imkindanerdy · 2 months
So I think CDC ended up being the one to diagnose some of the og13 states with ptsd. Like they'd be in for a checkup, and they'd mention one symptom or another to him.
Over the years, though, CDC starts to notice that "hey, these states are showing signs of ptsd" and starts asking more direct questions.
He refers them to a therapist, and some are more receptive to it than others.
(I'm also gonna be working on a fanfic that's based around this, just wanted to talk about the headcanon lol)
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 4 months
Can I please put in a request for fluffy OG 13 hc? Featuring France because he (they? She? Idk) helped them out?
EEEEEEE SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS DOING A LOTTA STUFF- but yes I do have some fluffy OG13 hc’s :D
Del is the oldest and I’m lowkey really tempted to make NY the youngest cuz he just gives that vibe.
They all protect each other and are basically like one big family
You mess with one of them, you sic the other twelve on urself. 0/10, don’t recommend.
NY is cat, and Rhode is the feral raccoon. Every single OG13 member has a spray bottle for the both of them.
The NE members of the OG13 cuddle with the southern members if it’s cold
Something that happens a lot is: NY getting chased by one of the NE and hiding behind one of the southern members for protection (usually Georgia or Virginia cuz whoever he’s being chased by doesn’t want to pick a fight with either of those two).
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kyistell · 2 months
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Wow me, drawing Jersey? Craazzzyyyyy
Anyway, I had an original design for this type of look on the Ipad, ended up not looking at it once since I apparently have memory. Kinda glad I didn't since I could go just by memory and figure it out as I went along ya know. (ps, for those who don't normally read tags just like, please do, i put so many lil things in there lolz)
Okay SO, I have this lil headcanon, nothin big, that Jersey didn't used to wear shorts until like 2000 or something, maybe a bit before then. This is because he has some scars on his legs, just from over the years, and wearing shorts not only shows those but also make it easier for him to get scrapes and such.
He was fine wearing shorts around NY, Del, and Rhode, occasionally Mass as well if he happened to be around at the time. He couldn't wear them around anyone else for a long time, some scars had Memories(tm) attached to them, some good most bad, so he just never wore shorts.
He's gotten a lot more comfortable wearing them around the other states over the years, mainly because of Covid where Mass unfortunately wouldn't let him keep wearing the same two pairs of pants. So he's fine now, if still a lil uncomfortable around some states (the west mainly), you just won't see him wearing them until it's the first day over 60 in state.
Anyway I love NJ but this isn't surprising, I live here. I am NOT a simp for this bitch, he's my state, I have to like him, 'sides who else would I attach to? Pennsylvania? Florida? Or god forbid NEW YORK!? Absolutely not, that's sacrilegious that is.
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Heeelloo guyss I'm baaackkkk, pretend I wasn't gone all this time and take this headcannon from me now it's OG13 (and a few of the other older ones) angst -
BTW I suppose some of the topics in this - like references to abuse and eating disorders or food issues - could be triggering for some people so I'll just mention that over here itself just to let you leave if you don't want to continue reading [also let me know if there's anything else you want me to add to this list]
Okay, now that you're here, it's picture time!
(Pic is about the largest states by size from over here : https://www.worldatlas.com/geography/us-states-by-size.html)
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In the top 10 smallest states, 7 of them were from the original 13 colonies. (And amongst these 10 was West Virginia). And if we take the 17 smallest, it's mostly either one of the og13, or one of the states that came from them - like Maine or Kentucky or even WV.
So I already have a hc that their heights are a representative of their land area, and based on this, what if the reason [most] the original 13 states are so short is because those who took care of them when they were younger (like England or the Netherlands when they were still colonies) either neglected feeding them while they were still growing or starved them on purpose as a punishment?
Take for example, Rhode Island (the shortest) and Massachusetts. Both were very rebellious back in the day, right? And they're also amongst the smallest ones in size.
England knew that while personifications might not need to eat as much as humans, and would not suffer death by starvation like their fellow mortals might; they still did need food, especially while they were younger - and it was easier to make them obedient to him if they were too weak to be otherwise. So what was the best way for him to make them unable to fight him back, as well as to teach them a lesson? By withdrawing their food. He wouldn't allow them to eat, and he'd just keep them locked up in a room with a strong, unbreakable door and no windows for long periods of time - till he decided he needed them for something. They would always be exhausted and too tired to challenge him for quite a while after that, so he was fully aware his plan worked.
This went on for ages until they managed to escape his hold and he could no longer stop them from rebelling; but by then the damage had been done to them (another hc - they can grow until they achieve statehood) and since they'd been malnourished for frequent bouts of time for so long, they hadn't been able to grow to the heights they should have actually been able to reach [like for example they could have ideally gained at least a few more centimetres based on how big their land was but thanks to England stunting their growth on purpose, they couldn't], hence now they're just shorter than all the other states that came after them.
States like Maine and Kentucky are only smaller since they came from the OG 13, meaning that for them, it's naturally based on the size of their area anyway. But they did manage to achieve their potential heights (like the maximum they could obtain) and weren't a bit shorter than what they should be. Moreover, Maine is taller than Mass for this very reason.
That's sort of why food isn't a priority for them...since they didn’t always get it even if it was there. I'd discussed this headcannon with @imkindanerdy as well so based on what she added about these states being very careful about food now; I feel like they would often just have something hidden in their rooms like packaged food, stuff that's easy to open or won't be missed, stuff that doesn't have a very obvious smell, things which don't expire easily, etc. - even if they don't always eat it. Many a times they will forget that they kept food deep inside their wardrobe or under their bed (since food is rarely ever on their minds), and it'll go bad; which makes them feel terrible but this is a habit they can't stop since not having something to hold on to should there ever be a time when they don't have food makes them highly anxious, and the thing is that they keep saving it for 'in case of an emergency, yet those emergencies never come. It's hard for them to relax if they don't know that there's always something to eat nearby, despite hardly ever actually eating it. It was ages before some of them stopped taking food from the dinner table and hiding it in their sleeves for later.
Some states that know what they went through, like VT, ME, or KY, often purposefully buy a ton of small pieces of packaged food so that these states can sometimes take a few and 'sneak' it to their rooms because that's better than them not eating anything at all on the days they're too scared and stuck thinking about the past to come down for a meal. Furthermore, this is how the eating disorders faced by some of the western states really affected them all a lot, which is also why they helped the west to a great extent during those times too.
Also, the fact that this wasn't at all in their hands, and the reason they're so small is because of England definitely isn't helped by the fact that the other states tease them a lot for their heights; but in typical NE fashion, the northeastern states just curse them out and do their best to ignore them, while the states in the South usually resort to replying with any and all of the southern insults they have accumulated over the years.
They all do their best to shrug it off, but that doesn't stop them from being hurt by this though, particularly on the days when the jokes hit them one after the other with all the force of the unaware states. Heck in fact, I'm willing to bet that after the Rhode Island Joins the Table meeting was one of the few rare times that Rhode Island was actually unable to even pretend to not cry - as is common of the Northeast states - since a bunch of such comments at once affected him so badly he just couldn't keep it in anymore and broke down once he was in his own room. Because it's not his fault he's so short he needs a booster seat. Because had England allowed him to eat just a bit more, he wouldn't need a step-stool to see over the kitchen counter. Despite this though, he just tends to use the fact that the other states remark on his height as an excuse to fight them, because that's the RI spirit in him.
Also, he freely uses his size to exploit the kids under 12 eat free option since they all always fake their ages whenever they need to make a new identity card [this is a hc that I'll talk about another day]. But only him. No one else gets to do this for him. One of the more miser states tried that once, and all he got was the living daylights beaten out of him plus a bigger check than what he would have had to pay if Rhodey just ate as an adult.
Anyway that's all I can think of right now, this came to me long back, I just finally got the inspiration to write it; since the fact that I already had this down in a bunch of messages made it easier to do. I can't promise I'll be active frequently again, but wttt hcs fill my brain whenever it's not busy being against me so er...yeah. Anyway, add on if you have anything more.
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theywhoshantbenamed · 2 months
Mass is OG13 moron and Cali is new school moron and New York loves them
Mass starts fights for fun and California tries to stop it from happening then the guy Mass is fighting says something mean to mass and Cali turns on him immediately
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stawpny · 2 months
Hello mein friend! I know that you mainly do stuff for NY (we love him <3), but im genuinely curious if you have any headcanons for our resident gay homophobic cowboy, Texas? 👁️👁️
*completely fine if not, please don't feel forced or rushed to answer this!!!*
of course, mein friend, I do have some hcs for the homosexual cowboy
- he looses his hat all the time to the point he just buys new ones. but he does own his very first cowboy hat and he never wears it since he’s afraid of losing it.
- definitely owns a farm with cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. he names every single one and care for them more than his actual children (/j)
- very soft/kind - hearted, cares a lot when it comes to animals or states in general. literally a southern gentleman
- loves to play fight with other states (mostly the angrier type) and tussle them around and make fun of them until they both end up laughing. (I’m pretty sure you mentioned something like this!)
- his room is literally plastered with his flag everywhere. like even the wallpaper is his flag. he’s got a huge problem.
- I think a lot of us believe that NY was the only one to really care to say hello and introduce himself to new states (or maybe it’s js me) out of all of the OG13 . When NY talked to him and California, TX was suspicious and felt he was just a sketchy businessman who didn’t care for anyone but himself even if he seemed like he did.
- part of the daddy issues club!
- (save a horse, ride a cowboy 😼)
- cares abt the little things, like accents and eye colors. he’s honestly just so sdrvtbyjikokj
- probably a good baker/chef but cannot cook w/out any casualties 😭
- can play the acoustic guitar
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chaoticarson16 · 1 month
Idk if you’re taking requests, but if you are: do you have any NY angst 👁️👁️
He is bestest boy, therefore must be tortured :3
*pleas don’t feel forced or rushed to answer this!! <3*
Might not be much but I do have a bit!
• He’s a middle child and by that I mean not the oldest and not the youngest but somewhere in between. Because of this he wasn’t the direct focus of his father’s abuse but he’d have to watch and listen to it. Him and Jersey would hide the youngest while protecting bigger kids
• He barely lets anyone touch him. Only his siblings (og13) and California can touch him but they have to say something before they do. This is due to trauma from his father and other events from his past
• He has crutches that he uses to walk. Although he can walk without them, it’s only for a little bit cause his hip will start to hurt a lot. This injury is a from the 9/11 attack and the twin towers falling.
• His father would grab his horns when they were out and shake him around calling him a devil child. Most of his siblings have them but him and Jersey were treated the worst for them since, as his father put it, theirs were a spitting image of the devil so- he’s definitely got religious trauma from that- He rarely has them out but California’s working with him to love every part of him and his cryptid form
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saixs-wife · 18 days
As much as I, um, dislike Lea, I think it's so cute how Saïx brought Roxas and Xion back specifically for him.
He made sure that Lea still had friends just in case he perished indefinitely. He was willing to lose himself into darkness forever for Lea, but before that, he hatched a plan with Vexen and Demyx to make sure Roxas and Xion got their bodies back. Like wow babe you really brought back my favs.
And in the Re:mind DLC, he kept reminding (😏) Xion who she was which ultimately made her lose it. Probably made her gain back all those memories she had, and forced her to remember who she was and what her purpose was. Even when he didn't get the whole deal about Xion, he still wanted her around Lea.
He had the most subtle redemption arc in KH3, and his shit was more believable than what the fuck Xehanort had going on 😒
I still feel like they should've shot that nigga Xehanort dead in his face.
But yeah, like sure he didn't apologize (apologies in Japanese games are like,, non-existent), but he did it in his own way.
Like "Hey, I was mean to y'all before and you hated me, but I need you to be there for Lea... So he doesn't cry like a bitch. K thanks. Here's y'all's bodies back."
And Roxas saying something along the lines of "I owe my return to many" and "The people's hearts you think you've won over aren't really on your side" to Xemnas, like sure he could've been talking about the BULK of the real OG13, but his keyblade was pointed DIRECTLY at Saïx.
Ugh it was so subtle.
Anyways, love KH3. Good game :)
Also I love my husband 🥰🥰😘😘
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Was just going to start brainstorming a thing with the OG13 as kids, like as colonies, when I had a small dilemma.
Colonial Pennsylvania was run by the Quakers, an extremely pacifist group.
Compare this to Ben's characterization/modern PA, and that completely oppisite of pacifist and peaceful.
So I was thinking I could either A. Write colonial PA as a pacifist Quaker who had a serious shift in character after the revolution after seeing the horrors and realizing violence is inevitable and his pacifist actions may have instead made everything worse.
Or B. Write colonial PA as the same violently northeastern kid as he is today, with his human caretakers trying to get him to calm down and put down that stick and stop chasing delaware with the hatchet! So then PA runs off to join the army for the french indian war when he is only physically like fifteen. And I could go on about that backstory with him being stationed in Fort Pitt and maybe meeting an also very young Ohio and maybe im rambling, but like I've thought about this one.
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imkindanerdy · 3 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Welcome To The Table - Ben Brainard (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: New Jersey (Welcome To The Table), New York (Welcome To The Table), DC | Gov (Welcome To The Table), Virginia (Welcome To The Table), Georgia (Welcome To The Table), Connecticut (Welcome To The Table), New Hampshire (Welcome To The Table), Rhode Island (Welcome To The Table), Massachusetts (Welcome To The Table), Pennsylvania (Welcome To The Table), Delaware (Welcome To The Table), North Carolina (Welcome To The Table), South Carolina (Welcome To The Table) Additional Tags: Found Family, original 13 states found family, tags will be updated as the story goes on, Georgia has Nightmares, Maryland has nightmares, Massachusetts has Nightmares, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Summary:
The original thirteen states have not talked to each other in a long time, resulting in awkwardness and fights between them. Gov wants them to actually be able to get along. The original thirteen states slowly become a family again.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
So i was watching a bunch of funny GC videos on YouTube and I got the inspo and motivation to give the OG13 a GC. This will probably be very OOC, but I like to think of this as how they act without the other states. So um- enjoy? (Also yes I know that ME technically isn't one of the OG13 I just added him for fun)
Masshole: Why do you have my phone?!
Papa (PA): Wtf is wrong with you guys
Yorkie: b*tch stfu
Masshole: fr
Papa: 😑
Joi-sey (NJ): why am I here
Maine: I would also like to know.
Joi-sey: Nobody asked you 😑
Maine: I don't remember anybody asking you either so stfu 🤫
Georgia: It is too damn early for this... Why must y'all always choose violence??
Mary: I would like to know this as well, but I've just stopped asking and accepted it as one of their traits hun.
Georgia: Ughhhhh
Respect Your Elders(DE): Why tf is my phone blowing up
Yorkie: Cuz we're conversing duh 🙄
Respect Your Elders: Silence fetus.
Yorkie: B*tch.
Respect Your Elders: Infant.
Yorkie: Old man.
Respect Your Elders: Toddler.
Yorkie: Old hag.
Mary: Aight let's stop fighting!!
Yorkie: Stfu <3
Respect Your Elders: Stfu Mary.
Mary: 🥲
Southie: Hey guys 👋
Joi-sey: Hey babes 😘
Southie: Hey handsome ✨❤️
Masshole: Ewwwww get a room 🙄
Joi-sey: Oh shuddap Masshole. We don't say nothin' when you and Penn are sitting together on the couch and lovingly staring into each other's eyes and sh*t 😒
Rhodey: Actually we do say stuff-
Joi-sey: Yea but not out loud.
Masshole: ....Stfu <3
Joi-sey: 😌
Nutmeg: Will y'all stop bullying each other for once-
Joi-sey: No ❤️
Masshole: Nah ❤️
Connie: *sigh*
Georgia: Yorkie wanna cuddle 🥺
Yorkie: Is that even a question- I'm on my way.
Northie (NC): Gayyyyyyy
Yorkie: Oh shut up ion say nothin' when I walk past you and TeNnEsSeE making out in the hallway, so don't start.
Northie: 😳 you saw that
Yorkie: Yup 👍 I had flashbacks to middle school when I would walk into the hall and see a couple playing tonsil hockey.
Masshole: Ok but FR THO
Masshole: ...Damn you alright bud
Yorkie: I'm fine <3
Masshole: Okay then...
Papa: Wtf was that...?
Georgia: Idk but I have my Yorkie with me so I'm fine with it 🥺❤️
Yorkie: Stfu-
Georgia: He's blushing rn
Mary: Hun if you don't send a picture right now then no more coffee ❤️
Georgia: Sending it rn hold on...
~georgia sent a photo~
*in the photo York has his face hidden but it's still quite obvious that he is blushing like crazy*
Papa: Pfft-
Virgin(ia): Awww how cute 🥺
Joi-sey: How long have you been here
Virgin(ia): T h e w h o l e t i m e.
Joi-sey: Alright then...
The Shire (NH): Ay Yorkie ya still alive?
Georgia: No he's asleep.
Masshole: Good. He needs it.
Rhodey: Aww Masshole does have a heart :)
Masshole: Stfu before I come over there and kick you like a football out the window :]
Rhodey: 😶
Masshole: Damn right.
Mary and Papa (at the same time): Your cute when your mad 😒❤️/🥺❤️
Masshole:... Stfu ❤️❤️
Virgin(ia): I'm so lonely 🥲
The Shire: You and me both 🥲
Connie: I feel y'all :')
Rhodey: There's an emoji for that y'know 😒 "🥲"
Connie: Idc 😑
Rhodey: Whatever
(the next day)
Yorkie: Guys guys guys guys-
Respect Your Elders: What did you do now child?
Yorkie: Ok first of all, f*ck you. Second, I found a rat snake :)
Masshole: Put it back where you found it.
Yorkie: Why tho 🥺 He's cute 🥺
Masshole: Okay, what do rat snakes eat 😒
Yorkie: Birds, bird eggs, squirrels, rats- Oh. OH-
Masshole: Yea dumba$$. Knowing that it eats squirrels, it would probably eat your long rats too.
Yorkie: B*tch they're called ferrets.
Masshole: Point still stands.
Yorkie: I'll put him back 🥲
Masshole: Atta boy <3
Yorkie: F*ck you <3
Joi-sey: Knowing him he'll probably abduct some random garter snake he finds in the woods
Connie: Probably 😑
Papa: Yea that's accurate
Everybody else (-NY): ^
Yorkie: Man I feel betrayed 🥲 F*ck all of you ❤️
Georgia: Even me darling 🥺
Yorkie: Yes you too traitor ❤️
Papa: DAYUM-
The Shire: Dang no hesitation 😭
Georgia: I- Love you too I guess 🥲❤️
Yorkie: ❤️
Joi-sey: Yup thought so.
Masshole: Goddamn it- New York stop abducting random animals
Yorkie: But-
Masshole: No buts 😒 Put it back.
Yorkie: It's cute tho 🥺
~Yorkie sent a picture~
*in the picture the snake's snoot is right in front of the camera*
Yorkie: 🥺
Masshole: Dangit it is cute- Y'know what? Fine. Tell me when you get home.
Yorkie: YESSSS :D
Masshole: 😒❤️
Respect Your Elders: Awww does the big bad Masshole have a soft spot for his little brother 🥺
Masshole: Del istg I will kick you out the window
Respect Your Elders: Pfft- yeah right 😒
Masshole: ....
Respect Your Elders: Uhhh guys?
Papa: Hm?
Respect Your Elders: Why do I hear footsteps approaching my room?
Rhodey: That's probably just Mr. Bay State coming to kick your ass out the window.
Respect Your Elders: Uh oh- Baby are you not going to help me 🥺
Rhodey: Sorry Love, but I ain't gettin' in the way of that
Respect Your Elders: Babe 😭
Rhodey: It was nice being with you <3
Respect Your Elders: Jersey? Penn?
Papa and Joi-sey: Sorry Del/Ha nope.
Respect Your Elders: Traitors 😭
Respect Your Elders: Oh god he's knocking on the door-
Yorkie: Damn he got him 😔
Joi-sey: 😔
Papa, and Rhodey: 😔
Mary: Y'all I just heard a thud outside my window 😥
Joi-sey: Probably just Del.
Mary: WHAT?!
Papa: Backread.
Mary (after backbreading): OH GOSH- WHY DIDNT YALL HELP HIM 😭😭
Yorkie: Ya really expected us to get in the middle of Death's work?
Mary:... Fair enough 😭
Georgia: Is he still alive??
Mary: Well- he's groaning in pain so yeah I think so 👍
Georgia: At least he's alive.
Masshole: Hey I'm back :)
Mary: Hun why did you kick Del out the window 😭?
Masshole: He was running his mouth 🥺
Mary: No books tonight, youre sleeping <3
Masshole: Nuuuuuu 🥺
Mary: Sorry Hun 😘
Masshole: 😔👍
Yorkie: 😎🕶️🤏🙂🤭
Masshole: 💥
Masshole: Damn right 🙂❤️
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kyistell · 4 months
May we have some NY and NJ hc’s? Like- stuff that they do together and how they act with each other? 👁️👁️
*its fine if not*
Hehe I was super excited to do this one but sadly I do things in order of oldest to newest BUT none the less, here you go, our favorite stupid bastards
New Jersey and New York-
Jersey likes to cuddle and York likes receiving cuddles, so it isn’t uncommon to find the two together in the North living room
Jersey = Jer-bear, York = Yorka-doodle, they never call each other these in front of others
They go skating a ton, early morning public skate and public hockey are mainly what they do
Always fighting when it comes to certain foods, specifically pizza and bagels, otherwise they are perfect with each other in the kitchen
Jersey sends York stupid stuff from Tumblr, York does the same but with Twitter
Impromptu sleepovers in York's room happen a lot, York has sleep problems and as said before, Jersey cuddles, win win sitch
They fight, a lot, technically it’s just arguments but to pretty much everyone except the NE, it sounds like fighting (granted the NE sometimes thinks they are genuinely fighting but shh)
“Murder is illegal”  “You can’t murder people it’s rude” etc. are said whenever they are in the city
Despite not talking to each other for about 40ish years, they went right back to how they were before, if just a bit closer
They both fake hate each other, for no reason other than seeing the shocked faces of the other states while they simply cook breakfast together
Just Dance Night (the other states get flashbacks when ever they hear the Just Dance intro)
They like to just exist in the same space, doesn’t matter if they are doing two completely different things, they’ll continue to hang out VIRGINIA
They bet on everything, who will get to the table faster, who will make breakfast the quickest without messing up, everything
They always think to message the other first when something is happening, doesn’t matter if the sitch doesn’t really need the other, they still will
Since Jersey still speaks fluent Dutch and York has his broken messed up Dutch that Jersey understands, they will ‘gossip’ to each other in front of the other states
When they do that, they are really just talking about dinner plans and what movies they should see, but in the most condescending and judgmental tone they can
Movie dates, any movie whether they think it’ll be good or not
They sometimes come of as very big and little brother coded, York being the older while Jerseys the younger, when in reality it’s switched
Jersey finds it hilarious whenever people think he and York are dating, they aren’t, they consider each other brothers and technically are, York always wants to kill the people who do think they are dating, “Murder is Illegal Yorkie” he doesn’t care
Family dinners are once a month with Jersey’s moms and occasionally not, father, father, and York's grandparents
They have so much dirt on each other that if one says something so will the other, you know the nuclear deal between America and Russia? Yeah it’s basically that but with blackmail
If one’s sick the others clingy, if one's sad the others clingy, if one-
They like to dance with each other, even if there’s no music (it’s mainly spinning without music though)
Jersey has bad English days sometimes, so York will translate, on those days they tend to just haul up in York's room and put on a random Hockey game
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mur-art · 7 months
Spoilers for the new episode
AND a really nerdy rant about a subject I'm passionate about (land surveying.)
...I know. I know. Hear me out here...
So while y'all are over here freaking about Gov's secret family I'm here cracking up at Tennessee describing his boundaries.
So my literal job irl involves land surveying and the description of Tenn's borders is not even an exaggeration for how completely fucked old land descriptions can be.
It's a historic European-influenced survey system called "metes and bounds" which relies on physical landmarks and--sometimes--local lore to describe boundaries.
[On TN's border with Mississippi]: "Okay, so you're going to go exactly 26 chains and ten lengths north of the Thompson's line, and..."
[On the border with Georgia]: Tenn: "So there's this rock, right? ...it's two feet high, four inches thick, and fifteen inches broad. You got to start there, then you got to find the sort of middle of the near town... and go near the top of the mountain nearby. And then you got to find where Georgia and Alabama allegedly meet. Oh wait a sec? Do you even know where John and David live? You're going to need to know that!"
That's the shit I deal with all the time in my job. 😂 it's not even an exaggeration: that's literally how they're written.
They replaced the metes and bounds system with the public land survey system, which divides the rest of the country into a rectangular grid. It's *slightly* less fucked but as you can imagine, drawing a 2D grid on terrain that's NOT at all flat is going to result in interesting and weird errors!
Map of the public land survey states and non-PLS states because I'm completely feral for this shit:
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Colored states are PLS (rectangular grid) and white states have a different system. Most of the OG13 colonies (and Tennessee obvs) use the old metes and bounds system and most of the west (with one notable exception *coughTexascough*) use the rectangular grid.
Texas was surveyed by Spain and then Mexico first so they have their own system (because of course they do). So was the rest of the Southwest so there's massive Spanish land grants that the US grid just kinda... incorporated 😂
BUT long story short. If you look at an aerial view of like, North Dakota, you get THIS:
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It's squares!!!!
This was how it was *supposed* to work.
But in places like Nevada that have mountains it's more like
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There are lots of places where they were just like "fuck walking through this desert; let's guesstimate."
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tacky-jack-with-a-hat · 5 months
concerning (but not evil) headcanon time: idc is gov’s daughter, not his sister. the og13 didn’t question why a random person who seemed to know what they were doing showed up when they called for a representation for foreign policy and idc and gov didn’t spill the beans.
7/10 for good concept, gives me sitcom "and this must be your older sister" compliment vibes
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coderfortourette · 10 months
Gov leaves baby DC with the states while he attends some cabinet meetings. DC wakes up and asks for Penna. So the states desperately try to figure out what that is. Takes places around 1790. I don't have an exact date or time in mind, just around that time. So the only states are the OG13. And DC is around 1-2, it's also not specified. But he can walk and talk.
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chaoticarson16 · 6 months
Here's a few more :D
1.) What do you think of New York? Which states do you think he actually likes talking to and why?
2.) Do you have any Delaware hcs?
3.) What are your thoughts on the Midwestern states?
Thank youu again :3
1.) Love New York, he’s so silly and sarcastic and the perfect target for fluff and angst. California. Also Nevada, cause they both love performances (whether being in them or watching them). Also a reason why he talks to California too but mainly cause he’s a homo lol
2.) Not many tbh. He’s related to the other og13 and he’s one of the shortest (he’s very upset about that since he’s one of if not the oldest). He’s also really enjoys researching and cleaning guns and testing how strong they are (the material used in bullet proof vests, Kevlar, was made in Delaware). He’s also friends with Georgia through peaches.
3.) Love them, they’re so funky and I love the midwestern nice thing. Except Illinois, he just wants to throw hands which- honestly love that for him.
And again np!! It lets me rant :]
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