#polish wordlist
Vocabulary inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service
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Yesterday I watched Kiki’s Delivery Service for the millionth time, tho it was the first time I’ve ever watched in Spanish. It inspired me to make this list. Maybe I’ll go through all of my favorite Ghibli movies in the future, who knows. 
Spanish -> Polish -> English
Kiki: Entregas a domicilio (Lat. Am.)/El delivery de Kiki (Argentina)/Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja (Spain) - Podniebna poczta Kiki - Kiki’s delivery service
la entrega - dostawa - delivery
el domicilio - mieszkanie - home
la aprendiz - uczennica - apprentice
la bruja - czarownica - witch
la magia - magia - magic
la luna llena - księżyc w pełni - full moon
el gato negro - czarny kot - black cat
la costumbre antigua - stary zwyczaj - old custom
el entrenamiento - trening - training
la escoba - miotła - broom
la radio - radio - radio
el lazo rojo - czerwona kokarda - red bow
el vestido negro - czarna sukienka - black dress
volar - latać - to fly
independizarse - uniezależnić się - to become independent
la adivina/vidente - jasnowidzka - fortune-teller
la lluvia - deszcz - rain
la ciudad marítima - nadmorskie miasto - coastal city 
la torre del reloj - wierza z zegarem - clock tower
la panadería - piekarnia - bakery 
el ático - strych - attic
el muñeco de felpa - pluszowa zabawka - plush toy
el panqueque (Lat. Am.) - naleśnik - pancake
el cuervo - kruk - raven
el horno roto - zepsuty piekarnik - broken oven
el dirigible - sterowiec - blimp
las olas del mar - morskie fale - sea waves
la aeronave - statek powietrzny - airship
debilitar - słabnąć - to weaken
los poderes - moce - powers
el autoestop - autostop - hitchhiking
el retrato - portret - portrait
pintar - malować - to paint
dibujar - rysować - to draw
el espíritu - duch - spirit
el viento - wiatr - wind 
el rescate - ratunek - rescue
rendirse - poddać się - to give up
salvar - uratować - to save
aterrizar - lądować - to land
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sidomira · 3 years
Wordlist and phrases of Elder Speech
In Poland we have a wikia, where someone completed all words and phrases od elven language from the books. I wasn't able to find them in English, so I did it by maself, with help of bab.la, context reverso and google translate, together with my own (little) knowledge.
To all my friends and readers from Poland - please, If I missed some meaning, or did something wrong, correct me. And I ask the ones from Poland, because polish was the origin language
(deleted from ao3, cause they don’t accept anything that isn’t fiction)
A'báeth – kiss
Abb – a place where something ends to bond with something bigger (example: the place where river is connecting with sea)
Addan/Adan – to dance, dance, dancer
Adhart – ahead
Aedd – crumb
Aefder – later
Aecáemm – to follow
Aen – from, to, on
Aen'drean – to enter
Aenye – fire, firely
Aenyell'hael – baptism of fire
Aenyeweddien – Child od Fire, commonly Spark
Aep – from (in meaning of be from some place or family), son, descentand
Aep – to them
Aesledde – sledding
Aespar – to shot
Aëte – summer
Aevon – river
Aine – light
An – small, smaller, indefinite kind
An'givare – spy, informator
Arainne – sparrowhawk
Ard (lat. aardus) – high, the highest, mountain, peak
Arse – ass
A'taeghane – today
Ayd – no
Beag – a few
B'eanshie – phantom, banshee
Beanna (irl. bean) – woman
Belean'graec – important (this), important (a lot of things), expected, expectansy,
Belleteyn – blooming
Birke – vernal equinox
Blathan – garland, flowers (genitive: „blathanna”)
Bleidd – wolf
Bloed – blood
Bloede – bloody, damn, fucking
Broggha, Breoga – frog, froggie
Brokiloéne – from Brokilon
Bynnen – elven bread
Caed – forest, grove
Cáelm – calm, calmly, quiet, slowly, silently, calmly, to calm
Cáemm – go, come
Cáen – can (do)
Caer – fortress, stronghold (in Skellige’s dialekt, it was wrongly: „Kaer”; this form became common among humans)
Cáerme – fate, destiny
Carn – barrow, hole, holes
Carraigh – rock (huge one)
Ceadmil – Welcome (to someone)
Cerbin (lat. corvus) – raven
Cinerea – żyrytwa (complicated thing, I can’t translate it, because it is too deep into culture)
Col – pass (in mountains)
Coram – lion
Corrason – heart
Creasa –necessarily, duty, inevitably, obligatory
Crevan – Fox
Daerienn – sorceress (she-wizard), she-magician
Daetre – back (like, go back)
Dana – girl/miss (a lady before marriage)
Darganfod – discovery
Darl'len – read
Dearg – red
Dearme – Steep (you, go to Steep), to sleep, good night
Deireadh – end, who end smth
Deith – flame
Deithwen – white flame
Dh'oine – human
Dhu – black, dark
Dice (z łac. dicere) – to speak
Divedde – stand(to fight)
Dol – valley, Valley (between mountains), dimple
D'yaebl – Devie
Eatewedd – summer-alike child, summer’s child
Eimyr – hedgehog
Elaine – beautiful
Elle – alder tree
En – idefinite article
Enid – daisy
Ess – be
Esse – to be (future simple)
Essea – I am
Esseath – you are
Evall – horse
Evelienn – etery (about people), everyone
Feain – The Sun
Feainnewedd – Sun’s Child (figuratively about Sunflower)
Fen – swamp, wetland/swampland
Foilé – insane
Folie – rage
Gaeth – potral, gate
Gar'ean – attention/warning, watch out
Geas – swear-curse, curse, howl
Gláeddyv (irl. cleddyf) – sword
Glean – Lower, low, short
Gleanna (irl. gleann) – valley
Glossae – to look
Glyswen – White river
Gwendeith – white fire
Gwenllech – white cliffs
Gwinoedd – elven whine
Gwyn (z irl. gwyn) – white
Gwynbleidd – White Wolf
Gvaedyn – prud-brave, (difficult to translate)
Gvalch'ca (lat. falco) – Falka, she-falcon
Gynvael – ice
Hael –
greeting, health
Haela – medicine
Hanse – hanza, pack of friends
Hav'caaren – "intranslatable word, which is associated with greed/avarice; havekars
Hen – old, older
Hoel – hole, commonly: ass
Ichaer – blood
Imbaelk – germination/sprouting
Inis (wel. ynys) – island
Invaerne – Winter
Lammas – maturation
Lara – seagull
Lionors – lionesse
Llamas – matured, aging,
Loa'then – hatred
Loc (z łac. lac) – lake
Loc'lah – Lady of The Lake
Luned – girl, daughter
Me – I, my, mine, me
Méadbh (propably comes from: ang. meadow, eld-english mædwe) – meadow-alike
Mear'ya – Maria
Meáth – to meet
Mid – middle
Midaëte – summer solstice
Midinváerne – winter solstice
Milva – kania ruda (Bird specie) (from latin „Milvus milvus”)
Minne – love
Mire – to look at
Mistle (z ang. mistletoe) – waxwing, paszkot (bird specie)
Modron – mother (Crach an Craite called Calanthe like this but she wasn't his mother)
Morc – book, book (like book 1 of serię)
Morvudd – enemy
Muire – sea
Naev'de – nine
Neén – no
Pavienn – monkey
Pest – disease, plague, Bad charm/spell
Pherian – Niziołek
Que (z łac. que) – what
Raenn – to run
Rhena (z łac. regina) – queen
Rhenawedd – Child of the queen
Roethainne – redanian
Ruadhri – readers
Salah – (you) pray
Saov – spirit, ghost, soul
Savaed – elven month, 1/8 of year
Scoia'tael (it. scoiattolo) – squirrels
Seidhe – hill
Shaent – to sing
Skrekk – rat
Sledd – sled
Sor'ca – Sister ( diminutive of „sister” in fact.)
Spar – to shot
Spar'le – shot (you, shot (this))
Squaess – to be sorry to someone, to forgive
Squaess'me – I'm sorry , forgive me
Straede – way, path
Táedh – bard, poet
Tearth – fear, to be feared
Tedd – time, age, time (at day, like morning)
Thaess – keep silent (order), keep silent (also order :D)
Thaesse - shut you up
Tirth – boar
Tor (z fr. tour) – tower
Torc'h – alszaband
Treise – strenght, vigor, energy
Tvedeane – 12, dozen
Tuathe – whisper
Twe – two, two (of them)
Uniade – connection(In some meaning: relationship), reunion (with someone)
Va – to go
Va'en – trip, journey
Vaer'trouv – zawierzyć (impossible to translate, something like "to give trust to someone" but not at all), to trust (somebody)
Va faill – farewell
Va vort – go (forever), go away
Vara – merchandise
Varh'he – whore, prostitute
Vatt'ghern – witcher
Velen – autumnal equinox
Veloë – fast/quick, quickly
Voe'rle – to stop (doing) , to stop (someone)
Vort – far (away), dalej, still, yet, precz
Vrihedd – freedom
Wedd – child
Weddin – child (zdrobnienie od „wedd”)
Wen – white (simplified form of „gwyn” usually occuring as  głównie jako suffix)
Woed, Woéd, Woedd – forest, Wood
Xin'trea – Cintra
Yeá – so (so as)
Yghern – skolopendromorf
Yn – on, through, przedimek określony
Ys – down (direction)
Ysgarthiad – shit, cholera
Zireael – swallow
Zvaere – to promise
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holymintea · 5 years
KM | 1.1 Lost Garden.
WordCount: 1,391 - I swear I have never written so much before (for a chapter)
Warnings: None... Well, actually, i’ts not edited so...
WordList: Fear, Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing...
Thank you for having me m(_ _)m 
Chapter 1.1 | Lost Garden 
There was an old but mesmerizing shop at the most remote corner of the large alley deep in the heart of the city, called “The Lost Garden” where you could find strangest ingredients from all around the world, information, and solutions to a variety of problems.
There is a saying, that with the right words, there is no ingredient or information they cannot gather. But not only the place is spotless clean, the ladies working there, you have to beware, as they’re no delicate flowers, and the locals like to call them with love, the stunning Lady Belladonna and serious Miss Hortensia. 
In a particular brisk evening, a cute lady in her 20’s could be seen polishing a shining green vial like her life depended on it. It was almost time to close, the last item to clean.
Always clean. Always neat.
That was Sia’s motto for everything in her life, the opposite of home, all the contrary of her. 
Focused on the vial, the tingling sound of the bells in the door awake Sia and directs her attention to her new client, but the familiar lipstick strikes back and Sia returned to her monotonous task, now ignoring the stunning woman at the door.
“How heartless, my sweet Hortensia, not even a hello? Look at you, with that tight pony hairstyle, not a single strand of hair out of place, if I weren’t sure I went out, I could swear you haven’t moved at all, like a statue.”
“... Good to see you still alive this 4 months away, Leonora”
The Purple Woman face twist into a grimace.
Leonora, or the Purple Woman, as Sia liked to call her, was the one who adopt her back in Sun Gates, and if Sia had to define her in 3 word they would be: Chaotic. Free. Dangerous.
Don’t get her wrong, she wasn't being ungrateful, Leonora had given her a roof, a warm meal, but most important… lov- no, education. More precisely, and her favorite, the introduction of How to not eat your friends, the course of Advanced Magic and Curses and the helpful books of Witch Management 101, the best volume being the no. 35 Tidy up that Shop!, in the personal opinion of Sia.
The deal with Leonora was that, well, she wasn’t a mother, casually, the only wish that an orphan have.. Sia can’t even call her that, and she’s only being allowed to say Leonora or... Lady Belladonna. 
A light tremor runs along her body.
No, not in this life.
“Well, things happen and I couldn’t get back-”
“From the candy store?”
The now lively shop now had one Belladonna making funny faces and a deadpanned Hortensia not taking any shit of the former.
“Yes… from the candy store, BUT, before you get mad…” Leonora peeks at the arched brow on Sia’s expression and correct her statement. “...before you get angrier, I found some new, cool and nice items that can be useful!”
In a desperate gamble to save herself from the stern clutches of the annoyed Hortensia, she walks to Sia and hands over a medium sized bag to her arms with force and Sia stumble a few steps back, perfect to Leonora for making a quick escape to the back of the counter and shelf of books, where it was the staircase to her home upstairs.
“OH! I’m so tired of being productive, SEE YOU.”  
Without looking back, Sia now held a somewhat heavy, brown and sully bag, alone again. She could feel the mustiness trespassing her dark green cotton blouse, and when she look down, she swear could see an insect at the bottom of her long, white skirt.
Dear heavens, why. Just, why must you treat me like this.
While she was a little obsessed with being clean, she wasn’t mysophobic, and was also accustomed to this, more than one way, dirty tactics of Leonora, and decide to check out what was in the the life rope of Leonora tomorrow. 
Sia stood up and walk forward to lock up the front door of the shop, the outside was now pitch black, a night without moon, Sia didn’t have good memories about that, and she was getting a nasty feeling and choose to stay behind the shelf of the counter, lights off and a little candle. The Purple Woman always warn her to never ignore that feelings, the sense only a witch could have.
Waiting the feeling to disappear, Sia grabbed the brown bag to inspection. She was idle, and there was a little wood table, with the candle illuminating the tiny space where she could put the items.
Quietly, the first thing that came from the bag was actually a little Timekeeper. Green with needles of gold, time had marked the edges and was small enough to cover the palm of Sia’s hand.
Eternal Vial, Immense Existence. 
Sia can’t read the year, a un lado of the message (that doesn’t seem like the brand) but in the center of the Timekeeper she notice un grabado so tiny that if you weren’t paying attention, it would pass as an old Timekeeper cualquiera. 
“Enhanced Vision”
With a simple spell, Sia now can actually made the details of the seal, and where she can’t actually make out the whole sequence, it’s not the first time she encounters a sealed magic container, being good or bad, Sia can tell with an external totem given to her by Leonora. White for weak or harmless, Blue for mild strength and peace, while Pink for tough and chaotic, and last Red, for really strong or hostile.
White, almost transparent. If the totem wasn’t even close enough, you would almost miss it.
Whatever is in there don’t pose a threat, and is almost disappearing. Alone, forgotten, isolated. Sia stares lost to the little Timekeeper, but can’t reflect on her emotions long enough.
A scratching sound breaks the quiet space from the direction of the door. Sia tense for a moment, watching the activated totem changing from the friendly White to a deep Blood Red. She can’t fight it -being an intermediate witch- and decide to charge into Leonora’s room upstairs when suddenly she hear a loud bang, like a mild explosion outside the shop. Startled, Sia goes around the counter to exit the shop, whatever it is, it’s causing a ruckus and Sia assume Leonora will go down in a second, but a wave of energy doesn't let her go to far the shelf, throwing her against the counter and turning on all the lights in the floor.
The totem has fall not to far away from her, and in a moment of confusion, she watch it reverting to transparent. Nothing. Whatever it was, it’s gone now, not before stuck her to the floor. Nop, she couldn't get up, that energy wave had messed up with her in an energy level, and all she could do was slowly begin to circulate her own magical spells along her body
When Sia was going to her second phase of “Why me?” situations, she abruptly stops to breath.
There is something else here.
Scratching and really subtle noises could be heard from the other side of the shelf, Sia couldn’t see anything, but accelerate the process of the magic circulation along her body. Now every light was on, even the lamp on the counter, and while the noises were getting louder and nearer, Sia was transforming into a puddle of sweat by the force of magical energy when she saw it.
A little shadow could be seen on the floor in front of her. 
What kind of tiny being was that?
The shadow made by the lamp began to move, like, searching for a way to go down. It moved weird, like in stop motion, but crude, and just like that, it fell to the ground. Well, Sia couldn't see it fall, but assume the action by shadow and the racket of something mechanical crashing with the floor.
With now no shadow to see, just sound, Sia wasn’t that pressured anymore, as it was so tiny it didn’t feel like a threat, and the totem was silent as if nothing was there.
Finally, Sia could move freely, but waited in the floor for the miniature being, and surprisingly, what she was dealing with was the little TimeKeeper! 
Well... almost?
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youngprincemiracle · 3 years
Sonic Super Peel Out
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Sonic 2 Super Peel Out
Sonic Super Peel-out
Super Peel Out Dust A Mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R. This mod makes Spindash dust appear while charging a Super Peel Out, like every fan game ever. See full list on sonic.fandom.com. Max Control is now possible in Sonic Mania - Super Peel Out + Dropdash + Insta-Shield, Even on Save Files. Posted by 3 years ago. Tube buddy download for laptop. One of the more controversial tracks from our Sonic CD album, and an arrangement that stood out with its brazen punk/rock aesthetic as compared to a stronger vein of hip-hop & funk, DusK's take on 'Sonic Boom' is a fun vocal romp through one of the first redbook vocal VGM jams that I can remember.
Posted 2015-02-09, evaluated by the judges panel
One of the more controversial tracks from our Sonic CD album, and an arrangement that stood out with its brazen punk/rock aesthetic as compared to a stronger vein of hip-hop & funk, DusK's take on 'Sonic Boom' is a fun vocal romp through one of the first redbook vocal VGM jams that I can remember. If you approach this mix as a traditional rock vocal arrangement, you're going to be disappointed, I'll just put that out there to begin with - this is rough & tumble, spontaneous, electrifying PUNK with a capital P, and can only be properly enjoyed as a punk rock track, in my opinion. If you dig The Clash, The Sex Pistols, or Rancid (which this reminds me of perhaps the most), and you have that sort of mindset/expectation going in, I think you'll appreciate what Dustin's done:
Free cambridge dictionary for android. FREE PREVIEW Full wordlist and sample entries are available to preview the dictionary content and to try the app functionality. With 140,000 words, phrases, meanings, and examples, Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Fourth Edition (CALD) is trusted by millions of English learners worldwide. Every dictionary entry has thesaurus sections that show related words, phrases and synonyms. Free Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary for Android Download, Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary for Android 6.02. The First and Last Word in Dictionaries The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary provides definitions for about 170,000 words, phrases. You can check all apps from the developer of Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 4th ed. And find 146 alternative apps to Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 4th ed. Currently this app is for free.This app can be downloaded on Android 4.4+ on APKFab or Google Play. Cambridge English Dictionary - Offline is in the category of Books & Reference. You can check all apps from the developer of Cambridge English Dictionary - Offline. Currently this app is for free.This app can be downloaded on Android 4.0.3+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK / XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.
Nokia photo browser download windows 7. 'I did this track for Temporal Duality. My primary inspiration behind the remix was Sonic Adventure. The Adventure games had a punk rock sound that I really dig, and I really wanted to set out on a remix that would reflect what I think 'Sonic Boom' would sound like if it were in one of those games.
When I first heard the 'Opening Theme' version, I was like, 'I could totally punk this out.' And then I heard the 'Closing Theme' version and that sealed the deal, and I made my claim. I really tied to capture a lot of elements from both versions and bring them in; the pace, guitar riffs, and chorus vocal timings from the 'Opening Theme' version, and the vocal harmonies and overall feel of the bass from the 'Closing Theme' version. Slapped it into a gritty punk track with slightly distorted, gainy vocals, prominent bass, and crunchy guitars reminiscent of 90s punk bands, and called it a day. Week. Several months, actually. Enjoy. :)'
If you're not familiar with punk or you're not into it, well yeah.. this might not be your jam. I've always found it to be a pretty refreshing genre in terms of spontaneity and nonchalance w/ regard to technique & subtlety, although The Clash arguably deviated from that with a lot of their higher-concept stuff and mixed instrumentation, and they're my favorite punk band. At any rate, Dustin's own comments really explain what you're hearing and lay it all out, and in the context of doing a 90's punk rock take on this theme, I think he did a great job - the energy & attitude are what's most important, and both come through in spades. Jivemaster provided the other vocal ReMix of this theme on Temporal Duality, and I really agree with what he had to say:
'I remember this one back during the Temporal Duality remix project, although I can see you made some improvements since then. Some great guitar work as always from Dustin, with many licks and original solos throughout. Arrangement wise you're solid, and the source is here in droves. Quickbooks 2013 torrent download.
Your vocals here are well done and decent enough. I have no major problems with them, considering the mix sits in punk territory. I would say that there is the occasional flat note here and there, but it is quite a hard song to sing and I think being in the punk genre it's certainly passable.
Production wise I like your use of panning for backup vocals and your leads. It's this kind of creative movement around the stereo spectrum that brings that extra level of quality. Everything is audible and well recorded.'
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To be 110% clear, a pitch-perfect, uber-polished vocal would be completely out of place in a punk track and would arguably confuse the genre past the point of recognition - in other words, it's a staple. There's certainly a range within that space where things can get too rough/flat/sharp/atonal, and there might be a moment here or there where some refinement wouldn't have ruined the vibe, but all in all I think DusK did a great job & punk rocked it out, adding something very different to the album and working in a genre we just don't see a lot of on OCR.
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Sonic 2 Super Peel Out
― djpretzel Presonus studio one 2 license key.
Category: AdventureHacksActionSonic Games
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Sonic Super Peel-out
:smile: :bowtie: :laughing: :blush: :smiley: :relaxed: :smirk: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :kissing_closed_eyes: :flushed: :relieved::satisfied: :grin: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grinning: :kissing: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue::sleeping: :worried: :frowning: :anguished: :open_mouth: :grimacing: :confused: :hushed: :expressionless: :unamused: :sweat_smile: :sweat: :disappointed_relieved: :weary::pensive: :disappointed: :confounded: :fearful: :cold_sweat: :persevere: :cry: :sob: :joy: :astonished: :scream: :neckbeard: :tired_face::angry: :rage: :triumph: :sleepy: :yum: :mask: :sunglasses: :dizzy_face: :imp: :neutral_face: :no_mouth: :innocent::poop: :thumbsup: :thumbsdown: :heart: :broken_heart:
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gaycocksmodels64 · 4 years
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Shh.. Bare back petting With My Ex On Model Home Staircase Surfside
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eigwayne · 4 years
I finished the preliminary editing to the Gothic wordlist a WHOLE DAY before I thought I would! I’m going to whip up a couple polish points, like replacing my place-holders for some special characters, and then take stock of what else I need. I’m thinking about adding some Old High German or Old Norse, but I’m not sure those would have different words. Gothic is better attested so it might be futile to bulk up vocab from other pre-1000 languages.
We’ll see, though.
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polnitsch · 7 years
hey abt that polish internet slang wordlist i just wanna let u know that 99% of these are rEALLY cringy and rly nobody ever uses them fdjkgdfjkg
😂 I'm not surprised -- a lot of it read like the sort of stuff I would have used when I was 14, so I never planned on using any of it. But I figure some corners of the internet will use it and it would be useful to know 😁
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100 words for 100 followers
I recently hit 100 followers and decided that it would be great to celebrate with a new wordlist.
Spanish -> Polish -> English 
madrugar - wstawać wcześnie - to get up early
el dormilón - śpioch - sleepyhead
procurar - próbować - to try
la vivienda - mieszkanie, dom - house
valiente - dzielny - brave
mojar - moczyć - to wet
pillar - chwytać - to catch
la pulmonía - zapalenie płuc  - pneumonia
barrer - zamiatać - to sweep
fregar - zmywać - to wash
espabilar - przyspieszać, obudzić - to wake up, hurry up
traicionar - zdradzać - to betray
borrar - wymazywać - to erase
el variante - wariant - variation
el código - kod - code
inaguantable - nie do zniesienia - unbearable
la inscripción - rejestracja, zapisy (do szkoły) - enrollment
mudarse - przeprowadzać się - to move house
el calmante - środek uspokajający - sedative
oportuno - dogodny - convenient
amenazar - grozić - to threaten
el esclavo - niewolnik - slave
afrontar - stawiać czoło - to confront
con creces - z nawiązką - extra, more (more than expected, more than needed - not a direct translation, I don’t think this expression exists in English at all)
el varón - mężczyzna - man
la alianza - pakt - alliance
el amerindio - Indianin - Native American
la tapa (de un libro) - okładka - cover
verosímil - wiarygodny - plausible
la trama - wątek - plot
exitoso - pomyślny - successful
la editorial - wydawnictwo - publishing house
destacado - wybitny - outstanding
el lector - czytelnik - reader
brillante - błyszczący - shiny
profundo - dogłębny - deep
poderoso - potężny - powerful
la reseña - recenzja - review
el héroe - bohater - hero
el villano - złoczyńca - villain 
el esquema - schemat - outline
la descendencia - rodowód - descent
el vínculo - związek - link
cotidiano - codzienny - daily
la conexión - związek - connection
a través de - poprzez - through
la riqueza - bogactwo - wealth
ancho - szeroki - wide
el ajedrez - szachy - chess
cabalgar - jeździć konno - to ride
el escudo - herb - coat of arms
la reliquia - relikwia - relic
flagelar - biczować - to whip
la gracia - gracja - grace
el rito - rytuał - ritual
la sumisión - uległość - submission
suponer - przypuszczać - to suppose
desperdiciar - marnować - to waste
el esplendor - świetność - splendor
lucir - błyszczeć - to shine
la finca - posesja - estate
la brisa - wietrzyk - breeze
el pulpo - ośmiornica - octopus
la sintonía - muzyczny slogan - theme song
la estadística - statystyka - statistics
la fábrica - fabryka - factory
esponjoso - puszysty - fluffy
el cartel - plakat - poster
el polideportivo - centrum sportowe - sports center
recto - prosty - straight
el homenaje - hołd - homage
proferir - wypowiadać - to utter
arrodillarse - klękać - to kneel
enmarcar - oprawiać - to frame
rellenar - wypełniać - to fill
entablar - nawiązywać (przyjaźń) - to strike up (a friendship)
el atentado - zamach - attack
cuyo - którego - whose, of which
el propósito - intencja - intention
trasladarse - przemieszczać się - to move
la barriada - osiedle - neighborhood
alcanzar - osiągać - to achieve
la notoriedad - rozgłos - acclaim
el enjambre - tłum, rój - swarm
el hormigón - beton - concrete
el premio - nagroda - prize
la frivolidad - frywolność - frivolity
la torre - wieża - tower
salvaje - dziki - wild
coartar - ograniczać - to restrict
concertar - uzgadniać - to arrange
la huelga - strajk - strike
el aliado - sojusznik - ally
disminuir - maleć - to reduce
rogar - błagać - to beg
la alcurnia - rodowód - lineage
el marisco - owoce morza - seafood
el aumento - podwyżka - raise
suscitar - wzbudzać - to arouse
solicitar - ubiegać się - to request
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So I decided to (finally) learn some Icelandic. Here’s my first wordlist with food and numbers. Feel free to correct me, my level is literally A0.
Icelandic -> Polish -> English
brauð - chleb - bread
morgunmatur - śniadanie - breakfast
ávextir - owoce - fruit
ostur - ser - cheese
egg - jajko - egg
fiskur - ryba - fish
gaffall - widelec - fork
súpa - zupa - soup
sveppur - grzyb - mushroom
hnífur - nóż - knife
sítróna - cytryna - lemon
kjöt - mięso - meat
skeið - łyżka - spoon
sykur - cukier - sugar
salat - sałatka - salad
mandla - migdał - almond
beikon - boczek - bacon
smjör - masło - butter
jarðhneta - orzech ziemny - peanut
kókoshneta - kokos - coconut
skinka - szynka - ham
hamborgari - hamburger - hamburger
heslihneta - orzech laskowy - hazelnut
pylsa - kiełbasa - sausage
pasta - makaron - pasta
pistasíuhneta - pistacja - pistachio
lax - łosoś - salmon
valhneta - orzech włoski - walnut
jógúrt - jogurt - yogurt
kaffi - kawa - coffee
kók - cola - Coke
heitt súkkulaði - gorąca czekolada - hot chocolate
drykkur - napój - drink
mjólk - mleko - milk
sódavatn - woda mineralna - mineral water
appelsínusafi - sok pomarańczowy - orange juice
gos - napój gazowany - soda
te - herbata - tea
vatn - woda - water
núll - zero - zero
einn - jeden - one
tveir - dwa - two
þrír - trzy - three
fjórir - cztery - four
fimm - pięć - five
sex - sześć - six
sjö - siedem - seven
átta - osiem - eight
níu - dziewięć - nine
tíu - dziesięć - ten
ellefu - jedenaście - eleven
tólf - dwanaście - twelve
þrettán - trzynaście - thirteen
fjórtán - czternaście - fourteen
fimmtán - piętnaście - fifteen
sextán - szesnaście - sixteen
sautján - siedemnaście - seventeen
átján - osiemnaście - eighteen
nítján - dziewiętnaście - nineteen
tuttugu - dwadzieścia - twenty
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Some new words I've stumbled upon while doing exercises
The order is: Spanish -> Polish -> English
el avestruz - struś - ostrich
el farol - latarnia - lantern
el buey - wół - ox
el almíbar - syrop - syrup
el fórceps - kleszcze (narzędzie, nie pajęczaki) - forceps
el alhelí - lewkonia - wallflower
conceder - nadawać/przyznawać - to give/grant
el accésit - wyróżnienie - second prize/runners-up prize
el peine - grzebień - comb
rehusar - odrzucać/odmawiać - to refuse/deny
averiguar - badać/odkryć - to discover
apaciguar - łagodzić - to soothe
el laúd - lutnia - lute
el abrelatas - otwieracz do puszek - can opener
el paro - bezrobocie - unemployment
mosquearse - obrażać/denerwować się - to get annoyed
agrio - kwaśny - sour
la inundación - powódź - flood
el azulejo - kafelek - tile
apestoso - śmierdzący - stinking
lúcido - bystry - brilliant
propiciar - sprzyjać - to advantage
dócil - łagodny - docile
el bisturí - skalpel - scalpel
la cirugía - operacja - surgery
recopilar - zbierać - to compile
la inversión - inwestycja - investment
implantar - wprowadzać - to introduce
el adiestramiento - tresura/trening - training
poner de relieve - podkreślić/zaznaczyć - to highlight/emphasize
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Describing character
Vocabulary from my first online uni class.
Spanish -> Polish -> English
ahorrador – oszczędny – thrifty
sociable – towarzyski – social
presumido – zarozumiały – arrogant
chulo – zuchwały, zarozumiały, cwaniak – cocky, conceited  
solidario – solidarny – supportive
cotilla – plotkarz, papla – gossip
honrado – uczciwy – honest
apasionado – zagorzały – passionate
prepotente – przemożny – overbearing
fanfarrón – bufon – show-off
tacaño – skąpy – stingy
individualista – indywidualistyczny – individualistic
desconfiado – nieufny – suspicious
gracioso – zabawny – funny
huraño – nietowarzyski – unsociable
pesado – irytujący – annoying
discreto – dyskretny – discreet
curioso – ciekawski – curious
impuntual – niepunktualny – unpunctual
emprendedor – przedsiębiorczy – entrepreneur
irreflexivo – nierozważny – rash
juerguista – imprezowicz – fun-loving
terco – uparty – stubborn
ingenuo – naiwny – naive
indisciplinado – niezdyscyplinowany – undisciplined  
espontáneo – spontaniczny – spontaneous
charlatán – gaduła – talkative
enigmático – tajemniczy – enigmatic  
supersticioso – przesądny – superstitious
hospitalario – gościnny – hospitable
generoso – szczodry – generous
religioso – religijny – religious
perezoso – leniwy – lazy
abierto – otwarty – open
cerrado – zamknięty w sobie – introverted  
orgulloso – dumny – proud
noble – szlachetny – noble
bruto – grubiański – rough
cabezota – uparciuch – pigheaded
serio – poważny – serious
tradicional – tradycyjny – traditional
hablador – gadatliwy – talkative
atento – troskliwy – thoughtful
listo – bystry – smart
inteligente – inteligentny – intelligent  
soñador – marzycielski – dreamer
mujeriego – kobieciarz – womanizer
tierno – uczuciowy – affectionate
callado – małomówny – quiet
independiente – niezależny – independent
alegre – szczęśliwy – happy
ambicioso – ambitny – ambitious  
cobarde – tchórz – coward
conservador – konserwatywny – conservative
constante – wytrwały – persevering
descreído – niedowierzający – disbeliever
desprendido – hojny – generous
divertido – zabawny – fun, funny
familiar – rodzinny – friendly
impaciente – niecierpliwy – impatient
inseguro – niepewny – insecure
seguro – pewny siebie – confident
introvertido – introwertyczny - introverted
irresponsable – nieodpowiedzialny – irresponsible
nervioso – nerwowy – nervous
optimista – optymistyczny – optimistic
pesimista – pesymistyczny – pessimistic
susceptible – wrażliwy, podatny – susceptible
tímido – nieśmiały – shy
travieso – psotny – mischievous
triste – smutny – sad
vago – leniwy – lazy
valiente – dzielny – brave
cruel – okrutny  – cruel
hábil – wprawny – skillful
tenaz – uparty, wytrzymały – tenacious
sensible – czuły – sensitive
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Vocabulary from a textbook unit I’m going through right now.
Spanish -> Polish -> English
la radiografía – radiografia/zdjęcie rentgenowskie – radiography/X-ray
fracturarse la pierna – złamać nogę – break a leg
torcerse el tobillo – skręcić kostkę – to twist one’s ankle 
hacerse un esguince – zwichnąć sobie – to sprain
poner la escayola – zakładać gips – to put in a cast
tener una salud de hierro – mieć końskie zdrowie – to have a good health
la herida – rana – wound
profundo – głęboki – deep
grave – ciężki – serious 
dar puntos – zakładać szwy – to give stitches 
cicatrizar – zabliźniać się – to heal/to form a scar
superficial – powierzchowny – superficial
la gasa – gaza – gauze
el esparadrapo – plaster – surgical tape 
el desinfectante – środek odkażający – disinfectant
el catarro – przeziębienie – cold
la tensión alta – wysokie ciśnienie – high blood pressure 
el colesterol alto – wysoki cholesterol – high cholesterol 
la fiebre alta – wysoka gorączka – high fever 
la contractura – skurcz mięśni – muscle spasm 
el cansancio – zmęczenie – tiredness 
el dolor – ból – pain
la debilidad – słabość – weakness
las náuseas – mdłości – nausea
la faringitis – zapalenie krtani – pharyngitis
la ansiedad – niepokój – anxiety
el malestar – złe samopoczucie – discomfort 
el régimen (la dieta) – dieta – diet 
el coma – śpiączka – coma
el escáner – skan – scan 
la tomografía – tomografia – tomography
la ecografía – ultrasonografia – ultrasound
el chequeo – badanie – checkup
la revisión ginecológica – przegląd ginekologiczny – gynecological examination
la transfusión de sangre – transfuzja krwi – blood transfusion 
la tensión arterial – ciśnienie tętnicze – blood pressure
la hipertensión – nadciśnienie – hypertension
las pulsaciones – tętno – pulse 
la bronquitis – zapalenie oskrzeli – bronchitis 
la neumonía – zapalenie płuc – pneumonia
la diabetes – cukrzyca – diabetes 
una enfermedad – choroba – illness
crónica – chroniczna – chronic 
terminal – śmiertelna – terminal
leve – łagodna – light 
grave – ciężka – serious 
hereditaria – dziedziczna – hereditary
contagiosa – zakaźna – contagious 
mental – psychiczna – mental
el desmayo – omdlenie – faint
la parálisis – paraliż – paralysis
el infarto – zawał – heart attack
un ataque de ansiedad – atak paniki – anxiety attack 
la venda – bandaż – bandage
la inyección – zastrzyk – injection
el supositorio – czopek – suppository
la pomada – maść – ointment
un medicamento – lekarstwo – medicine 
genérico – generyczne – generic
homeopático – homeopatyczne – homeopathic 
contraindicado – przeciwwskazane – contraindicated 
el calmante – środek uspokajający – tranquilizer 
antiinflamatorio – przeciwzapalny – anti-inflammatory
el prospecto – ulotka – patient information leaflet
las contraindicaciones – przeciwwskazania – contraindications
los efectos secundarios – skutki uboczne – side effects 
el centro de salud – zakład opieki zdrowotnej – health center
recetar – przepisywać (lek) – to prescribe 
el síntoma – symptom – symptom
la visión borrosa – nieostre widzenie – blurry vision
la atención primaria – opieka podstawowa – primary care
la atención especializada – opieka wyspecjalizowana – specialized care 
la atención de urgencia – ratownictwo medyczne – emergency care
la depresión – depresja – depression 
la vacuna – szczepionka – vaccine
la quimioterapia – chemioterapia – chemotherapy
el cáncer – rak – cancer 
la alergia – alergia – allergy 
el otorrinolaringólogo – otorynolaryngolog – ENT specialist
el ginecólogo – ginekolog – gynecologist 
el/la pediatra – pediatra – pediatrician 
el traumatólogo – traumatolog – traumatologist
el/la anestesista – anestezjolog – anesthetist 
el radiólogo – radiolog – radiologist
el cardiólogo – kardiolog – cardiologist 
el/la dentista – dentysta – dentist
el alergólogo – alergolog – allergist
el cirujano – chirurg – surgeon
la mamografía – mammografia – mammogram
la citología – cytologia – Pap smear
el quirófano – sala operacyjna – operating room
las amígdalas – migdałki – tonsils 
la anestesia – znieczulenie – anesthesia 
la camilla – nosze – stretcher
el empaste – plomba – filler
el implante – implant – implant
la peritonitis – zapalenie otrzewnej – peritonitis
la insolación – udar słoneczny – sunstroke
la infección – infekcja – infection 
la tos – kaszel – cough
la cefalea – ból głowy – headache
la gripe – grypa – flu
el estornudo – kichnięcie – sneeze
la pastilla – tabletka – pill
el jarabe – syrop – syrup
el botiquín – apteczka – first aid kit
la tirita – plaster – Band-Aid
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Some words from today
Spanish -> Polish -> English
el eje – oś – axis
recopilar – zbierać – to compile
confiable – godny zaufania – trustworthy
enunciar – oznajmiać – to state
asimismo – tak samo – likewise
indispensable – niezbędny – indispensable
jerarquizado – zhierarchizowany – hierarchical
brincar – przeskakiwać – to jump
escueto – surowy, prosty – simple, plain
plasmar – modelować – to give shape to
sustentar – dźwigać, podpierać – to sustain
la concreción – konkretność – concretion
depurado – wytworny – refined
desprender – oddzielać – to detach
recalcar – podkreślać – to emphasize
hallar – znaleźć – to find
ahondar – pogłębiać – to deepen
la divulgación – rozpowszechnienie – spread
carecer – nie mieć, być pozbawionym – to lack
el prospecto – ulotka – leaflet
labrado – kształtowany, obrabiany – carved
sobrio – wstrzemięźliwy, trzeźwy – sober
refutar – odpierać – to refute
imparcialidad – bezstronność – impartiality
rebatir – odpierać – to refute
la afluencia – napływ – influx
desplazarse – przemieszczać się – to move  
el combustible – paliwo – fuel
el medio ambiente – środowisko – environment
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Job-hunting vocabulary/words to use in a resume
English -> Spanish -> Polish
resume - el currículum - życiorys 
job vacancy - el puesto vacante - wolne stanowisko/wakat
cover letter - la carta de motivación/presentación - list motywacyjny
job interview - la entrevista de trabajo - rozmowa o pracę
job advertisement - el anuncio de trabajo - ogłoszenie o pracę
job offer - la oferta de empleo - oferta pracy 
recruiter - el reclutador - rekruter 
work experience - la experiencia laboral - doświadczenie zawodowe
to appeal - apelar - apelować/zwracać się
to work as - desempeñar como - pracować jako (desempeñar - dosłownie wykonywać)
area of work - el campo profesional - dziedzina zawodowa 
competence - la competencia - kompetencja 
capability - la capacidad - zdolność
ability - la habilidad - umiejętność 
aptitude - la aptitud - talent/zdolność
success - el éxito - sukces 
communication - la comunicación - komunikacja 
strategy - la estrategia - strategia
commitment - la dedicación - zaangażowanie 
to build - construir - budować
to demonstrate - demostrar - demonstrować
to develop - desarrollar - rozwijać 
to enhance - aumentar - zwiększać
to facilitate - facilitar - ułatwiać 
to generate - generar - generować 
to impact - impactar - wpływać 
to implement - implementar - wprowadzać 
to negotiate - negociar - negocjować
to revitalize - revitalizar - rewitalizować 
to close - cerrar - zamykać 
to collaborate - colaborar - kolaborować
to deliver - entregar - dostarczać
to drive - conducir/manejar - jechać/prowadzić 
to establish - establecer - ustanowić
to increase - subir - zwiększyć 
to present - presentar - prezentować
to prospect - prospectar - rokować 
to retain - retener - zachować
to analyze - analizar - analizować
to audit - auditar - audytować
to justify - justificar - usprawiedliwiać
to prepare - preparar - przygotowywać
to process - procesar - przetwarzać 
to report - informar de/reportar - raportować
to research - investigar - badać
to review - revisar - dokonywać przeglądu
to verify - comprobar - weryfikować
to assign - asignar - przydzielać
to assess - evaluar - oceniać
to assist - asistir - asystować
to care - cuidar - dbać
to charge (payment) - cobrar - pobierać (opłatę)
to monitor - observar - monitorować
to nurse - cuidar/atender - pielęgnować
to provide - proveer - zaopatrywać 
to secure - asegurar - zabezpieczać 
to consult - consultar - konsultować
to create - crear - tworzyć
to escalate - intensificar(se) - nasilać (się)
to format - formatear - formatować 
to integrate - integrar - integrować 
to maintain - mantener - zachować
to program - programar - programować 
to set up - establecer - ustanawiać 
to support - sostener - wspierać
to troubleshoot - identificar y solucionar - rozwiązywać problemy
to apply - aplicar - stosować
to author - escribir - redagować
to counsel - aconsejar - doradzać
to develop - desarrollar - rozwijać
to educate - educar - edukować
to evaluate - evaluar - wartościować
to mentor - guiar - prowadzić
to nourish - nutrir - odżywiać
to teach - enseñar - uczyć
to tutor - dar clases particulares - douczać
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Shopping in Spanish
Shops, products and some other related words.
Spanish -> Polish -> English
valer/costar - kosztować - to cost
la moneda - moneta/waluta - coin/currency
el billete - banknot - banknote
el dependiente/vendedor - sprzedawca - sales clerk/salesperson 
el comprador/cliente - klient - buyer/client
la tienda de comestibles - sklep spożywczy - grocery store
la panadería - piekarnia - bakery
la pastelería - ciastkarnia - cake shop
la carnicería - sklep mięsny - butcher shop
la charcutería - delikatesy - delicatessen 
la frutería - warzywniak - fruit shop 
la pescadería - sklep rybny - fish shop
la farmacia - apteka - pharmacy
la ferretería - sklep żelazny - hardware shop
el almacén - sklep wielkopowierzchniowy - department store
la droguería - drogeria - drugstore
la librería - księgarnia - bookstore
la zapatería - sklep obuwniczy - shoe store
la floristería - kwiaciarnia - florist´s
la papelería - sklep papierniczy - stationery store
el quiosco - kiosk - kiosk
la pajarería - sklep zoologiczny - pet shop 
la licorería - sklep monopolowy - liquor store
la juguetería - sklep z zabawkami - toy store
la joyería - sklep jubilerski - jewelry store
la relojería - sklep zegarmistrzowski - watchmaker´s
el concesionario de coches - salon samochodowy - car dealer 
la óptica - zakład optyczny - optical shop 
la herboristería - zielarnia - herbalist´s 
el carrito de compras - wózek sklepowy -shopping cart 
un kilo de... - kilogram/kilo (czegoś) - a kilo of...
un cuarto (de kilo) de... - ćwierć kilo (czegoś) - a quarter (kilo) of
la botella (de vino) - butelka (wina) - bottle (of wine) 
la bolsa (de patatas) - torba/worek (ziemniaków) - bag (of potatoes)
el paquete (de azúcar) - paczka (cukru) - packet (of sugar)
el tarro/bote (de mermelada) - słoik (marmolady) - jar (of marmalade)
la lata (de refresco) - puszka (napoju gazowanego) - can (of soda)
la barra (de pan) - bochenek (chleba) - loaf (of bread)
la caja (de galletas) - pudełko (ciastek) - box (of cookies)
la tableta (de chocolate) - tabliczka (czekolady) - bar (of chocolate)
la tarrina (de mantequilla) - kostka (masła) - stick (of butter)
una docena (de huevos) - tuzin (jajek) - dozen (of eggs)
la pastilla (de detergente) - kapsułka (piorąca) - (washing) tablet
el frasco (de perfume) - flakon (perfum) - (perfume) bottle
el cartón (de leche) - karton (mleka) - carton (of milk)
la carne troceada - posiekane mięso - sliced meat
la carne picada - mięso mielone - ground meat
el trozo (de queso) - kawałek (sera) - piece (of cheese)
la loncha (de jamón) - plaster (szynki) - slice (of ham)
la chuleta (de cordero) - kotlet (z baraniny) - (lamb) chop
la verdura congelada - mrożone warzywa - frozen vegetables
la naranja - pomarańcza - orange
la limón - cytryna - lemon
la manzana - jabłko - apple
el plátano - banan - banana
el melón - melon - melon
la sandía - arbuz - watermelon
la piña - ananas - pineapple
el tomate - pomidor - tomato 
el pimiento - papryka - pepper
la cebolla - cebula - onion
el ajo - czosnek - garlic
la patata - ziemniak - potato
la lechuga - sałata - lettuce
la col - kapusta - cabbage
el calabacín - cukinia - zucchini
el aceite - olej - oil
la harina - mąka - flour
el zumo - sok - juice
el té - herbata - tea
el yogur - jogurt - yogurt 
la pimienta - pieprz - pepper
la merluza - morszczuk - hake
el pollo - kurczak - chicken
el panecillo - bułka - bread roll
la baguette - bagietka - baguette
la carne de vacuno - wołowina - beef
la carne de ternera - cielęcina - veal
la carne de cerdo - wieprzowina - pork
la sardina - sardynka - sardine
el atún - tuńczyk - tuna
la carpa - karp - carp
la caballa - makrela - mackerel
el solomillo - polędwica - tenderloin
el lavavajillas - płyn do mycia naczyń - dishwashing liquid 
el detergente - proszek do prania - washing powder
el papel higiénico - papier toaletowy - toilet paper
el cepillo de dientes - szczoteczka do zębów - toothbrush
el champú - szampon - shampoo 
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La cultura - kultura - culture
Tomorrow I will have my first lecture on the subject of culture in Spanish-speaking countries. That’s why I decided to compile some Spanish vocabulary that fits under this umbrella term. 
Spanish -> Polish -> English 
la cultura - kultura - culture 
el arte - sztuka - art
la pintura - obraz - painting
el dibujo - rysunek - drawing 
la escultura - rzeźba - sculpture 
la obra de arte - dzieło sztuki - piece of art 
la cerámica - ceramika - pottery 
el mosaico - mozaika - mosaic 
la estatua - posąg - statue 
el bodegón - martwa natura - still life
la caligrafía - kaligrafia - caligraphy
la arquitectura - architektura - architecture 
el monumento histórico - zabytek - historical monument
la música - muzyka - music 
el baile - taniec - dance
el ballet - balet - ballet
el teatro - teatr - theater 
la literatura - literatura - literature
la prosa - proza - prose
la poesía - poezja - poetry 
el drama - dramat - drama 
la prensa - prasa - press
la obra de teatro - sztuka teatralna - play
el cine - kino - cinema 
la fotografía - fotografia - photography 
la religión - religia - religion
el ritual - rytuał/obrzęd - ritual
la costumbre - zwyczaj - custom 
la moda - moda - fashion
las joyas - biżuteria - jewelry 
folclórico - ludowy - folklore
el símbolo - symbol - symbol
la sociedad - społeczeństwo - society 
la socialización - socjalizacja - socialization
la norma - norma - norm
los valores - wartości - values
el dialecto - dialekt - dialect 
la jerga - slang - slang
el multiculturalismo - multikulturalizm - multiculturalism 
el patrimonio - dziedzictwo - heritage 
la tecnología - technologia - technology 
la filosofía - filozofia - philosophy 
la historia - historia - history 
la sociología - socjologia - sociology 
la antropología - antropologia - anthropology 
la arqueología - archeologia - archeology 
las humanidades - nauki humanistyczne - humanities 
las herramientas - narzędzia - tools 
la ley - prawo - law
la exhibición - wystawa - exhibition 
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