#one about simping as well
hello just came to say i love u and i hope ur having a good day 🥰
ALSO BABE TELL ME WHY I JUST NOTICED THIS ?? i’ve peaked in life 😌
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i adore you, and ily very much <3 and yes, my day is now brilliant, i hope yours was as well <33
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httpiastri · 6 months
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last hands/arms/neck dump of the season? :(
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nyxie-e-e · 6 months
S/N: He (along with Milo and Guy ofcc<33) is the reason why I know what healthy love looks like
- [ ] “How should I fuck you tonight?”
- [🥺 ] “What I want right now is for you to be happy”
- [ ] “You can do anything you want to me, Deviant”
- [😍 ] “Call it arrogance but i know my appeal just as i am”
- [ ] “I don’t want easy. I want to be a person. My own person”
- [🥺] “Being alive and living are two different things”
- [ ] “I might not check the box for every single person out there but I don’t want to”
- [ ] “You get to decide which parts of yourself you get to share with other people”
- [ ] “I don’t take that trust lightly and it is reciprocated”
- [ ] Thank you for trusting me… and for letting me know that I’m fucking another guy’s charge”
- [🥺😭♥️] “You can set the world down now. That doesn’t make you a failure that doesnt make you weak there isn’t a finish line you didn’t get to, there is just your life stretched out ahead of you. There are people in your life who care about you”
- [🥺😭♥️ ] “We’re here for you. I’m here for you” *hugs* it’s gonna be okay you’re okay. You don’t have to be everything for everyone. You matter to and it is not selfish to admit that”
- [ ] “This is not you breaking this is you taking control. This is you redefining your circumstances instead of letting them control you”
- [ ] “It’s time to start living”
- [ ] “I know I’m awful but would you want me if I was anything else”
- [🥺 ] “You’re not alone. You don’t have to do this alone anymore”
- [😭 ] “You honor me by letting me see this side of you”
- [😭😭 ] “Because i don’t want the words the impact you’ve had on my life to go unheard”
- [☺️] “You know all of these things but i like saying them”
- [*crying cat meme*] “Cherished words that carry my love to you and hold you in blissful rest”
- [🥺] I want you to have peace, so my words bring you peace. It’s that simple and it’s nice for something to be simple for a change
- [🥺 ] But you held on. You made space. You asked me to step into that space.. no one ever asks me for that
- [🥺♥️ ] “You are loved and loving and what you do matters so very much”
My love🥺
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ink-blot-thoughts · 7 months
Wait holy shit if Childe had fallen into the abyss just a bit younger and was yeeted to the fatui at the same age...
Do you think he wouldve been adopted by Arlecchino's orphanage?? Now there is an AU I wanna see. Murder gremlin Childe who's only parental figures for years have been hot scary abyss woman and hot scary Harbinger woman.
No wait I'm so into this she makes him wear the scarf and scoffs about his ridiculous stomach window in Harbinger meetings and he instinctually does the "Daaaaaad" whine and the other Harbingers are trying desperately not to laugh cause they know Arlecchino is down to shank a bitch.
Just. Childe raised by Arlecchino. Chefs kiss.
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siilvan · 7 months
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i am once again disappointed but not surprised at the COD fandom only caring about “sensitivity” when it’s convenient for them
#telling people it’s morally wrong to simp for makarov#whilst simping for graves or valeria#or ANY character in this damn series#just shows that you only give a shit about ‘sensitivity’ when it doesn’t inconvenience you#‘but he’s bad :(’ my brother in christ. let’s talk about western militaries#price nikolai and gaz literally kidnapped and tortured an innocent woman and child#the UK and US militaries have DEVASTATED vulnerable countries#y’all wanna talk about sensitivity?? then acknowledge how even the ‘good’ characters like the 141 are shitty!#none of these characters are good people!#i cannot stress this enough. eliminating characters because they’re ‘problematic’ eliminates the entire cast. every single one of them.#MAYBE farah would be safe?? i’m not knowledgeable enough to say for certain. but everyone else— 141. los vaqueros. laswell. alex. nikolai. +#valeria. graves. every last warzone operator. EVERY single character is ‘off-limits’ with that logic.#COD fandom is also horribly racist despite pretending it’s not. notice how people only talk about this when it’s white folks being impacted#no one gave a shit when a middle eastern woman and child were kidnapped and tortured. or when fans were romanticizing cartel violence.#or how the SAS CIA and Delta Force have histories of terrorizing vulnerable people; especially in the middle east and asia#i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again before anyone accuses me of smth false:#sensitivity is important. it can co-exist with letting people enjoy problematic things. the source itself is problematic —#ergo. everything that comes from it (even the ‘good’ things) is as well.#you can’t cherry pick which characters people are allowed to be critical of. you can have your faves and have the ones you dislike#but don’t act like you’re doing something noble when your sensitivity is biased.#sylph.talks
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 5 months
tdroti except when Scott gets eliminated he does not take it well. He doesn’t go “oh haha Zoey good job” no. He breaks down in front of Chris when he gets to the catapult (bc he sees fang or whatever) and begs him to let him stay
he’s like “PLEA SE DONT MAKE ME GO HOME” and Chris is like “wtf” and chef just looks mildly uncomfortable
chef’s like “I kind of feel bad even though he’s awful” and Chris is like “I have to send him home I have to get my revenge”
the other contestants hear him bawling from the campfire or whatever and they all just sit there in silence
then lightning nervously smiles and goes “do you think maybe he’s a little sad”
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gayofthefae · 5 months
Sometimes when I'm doubting I imagine lines from Byler season 5 being made into TikTok sounds to normalize it in my mind. Best one I've come up with is definitely recently I imagined a line from Mike talking about or confessing to Will being turned into one of those really cute trends where you just put a bunch of pictures of your partner.
I want people who haven't watched Stranger Things to learn about through the love confession sound on tiktok of Mike talking about Will. Fuck it. I want period drama level shit. I want Amy and Laurie 2019. I want-
I'm ready for it it's gonna happen I believe.
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Both are attending a meeting with some business partners but soon they insult and make fun of Gil getting himself shot. Thena isn’t having it at all and soon they are begging for mercy and forgiveness 😈
For the tyrant king au of course 😁
"Then we're agreed."
Gil stood, although he hadn't said nearly as much in the meeting as Thena had with their associates. The businessmen in question were mostly interested in Thena's assets, after all, it was just that some of their 'goods' would be distributed through Thena's channels, as well as through Koreatown and Chinatown.
He wasn't nearly interested enough in what was being said; he wanted to be at home, with Thena, cuddling on the couch or listening to her read in bed while he played on his phone.
"Indeed we are," Thena nodded. The businessmen offered their hands, but Thena looked over at him. The Ice Queen didn't shake hands unless she was already acquainted with her associate.
Gil sighed, extending his hand to shake instead. The things he did for this woman. "I'm sure our doors will be open if you need to discuss anything else about the plans."
"Thank you," the associates traded looks, "Tyrant King. Your reputation precedes you. We have heard so much about your work."
He wasn't entirely sure what that was supposed to mean, but he slipped his hands into his pockets as they prepared to end the meeting, "great."
"Is it true you killed Kro?" the younger associate of the two asked in a near whisper, a juvenile glee coming from him as he asked.
"No," Gil answered without hesitation. The younger man looked disappointed before he moved his thumb towards Thena beside him, "she did."
"Ah yes, the Ice Queen is not without her own methods."
Gil caught Thena's eye for just a second. Again, he wasn't really sure what this young guy's deal was, but he was more and more eager to wrap things up.
"But The Prince Eternal, that most certainly was you!" the other associate now joined in. Technically, it was bad decorum--bringing up past business that wasn't anything they should be concerned with, Gil thought.
"Uh, yeah," Gil blinked. He wasn't sure how they had found that one out.
"Ah," the older one at least seemed to realise how rude they were being. "Forgive the intrusion. We do have quite a skilled information dealer we consulted before coming. Can't be ignorant to our honourable host's reputations, after all."
"You can be a little ignorant," Gil mumbled, although it was taken as more of a friendly joke than how he meant it--a genuine urging for them to get the fuck out of his office.
"You've had quite the past, Tyrant King!" the younger one chimed in again. "A bungled affair, sending business away left and right!"
"You even got shot last year!"
Perhaps they were unable to read the room--like, at all. But the two seemed elated to prove that they knew the lives of their business associates. They even grinned at him as they said it.
"It happens," the younger one waved it off like it was nothing, "I don't think you're past your prime at all!"
Gil bit his tongue. He didn't realise that was an opinion people had of him. What--because he got shot?! He didn't see how that was his fault.
"It was the fall of one of the great families in the business back in Korea! Their daughter still hasn't been seen in public."
Gil resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Do you know why that is?"
Gil felt a shiver run up even his spine, and he wasn't the one in trouble. He looked at the men who, by the calm looks on their faces, didn't seem to know yet why the temperature had changed so much.
Thena just stared at them, but they didn't make a guess at all. So, she informed them. "It's because I cut off one of her fingers before I sent her back to them."
The two men looked at one another. Apparently that wasn't in the briefing done by their precious 'information dealer' (horseshit). They put on perfectly polite smiles. "We were unaware, Ice Queen."
"Most are," Thena continued to fix them with her icy green glare. She rustled her lace around her shoulders. "I also told her that she would be relieved of her ears next, if I ever saw her near me, or my husband, again."
"We weren't-"
Poor guys didn't even see it coming. They could have just looked down when Thena adjusted her lace to see that she had reached for her hip. Her fingers had grasped the knife she kept around her thigh, which was now driven into the younger man's leg, dangerously close to some key arteries.
She looked at the other one, who flinched just from that. "I take threats - and disrespect - of the Tyrant King very seriously."
"I-I-I would-" he stuttered, trying to back up to the office doors behind him. But he could never have moved fast enough, getting another of her knives launched into the palm of his hand he had been trying to use to show her he meant no harm.
The younger one pulled the knife out of his thigh, but he wasn't in any condition to fight back. Thena used the sole of her heel to push him over in his crumpled posture, like a wounded animal.
"Did you find the story thrilling?" she asked so dryly and evenly. Gil watched as she reached into the younger man's suit jacket and pulled out the weapon he had in an arm holster. She held it in a way that was kind of sexy, honestly. "Did you find it amusing?"
"I'm sorry!" he yelped, trying to crawl, but his leg was all but useless. "I'm sorry, I won't say it again!"
"Do you know where he was shot?" she turned to the other one, who sprinted to the doors and pulled on them to escape.
She shot him from behind, two in the ribs and one by his clavicle (if he had been turned around facing her). "Is it painful?"
Gil just whistled to himself, impressed as always. Thena didn't even look back at him; she wasn't done.
She walked over to the man dragging his bloody hand down Gil's nice, solid oak door. Again, she used her foot to nudge him into looking up at her. "I said: is it painful?"
"Y-Yes," the man snivelled.
"Yes?" Thena glared down at him, flipping his hand over and stepping on it (the injured one).
"Y-Yes--yes, Ice Queen!"
Thena emptied the rest of the clip next to his head, scaring him very literally shitless. She left him kneeling on the floor, watching his life flash before his eyes. The completely empty and useless weapon, she tossed at the head of the other one, letting it smack him in the face like tossing a food wrapper in the garbage.
Gil pulled his hands out of his pockets just to clap. "Holy shit, Princess, that was hot!"
She glared at him, "is that truly the adjective you wish to choose?"
"Okay," he chuckled, walking over to her to amend his compliment. He kissed her temple, wrapping his arm around her, "it was ice cold."
Thena rolled her eyes at the silly joke (as the men screamed and cried in agony in the background). "That was far worse."
"Yeah, but that's why you're marrying me," Gil snickered, positively delighted to bring up their engagement at every possible opportunity.
Thena sighed, straightening his collar and unbuttoning his shirt, now that they weren't in a very important meeting. She liked seeing the edges of his tattoo sleeves encroaching on his shoulders. "I would not say that is why."
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, leading her out of the office that was about to stink of blood and evacuated bowels. "My devilish good looks were too much to resist, huh?"
Thena didn't chide him, at least, letting him lead her away from the mess they left inside. She merely let her lace settle in the crooks of her elbows as he led her to the elevators. "I am willing to agree if it gets us home that much faster."
Gil pointed at his office from the elevator doors, "that's gonna need a good bleaching."
"Understood sir!" his guys knew what that meant, and exactly what evidence to wash out of his area rugs.
Once they were in the elevator, away from prying eyes, Thena allowed him to nuzzle her cheek. "What an exhausting meeting."
"I barely remember anything from it," he agreed, and the way she laughed meant that he didn't need to tell her that. He kissed her cheek, "but I do remember you saying that you felt like sushi tonight."
"Something light, please," she sighed, allowing him to unravel the tight knots that comprised her business persona.
"Anything you desire, Ice Queen," Gil purred for her. He would tell her when they were home how sexy he found her whole defense of him. Maybe he could even get her to be a little pushy with him tonight.
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rockethorse · 17 days
Should I be allowed to include Sims 2 Store/preorder/exchange content in Calcinidae Bay
There are several reasons why I'm keeping Calcinidae Bay CC-free but first and foremost it's to see "how far can I get with only TS2 Maxis content?" and so there's always this nagging voice in the back of my head saying "but this is TS2 Maxis content".
Lots that I share will remain CC-free, and I'm not including Stories conversions. Only things made by EA, for TS2.
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italoniponic · 10 months
Me, coming back to tumblr after a tiresome day: Hey... what have I lost?
Twst: YO TAKE THIS *violently throws Jack's card*
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where do I even begin? the definition of "last but not less important"
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katyspersonal · 7 months
Gotta love this bit of lore about myself when Soulsb0rne bitches can murder, commit war crimes, do unethical experiments, kidnap, start madcults, start discrimination against all sorts of people, betray, [demonetization], wreck their world in general or any combination of these and I will still be simping but as soon as character is married this is THE one cardinal sin in my eyes that will turn me off into eternity and I'll never move past simply 'this character is great! :)' phase :pensive:
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kokusfluffyhair · 3 months
Living through European (non-Mediterranean) winters make me fully understand why Daigo would make bad choices and sacrifice his kid just to get some damn sunlight
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
I'll have to show my little charms collection that I made myself but for now I have: a Jedi Order symbol one, an Open Circle Fleet symbol one, an AO3 themed one, an aro/ace flags one, and an aroace flag one.
I'm thinking of making new ones, and the plan for now is: the little 007 gun logo, a Tremere symbols one with the old and new one, the VtM V5 Ankh, a Miku head, and a Sims prism.
The question is: is there anything that I'm Abnormal about on my blog that you think I should make a little charm for?
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keicordelle · 4 months
Was I supposed to be writing an outline for a dmmd fic tonight? No.
Am I writing an outline for a dmmd fic tonight? ....maybe
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drunkwalkhomecore · 10 months
is this bitchy about me?
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frmulcahy · 1 year
We Have Always Lived In The Castle graphic novel when
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