#*cicada noises*
the-enby-bird · 6 months
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funnywizard3000 · 3 months
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a fiend of fire
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risingloverd · 2 years
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mrhelicoprion · 1 year
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Image ID: Hot pink background, image of a brood X cicada, all text is in all caps: "are you a cicada" "cuz I'm a cicada" and then very large and bold "we should have sex" with a small unbolded "to" and "from". End ID
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katyspersonal · 6 months
Gotta love this bit of lore about myself when Soulsb0rne bitches can murder, commit war crimes, do unethical experiments, kidnap, start madcults, start discrimination against all sorts of people, betray, [demonetization], wreck their world in general or any combination of these and I will still be simping but as soon as character is married this is THE one cardinal sin in my eyes that will turn me off into eternity and I'll never move past simply 'this character is great! :)' phase :pensive:
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artschoolglasses · 9 months
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arcadianforests · 28 days
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In a matter of months, they will dig their way out from underground, red eyes shining, deafening song filling the air. It will be a confluence of creatures the likes of which hasn’t been seen in the United States since Thomas Jefferson was president — and won’t happen again until 2245. It’s a rare emergence of insects some are referring to as cicadapocalypse. (CNN)
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 2 months
Insect Songs: Dog-Day Cicada - Neotibicen canicularis & Black-Legged Meadow Katydid - Orchelimum nigripes
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In today's exploration of insects and their songs, we 2 familiar species today that are quite prevalent in Ontario's summer months. We begin with the tree-dwelling shriekers that seem to grow even louder when heat increases. Just as with Crickets and other Orthopterans, the large-bodied Cicadas only sing if they are male. To produce their sound, they rapidly expand and contract a membrane behind their thorax called a tymbal. Knowing this information, you can actually identify males and female by looking for the tymbals, which (in this specie) is located underneath the wing. Be very gentle when handling a Cicada in order to see this tymbal, and if it screeches in response, it's definitely a male. That said, unlike Orthopterous insects, Cicadas do not use stridulation to produce their song, as that process describes insects rub certain body parts together (e.g. see below) to produce sound. Vibrating a membrane doesn't match the description. If anything, it's more like flexing a muscle and allowing the hollow-filled body to amplify the sound so that all can hear it.
Pictured below is a typical example of how a Cicada song normally appears in audio form. It is a distinct, clear sound. Headphone warning, a Cicada shriek can be very shrill, even if the audio has been gently reduced.
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As mentioned in this blog's 100th post, the Cicada's song appears continuous because of the tremendously rapid expansion and contraction of this membrane. The muscles controlling the membrane are so powerful that the tymbal can vibrate several hundred times per second. The faster the vibration builds (for this specie), the higher the pitch of the song becomes. That said, just as a Cricket's chirp can be isolated to clicks, a Cicada's song can be slowed down to hear the individual pulses. After slowing the screeching down by several hundred times, this is the result:
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On the other side of the summer of insects, most Katydids generate their mating calls using wing-to-wing stridulation. There are exceptions of course (such as the Drumming Katydid), but today's specie has a loud method of communication! Like its Cricket friends, the loud, continuous sound is many clicks in rapid-succession. In fact, you can actually hear the beginnings of the clicks at the start of the song before the wings suddenly accelerate and make the call distinctive. Considered the role flight muscles play in controlling the wings and their noises, it's no surprise how the song can suddenly turn loud. It's very likely that the song can only be sustained in short bursts to prevent muscle damage or heat buildup, which is to say nothing of exposing oneself to a predator. The sound is alluring, for both mate and hunter alike. Pictured below is a typical example of the Black-Legged Meadow Katydid's song (headphone warning):
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Do note, that while this is louder compared to the Cicada song, I was much closer to the source. If I was next to a singing Cicada, that too would have been an incredible amount of decibels! Nevertheless, when this Katydid's song is slowed down, the individual clicks become more prominent. Looking at it immediately after slowing the tempo down a few hundred times, a quick burst of less that one second becomes nearly 45 seconds of clicks! To showcase this, I've included a "portal" that offers a zoomed in look at the slowed song. Each spike in amplitude is a click of the wing-scraping. Even at reduce speed, you can hear the gradual acceleration of the clicking as the song goes on (headphone warning):
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Pictures were taken on August 24, 2019 (Dog-Day Cicada) with a Samsung Galaxy S4 and on September 5, 2021 (Meadow Katydid) with a Google Pixel 4. Audio amplitude graphs were created using Audacity and samples from the following blog videos:
Black Legged Meadow Katydid | Dog-day Cicada
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saltandskeletrons · 2 months
Ok weirdly specific natla praise-
I love the sound design decision of the cicadas in the background of the “do you think we could have been friends” moment. That noise sincerely resonates with me and some of my best friendship related memories and even earliest fun memories. I think it was a very clever way to use our human sensory experience with nature to connect our world with the avatar world. Cool decision I loved it.
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saturnniidae · 1 month
Dragon island sounds like the fucking constant cicadas in nge istg
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megah3rz · 9 months
WHY ARE INSECTS SO LOUD like you are SMALL why are u making sounds that are like five times your size!!! shut upppppp. pls shut up. u r driving me insane.
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 year
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He’s like a bug to me
[Image ID: A traditional drawing of Keralis from Hermitcraft. He is wearing his Hermitcraft skin, which is jeans, a red and black plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to above his elbows, and black suspenders. He is also wearing large glasses and a bandana over the bottom of his face that looks like an open mouth. He is balancing on one leg with his arms spread out to the side and his wings spread to keep his balance. His wings are cicada wings. /end ID]
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roseseafoam · 10 months
It’s funny to me when people describe edge-of-suburban to rural living as quiet. There’s an entire symphony of amphibians and insects behind my house every night in the summer…
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fruitsyrups · 4 months
u guys are sooo jealous of my awesome summer times. sat in front of the fan . little cool breeze. its really awesome yeah. i even thought about going to the beach, in my awesome mind.
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Sometimes you have to sit outside and listen to the trees scream
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Blue text being Micolash and grey text being Edgar is how yall think this is going when there is a female hunter in Hunter's Nightmare:
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