#point or at keast i hope so
bennitastisch · 2 years
corona numbers r still so high and my teacher was like yea corona isnt an excuse not to come on this overnight school trip ??? if i didnt have to i wouldn’t even attend school id rather do it online??
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
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keywestlou · 2 years
WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TODAY? - https://keywestlou.com/what-is-more-important-today/So many important things happening today. So many important news items being announced. Which is more important? Frankly, all of them! The January 6 Committee appears publicly. Perhaps its last appearance. Leaks suggest many items concerning Trump. Whatever the information, whoever about, it has been promised the Committee will reveal "pretty surprising" new information. Re Trump, the suggestion is the information will be he presents a "clear and present danger." Inflation news brought no surprises. Prices have been going up all year, especially regarding food. The September to September report indicates an 8.2 percent rise in inflation. Groceries and fuel the highest items. Social Security recipients will receive a benefit, however. COLA will increase monthly checks beginning in January by 8.7 percent. The largest increase in decades. Alex Jones will spend the rest of his life wishing he had kept his mouth shut. The defamation jury brought back a total award just less than $1 billion. The parents of the dead children may never see a penny. However they will receive some satisfaction in knowing the judgment will harass Jones till the day he dies. Anti-Saudi feeling is growing. The U.S. "friend" stabbed the U.S. in the back. At the same time humiliating President Biden. Saudi Arabia must pay. Pay immediately. All U.S. troops should be recalled. All military equipment also. Two U.S. important missile sites are located in Saudi Arabia. Washington sources recommend they be pulled immediately and sent to Ukraine or some NATO nation. Does Mika have an enemy working in the Morning Joe studio? A camera person? Once yesterday and twice today the camera showed a low table sitting next to Mika. The table looked like a junk heap. Several items. Like a large purse, maybe a sweater and other items. No reason for the camera to have swung so low. A low blow to Mika if someone intended to embarrass her. Gas prices are supposed to go up. Such has not yet occurred in Key West. Two weeks ago, one gallon of gas cost $4.47. One week ago, $3.99. Yesterday, $3.87. You explain. Enjoyed a late lunch yesterday at Harpoon Harry's. Devoured the wednesday turkey special. Thanksgiving dinner, trimmings and all. Dined with Roger Keast. Rather at his table. The table where his wife Cheryl affixed his ashes to the bottom side of the table top. On the way out, my cell phone rang. It was Jean Thornton. She had returned to Key West the night before. We are both stone crab freaks. We are meeting at 6 sunday at the Chart Room. To be followed by stone crabs somewhere. Syracuse plays North Carolina State saturday. Big game! Syracuse ranked #18 with a 5-0 record. North Carolina State #15 with a 5-1 record. Syracuse a 4.5 point favorite. The game at Syracuse. Already 45,000 tickets sold. I look forward to this afternoon. I hope the January 6 Committee session will be as interesting as I expect. Enjoy your day!
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latent-thoughts · 3 years
what do you think of people saying loki is ooc and slyvie is acting more like loki, imo loki is mix of loki in thor, loki in TDW and Loki in Raganorak, imo slyvie probably acting more like thor loki somewhat but wouldn't say she acting like loki just cause they fixated on the loki of 2011-2012 just because he different afterwards doesn't mean his ooc also moaning about loki not being in green outfit i admit it weird he still stuck in his tva costume but seems he be back in his green outfit later on so.... and people talk slyvie is more badass than loki imo loki outplayed her in their fight in ep 3
Hey anon,
I have nothing to say about these people. They're entitled to their opinions and interpretation of the Loki series. I just don't want to engage with these opinions. As I state mine on my blog, they state theirs on their blogs. That's how it should stay for peace to prevail in the fandom.
As for Loki and Sylvie...
I'm still not sure where the series going with the concept of a variant. Because while I see resemblance between Loki and Sylvie sometimes (they often mirror their actions and can fight in sync without having had previous experience of the same), I don't understand how she and him are the same person from different timelines. Because in episode 2 we were shown different Loki variants, and they all, at keast physically, resembled Loki enough to make that connection.
So I'm left wondering how Sylvie figures into the mix. She cannot shapeshift, as far as we know. Her magic is enchantment and maybe a bit of energy blasts, but not shapeshifting. She even coloured her hair blonde. Ok. But I still can't understand how she's a Loki.
I hope it's made clearer in the next episode, because this question is asked within the episode itself -- "What makes a Loki Loki?"
In terms of behaviour also, Sylvie is much different than Loki. She is very keen to fight and enchant her way into places. A more direct approach. Loki himself stated this to her.
In comparison, Loki tries the indirect approach first. He tries to talk his way into things. He tries to interact and form alliances, no matter how tenuous and unstable they may turn out to be later. He tries to manipulate. He did it with the Jotuns and Laufey (to Thor too) in Thor 1. He did it with Dark Elves in TDW. He did it with Thanos too, to some extent (it didn't work out that well, but he survived at least). He did it with the Grandmaster in Ragnarok. He did with Mobius through their little talks about free will and the Time Keepers.
In fact, upon watching episode 3, I recognized how he did ot with Sylvie too. He pulled info out of Sylvie very casually. She hadn't been keen on talking about her own powers, but he coaxed it out of her, eventually. He shared info about himself first, nothing that would give her advantage over him. He never shared the mechanics of his magic, instead he shared stuff about Frigga. Got Sylvie talking. She still didn't share info about her powers, so he tried again, and again...in different ways while they walked to Shuroo. Until she finally told him exactly how it works.
So that's how Loki operates. He puts others into a false sense of security to make them divulge something important. It's subtle and not very noticeable.
Sylvie, OTOH, doesn't do that. Maybe because she lived a different kind of life? She has been on the run from the TVA since her childhood, so I guess it shaped her into an aggressive, ready to fight kind of person? We saw what that kinda pressure can do to Loki, because he was somewhat similar to that mode in 2012 Avengers. But after being thrown into the TVA mess, I think he went back to his old approach, because he needed to survive and learn more about this new situation and opponent he was facing. Aggressors don't usually survive against more powerful opponents. He even pointed it out to Sylvie that he was surprised that she had survived this long with her approach.
I kinda digressed there, but... Here's the thing. I still don't know what to make of Sylvie, but in certain instances she behaved more like Thor than Loki. But then she also showed the hyper-vigilance of someone who was constantly on the run. In fact, it seemed that she and Loki took up opposite ends of behavioural spectrum in some of the key scenes. She was cautious in the train, whereas Loki was a being a (adorable) nihilistic disaster. She was aggressive while approaching that woman in the shack, whereas he tried to fool her. She wanted to enchant the guards and start a fight to hijack the train, but he went for deception and illusion. I wonder if that was intentional on part of the showrunners.
On their fights...
I don't think she overpowered Loki as much as Loki chose not to be aggressive with her. Ultimately, when push came to shove, he was able to hold his own and snatch the tempad, which he used as leverage to make her cooperate with him. And when he wasn't trying to defend himself, he tried to actively protect her. Their relationship is inherently not antagonistic. At least, not to him. Right from the start, he has been trying to get her to work with him. In episode 3 he finally succeeded.
Anyway, in conclusion, I think there's a lot more to come from the series, many variables we don't know about. So making solid opinions is kinda impossible for me at present. I simply want to wait and see it all play put before I conclusively say anything about Sylvie. Thus far, I do like her. She's an interesting character, a good supporting one to Loki. Let's see how it pans out.
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sp-ud · 3 years
And here's the bullet point list thats mostly the less negative tftsmp liveblogs missed when in post limit jail, and then some other various stuff here and there.
• At least I already have a tftsmp draft set up, hopefully I can still edit it under post limit
• Girl help, I'm in post limit jail
• Who is "miss lemons" ash (tubbo) has mentioned twice
• hahaha I'm trying to open a Gmail with 63 images. It's shockingly not working /s
• I have broken my tablet I think. I just wanted to redraw reaction images
• They won't let me download the reaction images
• Karl always flirting with sapnap
• Spud breaks her tablet thru memes (not clickbait)
• I'm actually glad there isn't much to crit this episode, cuz im already critiquing the revival arc happening
• Ekgmekfna is my tablet broken? Or just the downloading
• Oh I just noticed we can see the usernames in the floor
• Oh ash is back I guess, aite
• Wait. Oh no. I looked back up. Why did that part look like The Egg.
• I think I fixed the tablet
• This is starting to bore me.
• Inbetween, you beautiful build but horrible lore
• That was a disappointment of a tftsmp.
• "I'm going to take my adhd meds so I can do school work" *proceeds to critical*
• Anyway that wasn't worth the hype
• I can't focus on my school work. I'm suffering. Fucking minecraft youtuber hyperfixation fucking my grades. "I'll do it later" and then I don't.
• I honestly can't figure out how to get brain yo do school work. Adhd meds Broke. At least it's unlikely I'll sleep so I guess I'll do it then.
• Haha I'm going to fail my classes.
• 20 mins. Actually doing school work. Let's go... but I'm catching up and not doing the graded stuff. But that's because I don't want to fail the graded stuff
• Rmaboo stream :D, and I didn't get here late. Hope chat isn't cringe metagamers
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Hello everyone.
Been a while, huh? First, I’d like to apologize for the sudden hiatus. Things going on in the world and in fandoms drove me to a breaking point. I had several freak-outs and was in a constant state of panic nearly every day. Social media was making it worse, so I decided that in order to get control of myself, to cut off everything. Thankfully, after two weeks, I am in a much happier and calmer state of mind. Still, it was a choice made in panic and all of a sudden, and I would like to apologize for doing so with so little warning. That’s the least I can do.
However, I am not ending my hiatus. At keast, not fully.
These past two weeks gave me a lot of time to think. Not just about the world, but my social media life in general. I began to realize how much time I devoted to my accounts, Tumblr in particular. How I kept leaving things I wanted to do incomplete or never done. How I spent most of my time refreshing my dashboard every five minutes. How I was more concerned by what a fandom was doing or about the lives of famous people I don’t even know, and never on my own. I spent so much time focusing in what people thiught about something, instead of focusing on what I enjoyed.
In other words, social media became an outright addiction. Something that I did for escapism, and it consumed my life. It also kept making me focus more and more on the negative and breaking things down, instead if just having fun. I had to blacklist so much over small things just to keep my anxiety in check. It’s a useful tool, but doesn’t say a lot of good over my mindset.
But ever since I pulled the plug, I’ve been doing better. I deleted my Twitter account. I signed out of all my accounts. I deleted all the apps. I stopped obsessing. I had wothdrawl of course and have been cknstantly tempted to log back on, but I fought the urge back. I’m focusing my creativity on my original works, with plans to also resume fanfiction. I finally started watching the Viz Sailor Moon dub fully after constantly putting it off. I’m watching tutorials on how to draw after feeling so insecure about my abilities. I’m in a good mood and much more cheerful than I have been in... honestly years. I’m not even doing much, but I feel like I’m genuinely living my life agai, and it feels good.
So then... will I return to social? I ahve actually began using Instagram again (username is calliecatt93). Twitter is deleted, and I don’t plan in reactivating it or going on there ever again. As for Tumblr... I still plan to be off for a while. I probably won’t be on regularly again until whenever RvB starts. I plan to continue my reviews of it and RWBY, and in fact I’ve been working on the RWBY character analysis stuff as I promised. And when I start fanfiction again, I’ll leave the links here. Heck I may pop on to do a Sailor Moon spam when I finish the rewatch (just finished R) and heck, I might review that XD
For now though, I still feel the anxiety as I type this. So I’m going to listen to myself for once and keep off for a bit longer, and keep a more healthy distance when I do return. Current plan at the latest is to be back in August or September, but as usual who knows if I’ll follow through. But I don’t plan on leaving this hellsite forever, I’ve put too much into this to do that. But eight years without a break is a long time, so I’m gonna make up for the lost time and relax.
I want to thank everyone for their patience with me. Ask box will remain closed for now and with no app to notify me, I won’t be checking PM’s. If you have Insta and I know you, feel free to send me a message there. But for now, I hope you all understand. If you unfollow, I fully understand. But still, thank you everyone for putting up with me and my insane self. I’ll have this whole act together one of these days~
Love you all. To make up for the abscence, here’s a kitty! See you all soon~!
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hitodama89 · 4 years
Okay, I think my Christmas preparations are finally more or less back on schedule, so I can’t keep the Sword/Shield rant inside any longer! I’m sure this’ll get long, so sorry mobile users. =‘D
First the disclaimers: these are just my feelings about the games and I don’t present them as absolute truths. You better not come hunt for my head if you disagree, as I’m not going to do it for you either! Let’s keep everything civil here, okay?
So... How was the game? (I’m gonna talk just about a single game as I’ve only played Sword, but I have no doubt this all is true for Shield, too.) Eh, I had my fun with it - it IS a Pokémon game after all. There are some great aspects that I even loved! Battle musics are the best part, as there were several tracks that sounded good as all heckaroni and set the mood perfectly. I found the graphics to be easily good enough, as they never bothered me and some scenes even looked really nice. Characters had a ton of potential, but in a true Pokémon game fashion they were of course pretty simple caricatures of what they could’ve been - still not bad at all! A couple of characters even went through a surpsiring amount of development throughout the story! Same with the region, as it had a lot of potential and I adored the Arthurian vibes used in it, and the region’s variant of Pokémon League as a “sport tournament” was also an interesting consept. I have my bone to pick with Dynamaxing, but the things I were worried about in advance were actually proven to be wrong. I feared that the mechanic would be overused and feel just plain stupid, but the game surprised me by explaining it decently enough (If Pokémon can shrink to fit into Pokeball why couldn’t they also do the opposite?), using it sparingly in the main story and making the instances when it was used just really cool. So yeah, the game absolutely has its good side! But of boy, the bad side is... Truly something else.
Where to even begin with... I guess I just say this right at the start: the game is unbeleavably unfinished. Corners have been cut in every possible way you can think of, and even in ways that will surprise you. For example what do you think about a city where you aren’t able to access any single other building aside from Pokecenter? Or about the only two caves of the games that are just straight corridors instead of mazes? There are no puzzles, no HMs or anything that would replace the vast majority of them (only fly and surf are present in the most boring way ever seen), no cities where you could even pretend to get lost in, no stationary special Pokémon waiting to be challenged (like Sudowoodo in gen two), no... Anything. The game is just void of any extra content aside from going from place A to place B - and even that is executed in such a horrifying way it makes me want to shake my head in despair. You are constantly on a very, VERY narrow railroad and you are not allowed to take even two steps to check out anything else than what you are meant to see next. The game has other absurd limitations, too, like just plain hard limits on what level Pokémon you are allowed to catch in each part of the game. You see a Pokémon that’s on higher level? Nope, you can’t throw a ball at it. There sure is the wild area where you are supposed to be able to do what you want and go wherever you desire, but the level limitations are present also there and aside from Pokémon, there isn’t really anything in the whole big place to see or do. I have heard some people have loved exploring the wild area, but I personally can’t understand what there even is to explore! A few items scattered here and there and wild Pokémon - and oh, the Max Raid Battles. The fucking Max Raid Battles.
I was extremely cautious about Max Raid Battles from the very beginning, because they sound like something straight out of PoGo, and I was not wrong - they capture very well the feeling of trying to win a Raid on your own because you have no one else to do it with you! You can challenge the Max Raid Battles with computer allies, too, but especially on higher levels the allies are just ridiculosuly bad. Most of the time you would do better if you were there on your own, but that on the other hand is impossible; you have to have a team of four players in the battle. You can try to recruit other real players to participate in the battle, but I have managed to get someone to come with me literally once. One big reason for this might be that the game doesn’t explain how do you even join the battle, and it is far from self-explanatory! Other online functions aren’t much better, and the game doesn’t even have a GTS - the only thing that allowed a lone player like me to have a chance of completing the Pokedex. We have had GTS since gen four, for goodness sake! Now we are left to make 1243255425 wonder trades (/surprise trades) in the hope of getting all the version exclusive Pokémon to the other version. It’s plain unbelievable.
But oh, I’m not even done with Max Raid Battles yet! Because you know what? Even seeing one is RARE. For the last week I’ve seen one per day, and all of them have had extremely uninteresting Pokémon in them. You can use a certain item to make one appear, but that is more gambling than the slot machines in the old games ever were. First you make a dice roll to decide if you get a normal or rare battle - if it’s normal, haha, good luck, there’s almost never anything interesting there! In rare battles there might be, but they are, well, rare. And truly rare Pokémon in them are even more rare - and rarest of them all are the reason why I have negative feelings towards Dynamaxing even if the story made good effort to sell the idea to me. The thing is you can Dynamax any Pokémon, but some species have a special Gigantamax forms with special appearances and attacks. But not every Pokémon of the species can do it - far, faaaar from it! The Gigantamax form Pokémon are the rarest things you can find from Max Raid Battles and they are rare enough to make me feel desperate even thinking about the odds of finding - and then catching, as you only get one throw - one! There are a few I would love to have, but I’ve found a shiny Pokémon and caught Pokerus before I’ve seen a single one of the Gigantamax Pokémon I’m looking for in the wild.
There are still two major things I feel like I need to mention about the games, one of them being difficulty. Other than the odds of finding a Gigantamax Pokémon, there isn’t any sort of difficulty at all. Your Exp Share is permanently turned on so your team will sooner rather than later be overleveled enough to oneshot literally anything you meet. I spent a good while wondering why the heck was the option of turning the Exp Share off taken away, and I think I have an answer: it’s just one more symptom of the game being unfinished. The thing is almost every route in the game is really short and there are really, really few trainers to actually battle with. There’s also no way to re-challenge normal trainers (and barely anyone for that matter) so I think the Exp Share is permanently on to not make the game a ridiculous grindfest. But then no one actually tested (or cared) how balanced the exp gaining rate is and now we are at the opposite end of the problem. The game’s AI doesn’t seem that smart to me either, as every time an enemy Pokémon survives an attack due to miss or some other miracle all they do is use moves that raises their stats - like that was going to help them in any way! Catching wild Pokémon isn’t any more difficult either, and finding them is even less of a problem. The whole game is full of fully evolved Pokémon, including strong dragons and even things like Eeveelutions, just wandering around! And their catch rate is far from anything you’d expect from such monsters: most of the time I just threw one Quick Ball at them and was done with it. Such excitement. I also caught the version mascot Legendary into Premier ball in order to imagine for a little while that there was at keast some challenge in the game. Oh, and the game has literally two Legendaries in it, and I think the first one was likely an auto catch. Yeeeeey!
Then there’s the last big thing: the tiny-ass Pokedex. You aren’t allowed to have more than half of the existing Pokémon in your game, even as transferred from older versions like previously. This is one of three reasons why I feel like someone(s) at some point of the command chain of making Pokémon games is getting maddeningly greedy. The first thing is the pattern that latest games seem to be forming: SuMo 2 was just a pure cashgrab, Let’s Go games were clearly meant for bringing the cash of PoGo players to the main company and now we are getting a new gen opener games that are, like I’ve stated a thousand times, just not ready in the launch day. The second reason is also the reason why I believe SwSh was so rushed: it had to be launched in time for this year’s Christmas market no matter the consequences. They could’ve taken a few more months like Animal Crossing is doing, but that seemed never to be an option. And the third reason is the Pokedex. It would be easy to think that the Pokedex is just another victim of the rush, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. First of all we’ve known about the cut for a long time - it seems like there was never an intention to include all the Pokémon in the game. Secondly Game Freak has blatantly lied about the reasons of making the cut (”we need more time to build these Pokémon models”, when in truth apparently many of the models were just reused and polished versions taken from the last gen) so the real reason of not having all Pokémon available must be something they’d rather not tell to the players. Thirdly, and where this all comes together, is the launch of Pokémon Home. Now that the Pokémon many players have taken from game to game ever since gen three can’t be transferred to a main series game anymore, the only solutions are to either leave them behind or transfer them to Pokémon Home - a monthly subscription service. There was a similar service before, Pokémon Bank, but apparently they weren’t making enough money with it when people bought it, transferred everything they wanted through it, and cancelled the service after one month. So now they are making sure you can’t cancel Home, unless you want your, what, 15 years old Pokémon to simply vanish to thing air. They are boldly taking advantage of the same thing they have utilized in many advertisements recently - people’s nostalgy towards the Pokémon they have owned for so, so many years.
So yeah, that’s about it. There are other things that bother me about these games, inluding their story that has the most unbalanced pacing I might have ever seen and how it leaves so, so many questions open, but I think I want to start closing this rant at this point. Because it leaves things to the same note as what is playing most loudly in my head after finishing the game: I’m worried about the future of this franchise, and for completely new reasons than ever before. Previously I and many others have been worried about the direction of the Pokémon designs, increasingly gimmicky game mechanics and similar things, but all those seem such tiny worries compared to how badly things are now. Now I’m worried about if all the future games will be made short-sighted monetary gains as their main goal. Because that, my friends, would be what finally could kill Pokémon.
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berd-ze-bird · 4 years
Holy...been so long since I put in something..sorry for the VERY long hiatus..been busy here and there.. but..I do have abit of a post, like abit of an story about an different version of Dash, hope you at keast enjoy this snippet
It was dark and dim, a room lit by an small light on the table, there sat a dark blue mare, whose eyes were focused on a potion in front of her as she carefully picked up dust particles of different colors and from different AUs to put in it, as if trying to make something new, her ears flat and heated, she felt some frustration hit her as she tried to continue her duty and look for the rest of the things she needed, putting a hoof in her pocket, trying to find a potion, only to suddenly hiss with frustration, "Oh for the love of-" stopping herself, she breathed in sharply, calming herself as she exhaled, muttering to herself, "great...the kid must've got into my potions again, I'm missing the one that I need.." getting up from her chair, she went over and turned on the light, the room brightening up, her ears perking up, she opened the door, and went out, looking for a human kid, when finding Elizabeth, she sat down, knocking on the wall to get the young kids attention, the mare tried to keep her cool, but she let out a slight hiss under her breath, "Elizabeth, kiddo, did you mess with my potions again?" The young girl's eyes immediately went wide, her brown gaze meeting with the mare's dark blues, "Oh! Dash! W-Well...I may have accidentally took..well..one of them..but don't you have extra of this one?.." Dash's ears went flat, her fur bristling underneath her suite, where she kept most of her dust and potions, but she forced herself to keep calm, knowing that this was just a little girl, that possibly lost her AU, "It takes a long time to make another..but anyways, where did you put it exactly?.." she kept her sharp gaze on the little girl, her ears remaining flat, Elizabeth pointed to where she put the potion, only to say something that highly disturbed the pegasus mare, "Why do you care about potions so much? And why do we leave everyday to..protect AUs?" Dash stopped on her tracks, and sighed, looking at the young girl, thinking of how to reply, before she forced the words out, "Because..because it is just my duty alright?..I was chosen to protect the AUs for some reason that I don't even know and I take it very seriously..now kiddo, I need to get this potion, and continue making what I was making, okay?.." she continued walking, getting the potion, looking at the reddish color, sighing, she put it in her pocket, turning and walking back to her room, Elizabeth running to the door, only for it to get shut before she could even speak, her head lowing, she slightly tugged at a part of her sweater and went over to the table and sat down, not wanting to disturb the mare. She silently thought that what Dash wasn't the full story..
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Yes, the “ aunt “ is for aunt may but if u find that post with the characters can u reblog it ? Im new and I don’t have idea of who is who
Hello again, Anon! I wasn’t able to find the post at all because I was so new and didn’t tag it and have no clue where to even beginning looking aside from scrolling through every last post I have ever made ;~;
If you’re looking for the “AMAZING GUIDE TO SPIDER-KEITH VERSE” here’s a break down:
When Keith was sixteen years old, he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Two months later, his mother, Krolia, is murdered by the purse snatcher he saw pass but didn’t stop. He takes on the mantle of Spider-Man shortly after.
When Krolia is murdered, Keith falls under the care of his brother Shiro, who is a billionaire, playboy philanhorpist. A year later, Shiro is kidnapped and later becomes Iron Man. During that time, Keith stays under the care of Adam Potts (or perhaps this canon has been changed. @official-deadpool-lance and @ironman-shiro are always adding things with me to this lovely world, and at one point after I referenced Adam as Pepper, we talked about making him Captain America. Ha!). Either way, when Shiro returns as Iron Man, Keith keeps his identity of Spider-Man as a secret still. After Shiro finally returns, a few months later, Deadpool starts hanging around New York more. Keith ends up finding out Deadpool his Lance, who acts as both Deadpool and Mary Jane in this AU.
We’re constantly adding things and changing things so it’s not quite like your traditional Spider-Man story. That includes Keast, who is the Keith of another universe who was experimented on, Raptor, a small raptor, Cosmo, of another universe, and a small egg that’s sort of kind of Keast’s baby.
It’s a whole hodgepodge and it sounds like it might not make sense, but a lot of the RP universes have started colliding, and I’ve just realized you may not have meant this, but I love talking about this AND I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY IF THIS DIDN’T ANSWER YOU QUESTION, ANON. I am so, so appreciative of the asks and whatnot. ;~; I hope you enjoy your stay and that you do stay and if you have any questions I promise I’ll answer as best as I can. ^^
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
New story in Politics from Time: 19 Democratic Presidential Candidates Took the Stage Sunday. No One Stood Out
Nineteen of the 24 Democratic presidential candidates took the stage in Iowa on Sunday at the largest cattle-call event for the historically large field to date, but none of them managed to leverage it into a star turn.
At a fundraiser for the Iowa Democratic Party at the DoubleTree convention center in downtown Cedar Rapids, candidate after candidate made their case in five-minute bursts, the first preview of what the first primary debate will look like later this month.
Dennis McDermott, a Cedar Rapids resident with a short-list of three candidates, was asked if the rest of the field started to blur together.
“Yes, it does,” she said. “It was just a lot of information, you know, and I guess it was somewhat more about personalities.”
For now, the candidates largely remained friendly without taking jabs at one another and left little daylight between themselves on most issues. The exception was former Vice President Joe Biden, who was absent from the stage. Two candidates took a shot at Biden from the stage, one by name.
“When I saw the program for today, I thought the same thing you all did, which is this: Joe Biden must really not like to travel,” Andrew Yang said to open his remarks, to some laughter from the audience. Biden is at his granddaughter’s graduation and has a trip planned for Iowa in the coming days. (Troy Price, the chair of the Iowa Democrats, said Sunday Biden called him to explain his absence.)
Another candidate took a less direct shot at him: “I don’t think there is room in our party for a Democratic candidate who does not support women’s full reproductive freedom,” said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a comment that came days after Biden changed his longstanding position on the Hyde Amendment, which restricts the use of federal money to pay for abortion.
The event was also used as a show of force for campaigns for their ground operations: Sen. Kamala Harris’s supporters had glow sticks; Cory Booker’s camp, light-up signs; and Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s people, lots and lots of signs. Former Rep. John Delaney reportedly brought in professional sign spinners. Local operatives said that while the flash may seem inconsequential, it’s a demonstration of campaigns’ ability to get people out, not necessarily an easy feat at an hours-long event with so many speakers.
Although many appreciated the playlist of candidates: “They all seemed to have some unique part of their personality that came through, and even some of the things they chose to talk about, there were differences that way,” Kristi Keast, a resident of Mount Vernon, said.
Candidates addressed everything from their plans to fight climate change, to disagreement within the party on how to defeat Donald Trump, to their support of reproductive rights. Throughout the event, there were no protesters in the room and no candidates were booed, a stark contrast for some candidates in the reception they had before California audiences last week. And when their five minutes on stage were up, candidates were ushered off with music like an overly gabby Oscar winner.
Some in the crowd appreciated the relative conformity on the issues.
“It’s comforting to know that they’re all for some of the same things,” Angela Healey, a Holy Cross resident, said. “It’s comforting to know that if one wins or the other one that you were hoping for loses, the other one will pick up and go in the direction that you wanted.”
Hours before the event started, camps were lined up outside of the convention center in hot but otherwise nice weather, chanting and holding signs for their candidates. The event came just a day after the Des Moines Register released its latest poll, with Biden still at the top followed by Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg in a tight race for second among likely Iowa Democratic caucus-goers.
On the ground, a lot of local voters attending political events are still far from picking a top candidate, saying they’re still weighing their options. But most can point to a couple of candidates that have made their short list.
However, it was clear that candidates are still going to have to do something to set themselves apart from the rest of the field.
“When are we going to start seeing some real contrast?” an Iowa Democratic operative told TIME days before the event. “Somebody’s gotta throw a punch.”
By Lissandra Villa / Cedar Rapids, Iowa on June 09, 2019 at 10:22PM
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guess who rolled her ankle in volleyball today
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Exeter 40-21 Northampton: Saints earn a second chance as they seal play-off place
Exeter 40-21 Northampton: Saints have a second chance because they seal the play-off site despite heavy defeats, while Chiefs secure Premiership top spot
Northampton will visit Exeter again in Premiership play-out semifinals next week
Defeated in last game of regular season but progress Harlequins lost Premiership for the playoffs
The hosts walked in six attempts and kicked 10 points while the Saints crossed three times
Will Kelleher For Mailonline
Published: 20:07 BST, May 18, 2019 | By losing Harlequins to Wasps, their defeats here in Exeter bring them back to Sandy Park for the semi-finals play-off on Saturday.
Strangely enough, they go there the worst fourth-placed team, but they come with hope.
The Irish and Leeds count of 57 in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Here they stretched and troubled Exeter, who ended the competition season for the second consecutive season and with 86 points – only one less than the record of Saracens in 2014.
<img id = "i-4db8dc280839d900" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Q9H8hO /13663830-7045015-image-a-3_1558206158636.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4db8dc280839d900" src = "https://dailym.ai/2uS4u1n 1s / 2019/05/18/20 / 13663830-7045015-image-a-3_1558206158636.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Despite a defeat at Exeter, Northampton will again play against them in Premiership- playoffs, Northampton will face them again in playoffs of the Premiership
Despite the suffering of defeat at Exeter, Northampton will again face them in playoffs of the Premiership
[Engeland] Henry Slade set Exeter on the way to victory by scoring the opening corridor
England center Henry Slade set Exeter on the way to victory by scoring
England center Henry Slade puts Exeter on the way to victory by trying to score the opening
EXETER CHIEFS: Nowell; Cuthbert, Slade, devotee, Woodburn; J Simmonds, white; Cowan-Dickie, Keast, Francis, Skinner, Simmonds, Maunder, Steenson, Hill, Yeandle (capt), Williams, Dennis, Hill, Ewers, Armand, Kvesic
Slade, Moon, Armand, Kvesic, Dennis, Cowan-Dickie
NORTHAMPTON SAINTS: Tuala; Collins, Hutchinson, Francis, Naiyaravoro; Biggar, Reinach; Waller (capt), Marshall, Hill, Moon, Lawes, Gibson, Ludlam, Harrison
REPLACEMENTS: Fish, van Wyk, Franks, Ribbans, Wood, Mitchell, Grayson, Burrell
Laws (40 min.), Waller (40 min.)
CONS: Biggar 3
REFEREE: Karl Dickson
Chiefs may be concerned. Only 31 percent of the league toppers win the title and Northampton – which scored via Piers Francis, Rory Hutchinson and Cobus Reinach – is dangerous.
However, when Exeter found their rhythm and held the ball for long periods, they also looked like this. Tries from Henry Slade, Ben Moon, Don Armand, Matt Kvesic, Dave Dennis and Luke Cowan-Dickie meant that they took a bonus point win.
If Rob Baxter thought his Exeter Chiefs were in an & # 39; emotional vacuum & # 39; found after having conquered a semi-final slot last month, they were in danger here after being dragged into a black hole for half an hour
Because not much to play for Exeter was lost at Wasps home, demolition passed Harlequins not convincing and then hammered by Saracens with a rotated team.
XV were 14-7 defeated and struggled. Northampton & # 39; s first attempt came from a beautiful Dan Biggar pass – reminiscent of the Finn Russell lob for Scotland against England in the 2018 Six Nations – he flew over Olly Woodburn and found Jamie Gibson.
<img id = "i-81b65a9b8631e16e" src = "https://dailym.ai/2JLjIhy 20 / 13663802-7045015-image-a-18_1558206232385.jpg "height =" 360 "width =" 634 "alt =" Back row forward Don Armand crossed to point to Exeter & # 39; s third attempt to play the game forward Don Armand switched to point for Exeter & # 39; s third try-of-the-game "
Back row forward Don Armand crossed to put an end to Exeter & # 39; s third attempt of the game
The flanker shot in at Ahsee Tuala, who was dragged down by Alex Cuthbert, but Francis picked it up and scored for Slade and had a glorious Woodburn- score limed from a forward pass, but Northampton quickly returned.
Tuala broke again, after which Reinach walked on quickly before Hutchinson closed the movement on the left wing. When the black waves of the Chiefs collide with it, it is almost impossible to stop.
In the next 15 minutes, Saints hit the ball only three times. James Grayson, up for Bloody Biggar, kicked in full when Chiefs murmured through the phases before Moon scored.
Wing Olly Woodburn refused an attempt for a forward pass to free the Exeter "
Wing Olly Woodburn refused an attempt for a forward pass from the Exeter Exeter freely attacked
Both were converted by Joe Simmonds and then Exeter went looking for the bonus point every half.
Northampton desperate scrambling, Courtney Lawes and Alex Waller were sent to scrap, Exeter hit the scrum several times and then – remarkably enough – in the fourth minute of the clock in the red Saints' third touch of the siege brought them to
Devoto tried a cute pass and fed it directly to Reinach, who ran the entire length to score, so with 13 men, the Saints were close to rest after Grayson's conversion, in a remarkable way.
<img id = "i-75f211426ba30759" src = "https://dailym.ai/2QbAYOa -7045015-image-a-20_1558206321395.jpg "height =" 426 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-75f211426ba30759" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CYdfvj 2019/05/18/20 / 13663800-7045015-image-a-20_1558206321395.jpg "height =" 426 "width =" 634 "alt =" Courtney Lawes brings Exeter & Alex 39 down with a nice tackle while he breaks forward
Courtney Lawes brings Exeter's Alex Cuthbert down with a fine tackle while he breaks
After the break, Chiefs took names enter their bonus point score. Slade kicked to the touch after a penalty, the Exeter pack – and some backs – rolled on and Kvesic scored.
At the moment, Harlequins lost 24-8 to Wasps, meaning that losing Northampton made little difference.
After Dennis Exeter had scored a fifth, an axis that quickly blocked a lamp, Hutchinson thought I had scored, but on reflection I had hit the line collecting a chip.
And then the blackout. Luke Cowan-Dickie with the sixth Exeter attempt – although all Saints staff were watching events at Coventry when James Lang & # 39; s started to lose their top-four place, Northampton fell shortly qualifying despite defeat
<img id = "i-7f9bd1f4815accca" src = "https://dailym.ai/2w83ZkF -a-22_1558206352708.jpg "height =" 425 "width =" 634 "alt =" Exeter has sealed the top position in the Premiership table after winning a clear victory Exeter has closed the top position in the Premiership table after winning of an emphatic victory
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