todaysarticle · 10 months
Nutrition for Seizure Control: Dietary Therapies
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"Discover effective Dietary Therapies for Seizure Control. Learn about the Keto diet, Nutrition approaches, and more. Trust our expertise in Diet and Seizures."
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Dietary Therapies and Seizure Control
Seizure control is a crucial aspect of managing epilepsy, and while medications can be effective, they may not work for everyone. This is where diet comes in. A healthy and balanced diet can provide the necessary nutrients and calories needed for overall health while also helping to control seizures. Certain diets have been found to be particularly beneficial for seizure reduction in some individuals. For example, the Atkins diet emphasizes low carbohydrate intake which has shown promise in reducing seizures. The glycemic index of foods - which measures how quickly they raise blood sugar levels - may also play a role in seizure control. For pregnant women with epilepsy, maintaining a healthy diet and reducing sugar intake can help prevent seizures during pregnancy. It's important to note that any dietary changes should always be discussed with a healthcare professional first. So how exactly does diet affect seizures? The answer lies in the brain's electrical activity. When certain triggers cause abnormal electrical activity in the brain, it can lead to a seizure. Research suggests that certain foods or lack thereof may trigger this abnormal activity. For example, high-fat diets such as the ketogenic diet have been shown to reduce seizures by altering the metabolism of glucose in the brain. On the other hand, consuming too much sugar or carbohydrates may increase seizure activity due to their effect on blood sugar levels. In addition to specific diets, simply maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can help improve overall health and potentially reduce seizure frequency. This includes consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and added sugars. It's clear that there is a strong relationship between diet and epilepsy/seizure control. While more research is needed to fully understand this connection, incorporating healthy eating habits into your daily routine may be an effective way to manage seizures alongside medication.  
The Role of Dietary Therapies in Managing Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
Dietary therapies have become increasingly popular in recent years as a treatment option for managing epilepsy and seizure disorders. While medications are often the first line of defense, dietary therapies can be an effective complement to medication or even used as a standalone treatment option. Now let us explore the role of dietary therapies in managing epilepsy and seizure disorders. Effective Treatment Option Dietary therapies have been shown to be an effective treatment option for managing epilepsy and seizure disorders. The ketogenic diet is one of the most well-known dietary therapies for epilepsy. It involves consuming high amounts of fat and low amounts of carbohydrates, which puts the body into a state of ketosis. This state has been shown to reduce seizures in some people with epilepsy. Other dietary therapies include the modified Atkins diet and the low glycemic index treatment. These diets also focus on reducing carbohydrate intake while increasing protein and fat intake. Studies have shown that these diets can also be effective in reducing seizures.   Working with Healthcare Providers It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider when considering dietary therapies as a treatment option for epilepsy and seizure disorders. A healthcare provider can help determine if a particular diet is appropriate based on individual needs and medical history. For example, while the ketogenic diet may be effective for some people with epilepsy, it may not be appropriate for everyone. It requires strict adherence to specific macronutrient ratios, which can be difficult to maintain long-term without proper guidance from a healthcare provider. Healthcare providers can monitor individuals on dietary therapies to ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs while still adhering to the prescribed diet plan.  
How the Ketogenic Diet Works in Treating Epilepsy
The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has been used to treat epilepsy since the 1920s. It works by forcing the body to use ketones, a type of molecule produced from fat, as its primary source of energy instead of glucose. This metabolic shift can reduce seizures in some people with epilepsy, although the exact mechanism is not fully understood.  
What is a Ketogenic Diet?
A ketogenic diet typically consists of high-fat foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products; low-carbohydrate vegetables such as leafy greens and broccoli; and small amounts of nuts and seeds. The goal is to limit carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day while increasing fat intake to approximately 70-80% of daily calories. This forces the body into a state called ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of glucose. How Does the Ketogenic Diet Help Epilepsy? The exact mechanism by which the ketogenic diet reduces seizures in some people with epilepsy is not fully understood. However, there are several theories: Ketones may have an anticonvulsant effect on brain cells. The keto diet may increase levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter that helps calm brain activity. The keto diet may reduce inflammation in the brain. While research on the effectiveness of the keto diet for treating epilepsy is limited and further studies are needed to confirm its benefits, many people with epilepsy who have not responded well to medication have reported significant improvements after starting the keto diet.   What Does a Keto Diet for Epilepsy Look Like? A typical day on a Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy might include: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs cooked in butter with bacon or sausage Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with avocado and olive oil dressing Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted broccoli and cauliflower Snacks: Cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, or a handful of almonds It is important to note that the keto diet should only be undertaken under the supervision of a healthcare professional, as it can cause side effects such as constipation, nausea, and fatigue. It may not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions such as pancreatitis or liver disease. Sponsored... ⚡️The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan⚡️
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Special Considerations for Implementing a Special Diet for Seizure Management Consult with a healthcare professional before implementing any special diet for seizure management. Before starting any special diet for seizure management, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. A doctor or dietitian can help determine if a special diet is appropriate and safe for the individual based on their medical history, age, and weight. They can also provide guidance on which specific diet plan may be most effective. Some diets that have been shown to be effective in managing seizures include the ketogenic diet, modified Atkins diet, and low glycemic index treatment. However, these diets are not suitable for everyone and should only be implemented under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Consider the individual's age, weight, and medical history when choosing a diet plan. When choosing a special diet for seizure management, it is important to consider the individual's age, weight, and medical history. For example, children may require more calories than adults due to their growing bodies. Individuals with certain medical conditions such as kidney disease or liver disease may need to avoid certain types of diets. It is important to consider the individual's lifestyle and preferences when choosing a special diet. For instance, some individuals may find it difficult to follow strict dietary restrictions long-term. Monitor the individual's nutrient intake to avoid deficiencies or excesses that may trigger seizures. Special diets for seizure management can sometimes lead to nutrient deficiencies or excesses if not properly monitored. It is important to track nutrient intake through regular blood tests and adjust the diet plan accordingly if necessary. Certain nutrients that are commonly monitored include vitamin D, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Deficiencies in these nutrients can increase the risk of seizures while excesses can lead to other health problems such as kidney stones or high blood pressure. Keep track of the individual's progress and adjust the diet plan accordingly. Monitoring an individual's progress on a special diet for seizure management is essential in determining its effectiveness. Regular check-ins with a healthcare professional can help identify any changes in seizure frequency or side effects. If the diet plan is not effective, adjustments may need to be made. This could include changing the types of foods allowed on the diet or adjusting macronutrient ratios. Be aware of potential side effects or complications associated with certain diets, such as gastrointestinal issues or kidney stones. Special diets for seizure management can sometimes lead to side effects or complications. For example, a ketogenic diet may cause constipation, while a low glycemic index treatment may increase the risk of kidney stones. It is important to be aware of these potential side effects and work with a healthcare professional to minimize them. In some cases, adjustments to the diet plan may be necessary to alleviate symptoms. Educate the individual and their caregivers on how to properly prepare and follow the diet plan. Proper education on how to prepare and follow a special diet for seizure management is essential for its success. This includes guidance on meal planning, food preparation, and portion sizes. Caregivers should also be educated on how to recognize and respond to any potential problems such as seizures or side effects. Regular communication with healthcare professionals can help ensure that everyone involved in managing seizures is informed and prepared. Foods That Can Trigger Seizures: What to Avoid in Your Diet Artificial Ingredients in Processed Foods Processed foods are often loaded with artificial ingredients that can trigger seizures. These additives include preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and food coloring. It's best to avoid processed foods altogether and opt for fresh, whole foods whenever possible. If you do choose to consume processed foods, be sure to read the labels carefully and avoid any products that contain artificial ingredients.   Natural Foods That May Trigger Seizures While many natural foods are healthy and safe for most people, some may trigger seizures in certain individuals. For example, avocados contain a chemical called persin that can cause seizures in some people. Similarly, nuts like walnuts and pecans can also trigger seizures in some individuals. It's important to pay attention to your body's reactions to different types of food and avoid anything that seems to trigger seizure activity.   Meat High in Saturated Fat Consuming meat that is high in saturated fat has been linked to an increased risk of seizures. This includes fatty cuts of beef, pork, lamb, and processed meats like bacon and sausage. Instead of these meats, try leaner options like chicken or fish. If you do choose to eat red meat, look for lean cuts like sirloin or flank steak.   Mayonnaise and Other Sodium-Rich Condiments Mayonnaise is a popular condiment that is often used on sandwiches or as a dip for vegetables or chips. However, it contains high levels of sodium which can increase the risk of seizures in some individuals. Other condiments like ketchup and soy sauce also contain high levels of sodium and should be consumed in moderation.   Research Studies on the Effectiveness of Special Diets for Seizure Management Numerous Studies Have Been Conducted to Investigate the Effectiveness of Special Diets for Seizure Management Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent seizures, which can be debilitating and interfere with daily life. While medication is the most common treatment for epilepsy, some patients do not respond well to drugs or experience side effects. As a result, researchers have investigated the effectiveness of special diets for seizure management. Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between diet and seizures. These studies have explored various diets, including the ketogenic diet, modified Atkins diet, low glycemic index treatment (LGIT), and others. The results of these studies have been mixed, but there is evidence to suggest that certain diets may be effective in reducing seizure frequency and severity in some patients. A Registered Dietitian Can Help Patients with Epilepsy Plan and Implement a Special Diet That Suits Their Individual Needs If you are considering a special diet for seizure management, it's important to work with a registered dietitian who has experience working with patients with epilepsy. A registered dietitian can help you plan and implement a special diet that suits your individual needs. They can also monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Research Has Shown That Certain Diets May Reduce the Frequency and Severity of Seizures in Some Patients One of the most well-known special diets for epilepsy is the ketogenic diet. This high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to reduce seizure frequency in some patients. In fact, one study found that 38% of children who followed a ketogenic diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in seizures. Another study found that 32% of patients who followed a modified Atkins diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in seizures. The modified Atkins diet is similar to the ketogenic diet but allows for slightly more carbohydrates. Evidence Suggests That Special Diets May Be Particularly Effective for Children with Epilepsy Who Have Not Responded Well to Medication Special diets may be particularly effective for children with epilepsy who have not responded well to medication. One study found that 38% of children who followed a ketogenic diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in seizures. Another study found that the modified Atkins diet was effective in reducing seizure frequency in children with refractory epilepsy. Johns Hopkins is one of the leading institutions conducting research on the use of special diets for seizure management. The Johns Hopkins Ketogenic Diet Center has been providing dietary therapy for patients with epilepsy since 1993. The center offers a range of special diets, including the ketogenic diet, modified Atkins diet, and LGIT.   Short-term and Long-term Adverse Events of Special Diets for Seizure Management The modified Atkins diet has been proven to be effective in reducing seizure frequency in patients who do not respond to traditional antiepileptic drugs. However, like all other diets, it may cause some adverse effects.  Let us explore the short-term and long-term adverse events of special diets for seizure management. Short-Term Adverse Effects of Modified Atkins Diet The modified Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that is often used to manage seizures. While it has been shown to be effective in reducing seizure frequency, it may cause some short-term adverse effects such as constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Constipation is a common side effect of the modified Atkins diet. This happens because the body is not getting enough fiber from carbohydrates. To avoid constipation, patients are advised to drink plenty of water and include high-fiber foods such as vegetables in their meals. Nausea and vomiting are also common side effects of the modified Atkins diet. These symptoms usually occur during the first few weeks of starting the diet and typically go away on their own after a few days. Patients are advised to eat small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals and avoid foods that trigger nausea.   Long-Term Effects of Modified Atkins Diet While studies have shown that a modified Atkins diet can reduce seizure frequency in just a few weeks, its long-term effects are not yet fully understood. Some studies suggest that prolonged use of this diet may lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to its high-fat content. On the other hand, some studies have shown that there is no significant difference in lipid profiles between patients on a modified Atkins diet compared to those on a traditional ketogenic diet or control group. Therefore, more research needs to be done before any conclusive statements can be made about the long-term effects of this type of diet.   Consult a Healthcare Professional Before Starting Any Special Diet It is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any special diet for seizure management. A healthcare professional can help determine if the modified Atkins diet is appropriate for you and monitor your progress while on the diet.   Special Diet Centers for Adults and Children with Epilepsy: What to Expect Visiting a special diet center can be an essential step for adults and children with epilepsy who are looking to manage their seizures through dietary changes. Read the full article
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asianneurocentre · 3 years
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Everything You Need To Know About Myoclonic Epilepsy | Dr. Navin Tiwari
Myoclonic epilepsy is generally identified by myoclonic seizures or jerks- sudden, unintended muscle contraction or spasm.
There are several types of myoclonic epilepsy, most often starting in childhood, caused by genetic factors, and can also lead to cognitive and developmental problems.
The treatment of myoclonic epilepsy depends upon the kind of seizures the patient is having, along with electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns. Although they can be treated with prescription anti-seizure medications, they are less likely to be fully controlled.
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bdblady · 4 years
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Here’s another #latenight #lipstick look I did from last week that I forgot to post! This one is done with @jeffreestarcosmetics #poinsettia #velourliquidlipstick then I patted on @lauragellerbeauty #diamonddust over the top of it! ⭐️ Was really lucky to even get this shot of the picture because right after I had to bolt to the 🚿 because I started having serious #myoclonicseizures had been waiting all night to see if they were gonna start. Could feel them, just off wanting to start but never quite there. ⭐️ Know that I can use my #bakedgelatoswirlilluminator on my #lipstick has opened up a whole new world! ⭐️ What do you think? ⭐️ ⭐️ #makeup #lipstickaddict #lipstickjunkie #jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestar #liquidlipstick #beauty https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YGfIaFXdj/?igshid=fshjcsjuwcis
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beautehealthy-blog · 4 years
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Epilepsy? An abnormal movement of skeletal muscles due to abnormal, paroxysmal uncontrolled, electrical activity. It is recurrent attack of loss of activity sensory phenomena and behavioral abnormalities. It is a paroxysmal disorder of nervous system. Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, and causing seizures and sometimes loss of awareness. It can affect people of all ages, but usually starts either in childhood or after 60 years of age. Almost 65 million people around the world and 3 million people in the United States are effected with epilepsy. Epilepsy varies from person to person. In epilepsy brains electrical activity disruption occurs, which temporarily disturbs the messaging system between brain cells.
Epilepsy causes recurrent seizures, which are a result of excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells. A seizure is defined as a sudden behavioural change due to a temporary imbalanced electrical functioning of the brain. Normally, the brain continuously generates tiny electrical impulses that travel along neurons throughout the body via chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. In patients with seizures, a sudden and synchronized bursts of electrical energy affects person’s consciousness, movement or sensations. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or a family history, but often the cause is completely unpredictable and can cause other health problems. A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if he has two unprovoked seizures without any other medical condition like alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar, while one seizure does not signify epilepsy.
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Types of Epileptic Seizures
There are many different types of epileptic seizures, as seizures are the main symptoms of epilepsy.They all start in the brain but affect just one part of the brain. Simple Focal (Partial) Seizures Don’t cause a loss of consciousness Involuntary jerking of a body partAlterations to sense of smell, feel, sight, taste and hearingTingling and dizziness An intense feeling of fearComplex feeling that’s hard to describeFeelings that same event has happened before Complex Focal (Partial) Seizures Involve loss of consciousnessStaring into spaceResponding abnormally Performing repetitive movements like hand rubbing, lips smacking, chewing or swallowing Generalized Seizures Generalized seizures involve all areas of the brain. There are six types of generalized seizures exist. 01) Absence Seizures Often occurs in childhoodBrief loss of awarenessStaring blankly into spaceJerking movements of body or limbsFlickering of eyesLasts usually in 15 secondsMay occur several times a day 02) Tonic Seizures All muscles suddenly become stiffPerson becomes unconscious and falls backwards 03) Atonic Seizures Muscles suddenly become relax and floppyusually falls forwards 04) Clonic Seizurres body feel jerk and shakeusually neck, face and arms are affectedloss of bladder or bowl controlTongue or inside cheek biteDifficulty in breathing 05) Myoclonic Seizures Sudden body twitches or jerkOften happens after waking upPerson don’t lose conscious 06) Tonic-Clonic Seizures Abrupt loss of consciousBody stiffness and shakingLoss of bladder control
Unknown HypoxemiaVascular insufficiency Fever Head Injury Hypertension Infection of CNSMetabolic changeBrain tumourDrug withdrawal Allergy Degenerative brain disorder etc.
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Impaired consciousness Loss of muscle tone or movement trouble of behaviour, mood sensation and perception Disturbance of autonomic functions of the bodyCyanosis Fixed jaw Dilated and fixed pupils Body stiffness Incontinence of urine Staring blankly into spaceSudden CollapsingPanic or angerShort blackouts or confused memory
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Diagnostic Evaluation
History of seizures Electroencephalograph CT scan Neuropsychological tests for epilepsy MRI
Medical Management
Your doctor and nurse will perform the following actions and prescribe some medications. Takes a history of seizures Observation of patient Assesses knowledge level of patientAltered tissue perfusion related to diseaseIneffective airway clearance related to spasmHandle the injury related to unconsciousnessActivity intolerance related to diseaseKnowledge deficitAntiepileptic medication ( Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Valproate, Primidone, Phenytoin)
Coping with Epilepsy 
Epilepsy can be best managed by a team of doctors that provide medical, social, psychological and educational support. The most important step you should take is to seek help as soon as you feel less able to cope. You should discuss with a member of the epilepsy team, if you have a problem with school, work, finances, relationships or daily activities. Taking early action and discussion with epilepsy team members will enable you to understand and deal with the many effects of epilepsy.
Risk Factors
Premature birth or weak birthLack of oxygen during birthSeizures after birth up to one month Abnormal brain shape at birthBleeding into the brainBrain tumours Serious brain injury and infections of the brainMental abnormalities Long fever-related seizure Alcohol and drug abuseBlockage of arteries can cause stroke Read the full article
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It's the uncertainty that drives me crazy. Since New Year's Eve I've been having these convulsive episodes that look like seizures and they occur ever 3-4 weeks, but this past week I've had 4 episodes. I'm positive for the gene SCN1-A which is associated with epilepsy and migraines. Answers, and possible remedies, would be wonderful. #pots #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #dysfunctional #dysautonomiaawareness #seizure #epilepsy #spoonie #spoonies #spoonielife #spoonieprobs #spooniestrong #invisibleillness #invisibledisease #chronicpain #chronicillness #myoclonicseizures #myoclonus #pain #awareness #autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #autonomicneuropathy #autonomicdysfunction #gastroparesis #celiac #migraine #awareness
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2020 February 08
Hello. This is Joan (pronounced Joanne, yes I know. I am tired of explaining it but it is what my parents gave me). I have had a seizure disorder since my early teens but formally diagnosed in October of 2019. Now, I am very particular about my privacy which is the reason why I didn’t really want to make this blog. BUT. I needed a platform where I can vent my stress out and where I can write my thoughts and memories for the day or week. I have noticed that my short term memory has been affected lately. It’s like I have early onset dementia. Therefore, here I am. This is not meant to please or entertain anyone. This is merely a digital log for my own perusal. If you aren’t happy or if you disagree with anything I put on here, well, you know what to do.
A little background. I am turning 30 this year. I had my official diagnosis of seizure disorder last year. My most common ones are myoclonic seizures (occurring throughout the day but worse in the morning and evening). Sometimes, myoclonic clusters appears which results in a tonic clonic seizure. I had a normal EKG when I was 14/15 years old and my recent MRI was also normal. My neurologist prescribed Topamax, however, upon researching I opted not to take it due to its side effects. Surprisingly, I also found out that most, if not all, anti-seizure medications have negative long term effects on the brain such as decreased processing speeds, speech and language problems, and behavioral effects. As someone who works in the allied medical field (I know, I still opted out), it frustrated me. As for treatment, I am using natural products such as drinking Basil Tea every day and using cbd with 10% thc to calm my brain down (At this point, if you are already shaking your head, just close the window). Moving on, anxiety and depression are happening more often now that I am aware that it is that and not just something hormonal. I am having a hard time falling asleep due to the anxiety of having another seizure or experiencing Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). For that, I am taking a sleep aid in the form of thc infused gummy bears (1 gummy per night to be exact) and one capsule (I can’t recall its name).
I’ll leave it here for now. It took me a whole day to finally grab my laptop to start this. I am terrified. I am tense. I am stressed. I am alive.
Epic Epileptically Yours,
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aioinstagram · 7 years
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Description: بيشتر از ٧٠ سال است كه داروي ورفارين به عنوان داروي ضد لخته در درمان ترومبوز وريدي و امبولي ريوي، جلوگيري از ترومبوز و امبولي شرياني در بيماران با دريچه مصنوعي قلبي، و جلوگيري از سكته مغزي در بيماران با اختلال ضربان قلب و پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از جراحي ارتوپدي مورد استفاده ميباشد. همانطور كه در پست قبلي ذكر شد در اوايل قرن ١٩٢٠ كشف دارو با مشاهده خونريزي شديد در حيوانات كه شبدر شيرين كپك زده خورده بودند شروع شد و سالها بعد با تلاش ٦ ساله اقاي لينك شيمي دان امريكايي مشخص كرد كه ماده خونريزي دهنده داي كومرال است وابتدا به عنوان مرگ موش و سپس به عنوان اولين داروي ضد لخته خوراكي در سال ١٩٥٤ مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. ورفارين داروي بسيار موثر ولي همراه با سه ضعف عمده است. ضعف اول خونريزي بود كه براي كنترل آن نياز به آزمايش انعقادي حدود ماهي يك بار ( پروترامبين و يا همان اي ان ار INR) دارد و بر حسب آن مقدار ورفارين كم و يا زياد ميشود. ضعف دوم دارو متغير بودن اثر ضد انعقادي در افراد مختلف و حساسيت آن به رژيم غذايي و ساير داروهاي مصرفي و حتي نوسان فصلي. ضعف سوم تاخير دو سه روزه در اغاز اثر ضد انعقادي بود كه لازم بود براي پوشش آن زمان از هپارين تزريقي با اثر سريع استفاده شود. نكات مثبت ورفارين موثر بودن، ارزاني، و سابقه طولاني اشنايي با اين دارو ميباشد. در دو دهه اخير سعي فراوان براي پيدا كردن داروهاي ضد انعقادي جديد خوراكي با اثر سريع و بدون نياز به كنترل ازمايشگاهي و احتمالآ با خطر كمتر خونريزي انجام شده است. اولين انها زايملاگتران ximeglatran داروي بازدارنده مستقيم فاكتور انعقادي ٢ يا ترومبين كه در اروپا در سال ٢٠٠٦ مجوز گرفت، بود ولي در سال ٢٠٠٨ به دليل عوارض كبدي از بازار خارج شد ولي در همان سال دابيگتران Dabigatran براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از عمل تعويض مفصل ران كه بازدارنده فاكتور ٢ است، مجوز گرفت. داروهاي بعدي كه وارد بازار شدند اثر بازدارنده فاكتور انعقادي ١٠ داشتند كه اولش ريوراكسوبان Rivaroxaban بود كه در سال ٢٠٠٨ براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي در بيماران تعويض مفصل ران مجوز گرفت ولي بعدآ براي استفاده هاي ديگر مجوز گرفت. دومين داروي بعدي با همين اثر اپاكسيبان Apixiban بود كه در سال ٢٠١١ مجوز گرفت. سومين دارو اداكسوبن Edoxaban ميباشد كه اول در ژاپن و سپس در امريكا و اروپا در سال ٢٠١٥ مجوز گرفت. #ورفارين#rivaroxaban #مقايسه#دكتربهزادجزايري
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 3 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: ریواروکسابان چیست؟ #ریواروکسابان# (#Rivaroxaban#) با نام تجاری #زارلتو# (#Xarelto#) یک داروی ضد انعقاد (رقیق کننده خون) است که مانع از تشکیل لخته خون می شود. ریواروکسابان برای جلوگیری و یا درمان یک نوع لخته خون، به نام ترومبوز ورید عمقی (DVT)، که می تواند به لخته شدن خون در ریه ها (آمبولی ریوی) شود استفاده می شود.DVT می تواند پس از انواع خاصی از عمل جراحی رخ دهد. ریواروکسابان نیز در افراد مبتلا به فیبریلاسیون دهلیزی (یک نوع اختلال ریتم قلب) استفاده می شود و به کاهش خطر سکته مغزی ناشی از لخته خون کمک میکند. توضیحات دارو : نام ژنریک: ریواروکسابان (Rivaroxaban) نام تجاری: زارلتو (Xarelto) کلاس درمانی: ضد انعقاد کلاس دارویی: فاکتور Xa بازدارنده نکات مهم قبل از مصرف دارو : مطمئن شوید که شما با خیال آسوده می ​​توانید این دارو را استفاده نمایید، اگر شما دارای هر یک از شرایط زیر می باشید با پزشک خود در جریان بگذارید : —  سابقه بیماری های کلیوی و کبدی ریواروکسابان ممکن است خونریزی شما را بیشتر کند ، به خصوص اگر شما : اختلالات خونریزی ارثی یا ناشی از بیماری . سکته هموراژیک . فشار خون کنترل نشده بالا . خونریزی یا زخم معده یا روده . مصرف برخی از داروها مانند آسپرین، هپارین، وارفارین (کومادین ، Jantoven ) ، و یا کلوپیدوگرل ( پلاویکس ) .
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 4 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: #isth2017 #berlin #bayer #rivaroxaban
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 5 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Just had my very first #rivaroxaban #xarelto! Really hoping this suits me as I really really don’t want to go back to #warfarin. A simple change in meditation means so much for my life – no more constant monitoring and blood tests for one!
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 6 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Professor Eugene Braunwald from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US spoke with Afzal Sohaib to discuss Cardiovascular Outcomes for People Using Anticoagulation Strategies (COMPASS) at ESC 2017, a potentially game-changing trial in cardiovascular medicine. Visit http://ift.tt/2A7OOfy for the interview #medicaljournal #medicalstudents #heart #cme #compass #asprin #esc17 #barcelona #brighamandwomenshospital #eugenebraunwald #rivaroxaban #aspirin
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 7 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Yesterday I spent 4 hours coughing up bile and blood. It was hard to breathe through the pain from the coughing fits. My medications had been altered again and my pain level shot up to post surgery level for hours. Finally they got a doctor up to prescribe the sub cutaneous injections again, and the pain level went down though I began to pass out, wake up and cough up grossness, and pass out again. At bedtime they almost gave me an overdose of my own medication as it had been inputted into the system wrong and was at 4x the level of what it should have been. Thank goodness mother noticed this, as I would not have and it would have been very dangerous. Today: A speech pathologist is coming in to assess me. A CT angiogram has been ordered and will be done either today or tomorrow. I am losing weight steadily and am down at 86lbs now. The sub cutaneous injections are helping so much with my pain, so I’m glad that is being managed. Im exhausted, and so hungry and thirsty but cannot eat or drink anything. I really hope they find what is causing this in the next couple of days.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 8 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: My line up for the next couple weeks…yes, that is a purple pill organizer. Find the fun and beauty in life, right? #laceylee #purple #pillorganizer #dexamethasone #pantoprazol #xarelto #rivaroxaban
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 9 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: I am in critical care at Toronto Western. Issues we are addressing: inability to eat or drink without vomiting. Pain is unmanageable at home even with tylenol, tramadol and morphine. Extreme weight loss. They have started with bloodwork, and have put in an IV for fluids. They have told me not to take any more medications as of yet until they figure out what treatment route they want to go. We have done an EKG and are waiting on a doctor.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
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bdblady · 5 years
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One day over this weekend while taking care of errands I ended up walking 1.3 miles! That’s over 3,000 steps in triple degree heat! . . Of course I’m excited that I made my first mile in ages if not years. I ended up spending the next day in bed. . For many a mile is a snap. For many like myself with #invisibleillness such as #degenerativediscdisease | #neuropathy | #myoclonicseizures | #spondylosis | #fibromyalgia amongst other things... that 1 mile consisting of 5 stores can feel like ten miles! . In every store we get a 🛒 so that I can push it—it becomes my walker for lack of better term. Each trip, I use it to get what I need, keep me upright, and ease the pressure off my lower back and hips. So how I walk when I first walked in, and how I walk when I’m walking out of the store are usually two vastly different speeds and eases. . My advice for anyone who has issues like myself is to go at a steady pace. Do not rush, it makes things worse. Rely on a 🛒 or electric cart if you need to. Don’t let stared bother you; they have their own drama. Don’t forget to use your #spoons . . What do you do to help yourself get around? Tell me 👇🏻 in the comments! . . #illness #invisibleillness #walking #walkingproblems #migraines #spasms #seizures #blogger #instagram #blog https://www.instagram.com/p/BxHldAcFpTh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=132q96is07cah
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aioinstagram · 7 years
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Rivaroxaban Johnson Johnson Bayer Philadelphia is Trendingon 6 Dec 2017 http://ift.tt/2B6gcut
Top 10 articles about Rivaroxaban:
A Whopping Xarelto Verdict Landed The Same Day Philadelphia Was Called A Johnson amp; Johnson, Bayer Hit with $28 Million Xarelto Verdict Jury Orders Bayer, Jamp;J to Pay $28 Million in Xarelto Lawsuit Jury orders Bayer, Jamp;J to pay US$28m in Xarelto lawsuit Jamp;J, Bayer lose first Xarelto bleeding case, hit with $28M verdict Bayer, Johnson amp; Johnson Ordered to Pay $27.8 Million in Xarelto Lawsuit -Reuters Jury orders Bayer, Jamp;J to pay $29 million in Xarelto lawsuit (BAYN, JNJ) German stocks – Factors to watch on December 6 Jamp;J, Bayer ordered to pay $28 million in first Xarelto loss Jury orders Bayer, Jamp;J to pay $28 million
Trending Images of Rivaroxaban on Instagram:
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 1 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: ریواروکسابان Rivaroxaban . . . ریواروکسابان با نام های تجاری Xalerban، Xarelto و Axabin به شکل قرصهای 10، 15 و 20mg در بازار دارویی ایران موجود است. موارد مصرف: درمان ترومبوآمبولی وریدهای عمقی اندامها (DVT)و آمبولی ریه: 15 میلی گرم دوبار در روز به مدت 3 هفته اول شروع درمان و پس از آن 20 میلی گرم یک بار در روز تجویز می شود. پیشگیری از ترومبوآمبولی وریدی (VTE) در بیمارانی که تحت عمل جراحی تعویض زانو یا لگن قرار گرفتهاند :  ۱۰ میلی گرم  یک بار در روز، برای بیماران تحت عمل جراحی لگن، طول مدت درمان ۵ هفته و برای بیماران تحت عمل جراحی بزرگ زانو، مدت زمان درمان ۲ هفته توصیه میشود. پیشگیری از ��کته های مغزی در افراد مبتلا به فیبریلاسیون دهلیزی (AF) : 20 میلی گرم یک بار در روز و در صورتی که بیمار دچار مشکلات کلیوی باشد دوز 15 میلیگرم یک بار در روز. مکانیسم اثر: ریواروکسابان یکی از داروهای نسل جدید ضدانعقادها است که اثر خود را از طریق مهار فاکتور Xa در مسیر آبشار انعقادی اعمال میکند. از آنجا که اثر مهاری ریواروکسابان در آبشار انعقادی به طور مستقیم و بدون تأثیر عوامل دیگر صورت میگیرد، این اثر پایدار و قابل پیشبینی است. در نتیجه برخلاف نسل قدیمی داروهای ضدانعقاد (وارفارین)، زالربان (Xalerban) به طور معمول نیازی به پایش آزمایشات انعقاد خون و تنظیم دوز ندارد. عوارض دارویی: خونریزی در دوزهای بالا کهخونریزیهای خطرناک (بهویژه خونریزی مغزی و دیگر خونریزیهای کشنده) در ریواروکسابان نسبت به داروهای دیگر کمتر ولی میزان خونریزی گوارشی در مصرف ریواروکسابان اندکی بیشتر از وارفارین است. مصرف در بارداری و شیردهی: در بارداری رده C و در شیردهی ممنون است. مزایا: نحوه مصرف خوراکی و یکبار در روز آن مهمترین مزیت زالربان در مقایسه با وارفارین و عدم نیاز به پایش مداوم تستهای انعقادی، تداخلات بسیار کمتر دارویی و غذایی، و عوارض کمتر خونریزی دهنده در مقایسه با وارفارین. برگرفته از نوشته های خانم دکتر نظری #Rivaroxaban #Xalerban #Axabin #Xarelto
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 2 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: بيشتر از ٧٠ سال است كه داروي ورفارين به عنوان داروي ضد لخته در درمان ترومبوز وريدي و امبولي ريوي، جلوگيري از ترومبوز و امبولي شرياني در بيماران با دريچه مصنوعي قلبي، و جلوگيري از سكته مغزي در بيماران با اختلال ضربان قلب و پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از جراحي ارتوپدي مورد استفاده ميباشد. همانطور كه در پست قبلي ذكر شد در اوايل قرن ١٩٢٠ كشف دارو با مشاهده خونريزي شديد در حيوانات كه شبدر شيرين كپك زده خورده بودند شروع شد و سالها بعد با تلاش ٦ ساله اقاي لينك شيمي دان امريكايي مشخص كرد كه ماده خونريزي دهنده داي كومرال است وابتدا به عنوان مرگ موش و سپس به عنوان اولين داروي ضد لخته خوراكي در سال ١٩٥٤ مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. ورفارين داروي بسيار موثر ولي همراه با سه ضعف عمده است. ضعف اول خونريزي بود كه براي كنترل آن نياز به آزمايش انعقادي حدود ماهي يك بار ( پروترامبين و يا همان اي ان ار INR) دارد و بر حسب آن مقدار ورفارين كم و يا زياد ميشود. ضعف دوم دارو متغير بودن اثر ضد انعقادي در افراد مختلف و حساسيت آن به رژيم غذايي و ساير داروهاي مصرفي و حتي نوسان فصلي. ضعف سوم تاخير دو سه روزه در اغاز اثر ضد انعقادي بود كه لازم بود براي پوشش آن زمان از هپارين تزريقي با اثر سريع استفاده شود. نكات مثبت ورفارين موثر بودن، ارزاني، و سابقه طولاني اشنايي با اين دارو ميباشد. در دو دهه اخير سعي فراوان براي پيدا كردن داروهاي ضد انعقادي جديد خوراكي با اثر سريع و بدون نياز به كنترل ازمايشگاهي و احتمالآ با خطر كمتر خونريزي انجام شده است. اولين انها زايملاگتران ximeglatran داروي بازدارنده مستقيم فاكتور انعقادي ٢ يا ترومبين كه در اروپا در سال ٢٠٠٦ مجوز گرفت، بود ولي در سال ٢٠٠٨ به دليل عوارض كبدي از بازار خارج شد ولي در همان سال دابيگتران Dabigatran براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از عمل تعويض مفصل ران كه بازدارنده فاكتور ٢ است، مجوز گرفت. داروهاي بعدي كه وارد بازار شدند اثر بازدارنده فاكتور انعقادي ١٠ داشتند كه اولش ريوراكسوبان Rivaroxaban بود كه در سال ٢٠٠٨ براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي در بيماران تعويض مفصل ران مجوز گرفت ولي بعدآ براي استفاده هاي ديگر مجوز گرفت. دومين داروي بعدي با همين اثر اپاكسيبان Apixiban بود كه در سال ٢٠١١ مجوز گرفت. سومين دارو اداكسوبن Edoxaban ميباشد كه اول در ژاپن و سپس در امريكا و اروپا در سال ٢٠١٥ مجوز گرفت. #ورفارين#rivaroxaban #مقايسه#دكتربهزادجزايري
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 3 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: ریواروکسابان چیست؟ #ریواروکسابان# (#Rivaroxaban#) با نام تجاری #زارلتو# (#Xarelto#) یک داروی ضد انعقاد (رقیق کننده خون) است که مانع از تشکیل لخته خون می شود. ریواروکسابان برای جلوگیری و یا درمان یک نوع لخته خون، به نام ترومبوز ورید عمقی (DVT)، که می تواند به لخته شدن خون در ریه ها (آمبولی ریوی) شود استفاده می شود.DVT می تواند پس از انواع خاصی از عمل جراحی رخ دهد. ریواروکسابان نیز در افراد مبتلا به فیبریلاسیون دهلیزی (یک نوع اختلال ریتم قلب) استفاده می شود و به کاهش خطر سکته مغزی ناشی از لخته خون کمک میکند. توضیحات دارو : نام ژنریک: ریواروکسابان (Rivaroxaban) نام تجاری: زارلتو (Xarelto) کلاس درمانی: ضد انعقاد کلاس دارویی: فاکتور Xa بازدارنده نکات مهم قبل از مصرف دارو : مطمئن شوید که شما با خیال آسوده می ​​توانید این دارو را استفاده نمایید، اگر شما دارای هر یک از شرایط زیر می باشید با پزشک خود در جریان بگذارید : —  سابقه بیماری های کلیوی و کبدی ریواروکسابان ممکن است خونریزی شما را بیشتر کند ، به خصوص اگر شما : اختلالات خونریزی ارثی یا ناشی از بیماری . سکته هموراژیک . فشار خون کنترل نشده بالا . خونریزی یا زخم معده یا روده . مصرف برخی از داروها مانند آسپرین، هپارین، وارفارین (کومادین ، Jantoven ) ، و یا کلوپیدوگرل ( پلاویکس ) .
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 4 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: #isth2017 #berlin #bayer #rivaroxaban
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 5 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Just had my very first #rivaroxaban #xarelto! Really hoping this suits me as I really really don’t want to go back to #warfarin. A simple change in meditation means so much for my life – no more constant monitoring and blood tests for one!
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 6 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Professor Eugene Braunwald from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US spoke with Afzal Sohaib to discuss Cardiovascular Outcomes for People Using Anticoagulation Strategies (COMPASS) at ESC 2017, a potentially game-changing trial in cardiovascular medicine. Visit http://ift.tt/2A7OOfy for the interview #medicaljournal #medicalstudents #heart #cme #compass #asprin #esc17 #barcelona #brighamandwomenshospital #eugenebraunwald #rivaroxaban #aspirin
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 7 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Yesterday I spent 4 hours coughing up bile and blood. It was hard to breathe through the pain from the coughing fits. My medications had been altered again and my pain level shot up to post surgery level for hours. Finally they got a doctor up to prescribe the sub cutaneous injections again, and the pain level went down though I began to pass out, wake up and cough up grossness, and pass out again. At bedtime they almost gave me an overdose of my own medication as it had been inputted into the system wrong and was at 4x the level of what it should have been. Thank goodness mother noticed this, as I would not have and it would have been very dangerous. Today: A speech pathologist is coming in to assess me. A CT angiogram has been ordered and will be done either today or tomorrow. I am losing weight steadily and am down at 86lbs now. The sub cutaneous injections are helping so much with my pain, so I’m glad that is being managed. Im exhausted, and so hungry and thirsty but cannot eat or drink anything. I really hope they find what is causing this in the next couple of days.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 8 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: I have been officially admitted to Toronto Western Hospital. We are hoping that in my stay we will be able to do new ultrasounds, CT scans and motility tests. Fingers crossed this will get us in to see a gastro doctor much faster. For now I am keeping up with my pain medications and sleeping a lot. My body is exhausted, running off of 88lbs does not give you much energy! Phew.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 9 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: My line up for the next couple weeks…yes, that is a purple pill organizer. Find the fun and beauty in life, right? #laceylee #purple #pillorganizer #dexamethasone #pantoprazol #xarelto #rivaroxaban
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aioinstagram · 7 years
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Rivaroxaban, Bayer, Johnson Johnson, is Trending on 5 Dec 2017 http://ift.tt/2AZpGrI
Top 5 articles about Rivaroxaban:
Philly jury delivers $28M hit to Jamp;J and Bayer over blood thinner Xarelto Jury Orders Bayer, Jamp;J to Pay $28 Million in Xarelto Lawsuit Phila. Jury Slams Makers of Xarelto With $27.8M Verdict BREAKING: Jamp;J, Bayer Hit With $28M Verdict In 1st Xarelto Loss UPDATE 1-Jury orders Bayer, Jamp;J to pay $28 million in Xarelto lawsuit
Trending Images of Rivaroxaban on Instagram:
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 1 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: With MMMC reps for the NOAC Workshop #bayer #rivaroxaban #Xarelto #productiveweekend #unemployed
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 2 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: بيشتر از ٧٠ سال است كه داروي ورفارين به عنوان داروي ضد لخته در درمان ترومبوز وريدي و امبولي ريوي، جلوگيري از ترومبوز و امبولي شرياني در بيماران با دريچه مصنوعي قلبي، و جلوگيري از سكته مغزي در بيماران با اختلال ضربان قلب و پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از جراحي ارتوپدي مورد استفاده ميباشد. همانطور كه در پست قبلي ذكر شد در اوايل قرن ١٩٢٠ كشف دارو با مشاهده خونريزي شديد در حيوانات كه شبدر شيرين كپك زده خورده بودند شروع شد و سالها بعد با تلاش ٦ ساله اقاي لينك شيمي دان امريكايي مشخص كرد كه ماده خونريزي دهنده داي كومرال است وابتدا به عنوان مرگ موش و سپس به عنوان اولين داروي ضد لخته خوراكي در سال ١٩٥٤ مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. ورفارين داروي بسيار موثر ولي همراه با سه ضعف عمده است. ضعف اول خونريزي بود كه براي كنترل آن نياز به آزمايش انعقادي حدود ماهي يك بار ( پروترامبين و يا همان اي ان ار INR) دارد و بر حسب آن مقدار ورفارين كم و يا زياد ميشود. ضعف دوم دارو متغير بودن اثر ضد انعقادي در افراد مختلف و حساسيت آن به رژيم غذايي و ساير داروهاي مصرفي و حتي نوسان فصلي. ضعف سوم تاخير دو سه روزه در اغاز اثر ضد انعقادي بود كه لازم بود براي پوشش آن زمان از هپارين تزريقي با اثر سريع استفاده شود. نكات مثبت ورفارين موثر بودن، ارزاني، و سابقه طولاني اشنايي با اين دارو ميباشد. در دو دهه اخير سعي فراوان براي پيدا كردن داروهاي ضد انعقادي جديد خوراكي با اثر سريع و بدون نياز به كنترل ازمايشگاهي و احتمالآ با خطر كمتر خونريزي انجام شده است. اولين انها زايملاگتران ximeglatran داروي بازدارنده مستقيم فاكتور انعقادي ٢ يا ترومبين كه در اروپا در سال ٢٠٠٦ مجوز گرفت، بود ولي در سال ٢٠٠٨ به دليل عوارض كبدي از بازار خارج شد ولي در همان سال دابيگتران Dabigatran براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي بعد از عمل تعويض مفصل ران كه بازدارنده فاكتور ٢ است، مجوز گرفت. داروهاي بعدي كه وارد بازار شدند اثر بازدارنده فاكتور انعقادي ١٠ داشتند كه اولش ريوراكسوبان Rivaroxaban بود كه در سال ٢٠٠٨ براي پيشگيري از لخته وريدي در بيماران تعويض مفصل ران مجوز گرفت ولي بعدآ براي استفاده هاي ديگر مجوز گرفت. دومين داروي بعدي با همين اثر اپاكسيبان Apixiban بود كه در سال ٢٠١١ مجوز گرفت. سومين دارو اداكسوبن Edoxaban ميباشد كه اول در ژاپن و سپس در امريكا و اروپا در سال ٢٠١٥ مجوز گرفت. #ورفارين#rivaroxaban #مقايسه#دكتربهزادجزايري
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 3 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: ریواروکسابان چیست؟ #ریواروکسابان# (#Rivaroxaban#) با نام تجاری #زارلتو# (#Xarelto#) یک داروی ضد انعقاد (رقیق کننده خون) است که مانع از تشکیل لخته خون می شود. ریواروکسابان برای جلوگیری و یا درمان یک نوع لخته خون، به نام ترومبوز ورید عمقی (DVT)، که می تواند به لخته شدن خون در ریه ها (آمبولی ریوی) شود استفاده می شود.DVT می تواند پس از انواع خاصی از عمل جراحی رخ دهد. ریواروکسابان نیز در افراد مبتلا به فیبریلاسیون دهلیزی (یک نوع اختلال ریتم قلب) استفاده می شود و به کاهش خطر سکته مغزی ناشی از لخته خون کمک میکند. توضیحات دارو : نام ژنریک: ریواروکسابان (Rivaroxaban) نام تجاری: زارلتو (Xarelto) کلاس درمانی: ضد انعقاد کلاس دارویی: فاکتور Xa بازدارنده نکات مهم قبل از مصرف دارو : مطمئن شوید که شما با خیال آسوده می ​​توانید این دارو را استفاده نمایید، اگر شما دارای هر یک از شرایط زیر می باشید با پزشک خود در جریان بگذارید : —  سابقه بیماری های کلیوی و کبدی ریواروکسابان ممکن است خونریزی شما را بیشتر کند ، به خصوص اگر شما : اختلالات خونریزی ارثی یا ناشی از بیماری . سکته هموراژیک . فشار خون کنترل نشده بالا . خونریزی یا زخم معده یا روده . مصرف برخی از داروها مانند آسپرین، هپارین، وارفارین (کومادین ، Jantoven ) ، و یا کلوپیدوگرل ( پلاویکس ) .
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 4 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: #isth2017 #berlin #bayer #rivaroxaban
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 5 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Just had my very first #rivaroxaban #xarelto! Really hoping this suits me as I really really don’t want to go back to #warfarin. A simple change in meditation means so much for my life – no more constant monitoring and blood tests for one!
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 6 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Professor Eugene Braunwald from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, US spoke with Afzal Sohaib to discuss Cardiovascular Outcomes for People Using Anticoagulation Strategies (COMPASS) at ESC 2017, a potentially game-changing trial in cardiovascular medicine. Visit http://ift.tt/2A7OOfy for the interview #medicaljournal #medicalstudents #heart #cme #compass #asprin #esc17 #barcelona #brighamandwomenshospital #eugenebraunwald #rivaroxaban #aspirin
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 7 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: Yesterday I spent 4 hours coughing up bile and blood. It was hard to breathe through the pain from the coughing fits. My medications had been altered again and my pain level shot up to post surgery level for hours. Finally they got a doctor up to prescribe the sub cutaneous injections again, and the pain level went down though I began to pass out, wake up and cough up grossness, and pass out again. At bedtime they almost gave me an overdose of my own medication as it had been inputted into the system wrong and was at 4x the level of what it should have been. Thank goodness mother noticed this, as I would not have and it would have been very dangerous. Today: A speech pathologist is coming in to assess me. A CT angiogram has been ordered and will be done either today or tomorrow. I am losing weight steadily and am down at 86lbs now. The sub cutaneous injections are helping so much with my pain, so I’m glad that is being managed. Im exhausted, and so hungry and thirsty but cannot eat or drink anything. I really hope they find what is causing this in the next couple of days.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 8 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: My line up for the next couple weeks…yes, that is a purple pill organizer. Find the fun and beauty in life, right? #laceylee #purple #pillorganizer #dexamethasone #pantoprazol #xarelto #rivaroxaban
This Rivaroxaban’s photo Trending 9 on Instagram, Photo credit to Instagram
Description: I am in critical care at Toronto Western. Issues we are addressing: inability to eat or drink without vomiting. Pain is unmanageable at home even with tylenol, tramadol and morphine. Extreme weight loss. They have started with bloodwork, and have put in an IV for fluids. They have told me not to take any more medications as of yet until they figure out what treatment route they want to go. We have done an EKG and are waiting on a doctor.. . . . . . . . . . #eds #edstype3 #ehlersdanlossyndrome #hypermobility #type3 #intersticialcystitis #ic #ibs #myoclonicseizures #potssyndrome #pots #fragmentedsleep #sleepdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia #concussion #failuretothrive #ftt #bloodthinner #rivaroxaban #medication #cymbalta #sublinox #nabilone #ibs #domperidone #seroquel #buscopan #tramadol #tectra
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