uimanhosa · 5 months
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blaqsbi · 5 days
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Post: I think that the question she raises is valid. https://www.blaqsbi.com/3pNH
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#RepostCDClassic Repost by @_reposta ——— Oie, hoje temos resenha aqui no ig, amei muito esse livro da @autoraoliviauviplais. #livro #pjdivasdabettaa #newx #leitura #newxxfollowt #amoler #amorpeloslivros #divasliteraria #leituras #indicacaodelivros #dicadelivro #dicadeleitura #lendonacionais #lendonacional #newliberty #resenha #resenhaliteraria #resenhaliterária https://www.instagram.com/p/CkT6zJHPrTm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chase-the-adventure · 2 years
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Multi-state Chase 6/7/2022 Chased severe & tornado warned storms in Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas today! #cowx #newx #kswx #hail #severeweather #thunderstorms #wallcloud #landspout #tornado #shelfcloud #sunset https://www.instagram.com/p/CeiKsmEOLZl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vo-kopen · 2 months
I briefly was interested when I saw the first issue of a new Edge of Spiderverse comic was beginning before rapidly losing interest. The synopsis claims it will be starting “the build to the biggest Spider-Versal story (marvel) has EVER DONE!” And that immediately pushes me away.
I wanted to see some windows into other spider realities, this is an anthology about parallel realities, can’t that be enough? Does it need to lead into a crisis? Does it even make sense for there to be a crisis? The comics Spiderverse has been almost destroyed so many times in the last few years, it’s lost its impact. I just want an anthology, not another ever escalating event. Let us breathe.
I don’t crave to see Dragonball Z/Super levels of threats, I don’t want all of reality constantly at risk, I want a snapshot into another setting with its own heroes. Like give me a neat concept for a alternate version of a hero, have them do street level stuff or at least stuff limited to their own universe, and I am peachy. Maybe do a riff on Pokémon/his dark materials and have the spider hero be powerless but have a familiar that is a radioactive spider? Or a spider medic in WWI trying to save everyone caught in the war, bandaging wounds with webbing and sneaking through no man’s land to get the heavily injured medical treatment? Maybe follow up on the Hobie Brown Spider-Man from that Secret Wars tie in? Let Valerie the Librarian be the star of a setting? Or just revisit Spider-Rex again, at least that’s fun. Give me standalone snapshots (of Spider-Man)
Sorry for ranting. But remember how the og Crisis on Two Earths was just “Barry helps Jay come out of retirement and take down three villains who are just robbing people?” That’s the stakes, just helping a retired hero suit up again and solve a crime wave in one city? Why can’t we get those kind of stakes in multiverse stuff? Street level and person stuff? Why must every multiverse anthology lead into a crisis crossover? And *grumble grumble grumble whine whine whine*
@thefingerfuckingfemalefury @nitpickrider @espanolbot2 @docgold13 @newx-menfan am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.
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newx-menfan · 12 days
I’m gonna be honest…I’ve been OBSESSED with the idea of “Evil Prodigy” after “Too Much information”….
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petapeta · 10 months
去年あたりからのAIの進歩は目覚ましく、特に、絵を描いたり文字列を書いたりする生成系AIというものがものすごい。 子供の寝かしつけ用に物語を書いてくれと言えば感動的な文章を応えてくれるし、昔書いた小説の補完をしてくれと言えば独自の追加設定を交えて応えてくれる。 こういうふうにmp4動画ファイルを変換をしたいのだけど、ffmpegのコマンドラインをどう書けばいいの?と聞けばちゃんと答えてくれる。まぁ、よくできてる。 聞くところによると、プログラムを書いたりスクリプトを書いたりもしてくれるらしい。 であれば、フリーソフトの作者に要望を伝えてプログラムを作ってもらうよりも、AIに要望を伝えて使った方が速いし確実だしワガママも聞いてくれるのではないか?という気がしてきた。そうなれば、実際に試してみるしかない。目指すべきはマウスふるふるの主要機能部分を簡易に実現するPowerShellスクリプトに相当するものを書いてもらうことだ。 まずは、ChatGPT(3.5)に聞いてみることにする。 質問:マウスカーソルを50秒に1回、1ピクセル左右に揺らすPowershellスクリプトを書いてください。 [ChatGPT] 以下は、PowerShellでマウスカーソルを50秒に1回、1ピクセル左右に揺らすスクリプトです。 Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class MouseMove { [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT lpPoint); [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct POINT { public int X; public int Y; } } "@ function ShakeMouseCursor { $interval = 50 # カーソルを揺らす間隔(ミリ秒) $distance = 1 # カーソルを揺らす距離(ピクセル) while ($true) { [Mousemove.POINT]$currentPos = $null [Mousemove]::GetCursorPos([ref]$currentPos) $newX = $currentPos.X + $distance # カーソルの座標を設定(左右に揺らす) [Mousemove]::SetCursorPos($newX, $currentPos.Y) # 一定時間待機 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $interval } } # マウスカーソルの揺らしを開始 ShakeMouseCursor 上記のスクリプトは、ShakeMouseCursor関数を定義し、その中でマウスカーソルを揺らす処理を繰り返します。$interval変数はカーソルを揺らす間隔(ミリ秒)を、$distance変数はカーソルを揺らす距離(ピクセル)を指定します。 スクリプトを実行すると、カーソルが50秒に1回、1ピクセル左右に揺れるようになります。プログラムを停止するには、PowerShellウィンドウを閉じるか、Ctrl+Cキーを押してください。 なんだか、それっぽいものが出力された。 ただ、注意すべきは、マウスカーソルの「揺れ方」である。50秒に一度、マウスが右側に1ピクセル移動する。画面右端に到達すると、そこで止まってしまうだろう。 以上のことから分かるのは、 指示の出し方を工夫する必要がある。プロンプターとしての能力向上が必要。一般の開発で言うなら、詳細設計書をきちんとかけるスキルが必要。 出力されたスクリプトが意図通りかの検証は必要。今回の場合、PowerShellの知識や実際に動かしたときの脳内シミュレートは必須。一般の開発で言うなら、コードレビューのスキルが必要。 1つのAIだけで試すのでは心もとないので、次はBing AIに聞いてみることにする。 質問:マウスカーソルを50秒に1回、1ピクセル左右に揺らすPowershellスクリプトを書いてください。 [Bing] Powershellスクリプトでマウスカーソルを50秒に1回、1ピクセル左右に揺らすという要望ですね。 以下のコードを試してみてください。このコードは、無限ループでマウスカーソルの現在位置を取得し、それに1ピクセル分のランダムな値を加えて新しい位置に移動させます。50秒ごとに繰り返されます。 # マウスカーソルの位置を取得・設定する関数 function Get-MousePosition { $signature = @' [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT lpPoint); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct POINT { public int X; public int Y; } '@ $type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name "Win32Point" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru $point = New-Object $type::POINT $null = $type::GetCursorPos([ref]$point) $point } function Set-MousePosition { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$X, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$Y ) $signature = @' [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y); '@ $type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name "Win32Point" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru $null = $type::SetCursorPos($X, $Y) } # 無限ループでマウスカーソルを揺らす while ($true) { # 現在のマウスカーソルの位置を取得 $pos = Get-MousePosition # 1ピクセル分のランダムな値を生成 $randX = Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 2 $randY = Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 2 # 新しいマウスカーソルの位置を計算 $newX = $pos.X + $randX $newY = $pos.Y + $randY # マウスカーソルを移動させる Set-MousePosition -X $newX -Y $newY # 50秒待機する Start-Sleep -Seconds 50 } ChatGPTが出力したスクリプトと比べ、マウスの揺れ方にランダム性(左1ピクセル~右2ピクセル、上1ピクセル~下2ピクセル)があり、おそらく需要は満たせそうな気がする。さすがPowerShellのおひざ元のマイクロソフトのAIだ。 しかしながら、こちらの要望は「左右に揺らす」であり、上下に揺らしてしまっているのは蛇足だ。こちらの与えた要望を拡大解釈してしまっている。ただし、文字列生成系AIは、単に言われた事だけをするのではなく、「拡大解釈もする」ということは、創造的な観点からは良い評価が与えられることもある。 あと、インデントしてくれないのは気持ち悪い。人間が作ったスクリプトなら、コードレビューで突き返すことになるだろう。
INASOFT 管理人のひとこと - 2023/ 6/19 22:51 フリーソフト作者に要望を伝えるよりもAIにスクリプト書いてとお願いした方が確実か説の検証
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raychelsnr · 1 year
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@brettwrightphoto captured this lightning bolt at sunset near Ord Nebraska back in 2017. This storm produced a tornado shortly after this. #newx #weather #nature #lightning #sunset
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sofiamantegafan110 · 1 year
Inspired by @newx-menfan
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lilymultimuse · 1 year
managed to get myself newx kit rewritten on firefox without asking help from a third party
Someday i'll up my tech savy skill to lvl 2
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uimanhosa · 5 months
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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nityarawal · 6 months
"Bite My Head Off," feat. Sir @PaulMcCartney @RollingStones "Hackney Diamonds" @X
#BiteMyHeadOff #SongOfTheMonth #SOTM #BalancingActs #VideosPeaceInTheMiddleEast #Please #newx #Paradigms #LyricVideo #HireMe #HireMyArtists #Rockets #HIMYM #MomsApartheidLaw
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Running A Lasso Regression Model
LASSO regression stands for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. The algorithm is another variation of linear regression, just like ridge regression. We use lasso regression when we have a large number of predictor variables. Lasso regression is a parsimonious model that performs L1 regularization. The L1 regularization adds a penalty equivalent to the absolute magnitude of regression coefficients and tries to minimize them. The equation of lasso is similar to ridge regression and looks like as given below.
LS Obj + λ (sum of the absolute values of coefficients)
Here the objective is as follows: If λ = 0, We get the same coefficients as linear regression If λ = vary large, All coefficients are shrunk towards zero
The two models, lasso and ridge regression, are almost similar to each other. However, in lasso, the coefficients which are responsible for large variance are converted to zero. On the other hand, coefficients are only shrunk but are never made zero in ridge regression. Lasso regression analysis is also used for variable selection as the model imposes coefficients of some variables to shrink towards zero. The following diagram is the visual interpretation comparing OLS and lasso regression.
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TRAINING LASSO REGRESSION MODEL The training of the lasso regression model is exactly the same as that of ridge regression. We need to identify the optimal lambda value and then use that value to train the model. To achieve this, we can use the same glmnet function and passalpha = 1 argument. When we pass alpha = 0, glmnet() runs a ridge regression, and when we pass alpha = 0.5, the glmnet runs another kind of model which is called as elastic net and is a combination of ridge and lasso regression. We use cv.glmnet() function to identify the optimal lambda value Extract the best lambda and best model Rebuild the model using glmnet() function Use predict function to predict the values on future data For this example, we will be using swiss dataset to predict fertility based upon Socioeconomic Indicators for the year 1888. Updated – Code snippet was updated to correct some variable names – 28/05/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Loading the library
Loading the data
x_vars <- model.matrix(Fertility~. , swiss)[,-1] y_var <- swiss$Fertility lambda_seq <- 10^seq(2, -2, by = -.1)
Splitting the data into test and train
set.seed(86) train = sample(1:nrow(x_vars), nrow(x_vars)/2) x_test = (-train) y_test = y_var[x_test]
cv_output <- cv.glmnet(x_vars[train,], y_var[train], alpha = 1, lambda = lambda_seq, nfolds = 5)
identifying best lamda
best_lam <- cv_output$lambda.min best_lam 1 2
[1] 0.3981072 Using this value, let us train the lasso model again. 1 2 3
Rebuilding the model with best lamda value identified
lasso_best <- glmnet(x_vars[train,], y_var[train], alpha = 1, lambda = best_lam) pred <- predict(lasso_best, s = best_lam, newx = x_vars[x_test,]) Finally, we combine the predicted values and actual values to see the two values side by side, and then you can use the R-Squared formula to check the model performance. Note – you must calculate the R-Squared values for both the train and test dataset. 1 2 3 final <- cbind(y_var[test], pred)
Checking the first six obs
head(final) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Actual Pred
Courtelary 80.2 66.54744 Delemont 83.1 76.92662 Franches-Mnt 92.5 81.01839 Moutier 85.8 72.23535 Neuveville 76.9 61.02462 Broye 83.8 79.25439 SHARING THE R SQUARED FORMULA The function provided below is just indicative, and you must provide the actual and predicted values based upon your dataset. 1 2 3 4 5 6 actual <- test$actual preds <- test$predicted rss <- sum((preds - actual) ^ 2) tss <- sum((actual - mean(actual)) ^ 2) rsq <- 1 - rss/tss rsq GETTING THE LIST OF IMPORTANT VARIABLES To get the list of important variables, we just need to investigate the beta coefficients of the final best model. 1 2
Inspecting beta coefficients
coef(lasso_best) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" s0 (Intercept) 66.5365304 Agriculture -0.0489183 Examination . Education -0.9523625 Catholic 0.1188127 Infant.Mortality 0.4994369 The model indicates that the coefficients of Agriculture and Education have been shrunk to zero. Thus we are left with three variables, namely; Examination, Catholic, and Infant.Mortality In this chapter, we learned how to build a lasso regression using the same glmnet package, which we used to build the ridge regression. We also saw what’s the difference between the ridge and the lasso is. In the next chapter, we will discuss how to predict a dichotomous variable using logistic regression.
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chassisblog · 10 months
Faltam menos de dez dias para o Festival Interlagos Carros.
Lançamentos da AUDI e Toyota e recém lançados RAM, Ford Ranger, Chevrolet Montana, Volvo, Polaris RZR PRO-XP, além de test-drive nas pistas em diversas marcas e modelos, Ultimate Drift e Campeonato Brasileiro de Envelopamento Automotivo, promete diversão aos presentes. Ainda bateias, pneus, lubrificantes e acessórios. #Autocompara #AveryDennison #NewX #Faaftech #Cambea #Altak #Audi #Chevrolet…
View On WordPress
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kennethpingelcom · 1 year
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HØGEUGLE (The northern hawk-owl), en dejlig tur ud i vinterlandskabet, lidt gråvejr og en tur ned og besøge den fine Høgeugle, og vi var så heldige at den var i Jagthumør, så her et billede med madpakken :) #naturephotography #canon #55north_photos #drvejret #ugler #canon_nordic #nordicnature #bird #birdphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRnKN-NEwx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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