#no exam life insurance for new parents
sirfrogsworth · 7 months
Froglock Holmes, Internet Sleuth
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I don't remember dates very well, but I believe sometime in the mid 2000s I had a friend drive me from St. Louis to Detroit. It was a very difficult journey. I have never done well as a car passenger and driving for an entire day was one of the more miserable experiences in my life.
But I got through it because I was *convinced* I was about to be cured. Back then it was the only thing I wished for and I was willing to try absolutely anything.
So we were off to see the Wizard about my wish.
During that time there were no doctors in St. Louis who knew anything about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. But I found a website for a medical company that claimed if I saw one of their approved doctors, they could guarantee a 50% improvement. And when I did my pre-interview on the phone, that lady said some patients experienced a full recovery. To which I replied, "Yes, I will take one full recovery please."
But the closest approved specialist I could find was in Detroit and she would only treat me if I did my first consultation in person. She would then continue treating me over the phone.
My friend took three days off and she borrowed her parent's SUV so I would have leg room during the 8 hour trip. We loaded up on snacks and compact discs and began our road trip to wellness. We merged onto the Yellow Brick Road (a.k.a. I-70 East) and headed toward the land of Marshall Mathers.
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The more I got car sick, the more I focused on asking the Wizard to grant my wish.
A new... mitochondria?
Plus several trillion.
A new several trillion little powerhouses.
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This doctor was part of a national network of facilities that claimed they could effectively treat Fibromyalgia and CFS with a groundbreaking 6 step "holistic" approach. It was super holistic. Extra super duper holistic. The website made sure you knew it was holistic.
And those 6 steps sounded very fancy.
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I mean, that all seems pretty legit. They were going to enhance my cells and address coagulation deficits. That's a thing, right?
Now I know that "holistic" is a buzzword that should be met with skepticism, but back then I was really hopeful they could help me. They enthusiastically made bold promises and filled me with such assured hope that I sold my car to help pay for everything.
We arrived in Detroit the evening before the appointment. I slept maybe an hour. Morning eventually arrived and we headed to the office. They gave me a clipboard full of paperwork that took forever to fill out.
"Can I please just see the Wizard and get my wish?"
I got to the exam room and they put me in a gown with the butt showing—which I don't think my friend was prepared for. I have a condition known as Hank Hill Butt and it can take a bit of getting used to upon first glance.
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My poor friend refused to make eye contact while I was wearing it.
The doctor finally arrived and this supernatural healing wizard turned out to be a very short Greek lady. She asked dozens of questions—most of which I answered on the forms already. She poked my belly, checked my reflexes, and at no point did her examination require a gown with the butt showing.
She officially diagnosed me with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and told me she was going to type up a custom treatment regimen and while she was doing that, I was going to get a special IV they designed to specifically combat CFS.
They took me to a room full of comfy reclining chairs and hooked me to an IV full of orange nonsense. Once that was done I met back up with the Wizard and she had created the afore-mentioned "customized" treatment regimen full of expensive supplements and vitamins that were not covered by insurance. Many of which I had to buy directly from the facility. As I looked over the treatment worksheet, I realized they gave the same document to all of the patients.
It was at this point, 560 miles away from my home, stuck in some office in the suburbs of Detroit (which will eventually be taken over by a tooth pulp dentist), with my Hank Hill butt hanging out...
I realized this could have been an email.
I decided to put everything on three different credit cards. Combined with the money from my car, I had about $20,000 to invest in fixing my broken body. My plan was to get all better so I could get a job and pay everything back. I even told the doctor this brilliant financial stratagem and she agreed it was a good plan. No notes.
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Young Froggie was being hit in the face with red flag after red flag and Old Froggie is a little embarrassed about that.
I don't remember any of the supplements, but they had names like "EnergyMax Plus" and "Ultra MitoBooster 3000." They definitely sounded like legitimate, evidenced-backed medical supplements and not knockoff energy drinks endorsed by D-list Instagram influencers.
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It wasn't all overpriced vitamins though. The doctor had some silly ideas that were actually covered by insurance. She said I should thin my blood so it took less energy to circulate. And I should boost my testosterone levels above the typical range to improve energy. So I had to inject myself with blood thinners and rub testosterone cream on my legs every day for months.
The blood thinners gave me tons of painful bruises at the injection sites and made me dizzy from time to time. The shots became so painful I would have to close my eyes and have my dad inject me. Otherwise I would chicken out. We kept running out of places that didn't have bruises so he would just pick the smallest bruise and stick the needle there.
And the testosterone cream had an interesting side effect that I am debating whether to talk about as I write this sentence.
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Okay, I'm just going to tell you.
We are all adults here and we can handle adult conversations while remaining dignified and mature.
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The testosterone cream gave me constant, spontaneous, hours-long boners.
I hadn't experienced anything like it since I was a teenager. No erotic inspiration required other than a gentle breeze. Only this time I didn't have a math book to hide behind.
None of it helped my fatigue.
In fact, the constant bonerpalooza was exhausting to deal with.
"Oh look, that actress I enjoy has a fully exposed ankle." "I bet that attractive lady has boobs under that heavy winter coat." "Hey, is it Wednesday?"
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At some point it becomes a chore, ya know?
Thank god it was well before 2014, because if I had seen Chris Evans bicep curling a helicopter I probably would have needed hospitalization.
/end dignified adult conversation
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After six months I had 0% of the promised 30-50% improvement 90% of the time and she kept saying I just needed to give it more time. She said it works quicker with the IVs full of orange nonsense. But they custom made those IVs and can only administer them in Detroit. She claimed the oral supplements were filled with the same nonsense, but took much longer to kick in. She told me I could be patient or drive to Detroit once a week for an IV treatment if I wanted faster results. If that were true, I feel like that should have been disclosed at the beginning. But I was assured I could get the same results without the IV treatments.
It didn't matter at that point. My credit cards were maxed out and I was out of money. I called the doctor and asked if there was any treatment she could recommend that was covered by my insurance. She got very quiet and awkwardly said she would try to figure something out. Roughly 30 minutes later I was emailed a coupon for $20 off our next phone consultation. I responded and told her I literally had no money left.
I never heard from her again.
The Wizard had no ability to grant my wish for several trillion properly functioning mitochondrias. She had no magic treatment. I finally saw her for what she truly was.
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With perfect hindsight I could now see all of the red flags.
Though if I hadn't at least tried, I probably would have wondered and regretted it.
Hard to say.
I was kind of amazed how they built a country wide collection of clinics and they were able to operate for years solely on the placebo effect.
Years later I was curious what happened to this network of quackery. I found a news article saying it was all shut down due to fraud. I don't think they had a holistic approach to paying their taxes.
The reason I am telling this tale is because I have been playing detective and gathering evidence for my disability case. I started to wonder if maybe I could find my fraudulent Wizard to see if she had any kind of records or something that might help me. I knew it was a long shot, but I didn't want to leave a stone unturned.
At first all I could remember was her last name and that she was a D.O. and not an M.D. Standard Google searches were not turning up anything. I couldn't find her current practice nor any contact information. Apparently her Greek last name is a popular Arabic first name for men... so all my searches kept resulting in doctor dudes. This was not the time for a sausage fest and I was getting frustrated.
And then I finally remembered the name of the medical company.
Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Centers, Inc.
I even remembered their URL... fibroandfatigue.com
So I went to the Wayback Machine and I was able to find their now-defunct website. I suddenly remembered its cloudy banner image and "concerned_woman.png" like it was yesterday.
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Why, yes... I am tired of being tired.
I also remembered their promise that over 90% of patients had at least a 30-50% improvement. Which was the claim that sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with all those years ago.
I started searching different versions of the site to see how their claims of effectiveness changed over time. At first they basically implied they made everyone completely better.
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If I saw that I would definitely think I was getting a cure. But I imagine this caused some problems so they had to dial it back a bit.
I couldn't find the 90% version, but I did find the 30-50%.
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This actually sounds like you have a 100% chance of a 30 to 50% improvement.
As I skipped around to the archived captures of different years, the promised percentage kept changing. I don't think they did an actual statistical analysis of their patients. I think they just picked a percentage that sounded enticing without promising too much. Just enough to be life-changing with a built-in excuse for when it all goes tits up.
Years after my experience, the site finally settled on a 65% improvement in energy levels. It was on their new page detailing how "affordable" their treatment was.
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$20,000, you say? Balderdash, no one would spend that much.
If you were curious, they claim their treatment is now affordable due to a new monthly payment plan system. It did not become any cheaper.
However, under the 65% promise, they added this disclaimer with a large bold heading...
Success depends largely on your dedication and commitment. Our most successful patients are the ones who make the commitment to follow the treatment program rigorously. Patients who are aggressive and comply with the treatment process experience significantly better long-term results than those whose dedication is half-hearted and whose compliance is minimal.
In other words, "If our bullshit supplements don't work, it is YOUR fault."
Or in my case... "If you run out of money, it is YOUR fault."
Oh and there was also this...
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Looking at all of the versions of the Fibro & Fatigue, Inc website was certainly fascinating, but I had to quit dicking clicking around and find my focus.
I still had detective-ing to do.
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I was on the hunt for a Detroit-area Greek doctor of osteopathy.
There were ~250 captures of the site between 2004 and 2016. She wasn't listed in the newest captures, nor the oldest captures. So I kept trying to drill down to find the exact time period she worked at the company.
And then... EUREKA!
She was hiding in 2005 on their "Meet the Doctors" page.
Her first name was *drumroll* Sultana!
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I can't imagine why I didn't remember that common first name.
Finally, after weeks of trying to figure this out, I now had enough information to do a proper Google search and discover what the heck she is currently up to. Probably putting people in open-butt gowns to check their tonsils or something.
*googling noises intensify*
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I'm not sure I've ever come across such a literal dead end.
Should I be making puns about this?
I mean, she did help exploit me out of my entire life savings and put me in significant credit card debt with the Sex Panther-approved promise of a guaranteed 30-50% recovery 90% of the time.
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And the institution she was a part of was shut down for fraud.
Still... I never wished an early death upon her.
I would have been happy with a trip to small claims court.
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254 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 2 years
The White Dove Pt 17 - Drivers Ed & Enrollment
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Three days was all the companies deliberated before mid sift on the new Blackhowl duo the news broke that they had withdrawn their lawsuit in hopes of coming to a new set of standards on how to run their companies from now on. No money was being handed over as you weren’t handing over anything in return. Just a statement that you had control of their repaired lands and would not return them for any price or demand. Being back in town was nice, aside from the Osborns being able to descend again in tries to take over what free time you did have between shifts back at the candle and book shop.
In celebration of the completion of two more Blackhowls you found yourself back at the hair salon to get a trim of your now rib length curls you hoped to keep long at least for a little while as you’d gotten accustomed to it. Enrollment would soon be upon you again and for the time being you simply did what you could to get ready for school.
A bit backwards with Eddie’s insurance plan listing you as an approved driver the next couple weeks would have your mornings filled with motorcycle driving lessons before the school given car lessons. Amongst the other older, taller male students atop Eddie’s bike you followed the tips of the instructors on your first maneuver they wanted to teach you. Manuals had been handed out and apart from written tests and quizzes mostly this class was physical demonstrations you had to copy and perfect.
Amusing for the instructors on the first time you mastered what they wished to teach your class and to the ire of the older men your petite self could drive circles around them. Inside the small classroom the second week in, backgrounds were shared in talks on their other rides had mention of trucks and long hauls they had taken part of with this as a fun second mode of transport they aspired to have. An expecting glance your way had one guy ask you, “Well, what type of car did your parents get you?”
In a shake of your head you answered, “Been just me since I was six,” instantly changing the air in the room with now all eyes on you, “I’m legally emancipated. But my neighbor sort of adopted me as a sister, he’s the one who loaned me his bike. Car driver’s ed is offered at my school, but he has a bike so till I can get a car he said if I need to use his bike I can.”
Questions on more into your life had the group try to respectfully build something close to connections to reach out to if you needed that would last until the final exam and receipt of the completion certificate that Eddie beamed brighter then you had in the wait at the DMV to get you your license. Near to an hour you waited and with proof of your emancipation and forms of identification once the certification was validated you finally left with a laminated card with your picture on it saying that you could drive a motorcycle. A film and dinner was up to celebrate for the evening in after mornings of the latest results of recovery from Central and South America to being near to on their own feet again thanks to the help.
 “Pluto!” voices exclaimed from your friends who were hanging out outside of the school, having agreed to meet up at the enrollment since they had been called away for their own summer plans.
“There you are!” was echoed by your former Russian teacher and Max, the latter who was pleased to have you in one of his classes again this year. Both who shared their favorite parts of what they had seen of your travels online and asked a few questions on the friends you had made until they had to get back to speaking with other students and families and would get back to you when the semester began.
Dean Morita with a grin found your side when you took a seat in the cafeteria to focus solely on your class selection list and the information form to sign up for the drivers ed course. “Difficulty in selecting your courses?”
Beside you he settled down and you showed him the list you had. “I have them down I think. One after lunch and then I got a basic list of classes in Columbia that I can squeeze in then come back for Color Guard and then I have the driving class on Saturdays.”
“Well these certainly look to be equally accommodating and challenging for you. When do you have enrollment for Columbia?”
“Tomorrow morning. Dr Connors and Dr Octavius sent a joint email to talk when I get there to work some more Science classes on top of the basics, which a good deal of them can be done over the summer anyways.”
“Good, and you have secured insurance for the license course?”
“Yes, my brother has me on his account and helped me to get my motorcycle license so I can borrow his bike if need be,” you said widening a grin across his lips.
“Thank you, don’t know when I could afford a car but crossing a bike and car course off the list. Good part of our exploring had him on the bike to get the small pathways the jeep couldn’t fit on for some good shots.”
“And you certainly traveled a great deal. I know a great deal of students and teachers will be asking how the rest of the Americas looked post blip.”
“Wasn’t that rough beyond the really drug torn cities where people kept trying to hoard the supplies. Hopefully later on when they’re open again we can get back to take some more hiking trails in.”
“Certainly exploring suits you. You seem happier.”
After a giggle you said, “My therapist said it helped too. Get back to some exploration roots. I think I’m the first of my bloodline to get to the lower Americas. Should be nice to fuel me up before I see how this semester goes.”
“You will do just fine,” he said and helped you to finish the paperwork to hand in and let you get to your shift at the book shop.
“Brock!” Jonah Jameson called out across the floor of the Daily Bugle luring Eddie inside his office.
“Yup?” He asked curiously between bites on the doughnut he had gone to fetch from the coffee station.
“We got a tip Misique is drunk and damaging a storefront down in Chinatown spouting off some wanna be French rant. You want it or you want me to set Piper on it?”
Eddie finished chewing his bite of the doughnut and said, “Not Misique, her metabolism is too fast to get drunk.”
Robbie Robertson asked, “You know that for a fact?”
Eddie nodded, “Why she always stops with the food vendors. Gets hungry.”
“Piper!” Jameson called the teen who had been after a story since his hiring and said to Eddie, “Good on you, Brock. Had nine copycats while you were out of country. Didn’t think the fake accent would give her away.”
Eddie said as he went back to his desk, “Besides, she speaks 35 languages, wouldn’t need to fake French.”
“Piper!” Jameson shouted again only to look over the ruffled teen who had climbed under a desk and over a mail cart to get into the room fast, “Get down to Chinatown and find out who is impersonating Misique this time. We can add them to our wall of fakes.” He said stealing a glance at the new posted series of pictures of people captured by police posing as both Vigilantes and Heroes alike over the past few years.
Eddie at his desk however took a moment to steal a look at the bracelet you had woven for him on the trip he had been spending a good deal of time looking at between tasks. For so long now he hadn’t been more than a door or arm’s length away since the blip and now he had to get used to the fact his baby sister again was off for most of the day on her own. He knew where you were and even if he had imagined you might be caught up in something enough to make the police scanners then you would have called him for help on an escape plan.
Compliments in passing were still being given to him by those he worked with after his masterful story on the trip always bringing his focus back to the picture of you and him atop a cliff at sunrise. Both of you arguably looked like you fell out of a series of trees to land there but he still loved the moment as you were so happy seeing the plants re-grown to the sound of new animals settling into their new home. Shaking off his thoughts he got back to his story that would distract him until he could go and pick you up from your dance class you were starting back up tonight as it picked up post break for the instructor’s own vacation.
Not even a year yet you’d been in his life and now he had no idea how he could function if you weren’t a part of it. Venom’s bond was partly to blame for the level it had been taken to yet all the same he never wanted to consider what could possibly split his life to shreds in forcing distance between him and his baby sister. He supposed much like you had, himself and Venom had felt so terribly alone for such a long time now that family was found neither cared to consider life without it.
“Baby sister, off to college,” Eddie said making you giggle in removing the helmet you had on. To the back rest you strapped the helmet and reached up to ruffle your hair that had laid awkwardly and sprung back into your face in removing the obstruction to their free will.
“Funny,” you said, “Still on year three to my school degree. Have to finish that I think to be off anywhere.” You said as he adjusted his leather jacket that was bunched up under an arm fully ignoring the stares of a few curious young ladies who pulled up in colorful convertibles coordinated as their bright outfits were. Clearly inseparable since they were kids by how they mirrored one another to pretend a familial link, very much unlike the similarly dressed group of upper crust guys who arrived in a larger vehicle perfectly ignorant of how identical they imagined themselves to not be in their own faux unique personalities.
Upper crust down to those also on scholarships to attend at this Ivy League schools bodies seemed to just drop in surrounding the pair of you on the way to the first set of desks you would all have to check in at. Parents mingled into the mix only prolonging for a few of them the process for their children they did not want to release custody of just yet.
All the same a sorority sweater clad young woman looked you over curious about your open cardigan over a layered floral sleeveless blouse that hung loosely around your waist from the ribbon cinching the under layer beneath the bust. Both in more expensive materials to match your faux fox fur purse unlike your pale jeans that hung around the tops of your newest pair of second hand pink platform heels you wanted to break in prior to your shift at the candle shop later today. “Pluto Pear.” You stated to break the silence.
“Like, the fruit?” she asked then dropped her eyes to the accordion file folder on her lap she brought out a booklet and large envelope and aimed you inside to your next stop following a series of halls. “Just follow the signs if you get lost.” She said and Eddie behind you moved out of line to keep up with you stirring curious glances your way to try and see how the two of you were related.
Forms in line through the makeshift office were handed over to the conveyer belt that ended with you being photographed for a trio of ID cards that while still warm you kept hold of them to follow the signs to the next office. “Alright, I have your schedule and introduction notes,” with a grin you accepted those papers and the small cellophane bag that inside had a whistle and a tube of pepper spray. “There is also a pamphlet on safety procedures and location of security alarm points which will be lit up at sunset.” Up at her over the desk you locked eyes as she looked down at her papers, “I don’t see a dorm packet. If you haven’t signed up for on campus living I will warn you that it takes months prior to the semester for rooms to be assigned and there is a waiting list for those to get one as they become open.”
“I have an apartment,” you said, “Closer to my jobs.”
And a grin quirked across her lips, “Congratulations, so hard to find a place nearby to campus.”
You flinched out a grin and followed her tip to move onwards and out in the hall you muttered to Eddie, “Welcome to Uni, prepare for assault.” Into your purse you put the bag as he let out a huff.
“You won’t need that. I’ll eat them.” Eddie murmured back to you.
“Either way the new app will help,” you said alluding to an app you had created where people could warn what police wouldn’t find chargeable against people who were using or abusing them all throughout the country that would just input information and not post it publicly for the safety of the victim but show a picture of the person. Labeled as user or abuser with varied levels of aggression, mental manipulation or sexual exploitation to warn others including emails or aliases used that would search for social media use or companies and flag the person to be blocked.
The latest way to help people who were afraid to go for help that had a different kind of wave taking the power away from those who imagined themselves untouchable. And those with links to child rings or trafficking instantly were flagged to have the FBI bust for the past week all across the country collecting the people who had been involved. Financial scams were what you had been on the month prior to this through your bees who had taken out the scammers and blacked out their accounts on social media flagging their IP addresses for future scams. And for those who issue threats of any kind online would be flagged to be sat down by FBI agents as well for extra defenses for the online world to take away the power some people felt when hiding behind a screen. Already people had been writing to the po box listed on your youtube account if people felt safer contacting you through snail mail instead and this was just another try to help as most online programs preferred their statistics to actual prevention of enabling predators.
“Hmm,” a man dressed more for sailing on a yacht in front of you in the next line for a list of books you required that for the scholarship kids where the selection for your classes were already gathered. While any other choice of books to be also useful for your courses were possible to be purchased at the book shop. To Eddie he said, “Biker chic. I suppose some take to different tastes.” The man’s eyes traveled over you and he said, “Attended here myself back in ’73. Best place to keep your girl busy until you get her off her feet.”
Up at him you looked in his cocky grin in a stroll farther down the line to greet another familiar face making you look at Eddie and ask, “Was that alluding to a pregnancy or am I missing some social reference over my head?”
He smirked as the man in front of you softly cleared his throat to not chortle at what you said, answering, “Apparently he’s assuming this is some husband farm for you.”
“Ah,” you said, “Man it’d be nice if housing prices matched his pre-gender equality law mindset.”
“Well if we ever do create time machines I’ll go back with a chunk of gold and plop down a bundle for a Hamptons mansion for us and a crew to keep it up till we can move in. Create some of the best ghost stories till we get there to move into the supposed abandoned mansion.”
“Can’t have an abandoned mansion without a good crime story, don’t forget to bury a gelatin mold crawl space to add some fun,” you chimed in making the man in front of you look up at the ceiling to not laugh while his son chortled in the building elaborate plan to enhance the haunted rumor to this figurative mansion.
The plotting however had to pause when you reached the front of the line. “Bag ready,” Eddie said with a smirk opening the small gym bag he had folded and tucked under an arm to hold the hefty helping of books your scholarship covered on the core books for each course you had. Promptly to the open palm demanding it you handed over the form required to claim the books to the team in charge and once fetched the stack of books assigned were added to the bag and you were gestured to move onwards by the bored young man in charge. Over his shoulder Eddie settled the bag holding your core text books and off to the book shop you walked looking over the extra books related to your courses. A line outside gave you time with a pen from your bag to mark off the ones you could find online through the library or those you could find in secondhand shops just leaving seven more books to hunt for.
“This is $104,” you said lifting a book the size of a children’s book in thickness that had Eddie take hold of it to weigh on his fingertips and flip through then pass back.
Leaning in to whisper, “Scan it,” making you smirk at his turn to form a body wall to cover the ignite of the eyes of the bee hidden in your hair to record every page you flipped through cover to cover before setting it down signaling him to move on with you. On to the next slightly cheaper but five times thicker book Eddie grinned faking a near drop to the ground in lifting it making you and other young ladies who were across a table of books aiming to get his attention giggle at his playful mood. Solely on you he focused and helped you to gather the ones you felt you needed that he paid for from surplus funds lifted from the Hydra safes.
Free from the required steps you simply looked around a courtyard they let out at still chatting with Eddie in the breath of peace until your name had been called. “Dr Connors,” you said with a grin to the Professor who with Dr Octavius lagging behind him noting something in a notebook he shut arriving in front of you to greet you as well. “Dr Octavius.”
“Here you are, you have all your enrollment completed?”
“Yes,” you said and glanced at Eddie, “My brother, Eddie.” You said making them shake his hand after they had shaken yours.
Octavius said, “Yes, we followed your trip abroad, very poignant article, couldn’t put it down. Certainly Pluto here has had an influence on your writing to aim it towards the essence of nature.”
Connors said, “Yes, we in fact have been enthralled with your interactions with insects especially. Oscorp has decided to fund a stem of research into the genetic manipulation of spiders we are going to be carrying out here on campus.”
Octavius said, “Not me,” with a chuckle, “Still aiming for a new power resource actually.”
“I take it one to ruffle Stark’s feathers a fight against his arc reactor.”
He chuckled saying, “I fully intend it to be a power source to fuel the entire state. Not just for some tower or super suit, no. It truly touched me the effects Misique’s pathway to granting freedom for the masses. And while it may not be possible to give energy away for free I do intend to keep it as close to zero as possible.”
“Very admirable,” you and Eddie said widening his grin.
Connors said, “Are you settling into a dorm today?”
“No, I have my own place in Queens. Curfew’s wouldn’t really be good for my work schedule even if my scholarship would have paid for one.”
“Where do you work?” Octavius asked.
“Book shop and a candle shop, the second’s not far from here. I do work in a market in Queens in the summer and clean up in a theater too for spare funds.”
“Books and candles, sounds like a perfect balance,” he said making you chuckle as he and Connors did. “I hope they pay well.”
“Candle shop does, plus commission, but I get discounts on books.”
“So it evens out,” Connors said, “I know some of the books here are beyond reasonable to an extent.”
You nodded showing him the page, “I got three here, the rest I found in second hand shops or online for free outside the basic books.”
Eddie said, “Good thing they have her email they’re holding the list for us.”
“Then we will let you go pick up your wares,” Octavius said with a wide smile making you chuckle. “I do hope you do not overwhelm yourself.”
“I’m starting on the basics now, a few upper level classes, so I don’t have your classes yet.”
“Take your time,” Connors said with a kind grin making you grin back. “We will be here when you are graduated and have your basics completed.”
Octavius said, “And do not forget to sleep. I had to retake three classes my first year when I overworked myself and kept falling asleep in class.”
“I will do my best,” you said and in parting with them Eddie grinned. Guiding you back to his bike to head to the stores holding the books you had wanted all the way in Brooklyn for a sort of second hand emporium of books and another in the lower end of Queens who always loved your drop ins for rarer book choices.
“Come on, more shopping,” he said offering you the bag of books after you added your helmet again to keep on your lap for the ride from Manhattan to Brooklyn. His excitement was prolonged with this next stop with mental images for him of your bees at home printing off copies of the books you had found online that with the ones purchased and to be purchased would be delved through entirely and packed with notes to be memorized as good as possible to be prepared. Hard work was to come with travel time to be filled with as much studying as possible until you had absorbed it all around time you had actually scheduled to get some sleep between shifts and various classes on two campuses.
Near to fifty pounds of books by the time Eddie had paid for the second hand books from both shops were dropped off in your apartment so that you could grab your uniform for Eddie to drop you off at the candle shop when traffic and other distracting customers in the book shop had stolen the decided lunch stop. Celebration was moved to a late dinner when he would pick you up again after your shift.
Close to a fan dance and play of motions you played a role behind a glass and white wooden station that seemed to be floating as the lights built into it disguised the legs that held a series of cases full of vials of different oils and cups of scent swatches. A self raised lofty woman wanting her usual helper had settled for you and with a smirk had found a new intriguing sort of plaything to keep her occupied. Foreign and mysterious, with gentle taps of your nails to the counter and different vials that to your notice had influence over this woman’s pulse and breathing drips of oils were added to swatches and wafted between you in a task to select a candle and soap scent pleasing to her.
Rarely the manager had let you behind this counter and unlike other girls on staff before the proof was there that you earned your commission without a single customer able to turn away. Cleverly somehow always each customer no matter their level of interest you chose to interact with left with something, even if it wasn’t exactly the something they had come in intending to buy. Random visits from people assuming this was just a candle or soap shop avoided by other girls who worked here were approached by you and seemed to leave with a different take on the place.
For some a sort of mind control might be assumed, for you those years of mental manipulation training to be an ultimate spy assassin were now coming into play as you played a role for each and every customer who you walked up to or approached you.
The plan was as soon as it was legal for you to play poker you would to try and build up funds and until then you would practice bluffing and a poker face on these people until you could. The book shop didn’t even pay $8 an hour, and while you made $20 here the commission part had you devoted to selling a sort of ambiance to the shop even if to you it was just a place to get apple and honey scented soap and soaking salts for your feet. It was a lie, and you were trained to be the best liar in the room. Not ideal but it was a survival skill that would be made of use in this harsh town until the next nine years had passed and the funds trapped in trust from your parents and the Blackhowls was available to cement your future all the more. You had to lie just enough to earn funds to cover both your lifestyles and tuck a bit away on the side for the chaos you knew was always coming.
“We got a buffet,” Venom said with a smile matching Eddie’s when you got to their place after your shift to find his counters and table coated in various types of takeout around a tray of tater tots he eased into the oven to have chili cheese tots as well. He twisted the head of his rhino kitchen timer and Eddie said, “Couldn’t decide which would be the best to mark the occasion, so we got a bunch of food.”
As you giggled Eddie added, “Was a bit of a standoff with the deliverymen outside but we handled it as smoothly as possible by lying about picky in-laws.”
“You’re gonna burn through all your money,” you said and he raised a finger.
“No, no I am not, we’re gonna eat it all,” he joked making you roll your eyes and turn to fetch a drink as he went to put on a film to enjoy while you ate.
‘And remember kids, it’s not just your duty to follow the laws of the land, but rules of the road as well.’ Steve Rogers in his Captain uniform widened his cocky grin in a confident swivel of his head in a thumb on his raised fist tapping the star in the middle of his chest, ‘I know I do.’
Ricky beside you leaned into your side whispering lowly as the instructor on your first driving class rubbed a hand over his face, “You know they just got off steam engines in the 30’s right?”
“I don’t think he could afford a car before he hit the ice,” you whispered back making Ricky bite his lip to not laugh out loud and sit up again when the instructor sighed and readied the next clip. This lesson wasn’t inside the school but inside a side building attached to a garage that had four vehicles and in groups you split up. No one wanted to drive the car you had been assigned to, while the newest one from an alumni a convertible in emerald green with tan leather interior, it was a stick shift that you walked to without a care. Ricky at your side, who had been given lessons on trips for racing with his dad that he did for a living alongside another racing enthusiast kid, he hoped to get at his brother for driving this rare car even if it had been adapted to have two wheels and spare pedals.
“Have you driven stick before?” the instructor asked and seemed a bit stunned to have a trio of nods and assigned from tallest to shortest that had you and Ricky in the backseat to wait your turn. Volunteer cops and firemen were there around this empty lot painted with colored lines for varied driving skills to help guide the cars safely in turns with handheld traffic signs to mark control of traffic flow at each intersection.
A bit jostled in the first kid’s initial minute of adjusting to the pedal weight and the first lap went smoothly after mirrors and belt had been checked upon the checklist before being green lit to begin. Though a screech and a slam on breaks in the truck headed for the other side of the lot had you all near to snorting in hushed tries to not burst into raucous laughter as that truck soon erupted into a shouting match between the students who caused the cheerleader behind the wheel to have reacted that way. One of the volunteer cops had to go and knock on the window to halt the fight that eventually would erupt again and have the students noted to not be allowed to drive together ever again throughout the rest of the class.
Compared to the other groups yours seemed to be miles ahead with a few minor exceptions of road rules, especially for yourself at the varied laws from Russia where you learned to here. “You can turn right now,” the Instructor said and you glanced his way having stopped at the signed red light.
“Oh,” you said making him smirk.
“It’s alright, unless there is a sign specifying no right on red you can take that maneuver. Where’d you learn to drive?”
“Russia, the man in the couple I was sent to live with taught me to drive and to fly. Had my pilot’s license since I was eleven.” You said making his brows shoot up, “No right on red in Russia.” You said flatly and followed the rotating sign warnings to take your turn after a conversation filled van passed by.
After class forms were signed on progress reports from the instructors who would keep them and on a night when you were uncommonly off work for a Saturday you accepted the offer from Greg and the twins to stay at their house with your friends for the first approved sleepover since their dads had revamped their theater and game room. Just in time to show off their own efforts, relentless tries to get you to be able to stay over had been agreed to as long as three female cousins were enforced to come over too so there would be familial unknowing guardians within the group of guys.
Along the wall of the classroom you lifted your bag that had a change of clothes and a sleeping bag that Venom and Eddie had found for a possible sleepover that didn’t pan out the last semester. And to a large van Ricky led the way to your friends who had been picked up for the ride to Greg and the twins’ house.
Three stories and brick wrapped as near to a castle as you could call a house built on two side by side lots joined into one house for twin brother architects who didn’t want to live apart had built a wonderfully more cheerful home than the modern styled home Ricky had. Full of secret doors and even an indoor heated pool to the game room you went and looked as the other kids did to Greg’s dad who said, “Supper is almost done and we will have you all bunking down in here, we have some spare sleeping bags if you need them.”
“You remembered a sleeping bag?” one of the twins asked and you pulled out of your bag a stunning sight, what looked to be a rolled up bear pelt that had jaws drop and you giggle.
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“It’s a sleeping bag,” you said. Reaching into the jaws to separate them revealing the pink plushy velvet lining that had the guys amused until a distant call for pizza was given luring a near stampede of teens down to the table where Greg’s uncle helped you up into one of the taller chairs you feared might tip over at their awkward construction. Onto plates slices were dished out as questions of the first week of school were answered, leading to you being asked, “Pluto, we heard you go to Columbia too?”
“Yes, I have a few classes a day.” You answered lifting one of your offered slices while one of the mothers helped to serve some of the pasta and wings and breadsticks while her sister in law helped to fix up some salad to go with the more savory options.
“And you live alone?” was asked to a hushed utterance from the twins to make them stop what could only grow into an interrogation.
“Yes, my adopted brother lives in the building behind me.” You said taking a brief bite of your slice.
“Why doesn’t he live with you?” the other dad asked gaining another hushed utterance to stop he shook off.
After you chewed and swallowed your bite you answered, “Well we met a couple months after I moved here. He’s the one who got me into therapy and helped me to get my motorcycle license so I can borrow his bike if he can’t drive it for the day.”
“You go to therapy?” the other dad asked and you nodded.
“Every other Sunday, I have trust issues,” you said and forced a grin and went to take another bite.
“And, Greg has said your parents are missing?” one of the moms asked in her return making Greg and the twins tilt their heads back in joint huffs as eyes turned to you as you swallowed your mouthful.
“Yes, I was six, and there was a fire, I was taken to Russia and my parents have been declared missing since. Technically I was too but then I got citizenship here and the Ambassador came to my apartment to handle some legal documents and to let me know that in a few years I can legally, um, not proclaim, declare, my parents as deceased.” You said as they simply stared at you. “So as soon as I get my license hopefully on my birthday I can be one step closer to full independence for whatever I run into. Try to graduate on time and get my degree the year after to move onto graduate courses to hopefully have those degrees before the trusts I’ve gotten off the Blackhowl jobs start paying in nine years.”
“And, you have trust issues?” one of the moms blurted out in shock flatly wondering how that was all you suffered from.
“I wasn’t safe in Russia. It is mostly with food and building relationships type of trust. My brother has done a good deal with the therapist helping to enforce trust and boundaries as far as what type of behavior I will allow others to display towards me to not continue any abusive habits to repeat in my future.” Before they asked you explained, “I wasn’t allowed to speak or move without explicit permission.”
“This brother treated you well?” one of the dads asked protectively before he could be stopped.
And with a giggle you said, “Yes, not like he’s some raging cannibal eating people around town.”
A few of your friends chuckled and the other dad asked, “And, you met when you moved into your building?”
“No, actually, I um, I got roughed up in the park last holiday break,” you said dropping jaws on the parents around the table, “Eddie was there, technically it was a trap for Venom and Misique I got caught up in. And he took care of me, we talked and he set up the meeting with the therapist and kept getting closer since then. We actually went to the same laundromat so we’d been around one another a bunch, talked a few times in passing. Bound to happen, just was a bit rough from the get go. I have a habit of finding traps, part of why he wanted to take me along last summer so I wouldn’t be alone.”
One of the dads shook his head, “You got roughed up?!”
And the other butted in, “Tell me they were arrested!”
“Technically Venom ate them,” you said taking another bite of your pizza leaving a silence over the table that had Ricky jump in to change the subject to anything else all your friends jumped on seeing the parents now had shifting views on how they had imagined you to be on what little they knew about you second hand.
Movies after dinner and games lasted until the first teen started to yawn then to a film the dads wanted to watch all the sleeping bags were laid out with yours arguably the most amusing to see you lay back and zip up inside an upside down bear pelt. Your head resting atop the built in pillow inside the back of the bear head for a surprisingly easy drop to sleep reminding you of your first days in your place sleeping on the floor.
The shared bathroom in the morning however found you simply waiting on top of your bear so on top of living alone nobody else had the chance to see the brands under your tongue when you brushed your teeth. Breakfast didn’t take long and fully dressed back in the van you were all led as they were going to drop you all off on their way to church. And after a trip upstairs into your place a second breakfast was fixed up when your things were put away to fill the time until your shift at the book shop.
Pt 18
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​, @fizzyxcustard​
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: goth, metal, dark . With a slight resemblance to KIM AREUM of/the ROLLING QUARTZ.
last name, first name: von Beethoven, Idril alias: Areum realm of birth(if earth, nationality): German age: 27 gender: female preferred pronouns: she/her species: cyborg (lvl 3) occupation: G.H.O.S.T/ hacker for higher sexual orientation: pansexual, polyamorous any associated/owned businesses: tech repair store ‘RePear’
VISUAL FILE:  (please match the listed visual descriptions on the species page)
skin color: white, pale eye color: lilac scars: - piercings: multiple piercings on her ears, a septum, nipple piercings, tongue piercing tattoos: multiple tattoos all over her body, gang tattoo is on her left rib under her left breast hair color: naturally black, 20 cm at the end is dyed blue abnormalities: she is a stage 3 cyborg horns/ wings/ etc: robotic replacements at various stages throughout her body. Her inner organs are yet to be replaced.
SINS:  lust /  gluttony  /  greed /  sloth /  envy /  wrath /  pride
VIRTUES: chastity   /   temperance /   charity  /  diligence   /  kindness /   patience  /   humility  
KNOWN LANGUAGES:    English, German, French, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin
SECRETS:   she loves coming of age movies and romcom
SAVVIES:   Playing various instruments (bass, kalimba, guitar)
Powers & Abilities:bionic physiology, data manipulation, Programming, Enhanced strength and speed
Traits: laid back, in general peaceful, reserved, quiet, awkward
Date of Birth:   27.09.1995
Date of Death:   [ if applying for an undead character ]
Crime Record:   cyber-attacks, thefts, etc
Idril never knew her birth parents. Her earliest memory was playing in the snow with her siblings in a remote part of Switzerland, a memory that she had cherished for a long time and still did despite her parting ways with her family, if you could call it that. But if you didn’t know any better and had been fed that lie for your whole life, then it was your reality, your truth.
Their parents were a couple of scientists at the top of their expertise. The Swiss couple had adopted six children of different ethnicities and Idril was the youngest of them all. Their usual day would start early at 5 am with breakfast and a briefing about the following activities of the day. It was always a tight schedule between educational classes and physical training. Quarterly there would be multiple tests for them to pass. As the years passed, their training had become more specific to their strength, so Idril started her training in computer science and programming.
When Idril was around 15 years old, her siblings and she were set to go on their first mission. In retrospective, it was quite trivial and banal, but she still recalled the rush of it all. Everything had to be precise and there were little to no room for errors. They were supposed to stage a robbery at a millionaire's mansion for insurance fraud. A piece of cake, she would say now, but that night was their first exam to show that the training in the past years were not in vain. The rush that went through her body while she was typing codes to disable the complex security system to allow her siblings to enter without setting off any alarm, she would never forget that. But as it was with everything in life, the thrill wore off and it just became a mundane task week after week, day after day.
Then the first operation took place. Her siblings, who had passed puberty, all had their first few operations already and it was now her turn. The operation was done by their parents. For her siblings, their first operation was to replace their limbs. But for her, they chose to replace her eyes first. Her new lilac eyes should support her in data analysis and scanning of information. Perhaps for the rest of her life, her eyes would be the reminder of her process of bionic replacement.
During her last mission with her sibling, an unexpected message popped up on her screen, a crypted message from an organization called G.H.O.S.T. She was recruited to become part of the underground gang. It was her chance to finally figure out who she wanted to be outside of her family, to be free from the strings of their parents and maybe find her birth parents.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Idril made a casual gesture, asking the officer if she could light her cigarette before answering the question. As the older man nodded to give her permission, she took her time to think about what had happened that night indeed. In that short time, her eyes had finished a full data analyse of the officer. There were some juicy details that she could toy around. But that would perhaps freak him out and kick off a chain reaction that was not worth the entertainment. There was no need to draw any unwanted attention to her.
“What happened that night was quite fuzzy to me”, she said slowly as she watched the smoke fading. Of course, she remembered the event quite clearly. The cyborg was out partying after being dragged to a club by her friend. It wasn’t much of her scene, but she tried to salvage the situation. A beautiful brunette caught her attention. After a drink and a few shots together, they were dancing together on the dance floor. Her hands were gently cuffing the firm waist of the brunette. She gently pulled the other against her own body as she leaned in to brush her lips against the other’s. The sweet kiss abruptly put to an end when the boyfriend of the brunette pulled her away and shouted at Idril to get away from her. One thing led to another and Idril was in a fist fight with the man.
“I remember getting into an argument with that guy. But that’s about it. I don’t remember getting into an actual fist fight with the man. I mean...”, she raised the cigarette to her lips again then blew the smoke into the chilly air, “Look at me! I’m a frail computer geek. Do you really think I could throw a punch?” It was a cheap lie, but might be enough to satisfy the officer to leave her alone.
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2esd · 14 days
Permanent Residency in Canada
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Understanding Canadian Permanent Residency
Permanent Residency (PR) in Canada grants immigrants the right to live, work, and study anywhere within the country, akin to all rights enjoyed by Canadian citizens, barring the right to vote and hold certain high-security government positions. PR status is a critical step towards achieving Canadian citizenship, providing a stable and secure environment for individuals and families to build their futures.
Eligibility Criteria for Permanent Residency
Canada offers various immigration programs, each with its own set of requirements. Some of the most popular paths to permanent residency include:
Express Entry: A point-based system that evaluates candidates based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency in English or French.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Allows Canadian provinces and territories to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and who are interested in settling in a particular province.
Family Sponsorship: Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor family members, including spouses, partners, children, parents, and grandparents, for permanent residency.
Canadian Experience Class: For those who have already gained skilled work experience in Canada.
Start-Up Visa Program: Targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that are innovative, can create jobs for Canadians, and can compete on a global scale.
Navigating the Application Process
The application process for Canadian permanent residency varies depending on the program. However, most paths involve the following steps:
Assessment of Eligibility: Before applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria of the immigration program you’re interested in.
Document Preparation: Gather necessary documents, including passports, language test results, educational assessments, job offers (if applicable), and police certificates.
Application Submission: Submit your application along with the required documents and the processing fee. For the Express Entry system, this involves creating a profile and being entered into a pool, where you will be ranked against other candidates.
Receive Invitation to Apply (ITA): If you are successful, you will receive an ITA for permanent residency. You must submit a completed application for permanent residence within the specified timeframe.
Medical and Background Checks: You will need to undergo a medical exam and a security check to ensure you’re not inadmissible to Canada.
Permanent Resident Status: Once approved, you will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a permanent resident visa (if you’re from a country that requires a visa).
Preparing for Life in Canada
While navigating the application process, it’s equally important to prepare for your new life in Canada. This includes understanding Canadian laws and social norms, securing accommodation, arranging for health insurance, and, if necessary, improving your English or French language skills.
Securing permanent residency in Canada is a dream for many around the globe. While the process may seem daunting, thorough preparation and understanding of the Canadian immigration system can significantly enhance your chances of success. Canada’s commitment to welcoming immigrants offers a unique opportunity to build a vibrant and prosperous future in one of the world’s most scenic and inclusive countries.
Remember, each immigration story is unique, and challenges are part of the journey. Stay informed, be prepared, and welcome the new possibilities that life in Canada presents.
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talentconnected01 · 2 months
Immigrating to Canada in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you considering making Canada your new home in 2024? With its breathtaking landscapes, thriving economy, and reputation for being a welcoming and diverse nation, it's no surprise that Canada continues to be a top destination for immigrants from all over the world. Whether you're drawn to the bustling cities of Toronto and Vancouver, the cultural richness of Montreal, or the pristine wilderness of the Canadian Rockies, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the Canada immigration process and make your dream of living in Canada a reality.
Understanding Canada's Immigration System
Canada offers several immigration pathways, each designed to cater to different needs and circumstances. Understanding these pathways is the first step in planning your move. Here are some of the main immigration programs you may consider:
1. Express Entry: This program is for skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada permanently. It manages applications for three federal economic immigration programs: the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class. Express Entry uses a points-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to assess candidates based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.
2. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Each Canadian province and territory (except Quebec, which has its immigration system) has its own PNP, which allows them to nominate individuals who meet specific criteria and have the skills and experience needed in their region. PNPs are an excellent option if you have a job offer from a Canadian employer or if you have skills that are in demand in a particular province or territory.
3. Family Sponsorship: If you have close relatives who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, they may be able to sponsor you for immigration to Canada. This program applies to spouses, common-law partners, dependent children, parents, and grandparents.
4. Business Immigration: If you're an entrepreneur or investor looking to start or invest in a business in Canada, there are several immigration programs available, such as the Start-Up Visa Program and the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Pilot Program.
5. International Experience Canada (IEC): This program allows young people (usually aged 18-35) from certain countries with bilateral agreements with Canada to live and work in Canada temporarily.
Preparing Your Application
Once you've determined which immigration program suits you best, it's time to prepare your application. This typically involves gathering documentation to prove your eligibility, such as educational credentials, language test results, and proof of funds. Depending on the program, you may also need to undergo a medical exam and obtain a police clearance certificate.
It's essential to ensure that your application is complete and accurate to avoid delays or rejection. Consider seeking the assistance of a Canada immigration consultant or lawyer to guide you through the process and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Settling in Canada
Congratulations! You've been approved for immigration to Canada. Now it's time to prepare for your move and start planning your new life in the Great White North. Here are some essential steps to take:
1. Find Accommodation: Research housing options in your chosen city or town and secure accommodation before you arrive. Whether you prefer renting or buying, there are plenty of options to suit every budget and lifestyle.
2. Open a Bank Account: Once you arrive in Canada, opening a bank account will make it easier to manage your finances and access essential services such as direct deposit for your salary.
3. Get Health Insurance: Canada has a public healthcare system, but there may be a waiting period before you're eligible for coverage. Consider purchasing private health insurance to cover any gaps in the meantime.
4. Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN): You'll need a SIN to work in Canada and access government benefits and services. You can apply for a SIN in person at a Service Canada Centre.
5. Explore Your New Community: Take the time to explore your new surroundings, meet your neighbors, and get involved in community activities. Canada is known for its friendly and inclusive communities, so don't be afraid to reach out and make new connections.
Final Thoughts
Immigrating to Canada is an exciting opportunity to start a new chapter in your life and embrace all that this beautiful country has to offer. By understanding the Canada immigration process, preparing your application carefully, and planning your settlement effectively, you can set yourself up for success and make the transition as smooth as possible. Whether you're seeking new career opportunities, a better quality of life, or simply a change of scenery, Canada welcomes you with open arms. Bon voyage and welcome to your new home!
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dis--mayed · 2 months
Here are some notes I made about my parents...
While my parents made me feel like we didn’t have enough money, for things like my braces, they were buying cigarettes and dad's drugs. We, also, got an addition on our home, new kitchen flooring, a patio, and a renovated bathroom. They even paid insurance on a van that just sat in our driveway. When I got $4200 from suing, they took half of it to pay bills. (The rest, apparently, went towards my braces, but this was after we sold our home, when I was 23 and I sued when I was 18…) 
Dad - has been abusing drugs and complaining to me about my mom and her family for my entire life. I grew up watching him scream at mom about my brother, and in my late teens, about money. He started passing out, high with cigarettes, in my early teens. He told me that any one of his siblings would take him in and he's only staying with my mom "for me." 
Willingly stayed in a nursing home 2+ months longer than he had to avoid my brother and mom, guilt tripped me about not visiting or calling every day and would make threats to beat mom up if she doesn’t kick my brother out, said mom would choose my brother over me
Told me not to take my frustration with my brother out on mom because it will make her sick, has said that, if something happens to my brother, mom will lose her mind
Doesn’t want to do things with my mom and scolds me when I don’t go out shopping with her. 
Mom - Took care of her from when I was 14-21 when she had gallbladder attacks, she started turning to me to have emotional breakdowns when I was 16, has continued treating me like an extra limb, emotional support animal, empty void for her emotions; constantly guilt trips me into taking care of “the family.” Comes into my room when I’m sleeping almost every night and multiple times, sometimes. 
expects to help her clean up uncle's mess and go food shopping for him, (expected me to) fix up sheds to save my brother money, so he can spend more money on weed and vapes and sit in our house smoking and eating our food. 
When I complain about having to help her fix up the house, she says it’s going to be mine, one day, as if it’s not going to my brothers and cousins, as well.
Helped me drop out of high school, drove me to get my GED and to take the written exam for driving, and tried getting me on SSI, but she was, also, trauma dumping on me as she drove me to and from school and guilt tripping me into doing things with her because she felt suicidal and said she had thoughts of crashing her car into a tree. She told me she didn’t kill herself because I needed her. She, also, had me read the horrendous text messages Bob sent her. 
Sometimes, excuses dad’s drug abuse; was in physical pain, lost his parents, thinks he’s dying, his dad beat him as a child, was molested by his babysitter, etc. 
Says that I’m “spoiled” for having the only room in the house
Shames me both into eating and for eating what she cooks, acts like I’m starving myself, or gets mad at me because she cooked, if I don’t want what she made. Kept doing my laundry, and ignoring me repeatedly asking her not to, until I was 29. 
Said I always focus on the negatives, should remember the "good times," excuses traumatizing me by saying she “was” sick, denies turning to me to have emotional breakdowns
My brother isn't on meds or going to therapy because she doesn’t want him screaming at her and abusing drugs
She’ll “ask” me for permission to do things, like go to the bathroom, or she’ll blame me for why she doesn’t do certain things, like dye her hair purple, because I don’t like that color. 
She talks about how much of a “good person” she is, for sharing her things, and complains about how no one respects her when she “does everything” for everyone, complaining to me, especially, about how tired and shitty she feels when she doesn't even take care of herself in any way.
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yogabilitymind · 1 year
Disability Services in Adelaide
There are a number of disability support services available in adelaide. These include the National Disability Insurance Scheme, which provides tailored support for individuals with disability. The NDIS also provides respite care, leisure activities, and skills development opportunities.
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The NDIS is a major step forward for adelaide disability services, giving people choice and control over their day-to-day supports.
MyTime Group
MyTime is a peer support program for parents and family carers with children who have a disability, developmental delay or chronic medical condition. The group meets regularly in their local area and is run by a trained facilitator. It is free and does not affect NDIS funding.
Families can feel disconnected from their friends and community due to the intensity of their caring role, so having a place to socialise with others can have a positive impact on health and wellbeing. Parents can discuss the highs and lows of parenting a child with a disability and learn from each other’s experiences.
They can relax over a cup of coffee and talk about their challenges, while adding a new dimension to their lives through the add-on playgroups that operate alongside My Time groups. A recent study found that participants’ perceived stress and anxiety improved after participation in the MYTime program. This improvement exceeded the DASS MCID and was comparable to that of a control group.
Community Living Project
The Community Living Project is a network of agencies that can assist individuals with disabilities who want to live independently. They can provide housing, employment, and support services. They also offer support in a variety of areas, including health and safety.
The Community Living Project provides quality service in southern Adelaide, enabling people with intellectual and multiple disabilities to achieve a good life through home, relationships, valued roles and participation in their community. For over 30 years, they have proven that with thoughtful and well constructed support, anyone can live in their own home and participate as a part of their community.
University of Adelaide’s Disability Support Team
If you have a disability or health condition that has a significant impact on your studies, it is important to register with Disability Support. They will provide personalised advice and assistance to help you negotiate Reasonable Adjustments with your academic staff. This can include access to lecture theatres, resiting exams and other supports.
You can upload scanned copies of your supporting medical documentation (eg
Verification and Impact Statement or Psychological Learning Assessment) during the online registration process. Please note that you will need to upload these documents before the cut-off date for each teaching period.
It is strongly recommended that you finalise your enrolment and contact your Disability Advisor at least four weeks before each teaching period commences. This gives us enough time to check classrooms and other teaching spaces for accessibility.
Mobility Allowance
Mobility Allowance can help individuals with disabilities by covering the costs of transport. It can also be used to help them purchase a new car through the Motability Scheme. It is not means tested or affected by earnings or savings.
The first step is to contact Disability and Carers Service (DfC) by phone or email. DfC will never ask you to give personal or financial details by text message or online.
If you are refused Mobility Allowance, you can request a mandatory reconsideration or appeal the decision. Appeals procedures vary by Local Health Office. Some have an independent Senior Medical Officer review all of the evidence. Others may have an informal review of the evidence.
Carer Payment
If you are a carer, there are many disability services Adelaide that can help you. These include disability supports and assistance with expenses. They can also provide access to community-based activities and events.
The Carer Payment is an income supplement for parents or carers who give additional daily care to someone with a severe disability, medical condition or is frail aged. It is not income or assets tested and can be paid in addition to wages or other income support payments.
Other disability-related services include Disability Concessions Card, which provides discounts on council rates, water and power bills, and travel passes. There are also community-based respite services such as Kolbe Cottage, which offers weekend and school holiday respite for children and adolescents with intellectual disability.
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investoptionwin · 1 year
Advice And Tips On Choosing The Best Life Insurance Policy
Life insurance is one of the most important safeguards you can get to protect the welfare and support of your family in the event that something dire were to happen to you. But figuring out the best type of policy for you and your family can seem like a maze sometimes. Consider these tips as you work through your own decisions. When you are planning on purchasing a life insurance policy, select an independent broker. Independent brokers can generally offer more selection in terms of policy and cost than a broker who works exclusively for a specific insurance company. Company brokers are limited to the products their company sells, and may also be pushed by the company to recommend a particular product. When choosing life insurance, you may also wish to look into purchasing burial insurance. This is fairly cheap insurance and will cover things such as your casket, funeral home costs, transportation and other such things. This is well worth it as the costs for these items can be extraordinary, if they come from out of pocket. Your participation in high-risk hobbies or sports, such as scuba diving or skydiving, can give your provider a reason to raise your premiums. Certain occupations are considered high risk and your premiums will undoubtedly reflect that fact. Read all of the fine print of the policy before you sign on the line. Know what discounts, exclusions, inclusions, and any other fine print is included on the agreement. You may find that there is a no payment clause for pre-existing diseases. Careful reading will help you be sure that your spouse will get the money they will need. Don't buy more life insurance than you actually need. You want to buy just enough for your family's needs. Buying too much life insurance means that you'll end up paying a lot more in premiums. Be sure, though, that you don't skimp on your insurance and end up with a policy that won't provide for your family. Don't buy insurance policies that pay huge finders fees to the agent who sold it to you. These are paid to an insurance agent or broker, and the cost is then included in your premiums. It is to your advantage to opt for a "no load" policy, if you can locate a company that offers one. Life insurance companies often charge cigarette smokers double the usual premium. A way to reduce the monthly cost of your insurance, is to quit smoking if you are a smoker. Another way to bring your premium down is to stay in shape. Physically fit, non-smokers are at far less risk for developing illness and diseases. Consider term life insurance to provide education funds for your children. Especially if posp are a single parent, term life insurance is a very affordable type of protection that can provide for college costs and other expenses for your children. Once your kids have finished their education, you can drop the coverage. If you do not have any major health problems, do not go with guaranteed issue policies. Getting a medical exam will save you money, and the guaranteed issue policies do not need that, and has higher premiums. You don't need to spend more on life insurance than is really needed. If you are buying a new life insurance policy, the best time for you to actually make the purchase is before you hit your half birthday. Insurance companies don't use your actually age, but what they call your "age nearest". So If you will be 30 in 6 months, they will consider you 30 now, and you will be paying a little more. You should beware of an advisor who claims to know everything before purchasing life insurance. An advisor who answers every single one of your questions without researching anything, then it's likely that he or she is incorrect about certain details. Because insurance policies are very complicated, even top-notch insurance advisors do not know everything without research. Now that you are armed with specific tips to help you select the best policy for your needs, you can feel more confident about moving forward. Once you do so, you will enjoy the profound peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done your very best to assure that your family is protected and secure.
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shumailach-blog · 1 year
International perspective: an Indian student in Canada 
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International student Aditi Singhal shares the reasons why she chose to study in Canada and how she moved there from her home in India
I was born and brought up in New Delhi, India, where I spent the first 17 years of my life as the single child of a working father and homemaker mother. I grew up in a good family and had great friends, so I wouldn’t say I grew up with the dream of leaving my country.
My journey toward an international education began when I was 15 years old, when my parents asked whether I might be interested in studying abroad. 
Eventually, I developed the desire to pursue my undergraduate studies outside India. I started the process of attending countless education fairs and talking to representatives of anglophone universities in the UK, US, Canada and Australia.  
The last two years of my high school required a lot of preparation such as taking the IELTS exams and SAT and filling out applications for my preferred universities. At the same time, I had my board exams in India, which are mandatory national-level exams that high school students have to pass to gain admission into colleges and universities.  
In 2019, I started receiving admission offers from many universities. Keeping a lot of factors in mind, such as finances, the reputation of the institution, immigration regulations and opportunities for growth and employment, I accepted the offer from McGill University in Canada.
Soon enough, the results from my Indian board exams also arrived and I was shocked to find out that I scored an All India Rank 4 for the year 2018/19 among the millions of high school students who took the exam. Everyone in my family was elated and it was time to celebrate.  
However, there were still many moving parts to finalise before I started my studies at McGill. First, we had to make the necessary financial arrangements.
McGill was kind enough to provide me with an entrance bursary along with the opportunity of future in-course financial aid and on-campus employment opportunities. My family arranged for the necessary funds for my first year of tuition and living costs and with that, I began the process of applying for my visa.
Studying at McGill required two levels of immigration approval – one at the provincial level (Québec Acceptance Certificate – CAQ) and one at the federal level (study permit). Once my CAQ was approved, I applied for my study permit with all the necessary documentation.  
It felt as though the ship had been sailing smoothly until then. But then my study permit application was denied. I remember feeling like this was a major setback, especially when everything else seemed to be in place. I contacted the International Student Services (ISS) office at McGill to help me with my study permit application and I reapplied, waiting for the decision with bated breath.
Fortunately, this time the application was approved and I was now getting closer to my destination, with the final formalities of biometrics, medical check-ups, and visa stamping under way.  
I finally arrived in Canada on 25 August 2019 when I was 17 years old. The first few days were packed with orientation activities, saying goodbye to my parents who had come to help me settle in, opening bank accounts, getting my social insurance number, exploring the area and making new friends.  
Very soon, the semester began, and the pressure of my studies skyrocketed. I remember being overwhelmed and feeling like I didn’t have enough time for everything. 
There were new challenges every day; challenges such as studying, living independently, managing finances, avoiding job or accommodation scams, the harsh Canadian winter, new social norms, and the inability to make friends in the beginning. Every step felt, and sometimes still feels, like a learning curve. My first year flew by in the blink of an eye, and only recently have I started to feel like life is slowing down. 
I remember writing in my university applications that I wanted to be a “global citizen”. It didn’t mean a lot then but now I’m gradually grasping the gravity of this idea. Having experienced life in two different hemispheres of the world, I can say with certainty that there’s a lot more to come and to learn.
I’m about to graduate soon. I’ve held part-time employment at McGill student services for almost three years, I work at a research lab, I have friends and I’m doing well. So, if you are concerned about studying abroad or feel similar to how I did in the beginning, just remember that things will improve and there is always hope.
Source: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/blogs/international-perspective-indian-student-canada
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Advantages of Visiting a Family Dentist
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A family dentist is someone who provides services that include routine and preventative dental care for all members of the family. This is not only helpful in maintaining your oral health, but it can also help reduce the stress involved in going to the dentist. It also can be a great way to provide a positive dental experience to children.
The main benefit of visiting Urbana Ohio's best dentists is that they can meet all your dental needs under one roof. They can handle orthodontics, dental exams, and even cosmetic procedures. These professionals also understand that the dental needs of different members of the family are unique.
Some families are so busy that they find it difficult to visit the dentist on a regular basis. By scheduling all of your dental needs in one place, you'll be able to save time and stress. If you're lucky, you'll be able to schedule appointments for all of your children at the same time.
Another major advantage of visiting a family dentist is that it helps your child develop a healthy dental habit from an early age. Dental anxiety is a common problem among children, so making visits to the dentist a regular part of a child's life can make a big difference.
Family dentistry is also a great way to educate your kids about proper brushing and flossing techniques. It is also important to maintain a good diet. Avoid sugary drinks and foods. You should also try to limit your intake of sticky foods, as this can weaken your teeth.
When you're looking for a new family dentist, be sure to ask about their experience in treating different ages of patients. Some practices specialize in treating babies, while others offer orthodontic services for older children and adults.
Another thing to look for is a warm and welcoming environment. A professional dentist should spend enough time with you and your family to ensure that you're comfortable. Family dentist in Urbana also offer clear and concise instructions for your oral health.
Choosing the right dental office can mean the difference between a lifetime of great teeth and an embarrassing experience. Your dentist can give you a thorough exam, teach you how to maintain your teeth, and recommend treatments that will keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come.
Taking the time to choose the best dentist for your family will pay off in the long run. Getting a good oral care routine will not only reduce your risk of cavities and gum disease, but it will also save you money.
Besides being a great source of information, a family dentist can also be a great advocate for your children's oral health. Oftentimes, children will follow their parents' lead when it comes to dental health. Having a dentist who teaches your kids to take pride in their teeth will create a lasting impression.
Before choosing a dentist, check your insurance carrier. Oftentimes, you may be able to use your family's dental benefits to cover the cost of seeing the doctor. Find out more details in relation to this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_surgery.
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anovel70 · 1 year
2022 Review
Terrible year overall. My goals were:
Pass Exam 9
Learn my new job
Hang out with the Hispanic friend
Go to Eastern Europe
I failed at every one of these. I failed exam 9, no one at work can teach me this job, I don't even know what "Pokemon" entailed, that Hispanic friend no longer talks to me, and I didn't go to Eastern Europe because of the war.
I came to the realization that its my fault no one likes me and I don't know how to change that. I have no interests and no one shares the same interests as me. I'm only interested in getting my PE, getting my FCAS, and playing Pokemon Unite. Even then, I have trouble making new friends. I can't fit in anywhere and its frustrating. It shouldn't be this difficult doing things that other people find easy.
I need to stop social media. I'm wasting too much time looking at these "shorts" or "TikToks" when I should be studying or at least playing a video game.
I found a Pokemon Meetup in my area but none of them are professional people with interesting jobs. I got a few contacts but none of them are worth keeping.
I'm getting harassed at work. One guy keeps bullying me and no one else. Its terrible. I want to quit but I also want my PE. He only talks to me when other people are around and it only got worse last weekend because of storm duty for my company. Every time I get near him, he's always making a rude comment.
Christmas didn't even feel like anything this year. I got to go to Buffalo to participate in a storm duty since everything there was a mess and people needed power. At least I get extra money from storm duty.
I also tried out Crossfit. It's more of a class where they actually teach you how to do some advanced exercises. I'm planning on learning how to use the barbell. They have odd names for their exercises but the movements are the same as what I've observed in the past.
My last attempt to make friends was at volleyball. I lost all three games I played. I dislocated my shoulder again but this time, someone was around to help me. I got one person's number. He seems certain we'll meet again. He's a retired electrical engineer. I lost all my skills playing volleyball again since I haven't been playing consistently, and the people around me are frustrated playing with me.
I moved out of my parent's house to get some peace of mind so I can study better and yell at people playing Pokemon Unite for being bad at the game.
My second job as an actuary gets better every day. There is not as much of a learning curve as an engineer, and there's more vacation days. Ideally I'll transfer from life insurance to P&C since I find that field a lot more fascinating than life. However, this is a first good step and I'm learning a lot about the considerations needed to be an actuary. This is the only aspect of my life that's good, and the irony is that I'm not even supposed to have this in my life since its a second job.
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bookquotenet · 1 year
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Rudy Baylor is about to graduate from Memphis State Law School. He secures a position with a Memphis law firm but loses the job when the firm is bought out by the large Memphis law firm Tinley Britt. As one of the few members of his class without a job lined up, a desperate Rudy is introduced to J. Lyman “Bruiser” Stone, a ruthless but successful ambulance chaser, who makes him an associate. To earn his fee, Rudy is required to hunt for potential clients at the local hospital and sign them up to personal injury lawsuits. He is introduced to Deck Shifflet, a less-than-ethical former insurance assessor who received a law degree but doesn’t practice law, having failed to pass the bar exam six times.
Rudy signs two clients. One is his new elderly landlady, who needs a revised will drawn. The other is a poor family, Dot and Buddy Black, whose insurance bad faith case could be worth several million dollars in damages. With Stone’s firm about to be raided by the police and the FBI, Rudy and Deck set up their own practice and file suit on behalf of the Blacks, whose leukemia-stricken son, Donny Ray, could have been saved by a bone marrow transplant for which his identical twin brother is a perfect match. The procedure should have been covered and paid for by their insurance carrier, Great Benefit Life Insurance, but the claim was instead denied.
Rudy, having just passed his bar exam, has never argued a case before a judge or jury. He now finds himself up against experienced and ruthless lawyers from Tinley Britt, headed by Leo F. Drummond. On his side, Rudy has several supporters and a sympathetic, newly-appointed judge. While preparing the case in the local hospital, he meets and later falls in love with Kelly Riker, a young battered wife recovering from injuries inflicted by her husband Cliff.
Donny Ray dies just before the case goes to trial. Rudy uncovers a scheme by Great Benefit to deny every insurance claim submitted, regardless of validity. Great Benefit was playing the odds that the insured would not consult an attorney. A former employee of Great Benefit testifies that the scheme generated an extra $40 million in revenue for the company. The trial ends with a plaintiff’s judgment of $50.2 million. Great Benefit quickly declares itself bankrupt, thus allowing it to avoid paying the judgment. This leads to a series of lawsuits which forces Great Benefit out of business. Ultimately, there is no payout for the grieving parents and no fee for Rudy, although Dot was never concerned with the settlement money, because for her helping to put the company out of business is an even greater victory.
During the Black trial, when Kelly is beaten again by Cliff, Rudy helps her file for divorce. While he and Kelly retrieve items from her home, Cliff arrives and threatens to kill Rudy, attacking him with a baseball bat. Rudy wrestles the bat away from Cliff and cracks his skull with it. Kelly intervenes and orders him to leave. Cliff dies from the injuries and Kelly allows herself to be charged with manslaughter to protect Rudy. Rudy gets the charges dropped, but Cliff’s vengeful family have made several death threats against them both. Rudy and Kelly leave the state, heading for someplace where Rudy – who has become disillusioned with the law – can become a teacher, and Kelly can attend college.
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drjohngkuna · 1 year
Psychological Providers Bloomsburg Pa
This is when a relapse prevention plan begins to take shape. This heart provides a wide selection of customized remedy tailor-made to individual restoration. Currently obtainable are Aftercare Support, Drug Rehab, Dual-Diagnosis, Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Residential, with additional therapies obtainable as listed beneath. New Hope Psychological Services’s location in Bloomsburg, PA, presents multiple ranges of care, a spread individualized therapy options, and accepts most medical insurance.
Some different providers supplied by Northumberland County Bh/ids Programs embrace Education services, Diet and train counseling and Housing services. I am licensed in Pennsylvania with 7 years of professional work experience. I actually have been working in Family Based Services for 6 years, and worked in Drug and Alcohol Treatment for a year. I even have experience in working with adults, teenagers, and younger youngsters who're battling melancholy, anxiousness, social points, gender identification issues, and so much more. I really have a ton of expertise in helping clients with relational issues, household conflicts, parenting struggles, attachment issues, trauma and abuse, & coping with grief and loss.
Our companies are confidential as we're certain by the professional ethics, requirements, and laws of Pennsylvania and the federal government. Hearing, eyesight and physical dexterity have to be sufficient to carry out a physical assessment of the patient's condition and to perform patient care. This section shows narrative responses about affected person experiences at the facility along with affected person ratings (0 - 10) of the ability. This part signifies whether amenities provide services that align with the Shatterproof National Principles of Care © .
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Emotional pain can hold us caught in patterns we want to change however have no idea how. If there is a matter holding you back from having the life you want I might help.
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The search under consists of lessons and exams held at both AKC events and in the neighborhood. This search on no account consists of all tests that shall be held. These are the exams that evaluators and golf equipment have requested us to record on the therapist Bloomsburg pa net page. Ora Mae Snyder, seventy six, of Port Trevorton entered into rest on Friday, Sept. sixteen, 2022, at the Evangelical Community Hospital, Lewisburg. He was born Feb. 15, 1925, in Shenandoah to the late Joseph John Lindenmuth and Merle Lindenmuth. He graduated from Mahanoy Township High School in 1942 and entered navy service in 1943, serving within the US Navy Seabees within the Pacific theater....
Addiction tends to result in isolation and feelings of uniqueness. Accountability and friendship that's present in group remedy can be more practical than any single different therapy strategy. With New Hope Psychological Services inBloomsburg, Pennsylvania, there’s no cause Therapist in Bloomsburg pa to undergo restoration alone. Addiction and alcoholism at all times harm an addict’s relationships with others and none greater than relationships with a partner or partner.
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charlottelan01 · 2 years
Do Children Need Life Insurance
Life insurance on children (and babies) has always seemed very controversial to most people we spoke with. After all, why would you get life insurance on a brand new person who's likeliness of dying prematurely is virtually nil?
 Particularly in the United States of America where people are living longer not shorter and infant mortality is at an all-time low. For that matter, why even get life insurance coverage on anyone. Aren't chances in our favor now a day? If these were not, the insurance companies would be raising rates not really lowering them (bet you didn't realize that insurance rates could ever decrease).  Read about Insurance Broker, Buy Term Insurance and much more related to the same.
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Then the question may not be, do children need life coverage but does anyone need life coverage? The solution is, unfortunately, still yes. And we say unfortunately because people are still dying in considerable numbers and families are increasingly being greatly impacted by, not merely the personal loss, but additionally the financial reduction that occurs whenever a loved one will be gone.
Since we have established a financial burden still exist when a grown-up dies (if you don't then stop reading), you might now understand our reason behind taking out an insurance on a kid. Yes, losing a child (God forbid!) may not create a great financial problem on parents if they are little but when the child grows up and starts a family on his or her own, then, when this occurs their death may develop a financial burden on the own children and spouse or other dependents. If you, as a pare usuallynt of that child, you did get insurance once the child was young and when no health problems existed, then you have, essentially, protected your son or daughter's insurability. And, in case you got your child a policy that will allow him or her to multiply the coverage later in life having a special rider, you then right now have compounded their insurability benefit.
The insurability you gave your child can be priceless!
An example: Imagine that you take a $100,000 insurance policy on your 10 year old child (or sooner) and that policy included options to get more coverage by simply filling out a form - no exam needed, no medical records to order, no MIB check... Now, 15 years later, at age 25, your son or daughter discovers that he has some medical issue(s). His medial issue is manageable so everything seems fine. He gets married. He offers two kids then the spouse of one's child becomes concerned that when anything happened to her or him the family will be in financial troubles.
The spouse of your child sets an appointment with an agent who, after asking medical questions, tells your now grown child that he/she may only qualify for an expensive policy. Because the price is too high, your child and his/her spouse decide to do nothing. They just cannot afford any coverage! Until... your child remembers about the policy you had purchased for him/her if they were little. Taking a look at the policy, not only is it affordable but it also includes provisions to increase coverage with no medical questions. Although the total amount of insurance that the plan will provide may possibly not be exactly what your son or daughter needs, it sure beats zero insurance plan. A sigh of relief!!!
And now, like a parent, you are the hero from the family! And guess what, your child is going to do the same for his/her children. Now you're also the wise grandmother or father that keeps on arriving at the rescue of the household.
Our advice is simple. When your child is little, take as much life insurance on him or her as is allowed by insurance companies and, by all means, make certain the policy offers substitute for increase face value later on in life without the medical questions or MIB check or any checks whatsoever.
We hope this article will help you make wiser decisions when selecting any insurance coverage for the child. We wish you and your family extended life, health insurance and success. Feel absolve to always ask us questions.
We provide the following senior plans:
• Term life insurance • Senior life insurance • No exam life insurance • Whole life insurance • Impaired risk and bad health LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE • Universal life insurance • Mortgage life insurance • Children life insurance • Critical illness insurance • General information on life insurance coverage
Visit the website https://www.heuteandmorgen.com/ to get more information related to exactly the same.
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thefinancialpyramid · 2 years
How to Use Life Insurance for Investing
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Finding the right insurance to invest in — or use for long-term planning — can be complicated for many investors.
Similar to an auto policy, term life insurance is a temporary policy many individuals use to cover themselves for a period of time and then it expires. Typically it has a lower premium and considered more affordable than permanent life insurance. Many are convertible, where the initial plan can be renewed for a higher premium for another term plan, or even converted into what they call a “whole life” policy.
If you want to analyze life insurance as an investment, you’ll need to know the financial details: how it works, what you pay to the insurance company and when, and what kind of benefits and returns those many years of premiums earn you over time.
There are several types of permanent life insurance but all cover individuals for the rest of their lives and include a cash value component.
Whole life insurance, for instance, has steady, more expensive premiums than term insurance since it lasts a lifetime and includes fixed death benefits and guaranteed cash value accumulation.
Universal life insurance typically offers flexible premiums, an adjustable death benefit and a savings component depending on risk tolerance and asset allocation, but may include a medical exam to qualify. In both cases taxes are deferred and investors can borrow money against the cash value of the policy.
That last part — the ability to borrow from the insurance company against the cash value — is an unusual financial benefit, and certainly deserves to go in the “pros” column of any investment analysis. People sometimes forget that access to credit can end up saving them a lot of money over the years, and that those returns tend to be less visible.
Managers suggest options. “Most investors really should not think about insurance as an investment,” says Justin Kumar, senior portfolio manager at Arlington Capital Management in Arlington Heights, Illinois. “A whole life policy is a plan to protect more than to invest, and the investment options available in the plan are severely limited.”
With whole life, “money is promised as premium for a certain amount of coverage/death benefit, and many investors would be wise to ask a professional for a projection of how that premium money could otherwise be invested,” Kumar says.
Kumar says it may make more sense to pay a lower premium to protect with term life insurance and invest what would have been the whole life premium into other accounts solely intended to generate returns and build wealth. On the other hand, “If an investor’s intention is wealth transfer, then a whole life policy could make sense for tax and estate planning purposes,” he says.
Whether you decide to pay for whole life or term life, investors should consult a tax advisor and estate planning attorney along with their wealth manager so that all parties can give relevant financial advice and work together, Kumar says.
“Insurance as an investment is not for those folks that need insurance coverage such as new parents or recent homeowners,” says Pedro Silva, a financial advisor at Provo Financial Services in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. “It is best for those folks who need an additional place to invest after they have filled up all other avenues.”
In other words, the dirty little secret is: Life insurance is life insurance, it doesn’t make for a great investment. You can generally get higher returns and better bang for your buck somewhere else. If there wasn’t a mark-up the insurance industry wouldn’t exist. Stocks, however, cost whatever the market says they’re worth. And you’ll find out over time if you paid a mark-up for those.
Silva says the tax treatment that attracts many people to using life insurance as an investment can also be achieved with a Roth individual retirement account, with much less cost.
If you’re considering investing in insurance, Silva says you should already have a cash reserve — typically at least six months of savings within an emergency fund — be taking advantage of any company match on 401(k) contributions, have eliminated all consumer debt and still have discretionary funds to invest.
“It is only at that point that using life insurance as an investment starts to make sense,” Silva says. “Between the cost of insurance, the premium fees and modest return expectations, life insurance should be one of the last sleeves of an investment portfolio and, for the most part, will be done by wealthier end clients who can afford to put significant funds into a policy for a number of years.”
What to consider before investing. Galen Bargerstock, founder of Government and Civil Employee Services in Lucerne Mines, Pennsylvania, says investors who are considering exploring life insurance investing should lean toward a universal policy that offers permanent coverage as a place to invest extra capital.
“Benefits could include things like fixed rates of return and the ability to pull money out of the policy prior to age 59.5 without a tax penalty,” Bargerstock says.
It’s crucial that investors are aware that there are still life insurance policies available that have fluctuating rates and returns, Bargerstock says. “So it’s still important to consider a risk analysis prior to investing,” he says.
Bargerstock’s advice: Conservative investors should look for policies that have a fixed or indexed investment account inside the policy.
“You should consider purchasing a single premium whole life insurance policy if you’re looking for somewhere to put your extra cash that will benefit you, in the case you need it,” he says.
But term insurance still has its place. “Don’t just consider investing in whole life insurance,” Bargerstock says. “Term life insurance could be a good investment for someone who is living on a lot of credit and has a lot of significant financial commitments, but still a high income to work with.”
Using life insurance as a wrapper. Some industry experts warn against using post-tax dollars in a life insurance wrapped investment — sometimes called a wrapper — since hidden fees and costs may leave investors unaware of how much they could potentially be paying and defeat a potential tax benefit. That’s why Richard Myerson, president and CEO of The Myerson Agency, an insurance and retirement firm in Los Angeles, says it’s important to know how the wrapper is structured.
“In order to take advantage of the built-in tax efficiency of a life insurance accumulation strategy, the policy must be engineered such that it meets certain IRS-imposed tests to ensure it is not deemed a modified endowment contract,” Myerson says. “If a policy fails these tests and is deemed a MEC, much of the tax benefit would be lost.”
Myerson says careful advanced consideration must be given to the size and number of annual deposits.
Investors should also understand this long-term investment is illiquid in the early years of funding.
“While the policy-owner can surrender the contract at any time, with many contracts, there will be severe penalties in the form of surrender charges in the early years,” Myerson says. “These surrender charges will be reduced over the term of the contract and will usually be eliminated over 10 to 15 years, depending on the product being used.”
Investors should acquire an insurance product that is consistent with their long-term financial objectives, since there are various levels of risk and exit flexibility, Myerson says.
It’s very tempting to, when life insurance becomes a financial necessity, look for ways to turn that money you pay into an all-out investment. Who wouldn’t like to profit from paying the bills? The truth however is that it’s often best to simply buy term life instead of whole life. Then, if you’re still antsy to make an investment, use the savings from the lower premium payment to fund a more attractive prospect.
Credits: March 15, 2017
Date: Dawn Reiss
Source: https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/2017-03-15/how-to-use-life-insurance-for-investing
#business #areteautomation #automation #software #technology #ethos #lifeinsurance #insurance #retirement #investment
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 8/1/2022
It’s not easier.
It’s the first of a new month. July will be a month that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I messaged with both of your parents today, and we are all struggling with the fact that you’re gone. It is very emotionally tolling to have to report your death to insurance, credit card companies, etc. It’s not that we are in denial, it’s just that it is a cut that keeps reopening. 
Today I had my psychiatric exam. I will spare all of the details, but essentially there was too much to unpack in one hour and a half session, so we had to schedule another session for this Wednesday. I was proud of myself for being extra vulnerable on that call though. I think you would have been proud of me too. Unless it’s in song form, words are hard. (lol). 
I also had my regular therapy session today. My therapist is still crying over your passing as well. She had a few interactions with you (James and I did some couples therapy), but she saw the genuine love that we shared, and feels so broken for me and us. She is a recovering alcoholic herself, and unfortunately she has also seen and experienced a lot of suicides. Talking to her does help me, but it is tough since it really hits home for her too. I appreciate that she can show her own raw emotions in meetings though. It creates a safe space. 
Today I went on a few walks, played some guitar, and just tried to rest and relax as much as I could. I have found that crying makes it hard for me to breathe, so I really need to try and do what I can to maintain level emotion temporarily. 
Sadie is still at Cassidy’s, but she will get dropped off tomorrow morning. I just need to take this quick opportunity to call out just a few of my incredible friends. Cassidy literally redecorated my entire apartment, has dropped me off groceries, helped out with Sadie while I have been sick, etc. She has gone above and beyond and there truly aren’t enough words to express my gratitude. Not to mention she was the first person at my apartment holding me the day I found out that you took your life. 
Brianna and Marissa have been so wonderful too. Always checking on me, bringing me food, fielding friends and questions as much as they can, etc. 
The amount of people who I have reconnected with / connected with during this difficult season has been so heart warming. I am still getting texts regularly from people who have made it a point to check in everyday. 
Sydney sent me a personalized necklace with a heart and a J. The package also included a note that said you would always be in my heart. I know that I am not supposed to cry, but I just couldn’t contain my tears. Such a thoughtful and beautiful gift. 
My heart is broken, but it is also full at the same time. <3
Today I had a very exciting conversation about my music with a producer that is friends with your dad. We will continue the conversation tomorrow, but I cannot wait to dive into this and get started with recording some music. You always believed in me, are likely still my biggest fan (even from heaven). I want to honor you by recording some of the music that I wrote for you. I also feel like I have to record “Little Things” since that was one of your favorite songs. 
I am finally feeling a little better, which is also nice. That was a very rough first couple of days. I feel like in a weird way, you were still around watching over me making sure that I was getting better. I mean, you made that promise. 
Tomorrow I go to my first virtual suicide shock meeting, and get a virtual tour of the studio where I would be recording. I am hoping that I can find some community in that group, though it makes me sad to think that other people are experiencing this grief that I am. 
Like I said in the beginning, it’s not easier. Not yet al least.
All I am hearing and reading is that the year of firsts is the worst. Slowly it gets easier. 
There is no timeline for grief, and no rush for anyone’s process. I am just trying to do my very best, living with losing you. 
I love you the most, ever. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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