#park hyun chul
asc2nt · 5 months
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Instagram: @park_628
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leixinyus · 8 months
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swannsways · 5 months
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너와 나 The Dream Songs (2022), dir. Cho Hyun-chul
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somanykdramas · 6 months
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GENRES: Historical, Comedy, Romance
SUMMARY: A Prince with an unfortunate reputation and a noble lady moonlighting as a matchmaker find love for the entire village--and themselves.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Quick costume changes, wedding-night poison, secret attic erotica, sass-mouths, old bachelors, heart palpitations, minister scheming, temples, donkeys, god-tier matchmaking, and learning to love your fate.
HOT TAKE: Dammit, Rowoon has done it again. Despite the fact that the only kiss the main leads had was top-tier terrible, this show was clever, adorable, refreshing, and just overall an excellent watch. Everyone's chemistry was great and the plot fake-outs were funny. Would totally recommend for someone looking for a lighthearted drama that will make you smile.
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kdram-chjh · 9 months
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Kmovie: Confidential Assignment 2: International (2022) | dir. by Lee Seok Hoon
Meet the handsome North Korean man 😍❤️ #shorts #confidentialassignment #yoona #hyunbin #koreanmovies
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8BAoaE89pfQ
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billornot · 3 months
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You guys are driving me crazy.
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lemon-inferno · 1 year
Reborn Rich the final episode
What an ending.
It's so bittersweet but I love it. Maybe it's my obsession with Jin Do Jun, but if you follow the actual chronology of things - Do Jun was reborn as Hyun Woo first. Because he died first. And if fate cannot be changed then he was meant to recover his memories as Jin Do Jun, which had alread been burried within him. Even before Hyun Woo "died" (for a week), it was meant to happen. So who is really who at the end? As Hyun Woo called it, you could think of it as repentance, but for me personally, Do Jun existed in Hyun Woo long before Hyun Woo got "reborn" as Do Jun.
All that being said, I do have some very smaaaaaall issues with the ending.
First, it felt rushed. Honestly the last 3 episodes or so felt really rushed compared to the rest of the drama's pace. Everything that needed to happen still happened, but it was just.... I don't wanna say half-baked but.....
Second, Hyun Woo got shot straight in the head point blank. You're telling me he miraculously survived that? Sure there are some miracles that happene even in real life, but it's a patter I hate with tv shows, nto just kdrama. At the very least, he would've needed years to recover. Although, if I really want to defend it, I could say the years he spent as Do Jun somehow changed Hyun Woo's brain's perception of time which afforded him just enough time to recover. Still, between Do Jun's and Hyun Woo's death, Do Jun would've had a much higher survival rate than Hyun Woo. Sure, Do Jun's car got slammed pretty hard, but it's not comparable to getting shot at point blank IN THE FREAKING HEAD, now is it? :/
Also I would've loved to see the actual process of Mr. Oh Se Hyun working with Do Jun's mother, instead of just hearing about all the things they're gonna do..... but we don't get to see them.
Jin Sung Jun's character deserved more too. Sure he was greedy, but he was not guilty of ordering Do Jun's murder. Both times he was innocent. He knew everyone would've suspected him, which is was exactly what his father wanted. It's the reason why he got the company in the first place. Sung Jun deserves some justice too. I feel like it would've been that more epic if the show had gone back to the conversation between Hyun Woo and Sung Jun from episode 1 and committed to the bond that was forming. Imagine if we had Hyun Woo and Sung Jun working together in the final episodes. Hyun Woo gets to finish Do Jun's deed and Sung Jun finally has a change of heart and pays tribute to his grandfather and runs the company with the same heart his grandfather had.
On a more positive note (says anticupid), Hyun Woo did not end up in a relationship with Min Young! Which makes logical sense, for once. I'm not saying I'm happy that they didn't get together, I'm saying it happened for the right reasons. But I'm sure most of the ship's fans will be satisfied that she seemed to recognize Do Jun in Hyun Woo in the end. One could imagine they did end up meeting up and like.... making babies. Idk.
I liked the future Min Young a lot more. Although for her to become the Soonyang Grim Reapper and wear only black because she was mourning for Do Jun, I really would have loved to see more of their relationship developing at least? As it was all based on only a few times they talked? Briefly? But I guess human emotiones are unpredictable, so it's possible. Anyways, there's that.
A little sad the endings of the rest of the characters were rushed by too, but I didn't see anything that made me think "hmm this doesn't make sense". Honestly, is there not going to be a season 2? Now I'm kinda disappointed, because I wish we had spent more time with how the other characters' life continued. As well as more to see of Do Jun with his family. But I get it, it was never the focus of the show.
All my other thoughts about this drama flew out the window.
I can say it was a lovely experience. I enjoyed this so much despite constantly finding something to nag about. I loved following Jin Do Jun's life, and that particular era in South Korea's history. The real footage they used. I loved Jin Yang Cheol's character, I loved Lee Sung Min's acting (as well as Joong Ki's, always).
It made me cry a couple of times and any drama that invokes real emotion in me keeps a spot in my heart. Especially when Ha In Seok went to testify and thought Hyun Woo was Do Jun (was he wrong though?) and wanted to protect him. The unspoken hero of this show. It was a fantastic story, even if we look at it only from Do Jun's perspective, it makes for an amazing story. Had Hyun Woo not even been a part of this drama, I would've still loved just watching Do Jun and his grandpa. Hyun Woo's growth at the end was the bonus for me. I get to exprience something which unlocked his cage and his heart. The boy who grew up in poverty and had many hardships because of it, the boy who willingly walked into a cage because of his trauma caused by poverty. He put his emotions aside, thinking that money was more important than them. Finally, he was freed from it all.
With a new look on life, a new heart and a new dream, he was able to leave all of his hurt behind and live in a way that not only fits him better, as a human, but also a life that Do Jun would be proud to see him live.
Ugh. I'm gonna miss Do Jun's smile though. I know Joong Ki plays both, but that smile is now Do Jun's until the day I die and there's no changing my mind.
Alright, time to go cry in a dark corner. I love-hate this ending.
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onenakedfarmer · 5 months
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Currently Watching
Director Jeong Dong-yun
Writer Eun-kyung Kang
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skyasma · 2 years
I wish that bullied lanky fella, recorded himself being beaten up by his 'father' and gave that video to the opposition party (of his father's) and media.
Just sit back and enjoy the show.
The poor kid's adoption was part of 'image making', so just break the image he tried so hard to build and protect.
I paused and just sat for a good minute when he cursed at him, "I'll make sure you are murdered the moment you step in Philippines." His horrendous words were scary AF.
Si On! Soo Hoo! Leave all these bratty kids, and avenge for your friend, show the hell to this horrible piece of...
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passionforfiction · 1 year
Reborn Rich
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This Korean drama is based on the webtoon. I haven't read the webtoon, yet but I definitely will. I liked the series because it kept me wanting to see what would happen next. Yoo Hyeon Woo had been a faithful employee to the Soonyang owners who were fighting for the management rights over the empire. He doesn't like the people he works for, he doesn't respect them but he does what needs to be done in order to hold on to his job; until he goes on a business trip where he is to meet his death.
But he is not dead, he is now living in the body of the Jin Do Joon who had died 20 years before. The youngest grandson of the legendary Jin Yang Cheol who had created the Soonyang empire. It is through the relationship between grandfather and grandson that Yoo Hyeon Woo tries to mend the situation in his previous life by making sure Jin Yang Cheol's children and grandchildren don't get the management rights over the company.
The twist and turns in this story kept my interest. The relationship between Jin Do Joon with his grandfather and his investing partner were fun to watch. It is sad to watch how children and grandchildren watch the patriarch like vultures waiting for him to die so they can get their hands on the company. It really felt like Jin Do Joon was the only one who truly loved his grandfather.
It is interesting to see how all those experiences Yoo Hyeon Woo lived in this paralleled reality was connected to what he had lived in his first life - as Yoo Hyeon Woo would call it. I don't want to say more because this story is best to watch without knowing much. But I will say that I liked the fact that these are very gray characters and that I liked the main characters with all their imperfections.
This is a really good series. I recommend it. Can't wait to read the webtoon!
Photo from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reborn_Rich
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namjhyun · 1 year
Our Blooming Youth Review | Episode 01 and 02
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The drama throws us in the middle of a political war already underway and the script is smart to give us enough information to catch up. You can feel the stakes are high and how betrayal, murder, conspiracy are all breathing down at the Crown Prince's neck.
Lady Min (Jeon So Nee) is smart and resourceful. I am already looking forward to see her solve her family's murder and how it's connected to whoever is threatening Crown Prince Hwan (Park HyungSik).
As we learn about the Crown Prince’s true face and insecurities, Lady Min proves to be an outstanding and wise adviser. Now that it has been stablished their enemies are probably the same, I think they will be a force to be reckoned with.
I'm keeping my eye on Sergeant Han Sung-on (Yun Jong Seok) and Lord Kim Myung-jin (Lee Tae Sun). I don't think they are directly involved in the murder of Lady Min's family or the threats to the Crown Prince but perhaps their families are since their respective fathers are Ministers.
I think Lee Hwan wants to trust Sergeant Han but since becoming the Crown Prince it has become difficult to do so, even if he is a childhood friend, because of whom his father is. I admit Minister Han (Cho Seong-ha) is cryptic AF. He looks like ally but is he?
If Minister Han is working against Crown Prince Hwan, it would make sense that he would send someone to kill Governor Min to keep the letter secret and since his son was engaged to their daughter, it would give him opportunity. But, what would be his reason to depose Hwan?
Minister Jo (Jung Woong in) seems like the obvious choice. He’s not trying to hide his dislike for Crown Prince Hwan and wants to depose him to put his own nephew in his place and take control. I think he might be some kind of red herring to distracts from the real person moving all the pieces.
I also don’t trust the Queen (Hong Soo-hyun). I think she might be playing the long game to get her way through her uncle’s machiavellian ways.
Meanwhile I can’t read Minister Kim (Son Byung Ho) at all. I am pretty sure he will become a bigger player later in the story but I’m still not sure for which side. I hope the drama shows a little more of him at court and his relationship with his son.
Crown Prince's bodyguard Tae Gang (Heo Won So) and Lady in waiting Jang Garam (Pyo Yejin) both seem pure and loyal. I am already praying nothing happens to them through the course of this drama because my spidey senses tell me main character is dying in Our Blooming Youth.
Technically speaking, the cinematography is beautiful to look at, the costume design really well done, the directing and performances fun to watch but also set the seriousness of the problems our main characters must overcome. The best part it's the script, which I found to be very smart and well paced.
Overall, I think this drama has the potential to be a great sageuk!
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Hotel King. 7
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Innocent Man (kdrama) ; Hotelier (kdrama); My Secret Hotel (kdrama)
A classic kdrama that is hella melodramatic. It has an amazing cast with a pretty decent storyline that gets amped up to 100% filled with betrayals, secrets, romance, murder, revenge, evil villains (like evil evil) and heartbreaking events. There’s also some funny situations to break up all the melodramatic moments. Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae is magnificent in this their chemistry together is amazing as well. My only problem is that the drama is way too long and would of been a ten for me if it was edited down to at least ten to sixteen episodes. There was way to much repetitiveness to it going back and forth with the same issues, where no development of characters were happening nor the plot. Eventually it did get there. Overall it’s a nice drama especially if you like over melodramatic ones.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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Episode 4 got fucking heavy for me. Monster Bullies and abusers create monsters from their victims. Figuratively, sometimes literally. Sometimes they make it impossible to live.
This zombie/bullying as an allegory is heavy for me. Good show, cleverly thought out. But personally heavy.
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greenteabelle · 6 days
finished watching d.p. (2021) yesterday , and i can't help but wonder : what if cho seokbong was part of the d.p. team ?
sergeant park beomgu was well aware of seokbong's fighting abilities , given his extensive history in judo . additionally , he knew of seokbong's interest in art and anime , which he had to know that it would make him an even bigger target for bullying . maybe the team was already full , so he couldn't be added .
but what if park beomgu said fuck it and added him anyway ?
maybe cho seokbong could have been a substitute member , tasked to fill in for a missing member or extra manpower is required for particularly dangerous deserters . maybe he could be dispatched on mentally precarious missions , where they need someone who can comfort and empathise with the deserter to bring them back safely .
sure , maybe he would still spend more time at the base compared to the rest of the team , but i like to hope that sergeant park would occasionally summon him to the office , for nothing more than a reprieve from his abuse . that han hoyeol would drop by every so often , warding off the bullies with nonchalance . even if the bullying continues , he at least has something to look forward for now .
then when ahn junho arrives , their team finally feels complete .
especially after he beats up park sungwoo .
i just really wish that there was something that they could have done to give seokbong a sense of hope . that there were people standing by his side , understanding and accepting , no matter what he experiences at the base .
i just wish kind people would get their happy ending .
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somanykdramas · 1 year
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GENRES: Drama, Mystery
SUMMARY: Everybody dies. Sometimes, after you die, you're reborn as a member of the conglomerate family who killed you mercilessly.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Infinite 90s pop-culture references, glazed donuts, corporate greed, halmeoni hanboks, evil cousins, vengeful siblings, Vienna coffees (no cinnamon), brain tumors, bad investments, car accidents, fortune-telling assistants, Quantum Leap style face-offs, awkward dinners, fake smiles, and lots of envelopes filled with contracts.
HOT TAKE: I stopped and re-started watching this drama nearly half a dozen times before I finally finished it. The individual performances are fine, but the revenge plot took so long to come to fruition that I often forgot why this was all happening in the first place.
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movienized-com · 26 days
The Matchmakers
The Matchmakers (Serie 2023) #KimRoWoon #YiHyunCho #JoHanchul #ParkJiyoung #HeekyungJin #LeeHaeyoung Mehr auf:
Serie / 혼례대첩 Jahr: 2023- (Dezember) Genre: Comedy / History / Romantik Hauptrollen: Kim Ro-Woon, Yi-Hyun Cho, Jo Han-chul, Park Ji-young, Hee-kyung Jin, Lee Hae-young, Oh Ye-ju, Park Hwan-hee, Lee Soon-won, Jung Shin-Hye, Sang-Yeon Son, Jeong Seung-gil, Hee-jin Choi … Serienbeschreibung: Die Geschichte des Witwers Joseon Sim Jeong-woo und der Witwe Jeong Soon-deok, die sich zusammenschließen,…
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