clangenrising · 3 days
Month 14 - April Gathering
“I’m so excited!” Fogpaw squeaked, bouncing along beside Floodpaw and Slatepaw. 
“We know,” Floodpaw rolled his eyes with a groan, “You’ve said so like a million times.” Fogpaw frowned and suddenly didn’t feel like bouncing anymore. She hadn’t realized she was being annoying. 
“It’s alright,” Slatepaw said, “I’m excited too.” 
“It’s your first Gathering,” said Pantherhaze on Slatepaw’s other side. “It’s completely normal to be excited about it.” He glanced at Floodpaw who looked away. 
“Well, I am,” said Fogpaw. She looked up at the full moon and smiled. “Do you think StarClan will cover the moon?” 
“I hope not,” said Pantherhaze. “If they did it would mean they disapproved of the Gathering.”
“I just think it would be cool,” shrugged Fogpaw. She imagined a roll of thunder and a sudden stormy sky, a powerful sign of StarClan’s wrath. She hoped that, at least some day, she got to see it.
The RisingClan cats - her, Slatepaw, Floodpaw, Pantherhaze, Scorchplume, Goldenstar, Russetfrond, and Sagetooth - emerged from the trees into the clearing. Fogpaw made an awe-filled sound of wonder at the sight of the Cornerstones towering up ahead. A white she-cat and a ginger one were sitting on top, bathed in moonlight, their deputies conversing on the rubble beneath them. Goldenstar whispered something to Scorchplume and then went to join them. 
Floodpaw was moving to meet a group of cats who looked close to his age and Fogpaw decided to follow him. Slatepaw followed her, both of them trailing after Floodpaw like ducklets. 
“Have fun and be respectful!” Pantherhaze called after them.
“We will!” squeaked Slatepaw. 
“Hey!” A pale, spotted tabby looked up as Floodpaw approached. “Floodpaw, how’s it going?”
“Great,” purred Floodpaw, “We’ve got some big news tonight. I’m excited for you to hear it.” 
“Ooh, well now I’m invested,” he grinned. 
“You’ve got some kittens stuck to your fur,” said a white she-cat with a ginger striped tail. The ginger cat wearing moth wings next to her smiled in a way that struck Fogpaw as mysterious.
“Oh,” Floodpaw turned to look at them and grimaced a little. “Right, uh, this is Fogpaw and Slatepaw.”
“Hi!” Fogpaw grinned. Slatepaw pressed into her side nervously. 
Floodpaw continued, “Uh, guys, these are my friends.” The white cat huffed a mean laugh. “Boldmoth and Fishtrick are from EarthClan and Fernpaw is from SkyClan.” 
“It’s Fernspeckle now!” beamed the spotted tabby. 
“Aw, really?” frowned Floodpaw. “I mean, congrats, but I was sure I was gonna get my name before you!” 
“Having a leader as your mother has its perks,” Fernspeckle laughed. 
“An admission you graduated before you were ready,” Fishtrick hummed. 
“You’ll get your name soon,” Boldmoth said, looking at Floodpaw. 
“Thanks,” he blushed under her cool, golden gaze.  
“Your mom is the leader?” Fogpaw asked loudly. Floodpaw and his friends all winced. 
“Yeah,” said Fernspeckle, “Snowstar’s my mother.” 
“That’s so cool,” Fogpaw said seriously. “My mom’s dead.” Fernspeckle froze in surprise. Fishtrick raised a brow skeptically. Boldmoth frowned sympathetically.
“Hey, uh,” Floodpaw said quickly, “Look, there’s an apprentice your age, why don’t you guys go talk to him?” FallenClan had arrived and Fogpaw followed Floodpaw’s gaze to a pale ginger tom who looked just a little bit older than her and Slatepaw settling down beside a warrior with brown points. 
“Oh, okay,” she said, wilting a little. She couldn’t help but feel like Floodpaw didn’t want her around. Still, she was interested in making a new friend so she looked at Slatepaw and said, “Come on, let’s go say hi!” Slatepaw gave a worried noise through pursed lips and glanced over at Floodpaw’s friends before nodding. Fogpaw started to make her way through the crowd, Slatepaw pressed against her side.
Behind her, she heard Floodpaw say, “Yikes, sorry about that, guys.” She sighed a little. 
“Fogpaw, why did you say that?” Slatepaw asked quietly. 
“Huh?” she asked, looking over. “Say what?” 
“You know,” Slatepaw chewed her lip worriedly. “About mama.” 
“Oh,” Fogpaw shrugged. She had already forgotten about that. “Cause it’s true?” 
“Right,” Slatepaw said softly. Fogpaw frowned, confused. Shaking her head, she decided to ignore it and focus on meeting this new apprentice. 
As they drew close, she raised her tail and said, “Hi there! I’m Fogpaw and this is my sister Slatepaw! What’s your name?” The apprentice looked over at her apprehensively. 
Beside him, his mentor smiled and said, “I’m Duskstep and this is Lionpaw. We’re from FallenClan.” He nudged Lionpaw’s leg gently.
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Lionpaw, barely audible but in a listless way, not like Slatepaw’s nervous whispering. It was like he didn’t have the energy to speak any louder. Fogpaw immediately decided that he seemed extremely boring. She glanced back over to where Floodpaw was joking with his friends and wished she could just go back and hang out with them. 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” smiled Slatepaw as they sat down. “Do you know Poppybird?”
“Yes,” purred Duskstep, “she’s our Clan’s mediator.” 
“She was friends with our mama,” Slatepaw said. “She comes and visits us sometimes.” 
“That’s nice,” said Duskstep. 
“She mentioned you,” said Slatepaw, looking at Lionpaw. He sat up a little straighter and blinked at her. Fogpaw yawned. 
“She did?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Slatepaw said. “We asked her about the kits in FallenClan and she talked about you.” Fogpaw groaned and stood to go find someone else to sit with. She wasn’t going to stay here and listen to boring small talk all gathering. 
“W- Fogpaw, where are you going?” asked Slatepaw. 
“I dunno,” Fogpaw shrugged, “to find Scorchplume or something.” 
“Oh, okay…” Slatepaw frowned. Fogpaw wasn’t sure why she was upset but it annoyed her. Huffling she turned and stomped away. 
The meeting was packed. Fogpaw hadn’t seen this many cats since they had gathered in camp for the big battle. The noise of it made her hackles prickle unconsciously. She reared onto her hind legs to try and spot her mentor’s bright ginger pelt. It was difficult with the height of the other cats. She padded a bit to the side to try and find a better vantage point, then someone right next to her spoke, throwing her off guard.
“Oh! Look at that!” said a she-cat nearby. Fogpaw looked on instinct and realized the grey tabby was looking right at her. 
“Uh…” She glanced around to make sure there wasn’t something else the cat could be looking at. 
“I know that pelt,” continued the cat. “You look just like the old tom Snowstar was fighting in the snowstorm battle!”
“Really?” asked the brown tabby next to her. This one narrowed her eyes at Fogpaw, making her want to squirm. “One of the rogues?” 
“Yes, exactly,” said the first cat. “Hello there, kit, what’s your name?” Fogpaw swallowed. At least they were talking to her now instead of about her. 
“Fogpaw,” she said. “Who are you?”
“I’m Greyvoice,” said the first cat with a smile, “and this is Perchingcall. Please, why don’t you come sit with us?” 
“Um, okay,” said Fogpaw. The idea that two grown ups wanted her to sit with them was exciting. Smiling, she settled down near them. 
Greyvoice scooted closer to her and said, “This is your first gathering, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” nodded Fogpaw. “I got apprenticed last week!”
“That’s so exciting,” purred Greyvoice, attentive and warm. Perchingcall smiled too but it didn’t feel right to Fogpaw. “You’re, um, Smokyrose’s kit, right?” 
“Yeah,” Fogpaw nodded again. 
“Such a shame about her, by the way,” Greyvoice frowned briefly. “I hope you’re doing alright.” 
“I’m fine,” said Fogpaw. Her tail tip twitched a bit - she hated when cats pitied her - but Greyvoice moved on quickly so she let it go.
“I’m so curious though,” said Greyvoice, “I mean, I’ve only heard rumors, so I have to ask: Is it true your father is the rogues’ deputy?” 
“Um,” Fogpaw screwed her mouth to the side as she thought. “I think so. His name’s Ghost. He’s the reason our mom is dead.” Or something like that. No one would tell her for certain what had happened. She had been forced to glean a few details from overheard conversations. 
Greyvoice and Perchingcall at least didn’t get those weird, surprised expressions on their faces like Floodpaw's friends had. Perchingcall frowned like she wanted to tear Ghost’s pelt and Greyvoice let out a soft little noise of sympathy.
“That’s terrible,” said Greyvoice. “What do you mean, he’s the reason why? I only heard that she had died, I didn’t hear what happened.” 
“And you won’t,” said Scorchplume, appearing suddenly behind Fogpaw. Her sharp blue eyes were narrowed at Greyvoice as she said, “Fogpaw get up. You’re going to come sit with me.” 
“But-” Fogpaw bristled in protest, “But I was just making friends!” 
“We don’t make friends with other Clans,” Scorchplume scowled, still not looking at her. “A warrior should know better.” Her words felt pointed at Greyvoice, just as sharp as her eyes. Fogpaw frowned and got to her feet. 
“Fine,” she grumbled. Maybe her spell had been wrong and Scorchplume wasn’t a good mentor. 
Greyvoice preened her chest a bit and said, “Well I’m fine considering us friends, Fogpaw. Maybe I’ll see you some other time.” 
Scorchplume growled a warning. “Stay away from my apprentice, Greyvoice.” The warrior in question huffed irritably but made no further comments. Scorchplume nudged Fogpaw towards the back of the crowd, saying, “That way.” 
“I’m going!” Fogpaw griped, stomping off. When they were nearing the back of the crowd, she added, “What was that for? I thought Russetfrond was the one who’s all ‘don’t talk to anybody ever!’” She bobbled her head and deepened her voice as she imitated him. 
Scorchplume flicked her tail and wrapped it around Fogpaw to urge her to sit. “Oh, I don’t care about talking to other Clans,” she said, and Fogpaw’s mouth fell open in confusion.
“Then, what-”
“Greyvoice was taking advantage of you,” said Scorchplume simply. “She doesn’t actually want to be your friend, she just wants to know the gossip about your father.” 
“Wait, really?” Fogpaw’s ears slid back against her head. She hadn’t been able to tell at all. Her stomach turned into a heavy, nauseous lump.
“Mhm,” said Scorchplume, glancing sideways at her. “I’m not going to let someone like that take advantage of my apprentice.” Her voice caught in her throat on the word, a growl that made Fogpaw feel like Scorchplume would fight a lion for her.
“But, then, why did you lie?” asked Fogpaw. 
Scorchplume glanced around as if making sure no one could hear before she said softly, “It’s better if I let her think I haven’t noticed what she actually wants. That way, she underestimates me. That way, I have the advantage next time we meet.” Fogpaw’s eyes were as wide and round as the moon. “So I got you out without tipping her off. I hope I wasn’t too harsh.”
“No, that’s amazing!” Fogpaw breathed. “It’s like magic! You have to teach me!” 
Scorchplume’s eyes flickered over her again, a tiny smile poking at the corners of her mouth. “It would be my pleasure,” she said. Fogpaw grinned, kneading the dirt with her paws. The spell had definitely worked. 
“Where do we start?” she asked. 
Snowstar’s voice boomed over the crowd. “Alright! I think it’s about time we got started!” The assembled cats hushed each other and fell quiet. 
“The first step,” Scorchplume spoke quickly and quietly, like she was giving Fogpaw an urgent secret, “is to figure out what cats want. Once you master that, you can start using it to your advantage.”
“Got it,” Fogpaw whispered back. 
“As a bit of good news to start off with,” Snowstar continued, “SkyClan welcomes a new warrior, the first of the kits to have survived Red Gut! Fernspeckle has shown himself to be a cat with a quick tongue and a quicker wit and we are beyond proud to have him among our ranks!” 
“She’s Fernspeckle’s mom,” Fogpaw whispered to Scorchplume.
Scorchplume raised a brow in interest. “Good to know.” 
When the crowd finished chanting Fernspeckle’s name, Snowstar said, “As well, Newleaf has been kind to us. Prey is flowing well and we are happy to continue sharing with our less fortunate neighbors if need be.” 
“What does Snowstar want?” Scorchplume whispered to Fogpaw. 
“Um… I don’t know.” Fogpaw shrugged. How was she supposed to be able to tell from that?
“She wants to be seen as strong and generous,” answered Scorchplume. “See the way she’s offering to help us like it makes her special? Sometimes what a cat wants is to look a certain way to other people. Remember that.” Fogpaw hummed as she nodded. This was harder than she had expected. 
“It’s most appreciated,” Orangestar said, voice wobbling tiredly. 
“Yes,” Goldenstar agreed, much firmer, “but RisingClan would like to be self-sufficient again as soon as possible. It is in that vein that I would like to propose another alliance, like the one we made for the battle of the snowstorm.” 
“Has there been another prophecy?” Snowstar asked. 
“No,” Goldenstar said, “but we have a plan.” She stood and raised her tail confidently and none of the other leaders tried to interrupt her so she continued. “It has recently come to my attention that Razor, the leader of the rogues, is interested in a one on one meeting with me. This meeting will almost certainly be a trap in which he intends to kill me, who he believes to be the Clans’ only leader. We will give him this meeting but we will spring a trap of our own instead!” 
RisingClan’s warriors and a few other Clan cats cheered in response. Scorchplume stayed silent so Fogpaw did the same. 
“And you need our help to do so,” said Flightstar as if he’d caught her trying to sneak it past him. 
“Yes,” said Goldenstar. “RisingClan alone won’t be able to stand against Razor but together we will most definitely be able to overpower him and put an end to this war.” 
“Then SkyClan will be there,” said Snowstar. “We would see this conflict put to rest for the good of every Clan.” 
“FallenClan as well,” said Flightstar with a twitch of his ear. “Where there’s a fight to be fought you will find the warriors of the deep woods.” A few FallenClan cats crowed proudly. 
“What does Flightstar want?” Scorchplume whispered again. 
“Um… is it to look a certain way?” asked Fogpaw.
“Um… He wants to look brave?” 
“Good,” purred Scorchplume. “He wants to look brave and strong and to tell everyone that they couldn’t beat him if they tried.” 
“Huh,” Fogpaw squinted up at him. That made sense, she thought. 
“What about EarthClan?” Goldenstar asked, looking at Orangestar. “We were hoping to use the edge of your forest for the meeting spot, to help hide our warriors and provide a terrain advantage.” 
Orangestar shifted and nodded. “Yes. EarthClan will stand by you. StarClan willing, this is the final battle of this war.” 
“StarClan willing,” nodded Snowstar. 
“Excellent,” Goldenstar said. “I will reach out to you to pick the location of the ambush. After that, I’ll send for a meeting with the leaders and things will be put into motion.” She shifted her posture to something a little more open and said, “In other news, we have two new apprentices with us today, Fogpaw and Slatepaw.” 
Fogpaw jumped to her feet and stood up tall so everyone could see her. A few cats tossed glances her way. She noticed Greyvoice among them. Scorchplume’s tail swished over her back, urging her to sit, and she did. The meeting moved on. The other Clans had very little news to share and soon after, RisingClan was heading home. 
“Thanks for teaching me,” Fogpaw said as she padded with Scorchplume to join the others.
“It’s my job isn’t it?” asked her mentor.
“Yeah, but I don’t think this is part of normal warrior stuff. I knew you were special.” 
Scorchplume huffed a laugh. “Good,” she purred, “and don’t forget it.”
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wyrm-clangen · 1 month
Could we see the other clan’s logos?
Hell yeah I can show the other clan logos. Plus bonus art bc I've been meaning to show y'all the other clan leaders!
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jadeazora · 2 months
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Here's the promo gif and storyboard shot for the new episode tomorrow! (I've heard rumors that Sprigatito might evolve, but I think it's just gonna learn a new move. I want Liko and Roy to grow a bit more as Trainers and do more on their own before we see their Pokemon evolve.)
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Tomorrow's Project Voltage song is "Encounter" by Orangestar!
And they're starting to tease the Magearna event in Masters! (Colress has made a good number of appearances since his introduction, like between random events and him getting some spotlight on the Villain Arc. Glad my boy's getting some love.)
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45 notes · View notes
vocaloid-tunes · 3 months
DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (DIVELA REMIX) | DIVELA feat. Kagamine Rin // Original | Orangestar feat. IA
21 notes · View notes
animemusicbrackets · 20 days
Vocaloid Song Showdown!!: Round 1A
Please listen to the songs before voting!
"DAYBREAK FRONTLINE" by Orangestar; feat. IA
"Electrical Forecast" by inabakumori; feat. Hatsune Miku
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rosenlied · 4 days
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More Vocaloid redraws
11 notes · View notes
mvvocaloidgifs · 5 months
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15 notes · View notes
DAYBREAK FRONTLINE by Orangestar feat. IA
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dxntloseurhead · 2 months
the second last pokemiku song for this round of songs is encounter by orangestar!! 🩵
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clangenrising · 4 months
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Month 11 - Leafbare
The evening was cold but not unbearable, and for that Goldenstar was thankful. The sky was black above them, a blanket of dark clouds through which a star or two shone dimly. There was no moon to light their path. Nonetheless, she and her companions made their way to the Cornerstones for a very important meeting. 
“What if a fight breaks out?” Floodpaw said, padding beside her. “How will we know if StarClan is mad if there’s no moon?” 
“This is going to be a small meeting among leaders,” she said. “No one will be fighting.” Floodpaw frowned slightly and Goldenstar sighed. That boy. 
Sagetooth seemed to be thinking the same thing. “Are you sure it’s wise to bring him along?” she groused. Floodpaw pouted further.
“It’ll be fine,” Goldenstar said tiredly. 
The last few weeks had been exhausting. She’d spent days grieving for Scorchplume, then fretting over Yarrowshade while he healed from his bruised - but thankfully not broken! - ribs. After that she’d been scrambling to keep things together. To her shock, Orangestar had come to her suggesting they turn Aldertail over to the rogues but she had abandoned the idea the moment Goldenstar had pushed back. Orangestar was scared and out of her depth, they both were, but deep down she didn’t want to send a cat to such a terrible fate, which was a relief. 
Together they had organized this meeting, even if Snowstar and Flightstar had continued to put it off for days. The entire time, Razor and his rogues had pushed the border by a tail length or so every day, working their way deeper and deeper into her territory. The longer things dragged on, the more they drained Goldenstar’s energy. Each new inconvenience or threat was like a tick and they just kept building up until she felt like she was covered in them, metaphorically speaking. 
On the other side of Floodpaw from her, Smokyrose smiled sympathetically. “He promised to be on his best behavior, didn’t you, Floodpaw?” 
“That’s right,” he said, puffing up to his full height with a bounce on his toes. “I’ll be quiet the whole time, just like I promised. Please don’t make me go kitsit with the others!” He shaped his face into a pleading expression and craned his head to look over Goldenstar’s back at Sagetooth. At eight moons old, he barely had to stretch to do it anymore and Goldenstar marveled quietly at how quickly he had grown. He was nearly taller than she was!
Sagetooth rolled her eyes and looked away. “It’s not up to me anyways,” she said, which was as good as a yes. 
“What’s wrong with kitsitting?” Smokyrose teased. “Do you not like my little girls?” 
“No, it's not that,” Floodpaw scoffed, bumping shoulders with the elder gently. “It’s just boring. I’d rather be learning! Like tonight,” he turned his eager blue gaze on Goldenstar, “I get to study diplomacy and stuff.” 
“I’m surprised you’re interested, honestly,” Goldenstar said. 
Floodpaw shrugged. “I want to know everything it takes to be a good leader, in case I get to be your deputy one day.” 
“Hmm,” Goldenstar smirked, “we’ll see…” 
The four cats made their way over the river and into the trees. As the Cornerstones came into view, Goldenstar spotted a small cluster of cats. Among them was a bright ginger shape and for a brief second she thought it might be Scorchplume but the illusion was quickly dispelled. Orangestar’s posture was far too anxious to belong to Scorch. Besides, she thought, what would she be doing here? 
Orangestar waved as they approached. Beside her was Darkmoon, the deputy, and a tortoiseshell cat it took Goldenstar a moment to recognize. 
“Poppybird,” she greeted the FallenClan mediator with surprise. “Where is Flightstar?” 
“He’s not coming, I’m afraid,” she said apologetically.
“He’s not?” Sagetooth huffed. “For what reason?”
“He said this is none of his concern,” Poppybird said. “He said I was free to come in his stead, though, so here I am.” Sagetooth sat down with a disgruntled hrmf. 
“Well, thank you for coming,” said Smokyrose. “Maybe you can help him understand the gravity of the situation after tonight.” 
“StarClan willing,” Poppybird smiled and it was clear she was struggling not to speak ill of her leader. Goldenstar returned her pained smile and settled down next to Orangestar. 
“I hope you all don’t mind if my apprentice sits in on the meeting. I’m hoping it will be a good learning experience.” 
“Of course not,” Orangestar said, tail twitching anxiously. Goldenstar let her tail fall over top of Orangestar’s and the younger leader gave a breathy laugh and nodded in thanks. Goldenstar nodded back. She was grateful she was able to be there for the cats around her when they needed her.
She wished she had been able to be there for Scorch when she had the chance…
“Greetings, friends!” Snowstar’s voice rang loudly through the clearing, jostling Goldenstar from her thoughts. The white furred leader, Coyotechaser, and the SkyClan mediator, Heatherfuzz, strolled into the clearing and joined the other cats at the base of the Cornerstones. 
“No Flightstar?” Coyotechaser asked. 
“He declined the invitation last minute,” Poppybird explained. 
“That’s too bad,” said Heatherfuzz, folding his tail over his paws. 
“Yes, a real shame,” said Snowstar a little too loudly. Floodpaw in particular grimaced and pressed his ears back against his head. Goldenstar surreptitiously looked at Sagetooth who cast her a sideways glance and swiped a paw over one ear before focusing back on the meeting ahead of her. So her suspicion was correct then. It seemed Snowstar’s hearing was finally starting to go. 
“We should get started,” she said, changing the subject. “Razor’s band only get bolder by the day. Something needs to be done.” 
“Agreed,” said Orangestar, trying to sound firm. “Every day we have less and less prey to share.” 
Darkmoon nodded. “Either they don’t know how to preserve next year's hunt or they don’t care. I’d wager the latter.” 
“Both can be true at once,” Sagetooth said. “They know nothing of our ways and they don’t care to learn. They need to be stopped.” Turning her gaze to Snowstar, she said, “We would handle them ourselves if we could but, as you know, the Red Gut cut all of our Clans down to a dangerous size.” 
“We need your help,” Smokyrose said, glancing from Snowstar to Poppybird. “Both of you. This is a threat to all of the Clans, not just RisingClan.” 
“I know,” Snowstar started loudly, although she paused when Coyotechaser brushed her tail against her side and then started again at a more reasonable volume. “I know, but, from what you’ve described before, there are enough rogues to outnumber all of the Clans several times over. Maybe we should start considering alternatives.” 
“Alternatives?” Darkmoon glared. “Like what?” 
“Well, for starters,” said Snowstar, “maybe you both could start searching for new territories.” 
“What?” Floodpaw blurted but shrank when Sagetooth shot him a withering stare. Still, Goldenstar was with her apprentice on this.
“What do you mean, ‘search for new territories’?” she asked stubbornly. “Are we supposed to go off on our own? Cut ourselves off from StarClan and our ancestral homeland?” 
Heatherfuzz shifted forward with a kind smile on his face. “There are hunting grounds over the mountains,” he said, “and a lake. They might be a good place to settle down, away from this Razor and his rogues. We would even be willing to help facilitate travel through the mountains.”
“Isn’t that lake swimming with twolegs?” Sagetooth snapped. “If I remember correctly, You have a kittypet warrior now who used to live there.” 
“They’re only busy in greenleaf,” Coyotechaser said, “A seasonal challenge, like foxes and ticks.” 
“That’s missing the point,” Smokyrose said gently, no doubt trying to make up for Sagetooth’s brusqueness. “From what we understand, Razor is looking for a psychological victory as well as a physical one. He’s trying to prove that he can push us around, that he’s better than us. If we leave for the mountains that will only encourage him and next thing you know he’ll be encroaching into your territory as well.” 
“That’s a bit of a slippery slope,” Poppybird said, “don’t you think?” 
“Then we’re standing on the precipice of a slippery slope!” cried Sagetooth. “Stars above! Where are your spines?! Are you not warriors?” 
“Sagetooth…” Smokyrose warned carefully. 
“What?” Sagetooth’s hackles bristled. “Am I supposed to just sit by while these mouse-hearts hand our ancestral territory over to a bunch of faithless kittypets?!”
“Let’s all take a deep breath,” said Goldenstar. “Shouting isn’t going to get us anywhere.” Sagetooth huffed through her nose and turned her furrowed brows skyward. Thankful that the healer had listened, Goldenstar continued. “She’s right, though. This is what warriors do. Orangestar and I are going to have to fight back at some point. We need your help to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.” 
She searched the faces of the cats in front of her. Poppybird studied the frozen ground at her paws with a troubled expression. Snowstar had tilted her head back to look down her nose at her as she considered the argument. Coyotechaser’s head was tilted to the side in an expression that said, ‘she’s not wrong.’ Heatherfuzz was still offering a sympathetic smile. Orangestar’s tail began to fidget again. Fat, wet snowflakes started to fall from the sky, resting on the cats’ pelts as they sat in silence.
Coyotechaser leaned in to whisper in Snowstar’s ear and Goldenstar overheard the words “StarClan” and “not unreasonable”. 
Eventually, Snowstar nodded and said, “Alright. You make a good point. But I hope you can understand my hesitance. This is a big, dangerous thing you’re asking, and my Clan is just as weakened as yours.” 
“That’s why we have to work together,” Smokyrose said. “United we are stronger.”
“Yes, yes,” Snowstar sighed. “I just wish there were better prospects before us. I don’t want to rush into a battle we can’t win.” 
Just then, Sagetooth gasped sharply through her teeth. Everyone looked to see her sitting completely rigid, staring up at the sky with a heavy snowflake perched upon her nose and a distant look in her eyes. Goldenstar’s pelt prickled as the energy in the clearing changed. Those who had seen this sight before could recognize it anywhere - a prophecy!
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After a long second, Sagetooth let out the breath and slumped her shoulders, head bowing. She panted for a moment before looking up at Snowstar with a grin. 
“Ask and ye shall receive,” she said, the snowflake still sitting on her greying muzzle. “In nine days, a storm will come and the rogues’ defenses will fall. That is when we strike.” Floodpaw opened his mouth then bit down on his lip to keep it shut. 
“Nine days?” Poppybird asked, “It was that precise?” 
Sagetooth flicked one ear and said, “There were no words but I saw a sudden vision of the moon being blotted out by snow, then a raptor crushed a snake’s head in its beak. I know the phases of the moon and that one should arrive in nine days, maybe ten.” Floodpaw was starting to vibrate in his efforts to contain himself. 
Goldenstar smiled. “Nine days then,” she said. “Can we count on you to be there?” 
“Yes,” Snowstar said and Coyotechaser once again had to correct her volume. “I’ll bring my warriors to your camp before nightfall.” 
“What about FallenClan?” Smokyrose asked. “Do you think the prophecy could convince Fallenstar to join us?” 
“I would like to think so,” Poppybird said. “StarClan’s will is clear. I will see what I can do.” 
“Thank you,” sighed Smokyrose in relief. 
“What do we do until then?” asked Orangestar. “My warriors are already struggling to eat. Even if we drive them back, that won’t return the prey they’ve stolen.” 
Snowstar hummed thoughtfully. “SkyClan can offer some of its prey to strengthen its allies. EarthClan and RisingClan are welcome to fish in our river until this threat is sufficiently dealt with on the condition that they preserve next year’s hunt.” 
“Of course,” Goldenstar agreed. “We’ll take only what the river is willing to part with.” 
Orangestar sounded on the verge of tears. “Thank you so much, Snowstar.” 
“It is the least I can do,” Snowstar said graciously and Goldenstar had to agree but she wasn’t about to overlook the gift they were already being given.
“We’ll see you in nine days,” she said, rising to her feet. “Until then.”
“May StarClan light your path,” Poppybird said, doing the same.
“And may we fight with the strength of LionClan!” boomed Snowstar. Everyone winced. 
“Indeed!” Smokyrose managed to cheer a bit. 
Snowstar nodded and turned to leave with her Clanmates in tow. Poppybird dipped her head to the others and slipped around the Cornerstones to return to her own territory. Orangestar turned to Goldenstar and smiled, sniffing back tears.
“Thank you for helping me,” she said. “I couldn’t have done this on my own.”
“You could have,” Darkmoon shook his head.
“Agreed,” said Goldenstar, “but I’m glad we did this together. We need to look out for each other more than ever right now.” 
“We’ll see you in nine days,” said Orangestar. “Good luck.” 
“You too,” said Goldenstar, and both groups headed in their separate directions. 
Before they had even left the clearing, Floodpaw practically exploded with questions. “What was that? You had a vision? Like from StarClan?” Goldenstar chuckled and wrapped her tail over his haunches as they walked.
“Yes,” Sagetooth said wearily. It seemed the vision had taken a lot out of her. “When they need to, they send us warnings about the future.” 
“How did you know what it meant? Can anyone see a prophecy or is it just cats like you and Papa?” 
“Anyone can,” Sagetooth hummed, “but usually leaders or healers are the ones to interpret them. It's a skill you can learn to cultivate, although some cats have a gift.” 
“So there’s gonna be a big battle?” Floodpaw turned his excited gaze to his mentor. “Can I go?!” He bounced eagerly, jostling up against her.
“Easy,” she laughed. “We’ll have to see. Russetfrond and I will probably hold an assessment before the battle to see if you three are up for it.” 
“Okay,” Floodpaw seemed a bit disappointed but wasn’t phased for long. “I’m sure we’ll ace it, no problem. Well… Maybe not Barleypaw.” He frowned as if irritated with his sister and Goldenstar laughed again. 
“She probably won’t want to go anyway,” Smokyrose said. 
“Yeah,” Floodpaw shrugged. “That’s fine. More fighting for me.” 
“That’s not how that works, kid,” Goldenstar rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever,” he laughed, bumping into her on purpose this time. She glared playfully and gave him a rough shove back, causing him to tumble onto his side with a squawk, flailing his gangly limbs. 
Goldenstar smiled but the smile quickly faded. This battle was no laughing matter. Fighting Razor’s rogues was going to be dangerous and that was before you factored in a heavy snow storm. She would have to talk with Sagetooth about the best ways to prevent injured warriors from also contracting frostbite, send extra patrols looking for horsetail and cobwebs, oversee extra training for the apprentice and maybe even some of the warriors. She would have to coordinate the attack with the other Clans and hope that Fallenstar didn’t try to pick a fight, if he even came at all. 
It was going to be a lot to handle but she was determined to do it. This was what Sunstar had trained her for. This was her destiny.
UPDATES: - Yarrowshade has healed from his injuries. - Sagetooth receives a prophecy from StarClan!
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atticsandwich · 12 days
not obey me related whatsoever but will somebody care if i make an extremely detailed lengthy post about how much i love hare wo matsu by orangestar and how perfectly it fits honami thematically main story-wise and basically how it's a jumpstart to her character as a whole. like i truly cannot think of a more perfect song for a first focus
like the juxtaposition of the song's melody (bright, light, upbeat) vs the lyricism (themes of hopelessness, uncertainty, loneliness) exactly mirroring how honami was during the early parts of the story and even a little while after joining leo/need and then you see her now during her 4th focus as a steady, strong pillar for the band and even becoming their leader. i might erupt into tears yall I LOVE HONAMI SO MUCH
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1-mini-1 · 7 months
Orangestar- Aloud English Lyrics
明日など描けばキリがないが 届かぬ空ばかり眺めている 何も言葉にはならないまま 熟れ過ぎたものから傷んでいく
There’s no limit to the tomorrows I could draw But all I do is keep gazing at the unreachable sky Still unable to put anything into words I’m hurting from things that have grown too ripe
明日など描けばキリがないが 戻らぬ日々ばかりが増えていく 君の心など知らないまま 積み上げたものから崩れていく
There’s no limit to the tomorrows I could draw But the days I can never return to keep growing Still unable to understand you and your heart Everything I’ve built up crumbles
「あぁ 何もかも仕方ないな」 君の歌う声 明けない夜の海 「泣くだけ無駄じゃないか」 溢れた声は 闇を満たした!
“Ahh, I can’t do anything about it.” Your voice sings on the dawnless sea “It’s pointless to just cry about it.” Your overflowing voice filled the darkness!
君の願うまま空に響く 風に歌うまま 髪を揺らすまま ただ夜明けを呼ぶ 君の笑顔だけ 夏を照らす 今も
It resonates in the sky, just as you wished It sings in the wind It rustles yours hair Simply calling for the dawn Only your smile Brightens up summer Even now
また空に響く ただ夜明けを呼ぶ
It resonates in the sky again Simply calling for the dawn
あぁ 僕を空っぽにしたそれにまた気を削がれている それでも歌っていた 風にまた身を任せている
Ahh, I made myself empty. And I lost heart again But I still sang I’m letting the wind take me again
僕を空っぽにしたそれに未だ取り憑かれている それでも笑っていたので、良い? 未だ 未だ 手を伸ばせる
I made myself empty. And I’m still haunted But I was laughing, so it’s fine, right? I’m still, still stretching out my hand
僕を空っぽにしたそれに今は取り憑かれている それでも歌っていたので、いい。 また また 手を伸ばせ
I made myself empty. And I’m fixated on it now But I was singing, so it’s fine. Again and again, stretch out your hand
あぁ 僕を空っぽにした 僕を空っぽにした
Ahh, I made myself empty. I made myself empty.
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Title: DAYBREAK FRONTLINE -Rap arrange- Song and Lyrics: Orangestar (蜜柑星P) Vocals: Fantastic Youth — LowFat, おん湯 (Onyu) English Translation: shiguremachi (link in reblog)
Since the original YouTube video with millions of views was taken down, I figured I’d upload one of my favorite TPN AMVs with some English lyrics. This was the first AMV I saw after watching S1, and I know the song has been around for half a decade now, but it’s forever associated with this series in my mind. Words can’t describe how well it captures the series’ message of hope while giving a nice chronological recap of the season. Forever grateful to the original creator who uploaded it to niconico shortly after it aired.
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beatsyncer · 1 year
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Icons from Star Night Snow by Orangestar & n-buna
Like/rb if saved ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Credit AO FUJIMORI and yuiti hinata if used
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hatsune-sophia · 15 days
man, i can't listen to orangestar anymore. ever since i've learned that they're mormon, anytime one of their songs starts playing the only thing i can think about is that i'm listening to christian music and i can't hold back my laughter
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mvvocaloidgifs · 5 months
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