#please i'm actually so excited. if anyone wants to plot or like. even toss a small starter / one liner
ipanema · 3 months
inbox call !!! i still get stuff to do on victor's blog + i work today anywys so i'm not gonna have much time to write but . i will put replies in my drafts / likely continue them
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scarlettlillies · 1 year
Sorry I'm kinda late to this but 💞 and 🌿 for the writer asks? Also 💌 but only if you're comfortable with that of course ;v;
No worries! You're actually the first person to send me an ask about this! :D
From this ask meme
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
That's a tough one! All of them are pretty important to me but I think I'd have to pick the plot. I often go into my stories with just a vague idea of what I want to happen so it's very common for me to write my sections out of order. I then try to find a way to tie the pieces together, either through worldbuilding, extra prose, or new plot points. Sometimes it works, other times not so much!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I feel many different things. There's a lot of positive feelings like joy and excitement. I daydream so much about the things I want to make! But my anxiety takes over very quickly and the desire for perfectionism keeps me from finishing anything. I nitpick at every sentence and I've tossed out stories at the moment when something goes wrong. There have definitely been times when I didn't feel good enough to create the things I wanted. It's very difficult to get out of that mindset. :c
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I recently just started writing again! I'm starting slow so I revived a 10+ year-old story and turned it into a ficlet! I'm hoping I can post it within the next few days. It's just a simple fic about Est and Ned bonding over gardening. Whether their relationship is platonic or romantic is really up to the reader. It still needs some cleaning up so please ignore anything wonky. ;w;
No matter how many times Netherlands stopped by Estonia’s home, it was always a shock to see him covered in dirt.
Their friendship was very new. His impression of Estonia was slick, neat, and modern. When their paths would cross, he was always well-dressed in expensive suits and noticeably owned the latest devices available on the market. Estonia seemed to be stunned when Netherlands shared his observations about him over coffee. It was their first time sharing a table together during a brief morning recess at an EU meeting in Paris. Estonia admitted he had a bad habit of changing his devices regularly and was struggling to break it. Being known as an IT nation was important to him. He had convinced himself that being seen with a device that was more than a few years old would tarnish his reputation. His clothing, however, he insisted was fairly cheap. He was no different than anyone else; he shopped at one of the local malls nearby his home and bought what was within his price point. Netherlands found his words hard to believe but when he wanted to press him for more questions, they were called back to continue with the day’s agenda.
That was some time ago. Five? Maybe ten years ago? He doesn’t quite remember. Time was always a strange concept for their kind anyhow.
Over their short time together though, Netherlands has learned more things about him. He had an interesting palette for alcohol, was a natural when it came to music and technology, liked the outdoors, but most importantly he was business-orientated. He knew how to sell you on anything—whether it was a wacky dish at his favourite restaurant that you just had to try out or you needed help selling your hand-made crafts at the local marketplace—making a quick buck seemed to come naturally for him. Netherlands liked that in a man.
But when he found out that Estonia liked to garden, he was skeptical. They had been sharing drinks in a Brussels jazz bar after a long meeting and thought Estonia was just trying to make conversation. He didn’t look the type (then again neither did he), especially to those outside of his main friend group. Even when Estonia shared his knowledge on botany, he chalked it up to just being the intelligent guy that Estonia was known for.
“You should come to my place in the spring! I think you’ll like the setup that I’ve got.”
He took him up on that offer. To his surprise, Estonia was correct. He definitely liked what he saw.
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
1-4, 17, and 18 for the writer questions please? Also your new Weyoun/Half Changeling!Reader fic is amazing and I absolutely love it! Your self indulgent fic has given me something I didn’t even know I needed. When I read it last night I was so happy I did that excited puppy wiggle (the one where the tail wags the dog) crossed with cat zoomies. 💜
First off, omg thank you!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far! I honestly thought I'd just be tossing it into the void, but when I saw the tags on your reblog, I legitimately teared up and took a screenshot (I do screenshot super sweet comments so I can look at them when I have the sads). I have seen all your reblogs and the kind comments you leave in the tags btw, so thank you!! They mean so much to me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm honored to have given you the tail wags and the zoomies!!!
Right, onto your questions! (I put them below the read more, because I rambled a bit lol). If anyone as any more questions, these came from this list. Or if you have a question of your own, please feel free to ask! My ask box is always open!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Well, I have 2 sort of comfort zone types of fics depending on my mood. The first is if I'm in a more energetic/upbeat mood - that tends to be smut. There's no rhyme or reason, I guess I just like thinking of characters in nsfw situations. The second is if I'm in a more introspective/calm moon - that tends to be writing about characters being the softest little muffins they can be. I'm talking soft sweaters, cuddles, forehead kisses, the whole works. There aren't like...typical plots that go along with my comfort zone, just general moods that I like to try and put people in (and the moods are literally just horny or soft lol).
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Oh, there are many! Right offhand, though, I'd love to try the "there was only one bed" trope. It just seems like such an intriguing way to get characters to either fuck or be vulnerable with each other (which fits my 2 fic comfort zone modes quite nicely, imho).
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
The things that come to mind aren't so much tropes as they are themes or elements, I guess. I absolutely WON'T write underage, certain kinks/fetishes (feet, scat, etc.). It's worth mentioning that I'll write CNC (consensual non-consent) and slightly dubious consent, but I absolutely will NOT write actual rape. There's a line with that sort of thing. Actual tropes, though? I'm genuinely drawing a blank.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Many. MANY. SO FUCKING MANY. I just counted, and the total is currently 27 (give or take a few notes that I may have misplaced). As for sharing one of them, sure! Hell, y'know what? I'll share two. Nothing has been written on these yet, so they're literally just an idea at this stage. So first one: Shran and the reader are in combat, the reader gets injured, and when they get back to Enterprise Shran goes into protective/angry mode and accidentally confesses how he feels about her. The second one: Dukat and Damar are both vying for the reader's attention, there's heavy Cardassian style flirting, and one day they walk into the holosuites when she's training. Hence much posturing and many "Look at how strong I am" moments from both. I'm not saying who she chooses, because plot, but uh...yeah lol.
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
That depends on the type of story, really. If I know it's just going to be a mini drabble or a oneshot, then start to finish is usually the way I tend to lean. If it ends up being a multi-chapter story like "Terok Nor" was, then I'll start by writing a random scene from start to finish, realize that it would be more fun if there was a ton of detail, then realize that I wrote a scene from in the middle or near the end. So multi-chapter ones do tend to go out of order. For example, with "The Only One" I only have one chapter up currently, but I also have what is going to end up being an entire later chapter already written, because I started with that as a single scene before I had more ideas. There's going to be like a slow turnout for certain chapters because I still have to write them, but at some point, it'll be like a two chapters posted back to back, because I already have a whole fucking chapter pre-written lol.
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Again, that really depends on the type of story. I don't typically tend to make outlines for oneshots or drabbles, because they're short enough that I can write them in a few short sittings. Therefore, I don't really need notes or outlines for them. For longer, multi-chapter things, I do try and write out a general outline of like plot points that I need to hit in each chapter. Those can totally change, obviously, depending on random ideas that strike my fancy, but they're just meant to keep me on track. Those are usually just sticky notes that I store in the backs of my fic notebooks (yes, I keep handwritten fic notebooks - no idea why, it's just fun to write things by hand, I guess).
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Rules For Falling In Love: #3
Tumblr media
summary: In which George wants to get married. But… you’re not dating. Why should you say yes?
a/n: So sorry I've been MIA! Here's the news. There are only two chapters left of this fun little story. And something else is in the works for which I'll be posting a sneak peek of very soon (bet ya can't guess what it is!) I hope you're all still just as in love with this plot, though, because I know I am. Let me know your thoughts as always, dudes
w/c: 3k
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"What the hell are you doing?" You hissed through your teeth at your very own reflection. You were dressed for any imaginable occasion. If folks noticed you waltzing down the street, they might assume you were on your way to lunch with friends. They might think you were headed to the market, or to the movies, or shopping around. But they most likely wouldn't imagine you were on your way to get married. But you were.
You perfected your lipgloss and fixed your hair, and when there was nothing left to primp, you stood there, still, waiting for the girl on the other side of the glass to reach through, grab your shoulders and shake some sense into your head. But she didn't.
"That's it? We're done?" You asked in a stunned breath. The cheery old fellow who'd walked you through the process of signing a bunch of papers and reciting a few promises smiled, but studied you for a beat before nodding.
"You're married, now. Congratulations!" He escorted you and your group toward the door, waving a bony hand from the entry before slamming the old wooden door shut, abandoning you in the massive marble halls.
"Oh, that's absolutely not it." George's sister whined. The girl yanked you and her brother out into the warm sunshine. She shoved some wildflowers in your hands, forced you to stand in place, and shoved her brother to your side. George draped an arm around your shoulder as you both grumbled for the girl to stop making such a fuss.
"Just think of all the things I was talked out of doing. The party I could have- no, should have thrown. Now smile!" She rose her phone camera and snapped a few shots, humming with satisfaction when she was decidedly finished. Bless her, she really did only want the best for the two of you. And you and George were due for some new photos besides the ones snapped of your forced smiles at the latest award show.
"Well, I forgot to bring cake as promised, but let me take you round the cafe uptown to kick off my stress eating. " Dean sighed as if someone was making him pitch the offer.
"Sounds like ya need it." You jested. Dean rolled his eyes and gave you a real, soft smile. George's sister left with a big wave and a dramatic congratulations.
Dean was excited to choose your celebratory treats himself, and was the first to dart inside the posh cafe when you arrived. You and George followed, laughing about how your friend had transformed into the classic "kid in a candy shop." You lost Dean to the winding line and moved to find some big comfy seats in the busy shop.
The reality of your latest achievement hadn't quite set in yet. George's laughter was such a familiar, comforting sound, as you settled beside him on some ridiculously oversized ottoman. Today was just... another day.
"Please tell me that what Dean just told me is a big fat joke." A familiar lilt pipped up from the other side of the paint chipped coffee table in front of you. George's agent was stood, slack-jawed with a big, whip cream filled to-go coffee in hand. How funny she happened to be here, you thought. Only her surprise greeting was much different from the times you'd bumped into each other and chatted in line at the markets, before.r
"It's nice to see you too, Donna." George laughed, watching as she set her drink down and moved to sit in the claw foot chair at your side. The woman reached for your hand in a flash, focusing on the ring you'd grown rather attached to over the week.
"Surprise?" You laughed, a twinge of worry settling in your stomach as the woman glanced up to you, eyes full of shock.
"Why on earth did you get married?" She asked in a slow squeak, turning to George as you drew your hand out of her clutch. "More importantly why haven't you told me?"
"Well, it's only just happened. Like half an hour ago." George looked to you, then back to his agent. Donna let out a laugh, and you understood her shock, but her reaction was a bit unnerving. She continued to ask a string of rhetorical questions, how, why, where, why, why?
That was about the time Dean emerged from the line that was now flooding out of the doors and around the building. Was it filling up in here, or was the place closing in on you? A nagging unease settled at the base of your lungs as George told Donna some of the things you'd discussed and what led you to signing some papers, together.
Your favorite third wheel plopped down a tray of little bite-sized cakes, decorated in different shades of pretty pastel icing. They reminded you of the macaroons George brought home from the last award show after-party, and never shared.
"Care to join in the celebration? Tea is on it's way." Dean spoke in Donna's direction before casting his gaze to you, sitting across the way.
"Unfortunately, I've got to get going, but I do wish we could continue discussing what the hell you two have gotten yourselves into." Donna stood, with a wavering smile, grabbing her condensation covered to-go coffee, and spinning toward the door to the tune of your crew's goodbyes.
You glanced down to the cakes Dean had picked out, as he piped up to explain their fillings and flavors. George reached over to place a hand on your knee, as he nodded along to his friend's excited dessert-themed rambles. All the worry that had sprouted at Donna's confusion was swiftly put at ease when you noticed the ring on George's finger. This was your decision, together. You'd talked it all the way through and back. Anyone else's worry over the matter didn't hold value over that fact.
When your tea came, you had managed to ask Dean about the girl he'd been seeing. The three of you noshed on divine desserts and listened to your friend gush over the girl he'd taken on a fourth date, just the night before last. His eyes sparkled and you couldn't help but smile when he paused to think up just how to describe his new beau. He was lucky to have found someone who brought a blush to his cheeks at the mention of their name. Hers, was Claire.
You'd been enraptured by Dean's rose-colored chatter, so much so that your phone's sudden rhythmic buzz in your pocket made you gasp aloud.
"Oh shit." You muttered, past a bite of cake. "We're gonna be late for that thing." You turned to George whose face lit up in recognition. He had an interview today, one for a late-night talk show that would be on air long after you'd settled in for the night.
George thanked his friend for the desserts and for being there today, for the both of you. You knew George meant it, you knew how important it was to him. But to hear his genuine appreciation in his goodbye to Dean made your heart lurch.
"I know I've been giving you both a hard time about this, and I'm still a bit confused by the whole thing, but honestly, I'm happy for you both. And I'm glad you let me come along today." Dean shrugged as you all stood to head your separate ways. Now your heart was a puddle, as you flung yourself to the fellow, wrapping him in a hug and thanking him for being too good a friend. You were lucky too, you figured.
It was almost actually funny how uncomfortable these things made George. He was so keen to be a movie star, in the most romantic sense, of course. He could go on for days (months, even, you suspected) about the magic of storytelling and all the lessons to be learned from his chosen career.
But promoting his works, promoting himself, wasn't something he was fond of in the very least bit. So once, you tagged along to some garish dinner party that was really just a competition for best dressed, in disguise. He mingled with the people he knew, and the people he was meant to know, trying with all his might to make genuine connections because if he'd failed to learn at least one person's life story on a night out, he considered the evening wasted. And when they asked about him, he'd get it over with in a flash before turning his attention to you, introducing you, asking you to tell that one story. And when you were left alone to await the next celebrity encounter George begged you with his hands clasped together to come along with him to all of the ridiculous Hollywood shindigs he was ever required to attend. And of course, you couldn't tell the boy no.
So tonight was another one of many. You went home, tossed on a dress, and spun out of the door again without a second to breathe. All your focus was spent reminding George that this would all be worth it in the end. How selling his latest film to millions of viewers would ensure the story he was so proud to have been a part of would effectively become dear to most everyone who tuned in to hear his interview.
When you crept through the studio doors, hand in hand, the welcome George received was perplexingly warm. Interns offered both of you snacks and drinks, directors passed through the green room doorway with beaming smiles, and instructions for George to follow. Writers breezed in, covering the last of the bases, and a friendly old makeup lady fussed over his look just in time for George to float to the stage. When he did, he dragged you along with him. You let go behind all the cameras, promising you'd be near the door's he was meant to exit- near enough to give him the odd thumbs up and dash away when it was all said and done.  
A small audience murmured as the set changed, and cameramen fluttered about. And then it was off. A man in a casual suit sped through a nauseating, over-rehearsed introduction and you wondered how many of the audience members were laughing for real or because they'd been told to.
And then, out of nowhere, without any warning, the interview took a turn you hadn't prepared for in the least. After the usual quick nice to see you again greetings had been passed back and forth, the host asked George a question he already knew the answer too and presented a photograph you hadn't even gotten the chance to see yet.
It was the one his sister had taken this morning, with the wildflowers, out in the midmorning sun. She'd posted it to her Instagram, tagging you in the caption that featured some long-winded sentiment. And you knew that the girl only had you in mind. She probably wasn't dreaming of George's next interview when she uploaded the photo for the world to see. She most definitely probably wasn't thinking of a moment like this coming true, and how her brother would hate it. In the blink of an eye, you envisioned George angrily phoning his sister and her dramatic defense, and a big unnecessary row breaking out.
But then you zoned back to life and watched George answer the interviewer's question with a small smile. He confirmed that he was officially married, and glad to be. George swiftly moved the conversation toward the film he was meant to prompt, which didn't sway the host on a strict schedule to cover all sorts of topics in the next three minutes. But George wasn't dismissive of the subject. He didn't squirm when the aspect of his personal life was spoken aloud to a room full of strangers. He smiled and caught your eye from the stage. You were too stunned to give him the usual thumbs up from where you waited, you just watched as he grinned, and nodded when the host offered his congratulations.
Then it was over, and the audience flooded away, and you and George hurried to collect yourselves and leave in as big of a hurry as you could without seeming rude. He held your hand like a vice, and you led the way out of the exit, toward the car park.
Before you could reach sweet freedom, a small crew of George's fans had been waiting near the back, with hopes of catching a moment of the guys time they'd come to watch get interviewed. The three young girls held out a marker and asked for his autograph in a shy manner. You noticed most of the fans George encountered over the years were just as meek and mild as the guy himself.
So he smiled and agreed with pleasure, as you awkwardly shifted on the sidelines, unable to flee to the car across the way because he had the keys.
"We're really happy for you, by the way." One of the girls piped up, facing you. "You guys have like, always been our favorite couple."
"You restore our faith in love." Another one of the girls giggled, approaching George with movie posters in hand.
All the complex feelings in your gut the rose at the girl's comments didn't matter. It was entirely too sweet of them to say something. So you thanked them with a smile, and waved goodbye when the last of them had their selfie with George. He said goodbye and turned toward the car with a sigh. You could practically see the weight of the evening's events fall off of his broad shoulders.
You piled into the passenger seat, debating on what to have for dinner, already knowing he dreamed of nothing more than a self-indulgent end to the long night. When you both agreed on what to have, a silence fell over the two of you for the first time all day.
It was heavy with different versions of the same question, the same subject. You'd woken up in one era, one that ended around ten this morning. And neither of you had much of a chance to talk about the fact that you were married now.
"Are you... happy?" You spoke up, at last, watching the world float by on your drive through the city.
"I am. Are you?" George smiled, turning to catch your eye, glancing back at the road ahead a couple of times.
"Yeah." You laughed a little. You wouldn't have agreed to any of this if you weren't dead sure you'd be at peace when the decision was made. And you were filled with that same calm that filled you in the cafe, this morning when George rested his hand on your knee. You'd made the right decision for the both of you, and you were very glad for it indeed.
Three months had passed. They were quite busy, and filled with all the usual stress that any typical trio of months held. But as the days passed by, you found George was right, somehow. Things... were easier. Maybe you'd talked yourself into believing so, but you noticed celebrities had stopped leaving you out of chit chat when they breezed through after-parties. You notice stranger men had stopped pestering you at the bar, half of the time. And when you met new people and wound up in new places, you didn't have to go through the long spiel of who Geogre was to you, and why he was always around. He was simply your husband, now.
It was strange to get used to the tile at first, but by the time you'd made it to month four, it rolled off your tongue like melting butter. George seemed most keen to use your unity to get out of other plans.
"Sorry I'll have to miss the next gala, my wife wants to go kayaking." You'd never kayaked. You didn't know how, and you'd never brought it up.
"Ah yes, I am that guy from that one movie but sorry I can't come back to your motel, I've got to help my wife pick out dinner." He had rushed you along grocery store stalls in a hurry to escape the odd, unnerving encounter.
That's how your week started, avoiding the scary fan who kept stalking through the market, stopping George with strange questions around too many corners. It wasn't his most unsettling encounter, but one that left the poor guy on edge for another day or so. You'd get home after fifteen-hour shifts, too tired to talk about it. Too tired to ask what he'd been up to all day.  
By the end of your week, you'd barely seen George, and he'd been just as busy. You ended your last, hellish never-ending shift with tears in your eyes from the thousands of little things that had piled up and left you stressed till it was time to clock out.  
You got home to find George in the living room, reaching for the remote. He left the thing on the coffee table when he twisted to see you in the doorway, worn down, strung out, over it. He asked if you were alright as you kicked your shoes away and hung your coat up in a hurry to decompress.
You demanded George wait to watch whatever film he had in mind for you to join him. You desperately needed to shift your focus from your own worries to an unrelated fictional realm. In a hurry, you showered the day from your achy body and slipped into your comfiest nightclothes.  Then you piled up your best blankets on the sofa, using a couple as faux pillows while you and George shared one big, massive quilt, and flipped on the film.
"What'll be tonight then?" You asked, sinking into the cushions at long last.  
"That one my mum won't shut up about. About that couple who gets divorced? WOn a bunch of awards." George muttered, clicking on Netflix. He'd always made it a point to watch the films the public raved over, to find out if the fuss was worth it.
"What if this kick starts our own divorce." You joked, the thought escaping your lips as soon as it passed through your head. Regret might have seeded itself in you if George wasn't so quick to laugh.
"I solemnly swear I will not let a fictional couple's marital issues affect my promise... no, my genuine desire to continue working at being with you for better or for worse."
Where the hell did that come from? You gapped at George as he queued up the film.
"Damn. You're getting good at this whole husband thing." You let out a small, stunned laugh. It made the dull ache in your head hammer. George noticed as you drew a hand to your brow, waiting for the thrum to settle.
"I'm sorry you had another bad day," He whispered.
"Thanks, You softened, knowing he truly empathized.
George lifted his arm and bobbed his head, beckoning you closer. You took the invite to curl into his side with a sigh. He was warm, and comforting, and his bicep was the perfect pillow. You relaxed for the first time in forever, it seemed, closing your eyes in to soak up the calm, quiet evening. The sounds of the film faded as you fell into an accidental nap.
You were jarred awake by a dreadful buzzing coming from the coffee table. George's phone was ringing, and when he twisted too slowly to reach for it, you realized he'd fallen asleep too. You noticed Dean's name flash across the screen as George answered, lackadaisically holding the cell in the hand that wasn't still closely wrapped around you.
"You're on speaker," George warned, as you stayed lethargically content at his side.
"Good! I have a question for both of you." Dean 's voice crackled through the telly. His assumption that you were already wherever George was, made you chuckle.
"Claire and I are staying in that quaint little seaside town, this weekend. Fancy coming along? In fact, it was her idea to invite you both to join us." Dean explained, it sounded as though he was walking through the city, shouts and clangs passing through the call.
You glanced up to George from where your head still rested near his shoulder. Neither of your expressions held signs of disinterest so when George carefully responded to Dean that the idea sounded nice, and asked for more details, you grinned and relaxed back into place.
Dean listed off some more information as George hummed and murmured in response. When the call had ended and new plans were made, George tossed his phone back on the table, and settled deeper into the sofa, shifting the weight of his arm beneath you, but hardly disturbing your peace a bit. The sun was peeking through the cracks of your curtains, and the movie must have been nearly over. You both drifted back asleep without another word, and all seemed well. It must have been.
You and George were closer than ever before- and you had already been classified as inseparable. But you'd hardly gotten to enjoy each other's company since making whatever you had official. Rule number three of this marriage enforced you must take every opportunity to for a bit of fun, as possible. It was time for a small getaway. A peaceful sleep would have to do, till then.
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taglist: @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes​ @andux @imaginationandlove @velvetgoldsilver @queen-bunnyears @maria-josefin @dearevansamham​ @belledamsceno @nilletellsstories @loulouloueh @visionsofmelodrama @haileymorelikestupid
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
I've been on Tumblr ten months now, and this blog has existed for nine of them. During that time I have noticed something.
The majority of the posts I've come across have been by and for the S&M scene, as is to be expected.
The second-most frequent are Indigo League, which I don't think is bad going considering it was broadcast before most Tumblerries were born.
Third-most popular I would say is Sinnoh, probably for being the introduction for many here.
After that I've seen bits on Johto, a smattering of Orange League (unsurprising given it's briefness) and maybe a single item on Hoenn.
No one likes that then? Is it Max? Go on, it is.
What I find odd is that, in all that period, I haven't seen anything on Unova or Kalos. No fan art, no screen shots, nothing.
I'm sure someone can point to a bounty of pieces I've overlooked, all done within the last year, but if so, they're well-hidden, as none of the people I follow have shown any interest in re-blogging them.
If you have done any, you must admit the amount has depleted considerably.
Why is this? Is it of no interest anymore?
This in itself validates my own opinion. Had I been here when Unova and Kalos were broadcast, I presume over half of the posts I'd see would've been devoted to them. If I then spoke harshly of either, that would not have been well-received.
However, if dropped, both by the audience and writers as soon as the latest generation arrives, wasn't I right to not be impressed?
If cast aside by those who claimed to worship them, were they really of any worth at all?
Well the same fate has now befallen Alola. I make no secret of how much I despise it, and can not grasp its appeal for anyone.
I don't know how Pokémon even has a fanbase anymore, given that it's ugly, boring and repetitive.
Prior to the arrival of the S.S., I suspected that Alola material would drop, vanishing altogether once a year's worth came to a close, and so it has proved to be.
It's gone from making up roughly 60% - 70% of dashboard posts to about 10% - 20%, in only a few months. Is it that bad then?
It can't be explained as excitement for the new, not with the amount of coverage Kanto gets, and even that isn't motivated by reminiscence, given the average age of the current viewer.
Why are you still posting about something that old? It reminds me of my wasted youth, but what's your excuse?
Why, when the writers want to wallow in nostalgia, do they hark back to Kanto, which no modern fan can remember?
Is no one looking with misty-eyed fondness at Iris and Cilan? Why not?
Or is that an admission that it was so appallingly bad even the writers recognised it, that's why it's been so hastily forgotten?
You could watch Pokémon from the beginning to the close Sinnoh, skip the next two eras, starting again with Alola, and you would never know there'd been a between.
Unova is described as a 'soft reset', with regards to its inverted nature. The arrogance of those writers is staggering:
• Trying to erase all that'd gone before, supplanted by their half-arsed efforts.
• Redesigning everyone with Fish Eye and flat profiles.
• Resetting Ash as not even knowing the basics.
• Warping Team Rocket's established personalities into disgusting, soulless lizard people robbed of all charm and charisma.
• Only new Pokémon existing.
• Catches kept with Juniper not Professor Oak etc.
The irony is that Unova Pokémon are copies of the first 151, so whilst deliberately ignoring the past, they can't resist imitating it, thanks to their own woeful inadequacy. I suppose they hoped if they didn't notice, we wouldn't either.
They then undermined their own decision by stuffing everything available into the third run, as a blatant effort to win back the crowd, including:
• Reverting to Team Rocket's actual motto, not that embarrassingly pretentious codswallop.
Too bloody lazy to make it rhyme now!
Notice they opted not for the Sinnoh one, although more recent. It was straight back to the beginning.
• Look at these hundreds of Pokémon we suddenly remembered!
Just before Giovanni's mid-life crisis, Ash spotted a Rattata, but it having been so isolated from the outside world, his brain fell to mush at the concept, and pronounced it 'retarda'.
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Idiots are so easy to please!
• Charizard! Genwunners love Charizard! Give 'em Charizard and they'll forget everything else we've done! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless retelling!
So, Charizard was there to bait the first wave, and yet we had the plot we know repeated to us anyway?
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Don't refer to the past and everyone will think it's brand-new!
It makes no sense. How could this be done with the hope of drawing in old fans, and yet filling up an episode with it as plotline isn't an issue, when the intended targets know it's been done before?
• Butterfree! Genwunners loved Butterfree leaving! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless rehash!
Why would they remain when finding the same thing again, absent of feeling and subtlety, not to mention upon discovering the damage done elsewhere?
Recent incomers, who might assume it's a fresh idea, have no emotional connection with Butterfree, so who is it meant to please?
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Why is Mewtwo a woman?
• Mewtwo! Genwunners love Mewtwo! Let's copy its background for Genesect rather than be creative! Look, it's Mewtwo! Watch it!!!
Erm... It's not the same Mewtwo...
It's not the same Mewtwo?
You believe the way to an original fan's heart is to lie to them, and in the process smash a fundamental principle of canon that there can only be one Mewtwo?
The writers get a deserved excoriation round these parts, because someone has to, as what part of that film suggested the current crop give the tiniest toss about what matters to you and me?
I'm glad Unova is labelled 'the Dork Age' as every series since its dawn has been atrocious.
Hoenn and Sinnoh held massive flaws, but they're masterpieces compared to what followed. At least they felt like Pokémon, albeit a watery interpretation.
Unova has to be truly lowly for the dunces responsible to recognise it, and neither Kalos or Alola have been as cut off from their predecessors.
I don't believe that's a sign of contrition, more a matter of necessity. Thanks to the same personal limitations there just weren't enough new Pokémon in either era to make such insularity possible. Even between the two it'd be a scrape.
Except whilst previously invented Pokémon designs may be involved, there's no sign of actual familiar characters.
Ash took his original team to Johto, and even in Hoenn and Sinnoh, where local catches took precedent, older Pokémon were still referenced and came back for the League, but that stopped with Unova.
It's evil influence strikes again!
Despite flimsy nods to the past, which can't be avoided, each generation is now a world unto itself, to the point that individual episodes live by their own canon, a feeble web of strands unrelated to anything else.
Why is it considered 'retro' enough to say, have Forms of Kanto Pokémon, for which we're expected to be so grateful, when there's no mention of Ash's earlier squad?
Remember Tauros? And Kingler? And Muk?
Remember Bayleef? And Noctowl? And Heracross?
Remember Corphish? And Torkoal? And Swellow?
Remember Buizel? And Gible? And Torterra?
They don't. As far as I can tell none of them exist anymore, and maybe aren't meant to ever have done.
Same as Gary, Cassidy and Butch, Jessibelle, Tracey, and so on. Until they do, and don't again. Whatever is convenient to today's storyline.
My typical attitude is that the first series is the best thing ever, and it's all been downhill from there, with Unova and all that came after reaching incredible depths of tedium. I don't suppose you like that, but the ephemeral tendencies displayed on Tumblr hardly help change my opinion.
At some low ebb I'll get round to watching Galar, which I'm confident I'll hate as much as the last few generations, based on what I've already seen and heard.
There's little point doing otherwise. Why bother getting involved with the 'plot' or characters if, when it's over, they'll never be spoken of again?
What incentive is there for me to even force myself to like Galar when, once the ninth generation (Pokémon Keenan and Kel) emerges on the distant horizon, those who've sung its praises for three or four years and scoffed at criticism, will drop it without a backwards glance?
Yet talk about the Indigo League is ever present, somewhat proving its superiority. Attachment to it is a subconscious acknowledgement of the dearth of quality in the modern mentality, but which no one can bring themselves to admit.
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echodrops · 5 years
Hi, i'm curious... Can you share some of your favourite fics? What kind of stuff do you like to read?
Interesting ask; since you didn’t specify a particular fandom, I’m assuming you just mean my favorite fics in general? Of all time? Or were you looking for more recent fics? Let me know if this wasn’t what you were looking for.
Well, my absolutely undisputed favorite fanfic of all time is Twigcollins’ signal to noise series, particularly the short fic “Death Takes a Holiday.” I could go into a massive analysis about what makes this series stand out to me so much, but I’ll just keep it short and say that this particular story is what I think of whenever someone asks me what my writing goals are. Everything I want to capture as a writer–wit, charm, vulnerability, grace, evocative imagery, silliness, seriousness–is all encapsulated beautifully in this series and in this short fic especially.
Some other greats that come to mind from the past are:
Quillslinger’s Deceitful Above All Things
Zeff N Company’s Gunmetal
Cygna_Hime’s i don’t need you (to worry for me)
Resmiranda’s Tales From the House of the Moon
Glassamilk’s Gutters
Nuitnovember’s Sign a New Agreement With Itunes
suncityblues’ If There Is Light (but this one appears to have been deleted, RIP)
Legete’s the sirens and the thunder
And there are probably many, many others but my memory is garbage for medical reasons and I never thought to keep a list of all my very favorites across multiple fandoms, so some great fics are probably consigned to oblivion in my search history forever. If I think of more I guess I’ll come back and add them. XD
Looking back at these fics, I think I’d say that my “type” is really aesthetically oriented, atmospheric fics. I tend to prefer strong non-romance-related plots over fics that are entirely about a ship (or, if they are only about a ship, the fics need to be genre savvy and creative in their use of tropes), and I tend to prefer canon, canon divergent, or at least canon adjacent fics over entirely AU fics. I think the “emotion” of a story is almost more important to me than the pairing or even sometimes the actual beats of the plot itself–if the writing quality is high and the storytelling is compelling, I can fall in love with a fic even if I would never have read that ship or type of plot otherwise. I like stories with melancholy vibes and even sometimes tragic endings, although I feel like stories have to earn their tragedies for such endings to be worth it. In short, I like “pretty” stories with clear, strong writing voices.
There are also certain tropes I like to read a lot. In particular, I really love Outsider POV fics and stories that look at characters’ behaviors and situations from different perspectives. I love almost scientific-tinged fics where a character–perhaps one of a different species like an alien or other worldly being–makes observations about a “normal” character and is confused and amazed by the differences. Gold. I’m a huge sucker for accidental baby acquisition, especially when it’s male characters who are uniquely unsuited to parenting who get stuck with children for both the comedy and heartwarming factors… Found family is A++… Villain redemption and reorientation into normal life stories get me EVERY TIME… Crack-treated seriously is a special interest of mine. Like, fics that take absolutely bizarre or absurd plotlines and treat them realistically and with deep thought are flawlessss. Speaking of crack, I have a soft spot for well-written rare pair fics; there are so many fun interactions that never get explored by a majority of fan writers… World-building and fics with careful action to background details are so nice!! And a special guilty pleasure: while I tend to prefer canon-based stories, I do really like dragon AUs because I really like dragons in general…
On the other hand, there are some tropes that can completely turn me off a story in seconds. Probably biggest pet peeve is fics where characters drink, do drugs, or even just smoke “for the aesthetic.” Drunk fics often feel like an excuse to write OOC to me, drugs aren’t cool kids, and like… do the people who write cigarette smoking into their fics know how absolutely unsexy it is in real life? I feel like cigarettes in fics are a 50/50 toss-up between real-life smoker authors who are projecting their habits onto their characters and authors who have never smoked a cigarette in their lives and just think it looks cool/sexy/edgy. There’s an annoying correlation between villain characters and cigarette smoking in fics and I’m just like… :/// Love triangles and will-they-or-won’t-they plot lines tend to exhaust me… Gratuitous smut without a logical plot for said smut, such as two characters who have absolutely no build up to their attraction suddenly deciding they want to fuck is just like... “Sure, Jan” to me.
It takes A LOT, A LOT to convince me to read a coffee shop, floral shop, or soulmate AU. Absolutely nothing against anyone who writes them, and I know they can be done very well, but as much as I agree with that one post here on tumblr about the two cakes, I still feel like there’s a such thing as too much cake, sometimes. XD I crave diversity in AUs, like where are the “I got hired at Hooters but I’m a dude” AUs? My “I’m a bouncer… at Costco” AUs? “My family bought a snowcone truck and now I’m forced to shave ice all summer” AUs? The “I work at a pawn shop and people keep trying to sell me really weird shit” AUs? The “I mow lawns for a living and your yard looks like hot garbage but you keep insisting you don’t need my services” AU? “I got in trouble with the law and was assigned to clean up the streets near your work as community service” AUs? I feel like there’s a lot of comfort in using a tried and true AU structure, but the most memorable AUs for me tend to be those which do things totally differently from anything I’ve seen before.
All of this makes me sound like I’m really picky but the truth is that when I get free time, I just read basically everything that’s available. I’m that “goes through the AO3 tag… then goes through the AO3 tag again with lower standards” type readers. If the summary and tags look even remotely interesting to me, I’ll definitely give it at least a shot. My tolerance range, even for things like bad grammar and OOC is really pretty high, especially for rare pairs… T____T
Currently I’ve been reading mostly BNHA fics. aloneintherain’s history has its eyes on you was very nice, and I’ve recc’d juurensha’s stuff before but their ShinIida collection is charming. I recently caught up with Ohmytheon’s Reconfigure and it is the embodiment of all my special interests so I’m especially excited to see where it goes.
Uh… I hope that answers the question???
Please send me fic recs that match my obscure personal tastes; I’ll love you forever.
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sagurus · 7 years
(ss anon) ahhhh no worry!! i probably wouldn't steal much from p5 other than the premise of the game anyhow since i don't think the actual plot of the two characters i'm thinking of fit saguru and kaito enough. in that case i'll keep it in mind! as for saguru+ai, i admit that i lean the opposite way: i think the idea of her having a second chance at a childhood is nice in concept, but i feel like it would come with a lot of consequences that i don't think i'd want her to suffer [1/?]
(ss anon) for one, it makes her twelve years older in actuality than anyone else that "looks" her age, and obviously she can't really tell anyone about it, and also she'll probably have no way to prove that she's telling the truth even if she does want to, which really means that she's going to be living a lie for the rest of her life? like, anyone other than shinichi+some others will never know, no matter how close she gets to them, and she'll always be afraid to talk about it [2/?]
(ss anon) so idk, it's hard for me to say i want her to stay as ai, because even if the detective boys believe her, that's still only 3 other people, y'know? she's going to meet countless people over the course of her life, and even if she grows close to them she can't say anything, or worse, people she really care about might call her crazy and a liar and abandon her if she tells. it's really depressing when i think about it that way :( [3/?]
(ss anon) on a more personal note, the idea of shiho coming to terms with her past is really inspiring to me too... i think that the idea that she can move on and live a happy life as shiho is more poignant than the alternative, because it suggests that she can come to terms with the injustice she's suffered but still live on, start over, and be happy anyways. and that's really meaningful to me, y'know? plus it'd be an echo of her decision not to take the witness protection program haha [4/?]
(ss anon) so that's what i think about ai vs shiho! i'm willing to do either, though, provided i can just think of a good idea involving them... if you don't have a strong preference either way, whichever one makes more sense to me w/ any idea i think up is probably what i'll do! i was... tossing around ideas of shiho going into forensics and meeting saguru there tbh but i'm still up in the air on that... it could maybe be fun though!! or an ace attorney-esque thing maybe??? [5/?]
(ss anon) in any case, i've got a few options on that front. thank you re: akako and aoko by the way!! they're really sweet and i like them a lot... by the way, i like saguru a lot more now too! he does sort of fall into my biases anyways. i feel like canonically he doesn't get much depth :c also i wish aoyama would talk more about how he studied in britain! (speaking of shiho+saguru, that would be fun to delve into~) that's all for now, haha... hope you have a great day!!! [6/6]
I really enjoy hearing your thoughts and your perceptions of characters!!! And I definitely hear you on the Shiho vs Ai front!! You bring up some really important points tbh. I must stress again that I really enjoy both versions of her regardless, so I won’t be disappointed in any way if you choose one over the other. I love the thought of Shiho and Saguru meeting through work things. I also just now had a thought of “what if Shiho had gone to schooling in Britain when she was younger instead of America and they had met?” I’ve also had thoughts before of playing with them as siblings / cousins but i have whole layers of backstory related to that that I don’t know how to explain right now (however, if you were to run with that sort of concept I would sure be excited to see what thoughts you have related to that) but REGARDLESS. Shiho+saguru interaction is super fun and there is not nearly enough of it in fandom. I also don’t know a whole lot about ace attorney but am curious about where you think that might be going!!! Every time i hear things about ace attorney i love them. so.
Along the lines of headcanons re: shiho vs Ai tho, I think for me I definitely have  a bias toward the fact that it’s just such a unique and intriguing position to explore, to be someone aged down and re-grow up around one’s peers. I totally see the merit in coming terms to one’s past and returning to her old self in that way while forging herself a new life. I still have some appeal toward her staying as Ai, but I totally see where you’re coming from too!!
And i am so GLAD you feel like you like saguru a lot more now. He’s my good sweet son and I love seeing people appreciate him. I’d really love to understand more about his schooling in britain myself. I can never decide between him having been homeschooled by private tutors or having gone to fancy british public schools. EXTRA (tm) as it is, I’ve considered the possibility that he’s technically graduated in Britain, so his schooling in Japan is almost more for socialization purposes and reinforcing his understanding of how things work over there, since he’s spent so much more time in Britain. Explains why he gets away with just vanishing as Gosho tends to make him do without suffering too much academically. 
anyway i digress i tend to just Talk About Saguru needlessly. Good luck on your work! Please don’t feel any pressure, I am genuinely very easy to please and I have no doubt that whatever you wind up creating for me will be very fun.
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