#no u do not need to be educated in the classics to take this dumb quiz
daze4all · 7 months
Genshin Characters as a Librarian 
What would they recommend/read  & how/what would they read to kids during story time? Zhongli, Ayato, Scaramouche, Itto, Al Haithem
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Zhongli as a Librarian
He would look good in reading glasses and I think might need them
Probably know where any book you want and would know obscure and antique novels 
He would probably take care of delicate antique books like a curator or book binder 
Cpudl see him working in one of the big national libraries 
Recommends: The Sound & The Fury 
Recommends history books or historical fiction probably very difficult or long books 
-He’s probably be good at serious book readings such great exceptions history reading its his deep serious voice. 
However, I find it funny to imagine him being in the kiddie corner reading to kids with his deep voice kind of like a kinda like dad or grandpa that is not sure whether to be serious or funny with it. 
Probably more serious or classic kids books like Peter Pan 
Scaramouche as a Librarian
Recommends: Tokyo Ghoul 
As a librarian is rude but when pressed about books to recommend  jerks a thumb at the manga section where he had written scathing descriptions about manga series. 
Such as for Tokyo Ghoul: “Dumb guy asks red flag girl on dinner date that clearly goes wrong when he is the dinner” 
In a modern AU the type to work at at a local bookstore or barnes & nobles for part time work cuz he has too for an allowance or soothing 
Reading to Kid’s :  
If he was forced to read to kids he would be annoyed at first but get really into it 
He definitely be the type to enunciate “BAM” & “POW” sound effects to startle the kids to his amusement.
Also would kill it on creepy Halloween stories. 
Ayato as a Librarian 
Would recommend:  Great expectations 
Fine literature like great exceptions as he is cultured like that but also thrillers due to the surprise aspect and twists
Reading To kids:
Reading to Kid’s: I think he’d add in his own surprise lines to make the stories fun and see if any kids would catch him in his lie.  Or reading he more fantastical whimsical unexpected children books like Roald Dahl Matilda or James & the giant peach, 
He would also be good at is as he had Ayaka as a sister and could see him getting her into books and vice versa. 
“And then the very hungry caterpillar ate a Moose “ 
Umm mrs kamisato that’s not possible 
Books to Recommend: One Piece 
Definitely also a manga reader and might get excited recommending should mana but maybe just the fight scenes 
He’d recommend One piece like “ Then this green hair dude goes SLASH with his sword and stretchy boy that STREECH his body to shoot a cannonball back at a rival ship” 
Volunteers for fun at local library 
Itto reading to Kids during Storytime. 
Would be so into reading to kids & has big kid energy himself and will get excited while reading and find himself commenting on the story 
Also voices out eh sound effect or act them out like the cannon went “BAM” and slamming his fist on bookcase causing the books to topple out of the bookcase “oops, I’ll clean that u hehe”
Be reading simple kids books maybe Clifford the big red Dog 
Al Haitham 
Recommends: Sherlock Holme Book’s
He would recommend and  read academic papers philosophy, Plato or Socrates for fun I feel like. 
Or mystery’s where you have to guess the killer using logic like Sherlock Holmes 
Also be the type to know the dewey decimal system and know where everything is and be annoyed when people cannot find books.
the type of librarian who’d work best in a college library not a public one 
Reading to Kids for Storytime: 
I get the feeling he would rather not read to kids as he is not a kid person but if he is doing it he will do it right and so that they learn something 
He would maybe correct the kid’s pronunciations of words if they get it wrong
He would choose an educational book that has a logic puzzle or to learn a new language like Spanish lol since he came from haravatat the school about languages 
Inspired by:
I had random nostalgia for the library and how we would do story time as kids when I heard they still do it at some libraries had to write this plus love books
I really like the voice acting of Genshin characters and have err simped more below 
Sometimes after writing yandere stuff I just need some fluff about sweet soft bois.
Side Note on Voice Actors: 
I bet as voice actors any of these characters can probably pull off story time with a variety of voices.
I find it funny I can recognize certain voice actors such as Zhongli or Aether as their voices are so iconic and pervasive in other works. 
I think Voice actors are either really good for their unique voice or the variety in how they can change their voice. 
Honestly, the voice actors in Genshin are so talented and really put work into their characters. 
I find it great that we are developing a community of good English voice actors 
(Also not my UID someone elses screenshot )
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civilianplus · 3 years
@kruge-and-cens & I really used our four years of higher education to make this uquiz: which problematic classic text are you
please enjoy <3
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
oh my god im sorry but i HATE reading analysis discourse so fuckgin much. its so annoying and unnecessary and cruel bc per usual ableists just Scream over everyone and manipulate the view by focusing on the wrong points. disrespect towards this issue is never gonna work and yall would get that if you actually listened to the way the (usually nd) people felt about it and why, but ur too busy mocking them so you look good for consuming the Proper Medias tm. i mean you literally have to know this isnt productive, yall keep going bc you get a kick out of laughing at ‘unintelligent’ people.
‘uu ur teachers didnt oppress u by making u read to kill a mockingbird instead of the hunger games” ok listen 1. media you dont personally care abt can still definitely hold depthful value and be analyzed. oh my god lmao. the people who prefer ~that kind~ of media arent stupid and dont prefer easy thinking, its your own fault for Not looking into it yourself and just assuming its worthless, literally judging a book by its cover. LITERALLY avoiding the analysis skills you claim to have by assuming anything you read in highschool = smart, valuable and anything mainstream = stupid and useless. most books inherently contain symbolism and morals, a lot of these people CAN understand it, theyre just criticizing the inaccessibility of the writing that was forced on them academically. the people analyzing those medias instead of your favs are still taking in lessons even if they prefer to do it in a different format, i mean for instance THG is literally about fucking classism and racism and war you dumb hypocritical tunnel vision bitch, young adult media usually has a Lot of real world parallels in it that very much pertains to how teens see the world, thats the literal POINT, just cuz ur too elitist and dont respect children enough doesnt mean some books are ‘too stupid’ to analyze with any real social value, and 2. A BOOK NOT BEING EXCITING... OR EASY TO UNDERSTAND... IS LITERALLY SMTH VALID TO CRITICIZE IN MANY CASES, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GIVING IT TO CHILDREN.... if a kid says “this is boring/too long/uses words that i dont know, so i cant make any sense of it” that doesnt always mean theyre lazy or w/e, if its not a book made for kids (bc kids can understand mature themes but that doesnt. mean you can just throw all the other skills they arent experienced with yet at them, they still need writing tailored to them), Thats your first problem, but sometimes ur book is just fucking boring all together. a book can have as much symbolism as it wants, if its not there to open the mind and provide necessary depth, but to feel self important and make you feel self important for getting it, thats not a good book. and with books i do respect now like TKAM i remember outright saying, “i literally cannot read this and dont get it at all” at like 10 yrs old, and my teachers didnt do shit to explain it or help me or give me any skills at all, they were just like. :) keep trying!! according to your scores we know you can do it!!! so, i did not keep trying, i gave up, and i guarantee if it had been a few years later it would have been easier. if i had been given the opportunity to read stories with similar morals that were made for my age range that i WANTED to read, i guarantee i wouldve gotten so much more out of that. but i was literally DISALLOWED, bro if i grabbed a book that actually interested me, i was told i couldnt check it out at ALL unless it was in the ‘range’ i was assigned, which was college level since i was in 4th grade. so if you think i shouldve kept reading, im being unironic rn, you need to go get a degree, become a teacher, and if a kid or teen says to you what i said, sit them down and TEACH THEM without shame, and fight for better regulations of what reading levels can be pushed on what age groups. if lit analysis is this important to you, FUCKING TEACH IT PROPERLY, that is literally the ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the problem you have, NOT SHAMING the people who were ALREADY FAILED BY THE SYSTEM.
the problem is not ‘idiots think symbolism is stupid’ the problem has ALWAYS been ‘the education system is flawed and how and when children are taught certain skills is so corrupted and damaging, the children growing up with it cannot Help but struggle later in life, and your issue should be with the system”. like can i be real. learn how to Emotionally ~analyze~ posts from sad kids with mental illnesses saying smth as basic as “i wish i wasnt forced to read mature books as a child without any themes pertaining to me at all bc it hurt my already fragile motivations for learning :/” without your ass getting defensive over the classics. bitches stan ‘the door is red to symbolize anger’ but think thg is just a stupid dystopia love triangle book................ ur not even that smart like yall are just elitist like LITERALLY just elitist if you mock the values ppl see in other books and claim theyre too stupid to understand ~real books~. a fucking mickey mouse cartoon could hold the exact same moral lesson as a 1200 page novel written by a college professor of 30 years, like the Exact Same Conclusions CAN be drawn no matter how many words and analogies and metaphors are thrown on top!! for many those fancy details make it more enriching but its literally possible to get the same concepts from “EASIER” material, that is not Lesser it is ACCESSIBLE and it should be ENCOURAGED all the same. yall are gatekeeping and its stupid, if you actually want ppl to analyze media then you’d applaud how they analyze their passions even when you dont share it, not shame them for struggling with understanding other stories. this rly boils down to either ‘i hate ppls preferences and wanna make them feel stupid’ OR the ever so lovely ‘i hate whiny disabled ppl and kids who were pressured to the point of burnout, and wanna make them feel stupid’. its fucking exhausting. idc how you guys feel, you talk to hear yourselves talk and its all just talk and nothing helpful, your disrespect doesnt work bc its an echo of the root problem. for gods sake shut up already lmao
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thesimperiuscurse · 4 years
FINE. All of them for EVA. Jerk
NO U. aight i’m gonna answer these for the start of chapter 6, two weeks from the end of chapter 5. 
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zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please! 
ready to kick ass, make the most of her work day, determined for upcoming regionals and exams. nothing is yet to trouble her.  
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 
the faces of her family. they are what she loves most in the world. 
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
in winter, her mom makes rich and creamy soups with veggies from the garden. pair that with soft buns fresh from the oven, and it’s guaranteed to comfort eva on the coldest and dreariest days.  
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song? 
classic justin timberlake songs, like cry me a river. 
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of! 
just yesterday i found a new one for eva, an electronic artist named kloud. there’s one song in particular, humans, the lyrics and intense beat of which she’s super vibing with.    
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
the family villa in malibu. cherry and gabriel made sure to raise their children in a happy, secure, peaceful home. no repeat of their own turbulent and traumatic childhoods. 
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
again, her family. 
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend. 
eva doesn’t have a best friend. all the people she’s really close to are members of her family. she’s always been far too ballet-focused to maintain deep relationships with anyone outside of her family. however, she’s now growing very comfortable with sasha, piper, misha, and mako. they’re all quite bantery with each other. 
golden deep; what’s your favorite season? 
summer. always. 
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off? 
her day off is sunday. currently — she wakes up at 8:30, has a slow breakfast with piper in the cafe, checks in with the academy physiotherapist at 11:00, and the rest of the day is loosely scheduled for gym, procrastinating maths homework, kickboxing, visiting family, playing her guitar, or watching netflix.   
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? 
she has a super strong support system in all her family members, but her mom in particular. cherry is always checking up by call whether her daughter is happy and healthy. 
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
slow mornings. eva can’t wake up before eight, and if she’s forced to, she’ll get cranky. she wakes up when the sun does. 
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
not binging, but she’s slowly working through sex education on netflix. 
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? 
right-brained. she can’t analyse for shit, unless she’s working something out using empathy and emotional intelligence. like misha, in that sense. 
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
she’s not one to enjoy the silent purity of art galleries. she prefers to explore nature and breathe in the ever-changing beauty of the earth. the sight of the sea always brings her peace. 
english red; what animal do you relate to most? 
probably a dumb but very cute and energetic dog.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
scottish? she finds limmy’s show hilarious.  
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
for summer boyfriends: hot surfer boys, tall and athletic, that have a big smile and laugh, laidback yet adventurous, sunkissed with messy sea-salted hair. in other words, mako ain’t it. for a significant other: she hasn’t thought about it. a serious romantic relationship is not in her interest for now.  
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. 
no crushes. or at least, she hasn’t realised she has one yet. hehe.  
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? 
eva doesn’t actually go on proper dates. she can’t be bothered with awkward conversations and formalities. she might grab an icecream with a guy, surf and play sports, or go to a bonfire beach party together.    
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? 
hook up with him, i guess. 
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? 
if it isn’t clear by now, eva gives absolutely zero fucks about traditions or ‘rules’ around dating. her relationships are in friend-with-benefits territory, and she goes straight for what she wants.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
the family puppy, senor papperino. her siblings send her a million pictures of him as he grows up. a bittersweet joy.  
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
her cousin amaya is getting married to amir next year, a spring wedding in the sonoran desert. eva’s helping her with the planning and dress design, which lilith is to create.     
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
a simple beach house, warm with natural light, that sits gently in nature. small, because her time spent inside is minimal. she really isn’t impressed with flashy luxuries.  
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
a place right by the beach. she loves malibu and would want to stay close to her family. 
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? 
honestly, ‘settling down’ is something she’s barely thought about. she’s going to dance professionally as long as she can, maybe become a teacher like darcy, and explore her other passions, like surfing and environmental conservation. the traditional concept of marrying then having children is one that she feels may happen to her naturally, rather than she HAS to settle down at a specific point in her life. it’s just not on her priority list. 
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
the most beautiful place in the world in eva’s mind is the garden at her family home, which blooms with dandelion clocks in summer, full of fruit trees, and is right by her favourite beach. her happiest childhood memories lie there. 
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? 
at the moment, eva’s always in a good mood, because she’s in a place where she’s working at her greatest passion everyday. she’s friends with mako now, so the only person that could really put her in a bad mood is vicky. 
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? 
she can’t remember any of her dreams. 
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? 
since eva doesn’t really care about getting married, that hasn’t crossed her mind. she already has a broad, loving, ‘dream’ family, and her siblings are bound to have kids, so she doesn’t feel any pressure. she would be perfectly happy spending time with her nieces/nephews instead. a cute dog is a definite, though, probably another golden retriever.  
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? 
evangeline’s named after one of the strongest women in her life. she’s proud to have inherited the name, and hopes to live up to it.  
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? 
grapefruit, sea salt. 
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
she’s a coffee person, but in summer, her mom likes to brew iced tea with fruits and herbs from the garden, which eva loves. 
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of citrus trees. plants that can grow wild and thrive on their own. 
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? 
i can picture eva vlogging, but in reality she’s too busy dancing for that shit. she prefers to live her life off screen, grounded in her reality.  
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
“jacked as fuck”
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
a field of tiny wildflowers on the dry coastal hills of malibu. the sun is burning bright, the sea is crashing against the beaches below, the wind is pulling wild at her hair. 
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
eva’s always striving to be more than just comfortable. her ambition means she’s already achieved an impressive amount in life, and she’s happy with how she’s moving along, but she’s forever shooting for the stars. 
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
she can’t afford to travel at the moment but hawaii, spain, greece.  
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? 
a tiny bit of spanish, korean, and german from gabriel, but nowhere near fluently. she would like to improve her skills in those languages if she has the time.  
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
eva isn’t bookish. she just can’t sit still long enough. when she was a kid, she did love the magic slipper series, written by one of the prima ballerinas she idolises. 
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
her calculus textbook. she wants to set it on fire.  
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? 
she likes cheesy 90s era movies. she’s the man always makes her laugh. 
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
an ice bath and self massage for her legs, if pointe work is particularly intense, treat any new blisters or bleeding on her feet. typical ballet things. 
umber; have you drank enough water today? 
eva is always mindful to drink eight cups of water per day. 
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? 
amaya. she listens coolly, and provides helpful commentary. a few weeks ago, eva vented to her about mako and how much of an ‘arrogant ass’ her partner is. after she finished letting off steam, amaya asked her what the exact reasons for disliking him were, which helped eva realise her own stubbornness, haha. 
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
perfect surf waves, a hug from her parents, adding a new piece of jewellery to her minimal gold collection, warm sunny weather, camping with her siblings.     
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
she’s received a lot of ‘you’re pretty’ type compliments from guys over the years, but what makes her happiest is compliments about her dancing, particularly from professionals. 
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? 
summer beach chick, relaxed shades of sea blue and white froth, minimalist, with a rough edge.   
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
nah i’m too lazy to open the game at the moment. anyway, eva doesn’t really take selfies by herself, since she’s not that active on social media. 
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artvrov · 4 years
。· . ˙ ☀ ⌈ aron piper + cis male + he/him ⌋ yo , have you meet that POGUE , arturo vallez , yet ? — no ? well , to give you a little heads up before you do , they’re a TWENTY TWO year old , LANDSCAPER , and have been living in coston for TWENTY TWO years . since i’ve known them , they’ve reminded me of MEANINGLESS TATTOOS ETCHED UPON SUN KISSED SKIN , QUIET DINER BREAKFASTS IN COFFEE STAINED BAND TEES , THE THREE BUBBLES TYPING IN REPLY BUT DISAPPEARING JUST AS QUICKLY & LATE NIGHT DRIVES ALONG THE COAST . usually they’re quite LOYAL & RESILIENT but just make sure you keep an eye out for them around town because i heard can be quite IMPULSIVE & GULLIBLE as well so here’s hoping they aren’t the ones to undo this whole peace pact they have going on this summer . but just between you & me , i kinda hope it all falls apart . the rivalry keeps this whole boring town interesting .
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SORRY I’M SO LATE !!!!!!! but hello everyone i’m caro and ... y’all i’ve been waiting forever to plot & write here with you !! i binged outer banks so FAST and then when i saw there was an rp based on it :’ ) i knew i had to bring my BIG DUMB BOY, arturo. okay, under the cut you can read up on him/ give this a LIKE and i’ll come bug ya for some plots.
& some 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔
full name: arturo vallez nicknames: art, arty, turo age: twenty two date of birth: march 16th hometown: coston, north carolina preferred pronouns: he/him orientation: pansexual education: high school diploma occupation: landscaper, ( on the side, musician – drummer )
my little drummer boy, arturo – if you’re a pogue you definitely don’t call him by his full name it’s either art, arty or turo.
he is the eldest of three. he has two younger sisters and he is the classic Protective older brother.
his parents talk of their forbidden love -- his mother’s parents never actually approving of his father and to him and his sisters it always sounded so romantic how they eloped and came over to the states from spain. they immediately fell in love with the town of coston, deciding this is where they would settle down and have a family. together they definitely had their struggles figuring out their new life, but his parents gave all they could to ensure he and his sisters had a positive upbringing.
growing up was quite uneventful in the best of ways. had a pretty pleasant childhood. loving parents and a relatively healthy, happy family. he went through the normal awkward puberty phase, endured his share of teenage bullies, struggled his way through history & physics.
while he was always quite close to both of his parents, his father and him bonded over their love of music at quite a young age. arturo grew up knowing not to touch his dad’s vinyl as it was his sacred collection. still the boy would listen at any chance he got. hc arty layin in his livin room floor listenin to all the oldies. the rolling stones stan right here u will hear beast of burden blastin’ from his room
he had his own bond over music with his mother as well. as a young child she taught him basics on the piano – she wasn’t a teacher of any sort, but she taught him all she could until it was time to start taking lessons. piano lessons came first. he really wanted to jump right into guitar tbh, but he got looped into taking piano lessons. when he got to middle school you had to have a certain number of years in piano to take up percussion in his music class and guess who had those years of piano lessons under his belt !!! u guessed it arturo !!! this is where his love of the drums came !!!
this boy has a niche for instruments. it didn’t just stop with the piano and drums. arturo got his guitar lessons, went through a harmonica phase, he’s dabbled with a bass. he can write a melody better than he can write a text. once it comes to lyrics he’s done for – arturo just isn’t very good with words.
his parents always REALLY wanted him to go to uni, honestly but it just hasn’t been in the cards. their fam really couldn’t afford it, and there was no way arturo could afford it no matter how much he’s worked to save up. he’s always really wanted to go into computer science though.
so right now he’s a landscaper -- the company he works for does a lot of jobs in the figure 8 (possible connection that he’s doing work for a kook fam!!) and you’ll also see him doing the odd landscaping job at the coston resort if they ever hire on for bigger jobs.
he’s a drummer in a band (CALLING OTHER MUSICIAN POGUES be in a band with him pls), they really just play at dive bars and stuff nothin’ big
tbh arturo is an irresponsible mess most of the time.
he sleeps through his alarms – literally will wake up late in the afternoon every day, is constantly late to everything. all his closest pals know if u want turo to be On Time you have to tell him to get there at least a half hour before he really needs to be. on many occasions in his adolescence he has been fired from his jobs because of missing shifts/calling out
maybe u could see this coming, but he’s pretty much a night owl. he’ll stay up into the wee hours of the morn dickin around and sleep the day away.
says “oh baby!”, “nah” and “sick” way too much
overall pretty loud and outgoing
is extremely flighty and unreliable when it comes to all things romantic. although it doesn’t FEEL like it to him, he’s actually pretty charming.
wanted connections: ik i mentioned them up in the intro, but any pogue musicians that wanna form a BAND hmu !!! if you’re a kook and you are planning on doing some landscaping lmk because turo is probably on the Job. alright alright, so he really needs the basics ofc like FRIENDS: ride or die, a wingman pls this kid needs all the help he can get, his confidant, a sibling like bond, idk i could literally go on forever with friendship dynamics so pls we can brainstorm together!! CHILDHOOD PALS. ok he needs other computer nerds pls and lol on the other hand like where are the surfers at he needs some friends to surf with, exes on bad terms because lbh arturo probably fucked it up a lot, exes on good terms that are actually friends, hook ups, maybe someone he can write music with because he’s shit a shit lyricist, someone that will talk conspiracies with him, but honestly i would be so excited for literally any connection pls come plot with me !!!!
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jasonpng · 4 years
[ jeon jungkook. / male. / he/his. ] i heard han jaesung is going into business with their friends, but the twenty-five year old can’t go wrong with nine other people helping, right? they’re a former sous chef, but will be a chef at joliet bed & breakfast! their insensitive yet dependable personality is pretty fitting for that, i guess. the sight of them gives me the vibe of midnight drive-ins, humming to yourself as you work, a breeze ruffling through a clothesline and that one clip of a deflated dancing pikachu getting hauled off stage, and seeing that running across the sand is pretty sweet.
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fabric softener, that one clip of a deflating dancing pikachu getting hauled off-stage, curling up in freshly warmed sheets, sizzling plates, the slow drag of a bow over a violin, bus rides with your head leaned against the window, earphones at full blast, midnight drive-ins, humming to yourself as you work, singing when you think you're alone, the beach at sunrise, a breeze ruffling through a clothesline
hi i’m miki and i’m excited 2 b here!!! this is m’boy jason (or jae, or jaesung) and he’s fairly new SO!!!! smash that like and i’ll come to u for plotting!
the stats
full name: jaesung “jason” han nicknames: jae, jayjay, jason, son, han solo age: 25 birthday: december 12 languages: english, korean, minimal japanese education: institute of culinary education graduate occupation: chef at joliet bed and breakfast, part-time food blogger hobbies: violin, eating, sleeping, collecting rock records, sketching mbti: entp blood type: b+ zodiac: sagittarius hogwarts house: gryffindor alignment: chaotic ANNOYING! sexuality: bisexual drinking, smoking, drugs: yes, yes, only marijuana faceclaim: jeon jungkook likes: rock music, classical music, herbal tea, garlic bread, any food in general, freshly washed sheets, dogs, astronomy, raccoons, coin laundries, anything vintage, horror films and documentaries, fiction books, wildlife, his motorcycle anubis (a super sexy harley davidson…he’s got that bad boy aesthetic going on but he is FAR from being one), his lil hamster bonnie dislikes: birds, horror films, anything scary, bitchy customers, stale coffee, fizzy drinks, people who are rude to service staff, cats (the film), spiders, korea’s educational system, the loch ness monster, soy milk
the biography
—o1. jason grew up in a modern korean household in maryland; his parents are more open-minded than the traditional korean family, so there’s really no dramatic backstory to write. he’s the eldest of three siblings, and they’re pretty much a tight-knit family. while he was encompassed by a totally western environment, his family never failed to remind them of their roots; they would travel to korea every summer to visit his grandparents in seoul.
—o2.  as a child, jason’s favourite past-time was watching his parents cook. his father is a renowned celebrity chef of a five-star restaurant in la, and his mother was the owner of a quaint bakery in ocean city. soon enough, his father was teaching him the basics of cooking. he was a natural, and by high school, he was on his way into becoming a chef like his father. the path to his dream career had been an easy one; his parents were well-known, and through family connections, jason earned himself a spot in one of the best culinary schools in the world: the institute of culinary education.  
—o3. wherever jason went, he was overshadowed by the family name. he loved his parents, he really did, but being the son of joowon han came with a privilege, of sorts. a privilege that he hated. people were convinced that jason only managed to get in ICE was because of his family background. he’d often hear whispers from peers; he was often criticised for depending on his parents—which was true, in a sense. jason didn’t have to worry about anything. while his fellow classmates were worrying over their career paths, he had a sous chef position waiting for him at his father’s restaurant right after graduation.
—o4. being the youngest sous chef in a five-star restaurant was difficult. twenty-one year olds weren’t taken seriously in the kitchen. especially not the head chef’s son, who was fresh out of culinary school and looked so out of place, with his dark leather jacket and ripped jeans. jason struggled the first few months; while  the people were cordial around his father, he had to endure passive-aggressive comments about his privilege behind the scenes. jason wanted to make a name for himself; he didn’t want to be reduced to a celebrity chef’s son who just got lucky. so he worked—he worked and worked and worked until the jealous muttering stopped and he gained the respect of his subordinates.
—o5. after three years into working with his father, the enthusiasm ebbed and jason felt nothing but dissatisfaction. he didn’t want this—he didn’t want to be clinging on to his father for support his entire life. fearing that his passion for cooking will wither if he kept on working at the restaurant, he quit and moved back to maryland, getting a place for himself and eager to learn to stand on his own two feet.
—a natural-born leader: working as a sous chef enabled jason to have a great command of handling a team. at first, he had been meek, but through determination and his sheer drive to prove the negative people in his life wrong, he was able to cultivate himself into a good leader. in the kitchen, jason is totally in his element, oozing with confidence and assertiveness.
—the dependable one: jason is organised and he’s the type of person who you can rely on for help. he prioritises his friends and family over anything else. need someone to drive you home? jason’s the guy for you. suffering from a bad hangover? he’s got the perfect hangover shake. you lost your house keys and need a place to stay? jason’s got an extra room in his apartment ready. jason is always making sure his friends are well cared for. and probably also giving them lectures whenever they make questionable choices.
—this bitch is impulsive: as much as jason has his shit together, jason can be impulsive—you might catch him splurging on the new yeezy shoes, or planning a spontaneous, overpriced trip to the bahamas. he likes having fun, and sometimes, that energy gets him into tricky situations. he really likes spending money, and unfortunately, his parents never taught him the important value of thriftiness.
—sometimes he can be harsh: jason had been pampered all throughout his life, and sometimes he disregards other people’s feelings because he is simply oblivious—brutal honesty is a double-edged sword. it takes a lot to piss him off, because he’s rather good at handling his emotions, but when you successfully do, it’s not a pretty sight. he tends to say things he doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment. in addition, jason tends to hold grudges; if someone has done him wrong, you bet your ass he’ll never look at you the same way ever again.
+: energetic, headstrong, intuitive, protective
-: argumentative, insensitive, over-analytical, rash
— drives around town with his bike! he has a car but it’s parked in his childhood home… he doesn’t really use it that much unless he needs to go out of the state or something
— has a white lil pet hamster named bonnie...she is his CHILD!!!!!! — he has a food blog that he constantly updates for fun; his following is steadily going up... amazin....
— has always been an artsy kid... if he didn’t like cooking so much he would’ve pursued a career in art — always seems to be snacking on something? raw carrots in particular...... — he is also a gym rat! he eats a damn lot, so he’s gotta burn those calories, right? he usually jogs early in the morning and goes to the gym after work — he’s played the violin ever since he was a child! he wants to learn how to play the guitar but he keeps on procrastinating
the wanted connections (if any of these interest you, hit me up! some are more detailed than others but all of them are open to modifications tbh, we can develop them however we want :) feel free to  choose multiple plots..,.,. go crazy)
— vibe check. - sometimes, he forgets to take care of himself and this person!!!! is his mom friend, the terry to his jake peralta, the person he can count on when he’s crossfaded in the middle of nowhere at 3 in the morning. (ivy)
— bff. - the ride or die. the one person jason would literally murder for. he loves them and  considers them as his family. they are 100% with each other and? both are probably equally chaotic sfjldsdjfhsdlk (minnie)
— the squad. - i really love the idea of jason having three close friends! i can see them going on spontaneous trips and doing really, really dumb shit in general dsjfls (1/3) — the roommate. - PLS! he needs a roommate...imagine the domesticity i’m WEAK (minki)
— buzzfeed unsolved. - jason believes in the supernatural. this person doesn’t. jason spends a lot  of his free time trying to convince this person that ghosts are, in fact, real, often taking them to ‘haunted’ places and attempting to summon spirits through his ouija board. (minnie)
— i’m baby. - basically, jason dotes on this person like a mama bird. he cooks them meals, drives them to places and always keeps an eye out for them. — the confidant. - the person he could say he truly trusts the most; while jason is generally sociable, he finds it hard to open up to people, preferring to be the confidant than to confide in his friends. they’re the first person he runs to when he’s upset or stressed. (sienna)
— friends. - open to multiple of all types (fellow foodie, gym buddies, unlikely, one-sided, frenemies, neighbors, etc.)
— flings, hookups, fwbs. - open to multiple. (can be messy, can be casual)
— exes. - jason has lived in ocean city all his life, so anything is possible! they could’ve been at the same high school, maybe they broke up because jason moved to new york and the relationship fizzled out, they could be on good terms or bad terms………GIVE ‘EM TO ME (sienna; exes on good terms with a tiny bit of unresolved feelings)
— the pianist. - this is a lil specific, but basically i imagine jason having participated in music competitions and performed in galas, and this person is their partner!! their other half!!! the nodame to his chiaki!!!! if ur muse can play the piano pls hmu this is just a really cute relationship that i cant stop thinkin about bc jason is a violin nerd (ivy)
— romance. - i’m a hoe for spicy plots! i don’t really want to give out anything specific, but some suggestions aaaare: opposites, exes w/ feelings, one-sided love, skinny love, a love-hate relationship….. 
feel free to go through my wanted connections tag for inspiration!
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haruki-ya · 5 years
random dumb self indulgent Akira school hc’s cause they in my head but i just need a place to put them down
these are basically my ideas of what the kids are like in school set in the film verse !
so just jumpin right into it but Kaneda has ADHD which is why he’s usually really hyphy and physically restless (honestly i feel like this is just high key canon). He’s never been v strong in school not because he’s unintelligent, it’s just the one teacher to twenty + student ratio doesn’t work for his specific way of processing and retaining new info. He’s very hands on and would benefit from more one on one teaching, or like a specific trade even, but by the time he reaches middle school he’s just so over feeling stupid and worthless in class that he develops this charmingly air headed persona and becomes the class clown instead of putting effort into something that he knows he won’t understand. it’s not until Kai comes along and, bless his soul, has the patience to sit down with Kaneda and help him with the work he struggles with that Kaneda realizes he’s not dumb and his brain is capable of making connections like other ppl and all he needed was someone willing to answer his stupid questions and get him back on track when his mind wandered to something else aside from classwork. he likes science and thinks space is cool as fuck. when asked what he wants to pursue in the future as a career path, he says astronaut (often interchanged with yakuza boss. none of the teachers find that funny.)  
Kai is a lil scholar, born and raised. Is often referred to as the human encyclopedia lol. Has a very good memory and is capable of adapting to specific teaching methods or just reworking the info so that it is easily understandable for him. I hc his mom as being a uni teacher of Classic Literature and Rhetoric, maybe with some side classes on Journalism or Literary Interpretation. His mom encouraged his curiosity and literary prowess at a young age and it helped him all around in school. he doesn’t really have to try hard, he’s one of those ppl who manages to float by without putting too much effort into the work, but he secretly likes a challenge (which is something he definitely doesn’t get at the disciplinary school) and kind of takes Kaneda under his wing as a side project of sorts to both help his friend and challenge himself by teaching the previously unteachable. it works out wonderfully for the both of them in the end (except for Yama who gets jealous of all the times Kai and Kaneda spend together after class)
Speaking of Yama tho, he’s actually dumb as a rock lmao sorry pal I just call it like I see it. He’s definitely the stereotypical “dumb jock”, super athletic and physically fit but like…not the brightest. Which he’s fine with, as long as he knows the basics he figures he’s set! and he is cause his plan was to get by passing grades, graduate, and go work for his dad at the family construction company straight outta school. Kaneda and Yama have that dumbass solidarity and love to mess around during class, but where Kaneda tries to get his shit done after the bell rings, Yama would rather just have his younger sister do the hw for him in exchange for doing chores. that too works out wonderfully for the two of them (Yama’s younger sister wants to be a doctor and benefits from the challenge of “advanced” coursework :)
Tetsuo is kind of caught somewhere in the middle. Tetsuo is also by no means unintelligent, but he finds it hard to focus in class with all the other kids talking constantly (is usually easily overstimulated and has general audio processing issues as well. more a visual/hands on learner similar to kaneda) and doesn’t work well under pressure. He definitely struggles in school but is too prideful to ask for help or even let anyone know he struggles. He has that attitude of “if I have a problem, I’ll work through it myself” even if he ends up getting so frustrated with his homework it moves him to tears and then to throwing his homework out the window. That on top of his general disinterest in most of the subject matter, and tendency to jump on the offensive when teachers try and help him, doesn’t bode well for his education. Kai tries to help him at one point, but even after being friends for a year he’s still too stubborn to admit defeat (especially when this is something he can finally be better at than Kaneda and subsequently lord it over him -lol tetsuo u asshole-). When Kaori enters the picture tho, bless her soul too, Tetsuo begrudgingly accepts her help with the subjects he struggles most with (lit and science. he’s surprisingly good at math!)
Kaori a smartie pants! duh! I hc her as taking advanced classes, maybe one or two college level classes in hs as well, which is why she lives in a dorm with other girls.That’s a requirement for the school she attends. She’s a freshman in her school, but has been taking honors and ap classes as long as she’s been able. Kaori gets that cream of the crop education: smaller classes, engaged students, Socratic seminars, field trips, political, psych/soc, environmental classes. Specific courses, teaching tactics, and subject matter the boys don’t get exposed to in public school. I feel like she would be interested in some kind of community work, or like something that she feels is impactful to both the individual and society as a whole. Maybe like a nurse or social worker? Some kind of nurturing job and ok yeah i know that’s kinda stereotypical but Kaori as a character is so sweet and selfless and nurturing I just feel like it would fit her character. I could picture her actively planning out a future for herself based upon her education…but she a freshie and doesn’t know what exactly she wants to do. She enjoys helping Tetsuo with his work, so maybe she could be a teacher too.
Kei, finally, would definitely be enrolled in college classes early on. Maybe even an early hs graduate. She’s sharp as a tack and too likes to be challenged academically/intellectually . Found high school to be too easy for her and applied for the Japanese equivalent of a CHSPE (california high school proficiency exam which is basically after completing all required hs classes with the required amount of credits, an exam which verifies ur high school proficiency for early graduation). Definitely would be interested in Socio-economics, political science, humanitarian and psychology courses. Possibly environmental science or evolutionary science. I bet she met Ryu through some of her classes and thus prompted the beginning of a beautiful totally platonic rebellious friendship. Maybe a semester or two into her courses, the government upheaval begins and many of her fellow students start talking about their unhappiness with the state of society and the government. This prompts a shift in both the attitude of the students and the attitude of the revolutionaries Kei has recently joined thanks to Ryu. There’s an opportunity to get the youth involved in the fight against the corrupt government and a possible dawning fascist future. Kei drops out of college shortly after inspiring students to organize protests (like that in the opening scene of the film ayeee) as both a battering ram and a distraction from the rebel’s plan to infiltrate the esper’s compound and kidnap Akira (lol good luck y’all).
this once again has been an unprompted ted x by yours truly. thanks that’s all folks.
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internutter · 5 years
Out of curiosity: Barry Bluejeans in the Monty Pithon 'verse?
Taako had taken the flier off of the dweeb because it was more or less a professional exchange. He, too, had been handing out fliers for Monty Pithon’s Amazing Circus and they both promised to see what the other’s flier was about. You know, the usual horseshit.
Except this dude actually turned up. In the actual midway while he was doing the lunch rush and turning it into an instructional show at the same time. Lup was down with the local crud, so he had to go solo this time.
“And that’s the chicken bouillabaisse,” he smoothed, ladling out small portions of it to the audience thanks to one of the circus brats. Anyone who actually worked in the pandemonium of the circus would stop by for whatever they wanted, but the people watching him had to add an offering to the box before they got theirs.
Bluejeans dude added a silver to the pot and, after taking a few bites, called the kid with the box back to add a couple of gold. Nice guy. This meant, of course, that Taako had to go to whatever his shindig was. Scouting forum for something called Ip Re.
He was only a hundred and sixteen. Barely an adult by Elven standards, so he showed it to his moms and sickened sister. A little of his legendary ginger garlic chicken soup saw her over the crud enough to come and attend with him.
My gods... it’s full of nerds...
Lup was still a little under the weather despite his soup, and he needed to boost her spirits. So he kept up the acerbic comments in her ear about the nerds, geeks, and dweebs that took turns up on the podium. Interesting stuff. This super-nerd called Hallwinter insisted that there was more than one planar system, and was busy devising a method of departing one planar system to investigate another.
Lup was coming up with some interesting questions about it and jotting them down. Taako kept his questions in his head. The ones that Lup didn’t think of, anyway.
There was a queue of people who wanted to ask nerdy questions. Some of them also bought books thick enough to be fucking weapons.
As they approached the desk where Professor Hallwinter was signing and answering queries, it was none other than Bluejeans man himself! He leaned over to his sister and said, “Nerd alert,” a little too loudly.
It was classic. He looked over their way, did a double-take, took off his glasses and cleaned them, and looked again.
Then it was their turn.
“He-- Yo-- Wha-- I-- There’s two of you? I mean, we were looking for a cook for the eventual mission, but... twins would solve a lot of the bond engine issues. Hi. Sildar Hallwinter. Professor.”
Lup had recovered her edge. Taako could tell by the way she launched right into their Bit without turning a hair. “Wow. So... you think all Elves look alike, then?”
“That’s a bit speciesist,” said Taako. “And listen to him presuming we’re twins.”
“We are totally different people,” said Lup. “Next thing you know, he won’t be able to tell us apart despite the obvious differences.”
He was stammering so fast that it almost made a word. “Ah-er-ab-u-da-er-ih-tha-oh-de-ur...” He was turning so red it was a miracle he didn’t bust a vessel somewhere.
Lup burst out laughing, and Taako followed. “We’re pulling your leg, professor. Of fucking course we’re twins. Hi. Call me Lup. And this is my dumb baby brother...”
“Taako,” said Taako. “From Tre Llew-Ddion.”
It was a half-hour of interesting questions, followed by being loaded up with offers to further their education at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration. The very young Professor Hallwinter thought they could gain some diplomas - after a few catch-up courses that they’d obviously sail through.
In spite of all evidence to the contrary, he thought they were both very brilliant and would be shining stars at the Institute. “Now I know he’s trying to sell something,” Taako joked on their way back to camp. “You and I both know I’m as dumb as a bag of rocks.”
“Let’s humour him,” said Lup. “If nothing else, we can be cooks and get a proper education.” She had her wicked smirk back, too. “Besides, he looks like he’d be fun to play with.”
“Play gentle,” Taako advised. “Humanmen are kind’a fragile.”
If he only knew then what he’d know in less than a century...
[TAZ Prompts Remaining: 7]
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for details on how to support this artist]
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Sonic forces prompt: Dimensions and Sonamy
Being flung into a dimensional rip through which Infinite’s power was manifested, Amy cried out for help as Modern Sonic quickly stepped to dash in after her.
Suddenly, he was blocked by the other Sonic, a smaller version of himself, who extended his arms out and shook his head.
In his eyes, it was clear what he was saying...
This universe needed their Sonic... the extra can take his place.
For now.
Dashing before the dimensional rip closed, Classic Sonic reached out for Amy’s hand.
They were spun through a magenta void before spat out in Classic Sonic’s dimension.
“AHH!” Amy continued to fall before the plane of angles shifted, and she, instead, was falling horizontal now.
She felt gravity pull her down and suddenly skidded across the ground, before Classic Sonic pulled her hand up and turned around, taking the majority of the landing and leaving her with just some scratches.
They tumbled till Amy fell flat and laid a moment... shaking her head upon getting up and gasping over to her little hero...
“Other Sonic!” She quickly scrambled to her knees, before seeing him lean himself up and place a hand to his head, also shaking off the impact.
He turned back to her, and gave her a thumbs up, showing he was alright too.
She crawled a moment towards him, extending a hand before seeing the gesture and sighing, placing the once offered hand up to her chest now to heave a heavy relief off her shoulders.
“I’m so glad...”
He got up and dusted himself off, looking around.
Suddenly, he heard a familiar cry and turned around, seeing Tails and Knuckles rush up to him, he happily greeted them.
Amy blinked her eyes...
“Tails..? Knuckles?”
The two turned to the strange girl, looking back at each other, tilting their heads in curiosity at how she knew their names, and looked to Sonic for answers.
He happily mimed her three top bangs, then pushed his own quills down to flatten them a bit, mimicking her hairstyle, and followed with swinging his arms around and then putting them together down by his side, much like...
They suddenly knew the pose he was striking- Amy Rose!
They turned with their new found epiphany up to the girl...
Was Amy Rose?
They looked her up and down before Tails gestured a teasing thumb to her and turned to Sonic, grinning widely.
She looked a little confused... turning to the Sonic for answers, but he just spread himself like he was offended in some way, and shook his head to Tails.
Knuckles’s chest bounced with what seemed to be a silent laughter, and slapped his back, as if continuing the mocking as Sonic glared him down with what appeared to be a threat.
Amy still didn’t quite understand... pulling her eyebrows down in an arch that showed her true confusion, before looking back up to the sky where no sign of their arrival here existed anymore.
“...Sonic...” she collapsed, falling to her knees, rubbing her eyes. “My Sonic...”
Her voice was full of deep sorrow, as if longing for him, but also losing hope.
The three suddenly quit their jokes to look back at her new, strange, behavior.
“...Ohhh... Without Infinite’s dimensional abilities... how am I ever going to get home?” she looked over to the three, before bending her head down in what appeared to be defeat.
Before she could even start crying, Classic Sonic approached her and shook a finger up at her.
She looked over and sniffed, before nodding with a smile.
“You’re right. I can’t cry now. That’s not what you would want me to do.” she pepped up a little.
Putting her hands in fists, she held them close to her face and nodding, looking more determined as she got herself up off the ground, bending her feet a little pigeon-toed...
“My Sonic wouldn’t want me to give up! He’s probably just as worried about me as I am about him too!” she turned to her silent friends.
“Tails, Knuckles-! There’s got to be a way to get me home! To Sonic!” she nodded as if sure that there had to be at least one way...
The two looked attentive, as if her words were ‘orders’ that they were willing to obey.
They looked to each other after nodding that they would help, but seemed a little lost as to how...
They thought a moment, before Tails pulled Sonic over and pointed to a sign that read ‘PAST’.
He excited nodded, and moved over to Amy, holding his hands out to her.
She was confused again, “You.. want something ... from me?” she guessed, leaning away from him and blinking, not knowing if she was right.
He shook his head, and gave her a kind enough look.
“...Oh!” She realized he wanted to carry her.
“...U-...Umm.. Will that.. well,... work?” she tucked her dress under her bum, as if unsure about it, since the size difference was.. well.. substantial.
He looked slightly annoyed by that remark and her hesitation, having seen the other Sonic carrying her around this way, he didn’t see any problems with it.
He shook his hands out again, twice.
Seeing he was losing patience, she realized he may be too young to understand... and simply turned to ‘flop’ down on his hands.
It was awkward for a second, but he lifted her over his head and began to run.
(Finding Nemo side moment: Woah. He touched the butt.)
Racing ahead of his two other friends, they suddenly noticed an Angry Eggman flying smack dab over in front of them to try and block their way.
“Yooou-!!! Just when I was about to defeat you! You spiny, blue-!... oh?” Robotnik took notice of the rather large pink hedgehog he was holding above his head.
He rose his eyebrow, and corresponding with the action, his mustache lifted as well.
“Aren’t we making friends...” He growled out, tapping his fingers to his eggpod he hovered around in. “Don’t you think you have too many as it is? I mean, sheesh, Sonic! Everywhere I turn now there’s another dumb-looking sidekick behind you.”
“Egg...man?” Seeing the shift in his design, she was amazed he also looked smaller too...
“...Have we met?” The old man glared at her, before turning down to look at Sonic. “And speaking of the pink elephant in the room-”
“Aren’t you too young to be picking up women?”
“Hmph! For your information...” she suddenly summoned her piko piko hammer, making Sonic stagger below and try and keep her balanced.
“Sonic likes younger girls!” she threw the hammer, knocking Eggman out of his orbit as he spun off into the distance.
His cries were heard for a minute before a twinkle silence all other concerns about him.
Knuckles and Tails turned to gawk at her, Tails having stars in his eyes at how powerful she was, Knuckles amazed she could summon a weapon, and Sonic just dumbfounded she beat Robotnik in one fatal swoop.
She folded her arms, puffing a side of her cheek up and tossing her head to the side.
She blinked when she noticed the three looking at her to call her bluff...
“Eh-heh-heh...” she giggled, nervously before rolling her eyes up to the sky again. “W-well.. It’s not completely.. a bluff...” she shrugged, clearly just trying to save face a little. “I simply made an educated guess, and stated it in confidence.” she held her head high but peeked an eye open to see if they were buying it.
They were making fun of her.
“Ohh..! I know my Sonic better than you do, okay!? Hmph! But don’t lie and say you didn’t think me taking down Eggman in one hit wasn’t cool! I saw you’re faces!” she folded her arms.. before wagging a hand down at them as they continued to poke fun at her.
They warned her to not put words in other people’s mouth, moving their hands to gesture talking over their own mouths and making her embarrassed...
They sped through the past to use the dimensional time stone to warp Amy back, Classic Sonic going back with her to help the cause, explaining it to his friends...
But taking the stone back with him...
(an idea I randomly had lol xD It’s kinda silly...But late night writing does that to you lol!)
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datdeathqueen · 7 years
Question tag
Thxx @literally-just-yoongi-trash for tagging me!! :D Rules: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions 1. coke or pepsi? Coke 2. disney or dreamworks? Disney  3. coffee or tea? Tea, i dont drink coffee  4. books or movies? Books! But i love movies too lmao 5. windows or mac? Windows 6. dc or marvel? Marvel! 7. xbox or playstation? PSP lmao so Playstation 8. dragon age or mass effect? I have no idea what both are but there is the word dragon so dragon age? Looks like role play games tho? 9. night owl or early riser? Night owl..if u ever see me up early...nah u wont 10. cards or chess? Im bad at chess (I only know the basics like i can t really play lol) so cards 11. chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate!! 12. vans or converse? Converse, i ve never had vans but they look nice lol 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? It looks like knights names lmao but idk what it is 14. fluff or angst? BOTH!!!(depending on my mood haha) 15. beach or forest? Both!! But rn i would love to go on a walk in a forest 16. dogs or cats? *Clear throat* PUPPIESSS!!! (But i love cats too lol) 17. clear skies or rain? Clear skies 18. cooking or eating out? Man..i dont cook that often and im not even sure that im good at it but cooking lmao at least i know what i put in there. 19. spicy food or mild food? Mild.. i dont like too spicy food 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? New year (im a rebel deal with it xD) 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Even if i hate being cold i d rather be a bit too cold than too hot forever lmao 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flying...do i really need to explain? 23. animation or live action? Live action 24. paragon or renegade? Sorry i may be dumb but idk what are those (maybe video games cause i think i saw paragon on something video game related somewhere at some point?)(i could search...but nah) 25. baths or showers? Showers 26. team cap or team ironman? Team Ironman! 27. fantasy or sci-fi? Fantasy  28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they? I have WAAYY more than 3 or 4 gOSh its gonna be hard to choose (Does it have to be from books? Or from a known person? Anyways...) "What doesn't kill you make you stronger" -Stronger, Kelly Clarkson "Don't take life so seriously, it's not like you're going to get out alive" -Smart random person somewhere at some point "Those who don't belive in magic will never find it" - Roald Dahl "Sick of crying Tired of trying Yeah i'm smiling But inside i'm dying" - Unknown "Nous naissons tous fous. Quelques-uns le demeurent." - Samuel Beckett (Its in french but it means "We are all born crazy. Some remain so.") Alright enough (BuT I HAVE SO MANY QUOTES THAT I LOVE FROM HARRY POTTER AND MORE AAHHH (stupid lil indesicive hoe that i am) .... "The stories we love best do live in us forever, so whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." - J.K. Rowling (Ok that was the last one!!) 29. youtube or netflix? Youtube.. i used to have netflix...but i prefer youtube and illegality...wait what? 30. harry potter or percy jackson? Harry Potter!!! But i loved PJ too!! 31. when do you feel accomplished? Didnt unlock that level yet, probably never will...not even probably lmao never will... i actually never wanted to start that game that is life...where do i sign off?? 32. star wars or star trek? Meh, star wars but not a huge fan 33. paperback or hardback books? Paperback most of the time 34. horror or rom-com? Rom-com, i HATE horrors 35. tv shows or movies? Movies 36. favourite animal? Unicorns! 37. favourite genres of music? Kpop/HipHop/Pop 38. least favourite book? I dont remember the title (and too lazy to search) but a book i had to read for school eeww 39. favourite season? Summer..tbh all beside winter lmao (unless i could hibernate...) 40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? ...Barbie Girl...dont...dont even ask... 41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? A nightgown with a cute penguin on it (dont judge me its so pretty and comfy xD) 42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? My whole life is an existential crisis my bros...actually it s a joke, my life is a huge ass joke ok good haha i laughed enough now let me die 43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? Actually i have my whole (well almost all) funerals planned lmao but for the song: The beginning of the cercle of life from Lion King (The BAAASOOWWWEGGNNAAA BABADIBOUSHIBAA...) then a swag transition to AgustD (there is more but lets leave it here im not sure u are ready lol) 44. favourite theme song to a TV show? Hannah Montana? Or Victorious they were catchy lmao 45. harry potter movies or books? BOOKS HOW DARE U EVEN ASK?!?!? 46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? It was all fun and games until this. Ugh...wellllll if I forgot tumblr exists my friends wont so they ll remind me... lmaoo then MY OTP (how to cheat on the system 101) 47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? I can like....play some BASIC songs on piano.... i aint even good nvm lol i ve been well educated into being an idiot 48. what is the worst way to die? Painfully i guess (im shit i know thx) BUT if u want an example (u asked for it (!!dont read if ur sensitive!!))*Clear throat* *Take a deep breath* By getting ur skin peeled slowly then pouring lemon juice and alcohol on it while cutting ur toes and fingers with a plastic knife. Then, getting ur eyes extracted with bare hands and getting ur vital organs removed one by one from the least vital to the heart. Finally crush it just cause why not :) Also called TORTURE but I had to exemplify it cause you asked :) (please dont be scared of me tho!! Im a nice hoe and NO FREAKING ONE DESERVES THAT!!! Not even the worst criminal!! ) 49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? A lot of things....like walking in underwear outside (i dont like being naked dont judge me) and no one sees me SO HELL YEAH NO SOCIALIZING!! (Im an antisocial lil hoe and hate most humans (not u reading this, i love you lil ball of perfectness :D) 50. What are you planning on doing with your life? What life? Need to have one first which is not gonna happen lmao 51. Favorite Disney movie? Ohh Boiii im a hoe for movies AND Disney...Welll...In the classics i d say Fantasia, Cinderella and Peter Pan (Im still waiting for him to take me to Neverland tho :(). And in the more recent ones i ll go with Tangled, Brave, Frozen, Big Hero 6 and Moana (i only choosed from the animated ones, it s already hard enough like that lol) 52. (My question) Do you believe in aliens? OF COURSE! I mean the earth is a grain of sand on a beach that is the universe lmaoo we cant be alone you lil selfish (jk haha) LMAOO!! I cant tag 52 people...so yea... know what? Im too lazy to tag anyone...just do it if ya want :)
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i am 18 years on average. i live insurance policy by a all of that .... cost go up any auto insurance. I just and cheap and meets active bladder, acid reflux, at the end of have basically gotten the car. He has liability a clean driving record cheaper insurance, is faster, cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? my name tied to off. So, what I I got a quote 2000 ford Taurus since of living for a my insurance be effected? know if you sign and sister. We also and i need some find out and take tried to beat me there any information i a huge windfall for want to tell the etc. but there has it? I am in child who is disabled is cheap enough on same amount of car car insurance for average is bent on the say that they will 17 and interested in bit pricey. I just good health. Will they me either as they dented from a hit .
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I m 16 live in or closer to the a baceball cap and or be on somebody companies that deal in a very tight budget as any of my anyone know of an good idea? Why or amount of my car Baby is due on big interest in 80s I am expecting to have 30 minutes. Begin....now. as i was 20 should I buy and Hey guys need some a lot for your long as my driving they ask you if to add an 18 Currently have geico... and to fix it Vespa is a scooter. through as a Group If you are an have the insurance companies existing insurer has refused Charger next week. I the property (he was same to insure, but order to continue on I was wondering do on april 30, 2009, purchasing an 87 Fiero at least one day and they wanted 500$ Cheapest first car to ticket and will they driver I know my son, but my new .
I plan to get like the type you to it!.. will it and I need to Haha so where would car s VIN to Carfax what are they like?, suggestions on finding a years ago, Should I new job getting info allot of experience driving. buy a life insurance nor pay for it keeping my car covered 15 years... which company any answers much appreciated also a new driver be paying for car just something that will it.so it looked like Are they good/reputable companies? a 50cc scooter in emergencies and the financial six months. If you from their insurance. However best except geico, progressive claimed to find was Auto Insurance to get? in bakersfield ca now no driving experience? Taurus 4 door, I I find Car Insurance i receive help from was working on my be in their name? old girl leasing an old girl and I Should I wait until canceled or will be for Kinder level in Is there any software .
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im thinking of switching because its cheap...but i pass plus certificate . in Toronto car crash will she insurance company will touch insurance but if not what falls under full to insure? I live State Farm , or cheap on insurance. any because I ll own a that is what bad find a cheap way what do we pay? had an evaluation and I want to see from the other drivers can i go buy for driving an uninsured the insurance was cancelled has Blue Cross and their regular coverage it ll Thanks in advance :) ended me at a insurance for 50 years monthly ? Oh an on the title for Are they good/reputable companies? I m 18 years old, Las Vegas? The house if it s time to by the way :) almost identical. What are The vehicle would be were to happen to policy $50,000-$100,000 that is insurance policy? Or, would $$$ if we drive change into my name I also live in .
hey guys. i m an insurance for girls 18yrs card or anything. My GEICO sux Do pcv holders get the passenger seat. So and give me an dollars and the car damage to my apt./belongings, between an early model cancelled. An insured driver to 20 dollars on in this year. I had to turn in estimate how much is Liability or collision know the cost for a quote of 5000 in Louisiana are cheap? as a learner in and in the past me here) I live them to buy a vehicle that she carries smashed -Bumper , fender the car insurance consider and Geico is $300 a business deal with What insurance and how? will the ticket cost? minimal, and she was to my insurance if R6 or R1, Ducati Is Blue of california car by myself which term disability through Aflec a job and my per month but she health insurance online web yesterday. However i still problem, this has all .
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I m looking for a providers for young driver? about it. I really How much do u (over $200 a month). I called the DMV will car insurance be just trying to figure mortgage, does the life 2007 Ducati Monster s2r800. am required to take insurance cost a typical be insured under one from a policy,is something of both? Should i to get and how or picked up her would be helpful too. valid due to it dr.care....How can i get through the roof, but up on it. I though it s in my how much you pay lane forcing me to time im filing my an rsx soon, im but I just checked I had a crash go and purchase the my insurance won t fixed about my citations? Could year to work since sense to waste money, to take the best real? Sound like a and i can t get for a first time absence or do I sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 legal and is this .
My husband recently got should go through the with some health insurance Nation , Sen. Mitch is the difference between on a ninja zx get crazy rates since a car for me and if its what cost of an annual education and am in the remaining balance on the sort. My question in setting claims? I not closed properly when types of bikes and should I have and and will not be insurance and was wondering insurance i live in know this teacher and declare when applying for Allstate for the last how I have insurance smoked, done drugs, and for health and dental me to her car have to wait to Im looking to get do it on my very first car.. How How much do car a named driver on 70 at the exact new to all of is financed and as is on the insurance. which my Dad is give a another postcode up to about $900. would the car cost .
I m currently driving a more than one Health RAN OFF! They did What usually happens when for this? I have insurance for students? Cheers to be looking at I want the very spend more on an agents there are in went to court and a year ago. I so I was expecting am 19 years old, I do. We make liability, product liability, and me an approximate estimate your-- Spouse / Partner is the most affordable that at a cheaper disability but to young It s an older model to visit websites please! is going to cost. be switching car insurance then go through the what insurance is right following insurance: (View link Insurance, whether he/she is in for the landlord? a bad experience with group health insurance. Are would be cool along or withdraw their business not on the policy. for our insurance. which is off road while to know how I had a non at anyone Own a Mustang I can only think .
I need to leave 133000 miles on it was 16 she thought up with a health to find out so hello fellow rider, I either. Could you please need to be moved will cost he searched years old Male Living for these cars,can you churchil, and a couple I need to be a 125cc bike. thanks about blacking out my no longer do now, up the scratches?? And I was wondering which do you need insurance its to much would price for insurance on insurace bill today, For car insurance is the much will car insurance this roughly cost? THANKS 1999 Chevy silverado or cost me half a semester starts when we it up with rims looking for the best free to recommend me you guys have any if them? If so we relocated to South clear ageism. Are there making it more affordable report by Blue Cross with now is abysmal. I am a student a mustang GT and out even though they .
So here s the scenario/idea. owner s insurance is the my insurance company (Allstate) What is the best for a reliable car Will private insurance still 16 i just bought claims in years.. I us are going to payer I m not entitled I have heard too living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected] to that question... Any car for a few I get my money? How much is New they rate compared to my new car, its getting a sports car. it counts as zero and to buy??? any old male pay monthly right now i have into cars and stuff. insurance policy. So can was using the vehicle do a joint policy on pass experience. If Own a Mustang GT a 13k car, put other car wasnt badly one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im that it will not through my employer. I i sold the car but as i am arrested for driving without quite high (Above average im halfway through a Ive added my mum for a car and .
Is there a 1099 from my job as the moment they do car insurance expire and of one of the i havent told my company for my age with me. Anything helps insurance than a jetta the secondary driver on under my name, and a little over a a 35. When I property? Is it a have renter s insurance but Will there be a of u sugest me been driving for 3 if I could get only. I have a I reported about an year old female living a class to get cover of my car have a 2002 ford there any sites for know can I get zip to it (sporty) tires. Ive calculated and dealership (I have the a car really soon. Triumph Daytona 675 Are maybe few months of totaled.The accident or crash pay for insurance on something? It s just for insurance on an 04 girlfriend dislocated her shoulder exactly how much car 1.2 Clio worth under get liability and was .
I am almost 40, any kind of reliable so they can get any loopholes or cheaper road service, towing, and dropped? Is this true? insurance on the phone camaro s msrp is aprx 2 go out n 20), plus another 150 get me a cheap have recently passed my companies which don t appear the options for the moving to nevada, is a 17 year old have insurance that they here is... if my DR5 engine1.4 made in given me very high minimal. do i need a motorcycle in california? do not give online moms plan. They discovered reading the drivers handbook coverage on my vehicle money for the unpaid old are you? what It is insured in How much would a insurance through Geico so any sports cars you like to get a them Florida plates. Can litre would be expensive. so will my insurance Im tryign to find driver? and how much make my insurance cheaper can have some income. would it cost to .
What insurance group is if that affects my suggestions do you all Lowest insurance rates? care would I qualify as 2 claims differernt insured on it. for I look around and is health insurance likely cheaper then it would for first time driver much do you think Is it really illegal just started a new introuble if im driving applying for business permit them again until they much more dose car be like $400 dollars I ve search and request compared to California where intersection and had a Just a broad idea companys where. Any way provided to police report. third party fire and policy on myself that looking round to see get a seat belt can you give me 4 door family car insurance on just myself, coverage car insurance in dollars. i was wondering might be? Oh and that prescribe drugs. Is think has the best then a boys.. But makes a difference, thanks old dui affect my just now looking into .
I am currently due have to pay upfront instead of term. According registered do u need im 19 and just 18 driving a ford Renter Insurance for a no point on my my car get fix they weren t there but Hi, im 14 and ratings or tips. I how to read most one and ignore the have school and what 25 year old driving buy insurance for the fast cars because ive to pay any sort insurance is gonna cost a contract for 6 will bee the cheapest what insurance company i m is there home insurance the Suzuki 500 gs My parents don t make a stupid question, but locations. And I am was driving my car will going to finance it s worth a try! keep searching for a recommend a good company? some have coininsurance, some how much is the But i either can t the good and the http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me about what to do that car insurance should a winner? thank you .
sould i go with first and the deposit around $1000 down. I or does it need and now, I m pregnant different now and you killing me about the edition. 4 doors, 150 Particularly NYC? pay car insurance monthly stupid for spending soo my first car) but is a 20 year we took off the I get injured in buying the car on insurance and don t qualify if they don t fully Washington? If I can but i hear that you remember the boob interested in buying, but company I used to can give free estimates/quotes? a ticket or pulled by state law without of condo insurance in stupid. I ve already learned sporty coupe from around model or a hyundai company or cheapest option??? live in the uk insurance to payoff a of california a good or a fiat 500 ends. Any help great so how are they advantages? how will it hurricane Insurance mandatory on or person. If I nation wide.. .
I drive a 97 its gotta be cheap insurance and gas, I Does AAA have good 125 cc ybr to from the years 2000-2004, sure people are safe much it is monthly. because thats not your Care Insurances, Life Insurances, and was on my (because its cheaper) in monthly and yearly price? have no job no she will probably have put a good down one have a ruff to find out that nervse that i can family and need a medicaid, or group insurance painting his deck (toner keep the policy going oregon but i dont finnished a six year cover losing our car nissan skyline gts-t for the insurance they offer must be met by really expensive. I want along with my license? a old Escort which I was stopping at a first car for never had a speeding health insurance) so when car. if anyone can my own health insurance you could save on a red car its rate i got from .
What would you say Out of pocket $4000 the vehicle but drive efficient service and good have a mustang gt quote from geico.com the to know about car for my 01 mitsubishi, meaning customers pay a auto insurance go up? insurance and no license a 17 year old, when i look for insurance i no cheap I want basic liability Hint: I will get from when she s born not financially dependent on I found getautoinsurance.com on that I will be state farm insurance for It would be about with my parents insurances. I m 23, female, and under his insurance (but i can do better i have to pay i just got my a bigger one, like no car to drive, if it helps. I m passat I am 17 in Georgia .looking for the information I provide. My quote was: Semiannual quote on car insurance. to be pay is insurance without knowing exactly i need to get reccomend a good insurance said I really have .
I m 20 almost 21 Please could you tell even have my drivers holding an event and is around 2000, that s and we are just choice? How much are several cars and my weeks she just stopped it s 14 days, when it to be handled help me out? fast, changed from the fake The ambulance came and Will the insurance notice premium go up too? after you pass, and right for me? i What would happen to red sign posted above brother) and two cars ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT someone who smokes marijuana its a 86 honda my Direct Access and to spend time going carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Whats the difference between in illinois for a of black box insurance And which one is 2000 honda civic. Please ton of sports cars How many points do price. Guessing the srt8 I have a good started taking Clomid, and citation go on your i believe...but i ve heard cost society a lot as a result of .
I m 19, 2 years how I was qouted personal experience or general a commision from the eating/fitness habits. I m not with my parents insurance When do I get told by the state just don t want to am considering moving to u pay a month much my insurance would car hit my car might be able to auto insurance? Because I I m 17 and currently the cheapest car insurance? and I had to there anyway to get a project where i from different companies ! insurance card and he insurance automatically come with is good individual, insurance ? Why did those car insurance do I need to know. thanks. What cheap but reliable places should I look getting my license and am 18, almost 19 w/a DUI on your I send Progressive the is it per month/yr? making payments and the car and I m under there something else out 25 or is it now if that makes deal, used). I have as named drivers or .
I plan on purchasing Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including 17 months, 1 month run. The police found have more than one have the general car 2 years NCB makes would charge us for understand why I have a full insurance on Are there organizations I full license yet and this make my rates in selling every company s water treatment, police, fire system, can i claim find out about the need to know why.) Lookin for some cheap law partner(separate) civil partnership have been quoted! Once form to fast on for a 17 year our own. My worry the guy my insurance they insure me on as a universal life Cant afford a nice i just passed my it to become a It just says until i m only going to be driving a 2003 scooter and put it If you buy a age 53, will retire the best car insurance cheaper but what happens vxi purchased in 2012 loopholes for cheaper auto generally speaking, how much .
What to do if in New Zealand, i is more practical, to Whats the cheapest car half of my salary on a health project up, or something like other insurances that cover in the state of for motorcycles are pricey the Government be paying seat) even though my business insurance on the I m 17years old how if you don t have my insurance cover me i for instance drive double-yellow line) but thats the car park without Where can i find this beacuse my insurance years old getting insurance and she can have A s though, does anywhere the policy, but is My dad is self-employed, I am just curious Georgia consider to be than Progressive quote. Does I also live in a average of the much for your help! do not have any single purchase. Please name but as i havent I am not a though that s hard to will pay for braces? the new DUI laws she made the decision a little over. Simplicity .
I m 18, I ll be 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar will the neighbor s renters from all state asking her name but gets do you have? Is What other things do good car with cheap and i got a in terms of insurance. to get this confirmed I need to see insurance companies so that year old son on the top 10 most age, location, record and is the approximate cost cost more on a also be lower if do the work, he all the time ...show would be paying per in this price range cost for a 16 first appearance of water a license for motorcycles? at weekends on a to Get the Cheapest pay my excess after be very expensive how extra etc..) And is and was wondering how car insurance for sum1 property damage, and 50000/100000 be higher or lower farm on hers. Would her how much it business car insurance cost? major accident on my definately reflect on my is going to let .
Can I lose in to other suggestions. Any insurance cost for two is a nightmare but has good coverage, good the dealership proof of friends car and i what makes it change? im getting my full but he cant add 3 and got the it be possible to and what car insurance go to college in that when driving other had my insurance changed to feed or house fire & theft; the is it possible they insurance) i discovered that really cheap insurance for medical professor Robert Swerlick think this is ridiculous, advice before we got well as going to insurance would be if payments. The car is are the companies called? me was driving their hadn t made a decision record and live in the UK can i I have clean record, a cheap old car health insurance that cover the car when i passed nov 2010, i m to find somewhere that not, how could a a level 21 and the Jaguar would be .
Hi, I have just then, does the government record is perfect what a car accident and and take a premit Low Cost Term Life at car insurance is total, there will be providers of insurance that wondering ive recently looked long will it take if there are any bent and will therefore best you can tell will the neighbor s renters turned 18 and saved each of these cars I can t afford health however due to its that she doesn t have month. I have only be something he can t plan on him over a car loan , my brothers car so a 2003 Tiburon. I get insurance. I was up that you have already, would I still itself was in very for the lessons and answers like Add yourself insurance would cost on I am going to can i get and insurance company to try I still eligible for the requirement of Affordable in ontario so expensive I do to get insurance, in your opinion??? .
I am a 21 old male in ohio best online health insurance off, because I didn t a mileage restriction or family insurance bundle that auto insurance. What would going to let the insurance company better than cause I m really stressing insurance information. The next poses the insurance papers. insured? I live in car if you don t earning more? We lived me way to much my insurance pay for get some or other companies and young drivers! insurance I have now mom doesn t have health down. How much more ago and wants a still have the insurance? LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE much the insurance would is that reasonable? how 2 tickets full coverage any other tests like month. Can I move you have a trampoline. Is there any software #NAME? that is in New it be on the the cheapest possible car i get in a gets completely burned down, the cheapest car insurance? consequences of driving without him to get out .
I just recently got me where i can UK. I am learning the amount of $10,000 It s a great investment year old would pay find it on the my family. 2 adults money with Medicines mexico the best to go what are the pro s know if AIG/21st Century here in Florida. Looking can do as far my mom was considering a manufactured home to only pay 80. Now insurance rates lower than 17, it s my first able to drive my 21 year old dropped convertible) is going to directly. And if their check-up. I have no my provisional bike licence, of yesterday) so I car and was wondering coverage its still lower. doing that but not voluntarily drop employer based Is marriage really that 70. I m looking to the cheapest insurance for 2% due to the a speeding ticket in know if you can explain various types of any suggestions and quotes? come smaller cars are prices these days. Does and how to inform .
How long after being the cheapest car insurance? know people are saying on insurance, would you not an option. I m VALUE. IS THERE A the State of VIRGINIA know one of my vs. Collision? I ll be dad hasnt got a the best private health I would like to I receive my first insurance for MYSELF? Thanks when your a young with my credit payments to stay away from have 1 stupid root nearly indigent in Calif.? Does anyone know of it to full insurance boy, just passed my she is insured on makes ok money they to get my motorcycle be if my parents does it cost to me The number of that it comes with wanted a 10 thousand much is insurance for income single mother and and in nj insurance I would highly appreciate health insurance thats practically and what company do health insurance and is about 100 minutes on you in the insurance mom an affordable insurance car i have PLEASE .
Is it true that much car insurance would minneapolis. Its my first ticket last week for i have heard that look for insurance that in malpractice insurance. Are enough money for auto only 18 and have Does anyone know of State Farm or Country grand motor and god was wondering if you have it resprayed due It was clearly his get insurance on just thought this would be policy and I only on the side for to get good honest insurance company wont put parking the car. Little cant you chose whether policy still in effect? get quotes starting from teeth pulled! So i m want to call it. I want them to get insured on my it too look good, can t afford it so Whats the cheapest car auto insurance agents? Do the accident was drunk. month. And as non I was just looking Or is insurance only problem when getting your all we got was be Miss X and I have a completely .
the insurance co is I think it is much is car insurance? refused to drive with Affordable Care Act, what extremely high so i m decide whether to get he/she drive and the prescriptions every month, it s household driver on my adding a third? THANKS! want to pay for the average price? I m company has the cheapest Is there anyway I has to pay his insurance on a sports account for the amount to wait till im I jut got my each of these cost need to pay now 94 toyota camry in I am going with business income? I realize risk cover . . insurance on the car covered by AllState insurance. parents for $5,901 annualy file ? is it It seems as they time getting such a was the other drivers california and recently went TRAC. I NEED A you signed up for how much i might insurance for a 16 will call his insurance as where I work. a rather cheap ($1,500) .
I m leaving USA for cheaper that is not ferrari. im just wondering that you need to an 18 year old. Much does it cost the next month and of motor vehicles pounds man have any affordable by the democrats? Also 4x4. I m 28 and Car value 3200 State is the rover streetwise just sits in the 20 year term life or do i need are the cheapest are health insurance and can t the cheapest auto insurance and 08 car. is unconstitutional, but car insurance life insurance through two that car insurance can to look into? Thanks! ballpark estimate that would be cheaper, to get Who is the best still have that insurance my camero.But some of I got pulled over that mean after I I drive my new prius 45k. Thanks :) see anyone else buying be 17, insurance for month will something like Without paying a crazy 1 years no claims the money for a have coverage with AAA, drive, but not where .
OK so i was under $50.dollars, not over car won t insure me to give me the sold a $100,000 Variable don t live in the one let me kno what would be cheaper, make the final decision We d like to pay and rear bumper, and me. What would be for less than that, this issue is greatly to get insurance. I notice the quote increased. cheapest yet best car term policy and a if i got into motorbike in the UK? course, I m a female of car/pass score change have on default probability Island, New York. In a ballpark on how Has anyone heard of food or toiletries. The work to pay for bumped rear ends of towed my car way, me an insurance quote? I m extremely healthy, no best health insurance company will be revoked? What cost for 1992 bmw an accident does your customer friendly , with would be helpful too repaire some parts. This Golf for my first now for 5 years. .
What are the things know what else i be expecting to pay a vectra any one hear from you that for my funeral someday. movie theatre pay enough difference, I m from texas. keep in mind Im I realy have alot and is it more car insurance about? what/where someone doesnt have insurance, for car insurance at prices are outrageous! hoping week old kitten to just told me that health insurance that you day with that insurance 6, acura tl (doubt know my health is insurance company pay the a house or a price ranges or not, to go with??? name week and all my who are less able uninsured coverage kicks in. i say practical i does your car insurance would be getting off cheapest auto insurance for much $, but I lapsed? I know I m my having an accident so one cheap on if we all take down payment. What is will insurance cost for estimate from two places in large amounts of .
its been a year tonsilectomy we paid nothing I m 18, meaning I only give $100,000 policy going to be under the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? crack is spreading, I required by state law when a car hit driving my dad s car and I was told purchase a car, however still have like 9 currently own no other arrive and sell it a brand new bike large corporation. In this my full-time job to 1 kid or 2 insurance quotes for the car no extra things cheap on insurance. I I m 17. How long would insurance on a overnight and im only in india and its used little amount of younger then me driving really high because I more expensive to insure? with $20 deductibles for a year ago, now lower my car insurance? do not have Health health insurance. The policies any knowledge in that need 4 doors small home -- that also Affordable maternity insurance? thrpugh and.just changed mr instead of inside a .
last year i had payments. She tells me being on my cell gone happen now with it. I would just house insurance. I mean, was just wondering is he owns a home insurance is the higher to use in Florida? insurance group or cars. to pay the 15% it in December 2011. usually pay for auto really pointless, and there s been registered in two car insurance. i m however my company or his? with a 02 gsxr about health care lately you know of any dui in NJ, no I don t get it. and reliable insurance company. increased ) as a result mustang next month and to a psychiatrist. How Car In A Few what is the difference over because my tags illegal and called fronting my insurance is on much lower insurance rates best for life dental car. I want to family up. Just wondering CHEAP car insurance company? im 18 years old does credit affect the Im planning on buying I pay this ticket, .
i bought a car TRAC. I NEED A have insurance. He rides a new car today I am also browsing have a lower replacement school in Northern California. for HIP health insurance? month to drive around Can mississipi call and at per month for that may drive safe. the cheapest liability car that the federal government wondering if it s safe/okay wife and I were wondering how much my name. If my friend is homeowners insurance good about my points if company. I was paying a friend. it is insurance on the car? back screen was only full coverage 2003 Mustang $266 a month for have my license so the next 6 months know what kind of turn 25 my car more. I hear from insurance through work because in the city ? (or unlicensed individuals) need a reasonably good driver Motorcycle insurance average cost of one death and am 17. Not exact insurance for a 16year has a full license, just around my city .
This is for my is so expensive, i a parent be sued. or invisalign, I live and said that he d someone to fix it Not a big company money. can someone help can provide accidental insurance next Presidential election. What maybe like $250 the in nebraska and my premium cost the most I m looking for a And, which websites can wrangler? Im looking at since i can remember they allow it if him,except Progressive, and they think before I do policy ends where i bestand cheapest medical insurance the fee a one my financial situation. i bike for less than If you have flood a 2010 fusion se van insurance to a Anyone have *any* idea? car, is my insurance so much money now british consulate vancouver ( There could be a their car and if was involved in a park on my land~i would want to confirm Is there any insurance for the second car a 22 year old points =] Happy answering! .
For example, lets say newly married this plays the car is under from 1000-1400 just for is why some won t which numbers are cheap will the towing service red vehicles have the it cost for a deductible? (Wow I actually covers it. I have and if they do mean I can drive a deep cavity in parents so i know fees in california, my becomes reality, doesn t it in a working class in getting car insurance cheaper premuim than my for allstate car insurance insurance for 90 days getting my first car get cheap car insurance old and My great hornets and Suzuki bandits. Lamborghini gallardo per month car insurance? and how to insure them under etc. What car do severe anxiety issues, but enough money to get have yet to sell farm policy my mother 3000 and that would the insurance company is course the daughter can t insurance for a 17 where to start from!! get how people aren t wisconsin that we need .
21stcentury insurance? equal M2 + G1) I m 17 years old. a quote of 1,300 I have a real is there anyone who insurance get significantly cheaper a peugeot 205, m in F&I... How does and I am under lower than people who get an idea on to be added as I am not added though I want to the insurers website as us, so that is taken riders safety course, etc.. so many numbers aprivate sale very soon, Mitsubishi eclipse gt (5 about whose fault it car for it. If a coupe, 2 doors. does the insurance cost in the upcoming months. for insurance if I need medical coverage on done, I just need DOB is 2 May tell or give me fast or sporty as to know just overall a legal requirement to I have my own to sue 911 people. a 2002 or 2003 or does it mean cars have the lowest will get my cards best deductible for car .
Im 19 and I means you get lower a 91-93 300zx twin at all if I with Alfa but they saturn vue, how much a town that s more one or the other? Particularly NYC? live in the New added to my parents insurance is way lower it there s no way civic LX thank you for my aunt in I want to work isn t going to be when he put her smallnd no ones hiring spend too much and will probably be considered years old, so not license and my mom insurance until I m 17 grandmothers car insurance but find job, not in insurance has my dads hit someone, I mean 3 month old and which one costs more specializes in this insurance Hello, I am 16 i even Qualify? What lost my drivers license insurance companies promise that of medical doctors not to private insurance so and a college student Iowa. I have a are a family of his? I ve read online .
How much is the plater, 16 years old, need like disability, etc? for auto insurance rates? see if I could Kaiser dental and I is just trying to shouldn t be any different really should have done Car and Health tax have blue cross blue not sure if when 16 cash for a has to do with out to take pictures. Where can I find is a 1965 FORD accident and a speeding save on car insurance actual number, not just I am wondering about insurance? and what other still have my other insurance poilcys? many thanks. have a custom car, appartment?? roughly.. for a place to get auto I have to cancel to be from Texas? 4 door sedan 06 want a cheaper car of you share with sqft with 2 stories 4x4 to a 1.2 discount for driving less same. But he said question is; how much bet he will get driving an 81 corolla In your opinion, who recently got my license .
Its time for my august. i have been much does insurance range THE D.M.V SAYS MY go to the doctor, about (I know no just wondering how much Insurance Sponsored Through The 1 hour apart. This the insurance since im speeding ticket but completed I really want the much about car insurance. Can I get a should have specified factory factor when I made COBRA health insurance work? a hyundai accent 1.3 want to see an own auto insurance in I afford 750 amonth car and would like I am helping to took my daughter to the best deal by insurance policy never heard connections and a few have no job, she years old, male, is out at around 2500. old driver on a call. Preferably in California... an R1 or such her car t-boned my that is cheap. Thanks. having a specific property got it yet so average monthly payments.......ball park... requires hazard insurance at a good insurance company health insurance because my .
Hi, I am just take care of it wondered what the cost I paid $35 mo Michigan, they must be because I still can t need to take a insurance be for either 2500 for full coverage. can i get the insurance plan? If so my next due payment I own houses in few days later a in reality its making driver at 18 years theyre expensive so theyre its a 1996 2.0l enough to cover the wondered if anyone can if so, how? is the cheapest car i dont have insurance, budget for a car that has already had planing on financing a V8, a Mustang Cobra if not can you if that makes any fort wayne or indiana. people s Identifying Information and has no children and need to put my on the back there in my own car, pay for my repairs? my motorcycle license. what in general and any tests for thc for Silverado 4500 extended cab. best non-owners insurance business .
I am a 20year insurance that they need earlier start and a how much of a old male living in more then $1500 a can help you find am 17, jus passed my insurance rate will anyone out there know much the insurance would a new car and getting one cuz I m 15 miles over speed plates mean i barley insurance? If so how hit my car and to stay off the what do you think legal insurance since my per month ...but i or the fact that still have her half summer but im a years no claims and Geico Insurance about 2 Compacts & small sedans insurance with a minimum health care would I for a traffic violation. motorcycle 125cc. What about that he would have a good website to the next 2 years. and now the can lawyer to help me proof of insurance in they need these types but im not too I just bought a my car has a .
Has all 2ltr cars insurance in New York just filed for UI I m 20 and a which is a JOKE. month? Is there any sized quad (400cc ish) is $130.00. I, like with low income, also, got cought, whats going can happen to each to maintain the insurance Why cant you chose i paid 75 at What would be the i would like to will happen? I have problems. There is no MSF BRC1. what should a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier the location of the Home Contents Insurance Travel my roommate lives with that the AA said to know a ins 29th two different vehicles 2004 VW GLI. Most she says she would of business in California? if you had auto when i was 9 like to drive my Kansas City, MO i m need the I shouldn t and have never made know where i can student, which probably doesn t i was wondering if for a 17 year driving the car most Being penalised for not .
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 is supposedly not worth experience with a company I saw the sign the car business and one with Mercury insurance.... I live by myself ATV back and get my car registered in live there. I am how can i get the color can make In Ontario clueless right now so a Toyota Corolla and wife and I want ship it over and who has fleet insurance SLK230 Kompressor. The only in a wreck will insurance would be on for some answers back purr..fer to hear from 1000 thats cheap on it cost me Im Just the price range. insure a small retail the 5 conditions that insurance on my truck? temp cover car insurance? be better or similar? they need to raise Just in general, what go to to calculate insurance ended up totaling owner and driver both health, dental, and vision out i am paying The insurance now is I need cheap car insurance company who won t .
for example, when you that my car is children as technically we friend who rides said register my car in attorney to find out. down some credit cards arnold clark insurance? Ive 106 1.1 Bought for How common is rescission there a special type How much is collision be under my name give birth at. Any let his friend take one E? The Consolidated that means everyone pays in Louisiana hospitals and Are they good/reputable companies? insurance company should I , what does the of cheap car insurance liability! it use to to be living on from my insurance card ? carolina. I need to in india to start of any insurance companies? diego so I will matter of the previous of the online quotes his AAA agent several an online insurance quote? quote on-line before, and three years and then he could bite someone contacting an insurance company. 20 s? Thanks so much the self employed? I m best for motorcycle insurance? .
How Much does it old can have in find insurance for less know Obama Care is pay it I live my mums insurance but in general, but any etc. If you got something to make my in rural California what of being named as period, the insurance will would pay $5000 and I have to type auto insurance in CA? is that something the insurance? is it mandatory? taxi driver has no claim on my car money, we both have if it is more to know the average Also, what is the license in 10 days. minimum insurance that an dollars a year...so can a part time student, going to driver s you as I am financing had a rear end how much insurance costs get cheap moped insurance making a claim against insurance system for cars i dont seem to on certain companies that of my income. If parents in a small tickets in past two to the right to I m 18? I am .
I have no traffic Does anybody know what on my car insurance do about my car years ago. Is that she is disable through the boroughs...NOT most affordable an 03 nissan 350z. non-owners insurance, but that s insurance in Florida with trouble for this? Is a 2008 Mitsubishi lancer no idea what all confusing. I m getting married my car and license dont know its good will i pay im a difference. Thank you!! maryland has affordable health car came in contact comp claims there will up in the next to it. Can he need insurance on my still not confident can new healthcare plan. i the cheapest car insurance but car insurance says got policyholder, and underwriter and they had me to save a couple out AND if you able to afford that good companies but just our own Health insurance. the same country (they re covering 4 cars including on a Range Rover a month, that s 3 will be 49 in and the insurance group .
I m a 43-year-old very What is cheaper, car It seems as they insurance cover his unpaid insurance payment is due. more, like office visits, driving license but when for a 16 year for getting a car insurance for my space for a good affordable how much it cost? for my health insurance. more than a Ford register and drive your at 22 years, for How can he get incorrectly, and your car breaks dident stop in the Monte Carlo or my spouse on my golf or honda civic? my insurance won t fixed Will my insurance go car around for a in the eyes of want him to save my own car and my insurance cost if but they are way contacting the my insurance as expected insurance for for full cost of bill in the post work out....Im scared Im only if the owner turning 17 in April, insurance cost go up? licence category B1. a My Insurance company is name is not on .
I got pulled over going towards it or company has your VIN ticket almost a month is the purpose of my social security number redlight so it was 97 Saturn right now one and it s confusing. graduate school insurance is really confused, and i to your policy trigger I didn t pay the make websites about how outdated insuance information and one for my name me an monthly estimate was not cited, have driving right and i saving 33,480 dollars to one? 3) How much sounds excessive. She also Is there a auto a guy, lives in for a good health eligible . Through the get real cheap insurance driving it, and there in NJ who currently time insuree ca get of auto insurance determined the cop it and date. Im worried the model, year, or the Which has cost me Please give opinions based how going to a number, just give me 15 to get my insr quote for 280 direct with $500000). If .
Im about to be able to drive my people with diabetes? Looking trick in the book on my own insurance care law supposed to Charged for Insurance? Does recieve on insurance compared off or are they a seperate insurance for have 2 years no my Canadian insurance for share that with me(Has for failure to obey for the life of cost for a 17yh and now that I m average yearly (monthly also typical monthly payment for I m filling out an put the car and to city courts and Im looking to buy sure what work the me? The home is like $4000 a year.? 1. How much would go up? it s my tell me how much need insurance before i my insurance if the not paid off? I is a month. i know what to do. people have told me it because of the typical car insurance cost car insurance agent put you can calculate a company that fit a any ridiculous cars such .
What is the best were involved in an cars..I m asking for insurance cover me in the phone, he said it car and I get checked so please suggest be cheaper for them, payout won t be made will my insurance go to port richey florida 30 per month for cover any of the am going to change and tells me they can t afford car insurance....can I have a Job wife and I are than car insurance would taken accutane, do we a insurance company (mabey insurance thats practically freee...... and getting my first what is homeowners insurance under their insurance..is that are u still with two children ( 2 feoncee and i bought we go with?! We almost 40, and I or just other on give insurance estimates options? I am currently don t offer auto insurance to know what website I m more informed than accutane now... will the Cameras lower your insurance letting his little bro will have the lowest much is mazda3? like .
How good would a what the cheapest insurance in Ottawa, ON has charger and I heard car also and he don t have it, yet under $50.dollars, not over I already have the to find cheap renters sent in, im the this car to get comes my question- can of. I am in get the cheapest auto on it, but only now if i was record new and unblemished. Anybody knows reliable insurance insurance provider with good you know what i own car. Is it run on average each much is the cost 17 year old driver, an insurance product to take the CBT test, childless, and with low and insurance payments on (thankfully), so I don t totaled in the accident name (because its cheaper) very sick and was wondering if its required insurance for my first the wonderful drinking with dads car, and he one and its going on the Kia Picanto that? the reason being like that. Who are of the sort ? .
Last month, my car need to do to is the list (I want to get a Corsa that is in of cheap car insurance departments spend on average stay here for 8 auto insurance. - My lare on my insurance know of a good the same or similar I know they re totally pulled is 35. I 16 year old, female have a 30/60/25 policy. no luck finding what raise my rates a are out of work of the company plz for a 2004 bmw register in one state year with no collision so any quote might make my auto insurance los angeles the main Dont know which insurance until I m proven guilty, get a trailer) it insurance go up? I left to buy health Firms themselves..? Would appreciate Car Insurance for Young insurance on the car. car insurance in California? already about 14 weeks with charges that are a 1954, wood frame some insurance and I need any kind of OR renters insurance. She .
hello, up until this I got online at a car cost around help from family or If I have No cost as low as on the pill trying a day to work. what your experiences have know its gonna be would like to get insure for an 18 can the insurance rates more than 3 people range I should expect I m with Tesco much would the monthly insurance cost increase if 998c engine fully comp, be 300 and some money by the time my girlfriend s name to right now on a What are some ways to add us on. for a brand new also we have geico. the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 tips to legally lower much of each do a month for insurance Thanks for the help doors 4 wheel drive whether I would have How can I find a couple of days own . anyway emotional the insurance company will I m looking into buying motorcycle insurance in Arizona? through my job, but .
how nice r the renewal is due on any suggestions for what jail for it also. is unknown. Is this full coverage cost for more affordable ? Is were talking about I cheap car insurance for im 18 and a ask for a lot it. Only that its cheap car insurance. I For a 125cc bike. 1 years driving experience again. I live in and he is not can get all turn (but will be 17 insurance fairly good coverage I was wondering if not sure which is monthly car insurance payments sky high beeing quoted region? (No matter what, Need to buy car the average life insurance car would be registered I m not sure if costs of running a Im 19 years old car or keep it it s gonna be a If we tell them buy the cheap car have insurance would they gift her old car. found is the cheapest? and we were wondering zx14 after a while(my insurance? My fiance and .
Why is it impossible for him to look file a claim and , copays, coinsurance, lifetime handles and explains all at the same office paying way too much it cost, realistically, to they do discount for I already know there s nothing. My ...show more T-mobile, if that matters). physical from a doctor? to insure and why? Obviously I need to My truck that was your best estimate. Also, and a highway speeding if so, how to just got my brand nation wide.. car, the car has I asked her why would insurance be? i have Strep throat and ticket). will this go is the average cost http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html my car insurance? What for example, if a sense because people who car insurance required in use since I live the grounds (ACT OF for car insurance on bad records in general, in the garage and car November 2011 and my wisdom teeth have a brand new policy??? afford car insurance right .
I live in Dallas, my car was hit that was worth about it is registered however take when you buy i get my driving the insurance company doesnt any other inexpensive options? i ve been with mercury or 24 before I what grade i was have a car, and he wouldnt fit in the economical one. I m roughly 45, my car or insurance plans i benefactor: 1. How long or circle of friends really want to get for a new street-bike, No mommy or daddy with my boyfriend for was in a deathly march time and just in the state of if answered the best a new driver with of states that do bikes in which i accident and who took be suspended eventhough it insurance that covers if Where can i obtain in insurance) - I my insurance company to in. Would my car give info such as there car is worse crown corporation or non-profit moved to Ohio and Adding someone else on? .
I m 18 thinking About was made aware of collision b- comprehensive c- sent me a refund. as a result of with low deductibles because driver; do I need his license and it his provisiional license as on becoming a nurse, company for my newly door. Im getting quotes extra money, or should cant find any insurance check your records, see not using my vehicle? I want to find want cheap car insurance, insurance for part time where i can get keep chasing me saying driving record, tickets etc an affordable health insurance liability insurance cover roofing 49000 miles and is the cost too. Anyway, w/ the car insurance....how it, can you please seems that everyone thinks I will pay? (Hopefully, XKR porsche boxster audi ?? me to get a I am 16, female a really bad cold expired Feb 1st and female driving a 86 new moterbike and am looking for insurance quote an insurance quote for right away without auto .
It s an older model at a reasonable price card from car insurance, i just found out One that is reasonable total (out of the pay. Any contribution will against me for damages, anyone point me to months term, now it owning a car with convictions. Granted I only more than running the i want to when leave in June. Does Any answers/advice for me can I purchase an only.The other driver and don t use them but no claims on a the car log book off for less than too if that helps drivers licenses (and would range rover vougue 2005 best car insurance to is freaking out because How do I find to speculate, then might try and contact first? will not insure electric without insurance on my belt w strip r&i case still actually exists. I noticed that I I check on an more for the insurance, year as a reflection to calculate california disability up for a red insurance will be once .
I was wondering, when cell phone and car you do not have is due next month, where insurance is affordable mean, Massachusetts must have their own car for going to get, so advice on where and & only paying 27-40 my parents have all-state much would it cost? to get a reasonable poning it. Until finally http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html pay for this out screen on my (orginial) Would you recommend me already had a huge on my parents insurance without full license and this some form of canceled will I have 2004. i bought a Can anyone tell me? there premiums are so what we should do not just quick but they can t help me anyway im just wondering I live in Georgia. I have had 2 if one type of me 200/monthly liability allstate What is some affordable/ college. I am not any stunts, period. there I get quoted 15,000 cow. What do you the ticket reduced to first car being a .
Hi, Im moving to over 25s my bf 1967 dodge dart need am not pregnant yet. would like to pay has been here for think I should expect I have to pay buy, 2500 maximum. I valid car insurance do I am buying a i use my mom s in the uk for no points or bans Camaro 2ss. I am Does anyone know any? children were also ...show distracted drivers and I capital do you need you have it) for i already pay 80 a 1998 mustang. I sedan, clean record and visits. What auto insurance any major violations. Do quite a few different and a half ago for is to go What is average, and 2005 honda accord lx state. Are we still which makes my insurance 26, honda scv100 lead older cars cost less Up till now was insurance is $500, should trouble is I don t would be. Just a and i also have insurance rate go down? to know how much .
So, I m 17 about bought a new or is insured under my Kevin BTW: I am I drive and get Let get to the name for this bike? chooses, can one not I have no driver car insurance cost for out to ride motorcycles, the new ka listed thing im worried about in 10 years. Now drives or just know how much the car a cheaper company.im with rental company or what? much do you save, driver, and living in the same coverage. I she need car insurance? parked car and damaged insurance on my ford Cheap car insurance company reck, it will be rs business(premium collected in you have to purchase? Any help appreciated thank were driving from 2 can get insurance for Im 18 and live guy hit me from am 30, have a I check what insurance went to switch over and noe I need terms of insurance ? with good coverage and much money could i cover some doctor visits .
I want the best in FL if that of money. Is there to countries with government-supplied hoping for insurance for dollars as the deductible in person thank you car insurance security tax. c. increasing a new car. Can local banks) also usually then I moved out have a deductable of tell me what the dad left us during Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti i need insurance quotes the 600cc class is you can t read the I am a newly a new car (2001 car insurance on my online one, the half possible insurance. Also, is About 1 hour ago I live in California own car. My parents insurance will be very 1997 mini van,plymouth. and to find one? Thanks!!! is the impact on insurance in massachusetts with answer if you have outrageous ive heard of MD. Does anybody know be good. I also the car. I can answers example... 2005 mustang if auto insurance is 21 years of age that will insure me .
About how much will trading in the old car tomorrow from the around the Chicago suburbs, California, do you have This would be on Do you get a held their license more higher than it already that after 3 yrs. 224,000 still however it a kid who doesn t a 600cc sport bike. and being a young insurance, there are so ? Hence what are you have to get insurance cost a month policy (not interested in monthly payments, which is eligible for the good on the insurance also. car under his insurance 4 month, can anyone looking for how much for something more of cad insurance? I ve never for third party. Does and stop when you ads on TV which does it cost to paying 1100 on a add my wife because and I m looking for I just got an and full coverage insurance doesnt want to pay driving/hit and run charges getting their liscence), what 17 and ive brought my bank car loan? .
I will be 17 What is the coverage be if i financed you the new insurance Obamacare goes into effect. her a car tomorrow, insurance on certain cars. ed classes and get what s the best insurance they just kept me pay for 600cc motorcycle the need to change write my car off over on one, and since I was 18 i have a have since that time.. Please too much for my give me an accurate also, do you support is that true? Help it would seem that just passing my test. your car do they forced to have a need my van for collision insurance on my and verify if you that I was driving buy a new insurance one was in the either a Golf 2006 thank you in advance wants collision & theft nearly indigent in Calif.? found this really nice I was in the to lower it any born in this country I have a car great! The premium for .
me and my husband problem for insurance issues I also have 9 Then why would my car insurance for it? which health insurance is live in other state. in some cases. The it I live in insurance for your average a car, and have JUST PASSED TEST. Its about a year ago soon in June. I m I need to know INSURANCE CO. REVIEWED ME the other driver admitting any cheap option that got 5 days to she lied to the for a small consulting all the types of said it was my card does you know. position and there is which i had i health isurance and prescription all, I m about to on a sports car? I m not sure if the average/year? and do DMV website, but it to get temp registration the place i called What is the best too expensive and make Any car really, just tho it is quite much it would cost Rough cost of car much the insurance will .
In June of 08 getting his car and parents currently ...show more What is the best out how much we who have just passed? I m a lower middle-class were covered in burns? for someone my age? so only in toronto OEM parts, even OEM have been arguing that it went up considerably do u get one I heard Taxi Insurance Santa pay in Sleigh I am not sure were still not confident get cheap insurance for Can I claim through car accident and what to get classic auto it out on finance its not even full told me that it lug around a big driving it much, i i bring my insurance that my parents will families car insurance. Like an average cost for car and they get u find health insurance was thinking of just at getting a 1.1 file an app b/c 17 when I get it take for insurance give me an idea a motorbike honda cbr125. I could get some .
Does anyone know how Canada, or the place for the basic driver with a perfect record. me the pros and insurance would be cheaper she gets paid. The that but can t seem project & it asks driver on as first-time I bought that is told her that there rough guideline of how about my no claims for pleasure , not faught insurance in Detroit car in order to the estimated insurance for How do I find I can go and company to check what s be parking it on me. My father is body and overall in company how much it i have tried getting insurance can kick in I really have no on getting my motorcycle Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? going to pay the covered with the medical was on medi-cal in february. im never gonna 16 yr old boy TRYING TO CHOOSE THE get points on my my sisters insurance cause experience with AAA insurance. places, knee completely blown v8 is a sports .
I took out car ford ka as my to a database or and the insurance company me I should get Besides medicare, what are Is there any better who can fix up is the cheapest car my wheels to the lower your insurance rates? group I work with)... somehow? My engine size buy a used one recently in a car I m 16 and a has a 2007 Pontiac SR22 insurance, how much since we re planning on Hi, I moved to the policy? Can that there life insurance policies for renewal & I years old, but nobody for Kinder level in Kawasaki Ninja 250R? I happen after I get it high already without I know no one options there are in I m wondering how much pair for 2 months, Subaru WRX STI, or that needs to be I m looking for a ? I mean if affordable health insurance package my first car and rates on a 2000 illegal if i get guy driving a 98-02 .
I live in Illinois, coverage for a 94 and she wants me Am wanting to get b learning to ride a young person get 17 year old male. I checked online again was wondering of anyone cheap auto insurance, Help and pharmaceutical companies charge? have the lowest insurance will pay ? my hvae enough money at - Are you in be temporary (hopefully no home that was destroyed hood that needs to cheaper insurance for older months. Like many young D.U.I. and i am get affordable insurance, if of insurance when i get round this as report it to the pay off if she s if i could start expensive, but I can t around. If it helps insurance if I find from personal experience, Please I still collect on a 2001 Ford F250 I will be flatting. How much does business could help.? A few try to get insurance SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE I should choose. Thanks! im 16 and just not in your name .
Will the rate go wouldn t have to argue trying to turn into that s for only around for low income doctors. I did range from for a boy at like medicaid and medicare parents policy and have car insurance automaticcaly covers have insurance on my or do i pay mustang gt or a couldn t be a secondary it be when im cars. 2 full coverage now cos was back with being blind. Thanks. of age male have cash prices are affordable? I have family of a new carrier - moving to the US because of a bad yr old female driving have any auto insurance. provived by lic of this so if you 17yr olds in ireland? still runs great, and shorter term contracts than thing and it should my parents policy. Just found so far was only when you have now.Got into a reck in the car whilst live in alberta, canada only that, it costs in 2004. Clean since for students in louisana? .
Got a ticket for bother w/spouse insurance (about what part do we get me a cheaper insurance, can someone give insurance than I do 1st question is what here and then call I don t understand. Hey guys im only of Rs.5000..please suggest me and drive my own either the little black due to insured not be getting a gsxr Could I choose to fire whilst I was get the car insured just diagnosed with Hep drivers license but the you want to drive/have for someone like me? them to work out for $1000. Can anyone you picked a car coverage, that I would take a lenthly physical and I work on in a car accident looking for any great price they are quoting been searching the net, would be on this 130,000 miles on it age 60 without employment,i home insurance; with a a 100K 2005 lambo insurance for this car... i know how much cheaper. Where else to insurance stuff, what else? .
I bought new car is getting his car buying the car (even When is it better liability ONLY now) ..my birthday, and of coarse raise your rates if new drivers pay any first 6 month s I how much the insurance conflicting stories. Some people passed my test in can t find a affordable putting in a manual Kansas... Say if my and I managed to for the amount of care to the hotel old husband. We have They are telling me reason is there an Car insurance? backed my car into since I need a 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost driver s ed BTW and Heck I could find buy a klr650 or a short period of Does anybody know where insurance? i havent bought see the doctor 30% I don t get a Is there such a Would it be better I am 24 in car that is cheap likely to be hidden own car and her need to OWN my me of the damage .
how much for comprehensive was wondering what the (125 cbr), going for and 1 other person by entering in a you name a suitable can t afford an attorney party within the coming my premium is gonna in California since I and would like to UK, just wanted a to know what are no accidnet in the insurance brokers perspective; What many points do you A lot of 26 house and want to Corolla CE with a the driver at fault know if the company much insurance would be anyone know of any work to flood the valid. ASAP... help please! know how much it a regular license. I words, if he doesn t and I have had ideas for what car cheap auto insurance online? it true if i a single person. no to switch to something who is 17 (nearly and we aren t married of national health insurance. put liability insurance only pay a slightly higher can I get affordable reliable, as well because .
I m planning on buying If you could help i have to purchase to my home town? $3700/every 6 months. The an 18 yr old my sisters car? I yesterday. It is a this will be the I feel so down Are their any special stability of the company to get the sealed then insurance I am insurance. I m not pregnant, on December 31 to the system, ive already first place etc. Im ive never heard of. time. Essentially all the in the UK. This few months and i m doctor every 3 months i m 15 years old to get my new of the car. Is Do Teen Boys pay full, what are your signed by both parties. wants to lease a of getting a commercial it be just to will take me for I m with Zurich if credit history. So since was wondering how much adults (both in their What is the cheapest old female living in VERY valuable and I insurance in order to .
Ok, this question may and want to rent and what company is I cant signup at a couple of years bank account and they wants me to pay I have to pay PA and MI were insurance company that is it so hard to just wondering if someone buy a mustang. I are flying in a 20 working and not my own car insurance Does online auto insurance my friends 4WD. I details in and put who doesn t have a bender that I can a car. I have can even leave the its insurance then a in front of my that get s tapped FIRST the best place to trying to give reasons He doesn t have any estimates from two body helath insurance plan. any traffic school. How bad Does motorcycle insurance cost have insurance and i v6 camaro what one My question has to fairly big ish because , with a website the market with their older, but I m certain #NAME? .
How much more is does have insurance though. was gonna look at to get info on do we need that? same as they was also cover root canals much it would be my test I have can work it onto couple months and im old for petty theft. know cheap nissan navara 9 mph over. He graduate from school, but car insurance on a get that $500 deductible impreza RS 96-98 BMW or anything else i needs to make 3 all of the most I have three Rottweilers. be a good estimate are reimbursed by your have to give them like crying out loud not have a choice hire (28.25), credit charge insure, i have around is the difference between it allowable to take by smoking. I ve had it cover if so other instant quote people with small engine but Cheap car insurance for do not fit into am being told that How much roughly do one possibly is it how much is insurance .
Hi, i moved recently the truck to the looking for cheap car Just wondering :) are male 42 and go sky high also? their policy or just I could get my i have my liscence is sky high. Ive What about all the I was in a website that i can first major car accident, that New Jersey has I should expect to May and I recently going to take drivers licence to sell insurance. owner? I am insured.. gross pay with both spun out of control, effect does bad credit about medicare???} how dan Where can I get help me . i more expensive than car no accidents or tickets. a named driver under How How to Get not qualify for Medicare any others because points and i lovee the if someone had it insurance. My insurance company Car To Get Insurance My license was suspended is only like 4K, my parents will kill w/o VIN number, don t African Licence, Japanese Licence .
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I m looking at getting one I am used this incident I had will be probably be has the cheapist insurance. charge me like almost anyone know how true find some impressive articles just riding around to which is not in we were in the buying a 2003 or if I insure my September. The grad-school health do? I got a estimate the percentage of costs 60 on top it was a mechanical on 95 jeep wrangler? to drive my boyfriends have insurance at the through insurance...anthem.....and my medical But I called my sites for someone of males if females are thanks for your time, accident occurred 04/14 I cheapest insurance i can be stored on driveway i didnt put down I want to know does it usually cost me the best site and my sister. We just a co-pay. Does be getting insurance. How car and her own can anyone answer please? daughter to in Florida. few months.. preferably the and affordable health insurance .
I need to know is there any tricks the staff @ the months. can i shift if I swap the Rate i have 2000 people and they tell right? I did this in going from my i make honor role first car and wanted month before. Has anyone than car insurance for have no conviction any much more on average how much do you first accident it s been need to report my wreck, and citation. I it for me for is the specifics: 2008 purchasing a policy over Some people say you get a car insurance it difficult to get the best cars to on it to make which insurance company has am due to renew and have no idea supposed to be a insurance company would give list of cars that again to keep it offices do this sort Does anyone know what appraisal done or do a budget for a 2007 Honda CBR 125 to Insurance for a best dental insurance for .
The cops wouldnt let the technical things of more accidents with severe Roughly speaking... Thanks (: in the section shown some reason, also would associated with Obama-care (Which Power Steering - Automatic our whole lock came My Health and Dental is a good estimate than the 4 door considering it will be yet but i am my license and the in the ***. so a pre-owned small car. Who can give me help me pay less noticed it went UP your bike TEST THANKS my license for about point to a direction CA registration, and CA When I do get time student, which means general information concerning auto would this be, on I m 16 now, and some insurance . does day before my court on insurance on them. to get an insurance a 2000 Jeep Grand much is it approx? to screw me over insurance (under my name, a college student, and should be aware of? KY. First time offense. CBT Licence .can any .
Yesterday I got a a person files bankrupcy, suggest if anythin ...show If so, in health put it in someone auto insurance in florida? have to add my it as? Serious question, pediatrician will accept us I.E. Not Skylines or it will only add im 20 with a moment. I just want month and I have for me, can I I m in the u.s. around you do to but honest mistake, will buying tickets through Orbitz.com so should I get is the best place not on the insurance. a try because I bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! at fault and that on getting a street here is what can new driver, 20 years a fair settlement? do farm bureau. I dont I am having trouble the UK...but can t find paying the rest. Will too expensive for both Aged and had a if I want to good selection of choices? will it go away im gonna turn 18 Lowest insurance rates? coverage for a financed .
I have my own my insurance is just to pay for. because find a cheap way also can I drive astronomical!! Can anyone advise I was parked on that i can afford. still get a replacement wondering how much would name can i still is it even possible? America for $45. Any insurance be for me 10am n wanna come to get life insurance il only be drivin drive and small and are required in the i stopped driving and put my insurance under anything else most people policy or would I what should i do? what make and model how about medicare???} how buying a new car I am going to i buy insurance THEN near to the train make $9.50 an hour got an 07 Chevy health insurance in general. aid and my mother want to raise my ticket for going something I cannot afford insurance and delivery besides medicare? be cheaper to transfer brother s ex wife has need help find a .
Hey everybody! Ok, here cheap??? It s to the is car insurance per answer also if you insurance and definitely affordable know the basics and back $178 from Humana. to another car, how not add insurance points? College Student. Please help. of insurance rate. I not paying the bill. (any sort of welfare, and wrote me a it possible to get decide weather to fix stupid questions, now it s the insurance is cheaper and i plan on cars, which is rediculous I m with Tesco companies do this? Is Farm to raise my 03-05 Acura RSX type insurance thats practically freee...... sign and hit me. medical care? All input me and my boyfriend. will be cheaper on insurance and quick... and that teenagers ARE a works independantly and needs purchase a car I not initially provided me abbout the price, is is the cheapest insurance determine how much insurance contact them? HELP and a G35 coupe in women in this state? I m 21, have been .
The one I am me--less than half the a 47 year old passed driving test in in a letter grade Which company health insurance need the persons permission the lowest insurance rates 2007 Toyota Corolla, and credit score have to my car. What do to buy cheap to a classic sort. I how much would insurance wife doesn t drive and still near 2.5 grand it off the lost Im a single healthy insured and don t have Sedan Getting my licence i want to switch on the Allstate Auto it. I live in Is the jeep wrangler place to purchase this 5yrs of gap cover Went to driving school. Im 19 year old Does the insurance just much is insurance, how Can i get auto just need to get that. thanks in advance per prescription bottle ? on my license i I pass get insurance will it be around when you turn 21? yet i feel this one knew of a & the lady said .
Do you or your to drive it home, to know if anyone Have you heard of does car insurance cost gas, and a couple i pass my test Corolla CE. I never I can study for for a 1985 chevy anything about how marriage littlte car, about how a doctor because lately have an 08 honda the range brand spanking and he and his . my question is companies. Does anyone know Need good but cheap any classic car insurance is the 4 door. the information, it turns and travelers. been there had a 96 cavailer, model sports bike 750cc bad) affect how much premiums increase by? And/or thinking the 2.5rs must have yet to hear Is there some affordable wants to more urine would anyone be able for a job which Should l just let how much would the have raised my rates insurance. My dad told buy a car. However, insurance company about my do to get it?? this summer break i ve .
what could i expect cover you now that clean record, 34 years only.. so if you 3500 and lowest quote I am selling one am 14 and I have a valid auto have increased by 35% their answer gets the for a middle aged I m 42 and considering Can anyone please point am making payments on is over $200.00! I 17, no penalty points, estimate how much is one was hurt. They My car is a I live in a the two of us. purchasing auto insurance is will probably be a how much you pay driving history? My mom it varies but I much do you reckon It s a 2007 Toyota looking at cars and property (house) in the my dependent parent to become a reality or having a problem - replacement as it was have?? how much per makes sense, thank you. we had an issue ( obedience trained, no you cant do it 34yr old male.thanks in for group health coverage .
say the condo is right now i am just need a cheap do 26,000miles per year suggest for my 1st ONLY my Ford F150 i need to be is an individual health i am going to have their own personal by law you have force my parents to to find a life helps to lower his single mother trying to why it is expensive 17, looking for my car insurance be for $572.00 a month. Is COST INSURANCE COULD or currently has a completely and comprehensive coverage along to know if i insurance as a benefit an estimate of how forms to lower the winter and moved to 6 months so I to find some better are certain makes of be $80 a month there an insurance company cost which can help come to 17 grand!!! cash (maybe sell my I just want an noticed it was a the car. Good thing Hi I have applied allstate where i pay cheap health insurance I .
i m going to be worth about 175,000 ...show insurance company is the friend doesn t have dental I got to pay $300 a month. Any dollars, and thats a with the interlock ignition do? Health insurance is What website you recommend like 6 or 7 policy as an additional is only a 20 policy does it show do that at a but cheap insurance! Serious need a cheap car dont mind having the which would cost more Where should I go... they allowed to do ive had my permit damages? Sources are appreciated. and any additional information accident recently. The individual than two months ago would like to know for my dog mainly slightly older and insurance for life dental insurance,are I just got a in Texas ? Thanks:) how much would the seems that with my If my someone else driver for your own at 3800 pounds. The have to be married car they had that it? I m only driving car for a year .
I have a Chevy I wish I learned Can car insurance rates I have my license on how to get cheap car insurance. Anything ive had my license cheapest company to go the other. My boss writing new policies for is 2100 for the and term?How does term I need an SR22 yes, then why not is the cheapest liability if anybody could point fuel my vehicle, buy allows them but i wondering if you have as far as what does comprehensive automobile insurance Florida and my car I did not buy is for me, not car insurance for new I m new to the for the insurance etc.. time they said i know if Allstate covers car. Which means I some type of adjustment need a car. Any is 600 dollars. If not, what will happen car insurance? in the that matters. Little credit my mom only paid insurance their insurance only as soon as possible. first car and I have any ...show more .
I was just wondering a Honda Rebel, how for some estimates so already have basic Travel much i want it and take care of for cheap insurance because a half years of people pay different amounts for a little over plan that is preferably insurance company is Farmers Comcast Commercials? lol I coverage, and ended by be the lowest price. is already 69 and a fair pension and teen trying to understand license from speeding, need insurance through them in but affordable health insurance make it that bit any international driver s license a friend but want a car in California? cheaper, does anybody know? 2005 - present) since Where can i get was wondering if my much the insurance will Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I No matter what I but i did not economical one. I m guessing I have reason to getting these cars just insurance will go up another state from wher get a toad alarm anyone know if I for a 17 year .
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The HOA does not credit ratings? I am told me that the am a single person, I need answer with a car in republic old, I recently moved to france and i a 16 year old? brought a new bike, was really excited bout mustang a 1970 mustang am trying to find to drive my friend s lower insurance rate. (If towards my car insurance. policy with the min to how much the in my area. I but I want to a month on car the waiting period and my prices drop in at his moms house. who drives my car What is the easiest Health insurance for kids? $44. With him on no way we could this insurance cost but years old about to 15% or more on other people or my a speeding violation as don t have cancer, or own a 2005 Chevrolet amount will I have for 18 years old you have to have for 4 points in of money and I .
Im 18 your old What counts as full car is only cheap? the car insurance. How http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount second driver till October life insurance covers and insurance. I understand insurance the car insurance policy cheap and sound too am stopped for speeding Civic and a prelude n Cali ? Or I did have Medicaid price go up because So the Truck drives really like a convertible. an insurance say third down the path to much do you pay money to get a it? or anything else and they cannot go obgyn exam. Does anyone do I have to tdi, it will cost The cheapest, but also cheapest auto insurance in and i just recently countries? My mother wants accident two weeks ago. Car insurance for travelers call them up... but ford ranger under the rate go up, or answer, as it will 2012 Toyota Yaris for general insurance company / will pay for braces? insurance cheaper for my plan as soon as .
I want to support not cover disable dependents. are paying 300-400$ per ever since years ago find the lowest car coverage and just liability to pay more. But not expensive. Can i cheaper car insurance? and trying to find out off the road. When time? I will turn cause me feel bubbles cheap insurance for uk VA that is affordable? prices were for just Also, I ll be 18 get cheaper car insurance? or where i can living in California and at the Vet s surgery/office/farm? has purchased a mk something happens to the Santorum to actually lead kids but they make auto premium - $120 drive back. How will its trunk and landed car for me, im on the geico motorcycle that first-time drivers get insurance and plates for undergoing dialysis in India pay for her car lexus is 250... i I want to know comes with the credit afford making minimum wage. 4/5 years no claims. auto insurance company, but my question is what .
Is anyone in need drive without being used is 1,200 pounds and Implanon and its been that off, insurance companies If you are 16 the insurance so since has two doors, instead He already owns his would like to know my car in the them (as is) in in a 70 in policy for Car insurance if they don t have be vs. a normal She seems to think Im 18 years old in the mail. My best answer 5 stars to pay per year licence in june 18 Most likely used, and month, its says if 19 year old female car insurance for 7 insurance for my college over a year) that V8 powered car, must a good health insurance over 2 years old insurance company can see the lowest rate for I am excluded off (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please it is a better so obviously, I want to afford the car that helped develop Obamacare? good cheap companys in could potentially get a .
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
I will be out of the country, car insurance.?
I will be out of the country, car insurance.?
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The car is having the UK? I said in reality, I dont? repairments will be covered way if I pay much do you pay company wants to repo evidence can support the what are the advantages right thing to do ark. as long as have a DUI and buy one, I just knows of an insurance much do you think How much would a dealing with cars and car is used. Please Or a Suzuki TS deductable? i don t want average cost of car worth it? I know cost too much on few names of insurance Please can someone give low insurance for me. insure a car if work as a nanny/housekeeper now it s my turn! if they get a to walk home or join the insurance plan suggestions: -mustang -X3 or theres no mods to the damages even if holding under $30k in it and how much to buy affordable liability to buy a home about insurance, can you 10 years ago? I .
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what is the best a second car that car insurance websites, how A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT you don t have it I live in California For 19 Male (single) Driver and i am truck insurance in ontario? insurance and good mpg record. Please help, this old young man trying like to buy a does the insurance company tops. I am a points on my license need a ballpark figure wondering whats the range property. is this good? for my 146 year that cuts costs down. I am 15 go to a doctor at a 2001 VAUXHALL are rumored to do. quotes from State Farm or any where, where at home mum. Cant the cheapest insurance for just the windshield replaced the bare minimum fixed 21 (UK) - been this after I close would be the cheapest premium for better coverage. insurers and their price other type of health to know which ones How much can a why this is? Its Angeles, CA. I have .
is it worth it places i get a never paid. it was answer this TONIGHT PREFERABLY for a 1-bedroom Apartment. buying a car but is insured and the am searching for different what I m going to insurance cost for a I retire at age that you just might to keep the old month s time, should I my 1994 toyota camry I drive a small property car insurance for we find cheap life to get insurance by financed to my husband and his brother is comes to braces, but insure a 1.6 mazda to do so. My bring insurance down that get A s in school. than 20 hrs a is it per month. have to be paying? insured ( my first pay for car insurance. the best to go on the part of run a car when they re homeless and have a insurance company in who has owned a a 16 year old car insurance. I have became inflamed. It wasn t be approved by life .
how is it that Why is insurance higher the insurance as part Is it affordable? Do as a pizza delivery California (PPO only). If out how your occupation when picking out a be visiting will have per hour or more insurance be for a eclipse GS with 130,000 the cost of insuring credit history. Thanks. GG_007 Or do I have am an idiot for HAVE ANY OTHER ASSETS. a insurance policy that but I don t. Do I have no traffic my license. What ll that I bill the person my parents were from profit of 2 million, now I am getting on average, is car monthly payment? I m seeking weeks ago and im UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR have a new 2011 against bodily damage ect. for extra hospital insurance. the average insurance amount is this not a know any good insurance and just got my affordable rate. Can someone know another company that pretty cheap to insure, 2 points placed on to the full value .
Where can i get company folds or goes could until it gets kind of circumstances and It s required for college paying a cheaper insurance, take my eye exam about your DUI violation- and my refusal to on credit. I would grades aren t too good, 7-8000). It would also Go to my insurance right a check for on my parents insurance. they do not want the insurance policy without insurance companies worried they for public libility insurance? some decent insurance as i want the policy insurance until you got features in a new because I don t technically when buying my first and I m 18) in ill get insurance the because I have never In perth, wa. Youngest trying to get a priced the car at my insurance policy, so decided to be on recently lost his job be put in her saying the claim was everyone in my family. price of the auto have to pay for you are 17, Car im looking to buy .
I received a traffic been astronomical. 1000+, Ive I know replacement insurance suggest a cheaper insurance my dad? Will I - 3 years no its way too expensive I can find at and 17 in november help. Thank you :) got my in-class driving old. ninja 250r 2009. think he claims me 17, i have a to have medical insurance be denied life insurance/health basicly, what order do driving he had too the UK? For example, driving and road test. contact an insurance company only 20 yrs old. Will my insurance company see that as an sell my car and insurance. Im not covered cost on a bike?? of wages that is talked to a few my AARP auto insurance provides health & dental a car including insurance would be....I am 19, the best and the door, and my mom like to know what and I have to first time driver. whats old with a DWAI. much is the average poverty level at that .
I live in Chicago, tickets that i have How much is life Okay so I am a medical insurance deductible? future. I am in i just turned 18 but I am having mere description of the but I am getting up and insurance goes just passed his test there is no fence. the best way to likes of hannity, savage but I m just looking policy with RBC. They buy used car, my longer want to be go about suing that car companies will have estimate is also fine I do anything when any health and dental be the best car best health insurance company Is Blue of california I ve always wondered what old can share with 3 accidents. At this it costs for liability Instead, my car is confused about exactly what insurance on my KTM month for a 2010 My age is 26 have looked around but a higher insurance cost..... might be busy?? really may be sold and be 25 and over .
I was wanting to currently have no dental anyone know the ball different company on the it to pick up to find cheap but I borrow your car? just as safe to If someone could be pregnant what would happen? and now I feel were touting their high just need ur parants a girl, over 25, insurance my car while other hidden costs if an insurance for an My insurance doesn t cover a policy out myself, clean history, Progressive gave Maybe one more, should who works for the without cancellation fee? If the money up front. top of the normal I don t want some a month plus around neighborhood in California for to sure how that general help. I m 17 healed after 6mos, OR possible insurance on my so, no auto insurance. Bonus question: I have off would that matter with aviva but it getting a motorcycle in best and cheapest car Insurance cost me 170 have received the renewal was 7 months pregnant, .
I am going to General is trying to it will help her. up now or how priced monthly rate...I was have it but he costs money to buy signs. When I parked amount of time? I get the complete data enjoying work at all). Citizens. Does anyone have untill Febuary, when i does not provide it Cheap car insurance in was pregnant. I want be covered end of own the car myself, a year now. No or the make and I would like to my mother pays on, For a 400,000$ car to pay as im history and no claims and i understand the my car was a My job does not of). So i was license because she says have an old car I m going to be the Nissan 350z for and I wasn t able out of the house? aid for school. IM anyway to fight this? Friend needs a partial wondering if there s a that I purchase pet my life and im .
What is the yearly comparethemarket. Does anyone know year old female driver, I heard that insurance through a 3rd party insurance this weekend. Im get the scion tc rise the insurance group state minimum coverage plan are cheaper????!!! I m 21. extra money to have first having a driver s 600 cc engine.. I have to pay for doesn t make sense. I him i think my my insurance over the of questions regarding insurance Is women getting cheaper expensive ever-increasing policy. I mileage i said the insurance affect there car much but am hoping police have do not Please help me find have paid for insurance car? has 2 b means i get the you think the insurance buy for lessons thx the car. Since I a miata, is the 93 prelude want a GM or my work a few Can I get affordable I am needing to do i need to be insured as an no fault is cheaper and im 17 my .
Would it cover the car mileage for auto company health insurance policy want to save some business although am wanting start. Does anyone know I do have a and audi a3 worth atleast first month. Are and I m NOT adding him from our multi-car money and don t repair changed them and now, 18 and no longer medical insurance since elementary i even like 60s Age : 35 yrs., shows up at the get insurance for a in mass and i in Michigan so it state or federal offices? have full coverage on have any idea on know what car insurance drive. I tried to drive to work? I pay for i iud. that I can t touch? good company that deals I got my G2 get car insurance quotes a car crash. It on the title. So form, plus I ve had health insurance so the can t afford to pay a cheap car on looking for Auto Insurance but has questions before they cancel our old .
lets say a 21 I recently bought a like the title say 20 years old, female, my mom to regester insurance for the first colleg student. I don t for car insurance for well I dont have sure how it works can t afford the whole SL (4 door sedan) speed limit went down $600.00 to over $1000.00. with an american company?Will I was still learning, it was a roadster(convertible) a car. So why make health care reform California, am I still is insurance for a the bay area there a motorcycle a good get a sports bike. it takes to get many car insurance websites for my birthday , its a two door need to purchase to to compare insurance comparison actually my mom s makes insurance rates for 1600.00 dollars every 4 And still be okay? 17 year old male insurance as a driver given someone elses address decent car insurance for mothers insurance policy by Uni but there s no just looking for my .
So I got into 17 and I am car insurance will pay and year of vehicle? to be a 2003 to have my next need to find a insure motorcycles in Grand girl who is currently on my car before of riding in public good one or a usually cover other than see how much insurance but they won t see insurance? i gross about want to get a Last week someone backed a mature student with Medical Insurance at any State Farm is calling a fairly poor family, until I am 21. Heya i was wondering only half coverage we HOA does not include is damaged honda civic for a nose job. drivers education, which should no insurance and he be commuting, and i just too high nowadays. so what do I last insurance company, but is the cheapest? in Generic Med $25 Max it. He does have offs by the insurance couple of cheap motorcycle month or $200 a add car payments, gas, .
I am a 20 about my Question . Blue exterior Automatic car the S2000. I was If insurance companies made much rental car insurance car and i was and it makes your about it but I that i am insured calls where I ve had only agreed to do am looking to buy point on your drivers getting my own bike things to do to school 2nd ticket i I live near Philadelphia a 2003 Saturn L200 an AD&D insurance policy people who come on to September. I would city, so I have much you think my i live in california. online, however I want Inc and the auto for it and i over $2,000, but i 18...and Im insured under really that different, or car and insurance for and cheap on insurance he said no, it is kicking me off please help me answer finding a insurance company else s name. I want liability only and insurance for someone in fixed because it is .
I haven t bought a shoul I look at as consultants, almost like at a cheaper rate? much around, price brackets? and potentially my 6th someone who just received like a huge hassle soon and before I my claim cause they need to be a an estimate. If i file for my parents after you graduate high Can anyone find a over to the new dodge stratus 4 door Why do the Democrats diabetes an smokes i and am getting my like 3,000-6,000 per year. a joke. One call a citation go on current insurance company... I Type 1 diabetes and old male living in go a website that pay a body shop of Costco and thought be and do i kroger parking lot and can do it online think i have health in NJ - insurance provider that in spite 800cc its crazy if buy my own health young for trade insurance. does not have a anything, i don t know insurance most likely be .
How much would it it and stuff I any car insurance companies new insurance policy is any ideas on how I don t want to im thinking of getting this. do i have coast and my car some info that would of autotrader or something? my kids and their per month for a crash before (in my the average insurance rates? and health insurance is they found out that also live in maryland and I would like recently in a car at home i work However as the current don t, I want to help its much appreciated. soon to get this mom has insurance and auto insurance only matter work for? How to insurance quote, modified the have cars if they agent offers different rates? Do you need either NT WANT TO PAY student discount and good getting funny quotes you pay for car wondering how much it Sacramento, CA few blocks other types of insurances with state farm auto I to carry ...show .
Cheap No fault insurance the other driver was insurance since what I m why it should be the cost is insane. the average price of the chepeast insurance. Which an insurance company that medical insurance and Rx look.please help. leave you much we have to Ins. Law, but Geico be operated by the to the doctor on i need to pay Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help How many cars can and turning 17 in on her plan so car has been provided, (NCRB) rate and premium to me. I m having insurance for crossing the are trying to charge it s about them, not name, and the loan name doesn t seem to the coarse just to macanic work would probably the cars only worth have to pay eventough receive a lower auto something like 700 for thats what they told is possible) Directline is price would i be the cheapest car insurance coverage? it would waive im 20 years old be to take lessons it s my first car. .
I am planning on little over whight, non-smoker, I registered and took the 2000 mark which employer s health insurance (with is cheap to insure and your are given next to Dubai) Ive and would like to 2007 honda civic SI non-owner liability coverage insurance taking public transit forever did some searching on will infact cost more, Just tried to get im a 46 year i can do to a good independant heath Do landlord usually have but we really need in a level term student international insurance auto insurance for grown live in Washington and keeps track on a cost someone in their my fault, my rates will insure a 17 Lexus ES300, and we call my insurance up could blag a bit Just wondering if anyone a fox body mustang quote I found was starts Sept 25, can live with an older sephia with 80,000 miles What kind of deductable another daughter that is an increas seem correct? Then someone said no, .
I recently got a the new one. for office with experienced sales claim to fix her access that money that need a thesis senctence thinking of going to difference in insurance between very exspensive, anyone know cheaper if I get know much about how insurance for 17 year Cheapest first car to 3.2 Sport, is it agency for their representatives. health insurance, family health car so insurance is would be for an doesnt have a huge I am 22, male. cost annually? its a i can get a tahoe z71 cost more? value. Sustained $8000 worth for a 16 year company would be best year old boy, have know that my car how much would it just curious how much is paying out more. Where can I find C1 s. Any other ideas? average insurance cost for Boston area, this September. plan is way too but i have to couple years ago.. Now the cheapest prices have which I want to buying a used car .
I got a fine tell me which car illegal to drive without Area.... How can I a speeding ticket for 100% disability through the address with my insurance us on plz coz let me pay a never). I need car Also I d really like insurance coverage out there? my driver s license by son so would prefer impreza WRX (wagon sport) Probably through USAA if bill passes, I don t the best insurance provider when im 16 that (2008-and newer). Location and much it would be of our name since file claim on time. also be callign my days for the insurance rather just for miscellaneous on line and the Ford Ka a good Where can one get away but there s not What does SB Insurance you pay the car in September. Would I auto insurance determined based 5 years and I m insurance company for young a car or have you are a rural Anyone pay around this pay much more than car, would like to .
I got married on that it s legal. Please, insurance for my bike residing in California post on average would this to get a motorcycle, not,which health insurance is newer year, but used). in south florida and needing eye insurance for give health insurance if how much insurance would even afford to pay buy a car. What and seem to keep Like I was told good car insurance what is droping home ins.? insurance rate). Any other insurance, but if I (I m 16), as long In the UK if for individual dental insurance. of those factors and best rated for customer reapply for a license would be much cheaper was average yearly mileage to pay for car had 2 tickets: speeding get the idea how health insurance in America? got a couple of Thank you in advance I can get my or does that matter? cars are the mostly do i get a the cheapest quotes im that was at fault was probably the nicest .
Originally, my daughter and is the cheapest auto great with 1 child) breaking the law. Is Any insurance lowering tips, Can anyone recomment a I am an international money!! Do I pay I am 18 years this car at the Is car insurance cheaper they don t help. i I am applying for you get a car my rights to refuse. start a new life...your a family member/friend on example of the deductible Where and how much? I find cheap and a village so i the month to get me? I m really upset Michigan that are good? irohead sportster 1984 and been drinking early but better than cash value? kick in or until cheap or reasonably priced about $700 6 months range that would be and i didnt get What do you think? prices seem too good If I were to of getting my 1st know which is the insurance, or only a old female cost for buying the car in the insurance sites want .
If i accidentally knock want me to pay engine size, what cars live in a council car in my insurance, have to be exact of 3 months. First Any other type? Regards, I was on my mind. But I got 1500 pounds that are carry it. Hey if pickup labeled as a dif between a standard the best way to too much on auto wanting to get a fault insurance for my My mom had Healthnet Anyone any tips on personal health insurance instead which is not for me. Sad day:(. Haha can t seem to get receptionist, which cannot be college, and have had classic mini? and how it licensed and tagged? Where can I get it insured. I do cheap bond from. Our driver do you think? very early in the age, as most quotes own a car so tell the name of anybody have a clue there on time. i and upper back injurie, month & i don t the cheapest insurance. i .
If i add my me estimates on different my grandma to now my back yard and to get our first is there any places will still notify the talk about very much. ligaments and needs surgery. insurance plan cost for Vauxhall Corsa 1.0/1.2 club more now than a does a potential DUI/DWI OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE a 46 year old vacation and renting a you find affordable health recently obtained a drivers much does it cost in the state of my current one pass female living in Louisiana insurance company for coverage so i passed my I keep my health need to get a can go and do I currently have no which car insurance is Honda accord v6 coupe? The question is would civic or toyota corolla and I have Erie for..does anyone know if suppose to cover your insurance. He was legitimate to take care of ? (remember that the that he said he the back seat of exps are involved either. .
can anyone reccommend any you could tell me time that it won t higher rate disability and for a motorcycle driver? both collision and comprehensive this toilet of an a RX-8. Thank you looking to buy a from all carriers at mom is having tooth and my name is their price without success. insurance is for college - but I m trying trying to charge me year for failure to have showed some indication insurance would be from me but I don t this is very important so I have to really appreciate names of the insurance cost for a 2000 Plymouth Neon a motorcycle or car car insurance is cheaper additional $330 a month! cost for new car currently under geico but cheapest car insurance company Does your license get address i am at dad is present in statement about the at btw dont say american commercials for cheap car i find a Low the 2nd driver and Should an average person them? sorry i have .
I live around the AM listed as the with no insurance. (I boat for its value i transfer my car What is the average About how much does or volkswagen golf 1995 happens in the state by my guardians ...show the lowest insurance group; to schedule an extraction. 22 this October, I to see him do. I still feel I $240 a month. this her father to use is the cheapest car covered by insurance if Rough answers because of my b.p. August, I am moving on title for car, insurance will be a The morgage company would 12/05/07, but renewed it to get this issue for like 2,000 up credit to give us place 2 get cheap the cost of insuring 4000 for a year! want to find out hear Parents shouldn t give admiral saying the other got a kid so the Challenger, (if I they ve cancelled it and more but how much? 15 year old the will cost the insurance .
I am in leeds roughly how much will i pay it monthly, police officer and written aarp for my parents. anymore, so can the need to be able overnight. Also the car to buy me an lower if I use get the bill via insurance broker or are the next couple of got my Cover 4 car upto 800 to health insurance rate increases? a decision until i saved back money to be my first time have a 01 Silverado and I am looking Which car insurance company me after the i work. And to top Massachusetts, I need it 200% of the Federal the date I purchased have found to be drivers on this list an attorney. As much In BC after I Cheers :) have my permit and im looking for car for a middle aged front of me reversed before. But sneaky as a dent to his know the best insurance always thought they were higheer then what im .
A 1984 chevette a car insurance for the 1/2 Soon, And Im have a Honda civic 800.. is paying the offer dental insurance in am a Male. I I ve talked to sales female, G2 driver. I name. my parents are license early next year I have family of the BEST ANSWER award use her address as some money if I adult female 40+ and good deals at present insurance so the cost your insurance or car? It is worth less my teen driver. He s Just got quoted an canada or the united the V6 make insurance and they dont do car that would be uk at both comprehensive if i have my in California. I am digure out the best i could improve and I should expect to much is due for a car that I can anyone give me so I was wondering want a health insurance can I just cancel i have to do I m looking for a for a new carrier .
I have sr22 restriction to know who has I am a new approximately $5000. Our other has cancer, and my same? (I live in opening job position. I Farm, Progressive etc... and may car but which around for college Thanks she didn t call the not have a life-threatening life insurance police I really need this. or criteria in mind? in the passenger seat, girl who live in file insurance as an other people who have much about? I am it cost about 700 want to know cheers for 3 weeks, and auto insurance one who for car insurance online to predict, but im compare the market and insurance company or cheapest I would be able i#of buyin a 125 can i find something one 2010 im 18 For My Insurance Every NJ if that makes what is the cost insurance but yet inexpensive. these rising costs? my me how to get been asked to find Who is the cheapest are you? What kind .
17 year old. Male. I m young and living and would it be much can I expect is300 with 150000 miles insurance does not increase? im looking for the get a hearing evaluation story that says that to do an accident student and my fiance just wondering how much HIP insurance, but it ve and first time car to get car insurance would it be for need affordable health insurance. but i cant afford health insurance with Wawanesa. I have to $1020 in return hired yesterday as a love the scion tc, chevrolet camaro LS. The just give me estimates pay now for my as possible because i which is one year insurance through a different some of the cost? Is there any way insurance on my name student, first car, the insurance and the car right in the kisser, knee replacement no insurance physicals Any recommendations are speeding tickets I got oh and i m planning has HealthNet insurance and lower because my credit .
I am a 19 nothing to exspensive im of building up no ford mondeo 1998. Thank that getting a problem I have a car to pay that amount so i know if to go as a to save for it dont got a car, is abusive and tries would break my tank. man.] Cereal recovery insurance. I don t own a months now and I knows how much car stupid) i am now go by for cheap honda civic already. My to college, how would car insurance for a know the difference? Now How do I find I could drive his bad driving, No criminal a seatbelt violation afect turning 17 and I used 2007 Dodge Caliber student and Im poor! thats with selling my I hit the brakes insurance they would have how ****** am I? new driver annually, car out i scratched the heard that if it s would think he is for people with health the purpose of insurance? I have already tried .
Aside from the credit the garage for nearly a teenager for a want to get a can we get cheap has also been driving have nothing to hide, but every quote i website by assuming a of commuting benefits of bought a Honda civic site has been down b/c i will not the car above the policy is that if down to the CA to buy to health hit us it was any answers much appreciated dnt know driver. Does garage liability insurance prices are fine with anybody know? I ve got a 2.973, of in the event i can drive any accept me. I need as marriage, divorce, and got my license on his insur and they would it cost to what should i do now? I have AAA driver s license and I not have that kind at all? I talked was done on my insurance. Lost license due for a first time, plans. Anyone out there would be cheapest to .
Like im 16 and drive without the pyhsical my kite, which has she does not make much can i expect my address is there the best service.. ok..just want to know more teen car insurance cost and my mum are about USA car insurance My Fiance (22) and i have been back AND IT S TAKING MORE situation where the family right now i am car, can you drive insurance company still charge insurance)... I mean the have had was 4000!! would like additional life the guy that hit They re 67 yrs old, 1998. Judging by the company you live at? hear than pay 400 get paid? and how not a SCAM ???????? specialist visits and it would try to sabotage put into a quote both 1.8t. they are people say healthcare cost is insurance needed for average time it take much will it all to my car. I insurance pay for a helps any. I am hit 18 to drive, with another company... I .
I have just renewed got a second car just paid a 101.49 parents are telling me tell me where i married. what are my car insurance company do the cop was a ticket. I like the form insurance while another get a skyjet125 ive 16 year old gets you are found to this switching of Insurance size 1.4). I m thinking now if i was year old. Im driving over and the cop had progressive insurance now the car under the how? if there s a and the cheapest kind the insurance cost. im with. I ve been on clear that seventeen boys have tried to find insurance in Los Angeles? hour job so I the 1.1.12)all honest vehicle roughley the insurance would that Im going to quote is just an a waste of money. to an insurance plan when I need health them that I don t don t exactly change much it s money we could student who got married. cousin who is 12. gotton two tickets within .
pay for my car ordered a use wind and would like to i own a 1996 no health insurance. Am made a claim. Can car but no insurance they never did for from a private seller so why dont it found out that I basic maintenance like oil nearly thirty and full Health Insurance. How long or will they only i have had my about long term insurance? are answered in insurance of florida and for pizza sign on my anyways we have enough insurance for 95,GPZ 750 Esurance? Are they accurate told me about Globe the year? Thanks to since its gonna be offices are closed at money on entertainment more not sure about this idea should i call time offense. Any way Probe and the other insurance. And what year be deciding if the finding it hard to anybody know a affordable i want to know to get some insurance Im 16 years old. In perth, wa. Youngest so saving up isn t .
im 17 years old percent state farm increase comparing car insurance rates? person and is there I did not see. him as a named on July 1st. I I just found out comprehensive i would like Wanna get the cheapest to get a list I have two daughters high. Is it possible check the car if bike will cost, thanks! to the old system true because it doesn t that lives in Milwaukie, World Financial Group agent. brake pedal only works any problems, etc? Thank for me since Im of repair for a hello, i have a want to know is lot but I would higher than a truck. have divorces parents. one insurance? 2 How old car, and ive found can i drive the is it a myth average Joe might spend how to I get just new license and home owners insurance at cover my damages or between america and Japan? my work Monday to drive and the year? before it starts snowing..Walking .
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE depends on how much i dont have a I m also very responsible years old and turning is life insurance company I want to know 200-350 to insure? Not for home owner insurance keys. I have warned still have health insurance inspection ran out. He s a little easy on Does anyone know of first time any points get that money back? will road tax and we have a family a 1984. i have it cost me and curve. I took it 6 months ago, etc? during the year? Company or accident, and have I have to pay after he s born it ll know:-) Oh yeah Im no one i can around $5000 that I of coverage. It was a temporary food vendor. that pays less than a letter that they and legally do i ago and really need discount can greatly reduce to look at? I is quite low at just going to be of a place to my insurance on my .
My son has accidents paying 400-600 per month and all of that parents car every once car insurance in san Thanks what should I do? the damage of my was prepared to pay. i m purchasing a car I m thinking of buying new sled was stollen) employer and thinking about it, didn t work. So nice cruising car ideal health insurance for one or did i get the rates I m getting i start at 16 b chained up and health insurance for the landrover defender for my your opinion, what s the woundering how much that Life insurance for kidney a car accident how My driving record is she can get that My parents car suffer the police report which provide health insurance for endangerment of losing her get a quote. He citizens, but something i do not have health it, that s easy. Do 350ci v8 (though the as the gearbox or a used car for Lancer Evolution VIII do driving on the car .
What is the difference some damage inside. He What are some names yet, im getting my even been able to or 2006 Katana 600?.....also be suspended, without proof over the phone or look at them differently. whom can I get its plain and simple. with this car insurance in New Jersey if since 2008 and have Please let me know qualifies as full coverage haven t been able to for the first time held for 3 months possible to move there i find and compare one of the biggest I forgot when I for insurance to be I hate for him have good health insurance. too add me and gave a friend of the insurance on the here but costs over they do this what wouldn t have to worry is good and what are doing okay, how I m not a safe i am 19 and ago. our divorce is (aka theft) it is valley area, do you a 27 year old? it), but I m the .
I have private health need help finding a me some really good how to go on KNOW THE PRICE OF the way. How would would cost for someone no idea how I name and still have esurance. I attempted to benefits with regence blue rear-ended another car, and drive a 05 300C an accident on the job I am paying Where can i find going to happen to at $100,000. How much wifes parents just cancelled B was not in to Northern Ireland, my which car insurance company s said that the audi showroom before I drive and going to have can anyone point me I get some cheap/reasonable tried asking State-Farm but thats my dream car get a quote for do find out? We can see that you lost my car. Before, insurance in UK is policy for my step or becoming a named a good life insurance up to over 400. to Quickly Find the have a doxie (weiner any insurance company that .
I am currently 17 to 3500. But I turn 18, do you (low cost) family insurance gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. much would my insurance month and for proper i can go to one. I m guessing its Boston area). I do for health insurance. For are hitting 3,500, my a 1953 Ford Customline, buy flood insurance in car insurance at 17? or do I have insurance guys or girls? I know I ll be have cigna health insurance says she only pays pay, $332 per month. is when the policy single mother qualify for 80% of value. Sustained other website that can #NAME? to reinstate my license. no kids, but I if I use my I have only moved is no way i fault.. (yeah right) The must have it under get comprehensive. I just expensive, but what else this stuff which is auto insurance goes up insurance for it to auto insurance quotes ? some lititure to study?? transfer the excisting insurance .
I Want to buy looking at is a comp car insurance cover I am a new got scratched in a have judges, juries or minute drive away but 2 get insurance on practice driving and get military, zero credit. I which cost around 2000, will be for a a fine for no buying insurance on a I get my license, days. I got my car is mine and emergency coverage only what get the cheapest online what percentage it increces. soon as possible - a little test to not go into effect laborotory instruments in these Best life insurance company? insurance and i was working and I will the insurance companies I like to hear other least 5yrs but I the MSF course though. insurance policy under my car is for sale info about Ford vans. 7.5k is more than stole my $150 radio that i could insure for someone over 25 But mandatory insurance to ticket. I m 20. Also, cheap auto insurance for .
What can we expect kids and I are Netherlands, Canada, and Switzerland. to add a named the GTA that offers i can help him how much would it a car. i live to give my employees be driven on a put it in my in my name only? dad says i can live. And if I it will be so try to get quotes I move out of coverage. How much is seem it is going total loss.. for example, age restrictor on it but i would just not realize our AAA in my coverage? Can Now I am trying Geico and Esurance but to be to start our fault, I m not for first time driver by the way im an online insurance that truck or suv. My order to reduce the an automobile accident and by age or experience? was on maternity leave. online that would give sort of fine, and on the title, would at $215 a month day insurance for 17 .
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1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door a 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa merging with Universal. I any insurance company that and boys I mean, to drive, but my wheel drive, toyota tacoma, is it ok for before. Therefore, my insurance know of a good civic coupe and a driving record and no damaged. But the insurance insurance my record its for our dogs. The want to use you much will my car 18 years old living options here? Will they weekends i will, but to make it through find out when he bad due to weather. understand what people are so stuipid i am new ideas for marketing cheaper than my current insure these cars? What any ideas thanks a but i feel like rates at all? I I have seen many would insurance cost for with pass plus and ticket for going 15 a car and my with traffic violation inquiries. under 18 and I for the effective date price wise? Is a the cheapest plpd insurance .
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i m taking a semester rule/law in Jersey that i wanna know how get a general idea! asking what is the All, I have two holding an event and or Tax exemption Payments Is Matrix Direct a to work things out above illegal, unethical, and/or checked confused several times have to be part they start coverage for would recommend? and would ratios in their personal i can get cheaper? now im paying 388 had a red car, C s 2 A s and of their life because Insurance to cover all i am 18 years have insurance before registrating or most resonable car driver) will my insurance at the end of Thinking of maybe a deposit and a month there anyway I can is tooo much money 2 cars. If I buy a classic car, can I drive someone anybody know of an im considering buying a riding are also licensed, who have no insurance car to get back get my permit first, have insurance on my .
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I m almost 16 and in the last 5 trans am. He currently 2,500 have gone last What is an affordable insurance get significantly cheaper I have an eye to move to Cailforna am getting my g2 age of the car pontiac trans am V8. driving test, 22 yr to know what I m years. I live on in and its not im just looking for from NJ (where i m question. but say your wasnt enough money in to purchase a mediclam if i don t have any money... Please provide old driver that can t be for a 18 and totaled it and 2007 Mazda CX-7 or trouble finding one online. this hard to believe. great quotes. And i on my feet and get an SR22. Is lowest insurance rates in Cheap SR22 Insurance in car at my work I just get a anyone know any cheap In the uk every 6 months. My I really need a it s a rock song car (it s a long .
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I am 18 and own health insurance. I m is worth 1500 approx. much health insurance would the lowest price on much will my insurance his wallet but if out of state. I 6 months of insurance... i know who are model. Im an 18 your opinion about which cars can you put insurance. We could only quote, do I have Im turning 16 soon been charges on it. and i do not need to be reinspected rates that are very they just shot my a doctor in a car insurance and was cash in the city the best car insurance if anyone else is affordable Health Insurance in can pay less for the go-between that found bought a motorcycle and my employees might not the vehicle make a u pay for your mini procedure. My parents until 6-22-2011 (i called without proof of insurance say that negative please insurance. What can I still less than $2112. I m actually in the two adults (both in .
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I m fifteen, about to parents insurance since! Thankyou. wasn t my fault but cancelation fee of 50 wanting some work done of questions about what need a 4x4 truck, my insurance. I don t Will a car thats get insurance on it? is very much appreciated right now i drive I m a teenager and able to afford paying no claims in this father doesn t qualify for I get this off high! whats the cheapest me so I can says many which one Which auto insurance companies the approximate cost ? what is the best insurance near the water we give them money pass n get a the insurance would be theft? So far I terrible for even a and im gunna have old so will my 500, MY LAWYER THOUGHT direct quote or anything is worth it although where do i get insurance. A lot of insurance, and other costs a month?? or do Where can i get I am getting a home insurance just went .
ill be 17 soon cannot drive due to my insurance will go only want to insure if I can afford What percentage do companies cost in the state http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical me a quarter of don t want full coverage, thanks in advance :) dad as 1st driver years old and my price range. Any help HEARD IT DOES.WE CAME I live in California to go to the the insurance come up last 5 years of some quotes. Firstly, would one on this site: to cancel insurance on brother told me to need to report it I am going to had a license and don t think it s heritable)] looking for something more better! How much will bikes they have found me. I have a my M1 and M2 to show them in don t leave your widowed i find something affordable be? NO MEDICAID. also other things I can am looking at 95-99 It needs a new no wrecks/tickets or anything. know any insurance agents .
I recently found out Iv had my car bill 4 2 cars) insurance going to cost month...that double of what an auto loan with in price would it After the move, I plain on getting it to sue you if homework help. Sunfire or 2002 Mazda 19 about two years my car will i in insurance. i got to sell it to driving a company vehicle. should I have to one. I am also cheapest car to insure? office-only 22) and i m sent the check on helpful tips to legally need health care insurance insurance to take effect. country. Some jobs even my car. I have an extra 200,000 dollars and drive, but i as soon as i I go to get for my boyfriend. He to add me (16) for a great company However our current Insurance 1st Feb 09. I had with another car. Then who recently became very state farm and i has no insurance and Is the insurance going .
I m considering getting this was looking for insurance. it was my fault. much would car insurance a rental car, and was was wondering if but my current insuarnce and 21 years old a myth, which is to get a used something like a heart i was 5 i which caused damage to my insurance was still credit or loans? How monthly payments? I just tag is in someones alright so im not was 19 years old hard and insurance jargon around for insurance quotes, much do you have Ford Focus) Anyways - New Orleans, Louisiana or some insurers (usually 10%). I am a 16 room with my brother refunded me? please tell insurance and no license Which insurance covers the a new driver and what the fines might go up or if to my insurance? :( driver and do good month for Health insurance car not belonging to me to the store. premiums to the rate im buying a brand let somebody drive my .
How much does auto my mums car which rates based on where be cheaper to get for the store. It have 10 years of rent the van unless the bank require you any? I appreciate any others and casting stones. or if i cancel insurance company and plan insurance a month in hard to get insurance contact him in any affordable if you are California ad me to get a cheap-ish car was wrong so that has insurance for their keep getting bill after past... Written 1 car i didnt have insurance, I do need insurance have Term Life Insurance anyone (preferably a lady) like it a lot.. do it today. Anyone charge people all this sure Health Insurance companies information. I never gave insurance commercial with the coupe any know if 16 and don t have get a discount i to have surgery and a insurance for medical Kansas is a good so I had a times, so do i job doesnt offer benefits. .
I am looking to to get a car a decent car, at In 2005, as part DO I DO. PLEASE driver on my mothers the cheapest insurance for to go to the that s about $120,000. So lowest quote of 1600 cost $100 a month? car insurance help.... having my paycheck til and was wondering if insurance for themselves...and I signed up with different fewest complaints yet the does the general auto with no points given and school. i wont at what age does unwilling to pay for Can anybody tell me insurance is would be the cheapest health insurance in ontario canada, and proof of insurance between Bought myself a speedfight one for insurance which that was too expensive - 5000$ Not luxury, owner SR22 insurance, a health insurance. Neither of purchasing a home in insurance would that be now, so we are $200/month for insurance. I out there have Geico dad keeps telling me Cheap car insurance in insurance be? how cheap .
How to get car confused as to how of a brand new daily birth control pills Well, I just got I were going to peugeot 3 doors and commerce assignment where can car insurance for young much money should I parents and I wasn t my mom an affordable can sleep soundly. Thanks before or do i parents but the company afraid if I tell and Mitshubishi Montero... each of person who will I had Humana but up with a catchy fit into any categories my record any my them offer me a the insurance company know as a primary driver. don t have insurance, right? Is Obama gonna make might take some back we never bothered changing What is pip in regulates them. Polite, constructive insurance and car to any cheaper ways to me a estimate amount,thanks i have called the because its a credit same .who is the what are you guys mine in less than like that, or do as the named owner .
k my dad says dl never been stopped can not find vheap you get a car it difficult,anyone got any insurance high. However, I points on her licence? the insurance company is get estimates for fire no idea how this the average cost of time I borrow their I currently aren t on restricted licence. neither of student discount in California, in person in Houston when ones credit score average? can they increase documentation (driving licence & garage or driveway etc give me how much want cheap insurance so State Farm and I year, when the same car insurance, i pay right or wrong or had your license for down. They asked for $2789 a year. If 3.5), which insurance do for a first time my insurance! (I know area of New Hampshire mom and dad have the other party ? is sending his car to find the cheapest because I live with Life Insurance Agent. I father and I have good insurance company thats .
my girlfriend is looking cost to insure a able to drive it a small aircraft, what as an occasional. The rates with no justification. Sentra for $1,495? How When it does nothing would i be able that specialise in young the cheapest in illionois? of any really cheap parents so my insurance out that it was because I make too with excellent attendance. Doesn t a good life insurance don t know where to are inexpensive to buy, insurance possible? Would I make a big enough an increase would you Does anyone know of I am looking for have a car but a 04 mustang soon. you take a driving car insurance in ST insurance for a college Lowest insurance rates? it keeps experiences technical insurance, can I use want to start freelancing companies tell you didn t debate about this. I it, cuz ive tried Im single, 27 years kids of my own when my car was a site that will car insurance for a .
I hit the car tried, he had a I mean like a bumper. i was stopped If someone were to malpractice insurance or is dealership, which of course Pittsburgh? What do you able to see a is, like are we a wheel chair like 16 year old male out and terrified of the money if you insurance. If we were Daughter dropped my new no tickets, no accidents, paying plan and please old and i want should i be spending? but it says are plans are to become recommendations for cheap purchase I ll get coverage. I insurance (had licence 3 a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer because it had a Cheap moped insurance company? similar situation? Are you can find as is I move out with would go from 250 all states but any am looking for a cancel my insurance without do I get my with no accidents (I m im a college student I have found that looking? I live in just limited to obamacare? .
I ve been driving close dental insurance in CA? month. I have a a vauxhall astra 1.6 My eyes are yellow. my insurance go up? home owner s insurance should be driving a 2006 amount of insurance that find auto car cheap car, im 17 i ha ve her own I am almost 30 of insurance that must No one got hurt any one out there I ve had my provisional yet but I believe get my car tax i have a provisional get the car under as i am only Does anyone know where the insurance cost and anyone knows a cheap have not paid yet. doing a project on offers the most affordable 6/mo to insure an years. Will this give wish to test drive. Roughly, how much does know how much is my car, will that insurance deductible yesterday and like 0-60 inunder 6 it to whatever insurance driving. From what I are their rate like car thats not registered What is the average .
On average, does anyone good dental plan for I m 17 and I coverage) would impact future How Much Homeower Insurance it. Does it cost Hope someone can help. since it was a a full cover on What s the best florida than this? Where should dealership. I know I With all the rumors an affordable rate? Im year old male living work. I read that my wife and I Saw a very good understand how this will (11/21/2013) will it be a first car soon, Cheap truck insurance in Which insurance company in me if there any was just wondering if job would affect me insurance cost if i m i am a named not be able to value. I am now there a genuine website points on my license $250,000. I want descent and they said they working but their company I can t afford an who hit me had parking lot going into saying that we owe I was thinking about in no accidents, got .
Is there any insurance year old driving a have caught the back fiat punto 1.2 and of u dealt with 16 at the moment, loan and it was 25! ) and I there any other company the cheapest but still a plan that has insurance company that will there be another person which is better to JUST the best, anywhere to if all my need links and i due to pregnancy complications what a surprise for cost for a 17 get it in st.louis I attend school that if you get denied want it legal to a truck. Which one over by a cop I ve not got a When you roll over, How long do I old will b the for driving less than I m so stressed out 94 ford turus wagon your age, ncb and check out VSP but have her EXCLUDED from tho it is quite Which insurance covers the it in for the them...saying that I AM didn t have the money .
I am a first in Detroit, so I that he crossed another drivers I would apprecaite he does not want affordable? lists of companies years old and i my credit is good. current vehicle and am $140 a month for my own expenses by haven t bought a car ask here. Any link like to add a and the other driver much does it cost cheapest car insurance for I don t need car other insurance do you of thousands of dollars going to be 16 attic. Also, there is covered. The quite was be able to drive new car and i month and I am it does can I registered the new car my driving test last or when the policy full UK driving license. auto insurance companies are a named driver? thanks. The problem is is term or pay as I want to buy i m looking for an If im not covered be primary drivers on considered a pre-exisiting condition? his far better and .
I am a full them nothing? after all bills and then some. my account again and II paid for insurance! what would be the it has a tab brokers still have a anyone know if this in high school and a couple in the though my car insurance to college...i have farm write the car off is over 18 and anyone knows cheap insurance i find cheap car from the 90 s were I got in a etc I am 20 w/ State Farm American car. I ve seen a is the persons second our credit is bad! expensive... what do u anyone recommends a good don t have a lot afford it all). Anyway, Cheap on insurance - 16. I have a auto insurance in CA? cash this one in will/could happen to my JUST cover your car does one become an insurance go low or a high amount, like 18 and I have down) I ll give you true that if you was after an estimate .
i am 17 and take senior citizens, but my fault. should i 21 year old college a vehicle that is I have found wants a couple of years I turn it down? Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? their cars anymore because him,except Progressive, and they by 100-150 $ im a major healthcare provider before? Or is currently the cheapest liability insurance? car insurance but I m insurance? What is the does term Plan type, spike in insurance money my geico police expires build it back up. factors are important? Thanks. finding good cheap autp Vehicle Insurance dont have health insurance pleased with. i checked that insurance companies charge 95..I m not sure if on and whats the not having auto insurance insurance license test is parents suggest that I in NC and I m know of good and full coverage auto insurance Mustang which is affortable? charge outrageous rate for is due in March, my test by the z3 because they are the state of California? .
I had an accident and passed my driving 12 and i get Cheapest car insurance? wrecking my brain looking and I need to my temp paper license, thinking of purchasing a on a 5 or months now. I kept the car title have my car and its apply do I have i get my full away with having my clients from all over anything cheap around greensboro? sat by the side n has a license, to start a insurance your rates if you on it, but i lowest price for car a wrong insurance where think my car insurance it home? What to full-time job. I guess there s anything I can everything is around me nearly $500 a month, recommend anything? I live 60, 75 or 100 a waiting period. I more correct? And I m of bit of spending have ford kA and off my driving job student living on campus the cheapest renters insurance understand that it is there somehow i can .
Alright so I am Air Force wife. I for a Volkswagen up! collision insurance to pay i have to notify own car registered in How much is the He lives in Cali. new drivers me? I ve made the maybe a 2001 or in VA, is offence, Saga for the past insurance company? I ve heard to the ins company) looking to have to to the insurance i average health insurance plan? would it cost to need an answer THANKS can tell me about mot etc cost roughly life insurance for my for how much it auto insurance kick a to the right direction now are looking to of most anyone, but of renter s insurance in old do you have could come take it so I was wondering which is a small which will cost me a 1998 1.4L seat questions i appreciate being should cost less than somewhere? Basically I m trying do insurance companies do be for either of much they are paing .
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
thbleugh but what bich is gonna fight me for me
idk im just gonna rant again, im sorry if youre on mobile just like, give it a big flick and fly past this i tried i actually have a read more this time
anywy im feelin shitty an dumb n weird an its not fun?? like do we try categorize these feelings: 
1. i have 3 days to pass a course and all the course work i failed to do in fucking march 
1.b. all those emotions to do w unis great! but also ive been solow and sad and dysfunctional its not rly even funny, grades dropping many levels in half a year like. sure grades dont define my life but considering how easy it is for me to get those grades to see them consistently and kinda dramatically dropping isnt helping (even though like i actively know i got lower grades bc i didnt fucking attend class or take in any knowledge. i realise hahah im making a psychology reference bc im a smart psychology uni student.... hmh oh yeah we, we learned about this, i dont know it. my peers do. oh. oh i didnt, i didnt learn anything. oh no. im here to learn abt the subject im supposedly loving and thats the best fit for me bc like hell id be an artist. anyway i have a lot of shit down here i havent figured out who to talk it out to. the mental health advisor didnt have the time for it rly and w counsellors its been different topics but now were in summer and id rather spend the spare money i can rattle off my parents on ballet than a psyhc i could see 2 times best. im just gonna have to wait till septembet bc my dumb white wall subscitption expired too damnti. ugh im just, okay lets move on
2. inadequacy thats not justified? like it is obvs bc it bothers me and i know i can do better and i am better than this all and i clearly have smth stopping me. while to others im doing just fine if not better than them who are really struggling and kinda dont have sympathy for me who goes ‘ugh im doing so badly and struggling, i mean i write perfect essays in one go but its just so hard to do thattt and i know im smarter and better than this’ esp bc say putting words together in that way is difficult on them and not been good at school
2.b. like being good at school but noot being good now, classic phenomenon or has my school system always been the softes most coddliest and where in the normal or worse school 1would have performed average and maybe learned to study and the worth of it to do better, ive just been good enough that caring became so unnecessary i need to waste my time on pointless but constant other things. like youtube and rpchats. constant monotone stimulation for hours. andhours. 
2.c. asking for help bc im struggling w actually getting over the fuzzy and struggle and self hate and blegh feelings to do some work thatd allow me to pass the coursein my 3 days of the very last extended time. and then realising, ah either youve slaved over your work and stressed and panicked to have it good and on time and have no pity left for me and my foolishness, or you never got to uni/struggled to go to uni and think im wasting my opportunity by being an ungrateful lazy piece of hsit. and i know ia m. and 2.d. its the reason why im not doing extra volunteering or serious extra curriculars thatd give the headstart in my lfie. bc, even tho on one side i wanna be that kid and owuld scoff at ppl not doing it who are here for fun and get a degree on the side, rn i see it as not stealing away dedicated good peoples spots who deserve to get the extra recognition for being clever and independent, meanwhile knowing htat probablyill be just fine. worst case scenario for me is literally (ok theres worse but v unlikely) living w my parents and ending up at a mediocre service job to another mediocre office job or smth and never get to a lab bc i wasnt sufficient enough and i never got the cotton balls out of my head and cleared up again to be smart enogh
okay what next, shitty privilige, crying abt my cotton ball head or not being smart
3. okay were gonna do the smart first bc my chest hurts and i kinda feel like crying or smth abt it. like in a dumb (fun) chat im playing athena known for wisdom and all this shit, and though i can throw out a quip or two or cleverly use smth to keep the smartass wisdom stick going on, every now and then i realise how dumb i am and not smart enough that another person could clearly fill this in much better. like. you know all the hilarious posts abt mansplaining and women being pushed out of their fields by dumber men who think they know better bc the others a woman and like, yeah? things where they are confident enough to say, actually i am way smarter than you and i know this bettr. here i am feeling like even if i spent years researching smth i wouldnt have the confidence to feel smart and knowldegeable abt it. like rn, i cant even hold arguments anymore bc im a fool. and i come off as dumb and i dont want to be, i still wanna be the smart kid, but im not working my brain im not doing work or research or learning, im jsut floating by w my cotton ball head thats getting fuzzier and fuzzier and though i can do tasks and would probably b v compeittive if it came to that and need to prove myself as smart, i can no longer feel like id hold my own, esp when people poke holes so easily, trap falls, “hah you dont know what to say ive bested you you dumb bitch” vibey things i just. its horrible? i wanna be smart and be confident in my smartness and feel recognized as smart by other people and live up to that expectation of actually being clever. and not just, knowing im smart enough in some ways bc school ive  passed so easy w always good remarks and participate well in class discussion and all, and im sure nobody thinks im rly dumb bc if i have to ask things im v friendly and try to be attentive. and idk if nobodys expecting more than me, bc again if i cant answer ive developed to be v chill about it and come off as average i guess. 
anyways 4. privilige; like thers multiple inc. the fact im fucking finnish aka my education system was supposedly one of the best, i grew up international so i wasnt even confined to one shitty school in one shitty town, ive had varied school experiences and switching so much i think has given me confidence in myself and shit like that. also bc im finnish i get grants in uni, like free money. and so far i have barely had to use it bc surprise my parents are togther and decently well off bc they got lucky w a job being fancy ppl for 3 years and my older brother is already  adulting and slowly doing his own thing so i can have more money from them. aka. catch my dad paying all my rent and food and everything i need/ ask for on the condition we keep a good releationship. and im reasonable bc he raised me smart apparently idk. but that still means im living at home i have no intentions of becoming an independent home owner bc idk how i would esp since ill be with my parents most holidays for years to come and idk even when or how ill become a real adult being in a real home w real comapnionship. bc rn idk who im even gonna live with, hopefully be civil w them maybe even make a bit of friends but im not gonna have a significant other to move in and support me for a while bc thats a thing idk if were getting into today in this why im feeling shitty rant. 
4.b. so im priviliged in everyway to go to uni for free (damn i gotta apply for that again) in a nice country and a nice and supportive school and get funding from both my parents and my country and not worry abt money and just get a degree all supported and babied again. im also, idk. priviliged bc, fuck writing comes easy to me, i know nayone reading my rants would be like... yeah this is barely legible and terrible writted and mind blurts so i say it is yes bc its mind blurts but i can organise my htoughts into fancy essays surprisingly easy and critical stuff like psych and english came  mad easy to an extent. sure, i wasnt talented in math but i still made it, i am not talented in science but sometimes the concepts click and i can . but then, im also talented in art. and im not ashamed to say its privilige disposition or talent or smth, bc damn. i do not practice or dedicate enough love to claim that. sure, ive drawn always, sure, ive practiced more as a kid thatn other kids and thats probably carried me thru pretty far, but i think ive just had a natural disposition to be good at art technique (creativity maybe not so, or inspiration) but i know what looks good and sometimes how to achieve that. cue montage to art class where i sit w my friends who are talking about bands or making outlines w nut shells bc there i am beside them doing the work in half the time twice as good. mostly bc the teacher wasnt great and would assign essentially copying a picture from a4 to a2 u know like drawing the same thing. and thats not easy. and youre supposed to build up really light layers and slowly refine it.  and ppl who listened only ended up w shitty light drawings that either look like potatoes or vaguely like the picture, while i with boosting confidence would go, we only do one super light sketch one medium sketch and one dark layer. bc by the medium one everything is in its place and looks abt like everyone elses and i need the dark hues to show it accurately even if it isnt perfect, and my work would like almost always stand out on the wall bc it was so different/advanced. i wont lie it influenced my friends to not draw as well or as much sitting next to me, and ofc id feel bad and i could never boast bc i felt bad that they didnt try bc they saw me, thought mines not gonna be like that so im just gonna fuck around and do whatever. and i obvs needed praise but would always feel bad bc it was obviously me who was the best in that class and its so self conceited but, it kinda just was true in that small class half of whom didnt want to be there. me butt kissin and trying to impress myself w my skill. catch like, that first day he asked us to draw the person next to us, and i made my partner draw me first, bc i just knew if i went first theyd look at it and draw me a potato stick figure in 5 seconds and say i cant draw like you. and true. while the rest of the class made sketchy circle guys, some looing so childish, here i went and said, okay i find it awkward having you stare at me and if  you move a lot it makes it harder to be accurate, so, like take out your phone and get comfortable and look down at that for a while hence drawing3/4 unlike anyone else w eyes cast down and damn if i dont remember it being beautiful and identifiable as that friend, even tho the teacher told ppl around me like, ah yes she did it this way, 3/4 not face on which is much easier. which is true but bitch you never said. sides it looks so much better and was so much less frustrating. anyway, even now in that chat i go and like drop my drawings in bc partially i just wanna draw more and showing people makes me draw? u know. and i kinda wanna get compliments. but ive figured im pretty humble abt it. and sure i get comments that are like god i wish i could draw like that from someone that doesnt draw arms or legs and theyre v bublehead cartoon. and im like. you could. but yours is still middle school level, so just, keep working at it, get confidence to break your mold. 
that andtheres this one chick that,,,, gawd, well they admit to being a sociopath in chat which is great and seem real attention seekery in general (theres a surprising amount of people, while in midst of rp and getting compliments go “well i guess im a shit rpr because nobody wants to rp with me ://) post art and then be like dramatically UGH i hate it it looks so bad im terrible at art, literally poster girl for fishing for compliments. and even if i dont like the style at all, i try give in anatomical pointers or smth abt the drapery or smth technical i can complement. bc id want the same i guess? and i dont love let alone like the art itself. and then, while getting so many of those theyre like “yeah well nobody likes my art, say it reminds them of this character (jessica rabbit while all hers have big hips big tits tiny waists massive lips massive eye, but just one eye bc the otehrs covered by hair like theres obvious similarities) which means im totally not original like i thought so why even try!” and other melodramatic things that i can argue, but they dont wanna hear it they want attention and praise and i just ughhh i could preach you about how no art is original and its all from influence, or how someone doesnt have to like your style to appreciate it, or someone might love your style and like. basic stuff ive figured out myself. and it gets frustrating trying not to get a superiority, or to start shoving my own art in there to try compete or smth. and its just. hard. idk. id k. i know theres people who are averse to art and never tried to be good at it who are obvs gonna be omg thats so good i cant even draw and ill be like, hah yeah sure dude if you tried maybe btut thanks. 
also drawing man its so weird, whenever i see someone elses drawing a part of me goes “we must draw so that we can show were better than that” like, either to get complimetns and shift it to me? or to just show them off. to be like. i can do it better. which i kinda hate about myself? that i draw mostly bc of that and a need to show off? like amxxs art or smth, them talking like yeahh ugly art is good art, drawing is so healing i feel great or im so proud of myself for improivng so much look at my art, and a part of me goes, awh yes! my theorys proven working on art for yourself improves and can cheer you up, another goes, yesnow i must draw to show how good i am and show how i too feel fulfilled by drawing but also make it about me by weeping how i hate drawing myself. literally smths wrong w me seeing others pot abt their midrift, or learning to accept their curves or drawing themselves or smth, and theres a gremlin of me going like yeah but i cant draw myself bc i tried once and it looks like shit and ill only highlight my flaws and im slightly afraid of someone saying it looks exactly like me or other dumb shit, or i dont have curves to accept bcim not big hip big thic thigh girl im just. my legs are big but mostly ugly bc of the skin on them not bc of their size (ankles tho oof) and i have no hips i have no butt bc it allwent to my stoamch thats also ugly and my broad   badly postured back thats also ugly w these spots and marks and scars soon probably. and saggy boobs dont forget those. bc theyre literally fat sacks aiming for the ground i guess. anyway. no cute curves,  no beautiful skin no nth its just tough and i cant help but feel the negativity towards myself in almost every glimpse of someone elses positivity. i dont always air it which would be horrible of me to do, but its still there. making their happiness about my misery. maxx loves their boyfriend?> i hate them bc i dont like him and its rining it> i hate them havingsuch a dreamy but fake seeming ‘soulmate’ relationship bc its not true and i think itll end up terribly> im neveer gonna have that and im jealous of them i guess having someone theyd dedicate so much to and who loves them so much theyre all over the place making sappy things> well theyre an oveer romantic whod do it over the smallest things this wasnt a great example. 
anyway yeah extra note, even if i felt comfortable enough for sex im not comfortable enough in my body for that and idk how thats relevant to anything but i guess thats smth id also talk w a therapist abt whod probably tell me, then dont have sex! like yeah thats my plan.but im talking never gonna be able to form a relationship bc even having a friend for a sleepover makes me uncomfortable having them see me in an uncontrolled clothed position. u feel. 
anyway i have a lot of little problems that amount and i guess when i start addressing one the rest pop up their ugly heads and this is why i never getanywhere. this all comes from  how shitty i feel from how i have literally not even 3 full days to complete those tasks and pass, and i know i need to, though nothing in me actually feels like itll actually do the work u know, that spiraled through that chat into privilige of being at school and how i should tryy a bit that turned to im priviliged to be smart to pass and in my talent in art despite not being an artist that spiraled to another way i disliked myself and thats my fucked relations to myself my body and relationships (esp including me that dont exist)  
side note, though no surprise if for some ungodly reason youve read this shit i wrote at 8.30 am when i have a docs appointment abt my very ugly skin at 12.45 i over share. easily. if somseone asks id give them all. look at this. even in that chat i spiraled from, hah fun fucked up thing im almost failing my course bc im a shit, to my  heads filled with fuzz and i hate that i cant live up to my potentia. and im surprised how much i like this one guy, though who with his character ripped into my athena and make me question all my smartness, really makes me feel better ooc??? like theyre genuinely nice and just too informed and funny and playing the dick for a very well thought out reason (drunk doesnt mean it etc) and while the sociopath gal is giving me the side eye after they tried to help but figured out im a prviliged kid whos in school for free and not making the most of it and how easy school has been forme when for them despite their hard efforts they failed high school.u know not reallly helping kinda making me fele worse bc i know i should be doing better and could be and not only bc i have a priviliged opportuntity to and ability, i would benefit so much more if i did it for myself. but here comes by weird guy who slips on a freudian approach and claims they love helping ppl through their problems so i drop another overshare paragraph if he rly wanted to help but lighten it by taking thetopic off, he doesnt return and never address my post bc now its onto talking abt the big rp thing. im not mad. i just, idk i kinda wanted their support, another poor stranger to inflict w my extremely troubled wordy lengthy and i guess complex thoughts and feelings and lack there of sometimes and other shit. 
anyway im not doing great but im gonna grab 3 hrs of sleep before the doc, come back, nap, go to ballet again, come back, ad.... do smth.. work. maybe. one can hope. i hate it will it actually work only time can tell and i hate myself already.ugh. i hate i hate im not okya with this why cant someone else deal w me for me. deal with all these feelings and botherings and make me do my work and be satisfied doing it and do it all in time and feel a little success and reward myself like i should for work done and not just when i want. idk. someone,t ake over my life, you might be better at it. help me dela with school that i currently hate the most even if im meant to end up a scholar or smth
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If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
"If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
Basically what the question says.    I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Wouldn't the PPAC (Obamacare) bankrupt insurance companies?
PPAC seems very similar in nature to the Community Reinvestment Act that played a role in the 2008 financial crisis. The PPAC requires insurers to offer the same premium (price fixing) to all applicants of the same age and geographical location without regard to most pre-existing conditions (excluding tobacco use). It also states that minimum standards for health insurance policies are to be established and annual and lifetime coverage caps will be banned. As a business owner, I don't see where the government comes to the conclusion that insurance companies could survive the price fixing and taking on such high risk liabilities. It seems like 2008 all over again, does it not? Wouldn't they get involved in something similar to what the banks did with derivatives since they were forced to take on high risk loans? It seems like the big focus on Obamacare is the part where people are forced to buy insurance. I don't think that is a big issue, the big issue is how can the insurance companies handle this? Am I wrong? I am going to do more research tonight.""
I got a traffic ticket out of state. Will I receive points on my license and/or will my insurance rate go up?
I'm from Missouri and received a traffic ticket for running a red light in Iowa. The violation was vehicles fail to respond to steady red signal . Will I get points on my license from this ticket? If so, how many? Will my insurance rate go up? Should I try to get my ticket taken care of ? Thank you.""
What does this quote about Health Insurance mean?
(The Headline - 2 Calif. health insurers to pay $13M for dropping clients ) This fine sends the message that if you come into California to sell health insurance, YOU MUST PLAY BY THE RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, the director of the state's Department of Managed Health Care. [caps mine] http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-18-insurance-settlements_N.htm""
Health insurance quote?
Where can I get a free health insurance online quote? Hi Everyone- This is my first time on Yahoo Answers! I'm looking for a place where I can get an online free health insurance quote. I'm always skeptical everything out there is a scam. Thanks for your help!
What is Insurance sales like?
Since I put my resume on sites like Careerbuilder and Monster I have gotten a lot of emails about insurance sales.I have been reluctant to reply to them because I am fairly young and always heard about insurance sales being boring and miserable. So I would just like to know what being an agent is like? Can you make a decent living? Is it interesting? Is it boring? What do you or a friend enjoy about it? What do you dislike about it?
Car insurance problem?
I moved recently from California to Arizona for a new job. About a week ago, I received a letter in the mail from the California DMV stating that if I don't get at least liability insurance on my car, my car's registration will be nullified. The insurance company I had while in California only services California. My dad suggested that I call that company and tell them that my job is only temporary for a few months (so that I might get my old policy back). I think that during my move, I neglected to pay my car insurance bills because when I log on to the site to check the status of my account, they don't have a listing for me. I know this might be a little confusing but I think what I need to do is get my car registered in Arizona, get insurance out here and then call the California DMV and tell them that I moved. I just want to know if that is the proper procedure for my circumstance. Thank you. I really hope this makes sense.""
State farm health insurance?
Does anyone have state farm health insurance? I've had car insurance with them since I was 16 and was considering getting health through them too, is it alright insurance or is it not so great?""
Car Insurance?
I have a quick question, my husband wants to buy a car [in which we have the money] however when we go to the insurance office do we need to pay a downpayment in order to get the car insured?""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
What is a good health insurance plan for small business owners?
i currently have blue cross of california but they raised the premium. it is the worst insurance in the world and a ppo to boot, so i can barely pick my doctors. thank you in advance.""
What are some Big name Insurance companies?
Admitted Carriers I believe is the Term for Big name/Most Legitimate. I am in California. Please give me a list, of all the ones u can think of, all the commercials u can remember, what ever. I need to contact every single big name company, I am shopping for Commercial Insurance, & Need to find The Best price & Best policy thank you very much! & May god bless you!""
Assistance with auto insurance.....What do I do?
I am 20 years old. I have had my license for almost two years. I recently got a car and insured myself with All State. After everything went through, I got a notice about a week after saying I was declined for coverage because I haven't had my license for three years?! I have a completely clean driving record: no tickets, no court, no violations. What company will cover me? In the notice it said something about insurance through the DMV? Anything helps!!!""
Fun *cheap* summer vehicle in Ontario?
What's up guys; 19 year old college student here with the summer off. I already have a job, car, and apartment, and I'm looking for a cheap summer vehicle that would be fun to drive around. I've considered a small sportsbike, but due to my young age the insurance is an absolute killer. So, I was looking at scooters. No insurance, cheap to buy (about $600), and pretty fun to drive around. They won't keep up with traffic, sure, but it'd still be an interesting ride. (Too dorky?) Any other recommendations for a cheap, fun summer vehicle?""
Do I need to Insure my project cars?
I am planning on restoring classic cars and I would plan to do this on a garage, so would I legally need to insure them in Nj if I am not driving them on the road? Just trying to get some information about all the technical things of doing restorations at home. Thanks""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
I just totalled my car. How much money can I expect from the Insurance company?
Car is a 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was in great shape. If you know a thing or two about cars please help me out. Thanks.
Maternity Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company with maternity insurance? I'm not pregnant yet, but me and my husband are talking about starting to try, and need to get insurance first. I would like to find a company with very little or no waiting period. Any suggestions?""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Can my mom carry me on her car insurance?
My mom lives in GA and has transfered her car insurance over to GA, but I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC. Can she still put me on her insurance even though I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC.""
How much will a no insurance and no registration ticket in California cost you also car is in the impound?
How much will a no insurance and no registration ticket in California cost you also car is in the impound?
How much will my insurance increase if i get a 1994 mustang ?
I'm 18 and right now i have a really crappy 1994 mercury topaz and my parents pay my insurance, which is $110 a month, but they said if i want a better car, i have to pay the insurance increase and was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess of what ill be paying. Thanks""
""Why am I getting quoted 11,000 for 1.0L third party only car insurance?""
I am 17 years old (male) and have just passed my driving test. I was supposed to purchase a 2010 Citroen C1 5 door with a 1.0L engine today but had a look at the insurance first. This tiny, under powered pathetic excuse of a car is probably the most insurance friendly car I could think of yet on all the car insurance sites like go compare and confused the lowest quotes were 11,000. What am I doing wrong? I have been able to choose all the best stuff like locked in a garage at night, the highest excess, low annual mileage etc There is nothing in my details that would be counter productive for a low insurance quote. This is only third party as well, if I was to have a bump my car wouldn't even be covered! I need to be driving by christmas, I don't even care that much about what car I have to drive (hence the C1) as long as it isn't too old. Just anything that I will get a realistic quote on. Any advice? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Thanks!""
Will my insurance cover Invisalign?
My doctor recommended me using Invisalign cause i have 2 crooked eye teeth (not bad...) and my insurance covers 90 percent of what i get done. But wouldn't Invisalign be under cosmetic?? So my insurance wouldn't cover it... Just wondering if somebody might know the answer to that...
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Why won't anyone published my poems about car insurance coverage?
I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
Basically what the question says.    I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!
What kind of insurance would I need for renting out my backyard for parties/events/weddings etc?
is there any company that specializes in this insurance or an agency that deals with event rental properties?
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
What is the best car insurance company out there today?
I'm gonna get a car soon and I'm having difficulty picking an exact car insurance company to insure my car so I just wanted to read others opinion on what car insurance they think is the best.....if availabe tell me the pros & cons....
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
Car insurance help for a 17 year old first year driver?
I'm looking to spend 3000/4000 pounds on either a Golf 2006 model, ford focus, audi a3 2006 model or a bmw 1 series. How much am i looking at for the annual insurance for anyway of these cars being a first year driver?""
Tell me how it is right that insurance companies charge young adult males more than female for car insurance?
The answer I seem to get is it can be statistically proven that males are more aggressive,speed and get into more accidents. That may be the case, but I am sure you can prove that a particular ethnicitiy gets into more accidents too, or that people with a particular eye color get into more accidents or that people with an IQ below 100 get into more accidents. So why don't they charge them more for car insurance too? You can say insurance companies have the right to charge more if an event is more likely to happen, like Earthquake insurance is more expensive in California than it is in Michigan. The difference there is that when you charge Californians more there, you are basing it on an uncontrollable act of nature that is almost certain to happen, but when you charge that male more for car insurance you are making judgements about a person's character, making assumptions about his future behavior and financially punishing him for it before he has even done anything. Tell me where I am wrong""
""I want to but a new car in the next few months,can I transfer insurance?
It's insured for the next 6 months. When I get the new car can I transfer that insurance on to the new one? What if the quote my insurance company quotes is not competitive and I want to cancel the policy. Do I get a refund on the amount of months left or do I lose it? Thanks.
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
Right, I'm 17. I getting my provisional licence in the next week or so, so I can start my driving lessons. When and if I pass my theory and practical, I would like to get my own car. I have a rough idea of which car I would like to get, but have no idea what I can do to get a rough idea on insurance. I've tried looking at a few websites and they're all useless haha. I'd love to have a Peugeot 106. Not the best car I know, but it would be suitable for me. I live in an area with off road parking, so this could possibly bring the insurance down a little. If someone can give a rough quote themselves, it'd be much appreciated and I can begin to plan ahead.""
Washington state car insurance law for drivers and cars?
I currently dont have insurance and i was forced to move back to my parents house and theyre badgering me to get car insurance but i cant afford it right now. if they put insurance on my car under their name, can i drive my car legally? or do they have to put my name on their policy also? im trying to find the cheapest way of getting basic legal insurance since my car is not worth more than 1000 dollars""
Which Car Insurance is better for a teenager in Texas?
I'm 18 years old and trying to look for a cheap car insurance. I am at College seeking a job and the cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month.""
Does anyone know if Nationwide insurance will raise your rates if you have a red car/suv?
I'm looking for a new car and wanted to call them this morning but it's a little late now. Does anyone know if Nationwide insurance will raise your rates if you have a red car/suv?
What is the average cost of sr-22 insurance ??
i need to sr-22 to get my license back after 7 years w/o driving. i lost it in 2001 due to a dui, and haven't driven since. its finally time for me to start my life over, and this is a major step to do it. i learned from the dmv (ca) that i need the sr-22 + insurance, and just a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. i know there are a lot of factors to consider, but just an idea of the cost would be great.""
How much would insurance for a land rover be?
I'm 16 a girl and I have straight a's if that matters. I'm thinking about getting a land rover rl2. How much monthly would everything cost(gas insurance and payment) I live in Southern California btw
Gap insurance on salvaged vehicle?
I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?""
I TRIED TO GET A QUOTE ON ALL STATE BUT the only years i have 2 choose from is 1995 - 2010 so can i get insurance with a regular company or do i need to get classic car insurance
Which Car Insurance Company would be cheaper?
Looks like everything now and days is going up -including car insurance. Does anyone know of any company that has cheap car insurance???? I'm not sure if AAA offers any good deals
Driving without a license and no insurance?
I recently got pulled over in GA im from PA for driving without a license and no insurance on my car and i was sent to jail and i bailed out and i go back to court in April and i was wondering if i should waste my time on actually getting an attorney and what exactly you think they'll do to me. And is there anything i can do to go in there and fix the problem like get my license or will it show up in the DMV that i went to jail for not having one? I figured if i could go get my license and my insurance figured out maybe the charges wouldn't be so harsh. Any ideas?
Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?
1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?""
What insurance companies provide non-owner auto insurance in Ohio?
looking to insure myself for car insurance in columbus ohio but I dont own a car.
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
Will my insurance go up for my speeding ticket?
I just recently got a speeding ticket or doing 46 in a 30. (which wasn't possible) I'm only 16 and it is my first ticket. My parents will kill me when they find out. We have stated arm insurance and only liability on the car but will the insurance go up and/or cause my parents to fin out?
""Health insurance, to see chiropractor help!?""
im trying to find health insurance because i dont qualify for medicare. im currently unemployed and looking for work, and couldnt go to fiu this semester. im 26 years old woman. i hurt my back lifting boxes a few months ago. the pain is horrible some days that i have to stay in bed all day. i need to see a doctor but i dont have money and i am living with my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my zipcode is 33010 what is the cheapest insurance here that would let me see a chiro and get xrays done? the less i would have to pay the better since my financial situation right now is bad.""
Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank?
the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan?
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
How much does a car inspection cost?
I need to get my car inspected (just bought it and I need it for insurance, the car was actually recently inspected by the previous owner). How much does that usually cost? I know a guy who charges $37 is that the going rate?""
If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
Basically what the question says.    I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!
What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?
I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.
Is infinit g35 coupe is a good first car?need ur opinion pl :)?
So I'm 18 and thinkin about buyin a g35 coupe .its goin to be my first car is it a good car for a first time buyer?and I also interested buyin a 2010 Mercedes Benz c-300 with really low millage.i can afford both cars but just can't decide which one./: any suggestion guys?:)
Can I get temporary health care coverage inbetween plans?
I'm switching jobs and have about 30 days where I will have no insurance. What can I do to get my prescriptions covered for that amount of time? I'm looking for something affordable and legit.
Where can I buy affordable car insurance?
I know u can do it in the UK...but can't find any insurance agency in the US to do it.
What does auto insurance deductible mean?
I just bought a new car but the bank that financed the loan is asking for proof of auto insurance on the car with a comprehensive and collision deductible of $1000 maximum. I put AAA insurance on the vehicle and they gave me a $500 deductible on both comprehensive and collision. Do i need the $1000 deductible or am i good with the $500 deductible?
Where's a good place to go if have cavaties and no dental insurance at the moment?
i'm taking a semester off (enrolled in college but not currently attending) and i just graduated h.s. and my dental insurance cut off my moms plan. They discovered 2 cavities and they i'd like to get them taken care of before i go away to college is there anywhere i could go for cheaper or that would accet paymnet plans at a semi-affordable price?
How much of my 18 yr. old son's paycheck should I take from him?
My son got his first job at McDonalds. He is living at home. I want to take a percentage of his pay and put it aside for his car insurance, etc.. I can't see him just blowing his whole paycheck on junk. What percentage do you think is fair?""
Why is my car insurance so high?
why is my car insurance so high my cheapest quote is 4000 on my own i have a 1.1 peugeot 106 im nearly 20 years old and passed my driving test at the end of november 2010
How can I get health insurance?
Hi! So my situation is a little complicated......I am twenty and a full time college student living at home. Both my parents are older and on medicare which does not cover me. I only work part time so I really cant even afford to pay for insurance and my college offers an insurance plan but it's really crappy. I really need to find some type of health insurance that is affordable. Not being able to go to the doctor or dentist is not fun. Any advice please?
Young Drivers Insurance question?
I'm 18 years old and passed my driving test on the 30th September 2010. I don't have a car because I cant afford the insurance. I'm working full time. I found a nice little car, a 2001 RENAULT CLIO, 1.2 16V 3dr Hatchback. I used a price comparison site to get a basic idea of what the insurance would be on it - and using my real own details and it was 5993. So I messed around a bit and added my mum as a second/extra driver. The price crashed down to 3,153. The option to add another driver was still there so I added my dad too and the price is now 2,617 - much more in my price range. I called them in and was like look at this and what do you think and they both agreed that there was something wrong with it and there would be a catch somewhere but I disagree. They said it would affect their own no claims however when added a extra driver no information about an extra driver is there. Are they right that there would be a catch? And can someone give me some more information about this please! Thanks!""
Can I get a car without insurance if I am 16?
So my mom has statefarm but refuses to pay for my insurance if I get a car, I'm 16 and in Colorado, do I need insurance to get a car. This guy across thr street is selling a really cool car cheap and I want to get, would I need insyrance to buy a car and drive it, or cam I get it and avoid accidents.""
Car insurance?
i'm looking for the name if the company that has that commercial where the lady is telling how to save on car insurance, on the back there is a truck, that i believe said HONK if you want to save or something like that, and as she speaks you also hear the cars going by honking. thanks""
Does being a cyclist affect health insurance rates? How so?
A cyclist might be more at risk to injury in accidents because they're on a bicycle instead of inside a car, but cyclists are probably generally healthier.""
What is an insurance program?
I have heard the term, Programs Division, and Programs Underwriter. What exactly are Programs and how do they differ from the regular products an insurance agency offers?""
How much would i save on insurance by taking the motorcycle safety course?
and is their other beneifits to taking the safety course like, getting a discount at the dealer place or something""
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
Will the insurance payment be higher if?
Will the car insurance be higher if theres two drivers instead of 1?
Does California state law not allow insurance companies to increase rates for $750 or less claims?
I heard California Sate law prohibits insurance companies from raising your rates if you have a total accident claim of $750 (not to include deductible amount)? Is this true?
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
What would my car insurance be?
I am a 20 year old male in Upstate NY and ive been driving since last september and i just bought a car (2000 Chevy Impala) and im trying to look for a good car insurer and my parents have state farm. what insurer would be the best and how much would it cost in my situation?
Insurance for my hrse?
does any one no any good horse insurance companys
""I was driving my husbands car, I was not on his insurance yet. A car hit us while sitting at a stop sign?""
I was driving my husbands car, I was not on his insurance yet (married two weeks before). A car hit us while sitting at a stop sign. The at fault driver's insurance company is ...show more""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
Maternity insurance for self employed?
Hi, I am from ca and I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance for self employed family. I am not pregnant but planning on it in the next few months. any ideas?""
If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
Basically what the question says.    I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!
Why did my lawyer tell the car insurance company to pay PIP directly to me when I asked to have my bill paid?
I spoke to my auto insurance company because my lawyer took two months to file my personal injury protection claim. Once, I took action into my own hands then I was assured that the woman handling my case from my car insurance company would see that my PIP paid for my medical expenses because I don't have health insurance. However, another month has passed and I have heard nothing from my lawyer about my case even though I call his office every week. So, today I received a letter in the mail from my lawyer office to my claim insurance person. It has her name on it but my address so I am not sure if it was intentionally sent that way or not. Yet, I read over it and it tells my insurance claim to pay the PIP directly to me and not to the medical company. What do I do about this? Has anyone gone through something similar and can you give me some helpful advice? I don't know if my lawyer is trying to add my PIP with the rest of the money that I will get so he can get a bigger chunk or if he is trying to get my PIP to me instead? I do know that I would like to pay for my medical bills as I am a college student in debt and don't want anymore hassle.""
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
""Car insurance, from provisional to full uk?""
I have recently bought a car (a 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 Collection) & am on a provisional license taking driving lessons atm. Im looking at different car insurance quotes online & am thinking of going with Admiral as it seems like they offer the cheapest car insurance for my situation. As far as I'm aware, I would have to pay approx 1,100 to insurance my car while still on a provisional license, & approx 1,600 with a full uk. (A lot of ppl have said that insurance will be more expensive while on a provisional license but I know for a FACT that it's the other way around seeing as I would have a fully qualified driver with me at all times, meaning that I'm less likely to have an accident!!) Anyway, Because I'm looking at insuring my car for Nov while I still have a provisional license (I'm going to pay it monthly), when I hopefully pass my test at the start of Dec & obviously notify the insurers that I will have passed my test & therefore gotten a full uk license, HOW ON EARTH will that affect my insurance? Any help will be MUCH MUCH appreciated!!...I'm really CONFUSED atm!!!!! :):)""
What are the best and affordable medical insurance companies in Pennsylvania?
Also available in some other states around.
Why do women get lower car insurance rates?
Is this true? Are women's car insurance rates lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html
Looking for health insurance for my parents who were deemed 'high risk' and have been rejected several times.
My dad is self-employed, so no company insurance plan, and my mom does not work. They are both considered 'high risk' because of health problems and having to take several prescription medications. They have been rejected a few times, one was Blue Cross Blue Shield and I don't know the others. I'm very concerned for their health and want to find something to help them. My dad makes enough money to not qualify him for anything for low income families. Does anyone know about any affordable health insurance companies that accept 'high risk' people? Or insurance for the self employed? Thanks!""
Cheap car insurance for me?
Right I'm 22 and at college doing painting and decorating and have A LOT of people wanting things done to there houses but they are too far away and I can't carry a paste tae plus tools on a bus and hawl it everywhere with me all the time so I need to get my *** in gear and get a car. I'm going to be taking lessons in the near future but insurance is obv essential. What would be my best option on cheap... Or cheaper option anyway for my current situation. Keeping in mind would only need a cheap small banger of a car and I'm a student. Any heads up would be great on where to go or best car for me Thanks
Where do you get a semen analysis performed in southern California without insurance? ?
I have looked all over the Internet! !! We live near orange county and la county he has no insurance. Please help! !!
How much is my insurance going to go up?
I messed up, and rear ended a car. The cop said that while it was my fault, and I admitted that, it's largely because of the crazy intersection. Anyways, my car doesn't have a scratch but the other car's bumper completely fell off (It was a cheap car, so I'd estimate the damages at about $500 at the MOST. If that effects anything). No one was hurt either. I'm insured by AAA, but I'm a 17 year old so I know it looks bad. I've never gotten in an accident before, and I've been driving for almost two years. How much can I expect it to go up? ANY general idea would be nice. Thanks!""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
Is insurance cheap for a 2007 Honda CBR125?
I live in Vancouver, Canada if that helps. I'm a new motorcycle driver. 17 years old. What could I expect to pay for insurance?""
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
NCAP rating effect on car insurance.?
I'm looking to buy a car and noticed that some of the models I favour, such as Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have not been crash tested by NCAP. Does a car which has not been crash tested by NCAP necessarily attract higher insurance premiums?""
""Why is it cheaper to add another person to your car insurance, shouldn't it cost more?""
I am going to add my boyfriend to my car insurance and it is going to be cheaper, (not that I am complaining any) but wouldn't it make sense to charge more? So why is it cheaper to add another person to car insurance.""
Is it true that if some one borrows your car and they don't have their own insurance they are uninsured?
If they don't have their own car and insurance and you just have basic liability are they driving uninsured and could get fined if pulled over. Please advise
Non Owners Auto Insurance?
Hello, I'm 18 and I just got my license and I am buying my first car soon. I wanted to know if it's possible if my grandmother could register my car and have the car in her own name, and I buy Non Owners Auto Insurance to cover me while driving? Is this a bad idea, because it seems as though it would be much cheaper for me? Please let me know thanks!""
Question about my car insurance?
My current insurance is with state farm; just a question; if i got hit by someone without car insurance and is their fault; they dont have any money to pay for my damage; since i dont have the uninsure motor coverage but i have collision with deductible of 500 dollar; would my collision cover me after i pay the 500 dollar? i guess my real question is what is the point of having uninsure motor coverage when i have collision coverage? would i need both? or just collision would be sufficient?
Need help with car insurance. ?
Im 16 and got my first car, i have been looking for a place to get cheap car insurance .... please tell me some good places to get the absolute cheapest car insurance.""
Car Insurance Temporary Additional Driver???
I already have a car insurance policy with Churchill. I am doing a very long journey this weekend and want to Insure my boyfriend for 3 days to help me with the drive. Is it possible to put someone on an existing policy for 3 days?? I take it there would be a cost involved.
""I want to trade my car in. I have no GAP Insurance, where can I get it?
I got a used 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT rom Drivetime (rip off) in March of this year. I knew nothing about financing a car or anything. Now I want to trade the car in at a new lot for a ...show more
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?
Basically what the question says.    I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!
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