#nurse uniform in dubai
klothonworkwear · 2 years
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gotshirtsae · 8 months
Gotshirts - #1 Uniform Manufacturer in UAE
Perfect Dresses for your BRAND Corporate Uniform Manufacturer & Supplier in UAE West Bengal. We Offer a wide range of uniforms for all industries, including healthcare, hospitality, corporate, education and more.
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linkwell-uniforms · 11 months
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gotshirtsuae · 4 months
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We specialize as hospital uniform manufacturer in Dubai. Our ample range includes different kinds of hospital uniforms. Contact us today for details.
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uniformhub · 4 months
Nursing Professional Attire: a Guide to The Uniform Policy
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Medical uniforms and attire hold immense significance within the healthcare sector, serving as a symbolic representation of professionalism and expertise. The ubiquitous white and blue ensemble, often associated with doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel, not only sets a standard but also plays a crucial role in safeguarding against contaminants while ensuring comfort throughout demanding work hours.
Whether it's a traditional lab coat or modern scrubs, medical uniforms are designed to provide satisfaction and ease to healthcare professionals during their interactions with patients, including those who may be affected by various conditions. These uniforms serve as a protective barrier, preventing contaminants from entering the body and facilitating a conducive working environment.
Given the critical role of medical uniforms in healthcare settings, it's imperative for employees to adhere to dress codes and standards. As a leading uniform supplier in the UAE, we take pride in offering high-quality medical uniforms in Dubai, ensuring that healthcare professionals experience exceptional comfort and functionality while carrying out their duties.
For nurses, in particular, adhering to a professional dress code is essential. Here are some valuable tips to consider:
Prioritize Comfort: Opt for medical attire that allows for ease of movement and breathability, ensuring comfort during long shifts and various tasks.
Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly launder and maintain your uniforms to uphold hygiene standards and prevent the spread of infections within healthcare facilities.
Adhere to Dress Codes: Familiarize yourself with your organization's dress code policies and guidelines, ensuring compliance with color schemes, uniform styles, and any specific requirements.
Consider Functionality: Choose uniforms with functional features such as pockets for storing essential tools and accessories, aiding in efficiency and convenience during patient care.
Embrace Professionalism: Your attire reflects your professionalism and dedication to patient care. Wear your uniform with pride, demonstrating your commitment to upholding the highest standards of healthcare.
By following these tips and selecting high-quality medical uniforms, healthcare professionals can enhance their professional image while prioritizing comfort and safety in the workplace.
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indiatodubai · 5 months
Understanding UAE Visa Photo Requirements
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Applying for a visa to visit or reside in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) requires submitting specific documentation, including providing proper visa photos. Selecting suitable photos that meet all the requirements set forth by UAE government authorities can streamline the application process and prevent delays or rejections. Understanding the UAE visa photo requirements are for your visa situation is key to a smooth application process.
UAE Visa Photo Basics
In general, all UAE visa photos should adhere to international passport photo standards. They should be:
In color
Printed on high quality photo paper
Taken against a plain white or off-white background with no shadows
Show a neutral facial expression (no smiling or frowning)
Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
Photos should be 45mm x 35mm without a border and the head should be between 30 - 36mm from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. Glasses, hats, and head coverings are not allowed unless it’s for medical or religious reasons. Even then, facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown.
People who apply for Dubai visa online need to provide photos that clearly identify them. Blurry, grainy or low-quality photos may be rejected along with an application, even if other submitted documents are approved. Using photos with shadows, busy backgrounds or showing expressions also commonly causes delays or rejections. Carefully checking photos before submitting can prevent issues.
Specific Visa Type Requirements
Beyond the general standards, some UAE visa categories have additional photo specifications:
·       Employment Visas
Work permit applicants must wear professional attire in their visa photos. For men, a suit and tie or national dress is required. Women should wear business dress such as a suit jacket or dress shirt. Casual clothing like t-shirts are not permitted.
·       Business/Investor Visas
Men applying for business or investment visas should wear a suit and tie. Women applicants can wear conservative business attire. The key is looking professional rather than casual. A solid background is best for investor photos.
·       Family/Relative Visas
Nothing extra beyond the standard photo requirements mentioned above typically applies to family or relative visa applicants. However, conservative dress reflecting local cultural norms can prevent any issues.
·       Student Visas
Most universities and schools in the UAE do not require student visa applicants to wear uniforms in their visa photos. As long as clothing meets general standards it should be acceptable. However, some institutions may specify dress code policies.
·       Medical Visas
Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals seeking permission to practice in the UAE should wear formal medical attire in their visa photos. A doctor would wear a medical coat and scrubs, for example. This verifies medical credentials.
·       Diplomatic Visas
Formal wear is required for anyone applying for a diplomatic visa such as ambassadors, dignitaries and embassy staff. Suit and tie for men and equivalent dress for women.
·       Tourist Visas
Casual clothing is fine for standard tourist visa photos for the UAE. Just avoid beachwear or revealing outfits. Stick to general standards.
·       Residency Visas
Standard photo requirements apply for residency visa applicants in the UAE with no special dress code in most cases. For the photo to be approved, make sure to meet the head size, facial feature visibility and print quality specifications mentioned earlier.
How to Meet UAE Visa Photo Requirements
Taking your own visa photos that check all the boxes for UAE immigration authorities is completely feasible with some preparation:
Supplies Needed
Digital camera or current smartphone
Plain white background (poster board works)
Neutral lighting & tripod (no shadows or red eye)
Photo editing software to resize if needed
Tips for Taking Qualifying Photos
Use 2x the megapixels required for crisp images
Take head & shoulders straight on with neutral face
Check lighting doesn’t cast shadows on face or background
Resize to standard 45mm x 35 mm as needed
Print on quality glossy photo paper at 600+ dpi resolution
Getting photos from a passport service can also ensure they meet specifications. When taking your own, review UAE photo standards closely to avoid rejections that delay visa processing. Carrying extra sets can allow immediately addressing any issues if they do arise.
With attention to photo particulars and dressing appropriately for your visa type where specified, you can submit documentation confident it will satisfy UAE requirements. This prevents time-consuming application issues as you prepare to visit or relocate to the area. Understanding and carefully following UAE guidelines is key.
Final Words
The United Arab Emirates sets defined visa photo standards all applicants must meet for approval. While general specifications apply to all visas in areas like print quality and head size, some categories also mandate dress code policies. Knowing exactly what the requirements are based on your visa reason and purpose allows submitting photos that adhere to regulations. Carefully checking photos match specifications before applying helps smooth and speed up the UAE immigration process. Submitting documentation that ticks all the boxes demonstrates respect for protocols and should lead to efficient processing without rejections or delays.
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thoughtfulenemyking · 9 months
La Suma: Elevating Healthcare with Quality Hospital Uniforms in Dubai
Dubai, a city known for its innovation, modernity, and world-class healthcare facilities, is home to a diverse and dynamic healthcare workforce. In this thriving healthcare environment, the significance of hospital uniforms cannot be overstated. These uniforms not only contribute to a professional and hygienic environment but also enhance the identity and branding of healthcare institutions. La Suma, a reputable supplier of hospital uniforms in Dubai, has been at the forefront of providing high-quality uniforms tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare sector. In this article, we delve into the world of La Suma, exploring their commitment to quality, the importance of hospital uniforms, and how they are making a difference in Dubai's healthcare industry.
The Importance of Hospital Uniforms
Hospital uniforms play a crucial role in the healthcare sector, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. These uniforms are specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of healthcare professionals and contribute to the overall efficiency and hygiene of medical facilities.
Professionalism: Hospital uniforms create a professional and organized appearance, instilling confidence in patients and fostering trust in healthcare providers.
Infection Control: Uniforms are made from materials that are easy to clean and disinfect, reducing the risk of infection transmission within healthcare settings.
Identification: Uniforms help distinguish between various healthcare roles and hierarchies, making it easier for patients to identify and interact with different staff members.
Hygiene: Hospital uniforms are designed to minimize contamination and ensure that healthcare professionals maintain a high level of cleanliness throughout their shifts.
Comfort and Mobility: Quality uniforms are designed for comfort and ease of movement, allowing healthcare professionals to perform their duties efficiently.
La Suma: A Trusted Name in Hospital Uniforms
La Suma has established itself as a trusted and reputable supplier of hospital uniforms in Dubai, serving the diverse needs of the city's healthcare institutions. What sets La Suma apart in the competitive world of uniform supply are their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Here's why La Suma has become the preferred choice for hospital uniforms in Dubai:
Quality Materials: La Suma understands the importance of durable and comfortable fabrics in hospital uniforms. They source high-quality materials that meet the stringent standards of the healthcare industry.
Customization: Recognizing that different healthcare institutions have unique uniform requirements, La Suma offers customization options. They work closely with clients to design uniforms that align with their branding and specific needs.
Variety: La Suma provides a wide range of hospital uniform options, from scrubs and lab coats to nurse dresses and surgeon gowns, ensuring that they cater to all medical specialties.
Innovation: La Suma stays at the forefront of uniform design trends and technological advancements. They constantly innovate to offer uniforms that are not only functional but also stylish.
Prompt Delivery: Timeliness is crucial in the healthcare sector. La Suma is known for its reliable and prompt delivery services, ensuring that healthcare professionals have access to their uniforms when needed.
Sustainability: In an era where sustainability is paramount, La Suma incorporates eco-friendly practices and materials into their uniform production, aligning with global concerns for the environment.
The Impact of Hospital Uniforms
Hospital uniforms have a significant impact on healthcare facilities and the professionals who wear them. Here's how the right uniforms can contribute to the success of Dubai's healthcare industry:
Branding: Uniforms serve as a branding tool, helping healthcare institutions establish a strong and recognizable identity. A well-designed uniform can create a lasting impression on patients and visitors.
Infection Control: Hospital uniforms designed with infection control in mind can contribute to reducing the spread of infections within healthcare settings, safeguarding both patients and staff.
Efficiency: Comfortable and functional uniforms enhance the efficiency and productivity of healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on patient care.
Professionalism: The appearance of healthcare professionals in well-maintained and standardized uniforms reinforces professionalism and trust, improving the overall patient experience.
Safety: Specialized uniforms, such as surgical gowns and lab coats, are essential for the safety of healthcare workers during medical procedures.
Designing for Dubai's Healthcare Sector
Dubai's healthcare sector is known for its world-class facilities, cutting-edge technology, and international standards of care. La Suma recognizes the unique demands of this sector and designs uniforms that cater to the specific needs of Dubai's healthcare professionals.
Scrubs for Clinicians: La Suma offers a range of scrubs for clinicians and nurses, designed for comfort, ease of movement, and cleanliness. These scrubs are available in various colors and styles to suit different hospital departments.
Lab Coats for Researchers: In research and laboratory settings, lab coats are essential for safety and professionalism. La Suma provides lab coats that meet safety standards and can be customized with hospital logos and staff names.
Surgeon Gowns: Surgical teams require specialized attire to maintain a sterile environment. La Suma offers surgeon gowns that adhere to strict hygiene and safety standards.
Nurse Dresses: Nursing staff play a critical role in patient care. La Suma's nurse dresses combine style with functionality, ensuring that nurses are comfortable and professional in their roles.
Patient Gowns: Comfortable and dignified patient gowns are essential for enhancing the patient experience. La Suma offers patient gowns designed for easy wear and access by healthcare providers.
In Dubai's thriving healthcare landscape, where professionalism, hygiene, and efficiency are paramount, La Suma has emerged as a trusted partner in providing quality hospital uniforms. Their commitment to quality, customization, and sustainability aligns perfectly with the demands of the healthcare sector in Dubai.
As Dubai continues to lead the way in healthcare innovation and excellence, La Suma's dedication to providing high-quality and functional hospital uniforms will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success of the city's healthcare institutions. With La Suma, healthcare professionals in Dubai are not just wearing uniforms; they are wearing a symbol of quality, professionalism, and care.
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workliteunifoms · 1 year
"The Significance of a Professional Look in Establishing Confidence and Assurance."
Patients who visit a hospital or healthcare facility expect high-quality care and attention from knowledgeable and professional medical staff. Therefore, the appearance of hospital staff, including their Hospital Uniforms Dubai, can play a significant role in creating a positive first impression and building patient trust and confidence.
It helps establish credibility.
A professional and cohesive appearance among hospital staff helps establish credibility and competence in patients; eyes. For example, when staff members wear clean, well-fitting uniforms, patients are more likely to perceive them as knowledgeable, trustworthy, and capable of providing quality care.
It helps build a sense of consistency and harmony.
In addition, uniforms help to create a sense of consistency and unity among hospital staff. Patients are more likely to feel at ease when they see a team of professionals wearing the same attire. It provides them with a sense of safety and confidence that they are being taken care of by a team that is working together towards a common goal.
It contributes to patient safety.
Properly designed and fitted uniforms can also contribute to patient safety. For example, hospital uniforms made of breathable, moisture-wicking fabric can help prevent the spreading of infections and illness. Additionally, correctly fitted uniforms free of dangling accessories can minimize the chance of accidents and injuries during patient care.
It helps reflects the values and identity.
Hospitals and healthcare facilities need to choose functional and aesthetically pleasing uniforms. The color, design, and style of hospital uniforms should be carefully considered to create a cohesive and professional appearance that reflects the values and identity of the healthcare organization.
How can Worklite Professional Uniforms Help with Hospital Uniforms?
Worklite Professional Uniforms can help with hospital uniforms in several ways. Firstly, the uniforms are designed specifically for the healthcare industry and are made from high-quality materials that are comfortable and durable, which is essential for healthcare professionals who work long hours in demanding environments.
Additionally, the uniforms are designed to meet hygiene standards and are easy to clean, helping to reduce the spread of infections in hospitals. Worklite Professional Uniforms also offers a wide range of styles and sizes to suit different healthcare roles, from doctors and nurses to technicians and support staff, ensuring that everyone in the hospital can look professional and presentable.
Therefore, hospital uniforms play a vital role in building patient trust and confidence. Partner with a Uniform Manufacturer in Dubai, like Worklite Professional Uniforms, and receive the highest-quality uniforms! Contact us for more information today.
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workliteuniforms99 · 2 years
uniform suppliers dubai
Worklite is one of the best uniform suppliers dubai. We provide uniforms for schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, corporates, government bodies, etc. Our Company have a wide range of products like School Uniforms, Corporate Uniforms, Hospital Uniforms, Sports Uniforms, Nursing Uniforms, Military Uniforms, Police Uniforms, Fireman Uniforms, etc. if you want any uniform then contact us For more information visit our website.
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gravityuniforms · 5 years
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🌐 www.gravityuniforms.com 📌 https://lnkd.in/f4WKaFT 👇 Top Quality Uniforms Services in UAE for all your needs in 1 place. (FREE 5 services are waiting for you .. Call NOW to discover that famous opportunity) 🥇 📲 Call Now or WhatsApp Saad Zoubi @ 0527779695 for any inquiries. #myuae #burjkhalifa #uniforms #uniform #burjalarab #mydubai #dubai #dxb #abudhabi #rak #rasalkhaimah #mydubai #sharjah #ajman #gravityuniforms #jumeirah #dubaistyle #nurses #dubaimall #rasalkhaima #scrubs #doctors #labcoat #unitedarabemirates #يونيفورم #عجمان #دبي #راس_الخيمه #سكراب #مستشفى #ممرضات (at Dubai Healthcare City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzVDf6FJHcr/?igshid=1r3xrnugnrqjq
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sleepysera · 2 years
1.16.22 Headlines
Canada & The US: Millions under weather alerts as major winter storm hits US and Canada (BBC)
“A winter storm is bringing heavy snow and ice to parts of the US and Canada, with millions under weather warnings. Thousands of flights have been cancelled, and power cuts have been reported in some south-eastern states. Virginia, Georgia, and North and South Carolina declared states of emergency. The US National Weather Service (NWS) said the storm would hit much of the eastern third of the country over the next two days, with more than 1ft (30cm) of snow expected in some areas. The huge storm system is approaching the eastern US from the Midwest.”
Tonga: Ash-covered Tonga is like a moonscape (BBC)
“A massive volcanic eruption in Tonga that triggered tsunami waves has smothered the Pacific islands in ash, cut power and severed communications. Up to 80,000 people there could be affected, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) told the BBC. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the tsunami had wreaked "significant damage", washing boats ashore and battering beachside shops. No deaths have been reported so far.”
Australia: Djokovic deported for being unvaccinated (AP)
“Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia on Sunday after losing a bid to stay in the country to defend his Australian Open title despite not being vaccinated against COVID-19. A masked Djokovic was photographed in a Melbourne airport lounge with two government officials in black uniforms before he left for Dubai. It’s not clear where he will go from there.“
Covid: Deaths and cases are rising again at US nursing homes (AP)
“COVID-19 infections are soaring again at U.S. nursing homes because of the omicron wave, and deaths are climbing too, leading to new restrictions on family visits and a renewed push to get more residents and staff members vaccinated and boosted. Nursing homes were the lethal epicenter of the pandemic early on, before the vaccine allowed many of them to reopen to visitors last year. But the wildly contagious variant has dealt them a setback.”
Synagogue Hostage Standoff: British man identified as hostage-taker at Texas synagogue (AP)
“Authorities on Sunday identified a 44-year-old British national as the man who took four people hostage at a Texas synagogue for 10 hours before an FBI SWAT team stormed the building, ending a tense standoff that President Joe Biden called “an act of terror.” Malik Faisal Akram was shot and killed after the last of the hostages got out at around 9 p.m. Saturday at Congregation Beth Israel near Fort Worth. In a statement, the FBI said there was no indication that anyone else was involved, but it didn’t provide a possible motive.”
Economy: Thieves in LA are looting freight trains filled with packages from UPS, FedEx and Amazon (CNN)
“Photos and videos showing piles of empty boxes littered alongside rail tracks in Los Angeles County, California have gone viral as shipping companies say they've seen a dramatic spike in railroad theft. Some of the boxes are packages from companies like UPS, Amazon and FedEx. Union Pacific, one of the country's largest railroad companies, says it may avoid operating in Los Angeles County following the spike in thefts, which it blames on lax prosecution of crimes. The containers and trains are locked, but can be broken into.”
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“Dress well, look well, work Really well” Well you’ll feel comfortable definitely you’ll deliver really great work Our standards are non compromising ever. We believe to deliver the best and rewards are your admiration. Thank you very much for your trust on us. 042399161 [email protected] #uniform #quality #standards #designer #style #class #colors🎨 #fabric #dubai #abudhabi #uae #hotels #restaurant #hotel #spa #gym #salon #hospitality #school #hostel #nursery #collage #healthcare #clinic #hospital #sports #security #airlines #corporate #nurse #doctor #manager (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGz2B3h3_e/?igshid=1cx42k3x3bvxr
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itsmeghourry-blog · 5 years
"MOTHER" Emma - mother Richard - eldest son Nyles - youngest son Marian - only daughter Ben - father Stella- BFF of Emma Marjorie- BFF of Emma Rona - Richard's Girlfriend Emma is a caring and loving mother and a responsible wife that is willing to commit sacrifices for the sake of goodness for her family. She is a middle aged woman and have three children. The oldest is her son Richard who is a college student. Next is her daughter Marian who is a high school student and the youngest is her son Nyles who is in grade school. One day, Emma and talked about going abroad to sustain their daily needs. Ben volunteered to be the one to go because it is his duty as the father of the family. After a week, he suddenly come back to Philippines because he can't bare to be far away from his family. Now, their family suffering in the bitterness of life in which they don't have enough supply of foods to the point they sold almost all of the things in their house. In a reason of Emma not wanting her children to experience this kind of situation, she planned to go out of the country to find job that will provide the needs of the family. Emma's life in Dubai was never been easy. She encounters new people everyday, new life, new surroundings, new adjustments. Unluckily, Emma put in a cruel and abusive master. She endure everything that happened in her life in Dubai. She was not feed by food, the laws are put into their hands and lock her up in a room so she won't run away. For assurance, they took Emma's phone and passport. Months passed by, Emma received a letter from the Philippines stating that her husband Ben had died by a heart attack. She wanted to return to the Philippines and asking her boss to allow her but the boss refuses. However, she cried a lot and can't help her self from stoping it. Later on, Emma's contract was already done and seem so excited to go home. She packed all of her stuffs and when she already arrive, she can't believe. After all of her sacrifices and all she have done, still this happen. Later that night, Richard arrives and gives his mom an icy stare. Next day, Emma had prepare for their breakfast but when she invited Richard to come, he just ignored it. Afterwards, Richard wears an school uniform and recognize by her mother that he will go to school. Without knowing his mom, it is not his attention in going to school but rather he tends to go in a lodging house wherein he is having a secual inyercourse in every girl he will meet. The money gave by her mother was spend in cigarette, alcoholic beverages, and specially for drugs. But Emma knows nothing about this. He used to smoke, to drink liquors and used drugs because of the painful heartache he will never forget. The other day, when Emma was about to go Richard's room to get the unwash clothes, she found out a girl who slept in her son's room and Emma was deeply offended. The girl was Rona which been Richard's secret admirer for almost 8years. Rona became honest to their relationship and faithful to her boyfriend while Richard became desperate to broke other girl's heart and virginity. When Rina was about to go home, Emma stop her and inviting her to eat lunch. They both talked a lot of things. They became close to each other until such time came, Emma already accept Rona as part of their family. Then, Emma announces that she is home for good and won't be returning to Dubai. She is planning to have bussiness together with her best friend Stela and Marjorie. Before they've gone to Dubai, they plan to have business in which fail to operate. Her best friend Stela was bankrupt and loses her money that is supposedly to be loan for their business. Also, Marjorie were going to back out because they will live now in Hongkong with her new fiancé and they'll going to use the money for the constructing of their house there. Emma don't know what to do that time. Richard now embarks on a mission of going out his way to piss off her mom. Richard decides to run away from home. He hooks up with a bad gang of drug users. He love with his girlfriend (he just met) in a low-class apartment. Next day, Marian went to school and she was called by her adviser. The adviser keep reminding her about her failing grade and the adviser wanted to talk with her mother. Knowing her mom carries a lot of problems, so, she keep this as a secret. On the other hand, Emma eventually tracks down Richard and enters the apartment wherein they are on the process of using drugs. Emma tries to force her son to come home but she fail. It seems Emma can't get any respect from her children. She plan to go back in Dubai since she can't control her children. Next day, Emma and Stela meet at the fast food chain in a mall. While waiting for the orders, Emma ask her self if she had been a good mother to her children. Why her children became like this. She cries a lot and shared her emotions towards Stella all throughout her journey in life. Later on, somebody calling to Emma's phone. A girl nurse and been said that her son ran through to a hospital. He was admit because of the car accident. Then, Emma immediately go to the stated hospital and discover her son in unconscious state and she fall asleep. When sun arises, Richard awake as well as his mom. He don't want help, he don't want Emma, he don't want any body. Richard walk out of the hospital and no one stop him. Later on, Marian confront her mother even she knows that it is not the right time to confess, but Emma deserves to know the truth. She have a failing grade and her scholarship has been revoked. Emma must now pay over a large tuition bill to keep her in school I'm which causes a big barrier in her business. On the same day, when Emma got home, the youngest son Nyles plays a trick on his mom in which she invite Emma to eat a meal cooked by him only to find out there is a live worm on the plate. When Emma's reaction get interest to laugh to, Nyles laugh out loud. She scolded her son but Nyles' laughing still. Her son explain that "a mother who get mad at you because you have done wrong and keep you scolded is a truly and loving mother". Tomorrow evening, Richard flash on a latest news that he was caught by the police of being involve of using illegal drugs. At the moment, Richard plan how to get out of the jail because if he cannot leave that place, he will stay there forever. So, by the time when the police get tired and sleep, he tends to get the key in able for him to get away. Richard finally got away and her mother seeing himbrunning away from the place. Emma force Richard to stop and Richard still running. The bell rang and the policeman starts to find Richard. They both caught by the police and Richard get back in the jail. Her mother wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him but Richard want nothing but just to leave him and don't show her self ever again. Emma never give up and find ways how to save Richard's case. She went to her relatives to borrow some money, she do any job in any work she get into and come to the point she sell plenty of her expensive accessories just to find way Richard out of the jail. Her son finally back in their house but still he don't want Emma and he really wanted her out of his sight or let her mother going back to Dubai perhaps and not coming back anymore. Emma make appointment with her best friends before Marjorie will go to Hong Kong. It was the day of Marjorie's bespideda, so they held it their appointment on the same day. As the small gathering starts, Marjorie give a lovely message to her two best friend who became part of her journey in Dubai and she will not forget them. By the time that they are in the dining desk, the three best friend starts to flow their tears out from the eyes and keep laughing and smiling. But when the time they cry again, Emma starts to show her true emotions and feelings regarding with her three children. Myles became so tricky and lazy. Marian became dishonest and Richards became si disrespectful. Emma cried a lot and she she don't wan thee children became like this because this is not the dream she wish for them. She cried over and over again to think that her tears might be full-fill a one glass. After the party, she come home and sleep right away in the bed. Tomorrow morning, Emma prepare a breakfast and call her three children to come but only Richard who did not. Later on, Emma enters Richard's room unknowingly know that she brought a girl in his room and the girl was pregnant but it is accidentally happened. The girl was crying and finding her way out of the house. Emma shocked about the unexpected revelation. She ask her son why he is doing this. Why he is like that. The only thing that Richard want is to get back his mother to abroad and never come back again. Besides it is the only thing her mother know is to take good care the other children and even she might be far away from her own children. Emma explain that it is really her attention in going abroad just to take care other children and to be far away from them even though it is really so hard for her, still she needs to because she is thinking what is right for them for their future. It is only now that Emma reveals how horrible her life in Dubai is. She works as domestic helper for a wealthy Chinese family. She cleans house, works for the family and take care for the infant son of the Chinese parents. The Chinese family treats Emma as they would have a family pet. Many of foods she sacrifices not to eat for the sake of the money to be deliver for them to have foods to be eat. Emma hoping with the good status of life for her family after all, she didn't wish to have tgsi kind of situation too. But Emma never understand Richard's reason why he became like that. Why back year 2010, Emma calling Richard for his birthday but just when Richard picks up the phone the Chinese arrives home and Emma hangs up immediately in a reason of doesn't want to into trouble for long distance call. Another, Emma failed to return to attend the funeral of the husband Ben but Emma has a good reason. Richard imagines that his mother intended not to return for the funeral out of spite. That's how Richard's interpretation of "the painful heartache he will never forget" was he thinks her mother has no care for them that she only thinks herself for her own goodness. Buckets of tears are shed in the both of them. Then, Richard does abrupt about-face and begins to appreciate his mother. They forgive each other and forget what has happened. Emma now finding her way to go back abroad and start her new journey. #CreativeWriting #ShortStory
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linkwell-uniforms · 11 months
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apparelpoint · 2 years
Best Medical Uniforms in Dubai
We carry a wide assortment of Medical Uniforms in Dubai with the widest possible range on any other store. We are also a master distributor of medical wear like: medical scrubs, nursing shoes, lab coats and many more.
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