#new sapphic ship ate
r0ttkins · 1 year
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They have met at the gas station and Betty didn't had any cigs by her so she bought one for a kiss and 25 cents
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Hina must confiscate tons of weed and have no idea what to do with it. And for that she has her own stoner to get rid of it.
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desfraisespartout · 10 months
Thank you for the tag @riinoaheartilly @vanyalanthirielofmana 💖
Let's see...
Last song
The Apple Orchard of Saghmosavanq by Tigran Hamasyan. He's an amazing pianist and I particularly love his album Mockroot.
Last movie
Went to see Mission Impossible that came out recently. Loved the chase scene in Italy.
Currently watching
Mmmm... Nothing at the moment. I haven't started a new serie yet since I've been gaming instead.
Currently reading playing
Final Fantasy XVI, I mean, i finished the story but still gotta do "final fantasy mode" to platinum the game. I've been reblogging lots of stuff :-D The voice casting is amazing and the visuals are stunning! I'll see if my 2nd playthrough is in French or Spanish. I'll play in every language available. (Did the same with FF15.)
Currently craving
Chicken wings. Ate tandoori red ones today. Quite nom nom. ❤️
Current obsession
Birdmen, FF14 (fanfest let's goooooo) and FF16
Forever hrothgals (FF14) ! Join our praying circle.
Also, still writing my sapphic time loop fic for Birdmen. Progressing slowly, especially since I've changed how some dialogues are spoken.
Last thing i searched
Vintage nautical sailor neckline dress, for a cosplay. Will try doing Neon from Stranger of Paradise (FF Origins) for an event in December.
Three ships
Dion x Terence (FF16) gives me life and so much angst :-D
Tsubame x Irene x Fiona (Birdmen), my OT3
Enet Selch x Hythlodaeus (FF14), my beloveds!
I'll be tagging @magicmetslogic @kitsoa @jeepers-its-the-void @birdmenanime @birdmenmanga @jer-tan @polwigle @xatniredux @korppuhiiri, if you're willing of course, and also anyone seeing this post.
Love you all!
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RWBY Theory: Ruby Might Of Had Feeling For Penny...
[Note: Slight RWBY Volume 9 Spoilers...Also, Don’t Reblog Without Permission]  
this is just a theory, but thanks to RWBY Volume/Season 9, I believe it could be possibly true.
and the other half of the reason why Ruby had went off on Yang and Blake, besides the whole being upset that her feelings kept being pushed aside for more “important” matters...
is that Ruby might of felt jealous of the two, because they have something that she wished she could of had with Penny, but she doesn’t fully realize this yet.
Ruby taking the news of what happen to Penny, really hit her hard...
because we know that Penny had died before, but was lucky to be brought back....but Ruby knowing that Penny might never come back, had did more harm than good to her, that it caused her to faint.
Ruby might of had romantic feelings for Penny, but never truly realized it yet, but she could still view her as a good friend who she deeply cared about.
I can view that ship, as the nonbinary ship, because for all we know Penny could be viewed as a Nonbinary-Girl, and maybe Ruby could turn out to be a Nonbinary-Girl...
I do have a theory, that Charlie from Hazbin Hotel, might be a Nonbinary-Girl.
Vaggie being changed from being a Lesbian to Sapphic.
so it be interesting if it turn out that her girlfriend was a Nonbinary-Girl.
but it is okay if I turn out to be wrong about that theory.
it would seem that Weiss x Jaune is slowly going from Semi-Canon to fully canon, but who knows if Jaune will figure out that Weiss likes him now...
and she really REALLY seem to like his older self, which is it weird to view her kind of being a silver fox or puma chaser because of how she was into the more mature version of Jaune...?
if much older women can be called cougars, than why not call much older men, you know....pumas. XD
and yeah, we know the stupidity of how some have misinterpret Ruby’s emotional breakdown, like some thinking she is homophobic, when really she isn’t and she had been going through some much heavy and emotional feelings, and she felt like she had to put them aside and that they weren’t as important as trying to find a way back home or trying to help Jaune.
it’s good that things worked out in the end, and she was able to heal.
also if I turn out to be right about Ruby being in love with Penny, and by some miracle Penny comes back to life for a second time, and the two end up embracing and kissing, I’m gonna say this to the jerks who called Ruby homophobic and had misinterpreted her emotional breakdown when she couldn’t take holding in all her negative feelings anymore....
and that is “I told you so.” and the Penny x Ruby ship is canon.
I mean I might do that, but I’m not sure....but if it does turn out to be true, that Ruby is in love with Penny, and if Penny is brought back to life for a second time...? it would be the second time right...?
and if Penny ends up glomping Ruby and they share some laughing and crying, before they admit to each other they have feelings for each other, and then kiss....
then I guess that would be like accidentally predicting future canon...
just like Kris eating the whole pie from Deltarune, someone had accidentally predicted that, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my theory about Kris making a dark fountain in the library turned out to be true...
like Kris sneaking out and breaking into the library and opening up a dark fountain, and then as soon as they got home they ate all the pie.
I’m not going to stay what all happens in RWBY Volume 9...
but it is still nice that things worked out in the end...
if I have to guess about the RWBY and Justice League, is that it might take  place sometime after the events of Volume 9.
well if Penny isn’t brought back, then maybe Ruby could talk about her to Yang and Blake and how she had just realized in the Ever-After place, that she was in love with Penny, and finding out she is gone forever, had really was too much for her, which is why she had fainted.
what would be weird is if those brothers came back to remnant, and Ruby ending up forming a bond with the God of Darkness brother.
like either it being romantic or platonic, but it could start out as platonic and be like a platonic version of beauty and the beast.
it could be like DarkRose or GrimmRose....maybe DarkRose would be better.
but if it does turn out that Ruby ends up admitting that she was in love with Penny, but didn’t realize until much later...then I’m still going to say that I called it.
I do have a theory about Ozma from Rwby, and it being that the Light God didn’t really bring back Ozma to stop Salem, and it was more of like the clone or light half of him...or something like that.
and Oscar might be the true reincarnation of Ozma, and even the Ozma that the Dark God brought back, for Salem, could of turn out to not be the real Ozma, but a copy that wasn’t really him, but could of still had copies of his memories as well as his feelings for Salem.
and the Ozma that Light God had send back to the mortal realm, could of turn out to be the Ozma that his brother had created, and was still not really the original Ozma, but a copy.
and while Ozma II was moving through host body to host body for many centuries, having two souls in the same body...
not all of his host bodies, could of been the original Ozma’s soul, not even the one that was called Ozpin.
but as soon as he ended up sharing a body with Oscar, there might of been something different with his new host body.
Oscar is the more dominate one of his body, even if they could switch control.
but the reason why Oscar might be more dominate of his body, is because he is the true reincarnation of the Original Ozma’s soul, while the Ozma II that had become Ozpin, is just a clone and copy that was made by the Dark God, and was brought back into existence by his brother the Light God.
I’m Fan Headcanoning that theory.
not everyone has to agree to that theory, but it would make sense that Oscar is the true reincarnation of Ozma, and the Ozma that Salem had daughters with, turned out to be a copy that was created by the Dark God and then brought back into existence by the Light God....
also not everyone has to agree about the theory that Ruby might of fell in love with Penny, but I can’t help but believe it could possibly be true.
and it might be half the reason why she acted the way she did to Yang and Blake, that she was upset that she wont be able to have the same thing that they have because Penny is gone.
which I guess that would be a Semi-Canon Ship, that wasn’t fully realized until it was too late. plus I’m pretty sure there are some fans who ship those two.         
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empadocas · 1 year
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
thank you for tagging me, @system-of-cells-interlinked i love answering random shit
three ships: cyno x tighnari (genshin) denji x reze (csm) moira x mercy (ow2)
first ever ship: ichiruki probably, since bleach was one of my first animes
last song: i think i'll lose my mind in hysteria - shokaii
last movie: ant man and the wasp quantumania (very silly)
currently reading: some fanfics i guess but there's this book i still havent ended yet it's called uhhhhhhhhhhhh ARTEMIS (is abt ppl on the moon)
currently watching: waiting for new seasons of chainsaw man and bleach, gotta start watching tlou fr
currently consuming: just ate a shit ton of pasta bc it's the only thing i know how to cook properly and i also love carbs
currently craving: ice cream (theres some in the fridge but im stil full of pasta)
Tagging: @maidenthestargazer @acosmonautsloth @00x7 @alice2madness @sapphic-bogmonster @cellestiallys @nyatimesthree
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korradoras · 1 year
this is in no order but it will be numbered for my sanity.
1. slexie - mark and lexie/greys anatomy
• i am so attached to this ship, i have never sobbed so hard an my life than when i first watched the season 8 finale/season 9 premiere of greys anatomy. i still rewatch only their seasons quite often.
2. catradora - catra and adora/SPOP
• ultimate comfort ship, i rewatch she ra whenever i am going through it. i first watched it when i was 15 and i still watch it for comfort. 15 is a nostalgic age for me, she ra reminds me of what it was like before anxiety. 😩
3. korrasami - korra and asami/LOK
• another comfort ship, comfort show, etc. lok and avatar are more shows i watched when i was 15, when the pandemic hit i was almost 16. i was locked up in my room, no school, no going out, no friends. i had a basement room with a couch and a huge tv, i spent MANY weeks watching netflix on that couch and the feeling was immaculate. i rewatch the atlau shows VERY often.
4. bellarke - bellamy and clarke/the 100
• once again another comfort show, i rewatch the 100 annually and have been watching it since season 4 came out. my dad started watching it, then my mom, then my sister. it became a show we watched all together, and i had a little ritual when it came to new seasons. i am an impatient person in some ways more than others, i do not have the patience to maintain interest when watching episodes weekly but i have no issue waiting for the whole season to be out. so every year as the episodes came out, i ignored them. when they all hit netflix, i would binge. however, for season 7 of the 100 i waited 2 years. i think i was procrastinating letting it end. bellarke was THE slowburn. i was so sure they would end up together, in a way im glad they didn't, but i loved them so much. i cannot describe the way that i feel when watching them and this show.
5. clexa - clarke and lexa/the 100
• GAY SLOWBURN. y'all i have so many fics i read consistently about clexa. i have like 3 on shuffle that i've read 10 times minimum. i cry like a bitch every time i rewatch s2-3 of the 100.
6. avatrice - ava and beatrice/warrior nun
• so i had heard a lot and seen a lot about this show before i actually watched it, which was actually in january of this year, several months after the 2nd (and final 🥲) season came out. i QUICKLY fell in love w both avatrice and ava/beatrice as individuals. i also read a lot of avatrice fics and cry thinking abt it being cancelled 😭
7. stydia - stiles and lydia/teen wolf
• BEST SLOWBURN OF ALL TIMEEE. it's weird to think teen wolf ended SIX years ago, this is another show i rewatch annually and what's funny is when i was 12 watching this show i did not care for stydia. i liked scott's relationships with allison and kira, never paid much attention to stiles and lydia until i was 16/17 and i rewatched and realized that they are AMAZING.
8. sameena - sam and deena/fear street
• MORE ANNUAL REWATCH SERIES. i LOVE LOVE LOVE these movies, and when i say sam and deena i am also including sarah and hannah. ex's/enemies to lovers in HORROR? forbidden love? sapphics? say less.
9. glaggie - glenn and maggie/twd
• so this was my first ship ever. started watching this when i was 11, i watched it over and over and over, i read the first 3 compendiums of the comics, then season 7 rolled around, i watched three first episode live then never watched another episode last season 6 again.
10. delena - damon and elena/tvd
• honestly they sort of give me the ick now but 12 year old me ATE that shit up, would also like to add they were my sexual awakening. i remember watching one of their spicy scenes and feeling a little funny 🥴
11. wayhaught - waverly and nicole/wynonna earp
• hottest ship ever. i fucking love them and i still need to watch the most reason season which is not that recent.
12. (honorable mention) camren - camila and lauren/5h
• camren gets only an honorable mention bc i don't ship them anymore, but they were MY gay awakening. when i was 13 i discovered fifth harmony and, naturally, i discovered ✨camren fanfiction✨ i literally did not know i was gay until i started reading fics about them. it just clicked when i felt more reading than i ever had for real life boys. :) anyways i don't support shipping real people anymore at my ripe age of 18.
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peelingitwithpeels · 2 years
The wilds ship hcs
◦ Dot didn’t realize her feelings until after the island while Rachel realized it on the island but didn’t mention it until after
◦ Dot realized her feelings after she was talking to Fatin about Rachel, (“I mean everyone thinks Rachel is gorgeous right??” “Oh Dorothy..” )
◦ Fatin is the main supporter of Dot and Rachel getting their shit together and would leave them together in a room a LOT
◦ Rachel only openly shows her affection to Dot and Nora
◦ Dot didn’t realize she was the only one who got it until one time they all hung out and Rachel linked their hands together and everyone stared in pure shock
◦ Rachel loves bringing Dot to her surfing contests because Dot is the loudest person there for her
◦ Dot was never really into athletes until she saw Rachel in her surfing gear and quickly changed her mind
◦ Dot loves Michael Jackson and Rachel asked her out with a music video of singing “Baby Be Mine” ( she had the editing help of Kirin and the girls and Dot LOVED it)
◦ Dot took Rachel to her dad’s grave and introduced her dad to Rachel and they go to his gave every month and replace the flowers
◦ Rachel isn’t really into fancy places so for their anniversary Dot found a low-key Italian place for them to celebrate
◦ When Dot told Rachel she never traveled outside of Texas before the island Rachel found an RV and in secret started to save up money and drew up plans for the both of them to travel all the states together
◦ Dot is usually into dogs but she found a chubby gray cat on the side of the road and after taking him to the vet she brought him home with her (Dot made it clear to Rachel that if she didn’t love him by the end of the week she would find him a new home)
◦ Rachel at first was not into him and thought a dog would be much much better but then she saw how happy he made Dot (and she also saw them cuddling on the couch together which was adorable) and she immediately accepted him
◦ Dot always greets Rachel with a kiss on the lips after a long day of work
◦ Rachel never cooked before her and Dot moved in together but after she made sure to learn how to cook (She bought a bunch of cookbooks recommended by Leah)
◦ Rachel planned on proposing to Dot for a whole month and Dot beat her to the punch (“Are you kidding me??” “What?? Rachel? Is that a no-“ “what? No it’s not a no! I’ve been planning this shit for a month with Nora and you beat me!”)
◦ Dot was worried that Rachel wouldn’t be into moving away from NYC when and away from her family when they first thought about moving in together but Rachel made it clear that her parents were fine with her moving far away and she wasn’t going to put Dot through New York’s cold seasons
◦ When Dot became a coach for a little soccer league Rachel would always come with a cooler and snacks for the team
◦ They’re not an overtly affectionate couple but they know what each other needs (when dot is overworking herself Rachel tells her to go to bed and makes her tea and bring her to bed cuddling her to sleep or if Rachel is having a panic attack remembering her shark attack Dot would calmly touch her and help her through it)
◦ When Rachel told Dot about her past ED Dot would sometimes make sure Rachel ate each day and just check on her
◦ Rachel usually wakes up an hour before Dot and would stay in bed and stare at her with the most in love look in the world ( When Dot wakes up Rachel pretends to be sleep)
◦ Dot loves Rachel’s curls and once described them as hair curled like a Princess to Leah before they were dating and Leah brings it up all the time (“You should’ve known you were sapphic when you said that was extremely gay”)
◦ Rachel helped install their kitchen cabinets when they were first moving into their house together and Dot painted the wall (honestly they do most of repairing and painting in the house)
◦ They love watching bad movies and making playfully jabs at scenes that make absolute no sense
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enkelimagnus · 5 years
Clary/Maia/Izzy, Rated T, Summer Camp AU
For the Shadowhunters WLW Bingo, Team Red, Prompt:
“And They Were Roommates”
Read it on AO3
Clary spread sunscreen over her face. She was one of those sun-fearing redheads and wasn’t willing to relive the pleasure of being called “lobster” or “beetroot”.
As she walked by a group of teenagers who were lounging by the lake, she waved slightly at the counsellor who was looking over them. Isabelle was not one of the new recruits for the year. Clary and her had known each other for a couple of years now, spending summers together at the Lake Lyn Sleepaway Camp as counselors.
The teenage girls that were sitting on the grass around Isabelle started giggling, mumbling “Clarabelle” under their breath. Clary raised an eyebrow. Clarabelle?
Clary walked away from the side of the lake and up towards the archery range where Maia’s group probably was. She was supposed to get one of the kids covered in much needed sunscreen that they had “accidentally” forgotten.
Alec, Isabelle’s brother, was the one that taught archery lessons. Clary liked him well enough. He was a bit serious, but he was good with kids of all ages.
The archery range was more into the woods, so she walked past the cabins and down a small path. She heard the group before she heard anything else. The teenagers were loud and archery was a semi-thrilling sport where some girls shrieked when arrows flew.
Maia was standing on the side, with her leather armguard on. She’d tied up her hair, and had a quiver tied around her waist. Clary couldn’t help but think she looked incredibly sexy.
Clary had never been one to be non-monogamous, but it had changed, lately.
Isabelle and her had been “camp girlfriends” since they’d first met, usually sharing a bed, cuddling and sometimes relieving some tensions with each other. Clary was well acquainted with the bed prowesses of Isabelle Lightwood, in the way too many teenage boys and their counselors tried to guess.
Clary had expected to rekindle her usual flame with Isabelle, but she’d been put in a room with Maia, not with Izzy. She’d been annoyed at first, already devising plans to get Lydia, Izzy’s new roommate, to switch beds with her so she could be able to be with Izzy for the summer months they would spend at Lake Lyn.
Except Maia had been very sapphic, very beautiful, and as down to spoon and fork as Izzy usually was. Clary had found herself in a bit of a situation for a moment, for all of orientation week. Maia and her were flirting, and Izzy was sometimes adding herself into the mix. Clary felt bad for leaving Izzy to be around Lydia too much. That girl was really not fun to be around.
It had happened on the last night before the campers’ arrival. Izzy had snuck out of her room and into Clary and Maia’s. She’d locked the door behind her, proceeded to strip naked, asking the two of them if they wanted her. That night wouldn’t be one Clary would ever forget.
Ever since, the three of them had been cozy. They cuddled, slept together, ate meals together, and occasionally slipped in some hand-holding or butt-grabbing. They kept it very PG, of course. They were still around teenagers.
“How’s archery?” Clary asked after giving the red-ish teenage girl her well-deserved sunscreen.
Maia shrugged. “It’s fun! I’m more of a water girl myself, but it’s really interesting. And Alec’s a good teacher.”
Alec turned towards them and waved slightly, before going back to showing one of the campers how to properly use their bow, for the maybe fifteenth time.
There were some more giggles and this time, Clary heard “Claia”. She frowned and turned to Maia. “What’s that about?”
Maia shrugged. “They’ve been… shipping us.” She explained. “Like, when you have a movie or tv show and there’s a couple you really like, so you create a portmanteau of their names and it’s the name of the couple?”
Clary nodded.
“Well, you and I are Claia, you and Izzy are Clarabelle, or Clizzy depending on the group, and Izzy and I are Maiabelle, or Mizzy. I much prefer Maiabelle, personally.” Maia chuckled. “And there’s a small fringe that hasn’t understood you are a massive lesbian, so they think you’re camp-dating Jace.”
“Jace? The blonde that takes care of the boys 15-17s?” Clary made a face. He was maybe the very last person she would ever have sex with.
“Yup. Jace and you. Clace.”
“My ex was called Grace. Clace would have been our… ship name.” Clary chuckled. “Anyway. I have to go back to work. My kids are almost done with the pottery stuff, and we’re going to get some swimming done. Izzy’s group is joining us.”
Maia grinned. “Have fun, you two! I’ll see you later!”
Clary walked away, back towards the lake. They did see each other briefly at dinner, but an emergency with a kid bleeding had to be dealt with. The next time they were all able to take a breather and see each other was around midnight, in their room.
Clary slipped through the door with a sigh. She’d had to take care of the “medical emergency” because she was one of the few with a first aid diploma and the correct certifications to deal with a split lip. She closed the door behind her and looked up.
They’d pushed together the two single beds a long time ago, so they would all be more comfortable. In the middle of the bed, were her two gorgeous women. Maia and Isabelle were still wearing panties and the dark-blue t-shirt of the Lake Lyn Camp, but Maia’s hand was under Izzy’s shirt.
The two of them stopped kissing for a moment, enough for them to look over at Clary and pull her in. Clary fell onto the bed, and they got to work taking off her shoes, high socks, jean shorts, then moving to her t-shirt and underwear. They made quick work of all of it, until Clary was naked, sandwiched between them.
They made out for what felt like hours, until they got tired and just settled in bed, three of them, cuddling skin to skin. Izzy still lazily licked and sucked a hickey on Clary’s right breast as Clary gently petted her hair.
“So I guess we would be Claiabelle,” Clary muttered.
Izzy made a semi-appreciative noise against Clary’s skin, and Maia chuckled against Clary’s neck. “I guess, yeah.” Maia whispered. “Is this going to only be a camp thing?”
Clary stayed silent for a fact. “I don’t know. We’ve never done anything more than camp stuff.”
Maia hummed. “You live too far from each other?” She asked curiously.
Izzy stopped kissing and sucking on Clary’s breast and looked up. “I don’t even know where you live, Clar.”
There was a moment of silence. Izzy moved, getting more eye-level with Clary and looking at her. “I’m in Manhattan.”
Maia laughed. “So you guys have lived in the same city all this time, and have never thought that maybe you could make it dating-dating, more than camp-dating?”
Izzy bit her lip. “God, Camp me is not as smart as normal me. I could have had all of this, for three years.” She muttered, her hand trailing down Clary’s body. “What about you, Maia?”
“Brooklyn too.” Maia smirked at them. “Would you two ladies be willing to take Claiabelle home from the camp?”
Izzy reached over, pulling Maia close to kiss her deeply. She then let go of her and looked up at Clary. “It’s a yes for me.” Clary nodded as well, pulling on Izzy’s hair to bring her up so she could kiss her.
“Claiabelle goes to New York.”
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its-negans-lucille · 7 years
Kissed by Moonlight
You can find my Masterlist HERE!
Prompt: Could you do an imagine where Negan sees a trans guy during the line up (where he kills Glenn and Abraham) and doesn’t think much about it until he starts dreaming about them? And he comes to Alexandria, he seeks the guy out? Sorry if this isn’t the clearest requests, but thank you! I love your blog. – Via Anon
Ships: Negan x TransMan!Reader Words: 1,555 Warnings: Curses Category: ???
Negan’s POV
Negan had been dreaming about him for about a fortnight. Each night he would awake, drenched from head to toe in sweat, breathing heavily as he would try and recall what had happened in his dream before it slipped out of his memory until the inevitable next night.
In each dream, he would see a face, a face that was bathed in moonlight. The stars would look upon that face and not even the great supernovas could compare too his beauty. His lips slightly parted in awe as he looked upon the infinite seas of stars and planets though he wouldn’t know that nothing could challenge the galaxies that swam in his eyes.
That visage would make Negan question himself, his very being. He had been trying to remember when he had seen that face, for he was sure that he had lay eyes on his visage before now. Negan hadn’t visited his wives at all and had barely left his room or ate, determined to find the man who was haunting his dreams.
Negan couldn’t recall the face until the seventh day of the recurring dream. He had woken up with the vision of a face that wasn’t bathed in moonlight, but rather in the harsh, white, light of cars and truck headlights. The face was pale and terrified, though no tears fell from those beautiful eyes. That was when Negan realised where he had seen his face.
Not even a week prior. When he had lined up the small group of Alexandrian’s. At the time he had thought nothing about the man who had stared up at him defiantly, maybe he was a little impressed by him but his thoughts hadn’t gone beyond that.
Negan decided that he wanted to meet the famous man who had plagued his thoughts for the past week. Within the hour of Negan telling Simon that they were to pay a visit to Alexandria the cars had been packed, Saviours awoken from their slumbers and guns cocked and reloaded.
Negan now sat in a leather seat, gazing out of the window as they drove a small convoy of vehicles to Alexandria.
Despite himself Negan felt a nervous tension building up in his stomach as they drove closer to the community. This was a new feeling to Negan, he hadn’t felt that kind of feeling since his late wife, Lucille, and none of his wives since then. Negan tried to ignore it as they stopped in front of the iron gates of Alexandria.
Negan stepped out of the heavily armed, black, car with deliberate slowness. Negan could taste the stench of inescapable scent of death on the air. Death and anticipation.
Negan heard the gates of Alexandria rattle open loudly, sending birds erupting from their nests in the early morning. Negan smiled his far too white smile as he spied the form of Rick Grimes, his hands on his hips as he surveyed the Saviours.
“You’re early.” Rick said in a groggy voice. It was still dark outside; the sun had yet to peek out from the hills.
“Well, I fancied an early fucking stroll and decided I’d pay my good ol’ friends at Alexandria a visit.” Negan replied in a confident tone as he stepped toward Rick, casually slinging Lucille over his shoulder as he went.
Negan stepped over the scratches and marks that indicated the crossing to Alexandria. He could see that people were immerging from their quaint, suburban, houses with confused looks on their faces. Negan smiled and made an over exaggerated bow at the small crowd that was beginning to group, all of them looked to their great leader for support.
“Now, Rick, give me the grand motherfucking tour!” Negan exclaimed in a loud tone which had most people flinching. Rick only jerked his head in a feeble attempt at a nod.
Rick took Negan all around Alexandria and yet he had not spied the man that had been in his thoughts. Negan had seen all manner of faces, all of them held the same look of fear and exhaustion.
Negan was beginning to lose hope of ever finding the man until he saw someone stood atop one of the watch posts, a hatchet strung over their shoulder. Negan stopped dead as he watched the man, almost as if hypnotized.
“Who the fucky fuck is that?” Negan asked in a low voice, making sure none of the onlookers could hear him.
“That?” Rick asked, matching Negan’s low and secretive tone. “That’s (Y/N), he helps man the wall.” Rick said in a tentative and nervous tone, his eyes flicking from you to Negan, unsure of what to make of Negan’s sudden interest.
“Rick, stay here.” Before Rick could protest Negan had begun to make his way over toward you.
Reader POV
You had been minding your own business when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You rubbed the back of your neck and turned around. You saw Rick standing with the tall, lean, form of a man who you hadn’t wanted to see for a long while yet.
You turned your back on them once more, determinately watching the horizon. You stood very still as you watched the sun slowly turn a dark, plum purple. Yet you could still feel the scrutinizing gaze behind you.
You had been having odd dreams about the imposing man who had taken all your lives and who now owned them. You hadn’t told anyone of the nature of the dreams for you didn’t know completely yourself. All you knew was that Negan’s presence here was making you anxious.
You didn’t move until you heard the sound of the ladder creaking. You immediately spun around and held out your hatchet, your brows furloughed as you saw Negan hold up his hands in a mock surrender.
“What’re you doing up here on this fine morning?” Negan asked as he surveyed your form openly and appreciatively.
“Not making people’s lives miserable. Unlike some people.” You said in a pointed tone, nodding your head back toward the Saviours.
“Ouch.” Negan said, placing a hand on his heart in mock offense.
“What do you want?” You asked in a low tone, your eyes narrowed in suspicion as you surveyed him sceptically.
“Do you dream? Hm?” Negan asked in a soft voice, softer than you would’ve thought possible for him.
“Excuse me?” You coughed and choked in surprise at the question.
“Do you dream?” Negan repeated slowly as he scrutinized your face with an almost childlike curiosity.
“Yes. Of course, I dream.” You answered in an unsure tone, keeping your eyes firmly forward.
“But what do you dream of?” Negan continued. You felt a twinge of unease caressing your senses. Your fight or flight instinct peaking. “Because I’ve been having a lot of dreams about you.” Negan said in a low and suspicious tone, as if you’d poisoned him with these thoughts.
“Excuse me?” You reiterated again, feeling stupid at your lack of vocabulary.
“You heard me.” Negan said and you felt a leather clad hand softly cup your chin and angle your face toward him. “What’s so special about you?” Negan asked in a dark and curious tone. You didn’t reply. “Tut, tut, tut.” Negan chorused, shaking his head. “You know, this’ll be easier for you if you answer my damn questions.” Negan continued. “So, I ask again! What is so special about you?”
“I-I’m transgender.” You replied hurriedly. From the corner of your eye you could see Rick looking at the scene unfolding, his eyes concerned.
“You’re what?” Negan asked in a confused tone.
In response to his confusion you simply stepped back and lifted your shirt to reveal the two scar where your breasts had once been.
“Oh.” Negan said simply. He ran a hand down his salt and pepper scruff.
You had the inkling that Negan didn’t know how to react to this. That he was confused and frankly in shock and taken aback. You found it rather entertaining that the charismatic tyrant that had terrorized your people couldn’t find words.
“I’ve been having dreams about you too.” You said in a quiet, almost embarrassed tone as you lowered your plain shirt. You didn’t know what made you tell Negan about the dreams, all you knew was that you needed to tell someone.
“Oh really?” Negan asked in an impressed and somewhat flattered tone.
“Yeah.” You replied, running a hand through your hair absently.
“Well, I have a proposition for you.” Negan said with his usual valour, his unnervingly white smile appearing once more on his lips. “You come back to the Sanctuary with me and we get to the bottom of this weird fucking ‘dream’ thing.” Negan said in a smooth voice.
“No!” You exclaimed without thinking.
“C’mon, handsome, if you come back to the Sanctuary I won’t take so much next time we come knocking.” Negan asked in a sweet voice. “You do you not care about your people?” Negan asked, cocking his head to the side. A triumphant smiled donned his lips as he knew he had won. “It wouldn’t have to be long term,” Negan continued. “Unless you want it to be.” Negan winked mischievously.
“Fine.” You said in a resigned voice.
“So, you’ll come?” Negan asked in an almost excited voice.
Thank you all so much for reading! This is the first time I’ve written a transman who has transitioned and it was hard! I’m sorry it it wasn’t that good :/ Also the last part of this story was not proof read so I apologise for any mistakes.
I joined this Sapphic group chat on Discord and it’s so great and all the people are it are so nice and wonderful and I’m just so happy??? And I really needed that right now since getting back to school and anxiety has been hard lately. But eh, nothing we can do about it anyway.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a great day! Thank you!
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