clowntrap · 3 years
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Happy holidays I made a clay model of your Micheal!
@oliviatckaotixqueen​ i havent had time to properly love react to this but oh ym god 🥺oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! i showed Him to everybody i know, this really made my heart feel warm huuuuu 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ask-the-becile-boys · 3 years
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Happy holidays! I made clay models of hare, skull and jack! I apologize for not making dee, locksmith and scratch, I ran out of clay.
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Hey did you know that hydraulic fluid could be red? Apparently when Walt Disney made the Abraham Lincoln animatronic he had a test showing of the animatronic and it broke and started to leak red hydraulic fluid and the people who saw it freaked out, so that’s why they tend to use clear hydraulic fluid now for animatronics.
Yep! Pretty legendary story.
- Mod Rat
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Could you sketch Mrs. Fillyjonk? Please
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here u go!! sorry this one took a bit longer, she was hard to figure out how to draw!!
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Okay so I am planning on doing the STEX month thing but I hope you don’t mind me asking: What does non replica and fav swing mean?
Hi! Great question
A non replica production is a production that does not follow the format of the original creative team in terms of costumes and choreography. So in StEx’s case, Bochum is replica and South Africa is NON replica.
And a swing is an actor in the ensemble who understudies several roles. So for example, if the actor usually playing Rusty is ill, a swing might step up and take his place
I hope this helps! @oliviatckaotixqueen
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Hey Charlie what’s your favorite texture of shoe. Rubber? Silk? Cotton?
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“I CAN’T CHOOSE THEY ALL TASTE SO AMAZING MMM! RUBBER MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A CARTOON CHARACTER!… silk makes me feel refined and like a gentlemen and cotton makes me feel my inner moth”   
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stage-props · 5 years
Okay I’m a little confused is bullet train Electra a new revision of Electra?
No no no thank god
Bullet train Electra was a version of Electra from a very very bad adaptation of the show from way back when.
Some other monstrosities from this particular show:
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🐰 “From what Ozzie’s shown me, all the gremlins who live here are quite a bit like the gremlins who live in Wasteland. The gremlins who live in Wishland are a little bit smaller, and have higher-pitched voices, but they still work hard to keep our home running smoothly. Prescott in particular is great at what he does, but he can be a bit grouchy. I think he feels underappreciated. I should do something nice for him. Maybe I’ll bake him a cake, or put together a care package for him~”
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your-fave-eats-glue · 5 years
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MALLOW from Super Mario RPG eats glue!
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years
Is anyone going to talk about how lacie is an anagram for Alice?
Lacie is actually just Susie/Alice’s 3rd personality
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ask-the-becile-boys · 4 years
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I made a clay model of Hare! I’m planning on making some for the rest bots later.
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corrosiveopera · 5 years
Hi if you don't mind me asking but what if you were worn by someone who is immortal? Do you think you would even work on someone who is immortal?
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regardless of anything, so long as it’s humanoid, i can possess it. how many times have i said that now?
however recently, i’ve been wondering how bright or clef would react to wearing me… 
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Hello there! I’m a little confused about the Country Bear Jamboree summer hoedown, from what I have seen there are different versions of Doris (the octopus) there is the white cartoony one and the grey realistic one ( with no mouth and black eyes) In the waiting cue for the Guardians of The Galaxy tower the realistic Doris is, do you know what happened to the cartoony Doris?
Cartoony Doris is at the Tokyo version, afaik!
- Mod Rat
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starchymcgee · 4 years
I personally headcannon that Charlie has the same voice of the radio man/voice at the end of Silent Hill P.T. but more jovial, now I can imagine him saying, “don’t touch that dial now we’re just getting started” and “Dad was such a bore” or something like that
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I liked the sound of it so I drew these. Canonically he sounds like he does in the game (but without the recording audio quality) but if he needed to be voiced by someone else I would choose Jack McBrayer (Wander Over Yonder and Fix it Felix). A few months ago I was joking with some friends about who I would cast for a live action movie while playing minecraft and made this.
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commandertart · 5 years
I could never come up with what your Commander Tartar would sound like until now, I imagine that he sounds like the narrator from Stanley Parable
(( actually, he does have a canon voiceclaim - johnny yong bosch!
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Merry Christmas Charlie! Since I got a cotton candy maker I decided to make you some tide pod cotton candy!
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“wow someone who finally gets me thank you!”
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