#pod shoes
cj-pod · 2 years
The Popularization Of Private Customization In The Footwear Industry Will Become A Trend
Lately, beneath the wave on the internet, using the rapid expansion of e-supports commerce, footwear, and clothing private modification services that got no connection with common civilians in traditions 've got gradual recognition. Scheduled to economic expansion and the advancement of living specifications, private customization, with its convenient and evident characteristics, satisfies the needs of the public to develop individualized appearances over the pursuit of creativeness and comfy shoes or boots.
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Customization helps to ensure that a single person has a single version, which is unique in the world. It started from luxury items, frankly, the providers enjoyed by grand are mostly household leather goods and European- style outfits. In the very first days, it was comparatively developed in Western countries in Europe, such as Italy and Portugal. Naturally, today, handmade items technology in these kinds of countries is likewise the most advanced in the world. Various famous shoes and clothing, such as Lv and older Italian Gucci, happen to be made yourself. Of course, the value is not cheap. Due to the fact private customization beneath the original function considers more the individualized needs of consumers, it is certainly hard to obtain majority production, and so the trouble is usually substantial, and the worthiness is of course substantial. For example, that usually takes a single to three a few months to customize your suit, which necessitates more than some times of basic wearing and changes. Significantly more than 90% of the techniques should be completed by hand, plus the expansion hours could be longer. Because of that, the charge is tremendously increased.
With the development of network technology, many labels, such as Communicate and Vans, have got begun to try on the web customization of fabric shoes. Today's network gathers scattered modification orders from most of the region. The quantity of orders around the country is likewise considerable. With the increase of the base number, the scale effect may be brought in to have, generally speaking, thus lowering the price of one customization. In contrast to yesteryear, the prevailing associated with net customization is additional user-friendly, as well as consumers, can take pleasure in private customization providers at a suitable price. Due to the lower product price of modification, more and additional individuals are keen on private customization, and major brands can also be targeting the proper time. Nike and Adidas sneakers have got also started to provide customization providers to consumers.
That is understood by the fact that online customization provides risen for a long time in the past. The earliest goods were concentrated on food, accessories, and furniture, such as customizing special items on special getaways, printing on glasses, etc. Lately, modification services have commenced shifting to the footwear sector. The customization structure has also altered from simply portraying canvas shoes to tailoring clothes to get consumers, and can easily also focus on customers ' self-employed design. The expansion of the shoes or boots and clothing sector was an individualized modification, but later that was replaced by simply low-expense mass production. Currently, using the complex network technology, using the low-expense positive thing regarding large production and positive aspects added value through modification, large-size customization is going to replace the manufacturing industry, and customization services can eventually become significant- scale and popular.
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ganem-ouchie · 1 month
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Today, I offer you a Celia design + an oiar lineup. Tomorrow? Who knows....
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lunarifie · 29 days
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More of my Bramblecrack Royal Court AU
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barkingworms · 2 months
In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you
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betemperate · 1 year
Starting a TTRPG club for kids in my community, but I’ve been at a loss which type to use. After hearing the sneak peak for A County Affair and researching Roll For Shoes, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much, Erika! Beyond stoked!
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maretriarch · 25 days
my closet cosplay of me as one really big sunflower seed
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joraro97 · 3 months
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toxictranny · 1 month
hey diary i figured out my outfit for the wedding but i’m stuck on the shoe because it’s outside and idk what the terrain is like. fr i gotta go case the joint first because it’s in a national fucking park. people aren’t even allowed to have weddings there!! they registered this event as a retirement party!! kinda stressed we’ll get caught n tossed out or arrested or whatever they do but it’s not bothering me because i also got a big hat tht i’m really excited about for big hat summer because sometimes ur not a hot girl yfm? anyway, it was great chatting with u.<3xoxo
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binaryfield · 2 months
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March dump
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cj-pod · 2 years
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Print on demand your personalized shoes at CJ POD, You can be the next One Piece😁 View more infomation here: www.printscode.com
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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^ top 10 movie moments that had me screaming and yelling
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caramiaaddio · 2 years
things I like about corset:
- cute fashion accessory
- makes me feel sexy
- accurate silhouette for period clothing
- makes me feel like a fancy victorian maiden
- doesnt roll down like spanx
- good for posture and spinal health
- pushes my fat around to make me look inhumanly snatched
things I dislike about corset:
- putting on the corset
- sitting in corset
#don’t worry I’m not tightlacing my organs are fine#it’s basically just a fashionable back brace#but like. god no wonder people had servants to do it for them#do you know how hard it is to basically re-lace a shoe except the whole thing is on that one spot on your back you can’t reach??#and like…it doesn’t limit your range of movement but you do have to learn how to move differently#it’s good for your spine cause it forces you to bend at the hips and not at your spine#you physically can’t life with your back in a corset you have to do it right#and when I’m standing or moving around it’s not a problem I figured it out#but for some reason I go to sit down and my body just. won’t lol#cause you have to sit with good posture!! you have no choice!!!#and my brain is just like please let me compress the spine let me bend it I wish to be a snail#no wonder old chairs are so stiff and straight because if you try to be any shape but L the corset digs into your chest#again great for posture!!! but my brain is just like :( no posture :( only sit#it’s wild how people now tho have this idea of corsets as torture devices#it comes mostly from the fact that they’re basically bras they exist just for support#so nobody ever wrote about them except for when extreme things happened#so you get a lot of articles about tightlacing because it was basically edwardian clickbait#and that’s all people nowadays see so they just assume that’s how every corset was#it’s like imagine if in the future the only reference people had for tide pods was the articles about people eating them#like yeah it happened and it was bad but like…they weren’t using it correctly#the people that used it correctly were fine
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rosielav · 1 year
On the final episode of Camp Here and There.
Overall thoughts, roughly a quarter of the way through this last episode:
Pretty good. Very WTNV but at a summer camp. I like the little story bits, I like the interpersonal relationships.
I didn't really like anyone, though. Sydney is interesting but he's just not... Hmm idk he's just not fun to listen to, in the way that say Cecil is from WTNV. Not in terms of his physical voice but like his presence, if that makes sense. I don't like hearing Jed or TEM speak for extended periods of time, as I find it difficult to stay interested or engaged with the way they both speak. Sydney says a lot of words incorrectly, and it causes me to stop actively listening and wonder what word he meant to say, and then wonder how he hasn't heard the word 'quarry' out loud before, or about a dozen other semi-common words (not in like a 'wow he must be dumb' way but a 'wow it's like how I didn't hear X word out loud for years but it's just a lot of examples of this, maybe he spends a lot of time reading and not a lot of time listening to spoken word stuff' way), and then I've lost 2-3 minutes of plot and whatnot bc I was focused on that.
It's interesting. I like some of the story bits. I think it would have been better without Jed, TEM, and that whole thing. So.... Just Sydney, the councilors, the children. That's it. I'd have been very happy to listen to 50 episodes of just camp things happening. TEM storyline just didn't do it for me, especially when I picked up on the 'breadcrumbs' the writers had been leaving (when I know the Big Reveal before its revealed, it makes me not want to listen to hear the reveal, and often makes me not care about the story anymore bc I figured the basic stuff out so what's the point, which I hate about myself)
But yea. I'll respond to this post when I finish this last episode. I might have a huge change of heart haha who knows how this last half hour of content will go for me :)
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museumvastard · 2 years
when your favourite podcast has 4 episodes and barely any fan content, so the "Fandom wiki" is just a OneNote doc saved to your desktop
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lordsardine · 8 months
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softgrungeprophet · 11 months
very unfortunate these shoes appear not to actually exist except on two websites that don't look even close to legit (at least, i can't find them literally anywhere else)
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esp seeing another shoe design on one of those sites which i 100% just saw on twitter that someone designed, like, I KNOW this concept is stolen but google image reverse search cannot find the original pictures, which is annoying cause if it is some rando's concept shoe that doesn't exist I wanna at least give it a like you know lmao
closest i found was these from this guy on insta who just does a ton of concepts for shoes (so also obviously not real):
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but they're not the same, just similar??? (also the webbing looks less evenly spaced on these which makes me extra ??? about the source image for the ones up top)
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