#nature jadd
lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
The Perfect Gift
Book: The Royal Romance Book 1
Pairing: Kiara Theron & Prince Liam (platonic), Kiara Theron & Hana Lee (currently platonic). Brief mention of Liam x MC.
Rating: G
Summary: Six different suitors, six different Coronation Day gifts. Kiara Thorne watches as each suitor gives Prince Liam their gift, and wonders at the bonds they all share with him.
Word Count: 2,677+ words
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW
A/N: Isn't it the most awful coincidence that the two people whose coronation gifts to Liam we never get to see are Hana and Kiara? (and yes I say coincidence with a tone heavily dripping in sarcasm) 🤔
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The perfect gift, Kiara's Jadde had told her once, would have a little bit of the giver, a little thought for what the reciever loves, may hold a tinge of a shared memory, but must be given with a pure heart.
And even though she knows no one else would care much about what she has to offer for the Prince anymore...a small part of her still hopes his face lights up when he sees it.
Kiara sighs. Perhaps...perhaps a month ago this wouldn't have mattered all that much. Before this social season began Prince Liam was little more than a boy she'd known too long ago, a faraway, gosammer-thin memory of a friendship she barely even remembered. She would compete for the Prince's hand, indulge in inconsequential chatter, hopefully get far enough in the competition to be recognised as someone to watch out for, he would eventually find someone he liked far more, she would go back to focusing on things that mattered.
Something changed in that first meeting as a suitor with Liam.
His one hand was careful and measured at the base of her spine, the other holding delicately the palm of her hand. His back was ramrod straight. The dance steps were slow, practiced, impersonal. The smile was not.
"Lady Kiara," his voice was deep and quite grudgingly amused, "I was wondering if you still play football."
Kiara looked back, eyes wide. "Forgive me, Your Highness," she said when she realized she'd been staring at him rather than answering the question, "I was surprised anyone had remembered."
"You handing us our posterièurs on the daily - at the football field and the hedge maze - was immensely memorable, I would say," he quipped, his eyes glinting with humour. It took almost five years off of his face.
Rather taken by the vivid image he presented to her - an image of her as a young girl that she only faintly remembered - made her break out into delighted laughter. And the laughing reminder released its own floodgates of youthful, silly little memories. Oh dear, she thought immediately. She had to get herself under control so her laughter wouldn't sound too loud and scare the poor man away.
She didn't see herself having a relationship with this man even then, every bit as much as he did. The kind of women she desired may be of a far wider range, but she knew she was woefully specific in the type of man that set her pulse racing.
But by the end of the night, there was no doubt in her mind that they'd shared a bond once - a beautiful bond that they both delighted in - and she knew the kind Prince wanted to renew it as much as she did.
They didn't have as much time to renew their friendship as they would have liked, but Kiara doesn't begrudge Prince Liam that. Such is the nature of a social season where the heir to the throne is to pick a spouse. Once you're out of the running, you no longer had the right to request their company, and any public attempts from them to engage with you would be deemed an insult to the frontrunners.
Kiara chose her pockets of time with him carefully when she was still in the competition, then took great pains not to directly approach him once she was out of it. He was under no obligation to approach her, or Penelope, or Hana - but he did, and his exchanges with her were always affable and warm. He'd even teased her about her childhood passion for chicken tagine, telling her his favourite one was on the menu that night and giving her the most mischievous, shit-eating grin as he did.
Kiara is first in line, and she knows her offering may set the tone for the rest.
She truly hopes he will like her gift. Not just because it will be mentioned in the papers the next day, not just for the accolades from the public her House will gain if the gift wins the new King's favour. Prince Liam just has the brightest smile on his face when he sees something that sparks his interest, and she must admit - she has grown rather fond of it.
"Good evening, Your Highness," Kiara says, with a curtsey, "Congratulations on your Coronation tonight."
"Good evening, Lady Kiara," the Prince returns her greeting, with an encouraging smile that belies the formality of his words. "It is an honour to have House Thorne grace us with their presence this illustrious evening."
"You are far too kind, Your Highness." Like all the others, her gift is not wrapped in tinsel paper - that would be too much of a hassle for both the Crown Prince and their palace staff; besides, the event will be too packed for one to waste time on unwrapping multiple gifts.
Liam's smile is one of warm recognition as he slowly reads the title of the book Kiara has brought for him.
"Culinary Travailes Across Cordonia..." he whispers, "authored by Artemisia Fierro and Sofonisba Vescovi...holy apples!! This is such a rare edition of that book! I've been looking for it for ages, ever since..."
Ever since you found it listed on the bibliography for your mother's university thesis. I know. Her mother had mentioned that thesis - and this book in particular - often over the years, and only recently let it slip that both she and Signor Francesco de Rosa, the Italian statesman who never fails to pay Castelserraillan a visit everytime he comes to Cordonia, have a copy each of the first draft Queen Eleanor had ever made of it. To be honest, that was the gift Kiara hoped to give Prince Liam, but it was hidden too deep for her to find in time.
Besides, Maman had said, dolefully, almost to herself, we're no longer close enough to the royal family, to know whose values the Crown Prince would subscribe to more: King Constantine's...or Ellie's.
But from the few moments they have spent in each other's company, Kiara has a feeling she knows the answer to her mother's question - an answer that Maman would likely be delighted and relieved by (even if a bit skeptical). It would be wiser, however, to gauge his reaction to this gift first. If he likes it as much as she is convinced he will, she'll make sure to find that first draft - complete with Auntie Eleanor's notes and scribbled commentary - in time for his wedding.
It's not the best gift she can think of - she knows - and it's far from perfect in her eyes, but seeing his eyes glisten with joy at the sight of something his mother must have read in her youth...she knows she made the right choice for today.
As she moves away from the line of suitors, she makes it a point to stay somewhere where she won't be noticed, but can still get to see the gifts that follow. It wouldn't hurt to sate her curiosity a bit.
Penelope is next, with a gem-encrusted poodle. Liam's expression doesn't change as he thanks her for the offering, though there is a glimmer of amusement in his eyes when the Portaviran suitor indicates that she has the lady of the pair, and that she hopes he will think of her when he sees the gift. I'm sure I could think of no one else, she can imagine him saying.
Kiara isn't entirely surprised by what Penelope has chosen - in the time they've come closer, Kiara has lost count of the number of ways Penelope could thrust forward the topic of poodles in a conversation. Penelope is sweet, but a lot of what she does and how she acts is centered around her desires and her comfort. She can just imagine the thought that went into this gift: I'll give him something I like. Besides, who wouldn't like poodles?
Kiara sighs. If what Countess Madeleine said today at dinner about an engagement tour is true...it's going to be a long, long one, filled to bursting with every poodle story known to humankind.
The Countess herself is up next, with a tasteful offering of diamond cufflinks. Elegant, sophisticated. Kiara smiles at the gift until she notes the lack of genuine emotion on Prince Liam's face, the slightest tinge of discomfort on his face. He presents multiple openings for the Countess to close the conversation and allow the next person to step forward, but Madeleine seems intent on demanding more of his time.
Fed up of waiting for this particular frontrunner to take a hint and leave, Kiara moves her gaze to the remaining suitors. Somewhere at the back of the line, she can see Duchess Olivia engaged in an argument - yet again! - with a rather perplexed Lady Esther. Whatever it is they're discussing, Lady Esther seems to have no clue about whatever Lady Olivia may be accusing her of, and after a moment's flicker of confusion the Duchess' expression softens. Kiara doesn't know what to make of the exchange; can't be much besides another skirmish between two suitors emotionally invested in the same man, perhaps.
Bored, Kiara stares back at the diamond cufflinks on the Prince's palm. On paper, they are perfect. They embody both the stature of the Amaranths and the illustrious legacy of the Crown...but it is clear both from Liam's disinterest and Madeleine's last-minute attempts to gain belated favour with him, that there was no thought or interest in the man behind the Crown she so wantonly seeks.
Normally, Kiara would respect the single-mindedness of that kind of ambition...but seeing it rest so nakedly in the face of a court veteran makes the (now rather impossible, thank heavens) prospect that she may win...rather distasteful.
Duchess Olivia hurries back to her place in front of Lady Hana, just in time to present her own gift. Kiara does a double-take when she sees an ornate golden box...with the thorns of a cactus peeking out when Liam opens it. She watches carefully as his surprise and confusion melts into an expression of affection; clearly, for whatever reason, he is a little touched by the gift. She wonders if it has anything to do with the old stories she's heard from the palace, the ones about young Olivia being relentlessly teased about her prickly nature, until one day she raised her chin defiantly and owned it.
She didn't expect there to be a touch of something so personal in Olivia's gift - not from a woman so guarded and so afraid of showcasing her more sensitive emotions. Not that Kiara is very fond of emotional displays either - but she's almost always seen Olivia naturally gravitate towards the more aggressive ones. It's a strange gift, the cactus, and although Prince Liam seems to love whatever story Olivia is telling him about it, there is still a flicker of confusion in his eyes. Perhaps he views the thorny plant, and the bond he shares with the Duchess, a little differently from whatever the latter is seeing.
Kiara finds Liam's smile at Lady Hana's gift, an exquisitely handcrafted flute made of violet bamboo, very similar to the one he gave her. She understands why he is so taken by the gift - he is a lover of music, and she has heard often from Maman that the late Queen Eleanor had a guitar she would often strum at picnics in Applewood. She isn't sure how much of a fan the Crown Prince is of flute music, but perhaps his wide grin is a befitting answer to that question.
There is plenty of Hana herself in that gift, Kiara knows - her heritage, her birthplace - but unlike Penelope's, Lady Hana seems to have put at least a measure of thought for the Prince himself into the gift. Like Kiara, Hana's own friendship with him seems to have blossomed - though from the reports and rumours, it seems like friendship is a disappointing, watered-down substitute for what her parents had really hoped would happen. Still, what mattered in the end is what Lady Hana would want, non?
As the last suitor makes her way to the Prince, Kiara sees Hana Lee approach. She smiles. One would have thought it would be hard for anyone to notice her here, but since the day they'd become friends it's become clearer than ever to Kiara that Hana misses nothing. That's how observant she is.
"I'm surprised Penelope hasn't made her way here yet," Hana whispers in Kiara's ear.
Kiara gives her friend a conspirational wink. "The night hasn't even started and she looked exhausted already. Must be at the palace kitchens, trying to convince Anais to let her have some more champagne." She turns to look at Lady Esther now, her gift small enough to fit her palm. "Nice gift, by the way."
Hana laughs. "It's a touch better than our original plans, fortunately."
"And what would that be?"
Hana flushes, but doesn't respond. It has been this way the whole night - every time the topic of her parents or her plans after the Coronation emerges, she clams up and no longer seems to want to be part of the conversation.
Kiara lets it go, for now. Perhaps she will ask Hana after the Coronation festivities are over. She might become far more relaxed then.
The Crown Prince holds up the gift the top frontrunner has gotten him, and Kiara takes a sudden, sharp breath.
A keychain??
The Mystery Woman from House Beaumont, who has been doing so well thus far...who got half the court, most of the public and all the press to back her in her quest to win Prince Liam's hand in marriage...is giving the future King of Cordonia a fucking keychain? A thing she likely grabbed off of the cashier's side-rack at the airport giftshop??
And stranger still - it's of an American monument - not even one that represents Cordonia?
Kiara has long known audacity to be Lady Esther's middle name, and perhaps the one quality that has served her well enough to get her this far in the competition, but this is ridiculous.
But perhaps the night has more surprises in store, because Prince Liam's reaction to the gift is a sight to behold. His eyes take on an eerie, almost-sparkling quality as he holds the keychain on his palm, his lips slightly parted. There is a quiet fire in Lady Esther's eyes as she gazes at him, holding up a keychain of her own - a tiny replica of a Cordonian Ruby.
"Wow," Hana whispers. "She's giving him a part of her home, and letting him know that she keeps with her a part of his."
It's a description so unflinchingly romantic, that even Kiara - who normally can't stand dramatic, cheesy romance - has to sigh.
Liam tucks the keychain of the Statue of Liberty inside his breast pocket, his hand lingering over his heart for more than a few seconds. Smiling, the world in her eyes, her gaze never leaving his, Esther places hers in the matching red clutch she had likely bought with her outfit.
Kiara and Hana look away almost at the same time. It's a moment so shockingly intimate, that Kiara suddenly feels like an intruder.
She knows immediately that Hana's reasons are different - the redness on her cheeks and the unshed tears, give her feelings away.
Hana leaves without another word. Kiara stands in the same place, ruminating over what she has just seen, and how easily she had forgotten her own grandfather's words.
A piece of the giver. Affection for the reciever. Shared memories. Offered from the heart.
Who knew, Kiara tells herself as she finally leaves to join the procession to the ballroom, that an object smaller than the center of your palm could tick all of those boxes?
This must be what true love feels like, Kiara thinks. To find joy in things no one else would look twice at. She isn't sure how many people are fortunate enough to find something like that in their lifetimes.
But if she can think of one person who more than deserves it, it is Liam. The future King of Cordonia. The boy who was warm and open and spirited, the man who is charming and affable yet guarded.
Her old friend.
Jadde - Darija for grandfather
Posterièurs - French for posterier
• This fic makes references to Chapter 3 of Eleanor's Kitchen, which explores both Liam and Kiara's friendship as children, and Joëlle and Hakim's friendships with Eleanor and Constantine. For context, Eleanor, Joëlle and Francesco de Rosa (the Italian statesman from TRR2 and 3) studied in university in the same year, and Constantine and Hakim were their seniors. Eleanor did a thesis in gastrodiplomacy.
• Artemisia Fierro and Sofonisba Vescovi are my versions of Hunter and Kayden respectively from TRM. I speak more about them in this HC about Castelserraillan.
• Hana's gift on Liam's Coronation was mentioned in Part 2 of With A Little Help From My Friends. No canon mentions have ever been made of either Kiara's nor Hana's gifts for the occasion, so the headcanons for both are all my own.
• In Part 1 of my short fic duo, Keychains, Esther buys a keychain of the Cordonian Ruby apple along with the one of the Statue of Liberty, the latter of which is gifted to Liam as per (optional) canon. I reference the same at the end of this story.
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semacrea · 3 years
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📡 N’oubliez pas que demain je poste le sixième épisode des aventures des cinq silhouettes ! 📡🎐
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scarletarosa · 4 years
Arabian Deities List
A list of the pagan gods who were worshipped by the Pre-Islamic Arabs. Much of the evidence of these deities and their worshippers were destroyed during the rise of Islam, but this is the majority of those remembered:
Elder Gods:
Allah - the supreme deity (both male and female) of the pagan Arabs. Allah is the one who existed before all things and had created the universe. Afterwards, they retired into the position of a silent and remote spectator who dwelt in 'Aliyyin, the highest heaven, and only intervened in human affairs in extreme cases of drought or danger. Despite being the supreme deity, Allah was rarely directly worshipped.
Al-Lat - goddess of war, peace, combat, and prosperity. Al-lat was the Meccan mother goddess and the chief deity of the tribe of Banu Thaqif. She is one of the three daughters of Allah- all of whom were the supreme goddesses of the Arabs and were widely worshipped. 
Al-Uzza - goddess of might, protection, love, and the planet Venus. One of the three daughters of Allah and wife of Hubal, god of war
Manat - goddess of fate, destiny, and death. She is the eldest of her three sisters (making her the eldest deity after Allah). She is wife of Quzah, the god of thunder.
Younger Gods:
Hubal - god of war, victory in battle, fortune, and rainfall; husband of the goddess Al-Uzza.
Manaf - god of mountains
Quzah - god of storms, thunder, and clouds; husband of Manat. Thunder, said to be the battle-cry of Quzah, was believed to scare away spirits of disease and misfortune. The rainbow that appeared after rain was considered by the people of Mecca to be a ladder to the heavens.
Isaf and Na'ila - Meccan water deities: the dual guardian spirits of the holy well of Zamzam 
Duwar - goddess of maidens; she was worshiped by the youngest women of the Banu Quraysh
Al-Ikrimah - god of fertility; his idol was a statue of a dove carved from aloe wood 
Dhātu-Anwāt - goddess of trees
Suwā - goddess of night, beauty, and freshwater springs
Ar-Rā'iyu ('The One Who Sees') - god of dreams and prophecy. All dreams were considered to be messages from the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia and oracles specialized in interpreting them. This god was believed to be an all-seeing guardian.
Al-Mundhir - a west Arabian god of justice, whose name means ''The Cautioner''
Yaghuth - ("He Helps") the south Arabian god of strength, courage, and war; had an idol that was a statue of a lion which was situated on a hill in Yemen
Yahwah - north Arabian weather god, worshiped as a divine warrior who rides on the clouds and leads the armies of Heaven. In the religion of the Hebrew tribes of ancient Palestine, their deity Yahweh was originally one god among many; although in later times he developed into a major tribal god and eventually the Hebrews elevated him to the status of an all-powerful creator god above all the others: a position that was held previously by El, who became an epithet of Yahweh. 
Bahar (or Bajar) - god of the ocean
Rudā - a central Arabian rain goddess; brought droughts when angered
Nahastāb - a south Arabian fertility god who was worshiped by the Minaean Arabs. This god was associated with serpents who were recognized as omens of bounty and fertile ground.
Su’ayr - north Arabian god of oracles
Al-Jalsad - south Arabian god of pastures and fields
Ashar - north Arabian god of war
Ni'mat - north Arabian goddess of fortune
Hāwlat - goddess of magic and power; patroness of the oases of Dumah and Hejra. The name of the goddess means ''to change (fortunes)'' and ''to avert''.
Abgal - north Arabian tutelary god; god of the desert and the patron of Bedouins and caravan drivers 
Amm’anas - south Arabian god of agriculture
Nasr - god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen. The sacred animal of Nasr, the vulture, was venerated by his worshipers as a totem of insight and sharp character; as well as this, the god represented the hostile and unforgiving aspects of nature, in particular, the desert.
Dhātu-Ba'dan - south Arabian goddess of oases, nature, and the wet season 
Taraha - north Arabian goddess of fortune and prosperity. This goddess was also known as Tadha and was believed to watch over the tombs of the dead. 
Al-Ghurab - god of the dead; his idol was in the form of a raven that was housed in the Ka'aba along with 360 other idols of gods and goddesses. Ravens were sacred to this god as guardians of the spirits of the dead
Kuthrā (''The Most Rich'') - central Arabian goddess of prosperity and fortune
Khomar - south Arabian god of wine and vineyards 
Ya’uq is the south Arabian god of protection and preservation who was associated with swift thought and intelligence 
Salman (or Salim) - god of oases, peace, and harmony. In the religion of the western Semites, Shalim was a god of the underworld and the dusk, and his name 'Shalim' (Peace) was meant as an allegory for the peace of the grave. 
Rahmaw (or Rahmanan) - south Arabian god of mercy and protection, whose mythology was later absorbed into that of the creator god Allah. 
Al-Jadd - god of luck
Jihār - west Arabian god of longevity, wisdom, and marketplaces
Isāt - south Arabian goddess of fire; counterpart to the Canaanite fire goddess Ishat, wife of Moloch
Yurhim - god of joy and happiness 
Harimtu (or 'Athiratan) - south Arabian goddess of fertility; the mother of the gods and the wife of the sky god Ilmaqah
Ilmuqah (also known as Ilumquh and Almaqah) - south Arabian god of the sky and the chief tribal deity of the Sabaean Arabs. He was worshiped as the protector of artificial irrigation and his divine symbol was a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved sickle. Bulls were the sacred animals of Ilmuqah. His name means ''The God Who Gives Health''
Shay al-Qawm - god of war, valour, and the night
Qaynan - god of metalworkers and smiths
Al-Kutbay (or al-Aktab) - god of writing, prophecy and merchants who was the scribe of the gods and recorder of all deeds and events 
Raziqa (or Razeka) - goddess of the earth and fertility who was worshiped by the ancient tribes of Thamud and 'Ād as a provider of food and sustenance.
Nuha (or Nahi) - north Arabian goddess of wisdom and intelligence
Hafidha - goddess of travel and journeys 
Thu'ban - god of snakes; believed to be a giant serpent who guarded the treasures in the well of the Ka'aba of Mecca. 
Celestial Deities:
Hilāl - god of the moon; provided relief and dew for the weary desert nomads and their flocks. The waning crescent moon which was first visible before and after a new moon, heralded the start of Ramadan: this was a sacred time for the pagan Arabs of Mecca and the Hijaz, during which they fasted and feasted.
Shams - goddess of the sun and the chief goddess of the Himyar tribal confederation; believed by the inhabitants of the fertile lands of south Arabia to be a preserver of crops and domestic life, while other tribes with more intense heat viewed her as a destroyer of lands. She was both respected and feared.
Athtar - god of the planet Venus (linked with the Canaanite god Attar).  Athtar is the provider of water and a protector of irrigation systems. His sacred symbol is a spear-point as he is also a war god, and his sacred animal is the Arabian oryx (antelope).
Akhwar - god of righteousness and the planet Jupiter
'Utarid - god of intelligence, learning, writing, eloquence, and Mercury
Azizan (also known as Azizos) is the north Arabian god of the planet Mars who was associated with victory in battle and was depicted as riding on a camel alongside his brother Mun'im
Nakruh - god of the planet Saturn
Dhu’l-Samawi - god of the night sky, the stars, and the constellations whose name translates as "Lord of the Heavens". Bedouin tribes would bring their animals to the shrine of Dhu’l-Samawi when they were injured and they also sent sick people to reside at his shrine in order to receive healing.
Shangilā - north Arabian god of stars
Ash-Shi'rā - goddess of the Sirius star; believed to bestow wealth and good fortune
Ath-Thurayya - goddess of the Pleiades star cluster 
As-Simāk ('The Uplifted One') is a west Arabian star god who was the deification of the star Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes and was worshiped to bring riches, renown and honor. The symbol of the god was the lance (ar-rimah) and was also named as Haris as-Samā', 'the Guardian of Heaven'.
Al-Dabaran (''The Follower'') - god of the star Aldebaran
Underworld Deities: 
Mawt - god of death and sterility; the Arabian counterpart of the Canaanite god Mot; sacred animals of Mawt are owls. After a person died, their soul (nafs) was believed to descend to the land of Mawt, the akhirah; where they lead a calm, yet gloomy, existence as spirits (arwah) and as shades (ashbah). The Arabs believed the Underworld to be neither a place of reward nor punishment, but simply as a state of existence without pain or pleasure that most people would lead as a shabah or shade. But the spirits of priests and powerful and honoured people were believed to ascend to a heavenly otherworld (al-Munqalab) or the sky (as-Sama') itself, where they would enjoy the company of the gods and angels (mala'ikah) and would have power over human affairs in the Dunyā (the material world).
Hawkam - god of justice and the Judge of the Dead 
Ba'alat-Sahra - a north Arabian goddess of the Underworld and the desert; she was an important goddess of the nomadic Semites; known to the Amorite tribe of southern Syria as Belet-Seri, the wife of their chief god Amurru.
Qaysha - south Arabian funerary goddess
Hawran - underworld god who presided over the spirits of disease which he could protect from or send at will as punishment; protected people from the venom of snakes. 
Al-Muharriq - underworld god who was represented as a fierce deity at a red shrine and whose sacred animal was an adult male lion (usamah). Al-Muharriq, like his Babylonian counterpart Nergal, had a wrathful disposition; he was believed to send diseases and plagues if he was angry with the population. The name of the god means ''the Burner'' as he represented the scorching heat of the desert, as well as the heat of disease and fire.
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teefa85 · 3 years
My brain has been running on fumes lately, so I can't think of a specific brotp for the ask meme, come up with one yourself :p
So I’ll go with Hawkeye and Duran.  Because while I don’t ship it, the possibility of their rivalry is hilariously fun!
who steals french fries off the other’s plate...Duran, since he wanted to eat a bit more.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple...Hawkeye did it once or twice, though normally he made a joke about being into someone else while winking at Riesz.  Or embarrassing Duran about his conflicted relationship with Angela.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail...while Hawkeye being a thief and Duran being easy to piss off, both might find their way into jail, though Hawkeye is the more likely person to help both escape (Duran only got out of Jadd because he was dealing with an inept guard).
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues...Hawkeye tries to give Duran advice about how best to court Angela, though as Duran barely realizes he likes her in that way he doesn’t figure it out.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes...Duran, being the more competitive one.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk...Duran, also due to his competitive nature.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights...Duran starts them, Hawkeye uses brains over brawn to win.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush...Hawkeye, just Hawkeye!
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goineedsleep · 4 years
Alright, here is my opinion on the scariest character in Trials of Mana: the tiny Beastman Prince, Kevin.
This dude didn't take the boat to Jadd, the first place you go to in the game. HE SWAM THERE. And he got there around the same time as the Beastmen and all of the other protagonists! He swam at the same rate as a boat would sail, and he didnt take any breaks.
That alone makes him the scariest character in the game: he'd go to hell and back for his dog. He can race a boat AND WIN. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
TLDR:Kevin is a terrifying force of nature and I love him anyways
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treatswithbeats · 4 years
Natrue Jadd - The Vampire of Marion Lake
Nature Jadd Here! Today we explore the blue waters of Marion Lake. Nestled in the trees high in the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness area this lake is said to be home to a blood-thirsty Vampire that descends from the mountain to drain anyone who should be foolish enough to summon it. But obviously that’s ridiculous and Nature Jadd scoots out intact. Right? I hope so! Tune in to find out.
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dholfreak · 4 years
Bambiha Bole Amrit Maan Sidhu Moose Wala With Lyrics
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Artist : Amrit Maan / Sidhu Moose Wala Lyrics : Sidhu Moose Wala's Part Sidhu Moose Wala Amrit Maan's Part Amrit Maan Composed : Amrit Maan Music : Ikky (Ikwinder Singh) Mix Master - Dense Video : Tru Makers Dop : Mintoo Edit & Di : Garry Khatrao Media Production : V Sign Productions A.D : Shubham Malhota, Rubal Chhina, Gurdeep Directors : Dilsher Singh & Khushpal Singh Photography : Rajan Madaan Poster : Navkaran Brar & Impressive design studios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpVNMjpjiJc&feature=emb_title
Oh jadd vi bole janta muh nu La lendi aan taale ni Chaal tenduve vargi gud te Geesan totann wale ni Jihde hadd vairi de pole Adhi raat police ji dole Ho gaya murder toot de ole ni Bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Duniya vekh vekh ke dardi Jatt di muchh W wargi Chahe garmi chahe sardi Tadke uth ke chalda Sholey ni Bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Ho noor chehre te mile madanga Bombay wale actor naal Aaj vi gabru paili vaunda Hindustan tractor naal Jatt te chad gayi adab jawani Sunda major rajasthani Aaj vi pehlan dharm kisani Tanhi rabb ni rakhda aule ni Bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Sarkari notice warga rutba Baliye jatt de sign'an da Landiya poochan wala rakheya Joda dabarman'an da Naam taare wangu chamke Jithe khad janda ae jamke Vairi di laash dikki chon lamke ni Bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Bole ni bambiha bole Ho aaj vi apne naam ton muree Rakheya pind da naam kude Kise kise naal sanjha karda Athne aala gyan kudde Launda nit nishane TC Na afeem chatara sheeshi Teene yaar banayi firda SHO SSP DC ni, bambiha bole Bole ni bambiha bole Bole ni bambiha bole Finally sidhu moose wala! Ho moose pind chon ret te duniya Door door tak katara ni Jinu patt da jaddan chon patt da Taniyon kehnda tactic wala ni Chobar gaphy vajjda gut da PB31 vichon uthda Vi koi tod ni jatt de patt da Ni bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Haaye.. Oye.. Jadon di kalam chobar ne chakki Ragad ankh ch naam de rakhi Kalla firda sab nu dhakki Ni bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Haaye.. Oye.. Oh dabb 45 gal tak bhareya Hikkan denda paad kudde Woofer'an utte mirchan gaundi Sun satinder brar kudde Oh jatt de tibeyan de vich dere Layin firda maut naal phere Ho thapi maar bagane ghere Ni bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Haaye.. Oye.. Ho duniya laundi phirdi seep'an Jatt da chadh jau burj khalifa Ni oh uthde gaun da beef'an Ni bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Haaye.. Oye.. Saddam hussein de bayana warge Gabru likhda gaane ni Oh mooseyon leke goneaale tayi Jande sab thane ni Nature mudd to reha kaleshi Russian weapon gabru desi Kal nu shehar bathinde peshi Ni bambiha bole, bole ni bambiha bole Haaye.. Oye.. Si janda bade chiran to taali Pura shehar ho gaya khaali Ait ki bolu gi bhi saali Ni bambiha bole Ni bambiha bole Read the full article
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itunesbooks · 5 years
The Urban Setting Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to City Spaces - Becca Puglisi & Angela Ackerman
The Urban Setting Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to City Spaces Becca Puglisi & Angela Ackerman Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines Price: $5.99 Publish Date: June 13, 2016 Publisher: JADD Publishing Seller: JADD Publishing Making readers care and feel like they’re part of the story should be the number one goal of all writers. Ironically, many storytellers fail to maximize one of fiction’s most powerful elements to achieve this: the setting. Rather than being a simple backdrop against which events unfold, every location has the potential to become a conduit for conveying emotion, characterizing the cast, providing opportunities for deep point of view, and revealing significant backstory.  Inside The Urban Setting Thesaurus , you’ll find:  * A list of the sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds for over 120 urban settings * Possible sources of conflict for each location to help you brainstorm ways to naturally complicate matters for your characters * Advice on how to make every piece of description count so you can maintain the right pace and keep readers engaged * Tips on utilizing the five senses to encourage readers to more fully experience each moment by triggering their own emotional memories * Information on how to use the setting to characterize a story’s cast through personalization and emotional values while using emotional triggers to steer their decisions  * A review of specific challenges that arise when writing urban locations, along with common descriptive pitfalls that should be avoided The Urban Setting Thesaurus helps you tailor each setting to your characters while creating a realistic, textured world readers will long to return to, even after the book closes. http://dlvr.it/R3QF49
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gaanaliveent · 4 years
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Ik Supna - Song Lyrics - Singga
Kil Banda!
Ho akhbaran vich aa gaya te main
Channel’an te vi aa gaya haan
Trophy’an mil giyan medal mil gaye
Enna k naam bana gaya haan
Ho akhbaran vich aa gaya te main
Channel’an te vi aa gaya haan
Trophy’an mil giyan medal mil gaye
Enna k naam bana gaya haan
Ho nazarandaz kinna k kar laan
Jo mere naal beeti ae
Mere pairan vich teriyan chappalan
Pind kinni vaar seeti ae
Ho mere pairan vich teriyan chappalan
Pind kinni vaar seeti ae
Ho hasske har gall saar laina
Nature he chhadta rone da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Ho mehangiyan caran wadde karte
Sab kujh tere putt kole aa
Haan ik manjhe te jhappi pauni
Sir rakhna teri gutt kole aa
Maa tere chulle kol behna
Phookne de vich phookan maariyan da
Maa duniya kithon mull mod du
Teriyan dittiyan paariyan da
Duniya kithon mull mod du
Teriyan dittiyan paariyan da
Jo cheejan mehsoos kar gaya
Badh na reh gaya khone da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Ho mainu yaad aa chehra tera
Hassdi hassdi rehni ae
Jadd koyi mere baare bole
Chal hau hat jau putt kehni ae
Main fan bebe bas tera aan
Bhawein duniya fan bana li main
Loki tattoo chhaap ke daave karde
Photo seene vich jada li main
Ni ajj tak kise nu hakk na ditta
Singge ne sir nu bohne da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Maa supna mera ik rehnda
Tere naal photo paune da
Eh sach ae meri zindagi da
Ke jo kujh vi ajj main banneya
Haasil kitta jaake karaya
Oh saara kuchh
Meri maa de kadman ch hoyega.
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
‘Immersion and Relaxation’
Having opened on December 10, a concept bookstore in central Tokyo is getting novelty-press attention primarily for its admission fee.
It costs 1,500 yen (US$13.89) to enter the 460-meter Bunkitsu, which is set in a location known for bookselling, formerly the site of the Aoyama Book Center. The name reportedly translates roughly to an idea of consuming culture, and to that end the store features a firmly curated collection of some 30,000 books and magazines on topics “from humanities and natural sciences to design and art,” according to the company’s promotional messaging.
The entry area in the Roppongi Electric Building features regularly changing exhibitions and a focus on the 90 or so magazines featured as part of the offer. There also are areas designated as a library, a reading room, a “laboratory”—a kind of meeting room for group discussion—and a tea room.
The venture’s heavy emphasis on design is driven by Smiles, the “lifestyle value” retail company that’s also behind Soup Stock Tokyo; second-hand stores called New Recycle; a necktie branded boutique called Giraffe with an inventory divided into four body temperatures; and 100 Spoons, a family-focused restaurant.
The bookish element of the new store is handled by two companies. The bookstore called Morioka Shoten was opened in the summer of 2015 and is known for its “single room with a single book” approach (the featured title changes weekly). And Yours Book Store is behind several bookselling business locations and events. Operation of Bunkitsu is being handled by Nippon Shuppan Hanbai.
The entry fee is meant to correspond to the cost of a cinema ticket or museum entry charge, and the store carries a very limited stock of each book in its collection. (The company’s site says that customers can reserve a book they want to examine.)
‘Deeply Fitting Books’
At Asahi Shimbun, Yusuke Kato writes that browsing is strongly encouraged: “Although the books are arranged according to genre, they are not put in alphabetical order according to publisher or author.” Bunkitsu’s site says that the reception desk on the first floor does offer an inventory search, however.
A book of the day is featured by the staff. Recent selections include:
Thursday of this week (January 3): Right Hand and Brain by Peter Springer (Mitsubosha)
December 30: The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Psychological Trauma by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglissi (JADD Publishing in English, Film Art Company in Japanese
December 27: Semi-God by Hagio Osamu (Shogakkan)
December 18: Telephone, Sleep, Music by Kawakatsu Tokushige (Lydo)
December 13: Still Life by Irving Penn (Bulfinch)
December 10, opening day: Moon Palace by Paul Auster (Shinchosha)
A book marked with pink indicates a staff favorite, a “first love” in the store’s lingo.
And lingering is the idea. In the café, visitors can spend as long as they like with books, taking meals from the kitchen or nursing free coffee and tea.
While reporting to date on the new store is uneven, most journalists refer to Japan’s depressed book retail environment as the impetus for the new effort. at The Times of India, Chelsea Ritschel writes that the goal is “to create a bookstore that has lasting potential amid threats from online retailers such as Amazon.”
Other reports mention closed bookstores in Japan, as well, but it’s hard at this early stage to know if whether a store that invites customers to spend all day reading from a niche selection of books—with no requirement to buy—is sustainable. In one way, the business model appears to reverse the idea of a bookstore with a café: Bunkitsu is a café with a bookstore, the restaurant area having the most space, a 90-seat capacity. Coffee and tea are free, meals and desserts are sold.
‘Chance Encounters’
Suffice it to say that the experience is the pitch here.
“Enjoy culture, a bookstore,” says the store’s promotional copy. “Play with books in your own favorite way. Chance encounters, instances of love at first sight, developing relationships with captivating books.
The term the store is using for the entry fee translates a bit unfortunately to “funeration” in English, which may entice no one beyond funeral directors. But that’s a linguistic hitch that won’t concern a Japanese clientele.
And what makes this experiment as interesting as it is, finally, is–for lack of a better term and without prejudice—how precious it is. Someone looking for a lawn mower repair manual may run screaming out into the Tokyo night from Bunkitsu, but those who embrace the idea of books-as-lifestyle—and whose interests lie in the arts and humanities of the store’s collection—may well love it.
A prominent part of the come-hither copy on the store’s site is a poem the title of which is “A Bookstore for Meeting Books.” The poem stresses serendipity, an elegant dalliance in which “at the end of the day you will find a book on your mind.” Other phrases serve to heighten the sense of fashion in the appeal: “I spend my time carefully with coffee” and “Immersion and relaxation come and go.”
While nothing in the company’s literature says this specifically, of course, this is a decidedly upscale appeal—a high-end culturally themed collection curated for people who seek, as the poem has it, “relationship with deeply fitting books.”
Many will keep an eye on Bunkitsu, not yet a month old, to see if this confluence of ambiance and a club-like atmosphere can woo a profitable turnout to wear the entrance badge that admission fee provides.
Here’s one line in which the store cinches its pitch, by putting the experience of discovering a read on a par with the read itself. Bunkitsu, its messaging says, offers “the encounter with an unprecedented book.”
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ipzl · 6 years
via EasyHealthTip Easy Health Tip https://ift.tt/2wRP7tY
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totke vashikaran
totke vashikaran
Vashikaran is very powerful ways to solve your problems and provides you effective results what you want in your life. By Using Mantra and Spells you can fulfill your all desires and see how magic goes & help you to hypnotize the desired person.
It is a Tarika verb, so therefore it is a very necessary to follow the rules and regulation. There are such a lot of Vasikaran mantras but to chant these large no of mantra is very difficult. Today by this post, I am going to tell you some fast effective Vashikaran Totke, Upay, Tarika or Mantra in Hindi.
totke vashikaran
Vashikaran Mantra to Control Lady/ Girl:
By Using this Vashikaran Mantra you can guarantee control over the mind of any lady/Girl.  Place her photo or hair never about yourself while chanting this mantra. Chat one lakh times on holi day.
“Om Hrim Sah”
Chant this mantra 21,000 times and keep a diet in front of you and eat it afterward and eat it later.
“Om Kshan Ksham Kshah Sau H H Sah Thaha thah thah thah swaha”
sammohan vashikaran yantra
get your love back by vashikaran mantra
most powerful vashikaran mantra for husband
Love Vashikaran Mantra:
To get your desired love, Ex-Girlfriend or boyfriend Back, Or lost love Back chant this vashikaran mantra. With the help of a drop of blood, written the name of a person to who you want back in your life. Chant this mantra 1108 times and keep Bhoj pita in honey for 21 days.
“Om namoh aadi rupay (apne premi/premika ka naam) akarshanam kuru kuru swaha”
Vashikaran Mantra for Husband:
The woman can subdue her husband by this mantra. Chant 108 times this Mantra 108 days daily. The husband will remain intact and the wife will be happy.
“Om Asy sri sundrimantra swarth varn Risi iti swhipas swaha”
Vashikaran Mantra for Men:
Make a mixture of Kumkum, Chandan, Saffron, and Neem leaves on an auspicious day and make a picture of the pulp over the Bhoj letter. Worship must be done in a ritual manner. Take neem wood and put hay to garnish and treat mantras.
“Om Hreen Kreem Amukam akarshay vashyam kuru kuru swaha”
This Vashikaran Mantra is very powerful. Don’t chant this mantra without the guides of any Black Magic Specialist to get love back.
What is VashikaranTotka or Totke? What does vashikarantotka means?
Vashikarantotke or totka is an easy method of vashikaran to control and bewitch someone. It is easier to perform vashikarantotka than chanting vashikaran mantras for hours because vashikarantotke only need some tricks and physical actions to get result of vashikaran.  Later, we have discussed comprehensively the types of vashikarantotkas with procedure to do vashikarnatotke in hindi and english.
totke vashikaran for love
Khamkhya Devi is the goddess of vashikaran. To use vashikaran totke you should have good knowledge of vashikaran vidya. Every problem can be solved with vashikaran vidya, such as control over your love, money, and love back. Vashikaran mantras are available in every language. A yantra is used to chant the mantra before to get result. These mantras are very powerful and should be done under supervision of specialist. Without any supervision this mantra can do negative impact on your target. Vashikaran totke are very useful in stri vashikaran, girlfriend vashikaran, husband vashikaran, purush vashikaran.
vashikaran mantra for son in hindi
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photo se vashikaran karna in hindi
Vashikaran totke are very useful in your day to day life. Everyone wants to attract or put under control to their desired one and get them into right path. Love is a wonderful creation of nature. Love comes from heart and goes beyond the imaginations. Lovers always ready to fight with anyone. Love makes the man blind. This happens with everyone. I don’t think this is wrong because it is comes from heart. This is your own action and need not to ask anyone.
But when it comes to breakup it hurts very badly. Some lovers cannot tolerate it and result comes on suicide. But they couldn’t realize that every problem has a solution. Vashikaran vidya is a solution for this type of love problems. Not only love problems but day to day life problems where you need to put under control your lover or desired person.
Vashikaran totke: 
Sehdevi aur gaurechan ko ek saath ghiskar tilak lagane wala sabko vash me kar leta hain.
Sarson aur devlal ko ektrit kar goli banaye aur apne much me rakhkar vartalap kare to doosra vyakti vashinhoot ho jata hain.
Gooler ka phool ki batti banakar, raat ko safed makhan me jalaye aur uska kajal paar kar tilak karne se jag mohit ho jata hain.
Bud ke ped ki jad ko paani me ghiskar tilak lagane se sab log vashibhoot ho jate hain.
Ghigwar ki jad aur bhang ke beej ek patar me pees wa mila kar jo koi uska tilak kare to sabhi uske vash me ho jaate hain.
Apne haath pair ka nakh aag me jala kar ravivaar ke din paan me rakhkar jis stri ko khilwaye wah vash me ho jaaye.
Agar ko koot kar usme hartaal aur keshar milaye aur anamika anguli ka lahoo nikal kar usme milaye jiske lagawe wah dekhte hi vash me ho jaaye
Kamroop desh me aai kamakhsha devi jahan ismail jogi ki lagi fulwari, jahan base lona chamari, jahan jaaye hamare phool ki baas so aawe hamare paas, dohai lona chamari ki.
Chandan aur bargad ki jadd ko paani me pees aur barabar matra me bhashm milakar mastak per tilak lagane se dekhne wale log vashinhoot ho jaate hain.
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vashikaran in delhi
photo se vashikaran karna in hindi
Bhoj patar ke ooper lal chandan se satru ka naam likhkar sehad me dubo dene se stru vashibhoot ho jata hain.
Aakash bail ko rui me lappet kar ravivaar ko barah baje raat ko chameli ke tail me jawaye aur suhag ka itar paan ka ek beeda aur phool Deepak ke paas rakhe aur kajal upad kar aankho me lagaye jiske saamne jaoge wo mohit ho jaaye, parantu sehat achi rakhe.
totke vashikaran for home
  Vashikaran totke The Daytona totke is defined as a method mantra chanting and some learning from our traditional drop things. Vashikaran totke help your mind to switch one of the formulas and remedies. In these ten years before use. There are some programs that we discussed briefly. Vashikaran force of attraction is an ancient method of earning. Vashikaran totke can help you solve your problem it’s your life to create interference Totke to retrieve lost love. You can 12 hours vashikaran totke which is guaranteed Sin door vashikaran totke for her husband to get back your ex love. Vashikaran photos and can also be carried out by the hair.
Vashikaran totke As to this totke you can control your husband. This totke give you that control your husband Vashikaran totke this totke help you protect your children from people. This totke save your child from military. Love and Marriage totke this totke help you get loveless marriage vashikaran through photographs and hair you can get the girl you love or your dreams. With vashikaran totke girl will use vashikaran through photographs and hair easily fall in love with you? In another this girl can easily get the boy she hoped that vashikaran totke one of them Vashikaran totke any problem fast results. Vashikaran totke will help you solve all your questions this is your life Vashikaran totke trouble solving daily problems of useful techniques.
Vashikaran tantra totke If you think that one such as smoking drinking and other bad habits like making money the way you love has bad habits even your husband spouse lover does not like you give important ex-girlfriend even to forgive you like holes in the morning. You just leave such Pandit Ji and individual counseling session to solve your problem. As he is an expert Pandit and his vashikaran totke and vashikaran through photographs and hair mantra will help you recover and fix your marriage arrangements and love you will get the advantages of the benefits when you use them one by one. Control of your life just like any husband do what you command and even his thoughts and opinions same thing again life is back to match track. Most people are using this technology but they do not know what we’re doing because he or his later years his family had been using this totke in our lives so we habitually this technology but the new generation are not aware of it.
vashikaran mantra in gujarati language
vashikaran in one day mantra
get ex love back by vashikaran
From the early times people are curious to learn about their future and destiny, the Astrology is the science which helps in learning about what is going to happen in the future life of the person. If the person is going have unwanted incidents in his life than Astrology also helps in removing those incidents. There are many methods and remedies available in this field to resolve the problems of the people. Vashikaran Totke, are the home remedies which you can practice at your own level. These methods are very simple and easy to perform and they show their results instantly.
Vashikaran Totke is all about the process which helps you to attract others. Here, we are going to explore some of the very popular Vashikaran Totke in short.
totke vashikaran fo girlfriend
If you have fallen in love with someone and wish to attract him/her, these Totke will help you to make a special place in their heart.
5 Vashikaran Totke
To attract someone towards you, there is a very popular and beneficial totka. Take the oil of KADVI LOKI and prepare Kajal with the help of cotton BATTI. Use this Kajal on a regular basis. To put it into your eyes play a major role to attract the desired one.
Take BILAVA leaves and let them try into shade. Now prepare a paste using Kapila cow milk. This paste is very important to attract someone towards you. Apply this paste on your forehead in the form of Tilak. When you will go applying this Tilak, you will find yourself able to attract the one standing in front of you.
There is another Vashikaran Totka, let’s come to know about it. Take Kapoor and Mensil, you need to prepare a paste using Banana. Apply this Tilak on your forehead. It is considered very important to attract others. You must use this totka.
Apart from the above mentioned, you may mix these four things in a proper manner like Kesar, Sindoor, Gorochan and Amla. Use this paste as a Tilak on your forehead. When you step out using this Tilak, people attract towards you. Your personality gets attractive.
You may also go along with this Vashikaran totka. In the morning, place a Haldi Tilak on your forehead, in the middle of Haldi Tilak put the little amount of blood of your little finger on it. Doing this attract the desired woman towards you.
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Vashikaran Totke are derived from the old holy Vedas so they are available in Sanskrit texts and we are here providing Vashikaran Totke in Hindi which will be very easy for you to understand. These remedies are very effective and strong and used form the Ancient times and with the time they have proven their proficiency. These remedies were first used to cure mental and physical diseases of the people and to remove other general problems of the people then our Astrologers discovered their powers in the others fields also. Now these remedies have all the powers to overcome all types of problems which rise in our daily lives.
totke vashikaran for get love
Vashikaran tone totke is very best yantra to get solution of any problems. You can use tone totke vashikaran ka for get quick response for problems solutions. Many people have use vashikaran tona totka to get your ex love back, for getting husband love, control your lover under your hand, any family problem solutions, other problem like girlfriend boyfriend misunderstanding issues etc. You can here get vashikaran tona totka in hindi, English or any other regional language as you feels comfort. Jadu tona vashikaran is a predefined process of mantra and yantra using it you are able to do anything as you wish. For apply Vashikaran tone totke you should have to know about basic procedure for totke to get desired result and also some timing and day will matter what type of problem you going to get solutions so get contact us for getting any problem solution.
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uiarazagolin · 6 years
De Luiz Carlos Lourenço Fotos de Kicko Ribeiro e arquivo pessoal da artista
Com a presença de dezenas de artistas, amigos, familiares e muitos fãs, a cantora WANDERLEA, um ícone de várias gerações e um dos maiores ídolos do movimento Jovem Guarda, lançou, na Livraria da Travessa, no Shopping Leblon, a sua autobiografia, “FOI ASSIM”. A artista encontra-se em excelente forma e, aos 71 anos, mostra que está com vigor e mente renovados.
 “Apesar dos anos que passaram, considero que estou na minha plenitude e cheia de frescor, me definindo como uma adolescente que se juntou à alma de uma experiente cigana, brinca”.
 Ao chegar à livraria repleta de fãs, WANDERLEA foi aplaudida com entusiasmo onde já a aguardavam para saudá-la muitos amigos muito próximos como o ex-cunhado Leleco Barbosa, filho de Chacrinha, acompanhado da mulher, Maninha.
 A propósito, por lembrar o Velho Guerreiro, WANDERLEA vai ser um dos destaques, no próximo carnaval, no Rio, no carro da família do Chacrinha, tema do enredo da Grande Rio em 2018. A cantora e os parentes de Abelardo Barbosa tem uma relação de muito carinho com ela. WANDERLEA foi casada com José Renato, o Nanato, filho do apresentador, que ficou paraplégico aos 21 anos, num acidente na piscina. Eles estavam noivos e a artista ficou sete anos ao seu lado. WANDERLEA fala sobre o acidente, no livro ontem lançado pela editora Record. Nanato morreu no ano passado, de parada cardíaca. Ele e Wanderlea nunca perderam o contato. As chacretes também sairão num carro alegórico à parte, com Rita Cadillac como destaque.
Entre os nomes de destaque que compareceram ontem à noite à livraria destacavam-se o musicólogo e colecionador Henrique Kurtz, o ator e cantor Beto Caratori, os fotógrafos Thereza Eugenia, Kicko Ribeiro e Sanny Soares, os atores Lino Correa e Ismael Santos, o compositor Getulio Cortez (autor de Nego Gato), Andrea Albuquerque, Regina Fritsch, Marcos Oliveira, Creuza Cortez, familiares de Wanderlea, Jade Salim (filha), Janu, Maiana e Wanderlô e a viúva do cantor e compositor Jerry Adriani, Ceila Passos. Estava presente a equipe do Programa Gente Carioca, com destaque para a apresentadora Cida Moraes e o produtor Daniel Chinicz.
Durante a concorrida noite de lançamento, WANDERLEA recebeu camisas da campanha do Natal Permanente da LBV, com as quais irá fotografar com as filhas Jade e Yasmin em sua casa e também aproveitou para encaminhar um volume do seu livro ao diretor presidente da LBV, jornalista José de Paiva Netto, com a inscrição “ José de Paiva Netto, um beijo da Wanderlea”, dizendo ao jornalista Luiz Carlos Lourenço, da assessoria de imprensa da instituição: “Estou com uma saudade enorme do Irmão Paiva. Gosto muito do trabalho que ele realiza nesta linda obra. Manda meu abraço fraterno a ele”, exclamou.
Por trás do apelido de Ternurinha, apelido que ganhou na época da Jovem Guarda, ela garante que sempre existiu “um furacão”. Aos 71 anos, a cantora Wanderléa tornou-se especialista em confirmar que o apelido recebido não passou de um eufemismo diante da garota de saias curtíssimas, botas de cano alto e uma postura, digamos, rock’n’roll.
A mineira Wanderléa Salim mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro aos 6 anos e, antes dos 10, desafiava a voz infantil e a rigidez do pai libanês entoando sucessos de Dalva de Oliveira e Linda Batista nas rádios Mayrink Veiga e Nacional. “Eu nunca fui a loirinha obediente escondida atrás de uma personagem”, afirma.
“De um jeito natural, participei de uma revolução de costumes, aplicando meu discurso na prática e na defesa das minhas posições, do direito de cantar o que bem entendesse.” No papel de si mesma, Wanderléa é a estrela de 60! Década de Arromba — Doc. Musical, que, depois de contabilizar 37 000 espectadores em quatro meses no Rio de Janeiro, lotou por várias semanas o Theatro Net Rio, no Shopping Vila Olímpia, na cidade em que a cantora mora desde 1965.
No dia 4 de janeiro, atendendo a centenas de solicitações, o espetáculo volta a Copacabana para uma nova temporada de verão na Cidade Maravilhosa.
O espetáculo, roteirizado por Marcos Nauer e dirigido por Frederico Reder, dispensa a biografia da artista, mas a eleva ao status de ícone de uma geração em meio a fatos comportamentais, políticos e culturais dos anos 60. “A Wanderléa é o maior símbolo do empoderamento feminino do seu tempo em alcance, popularidade e influência nas diferentes classes sociais brasileiras”, justifica Reder.
Entre 24 atores e dez músicos, Wandeca faz oito aparições e interpreta, entre outros hits de seu repertório, Prova de Fogo, Pare o Casamento, Foi Assim e É Preciso Saber Viver.
Na equipe ainda figuram o guitarrista Lalo Califórnia, com quem ela vive desde 1980, e Jadde Salim, de 29 anos, a filha caçula dos dois, que também canta e toca guitarra; a mais velha, Yasmin Flores, de 30, preferiu as artes plásticas, morou um tempo em Paris e trabalha com educação.
“Eu saí da minha zona de conforto de fazer só meus shows nos fins de semana e entrei numa rotina que, de início, estranhei, mas agora vejo que me fez bem”, afirma ela, que participa de cinco sessões semanais, sendo duas no sábado. “No dia seguinte, acordo como se tivesse enfrentado uma noitada daquelas, mas é só voltar ao palco que recupero o fôlego”, completa Wanderléa.
A artista adaptou-se muito bem, obrigada, aos novos tempos e manteve nos últimos anos uma média de cinco shows por mês. Ela também concebeu e produziu, ao lado do marido, o disco Vida de Artista, lançado em dezembro, que revisita a obra da compositora Sueli Costa. “Eu montei um repertório, ensaiamos com a nossa banda e registramos no estúdio do Lalo para depois negociar com as gravadoras”, conta.
O próximo álbum, com direção artística de Marcus Preto e musical de Pupillo, talvez fique para o ano que vem por causa da turnê do musical. Marina Lima, Guilherme Arantes, Erasmo Carlos e Jorge Mautner mandaram canções inéditas.
A  biografia de Wanderlea contou com a colaboração do jornalista Renato Vieira na redação. Com uma caneta na mão, ela encontrou uma forma de desabafar seus dramas pessoais, como a morte do primeiro filho, Leonardo, então com 2 anos, afogado na piscina da casa em que eles moravam, na Granja Viana, em 1984.
“Comecei a escrever sem trégua, dia após dia, para vivenciar o luto e tentar entender por que meu filho teve uma vida tão breve”, afirma, com a voz serena. Em meio às histórias da jovem guarda, da parceria com Erasmo e Roberto Carlos e até de encontros com o cineasta Glauber Rocha, a cantora traz à tona outros episódios que testaram suas forças, como a morte de Bill, seu irmão mais próximo, em 1994.
“Várias vezes me peguei no palco feito boba, surpresa diante das reações do público, e me dou conta de que nunca tive a real noção da repercussão das coisas em minha vida”, diz. “Talvez essa tenha sido a minha salvação.”
  WANDERLEA lança sua autobiografia “FOI ASSIM” De Luiz Carlos Lourenço Fotos de Kicko Ribeiro e arquivo pessoal da artista Com a presença de dezenas de artistas, amigos, familiares e muitos fãs, a cantora…
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“8“F“0”D’B 7 ’6“F’8 ’E”72 ‘6”1’8”0 ’C“5“E“8”0“0 ‘5“E “0“E’E’C“E’3 9’A‘A“E“0 | How To Treat Hemorrhoids/ Piles / Bawaseer in 7 Days
“8“F“0”D’B 7 ’6“F’8 ’E”72 ‘6”1’8”0 ’C“5“E“8”0“0 ‘5“E “0“E’E’C“E’3 9’A‘A“E“0 | How To Treat Hemorrhoids/ Piles / Bawaseer in 7 Days
Best Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids/ Piles. Best and Proven tips To GET RID OF PILES within 7 days. So HOW TO CURE PILES? LEARN these effective home remedies to get rid of PILES.
Nariyal ki sukhi jataa
Nariyal ki sukhi jataa lein aur usse rakh banaa lein. Aur usmein barabar matraa mein 10-10 gram rogi ko 7 dino tak taaze paani ke saath sevan karaay. Iss upchaaar ko 7 dino tak istemaal karein. Aur agar 7 dino mein ye theek na ho tou isse 11 din tak sevan karein.
Aisa karne se kuch din ke istemaal se piles hamesha hamesha ke liye jadd se khatam ho jaayga.
Imli ke beej
Imli ke beej lein aur unka chilka nikaal lein. Phir inn beejo ko tawe par bhun kar inka bareek powder banaa lein. Iska 3 gram churan 125 gram dahi mein milaa kar rogi ko 3-4 dino tak sevan karaay. Dahi khatee nahi honi chaiye
Aisa karne se kuch din ke istemaal se piles hamesha hamesha ke liye jadd se khatam ho jaayga.
Kikar ki kachi fali
Kikar ki kachi fali lein aur unhe chaaya mein sukha kar koot pees kar baareek churan bana lein. Iss churan ko 6 gram lein aur taaza paani ke saath sevan karein.
Iske istemaaal se sirf 7 dino mein aapki har tarah ki kitni bhi puraani se puraani bawaseer bhi sahi ho jaaaygi.
punarnava ko sarso ke tel mein mila kar khoob bareek pees lein. Phir ismein 50 gram sindoor mila kar ek lep tayaar kar lein. Iss marham ko lagaane se eczema jadd se chalaa jaayga.
50 gram kaali jeeri
Aadhi ko bhunn lein aur aadhi ko kachi hi rehne dein. Phir dono do koot pees kar chaan kar baareeek churan banaa lein aur phir paani ke saath sevan karein.
Iske istemaal se keval 7 din mein piles ka hamesha hamesha ke liye jadd se khatama ho jaayga.
Tali hui cheezein
Zyaada tel waale khaane
Maidaa se bane khaane k item
Inn sabhi se doori banaay rakhe aur inhe bilkul naa khaay
Aur, Khoob salad khaay!
Hamein zarur umeed in nuskho ke istemaal se aapko zarur faayda hoga.
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Please watch: "’B‘F”0 F’1“C“F’F“E2 “8”7 ‘B”1‘F‘5“E“0“E ’A“E’F”7 | Fati Ediyon Ka Ilaj | Cracked Heels Home Remedy"
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teefa85 · 3 years
So I finally ran this test.  Now, if Charlotte is your lead, after she launches herself over the lake you land on her second player.  Which was how the original did it.  But as the Remake gave you the option to play everyone’s intro, it’s done differently.  And from someone not in the party.  Naturally, like in Jadd, there’s a hierarchy...
If Kevin is not in the party, she lands on him.
If Kevin is in the party, she lands on Angela.
If the party consists of Kevin and Angela along with Charlotte, she lands on Riesz.
So basically, the order goes...her path-mate, her Big Sis (seriously, they fight so much when in the same party but Angela has priority to comfort Charlotte in Maia), and the other female character.  Which makes a lot of sense.
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treatswithbeats · 7 years
Something very hypnotic watching this frozen tree branch dance in the swelled river #riverwalk #nature #relaxation (at RiverPlay @ Skinner Butte Park)
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