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mathysphere · 4 months
Seamless Evenweave Tile
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Top pic is a single tile, and bottom is how it looks filling a 1920x1080 canvas.
Made this for my icon set project by scanning in a piece and then tweaking it to be straighter and tile better. Free to use for anybody else who wants it-- no credit needed, including for commercial applications, etc etc.
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brasideios · 8 months
I’ve just finished reading Crime and Punishment so I’m just going to write a few of my thoughts about it here while it’s fresh.
It reminded me a lot of Keep the Aspidistras Flying by George Orwell; had the same sense of doom and hopelessness pervading it; scenes of poverty and how that beats a person down; the same type of (frankly) irritating protag who seems incapable of doing a thing to improve his own situation even though they’re surrounded by opportunities and people trying to help/support them; though Raskolnikov is significantly less stable. They end on a really similar note, too.
It has a similar, dense style to English lit from the same period (1860s) but then with *so* much less primness about it. It’s unflinching in a way English lit never really is. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the dream sequence of the horse being flogged to death; but there’s many other examples where I did a double take at the brutal descriptions of the suffering poverty inflicts upon people, or that people inflict on each other.
Something written by Dickens or Gaskell, who were hailed for highlighting the suffering of the poor, would *never* openly address prostitution and the effects that has with compassion for the girl (any trespass against Christian values meant death for the girl in English lit - the ‘harlot’ must be punished!) or actually describe an attempted rape. Or suicide. Or attempted murder. Or actual murder. Like - it genuinely does not look away.
It’s worth the slog to read, lots of interesting themes and ideas bubbling away in there, but it is definitely about 150 pages too long (I know this is because it was serialised and back then they paid by the word - that really shows). The last quarter dragged.
Oh - and one final point - to the person who once told me my paragraphs are too long, even when they’re literally a few sentences: this dude wrote paragraphs that run literally unbroken for three whole pages. I think I’m ok 😆
(It was good natured criticism, I’m not at all salty - I just couldn’t stop thinking about it as these monster paragraphs just kept on going, and going…)
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thestormlightnetwork · 8 months
you know a book is fuck upedly good when you want to throw up by the end of it.
i actually don't think i will survive a real horror book, but that's cute
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Tory MPs of the last 7 years
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Name: David Cameron
Won the general election because: His opponant ate a sandwich kinda funny
Best known for: Fucking a dead pig
Left office because: He only called for a Brexit referendum because he was weirdly confident Remain would win, and had absolutely no plan on what to do if Leave won. Saw the shitstorm on the horizon and did not want to preside over it. Resigned in disgrace.
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Name: Teresa May
Won the (snap) general election because: Labour wasn’t racist enough about Brexit/she simply refused to leave when she lost her majority and instead ghosted the Queen until she’d found a few non-Tory MPs willing to back her in return for bribes. Was PM BEFORE the snap election based on Tory party leadership votes.
Best known for: Almost restarting the Troubles in Ireland and doing the world’s most awkward dance to ABBA.
Left office because: The EU wouldn’t accept any of her Brexit deals, and parliament wouldn’t sign off on her agreeing to the terms the EU set. Resigned in disgrace.
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Name: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson 
Won the (snap) general election because: Labour wasn’t racist enough about Brexit/WTF knows, the British public are apparently easy for Eaton boys who can’t get a sentence out without two racist remarks and ten weird sounds that aren’t actually words. Was PM BEFORE the snap election based on Tory party leadership votes.
Best known for: Hoh boy. Where to start? Breaking laws he literally introduced to the public during lockdown and then saying he broke them because he “didn’t understand them” is probably the standout. Also looking like a teddy bear possessed by horny racist on purpose.
Left office because: See above. Also nepotism. Resigned in disgrace after clinging on as long as he possibly could.
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Name: Liz Truss
Won the general election because: Not applicable. There was no election. She won the Tory party leadership vote because her main opponent was a brown Hindu.
Best known for: The Queen dying. Somehow being even more incompetent than Boris Johnson.
Left office because: Her own party of corrupt, hard-right capitalists thought her plans to lift caps on banker bonuses and refusal to tax energy companies or place long-term price caps in the middle of a cost of living crisis were extremely bad. Also no one actually liked her in the first place. Resigned in disgrace.
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new-berry · 6 months
Elliot calls Joe as soon as he gets in and says “there is something seriously wrong with Anthony’s old friend.”
Joe yawns and murmurs something to his girlfriend. “Is it that he’s not you?”
“No!” Elliot takes a deep breath and tries to calm his heart rate. “There is something very unhuman freaky with him.”
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elephantbitterhead · 1 year
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In addition to the new step, there's also a new floor in the hallway & new tile in the entryway -- merry DIY-mas to us.
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goldenhourhimbo · 2 years
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moment of appreciation for this arm
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dungeonsandblorbos · 1 year
Meet the Blorbos: Indigo Sullivan
meet my first ever TTRPG character, Indigo "Indie" Sullivan!
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made my freshman year of college, he was my PC for two different modern-day campaigns with the same GM (the first campaign was Monster of the Week, using The Spooky playbook; the second was Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors). frankly, i adored him and didn't feel like making a new character and the potential for in-jokes with the GM was irresistible--so i just adapted him to the new setting and system! technically that makes him my first and second PC, because the two incarnations were technically different people, but the blorbo version of him that lives in my head rent-free is a composite of the two, so that's how i'll be talking about him on this blog lol
~ anyway ~
Indie is fiercely private, irreverent, and something of a nihilist, with an incredibly dry and sarcastic sense of humor. at the same time, he's also fiercely loyal, flamboyantly dramatic, and something of a romantic, with a major soft spot for kids and animals. he likes sitting on tables and windowsills and other things that weren't designed to be sat on. he does a lot of fidgeting. he's ambidextrous, queer/unlabeled, and fond of knives and daggers and other shiny things. his wardrobe includes a lot of obnoxiously colored and patterned short-sleeve button-ups and several hideous dad sweaters (many of which are thrift store finds older than he is), plus a few items stolen from friends and lovers. the fanny pack is completely unironic; he keeps it stocked with candy, dog treats, migraine relief pills, energy shots, band-aids, a phone charger, and a swiss army knife. after all, how can you trust a psychic that isn't prepared?
during the summer, Indie works as a camp counselor at North Pines Camp; during the school year, he studies psychology and stats at Grovington College (go Geckos!). in between classes and camp sessions, he also works with a demon-hunting agency called the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch (more on his colleagues in a later post). apparently, being an ambidextrous psychic with no fewer than fives knives on his person whenever he's on call makes him a valuable asset, or something
someday he'd like to be a psychology professor, like his aunt Diana, who raised him. maybe he'll even lead a Brotherhood team at the college, help mentor the next generation of monster hunters. have a dog and a husband
but that's a ways off. he still has to earn a few degrees first--and survive the missions he's being sent on now!
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chimielie · 2 years
sneaks up behind u to plant a big kiss on ur cheek MWAH!!!!!!!
WOOO THANK U im winning today folks
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liquidstar · 6 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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yesokayiknow · 4 months
i hope that sometimes fifteen's psychic paper shorts out and shows what fourteen's thinking back on earth. he tries to sneak in somewhere and the guard's like this just says 'need to pick up cat food'? and fifteen's like 🥺 they got a cat
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talaricula · 5 months
Things I've seen tumblr memeing about James Somerton doing à la "How did no one see how bigoted he was!" as if those things haven't been a significant part of tumblr culture for over a decade :
Presenting untrue and bordering on conspiratorial versions of (queer or otherwise marginalised) history without any sources
Completely disregarding and disrespecting any expertise on socio-cultural topics/humanities and distrusting academics and historians (incl. acting as if no academics or historians could be queer or marginalised)
Downplaying the role misogyny played in the historical oppression of queer women and concluding that queer men must have been more oppressed than queer women
Bi women are, at best, not as queer as "real" queer ppl, and at worst, simply equivalent to straight women
Despite nominal trans inclusivity, transmasculine ppl are functionally women when convenient (combined with the above, bi transmascs are functionally straight women)
Despite nominal trans inclusivity (bis), shamelessly attacking, threatening and actively endangering any trans woman who questions them or smth they find important (often by unfairly presenting her as violent or as a threat)
Having absolutely fucking wild and reductive takes about ace ppl, the oppression they face and their place in the queer community
Stating that marriage equality is an assimilationist fight while completely ignoring its direct roots in the horrifying consequences of the AIDS crisis for partners of ppl who died of AIDS
Praising western media creators from the past for queer coding even under censure and in the same breath condemning current non western media creators for being homophobic bc their representation isn't explicit enough
Blaming China for all existing homophobic censoring in western media
Assuming all queer media would be better told by western creators and by western standards
Only out queer ppl get to tell queer stories
Heavily criticising almost all queer media created by women or ppl they see as such (see above points about trans ppl) or involving/starring a significant amount of women for any perceived or real amount of "problematicness", but fawning over and praising and negating criticism of queer media created by and starring mostly or even functionally exclusively men (even when it could be argued that, you know, not involving/seriously sidelining women is a pretty clear example of misogyny which should probably be considered "problematic")
And I'm probably forgetting stuff or there's stuff I have internalised myself and don't recognise as an issue
Like idk but I feel like the takeaway from Hbomberguy and Toddintheshadow's videos should maybe be "be aware of such patterns in your communities bc they definitely exist" and not "this guy is uniquely awful" and I feel like a lot of the discussion I've seen surrounding this has been severely failing at that. Most ppl who've spent any significant amount of time on tumblr prob either have internalised at least one of those thought patterns, have had to de-internalise them, or have had to be extremely vigilant to not internalise them (which is done by, you know, seeking out other sources, which also seemed like an important takeaway from the videos)
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shiniestcrow · 2 months
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Second crochet buddy is done!
Dunno how long I'll keep this up, but so far I'm definitely having fun and already looking for patterns for more tiny friends :D
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pommegrantaire · 3 months
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Au lit, le baiser by Henri de Toulous Lautrec but make it Aziracrow
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wtfuckevenknows · 4 months
Do you think they’ll offer me a flat rate if I continue to collect hospital stays?!
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jasminebythebay · 4 months
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thank you for your help 💎
By popular demand, this piece is now available as a print! https://jasminebythebay.etsy.com/listing/1707594190
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