas beyond their own. Despite everything, this story's protagonist decides to take on the burden of trying to make things a little better for everyone in a way that extends their own perspective to even the most insufferable and cruel. There are people in this setting who have used their power and sway to keep the world in the state it is in, who would rather burn people as more efficient fuel than wood to maintain the status quo.
And now that we're past that confrontation point, a little into Arc 3, this story is showing promise that it is only going to get better from here by looping itself and its themes in such wonderful ways.
Dear Prospective Readers,
I want to invite you into following the path that this story offers up. There is so much that I can show you, and so much more meaning that you will find and embrace than what has reduced me to a bumbling mess of tears wanting better for the characters who have sunk to the same depths as I.
But if were to be brief, the most glowing recommendation I can give you is this: A lot of what I adore about this narrative can be found in how this author handles heavy content that can eat characters and readers alive... without wasting anyone.
This story heavily features characters who need to figure themselves out. So when our protagonist starts out as an understandably fumbling little thing. I ask only that you understand that this is someone who has had their entire life planned out for them.
Our protagonist gets a little magical change as a shard of something old, bitter, and unpleasant gets the opportunity to read their life like a book before burrowing its way into their dreams. Within moments, this city has lost one more of its precious few breeding males.
Taken in by a chance meeting with a kind cast of some of the most endearing strangers to walk the paths between settlements, our protagonist has a lot to adapt to. And I really encourage you to be patient with her. Beyond her own traumas, there are histories, injustices, and misunderstandings of this world to uncover that stretch back an uncomfortable amount of time that will be peeled back in layers and constantly revisited with fresh perspectives.
But how we solve the problems we face now really matter.
They are going to snowball into how we treat others who we think will carry the same wounds but constantly surprise us with what this world has done to them. (For both good and ill. Gosh, there are as many heartwarming surprises as there are heartbreaking ones.)
So much of this story is learning out to take care of ourselves and each other despite encountering the unexpected. To give fairly spoiler free examples - surprise encounters with someone's family and the past constantly catching up to us. Sometimes it is the same past on multiple occasions. At some point you have to turn around and deal with it.
At other times it is important to get away, to have uncomfortable conversations with people you trust. But all of this serves to build a strong support structure for when you must confront people you can't trust and sometimes words just aren't enough. And then there are the rare moments. Moments where you can prove everyone wrong and say the right words to heal wounds that have festered for countless years.
There are also cute birds, crabs, and monsters that constantly remind me how much I adore how well this author uses every actor in its setting to deepen your appreciation for what it is like to live in this world. 
But I've gone on long enough.
You've your own path to walk from this point onward.
While I can't dictate where that path will take you, I can assure you that this is your life to live.
But if I could make one recommendation, I encourage you to allow this story's many lovely girls to sweep you off your feet.
Anyway here's an alternative link to another site. (If this review isn't gay enough for you, you can read the back and forth comments the author and I left each other on Royal Road deep into the night. At some point I took those comments to patreon, and a few months after that I just started whispering my feedback directly into the author's ear. When you get to Weight of Broken Promises, my comments moved to scribblehub... but that was such a cathartic moment for me to have inspired this author to push the themes of this story as hard and raw as they get.)
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redolentgrove · 3 days
That Drifting Leaf
Loki and Bijoux had excused themselves to a quiet corner of Redolent Grove, settling together nearby the elder taur's plot full of Gracidea blooms. The spectacled Cinccino-taur gazed back at her mother with a concerned frown.
"Okay, Mom," she stated, "we're by ourselves now. So, you said there was more to you and Mum's separation when I was a baby, right? What actually happened?
Loki gave a sideways glance away from the younger taur, taking a deep breath and then glancing at her own forepaws.
"Bijoux, the reason we separated is… I cheated on your Mum."
Bijoux's eyes widened at this revelation. Her ears flattened somewhat, and she shook her head, shoulders slumping defeatedly. She didn't respond for a good few minutes, just casting a saddened, hurt stare back at her mother. When she did finally speak, her reply was simple, just one word.
Loki's ears wilted heavily. Of all the responses Bijoux could have given, this was the one that the hybrid dreaded would happen. The taur sat back on her hindquarters, letting out a long, heavy sigh. She pondered it briefly, looking at the Cinccino-taur with worried eyes.
"Bijoux, I loved your Mum. Part of me still does." Loki's arms crossed briefly over her chest, tail thumping angrily at the ground. "But… she and I grew apart. We fell head over heels early and became partners way too soon. Then we had you and grew even further apart. She was focused on modeling and barely had the time of day for me; I got lonely with just you in my life. So, when I met a beautiful Furret woman, I… began dating her behind your Mum's back."
"Did you ever tell Mum?
Loki nodded. "After about a year of seeing the Furret. I felt guilty knowing I was being dishonest, even though it hurt that your Mum and I never had any sort of romance in our lives anymore. I just couldn't take it; I gently let the Furret go and told your Mum what I had done. And of course, she dumped me. Deservedly, I'll admit. But I kept you in the separation, mostly because she wasn't about to give up a modeling career to take care of a cub."
Bijoux glanced sideways, then stepped closer to Loki, taking her left hand and gently patting the hybrid's side. "Mom, why didn't you just talk to Mum about that from the beginning? At least you could have parted peacefully. I mean, you've raised me alone for sixteen years; why keep this to yourself? Why stay alone?"
Loki's gaze turned to her daughter's, her muzzle forming an uneasy smile. "I was okay raising you alone, darling," she replied calmly, "because I knew I only had myself to blame for being alone. And I wasn't ready to start dating in case… well, I made the same mistake."
Bijoux blinked a bit. "You mean like with that Meowscarada you've got a crush on?"
Loki blushed hotly at this. Still, she nodded solemnly, her forepaws tippy-tapping the ground a bit. "Charade didn't seem disinterested, no, but... what if she isn't ready either?"
"Then you just start as friends and let it progress naturally?" Bijoux shrugged her shoulders. "Look, Fiamma and I stayed friends despite moving too fast because we were honest and respected each other. If you think you and miss Charade would make a good couple, just talk to her! The worst that happens is she says no. But be honest; that's all anyone wants, Mom."
Loki's tail swished at the thought. Still, she kept a quiet air about her, reaching out and hugging her daughter. "Thank you, Bijoux. For understanding, for being here... I guess an old mythical can still learn new tricks, heh."
Bijoux let out a squeak at the hug, her own tail wagging now as she patted her mom's back. "Even the legends aren't perfect," she mused aloud. "Warts and all, I'll always love you, Mom. You've done the same for me, after all. And besides..." Bijoux smiled slyly. "You're both the reason I'm alive, and the reason I can be my true self. That counts for a lot. Thank you."
The embrace held for a while, before the two separated. Loki finally let go of her daughter, tears glistening along her cheeks, then began walking to the gardening shed. Bijoux took her leave, left to wonder... just why had her mom waited until now to tell her? She'd ask later, but at the moment, she was happy just to know the truth...
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
what’s kotlc and is it better than the great library? i read the latter and it was fun, perhaps not the height of literature but fun
OKAY! Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger is a long, ongoing middle-grade fantasy series following Sophie Foster, a 12-year-old high school senior who can read thoughts following a bump to the head at age 5--or so she thinks, until she's approached by a cute stranger who reveals she's really an elf who's been hidden away.
She's whisked away to a secret, supposedly perfect world of elves, goblins, ogres, and more. Sophie wants nothing more than to be normal, and tries to fit in--go to school, play with friends, etc.--but all her abnormalities have followed her from the human world. She's still weird, and it turns out it might be the result of bigger forces working behind the scenes. Forces she needs to uncover to learn who and what she truly is--but there's no taking it back, and plunging into the underbelly of her supposedly "perfect" new world opens a seemingly never-ending rabbit hole to try and understand and save it from itself. Full of rebellions, corruption, mysterious notes, stuffed animals, a large cast of characters, and so. many. sparkles. there's a lot going on for Sophie to discover
I think tgl and kotlc are hard to directly compare. tgl has a lot of explicit found family, fast-paced action, and is, like you said, just genuinely fun to read. it's quick, speaks to booklovers, and embraces a variety of different moral stances in a way that distinctly characterizes everyone. but it does falter in terms of consistency, and there are several contradicting details throughout it. kotlc is more structurally sound, but it is meant for a younger audience--which is not to say it's bad, but that it does impact reading. There are some cliches, such as experiment children, excessively powerful ocs, a love triangle, etc. It also has a fairly developed and explored world on several fronts, though there are some gaps. It does, however, want for diversity and representation. There are few non-white characters, few disabled characters, and no acknowledgement of queerness so far--though given recent releases it's possible that last part will change.
While kotlc is a special interest of mine and I'm quite attached to it, I don't necessarily recommend it to people outside the middle-grade age range. It's a solid series despite its flaws, but that doesn't mean you'll be head over heels; if you read it, I think it would be similar to how tgl was fun but not the height of literature. It's enjoyable and there are a wealth of characters to get attached to, compelling plotlines/character pasts, but unless you really click it'll just be a solid, time-filling read.
The series has also had a rough few years recently; the author has a lot going on in her personal life--which is totally fine, it just means there are long waiting periods currently. And not everyone thinks its worth it, because the story is going an unexpected direction and there are some creative choices made not everyone likes (too much focus on the love triangle, deposing the main character, butchering character arcs last minute, etc.).
All this to say kotlc has radically altered the course of my life and is an incredibly dear series to me, and I will be keeping up with it and blogging about it until the end of time with anyone who wants to join, but it's also not my favorite series I've ever read, if that distinction makes sense. If you do want some simple, if long, reading--go for it! We're always excited to have new people around and would love to have you. There's actually a pretty consistent, if small, fandom and a lot of art, fic, and other things to explore. But we'd also all understand without any pushing if it's not for you.
That was longer than I meant it to be, but if you have any further questions please do ask :)--and again, this is my view on it! Just my opinions and assessments
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deathfavor · 6 months
@ephemeralshot said: Michael felt his eyes sink into the ground as he listened. Arms wrapping around him in a pathetic hug to himself as he found himself wavering. He says they haven’t changed but Michael has changed a lot. Back then, he still felt hope, he even smiled. When he and Lucifer squabble, he had sensed it was more than simply wishing to illicit a reaction out of him.
Michael could understand the loneliness, the way Lucifer’s light outshined his own even long after he had been casted out. It didn’t make it better, it made it all worse. It hurt deeper than he ever imagined. Ironic how the one Michael wished to be like was just as lonely if not lonelier. Were they simply doomed to be miserable?
Heaven was his home, it was where he belonged and yet he felt alone amongst the other angels. God only ever spoke orders in his ears, and duty was all he knew. All the other angels would only ever gawk or steal glances at Lucifer. When he wasn’t locked away in the throne room. Many too afraid to speak to him. Michael hadn’t really thought too hard on it until now. He assumed it was the respect the bringer of light was owed. The morning star. Was it because Michael and Lucifer were the first that he had been able to speak to him in the way that he did? Unafraid to lash out, or fight back?
“So you liked when I yelled at you?” Michael asks, snowy white bangs falling in front of his face as he hide the small smile that appeared on his lips. Michael could be more than his anger, but it was much like natures wondrous encounters. Rare and sight to behold. Often times his anger was what showed what he was feeling deep inside. The grief he held for a father who didn’t listen, anguish, hatred and love for a brother who stood on the opposite of him now. “Is that all you want to know?” He asks quietly, his red gaze turning slowly to meet the pair of golden eyes watching his back.
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Lucifer can see Michael trying to embrace himself, wrap himself in a self-soothing gesture that he would never let anyone else see. A part of him yearns to reach out...but what good will it do if it only makes Michael flinch away or shut down further? He's finally saying something, and perhaps it is best to give him the space to process it in a way that Michael needs to. Fingertips press against the starry fabric at his side, keeping his hands close to him.
" I liked it better when you'd brush my hair under that tree, even if you were often scolding me on napping or being out there rather than being early to an event. " It had never mattered. In fact, Lucifer's slight delay always had more people flocking to see his dazzling entrance whenever he would eventually appear. No matter how much he didn't want to be there, he would for Michael's sake or the others. He was God's right hand, it was something that was never to be forgotten. It still wasn't, Lucifer had been the one and only. To this day he carries secrets known to no other. " But yes. I suppose I did. It was new. I liked getting to experience what others did, if only for a moment. Only with you. " He's quiet for a moment as he chooses his next words carefully. " it has still always only been you. " Samael understood him too well, and that too was different than the bond with Michael.
Is that all he wanted to know? Lucifer's eyes meet familiar red, lips parting yet lingering with rare uncertainty. " I...don't follow. " He admits, draconic pupils searching Michael's face for the answers he doesn't have at his fingertips. " No... " He shakes his head after a moment, taking a few steps closer. The limitations of such language would never cease to be a frustration for him, but he's certain that No is the right answer. That's not all he wants to know. " If you mean your anger, no. It's not. " This time there's firmer conviction as Lucifer seems to slot together pieces and concepts of what has been said.
It would be better if it were another though. This Lucifer knows. Because Lucifer will not always be there, and they stand on sides of a line that Lucifer will die before crossing over. His freedom, his free will, that is his. He has ripped it from God's hands and burned and fallen for it. No matter what Michael could say or do, no matter what what beautiful picture he could conjure....it would not happen. Lucifer will not beg for forgiveness, he will not condemn that which he feels is right. And Michael....Michael should never fall. No matter if Lucifer might finally feel he is not alone, soaring miles above anyone else. No matter if it meant company. He does not think Michael could endure it, nor Heaven itself
" But what is it you want, Michael? " Lucifer asks, softer. Do you want me to anger you till you feel nothing but hatred and contempt? What is it that you want of me? A feather falls, dispersing into gold dust the moment it falls upon the earth, Lucifer lets a quiet sigh slip past his lips, and then crosses the space to press a butterfly soft kiss to Michael's forehead. He demands nothing more, takes nothing more. Only gives before he steps back, proud wings folding themselves smaller once more.
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